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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1899)
MONDAY. Tijj Fair, Ai uiunl moat ol the pm,o devoted to the state fair 1 taken up with the account of thi race. Tli 2:18 pace wa not finished after tlx heat had lon trotted. Anion ilio home started John A. Crawford wan withdrawn, thouKii third Id uiio liuat. A trotting contest waa won by (iuo. Kollny'a An Kttlln. JtuMt titnu 2:I7U'. J, Jt. Thorn' Httlllo Uoodwln won tint running race lit much Ulkoil of railroaij men' race wan ronaiilpiinhlu of n circus, It was hall a mils nml wai won ly thu rullinan man, runnliiKton with Duffy of thu Kio (trnmltf m nliMtw second. Hurry Wahhm ol tho i:. A II, , J,miiiliurv of tho 8. I' ...... tin-iio in mo k, v w. novor tut isiiou. invao ruutr to tho rldor. Thu nurses una no namtit. Tho fair was run n usual ypNionJay excfiitltitf tho hort rarinif. Iiav nir dull 1. 1.. ,.!.. ritllnjc ami a show in tho cvuuiiiic besld'e hiuim, 1 lie attendance to tin liirnts, favori'il by tho aidendid wuninor wsaro Imvu-g. Kisi.icor a Cuimi:. II, . Chamber lain wa laNturltitf over a holo in the retiree block, Into battinlny afternoon when ho uialo agaaliy find in tho wall. that of u jar conlalninu; a fmttu In lacohol, which had undoubtedly bean there for a now) niny yoar. The cor oner waa called, hut ho fuilud to are that it waa a t-ao for Invratluation. The loolu ha boon titriUHl ovor to an Alb any doctor. Tho fin I suetis a tvrrlblo rlmelii tho block year nn. Who did tt will probably always bo a mystery, a there la noway to Utht m It. Laiiiicl IUMiK, Iti.yal Neighbor of America mot at the ,. 0. V. W. hall in regular icioii, Saturday evening. The nwtiiig wa a very intereating ono a o many wcro iircm-nt who bad been abaent during the summer, Udng aomowhat of a reunion. About tun o'clock, Pr. Adami urrid the atwmbiy by an Invitation to KJ surii to the banitut room whore a deliciru lunch had been prepared a a aurpriao to the lodge. Bam I'uiivrr canio over from Inde pendence today on hi wheel. 1'ayne lull thla noon for Forest Grove whero he will euter.ihu college ol flat IV ......... I .. t 1 .1 . , . jnugoiori uu tint uom or i oriini toro.nnio hu ttult4?i iu (lie urn-r v. m. uawiingt came up on ...v v.mtiiKi rninruay eve nine on visit with bla family. Arch Hlackbnrn I exhibiting aome of in niiiu nioit ciucnena at tho state fair lie i uouim to gel a blue ribbon, Mr. and Mr. L. II. Star have retnm eu irom Asniand where they have bie ceverai niontli. lion uoaa returned Katurday niirlit irom in summer a vacation with hi parent ana Irtend at Atloria Menry U. rad. ex-U.8. matahal, U I'maiiig on a ireiitni train lietween (Irande and 1'endleton. Me. That it aenai tieorge I'ratt. the rrie orator of! ttie college, returned to tho city thi noon irom uaiaey ana wat received MflrK .ttutn ...... l. l.ll I ' Creed IlammonJ of the Nebraakaa known a tho "Hero of dhiomlt . graduato of tho tte nniveraity ot Oreg- vu, im iu ma Yaiiuy vituing irienu. J.l-ne waa iaaued yoatordar for the marriage oi , .Monroe ;Clem, a ton ol uon. j. uieut, and Miaa Maggie Herding .ii.iur juuuk iauy 01 near BCI0. Aleaara. bnyder. Thorn non, Coole uu uw ui iruwinviiio are in iuo city ready for tln opening of college, and un wm oe omera irotu mat city. The ride of the Zip Zag Club laat 8a t ortlay erenlng ! aald tola been on ol th flneat of the year. Tho evnlng iui una i or uicycie jaunt. Steetnaon. of thi city, Hood of diiouu ana nenueraoo oi Uakvlllo went to Portland thi noon to attend a meet- ingoi mo rreabytery ol the U. P. church. A. O. Eckeleoa, of Portland, baa been .we cuj erorai aayo. ear ago Mr r.citoion wa chief engineer of the old O. P. railroad duriog the railroad build ing era ana we well known In Albany. R W Flaher and William Moore cattle tnen of AlDany, paaaed through town Wednesday with a band of 250 head of cattle purcliaaed in thla county enroute o Roeeburg. Myrtle Point Enterprie. The conference of tho M. E. Church jrlll convene In Salem thla week Rev. Wire, of thi city, Kev. Abbet of Eugene Dr. r ord, of Lugene, Rer. Mooie of bhedd and liev. Brink of Cottage (jrove, were among thoaa who left thi noon to ttend. 0. H. Burggraf, the architect of Doug la county' remodelled court houte.T building a new court houte at Mora, bherman county. Burggraf ha planned annre court houaea and school bouse ihan any other man In Oregon. Roee burg Review. Tho following advertisement appear in ibeOregonian: Sam 8. Goldamith, one of the best known traveling men on the coaat wa cured of tho tobacco habit oy Ami-1 runt Tobacco Cure. Frank Nau, Portland Pharmacy, Pacific) coast gont, Sixth and Morrison. Mr. George Grant, the genial inur anoo agent, ot San Franciaco, la in the city.fiiteeuor more years ago the Dkmo CRATman waa under Mr.Grant for awhile and learned what a pleasant letter writ er he wa. No one appreciate new busi ness more than Grant. Kev. T. P. Hayno, of Oregon City, formerly of this city, pawed through the city today on hi way borne from at tending the meeting of the conference of his church at Grants Pass. The ap- E ointments had not yet been announced ut ho had learned that he had been re' turned to Oregon City. Miss Gladys and Emma and Master Edwin Newell will start Friday for Alb any where they will attend college dur ing tho enauing year. Nehalem corres pondence of the Tillamook Uerald. In connecion with tho attendance ot these young people nt the col Ipge the coming year la the Interesting fact that the fa ther of the oung people, and Prof. Tor bet of the college, were fellow students in colloge, graduating together, and then drifting apart in this big world. Re cently after having lost track of Mr. Newell for many years Prof. Torbet learned of his wliereabouta and wrote him, with the result that the three child ren will come here Instead of going else-. wuero as mey naa intended. Oakville. Mr. TilloUon ami I nut TuemJav noon nml on the new bridge, Riding a wheel by moon-light la nice but when a tire i punctured a mile from homo and no material to lis .the return i not ao nice. Mr. C. 0. Smith who ha been two yoar In Alanka In search for gold ha returned to Tacoma and I one of the many that ha deuidod that wild run tin obtained In other way easier than going to tho co'd north for it. He my that there la plenty of gold there, but it is tho fottem number that gut much of It. A in ouilnent cltir-eue laid, "We don't need .i new bridge nt Oakville j" but bi'tui.j tho day wa over a eprator ran off tho approach of tho"old bridie."dam- aging the machine. Jn turning over one hor was caught by tho falling machine and held fatten a Ur!.,l ,m (... i;i It wa relented ; the man who wasdrlvlng tiiv wiii u...njii'.i uuiiurt by making a vlgorou hum, for bla life. No one hurl -epi mo nortn. Wo want the new .JP'. V,0,"l,, br'10 huilt while 'J. U ft. Ii.ackhurn was Jude, Metara. Smith, Uurton and Ilnliilftin entwine tale at V. Bryan' la-t Fri- iney all took plenty of ca.ili with mem auu came home loaded. Horns Utn. College Opening Day. Tomorrow will lie opening day at the Collego and it ha bom arranged to make it an occasion of a public charac ter, wit!i exercise that will be Interest ing ti all. Kev. Dr. Ketchum of Salem. will deliver tho annual addrer-s, taking for hi ubject, "The Supreme Incentive im'!' y'" A" ,rit'n"1' al lo college -..i wv welcome, lime, v::j a. in. i iace, uouege Uhapcl. W; II, I.,, Pre. KAai.r Don, Tho Fromn Brother thrcthing crew will finish up their tea ton' work tomorrow, after a run of about twentv.four day. Many of the crew though witl.have work for the remainder ot the week making the utulal run ol tlHjut thirty daya. The harvesting It Urm!niing much more favorably than waa at one time anticipated, and we ca continue to tell ol our never-fulling cropa ti. ri.....u... i t.. I " n.r im rrceiven a copy o the New National Dictionary, Kncyclo pediaand Atlat. revited todate. in etaUt een volume. It contain 200,000 word mi it a rvery complete thing without ing vortxtte. It doesn't coat a fortune to gei it. xso charge for inspection. A meeting of the United eer wa to be held in Portland today, to """r quptinn oi condemning the canal and lock at Oregon City, and pur chaalng them for the United State gov ernment. . "miuiu .lain ia moon io give iiia annual concert in Eugene assisted br ..U,.u iwiirno, ceiilll, and Allts iianaen, contralto. Th dato ha not oecu namea. The fall race at Prinovilia will lu onwewner . and there are twenty -v, xvicti iinn iinnuj in training 'or theonieeta. uliirli r mire to are. .. TUESDAY.. Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers IN THE DITCH. CUT IN TWO. A Hobo 1-allH Llldci- the Cnra and i Iiiatniitly Killed. a( you nave mie cu ihm n. uouarKoianorrioiRopr4tloDtthat limn'. remove the retultt of tbe dieae without tiitiuroiDir tbe tlUMana ilair. Pi.. wmiuoyw in wniiiiil nuco itaielSalve t by iwtr f tiled to curaoruam; it will uumi locjreyoj. Fotbay Ja Matoa. The total deiMMita In tl.a Plr.t V..; Al Bank of Eugene are f 538.8W.68. The atreet car baa been indiaposed to Iy and at a consequence the hotela have u uiwi on me uepot route. j urn Johnson baa mnved hi boot sHifitj cm. Lira mocKB and tm ham at the Combination ohop. Tom i all "su mm m moor ana give aatiefaction. Baker City haa been having a aiege on the electric light Bropiaitlon, and haa urou in uaranee lor aoma lima m.i month the city of Albanv will ha . new contract to make. Mr. O. W. Younir'a llmrnmrh UwA team took a lively spin acroat the rail road on tth atreet this forenoon, upset ting tbe waeon. but i.rin m damage. Several wee ka lung a email ahot oratonaith ki. .ul anot through the plate g!at window o" II. F.McIlwain. ersoaa to make bole throush. The irlaaa in... accident. Today a new glaaa arrived to take ita place. At Lebanon laat Saturdar while helr ing to unload roma atw n.. !. uj 1 m: llJ K!ePPe'' aeriourly inur od. The derrick and ai.. dred pounds of atraw fell upon him. Ue v.. .uwuwwui wneo aug from under Uie atraw, but will lecover all right. U'Lil 1 t ... una nioia is reported In the hops all through the valley there iaaaid to be very little in thii county, none at all in the thirty aero yard of Charles Davia at thla city. In the yarde around Knox'a butte, the pickiug in which haa been completed, there was some, but only a little. D. S. Young, tho lapldarist. who is now aituated on 6th atreet three doora east of Thurston atreet, haa ahown the Umochat three very remarkable stones which he found in Southern Oregon and polished and mounted. One ia a wom an a face, another a lady aitting down and the other a mountain scene, with a lake in front, eaid to be a striking re- m.b"x5' Cry'U1 Yoeimite '"y. Mrv Young ! now ready to cut mwuvm vn anort order. The overland train last niabt lilt th eity about 11 Before tloina so atopped aouth of.the city and kicked tne rear car back on the awltch. The act caused tbe death of a human relmr. A hobo wa stealing a ride, and while tha train waa walling in the city wan on lop of a car, aa it left getting down between two mine cars to lake his place on tbe .ir"101 mo expert knows bow to do quickly and generally talely. The ui ingui me train thouith watnnex prviea ami h torew the man onder tbe wbeelt. Niirhtwalch Mcfll.ln ... . ..m.. ing the train leave, saw tbe man de fending and disappear, ilia bodv. winch was cut nearly in two at the breast w.s ioun.i ueiore lite train drew out. loroner Norman w l..4i;i. .n.j i held ao inquett on the remains, calline a Jury around the depot. Tbe verdict w Hxgraus IO 11)0 tact. Atejuiy conistedof David Torbet, kins, . Williaoj, mtld w. A. McClain. I beir report was to tho effect that the """ oeceaaea came to hi death through bit own fault. lie ia deter i bed tged 30 and w tr im? iitn i ii.. a 9. He wore a dark coat, dark gray vet, i i. . airipea cotton hirt, while under Shirt, red mrrt itrav tripod cotton pant, tc.,ai.d bad in bit norket a while ailir l,.n,ii,,,,.i.;.i a piece ol I oap, aluminum comb, tack ol tobacco, Jo cruta in mouev. 2 knivet. a small bag of coffee, a tmall whetstone two um, i crocnet thread, apool of black .menu, aiacKoihnttou, a piece of gram and a broken wbitkey bottle rho lodes fioger of bit right hand waa (bowed the (haractor nf tha ini.i.. KiuiiiiKCDtg to do between thirty and forty year of age, a Swede. Ur w. owning on im to identify him. Uie clothes were those of labor- "n, out no naa evidently become a train d. Tha hnd - I ... .. J . .u.iii VI V, ?:Umy nrniture Co., and given burial in tbe city eemetry. who tbe man wa will proUbly al- -jm i.maiu mystery. i.iJ ,,.e,,followin,'egiatered at the college thia afternoon: Ruth Fllnn, F. 0. ."Steil. macher. Ruase 1 Wallam. V.IX ', iamaon . Wiliard L. Mark. Jennie Free miHLBmi? Lon?bo. .nit Wire, Tii'1"'1!1, RTston. Robert Torbof Arlene Train, John Burkhart, S)ewtn Anderson, Helena Vlereck, Jonn McHargue .Albany; Edith A. Van Dyke, Med lord D. W. Wight, Lebanon. Gladya Shaw, Larand?Prairioj SBdgar picamson, Crabtree; if. F. Smicf.Roee buraj Elbert S. Robe, Jts. Thompson, Carl Cooley, C. C. Snyder, Brownsville; " BJi Turner; O. D. Byera, Co quiile City ; G. T, Pratt, lfalsey; 8. K. Hartsock, Oakland ; 0. A. Mulkey , Me hamo; Clyde Riler, Crabtree; J. W. Gaines, Paul Mauser, Scio. Ripe Tomatoes, Tears and App'ea at4 0. E. Brownell'a. Pajfue's Crop Report. Uarvestiog and Ihrethinu COnllnna Tht grain eron ia all i outhern counties of wettern Oreron and thrething ia nearly completec ; report tat that the grain cron la thoroo.rhl aatlefactory In yield and that no damage wm. uone oy the rain. In the coast cooBtle the erain csop ia practically se cured, in the Willamette valley count ies the grain ia practically all cut; thresh lot- continue : the creator nortinn i i h gram wm oe an to ret bed by the cloee ol ma currant wets. Borne correapondonta report wheat and oats allgbtly damaged by the ralna, bot, m a rare, the repoVta ndicate that tbe grain waa not mater ially Injured. The anrinMAwn I. turning oat better than waa expected. In the eartern portiona of tho atate bar vesting and thraahlmr mntinn. tk. grain it about ail out or will be by the cloee of the current week. Threahing ia active In all dlttricta. Some few reporta Irom tbe nortnweotern portion of Urn .t1UL'.,nDty ,ndte that grain waa allgbtly dimagtd by the ralna; the dam age la not great, nor ia it extenalve. Tbecuttiag ol the second clover crop la now in prog rets; in aome sections three cropa have been cat thia year. Pasturaie ia renoitad t ka k..... .-- for years: toere ia an ihnnii.lM r t... pn nand for feed during tbe winter in all sections of th !.. ti, erop ia extra large over the stock coun try. Plowing and eroding continue; tbe ground ia In good condition and the weather ia ideal for all farm work. Grain l0Hn ,A?0,t king fine growth. Mop picking continue onder the most ..Tur.uie circumstance. In those yard where oultlvatioi and spraying were properly done, tha hnn I. i- j condition ; in peorlv attended v.rH. h. nop, while large, are moldy, or, at known in England, "blacx biighl" pre vail. Tbe hop crop, a whole, ia aa ROfO y ever picked In Oregon, and it ia being secured much better than it usual. Hop picking will be completed In about ten days more. All hop dryer are being worked to their utmost. Prune drying has commenced and with few exceptions drying will be gen eral in alt orchards thia week. Clobetno Rate. Weekly Dkxochat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrlce-a-week World $2.00; and Republic $1.75: and Oregonlan $2.26; and San Francisco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly Journal 2.00 Paul Snemer'u From Death. Escape I Albany College, Rah, Rah, Rah. This forenoon a bout 1 0 :80 o'clock Pa nl . tbe eighteen month old child of Mr and Mr. Frank Sperger, waa playln . along the ditch near bia parenta borne prooamy near tbe residence of Judge Hewitt, alone, when it fell In tha wafer and waa wathed down stream In tbe fait running etream. Mr. j the llttio fello and getting on her bi- rotueu oown VVatliinBtofl atreet in tbe rneai time the child had fi.i.,i to opposite the residence of Father Me tayer, When John lUnvm mhn Ing on a load of wood, diwovered it, and juiuum'k vii ui wan graiined a hoe that was lying bv the ditcH and pulled the child out. Leaving it en the bank be rushed afier a doctor. Elmer Nickerson waa working near and aeeiog the situ- uuu tooB inecniid and began roiling it. getting the water out of it and when Doctors Trimble and Winn.r.l .ish arrived he had just begun to breath. lie was p.sced in warm blankets and prop erly attended to, that be wa in eicel ent condition In a little while consider ing what It badjgone through. Tho child was in the water as it run down itream between two and three blocks, perhaps Ove minuted, and the eavinr of its lite is very creditable to all connected with it. Ministerial Appointments. r tt roiiowiog are among the appoint- menis oi tne M. E. church South made at Granta Pats : WMammette district, H. 8. Sbanale. r. li. : Albany. W. J. Kntnn- rwtrati;.. . uaii., rfunction, i, v. Sibert Don't think yoj can cur that slight at tack of Dyspeptia by dieting, or that it will care itself. KoJol Dyspepsia Cure will ours it; it'Mifrestt what you eat" and restoret tha digestive organs to health Foehay & Maton. BORN. WRIGHT.-To Walter Wright and wife of Shedd, on Sept. 6, 1899, a daughter. McBRIDE. To John McBride and wife of Shedd, Sept. 9th 1899, a son. C. Tangent, H. C. Allen: Harrisburg and Browntvil e, W.B. Smith; Lebanon. JJ. A.Lach; pa las and Dixie, D. 0. Mc Farland; Independence. J. M. Turner; Oregon Oity, T. P. Hayne. Dillard.R. A. Be.gan; Oakland, G. Thomas; Grants Pass, L. C. Wilaon: flieoiora, e. Wilaon; Sola Springs - ua.u, i iioy, j. r . waiiace; r. a uu n , Li. mom wara anruaran. oated. and John L. Jones transferred to tue uo angeie conterence. Joeeph Allen ws banged at Helena, Mon , last Friday without a cap over hit face. Minneapolis shipped 56,340,000 feet of .uu.,f uurmK mo montn of August An exainble for Albany. Quite a number of Albany people are attending the atate f jir, coming and go ing on ail train. T. P. Leo, of Granta Pass devotes seventy five acres to tbe raiting of mel ons, making It a butinet. hipping in car load lots. 6 T?. r..qu.lre ,,mP on bicycle oa a nlaht like last night wa ridiculous. The moon was at It best and the night wa nearly a light a pay. B The COUrt honsahaa aaanmat .l... ufficiently to thow that it will be one of lUTuuwiiooi ing court bouwa in the a. oetioe it .wm bave the room badly needed. Alta Norte wn the 2:18 pace yester day in 2:l9'i. P.lhmarW AH ttd fkau - a ' " , ' u Mil WW rear witn oeo. D. owned by -uageeartoooitbi. city second Maj. wvu .us Kuma Tatar mn ,in, . "u,u" "e taio to be the fewett in tbe biatory of tbe fair. In far-t th. i.i. i. mora of a horse race than anything. . L. Mime, who ia uhIImJ i. k. cpnnty jail awaiting trial for murder at Pendleton la to be ably defended. Ue haa healthy relative in Tennessee, who i -... ewtuc u me reecoe. uoe ol tbe lead ing lawyera of that atate will be brought here to assist the local attoroeya who have been reUined by Mim. O. L. Mim, an extensive wholesale merchant ol Tenneasee, and brother ol the prison- tima ont for tn O. R. A N. Co., at Meacham. Mr. Case, the octoeenarean eni.ln. pedie of information and aome young meo this afternoon were disputing as to the number of president the United State haa had. Mr. naa t. k. number a twenty one which be waa pre pared to prove. The new National En cyclopedia 8ava:"Thaihava lu.. 4k:. day 23 president of thia country, several of them serving for two terms or eight year, while in loir instance the vice president has ucceeded to the office through the death of tha Pm! stain ' This settle it. . Oley Wood worth n thi. ,. i... turned from the at it f.i, ... oos for crowing. Ho waa awarded fiv nroi premiuma and four seconds on Sil ver Wyandotte. There will ba pesday evening Irom 8 to 10 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mr. H. a. Nelson, corner 7tb and Warhingtou by tbe member of tha Ohriat,.n complimentary to tbe new pastor and wiie Mr. and Mr. J. B. Holme recent ly Irom Dea Moinea Ia a '''' invitation is extended to tho me . ueia anu an inends ol tha congregati Alban College waa (ormallv onnd this morclng with an excellent first day Uten dance. The ice was bioken for the term with eorce very appropriate oxer- cite, in the chapel, open to tte public generally, though few were preient ex cept tbe atodenta. Frwident Lee lead the program. After a long there wa prayer bv Rev. Daven port anu scripture reading by Rev. Smick. Dr. Kjtchnru. ol Hal ered tbe address, a pleating effort letting forth the poetibilitie of youth backed by a will, all looking to tbe final result of knowing Uod. Reve Hartman.Smkk and uavenpt ri ana v a Montague were called upon and tprte to the point. Inter- .crBeu Was singing, carried on with a will. A aplendid college i.irit pervade the atmosphere aod a live and successful year is anticioated. Pat Farrell ia in Eugene working at uit iraue. W. W. Curti returned last night from a trip to rorilADd. Dr. Leinenger and Tboma Hopkini are ninmg lor trout op tbe Santiam. DocandPerrr Conn have isturned from the mountaina with a record of five deer killed. Tom Morrison, the popular half back was given a live college yell thist noon when he arrivved from hi summer's vacation. Mri. Nettle Monteith ia in A tnrta. where the case of Monteith art. Mon- tcitb, for divorce is to be diepoeed of at the term of court there. M. Pelzel, of Barr & Petzel, of Salem has been in Albany attending to bia con tract ol puttiog the heating plant in the court bouee. Mr. X. W, Cuaick ia at . Boawell springs in Line county for the benefit of ber health. Mr. Cutick returned Irom there yesterday. ren Rots returned this noon Irom Salem, where he awept things with hi white Plymouth rocks, securing lour firet premiumsnd three seconds. Arch Blackburn continues to be at the bead in tbe raiting of Blaca-Langtbans. irsieroay ne waa awarced three nrati and wat kept busy meeticg the demands for bis stock. Sam Chambers ba returned from Napa, California, and resumed bia place on Ramp's delivery wagon. He reports the birth to tbe wife of Ja. McDonald, auperintendent of tbe woolen mill tSere, nd formerly superintendent of tbe Al bany mill, of a daughter recently. Loren Lanebead and Bert Veal retnrn- ed latt night from a trip np tbe Santiam wnere tney wbipped tbe etream in a lively manner. A Doily Varden, the most gamey of speckled trout, waa brought borne by Laugbead, which weighed about eix pounds. A good many Albany people would be very pleased to have tbe privilege of bearing Bithop Vincent at tble city dur ing bia stay in Oregon. He is one of tbe noted men ol the world. 4 a the moving rpirit in tbe great Chautauqua movement he baa attracted the atten tion of the entire world . Few men bave done more for their fellow men. Lebanon. From the E. A, Miss Nona Miller la n w working to ft millinery store in Vancouver, Waab. L. A.Wiley went to Portland Satur day, Ho will accompany Captains Wells on a lecturing tour throughout the itate. The heaviest load of straw btought to tho paper mill this year waa brought in a few daya ago by R, Walker. It weighed 6,580 pounds. W. J. Royce has sold bla residence property in thit city to N. W. Smith for bout $300. Mr. Royce retains potiea sion until January 1st. Misses Anna and LIbbie lift yesterday for Dubuque, Iowa, where they go to join tneir parent. Tbe young ladles leave many iriebd in this place. Miss Blanch Can field returned to Leb anon this morning Irom Albany. She has been elected teacher of a school near Albany, an! wiil begin teaching in few weeks. The public schools opened yesterday with an attendance of 145, which is very good considering tbe fact that many children are yet in tbe hop fields. Mr. and Mr. Jo. Rattton are visiting relative at Ibia place. They will not live in Lebanon thia winter, a they in tended, but will soon return to their home at Lone Rock, Gilliam county. Excursion to Portland. Special Exposition Excursion Train will leave Albany Mondav October 9tb, arriving In Portland at 7:00 p. m. in time for tbat evening' entertainment at tbe Oregon Indnstrial Exposition, which thi year premise to be better tban ever before. Ex pot i lion management has again teen red from San Francisco Bonnet's full Military Band, and Miss Alice Ray mond, tbe leading lady cornetist of tbe day. Sensational attractions will be the (ix Floreoze Acrobat and tbe Nacarte Sisters, Aerial Artist from the Foliea Bergere, Paria. Excursionist wiil sr rive in time for Willamette Day, the Wedding Night, Baby Day Great Coon Cake Walk, etc., etc., etc. Specially low fare; ticket! good for one week. Rates and leaving time of train can be bad of nearest agent Southern Pacific Co. The final report of Georire E. Cham berlain administrator of the estate of Jemima Ralston, deceased, was filed, allowing $2883 receipts and $294 paid out, including $155 commissions of tho ad ministrator. Tbe cash receipts, in the way of interest, were $558. Tha heira ara C. H. Ralston, Carolice Hamilton, Eliza Rowland, J. M. Ralston, Harry Roland. Alontgomerv Bona and Elate Bond. J. M. Ralaton ia elated to hava anrtlt) with all of the beir except the three last named, who receive a ona- fifth intarapt of the whole estate, amounting to $517. Tbe matter wat set lor hearing- Novem ber 6. Cregonian. Get the beet floor. The Magnolia Notice. I hava mil It. for free delivery of dressed chicken Sat urday afternoon. Leave your orders early for good chickens at reasonable prices. e. g. Powers. the Poultryman TICKETS . To all poir t East via . Gre t Northern Railway. For rates, fi tdera and full information all or add ."ess H. F. Mkrbjll, Agent Albanv Letter List. Following is th list of letters remaining In the Pottoffice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 20. 1899, Persons calling for these letters mt give the date on which advertised : Arnold. A Davis, Mr 8 R Irvine, Mr Peckinny Jonet, Frank Kissoor, OF Langley, Ella Mvnttt, MrUBK Rhodes, Mr. I A Rboda, Herman Smith, Mr A A Stevens, Mr Thomas S. S. Tbain. P. M. Bockteodt 1 from 10.000 ta AH nr W owa and occupy tha tallest mercantile building in the wor'.i. Wa hivo L&fA Tp over customers. Sisteea hundred clerks are constantly X-tfnat I yi engaged filling out-of-towa orders. 1 'CiJ' pl OUR GENERAL CATALOQUB is tha book of the people it quotes jrK Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over pages, it,m illustration, sal I 3 l (o,ooa descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 73 cents to print ar.d mail rLsL) each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS ta show Jill l 3rour tood faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. Ijlf 1 A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical. Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely printed and Beautifully Illustrated. Dy JACOU BIQQLB No. 1 -HIGGLE HORSE BOOK AHutKtui Hotuea O-uimon-SriMe Tr?tiitt. with orcr 74 iiiuiraiiuo ; a slttiuiarti wurk. frtce. 50 CcuU. No. S BK30LE BERRY BOOK Allaboui irrowiug Small Fruit read nod tarn how; coutaiiu 43 colortrd lite-like reprodictiiiof all leading ariotie and ico other illustrations. Fricc, y Cents. No. 3 BIOQLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poulti y ; the best Poultry Bock la existence tells ejerythins; : withaj colored life-like reproductions of all Die principal breeds; with 103 utlicf iUustratiOBa. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIQOLE COW BOOK sale; contains t colored life-like reproductions ofeach breed, with tjs other illustrations. Fricc, jo Ccats. No. 5 BIQQLB SWINE BOOK Just out All sbout Hons Breedint;, Feedlnr, Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over Bo beautiiul half, tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. TheBIQOLE BOOKS are unique.oriirinal.uwfut yon never saw anything like them so practical, sosensible. They are having an enormous sale East. West, North and South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BiUOLB BOOKS. Tbe FARM JOURNAL It your paper, made for yon and not a misfit. om ; it is 1 cmit-after- the world the biggest paper of its sixe in the United Statea the treat boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head. mt-aiter-you-bave-said-it. Farm and Houa It la years )n-tne-head. ehold paper in e ITnited Ktatea of America having over a million and a-oali regular readers. Any 0KB of the BIGCLE BOOKS, and tie FARM JOURNAL 8 YEARS (remainder of rSqr tono 1901, 190a and 1903) will be sent by mail to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLE BOOKS free. WTLMsa ATa-nrsoir. Address. FAaUf JOCRNAL PaiLAOiu.ra!A