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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1899)
All Sorta. F P. NUTTING, Ed. and Prop. Rntered a: the PoslOKloeat Albany Vwgor second olase mall matter.) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS We are Turning Out Toe whitest, cleanest, beet laundry work In America the only kind gooa eoongn lor you. men u you care anylhin for promptness, yoo '11 (ike our delivery system. We're as punctual as does: work only faster. Let your bundles come. Drop potal and wagon will call. MAGNOLIA STEAM LACK DRY, Telephone SI . WashtuKton Letter. (Prom Our lUful.r CorrHixMitlMl.) Washington, 8ept. lUh, 1809. "End the war in the Philippine spedlly, or the result will be disastrous to you and to the republican party." That is the sum and substance ot what is being daily dinnol into the ears of Mr. McKioley, not by his opponents, but by Wading republicans, who know bow unpopular that war Is becoming all over the country, Mr; McKlnley Is gradua'lr becoming convinced tbat the Thirty-two German school children died ths.ltst school year from the effect ol corporal punishment. London is importing ice from Norway. M regular supply has beeueshaueted because ot the inteuse brat. Japan has a new Uiththouea mad n bamboo, which is said to resist the waves Miter than any kind of wood. Kuvia has made the metric svstetn ot weight and measures legal, but without Try Parker Bros, WANTED. neatly furnished rooms with privilege of light bouse keeping by couple without cnuaren. musk be centrally located, mid res, K. K. Demo chat Office, SUBSCRIPTION 8TATEMF.NTS.-The Democrat is tending out its annual, alter harvest subscription statements of account, both on the Daily and Weekly, and will try and not miss any one in arrears more than a year. A very nice thing to do would be to pay np promptly, and, as sn act ol appre ciation for patience in waiting in some cases many yesrs, a year in advance A monthly farm journal for five years to all who liquidate. WANTED. Several bright and hon est persons to represent as as Mau agers in this and close by counties. Sal ary $900 a year and expenses. Straight. I bona-fide, no mor.e, no less salary. Pos ! itisn permanent. Our references, any 1 bank in any town, it is mainly ottice work conducted at home. Reference. Enclosed eeif-addressed stamped envel ope The Dominion Company, Dept. 2, Chiacgo. reaction in public sentiment concerning I prejudice to the old system kt. m.;t. i it . l . . i . ...... . m. utiippiuo iwiigj, prtuivieu uiwe i jui oi izt mw students called to the inaa a yer go oy vol Bryan, is at i i.ondon bar In one dav nut band, and once fully convinced, there is I nineteen have Oriental names no telling what ne may ao, lor this I i,.. ,. ... . .... . .. . "'"o.uio loionama an u M ' r' " w I luiDSrlal rnmm.i.ltl ... ..... ... , r ui.i uu,-uui, nmueieu feared the public sentiment of the coun try as much as Mr. McKioley does, or who trlsd so hard to make bit official acts meet its approval, regardless of his own opinion. Tbs most striking thing oonnscted after the one in Philadelphia, io toe academic city of Edinburgh is accorded tha distinction of having the largest railway station in Great Britain. The wealthy women of Venesnsla are For the best Groceries, on, .go. Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. with the hsaring on trusts, by the In-ld to be extremely fond of dress, and daetiial Commission, was a daring and somsw hat scandalous attack upon Vict Chairman Philips ot the Commission, who is connected with an independent oil coapany in Pennsylvania, by officials of the Standard Oil Trust. Mr. Philips denied the charge that he had been mix ed np in an offer to dicker with the Standard Oil Trust, but thechsrge left a bad taste in everybody's mouth, and is not calculated to add anything to the prestige of the Commission, which isn't any too great at best. Senator Stowart Is a One sped men ot stalwart radicalism in all his visws. lie nsver trims any question, and conserva tism is unknown to his mind. got it In for France for several reasons, money on personal j will spend much adornment. White in Washington women are in uuuvor as government employes, they are increasing in number in the British civil ssrvice. Athos a small town on the eoatt of Ma cedona, may not inaptly be termed "The Bachelors Paradise" as no woman Is to1 be seen anywhere in the place. A parliamentary return shows that during IS94.9181 vi"isetion eipenments were peformed under licence io Knglsud and Scotland on liviug animal. When John Carrol) was baneed a fv lie basr"y,,,il A,I'DU ,or tnamuiderof a woman he wore a black capw i.lcu had the larest of which is the second convict-1 n5,ue ,or ,Iie ion by bis mother ion of Dreyfus, and says that country Rossla now has about 20,000 miles ol 11- 1 ....i. i I MT 1 li.1: FOR SALE.-Good work horse for sale ! uu " e great eten. cheap or for hay and oaU, and good wesnouia press: on diplomatic relations D,uu- oioeria. nan ol this great ralle- econu nana lunioer wagon, ua on inntii trance gets a government, lbs I aas ceeo sjue.i during the mint aivht . A unk. (senator threatens to offdr a taint ra.tnln. ' years. TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from dlslpatlon, sell abuse, exeeeres or cigarette smoking. In use over 60 years. Brings back your Manhood, cures depleted worn nut men. makes rich blood and tissue. vures wasuuiri ami an !.. nk.. vnu laatitlmrlv atrnmr. cures lmnoleiiCV. lost power, emissions. osi of memory, bad dreams, shrunken wruans, despondency, sleeplessness, varlantnl and ennsllnation. a. .Is tueira to the evvS. slop nervous IwlU'liings . I .tl velloe. Mskre life worth living. A boon to young or old. MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Mops all ! hv :U or nmht. linx't iliav. lrira within the reach ol au. Muaran teed to cure. Price r-p-ea box fl for J.IV0 by mail. HeitU for fr0 circular. Address BISUOP hHJ REMEDY CO., San Francisco. Cal. ror sale by Foe- ilutJ Lay A Mason, Albany. To the Music LovingPublic. Those coiitentiilatlnii tak'ng tip the R. . , , . tion to that effect when Congress meets: KiSrSKSf" fbi - company. Fire insurance promptly at- j ,,0D r the P,o t Parts, next tended to. Otlicfl in the Pearco block. ' year. " j The administration appsars to be still WANTED. We will pay $12.00 a week determined to leave Gen. Ous in supreme either a man or woman to rep-! command in the Philippines, althoogh resent the Midland Monthlv Magazine c . D . , . . . , 6 as a subecriotion solicitor. The Midland Secretary Roof is understood to have re- is the same size as McClnrtsor theCo9-.C0,;nin,loJ change, and to favor send- . 1 : . T. ' r. i 2 . t 1 . . . I uiupuiima. , is uuw iu its biiiu year ing uen. aiues over coere. inere is pol One proprietor of a half a dozen hoot -blacking s'ands in New York, who was not many years ago an active worket at the business, owns a racing stable of six teen hcrses. Timely Suggestion. , itics in this determination, and it Isn't and is the only Magazine of thia kind A handsome premium given to each h aort of politics that refills any cre subscrlber. Send 10 cents for a copy ditopon Mr. McKinley. The Hanna otthe Midland and premium list to crowd are afraid of Miles now. and it a the Trnnrnt Cemcitt Panusm.No BhonI(1 B0 ,0 the philiDnines and 0 ! CO., BU 1JU1S, MO. !u..r,..w i u Ovstnr. rnnb.. .n. . - -wwfc muj mmw uu WISH II btetter's. FCTJND. purte rontaining J money SO what Oti has so signaHv failed to do, they would fear him still more. They ' Owner can have it by proving property kno that Otis is not likely, under any j and paying for this ad. Call i'atDt:o- circumstances, to develop popularity j cbat office. . J.W.Fajuueb ' enoogh to make him a political rival of ' Mr. McKiuler. That is whv hev with. FOR TRADE. A Wheeler and Wilson to keep Otis in command, uotwithstand tro,naSndm.Chsh3oet iDguenX,CterDta in" overwhelming evidence, from .11 bicycle. Call on J . W. Farrier at the onrC8' l h, unfitness, not to call it by 6outh end of Ferry street. a harsher term. The agent of the non- ' partisan Associated Press, in a long let- Iflr frAm Manila tnat nnhtiaKAfl .fl.. I AND MANHOOD eoinz into details, ihowinv the faitnr nf Cures Impotency.Ki'lit Emissions and Otis, sums np by say iog: "Tbs secret wasting diseases, ail e-lTects of self-' of the whole trouble here is that the In novelties Will & Stark lead. Call at the Sugar Bowl for fresa frtM Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atSietter's. See the Sugar Bowl's wtedow display Fresh fruit at Viereck's Sugar Bowl par. lors. ALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THOROUGH High-Grade College Education To everv boy and girl that ha the ambition to attain one. 1 lie course is complete, and eiubracrs the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES in i.mi O ""- The Normal Courts leads up to a SIATK DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Coirio his now become a Business College Equal to anything in the State. Now illustrated catalogue. Board at the Students Club at actual cost price. For particular write WALLACE HOWE LEE, President "7 . . . i , .(,! f lutislo w II Hud It to tnrir uer. fst to Invesltuiito the advantages ottoreil l.y Allmny Collovo. Tim following liriwiclics are tnuglill VOI0K, PIANO, OU IAN, VK1UN. tiUlTAIt, MANDOLIN, w1KVA&W:)miwiiioi and HISTORY OF MUSIC. CZJJ C3 Mr. Wirts, Musical Dlrtmtor, Isa grad' n,.i.. n( ii.h (iiilnuuo ikinservstory of Mil slo, and bus studied with such artists as SecdHHM-k, '.i.'gftJldt, Koollhig, Ulk, ar- wool, HUfl, mid Hie Hits i.r. rvsri jmci. iii um nil.ra in thtilr rotlKH't" ivtdmartiiicuts and musicians ot world wldt) laiiie. . Mrs. Wlrts, Insiructor i ivoii m" i h a pupil of Mr. William Nulson Rurrtlt, ., i. known to le one of tbs lst voice tfschcrs In America Unlay. Mr. Rurritt studied luht years In luly and several yesrs In I-ondon. ' 'ri.. ...... i. nu.t In Albany College Consirvtory are the lit a'f I' .,....i tu.imf tiat combined result of uiwrlor Instruction rowlvd,"Krl;ine, i... ...t.t. .1... ...MlllfMltf int lite acnuwnianco wn mw ,i.v.w f our eastern conservator!. , Tuition rcasouablo, Pupils may.rnter at any lltne. .... Fall term opens hupt. I, In"". ror lurthor iitlotumtlon call on orad K'S Pres8ldont Wallaco flows Leo M. Senders 5: Co. Eay anil Oat Waiehouaos- Pevcntli aim itsnroau nnwu. Albany, Oregon. N W N- COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND ART. m J. BROWH Principal or Irt and Tinware at Olilins A for Fresh Oyster. Z M- PAHTIH, M03, DOC, FirBCtOr HERViTA Botorn VITALITY, . LU3 I viuun 6TOVES V V t uuiourrs. ' Leave your order ft fiAl . , filn,M Associate Plan, Latest MethoJe, Full Course given la the I'rlnslpsl Branches of i- I t,0 A'0 ti Lawnmowers at Oh Music and Art ling & Hulburfs. !lMMIC, riano, Orgsn. Voice. Italian Singing. Violin, Ilsnd lostrumenis, Oysters opened eth every day' at the Harmony, Counterpoint, r ugue and higher Mu(cl Composition, etc. , Leading Restaurant. I Mnslo Whmmos In llarmouy an t Cooqterpolnt given by Correipondonce. New I French the Jeweler makes a spccisltv Method of Normal Training in leaching I'iaoo. Young Teaclirs g'ven wort to of engagement and wedding rings? j assist in obtaining a Musical Education. Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful - . r ' urinn, ai uurnnar ixLce s. i For sale, good carpeting, 33 conl per yard, by T. 8. Alexander, east end ol Stb ' srreet. i anus, or excess and India- government hss left a small man to deal Miss Jo. r, . . . , . . p In (7 nroftrl fatABmnriin KavAt)H ( WlDler. I nft rieaf r!Aema 1 iv i ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. TitnlrrrW.v-n-.lArlitcan ,u eiaBuiauoujp. creryooe restores th 6 fire of youth, , ,u" " nonel. ana toa !ByfnailiOcpcrhox:6boxe3 counts for much in a position affording for $2.50; witlx a written fpiaran-1 inch dances for dishonesty, but every tee to core or refund the money, one agrees ahw with the most remark- NERVITA MEDICAL CO. ' f?" h" bulgled f Linton Jackson 8tCMCaQ,IU.'f1",fm' lDf S' '. For sale by Fred LawsonvDrogglst'" - inter, ine best German ua v..-.. methods. Leave word witl V. f. Bead .... I eatness Canoot be Cured ' Special Sale. es MAGNIFYING GLASSES andCOMPAB'ES i fcy local applications, as Ihey cannot reach 'J the diseased portion of the ear. There is I only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf owi ii caused by an inflamed condition of the vv. QDFrTAfEC EVE hi k CCCC cous lining of the Eustachian Tube When 2rLvIACr2, CIC ULASMlJJbis tube gets inflamed yon have a rumb ling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirety closed deafness is the result, and onleti the inflammation ran h taken j out and this tube restored to its normal nnuiiui, ueaiiog win oe oesiroyea for ever; nine cases out of ten are canned by catarrn, wnicn is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of 1J eatness (caused by catarrh) mar cannot oe carea dv uali's Catarrh Cure. ' Send for circulars, free. . J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c , -Hall's Family Pills are the best.-, "' EYES TESTED FREE. Call and get prices before buying else rbere. Spectacles and Eye Glass from iSc-jip. Goggles, 10c. ..... J, A. Cummings.' For Bargains In Farm LandB, Timber Land3 City Property, call on or write S. N. STEELE & CO. Albany, Oregon and ItRflM with von whether yon eontlnoe ,n nerTe-icllltnc tobaeco h.bit. N O-TO-HAOr'S I remore. the deeire tor tobMeo, with-fff g 7 u(lterToasdutreM,xpel.iaeKsni3lll tiue, pariflM the blood, n-mlm 1 1 aXJa tare MI nood.(fririllPBIb Tslv slor own drarcut, who !17 1 1 tjtrL'UlronchtorM. Take itwitfe WI P-JJy wnil P"Ur. peralrtentlT. On. MH17 cm; iwimtt - wuwcu w cum, or w.munii mvnr T, Sugar Mr. Graiwohf informs ns.tbat he fs selling 17 pounds of granulated an gar for $1.00. Now is the time to buy as ii is uaoie to go np at any time. This a m nei casn proposition. All goods delivered free of charge. i . hv..: CteT if- - ' At Second and Ferry. No QMprtoel1 There is no smite in trifling with disease. Death Is a r,m ready enough to over power poor human ity at the on. ponunny witbout our aaoing any. thing to the deadly chanccs by uncer- WlMtlJ VI IDHCllOll. iwatn u not the sort of an enemy io Qwiy aallr with, nor s-ive ! the sliehtrst quarter. Hesboold .be bayoneted to sure and vigorous thrnnt There is just one medicine which ean be counted on with absolute certainty to over come the deadly auault of wasting dinease and restore the rugged, masterly power of perfect health. The "Golden Medical Dis covery" of Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buffalo. N. Y., creates that keen digestive and nutritive capacitv. which nut.i hMih. nnt.rial.iMw A 1-1 i i . ' . . u ana Keep ana alive witn bounding vitality. It nour. lood, and keeps it pure unes, vitalizes and builds np every oriran and tmsue in the twU ti. n.. . heals the lungs ; strengthens the heart, and! tuiupieie energy and cheerfulness. Mr. Julius Gradwoltl will now be found in his own store at the above location, better prepared then ever before to erve tha nublic with a Hist clsss stock, of I crockery and glass ware, and standard groceries. .... ' The lighest place in Albany. Every thing in siKlit. Uood goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwold has alaMS done the square thing with his cub) triers and will continue to do so. Also writes insurance in rst tiass ompsnles L TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this season your leei ieei,swunou,uci vmia .mi hnt.and set tired easily. If yon have smarting leet or tight shoes, try Al len's toot-fcase. 11 coois tue ieei ami makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweeting feet, blisters and callous spois. corns and bunions of ail pain and elves icstandcomfort. Tryittoday. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores lor 25c. Trial pscksgeiree. uuniw,niicii S.Olmeted.LeKoy.N. 8. At Onr New Store. We sre prepared to take on IOigt baled bar, ' hiiy your oats In anv iutulty at Up markrt price. SACKBI'iruMsSIIKD. r!EZ Oats lKught In rsr tots at nvihi ping point. M. SENDERS & C0.2 ;insursnce, l!ay, Ursln and;Wotl. Ifyou want a hmk1 and ioke buy cignra iimde rv our Al bany vlgur tnctor We are now located at our r.ew store on Zud street near Crawford's Uallery where we hope to meet all our old cus tomer as well as many new ones We are now selling Table Syrup and N. O. Molases at 40o per gallon. Good Vine gar at 15c per gallon. Good goods at popular prices is our motto. ALBANY TRADING CO Miller & Stewart, BICYCLE REPAIRING, FORGING AND MACHINE WGBK IX WOHK UCAKANTEED. Irrigation. Irrigation hours 6 a. m. to 9 a. m. snd 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hose must not beoieil without noules.) nor tnu't cloi be slbwed to run con tinuously. Fail"''., comply with turse Instruct Ions will csute the water to be shut off. Albany Water Company., H. F. TIerrill 7 Si 1 t collections promplly attended to, cor respondence soliciteJ. Office in Dbmv bat building. Your Liver Will be ronsed to Its natural duties and your biliousness, headache and constipation be cured if you take Hood's Pills Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. Will & Stark's and see their laree - and splendidly (elected stock of rings. Any design you want. Binge for all purposes rom a present to tne DaDy to a weeding jnew ooodb. F. Cohen's large and tvell selected stock of new goods has ar rived, ii em Maces late un-to-dat A goous, wnicn win do sold at prices in reacn ot au. dive aim a call before buy mg. Educate Yoar Bowel. With Ciuearets. Candr Cathartic, euro mn.nn..i. lc. 85c. If C. C. C. fail. arucLlKtu ref tind m' ALBANY IDNCH COlffl, McKHIop & Hurkhart, Proprietors o Prompt meals at all hours. FrenSnva. ers iu styles desired. Serve lunche. for saqaeia on short notice. " I had been troubled for cevera! year with pell, of hver complaint," write rt. N. Dran. field, lvsq.. of BweeUonnira. Mnnr. rA u v. ibout two year ago my health gmvt way. SarMpanlla. I wa ertting worae all trie I had weaknea in my left aide and eldi I'q . of 8we'prinsi Monroe Co. ' tried rrae. I Bad weaknea in my left aide and Arab, palpitation of the heart at time, cramping- pama in the atomach attrr eaUng : nerve Z. Z1 2 "rf, rur',,.,0r .nytning-. 1 took Dr. fierce' Golden Medical Uiicoverv. and brran to mend from the Urt. I won felt like a new i Au' now enjoying splendid heaUh nH i i"rnuiu appeiue, gooa Uigeatiou, ymim, lUK. UilUU. jjt, nerce's thousand-page hook, "The Common Sense Medical Adviser" contains "V7 "f nunarea reliable prescriptions, with directions for self-treatment of all ucn aiseases a are curable without a phy- Btiu. ADIIOIDT. nOVfllnlotrv dnfl fh of reproduction are exnlained with .... nunarea illustration. One coot. paper-covered, sent absolutely free for 21 One-cent Stamn. to nat rml nf m.ill.. only. Address. World' riianmiin m.a. leal Association. Buffalo, ti. V P handsome cloth binding send 31 stamps, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT wiiCK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i. 1 me Unoer.l0np.ri n the estate of of Gova 8. Stayton deceased, has filed in the connfv ennrt nf f.inn Mnr. ty, Oregon.bis final account in aairi patatA and that Mondiy, Nov. 6, 1899, at 10 a. m., has been set bv aairl niiirl am tlio lim. for hearingr objections to said report, and iuu Bciiivoieni tnereor. Hehrt Lvons, Adm'r. J J. WitTNET , Afry Alm'r. J M RALSTON, Three doors east of the Dsmocbat office ha mnnn tn loan on farm security at low rate of interest. Also small loans made o n nersonal security . City, county and school warrants bought. flollnntinn made. Kent collected. - Fire In surance written in the following large and reliable companies: llOMK lrb. CO., of New York, PHOENIX IN8.CO., nartiora. uidii,, uiinrwii uv DON AND GLOBE INS. CO. ofEog S : ; r " ; - - in wm eilSSta. ,, 1 ,j ittMaVnt hi Notice to IlrUgc Contractors. CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that funds are on hand to pay city warrants Nos. 339 to 365 inclutlve ol the issue 01 low. inter est on said warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany, Or.. Sept. 1,1899, . A. Pabkeb, City Treasurer. Long Photo Co... In From an Brick. The lesdinz eallerv of Albanv. The onlv-UD-to-dute first class siuuio in town. All work to pleaso. AIAK1E LONG Porp. Wood Notice. Thompson & Amos, of Lebanon, are in the city ready to ssw wood at the old prices, as follows : Cutting four foot wood twice. 40 cts three times 60 cts, same for all kinds wood. Good work and prom Dt attention Drop poital card in postoffice or see per- onany. For Sale. Four tracts of lsnd in Sanliam bottom Each hss bouse, barn and orchard. In uireof U; H. Bbyant. Unllktjla DeraoDI uf a or Inv.nllvj. w,ii,A Snlrlnaairlptoths I'urla Kiponltlon, Willi good urr aoa riwnin piiui, .noma wrue Th I'AXKMI lUitOUO. Baltimore. 1M1 The undersigned will receive, at Mv office in Albany, Or., scaled bids until September 2th, 18W, at the hour of 1' o'clock p. in. for the building of one Crib pier under tbo Orcen Ferry bridge, over the Manti i". river ner Jef forsoo, Orego 1 n I'lans an I , 0 .,;j-: f or sai.i work- can -vert nt 1 .0 r rtt 01 ; ,ty . . .. ollice in Alb if th it .,11 ti reTOliHtedtoex 'i uoon. , 1 nt courts of Marion Ljnn. u nties reserve the right to MJJ ny and all bids. A certiilcd chock of n p r cent of the bid made payable t 'x -der, required with; each b'd. 1 v. . the sum bidden wilt beexactil ' uccesilul bidder on award of c mriC . Fkank CBAirnii 1 1 JlClerk of Linn Count, , JTREET RAILWAY NOTICE. ' Toe motor on the A I ban j Street Kat will connect prompty with all trains t t from tbe depot, day and jigbt. 8pccial trips will be made at speol rates. r R. Mocbc,. OrriKi , Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that your liver Is out of ordi-r. The best medicine to rouse the liver and cure all ' -: these Ilia, , ,0UnJ , Hood' Pilla 25 conU. Bold by all medicine dealers,