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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1899)
f ...THURSDAY f A BIG FISH STORY. A. O. Iki.m returned from lliu liny this noon, bringing with him a record, a big iittinuii and a live exporloncu. He was fishing off Yaqiilim when ho lm.l a J4lo that wits one. An immense salmon had IiIh hook arid took htm Hying up the Bay. After hard half honr' fight ho conquered tho salmon and nulled him In. Tim salmon's flight probably wived mo uvea 01 a ootipio oi men. The; were In a I ion l ami neither coulil swim, w hen the boat sprung a leak with n big hole and was just sinking when ho got to them and gut them lulu hi Ixjiit. Voposed Bicycle Ordinance. Hero U a good aenso foundation fur n Mcyelu ordinance t Restrht tho riding oa certain stroui ax now provided, bull not on tho other at all. except nt night without light alter H o'clock from Oclo-1 W I to April I and after l o'clock from April 1 to October 1. Anything else will tiu contusing. Make no restrictions aa to tho streets. Keep riding within rcaaou ilile limit a to speed and make every rider responsible for carelessness, giving Pidestrhwi preference on sidewalks, urthor require all now sidewalks to bo tight feat In width io that thoro will be Mum for nil. Then enforce tho ordin no. 'ilia bicycle it a permanent Insti htllun. there in onoln Hourly every family in tho city and several in sume.end it must nave up-to-date privileges ami at tiio Mine timo necessary restrictions. l-ii tu have an ordinance that will ilo justice to tho moitt people, protecting pedcstrl- n as wen aa giving riders ni't-cixnry privileges according to our climate and tuirouudiiig. Cilifurnl.t n'to Iim it iinoraintiea. A lnwye.i , thut atttto hn w ritten to an Aihany iua icn of tho peace Imitiiring if I Certain man ha tiled a petition In wnkruptcy in hin court. There t not attorney in Oregon w ho doc not ttlow that jilitliceii have nothing to do ttlii bankrupt proceeding under V. 8. ',atiite. II. 8. Muloiu y went do u to the rail mtd croHHing near l,fiiynto the tint of U'C week to mirvey the place wiiero ir. Watt wn ii ink by a train aeveral month ii C". The docuor'a ut for dam Uin i coming nil (or trial thl term of wurt. and hurveyor Malonov line oeen ertuauoil to make a pint ( the acene oi tin? accident fur uite at tho trial. Me- Miiiuvllle T. K. A cement walk around the court houao Mock i the pnH-r tiling. It would pay in the loeg run, ami would no In keep Id with the ri'leud'd broking court boute. A tiitvi4 man from New Voik ua in Albany ial evening. John ti. 1'orr, a promiiidtit SaU-m man died yeatoruay, oi liright tiiavano A now divorce unit In Portland ia Kin- iiy lUmford agninat Charle itauttord Ilio aiiearance of Firtt treet ha Wu greatly enhanced by .tome timely Kraping. Seven Albany men left ycMerday fur tlie head aarUr of the Crablree niter timber claim and homestead. Tho JcMie Shirley Company will lie- gin a week' cngttgomcnl in Sulcni m x Monday. There are l.aU.KOO Jew In the I'ni ltd State according to the JowIhIi year book juat ioed. J. Uobbina, a Hnlein man. arretted for rising a bicycle alter dark without a iight wid content the matter. The tttt.OOO "I 8alem bond have been awarded to bidder, only tho email bid utlng accepleU, none over i.'.wu. It rained in Kaitern Wavhington all retterday forenoon fet and furloti. Hero we had fine though cloudy weather. Tho delicate touch of George Landreth ill now be felt at the Combination altop there a full corp of barber will now(be found. A curionity brought over from cat tern iWgon I a H'trillod acorn in a rock, riie re are numeroua versions as to how t got there. Hugo, a fait horse belonging to Kiger jf Curvallm, having a record of 2:18, .roppt-u dead at the atato itiiir ground yesterday. Recently when three men were ex cuted at l)awa' there were four thous and cojdes of the'daily paper sold at 2i The statesman report a goo.I deal of ttnl.l In flirt lintt VMP.Ia nf MurLn fltMinlu Stlie yard of Mr. I'avia near this city i ntiruiy iree ironi inoiu. ino nop are n Iplondid condition. The Criterion report that thetndoot ie 8t. Charle hotel in Lebanon for a butrter section of Kansas land has fall- la through. Mr. Thompson is in Kan- iua peeling the (arm. perliapa when saw the country he changed bis ilQd. Tho atato fair wllljbe opened noxt Fri- .7. Whether it will l better than recent laiiurea lor several years is it to he s. en. It la positively stated 'lit the lair is to be success this year, least by Salem papers, ana tho Pkmo- opes it will bo. .lie harvest has progressed far enough i reveal me tact mat mere is iois oi .o. w heat, and that there was a good deal i scare at one time ; but bless you, there u occasion to be scared with so much ,noous umbrageousness as pervaded the Viii8y ot awnne. -Coryplaint is made of the lateness of i.8 harvest season la the Willamette J-tlley, but it is nothing compared with in Eastorn Waslilnirton. The Wal- i Walla Statesman, says: Mr, J. P. l . i . . ir I VI' 1 1 . X reiurncu vu imim unitnuu juuu- f after a pleasant visit to Iloaaland. I says liarvesuiiK very hiucu w- id througtiout me upper country. jund Farmington not 'ia per cent of grain ia cut and in the uoivtuo vai ithaa not commenced. Harvesting fits at Garfield have arrived at The Im and have work to last them until riatmaa, and there is plenty of work I score more. i fivs Your lluwel With I'usearat. ,ily OnMinriie, our oonmipiition lorovor. 5c, if C. 0. 0, fall, oruvKlsu refund money. Lebanon. From the Criterion : David Carlln hue trndnd his property on Brldgo avenue for 100 acres of hind n CJovo county, Kansas. ' Dr, Booth left yesterday noon for Fish Lake, where h win oh I led to ice Mrs. I). L. Shaw, who Is seriously ait:l. Tho doctor Is accompanied by hia brother, J. 0. Booth. V. 1'. Shaw left yesterday for Dallas, where Im wilt open a livery hnrn. He hn had a new burn built and will have tho bent bum in Dnllna. E, F. (.'itrleton left Saturday mornlni. for Forest drove, where ho will enter tho . nenior cms oi the Pacific util vureitv. Mr. C'nrletoii In oiio of Linn county' modal voting men. and hn tho reputa tion of being one id our bunt teacher. J. W. Ilurkhnrt hit week Ihreitlicd some wheat on hi place north of town hat averaged bushels per acre. A iretty good yield, considering tlint It waa ut before tho rain and handled consid- erable before throihing, thu wasting tome. Walton C. McKeo r. turned to hi home n tin hatimfav. alter lllteen month military duly In the Philippines. Mr. McKeo wa a member of the general Held hospital, and returned to Frisco lt weea with the California boys, he Iikv ln( been discharged at Manila, Mr. Mc Keo think the island a very rich coun try, but due not think he would like living there, Mitor Moi)ti(UA of lAibuuon wa In he city today. Judito Mo;ro of thoauoremo court wn in tho city yentcrday. Charlea Warner of Bclo. hn Win In the city on a viait. Mr. Ima Monteltli. two children, and Mr. Alice Iiodd returned thia noon from a long outing at the liny. Itcv. W. W. Held and wife and Mr. 8arah llatimorti left thl mum lnr l.ili.m l.r....n b. IT..Iftiw tv.uL u.u.w ....... Frank Farrell la up street todav rfter being confined to hi home with a ' broken ankle fur several week. Ilculien Thompson will go to McMin- vlllo tomorrow preparatory to leavlmr lor llnrvntd eollego which he will enter. ico. Kldlnger, w ho ha been in Calif for some time, is in the citv. He hn not decided whether ho will remain or. not. "i At the social at the residence of Con-' rnd Myer tomorrow elt moon lea ercmti ! and cake will o served Ugmning nt ;i ' o ClOCK. j Dr. J. A. I.utiiU-rfon, of Ihanon. went to Condon this noon in reonite to a dispatch aiinouiieing the dangerous ill ness of a Sinter there. Ilnrlcy Morris, of HarrUbtirg, was brought to Albany this noon by lr. Muck ey, and a ill lie given an operation for ap p. ndtceii. by lr. Mackcy and Davis. Joe Hemberg of this city will enter Hush College of Chicago leaving next Monday. Wayno llrldueford and Prol. Mark next week will resume their studies in tho l'uriluod metiicat college. Hon. ,M. A. Miller and family, of Lob anon, siot tho day visiting In tho city. .Mr. Miller iaa prominent drugghtt In hi home town and one of Ihedomocrat war horses of Linn county. The Dalles T. M. a. it .i....i..... s s- Cisco. .Mr. Evans ia a brother of Mr. Martha Aderton of thiseitv. Flnindeal er. I'rof. Parvin came tin from r'aleui this neon on miHieitl huainos. Tho Prof. has gotten out a very neat card of tho i-u.i. i. '..i .... .. . . r " i. v.i vi ii mv oi ino llltlior BOO II relative minor scale in all the orincinal kevs and thu dom rn, I 1 lie social and entertainment at the residoneo of Mr. Conrad Meyer will le given tomorrow afternoon beginning at 3 o'clock, continuing during the evening. I Tho proceed will be for the benefit of. the Ulster. Khool Everybody invited. juugo carton anuuoinmissionora curl wphm i-iii io Eugene uKiay vo in-, er, mat ing it impossible to transfer dis speet the new court house and particu-, esse germs as the lineo Is all new and mi i, iv lurnuuni m im a view io scioct- ing mo itirniiure lor Albany new structure.'.which by the way will lie one of tho finest looking court houses on tho coast. Traveling passenger agent Jones and aveling freiirht agent Lonsburv of tlie .... .. e. "k'eni insuury oi uie 8 P.. old employees of that road, huva ueeVUTbeTirTOrinrreercS' K peciai uepartmcnts, which are 1 win if I ao ofllclontly taken care of. Not only ia thero big passonger business but the freight department is crowded, just now with large shipments of lumber. Miss Morgiana' II. Dunham has re signed her position in the Astoria school to accept a position to teach history and rhetoric in the 8th grade of the public school of Fresno, Cal. The Modford Mail of Sent 8th, Mays : "E. II. Dunham and son. Edward A., of Talent, wore In Men ford Tuesday upon businoas. The jun ior Mr. Dunham has but recenty re turned from attendance at tho Kenyon Military Academy at Camber, Ohio. The young man was accompanied upon his roturn by hia sister, Miss May 8. Dun ham, who has been stopping for the past year :n Philadelphia. In sending his son to a military school Mr. Dunham displays a sonso of fathertv interest which that son in after years will more fully appreciate and which will always treasure with him the parent's memory. Nothing so prepares a young man for the multiple duties of life as a military training." List of Patents. - r Granted to Northwest inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0.: G F Earheart, Lafayette, Or., road grader and ditcher: O 0 Fenlason, Ho qulam, Wash., collapsible fruit-basktt; s Bamson, Taeoma, Wash., mop-wringer ; M E Welch, Portland.Or., book-support. For copy of any of the above patents tend 10 cents in postage stamp with date of this paper fo 0. A, Snow & Co., Washington, D. C. Yellow Crawford peaches can now be found at rr,owyrii.'s, Tr.dSt Fresh Oysters at Stetter's, Albany's Leading Restaur ant. Oysters by the pint or Leading Restaurant. quart st the F1UDAY Knrska Harness Oil I th bMt prravrvatlva r now lMllir nit tho lil rvnovHlor c.l old hlUllHT. It IMiflOM., ,JM'H- naua .roto.:U. Vtm Euroka Harness Oil on your tit hrnM, your oM Imr du, mirl jwiir (wrrluK ti, nil tin-y will lull only i,lc bvtu-r Hut WMf lier. HiiivryihMlo pn-ll Hum from lilf ,lni i nv Kalluua. 4. hf T4IM Mil, IO. Scio. Kroin the New: MIh Maniihi Hehepe, of Alhany I In Hi lo ihit week viltlng with Mr. (Jeomfl H.l!ll.. Mr. I,. K. Illdln of Albany waf in thu city lt 8turdy visiting the la-nily of J . 8. Morrl. I'rofi Walker andMmlth of th Albany i-olleue ware in thlaclty 8turdy In the interest of that chuol. Mr. Kd. (Join wover from Albany 8alnrdHy, vUlting wiib her brother, Frank Uutcher of thii place. Young Mro. who live near thl place, thi wek threahed nine acre of white winter wheat, which yielded ) buihela rer a-re. A orettv itauii viehl of linn grain. I Mr. E. K. Uriinore, manager of the .Northweii Flax and Fiber aocilion hair rntedlheJ. A. Sil)eu place and 1 will move hi family here from Portland In a few day. 1 The 9 year old son of Mr. aim Mr. II. C. Miiler had the miifortune to fall over a down wira at Mrtr'a hoo virtiiit iuunusr niiiainir lis liatid n itittli t am ..,..1 . it t. . . . . to I reak both hone of the arm above he wrist, and doub!li. the hand back on Iho arm Ira A. Phelps proprietor of The News lias gone loio the 11 harvesting Inisi ncss for an outing. He I chief engineer and fireman with the N. W. Hax A FIW Ansocialioii'a new threshing outfit and for a thou lime en he found In the flax flelds.meantinie E. C. Phelps will Le at the ollico and have charge of The ..ew. IsioxNice Hoys. Albany has some in genie boy. Among other are John Uurkhart and IM Hgue who have just completed a fine model ol the much talked oi yacht Columbia which is to soon uphohi America's coloisinthe grett animal racn with toe Shamroca of Eiis-IsdJ. It J splendidly made model and is attracting a good e"eal ofattention i summing orog store. it and gr an niea oi the kind of craft about which toete is so much talk all over the world , roKHKa Albsv Max. "Kid" Moore the morphine fiend, who was arreited yesterday morning under suspicion of Dk ving siarted the Are nadir the laun ry building, wa tried before Kecordt UVf" ,hl' "'O'n'ng far vagrancy, as the evidence was insuihcient to warrant his me, and he ays in the citv a i me exnration oi t iiat t im. ho wiil probably lie invited to leave Ittwn on v uuwer md u it not iiaeiv mat any oie outside of the city mareha'l will turn oui io te mm go. Iho ualles T. M. w ,rB m open .uonuay lor ma trim al . in an. I r,.r...-l'. f 1 .. ",""' " ..'5"? ' .on T"Jr " i1""""!" i ueuver tne au- present from Albany and other place, The occasion will be made one of special interest to all present. t J'edrlck the ii. .ii ., . heir hands before shaving each custom- . ireeiy usad. John Doe, T. Sural and 0. D..niels were yesterday fined 2.0 each by City Recorder N. J. Judan tor riding unllght ed bicycles. 01 the ten arrests tliat have . bcen mtd8 for . -- ;-- - ell.t has been detained and fined. Saiem statesman. Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Tbur Grocers MARRIED. ROBIN ETTMcLANE. On Sept. 12. at Hasel Dell, Lane county, at the res idence of the bride's parents, by Rev. McAllister, Mr. Volney Robinett, of Shedd, and Miss May McLane, daugh ter of Thomas McLane. They have the best wishes of many, a young couple who deserve life's best blessings, CLEM WEEKS. On Sunday, Septem ber 3rd, 1899, at Tekoa, Washinton, Mr. N. B. Clem and Miss Maud Weeks. The groom is a son of Hon. J. Clem of this county. He is a graduate of tne State JNorraat school at Monmouth and is now principal of the Endicott public schools. The bride is an estimable young lady of Eastern Washington. They have the best wishes of many Willamette val ley people. BORN. BR0vyN.-0n September 12, 1899, at Genesee, Idaho, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown, ot Spokane, a daughter, weight ten rounds. All doing i well. Albany friends extend congr&tuli-tions. Saturday. Lawyer 0. K. Hawkins of Toledo Is la the city today on business. License has Issued for the marrlsen nf Tho. Hhorwood and Miss liosa King. Mr. Horace Htovall, the riding young author of Corvallis was in the city thir. noon. Miss Ora Withers, of Ml. Tabor, Port land, is In the tily li e guest ol Mrs. It. 11. Montague Miss Ella Mead returned this noon from a viait with the family oi Mr. W hitney at 8umml'. A. L. fc'hreve of tho Stayton Electric Light Co., ha ben appointed engineer at the deaf mute scLuol. Mis IIoIih of the public schools is ex pected io Albany tonight from her vaca tion spent in Eastern Oregon. Miss Maud Crosby having secured a position in the Portland schools ha re signed her place in the Albany schools. Cspt. Moon of C Co , of Eugene is aisotngaget" In the hip Held, and the other Eugene young men are nearly all engaged at somttbing from ranching to studying theology. Charles Mcknight of Lebanon has gone to eastern Oregon in the interest of the Modern Woodmen of America, of which he is au organizer. H. Kider Hairard the famous Enelbh novelist is on his wsy to the Atlin mines after gold. Ferhans the world will be itiven another sensational of the novel '.She' order with the scene laid In Alaska 8. E. Trask.tho stationary and book man at Corvallis has sold a half Intrest 0' his Stock to Mhs feettlemfre reeentlv of Tangent and tho company will hence forth bo known aa Traak & 8ettlemire. The operation for aDoendieltison liar- ley Morris of If arris burg was perform -w yesterday afternoon by Dia.Davis and Mackey, aim toe indications ar-j that the young wan will recover. Willard A. Elkins. the will kooan artist and member ol company C, Sec ond Oregon, arrived today from Dallaa in resume bis studies at the Divinity school. Eugene Guard. .Mrs. liansome It. Brown of Portland has been in the city the cuest of tier mother Mrs. 8tJ"hn, returning home today. Mrs liroan is a teacher in the schools of Portland and Mr. Brown Bear that eiiy. jiooen ana in iiiirkiiart tave re turned f'otn their ttin to the Sodas. here they had ircod luck klllioe; deer. now many it has been impossible to learn altrr a couple of days lnvestiga tion. Hon. R, A., was up the street last evening and called at the Dkiiocrat oUice with a bunch of wheat from the farm of his brother Ben., of Jordan val ley. It is as nice looking wheat as one sees, and yet Mr. Irvine had 2500 bush els on the farm from which this wai taken that was rejected as firtt class wheat. Stayton's rooathly electric light bill is (10.40. There will he preaching In the Episco pal church next Habbalu mornicg, to which a'l are invited. The typos on the Stayton Mail all reft for the hop field and the editor had to set the paper alone The round trip to tho state fair will be only 1.20from this city. The noon train w ill remain at the fair grounds each day until 5 o'clock. J. II. Ross has sold theJLincoln County Leader to tho Editor ef the YaquinaTug and the two papers will e combined, retaining the name of the Leader. A letter was received in Albany today from Chicago with a big bead of Dewev in the corner and the words, "If not called for the person named please hand to some friend ot Dewey." W. F. Wolf, Frana Roes, and John Chambers recently of Maryland, have taken up two claims in the Sabtiam diitrict, the Maryland and the Syndi cate. C. W. Walts sent to Governor Geer from Sea tile while on his way bacic to Dawsou a gold nugget in the chape of a bug mounted for use, hence a gold bog. A gold bug will wear s gold bug. At a congregational meeting of the First Presbyterinn church, held last evening the aalary ot Pastor W. S. Gil bert was raised from $800 per annum to $1,000, unanimously without consulting Mr, Gilbert. Eugene Guard. Mr. Culver, of Crook county, an Al bany man many years ago, who recent ly csrae across the mountains by the McKeoxie loute, ssvs that road is the worst in the United .States, in fact is no road at all. Prof. Martindala is making arrange rrents for a course of popular lectures for the public schools during thejwioter, SDmetbiog that will be 'generally com mended and should be liberally patron ised. It will give our citizens an oppor tunity of bearing President Strong of the state university and others. Speaking of the collapsing of the barn at Scio the News says: It was only an old shed roof, and did not collapse at all. The men were in nofdanger and none were hnrt. As to Scio being unfortun ate as to buildings falling down the fact ia they fall down so as to be out of the way of erecting new and more com mod ioua structures. The Forest Grove Hatchet says that the selling of liquor by three drugg!sts in that healthy little town has become no torious, and calls upon the officials to en force the ordinance against such sales or to provide for licensing saloons, so the business shall contribute to bearing the expenses ot the town. (n the London Graphic of August 19th there appear many pictures from its am ateur phot-graphic competition. They were received from Holland, Switzer land, oilier parts of Europe, and also from people in the United States. It tell to the lot of an Oregoniaa, however, to receive the third prize. Sh is Mrs. Myra Albert WiggiDs.ot Salem. "Hun ger 1st Dar Beste Koch" is the subject. It represents a winsome baby, seated at the home-made kitchen table, deeply in terested in its bowl of bread and milk. Telegram. ' The t ao hobos doing street work yes Urdav made their escape from the street superintendent, but were afterwards! captured in s box ear and today were put to work with.ball and chain attach- nients. ISOCIAL ANDJPERSONAI.. Judge Barton went to Salem this noon Billy Parker and family went to the Bay today after salmon. Frank Hackleman Las returned from a trip to Eastern Oregon. New comi rs to Albany are II. J. Her mes and family of Oklahoma. License ban been ia.ued for the mar rlageofC E. Hiuttand Miss Delia John. Owen Beam gave a party last night imoiensely enjoyed by a large tinmberof hi friends, Mr, Geo. Bruce hasopenedan office in the Cusick block, where he will do insor arce business and attend to collections. Mrs, Dr. Poley and daughter Winnie of Lebanon are visiting at the home of the sister of the former, Mrs. L. C. Mar shall. C. H. Burggr-ff has gone to Moro to superintend the building of the new courinouso, lie will be gone only a few days. Mrs. O'Brien of Independence, and child are in the city the guests of the former's father Mr. Glblin of the St. Charles. Mr- Robert Crawford. Albany's enter prising capitaliat, returned this noon from a trip to the Bay, where he reports me weamer exceedingly col l. Hon. M. A. Miller, deoufv orsranixer for Oregon, returned this noon from trip to The Dalles acd other Eastern Oreeoo towos in the interest of this rapidly growing order. Sam Harteock. of Oakland. Miss Per kins of Corbett, Robert Smica of Rose- burg, and Miss Edith VanUyke of Med- ford have arrived in the city ready for the opening of the college next week. A tastily gotten uitea party given by iumm vene irvinz yesieruav auernoon. attended by twelve orufteen lady fr ends. i tie appointments were very artistic. Miss Sue Howard a resident cf Albany a good many years ago. has been in the city, while on her way to Snohomish irom the east w here she has been the past year or two. Miss Helen Crawford, of the O. A. C, returned this noon from Chicago wbete she has been levera. months taking epectal course in the Columbia school of oratory. She will remeio. in Albany over Sunday. Congressman Tongue has secured position (or Harry Hotgate of Corvallis in the census oilice at Washington, at salary of about (1200, lo brgin next spring and it i probable to last teveral years. ill Morr's, of I Co., who received bi dischage in Manila, aad who remained there after the departure of the teziment retaining a position in the commissary departnient.arrived home this morning alter a sate trip, and in splendid health. Mr. John Chamberlain, who ia em ployed in the pattern department ol Woiff A Zwicker's iron works at Port land , informs nsthat he will soon return to Dallas, and posh the manuiactnre acd sale of his patent burial vadlta. These vaults are constructed of cement, are com pant! vely inexpensive, and will doubtless find a ready sale. Dallas Ob server. A farmer Albany man. The social given by the ladies of the Catholic church for the benefit of the Ulsters school, at tbe residence of Mr. Conrad Myer, last evening was a success ful affair, well attended by Albany people and by fifteen oi twenty from Corvallis. A delicious lunch was served and there was music during the evening. The pretty lawn was tastily decorated and lighted with Chinese lanterns- The Rebekshs gave a cobweb social last evening at their hall made eojoy- ablo by many novelties. A pleasing proji'tim was well presented and coueist- ed ol a piano solo by Luliao Urenner, a reading by C.ara Gam, a vocal solo br Orpha drown, a piano solo by Eva Hud son and w cake walk by Frank Patterson and Bessie Parker. A palatable lunch was then seived. Oswald West, who has spent the rea son in the Atlin mining regions re turned last evening. He was met in Se attle by Mrs. West, accompanied him home. Os says that's the the prettiest country he ever saw, and expects to re turn some day, but thinks Salem is a pretty good place to stay. He will re sume hia old position ot paying teller in tho Ladd and Bush bank. Salem Journ nal. TOTEM CLCB PARTY, The Totem Club, composed of the party that recent lv made tlie trip to Al aska from this city, tow it : Judge tnd Mrs. Flinn and daughter Miss Ora, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Young, Rev. Stevenson and Elliot and 0 em Irvine, lest evening gave a party at the home of Mr. Young, in otder to give their friends an oppor tunity to receive some of the enjoymect ot the trip with them. This was done by the showiug of one hundred filteen fine views taken on the trip covering sit the points cf interest from Seattle to White Pass and the wonderful Muir glaciers, the dhplay of a splendid collect ion of Alaska curios from an Indian's curious doll to the skin of a large black Alaskan wolf, al. of which, pictures and and curios were fully explained by mem bers ot the party, and by the presenta tion of s written report by Rev. Steven son, vivid in its portrayal of tbe things seen and grandiloquent in Us presenta tion of Alaska aa the home of the grandest and most sublime scenery in tho world, besides which Aiagara, Switierland, tbe Alps and manv others ot like fame piled high upon each other, would present but a mere Dlavthins: Messrs. Young and the Irvine Brothers assisted by O. E. Sox gave a serenade and in costume pre sented "Johnny Smoker" in a mirth provoking manner. Purser' tickets were presented tne gentlemen, oenoimg moir sitting and with the name of their part ners Gnrlstian name at the bottom with tbe letters mixed, to be learned by cor rect arrangement. The table was ar ranged in steamship style with heavy dishes, castors, etc., and with menu cards secure! on tbe Uity oi lopeaa oy members of the party, just how has not been learnod. The cards called for Ketchican and Klllslosonp; polar bear, reindeer, Siberian wolf and Klondike salad hot meats, totem poles, sliced con centrates and husky tongue cold meats; Yukon currents, Treadwell pies, Muir glacier ice and nuggetts lor pastry. It was s delicious lanah nicely served by Totem members in steamboat style. The party of forty or fifty ycung people ad- jonrneJ delighted wttn we manner ia which tney nau doth tuwium jj Totem camera nenu ana mij geu- iU8es, HOME AND ABROAD. Have Prof. Stark fit your eyes. In novelties Will & Stark lead. Call at the Sugar Bowl for frese. fruit Open till 12 o'clock p. m. at Sletter's. FiesbfruitatYfereck'aftn lore. Oysters cooked any way yon wish at Stetter's. STOVES and Tinware at Ohllng & Ilulburt's. Leave your order foe at Stetter's. Garden Hose and Lawnmowers at Ob- ing a iiuiourt s. Oysters opened eih rrtr at ih Leading Restaurant. French the Jeweler of engagement and wedding rings. Jf resh Sodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, st Burkhart ALee's. For Sale. trord esrnetinir. 3.1 ivnls nut yard, by T. 8. Alexander, east end ot 8th street. Prof. Stark, of Will A, fitarV K in Albany until the 20th, and those wishing their eyes tested and fitted In s prut ciaM manner, will do well to call on. mm. ne guarantee satisfaction. Under a new rule & P. unie on tl S. P. can have their choice ot offices ac cording to tbe time they have served the company The Zigzag Club ill ziszas ton lob t under the mocn westward over the stilt waters of tbe Calapooia, leaving the city about 7 o'clo:k. The report from Independence. Is that mold has appeared there in tte hon yards to such an extent that some of tbe yards are being abandoned. A petition is being circulated, anltintr tbe postal authorities to establish a post office at 'he Borrell place on Hamilton creen, wnere Air. .Loolburrow s store Is located. L. A. Mrs. Fayne Moore Straban through her attorney is making an effort in New York to secure a new trial for her bus band on tbe grounds of new evidence exonerating him. The contract for the new sewers for Corvallis was let last night to Howard & Stevenson ol Portland for $9033.87 on the city work and to J. B. Stemmooa on the college sewer for $2209.64. Three new cases have been begun this week in the circuit court: Wm. Savage agt II . B. Mover, to clear title; John Bradley agt. A. Mercy, et si. partition, and John Meinert agt. A. 0. Wisbard. Weatl.ercrd 4 Wyatt attorneys in each case. J. G. Crawford is filling an order for 50 views of northwest scenery. Albany photographers are op-to-date, not only filling their local demands well, but get ting a reputation for securing some of the finest pictures of northwest scenery taken. Yesterday was the opening da of the fair, but practically the opening occar ed today. The features were to be . be sides the exhibits base ball between Chemawa and Woodburn, P.-of. Earls ton's balloon ascension, a railroadmen's horre race of nncra'ned animals includ ing a chariot race and the regular run ning races and trots. Albany college will open next week for the years work nnder the most favor able auspices in its history, the outlook being good for tbe largest attendance yet enjoyed by this splendid institution. Students will be here from fields never before covered. The faculty has been enlarged to meet tbe increased attend ance and every department will be in efficient hands. Dr. Booth returned Wednesday even ing irom t ist lake, where be bad been called to attend Mrs. D. D. Shaw. He reports that he found the lady very sick, but thinks she is now out of danger and on the road to recovery. J. C. Booth accompanied him the round trip in 32 hours, going up in 10 hours, stooped 4 hours at the lake, and peturned in 12 hours. The distance each way is 65 miles. He changed teams and drivers at Upper Soda. Lebanon E. A. A Fink Statement. The statement of the First National Bank published else where is the best in tbe history of tbe bank, showing totals tor the first time of over half s million dollars, and deposits of almost $400,000. It shows a safe and conservative condition of affairs. This is one of the best managed banks on the coast, the large increase in busi ness also speaking for the growth of Al bany's commercial interests. I Hats Fees if it is necessary o use asceptic in a barber shop. I would say, yes; but my customers are all dis infected, so I do not need to nee anv.acd I take a bath regularly, which helps con siderable. Loris Visrkck, Shaving and Hair Cutting Parlor, 2nd street. Roscoe Bryeon left vu tbe west Bide tJain Saturday enroute to New York where he will enter Columbia college law school. He will take a three year's course. Rock is intelligent and studi ous and is sute to succeed. Corvallis Times. Picking begun in the Miller hop yard Wednesday with a full crew of hands. Jeff Cieel, the handsome Syracuse blond is yard boss, and is onto his job. Jeffer son Review. The Corvalii Union says the Gellatly threshing machine recently threshed 850 bushels ol wheat in two hours and thiee quarters. Alan R. Blackburn yesterday filed a mining claim in the county cleark's otlice known as the Maple Leaf, and located in the Gold Creek district on tho Santiam river. The claim shows gold, silver and copper. Salem Statesmen. The Ladies. The pleiisantf fleet and perfect safely with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs, uuder all conditions, makes it their favor ite remedy To get tbe true atd genuine article, look for tbe name of the California Fia Sjrop Co. printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all drnggists It is a singular taste that cannot be suited in the varied tnd large selection of jewelry at Will & Stark's, The best goods and reasonable prices.