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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1899)
Our 1899 Jackets, (apes and Furs are S E Younf k Son A High Grade Coffee The flavor of which never changes. It is stimul ating and soothing. A trial will convince you of its merits. It is Jas Heekins & Co's Celebrated For Sato by McFeron & We make a specially of COFFEE And Guarantee all we sell. At the -OUK nn:i fa Well men 0 Takea place Wci'no dy, Sept. 20, and will be continued oxer Thursday Pattern Hats, Bonnets and M A Urge (bowing of the season's Fashionable Headwear. All are Invitee lo alto id. L. E. & H. J. if' "MK iV--i 'V. rw i on sale. High Grade Cincinnati Roast lomfinson Bazaar penins illinery Novelties. best atylos in HAMILTON. Call on F. MJ French The Jeweler, If you want a first class wa rh. We have a large line of Mckle, Silver, Gold-tilled and Solid Gold Watches, that we bought for cash, and we are giving our cus tomer the ben fit of Ihe extra discount, ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RINGS a ttpoclAlty. Summer Cooking ia made a pleasure by the use ol the Quick Meal blue flame oil atovc. It is the moet conven ient, simple, economical and easily managed of any cook Id g apparatus niaJe, and will bake, boil, broil or roast, and is sure to give thorough satisfaction. STEWART & SOX HDW. CO. .WEDNESDAY. SOCIAL ANDPERSONAL Loto Crahtree liai entered the colleii at Forest Grove. Mm. Chan. Ctialek of K alcm I In the city the gumt of her mother and lister, Mis Idn Maxwell went to Corvalli any. t'uii noon on visit with friend there. Hon. J. H. l'eery of near Sclo, ha bu ntleijitlnjf lo business In the city today. Mri. E. f. Ouaick hue gone'to Seatile to he with her father Judge Piper, w bo If seriously ill. Ir. Vard Littler ! out after confine. mem t hie heme for the past month with typhoid lever. Pi. Hill relumed from Seblast even Inur w here he hud been to attend Mr Uedmond n old lady who fell and broke ilia r.iji joint. TheU. A. C.will have to o'ar ball this tear without the aatistance of the great rap liayarea. lf ha accepted a posi lion else where. Dr. J. A. JjimUrfcon returned tlila noon Ironi hie trip to hastern Oregon, here he had beeu culled by the ecriou illnra of hn sister. J. b. .Mci'vrev, me telephone man who b ii bn In Voj county a slellng n putting in evra! new aystem", ha retarned home. A O. fieam returned thii noon from the Hay with a floe string of talmon trout. Mr Beam la becoming an expert at thif kind of tithing. Mr. Geo. M. Pavne a making a new houao of the residence recently porcba ed by him of Mr. Scbram, among the improvementa going on in the city. Mite Pet Hmitb retarned to her home to Lebanon lust evening accompanied by Mite rauiine Adam ot hilensoorg, Wtih., who arrived on the noon train. Itev. II. F. Wallace, pastor of the U. P. in Eat Portland' haa resign ed and will to east called there by the ilc tti of a eialer wlioae estate demand hie attention. Mie. A. L. Lamb bar gone to Daw eon to lo Alba oin her huahand alter a visit ith any friendi. On her first 'trip Mrs.;b lor a while received IjO a week in a reataurant. U. 8. Senator Thue. Carter and Gov. Ii. B Smith, of Montana, the latter ac companied by hit staff, pateed through Albany urn week on their way to ban Krancieco to welcome the returning Montana volunteer, from Manila. G. W. Taylor au'd Jamea Keel return ed laet night from a bicycle trip to Port land, going on SaturJav. Mr. Taylor report the patha beyond Salem in fine condition and ii an enthusiastic path man. Tlie return of Rev. W. J. Fenton to Albuny by the conference at Grants l'aei with lull tw;o at Albany, la greatly appreciated by the niemhera of the church he'o. Itev Ken ion has done a good work here tho part year, besides greatly improving the church property in organization a now in excellent con dition for the coming ycara work. Monday evening last being the twenty fifth wadding anniversary of Cnief of fo lic Lee and wile, a surprise w-aa ten dered them by the member of the Beu lab Kebekah Looge, at tha Odd Fellows Halt, at which an impromptus program; was rendered the most interesting and amusing of which waa two .vocal eoloe rendered by Mrs. Lee unconsciously eo tertelnins herself. A beautiiul china salad set and cracker jar were presented and the usual refreshment served. . County Convention. The W. C. T. U. will hold it's Annual County Convention at Main view on the 27th and 28th of this month. Linn county has done excel'ent work this year, increasing its membership an even hundred. At the beginning ef the year tho state president offered as a prixe to the county showing the largest increase in member ship, iter service for a lecture free of charceatthe county convention, and old Linn carries off the honor, as usual. While the day sessionr will be full of good things tlie evenings win be gems. Wednesday eveniug there will be a '"Ma trona Contest" and on Thursday even ing Mrs. Narcisaa W. Kinney will deliv er an address. All are invited to these meetings. Henrietta Knows, Co. Tress Supt. Woodmen Reception. Modern Woodmen, Royal Neighbors, attention. '.there will be a joint meeting of 'he two camps on Saturday evening 2:ird inst. at 8 p. m.. for Ihe purpose of ten derlng a reception to the members of Ihe camp recently roturned from Manila. There will be with us on that evening State Deputy Miller, and Stats Organ iser Johnson. All members of the Mod ern Woodmen are requested to be at tneir nan promptly al 7 o clock as im portant matters will come before the camp before the reception v isiting member are respec. fully Invited to be present. UOMMiTTEK or Arrangements. Fall Opening Of Pattern hats and sailors on Thurs day and Friday at Mr. Ashby'a. Also a full line of tur Capes and Col- ars. Call one and all. No trouble to show goods. Some special sales in trimmed goods. The flag yield around Scio this year ia reported very (mall, being only two to five buhela per acre where fiftetn was expected. For it though the farmer gettfla bushel- rnder contract. Tbe bbre was almost an entire failure. Lose no time in calling on Will & Stark for the best watches, guaranteed time Keepers, aim taae your time id uuy ing. It is a pleasure to show their goods. White Clover Honey, 10 cts. rer lb. at C. E.15rownell s. Yellow Crawford peaches can tow be fnnnil at Show keil'b, Ind St HOME AND ABROAD. Ktigene city haa hnilt a rock crnahlns Quintal a cost of $1,748. Jerry Shea of onion fame ham l.An In the city today. The reported lela of tha fltrhmoi ,. tel lo Mr. Hoag wan not consummated. A Corvallls naner hnaaiaii,! i .t u half a cent more in that city than in Alb- The two tiamria n,VI na mil ta lta ball Blid Chain, bftdta tha t.alla riff mnA lit out. A godesa of liberty la to aland on the court houce tower with acalea in band ready to meet out justice. Ralem baa a case pronounced by some of the phjilcianaaa small pox. bnt it la probably only chlnken pox. There have been scare all over Oregon from chicken pox on account of Ignorance In ma matter. M' K Will of Ky recuse precinct 3 raiavu uiiy uuaueia to tne arre oj tea acresof wheat, weight meaiure, and tne re.t of hi crop yielded big. Mr, Will ba good oil and fa-m well. C. M. Collier has cued Charlet Bran- eeu, P. J. Jennings and K.J. Jennings in the circuit court of Lane county for damages on account of an assault by one o( tha member of the flrmjwhile making " -mining property. W.C. uaie is attorney tor the plaintiff. The open season for Chinese pheasants will begin on October 1, which fall on bunday. Several sportsmen who do not hunt on that day are anxious lest alt the birds shall be killed before Mon day. Hut it is probable some of the birds wi!lbo left. Telegraph Operator Josenh Furdom at Alhrna, prevented a disastrous smash- up a lew dayi sgo by catching a string ol runaway car and anulvinir the brake time to control them. Ha tried four urates before he got one that would work. The runawav would have met a delayed pastenger train near the foot of the grade. The Lebanon K. A. ava:l!nn Ualnh K Johnson, a talented Nebraska orator, will make a series of speeches through out the state in the interest of the Mod ern Woodmen of America, the leading fraternal order of Ihe world. Its mem. bersbip has increased 100.000 since last January, The Marshfieid Pun aivs this reliable Cape Nome item :Mr. Joseph Fox re ceived a letter from her husband, who i in the Cape Nome mininz district in a lasaa, wnicn brings ttie good news ol oin lit) Lets having struck it rirb in the mines lo tbat locality. The letter says mat Tbibbets cleaned up 110,000 in 28 dar with a rocker, also that Mr. Tib bet will come out soon and spend the winter in a more temperato climate. BeMdea having one of the finest reel dencc in the valley Father Metayer is to make an improvement that will be appreciated by a large number of people, that of nutting a fine town clock in tbe tower of bia residence, one with a strik er tbat will be beard all over the city This though should not in any way atop th introduc ion of one in tbe court house tower, which will not be complete w i bout ii MARRIED. CLEM SERF LING. In Albany, at the residence ol Mre. J. M. Irving, by Rev. II. L. Heed, on Wednesday noon, Sep tember 20, 1899, Mr. N. Ii. Clem and Miss Maggie feerfiing. The happy couple are two of Linn county's estimable young people who de serve Ihe happinets acd eocevss which they will no doubt secure. They have the beat withes of many. That Tooth needs attention. Remember it cap be filled or extracted without pain br DR. ADAMS. New Goods in All Lines. GftougWful Careful clothing buyers never consider quality alone, or price alone. Its the happy union so fully met with right here that strikes home . to our consciousness like a bullet from a rifle. You know this make I At the BLA.iN CLOTHING Company' Millinery Opening. Mia Ball will on Thursday and Ftir day, Sept. Hit and 22nd, display her usual line o fine millinery, to which she most cordially invite the ladie of Al. vaoy. EiKApua F Htm tub Caoiv-Three lin net end one yeilew bird with spot on aide of neck. The finder will please In form Mia Maky Blocxt. Cor 6th. andat. B. at. The Ladles. The pleatant ffect and perfect safefv with which ladies may use Syrup of Kigs, under all conditions, makes it their favor ite remedy. Jo get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California rigByrop Co. printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all droggists' We lead with 70,000 We lead with' nearly 70,000 prescriptions on file, without a single mistake being recorded against nr. Your preccription at cor store will receive prompt and careful attention. Our Syrups, Tinctures and Extracts are np to the standard, always fiesh, being made from tbe beat drng tbat money can bny. When you are sick yon shcnl' bave the best and yon get the best from us. H F. Mcllwain's Cash GENERAL HERCHANDISE--- Great Expansion Sale Particular. 25 25 20 22 80 20 yds. Fancy Calico " New Outing Flannel... Cabot W. Muslin " Ginghams " Standard Calico Good Rooler Towling.. Ladies Union Sui Men's Heavv Winter Underwear. Men's Underwear. 25 35, 60 to Ladies Kid Shcs, New Toe 10x4 Gray and White Blankets Oregon All Wool Blankets Men's Full Stock Shoes , i;hildrens School Shces, 76 to 6 pr. Mrn's Seamless socks 3" " Wtol Socks 181P8. Beet Granulated Sogar . . . . .... 8 " inoire ltoiiea uais. . Sugar Cure Bacrn, per lb W 6 Iba Schillings Mocha & Java Coffee, 100 10 papers Portland Koait Coffee 1 CO 1 lb. Schilling's Tea 45 Granulated Sngar, per Sack 5 45 8Jbs. Choice Beana 2' Pail Extra Quality Syrup 0 All Branda Beet Floor, pr sack 75 9 lie. Lion Coffee - 100 - 10 bars Savon hoap 25 20 lbs. Cuoice Ri-e 1 0"' 16 ot. Plug Starr Tobacco .. Trunks, Telescopes, Valices, great cut in price. aiclwain'sTheCut Price Store Tho Weather. Tonight and Thursday, fair stationary teioperature. River 1. ft feet. F. M. Faittcii , , 1. Dispavmaa The watches and price In French' dis play window apeak for themselves. War guarantee every watch we sell. It ia a singular taste that cannot bm mited in the varied rnd large selectio of jewelry at Will & Stark', The be. , good and reasonable price. Water Melons, sweet ard tleliciosav on band daily at C. E. Bkowskll'sl Oyster by the pint or Leading Restaurant. quart at tatr Burkhart & Lee. Store.... in Every 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00' I 00' 1 00 fO' SO 1 '0 : .. 1 75 73- 2 85 1 1 25 25 25 - 1 00 AC Satisfaction In clothing explains our clothing success I We want your views on our new Fall Trouser showing With confidence wt invite your examina tion, court your criti cism and await your verdict. Coming in?' THC LABCL OFTHC FAMOUS- .'i . GUARANTEED CLOTHINO. s