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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1899)
" Mr. Tongue. ' Secretary Kincald of th Eugene Jour- sl gets sarcastic as follows : To a man up a tree it look if the llM. Thos. II. Tongue may a well lay trie political prayers. It would be an itiM itep In renominating him. Tbia all republican of this congressional dis trict know full well. Woodburn Independent. What 1 the matter with Tongue lan't La a "good republican T" Didu' hm "stand on the platform" and appeal eloquently to the voter) to save the coaatry and prevent chaoi and universal rain, by sustaining it, as long a it de clared that the republican by tradition and interest favored the coinage of silver ea equality with goll? Didn't he favor CO remonetization of silver as long as the republicans used that issue to get it oo? Didn't he turn a double hand ' avringaud light square on his feet and into his present office, on the U rover .-Cleveland p'attojm.the same as McKin ley end ail .the rest ol the gang now in "office did, as soon as the head of all the trusts and Syndicates struck silver out f the republican platform and substitu ted the English Cleveland gold standard jr ith International bimetallism attached to deceive and catch votes T And didn't fee abandon the international bimetal fraud as soon as the votes were captured and the head ol tbe trusts gave orders to drop it? Verily, Thomas is the best kind of a republican. He is several de crees better than the "benevolent asslm i'ator," who was far more active as a silver champion and as a critic of Cleve svads gold standard policy, which he and his follower now etand on. Be is a McKinley republican politician, lie is -an able man and a splendid orator. As long as the faction of the republicans exho went over to ths gold standard democrats and in partnership with them , aow monopolize the offices ana the party name, can control the voters, '.the lion . arable Thmaa H. Tontue isa good man . t9 keep oo deck. He can be relied on to obey the commands from headquarters -every lime whether they be to go ahead or turn back. Of such stuff are success ful politicians made. Tbomaa II. ToDgueaad Wm. McKinley are suc cesses. And there are others. A te egram from Kerth Yakima says that Deputy Collector Nichols bas called - ea the merchants of the city and requir ed Ibem to put revenue stamps on the hop tickets in their possession received from . pickers for merchandise.. Heretofore 'tickets, although showing on tbeir face 1 they were not transferable, have passed - from band to band as freely as coin of realm. Tba stamp requirement will probably doaway with the use of tickets. It ia sincerely to be hoped that this ml sac will not be enforced in Oregon or any where else. 'After wobbling around the question ' for about two wseks.tbe WarDepatment surfer political pressure, issued the order Car the enlistment of two negro regi .went for the Philippines. They will String the volunteer army np to the limit at by Congress, which it has been clear rfroei the first that the administration in tttoded to do. There have been eeveral instances -aeaorted where Gen . Otis ordered troops -keck before they bad folly accomplished their work, tbna ne easitating it being -sieve over again No one understands evby be does these things unless be wants prolong his job. Two thing ar being watched with anocb interest just now. First the dev etepment of the President's plans for the Philippine campaign tbi fall, and second the Ohio election. A failure In either eearter wosld cost McKinley the nomin atsion and compel the bringing forward ef i other leader by the Republican. Even Corvallis reports new comers. The Times says: "There la a scarcity of bouses to rent. Inquiries for dwellings are made daily - and the supply is about sxh ansted.' All over the state the aam report is, 'laade, a splendid indication, and vry --timely in view of the approaching ceo The republican organs are making -tji emselvea ridiculous by making such -declarations as the following : "The re -nbtican party ranged itself against the -Crusts as early as 1888." Tbe repobli -can party bas never ranged itself against -the trusts and everybody know it. If any party bas fostered and encouraged there sombinstions of capital the repub lican organs cannot pull wool over any 'body's eyes in this connection. W. 8. Vanderburg, who came within a few votes of beating Tom Tongne for con rees,is now engaged in earning an hon- eet livelihood by canvassing lor books in Coot and Carry counties. Review. Another of McKinley's relatives bas aecored a position under the government Tbis time it is a nephew who has been -appointsda lieutenant in tbe army. Is is to be hoped that the French peo pie will not withhold their exhibit at tbe BaffaIoxpoeition on account of onr Capt Carter's court martial. Very Sensitive. The Oregonian is very sensitive ol the rights of the states wheu the subject matter of thecontrol of trusts I under consideration, That paper is quite surs that congress has not effective- y control the iniquitous trust a and com binationa that oppress Jthe people, yet when other matters of legislation have been attacked by democrats fon the ground that the exercise of suoh power by congress was subvsrsiv of the re served rights t.f the states, the Oregon ian and republicans generally replied with a snarl that the government of the United States is a nation with a big "N' and that the states were not "in it" since the rebellion. The truth Is when republicans want to exerciso power of uoudmui autuonty, luey always nod re fuge under this plea. But when they tear that tbe exeicise of powers ol legia lation will be detiltnental to that party then they excuse themselves to the peo ple by saying the power in question be longs to the states. They have restrict ed the efforts of the states to restrain railroad extortions by that con grees only could regulate interstate com merce, and this because they desired to protect the great railroad corporatior ol tbe country in return lor the support such corporations gave to elect McKinley and a republican congress. And for the same reason republican leaders are de- ermined to shield and protect the great trust combinations of the country for tbeir support In ths McKinley cam paign. And however much republican leaders may promise to use the power of congress and the courts to restrain tbe heartless grasp of the trusts, they do not intend to do it. It would be contrary to human nature to do so, as that party owes its existing power to these trusts and other giant corporations, and (bey will never smite the hand tbat feeds them. ins uregonian voucnsaies to ins peo ple tbat "it ia urged however, tbat an amendment to the constitution be pro posed to tbe states, which shall author ize and empower congress to deal with combinations of capital and corporate trusts, and take away from the state the whole subject of corporations, the power to authorize tbeir formation, and to reg ulate and control tbeir action. In some quarters thsre is opinion that the repub licans in congreea will press this propos al at tbe comint session, so as to deprive tbeir opponents of the political advant ages they hope to gain through anti trust agitation. It is urged as a measure to which tbe republicans could point tbe only effective and thorough way of dealing with tbe subject ; and the demo crats would ha e to acquiesce in it though fcucb measure would practical!) l . . .... aestroy state autonomy ana estaoiisu a highly centralized national government or abandon the anti-trust agitation as a political issue. It is urged tbat if congress shall now promptly propose this amendment to tbe constitution, tbe democratic party will be nonplussed on this subject next year in the presidential election ; since it will be compelled either to fall in with tbe scheme or be silent on tbe trust question." Now tbe Oregonian discloses its own lack of candor, as well as tbat of the re publican party in dealing with trust by setting forth tbe object to bs accom plished in the introduction into congress of the amendment. And what is tbat object? Is it that relief may be brought to ths people? Not at all, for tbat would necessarily involve an effective re straint of the trusts in tbeir race to "gob. bis up" the substance of the people, but tbe whole object is tbat tbe demo crats may thus be deprived of tbe "po litical advantages they bop to gain tnrongu antitrust agitation.-' Are re publican reader so (illy a to suppose lor a moment that tbia scheme would stifle tbe murmuring among the peo ple? Tbe Oregonian need not think that all its readers can be lulled into quiet by it assumed sensitiveness con cernmg tbe rights of the states. Some of them at least have not forgotten that less than a fortnight ago it boldly de clared tbat "no constitution ean abro gate the inherent qualities of sovereign ity," tnus assuming tnat congress can exercise any power without regard to constitutional restraint. Bat tbe public is aroused and they will demand tbat re publicans must act in good faith or sur render tbeir power. MISFITS. It is an interesting fact that this Is both so -J time and harvest. One Oregon pioneer has left a double monument to his name Eugene Sklnurr, for after him is named one of the pretti est cities In tho State, Eugene, an I on of the most imoosing biHtes, Skinner'. Mr. Skinner did the christening. One eastern editor became inspired and said:" When rojy flngttreJ dawn p pearoJ we were in the vlley of the in- eetio illamette. and the shafts from me now of the king of day It'll upon fluids of golden grain, pleasant pastures ana nappy boon's." ti ght you ate. Notw'thstan.ting the tine weather th attendance at the state (air hat been lslim. The report is unanimous that the exhibit is not hall tilled The truth is lie nmuaimmHt m nrirt i-a v tua mu I old chestnut which does tall rustling for noree races without the attendant exhi bits. Prosperity has raUed the price of everything manufactured, but the farmer continues to get less than nlty cents lor his wheat. Last Sunday a brown bear approached within a mile of Eugeue, evidently look ing tor those eastern editors who have had so much to say about Hniouer's butte and the game breakfast. Over 9,000 bicycle tags have been is sued In Multnomah county, some ol bich thoueb werelllt gaily held no !rom outside counties, tiy a system ol bullJoz- ing luat was enective in some cases, but nut in most case irom Albany. A farmer recent. y remarked tbat this years experience would be a big thing fcr the farmers of Oregon. It has tauirht tuem some lessons lliat will be valuable a no the result will be more diversified farming and the dome of uusinass on safer scale. TELEGRAPHIC. Late News hi Short Form. Port In nd K necked out. V,KiitNitvN, Pent. 18. It is stated at the quartermaster' department that the reouest to have the ship that are to carry . tho Thirtv-lUth regiment from Portland to Manila chartered ami fitted out at Portland cannot he granted be cause tho ships.mtiet bo llited out umlor tho direction ol oilicors having charge ol tmch work at San Francisco ; alwu that the until who understand the work are employed at tho Inttor place and it would not be practioMuio to at tut mem to rort- mnd. Kciimrkublvi Urn very. Maxati.ak, Sept. 18 Twenty-live Mox loan cowboys have broil attacked in Ho nor by mounted Ynquis, who opened tire upon them ami drove tiieiioree ami cattlo guarded by ;me Mexicans nway, Seeing themselves outnumbered, the Mexicans untsnur to their ho-se and ran awav. but one vaiuoro, a young man oi imioni mi no cotiram'. remaiiiru mm and fought the whole body of the Vaiiuis killing iimnv of them lint ho was iinuiiy shot. ClmnR a NeceaMlty. Yictuma. 11. 0.. Sent. 10. The follow ing advices from the Orient were brought uy me summer r.mpreae oi intua : iiiing unang nai boon reunited to power. U lie empress dowager or China Is and to he MM'loUMly III. The remarkable comae pursued by ths empress dowager uni in ilea lu nuraci nueuuon, On the i:idci. Y ancoi'vkr. Wash. Sept. 10, Olllolal iiiiurmatioit was received bv Lieutenant- Colonel I'lummer. Vhlrty fifth infantry, United States vclunteeis, directing mm that one hattnlionol the Thlrty-llfth will take tho government tranort Uoorg iv. t i.inr. from 1'orl ami. Tno date of sailing is noideiinueiy ux- I'd. Tho Elder Is selidtiiea to lunve pbii Kriini'lmvi Inmnrraw. It Will probably bo 10 dav before tho troop actually em hark, Mr. Mark llanna has just returned from a trm to Eurone. lie will be at home during the coming campaign in unio in cnarge oi tne barrel. An actress in Portland is advertised wearing a $1,000 dress. One of the pa pers there cay the exact figures are $175 for the dress worn by Nance O'Neil. The Northwest Herald aaya th bar ber law requiring a license U the "prince of fool laws." that it i a trick of a few political grafters to rob every barber who wants to follow hi trade in Oregon. That it wonld be iust aa sen sibe for the carpenters, blacksmiths etc.. to have such a law. I am looking for a bouse," some one say every tew hourt. The demand eema to be increasing in Albany, It is time our capitaliat went to building. There is a tine field here for cotUges to rent. J. N. Russell, the Coos county man who killed a son-in-law because he was a populist, was sent to the peniten tiary for life, and pardoned bv Governor Geer ia now in tbe insane asylum, where ne stands a chance ol being promoted by me uovernor lor Having ktued a popu list. Touuh on the Sheep Men. Soktii Yakima. Wash.. Sent. 18. Re nreseiitative Jones today received a die natch from Sen. Poster, now in N ash' iimtnii. that the siieeprainers would have to get.thrir tlocksotT the reserve by the l'."Ui. The senator had failed to have the time extended as expected. A letter to Mr. Jones from Secretary Hitchcock today states that the sheepraUer are on the reserve in violation ol the law which will be enforced to the letter. Schley's Frlcndst. W'AHiuxciTo.N, Sept. 18. Governor lAiwihies, Senator Wellington, Mayor Malster, of Baltimore and General Pe'lix Agnus called on the prexident today and lormuiiy prutcst.ti nauist tbe assign ment of Admiral to command the South Atlantic euaiiuii. on the ground that it was not comnifiif .; .'t with his dignity and tho service bv '(Midi red during the Spaniah.Auierieri. ur. KrugcH iaDcflant. Loniks, Sept. 17. The reply of Ths Cuban with a Census job is pretty apt to take aa optimistic view of the sit nation. We fancy Gen. Otis will bave a lively time trying to keep Gen. Joe Wheeler from fighting. Now that rapid fire guns are to be sent touen.ucis it is Hoped tbat someone will see tbat be fires them rapidly. Tbat Mr. Bryan ia closer to tbe heart of tbe people than any man in the conn try, become mors manifest every day. While ths political sea in Kentucky ha been a little stormy lately, tbat is merely tbe way they do things in that state. election time tbeir person al difference will be forgotten, and all will be in line for tbe straight Democrat tick et. To Car Couitlpatloa Forever. Take Cascaret f'anrtv f" in. M. It ft C. C. tail to cure, drugglu refund money. une would tnink to read the papers that the great Paris exposition next year would be nit, but it won't . By the time it opens the Dreyfus case will be a back-number, the average person hav ing a short memory, and the million aires will flock there from all over the world to see the sights and get tbe latest styles and incidentally a few husband wivu uuea. to ine meantime ijreyius will be pardoned in order to appease the public wrath and all will be well tbat ends well. The masses though will not forget right away. Tbe pavilions are not vary well filled, not even as well filled as in former year, at tbe state fair, but the horse races are all right, and there are plenty el shows, balloon ascensions, etc. In fact it isn't any mors of a state fair than in past years, if a much of a one, bet it is a pretty good place to be entertained. A Marion county man was aViving to Salem with a load of produce and a gun On the reform school road be took a ibo with hi gnu and placed tbe dead bird in bis wagon. A farmer saw tbe act and rushed to tbe city after tbe deputy game warden red hot . The game warden Dro- ceeaea to taxe tne man in, resulting al ter a eearen in nnamg a pigeon tnat bad been sbot, instead of a pheasant as bad been anticipated. Tbe upholder of the law nia been rubbernecked. Trausvsal to Mr. Chamberlain's latest note is said to cover .nine pages. It 'is eminently of the "negative and Im-om-lu sive" character, which Mr. Chamberlain declared would compel the imperial gov crnment to consider the si motion afre.h. it practically repudiates suzerainty, re verts to the seven-vear franchise, and declines to give eaualitv to the Dutch and English language in the volksraad. in snort, it la politely negative and defi ant. A Bloody Riot, Caktkkvilli. 111.. Sept. 17. Carter ville was the sceno of a bloody riot ba. tween white and negro miners today. Six negro were killed and one mortally wounded. Co. C. Fourth rciriment. Illi nois National Guard, arrived here iate mis evening, ana win endeavor to iro. serve order- Forty miner from the Hor- rin nitnea leit tnat place lor this citv tbia evening armed with Krsg-Jorgensen ri fles determined to assist the white min er, should their service he requfrod. A Woman Crlmlnnl. Jacksonville. Or.. Sent. 17. Roaanna r--i ; i.. i. i . i . . ... vaiuro, wuu WW MIU1CUH1 jointly Willi her husband, John Cartile, for burning the barn of her brother. A. J. Hamlin. on the night cf August 14, ItHW. pleaded guilty lasi night and ;was sentenced to nine year- imprisonment in the peniten tiary. Upon Mrs. Carlile's plea of frill ty, her husband was released from cus tody. 1 hose Transporta. bAS acissco, Sept. fl7. Tbe trans port which are to carry the Thirty-fifth regiment to Manila will leave here for Portland, it ia said, next Wednesday. Captain Barneson, superintendent of the transport service, stated today that the exact date bad not been fixed, lie said that one large transport may be sent in stead of two smaller ones. Just a Kuho. Wamiisuton, Sept. 10 Secretary Root today revived a cablegram from General t His that seemed to indicate a weaken ing on the part of the insurgents In Lu- son. It contained a proiior to deliver the American nrisoiiers who have been for so many months in the hands of the intmrgents. and also !ought perm Union to parley with General Otis. Tho Wnnn Sprlnaa Washington. Sept. 13. Tho annual report of Agent James L. Cowan, of the Warm Snrinus agency. Oregon, lias lwen received at Washington, and show a to tal of WW Indians at that agency, 3tU) Wawo and Totiiuo, 612 Warm springs and IH1 Piutof . ' Higjieatun Record. Amyoiu, I. T Sept. 10. The Chick asaw legislature, in session at ilshomlu- go, passed tho bill today raising the fee for marriage licenses from s5U to (1000, The measure is aimed at white men who marry into the tribe to profit bv the an nuities and lease money drawn by female s. DrcyfiiH Pardoned. i Paiiik. Sept. 10. Th council of minis ters decided today to pardon ('-plain Al fred Dreyfus, in principle. The pardon wil take nlaca in few davs. iVetfus I has relinquished his appeal (or a rovers. the "I fl the judgement of the Court-uiar- This and That. Vlorck' Sugar Howl Parlors for io cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars ami tobacoo. A laige and line stork of cigar and to Imcco at Cotiu A Huston's. Horn the die play. Wbnn you wnut a choice steak antra roast or meat of any kind, cull on Ifenry jronors. no koeus tne best. Oo to Verlck's shavlaw and hair eitU ting parlor for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towel to every t mer. The best meats of all kinds and rond treatment at the Albany l)rd 1W Company's market, iust d;wn Second trtiel. Good weight and nratntd I bind ion. It makes no dilTornicj ktiw tmd Iha wound if VOU u.a llttWItt'a Wil,. I. Salvej it will quickly heal and leave no car. re.iiiiy Simon. Home ol I lis results of neuWud l tic conditions of tlm atoiutch are euueer. oiisumptlon, heart disenai and epilepsy, Codul UyspepaiaCure prevents all this by rTwting a .i lick eure In nil cases of !.- pep.ia. Foshay A Mason. Had Io. Chicago. Sent. 17. A dlsnateh tn S Times-IIerald from Detroit aay : Tbat General Bussell A. Alger bas de cided to withdraw from tba senatorial race there is now no doubt. Formal an nouncement of his retirement, it is pre dicted will be made this week, probably tviuvrruw. SHERIFF SAIE B1 In bis address before tbe student oi the college tbia forenoon Rev. Ketcbum took occasion to give foot bah a black eye, aaying be had no use for tbe game. Mr. Montague caniurea tne dot at jump by telling the incident ol Welling ton being taken to see a Bnbgy foot ball game after bis return from the battle of Waterloo. A lriend remarked at tbe awful character of tbe game and asked the Seneral if he didn't think it ongbt to be prohibited. " It is a glorious game. It was such men as these that made Waterloo possible The foot ball boys cheered to tbe echo. ftlftuy a Lover fLta turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Boot Tea purifies the breath bvit action on the bowels, etc.. as noth- else will. Bold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. to aaie ny toenay a mason. Fresh Oysters at Btetter'e, Albany's Leading Restaur ant. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION and order ol sale issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe state ot Oregon for Linn courty in 'he suit of the First Na tional bank of Albany .Oregon, plaintiff vs Emma Harder, Frank 0. Harder, Kate M. Harder and Ande'ion Cannon, adminis trator of ths estate of Job a Harder, de ceased, J.N. Hunter, Daniel Frey. M. P. Urtggs and Clara I. Brtggs, defendants, mortgage foreclosure, 1 wiil on Saturday, 23rd day of September, 1899, at tbe hour of One o'clock p. m. at the front door of tbe court house, in tbe city of Albany, Lion county, Oregon, sell at public auction to tbe biffaest bidder for casn,tne following described real property TbeN Wof Sec86inTpll8tt8W of tbe Willamette Meridian in Linn conn' iy, Oregon, csntalniog 160 acres. Also beginning at the 8 E corner ot tbe 8 W W of aid section 86 and running thence N ICO rods: thence W 60 rods, thence 8 160 rods, thence L 60 rods to the place of be ginning containing 60 acres, saving and .- M T, i , Li excepting irom saia premises tne ngnt or way for tbe railroad that passes through the same; and expting the following land: Beginning at a point on the Nottn boundary line of Sec 36 in To 11 8 B 8 W of the Willamette Meridian Linn county. Oiegon, which is 12.78 chains E of the N W corner of said 6e-j 36 said beginning point b ing in tbe center ot tbe Lsbanon branch of tne Oregon ft California rail road and running thence S 65 d-g 30 min E following tbe center line cf said rai'road 20 85 chains to the E linn of tbe N V V of said Sec 36, thence It 12.44 chains to the N corner of tbe N W 54 of said Be: 86. thence W 27.22 chains to the place of be ginning. Said sale will be made Io satisfy tbe judgment and decree in said suit tc-wit; A judgment for plaintiff for 1337(1. bU and J44.86 taxes wnb ioteiest thereon from uly 17ih, 1890,at Ibe rate ol 8 per cent per annum, and Z50 oo attorneys fee ana 125 20 costs and disbursements, and ac cruing costs. I. A. JUUHKEBS, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. Hal. Dlitturbvd France. Pahi. Sept. 18. The senate met aa a high court of justice today at 2 p. iu., for the purpose of trying Tl politicians on a charge of conspiracy against tho govern ment. The procurator-general read the long indictment, when the seuate enter ed into secret session to discus tho in dictment and determine the ntiestion re- laling te the preliminary inquiry which if to be ordered. A Protent. Wasuisotos. twpt. IS. The Imperial Chinese government, through its minis ter here, Wa-Ting-fang, has lodged with the state deparnment an emphatic pro test against the limitary order 01 uennr- al Otis excluding Chinese from the Phil pplne. Yoiiuk Mother. Cio'ip Is the terror of thoueanJa of young mother because its outbreak Is so agonising and frequently fatal, bhlloh's Uough and Consumption (Hire acta like mugio In cases of Croup. It ha never aeen known to fall. The worst eases re layed Immediately. Price 25 cl,. and ou ci. a ltd i.uu. For sale by l oihsy A Mason, M'ek llcudnclica, The curse of overworked womankind, ar quickly and surely cured by Karl' Clover (toot Tea, the great blood puilfler and tissue builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory. Price, W cts. and W cts. For sal by Foshay A Msson, Ileaalr la lllatttl Ureas, (Iran Mood mean a clean 4in. No beauty without it. tWtidi, Candy Cat bar-Hi- rlran your blood and kwii it Wan, by lirrmg up the lasy hvrr and drivan all ir purities Irum ilip IkhIv, Itagm today Io banish ptmplc, Imila, blotch, Uarkhvad. , and thai u kly bilious complexion by taking t'earvU,- lnuty fr trn rvnta, All drog. (tsta, satufaction iiuaranleed, lu.r.x. I Pn'Uinonin, U grlpjm, coughs, colds, roup and wn Wjiing-flougb readily yield to One Mmule Cough Cure. I'm this remedy oti(ii)ii l sin il te'nr's bid at the an rtk tr's. Foh iy A M n n. What UMilluJtt A grand old remedy for Cbugh. Cold tnd CVmsu minion j used through th world for half a century, has cured in numerable casta ot Incipient oonaump tion and relieved many In advanced sug. If yon ar not satisfied with the result we will refund your money. Price Met., M eta. and 11.00. For sal by Foshay A M isoi. The Real Test 0' geod floor I shown by th demand for it ana mere i a demand lor Magnolia Floor For twice tbe canacity of tbe mill, at SUMMONS i luTiiaCmct'ir Coca-Tortns arATk or Okkuox ro Lm Covntv. May Zahn, plaintiff, vs Charles Augus tus Zahn, defendant. To Cnarles Augustus Zsba. the above named dfndant: IN TUK NAME OF THE 8 TATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to ar pear and anwer th con.piainl, Bled against you in lb above entitled cause, on or be fore the l7t day ol Uctober,l8U9,saiddaie being tbe last day of tbs lima piescrlbed in the order of publication of tbi turn moo; and if you fail to so appearand ans wer said complaint, tbe plaintiff will ap ply to tbe above entitled court for lb re lief prayed tor ia said complaint, towit: ror a deer aisaoiviag it, boad of ma- . . s w wa a w price con.iaeraniy a twv ordinary valley uMon bow etUUng between plaintiff - -v i.w,u i and utjieaaaais ror piatnun s oosuanj ts buraemenU bereia aai for tbe care and N -4 Tirl, 4-cetody of lb child mentioned ia the O. 1 Ul(l VV lieat I complaint bereio. for six eonsecutiv weeks in Tub Btatb Every Sack Oauaranteod ,K,?" MWW I ia Linn Couety .Oregon.and of general dr- cnlatloBln said county, pursuant to aa or der of Ilea. Ueo. D. Bartoa.County Judge of Idea eounty.Oregoa, made and dated by blm oath 12th day of aVptember, 1809. SkSffSSSSAfellS ,MHMVI l.. UIIV.UUU V, WU1 5UUUCX3. summons is friday th 1Mb day of Sep tember, 1HW. Uated Albany, Ur jgon, Kept., 15, 1800. W. E. Cilvsu, Attorney for Plaintiff, la the Circuit Court of the slabs of Ore. goa for Linn county, Department 2. Thomas Morgan, plaintiff, ys P. II, Marlay, defendant. 1H TUB NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, You are hereby required to appear in th above entitled court and ans wer to tbe complaint of tbe above named plaintiff on file tborein on or before tbe last day of ths period of time nreecrlhed for the publication of this summons upon yon, wnicb periid of t'me is more than six weeks from tbe date of the first nnblica- lln. ft ,Li 1 (. ,, .... g una vi mia sominone, to-wit; ineiiftn day of NovemLer, 1809, and yon are fur- iur Borneo tnat li rou ran to so antwar and answer said complaint and summons u at reo required tne piainurx will ap ply to the court for tbe relief prayed for in hi complaint, to-wit: For a drcree of th above entitled court adjudging and decreeing that tbe plaintiff be deemed to be th owner in fee simple free of any liens of the following described res! prop erty, to wit: Tbe SoutbweU i of Section 4 in Town ship 13, South of Hange 8 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, and containing 160 acre: and tbat tbe levy and tax sale as mads by Linn county, Oregon, on the assessment roll for tbe year 18U4 be declared to be null and void, and tbat said sale be set aside and held for naught and that the aa'd tax deed as made by the bberiff of Linn count. Oregon, herein to the defendant be let aside and tbat this plaintiff be decreed to be tbe owner of said real estate in fee sim ple sod tbat the cloud resting on plaintiff's title by reason of said tax deed be removed and tbat the defendant be decreed lohavs oo interest in said lands, and tbat ths plain . : m i i . . . i . . i ADMINISTRATRIX SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVlCN TBAl on Saturday, 23rd of September, 1809, at 1 p, m . at the front door ot Ibe court bouse, in Albany, Or in pursuance of an order of tbe county court of Linn county, ur , duly made and entered In said court on tbe Records thereof on July 8, 1890, in ths matter ol tbe estate ot An drew Ha laton .deceased, I, the undersigned, administratrix of tbe estate of said dece dent, sbsll proceed to sell at public sals for cash in band, or on half cash and de ferred payment of on years time at legal Interest with first mortgage security, all ths rlgbt title and interest which the said deceased, Andrew Ralston, bad ia aid to th followng described real estate at ths time of hi death, towit: Beginning at tbe Northwest corner of the Southern t quarter lection 26 Tp 13 south of range 1 East Willamett meridian; and running Booth 24 rods to a county road, tbonce East 14 rods, tbence North 24 sods, thence West 14 rods Io the place of beginning containing two acre more or less in Linn county, Oregon. Also tbe N K X of Sec 2d, Tp 13 south of range Ons East in Linn county, Oregon, containing 160 acres mors or less. Alan fUr ok Tp 13 8outb range 1 East containing 640 acres excepting 40 acres sold to A. L. Gt's tafson, Vol. 6. page 409, also 123 acres nil) tn D. A Poclr Vnl HI itt J tiff bave judgment against the defendant situated and lying in Lfnn'countv also a for the costs and disbursements of this suit, strip of land 30 lent wide for right of way running inrosen J, eneos land and com mences at I he Southwest corner of ths Northeast of Seo. 26. thence North west 16 rods, tbence West 21 rods, thence Soulhwt 16 rods to a couatv road, all in Tp 13 south , range 1 Laat, Linn connty, Oregon, say arof ex cepting 69'a" acres sold to indrew Oustaf son. Dated this 1Kb day of August, 1899. The date of tbe first publication ot tbis summons is tbe vloa day of September, 1809, aid tbe date of the last publication is November 13th, 1899. This summons is puolisbed iu tbe State KroHTS Democrat by order of Honorable Geo. D. barton, County Judge of Linn county. Oregon, made and dated this the 1Mb day of September, 1890. W K ATHKRF0BO & W V ATT, Attorneys for plaintiff. M. J. Raistom, Administratrix.