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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1899)
VOL XXX V Tho ICimI You Huvo Ahvny In iino l r over .'JO yearn, nnd ronl , A44i Allow All ComitcrtVltrt, Imitation itiid KnhHtitutvH am but Kx-IM-rlincnU that triilo Willi mid fiidnngir tho It rait It of lnututit iiiul Children Kxporionro ntfuliiHt Kxperliiu-iit.' What. is CASTORIA CuatoriA li ft utilmtlluto for Cuator Oil, Paregoric, Proim' mid HoMhlnif ftyrnpM. It 1 HnriuloM mid l'lraaant. It rontnfn ii- ulicr Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic mibMtnii (. lt nrro J Its firtinrantt'e. It dontroya Worm nnd nlUijr! IVvcrlMhncs. It cure JHurrhoja nnd Wind Colic. It relieve Toothing1 Trouble, cure fount I nation nnd I'lttf uleney. It atutlmllutc tho Food, ngrulutcit tho Ktotiuw-li nnd JJoweln, (riving healthy nud natural lecp. Tho Children' Punuccit Tuo Mother' Friend. genuine CASTORIAfALWAY3 7 Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J Joseph. .UK. J. L. HILL TlijticUn and Surgeon, Hill UWIc - - - - Ihanr.Or. Littler & Littler Brondalhln St , Albany, Or. Geo. Collin D I) 8 A. Jack Hodge I) I) H COLLINS k HOMES Dentists. Odd Pei.oa' Temple, Albany, (,. OREGON Industrial Expcsiiicn OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28 CLOSES OCTOBER, 28, 1899 j a a mm Product of Oregon, Washington aud Idaho In ureal variety end pro fusion than err belore. Bennett's Renowpod Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND America Ureal-at Lady Ooriiot ilololst. The unequalled FL0REN2 TROUPE of Acrobat, direct frm the Empire The atre, London; their fir Hi appearance In America. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM 3 GREAT SISTERS MAC ARTE Unsurpassed Aerll!t,in their thrilling Cti ANO OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Seton of Great Surprises and Astounding Feat. Redu :ed Rate on All Transportation Line. ADMISSION, 2S CENTS CHILDR1N tiM)BB 12 VEAHB, 10 CENTS DONT MISS IT! DATCP1TO T,, j DESIGNS I f i I UU I af o OBTAINED ANO COPYRIGHTS . e otsiAiNtu ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice ia "Inventive Afe" Book "How to obtain Patent j FREE CAarpv moAtmle. No fee till patent U aecured. LiciMsnnnciiTeonnaeDtlal. Adrireaa. E- 6. SIOGER. Patent Lawyer, WMhingtonVP, C. j HoiticQlUaMigi nought, nnd wlilch lin bcon linn homo tho lftiuturo of lina hn itiiulo under Mm per- muicrvlHloit fiinco It Infancy. ' no one to nVrclva you In thin. Signature of ' mtrnwrw, utm ma errr. Proprietor. TELEGRAPHIC. Fatal Wreck. Atviiison, han., Kept. 13. Miaaourl i ncmc ireiwu no. i.'t ws wrecked at ;.ju uiit aiternooii, midway between St. i bid, -m"u ami juinni station near Ne- :"" ! inrwoi me crew were iiiiUntly killed add their bodice cremafc. Kcnmrkable If True, rKATTLK, Spt. 15 J. K. Wardner. the te'l-knon mlninir man. who haa i.iot ntuinvu irum v.a .nme. ativancettho novel incorv that Ihe r d lrw.air tend milra.out to eea. In support of the theory, bo says that two miner placed a oiio-on JIM ftM-t from low tide. The uin w hich was taken out ran 15 to 60 cenuperaiioveliul. Similar experiment were trknl at a furlherdietunce Iroin tide niarr, wiiu netter result. A Big Hill . 1ihk.nk, Sent. 15 President Kill n.,,1 pariy oi ureal .Norllirrn ollicia! and giiesw arrived Here thi evenioit on ejieciai tram. Mr. Hill announced hi urposo of beginning at once permanent iu.fiuv"ii!imiib hi .-(uiKinie involvlnu an expen.nture oi iroin MW.OOOto f 1,000, wiu. u Hiao siiuo-ijtiiiit lulwill return Here 1 iH-s 'ay and Uiecusi Willi business men ana mineowers the mutter of smeltr InK hero tho ort of the sunounding IUUIHIJ-, Unfortuonte .Miners. MKAStii.i?, Alnka, Sept. 10. The piiiKPcn nver stcRmer Strathcona ar rived today with 07 sil'Vlvors of the Ed. monton trail. Tho majority of them ire wlihoht means. They will be shipped to . auiiuu nt uiu expense oi to i tie u, p. goversmont. Altout 60 of them will k no tomorrow on tho steamer rti-ivi. wany arc sulToring from tlio ef ii-vie t Bturvv, A Little Furthar. Wahiiisotosi, Sept. 15' Onlv Secreta ries uago nn.j Koot, I'ostniaster-Ueneral Hmith atiu;Attorney-(;encrrl Uriugs w;ro present at today's cnbinet meeting. The president announced that he had intend ed to extrnd his Chicago trip to Miiinea- (-WHO OIIU CI, I Hill, A Big Showing. Nw York. Sept. 15.-R G Dun A Co weekly review of trade tomorrow will say : lJetter than alt ot'ier news the record oi AiiiHt commerce shows the relation ot tm.edj.statea business to that of other countries. Exports were 10,208,815 vKtin cvrr utiore 1Q August. Oliver PtaHisT m HOPKtNS BROS., Agnat; ' Albany, Oregon, "Oliver cave the worlJ th chilled pbw And it lidi asvid more in one) to the farmer of A mcrica hri i:iyotner implement ever produceil, uieiiuiue Ollvr elnllcd are tbe liest en emit". The O'lver is a promoter of happi oi on the farm, and itie ilea lor who 'ella it knows he is handling the best. Look nut for ituuutiitiona and touch nothing but the genuine jreods, made enly by Oliver Chilled plow wcrka. South Bend, Ind., U. ALBANY, (WM3QN FItlOA, SJTOjrriR A STRINGENT POOD LAW. Prohibit,, thu LVc of Aracnlc Alum In all Article of Diet. or The !w enacled by the Missouri k-gls-lure, a copy of which was recently pub- liahed In our eolu IIJll a ttfiil tat.fK . I'ils the mat-iilactureoi sale of any ar f TfSJltvlJ HV- . UT o used in "V oi looo. which rotuains W slith ,'0 htdl" r of sanitary bread have be.i in i ; ..-many and f,.nCe for many vears . in .11,1 i country, in fti:n,ota, VViscon sin, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and sev riil o.her states, ,i9Kt eKig8l0 Jn reference to the tale of a tin. h.ktn, p .wder ha alto been efletted. In eev tral of thete state their rale prohibited nnles they are branded to show that they contain alum, and in the District of Uolumhia.iioder the laws ol Congress, the sale of bread containing alum has ben mado illegal. Following are the name of some ol the .. V. y",n' coailer sold in this vic inity which are shown by recent enal- sis to c mtalii alum. Ilouaekeerers and griiccrs should cut the Hat out and keep Baking Povt ert Containing Alum: K'0-' Coi.taiDAIum. ,, H"' hr '! Mtg Co.. tltlcro. CA?'fUiMH""VV Cornalo At.iui. tivi t..7 u""!t Co.. Ihtca,,.. ii i . ', Contains Alum. f1'-.'- hX !'" nr-i' r.i:r tv.. m.u mc1 ',V AelUM iTON Onnl.ln. A l..n. CRLfcCKN f Contain Alum. WIIITK ULY... Contain. Alum. hv li. tVm.r M f-.. T ISKIv-Iil VK Contain. Alum , Weehlua-ton Ml,. lo.,H,a Fnneueo. HON HON Contain Alum. l!. l.r jrnl,-t IV. 1.1 L . ? Contain Alum. tr.?.'!' ??".lv,iCl'1' l . "lend. POHTLA.ND Contain. Alum. JUnl. tjr liriiv Itollis, PoctUad. The boutekeener should t -r in mU,t that alum makes a cheap baking powder. It cost but two cent a pound while cream ol tartar rotti thirty. The qual ity oi me powder is therefore usually in dicated by tbe prl:e. Thi and That. Vlereck' Sugar Bowl Parlor for ice cream, confectionery, sod water, cigar and tobacco. A large and fine rtock ol cigar and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. Sea the dis play. Wbea you want a choice steak a nice roaitor meat ol any kiad. call on Henry Jroders. lie koeos tbe beat. Go to Verlck'a havlng and hair cnt ting parlor lor first claWS work. Hot and cold bathe. Clean towel to every ; mr. lie beet meat of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Beet Company's market, just djwn Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ion. It makes no difference bow bad the wouea u you use DeWJtt's Witch iiaxel Salve-it will quickly beat and leave no car. rosnay Mason. , Some of I h reanUs of neglected djsptp- .., wuuiuum m iae stomicn are cancer, COnaomntion. Imarr :aia . Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by ruejimg h q ue cure In a!l cases of dvs pepi-ia. Foabay A Maaoo. No rUre,NoPay, " That la the wae sll th Amani ... throve a Taatelexs Chili Tonic lor Cni'ls r, . . -v u...AH,o.n roi muiana and Uiiliouwess. It nin,. ant to take ai lemon syrup, 60j. STOP" t Will & Stark's and eee their laraa ant spienmuiy eeieciea stock of riugs. Any design you want. Ring for all purposes uiu aijiejut iojiie oaoy 10 a WdccMng MPSIC. WIS" Mliare.-l iliirmul.i eacher of pian? v-r organ. Svstem tht Maeon ro'vii ru tectinioue. Residence piici c. ;o!;,cp08ite U P church. Ityouluve mlea cti. ihem. n.. unaorgoiomorribleoDirttionj that aimn.'v remove ths riults of tha disease without diatorbinir the dl S-?&SA liflelf . PldA rnn uu.iuumiije in iw u;a iviton Uazel Salve : 1 r, ..r.. .... . . . ... - t mi oiver fnle,l u ciwornKKs; it will oiMutooui-eyai. toi'anyJi Mason. ikw uoods. r. Cohen's larce and a- s- . well selected stock nf nen I,na ar rived. It. embraces lata i"-" "iiicu win oe soia at price in renoa oi an. Give.bim a call before buy ing.. SOSar Mr. Grajwnhl Inform, na he fa sellimi 17 pound of granulated su gar for $1.00. Now is the time to buy as h ie iiaois to eo up at any time. Thi it a net casn proposition. All good delivered free of charge. Miss Joyce Biownell will take nn her piano class during vacation through the winter, ine oesi uertnan and Eastern methods. Leave word with W. F. Read FV ur 80o per sack. iTy it. The Ma&noDa. Ripo Tomatoes, Pears and Apples at . K. Brownoll's. White Clover Honey, 10 cts. per lb. at C. .b.JJrownell . The Universal Bolter makes gooa flour Tho Magnolia. No-Tor-Bae for Fifty Cent Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, tnakua wen meu atrong, blood pure. too. tl. All drusgikls, RELIGIOUS. - i Christian church : Jlornlng, "Church ' fcxtenston," evening, "Ood Love." , United Presbyterian church: Morn-i ng worship at 10:30, luhlect of sermon, I 'rollowiog Jesui at a Uistance." 8ab- tmU BCIJfMlI alt 1 1 I linine L'M,l..m a - 'J "he,,lo'r Endeivor at 6:45, evsning worshin at 7 :45.subie-t of Cotunue and its Kource." 411 are Invit ed to attend these services. Congregational church : Preaching at 11 a. in., eubject of sermon, ' The Gos pol Problem of Today." Handay school f t 12.15. Dreschinir at 7-.l n of srmon, "li the Doctriue of the 6ur- i vivie oi the ritest' Christian Unity?" All net attending elaewhera are enrvliaflv inviied to the above services. Presbvterian church Mmi ship at 10:.'X, subject of sermon, "The Law of the Harvest." Evening worship at 7 :.'!0, ubject of sermon, "Cbritianity an Lccentric Life." babbath school at 11 Junior Endeavor at 8:30, Senior Endeavor at Oilffl. A. cordial in vital inn to all the services I extended to all. Methodist church: The Fourth nnar. couierence w in oe neia. rreach ing (Saturday eveniug by Dr. Ford. Suoday morning, Love feast at preaching at 10:30 a. m. snd 7:30 p. at. by Dr. Ford, Sabbath school 12 ni. Junior League 3:30, Senior and In termediate League at 6:30. A cordial invitation is eiiended to sll these ser vice. Another Barber. 7. W. Headrick, the live barber of across the street, has put another cbair in bis shop, which will be attended to by trauk Btimnson. who ba iust re- turned from Portland, where be bas been oarbering several months. Mr. Headrick propose to meet tbe demand of tbe people of Albany at f tat as cbsii and barber wuo understand their busi ness can be secured. The California Interior ia the name of a new church paper of that date. It i published at Fresno.and oneel tbe three editor it tiey. A. Melvin William of Visalis, a former Albany young man. It is published in tbe interest of tbe O. P. church. Tbe followiog appear in the Visalia department: Albert William Wight, ol tbe Ban Francisco Theological Seminary, who baa been cpendioe hi summer in and about Visaiia, will leave tots month to resume Ins (ladies. Mr. Wight filled the puloit succei.lully dur ing the psstor'a absence at the General Assembly in May and ba been a belp among o daring tbe entire ammer. Many will miss bim, oat all will bid him 3od apeed when be must go. Water Melons, tweet aid delicious on band daily at U. I,. BBOWYELL s. four grocer keep It. The Magnolia Flour DnrlnTmKMMnl Or HoMn'RriaraduPlllaeare all klSner 111. Sam ale free. AM.BMrliacReipedrCx.Ckicaoar&.T. 3S REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TH FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBAS Y, IN TUB STATE Of OREGON At the claw ol buiineu, 8p. T-, 1S99. Beaowrres t Loansand dlanunta...... 2?6.1ie OB Orerdralu,Mcurd and nnweurad li,7S!.7S V.S. IVjovI. toKcura ctreulatlon. iO,0-)0,OJ I C. 8. Bcnda on band 4J.fO3.0o 1 Frwuiuma on U 8 bour.1 &.3I2.M) Stock., aecuritta, etc . W,C.Si I HarkliiK hoiue, lurnilui,and flxturea.... 1S.00U.0U I Oiherreal cauuandmoitftaircaoa-i.eil... 21.C4i.15 '. imeirom national Uaiikatiot reaerve atrciita 1 Dim from State Bauka and butkera 1S.iW9.11 Put from atiDrored raaerre accnu 10;.2OS.7i Check, and other cub Items.. . 4li.&u , Noteaof other N.U jiuU bank. kOO.M rrecuonal paper currency, nlckeie aodceuta HI. 16 ' LAwrt'L Mo.Nti Ruuiva ix Ba., vu: Sparfe . ,f89.1S hctri tender nou... .(0 (Ud.mpllon fund wiyb V. & Treasurer (five I per cent ol etrvaution.) to).0) Total Liabilities ..SilS.SW 51 Capital etock paid in..... ......... Surplus tuml .... !.0en.fB HV.000 00 i taiea S.1 50.41 ... s.soo.m 4-W,l ,..... 8,lt(7.1S ,.. S.S.1T t ....... 77.5S3.N ! Undivided proou, lose upt iue and paid , N'aUoiial Bank notea outstanding Due to other NaUonal Bank Due to State Bank and hanker Individual denoeiw .uliject to check.. Demand cartiScateaof dt'pl .. Total .. ..f.MS.OW.: I i SrATi or ORtan.t, Cot-sTT cr Lisa, aa : ! 1, E W Laxodox, Cashier ol the above named bank u ao:mn)7 aa-ear tha. the above statement I ia wuo io uie nest oi my anowieuge anu oeuei. i B V L.VXODOS, Cwhier. ' 8ubcrlbed and twoni to before me this ISlh day f , Sept, 1899. ALFRED II FREERKSEN (U, a.) Notarr Public for Orcgi: , Coaster Atteat : L FUNK, S R YOl'SU V Director C S FUNN 1 have Mlntr CAACAR ETft and mm mild mid UeoitTi it4xiatlT LitT ira nhnttlv W4n- derful, Mr daughter ftml I men bothered with iitk itomai'h Dd our trouth w very bad. After UkKintj a tew cum oi iaacarou we nave improTeu wouaurfully. Th-y are a great belp In the family." yy IliHKLMlNA riAUEL, 113 UtiWubouse 6U, CloclonaU, Ohio. Qood, Meier Sicken, Weakun, or Gripe. Mc, &c. 5Uo. n , e.,A fW. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... abwti. Krafj CU7, rktoar. 1-lmL (t. Tirk. lit II fi-Tn.R 1 f fnldand eniarantced by alldrnc- mir I UbAO uu to cvkk mi-woo uaoit. BAP CATHARTIC a fj i Makes the food more defcious and Vvhofesomo ."trictlviuaines French tbe jeweler. Creecent Bicycle, Hopkins brother, agents. Bent UiryUe fotae money. Will k Stark, jewe'ers. Creacent bicycles at Hopkint Orotbe iur omj J0, Jij and jQ. O B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in tbe east. Be ture and see the anti rut tinware at Hopkin Broa, will lasi a lifetime. Go to 31 is Long for high priced pho tographs, and do not iorget to take along tbe money. By allowipg the accumulations in tbe bowels tn remain.the entire system U pois t.nd DeWitt's Little Farly Rirs regnl-hU-lheboweh. Try them and joa will always use them, foabay & Mason . Tonight and Sunday, fair stationary temperature. River 2 feet. F. M. Frskch, ispavmaD Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CiCAKSES THE 5Y5TEM r. EFFECTUALLY PE8MANENTLY riCIAL BW Trie fttHVINl M AH'F'O iRRNlATGRp(. . roauusnn oaaisra fa setrBsanu. Floor Goyerings. FULLY DOUBLE tha amount ever before shown by a; consisting of Carpets, Art Square , Co'tace Art (a new and attrtctive goods) Mat tings, L'noleum and Oil Cloth. We are also well supplied with Curtains, Portiers, Shades and kindred goods. Piece goods in Curtain material and coverings. : ALBANY iTiasonic Temple 20 YEARS IN HUSINESS. W MH8 A Is the Oldest Furniture Dealer in the city and be keeps a complete line of Furniture and Bedding and if you want good goods cheap give bim a ca'l Lie doesn't intend to be under sold. . W. . COLLEGE M.PlR7IS,Mii3.D03.,ri!83t r Aisotiiate Plan, Latest McttoJs, (full Course given in the Principal Branches of Music and Art iNMrsic: Piano, Organ, Voice, Italiaa Sinainit, Violin, Band Instruments. Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue and higher Music! Composition, etc. Mhs'ic lesssna in Harmony an ! Counterpoint giveu by Correspondence. New Method of Normal Truioiiu in te.i-iiing Piaaa. Younj Teacher g'ven wort to assist in obtaining a Musical lvJiicttion. Excursion Rates. The Corvalli & Eastern railroad have placed in effect their recularronnd trin summer excurtion rates to Newport and Fare to Newport, 14.00. eare to Detroit, 3 00. . 10 imd for retorn nntil Oober Eowis Stosb, Manager. J. p. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancester, N. 1., says: "I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a Clatr'a or cold. It ia tho kr ra,n- edy for croup 1 ever uwd." Foihay & Mason. THE II03ILIESrMAN IN ALBANY As well as tbe handsomest, and others are invited to call on any drugint and get FREE a trial bottle cf Kemp a Balaam for tbe Throat and LnnKa, a remedy tbat it guarantred to cure and relieve all Cbronie and Acute Coupbs, Asthma. Bronchitis t Consumption. Price 25c. and 50o. Doat Tokacee SeU aae UmU Tear l ife Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, fall of life, nerve and vigor, uke No-To Bae, tbe wonder-worker, that makes weak men tronf. AU dragglsu, toe or SI. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Addreaa Sterling Itemed jr Co, Chicago or ITew Vorit - Notice to Bridge Contractors. The nndereigoed will receive, at his office in Albany, Or., sealed bids nntil September 26th, 1899, at the boor of 1 o'clock p. m. for tbe building of one Crib pier under the Green Ferry bridge, over the Santiam river near Jef ferson, Oregon. Plans and specifications for said work can be seen at tbe office of the clerk of Marion county, also at my office in Alb any, that builders are requested to ex amine and bid noon. Tbe joint courts of Marion and Linn counties reserve tbe right to reject any and all bids. A certified check of 5 per cent of the bid made payable to my or der, required with each b:.d. Bonds in the sum bidden will be exacted of tka successful bidder on award of contract. Fa" A NX Ckabtkxk. Clerk of Linn County, Oi. Constipation, Headache, Biliousness Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness,' Indicate that your llTer Is out ol order. The best medicine to rouse the liver and core all "" these Bis, 1 found In ' Hood'a Pfof 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers, 5 FURNITURE CO. Bldg., Albany, Or. BRINK OF MUSIC ADD ART. sa. J. II BROWN Principal of Art