!S!5H-!-fJ What is Shiloli? A grand old remedy lor Cough, Cold .istd Consumption; used through th world for half a century, has cured in ISUrable cas of incipient con sump tion and relieved many, m Jvanced tuns. If yon are not satisfied w ith the tcIU we wiU refund your money. Pries tt cts., 60 eta. and t 1.00. For sale by Fosbay & Masai. . , t. .... i.,.i.rnuia nr fullness If rod suner ' ruiu - i ii ... atheriKUt side, pain, under shoulder, lade, consripatbn. btlousness, sick "sdaVhe. and feel dull, heavy 'lepT or liver is torpid and ongested. Le Witf . Little Early Riser, will cure you promptly, pleasantly, and permanently by .ov,ng the congestion J? fcile ducU to opn and flow na.uraiiy. Xnsv arc oood riu. TICKETS Toallpoirt East via Grer t Northern R ail wa For rates, f' dera and full information U," or add -ess Agent Albanv MauyaLover liAa turned with disgust m.R" 'f" loVable girl witn an offensive breath. S's Cloved brita action on the bowels, etc, Mnoth i wm! Sold for years pn absomU guarantee. Trice c. uu h o sale by Foshay fc Mason. To Cora CoueUp.t.on. TorT" .?k n!ggct druggists refund money. CASTOR I A Tnfawta and Children. lb Rind Yea Haw Always BougM Boars the Signature of -Get the best fiour. The Magnolia KHT HT10AI BASK. OF AiaBT , inisii '' 8 B.VOUNQ .K.W.LASOOOS 'fKidUlt .. a . Via F rcfitleat .. .. . nAia'Jtl.hvnlitwIbatflMOl j t-baismm ih a. . . C 8. r:.nr. t Vast gait Laka, Denver. Ft Fast Mail g p m Wortn,vmau, eaa City, St Louis, 6 :4i p m Chicago and East. .n Walla Walla, Spok- Spokan. V it... M - - l V yer ane. Minneapolis, bt r-J' id0 pni Paul, Dolnth, Mil- 8.0 a P wankee. Chicago, & t. East. vpm OCEAS STEAMSHIPS 4 P For 8an Francisco Sail every five days COLUMBIA RIVER 4 P llladay STEAMERS. Ea6anda .ToAstonaandW.y- to Dm " WILLiMETTERIV. 4:30 p Oregon City, Sawba , Ex Sun' Salem Wy-Land7 6am ixbun. Tarn WILLAMETTE AND 3fP J YAMHILL RIV. Monda City, Daytoa, Wed. SdWSalaTv7.yi-.ts. and Sat , and Sat. . Lv Lewifto ' YJtSF SNAKE RIVER W0 r .Daily RipariatoLewiston Daily W.H.HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, -C G.KAWUNG3, . PorUand.Or. Agent Albany. ORTHERH PAGIFICJJ. oilman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dinteg Cars, tourist- Sleeping Oars' Minneapolis Palutb H VflA a Grand Forks Crookston -ro Winnipeg Helena and ButU TXROUGHtTICKE f Chicago Kaebingtpn hiladelpbU HvrT.ork loetonandal. PSlI8SduT apan'and Ch na, vis -TaSa Srffl&c anuhir Co.. an American line. For infomation, time card. P eckets call on or write O G Boxkhart tllStf Gen Pas. Agl TERMS. July Dcmocaat, 25 cents per mouth 3.00 per year.in advance, SOa per month not in adTance. By carrier, lOo PM week. 10 per cent added if allow! to run over months. Single copies oc. Weiklt, 11.25 in advance-, " f year; 11.75 for second year; 20O rot Ihird and precwsiling wars, when not paw in advance. Clubs of Eve subscribers at 5.0( Youug Mothers. v.Q'ip mo lunv.. . - young nioiuera uvwuw ,. , , iWiiinR and frequently fatal, bhilo i UOUJU ant voiiaumiinui , in cases of Croup. H has never Seen Known loiaii. uio. i. v tBvad immediately. Trices 25 cts,. and . a I mi. . a. I MdaAi. .IV. Do cts. aim ft .uu. For sale by Foshay & Mason. S.'ck Headaches, nf r.vrf.rkiil womankind, are - . . . a, , all quicklv and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root lea, tho great blood purifier and tissue uuiiaer. Money rauuum' satisfactorv. Trice, 25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale by Foshay & Msson. Oeaatr la Blood Deep. Clean Mood mmna a clean skin. No l. ...., .iti.nnt it c mriTrl t'anciv luthnr- tic clean your blood aud keep it clean, by I stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im i purities from the body. Begin to-day to i banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, I and that sk-klv bilious complexion by taking I CaseareU. beuuty for ten cents. All drug " gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c 1..nnniii la o-rinna. coutrhs. colds. ! roup and wim ping-cough readily yield to s Dm Mimitfl r.niffh L'ure. Use thu remedy !n titinanJ !ihkwi ohi or tao 'rJikir. Foihiy A 31 uoa. , Cli3uko Rates. Weekly Dkmockat and Examiner .50 and Thrice-a-week World 12.00; and Republic 11.75: and rwaMnion . ami San Francisco Weekly Call 2.00;and Salem Weekly Journal 2.00 Don't think yoi cn euro ht slight a- tack of UvSijepna oy aieuni, vr will cire iuell. Koiot Dyipsta Cure will cure it; it "digests what yon eat ana resores uis uigoi'o - Foshay & Mason. Albany Market. Wheat 52 enU. 0atb4. Eggs 17tvnts. Butter IS to 17 cents. Potatoes 60 cents. Hams 15 coats. Sides 10 cents. -Shoulders 8 cents. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food ana Ids Ftture in strengthening- and recon 3tnictlng the exhausted digestive or sass. It is the latest discovered digesV ant and tonic lo other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It ln stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Haubca. Sick Headache,Gasti algla, Cramps, and all other results of imperfect dlgestioa. raparad bv E. & DsWI.; Ca. Cblcan, .OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cr. Morrison & Park 8ta. LEWIS BUILDING. Fort land - Oregou OUR CAPACITY U I'oequaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpaiel- In Oregon. ie have the best stock it select from and our prices 8T0 always the lnwest, quality considered SMILEY, The Pr Liter Torturing Disfiguring Humors Itching, Burning:, and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with Loss of Hair CURED BY CUT1CURA. The treatment is tnipto, direct, agreeable, and economical, and is adapted to the jroung eat infant a well at adult of erery age. Bathe the affected para with Hot and CtmcnaA Soap to cleanse the akin of crmiu and scale, and soften the thickened euticle. Dry, without hard irubblng, and apply Concoa Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and intimation, and lootbe and heal, and laatly take tbe CUTiCDRA KrOLesT to cool and cleanse the blood. Thia treatment afford in taut relief, permit re.t and sleep, and point to a ipeed y , pernia. LentTand economical core when all other rem edies and eren the beat phyiclans faU. ,,iJ. priea.Tai ST,S'-tfl Of.CtTTMJWKA forri. nwva o C"". Coi rw-. Bojoa. ar "How 10 Cmi Human," et-pst - K. O. T. M. ierf Sitar liijr erening at K. O. T. &J all Visitin; Knights invited. O W UOFFConinander. nnvf: v a it Ti I Cl CO. Second St near Lyon street, Allany. bells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tea and not nil. in Is out ot order If you hava ths symptoms numerated on thts chart. You can be cured without th aid ot Calomel, nine Mt or Quinine. They sr minerals and are apt to poison ths blood. Why not add your nam to th already tare Hut ot people cured by Hl'DYANt UVDV AN has cured 10,000 Oth ers and it will cur you. MVDYAN I th ireateit vegetable remedy ot th century and will roller all the following symptoms t HVDYAN can b had ol alt druggUt iol I) cents per package. POINTS OF WEAKNESS: 1. BILIOUS HEAD ACHE Relieved by HUOYAN. 8-3. JAXTNDIOBOT THH EYES. HUO YAN will cau tit yl lowneas to disappear and ths normal, healthy color to ralurn. . COATEO TONGUE, FOETID BRSATH. HUDYAMwllleloarth tougu and mak th breath pur and sweet. B. TENDERNESS AND PAIN IN THE STOMACH, DUB TO INDIGES TION. HUOYAN will clear the stomach oi th ezceta ol bile, roller th pain and caae tho food to b perlectly digested. e. ENLARGEMENT 07 THE LIT EH. HUOYAN will leaden th congcitlon sad re duce the livor to iu uormal aiie. nvDTAN win cur all th abor symr torn aud maks you well. Po not delay longer. Co to your drnrglit at one and pro cur a packagaol UI DVAN lor M cents or S packages for t-' JO. II your druggtrt does not keep it, send direct to th HUOYAN KK.M KDY fOMPANY, Sao Francisco, CalUornla. If ar tint aatlifled with th ffMlta. rts turn th amply niUYAM boa and w will Ntnre your money. Bemember that yoa eao consult th HUDYAN DOCTORS FHKEa Call and ace the doctors. You may eall and ee them, or writs, as you daairw Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cer. Stecktea, Market aad Elll Shv, Fraaeleee, Cel. FOSHAY i HASOH Wholesale Retail DRUGGISTS ABD QOKSSLLFIr ALBAHY. OKEOOM. Pore DfURS and the finest and Largest ttiocx oi esiaiionsry ano itooas n th Market. SODA WATER from Sodavillp, fresh. just received at Burkbart A Lee a a healthy drink. Also a line thing (rem Marquon 111, bottled by John Burnett of Sweet Home. C IX PER CENT LOANH.-I have a . TllmitA.1 imnunt nf mnnft to Inar. on first-claef farm security or improved hnainta nrntwrlv in Albanv. Interest six per cent for particnlara call ou or aaurees. d. P. Msrbiu., Desocrat building. Albany, Oregon HEW YORK WORLD Tliricr-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week . . .', . . . 156 Papers a Ycai For One Dollar Wlabea every llteratay tiMil 4 The Thrice-a- Week Edition of TasJN ew Tobk Wohld is first amon(r all "weekly papers in size, frequency of publication and the freshbsas, accuracy and variety oi it contents. It his all the merits of Treat $6 daily at be price of a dolla weekly. Us political ne ws ; s prom r t, cooi ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE m-TfiTTrr. I HEREBY OIVEM THAT under and by virtae of an order of (he County Oonrt of Linn county, OrcKon, anrl antm-nd fin the 5th dav of June. l99,we.tbe uederi(rnec',ai administrators of the estate ot John Marshall, deceaeed, ... a-. . . II..H..I . Wlll,00 oaiuraav, tne itaru uar m orpiciii ber,1899, at the hour of One o clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the court booee in Albany, Linn county , Oregon, sell at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash in band, the following described real property belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-wit: The 8 l of the N E and the N of the 8 E k d the N E L of the 8 W of Sec. 18 ?p. 11 8 R 1 W of the Wil lamette Meridian, Oregon, containing 200 The 8 Ji'of the N E Jand the Nol the 8 E H of Sec. 23 Ip. 11 8 B 1 W of the Willamette Meridan, Oregon, contain ing 160 acres. Also th J 8 H of the 8 E J of said r3ec. 23, containing ou acres. The W of the 8 W X of Sec. 21 and the W Jof the N W H of Sec. 28 Tp U 8 - ... . .a nt.ll .1. i : . I . - flaa B 1 W Of the Wllismeil) juriurc, ".c- gon. containing 160 acres. Also be'" ning at the 8 E corner of the N E of gee Zvinsaia lownioip bdu o,ti running thence worm roa. mw u less, to the south side of a county road, thence southwesterly along the south side the south line of the N E of said Sec. no iua....lttih nlai-A ett beeinniDI?. VaJTiaVV "..a.. uv r . 7 . a containing o acres, mwe or ram containing in ths a; regaU 168 acres, all in Linn county, OreKon. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 15th dsy of August, 1899. JoBit W. Gaixks, H. 15BTAKT, Administrators of tne estate of John Mart ball, deceased . f:1 j v m it ivivi ui HbwittSoi, 1 Attorney for Administrators. IT'S JUST LIKE T1JIS We have machines In stock as low as $10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart Stewart & Sox "SEW" A widow ulitir-ehrht rear oM. livlMr la Bk waamnalantiy troubled with peiaeoa bar nrer. up to u jua m aaa m he bad ealarrb of tha atomarbi another nronoanred It Mltarv ealculna. or tnonlb without gomt nmilta. At Um the pain of rnornoiM rn reannea uv i ne t- ' .'.ff? ''V.a '" ' fell Mil turn reanrted to. The patient wrtthrd I0B nouadat was ounpirtaly roa dowa little apcetlt. Party In jane a brUiibor Indiacaaf bar to try Ilipeae Talialaa, ,imm two weeks th pains and binatina, of tho Ha-nih aad aoli eaauaad aad and bad verr I After rntina them panaws entirely datappeorod. The patient had wa gamed aieraa pouuaa, aaa couia u Mutaa WtWCWn,- aaa ef hi I aaaa. teat a t-ri M.a Yi r a M or au Corval 4 Eastern Railroal. TIME CARD. 2roriaQu.ua. , Train leaves nivauj -- r arrive Yaqutna.... 6:80 p. m Leaves Ysqulna 7tfl0 a. m. Arrives Albany 12:2 p. m. a ror afeiri-ii. ... UsvetAlbs v 7 40 a. m. Arrives Detr.-it 1 ra 4 tteiuroinK- 10.0K - m Uaves Detroit 25 p. m. Arrives Albany a.fS'S' 6Leavei Albany. :0 P Arrives Corvsllji ;65 p. m. 5Usves Corvallis la I'm Oorvauis sun ""- ",;"" .: elvioa direct servtce to auu irum on M jousts, nouwi; tD5o. 5 runs 5rom Corvallis to Albany on Trains lor m njuuui.. . troit at noon, giving ampl. ana ssnuam nvoia B.' Xl4 J " ' a, a v' g H. L. WAiaUsK, Manager. T.F.&P.A. J. Tcbubb, Anent, Albany. Notice of First Meeting of Creditor t .u- i.tr.t Hnnrt of the United tla-.es for the District of t'egon: In the matter oi v. n. u'u, rnpt, in baDkruptcy. To the creditors oi . . t any, Oregon, ia the county of Linn ani IN on the 24th day of August A. D. 1899, the said W. K. Blain wu duly adjudicated , l u..t it,, firut mpf iino' ot hi S,'VJ,bris(ry,Ai;r-,.oTi son, in my omce, on iu r ?, i t iuoq ,t rtna (.'clock in the afternoon, at wbicn time the said creditors may attend, prove weir cmiroo, 0"" -trustee, examine the bankrupt, and trans, act sucb other buiness as may properly come before said meeting. Dated Aug. o,.0a.iLBByAjiT( Referee in Bankruptcy, A pood article Is worm rur poor one, I'.VFaR ! (WE KNOWS 1IIAT .. ONE WHITE . SEWING MACHINE will outwenra doscn cheap ones, therefore cheaper in the end. & Sox Co. for Machines that Nw York Cltr. had I right aide, whli-h Mm4 tm bo baaa treated by a aotnbrr of phrlrlaa.nof wbaawaaai rbi aantbar aMUd thai It wa ordinary dypiaala. aad r eal-'Ulna, or tail etoawa, for wbJra he traatad bar aae At timm tha Baia ware aoaavara that bimlirmk iulaari were as aevaro that hypoderml InJ lima ' preoticaUr ieeoel by lltilnilie tiUa, tao umim, auaaog oum oune. vumu tu aeH. wM ao inK Academy of Onr Lafly of Fnial Heljt Boarding School for Girls Thorough Instruction. Wbo.etom diet. Homelike treatment. Boys and girls are admitted as day pupils from six veara noward. Terms are moderate. Call at tha Academy tor Information c-r writ to Burrs, Buraawa. SUMMONS Hi, uaia l maw nmffir PnMBT n TBI STA1S1 C . a. ft O W W.Ma.a . - Orsooh ro Tint Co. or Linm, 83. Da- PARTKKKTPiO.Z. Sarah E. Murpby, plaintiff, vs. W. T. L .lAla.Ha-.4 To V. f, Murpby, tba above ii-Amed de- SVtHE NAME OF T1E 8TATE OF 1 Oregon, you are hereby notinea anu required to be and appear in said conrt in said suit, and unswer the complaint of 'be plaintiff filed therein, on or before the 10th day ot September, A. D. 1S09, and you are hereby further notified that if yon fail to - A ...a,., .-,14 mmnlHlnt a afuresaia, for want thereof tbe pltlntilt will take a decree against you for the re- Ut: I UCIilHUU(. ass -r- 1 r That the bonds of matrimony and mar it,. jamrtMrtAi tt iiwi Rninn Hini. tuwii4 riage contract eistmg ooiween too -I.?-. ...i h .uirl ,l,.f,niliint be forever dissolved and held for naught, and that the plaintiff be lorever uivorceu irom iUO mu . i ,t.. Ik. ntainliff hov the uultJUUMUv, nuti inn m """ , -: 7 coin ana custody ana couirci o tumr imji- V vuim " -----r-v, " . , i. : i .1 u mm w Miirnnv. ana inni iud UiaiULIU Will mmv J-- P tj , lor her costs and disbursements incurred in i : . i m hi tair. liiricrfTini.i hukiiii. vuu said suit. , . . ivui. a,..mM.AMa ta aArvcil nn.B I All DV OUu lication for six consecutive and successive I.. i auii inn ii j or bbdi- ember, A. i. W9. n the Stat; Bights UISWIAI 0"'J " .-... r -- circulation throughout said county ana -ata . ,.s aaaal a-.tlttltSiriAri LIIH C1LV Ul a it ' i- nHM AAimiv OrAffnn. hp order of Honorable B. P. boiae, judo of said circuit vuuiw """- . . r, ' July, A. D., 1899. and that tbe said Hon. R I'. Boise, judge of s.id Circuit CouH.in said ordt,r for the publication of this sum- - .nn liaanraarlbfld tha laid lutU a . - . . L I,aaaa. K. hlfll, IMK, UllTi day Of September, A. D., 1899, as the tune on or Doiore wuicu ivu mn it"",1 ... .Ua. mnlA a.nmnllllnl'. in Bald suit. '" -v.' o1;"'";. .7" ; .i.i. The date ot me nrst pumicaauu ui iummons in said newspaper is au.un .u A. U. 1!5W. W. T. SI.ATEB AND vV. M. KAimn, Attorneys for plaintiff South and East Route -or the Southorn PaolQo Oo 0UI.,n.la lipreas Tialns laave Cortlaa t.ll " " I Kurt Ar 1 1) 111 A a Ar' sat U'll auuiu 1 ;oor. a. ) L I ) OS a I l. J) a I At rjrilm -Alban ; Ian rranalKS Above train, slop at uft1,(,n' , twoen Portland " 8wlem4lf ner. Murion, jn'r.on 1 ... .-l .i l . II.Iuau H.llUlU 0 CotWKe brove. Drsln. Oakland and all Ulluus from lUcburg ssuih to and la eli ding Anhlund. Cor i4 Alb, . Ku rs A.I l:e as l.f U la..'-' Ilium I Ar totsoa tasoa M t Imso s 4ior a rntr 1 1 1 1 Uava llvi U'ia Arrli. " PULLMAN MJflJ SLEEPER. . r...m a Vdsn Roulil SECOND-CUSS SlEWINfi W atta.aea - T.t si t . . HtfSB.S) ratll.AIIS AS HAl Ml, ta tlt isseut Sl uaasvs . " III a a 1 1 UlSaa I Af roriuixt i)rill Ar I I M beltto ITrakn tllr t' I'L 1 kora , U' l.,t(lu.l aUSHn-i'tllr i,it- ! at I -v tv -is la I tl M t a s j sural Ar jor I Ar u ...... ii,k,M.ml " 1 '.'. I. wd fit "-" K. aoin.t. - ""'raf f A Kui'aB 0ia ruruaaM MA -5 ' r,,,4, Alt-ao wSS'" iKD S00 PACIFIC LIME. To All Points East, , , Solid vcttbul. trains. ""U elegant any coewn, ,, csr ind free colonial lrpew from ths i a ... ., - i n in,nMt chance. 1U0 to 1111 Aiiawuv - ' ,.,ni..Bfit rivilTPI) rrowlns Ilia 1 .iia.,ni tn 4 dat . r mer ano H Ul' I , M -.aa n.. than anv competitor cost Dinner and CHEAresT out t Koolennv IHKtrlci VAKCSr, Daw nastaa, stocAD err', HSUOK, TSAIL, K04MLAKD A"b All point In tka Okanaan Country. a. 1 -..,...i,i( otvlntf a lull luacrilitloa JB w SS B-jFvstfar-'S'pvvv"Ba)w a f this wonderfol country. Ask theatre1 lor a copy of the mining lawsol urmie U9iaWNa.aU BXJBOPB Atlantk steamship inesj navtAfllnn Pun Rv (Jo.'a Rntrai Mail Steamshln A-VJ SS - .1 4ft a. . a J a. fl TjtMStial line to umna tvauipauj OAHADIAH AVsraAtus) STSAissa UJi TO SaOVOlaflaC, tut A o avstkalia. Tbe shortest lloe to tne Colonies. Thess steamers carry an txpeneacea mcuicai man, and a stewardess on ewy voyage. for time tables pamphlets, or aay la ormatlon, call on or address; m r'. it. vjt. J Ai't, ttl Thirl OeVmcL. R1.V.. D. P. A vsoconrtr I'VaWsr'VlWlv'V'fs -2C:'A LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foshay A Mason block. ti Bryant, r w u,uc;u . , . Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O blocs. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. Judge U Howltt, P O block. H 1 Humphrey. - Kelly A Curl, bank building. L 11 Montanve, Pearce. blocky J C Powell, P O block. C E 80s, PO block. L L hwann, Hank building. It J Watson, uaiia Weatherford A Wyatt, Bank bnlUiis a , . l.a.a.W V.1 axa. W Wnltney rnwpuruu-H,. O W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. P M Garland. Brownsville A A Tossing. Sclo. T J llson LINN CO- ABSTfiACTiCOMPAtJ Albany Wrefon. OOicef Bank of Oregon Uuilding. Only set ol Abstracts of Linn County Complete sot ol maps and plats. i aiad furcitjn countries sent free. a A. SNOW & cc I Or. Parmrr Orrifs . WiHineT . C ft 5Rava.tsan4Tra8 KriobUliea sod sll t Sent biinlnr. eondnrtod for Moderrts rc'9 Brndmodrl.arawlnsorpUoto, Wea'tT' J -wUmUbla froe of cUnrne, On r f n ot da niitnntlaaeriirPil. A Pamphlet ,,iaJi"l iai li.,..,. " nitfif limllr ttioT f aurajf r f