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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1899)
r Our 1899 Jackets, (-apes iind Furs arc on sale. .S'EYounjtr&Son A High Grade Coffee The Flavor of which never changes. It is stimul ating and soothing. A trial will convince you of its merits. It is Jas Heekins & Go's Celebrated For Sale by IVIcFeron & We make t swctalty of COFFEE And Guarantee all we sell. F I. N UTTI NO, Ed . and Prop. Knurst at the Poat Office at Albany J-iCor MKKtnrf ttn mail matter.! AT HIE BAZAAR An ample variety of sue cessful styles and latest novelties in Tall OUTER GARMENTS Jackets, Capes and Furs. TAYLOR MADE SUITS and separate Skirts. L. E. & II. J. HAMILTON. At Our New Store. We are now located at our new store on '2nd street near Crawlord'a Gallery where we bone to meet all our old one. J tomersaswelt as many new ones. We are now selling Table Syiup and N. O. Molasses at 40u per gallon. Uood Vine gar at lOo per gallon. Uood goods at puiar prices is our motto. ' ALBANY TRADING CO. 0 LOAN.$100O 10 loan on good real estate security at 6 per . cent. , or in formation call on J. 1'. Oalbraith. Call on F. M. French The Jeweler. If you want a first clau -.-i. i, ov larcra line of Mickle, Sliver, Go'd-fllled and Solid Oold Watches, that we bought lor cash, and we are giving our cos tonieri tbe beneflt of the extra discount... - ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING (irecialty. Ugh Grade Cincinnati Roast Tomlinson City Council. Present, all oflkurssna members but Ursnam ana Dawson. The following bills were ordered naid 11.10. lIarknfss.IHO.llt E. B. Davidson Ift.l-O; IliiKlies&Troulnian,7.60;, t . U Bueti, fiu 30. Closets at Maditon and Water street snd on lot 0 blo-k 122 were declered a nuisance. Tbe pipe lines on Ferry and Ellsworth streets were accepted. Complaint was made o' ths burning o( trasu in me streets and an ordinance or dered preventing it. , J lie owner oi a cioi in block .0 was ordered to connect with the sewer with inQvetlsjS. The matter of correcting (be fire lijiits oramance was reietred. ad amended bicycle ordinance was presented and read tbe second lime and continued. Tbe ordinance is the same as tbe old one except that it prevents tbe riding of.bicrele on the sidewalks certain months ol the tear, during dry weUher, It dellnes when ft Is dark in tbe section requiring hcadiliiMe. November. Decern her. January nnd Frbrtiarv at 8 o'clock March, April and October at 7:30, May June and July and to Aoeust 13 at! o'clock, end August 15 to October 1 at 8 o'clock, each night until euniUe. Tbe iet provision in the ordinance is tbe part which provides that no one shall ride bicycle on any sidewalk at any lime earleesly or negligently or at any such a rate of speed or in sues a manner as to Interfere with tbe free use of said tide walk by predestrians. Enforce that and little of the rest will be needed. The provision requiring headlights should ex cept th bicycle when in tbe street. A headlight will frighted a team much quicker than a bicycle w thout one. Haiiitcl Dai-KKiHo lNNAHB. George Hay lord, a resident of Albany for a num ber cf ycars.was committed to the Insane asylum this forenoon and taken to a luru this aoon by Sheriff Mnnkere. The cause given was alcohol. Hayford, who is an expert plasterer and maton.bai been an habitual drunkard for a good many years,spending all his money for whisky. The result was inevitable. He lost his mind entirely, his version being that be had loat one ol the wheels In his and wanted to burn the town. head The Lad lea. pieii until (Rect and perfect safety with which ladies may ute syrup of Fign, uuder all contutiens, mates it tiieir favor ite remedy, to get tbe true and genuine article, look for tbe name of the California Kj 7 Syrup Go. printed near tbe bottom of tbe package. For tale by all druggists W ater Melons, weet"ard delicious on band daily at C. E. Bkow.neix's. See the Sugar Bowl's wirdow display Yellow Crawford peaches can now be found at IBbowktu.'s, gnd.f t Fresh Oysters at Stctter'i, Albany's Leading Restaur nt. .7 r --we BING a SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. W. A, flmlck has returned t of Rosnburg for tbe coming school year. Judge J, F, Htewart and daughter and J. II. Luis of Toledo, were In the city to day. W, If. Hammond, brother, of A. B. will go to He mountains Ibis week ou a trip. Frank Btewert hat returned from Ore. ".on cl.t.T wbtr ,ie u" working in tbe mills. Miss Ileule Beam has returned from a visit with the Ismily of ivof. Tyree la Eugene. Hoy and Virgil Parker, the two bilail. oue ns of ilw rustling baker, went to he Bay this afternoon after salmon . Harry Bsraes and wife and Mr. Cut vercHma across the mountains from Orjok county arriving last evening. Hon. Geo. S. Downing of gale,,,, nM relurned from the Atlin mines. He says the matter has been entirely over done there. Mr. Frank Power, a Portland druegWt, formerly of Albany, was In tbe cily ibis noon on hi way to Khedd on a visit under the parents! roof. A. 0. Beam is at the Ba on a A-i.ln trip. This! about the flnent Una nl ,l.a year at the Bay, and the fish are ssid to nave rx-en roiium; one. MiasAhble Wrlvht. Who haa l.n spending the esmmer at Corvallis, went to Portland this noon to resume her worn in wte Aik.nson;echool of that city. Mr. and Mrs. W. n r..i. down from Anldein last evening ami went to Independence, railed ilir. i. the seriousness Illness of Mrs. Lawler's mother. Prof. A. W. Moses, whs ri-nt1 - turned to Dakota, where he has been teaching in the Indian agencv for sever l years, has been trsooferred to Zunl. 2sew Mexico. Mr.Conn. of Albany, was !n'ir terday looking ovei the plans and spec!- """" "r vny anu concge sewers, whii a view to becoming a bidder Cor vallia Timet. D. 0. Currle and ion (in f rwii-n.1 formerly of Albany, eame down tmm mi the Kaotiam lear niuht. hra n.. i.. "mug property ana went to rort- iuu in ii morning. lr. Courtney on Friday In at A rma hi mare to Wheatland tp mile-in one uour. vjno uav during the werek be al so drove lour ru lies In twelv Pretty good stepping for an animal that bas never been trained, Darton Herald. . ' fmily, is a guest been a leading business man a't Albany !?r !l,,e, ?c," now '"tends to make uiuuii. Air. iiaiamn k-hn . u.ubiiu uiiiJiicool res denca Tele. gram. air. rreuenck solfof Pendleton and n a ... . - viara iouuuo, daughter of Prof, yonuon, were to dc married in Eugene today. Mrs. N.J. Damon and JuVa Heanoi Kaletn went to Ktigenc yester day to attend the ssme. 7 Mrs. William Wg,, 0f Crook, Crook county c in the city tbe gneet of Mrs earah Baltimore. Mrs. Wigle was a daughter of Kev. II. II. gpaulding of hiiman maatacre fame, a sister ol Ell aaspauldjug warren, tbe first whits girl born in Oregon. A very pleasant gathering at idence of Mr F. f. French last evening ""j "7 eeverai iriends, includ ing Misses Woods and Little of Sacra mento, Calif, who will leave for their home tonight, Mrs. Minnie McCoy, of Spokane, who itft for home tcday and Mr. Adams, a silverware drummer who recently returned from a tiip to the Hawaiian islands Games were played and a unique lunch of fruit, watermel ons, musk melons, apples, pears, peaches snd grapes, with orangeade, served. ITnaIIorFu'.ns.-Oneof the live liest and pteasanrest places around Al bany Is tbe thlity acta hop yard of Mr. Charles Davis west of the city. There sre about seventy pickers "now, a nice crowd of people, nearly all from Albany, who do some energetic picking from 7 to 6. Among those using their vacation in this way is a Captain in tbe Philip, pine war, an ex-editor and a number of our brightest young ladies. Yesterday two of the young ladies picked eight boxes, four apiece. A gallant thing in connection wi.h it Is that two Albany yonng men helped them all the after noon working like Trojans. Mr. Davis will have about 50.0J0 pound of hops In all and is as anxious for good weather ss auy one in Oregon. fudge Blackburn continues to have a level head. The state game warden asked tor an opinion as to whether the game warJen could iesue a permit for a man to hnnt protected birds where wanted for scientific purposes. The at torney general stated emphatically no, that there waa no authority for anything of tbe kind in tbe statute. If this was permitted Oregon would be full of ssien tiflo huntert.and our farmers would have their bands full of Portland sports with scientific permits. Or at least this is nuggested as a possibility. We are Turning Out ' , . The whitest, cleanest, best lanndry work tn America the only kind good enough for you. Then if you care anything lor promptness, you'll like our delivery system. We'reas punctual as ciock work only (aster. Let bundles come. your Drop postal and wagon will call. MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY. Telephone 31. Oysteis by the pint or Leading Restaurant. qnart at tbe Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers HOME AND ABROAD. Have rrof. Stark fit. your eye. In novelties Will & Btark lead. Call at the Sugar Bowl for fresa tnt Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter't. Fiesb fruit st Vlereck'sBugsr Bowl par lors. Oysters cooktd any way yoo wsb at Stetter's. ST0VK8 Hul burl's. and Tinware at Ohllng & Leave your orders at Stetter's. tor Fresh Oysters Osrden Hose and Lawntuowersst Ob ling & Uulburt's. Oysters opened fresh everyday at the Leading Restsurant. French the Jeweler makes a specialty ui -JUKKk-uiuen. ana wedding rings. Fresh Sodavllle soda-vatar a Wlthfnl summer drink, at Burkhart iLeo's. for sale, good carpeting, 33 cents per yard, by T. S. Alexander, east end ol 8th street. The watches and nriiafn PVAnz-li 'a ilia. play window speak for themselves. We guarantee every watch we sell. It is a Singular I aula (hat rinnnt ha suited in the varied and Urge selection of Jewelry at Will & Stark's, The best goods and reasonable prices. Losenotimo in calling on Will & Stark for the bust watches, guaranteed time keepers, and take your time in buy ing. It is a Pleasure to ahnw tlu-ii goods. Prof. Stark, of Will A Stark. ',!! t.a in'Albany until the 20th, and thoie wishing their eyes ter ted and fitted in a firot clae manner, will do well to ca'l on him. He eurrantces satinfaction. Dad Caldwell of the Hi si Hou-e. waa stricken with paral yds yesterday. The Wiley B. Allen car was taken to Coivallis today for business in that city The Lugene went down stream this alterncon. It bas no trouble in making tbe trip between Corvallis snd Portland. Two deeds were presented for record ins at Salem yesterday w ith 60 cent pout ace stamps at' ached. Some people never will learn anything. The lewiifh bn-iners houses of Albany on account of the Jewish holiday will close their stores from 6 o'clock tonight to 7 o'clock tomorrow night. Mr. Headrick's unique barber open ing yesterday afternoon was greatlv en joyed by a large number of friends, who were treated to music, cigars etc. Tbe machineiy of the Enterprise saw mill at Berry was taken to Lane county last evening, where it will be set op in one of Booib-Kcliy & Co's mills. The public reboots will open ntxt Monday with the prospect of a very large attendance. Parents should have their children ready to begin promptly. In probate record of Eentcn county: In tbe W. II. H. Ri"b estate, the sale of real property to Nellie M, Kich for fl,- 687, wss confirmed. Mrs. Thomas Hopkics cave a very pleasant party to tbe Detroit ontng party of last summer, a reunion In honor of the pleasant time hsd up in the mountains., It was a delightfu: attair. Geu. Summera bas resumed his dutiee as appraiser of customs at Portland. lirotbet JieouricR win now avevo' write bis editorials at his deck, and the click of hie type writer will no lodger be beard on the carr. Everybody bas it In for France on ac count of the recent outrageous Dreytus decision. George Anderson of this city aays he will not eat any more Freuch sardines, and tbe Dkmocrat man will not attend the .exposition. France might as well quit. Yesterday afternoon at Pcio. E. E Larrimore. Riley Sbelton. Gabe Miller and Mr. Elmore were in a barn inspect 'ng some flax when tbe barn collapned Fortunately tbe timbers fell sgsinst a tra leaving a srakll opening for them to crawl from under the lumber. Mr. Lar riimore had bis nock braised the extent of tbe personal damage done. New Goods in All Lines. fa..-- ' Men will appreciate the fact that we mean busi ness when they see the business-like prices on our business suits. Make it your business to invite yourself, any time, to convince your self of our suit supre macy. Ot t Of Jt Mil WlwVkMiVfinervi Business It theBIAlN CLOTHING Company 5 We lead with 70,000 We lead with nearly rlv TO Wirt mietefae being recorded acraln.t III ... . j vvuy uu tnreiui attention, uor Byrops, Tincturee and Extracts are up to tbe standard, always fresh, being made from be best drngs that money can buy. When yoo are sick yoo should have the best and yoo get tbe best from ns. f&e Ua SPECIAL CUT PRICES at i'. H F. Mcllwains' Cash 18 lbs. Best Grannlated Sugar f 1 (10 All Besi Brands Flour per sack 75 Choice Sugar Core Bacon per lbs 10 Extra Sugar Cure Picnic Hams per lbs..... , 11 10 papers Portland Koait Coffee 1 00 20 lbs. Japan Rice. 100 Schillings Mocha & Java Coffee, 5 ibe 100 16 o. Plug Starr Tobacco. , h 3 Large Packages Mush 2T 1 lb. Schilling's Tea ... 45 8 bars Extra Quality Soap . 2? 8 lbs. Rio Coffee Roasted , 1 0 8 papers, 8 lbs. Arbuckle Coffee 95 tiocd brooms, Extra Quality 25 3 cans Tomatoes.! 25 Large New Stock just received in our Grocery Department and we will make Specia Cut Prices for a short time. Call early. Mcllwain's Cash Store. vT" i :i'J f-;r" Wit OeVRtCatri9 nrM.rlnlinn. on At without a rlnglc n. K-v.... "'' Burkhart & Lee, Store, Summer Cooking is made a pleaxtire by the uee of-, tbe Quick Meal blue flame oil stove. It is the most conven ient, simple, economical and easily managed of any cook'ng apparatus made, and will baker boil, broil or roast, and is sure to give thorough satisfaction. - STEWART & SOX HDW. CO.. latisfactioii In clothing explains our clothing success I We want your views on our new Fall: Trouser showing With confidence we: invite your examina tion, court your criti cism and await your verdict. Coming in?" inAc..eAw..ei.w.ven'w ji. THK UBfLOrTHC TAMOOS- 7 -Mb. GUARANTEED CLOTHING.