The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 15, 1899, Image 2

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    Admit It at Last.
Eepubltcan papers, notably the Ore
oaian, are driven at last to admit what
sifccnoctata have always contended would
.lot low as a necessary consequence of
Jklgb protective tariff laws. Time and
seralo were warnings Riven that trusts
nd villainous combination! would lol
w in the wake of auoh legislation, and
these predictions have been more than
-tjerifled. The steel trust, the' woolen
mill trust, the lumber trust, and scores
of others exist and are maintained wlo
ly from the fostering care given them by
aelinly bill. Speaking ot the per-
.-aicious affects of the Dlngley tariff law
M it effects ths farnieis who hare to
purchase gram sacks lately landed a
from Calcutta, the Oresonian
j The boast " is made that within five
"The fanner paid the duty juat ae he J" Baker City will be the greatest
widths freight, the insurance charges, mining center in the United States. It
nd every oilier item of expense in con-J certainly nas a good start, but such pro-
.... . Uk..U ..... I...
The papers are et.eaHug oi oar colon
al trade, It mates a small showing, in
fact is to small comparatively as to indi
cats that ae are doing lots of fighting tor
small reward financially.
Already there is talk of bojeotting the
Paris fair. This is only natural. The
people of the world loving Justice should
keep away from a country permitting
an innocent man to suffer in order to up
hold the army.
Some American citiisos wanted to
give General Dreyfus a sword as aa act
of appreciation. It was refused, dis
playing good judgment on the part of
Dreyfus, who soes further tlau his nme
personal pride.
The ea-'.rrn papers are busy publish
ing the onlv authentic interviews with
Admiral Dewey, Mot of them are
made up.
The.Roseburg Review says tint lion.
S, II. Holt of Jackson county has unda
taken to reoruaiils- ths wimlist nirtv
in the middle of the road, lie lultiUt as
well quit
Lnt News in Short Form.
Will IU PaidOucd.
Lokhox. Kent. IS. The Paris corn's
pondent of JDaily Chronicle claims to
have good authority for the statement
! that Dreyfus will tie pardoned, although
I President Loobot will not exerclso his
.,.,,, , , ,! prerogative until after the
The tt alter L. Main circus demanded ; tho council of revi.Ion.
bonuses for showing, in some towns
south nf here besides free grounds
L'tiglnnd Whipped.
no license. In Dunsmuir this was dtno i York, Sept. 12. 'furry McUuv
)Kt . l a
a bonus of 1230 was given. In Ashland
lite demands were rehiM-U and the show
pasted on Did you ever,
The town of Dyea is to bo moved te
Skagway. This is indeed a fleeting
section with the cargo of cram bags
from the time it left the Calcutta ex
porter's hands until it reached the local
railroad station nearest bis farm."
This is the truth full and fearlessly
toll in the same language and in the
ssrns spirit that any democrat would tell
tt. Does any one believe that this tiuth
ia a revelation totheOregoman? Would
suiy one so tar underestimate ths dit
-.criminating comprehension of the editor
of that paper as to suppose for a moment
that he did not understand the effect of
the Dingley tariff in reference to grain
bags as well when that bill was pending
ia Congress as be does now T
That paper adds: '
"This case (grain sack matter) illus
trates the iniquity or injustice of a sys
tem which is sdd'ng much to the bur-.
detn of the producer of the Pacific
Bat why complain ? Did not that edi-
Cor support and urge the election ol a
fuesideQt who urired the passage of the
- Diogley bill, and also candidates for con
. erre-a who were pledged to support the
-srbele scheme of protection t Is it more
ioionltons to tax the producer of the
VPaeific coast for the benefit of a few bag
jstannfacturers than to tax 70.000,000 of
consume rt for the beuefit of the wool
.wrowers. or steel manufacturers, or cos!
terons. or lumbermen or any other ben
eficiarr to the iniquitous Diogley tariff
law? Surely no. The farmers and pro
-sfiacers af the Pacific coast who have been
.rap porting the republican ticket bare no
wight to complain of this "burden" this
tax open their grain sacks, for ia the
passage of the Dingley tariff law they ob-
. sained just what tbey voted for. The
troth in a nnt shell is that the whole
-.protective tariff scheme is Iniquitous
immoral, and bad, ab initio. It is the
-wery essence of paternalism and popu
Jtam. The Oregoman thinks tha tariff
a grain bags should be removed, bnt it
.ssbonld not be removed until it ia re
snore frm lumber, coal, wool, woolen
.mods, tin plate' Iron, steel, ate. There
" itm much more sense In levying this duty
an wrain bags than there is in levying a
"efnty on woolen goods for all the increase
Via the price of grain bags in conscqnence
wSf the tariff goes into the treasury of the
United States, while in the case of the
wroolen goods it goes into the pockets of
-Jae woolen manufacturers. Down with
jthe whole scheme.
phesies rarely come true. This is a big ,
cointry and there are other mining cities
making faeter strides.
It General Wheeler were placed in
charge of the campaign In the Philip
pines the war would soon be ended. lie
would push it with such energy, always
sustaining the ground gained, that the
Filipino would soon havs all be wanted.
But Wheeler ia a democrat like several
other of the best men In the recent wars,
and bs will not be given any more
chance than possible.
Admiral Dawey says he considers the
Filipino more cipabl of self govern
ment then the Cubans. This is quite a
Mr. Pague says this will be a dry we.k
but that thore will bs clouds. We have
the clouds today ahead of time.- It may
ram and it may not.
When the rest of the world gets
thronnh with tin. P..;. 0.ui,!., i, " ' " consmoraoie agitation ot a proposition
i!v .r! J 1 exPM itlon , for this government to abandoned its
ern of Hiouktyn, thoroughly whipped
i tMiur i-aimer, oi immi in less in mi a
round, in tho arona ot the Westches
ter Club, near Tuckahoe, N. Y., this nf
termxm. With tlio victory wont the ti
tle of bantam champion ot tho world,
although both coiitoMtanU were actually
in the featherweight 'chute.
Dud Accident.
OxroHit, Is., Hipt. II Four men were
killed and two in in red la', n head end
collision which took place today on the
Hook Island two and a half rnilm imat nf
here. The dead are :
Engineer lulnn.
Fireman Poison.
Son of A. D. Smith. Iowa City.
Colored man, not identltlod.
The Proper Till iu.
YYahuimutox, Sept. 11. It Is believed
that when conirrort asMemhioa tlu.rn u ill
be considerable agitation of a proposition
' WoiHg thtui Wnr",, Bopt. 6, The tronsport
vi.jr ui i nuuio arnvou nere Biouay, ana
'jyv i nm uunng mo voyuge irom wan
rraiicisootrouhlo aroao botwoon white
nu coiorou soiuirrs over a game of crops.
iivi(rwa wore sccumki oi ciieniinir,
and trouble seemed einiiioiit. The arrl-
VMl Of tho DroVfmt Ullill-il I. i.l a
light aue during the riunnliidor of the voy
sgtilhewhlU's and blacks were kept
v I'uintvui
Klch Man Doiid.
Nkw Yohk, 12. Cornelius Van
oerhllt. head of llm 'ini,l..ri.n,
IZtZ of m ' tlali o ty at 0 m
meeting of o'clock this morning from a stroke of
nnrni-eie. pit. iiinit'i out was in
oiJth your. No physician was in attend,
ance. The uttaok was very sudden and
unexpected, and It was Impossible -to
reni n nny puyaiQinii oi'iore uouili occurred.
The recent good weather has caused
big st'ides in the harvesting ot wheat,
and wa have now done eighteen or nine
teen days work out ot a customary thir
ty days run. Ten days more will result
in a complete saving ot the crops, for
extra work is being done and a greater
effort than ever made to get the crops
threshed and the bops picked.
ioo as tut had teen in a worse place
even than the Devil s island, unless
trance does the square Hiding by Drey
tue. The worlj is not going to staud
stiDldly by and see an iunoceut man degraded.
v.. , , , I among members cither the
jow is the time when the farmer has senate.
pirticipation in tho Paris exposition. It
is Known that expressions hostile to the
exposition, quoted from Senator Stewart
aro very widely sympathised in. and it is
thought that if the conviction of Dreyfus
is permitted to stand there will he be
1 very littlo friendly feeling for France
house rr
How To
Gain Flesh
Persons Have been known to
gain a pound a day by taking
an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL
SION. It is strange, but it often
happens. v
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound i It seems to start the
digestive machinery tfolnrf nrrm.
erly. so that the patient Is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be
fore, and that Is the way the gain
is made. - .
A aafflatll BlfVt JMtPti an.sf It!.
necessary for health i If you have
not got It you can get it by
cell's pisioii
You will rind II luil aj tucfut In summer
u-i- li.c3v ax M ,n wln,cr ,Bd you thriving upon
WhONhSDAY it don'l stop because the weather ta warm.
Small Pox Death.
1TI.1.VAS, Wash., Sept. 12. Tho first
tieiitii ironi sniallKx to occur In Kasteru
Waxhlugton siuco tho recent onldemio ho
gun In SjKiksno hist spring, occurred two
... 1 1.... ...... . i. .... ... , i . , . . i .
iiiiiv. mmuu'nm, ui joiIUHOIl III" I lllgllt,
whou Wilbur llalnos died, after an ill
iioss of but live diiys. Tho ilocca-ed liml
conlhiont siimllputc, the most malignant
IMiase oi mo uisuuse. lie took tho dis
ease from associai Ion with his brother
in-lnw, I arts Iftigloy, whociuno to this!
county Irom Oregon to weoksago. Hug
ey had the disease on tho rond, but in a
mild form.
uh) ti a, til druMbts.
WtT A BOWKR, Owmbls Nt York.
The entire French nation will have to
suffer on account ot the unjust convic
tion of Dreyfus, and the world will point
its finger at France for the wrong done,
not on account of Dreyfus but because a
men baa been deprived of bis liberty
when not guilty according to the evi
dence, seen as plainly as one can see the
nose on a man. It was a sorrowful day
for France when she stooped to this
to mane hay when the sunshines. When
a thrttsbcr breaks down it means something.
The people of the United States
shouldn't put themselves out to make
the Paris exposition a succe-s next year.
A people who will condemn an I nonet lit
uiu ueeerve Doing lot alone.
The state treasurer baa just placed in
me vault oi the treasury office a 11700
coin safe. Just what for the Dsmocbat
is not informed. The business of the of
fice .is reputed to be done entirely
through the banks.
Admiral Dswey is on bis way home.
When be arrives in New York city be
will be given the biggest and most ex
pensive reception ever tendered an
American citizen. He baa earned It and
deserves all tbe praise be may receive,
The tail end of the eastern hot weather
baa struck us. Borne people declare that
a not peii in September ia a rain breed
er. Perhaps and perhaps not. The new
moon points down and a prophet says
this a sign of no rain. In the mean
time me barometer has a downward
tendency una afternoon.
Tbe same significant report comes from
au over the state. Here In one from
ana yet m some respects sncn a recep-1 Stavtnn -w-ri, j.
i . . .... . I 'J war 1M1 UU ICS in
uoa is nniorinnate lor toe man wno re-1 mad in bi,,a ,
ceives it. and in others be would be bet- : " .
ter off if he could arrive less cereinon
lously, bnt just as appreciated by a
heart demonstration on tbe part
of the people. Tha New York re
ception has already divulged tbe fact
hat of tha $150,000 being spent about
half of it goes for tbe glory and conven
ience of tbe committee and officers, who
have displayed a rotten selfishness that
is offensive, with which though of course
Admiral Dewey bad nothing to do.
rent. There are nann. Kv-ti.lnn
tenantable ie ocennied. Ktvt, f. ..n
of people and the place is running over,
to to speak. A few rows of cottages
would be a snlei.ditl inminunt
eral families Lave been turned away be
cause no apartments could be secured.
It means that tbe whole state ia filling
up. We must get a rostle on and build.
An exchange says: "A practical wo-
Should C. .
Chicago, Sent. 11. A spcv I to the
Record from W asdiington ;
Tho friends of General Otis are ! ' com
ing hoiwful that they will suocuw.i In
having bim retained In his present com
mand. This week thevtwere doerlv en
courage ana a uigH otticiai ol the war
department, openly admitted that lis be
ne vea '-popular clamor" would result In
his friend's recall and tho assignment of
General Miles or General Morritt to Ma
nila. Gutting Ready.
Losuo.v, Sept. 11. Activity in the ad
miralty and the war olllce continues to
day, though there is nothing new regard
ing the Transvaal situation. It la said
orders have been tent to America for
light iron girders and bridging sections
for probab'e use in South Africa. Trans
ports are moving to docks preparatory to
Venezuelan Revolution.
From the E. A.:
Chas. A. Smith, ot this place, yester
day traded 100 aoes ol land In Kansas to
Mr. Carlana for his residence Droneriv
on Uridge avenue.
E, F. Carte'on left Saturday for Forest
Grove, where he will attend Pad Ho Un
iversity. He enters the senior class and
will graduste next June ,
Hon. M. A. Miller left Saturday for
The Dallea and other Eastern Oregon
i oints, where be goes In the interest of
the Modern Wordmen. Ills family ac
coniDaulsd bim.
Died, at his home near Watetoo. Sun
day, (September 10, 18m), of paralysis,
Im Tin Cmct ir Couht op ma sraTX or
May Znhii. tilalntiff. vs Charles Auuut
tu Ztho, defem'unt.
To Uimrlts Augu.lus ihn, the above
sauted difndaut t
Orfgoa, you are beroby rriuimd to arpear
aadan-wer the complaint, GUd against
you in ttie above entitled cov, on or be
fore tbe 271 1 dar ol October, iS'Asaiddate
being the lat nay of the time prescribed
ia toe oruer oi puuueauon or iuis um-
David Ayers.aged 83 years and 0 uionlbs. moui nd lf ,M 10 pwarand ant
E. V.. Atdricb will leave in about three
weeks tor bis old home In Wisconsin,
where be Intends to remain. Tbe de
Krtnre ot this eicelleot young man will
much regretted by bis many friends.
Tui Ciiilo CiLTias Ciac-LK will meet
at the residence tt Dr. Erskine Thurs
day afternoon at 2:30. Subject, "Tbe
Instinct of Power, or tbe Training of the
Emotions." Questions. 1. What does
Plato sav ol the plays of children T S.
What does Homer teach us? 3. What
do we find in nature to illustrate Horn
Ponci, Porto "Rico, Sept. ll.-Tbe er'saod Plato's sarlngsT i. Whstimpree
steamer Philadelphia. Captain Cham- slons does the child nature first receive,
hers, Irom enesuelan ports, brings news emotional or Intellectual? 7. What is
of the spread of ths revolution and the
wsntng strength of the government. The
insurgent leader. General Citrano Castro
baa 10.000 men under his command.
Sixty-six prominent Doliticiane were
arrested August 14, and more lhan 600
have been taken Into custody since. A
nerce bailie was fought Augns. 23 near
Barquisimeto. when the insurgents csd-
tnred 2000 government troone and se
cured a large quantity of ammuuition
Judges Weakening.
KE.VNKS. Sent. 11. Tbe iudiree of the
Dreyfus court-martial today by a mutual
agreement, expressed to the president of
me repuoiic, wrougn uenerai iucaa,ine
lone ot ths mistakes of our age, when we J
begin a eblid'e education? Home read
lose. "Ths Treloins- of the Senses'' and
Boy's Keligion from "Tbe New Crusade."
wer said comiilaint. the Llmnliri wilt an-
ply to tbe abeve eulilled court tor the re
lief prayed lor In mid comy'aint, tuwtt:
Kor a decree dissolving lie iond of ma
trlnion) now oi.iinir tH.(,in plaintiff
and defendants for plaintiff's cmU an 1 tlie
tiur-ements unrein an l for tne care and
custody of the child mentioned io tbe
complaint Ijerein.
Tbis summons is published once a week
for six consecutive works in Tn Htaib
Hiou-s Dbmocjiat, anewspaper publitbed
ia Linn Coualy.Oreuoa.aad of arneral cir
culatlonia said county, pur.oaot lo an or
der of Hen. Geo. D. lSartoo.County Judge
of Lisa counij.Oregoo. made sad dated by
bim on the 12th day of September, I Hint.
The date of the tlr.l pubiieation of this
summon is rriciny tbe 1Mb day of fc'ep
tember.lWfl. Dated Albany, Oron, Sept,. IS, 1699.
W, li. Bu.vau.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
lie Prevaricated.
. "A well known and beautiful English
-tcttess, having bea'd of tbe exploit of an
JkYaaerican sister of the stage in offering a
'.fries at auction, and being asked to assist
t a -charity bazar, announced that a
-caress from ber own rosy lips wonld be
-given to the male willing to pay most for
4t. The bidding waa brisk and had ad
was ced to $150 when tbe sum of 4.00
osjrae offered. This put all other amorous
competitors out of tbe race, and the
"blushing actress turned to the'purchaaer,
giie colonel of one ot the British line reg
iments, who came forward, but instead
-of flipping the sweetness bimself, pre
- steeled bis S re year old grandson, ex
plaining that be bad purchased tbe kiss
. as a birthday pressnt for bim. Tbe ac-
Cress took tbe child in ber arms and dis
, charged tbe debt with interest, and tbe
- charily in which the eolonel was inter- :
.csted, was tbe richer by (1,000 for the
jrandalTs wbim. It is said though, that
he gallant colonel did not go kiss'ess
after all.
Use. It See OT S to me that the
who advertises invites me to trade with
bim, while the one who does not adver
tise impresses me with the idea that he
aoesn t care enough for my trade to ask
tnm I. Tt..H . T 1 It ....
ini ... tt ,. . n. . iw .ucu, mm, i wnr urn us mer-
"Thepeope of the United States are chant who advertises has freeh arwl. tw
t . j : . l. i - . I - r - i ,l. 1,1.- . i . t 1 1 . .
muuuu wilu iud preavDt dihicibc oi lue un itumia uu oe sells more.
administration. They ars gratified with
day that she read advertisements in a not be submitted to a fresl degradation.
ucnapaper more cioseiy man anything
else. 'And long ago,' she said, "I quit
uujiuK m uioee woo oia not not adver-
On bis retarn to Wasbinston lately frem
a tour of the West, Secretary of Agricul
ture Wilson gave out an interview in I
which he said:
,'Aj showing tbe inevitable tendency
- of republican leaders to imperialism and
' consequent destruction of tbe voicejf tbe
-people as a potent factor in tbe adminis
tration of government, attention is here
tailed to a statement of tbe Oregonian to
be effect that "So constitution can abro
gate tbe inherent qualities of sovereign
. The meaning of this is that wbat-
- ewer an administration sees fit to do as
riehtor may da without
- -regard to any constitutional restriction
limitation. This is tbe very essence
4)f Imperialism or monarchy, neither of
-wbkh has any place in a nation where a
-written constitution prevails. But it is
the evident intent of certain republican
leaders to do away with the restraint of
constitutional limitations and probibita
tlona and plass our government on a basis
-where no written constitution prevailss
in England and other European moo
Archies. Whether the people of tbe
'United States wboss ancestors carried on
an eight years war to establish a written
.constitution will submit to tjls remains
-4.0 be -ten.
the good wagea for labor and with tbe
prosperous manufacturing activities.
They are sanguine of our commercial
future. Tbe west is unanimously In fa
vor of expansion.'
It wonld be interesting to know' bow
Secretary Wilson discovered this unan
imity for expansion in tbe went while
undergoing tbe short process of being
whirled across tbe country in a palace
His ability or willingness to interpret
tbe minds of tbe agriculturists of the
country is less than that of tbe "Farm
and Home," an agricultural journal pub
lished at Springfield, Mass, and Chicago,
111., with a wide circulation among the
farmers over the entire country. Some
time ago it made a canvais of its readers
on the subject of expansion, asking them
to mail their replies by postal :card to a
series of questions, About 21,00 replies
weie received, 10 per cent being from
New England, 26 per cent from tbe mid
dle States,40 per cent from tbe middle
west and tbe remaining 25 per cent div
ided between the South and the far West
Ovei 50 per cent of tbe replies were from
the West.
"Should the Filipioea be held in sub
jection by tbe United States, or should
tbey be allowed to form an independent
government?' was one of tbe questions
asked. Each of tbe five sections of tbe
cenntry declared in favor of independence
bj a decided majority, the totals being
12,520 for indendencs and 8,416 for con
"In general should tbe United States
adhere to or depart from its f ormei pol
icy of noninterference with nations be
yond either ocean?" was another ques
tion. There were 15,642 in favor of our
minding our ow n business and only 3,887
whoindorced an opposite course.
Tbe attention of the police force is
called to tbe provision in the old bicycle
ordinance which requires that a bead
light shall be displayed in a conspicuous
manner and in plain view ON suet; bi
cycle. This ordinance is being violated
in a flagrant manner .by men carryicg
lanterns and almost any old thing in
their bands and not ON tbe bicycle.
These men with lanterns instead of bead
lights should beTattended to.
- i ultra., rwfit., iv. raanuau
I tonight quarantined agsinst all places
There has been cosiderable iaquiry as infected with yellow lever. This will
Thresher Exploded.
Colfax, Wash., Sent. 11. The steam
threshing-machine of Joe Howell explo
ded this afternoon. The explosion was
caused by smut in tbe wheat. No one
was injured. Tbe explosion set tire to
tbe threshing machine, engine aud der
rtekpparatus4wbich were destroyed to
gemer witn ow sacxs oi wueau
Dreyfus Sentenced.
Bkkkks. Sept. 10. Dreyfus has borne
the terrible shock with marvelous forti
tude, one might almost say with unnat
ural cairn, x esteruay ne seemed stupe
fied when M. Labori communicated to
him the verdiet, but has since rallied.
He ia convinced that the 10 years' im
prisonment to whioh be is sentenced will
be wiped out by the five years of solita
ry seclusion he has undergone on Devil's
island, and be ex wets to be released lav
October 15.
The Yellow Fever.
MsitiDAif, Miss., Sept., 10. Meridan
to bow some of tbe prominent men in
tbe Dreyfus trial pronounce tbeir names.
As nearly as csn be (learned Dreyfus is
pronounced Dryfoos. though some in
France call it Drayfus. Gee Mercier
his greatest enemy is approDriately call
ed Mairseeay. Labori is Labboree.
JJemange Demanzbe with a nasal n.
Casimir-Perier Cazimir-Payreeay. The
President ot the court martial Col. Jou
aust is called Zboo-ob. Judee Quesnav
de Beau re paire is Kennay de Bo-rub-pair.
This is enough for one lesson.
Toe popular officer in the army is one
who places bimself on a level with ths
soldiers, and while sustaining bis digni
ty shows that he appreciates tbe worth
of tbe men under him and that tbey aro
bis fallow men, no, serving tbe country
to black b oU but to fight.
No TurcNoPay.
That is the way all the druggists sell
Orove's Taateleas Chili Tonic for Cbiils,
malaria and Bitliousness. It is as pleas
ant to take as lemon syrup, 60c.
prevented tbe U. 8. citcuit court from
convening in this city to tomorrow.
Judge Niles and Marshall Collins, who
are In Jackson today, telegraphed the lo
cal authorities for permission to enter
the city, but Mayor Dial refused.
Prospects oi Peace.
Londox, Sept. 11. It is understood
that Gen. Sir Bed vers Buller will start
for Cape Town next Saturday. The In
dian authorities are chartering steamers
to transport troops to .South Africa as
rapidly as possible.
. Although the aspect cf affairs is more
peaceable, the special dispatches from
Johannesburg report tbe greatest anxie
ty there.
The. vVeather.
Tonight and Thursday, fair stationary
temperature, inver z icei.
F. M. FasNcii,
Disp lavmao.
Tbe Universal Bolter makes goou dour
The MagnolU.
Xo-To-Bm for Wirt- Oeate
Guaranteed tohaeee babll cure, matou k
Bmb stroog, Meed pore. too. SX. Ail drufttau.
Letter List.
Following is tb Hat of letters remaining
in tbe PostofBce at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Sept. 13, 1899, Persons calling
for these letters muat gi rathe date on which
Amon, Fred Buell, MrOJ
Rrsiditreet Company Hams, Mr Key (2i
Hopkins, Win H Odell, Mr William
Powell, J o fcbeparu.uoarite
B. B. TBAIBT. r M,
and order cf sale issued out el ths
Circuit Court of tbe state of Oregon for
Linn courty in tbe suit of tbe First Na
tional bank of Albany .Oreson. plaintiff va
Emma Harder, Frank 0. Harder, Kate M.
Harder and Anderson Cannon, adminis-
. . - a il. ... lnk tjrt.4. A .
ceaaed, J. N. Hunter, Daniel trey, M. P. weatlOroJs.
UriffgB and Clara I. Brigs, defendants,
mortgage foreclosure, I win on
on Saturday, fclrd of September,
H1W, at 1 p. m. at the front door of Ike
court bou-e, in Albani, Or in pursuance
of an order of tbe county court ol Una
county, Or , duly made and entered in
said court on tbe Keoorda thereof on Jnly
8, 1809, la tha matter ol the estate of An
drew Kalaton.deceaaed, I, tbe undersigned,
administratrix of the estate of said dece
dent, shall proceed to sell al publio sale for
cash la band, or oce ball cash and de
ferred payment of one years time at legal
interest with first mortgage security, all
the right title and Internal which tbe said
deceased, Andrew Ralston, bad ia asd to
tbe followng described real estate at the
time of bis death, towitt
Beginning at tbe Northwest corner of
the Boutheait quarter section 20 Tp 13
south of range I East Willamette meridian
and running South 24 rods to a county
road, thence East 14 rods, tbence North 24
sods, tbence Weat 14 rods lo tbe place of
beginning containing two acres more or
less ia Linn count-, Oregon, Also the N
K i of Heo 24, Tp 13 south of ran? One
East in Linn county, Oregon, containing
100 acres more or lets. Also Sec 20 in
Tp 13 South range 1 East containing 640
acres sxceptine 40 acres sold to A. L. Ut's-
lafson, Vol. 63. rage 409, also 123 acres
sold to O. A. Peck, Vol. 63, 411 and
situated and lying in Linn count;, also a
strip of land SO teet wide for right of way
running tnrougb J. Sheas land and com
mences at (he Southwest comer of the
Northeast Yi of Seo 20. ibeoce North-
tbence west 21 rods.
Saturday, 23rd day of September,
1899, at tbe hour of One o'clock p. m, at
the front door of the court bouse, io tbe
city of Albauy, Lion county, Oregon, sell
at public auction to tbe bigbeat bidder for
cash,tne following aeacnoea reai property
Tbe N W VA of Sec 36 in Tp 1 1 8 R 3 V
of the Willamette Meridian in Linn coun
iy, Oreeon. CDntainiog 160 acres. Also
beginning at tbe S E corner of ths S W .'
of said section 36 and runnina thence ti
1C0 rods; thence W 60 rods, tbence S 160
rods, tbence E 60 rods to the place of be
ginning containing W acres, saving ana
euwnrinff from said Dremisss tbe riirbt of
From Darkness to Light. ' way for tbe railroad that passes through
Salem. Or.. Sept. 10. Salem streets ' the same! and exMpting tbe following
" ' thence soutbwovt in rods to
county rosd, all lu rp 13 south , range 1
East, Lmn connty, Oregon, save and ex
cepting 69g acres sold to Andrew Uustaf-son.
To Car Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or tSe.
If C C. C. fail m cure, druggists refund money.
lf you sailer from tenderness or fullness
n the right side, pains under shoulder
lade, consripation. bilousness, sick
eadache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy
ur liver is torpid and congested. Do
Witt's Little Early Risers will cure you
promptly, pleasantly and permanensly by
removing the congestion and causing tbe
bile ducts to open and flow naturally.
Text abb good film.
Get the best fiour.
The Magnolia
are -gain ablaze with electric lights for
the first time in more than four months.
Tbe contract recently made for 35 1200-candle-power
arc lights for a lump sum
of $26000 a year weot into effect tonight,
wiien me ugnus were turueu on. cor
merly, 45 2000-candlo-power lights were
used at a cost of $45,000.
Dlffei ent from Oregon.
Dallas, Texas, Sept. 10. Aftor a
drought of 52 days' in which tho maxi
mum temperature has been over 100 deg.
rain fell today, but only "enough to lny
the dust. The present drought was the
moat severe in tbe history of the local
weather bureau. The water supply has
become so light that street and lawn
sprinkling has been abandoned .
Gibralter, Sept. 10. The United
States cruistr Olympia, with Admiral
aboard, sailed tins afternoon for New
lend: Beginning at a point on the Noitb
Doundary line oiBsowinipHono tt
of tbe Willamette Meridian Linn county,
Oiegon, which is 12.78 chains E of tbe
N W corner of said Ses 36 -aid beginning
print being In tbe center of tbe Lebanon
branch of the Oregon ft California rail
road and running tbence 8 65 dg 80 miu
E following the center linn of said rai'road
20 65 chains to tbs E lino of tbe N W J4' of
said Sec 36, thence 14 12.44 chains to the
N E corner of tbe N W M of said Sec 80,
tbence W 27.22 chains to tbe place of be
ginning, 8M sale will be made to satisfy the
judgment and decree in said suit tc-witi
A judgment tor pialntirx tor wu.ou anu
144.66 taxes wub inteiest thereon from
July 17ib, tbe rate ot 8 percent per
t annum, and fviou iu attorneys reea sou
it uu costs aua aisoursemems, anu ac
cruing cos's.
I. A. Murker-,
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon.
Dated Ibis lltb day of Aug t, 1809.
M. J. Raistow,
4ailt Dsmocbat, 25 cents per month
13.00 per advance, 80s permonth
not in advance. By carrier, 10c per
week. 10 per cent added lf allowed to
run over months. Single copies 6e.
Wbjbkly, 11.25 In advance 1 11.50 at end
)f year 1 11.75 for second yean 12.00 for
third and preoeedina' years, when not raid
in advance. Clubs of five new subscribers
at f 5.00.
Young Mother.
Croun is the terror of thousands ol
young mothers because its outbreak is so
agonizing and frequently fatal. Shlloh'a
Cough and Consumption Cure acta like
magio In cases of Croup. It has never
seen Known to tan. i lie worst cases re-
leved immediately. Prices 25 cts.. and
60 eta. and $1.00.
For sale by Foshay & Mason.
S.'ck Headaches.
The curse of overworked womankiml.are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, tho great .blood purifier and
tissue biuiucr. Aioney reiunded if not
satisfactory. Trice, 2o cts. and 60 cts.
For sale by Foshay & Mason,