The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 01, 1899, Image 6

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WANTED. A wan and faintly tolresid.
on a farm three mile from Albany
during the fall and inter and taka care
ol and keep tract 01 same, wuu
eteck, etc tail on Robert Crosby for
-particulars. -
WASTED.--A house 6 or 7 rooius cen
trally located. Will pay flOamonth.
Call at Democrat office.
GIRL WASTED. To do general house
work, tall at residence of Mrs. w. K.
FOR SALE. Full Wooded Jersey milch
cow, Register No, 69784 A. U. C .1.,
for sale or will trade for bay or oats.
Inquire of F. II. Ffeiffer.
SODA WATEK trom fcoaavuie, i
just received at Burkhart & Lee a a
healthy drink. Also a fine thing frcm
Marquon 111, bottled by John Burnett
ol Sweet Home.
- iv per CENT LOANS. I have a
OHmited amount of money toloauon
ri.oia farm security or improved
business properly in Albany. Interest
is por cent for particulars call ou or
rt F. Mbrhili.. Democrat building,
Albany, Oregon
The TJulwra Hotter makes gooa flour
me Magnolia.
fcew on button, put on
new neea bands (when rrqnestert) etc.
it ...'n ii chinca. we 11 tak
eu b good care of all your linen TOtt'll
miss the darnin eirl of too old
Resides our new methods will
n,.k. all Tour wasbabiea last twice as
'Try isnext week wagon calls any
where. . . , nvnnv
MAGNOLIA 8lti Ml""i
First St., near MontgDuwry.
P bone SI,
Special Sale
Call .nd get prices before baying else-
s'pecta:Iee and Eye Glass from I5c up.
Uogglts, 10c.
J. A. Cummings.
Irritation hours 5 a. m. to 9 a. m. and
4 p. m. to 9 p. m.
Hosemnet not be used without nozzles,
nor muit closets be allowed to run con
tinuously. Failue to comply with tneee instrnct
iont will cause the water to be ehnt off.
County Institute Resoluilors.
TCsMaI staff! f. That wa BDDrsclatt the
wisdom of our county superintendent In
. allim, tl.a laatliaiB of th COUOt? 10-
ether at Lebanor.
2. Thai w see much good must corns
in lbs nntliins effort! tf our county tu
n,.ln.n,. In unit th. WOrk of thS
eountv.andtbatw.proin'seour cheer
Inl.H -.n.r.Unn in making me Jbinn
eountv tearhert' eMOiUtion a tuccett
S. That we tender to th kind people
of Lebanon our tinevr. thanks lor th
cordiality of their welcome, and for thei
loterrtt In our wUrj.
4. That onr hearty thai k be txteao"
ed to the O'Neill Brothers for trnir vers
kind invitation to visit lha paper mill,
and for the mveleiUt of paper manufac
6. That we leel better tquipped for
our future work alter listtnlog to tee
valuable tuggettiont to those who have
so kindly labored for our benefit.
e. That while we appreciate the la
bors of a'l our Instiuctirs who repress1
our home talent, we feel most highly
pteaaed with the methods of preienling
history and geography by Trot. Durrette
ot Portland.
7. That we ahall go to our work as
teacheia. fueling our responsibility, and
determined to do our pait witn eatout-
asm to make onr tchoil and our whole
school system a success.
8. That a copy ol these resolutions be
banded to the Lebanon Eiprese-Advaoce
and lo thj Criterion lor publication,
with the request that other county pa
pers copy the same for the general good .
David Tohbet, Chairman,
Olkta Coolsy,
Gbacb STArroao,
II. Ebv.
Edward 0. Farkw,
A Tortland paper says the following;
dispatch was isettved by the Oregonlnc,
but Us publl.ttiou was suppressed s
San Pranoleto, Jly 20. -General Sum
men' in command of the Oregon volun
teers, wss May asked it he had Issue
any order luetructlmt the men i f hi
reglmrnt to refuse lo discuss the PI llip
plna a.tuation.
"I hav-." aid ha. ''Tuts Hiring
among tin men must le itpnsd.
I wdl be compellrd lo court-martial
any man wr.o makes a tlilement 10 the
newspapeia crittcisine. the Phlllpplue
campaign or the officers who are con
ducting It. The men are not i a a p-s
tion to know Hie circumstances or alna
ol the commanding general, and it I
radical'y wrong to make any ataWmauta
critirMng li n. It is against mlltiaiy
regulations, and I will rot have any til
my men violate this ru'e. Tue men
have given altogether too unnr inter
views to the papes already, and I do uot
like the tooe ol thui . II tbers are
mtresimlbr statements publish
nun srtio make them wl I be court u.a
lia'e la. djuoiih 4."
Try Parker Bros.
For the best Groceries,
:! Baked Goods, and
Fresh Produce and Fruits.
Wednesday, Sept. 6th.
Bar and Gat Warehouses-
B.veuUi and lUIUotd Stiacls.
W are prrpa'fd in tad. on ttortgt
haled ha, wi I buy J our (mis In any
quanlty st top intikrt price,
Oat bought lo rr lots at snvl ship
ping point.
M. SENDERS & CO., Hay, Grain and Wocl.O
To the Music
Aeccrdiog to tradition Arabic fiui'
weie derived from Solomon's St-ai. ruon .
which they can all be traced, It h Utile
Just t W s h'g xmt twice ns good as In '0.
Uriiigtng Ne Features,
About Everything
i 1 HUM I I I
Walter L. Main.
Albany Water Company.
We sell oat eacks at 5 cents snd py
the highest price lor oats. See ns before
irettinx your oat saiks or selling your
( f. 1 1 1 i u grocery store.
Sixpsoa &. Beak,
Albany, Or.
Notice of Private Sale hy Admit
id pursuance or an order amy nisue ana
entered cf record by tbe County Court, cf
Linn county, Ureeon, on me oin aay oi
May, 1899, and a further order made and
entered of record by said court on the lth
day tf August, 1899, authorizing, licens
ing and empowering the adminU'ratriicf
tbe estate of Commodore P. Knighten, de
ceased, to sell tbe hereaf ;er described real
tr.inertv at Drivate sale, tbe undersigned.
aiJ ndminutratrix, will from and after
Kofn,.i. the 161 b day of SeDfuoiber. 1899.
' offer for sale and proceed to sell at private
..I, ail Oa rieht. title, interest and claim
of whatsotvjt kind, nature and descript
ion which the saw uommooote r. juiigne
cn, deceased, bad in and to said real estate
at tbe date ol bis deceate, either for cash
in band, or one half cash and the remain
ing half thereof on twelre months time
with note and mortgage on tbe land to se
cure the deferred rajmevt, at tbe option of
said adminuiramz, wuiuu wiu rent enuus
. is desciibed as follows, to-wit:
Tbe west balf of th donation land claim
cf Commodore P. KBighten and Boeannah
W Knighten, his wife, tbe same being
situate in sections 13 and 14 8 juth Range
4 West of the Willamette Meridian, and
sections 18 and 19, Sruth ttange 3 West of
toe Willamette Meridian, all in Townsbip
12 in Linn couniy.Oiegon, txcepting from
said West half of said claim that pert of
- the same lying west of the ma'n channel of
tbe Calapooia river and containing about
16 acres eicecled th'relrr-m, and leaving
ahout 305 08 acres belonging to said estate
And said Administrat-ix nereby reserves
the right to reject any and all offers there'
'"' for if same are not satisfactory.
Dated this 17th day of Angast, 1899 .
Fbances E. Kwohtxx.
Administratrix of the es:ate of Commo- j
dore P. Knighten, deceased, ?
Artificial cMtoo is being manufactured
in Austria.
Until IS4O Nw Yoik had no regular
police force.
The Empiess ot CUca has oter 2,000
dresses in her ward obe.
There is only on. sudden death among
women to eight among men.
A journal called to. Automobile basal-
ready appeared lo Sew Ywk.
Twelve American cities own gas
nlania and 130 own tber e ectrlc lisbt
Many iciins of Earopean toyal'y hold
military commissions before thy sr. old
enough to walk.
"E'gbtiing a lew weeks ago fused a plat,
glass window in Chicago in'o th. form of
. perfect cross. .
There are 4,200 species of plants ored
for commercial purposes. 01 tbess 430
ae used for pet fumes
1 hirty- two mayors cf English provin
cial towns ar. raid to have signed tne
pledgs of total abstinence.
Piojectiles for modern b'g and rapid fire
guns require about balf tbelr weight in
powdtr to fire them.
Eight thousand yenng Finos bave left
tbeir native country in consequence of
th. Czar's Fenrnsry manifesto.
Thirty yeaars ago tbers were only two
dozen expletive compounds known to tbe
chemists : now there are over 1,000.
A n analyst bas made tbe disco ery that
California races contain 20 per cent, more
perf lme than those grown elsewhere.
Th. total displacement cf ships new
under construction for the British cavy
amount to no less tban 488,000 tons.
There ate vow publisned In Paris 2.583
periodical?, tf arly 100 more tban were It-
sued at th. corretpsndtng date last year.
The military household of tbe czar Is
composed of ninety-eighty officers of va
rious ranks, eighty-three of whom be
long to tbe army snd fif een to tbe navy.
Nineteen members of th. royal family
are included in this Hat.
Bubeni received for Lis painting of the
grand ceiling at tbe banqueting boose,
Whitehall, th. sum of $20,000. Tba
spac. coyered by this paintirfg Is about
400 yards, 93 that b. was p'd nearly
$50 a yard.
There la
and fnlne Im
press i o a
that a man.
in order to
be a good
physician, must b
more or lesa heart,
team People 111 in
take beartlrnea
fir nerve. The two
terms are far from
svnonymoua. A
man may have a nerre of steel and a bean
as tender as a mother's.
Of all the specialists in the world, there
Drobably are not two that have as wide an
experience in the treatment of women's
disease as Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consult
intr phrsician to the Invalid' Hotel and
aunccai insiiiuie
the assistance of
ciana. he bas prescribed,
?eara, for many thotmand of women. Dr.
ietce is pre-eminently a sympathetic phy.
sician. Perhaps more than any other man
in the profession be realises the hardships
of woman's work, and the disadvantages
under which she labors because of the
weak, delicate and susceptible structure of
tbe feminine organism, ii is immense prac-
I tice in diseases peculiar to women forced
I upon bis recoeTiilio the tact that women
woo Id never take the proper care of their
health, so long as that care required the
, repugnant "examinations" and "local
I treatments" insisted upon by nearly all
J physicians. After rears of study be invent.
ed a remedy now known as Dr. Pierce'
I Favorite Prescription that is an absolute
I and unfailing cure for the moat complicated
and obstinate cases of disease peculiar to
women. This wonderful medicine cures fa
tbe privacy of tbe home," and does away
with the necessity for obnoxious "local
treatment." It imparts health, strength,
SKSS&tiS Managerie,' Congress of Nations
vigor and elasticity to the organs distinctly
feminine and fit for wifehood and mother-
In paper covers, 31 one-cent stamp; cloth
binding, 10 cents extra. Dr. Pierce's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Bufialo, N. V.
Miss Joyce Biowoell tt ill tsk. np heri
piano clss during vacation through th. j
winter. Tb. best German and Eastern I
methods. Leave word with W. t. Bead .
Cures Impotenc v, 2C jrUt Emissions ami
wasting; diseases, all clTcttJ of self-
abuse, cr t;.t-.-3 Z.-A indis
cretion -fctoalt; ir 1
blood I'ttwlcr. i:.!nrstho
pink glow o pale cheeks and
restores tVe f;:c of youth.
BymailECcrT loxiOboxcs
tor Z.ZQ; with a vrrlttcn giiaran-
yee to care or rcftintl tlio money.
iiinton ft Jackson stSs, CHICACO, ILL.
. - . -u-tr v rll ttnttVIKli. Dnn't Km it II Ki till. MilllitV l'-sent
Ma j".hV rRKKKXllIlliriuN US CIBCW
U AVlEirtoo"EK.l '-l Barkharl W. Drug H.ore.
O mmt-nci s -t oVIor k m on Circus Day.
Do-irs open at t and 7 p. ni. IVrb.imar.crB at 2 od 8 p. m.
" aEbaIycplle g e
High-Qiade College Education
To ever boy and girl that has
Hi. ambition to attain one.
Hie course it complelr, and eubrrrs the.
Th. Course lads up to a SIATE UlPW.lA, and the
Commercial Course lira now become a
Business College
Vou1 10 anything lo tb. Stat. Now Ulustralsd catalogue. IWd at the
Students Club at actual cost prlc. For particular iit
For sale by Fred
Albiir, Oregon.
Dawson, Dr,ist
Leatoesit Cannot be Cured
by local applications, a. they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tub. geit inflamed you bar. a ramb
ling sound or imperfect bearing, and when
it iseotirelt closed deafness is tb. result,
snd unless 1 he inflammation can be taken
out and tbis tube restored to its normal
condition, bearing will be destroyed for
ever; nin. cases out of bn are cauwd by
catarrh, wb th is nothing but an inflamed
condition ot tbe mucous surfaces.
W. will give One Hundred Dollars for
sny case of L'eafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. end for circulars, free.
F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best.
FOR SALE A full Hooded water span
lei, 14 montnt om. cau on , u
See tbe Sugar Bowl's window display
For Bargains
In Farm Lands. Timber Lands "and
City Property, call on or write
8. N. STEELE & CO.
Albany, Oregon
Academy of
Our Lafl7 of Pnwlial Help
Boarding School for Girls
Thorough Instruction, Wholesome
diet Homelike treatment. Boys and
girls are admitted as day pupils from six
years upward, j.rms ar. moderate.
Call at the Academy lor information or
write to Sistib Suhbiob
Albany Oregon.
At Second and Ferry.
Mr. Julius Gradwohl will now be found
in bis own store st th. abov. location,
better prepared - ben ever before to serv.
... rmi.iic ith a 11 st cists stock ol
and elans ware, and standard
groceries. .... r
Tt n'ac. n A bany. Every,r in a!u!it. Oood Eoode at low prices.
v, V.radsvnlil has alwi vt done the
wiuare thing witlf bit cutU u.ers and will
oontinue to do to. ' .
a la n riia insurance u ..
Wholesale A Rctair
Pure Drngt and the Cnest and Largest
Stock of Stationary and Books
in tb. Market.
Alien,! foet ease,, powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv
eai foot, and ifistantlv takf.t tting out of
corns and bunion'. It' tbe sreatrst com
fort discovery of the age. Al en.s foot-ease
makes tight or new sheet feel easy. It it
a certain cure for sweating callous aid hot
tired.acbiug feet' Try it lo -day. Sold by
druggists and shoe-stores. By m-il to
25c-in stamps. Trial package FREE
Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N.
a M.j.r tn ha shaken iato th. thoes.
. . ..K .. r..i fnl asntlen.ner-
&l una season ir "'- ,'. "
a ....I at tired easily. II you
have smarting leet or tight thoes. try A -ten'.
Foot-Eate. It cxilt th. fe.t and
.ka .alkinir eatv. Curei iwollcn and
twesting feet.llletert and callous tpols.
Kelieves corns and bunions ol ail pain
and ghes ictt and comfort. Try it today.
Sold by all drugitts and shoe ttoret for
26j. Trial pstkgelre. Addretf, Allen
Three doort esst of tb. Docbt office
bat money to loan on (arm tecurity at
low rate of interest. Also email loam
made n pertonal teenrltv . t
City, county and tcbool warrants
Collections made. . ' .
Rents collated. I'
turanc. written In the following large
and reliable companies HOME INS.
CO., of New York, PHOENIX 1NS.OO.,
Hartiord, Conn., LIVERPOOL, LON
Notice it hereby given that fundt ate
on hand to pay city warrants Not, 313 to
338 inclusive ol tb. latue ol 1898. Inter
ett cn taid warranti will ceate with the
date of tuia notice.
Albany, Or.. July 26, 18D9.
E. A. Pakkeb, City Treaturer.
Effuse any other flour,
except tba MignoHa
Those eoiiteiiirlUn tak ng up tht)
study ol music will Hud It to th-lr inter
est to liivettignte the advantage; offered
by Albany Colhve. The fc following
bratit'lii't are taught:
Mr. Wtrla. Musical IHtwlor. 1-a grad
unto of the Chicago Conservstory o( M i"
io and ha studied w. Ills eiuli -irlltlt as
iieebotH-k. '.U-gfoldl, KcielUng, Fnlk, t.Uf
tKj.l, UulT, and the late t'r. Ksrl Vvrt.
These- men are mnittcrt in their reitien
Ivedeparttiients and niiitlclantol world
able fame.
Mr. Wirt, itislni.-Ur In vocal minjle,
is a ii)'l ol Mr. William Ni'lson Bur rilt,
who is knotn to 1 one ol lbs ltt olco
...-1..... In Amnrli'tt I.kIh. Mf. U'TriU
ttudithl elht years in Italy and several
years In Loudon.
Th. methods used In Albany College
Conservatory .re the latest and most ap
prove.!, Mng the combined result of
superior instruction received .csperlence,
and the acquaintance with the methods
of our eastern conservatories.
Tuition reasonable. Popilt may.enicr
at.any time. . ttM
rail term 0ens ept. iv, inr.
ror further information call onorai.
Pr83s!dent Wallace Hows Lea-
Miller & Stewart,
sj " 1 A
KJ - a5
Long Photo Jo.;
- In Froman Brick.
The leading gallery of Aloany.
Ibe only-cp-tomle first class
tudio in town.
All work to please.
on t)alordy, iVIrJ of Srplember,
lcin. at 1 p. to. at tb. front doer ol lb.
court bouse, in Albauj, Or., la pursuance
of tn order of (be county court ol Linn
county. Or , duly mads and entered In
taid court on lb. Record thereof on July
8, IMV, In the matter f tbe estate of Ac-
drew tUUton.deceased, 1, tne undrrtigaed,
adminittrairis of tb. enlaleef taid de
deut, shall proceed to tell at publio tale for
caaU in band, or on. balf cash and de
ferred payment of one year time at legal
interest with first mortgage tecurity, all
the right title and iuierest which the said
decessrd, Andrew Kal.ton, bad ia aid lo
Lefollowng dwcrilnd teal estate at Ibe
time of bit death, towit :
Beginning at th. Northwest corner of
the Boutheait nuarler sect ion 20 Tp 13
tomb of range I East Willaineltbtueridiao
and running South 24 rods to a county
road, thence East 14 rods, Ibence North 24
odt, thence West 14 rods to Ibe place of
beginning containing two acres more or
lest in Linn county, Oregon. Alto tbe N
E M of fee 2, Tp 13 south of rtnge One
Kst in Linn ccunty, Oregon, containing
100 acret more or lest. Alto Sec. ?5 in
Tp 13 South rang. 1 Fast containing 640
acret excepting 40 acret told to A. L. Uet
tafton. Vol page 409, also 123 acret
told to C. A. Peck, Vol. 53, pge411 and
tituntrd and lyinir in Linn count, also a
ttiip of land 30 teet wide for tight of wtr
running Inrocsb J. 8be.ii land aid com
mence! at the Bouthwett corner ot tbe
Northeast i.i of Bee. 20, ihcnce North
west 10 rod, Ibence West 21 rods,
theme South we t 10 rodt t. a
counts road, all lu Tp IS south , range 1
East. Linn connty. Oregon, save and ex
cepting 69 acret told to Andrew Guilaf-
ton. .
Wood Notice.
Thompson A Amos, of Lebanon, are in
the city ready to taw wood at tb. old
prices, st follows:
Cutting four foot wood twice, 40 clt. ;
three timet CO ctt, tame fur all kinr't ol
wood. Oood work snd prompt attention.
Drop poital card in potiollwe or tte per
For Sale.
four tracts cf land In Panilem bottom
Each list house, barn and on bard. In
uireof H. Bbtaxt.
Kcllsbls vermmof s mrr.tisntaal or Inventive nilncl
siring a trip to Ills l'arls exposition, WIlhgiKKi
Puled thltllthdayof Augut, 1809.
M. J. Raiitom,
Ton motor on Ibe Albunj Street Hullws)
will connect prompty wilb all traint to np"
from tbe depot, day and .tight.:
Special '"ipt will be made at tpeo
R. Mocni,. Crndurtor
Headache, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Dizziness,
Indicate that your liver
Is out of crdi'r. The
" ' best medietas to rouso
the liver and cure all
M. Senders & Co. H
thmre 'Ha. Is found tn