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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
i Til J Real Estate Safes. recorded during tlio past month i MorHltli to J K Wealharford, . lot, til 8, E A f 100 A Hlafford toK Polndexter,! lot, uisz, usxmi au ouu melln Miller to Matilda A Wood, lot 8, bl 20, Albany 2000 8 Morrla to L W Richardson, art ol block, Holo 500 V Yoiinir to J (J Llttlur. 1 lot. bl 14. I l a 2nd A NX) rn i;oinoia to dm ai Kedileld. U 10, HA . 600 W Jt Chance to Sophie M Powere, 1 lot, bl 20, ll'i 2ml a. 450 Dolllo Lanham to J 1' MiErlatie, I lot, bl 6, HV.'n.l ad 623 J 1' McKrlano to IS E Pavls, same. 059 U W Uueatier to W 111 llobaun. fi J I f 1111 to I F liu.lluy, lot 7, bl 9, Fnirdalu 25 0 W Walla to J W Walla, 9 loW, Hubrultlead 1 lj (i Unit l.i l.n.-n.lU VS rcrr near ruavion lua atra Kotchum' al Albany, . . . 1600 IK V. It-I,. .. II..,.. I. l-.ii .. 1 - jiwui ivviirv .um- ber Co, m acre 1000 Trotyl Ohllrig to Geo 1 Barton, 2 j iota, bl 01, Albany 800 -L Doitfla to J F McCartney, piece lam., llarrlshurg 1 ' It W Munaoy to ronuio Kuowle. j ioi, iAiwnoii u J II 1'IIoiki to Fan ti le Knowlc. ' mi, jtianon. 49 Ol'oaellluFMPowoll, 8 lot, Hwnrvdlo SOO B Fuller to T It Bedford, 05.10 fN 925 till lilaticliard to I.dla lived, 1 iu i yon aw R D Liigoit to P J Porter.WUerea 1200 Jut Hhaiian to Will, Pulp Co, 10 acre, 10 E 5 800 Ida lhnx-n to L A Bruckuian, 2 lota, lit 3(1, H'a 2nd ad 000 John Lwdy to Jkiiin lb.rton, 100 acris,... , 1 Cliaa Jeffrey t o Joltu V Svtocka, 320 acre . 10 w 8 0100 W II Thompson to II Karalena, 3ou awa.. W K Wrncr to It E Warner, 3 piece land 1500 A Ilea Hen net to E 1, Bush m-ll. 20 acre..... bViO 11 Itrvanl to Krod Kuber. 1 lot. Bead 250 Ira Turner to A From, 244 acre. . . 1X0 A Frum to Ira Turner. 6&.40 acrea aid lt o( 100 acre 1500 w 1. Vance to Robert M Crawford. 17.60 acrai 430 Ituiwoll t-i Emma lluuhea. 1 acre 8 PHMurlavto Sarah Cochran. acre 1 Norman Leo to Amanda M Leo. HOacre 5 Oregon to It C Mil la. KK) acrva . . . . 200 Wm Boaue. ex. to Wm llcaa and Wallace Jlulburt, 4.13 acres. . . . 25 M M Frv to John llutchlna. 40 acrca 300 m Harrison to Kobart Harrl eon, 524 aeree 1 Robert llarflaon to Joacjih Harrl- aon. 02'4 acrca J F McCartney to Adam Wilhalu, 30!x74 ftHst, llarrlaburir W K Arnold to M E Kintar, 45 aowa.. Win Ik'io xr to Jobn llaach, 200 acrea oj.iKjalte Corvallia. Mary J Wluwlaa to It A Gilhcna, KWacraa , J T Mayo to J C Mayo, 100 acrva. . K A 're!od to Cbaa Freo'and, HOacrea 1 11 Marlay to I Elder, 60x284 fact, 01, Albany , Mary Junkin to W II Tbompaon, HOacrca. M A Oaren to 0 A Curran, 223.23 l, acrea...... r C A Curran to J I Philllpi, aaoie. . II F 8tvaR lo H W Seillcrnolr 25.40 acrca Joa llarriaon to Geo Ubar, 100 acrea.... 2500 2200 100 13 727 741 635 1800 Lebanon. From tbe E. A. Mra, II. D. Recbe died at bar home across the river laat night, af'er an ill ncaa of several weeks. Horn In thia city Monday, August 21, IS'Jl), tothewlfjol Will Atiridge, gin. J. F. Hyde, is still seriously aick. At times be seems better, and thou again worse. Tbere ia but Utile boie of recov ery. Rosa Humphrey saya that the reported strike at bia mill waa a fake, and that the man Out atarted it la a liar and the truth ia not In Lira. Oscar Hyde, who died lust Saturday, waaamomher of the AOUW of thia rlty, being the youngest member of the lodge. I Prof. J. M. M.rtimlale, of Albauy, "and Prof. C. W. Purrette, of Portland, the Instructors lo the Inautute, are high- y spoaen of by the teachers. They are both doing good work. I ' Mm. E. E. Montague and litth stria returned to their borne in Albany Mon- ,'day, after spending five weeka In the .mountains with Mrs. Montague's broth ers, Ned and Luciui Gilbert. Alex. Macallum, formerly a resident . of thia place, but now of Kclo, baa been placed on the total disability list of the 1 'Jaccabeea, and thia week (too. Rice, R. Pf?. of Linn tent No. 7, received a check j for 1)200 for Maca'lutn, aa first annual payment. Brownsville's Mill. ; According to the following from Spok eue Brownsville to will probably lose Its woolen mill, the leading institution of tbe city t Ilntrh Fiolds, president of the Easle Woolen Milla Company, writes that if sulllclont encouragement ia given, he will move bia plant to Spokane. Tbe brat itepon the part of the chamber of J commerce wm taken tome monthi a co, commerce waa taken some months ago. Secretary Buck conferred with J. . Ijrown, who 1 in ohergo of the local branch of the woolen milla. Mr. Brown wrote to President Fields. Word bas now coma from Mr. Fields that he is practically in full owneriliipol the plant aim xi is leuer anowsiiiaine ta wining 10 , consider the advantage of moving to Ppokane. Mr. Fields wrtea that it be Come bere be will enlargi bia plant and will bave a lour-iet wooiei mm in spot- A K. of P. Reception. Laurel Loda Ko. 7, Knlhta of I'yUi lai, aaaiatad by the Kathbone Hlaian laat evenlnif save a reception to Cap), l'bllllpa, of I Co., and Frank Kitcbau, of M Co. U. 8, englmera, menibvra lor many j oara ol Lanrul Lodo. It nata verybanpy evfntln every particular, one of the iilraaaitt receptione of tlieaa rewdvlnn Uaya. Willi Cbanceiior Fronk In tlio chair a line program waa preaanl xl. It wa openwl by an excellent piano eolo by Mra. Frank Ketcbum. O.C. llot(UK(ve the owning weliuiuie ad drj, lollowud by a wfn by the quartet, M'Hr. Jlammur, hmvte, Jluwerox and lioriiahu, who rvcivd a live encore. A fine biaiorical drama of the life of llene diet Arnold in three cena waa preaent ed with Dr, Wlnnard aa Arnold, a do aition be filled well, Mr, Murry aa a very live iwrvatH ana Mr, nurytfraf aa a plundid Tallyrand, and aoldiara etc. The acta wre before Quetec In 1775, in Philadelphia la 170 when be contem plated trt-anon and in the boud In Lon don in 17U4 when be im-t Ta'lyrand. There waa a duet by Mra. Wlnnard and Mr. Hammer that waa i nthuaiaallcally applauded, reading by Miia Lillie Crawford aidendidly renderrd. a aolo bv Mr. Ktcele that canturad tha lioum. U'lni a t'trrdv 011 ".Sweet Maria." an addreaa by Jude IIwitt in preaenting a twdtfo to Cant. 1'blliipa and one by J. 8. Vau Winkle In proenting an album totraik Kiichon. ami a aomzbv the quartet. A banq let waa then given of a very jii'UKhiiiii character, followed by toaatawitli Mr. lloytie in charitu. O W. rluht wa beard on "Our i-otiutrv and our (Vder," Cai-t. Pblliipa on "Army Ufa." elvlng k detailed sketch ol the even'e of I Co., from the time the boje lest Albany. In a sriidda inanncr. that made the camuaic'i ulain. II. C. Wataon on "Fraternity" and Hoimior Kelly on "Tlio Iji lie. Th coumanv diH)red with the aam warm t ' in that generally prevail for the of K. of f. twyi who went 10 war. lr. Trimble returned ihia noon from Portland. leo Eagap waa takeu terioualy ill tliia flemron. henator J.IM. Tburaton. t. 1.. i. '". ' , 111 1 uriiunu. W. IS. Htevena la exuoctoil Imrna fpntn the eat ton l I it. J !M. Italaton and familv return.! il.U noon Iroiu thoir lunimrr outing at tbe Isay. Mr. jake Slreilel returnJ hU to hU aork on the fortitlcatlona at the mouth of the Columbia. Mra. farah IVaraon Ada ma 'a In Lett. anon thia week attending tbe Teachera' ipauiute, aa iiiatructor In phjalologv. air. rranklln A. Fmman an.i xn.. M ilner, datignter of E. A. Miler, are to u roirncu in 1 ornanu Aug. 30. Ma). Wlll'a, of Palem, baa accepted Ilia appolntiuenf of Capuln of a company la the 43th regiment. u. MiHar, a nephew of E U. Will ia in me cny on a vmt, lie la an em ployee of tbe AttorU and Columbia. Mrfc."rfJ. W. C.7C.V. lecturer, arrived In Albany this noon and will lc- uira in 1110 y. r. church Umight. Ever body invited. ..... ,.Murmc,er nJ dangRter, Miaa MiMirvci.reiuriieu laat night from Caa cauia wnere uie: had a pleaaant time, barring the wet part of it. The editora elected the following odU if?'-,1 8r.Ktr,rt' Fo,,,i, iwldentj R t Irvine. Corvalha. vice-prealdent 5 AI- JfrLl 1 t,rl,"lm, wetary ; Fred C v, iiimiiiuuK, ireaaorer. ir. ixnner Kaiaton and family loft tbia noon for Ole, where they will re main two or three weeka, and then atop in 1'orUand for awbi e where Mr. Rale ton willbulldareaidenceon property he owna there, air. I . A. lonntr arrlvnl l.nma 1-.t rilght from hit Alaaka trip. Mm. Young ia dnya. Mr. Young had a 11 vo experience .H iuiuhikj inonua lor a law in the famoua Tread well niinee. He w aa taxing a picture at close ouartert, when an Immenae explosion of rock waa made. It quickly anapped his camera and fled lust in tinie.some bijr rocks falling whre lmhad boentandinir. The result of tbe snap ia not yet known. Member, of I Co., In Albany, are fast getUng into cmpUment: Mr. Sam Worrell haa accentod a nnaitlnn ... clerk at the St. Charlea, Clyde McClung " ucn,iiiop ct isuranarta, Orin Roan will have charge of tlio ware- houae business of Beam & Simpson at "wo. ruce will open an inauranre otliee and atudy law, Fred Ko ber ia drlvlmr a learn. Arilmp 1 NtraliAm let draying, and the boya from the farma are now at work. Several of the college atudonta are prepairing to resume their amines in eepiemoer. A Spaniard baa bnon mliln.1 m tha lection of Phllinolna curina at Mrk'.H.. and Tomlinson s. The Stray babv that aa fnnnrl a weeka aso on the stens of Mr. John v- bay 'a residence waa taken to the orphans bom yesterday afternoon, where it will be well taken car of. Carl Hodes orkinallv cima from "01,1 armnny," and in momenta of excite ment mixta bia English. There waa a rat chaee in the store the other night and while Carl waa poking for the rodent under the counter, one of tho boy pinched the "much grande" gentle- nan a leg. Carl jumrod eleven feet in the air and shrieked, "he's oop my ahirt leg. Ile'a oop my ahirt lei." A few lady customera happening in, smiled for it wasn't a mouse. Corvallia Timee. "While the Oregon Regiment waa in San Irancisco, the Oorvallla boya were invueu oy waiiace Baldwin to visit Va! lejo and the Mare island navy yard, be ing given tree transportation on tbe steamboat line which Mr. Baldwin rep- . . IT.II.J- . " . reau i vaiicjo. Anumoer accepted the Invitation and bad an enjoyable time and instructive day. Returning Captain Hatch, of the steamer, and who SouJe he'ref ga verbXy. a dinne: n 1 1 ; -t.- ' i r J" uiur. This evening sees th weather In a very unsettled condition, with bad look ing clouds and the wind in the wrong direction. a II you are a aufforer Irom headache have Dr. Lowe examine your eyre. He is now ai me nevere iioiei. FHIDAY Judge Burnett, Corvallia' patriotic law yer, waa In the city today. Attorney McFadden fa taking ao eatt trn Oregon trip cn hie wheel, Mra. Judge Fllnn reachtd borne lb la noon from ber Alaaka trip. Mr. Claire Irvine, iditor ol the Salem Sentinel, la in the city on buelneea. Frank Btewert,of thia city, hai gone to Oregon City to work In tbe paper mill. , Deputy CountylClerk Montague baa returned from a buainere trip to Van couver, MIm Eva llu'aon will give an Im promptu muah'al at ber etuulo on Firat atreet corner of baker, on September 1, 6 to 8 o'clock. Prof, and Mr. J.O. Hall, of tialem, .1 rr ,r. ,t"t 0 tJf roy on mcir uirrcira, rriurBilitf liflir. 'ilia roada are mw in one coudition for nik- R. Palee Wainwrbrbt. U H A. Charlea Francla bturglv, 8. Uak., W. H. Uolng, Fort Meade, 8. Dak., and Harvey O. Kobe and M.J Hidden, of Vaniwvvcr. of tha U 8 Her vice, have been In tbe city fioraea. Mate BUnerlntendent Ackarman ar.t to Lebanon la evening where be de nvereo ioe auoreaa before tha varv me. ceaeful Institute being bald the e. To- oiiihil'rof. Ibrner. of the O A C. will deliver his addreaa on Oregon Uleramte wuivu no recently niauu a speciality. w. r, UahrorK baa returned from 1 business trip ia Eaatern Orecou to a cept a noniiion aa bookkeeptr with the BBiein riouung siliisuompsny Hlalei- maq, air. naccocK ia the young man who once instructed a gymnasium clasn attnex.M.U. A., in thia ctty. E. F. Box and family, Prof. Winx and family, Mra. Kortmi Icr and childien Miss Annie rortmlller and Mra. boaell and danger, returned this nooa frc m the list, wher' they have been several weeas taxing their summer outing. Prof. Tyioo, who at one lima held the posit iou of prioripal ol the La (Jrande public schocla, and bo baa been ab aent fo' teveral weeks past, visiting ia Augeies anu omer tmoi in L'aiilor nia, has returod.Chronicle. Mr, I. It. Boruni returned this fore noon a trip to Lebanon, wbeie be bad been to look after bis property mere, lie reporta a demand lor resi dences greater than the supply. It is an encouraging lac l mat this is tbe csae nearly everywhere in Ore, on. While op at Otter Rocks last Friday Mra. Conrad Meyers had a narrow aa- cape from what mgU have Uen a seri ous, 11 aot tatai accident. She wa look ing down Into the "punch boa I" when she atombleH and fell rolling several feet down tbe steep incline. Newport News. Mr. Ed Lance ia to be married ou the 30tb of next month to tbe eldest daugh ter c I rroloeeor Ml.ner. of Portland. Mr Lance hsa a position in tha Duhlie school of Sellwood. Tbe many frienda of Pro?. Lance, In Corvallia. wish him nntouad- ed happiness acd peace, long life and prosperity. Ctrvailia Unioo. Tbe cltlea cannot monopolize tie re ceiving of tbe soldiers. The country ia now being heard from. Last evening the Dcmocbat man hid the pleasure ol attending a reception to Mr. D O. Mc Clong, oil Co.,at tha borne of his par ents three miles above Aluenyin lien ton county. Ueonine hospitality was die; laved and several boura ere passed ia a very live manner in the playing of gamea, the of a fine lunch In cluding aand wichea of chicken ao dear to the heart of the veteran of the Philip pine war, ana sociability. Tbere were those present who went as far aa from Oak creek in thia county, and among others Capt. Phillips and family and mainaranu sister. Uortagtlie evening M It a Frances French waa beard in a wei: rendered recitation. The party met ran j anu adjourned at a reasonable hour after a delightful evening. Th remain of Mra. John Parker, who uiou at rortianu yerter"ay morntog will t brought to Albany tomorrow and in terred In the Maaonio cemetery. The remains on arrival will be taken to the resident's o( Hon J K Weatherford where erv.ces will be held at 2:30 p m. Fi'ccsaari'L Opsbatios. Ed. Stewart, (on of O. II. 6tewart, of thia city, baa been troubled with the appendicitis for about a year. This morning an opera tion was made by Dre. Davis, Wallace and Ellis, and witnessed by Dr. lligga anu oiuuenis uridgciord aud (Sternberg. Two amall gathering were found in tbe appendix, the proper operation was made, and the young roan ia doing well, a fact bia many frieuds will be glad to learn. ma big gun test at fort Stevens oc curred yesterday. Everything waa found to be all right. There are four ten inch rifle and eight ten inch mortara in pita, the former being teated. The month of tbe Columbia will be aplendidly protect ed, and it will take a mighty good battle- ship to enter against our will. The Shaw Co. will besin an engage ment in Portland next week, playing at the Marquam Grand. iTheSbawa are all right. The Stockwell company will play at Cordray'a 'next week aa a counter at traction. . The Zan cnae of Portland ia to be de- aiued next Monday. Mearly every body in me state ia tnieieeted in it. DIED PARKER. In Portland, on Thursday morning, Aug. 24, 1809, after a linger ing illnesa, Mra. John Parker, The deceased was a former resident of Linn county, being a daughter of Mr. Claypool a pioneer resident of tbe coun ty. BORM. KUHN. To Capt. atd Mrs. Ran dolph Kuhn, of tbe Salvation Army, on Saturday, Aug. 20, 1819, at Albany, a girl. PFEIFFER. On Thursday morning, ' Aug. 24, at 1 o'clock, to Mr. and Mrs. William l'feiffer, a ton. Ail doing well. The arrival of Charles Frank has caused general rejoicing in the l'feiffer family. Scio. Fiom 1 h News: Dr. and Mra. L. M. f!nrl. nf Wi.r Idaho, are visiting lo thia vicinity I his week, the neeta ol Mrs. Carl' parents, Mr. and Mr. Walt. Miller, wbo reaidea near this cl y. Prof Geo. Wilann rli ni.A 1n,l.. from bis triothrounb tlm state in ron.n. aoy witb Mr. Shelton with a i;urMn war ahow. He reports good success with bis venture. Tbe flax threehirg machine baa been lipped from Sao Fianiiwo. and Im mediately alier lis arrival Mr. La rimnra and otbera who are Inter sled in tne flax nuer proposlt on will t in Scio to assist in getting it in operation. They will al so make more rteflolte arrangement re garding the location of tbe flax mill wb'cb it la proposal to establish beie. Edmund Cvrus ratnrntrl hnma fr.m Manila Moooay. II did not return a im the secoud Oicgon, but came to Han Francisco on the ho.uital ahin K1il. and after bia diecharice came to Portland ry water and arrived home Monday. Ed was in the bosoital the (raster oart of the time that the regiment waa in active, and did not participate in any of toe oaiute Dr. Lowe's staeses take the ache oat of yoor eyea. Eugene fa to have a t! nicni- for tha Volunteers on AOfC; 31. ' Geo. A. Cooner. who waa committed to the ac)lum irom Linn county in IbH-'t, died tbere yesterday. The rrrent robbery of a Montma man of $5,000 indicates that Iheie 1 consider able money In circulation. Tl e Atlin district ia boasting ol an 84 Dtiv'iin. something to be orooa of. a uurgev worth nearly 1600. j Mr. A. Stranev returned yeeterdjy Before the rain fell a farmer pear Pa- frum Mill City, where he has been work lem hai vested 2378 bushels of 1.1 ut on ing a few daya in tbe mill. While gone 41 acrea cf land, an aveisge of 58 t cs'iels eloel bia jos tion of deputy game ward per acre. en. Jlariers's Alaiszica hat at taut mrra R. K. Mon'gcmerv left Mondzv for lo lime, reducing U,m price frcm 35 lo 25 cents and other high priced maeszinta a ill probably do likewise. I pla-!e.Afiiand Tiding. A former Al- Tbr.tbing baa begun and yesterdsy a b,n' "P""1' good many nad ataned up, to day nearly I Tbe marriage of Mr. A. D. Morriron all of tbem, the DiMocvr baiievatoo nl Miss Bertie Linville, well-known early, aa it is ve.y doubifal If tbe woeat Dd popular young Corvallia people, to is yet dry enough. take place next Wednesday, ia an- About tbirleen thousand five hundred noonced.TIme. feet ol tunaeSa bave been driven in tbe Among the many wbo leturned from Bohemia mines already, which ia a good Ibe Bay tbia noon where H. A. Kelson indication ol tbe work that baa been done tbere. The rwet payment 00 tbe court bone!?11" le Altlion, of tbi city, and of 11500 baa been made. Jt ia expected tbe building will be fully completed be fore tba time specified in (be contrac. Newport News. Tbe Guard aaya on tbe bog aubject: A w few daya ago feecera were offereu from 2,Ss to S cents per pound. Monday those naviog nogs asked Scents per pound and If it raina mor the cod of tbe raise ia not yet bere. The La Grand Masons will build a ibree-story brick teuple.the upper atory to be occupied by tbem sa a lodge room. Tbe building will have a frontage of 60 Uet and a depth of 110 fee-. Tbe em meted cot ia 115.000. Seveial government officials bave been in tbe city today Inspecting horses pur chased by Sheriff Fiaziei, moat ol which were accepted. It took abont five men to do the work that Mr. Frexier had den alone. But red tape ia necessary. The Oregon Fire Relief Association bas Atttrrl apt, I, I K M. f II ..... ' aoce, 1 1 OUO. Mr. Matbewa' house burned iiAikA . about urea week ago, and tbe loss waa paid by the company last week. Kote burg Review. One ol the editora aaid: "About 7 o'clock p. m. we reached the town ot Roeeburg, which was tbe only place in tho whole atate of Oregon tbat failed to respond lo the invitation of the Portland committee to assist in tbe entertainment of lb state's guests." Th best price offered for 115,000 Ta ker City school bond, diaaing five per cent and running twenty years, is a pre mium of 809. AlbertUeiser, a resident ot Baker City, offered to take the iisue anJ pay a premium of h00. The pro ceeds from the bonds will tie nael to build another school boose in Baker City. Gove nor Gear appointed Major r. u. .aeiii'K, plain tl. L,. wans, Lieuieoat-uoicnei A. J. Uoflee, T. al. Galch, J. H. Albert and P. H. D'Arcy, wbo are now in San Francisco, to repre sent uregon at the reception to tbe Cat ifornia volunteers laat night. They were notified of their appointment . The Sher man arrived yesterday. Chaplain Gilbert compiled th) follow ing znd regiment figures: Omcers and enlisted men 1331, average age 24.9s year, average weight 148K pounds, married 69, students 156, clerka 141, lawyer 15, bookkeeper 15, carpenters x, tarmera laborers loo, mechanics 6d, teachers 28, merchants 34, college graduates 114, employed when enlisted 1190, members of church 531. Fiftten months and ten daya from tbe time tbey enlisted until they were discharged, loss from aicknees. disease, battle and ether cautea, 54 men. Jobn H. Vanderpoo! and family bav ret urn 3d from a two weeka' outing at Silver Creet Falls, being much pleased witb their vacation trip. Wbile thre Mr. Yaaderpool spent most ot hi time whipping tbe streams for trout, and suc ceeded in bringing back the biggest fish story ever beard Irom that section of the country. He reporta having caught a trout 23 inches long, and weighing 2M pounds. Statesman. W. L. Williams, a hotel man at Ya quina, wbo proposed to run things him self, was recently arrested for keeping an offensive bog pen in the city limits. Williams put tbe warrant in hia pocket and refused to be arrested. Not want ing trouble then the marshal aought ad vice and the next day went to Williams with another warrant and blord in bis eves, but Williams accepted the advice ot some friends of sense and pai4 bis fine. - Saturcav. Thw Veather. Tonight and Sunday, occasional rain statiooary temperature. River 2 feet. F. M. French, , Displaytnao. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL John Jt nee Is in Portland ana visit witb bis son Clem. Judge Boise went to Newport yister day after bia wife and daughter. Mr. ol Oregon City' leading businera men, joined hi wife at Albany today, H. F. Merrill left for I h Bay this noon to join bis lamily. and will remain until about next Thursday. Frank O'iiri. n, o( tbe St. Charles ho tel, viil retain to bis farm btar indep- euuenca next ween to reside. Dr. J. W.Geary, who left this olate for eastern Oregon, baa located a Burns, iiaroey county. Junction Time, Ed. Snow, th soldier wbo baa been working in Oregon City for aeveral months, went south 011 this noon' train. Conductor Frank Cnmming has re turned from bis vacation trip atd ia at tbe puncher on tne Lebanon train again. Mrs. Weeley Maple and Mra. J. H. Maple will go to Albany Monday, for a two weeka' vialt among triends. Toledo leader. Mr. John Altermatt Iefton thia morn insVoverlund for Centralis. Washington. where be baa a position in a-coramitsion bouse. Billy Campbell returned Cuban sold ier, and Troy Fox, o Albany have been tbe guest of Mr. and Mra Scbmeer thia week. Toledo Leader. . Misa Bertha MrDaniel.of Los Angeles, Calif., formerly of this county, Is in the ti.y o a vitit. She ia a teacher in tbe schools of Los Anelee. Billy Martyn, assistant train dispatch er of tbe Ashland division of tbe 8. P., is vUiting bia parents io this city for a I or two. Car vail a Glendale, having acepted tbe position of went with ibe 8 P. Company at that I and lamily, O. K. Fronk and f ami'?, aire, Anderson Cannon. Miai Annie Flion, I rro' tODJon- togene. I 'rank H. Tbompaon, f Brownsville, wno ,ofil n eye in tbe battle of Malabon, I Is lo Brownsvil.p, bot wl l return to the ' 'V 00 be H. Wllllslifa Tvr a akf R a-ri saa ai a 1 1 a ia v r f v vs v w aas w saew act j in the boepital but will return bome next week. Rev. -W. W. Keid arrived in Albany this ton Irom Paris, Penn.. wbere he reeigned bia pastorale of tbe U. P. church, and will make the coast bl bome. Be immediately left .or t..e Bay ! to join bia wl e nee MU Ava liltimore. ( Mr. Claire B. Irvine, of tbe Salem Sen tinel, has purchased the job plant of C. W. Watts.of tbia city ,and will o.ove witb his family to Albany ant! run the same Mr. Irvine waa at one time editor of tbe Statesman and bas been in tbe newspa per buainesa in Salem for ten or twelve yeare. Wm. Dunn, an employe of the South ern Pacific Co stationed at Lebanon, ac MmMniml tw 1 1 1 a ir i In Inpmap,, M companied by ADD16 rlelmp. cam i ant on Tuetiiaiv morning'a train. Mr. Dunn returned on tbe evening train. Mrs. Dunn will visit at home and itb old friends lor awile. Asnland Tidings S. A. Lander. Manager of tha Oregon School Supply House and Gen. Agents Western supply bouee Des Moina, Iowa, ia in town, be ia well known bere by tbe name of Dick Landera. Among the first thing be done was to subscribe for tbe Bulletin we wish success. Junc tion Bulletin. Colonel J. H. Penn, tbe well-known, young and handsome postal clerk, cam in contact with bia filet birthday last Friday, tbe 18th inat, and in the evening waa tbe victim of a surprise party. Tbe colonel waa really taken by surprise. Tbere wasn't any donbt about It, for he waa temporarily speechless. When the colonel ia speechless Lei either asleep or very mucu surprised. lbs Tug. Mr. Floyd Dorrie, who ha been spend log the past month with hia mother at Mill City, is tn tbe city, where he wiii remain uutil about the 10th of Septem ber, when he will leave for Allegben? Cil7, Penn., where he will enter tbe theokglcal seminary in October. He baa accepted a poait'on in tha library of tne summary which be will araume on reaching tbere. Prof. J. B. Marks end wife, wbo have been visiting at Lebanon, are in the city on their way back t J Kingsburg, Calif., where ibe fro', will have charge 01 the public schools next year, and for which tbey will leave next Monday. At Leba non Prof. Marks waa presented by L. A. W iley witb an ebony cane mounted with a Mauier rfle cartridge. The bullet waa removed but not tbe cap. ' Mr. Hardy. tbe local jeweler, tn fixing it exploded the cap and juet oiiaeed a se'ioua acci dent. 1 Tbe Dayton Herald says: "Rev. J. Bowersox, who waa on a visit to tbe Eaat teveral weeks, returned home last Fri day. He waa ' accompanied by Mra. Bowereox. Laving teen married to Mies Mary Uarner, at Berrysburw, Pa., wbile away. Tbe young frienda of the rever end gentleman, of wbom there ia a host. welcomed nim and bia bride with a sere nade, to which Mr. Bowersox generous ly responded. The cltixens of Dayton. and especially member of tho Evangeli cal church, of which he i pastor, hearti ly welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bowersox bome." Th following teachers, rf th' city, have been attending the teacher'a insti tute at Lebanon tbia week: Ethel E. Kedfield, W. A. McUfcee, Anna A. Yan tie, Anna Crabtree, Prof. Martindale, Grace Stafford, Mary Williams, Florence Hammer, Carrie Sa'.tmawh.Edith Rum baugh, Jobn G. Swann, Zua Skeela, ilda Elkins, Ida Ward, Olive Baltimore, An na B. Marshall, Amy Collins, Nellie J. Foebav, Laura Calder, Lauretta Stewart, David Torbet, low McCullougb, L. A. Wiley and Superintendent McUonald, ac cording to a list in the Express Advance. The enrollment a.a 150. The Institute was toe most successful in tbe history of the co'tnty.- HOME AND ABROAD. Wheat 60 cents. Call at the Sugar Bowl for fresa frail Fresh fruit at VUrack . fin. R..I lora. -v-.,.- STOVES Ilolbort's, and Tinwar at Ohling & Garden Hoae ant! La wnmower at 0h ling tk Uolburt's. A fonntain pen found in tbia city can bebadattbiacdice. Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful , summer drink, at Burkhart AUe'e. For sale, gord carpeting, 33 cnt per yard, by f. 8. Alexander, enst tnd tt 8tb atreet, A. limited quantity of wood will be taken in payment of an organ r sewing machine by . U. Will, Tbere were three dentist from oot side town doing basinessin Brownsvili tbla week. The bill poster of tbe Main circua are in the city today getting wet and posting a nne display of bills. Two ladders left on cherry tree at P A. Youpg's. bav been taken by eome ooe who will please retcrn tbem to Mr. ... Jas. Marks, An exchange saya that the two citie ttat are said to be growing fester than any otner two cities on tbe continent are Vanioover, B. C. and tbe City ol Mex ico. An Eastern Oregon paper ia taking cayote scalps for subscriptions. Another says it will taae the scalps of it sub scribers if tbey don't psy up tbeir ub scriptiona Ex. Th following appears in a county ex change: "The reward of :00 for the -ecovtry of tbe body of J. R. Buckman w ill be railed off after Nov. 18, 1899, and will only be i-0 after Ibat time. The Corv.llh Time say that Miles Wilkina built bin-sell a monument when be put up tbe Hotel Corvallia years ago. The litigation over it con tinue. Twice baa tbe supreme court oten vianeo, Tbe paper mill at Lebanon baa straw ahead for four mon.b a running, at tbe end of which it will close, tbe Democrat ie informed nntil next year, being oblig ed to do so cn account of tbe straw being rained for milling purpose. William Weger and hia dog treed a eon gar near BrownsviLo recently, and after keeping him op two hour were aasiated by Mr. McGhee wbo bad a rifle. Tbe arfmai waa auiea. He waa six leet e'gbt inches long, Tbi waa only two milea from Brownsville. It begn raining again aboat 4 o'clock thia morning, which meana much more damage to tbe wheat and oats. But we bave other thing left. Thu rain ha demons! rased the fact tbat tbe sale way ia toeap or etack wheat. If done it will stand any amount of ram. A deed conveying title to 292 acre in the southern part of Mariot. Co. to th Curtis Lumbering Company, for f 5000, waa recorded yesterday at Salem. Tbe sellers are Orin Judd and J. M. JJolling worth. The lumber company also boucbt a amall tract from R. M. Poe for 600. RELIGIOUS. PrArilnrj alt) ft PatnfTa AtimW ing and evening by Uer. Stnrtevanl. Other tervicea as nsual. Everybody in vited. United Presbyterian: Morning wor ship t 10:30, subject of sermon, "Like (inriar ilr Punnl. Km KK K hMl t .k .an,' aajK m m uiinh 1.11111 1. 1.1 nasi 1 - 11:45, senior Endeavor at 6:15, evening inuiauip at 1:10, turned ot rtrmon. 'Courage." All are cordiaCy invited to beee services. Dr. Ford, to Presiding Elder, desires to meet the membership of the church aa far aa possible at the M. E. parsonage tbia evening at 7 :30. He will preach at tbe M. E.cnurch tomorrow at 10:30am White'Clover Honey, 10 cte. per lb. at C. E.Browneil . . Notice of Firat Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United Sla'es for tbe District of Ciegon : lo tbe metier of J. W. Biatn, bank rupt, in bankruptcy. To tbe creditors of J. W. bluin, of Alb any, Oregon, ia the county ot Linn and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOHCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on ibe 21st day of August A. D. 1899, tbe aaid J. W. Biain was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and tbat tbe first meeting of hi creditor! will hi beld at Albany. Or., attbe office, of Hewitt A isox on tbe 11 th day of September A. D. lS99,at One o'clock in tbe afternoon, at which time tbe said creditors may attend, prove tbeir claims, appoint a trustee, examine tbe bankrupt, and trans act sucb other business as may rroperly some before said meeting. lotted Aug. 25th, 1899. JoHir Btjrhs-it, Referee In Bankruptcy. CIM IF IMTfi vniitt QHHFC Allen, s foet ease powder for tbe feet; It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerr- eas foot, and ifhtantlv takf a sting out of eorns and bunions lt'a the greatest com--fort discovery of the age. Allen, s foot-eaae makes tight or new sheas feel essy. It is a certain cure for sweating' callous aid hot tired, aching feet Try it to-day. Sold by druggists and shoe-stores. ' By mail lo 25c-iu stamps. Trial package FREE Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N Notice to Bridge Contractors. The underuigned will receive, at hia office in Albany, Or., seated bids nntil September 8th, 1899, at Ithe hour fof 1 o'clock p. m. fcr the building of two cylender pier under the Green Ferry bridge, over the bantiam river ner jei fersoo, Oregon. rlana and specifications lor said worn can be aeen at tbe office ol the clork of Marion county, also at my othce in Alb- any.T The loint courts ot Marion and Unn counties reserve the right to reject any and alt bids. Bonds in the sum MdUen will befexacted of the successful bidder on award of contract. Fkask Csabtkek, Clerk of Linn County, Ot. ir.e