The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 01, 1899, Image 4

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    I VP.
About Everything.
Mahogany U iId to bate been brought
taEagUndby Sir Walter Raleigh in
ISA but not to bar com loto general
ass till 1720.
It Is estimated that at U. beglnoiu
of the new century England will bay
S2.000.000 tout of Mel still unused and
The average number of hortes klded
la Spanish ball fight everv yea; exceeds
6,000, while from 1.000 to 1,200 bulla art
There are eighty-eight ailk plants in
Pennsylvania, and the output of silk
ibboit in tbe state has beo doubled io
toree sears.
A uUrrrao government mine surveyor
has entered the service of the aultan in
order to conduct coal explorations in
Asia Minor.
Japanese workmen are obliged to wear
on their capi and backi an inscription
stating their buiuess and their employ
er's name.
In the Sutro bat! a of San Francieco
there are s'xtf-aioe abower baths, seven
toboggan slides and dressing r ioms lor
1,627 people.
A Nsfoundtand dog made a deter.
mined and succestftii attempt at suicide
tbe other day in a lake in front of Lin
coln park, Chicago.
ui late mere nas been a noticeable in
crease of tourists travel in Ireland.
People are discovering a fine place to
spend a va ation.
The population of the south African
republic consists of 63,001 Boers, 87,000
other while, called Uitlanders, and 600,-
0-30 Kaffirs and Zulus.
Paymasters and commissariat officials
of the German army receive special
training in examining the qua'ity of
food supplied to the army.
- A Garman army officer estimates that
in the century just closing no lsse than
SJ.lX'O.OOO men have beet killed in war
in civilised countries.
Tbe aigrette is to disappear from the
headgear of the British Dussars and
Royal Horse artillery, ard its place will
be taken by an untricb plnme.
The latest thing in company promot
ing comes from Paris, where a dog'e
uemetery has been Boated with a capital
of 14,000. Tne promoters are ladies.
The results of recent drillings io
Booeo bave caused many persons to
think that Borneo will prove to be the
richest petroleum field in tbe world.
Koeehichi Tanabe & Co. is the name of
a firm recently formed in Yokoboma,
-Tta'pan, with a capital of 175,000, to baild
an electric road in that city.
A set of maps of the time of Ptolemy
ihe jteographer, has been fonnd in some
eleventh century manuscripts in tbe yat
lean library, according to the Tablet.
Referring to tbe recent-report that a
Russian florist baa aaeceeded in raieiag
bine roses, a Slavonian gardener declares
bat bine roses grow wild in Servia. j
AiusucLfta among women are com
moner at the present time than tbey
need to be. Ie Constantinople and Mad
t rid one woman out of every ten Las a
distinct mustache.
Offers to serve in tbe.Traoavaal, should
he occasion arise, bave been made by
t about 1,8000 officers, non-commissioned
officers and men of tbe new south Wale
..defense force.
' About twenty-four women in 100 are
stronger in tbe left arm tban in the
right ; women, too, are more frequently
equally strong in both arms than men.
An expert baa jleen to explain that
stage fright really com is from a disor
' dered stomach. He argues from this
mat persona meditating public apptar
ances should be carefnl of their diet and
adhere to regular Labile.
A Frtnih scientist baa made seme
plants "artificially Alpine" by keeping
them in an ice box all nigbt and exp j
log them to the full action of tbe eno dar
ing tbe day.
It is stated en German authority that
2,000,000 glass eyes are made every year .
in Germany and Switzerland, while tu
rrencn souse msouiaciures 3UU.0GO or
tbera annually.
Among tbe latest; collecting fads is a
search after odd trade sigos aid circulars,
Tbe collectors declare there is more fun
in it than anything in tbe collection line
yet attempted.
Norwegian legislators propose that girls
who do not koow bow to knit, aew, wash
and cook shor.ld be refused permission to
many. Daughters of wealthy men are
not to be excepted.
Tbe construction of cigar box may seem
to be a very simple matter to tbe novice.
bnt tbe box passes through nineteen diS
errnit processes before it is ready to re
ceive the cigars .
Old age pensions bave been establish
ed in Korea, out are not a large item in
tbe national expenditure. Oldaga pen
sions to men over sixty years of age swal
low up a total of more than 5230.
A new law baa just gone into effect in
Massachusetts forbidding tbe perform
aoce cf the marriage ceremony by justice
of tbe peace unless tbey bave been spec
ially designated for that purpose.
Atgeld eya that Qoebel ought to be
I beaten for governor of Kontucty. This
the highest recommendation that
Goeotl baa yet received, r
The John Smiths recently
tatheiiogtn Maryland, Tbera
srowd of them, and they bad
tim. though a confuting one.
- ,,. s'U . ! .
It has nen discovered that it was
very fortunate thing that the Porto Rico
hurricane did not happen nearly a year
earlier when General Miles' army was
on the island.
& ma tKD'e wilt not rco -o'u the
name, William waiaori a-.imiiii, out
a closer inspection will reveal the troth
and that England's new and distin
guished citin is referred to.
The anti-expansion wing of therepub
lican psrtv are talking of putting a tick
et in the field in the coining presidential
election. Politics continue to be mixed
and at raate fellow.
This has been a week of bepe and
fiare throughout Oregon on account o
the weather and the Importance of hav
ing a condition ot affairs that would be
favorable to the whiat crop alrvadv be
ing harvested. The eek enda with
nhat Is oalltd a blue condition cl affairs,
aad yet tbey might be worse. Oregon's
excellent condition though It such that
our people will be able to keep their
beads above the water and come out all
right. Another year will make np for
this years losses. It has been learned
from experience that we nvut take
things as they come, and it will le in
order for avert bod v to rustle the harder
for business, and the farmer will need
to turn his attention to greater diversi
ties, Thedsmandfor stock lias been
great and the prices high, and the mar
ket for incidentals is good . There it a
good deal of money in the valley to meet
tbe ehoiUge from spoiled wheat and let
no one be disheartentd.
Whistle. Walter F. Jenks, of Salem
has refused a government position, that
of farmer at the Ft. liiddell Indian
Agency. Most men are grasping for any
old government position.
The government la spending $3,000 on
the improvement ot the Long Tom river
up the Willamette somewhere, and hes
itates about improving the Y equina Uay
that will bo a tenorlt to the entire statu.
The IVndeiton K. O cat!) the recent
relay spe'l in eastern O.egon Willi
amette valley weather. Here we bave
beau ctling tbe same weather a M
ni'a affair brought over by tb i boy.
The Nebraska troops ha- bet mutt
ered out, but they will go east togethtr
and be received by tbeir people, who like
the Oregooians, are proud of their record
which was a good one.
The importance of dlvefeified farming
is mad: very strong this year by tlete
August rains. No farmer tbould riek his
entire years busmtsson the weather.
With a big varietv of produUi on the
farm tbe farmer will be in no daoger of
Iocs from any damage to a Single crop.
The remarks ot tbe secretary ot the
agriculture department uf the United
Suites, who was In Oregon recently, that
fallowieg in summer is not beneficial,
hae attracted general attention and aet
farmers to thinking. Summer fallowing
baa been tin. role here, and if H is the
wrong program it is high time that
il was known and a better plan substi
tuted. Theotiee in reference to fallow
ing though cannot applv to all countries
alike, on account of the great d ffireoce
in tbe moisture pre.aleM which supplies
nutriment to the ground.
Republicans are pouring In en Mi Kin
ley tbeir advice for speedy ending of the
war in tbe Philippines, and it la appar
ent tbat this is havirg its effect on tbe
president, for it u now said that 0,000
soldiers will support Otis in tbe fall for
tbe next campaign against tbe Filipinos
Wbat tbe President should do I to re
move Otis and put Miles at tb bead o
the army in tbe Philippines. Tbe rea
son why be does not do this is because
Milee ie a Democrat, and McKinley is
afraid tbat Milee would carry on tneb a
successful campaign against ths Filipi
no, aa to make him a formidable can
didate tor tte Presidency. -
It looks very much a If tbe United
States will not be permitted to do the
waracta'one- England has a bigger
contract on hand than it has bad for years
In South Africa there it a man wbo ! not
afraid to beard lie lion in bis den. Tbe
result though wilt be tbe subjection of
tbe psople of tbe Traniveal according to
the wishes ot England. A amall people
stande no chance againat a great nation
with almost up.lmi'ed re Purees at its
The end ot the Filipino war Is again in
eight. The outlook la tbat it will bo In
sight for several yeare.for the indications
i rem reports have liven tbat tbe inane.
feet lo was spreading more than decreas
Mr, Case, ot this city, bow an octcgen
areaa, has been studying the moon for a
gooo many yesrsam nas discovered thai
the face In it he been changing until it
i in mat oi uie new wuman.
A Eugene editor has taken a big con
tract In starting to purify the social at
nioanoare oi inatriiv. ii iia la nuyiiu.
ful we have a good steed control ir i.i,n
at aiusny.
f . .
iuo inucii raio i not as bad as i one.
California ryle Therein w.y damage
one product while bfnefltilng a good
many others, but a drouth bum
thing. There is sotuilhitg ot a consol
atory oroer in mat.
The aecnmolationol wealth io the baode
of a tew has done one thing tbat alracts
attention, and tbat is it bsa made some
great endowments for colleges. Stanford
University wae created by it. Recently
a Boston man on dyiag gave ,000 for
colleges and other Institut'oor, and there
are a wood many like it every jeer
Vice-President Hobart is now known
4s tbe "official bouncer" tioce tbe neig-
nation cf Alger, for it will be re mem be i-
ed tbat it was afkr bie Bret visit to Ho
bart that Alger cooi-ludtd to resign
ibe office of ice-Freeiden is develop
ing into a highly importer t and useful
The soldier boys bare been thoroughly
received. We bave bad receptions gatoi
bat no more than tbe occasion calle f'r.
Tbey are a good thing, displaying appre
ciation for braery, and as a ell creating
and fostering a spirit of patriotism tbat ie
universe'. There has been a healthy
tone to ad of them attended by theDso-
C4AT man that has been pleasing and
T - - , i. . ..
i" rrwr( iaai weea, an Italian
was placed in jll aa a criminal, and
when told to take a bath ha r. li...i
Preparation were made to force him to
usesotto and water, and rather than mi.
mil tie commitietl tuitide.
When. Dr. Trimble opened hie ottieii
this afternoon after an absence oi a week
lie saw a patriotic pectaclo of a rare or
der. The room was literally filled with
bunting and everything in the room was
in the wrong place. It must bave taken
the practical jokers several hours to have
fixed thing.
Wine with Ciivinna Riuvino tViAr, ant
i-"'. iriown-iiii, i iw taim run on a nit r cut t
Ol'MA Olntmniit, tin irMtl.atttit oiirn. WMhmr
wlhfiitHH'Tui,rHAeiut Hot Watkii,
This tlmiile, liixMitutltr trvMiiHMtt will nink
iwtiiik a iikumi( k'wi tnuiiritrt ui tliiiM wilb
wind, m.'ly irritated skiu.
aw tfcNMtrw uw . .i. r.i. n, e coi.
S IIMVH. " am akumtiM sua," M.
Wood Notice.
ThorMieon ,t Ainna. nf ! !,. ... i.
therlty t0 saw wood at the old
prices, aa follow :
Cutting four loot aoml twl.o Jh i. .
three tlmeetOcte, same for all kinds of
wood. Uootl wot k snd prompt attention.
wiiii i Bru in nni om.i nr a.a imr'y. ' ' '
Otlitorni um Ari lvc.
SAX iHi.NCIS.M. Auir. 'I l. tl'ntt..!
State transport Micrumn, bearing the
first California regiment of volutitws,
waasiirbted four mi l i.l.l. n. i..iJ
a few liilntltea before i thin ttvniiln.. v..
one living anywhere aithin the bound,
ariesof San rrancleco, was long in ignor
anceof arrival of thu atvauiur. ki....
WbiHtlc shrivked. Siruna mrumA l-.ll-
rang and the streets aeru nmin tlihd
with sbouting.'choerlng throng.
rT, i a vi, Attg. 21. Tut) Globe
One of tlte great thing the state press
association want is a law requiring a
man to pas an examination before being f platlorm can stand the most popular
.11 J . . . " 11'... I I,.''"'"'.
lUONtit'g, ill iM va, Pr n,ivrH-.t...
nomination of Admiral lHiwrv I,
next aemocratie naiitinn Mnvu
aiib uiooe says:
The deutoctatic party ha but to mak
tins man lit niairiif t of tim .iii..IUii,.
upon a platform of living i,rin..i..i. . i-
antral planks of which shall be death to
a iruata anu autotioiiiy lor ti I'hilip-
i ii una. tlnt. anal la..i Ji.. i ..
, - -- vttv mvu, UDan una
Looking for the C. & E.
From th Boise (Idaho) ri(a!emn,
Prom Portland come a story that
Henry "Viliaid ha secured control o
larg tract ot timber land In Oregon and
that h I oo-onaratlng !th soma Kast.
em lin in rnnnantlnn ail h I ha (lnrvallla
A Eutrn roa.1. Th tact of his having
mad a trip of inspectlrn over that road
liuprsated nannla aanarall Willi Ilia
Idea that thr was some oompreliensiv
plan afoot, but it will not do to atima
that it can be easllv guessed. What.
ever the plan Is, It is not likely the pul-
lltt W II he tinrn.llta.l In li h.n.. It iii.lll
thos In authority are leady tobsv it
-iiowo. tne ioesibllity, however, of
that road coming through to an Kasiern
ortnepllon here open un an interesting
Id for pe.ulailttn. with the main
line of th Hhort Line here snd with th
Orpgao road headed thl way to effect a
Jitntion with It or with tome other line
at this p'ace, Boise would indeed tie a
ssnisr of Interest.
The Rock Sptingt Democrat ot Wyo
ming, tayat "Th Willamette valley I
the principal agricultural, tockgrolng
and fiultraUlog teglon ut Orrgin, and
const! tiles tb wealthiest potilon of the
state. It Is drained by the rlvsr front
hlch It take il nam. Th river I
navigable for a distance of M tulles from
roriiaod. It How northward about
midway between the Coast ramie and
the Cascade mountains, and em miss in
o the Columbia near Portland, 100 mile
inland from the ga. ion Idea of the
extent of the val ry, alt product
reach lb stresm ot commerce through
the port of Portland, mav be gleamed
hen it i known that tb Southern Pa
cific Otimnanv operates three distinct
line of railroad parallllng each other
tor a distance of over 100 milee, with In
numerable branches snd lenders to give
the products ot the tributary rvalon an
outlet to the markets of tbe world."
It was wrong to demand ab Jate and
oncocaltional enrrender of tbe insurgent
Filipiooe. Wbat w should bave done
was to offer them independence under
oar protection. War would bave thus
been averted.
birth of a U9w party i announced
from New York city, made np et one
hundred labor organizttions. Labor will
need no otber party than tbe democratic.
pledged, aa it will be, to breaking np tb
great trusts wb'ch are tbe trait of tbe
present republican administration.
For choice groceries at reasonab'e
rates, ee McFeroa & Tomlinson.
Everone is looking forward to a live
ly session o.' Congress next year, for re
publicans as well as democrats are ex
pected to fire bot shot into th admiois
tralion for tbe policy pursued io tbe
Philippines. Senators Hoar, Wellington
and Mason, a'l republicans, are known
to be outspoken in tbeir opposition te
tbe president in this matter, and tbeir
rinks are being added to every day.
A state press association has mt dm
ing th week, and done some business.
This is proper. Tbe editors bv a mocb
right to eombio a otber people, and
make provisions fir their mutual benefit.
As a matter of f-ct though there never
comes much out cf It. It generally ends
with every mtn for himself.
Perhaps meetings would be more
profitable if tbey were more on tbe edu
cational plan like the teachers associa
tion meeting at Lebanon this week and
held for tbe purpose ot learning some
thing acd not merely o bavea good time.
The progressive teacher gets much tbat
Is benefit io tbe institute, and perhaps
an editors institute, would rrsn't the
same way it it wire postlo'e to find any
one smart enough to run it.
"lowed to run a newspaper. Another
ecneme tor r commiseion for some noor
fellow whom newsnarJer la not
Of course the aUto Wialature will n..t
ever seriously consider anything of the
kind, though it ie not at all material to
the men already in lb butlne.
The enerprie and en ray being dis
played in Seattle in securing tbe muster
ing out ot the Washington siidier in
that city deserves to be met with sasorte.
The peo, te there aooreciate tbe aitnatinn
and will pay alt expense of transporta
tion, la Portland they wanted the boy
to ioo iuei, own oi us in si to stva thrm
a show. The Portland nanera continue
io reier io wnat was umeed.
manot the Western hemisphere, the Idol
ot the greatest nation on eani. i.,....
Ijewey, hero c Manila bay ard Admiral
w to American navy.
England War.
Isiww, Aug. 23.-Tho Johanncsbu g
w. vjnMiu-ui, ui ma jimra say:
IHequieting report bave lieen received
here from Natal. It is said that Sunday
a train from Johannesburg was find up
on in Tranavaal territory.
lb feeling near the border 1 bitter,
"uLlhe di,,yl Natal futch are armed
u mb users.
Sa:em ba received ulfer of l7,30
for her 4 per cent bonds, alt from people
of tbat city. The fct ii an interesting
and very aueseative t ne. If it were pot
ioio Atoany a oonua drawing tlx per
vrut couiu easily oe Boated riirnt among
Albany people at 4 per cent. Bnttbla i
not possible now. As fast as the bond
malar though they should tie tskeu op
vj iMosay people at a reouced rate of in
From the Corvalli Times:
Bill Gird saw the Filipino and offered
Hot HcndcJ Cuhniia. ,
G.uw... , thM .....
rAniKM nug. rive men are
urn aou ten wououcu a tbe rcault ot
a light last night, between gend arme
nu uissa potmen cnoan soklier at Ceu
vita, thirty in ilea from Santiago, where
iymentoi uuuan troops is pro
gressing V
St. PaI'I.. .tu-'. t. Sunn ...
Governor Llnd asked the war depart-
vi aauu Lln aiimieaO'a Va-,lllrf ant--
at Portland, but the government official
uvb noimou mm mat tbey cannot do it;
that tbe niuster.ont wilt u.J.
francieco. and that is the tm.l ! it !.
a federal point of view.
Symratlictic German.
og ere pi a uerniana a commute was
Vk't-Chairman, WlliUm I. Stiae. cf
the lienioeratie Nalionsl Co mm I Use. em .
phaticatly recmlUiss tbe reports sent
out from Washington, that be wasatcni
to abandon th Bryan birk and tak up
Rt- Admiral Seblsv as a candidal for
the djmocratks pretl lentlal nomination,
Mr. Ston also ld : "I am for Bryan
for piesldenl . 1 think there I not a
badowot doubt about hi nomination
by th next democrat' national conven
tion. I have always been for him, and
pect to remain to. I have never beard
Msh ley's name mentioned a a tmslbl
candidate lor president eieept In sees
paper gossip "
Rev. Ford of Eoaene.P. K. nf thU dir.
trtet, 1 in the city.
Miss Mllner lalt Ibla nnnn l. ...
land where she is Io be luarrii M n,
30th of August.
George Hughe, Portland' well,
known fire work a mannfaetnrar. aua
yesterday at tb age ol 76 year.
Miss Kd 1th (Hover thl noon returned
home from Ilwaco. Wash., what she
ha been teaching the past year.
rror. Scbmitt a& Wiiiard Mark re-
Uraea laslavenlne frnrn a lain
Soda pretty well drowned out.
Rev. Parker and tbrs rblM
arrived in Albany from Salem and are
r oving into tb parsonage of the Con
relational church. wba tka in ...
.11. " wrj
License was Itrned today for the msr
riag of Wada If. Uavis, ton of Kx
Recorder Pa vis, and MieaEUie Johnson,
daughter of Mr. Wlndom, both of llar
risburg, popular young ptople wbo will
bave tbe best wishes of a host of frieoda.
These are remarkable days. Ptffer
was recently transformed, Coxey, it is
said is liaole to become a plutocrat, and
Dennis Kearney, of San Francisco, wbo
a few yeare ago led tbe aandlotterr, In
all manner of scheme against tbe rich,
is now a plutocrat himself, having been
very fortunate in speculations. He is
said to be wonh several bnndred thous
and dollats, at one time making f40,000
In a deaL He declare now, of course
XI A. t .1 .. a? a . -
tui ui mint a toot oi nimseii when on
tbe sandiots.
A good deal is said tbout tbe officer in
tbe army living a great deal better tban
tbe private. Tbi i easily accounted
for. Tbey are paid S3 much and buv
theie own "grab." This la connection
with having it cooked I an expenaive
business. For instance on bi trip from
SanFranciscoto Manila ft cost Capt. Phil-
Hps $51, which is pietty expeasive t jr a
month's board of a soldier.
A 57 nound salmon
Newport this week.
There is a paragraph in an official m i
port just received by Surgeon Genera
Sternberg from Mapr John ft. Hoff
chief surgeon of tbe military district of
Porto Rico, which i not calculated to
make new ebonter for imperiItm
among tb thoughtful. la considering
tbi very serious matter,, it should not
ba forgotton tbat Porto Rico is tb
healthiest of oar new.' possessions. In it
Major Hoff speaks of an alarming preva
lence of private diseases among oar sol
diers tbere and say the indication are
tbat It will not be lorg. before a large
percentage of them will be as tboroogL-
ly infected as tbe native popalation. He
also point out tbe danger of returning
toldiers spreading tb contamination at
tneir homes, a danger which Great Brit- j
Ian has found to be of the gravest pro
portions in her experience with her trop
ical possessions. Something like this
baa been said before, bnt it was booted
down as tbe talk of an alarmist. It be
gins to looks though the man who said,
"tbe more you know a boot the. tropic
th less desire yoa bar to lire tbere,"
wa about right. Report like tbi bave
also come from tbe Philippines.
him a drink. The Long Tom sage car-1 appointed to exprcs to the Tr.n.u,,i
riea onty tit beat of liourbon, but the rnment me willingness of Germans
boy from the Orient declined the prof
fered beverage. Humph 1" exclaimed
the philosopher, "He hasn't been civil
ized." William refused to see anything
interesting in the Tsgaio lad and consid
ered bimseft swindled.
"I've seen Iniuns and Kiiurera and
Jap and Chinamen," be eaid, "and all
aorta of combination of 'em. Tbat kid
ia no prettier than he ought to bo and
don't koow good whiskey. No winder
the gjogoo can't shoot. You bet the
Ameruan can tell a good thing
when they see it. Why that molasee
fellow won't be any good to even exercise
Corvallis' wabble-judging niuhtwatch
man. Tbegovernment ought to send him
to Kentucky and cultivate hi"
Manuel had hi opinion cf the sage.
"Homb.e much a inalo. Cara,
mucba loco." William went home to
snake the water from bis wheat and in
terpret whatjliad been said unto him.
According to high authority, Alger
never was a real candidate for tb Senate
and bis aanounctmenP,to tbat effect wa
made after a full understanding with Mr
McKinley, solely for tbe purpose of pre
paring a reason for bis resignation from
tbecabioit. This may or may or not be
true, bat tbe announcement several day
ago by Mr. Alger tbatb wa entirely oat
of poii'ics, seems to bear oat the story.
Tbe disappearance of Alger from tbe
scene reveals General Mile with all bis
authority a Commanding General of tbe
Army. The new Secretary of War is
evidently dole all be can to restore tbe
prestige ta tbatbigbly nseful offlice, and
irjnot beset by tbe petty jeslonsles that
surrounded tb official life of Abrar.
- - m ' w
Water Melons, sweet' ard ilolipinna
was caught at on hand daily at
C E. 13 no tvy ell's.
Tne Corvallis Gazette-Union ears of
the little Filipino:
He is as playfnl as a kitten and bis
droll manner is mostamnsing. He is a
mnna superior to the Chinaman, Indian,
or Jap In mental endowment a bis white
brother ie to the negro, and may well be
railed tbe "Yankee of the East."
Emanuel w.s an eye witness (o Doa
ey's destruction of the Spanish fleet, and
bi description of tbe battle, stopple
mentenled aa it aa with gestures and
focial grimace was interesting and
graphic. I
"It wa four o'clock In the mornlnv.
. said he, "when, puff I puff I I hear tbe
guns at Uavile. rretty soon, roo-m I
b-o-o-tnl Americano cannon; mucba
grand. Spanish general, ran around.
tie look mad; mocha combatir. Spanish
soldier cry; vamoose el casa; mucba
cold feet. Dewey' canon b-o-o-m I
b-o-o-m bit bard. Spaniard, whiff,
whiff; mocb loco." Here be made a
gesture indicating that the Spanish were
suoouogcrazuy in toe air.
New Goods. P. Cohen' large and
well selected stock of new goods has ar
rived. It embraces late up-to-date
goods, which will be sold at prices in
reach of all. Give b m a call before hav
No fun. No Pay.
That is tbe war all tbe diwcints tell
Grove's Tasteless Chilt Tonic for CbifJs,
malaria snd billiousncss. It is as p'eas
ant to take as lemon syrup, 50c.
If you wish to take tbe lead, ride a
Cleveland, For sale by McFeron & Tomlinson.
MnlMlll... .
"iwr iut iue service in caeo
war, but requesting they .lie enrolled
sejmraw corns, on account of hardship!
uunnii uie jingato cam'
Bla Trout.
&kw obk, Aug. 24-The Herald say:
Arrangement are maturing for the
organization of a 50,000,000 dry good
corporation in this citv to control ami
operate dry good and department stores
iiiruugiiuut me country, ihe Alercan-
n io tieorgan xation i;omnan t,-
i uwii incorporateu in 1 re ii ton, ; J.,
ti JJg ' ' creating utg corpora
Cuban Acc'd.-ttt.
t . .
DASTIAOO DX Ul'UA. A II if. 21 A .n.t
iniiwpy accident occurred here today.
An entire passenger train felt int ti,
river Manercbs. which tuna thrmio-h ti,.
-ii a.n.i -n... "
Although the tremendous storm that
nave oeen raging ora fortnight through
wiiiie uuminiio, mere nas been some
aonieraent. Advices irom various.'points
uuu nio wiucepreau u hi reus ana misery.
Gold Seeker RcacueJ.
WasnisoTOit, Aug. 21. Captain Shoe
maker, or the revenue cutter service, to
day received a report from Lieutenant
U. II, Jarvis, the commander of the rev
nue cutterjlioar, containing an account
of the rescue of the goldseekers who
rushed into the Ko xebue gold country
Alaska, in the (umtmr of 1808.
The MacDuiT In.
Astoria, Aug. 24. The long-looked-
iur uriuaii mrt Micuun nrrivou in this
evening, uays from Calcutta. She
met with no accident, and was at no
time in oistress. irer delay was due en
tirely to the weather and tha fmil
tion of her bottom, and the reported dis
tress of those on board way a myth
arawn irom tbe imagination i f sclJiers
on ooara tne transport, w arren
The 8. P. Co. Friday began roonlng
the overland passenger train sooth Irom
ttoeebnrg in two sectioni, patting on two
comp,u rw. Tb pateaer con
doctor now rannlng between Romberg
end Ashland are T. J. Kearney, Ed.
Ilostoo, J. M. Hansbroagh and AI. Mor
ris. Matty railroad men think this I
l(L7tmnr' ""emnt to Isst
'Koeehnrg locsl Is xlndd
oath to Redding in tb near fotur.
Roeeborg Review.
Tbe body of Mrs. John Parker ws
brought to Albany tbi noon accompan
ied by ber daughter, brnti a Mm ti u
Clavpool of Lebanon, and Rev. Forbes'
is wi tasen io the residence of Hon. J :
K. Weafherford, where short service
Were held and waa than hn.L.I I - ii..
Masonic cem.t.ry.
At a meeting of th Alhan Rvri ...t
Gun Club last evening tfe removal
Of A. Strain aa eama ar,t.n . ..
dered and A. I. Miller Waa itleeiail tn
the position. Recently tour arrests have
been made for violation of tt,. i.
each person being fined $16 and others
will follow. It is proposed to enforce
th law as much as possible.
Tt eay to
iW&l loM ttp af
ZGVZjy. you grease I
tZ2r th'
UZk Aid Criatt
I CtAtahovantllMmwhvlt'atlia
I bent aream vr put on an
Sold avarywbara. Made by
" ToCleanae the System
Effectively yet genlly , wbt o cosUve or bit -loos,
to Dermanentl Anrmnu 1
constipation, to awaken tha kidney at.d
iver to a be.ltby activity, without irritat
ing or weakeniog them, to dlsnal haarf.
aches. coWs, or fevers, nse Syrup of Figs,
made by tbe California Fig Syrup Co.
Watches! Watches! Watches!
We hav Just received direct from tbe
(!c,orjr ." ,,fB ,tock ' t0 celebrated
Oueber-IIsoipden watche.
These watches were bought for cash
and w offer special bargains
F. M. Fesnch, Tb Jeweler.
Sugar Mr. Gralwobl informs n that
be fs selling 17 pounds of granulated su
gar for 11.00. Now is the time to buy r
it is liabls to go np at any time. This Is
a net cash proposition.
All good delivered free of charge.
Freeh bread every dav. Two Inana
or a nickle at McKeron A Tomlinson.
m e
Yellow Crawford neAcheg can nm t
found at
Bhowkeli.'s, 2nd St,
n Ripe'earj and Apples at
0. E. iirownell's.