The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 01, 1899, Image 3

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frt'j I .a V'.vlV
we SitntmL i
V I. iU'TTIM. I d mid I'rop.
Mltf I' 'In. 11. . 11., t il. 41 I'"-PJ
IB.ll.-. , ..'I I -I'l.. .11. til maiuti,'.
The Bazaar.
Highly Attractive Values
Ladies Mutlin UndergsrmeMa, Draw-
r, vorteicovets, Miirts.
man pretty styles in Nightdresses, Tha
Kmpire.The Revere, shot tor deep yokes,
tilmmed lth meted lawn rallies, em
broidery, lare, etr.
Length, Fullness, StCrMn-, Style,
Material and Irica all care'uliy eoneld
td and . tiered to you r'glit.
Taffeta, 8atlo Veixei aod Fancy
The Photographer
manes everything m"lh line of photo
grapbt, from photos to life .no portraits.
Larg's', asior'ment of years ct Oregon,
n tha valley.
Frames of all s'xe,
I'liCto bultom, bat plnr, etc., eto
Next door to Albany.
Removal Notice.
We hive moved our itire to tha Vance
Imildlugon 2nd street mar Crawford's
gallery where we will La pleased to u.ret
ur O'U curioiurre auu uiuuj uvw
McKUlop St burhhart, Proprietors
Trc nipt meftli t all houri, Freih oyt
en in ityle desired. Berve luucLei for
anqueti on short notice.
ft rait with Ton whf)thf jnn gontinu ih ipm, mm
BpT'eevanilin'f wdtskCPO nam, bwiwbb ir "? 1
f fr?mot it) dtttr (or tobavoeo. Ujv"t Ilk 3
i a-it nrouwd.ittM, iuli alcvyf .1 1 1 -
t Une, purnt Um blood, rfJ I k fcAjoa
.lorrt o mavnhood.T 1 f I BfWf boiet
you "raff 111 400,000
n bBltfi, nrTaT t it I L,vcw cuvd. but
.nd pooftmTi VI ILatWOTil-llACfruw
f. 9h9jo9T own ortiffsrUt, who
a0 MEwf "ti) vouch Corn. T&ko It with
T n I ' ft win.BailciitlT.DriUtntlT. On
boi, 1. DBUklly ourtu B boles, monrT.
SWfUM U. IWwiaa, Bwlnwl, In i.
Absolute Guarantee and
Eastern Prices
On all RAG Corsets and terrls Wains
V hen a customer U not perfectly astir,
lied a new pair given In exchenre for tl t
old one.
It It onr lm lo p'eaae and sati.f)
every peison w .o purchases and wear
( r H A (J Cor'-! or Ferris waltt
We call tfciM I attention to onr bOt
end toourBftccoisei which we thing wBI
on para favorably with any fl.00 corset
u this market.
Received today another Una of thoa
onular unrieraklr's for ladies.
New ramheaux Sales Lara Curtaim
and doMfd twits and art good tor taa'j
S. E. Younj? & Son.
An Ex-Governor Here.
Ex-Oovetnor 6lone. of
ona of tha moat prominent men of tbat big
i air. arnvej lo Albsny ibis noon from
rurileml, and ss lakin on a ipeHal
train to the front to view our msgnido
ent h.reate. going be special Invitation of
Mr. Hammond. Mr. Htoea Is In tre
Northwest f oclally In the interest ol an
easiern syn.ikato to look up the lumber
intereeta litre. Ho , .a l-rn to Till,
moox conoty and having a few das pre
vious to rolnii up on u1D -,..i,.
ed 10 the inn. 11a A at tint lalaailllaia
the fio: tli fat tt liatVaa Ida Anaal il lv ...
. , . ' . . v easier-era, lllllUCr
tW ill tttfl or ll. an, I tal I 4M..t.a ...
ori,ried at what he alii ate. The party
"sis ismii' tin vvrniiig.
Who wou'dn'i rldaa l!r
We arrolil n ! i..i.i. i
U" -r-- vil IV Cllig IO
ia store wagon with Mr. Sam Moses
i...iub7 anu late a oi the ecennry
between thli nla t .
i ?I . i ":' bu,y tbreeblng
. -uu acini'! ii imoitie wara
house. The win Is In fair condition.
V a stepped Into the ware boose at Tan
gent and found our friend U F. Smith
very busy. He says that tar is a l.rg
rr croD of wlat ... i. i
- - - mm iii auu
the i graiu Ir as plump. Wa foood Moees
tlil r,nn . . 1 m. .
- . ,t,7 uu7. tueiormer was
just returning from a trip with bis
sal ai teste,1 fa l . V
.v-vito who eggs ana Duller.
fUmilh'a linn I L. ' ).. .
..... v. uiui.n inio ana
burglarised laatTueaday butlba burglar
aa ooa of the moat peculiar of bis slnd
for alter drinking a bolt l if soda ho
- v. u isTing. j arena ona Douia
V Alt kAUAMHA I. .
vv wuu mw," ana uia a ten
cent i lere oo tie card.
WaaralntbamMetofour blackberry
Urveetani bate a large crop.
- nvumm caiiru onus !Sl
Tueaday. He rode from Albanr on bia
-... iv Hiiuuire aou uiud I rtlSU
Mr.U. V. itigham. of Corvallis. cat
led at our i.lace leal 1 uesday evening.
LiTTtn Rot Etc.
A Kcx.wAV.-lliTtesm of Mr. 8jat
too, of Millers, ran aaa ihia liurnnm,
About iba time a ennpla of bays jumped
upon the rear end of the wagon tba
horaea. nf & nn ...
frisky started eastward, fhey left the
wairon tMll . .
damaged and continued to tba firtaera'
warehouse, where they weia iopied.
Tha boys were badly frightened but no.
jured. lo) have no business Jumping
on gous.
Tha Chll.1. Oiit
dy titer t 2:30 p. n. Subj-a, 'The
ln.llni.1 .1 f . . I .1 . . rw. .
...n..,.v. vi . unvangaiiun, or iua Train
ing of tne Senses." Qaeetions, 1. What
should I he food dr a child be? 2. How
does "The Tasiiog Song" teach ti.a
Mother to colds the child? 3. How
dcei nature ed urate runr kI. a
What dona Mr IVllU.n. -- '
" luiuiiui Bar v
teaching mualo to children? 6. Should
mothers an.l teaciieri sift the reading
matter of children. 6. Mhatdoea Em
erson ear regarding the training of your
To Clcana the System
Effectively Vfit Pfnlly. mhi n il.
lout, to pernmnentlv ovircome habit ml
cuDNiipauon, io awaicn tne iianeys aua
i i u.. ... 1....111.,. ...i:..i. ni . F i. i
...v. w m untnuj buuviij, wuuout irruni
Inir Or weuioninir thm In Hi.n.1 k.a.1-
acbes, coMs, or fever, ue Sjrup of Fig,
uiaae ice California tg Sirup Co.
New Goodb. P. Cohon'i large and
well selected stock of new gocds has ar
rived. It tmhriMi lata
gootle, which will bo aold at prices in
rencu oi an. uivo.tiim a can Detore buy
ing. Sugar Mr. Grajwobl'lnforms ns that
be Is sellinn 17 pound of atanolated su
gar for $1.00. Now Is the time to buy rs
it is liable to sr np at aoy time. This is
a net cash proposition.
All goods delivered free of cha-go.
If TOU wish to take tha leal, rtda a
Cleveland. For sale by McFeron A Tom-
Water Melons, sweet' aid delicious
on hand daily at
V. ti. UnowNBLie.
For oholco groceries at reasonable
rates, ree McFeron ATomlinson.
White'Clover Honey, 10" cfs, per lb. at
C. E.lirownell s.
Fresh bread evory day. Two loave
or a nickle at McFeron & Tomltnton.
Trv our bread at two '.oaves tor a
nickle. McFeion & Tomlinson.
PrtrNE3 WANTED. Taities having
Italian Prunes for tsie should see Las
sella Bros, as they will pay the blghett
( casb price for tame.
Mr. fielden Warner ia' doing Albany
today. 7
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cuslck retained
last night from Detroit.
Mr. and Mrr.8tetter bft here this nocn
to visit.frlonds mar lirownavllle.
Pode Craw, who made tba Oregon
wtnt to Eugene to visit with relative.
Mrs. Knox Height and daughter re
turned this noon from a trip to l'eorla.
iVIUs Julia Taylor has gne to Ashland
preparatory to teglouTng her school
work tbeie.
Dr. Hill Is home from a trip to Seattle,
where bis brother O. A. Hill is a piom.
iaent attorney.
Miss Hill of JIaWy, who 1ms been vle
fting with. Mrs. J. F. Troutman roturned
home this noen.
Mrs. F. M. French, two dsughlers and
son Hetli Thomas, went lo Sodavllle ibis
mori.ln for a week's ooting.
Mle Nellie Hoguo will rr-lurn lo Stan
ford university on tonight's cverlaod to
coniluuo ber studies there.
Don Swann, of Lebanon, h in the city
(or tba purnrse of acting as businrsa
managpr oi me Linn County School
Mrs. Tims. Ifni.ktna an.l Mi.. f..
enerlta ilnrtklna i... .i..
rom Ietroit, where they bsve been lak-
' mir auinnier S OUIIOg.
Key. V. 1). Vmnlnn n C I. .:n
preach hie farewell sermon, morning
.u ..ciiiiiK, previoua io leaving lor the
nnual conlereoceatUrants I'ass.
Mis Maggie Bsrker, Chief of Honor
1 7 7 'vmi :-i uiv aiitiv vi
Urrgon Ufi this noon on a tr'p south as
ma ifHjrfi. ..I t m. a. .1 . r
. I. con"'J on a visit t the
different lodges.
M.Jlm Morrav.of Dalufb, Ioa, sr.
rived In Albany this noon on a vlit with
ble many Albany Mends, after a visit ol
several days In Salem hh ivUi
Jim Is looking tine and is properlug.
wirs. w. bternlserg ami children, Mis.
Moinsaml daughter Mias Ada, Mis
Parry, .Mmiia and Nolia Grey, II. F.
Merrill and family, tha Mlsnee Allen. D.
P. M anon and family and Mira Nellie
blkins returned this noon from their
summei's outing at tba liay.
Dr. Strong, tba new president of tba
Slate nillverait. !..,... I. .11....
today for Eugene. He Is a One appear
ing man, anu the friends of the tollega
ara strongly In hopra that he will do
much to build up the univeisity and get
it out of tba rnt inn which It got under
ita last president.
0. W. Willis and am Rot Vie returned
last evening from a trlji across 'ha Caa
cadee, returning by tha McKcnue
route. Mr . Wilhs says that on coming
back on looking towards tba Tnrae Sis-
tera ha dlaenvaml ll .1 il
- .b vmv VI lurui uau
disappeareil. Ha alterwards learned
mat aia had eloped w;ib eleven.
ier. whom lm a. at 1., I..
passed west.
Tba Lebanon E. A. pays tha present
efficient Bthnnl . U..
complimeot as follows: "Superintend
' ."tiAinaia ia me Deal superintendent
this roil til haa ai.i had H. ......
an awakening aud created an enlluioiaam
alnn. ... . . . I I ; . . . t
-n.uvu 1 1 lira ion iii ue verw
beneficial to both teachers and pupils,
and indeed tha whole oeople. He ia tba
most active, enorgetio rr.d progressive
superintendent wa can hear of in tha
A. P. Blartburn, of Lebanon, came
doa-o Sunday in reepona- to a telegram
from his daughter heie, Mre. A. E. Hel
ler, who b .s bteo q'lte ill fiora nervous
prostration for soma time. Mr. Blacx
burn and Mre. Heller returned to Leb
anon on Monday evening train. Mr.
Blartburn le one of tba early settlers of
tba Willamette valley, and believes that
mstf len fl.. li.t n... M t .
" vi vi r,uU ii ui . ,j u
atandii.g the wet the weather. Mrdfoid
Tha following from the Trenton, Mo..
Republican refera lo a gentleman who
has been in tbe city several weeks tne
guest of Mr. J. A. Weaver: "Mr. CO.
Parker haa aliKwl a lvailnn at TK.
anon, Oregon, where he will move his
lamllv anil cinrjarra In titatn... . I .K
anon is a small town of about 1,200 peo
ple about thirteen mi'es southeast of Alb-
put, ii in leiminua oi a ursncn Of the
Houtharn I'arlrin raltrnait In a tnn.l
rkulturat coun'rynd not very far from
me mining region. Mr. I'arker has
been a re-ident of Trenton for ovr
twentv vears. in thaemnln nf ik. f! n
I. & P. railrway, and ban always enjoyed
u connuenre oi tne ranwav company
and the people of the city. Trenton can
ill afford to lose such citixens ai he an I
his most excellent family. They associ
ate in the best of society, and wiii be
rreatlv in tli. ae-aP. ai aM atlas (. In ika
church to which they belong, and 'in tbe
wvraa ui cnaruy, in an oi wnion they
ware llva mtmlwiri. Aa k.rfh
ad to change locations, the Itupublican
i. j iiivuu. in ti inuiDp; lurin
abundant success in their new home.
Tbe good people of Lebanon will nd
them valuable acquisitions to their vil
lage May prosperity attend them."
On the nliiht of Tuesday Sept. 6-h, Dr.
Lowe, the optician will cloie his office in
tbe Kevere Ho'el. Be sure and sea bim
il you want peifect glaue, correctly
fitted at correct prices.
Yellow Crawford peaches can now be
iouhu ai
CTHP ' ,s"krk, "d
O X v1 see their large and
splendidly selected stock of rings. Any
design you want. Kings for all purposes
from a present to the baby to a wKMng.
weonesuav, Aug. an, isiw, at tne resi
dence of Mr. A. B. Morris, by Rev
Lnngbnt'.om, Mr, A. Ray Baker and
' Miss Rosa HraaUmon.
' Tbe groom is a popular Marlon county
teacher, a former Linn county man. and
the bride ia tbe estimable danehter of
Ex-Sheriff Smallmon.for two years a res-
dent 01 AiDanv. xney t.eve the beet
wisbef of many friends.
PROPST.-On Ane. 28. 1899. nor Al Mr.snd Mrs. Anilrny riojMt,
a girl.
Wheat C2 cent.
Have Prof, f-tark At your eyes.
In novelties Will &, tftark lead.
Call at the Sugar Bowl for free, f.alt
Fiesh frufta'. V're(k'.fingar B. wl par
r,T0VK8 and Tinware at Ol.llng &
Garden Hose at e l.awi mtwersat Ob'
ling A Hulburt's.
A fountain pen found in this cily can
be had at this office.
Fresh Sodavllle soda-water a healthful
summer drink, at Uurkhart SiUe's.
For alo, go"d carpHtinir, 83 o-n's per
lard, by r. . Alexaadir, eaat tud ot tb
It is a singular laste that cannot be
suited in the varleJ rhd large selection
of jewelry at Will it Stark's. The best
goods and reasonable prices.
Lose no timo In calling on Will A
Stark for the U-st watches, guaranteed
time keepe-s, and take your time io buy
ing. It is a to show their
Prof. Stark, of Will & Stark, will be
la Aiijuny until tbe 20th, and thote
wishing their eyes ter ted and fitted in a
first das' manner, will do well to ca 1 on
him. He gurantce satisfaction.
Shall Dr, Lowe help you see things?
J. W. Ingle has sued the city of Phil
omatli for 11.75 for nails.
A store i to b orre. at Roland In
this county by W. W.Bristow, cf Lane
Mr. Chas. Kcrhart. w ho has run a bar
ber shop in McMinuville for five or six
vfara, has nccei.tcd a jronition a ith J. W.
Mr. S. P. Willlmon has sold his
milt eac In iMac'trlo Mr. Ray.
recently In the mar'il- loi'lm who will
take charge ol the sau.e on Sptrinber
A few otvs ifO in Si a' tin the Ran'era
defeated the Alphoi club 3 to 2 in a
gme remarkable for the fact tbat Care,
I he pitcher for iLe lian'ers, struck out
twenty n en. .aid to le the reoor in the
L'nl ed Siaits for this year.
Will am lioihwelt, who resided on his
farm across the river for a year or
two, and who vent east several months
ago, died about a week ago at Tecumseh,
Neb. at tbe age of 44 years. He leaves a
The Albany party on their retent trip
White Pasa secured a floe picture of tbe
to the scene where the two flairs denote
the dividing line between U.8. and Br.t
isbland.including the party of fifteen or
twenty. A lady from Ensland ia setn
standing close lo the British flag role,
while the Aibaoy minister stood at the
feet of tbe stars aod stripes.
Tbe little eon of II. l'ray, residing
acrore tbe Willamette a fw aaya ago
was playing in a field with a colt wheo
the animal ran over b'ln striking him in
tbe lo'ehead cutting a hole ino tbe
Villi., Dr. Davis -at sent for and dressed
tbe wound, which r qui red iwoor three
stitches. The boy, a g-itty little fellnw,
waa in the city l-nlay.
Lee Dav's, ion of Ri-v. JV," W.Davis,
of Siaylou, several Jaa a-o while cut
ting wood accidentally struck the index
finger of his left baod, making a bad
cut. ' An endeavor was made to save it.
but tbe finger got wore, so Lee came to
Albaov accomi-eoird by his father, when
it was found nereeiarv to anitmtate it.
! which was done by Drs. Davis an t Wei-
At Oak and the work of rebuilding
goes steadily along. Mrs. Sarah Thomas
has let the contract for her new brick
hotel to Bellman, Mherman & Clarke for
t:400. It will be 38x92 feet, two storie.
high, and fitted np with t very modem
convenience. Adjoining it J. il. Ma
honey has the brick oo the ground for a
one story building 26x60,the aue firm of
builders having ihe contract. Mr. Hart
sock, is rapidly completing A. A. Smith's
new corrugated iron livery and feed
stabie, which ia quite an Improvement
over the old building. Review.
New Goods in All Lines.
Fall Styles In Overcoats
and Suits arc now with
us! 7e can write "best
quality" and "lowest
price" with a clear con
science; and the facta
and figures will bear us
out. You can't go
astray with this label on
your clothing.
ti , lit W H i t l
At the BIAIN CLOTHING Company's.
We lead
We h-ad with nearly 70,000 presirlptions oo file, without a lngl
n I'take being recorded against os. Your pretention at tor More
will receive prompt and careful attention. Onr Syrope, Tinctnree
and Extracts are op to tbe standard, always fiesh. being made from
me best drugs that money can boy. When yon are sick you should
hsve the best and yoo get the best from ns.
H. F. M
Our First arrivals of Fail and
Winter stock consists of
Ladies and Misses Caes and
Mens' and Boys' Boots and
Shoes '
Ladies', Mens' and Chidrens'
Blankets, Quilts, Comforters,
Trunks, Telescopes, Valices.
Full stock of Groceries at Cut
18 lbs. Granu'ated Sugar i.oo, per
sack, $5.45.
30 yards Calico, $1.00
4 t -
fT J a A
-SW ft V W .a? M; .i'Saaw a, , m
:xhS .'.
h - mmk
hi .r
1 IV. "
Burkhart & Lee.
Summer Cooking
is made a oleatnre by th ua ol
tlieQuick Meal blue flame oil
stove. It ia tbe most conven
ient, simple, economical and
easily managed of any cooktag
apparatus made, and will bake,
boil, broil or roast, and is sure to
give thorough satisfaction.
) .'tat
Drccr:; enjoy and
know he value of
neat Ne ckwear, pro
rxr fitting Shirts.
x o
stylish Collars and
-.Cuffs, handsome
Hosiery and Hand
kerchiefs. They also
know the value of
trading with us for
these requisites of
men's toilet. We
furnish the furnish
ings for Fall, uio