The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 01, 1899, Image 2

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    The Coming Exposition.
The Orexoa luduatrlal Exposition,
i. hm held at Portland from
gept.28to0ct.28,istobe represent
live of the entire Northwest.
Tin product! ol the field, forest farm,
factory, orchard aod mine will be put on
exhibition In an attractive manner, and
very etate in the Pacific Northwest will
bt represented by ite products, all o
which will be plainly labeled, and will
peak louder than worde for the locality
which produced them.
Many travelers are visiting the North
west thie season, aod a lull collection of
the producla of the Northwest, centrrlly
located at Porfand, givee them an op
portnntty to see at a glance just what
thie section of the country can produce,
and they carry away with them new
ideas of the natural resources of thie re
gion, and those ideas, based on actual
observation, reeult In making the North,
west well known abroad, and causes tew
capital to come here and locate and in
crease the population, and the wealth
and the geoeral'productlon.
The amusement and elevating matures
otthe exposition are never neglected,
ml .11 will admit that they are first
!.. Th committee pays oat 10,000
lor the music and amusement feature
alone. ,
Among the special features of this
year's exposition will be a reunion of all
of Oregon's veteran soldiers and sailor,
and a probable presentation of a eword
to Captain Cla'k, of the battleship Ore
gon. TheNational Guard of O.-egon will
have exhibition competitive drills for
17ft h nrix-S. I
The amateur photographers will be
encouraged to place their best work on
exhibition, and will by awarded $160 in
The railroad and steamboat lines are
going to give special low rates duiing the
exposition, ro that thousands of people
may make special trips to Portland be
tween Sept 23 sn Oct. 2$.
I he Word Remains.
An Aloany man desires t&e publication
of the fallowing: In Bible times they
need to bury the dead, as when "they
carried Stephen to his burial," but In
modern times they inter "the remains"
only; and at funerals, friends arecalldon
"to view the remains" of the deceased.
Well, if men do not die, they should not
be boried; lor It is wrong lo bury live
men. But do thev die ? To the obeerv. r
tbey certainly appear to die 'at, leas'.
What do the Sciiptures sT about i ?
They affirm: "It is appointed unto men
once to die." Again, "Man dieth and
weatetbeway." Also, "K a man die, shall
be live again?" And if they die. let them
be bniied, ioeteed of burying "the rc-
mains ;" but if the real man eludes death,
leaving only "the remains" to be buriel.
why need the "remains" ever be resur
rected? And where does the BiMe ever
speak of the resurrection of the "re
mains"? And unless the "remains" are
to be reeurected, they wi.l remain buried
forever, and the resurrection will prove a
farce ; for if the owner of the "remains'
bi really alive, be does not need resurrec
tion , and cannot fcave the rewiection
taught in the bible; for that Is a "mar
restionof the need" not of the living,
nor of the "remains ;" 'aod what can
liberated living want cf curbeisome re
maine" anyway? If 'etout of prison, why
not stay out, inateadof being re-impris -oned?
In the United States C urt in New
Xork three appl cants i.t citizenship
were rt-jected upon extraordinary
Tn r&M One the around la fonnd
jB j
the following colloquy between tbe clerk
of the court and the applicant :
Q. Who in the United States are
eligt ble to beeom President ?
A. Hark Banna.
.In Case Two:
Q. Who is Mayor of New York?
A. Croker:
In Case Three.
Q . Who is Governor of New York ?
A.Tom Piatt.
One million and a half of men work in
tbe coal mines of tbe world. Of these
Great Britain has 535,000, United States
300,000, Germany 285,000, Belgium 100,
000, Russia 44 000. The world's miners
of metal number 4,000,000.
There are great forests of costly woods
in tbe Philippines mahogany, aappan
wood, logwood, ironwood, ebony and ce
dar, besides about fifty varieties not
known to European markets but eagerly
eoogbt for by merchants from China.
English engineers are making com
mendable progress in burning garbage
a fuel for electric light atatione. At
Canterbury, England, fifteen tons are
burned in twelve honrs nnder a fcrced
draft. This process ia in use at several
Tbe sacred fires of India have net all
been extinguished. Tbe most ancient,
which still exists, was consecrated at
Vodwada twelve centuries sgo, in com
memoration of tbe voyage made by ths
Farsees when they emigrated from Per
cia to In 3ia.
Get the best flour.
If thetrmtcangVlholdof a slngleto'
factory on the coast the priceol Ink wit
be nearly doubled. This Is a sample et
hit th trust is tor. i
That trust oontereuof in Chicago will
be about tbegieateal farce of the day. It
will be about as effective as the peso con
ference that recently ended.
Ma-k lfiune Is said to have made fi-e
million dollars In four years by being in
politics. -It gavs him the InslJe tiaca
and ha took advantage ot the situation.
Mark Haooa is not rustling tor mere
The Bteateet .ke of the n- xt campaign
will be the plank in the republican plat
form against truMS Through that party
the trusts are getting a grasp of things it
wi!l be hard to break loot, and it can be
done only by a change.
The t:u ts have beenaeodirghaidware
np at a tenifie rata. Bcentiy an Albany
man by waiting a law weeks paid twenty
per cent more lor a big bill of goods be
had previonaly receive J the figures on
Editor McLean will he the next demo
cratic nominee for governor ol Ohio,
tie Is one of the ablest men In the state
acd will mace a strong run in a state
where the boodle will flow io torrents
against him.
There is no troet tn the country to
raise the price of the products of the
farmer and be has to take the best price
for wheat he can get, which is pretty
small now. Ths trusts are not doing
anything for the uia'.ees but much for
their own poceetbooi. In ths history of
tba world there has been no such steals
as the workinga ot the truata ot the prea-
ect day.
John C. Youog, ex chairman of the
middle of-the road populists, tells the
Oregonian reporter that silver is a dead
Jesue. This interview wou'd indicate
that ths Baker city stateeman has con
eluded to become a full fledged republi
can instead ot an assistant and bush
whacker for the g. o. p a more manly
course than he baa pureued in the paat.
But we ahonld say that John O. la much
"deader" politically than is tree silver.
In fact his pieture in the Oregonian looks
liks the pboto oi an Egyptian mummy.
Useless Arguments.
The argument so often presented in
favor cf Imperialism and expansion that
tbe biatory of tbe United States shows ,
a continual record of expansion in the
fnni.lhnn ftf n lariitOT datlD2 frOffi
the thirteen colonUe, has nothing to do
with the expansion ol our territory '
taking in a lot of nseless islands on the
other kids ot tbe world. The addition of
try generally was proper aod necessary
for the completion of the United Stales
and the making ol it wnat it is. aou
expansion is not opposition to this, bnt
it is opposition 'o the imperialistic style
ol reaching out over the world for new
territory regardless of the will of tbe in
habitants. If tbe expansion theory now
o glibly presented by men wbo see nar-
rowly, is proper then tbe tnitta B'.sies partner and their method was lorone
should not be content with securing such man to play tbe machine while the other
. whit, elephant as bjg SS
should go further and while China ts be- The deuty pruMH;uting attorney has re
tag cut up, grab a elize of it, and every u8ed to prosecute tile case on the charge
other old thing wherever it may be ol robbery on the grounds that it would
found in the world. II. n, country vo 'm'SS 2? will
uuimiur urai w w.w - r -
United elates our country couiu nut uu
otberwise than take it in, but to reach
out and imperialistically grasp at the is- i
land, of the seas with the strong arm of (
the cannon and make them come Into
the fold, is wrong and nnchristian
it Ukts no erudite besd to appreciate tie
. . i
fbat Ingersoll Incident.
Atlasta. Aug. 23rd ,
Editor Democrat:
From vour "loeeieoll Incidents" Here
DTeiri a tliem muqooiaiioo oi mj
" 9 i
. s it
"pew" occurrence which rob. t of ong-
inality which was pcoliarly Icgeisoll-,rrn,f
ian. Ths sioiy which was widely clr-.
culated about twelve years sgo leas fol-j
ows: Mr. In2erWll was in Chicago, and .
being detained ever Sabbath concluded
to attend church. One of the meet
wealthy and fathiooable chnrcbes where
a very able divine was to preach, was
selected. On entering tbe church Mr.
Ingersoll was observed by tbe usher to
be a marked looking personage aod in
consequence was conducted forward and
seated in ore ol tbe beit pews. Later, a
gentleman came lo tbe pew door, and
after looking Mr. Ingersoll over with
some perturbation, entered and took a
seat. After frisking about nneasily for
a time, the man wrote on tbe fly leaf of a
hymn book tbe following and passed it
to Mr. Iogeisoll: "I pay just 13000 a
year for this pew." Mr. Ingersoll, with
undisturbed equanimity, wrote a line
under this ana hauded tbe book back.
It read: "I don't doubt your word in
tbe least air, it's a dam'd good pew."
8. H.S.
63 Alexander St.
Mr. regno may hit tlio murk 80 per
cent in the year, but In the recent bad
wMiiuir u iun the tacts were srolv need
ed h ent badly astray. Even Port
land people have been kicking.
Going the rounds: '
"She frowjed on him and culled him
Jut because in tun he Kr.
Then in spite,
The follow ing n:.e.
This naughty ir. Kr. Sr." ,
The general character of the rec-nt
rains is proven in a lottery Editor Hufer
of the Salem Journal who has gone east.
Wherever he went he run into mist and
rtn, in niguiand ana lowiami in u. c
and Canada, and he was satisfied it was
raining in the Sahara desert.
For future rvfurence the Dsmckiut re
mans that the wtather cleared up Sun
day morning ami today has been a glor
ious day, with the barometer high and
the .wind from the north. We do not
even dare guess the future weather we
have been disappointed so much lately.
We leave that for Fugue.
The cosuopolitan character ot the
Dreyfus case is emphasised in the fact
that L. Leon Bureau, the private secre
tary of Labor!, Dreyfus's lawyer, was
recentlv in Seattle on his wsy back as
fast as cars and boats would take
him with evidence in she case, which he
had obtained on the Great Slave Lake in
the Northwest Territory,
Accoiding to the Portland Mercury
whose editor is evidently jealous ot the
the distinction accorded some ot the
tate press association editors, the recent
association w hich was in Astoria, met in
an old barn of a building, and that with
the aseUtance of the saloon keepers in
I me vicinity eta euiiur new r ivr
gether and the meeting called to ordr
land the reports read. As a
maiu-r oi
tact t be attendance wasiarge,
girls and boys bad a good time.
C. C Cunningham, a life prisoner at
the penitentiary, aged 49 years, was yes
terday examined as to bis sanity, by
County Judge U. P. Terrell and 'Jr. S.
N. Smith. lie was adjuged insane, and
will be transferred to the asylum today.
Cunningham was received at the prison
last rear, having been convicted of mur
der in Pendleton. Salem Statesman.
Cunningham has heretofore been re
ferred toiasajlormer Albany man.leaving
bere though about twenty years ago. He
is reaping: the whirlwind of a reckless
Chailes Nickell, t!.e democratic war
horse and editor of the Jacksonville
Timee, arrived in Portland yesterday,
lie uad been taking in the Astoria re
gatta aad the beaches. It is reported
on the rialto that Charley ran "up
against" a preacuer on uie train irom
Seaside to Astoria, who tttn&Mtbf
lU(Me BU)chf of Portland, to cough op
transportation notwithstanding tbey
j both hsd passes. It appears the train
, BU'nd Charley.B ork ,nJobliged him to
pat Up the fare in cash. Mercury.
The Tribune of Warrentown, edited by
Ualph Knapp, tells of a very peculiar sit
uation: A strsnger named Wm. Robinson was
nie-in-the-slot machines. He boa a
either be d iiargea or wie compiu
changed to wiiuui aeairocuou oi y vy-
Guard goes for the mill
believer in sus-
, homa mftnufactnrei when it is
! possible, DUI WUen UK n uuui,r
'. urers force the poorjman whojworks for a
1 dollar a day to pay outrageous prices for
' the greatest necessity ol life, we feel it a
-v.- . . .T.-i I .
duty we owe the public to expose their
actions in plain words. ,
I The greater portion ot tbe grain crop is
out in the rain, and the mills take ad
vantage of this and place me price oi
flnll- ,hov its real worth. Today
. s -! . .1 AviASTinnala
tuey ramea wie.r trcuj v...-,
e4 a4 Krt mm helsrol Wliif'h
FJ-y rchanTto retail it at 95
k t3-g0 per barrel.
Again, they will not pay the farmer lor
first-class old (1898) wheat more than
scents per nueue..
faliAva inf hnsiness that depends upon
luciv nut iw -
tbe peoole for support can aff ird to take
iftvantaiMt of nublic necessities, and with
' such a lsme excuse place themselves in
tbe role of extortioners.
Prof. Roentgen is in great demand by
the German universities. Some time ago
he received a call to Lilpsic, and Worz
burg only succeeded In keeping b'.m by
promising to erect a new physical labor
atory. Now Munich is trying to secure
Folice Judge Qenoesry of Portland is
tbe recipient of a Japineae pug dog, year
old, that weighs only two and one-ball
pounds. Tbe mite of a dog isstid on tbs
Orienual ateamer. tbe Judge being hard
ly willing to pay tbe fonr dollars doty
tbat attaches to delivery cf the animal.
Dog at a dollar and sixty cents a pound
comes rather blgb even to a Judge. Ex.
Englsh Errnkfnst
Ideal Blend
William O. Whitney sats that the
miira ha of DOlitloUne III better l0
likes his hnraea.and Mr. Whitney Is
somewhat ot a politician too.
Lebanou neonls oueht to be well by
thie lime. Toat city has reoeutly been
filled aith all kimla ol healers, and now
soother one le to coire, a magnetic heal
er end lueotsl sciential.
The Northern Aitlculturlst ol Minns
apolie, Minn., says: "Aud the peoole
ol Oregon -what are they llk? The
are like the resiles- sta, In eiurgy: like
.heir own great Lreet trees, In bigness
o heart! like their bounteous torrents
ol rain fa'.ilog upon the just aod the un
just, in their cordiality to all who come
to them as friends or at guests."
Did you bear that bugle all yetterday
etteroooo lo the present court house
block. It base history. Yesterday Mr.
John Catiin, tbe janitor, received it
from the east Irom an old romrade ol
the rebellion, who bad blown it both at
Santiago and Porto Hico. John blows It
well, and the bugler with a more vena
tile lip is not often fcoud.
Sao Francisco has Jui n- ni $00,0 0 In
making a show with thentr-el Vol order to drswaci-l from
all over the state, which was tl..i-- Ii
the $60,000 hsd been divided aiut'
tboae needing it it would have done iou.
Secretary Wilson and Commissioner
Binger Hermann have clashed. The
Secretary lavors not allowing any sheep
on the forest reserve, -while the Com
missioner favors It, thus increasing the
range. The peopie will back the Com
missioner in this position.
"I don't mind sayln' I'm dlaaprointed
in that boy of mine," observed Farmer
Biomback. "I've spent mighty tUb
13,01)0 matin' a first-class doctor ol him,
and when I asked him the otter dav
what would enrs a wart I'm darned if
be could tell me."
There are optimists aod pes'imists.
One of tbe former, who resides near
Jefferson, who was in toe city today,
says tbe damage to wheat will not
amount to mora tban tea per cent, tl
the weather clears op aod stays clear
until the threshing la done. .
A late writer from Dawson as) a that
city Is nearly deserted on account of a
rush down the river to Nome. This is
not made so much on account of the
better prospects ss it is to get swsy Irom
the outregeons wtrlcdons placed noon
tbem by the Canadian autborltiee, wbo
re bouod to freess out the Americsns.
Eugene Is bsvlng an interesting time
on the flour question. Ia response to
an article in the Guard charg'ng that
the raise to 13.50 a barrel, with wheat at
50 ceots was eciortlonsto one firm ad
mitted that tbe price was unreasonable
and could not exist, but since tbe rain
they had been unable to get wheat and
tbe demand for flour was greater tban
eoo'd be met aodthe re lee was only tem
porary. Tbe firm bad offered as high as
60 cents lor wheat for milling purposes
In order to rot el the demand lor floor.
At tbe asms time Fisher io Corva'lia the
Uuard ssys was selling nour for f 2.80.
Tbe following Irom tbe Standard, of
Montgomery City, Mo., whose editor
was recently in Oregon at tbe National
Convention, wi'l make eyen Oregonians
open their eyes :
"Speaking of i-o'atoes, this good story
is told of a certain leotlewan. Visiting
an Oregon town, l.e was entertained by
alr'end. With the Iraokness ol West
ern hospitality, bis friend Inquired what
were ths Easterner's favorite dishes. 'I
have never seen the day,' he replied,
'when I couldn't eat a good baked potato
and a piece ol let and tender roast mut
ton.' At dinner the next evening a buae
platter was borne in with nine bsked p
tatoes, aggregating oa pounua in weign. rmlna Vt
The biggest one fell to the lot ol the . , g V., . n
Easlern gueat. It weighed 11 pounds. Dknvrk, Aug. 27 Hon. W. J. Bryan
Broken open it was mealy and white. arrived In Denver at 4 o clock this morn
with a perfect flavor. 'And this Is tbe . ing Irom the east, and left at fl oclock
first day I ever knew when I couldn't eat over the Colorado A Southern road for
one baked potato, wsa the comment of Pine Orove, on Platte canyon. Toinor-
tka .toniebed arnrat." ,
This and That.
Vlereck's Sbirar Bowl Parlors for Ice
cresm, confectionery, soda water, cigars
ana looacco
A laiKO and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn & Huston's, See the dis
When too want a choice steak anus
roattor meat of any kind, call on Henry
3roders. He keeps tne beet.
Go to Verick's shaving and bair cut-
tic g parlors for first class work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to every
TV. hit mli of all kinds and food
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed tieef
Hnmnant'i market, lust diwn HeconU
treet. Good weight and prompt attend
It makes no difference bow had tbe
wound if you use De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no
Mar. rosnay a Mason
Some of I ha poults of neglected djsptp
tlo conditions of tbe stomich are cancer,
eonnrnptioo. heart disease and epilepsy.
VnArA IK.nonnia (lnr ttrevents all this bv I
effecting q iisk cure in a'l cases of dys- t
peptia. Fosbay k Masor.
A New lAmtnre.
Manila, Any. 28, 7:23 P. M. A report
received here from Cehu aay t
Dsto Mundl, with his triucamen, linve
taken tho warpntb against the insurgents
at SSatnboaiiga, and hiis given thuin a
win tn battle. Mumll wiloonioj Uetieral
Hates, saying he was ansloua to become
mi Ainsiican cltixen, and asked permis
sion to tight the InHiirgenta. lie was
given an American flag.
Dig Reception.
riTTHiumi, Aug, 28. With cRiitmn
looiiiiiig, bells clanging, whistles shriek
ing, llaga waving aud mighty cheers from
liumlretie of thousands oi inronia, me
brave Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers
were welcomed today, more thau a
year ol service in the rniiippincs.
Small Tniting,). Auir. 28. It la the 0U
ion ol Dr. Jrmes Whlthycomb, of ths
aarlonltural colleue. that the damage to
the wheat bv rain ia over-estimated. Alt'
er minute examination ol several fields,
he ventured the opinion today that
where grain in the shock had boon prop
erly cared for diirimi the rainy spell, m
percent wou'd be saved. There would,
of course, lie loss w here shocks hal not
boen rebuilt or where bundles were al
allowed to lie for a considerable time on
the ground.
A Hcr0 Stolen. Or . Ann. 28. A horse belong
Init Olal Johnson, a larnier near the
northeastern limits of Salem, was stolon
last iilnht. It was valued at 1110. The
thief took the std ile a'ao. Another
horse was found loose in the barn. It le
very etuhlx.rn, and it ts thoiuht that
prevented I s being stolen.
Fatal Accidents.
CtucAOt. Auc 28 Twelve steel arch-
ts,each weighing 33 tons, which were to
have supported the superstructure of the
Uolieeuiu building, in course oi erection
on Wabash avenue, between rifloenth
and Sixteenth streets. Ull to the ground
late this afternoon. It is known I that
ilns lives wove lost. The bodies of three
men are supposed io oe unoor tue
The Pr'.tiaii Plan.
L'immis. Aus. 27. The Cape Town
correspondent oi the Dally Chroiiicle
Br it eh troons will be immediately con
centratcU at Laing's Neck and Naa'ok-
ing, and it is heltrved that the lirtttaii
program will be to surround the Trans
vaal and then tc negotiate a new conven
tion. Boundary Question.
Chicaoo, Aug. 28. A siedal to tbe
Tribune irom Washington, says:
In spite ol the spnarent abandonment
of the negoliationa with Canada, it la
learned, on the authority of an official
whose connection wtib tue ttoumiary
question has been constant aod confiden
tial, that a secret agreement bee been
reached as a result of which a tempera
ry arrangement will be accomplished he
lore congress meets.
Terrible Dbtaatcr.
Nw York. Amr. 28.A special to the
Wor d, from Nyack. N. Y., says :
Fire was discovered in the lnre boys'
acd girls' orphan asylum connected with
St. Anne's convent, at Sparkill, Bock-
land county, at I a. m. today (Monday)
but not before tbe entire structure, a
frame building, was wrapped in llams.
Many of the inmates, children, were
burned and suffocated.
Should Be Downed.
New York, Aug. 27-Enrico MaUteste
the Italian anarchist who recently es
caped Irom prison in his own country and
came to tbe United States, addressed a
rrencb anarchist meeting la, l'aieraon,
N. J., and a few hours later spoke to 200
Italian enarcbist in this city. He told
his hearers that the Italian and Spanish
workingmen were organised lor a great
uprising. He said that he would star in
this country about three months and or
ganise anarchist group in many ol the
leading cities.
A Walla Walla Murdci .
Walla Walla, Wssh., Aug. 27. Lee
Won, a Chinaman was murdered in Chi
natown today. According to Chinese
testimony, a white man wearing an old
brown coat, blue overalls, aod a light
soft hat, entend a Chinese house in the
alley aod made a disturbance. A wo
man made an outcry. Her man came,
and tried to eject the white man, who
drew a knife and atabbed the Chinaman
in tbe neck, making a large, irregular
Want Them Discharged.
Ci.rvEi.AXD, Aug. 27. A determined
effort Is being made to secure the dis
charge of a number of volunteers tn the
Fourteenth United States infantry, now
stationed at fcanila. At a meeting held
today to discuss means to secure the dis
charge of 200 Clovelanders in the regi
ment, two letters Irom Adjutant aru
were read.:
row momma air. anu fljre. rraii uu
the children will leave over the ltio
Grande for California, where a month's
stay will be made in the Yost mite vsl-
Oliver Plows New Prices
Albany, Oregon,
"Oliver save ths worM th chilled plow
And it bai saved more none
to the farmer of A merles
h vi tnyotner ira,ileuiont ever produced.
Genuine Oliver chilled are tbe beat cn
eart. The O lver is a promoter of bappi
ncaa on tbe farm, and tne dealer who vella
it knows he is l.andllna the best. Look
out for immitations au l touch notbing but
the genuina goods, mue enly
by Olivr
Chilled clow work. South Uund. ind.. U.
Will Fluht to the End.
Momthkal, Aug. 29. Dr. Mariano
Potuw, private secretary to Kmlllo
Agulnalxo, Is here en route from London
to Manila, In sn Intoavlews. he said :
"My country fights and will tight lor
her lndopendvncu, because she is fully
cmvlnoed that it is a duty Imposed by
Providence. The ambition ol a powerful
nation Is not enough to make her re
nounce her destiny. She is rckdy to
make every sacrifice for tho defunso of
the freedom ol the land. The last word
Intlie miostlon has been enld by my na
tion. The Philippines will became an
AmerWaa poaetwlon only when there
are no more Filipinos,"
Looks Morion.
Lonimm. Aim. 21). Commenting on
lltse flaitl.apeai Iittt stf lstaLItitt IT sllita fit
the Tranavaui government, to the effect
that the South African government ad
herwl to Its hiU st odorj.aricl would make
i. u fn.l l.a ...... ....a-, t .... ...a .llu.itAn
papers here unanimously draw afentloii
to the InorvaMHi sorluuMicawof the Trans
vaal situation, but at the sauie time they
expreas uncertainty regarding the nature
oi the coaci'Si;ons,
M and 'a Successor.
JsrrsHsoM ('itr, Mo., Aug. 29. In
complete returns received tonight from
the eight Missouri districts, in which
an v'ection was held today to Oil the un
expired term In congress ol Klohsrd P. "
Bland, dceaed, show that Doravy P.
ShackUiloril (ilemocat) has been elected
over W.J. Voeholl (republican) by 2?00
plurality. Complete returns cannot be
dad toi ight.
Returning llotni.
Sam Fhaxcihco, Aug. 29. The United
Slates transport Grant, Ix-nrlmi the Ida
ho, North Dakota and Wyoming volun
teers, arrived here tonight shortly before
midright. The Grant led Manila Aug.
I, touched at Nagasaki ami l nkohom,
end left the lii.tcr nrt for San Fiancisco
August 13.
Propoaed R. K. Or., Aug. 29, Articles f In
cortoratinn of the I'orvallis A Hoot horn
Kailroad Company, which have been re
corded in Benton and Lane counties,
were filed in the eecre'ary ol state's of
fice todav. The company ,s capital Is gi
ven at ft'O.OOO, and the principal olllce
will be at Junction City. The termini ol
the road will be for a time Corvatlig and '
Eugene, but .r t i-lnn is mane 2 for the
exU'tia on of the I ne ItcrealHr to some
point in or bear Coos Bay.
Ohio crnt.
ZAfcavii.i.K, O., Aug 29, There is fan
unusually larue aticndanrr at the demo
cratic state couvvntion this year, the 803
delegates constituting only a small rt
ol the attendance. The new state cen
tral rommitte scire W-d will hold over for
preaidenlial year and for this reason Is
attracting much intere I. It ts a Mc-
wan gaiiiering.
Bine TomatotMi. Peers and Ar:!es at
0. K. Brow nell's.
We buy, skII and store grain.
We make Magnolia Flour,
Aleo whole wheal, Patent and germ,
IheMng.iolla MlUa.
, Tfut Vc per sack.
irv it.
Tht Maanol'a.
Ilaw Are Tht K.Mnre (
rtr lioeee'aMfMMPinitOTifeaiiSMiiwyiiiklkwi
fit frM. Ad4 kuiTlb tumd 0mCkw f.
nd truer of sale ltu d nut ol the
Cirtu'l Court of tbe state ot Oregon for
Lino 'cooiiy In'betoit ol tbe Firrt Na
tional bank cf Albsoy.Orrgon. plaintiff vs
Kmma Harder, Frank U. Uardtr, haU M.
Harder aed Andcuon Cannon, adminis
trator ot ths exists of John Harder, da
reoMd. J. N. Hunter, Daniel Frey. M. P.
Urigtia acd Clara I. Brigrs, defendants, a
mortgage foreclosure, 1 wi.l on
Saturday, 23rd day of September
1899, at tbe hour of One o'clock p. m. at
t Anar al lha CfiUtt hou. ie tbe
city of Albaiy, Lion county, Oregon, eell
at pubile auction to tne oi jceai uiuuci ior
cah.tbe following described real ptopertyt
tk. m vt a of si aa la Tn II 8 R 3 W
..I iha wiiUtiietia Meridian in Linn ooa n-
,y, Oregon, onUinkog 100 actss. Also
beginning at tbe 8 E corner of tbe 8 W i
oi .aid Motion an anu ruonina voenw n
II I) r..,. tkunna W AO rode, tbnnce 8 1
mil. Ihann K SO rxU to tba oloOS of be
un.. Mnnlainlnir All m. aavinir anu
eioepting from said premises tbe right of 1
way for tbe raiirond tbat passes through
tbe same; and cxvpting tbe following
lend: Beginning at a point on tbe Noitb
boundary Hoe ot Sec 36 in Tp 11 3 B 3 W
of tbe Willamette Meridian Linn county
Oietcon, is 12.7H chains & of tl
N W orner of SAid BeS6 eaid beginniiC
p tint b Ing in the center of the L.banoi
branch ol the Oreirtn A California raill
j : ii c a'. A.... un i f
roa4 anu ruDDiUK tuenwr a w w w
K lotlowing tbe ctnter lined aid rkl roa4
iid rai roaft
N K chains to the V. line ot tne ,
miiI Hmt. :it ihanm N 1 1 44 chai
i N Vv y. oh
kin io in' I I
aid 8 60 MS f
u n. .. .... u u 1 l .u,l I3a. 9
iheoce W 27.22 chmos t kue place nt
If'"0.1?'. .....,..-.'.!
Bald ti e wi'i oe nil uu 10 eaiim 11.
iH.1.mi.t .nil 'liutrA It, MUlit klllt It etl
A jurlL-meut for plaintiff for $3370.60 and
Jii.bO taxes wi n mieieu inereon irum
uly 17t.b, the rate ol 8 percent per
annum, and f'ou u aimrneys jees am
fib 20 costs aud dieburaementa, and ac
oruing cos s, 4
1. A. MimaKBM.
Sheriff bl Linn county, On iron
Notice of Flr-t Meeting of Creditor!
In tli Dlatrict Oonrt of lha ITnitf
m'mi for the District of Creirnn:
In tue mier oi w. n, uiain, bant
rm.t. in baokruDtcv.
rt. . .i i : . .i id d i.i.. i f in.
AO mo uieuiiure vi , iv. uiein. oi aiu?
any, Oregon, ii the county of Lion anl
diatrict atoreMia, a oanarupt. j
I V nn lhV4lh d.vnl rlin.t I. 11 IK'I.-
the said W, K. Hlain whs duly adjudicate'
ounarupr, ana inav lua urm meeting o if
creditors will bj held at Albany, OiA
son. in my office, on tbs 12th day cf
geptembei A. D. 1899,at One o'clock en W
atteroonn. ai wmcn lime tue said credit
may attend, prove tbeir claims, appoint i
trustee, examine the bankrupt, and tran
act sucb other buainess as may reptr
come before said meeting. I
Dated !iq, iauu. -
II'. Bbvaht,
Referee in Baukroptc
The Magnolia