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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
.VVEDNESDAY. TELEGRAPHIC. Mockadtiof Amauu. Wahhinotmn. Scot. 5. The matter of 1 makinir an effective blockade In the Phil inninra am) Mnvcisllv around the island I of Luton, to as to prevent tne insurgents irom obtaining aminnnmon ami uppuva it giving the army considerable concern. It has not been deemed feasible to p-o , claim a blockade, aa it wculd indicate a atate of war and possibly ope a way to i the recognition of the insurgents. Admiral Dewey. Gibraltbr. Sept. 5. Admiral Dewey todav ex Dressed a favorable opinion aa (to the outcome of the war iu the Philip pine islands. The admiral says he does not expect to no out on sea service atraio except in the vent of war, and that he will probably retire under the regulations. Woman Robbid. . . ajerS THE NYSTEM c,erk for hln' Cotton, in a general nier CltW 1 ' ' J tJ,tv j chandise store at Myrtle Creek, a station Jjust at dusk tonight. with two other women, of the store confronted i man who I, v .-iDATIfiM demanded roughly, "Give me that sack." rfbio..... eANSl'' ,wr,l She did so and the man and the sack '"OIIUAU Vrw ...'vsnished in the dark. ITS fe. 0 0r j "c Pre dent. 1 w OtMfcK. .iFECT5. I PoRTO Tlato, Santo Domingo, Sept. 5. "ICIAL t " j General Jimones landed here today, Buy TMB 6tNVINt-MNT 0 6 I Car Havtien on th wav. He was re- red at atereiJe by a ;iarge throng, i reception was arranged by Gen. Ju , and was enthusiastic, lhe i arrival has been ent to the iiterior and it is believed settled order and peace will soon be restored. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels A lata di.patch read : "Precldsnt and Mrs, McKlulev tpsnt Tuesday flaying eochrs, ot which Mr. MtKluUy la vary proud." Inalluling o this, the Patriot, a pro hibition paper, ays: "V. republish this information f ir the benefit o the strict disciplinarians In the Method Ut church who luteud to support McKiu ley because he la a "Godly mar." Buy tmb 6tNviNt-MNT 0 ty Cape Havtie: i?i?nuITgrvp. .iLE ve Unlmrt a, Deafness Cannot be Cured by local application, as thev cannot reah ilte diseased portion of the ear. I here it only one way to cure deafneie, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intUmedcon litionof the mu ecus lining otiho Eustachian Tube When this tube gets intUmed you have a ru tub- Una sound or imperfect hearinc. an when it i eoureiv cioseii deafness is toe result, and units the luIUiumitfion can Im taken out and Ibis tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for everj nine cases out of ten are cauwd by catarrh, which is no'hmg but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. we will give One Uundrid Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by ca'arrbj that cannot be cured bv Hall' (Warrh Cure, end for circulars, free. r. J - CUENBY CO , Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75o. Hail's Family mils are the best. Try Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, t Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. SKNDKItS .U. HINDER M. Senders & Co J Ear and Oat Warehouses fsvcnl.'l and Railroad Kltm-le, We are nreird 10 litku mi orsiil biled ha", wi I bnv yur imis In anv qualllty at top auikrl iliie. SACKS FUHNHIIKD, Data boiieht lo rar lota at nv!ihli plig point. Al. SENDERS & CO. ;innimi of, Hay, (train and Worl. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, INSURANCE. J. V.Talt. agent for the ti'-een ins. Vo., ot Anitrica.a tlrst-class company, tended to A New Mnnaaer. Chicaos, Sept. 5 The Chronic'e says, J U Johnson ol Kansas, is to be t le BC- Ilave Trof. Stark fit your eye. In novelties Will A Stark lead. Call at the Sugar Bowl for freaa f.Mlt Freeh fruit at Yiereck's Sugar Bowl par lore. fvTOVKS and Tinware at Olillng & Hulburi'a. Garden Hose and Lawi mcwera at Oh ling & llulburt's. Krnch thft jAit'l.r nmU, a uit(italtt, of engauement and wedding rings. Frpsh SrxlavillA . l.onlil.f.,1 summer drink, at Burkhart AUe's. 'or aale. aord csrnelinir. S3 epnli rr yard, by T. S. Aleiacder, east tnd el 8;h TRY MORMON BifllOP'S TILLS for all diseases arlsln from k dlsiialion. self abuse, exeeeres or clitarette amoking. In um over 60 vears. Brines back votir Mstihwxl. cures depleted worn out -men, makes rich blood and lime. Cures wasiinga and all tss. makes von lastitinslv stromr. cures imnotencv. lost power, .missions, sst of memory, bad dream, cbrunken urasna, tlesjiondenry, sleepleaaneaa, "arIai.De . and eonatlpatlon. adds lustra to the sv.s. stop, nervous twiicnin f.f evelloe. Makti life livins. A boon to young or old. -MOItMO BISHOP'S riLIS it-ensthens and restores smsll weak orssna Htopa all losses br day or night. Don't delay. Price within '.he reach of all. (luaran teed t cure. Price t'9'H a hnx 8 for bv mail. Hend for free clroulsr. A.ldre BISHOP ItlJ REMEDY CO.. Ban Fr.mlro.Csl. Kr tele by Foe- a Lay & Maion, Albany Ifyou want n rmj mid clewi iioke huv cm i rx iintde Hv itir At tn jnr iitctor'. To the Music LovingPublic. the i.i.. h mn. .-inewatciieaanupriceamlrench'adu Office in the Pearc block. ; branchea unlil afler the adjournment of j 8uarnt. very watch we sell. the nest national convention. Air. jonn 'kui mm m cannot ie son is slated to assume charge of perma u'tea in the varied r nd large selection nent headquarters that will be opened , jewelry t MM & Surk'e. The best in Chicago immediately after the con K"8 reasonable prices. ference to be held at the Auditorium a I Loee no timo in calling on Will & PUUNE5 WANTED. Ta ties having Italian Prunes for es'e should eee Laa telle Bros as they will py iLe higbett cash price for tame. WANTED. A man and family te-ide Bee ,ro nexl Monuay on a farm three miles from Albany j during the fall and a inter and take car. Decided! Hot. of and keep track of same, with! Chicago, Sept. 5. Telegraphic report" stock, etc Call on Robert Crosby for show this to have been the hottest Sep particulars-. - teniber day ia all the territory from Col- ; oraj0 j0 Indiana, snd from Kentuckvto FOR SALE. Full b'ooled Jersey milrh the Lakes, for 40 years. No fatalities are cow, Register No. 69731 A. ti. C .0., reported except in this city. for sale or will trade for hay or oats. Inquire of F. II. Pfeiffer. I ' STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 11BM LDNCH CODNTEB, McKUIop A Burkhart, Proprietors Pre rapt meals at all hours. Fresh oys ers ia styles desired. Serve touches for anqnets on short notice. : WE MEND YOUR LINEN, Sew on buttons, pot on new neck bands (when requested) etc. If you'll give ns a chance, we'll tak such good care of all your linen you'll never miss the darning girl of the old home. Besides oar new methods mill make all your wasbables last twice as locg Try r a next week wagon where. MAGNOLIA RTEAJI LAUNDRY, First St., near Montgomery. Phone 31. Lebanon. 1 From the E. A.: j Mr. RndJ, the genial abs rac. mac of Albany, Sundayed in Lebanon. 1 Mrs. W. A.McC!aia.of Albany, visited friends in Lebanon yesterday. i i C. C. Parker is havins the AUrijh building re-painted and fixed op very neatly. He expects to open his new store in the same about tbe VOtu of this month. i Miss Sue BrecVenrldge, of Albany, v.s ited her sister.Miea Breckenridge, in tlds . city a few days recently. I Miss Joyce Brownell, of Albany, was in ' . tbe city Friday and Saturday of last , , wees organizing ti e Academy music class. j Mre. An. febmann. of Los Aneeles. Cel., and Mrs. Wm. Kaber, of Aloany, owr ior lue oes. watches, guaranteed time keepers, and take your time in buy , ing. It is a pleasure to show their, ' gooas. I Prof. Stark, of Will & Stark, will le' in Albany until the 20th, ami those wishing their eye. tetted and titled in a first clas manner, will do well to ca I on him. lie guarantees satisfaction. i We buy, sell and store erin. We make Magnolia Fiour, Also whole wheal. Patent and germ, flour 'I he Magnolia Milt training School 'or Teacher, new de partment, unamded ciuioiiy erlioil work. liradu-itra ti'curo no.l position. 5tong i'ourn', Well ri)iipiJ Train lnv deitartuiei.t. Normal course, quickest and Utt ay to Slat. Certltlcate. r.xnenfS lor year irsin IM to f lou, on Forcatalogiie.aldreaaP. L-Cami-bkU, l -wrd 2.60to3C0 per week. Tuition p, nr w. A. Wnn. Secretary ot Id 25 per term ol ten week. F.nii. Fall term tienln Sept. l'Jib. Summer term, Juo 27 eept, 1. ALBANY COLLEGl -OFFERS A THOROUGH- High-Grade College Education To every boy and girl that ha the ambition to attain one. The Universal Bolter makes goi flour The Magnolia. I Ripe Tomatoes, Tears ami A 'pies at C. E. Brownell's. cans any- :t:e(j hrot.erg. tug Mver broth , ers. in mis ciiy me past iew aays. j Chaa. Huston, who has been living on the Austin Kee. farm for three eare.hae leased O. M. Westfall'a frrm near Peoria, and will move on to the same in a few j ' weeks. i Dr. J. H. P. Hope, one of L-bation's ' io'dest and beet-known el'izens, died rt bis home in this city Sunday eveninar, I ' Sent. X. ISM after a Innir il npaii. airwt 71 ' SPECTACFS, EYE GLASSES 2 cntt..nd 10 a.-.. Special Sale. 1' r. t i-57 Goggles MAGNIFYING GLASSES and COJlPAS'ES- O The Crops. EYES TESTED FREE. Call .nd get price3 before boyirg else where. Specta:!es acd Eye Glass from 10c op. Gogglts, 1CK;. J. A. Cummings. Irrigation. Irrigation boars 5 a. m. to 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. to 9 p. m. Iloee must not be need without nozzles, nor must clotets be allowed to run con tinuously. Failure to comply with Ineee instrnct' ions will cauee tbe water to be shut off. Albany Water Company. TO -NIGHT AND TO-3I0RROW MGIiT nd each day and night during tbisi week you can get at any druggist 'a Kemp's Bal aim for tbe Throat end Lungs, acknowl e iged to be tne most successful remedy ev( r -id fcr CouBhs.CrouD. Bronchitis, AstL- maand Consumption. Get a bottle to day and keep it alwaya in tbe bouse, f. u can cueck your cold at once. Price and 50c. Sample bottle free It reU with too whether yon eontlaiie. the. 11 1 1 1 nerve-killing tobacco hebit. M i I nnoTM the deeire tor tobecco, wlthtrs I M ouiBerToueljtree,eipelBleo-r. l f-., Clae, purine tbe blood, re-e7J I k Xz' manhood rfT 1 S I WSixH bosee mekee Ton troaf V III "lold, MO.pfJO Usti-ltti.nerr-er II V J, 1 Ddpocket-TT. VI myttO Tit. BIC tnm book. rfTal'- SjUToiir owe tra?it. who ftW I I r ,irlll Touch rorne. Telie It with --T 1 f I'wlU,peUcn0r,perelteiitl7.One I k J Llo. SI, Moellj enreei I boiee. t H I 9 jbfraarKateedtocore.orwerefaDd money. lrim' Co., ttlf Ji EMtftll, gS Itte, Mr. Pague in hia report published yes terday afternoon and received this morn ing saya the current rainy weather will prevail for several days. Wbereaa tbe rainy weather has already stopped for tbe present, just as predicted by Hicks and on the very day. the barometer is bigh and tne wind irom tbe north and so far as indications go they are all right for a season of good weather, Tbe farm er tbongb had better count on rustling as never before, for tbe season ia ad vanced and this if it continues will be about the last chance to save his crops. Tbe Hicks prelic'iona are that it wi t last nntil nearly the last of the month. What it will do ia gueas work. If it clears np most of the wheat will be aaved. also tbe hops, and there mil be pnatoes and corn galore, as well aa all kiods of garden .reduce and plenty of graas. Mrs. Jennie Russell, who claimed f-c have been living near S:io few days agv leit with the city board of charities of Portland twin babies three weeks old, saying that ber husband bad died about month Lelore and that she was there without money. That she bad a sister Iiviog at Waterloo and would go there tempora ily. Secretary Walpole furnished ber money and transportation and she left, and now it ia desired to know where aha went for it waa'nt to Waterloo. 1 etter List, Following ia tbi list of letters remaining in the PostofEce at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 6, 1839, Persona calling for these letters tnut give the date on wbicb Advertised : Don, Mr Irvin Erickson, Mr Car! Tnnnieoa Mr Wm C "Tha Uav Behind." Men are cate irs about their lives for their own aakea, but a kind ana tender man should think of others ; he should think if he ithould die of those he leaves behind to grieve and aorrow and struggle on without him. I'or this rennou alone, if for no other, every man should re gard his health as a precious treaitnrf. tint ta be throws away or spent and scattered in vain. If any man's health is weakened or wanted, or running down, he should take the right means to build himself np strong and well, so that he can both live and rare for those he loves. He should investigate the virtues of that great remedy, the ' Golden Medical Discovery" originated by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting phy. sician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. It is a remedy that makes a man thoroughly well by giv ing power and capacity to the digestive and assimilative organs. It makes healthy in vigorating blood out of the food he eats It gives him strength and energy to put into his daily task. It builds up hard mus cular flesh and nerve fiber, revitalizes the tissues of the throat and lungs, heal in flammation, purges the blood of bilious poisons and makes a man, strong, vigorous and hardy. "My husband had been sick a tone time,' writes Mrs. J. W. Uriltin, of Clinton, Dewitt Co., Ills. (Bos 475). "had doctored with home phy sicians and even went to Chicago and consulted a doctor there but without receiving any help. He went to the hospital and was operated on and afler three months came home to die (as the doctot s here thought), but after awhile he com menced to take your wonderful medicine, the 'Golden Medical Discovery ' and l.ov, thanks to your most welcome medidne, he can est any thing he wants and is again a well man." ffo remedy relieves constipation so Slickly and effectively as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They never gripe. The course Is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ' ENGLISH AND ELECT. VE8 0"n - The Courts !a4s up to 8IATB DIPLOMA, snd the Commercial Course bts now herr.tne a Business College Eci'ial to anything In the Stale Now illustrated catalogue. Board at tbe Students Club at actual cost price. Far particular write WALLACE HOWE LEE, President Albany, Oregon. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J Joseph. Proprietor. At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julius Gradwohl will now be found in his own store st the above location, better prepared then ever before to serve the public with a fiet claes atock of emrkcrv and irlass ware, and standard groceries. .... ri. t;.,taef n'm-B In A:banv. Every' thing In sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Oadwolil has alvtv.ys done the wnare thing with hia cust uiers and w ill continue to do so. . a an r pi insurance iu " ompenle fJERVITA Carson, Mr F D Demston, H B Ball, Mr K Postal cards- Hairy, O E Garrett, Wm Btstsre. VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures fopotencr.Kirrbt Emissions and wasting- diseases, all effects of aelf- nbuse, or excess and Indis cretion Anenetonicand blood bull'lcr. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c per box ; 6 boxes for $2.50; with a written g-tiaran tee to cure or rerood tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Ainton & Jackson Sts CHICACO, ILL. lip! For sale by Fred Albany, Oregon. lsawsoa, Driiiat Morris. Mies M Jace 5. 8. Tbain. P. M. Kdncate Tfoar Bowels With Casearets. Candy Catbartle, cure constipation forerer. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists ref ucd money . For Bargains In Farm Lands, Timber Lands and City Property, call on or write 8. N. STEELE & CO. Albany, Oregon TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to be ahaken Into lhe ehoes. At this season your leet leei.swouen.ner w .n.i r.t tiredea.ily. llyou WSJ UBS auu wn"- - e - . . have amarting feet or tight shoes, try Al len's Foot.Eaae. It cjoIs the feet and mflltAI Wal lkirtir easv. Cures swollen and 1,1 Isleraand callous spot a, Relieves corns and bunions of ail pain and givea rest and com lorl . Try it today. Sold by all druglais aid shoe stores for 253. Tr alnacksgeiree. Auuresr, aucu S.Olmsted, Le Boy, N. 8. J M RALSTON, Three doors east of the Dbmocbat office has money to loan on farm security at low rate ot interest. Also small loans made n personal security . City, county and school warrant, bought. Collections made. Rents collected. Fire In surance written in the following large sitrl ralishla rnmnanipg ! HOME INS. CO., of New York, PHOENIX 1N3.CO., Hartlord, Conn.. LIVERPOOL, LON DON AND GLOBE INS. OO.ofEng CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that funds are on hand to pay city warrants Nos. 365 to 339 inclu.lve of tbe issue of 1808. Inter est cn ssid warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany, Or., Bept. 1, 18!)9. K. A. Pabkcb, City Treasurer. K"fos3 any other flour, except tbe Magnolia O at IN" 4 " ' . " ".' f- ' I . . . ' f . ' it.'' ". 4 T- (! "' ' 1 K y ifct,,,1--' -i i-'-1'iiiii ninmJ Long Photo Jo.. In Froman Brick. The loading eallerr of Aloany. "J ha only-up-to-date II ret clars studio In town. All work to pleaso. SIAKIB LONG Porp Wood Notice. Thom Dson & Amos, of Lebanon, are In the city ready to saw wood at the old prices, as loiiows: Cuttins four foot wood twice. 40 cts. : three times 60 cts, same for sll kinds of rood. Good work and prompt attention. Drop poital card in poatonice or see per tonally. For Sale. Pmir tracts of land In Santiam bottom Each haa bons. barn and orchard. In ulreof ITCH H. Bbyht, Kt heble person, ot s or mveaiive minq dr.lrins strip to th. Paris Kipo.ltlon, wllbfuoa tlirTsiiaeipen"r"P.,l?"',.,,,l,',.wllle,.i . Tlioe fonteiniilntlnir tak'nu up atudv of music will find It to their inter eat to Investigate the ndvantagea offered tiy Albany Uoiwe. iio following brunches are taught t VOICE. PIANO, OHOAN,' VIOLIN. GUITAR, MAMOLIN, CO U SET. HARMONY, COUNTERPOINT. COMF05ITIO ami lllbTOUY OFMliHlC. Mr. Wlrta. Musical 11 rector, iaa crad- unto of the Chicago Conservatory of Mu ic and tins atiuiiett ill audi ariiaia aa .H'rlxifi k, icgfotdt, Koelliiig, I-! U . Gar ikkI, ituir, a u I the lute nr. Kan vera. These men are mnatera in their resiNK'i.- ive departments and musicians of world- Idu fame. Mrs. Wirt. Instructor In vocnl mimic. I a pupil ol Mr. William Nelson Uurr'.t, who is krt04n to le one of lh voice tvachersln America UmIhv. Mr. lSurrilt studied eight years In Italy and several ye 1 1n IajihIoii. The method need In Albany College Conservatory are the latest and moat sp proved. Mug the combined result tf superior instruction received .experience, and the acnualntance with the n cthods of ourraatern conaervatorica. Tuition reasonable. Popile matzimttr at any lime. rail term open hept. j, jmm. t or further information call on or ad dress Pressident Wallace Howe Lob. Miller & Stewart, BICYCLE REPAIRING, FORCING AND MACfllNE WOBK ALL WORK GUARANTEED. NoiUtt of Private .HnU hy Admin latratrlx. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ia pu'nuanreof an order duly made and Fiiiered el record by tbe County Court tf Linn rour. ly, Orrirnn, on the (ith dnv of May, lbW, aad a further outer made and entered of reiurd ty said rouit on the 1Mb day f August, lKt'J, autborisirg, Ikeoi ing ana empowering Uie adminiatralrir of U;e tle of (wruolire P. i.niilil .n, de cesstd, lo sell tbe berrafter dearribv'd leal proiHTiy at private ale, tbe undersigned, said mliuini.lrairia, wth fioiu and after SsturJay, the 10 b d iy of 'eplo.uber, I8U9, offer for aale end i rxcd .o tell at private ale all lie nglu, title, in.cretl ard claim of wbalsotvr kind, nature and descript ion which tbs said Commodore P. Knight en, deceased, bad In and lomid real estate at tbe date of bia docea, either for cab in hand, or ojebalf cah and the reuiuln rg half the eof on twelve amnlha lime i with note and mortgage on lhe land lo se cure the defi rred rayuieet at Ibeoption of Mid adDiinietrntru, which aald real estate ia ileaciibed aa follows, lo-wit: 1 be west baif of tb dmaUoo land claim nf Commodore P. Knigbten and Rosnonab W. Knigbten, hi. wife, tbe ranie being tiluate in aettiona 13 and MBjuth Raoge 4 Wot of the Willamette Meridian, and net! ions 18 sud 10, Srulb Range 8 West of tne Willaoielts Meridian, all in Township 12 in Linn cotiniy.Orriron, xcootinu from laid V.'e.t half of seid claim (bat part of the same I) ing west of the ma'n channel of 1. 1 laiupooia river and containing about 16 acrea t xcecled thr relmm. sad leavimr about 309 08 acre. Lelunglngtoraid estate. And aald AdmintstraL'ir; ne rehy rsserres lhe right to roject any and all offer there for it same are not aaiufnctory. Dated tbia 17th day of A usual, IB09. t kancks E. Kweirrijr, Admlnia'mtrix of the.:ate of Conimc sore P. Knigbten, decanei. JTREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Toe motor on tbe Albanj Street Rnllwaj will connect prompt j with all train, to hp from tbe depot, diy and jigbt.; Special '"ipa will be made at apeol Mies. R. MoCRB ,, CVrritrloi Constipation, Headache. Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that your liver la out of order. The best medicine, to rou.te the liver and cure all those l!la, la found In mmj00 ai m ma 25 cerU gold by all roe3'clT, ('r-lfri,