The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 01, 1899, Image 11

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    -.. 1 MB M m M (A M m aaww. ; - KwaaaaMMaM
1 1 y
by warm tmmpoos with Corimitu Boas, lot
( tuwad by light drsaalnga Willi CCTimiaa, pur
Ml of inolluinta ami it runout of akin cur.
This trnatmmit will cli'ur tit aeatp and Imlr
of cnim, aralaa, iid ilamlruif, aomlia irrU
tatwt. Itching surfacea, uiiMilnUi th Imlr
tollluiva, supply ll roots with nnrgy anil
naurltluntmt, mid produce Itiiurlnul lutirvu
balr wlluoloau, whulnimmaacalti.
f -.14 rj'fct tut,,, rt.4ii(l,ro.ll(.I.PmiiiL.
The Curl Cas:
From the Orcgoiihin :
Justice Vrccluiid yesterday give hi
t'e-clsloii in t lio mm of 1). A. liiylor
sgalnrt Mm. N. E. Curl, who hn been
trying to retain jm session of thrite rooms
in tlio Onbotit t.ctt under a sort of ieae
executed toiiio limit Hf). She tried o
learnt tha entire building, but failed to
Slvo the required bond n f.'ilOO. Ihe dc
cUimi of JuaHcm Yrcrlainl wu Unit she
lud no rlnht whatever ihetv. An a pun
tif Lex iluii'imi', hu undertook to claim
that when l o sUtud ilio bond she diil
not comprehend ii I n'iiiili iirac, or
iut would not haiu tigncd ii. Thi wn
not regarded li Ii uIiil' niiv hcurinif on
the vum; Slut had f.tiU 1 to comply with
the term of th ler. iiml tool no right
o tint liouji!. The matter ha caused J.
11. It.tylorn lot ol tru'iblc, And renullod
in liiti iifliid lined 1 1 Hid iiituilripnl court
fr a:iul on the child ul tho delcwbint.
"it according to thin ilf. lion,ln lui'l (he
I' h'ftl right tuexe'udoherfrom llm hotel.
Jewu I'.rnwn
.! hi ciiilu crii it r tiu mi oii'l
fciVtr.liiy. Jfc oilijiniilly ohl it to t.ui
IWiikerilii for k(W, nml iln'ii, nt it time
when the rin i a UUtnu fawt nnl c!ouJ
si-r diirk over lienJ, Mii-i.limi..l It of the
t uyer f r.V c.tii, lot) Imnl.cU of wheat
And &'l hiiHhela of out, (iiivalent to
s!.iillt $'.)J, Alter -uccnhiily ihrenliinu
Ol luhtln of wheiit. ho the n-
; ittiiiler if the crip Htill Urtildinif In the
jhock to K. II. lriii mid ,1. N. MclVd
!i'ii, Hnturiliiy, for MM. Of II, o renmin
iiii," crop there Are 1:3 itcrc if n hent nnd
vcr liXJ Ai re of, nil in the hiiek.
'I I. farm In owned ,y nn rartnrn man
who Bt one-third of the crnn t rritikl.
nnd tht oiu-liiird the new imrchnteri
lire tw deliver t the liiille, U-flii' pny
littl their f'n lhrehini( hilt. 1 ruin h'ia
crop .Mr. Jir-jw it Iiaa renhcel W0 in cmh,
tk) ,n c.ixh an l "00 liimhcht of wl cat,
ouiviiic til to owr ;HX) In ciitIi. He ha
t-uel out I JO In cnh, loo htihe' ol
heat artd W lMitif IS of cut, lit net
rtJlit la ticArly f I HO. The whent
I tarencij on mo i-sni:o AveritgiHi w
Hkcoiitkii Pui t.cox. Tho rnnx i!At
.sucxii i iw' icvw inere 14 niiyuuii in ttie
follow Suit clipping from to-tlayi Ortj(on
(in: Mlem, Aitjf. .'). Connly Jii.Ijc
Tet re 11 thin Afternoon rceeivi'd a Idler
front Jinlyoof toe I'ctico VV. T. Clnrk, ol
O'ttet nunoiineiiiii tt Aevcral caoe ol
uitl'pox liuvo lcii diie ovcre l nt Itcrrv
ttillon, thi county, on the CorvnllU A
J .itiru ruilrond. ItcaidvnUi of Unit
Lujliro Atlil I'Ctrotl, two llllleA went Ol
uii',iir ri'p rie'i io iwircitiy niurnieo.
Jndi;e lerrell will ttiventieitie Hie mailer
KxAMisisn Tiikhr. Mr. 1 T. I!cy
Hold, of Sulem, horticultural commit
fioncr for this ilintrict.iii hcte cxnmiiilnj!
trees, not only In the or
diardit but n well in tho city nml
IIimukIiouI the connly. lie him Ueti
limlltiit ft U'uil ninny Sun Jot.ii Hi nil's in
Alimny. He innke IiIh report to the
horticultural board, when each Individ
tml liAvliiit tree Affected ia notified to
iprav, nnd llih Inn to be done within
thirty days or the property owner la Mile
j-sTt to proHccitlion. 'ih'm nhist'd result
iu a itreut Improvement to tree g-;ner-nliy.
And now tlu't our ciiuillpox friend,
fliutt, of tho Hepner Tiinca, Iiaa fully
recovered lie la called upontucmluro tlie
urturo if beiitK the bull of various new s
paper puimterH, wlio say Ida wan re
ninrknlile cuite, that whilo ho a Sliutt
in. he broke out, end now that ho Inn
cacd to break out, he'a Slum out; And
allien lio told them to Miutt tip they
i tile I hint n rcab printer and tmid hia
dn indicated it yellow journal. Such
ruiilment ia anything but fraternal.
Mr, ra'iie i being itlmaod more than
Anybody thofo davM. Hero in R fanipk1
(rom iho Salem Indopcndent : We
:iofii'0 that 1'aeuc, tho weather huuiljiiL',
put the word "probable" before all hit
prediction, of late, lint even thrn ho is
h far off that he lint hitler hold lis
Dr. T. Francis Regan wi'l
tare at l'eaico Mctnoriul church
iiorrow niglit at 8 o'clock.
Mr, Regan
onics a tin InHpiratloiial
pmtker. Will also lecture
veiling at the same place.
nnd trauco
on Sunday
No ndinis-
(ion Ice.
Tlie etenmer Kuuene, whicli has
recently In the repair shop at Portland is
boul ready tor nusines hiiii win inane
lis next trip ouin leaving lortinim
opt. 5. A new tariff has been placed
ii to effect. The lont will lonvo Portland
I'uosunys nd Friday and arrlvo Stin-
An Albany man lias discovered thnt
KvWenever you can see Mt. tiood from
klhanr at tlii time of tho year, it will
lain within two or threo day. Next.
A ladies driving glove is at the Dkmo
LifMx)wo the opticia
will.lenvji Tuoa-
y night.
From tliu Criterion.
J. N. Cratidnll Ai dior . llilg wi'i'k. Id-
tfittt th eri titlon o' a lrn (Iwi-llintr for
win. Murk, on hit farm jniit north of
tho pitpttr iiilll.
A. J. Fox will c'litiinu'iicw iih klnu hotm
the f lmt ol tin) w. k ll Iiuh mi eurly
vnrioiy, nml hei.iu will iioiium rn: About
a wwk Nhuml ol hi nclnhUir. lit m-
portA au excellent cron.
Tim ciiriicntiTi
SuvuiaI bulhliiiKH Are In courne of con-
ilrticttott nml oihurA will lm comint'tii'itf
h roon h the luml ur vnn Ui tecured.
IS. W. Mnlirr iiii.I W. f. Moore liAve
Jimt poiiipliitnl IjiluiKU cuttle oontrACt
lor :mx yi'iirlli.un. Ti.cmo tun hi've pick
hiJ up Ainl.MoltJ H't-r 7u() hfud thU aiiiii
nuir. We wifh to caII the Attention of thn
Ai.n.4XV JBJio(ii,vr to tho lm t Unit lanl
wfk they ullppci) from tho CriUrion a
half column ol locnl nnl uuve crmlit t"
l',Apri'-A(lvitnco rUmu don't do it
Any inorej the iteniA ohjuct. Jur tub-
uikq aiiii your iruui.j
Jr, J. A. J.AmtHron, of tlili city, him
during the pnt fuw month boiiht fur
hiiiiciit 3IU totiAot crniriirii burk, for
which he Iihn pnid $iiOp'-r ton, or u total
of t0,4;i lie hn nltio ImiiikIiI 10 torn
olDrnoii rnpo rit, pH iik therefor
flUSKI. 'J'hti doctor Ia a invciitij(iitiiiK
the iiinrki't lor fir hiihuiiii.IinviiiK lnoiit
il hitin Nol Unit article, puyln l.60
pur I'urn l. 'J i.c drctor ia now convinced
Hint thn collection of medicinal bnrku,
etc., will pruvo a icriiinnmil imltiKlry in
thi Acctlon of the country.
Mr. Tom Kay thohaiim woolen mil I
inun I in the city.
Mr, li. C. Moon hn returned frvtii a
trip to fun l'rnt'ico.
Mr. K. If ('iwiii,of Oregon Cite, ban
been vlAitln Albuny filctni.,
Mr. J. V.. Knox formcily rf this city
and Knox' l'.uttc, a pcen in thet ounty
vlaitint; liicnds.
Hon. 'J. (Hem left thin i o .n for Walla
Wwlht. t.join hi wt(o who I. as I can vlnit
liiil relative there.
II. 1 Ilollcnberk, l one tinea resi
dent of Albany, I,, HollunlH-ck, and H.
U. Hriftow, have leincd the Ilueno
hotel for a term of yearn,
W.l'. Tweiilale aikI family snd friends
(rom ('uhfornia, Conrad Myer and Is in
ily and Mr. and. Mr. If, 1. Merrill re
lur ned this nwu from the i'.ay.
Ma-ion i. Ottn In l,4., n Appointed
lotnm'er at M.cdd to niccccd V, J,
Shi-dd, rcioened. n I J. K. K-fiv.nt ai
pner to tlicecd N. II. i:ub!nett. te.
fl.lll o.
Attorney Gcrteral Ulm kburn la warned
ItiAt wlicn lie reaches Albuny from bis
mountain trip ne is liahlu to reeeive a
very Bcvcro caaing, one that the occus
ioti justilifs.
Mr. Charles I'.ilyeu rctitriud laiil night
from the ltreilclitmh hot sprini;, where
he lis been Several weeks, pari ol the
tiu.e hilxirluit in elcnrin brush. He re
ports about iweiily camjer there yet,
rtil pleased with the spring,
W. A. Cole, of rorttnnd, U in the city
onnvAsoimr for tlie 1'nciiJc Montli'v, Ore
iion only purely literary uiug.xine. It
is tfoitcii up and nbl'y edited and de
scm ii tbe r npiKirt of the jplo of the
Of course our citiw n eer.eral.'y will
rememUrlhw riceptmn to I fiven by
thn Volunteer lit tl e W C T V hall to
morrow iiljjhl, when ihev w ill bve nn
opportuniiy wo the splcnd'd co Icet
Ion of curios U loiifciiig to Iho Aloauy
bo, and ns well h nrn anytbi.ig Ibey
wish iiIjouI the islam' mid the ko'1c.-'
I.. 1'. iuimby, i-tste itauie warden, w
In the illy Inn n cbt and nt up at the
Hevere. He is iiiukiiiK a tripot hu vul
h y la the iul'Mkt f iIip ifiuho of the
it. i to. and ill rliir,- that. I . ii u i 1 1 mtt I hrt I
law enforced and our naino protected.
This 1 proper, nnd Is the only way in
winch we wi I have anyllmiK to shoot at
in season, liiemunulio shoots (ramo
hi ot k-hs ii". should I pr. B cuted Irom
tho wurJ go.
Tho t;ite fair w ill open September 1'
Tho veteran steamer (ieo. W. Klder
has been engaged by ihe govcrnmci.t e
a iranspoii.
The W.U. I'dain nlo k.f giavU is Itclng
inovcl to tli Uedtieid block to belo:td
until dispored of.
Tho itoMiintHter eetierai has vcrv t.rnn-
crly set down on il.e big sign Loanl pos
tal cards that have come thrctih tho
Tho Portland University in hereafter
to be run at ftinnjside, tho o'd location
proving n failure,' Considerablj money
was spent in buildings.
RondH generally are being bought up
by homo iiv'titution insti al of outsiders
as hn always been the nroiiraiii. A lato
caseia that of school bonds in Morth Y.
kimn, which were boivht by the local
bunk at par,
Secretary Wilson estimate the short
a co of the wheat crop in tho United
Slate at 100,0X1,000 bushel, and it is
rewrted that thero will lo a big short
age In sections of Kii.sia, in ono big sec
tion almost a total toss. All this ought
to mean a liiglu r price for tho cereal.
William S'avens, of Lncoml), hod Cor
rclius Cox, of tho samo place, arrested
on the clm'gi of rsenult with a danger
ous weapon and the case was cnlhd be
fore JiiHtico Frcerksen ye-terday after
noon ami dismissed the men very prop
erly settling their trouble. .
Among ninny novelties thi fenson
with the Wnlter L. Main Fhowa which
exhibits at Albhny Wednesday, Sept. tl,
may to mentioned Iho celebrated
Wcrnix family, nix in number, direct
from llcrlin, tierniany, tho most expen
sive aerial fealuro ever presented in
America. Canandiagua the lmrfeback
riding pony, tho only one liko hint. In
tho bi tnonnporie tent will bo Been tho
"Congress of Nations," a representation
of every nation on earlh tho numic w ill
bo furnished by a getuiino bam of native
S. II. Moore, who recently purchased
the Hunter farm, eight mile north of
Corvallis, for $r'00,hns arrived with his
laniily from Illinois. He is accompan
ied by iiis father, who U looking lor a
desirable property in Corvallis, and by
another man, who is looking for a farm
to purchase Tho latter has a family of
eight. In all there .re about 18 persons
in Mr. .Moore's party of newcomer. Mr,
Moore bring hog of a breed unknown
in Oregon. The hoot are solid, like tho
hoof of a horse. The breed originally
ran wild in tho mountains of Mexico.--F.x.
In Tftinblc
with ii I'oi iner Albany
At. Incident hsppensd in Spokane re
cetnly In which a couple ol former AU
bsny men took a ( Art, snd about which
the epokAtie paper have heeii full.
Wuilnis'lay't Id-view has a long snd
sennitioi'Bl ai count of it from which we
condeme the folios ing s
Lieutenant KsiiUsko Msceo, sou ol
(iniiersl Antonio Mncco, if Cuban lane,
end himself somewhat famous on sc.
count ol Iiaviiik been th uiie of Col.
HonAcvelt in the hanliao csmpsljin.
in"' wt with a woman theo.opliMt to
help sdvi r'ine her business. daiart.
d him Al Vancouver. Irsvinir him with
out money h ml hs ws irvlns lo net essl.
wneu on rem uso epokane hiincry. A
Mr. Ilaywanl, who kiew ahoot 1,1m.
Ii..l i i... ,i : . ... 7 . .
ioob uiiu iu ma urAna hotel CAfe, lor a
uieai. i up men jer placid At A table
with Mr. Kdltrown, leceutly of Ibis
city, now lu Ims.nmis Will lis
vuisoii, lormeriy ol hl ciiv, a wsiler,
saw that be was dark, and taking tilm
tor a negro politely ieqtietcd the men
10 take real in a box. which they did;
hot fliaceo was uiAd And rtturred, lirst
to the lady cstliicr. who lo'd tim it
wttan't ctislomaiy for colored lo sit
at the same table with while men, and
men in wsvioson savuiii : ".tin t 1 as
itood as em holy," who reaponded :
' Well, I should nay not." Maceo cried,
"i am, nun t you Snow me, I am just as
sooi as ihst wi ne man - ymir uHe snd
i m ui'uer uisn ne w. y0u have li sult.
etmeiitil will shoot too. ' and be
iiisda a inolion for 1 Is hiii i,m k... lmt It
enncd oi ly In words, the son of the grest
mem leaviiiK with the admonition lor
Davidson not to Kt frenh or he would
Shoo', This wsi Dsvid-ons version rf it.
Davidson swora out a warrant fcr Ma-
coo's sr'cst and U was fried snd found
AUilty, his fiioi.J Hayaard putting tip
for him. Maceo declared that he did
net rtmka the thrent charged, but simply
said: "Yiu havo insuhed me, and let
me tell you my boy, if it was In my
country ib.y woo d kit you for it." He
said that such a thinit an briny Aked to
sitApnrt Imcanse his skin was dark never
happened lo him lfj e, an 1 it mole
bluiAniiry, Whf n he was with the V
S. Army in I'uI.a ! o o to dine with
some of the high, st AmeriiAO t llicers
It rained At Ysqtiiiia Ii iy vetterdas
TL time for Dr. Lowe's departure is
drawing i car. Have urn had him test
your eyes,'
rainier report the ,at : far
tbreahed to be Al in quality, and in ex
cellett condition.
As the Pkmocimt anticipated the e is
nothlnit in the repored smal -im x at
Us try, it wa Jaet simply chttke.i-pox.
The new 3-Vli regiment v mtislcied
into tervice yntcrda. Among the sold
irs are privates ;c.k and b'ond oi tin
The seaside special lenving Albany for
Newport aturd4 iiiKht on rrival
cveriand, Iwi Uecn discontiu iej lor the
ieiler.Uy aftMnoon the flv year ol
ton ol Ja. Jenks, of Taneni, fell from
notch and biokeone ol his aims, whh:
Dr Hill, of ihii city, let.
l x ( oi cnaiinaii Kll'n ja a randiihtc
for ergeui-ai Arms of the next house ol
M'prmettAiivce. t w sst imjtor. He
ocurr luni tor it insti lor congressman
A nccetror to Suiierinirucicnt Psioe
of i be msme Asylum will he elected next
wee. Th a.Hincr the better. 'Some
think Dr. J. N. Smith, of Salem, will l e
Melville Wtie jr., wil! lo Illinois In
a few dj s to entet a theological semi
nary for the study of the ministry, for
which he lib already ihowna piculiar
lit n em.
It is ! In I no to sbo.t dinks, but do
not imagine that all the shoot in g is st
unciia. ii is nn, lea that advantage is
! taken of the duck sesson to bit Chinese
1 pheasant that Eel tooclose to Ihe water.
rlfty-foot car ere to be tubet.tnled
for the 4) foot cars no used by the rsil
wsv pi stal servics between PoiUand and
A'h'snd, Or ,on the lire of tie Southern
Pacific road. Tlie change will be made
as soon a the new cis can be prepared.
A feature that hac the old a well
a the young wrh the Welter 1.. Main
eircn at Alt any, VVedneiday, Sept. 6.
will he Ihe appearai.iMol sixty-three per
forming horne in the ring at one time.
This is unquestionably the greatest num
ber ol trained thoroughbred ever seen
torether, and U wbhout doubt the most
remaikable exhibition of animal training
attemptel and thoroughly accomplished.
Dr. T. Francis Rsgan,
and trance eneakerkuown as the Pro
phet ol the West, will deliver A lecture
at the Pearce Memorial church this Fri
day evening At 8 o'clock. He will a Uo
speak Sunday evening at the same n'are.
Tlie adiulsrion will be free, ar.d a col
lection will be taken lo defray expenses.
Dr. Regan comes here . from Ktigene
highly recommended. Ail intereted in
this great knowledge) are eirdially invit
ed to be present.
TuuKsiiEo too Qckk. II. B. Holland,
manager of the Sa'em Flouiing mill yes
lerdsy received eninp'es of grain from
ilarrisburg and Jefhtrson that were not
at all acceptable for milling parposes,
and the same was rejectei. The grain
was soft, having been exposed to the re
cent rains and was afterwards threshed
before it had thoroughly dried. For
such grain the mill company recom
mends tho following treatment as roost
likely to dry the grain and make it luarfc
etab'e: Sack the grain, placing about
l.'vi bushei in each, tie well toward the
top of sack, Allowing the grain to shift
about as much as possible. Keep :n as
dry a place a possible that no more
moieturb may be absorbed. Charge the
aacka end for end each day. This treat
ment, the mill men sav, will prove quite
effective In completely drying out the
grain. Statesman.
It you wish to take the leal, rid 3 a
Cleveland. For sale by McFeron fe Tom-liDBOn,
o ,i. c... i).,:. p. .; ,.i. .:.!" ueio ir. oeicuer mot eeversi men
oD '"'"uu"u"t"Ttm preliminary work. It is under
Tonight and Sunday, probablv fair g'a-, 9tf,?(itbRt more extensive development
tionary ttmjerature. River 2.5 feet. will be done.
From ih 'ei . ,,, ,
i. A, WeS'ITAte. thn Alhan crin
buyer, was in in! locality Wedned..y.
Miss Jirhe'. of Al'oanv. In H-ln
this wees, the nuest of Miss (Jrste ijill.
Mia Horthit Wonel alld MUa Mlilllit- ral
Albany, scent Kundav i. Si ui 11 1. i.i,...l
ofMu.Ueo. W. pl.dlps,
Dean Cyril and lliirrv liaard lli
Wediiisday lor Ea)en Oirn on their
blcyclej. Dean wi'l uu to Piinfville
where his parwuts reside and Harry is g
ing lo ride fine horses at the eom'niif
rste nieeiina ut in that sectin.
fhe ily Ji, Alien tiinain ho- hp ol
U...I...I l... I i
Poriland hveuiidrtakeii(iiitean at-
tractive means ol advei is .g. They (
hsvs lilted up a ., la car -ml loaded ii
th t anoa. Ti.vma .1
with ianos.
any size and nive free coneerta in the
... .... ......
evening, The cir wa here Irom Hatar-
day unit! i iiKdy, it In charge ol
Mr. ueo. Allen, who ttavi a with a fine
Meears. A . ft. nonrwr. of nok ane. W.
F. Hoardman. of San'FrAm-lac . anil K.
K. Lariiuo-e. of i'urliand. wem in Kirio
yetterdny lor the purpose of perfecting
plan lor tlie esiablbdimfiuof aflax fiber
plant In tin city. Tt.ev have a flax
threshing machine here and have ent to
San Francisco for an expert uiechsnic to!
taxe charge oi it, and n xt week ill eive
a practical lest ol i s thrcshitu nd tlsx
Riving qiialiiinf.
Clarence Alexamhr met with oniie a
erioos Accident on Monday of thi wevk.
ai.d on which may cattsi- Idm lo lore sn
ami. He was driving a team At his ea
ch s farm ,iear town and ui down to
open a gate, And took hold of or.e ol the
horsi a run lo lesj the team through the
gaio hii it begin lo tun and khk.
C areme held onto the bono and tried
to atop them but fell and the wsgan run
ovir hit left arm hint above Ihe elbow
ma-h;ng the. one lo a pu'p. Dr Piili
wascaii.'d and dressed Hie injure, hut
the tone w so'had v halteicd tint il
will be a diihVnli n aiitr to eetitln nlsce
Again r.i.d hold It long enongh to allow
new hone to form. ami it mav have lo be
What might h-ve iwen a fatal accid
ent hsp,vened-to I'orier Ixmg tt'e lneedsy
f:crnoon whi'c In was aiomig in mov
ing the engine with ihe McDonald
threshing crew. I'e wa riding on the
iiy-wneei, an ! in some way the wheel
turned and Mr. Ion wa thrown back
ward And slid down between tlie hind
wheel of the engine end ihe fly-wheel,
snd was wdged bet ween them so aolid
that bia bo.iy acted a a brake and held
the bind whiel of the engine tolid. As
a result his clothes weie pretty bd!v
torn from hi ha-:k. and several bad
gsshe cut in hi back and hips, to ea
noinipg ol the several square leet ol cot
icle which wa u moved. Mr. Long had
preeice cl mind enough to hang onto
ti e Of -wheel, and hal he let go his grip
me oiigum 3ui.i have fan el over his
Mi Ora Simpson is ill with the ap'is. Mr. J. (. (liloin ar.d fii-ily have rc
itlrned from Ihe iUv.
Ashcr .V.ark,a!d ng Ro nap,
died yeeterda.i.
Stnator Daley of Corvaibt bus gone to
San Francisco on a trip.
Miss EionorGellat y of Penton county
died rece ntly at Ihe age of JJJ yers.
T. B. Clevengfr, of Missouri, is in the
cily the guest of lui broiberS. II. Ciev
II. W.Cundiff and family am' MIfs Flo
Nutting left this noon for the Pay for a
short outing.
U. VY. Howard and familv hare
(tuned from the coast range on their an
nual outing trip.
A brother ot Prof. Matim'ale arrived
in Albany this noon on a visit wish! the
Prof, ami hi family.
Toumirow n:Rht at the W. C T. U.
hall Ihe reception lo the citizen by ti t
soldiers. Everybody iuvited.
Mr. C W. Wait left ibis noon for
Seattle, pn paratory to starting for Daw
son on the ti.b lost, with his partner Dr.
Wilcox son.
W. W. Powell and fiiinily'and several
friends left this morning bv wagon on a
Uip up the Santiem, w here tl.ey wilt iihh
and hnnt bear.
Wis. F. Dixon, a ; i ne r ef 1813, died
in Corvallis i esur a- at the sge of 69
years. Mr. Dixou built fhe first ferry
acron the Willamette south of Salem.
A. V. Djr.ney, of Portland, who is vis
iting his uncle at McCoe, cam over this
morn tg to meet Mies L. V. Johnson, ol
Albany, who will be a gcest at ihe Pen
ny home. Sale m J jnictl.
Chief Justice Wolverton, win and
niece, Judge Burnett and wife, Lawyer
Curl and family, I.awver Hirgham, G.
U. Ha ght ai d amliy, Prof. Glenn and
the Misses Uard returned this noon tiom
the Uav.
Another Volunteer has a good position
which be deserve Mr. Will Merrill, of
a V,"e nu"ninR teri wo-king for
the S. 1 . Co., succeeding Ed Barrett,
who in turn has been promo ed to the
pol ion occupied by El Fronk, r.otv in
the Ashland oilice.
Mr. Ed rfonk, w ho ha teen An em
ployeeat the depot for a gjod many
years left last night on the overland for
Ashland, lo which p'ace he has been
transferred by Ihe S. P. Chief Chancel
lor 1-ronk take with him the be4t wish
es el his tost ol Albauy fricuds. It is
Aihliind'fl gain.
Dr. J. N, Smith, of Salem, paseed
through Jlbany yerterday for Roeeburg,
wliete he wa united in raariiage last
evening to Miss Cora Smith oi Salem, a
ncrse for some time in the Salrn hos
pital where the Dr. became acquainted
with Her. They will go east on their
bridal t ip. Linn county relatives ami
friends extend congratulations.
Wm. M. Hosg, of Sau, was
in town Sunday, ho was looking at the
familiar place an the has. There ;s not
so much business dene here now, a the
old company did when they had three
large ocean steamers on the line, and
that All hap ened before there ws any
improvement of tl o bar.-Ysquina N'earB.
Mr. T. J. Belcher, the mining man,
Ufpioolihe Albany Miulng Mill Co'
property, arrived in Albany on last
night' overland, and this morning ac
companied by hi attorney Mr. W. E.
l aies, oi uorvains, leit tor the mine
" Ex-Sheriff O. A. LendSe, of To'sdo.
a In Ihecl'y todey. i
lecture by Dr. Rejisn Icnsorrcsr even
ing t the PcArce msmorial church.
Lee Wlllisma.of the Bay View House,
Newport, came over from the By ye,
terday. .
Mis Dora Kt k h relnired lo Al
bAny Afier mr.oth' visit: At. tiweet
Dr. 4. M. Cm I , of MeiMr Idaho was
in Ihe lily toCA.i. lleita biol'jercl
Lawyer Curl.
fcx-rioperin'endent and ex-Sheri?T
nrmmn. nl li.Ln i :.. .i :. .1 .
' , v. .ui, IB IU IIIHlUT llllf Rl-
ternoononbui - iiiee
MinsOlin Anu.,,t t.. t.n if
IJewU, of Aninv U Tl iuL
i eH,,t". Ai'?"y '"the pilest rf iliss
iiorUillRa I ,r.!r. IVm,.ll .T,.
Iteacli Weatherford went ovpr tn Alh.
an Friday or a t o day visit itb rei-1
atives. Corvalli Times.
Chaile and George O'Brien of Inde
pendencs, have been in the ii! the
guest of the Bt Charh w.
Ice cream social at the residence of
Dr. WaIiacb next Mondsy svei lug by
the ladle of Ihe Baptist church.
Mr. Minnie McCoy and Mis Cecil
liampv teturlied thi neon from the Bar
where they have been rveral weekt,nd
went lo Uanisborg.
MiBS ElixabetL Carol her U in" Leba
non for a few day previo- lo leaving
for Klt Luke City lo resume her work
in C. Mil.f'n ...l.nhl. ..f .1 . : . .
t r. Henrietta Biown returned last
evening irom Aetoria, where she has
l-eT tlis pant month Iha pneat nl Mra
Narciesa White Kinney.
Grant and Dave Froran retorne-l last
evening from a nip tc rih Lake. It it
reported that tl e itlimoie tii-h tnau
they broaght onr.
Prof. Scott, of tf e colli- returned f -
icruay noni Rwiaville. a here lie has ten
several week Iht health isurcally ex
A. N. Lush, the Sah in banker, and
w ife were in the eity today the guest of
Mr. W. li.Goltra, while on their way
uouie irom a inp to letanon.
Mis Li en Botfart. who has been visit
inzecveral wtvks at the home of Mr.
Oley Woodworih In this city returned
yesterday to her home in Portland.
State Printer W. II. Leeds has been
connned to hi rooms at the Jacob Wag
ner resilience lor the past lew dav Willi
an attack of malarial lever Ashland
Toe August Native S im ha a fine
picture of Hon. D.-lzon Smith, wiih a
sketeh ol his hie. He was one of Ore
gou most i riihanl pioneers,
Rev. Edward Ercleston left this noon
for Salem w cue he wdl preach tomor
iow. N.xi week he will go to Por.iand
where he w ill be several we?ss in the
interest of Albany colleg
A farewell reception was tendered Mr,
J.elville Wire, jr., last evening at the
M. E. parsonage previous to his leaving
tor the east to enter a theological tetu'.
Sir. and Mra. .1. H. Malonf y, cf Mem
phis Tenn. are iu ihe city ihe guests of
Mr. Malonry's former partner, Mr. C.
II. Watson. They are making a trip ot
the coast.
Prof. Z. K. Farvin retnrned yesterday
afternoon from a business trip to Alba
ny. He reports the prospects for a suc
cessfnl opening year of the Northwest
Normal college of Music and Art quite
Qatto-ing. Statesman.
Rev. B. J. Holies has been freaked
as pastor of the Christian church of i bis
city fo.- the coming Vear, and anived
i iprorn'av from Eugene acconi) aided by
ma lib where they have been vieitieg
the guests of Rev. Kellem.
M s Treavitt, Portland's leading and
nioet accomp ished ladv music teacher,
spent last fvei.n g in Albany whi'e in
tlie city on her w ay home from sum
mer's oatinp, the guest of Mies .Mildred
Burmester. '
. Picf. A. W. Moses returned this week
to Dakota. Desiring a change he was
granted the privilege of going lo either
cf three sgencjes, and chose the Fort
Pine, where he located ins ead of
at Elbo woods as heretofore for- several
The Volunteers will be glad lo see the
people ol Aloany at ihe to . V. T. U. lull
tonight, when they will entertan them
by (bow ing them their Philippine curios
and explaining anything cpon which in
formation is desired. iSo admission fee
no collection, Everybody we'coiue.
Buuler Thos. Wairen and Sargeant
Frank Hayes. Cj. A. arrived in the citv
Tuesday evening and have been the
guest ol their it mm tie, trank 11.
lhompscn. Tonorrow the trio will
leave fur lVrtlaud wheie Frank will take
the bom for Saa Francneo, to again en
ter the hospital for the treatment ol hie
ey- Brovnsv;lle Times.
Ptof David Tor bet, of the college , re
turned this noon from a visit with his
daughter near Independence. n his
way through Ihe primeval forest to the
train thi morning he was confronted
by an owl. Tho Prof?scr was cairy
iug a awird cane recently brought by hie
sou from Ihe Philippines. Quickly un
sheathing it with mathematical precis
ion he thrust Ihe sword into a vital spot
in the owl b)v. causing Instant death.
The owl was bronchi home snd will be
mounted as a meu eito of the exploit.
Y'ellow Crawford peaches can now be
found at
Erowkkix's, fi d St
Water Helens, sweety ard celicicus
on hand daily at
C. E. Bkowskll's.
For choice groceries at reasonab'e
rates, fee McFeron & Tomlinson.
White Clover Honey, 10 c!s. per lb.
C. E.Browntll s.
Fresh bread every day. Two loave
or a.iiickle at McPercn & Tcndistcn.
Vour grocer keep it.
, The MaR-ioha Flnur
Try our bread at two leave tor
nickle. McFeron & Tomlinson.
Mis Joyce Biownell will lake up her
piano cla8 during vacation through the
winter. The best German and Eastern
method. Leave word wilh W. i . Read
Wheat 52 cents. v
Have Prof. Jitark fit your eyes, ? "
In novelties Will & Stark lead .
Call at the Kngarifowl for fresA f,u
Fresh frnital Vireck'a8ngr Bowl par
lor. '
and Tinware et
Ohling &
Garden Ifoend Lwi
ling A Holburt'.
Djfiwert Ob
A fountain pen found in thi city can
be had At thi nice.
French the Jeweler makes a specisity
of engagement and wedding rings.
Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful
summer drink, at Burkhart AIxc's.
For sale, gor-d csrpetinjr, 33 wnf per
yard, by T. 8. Alexander, east tnd el Stb
(reef. ......
' The atchesand nrii-pa In'.-n.-
play window speak for theniselvcs. V
guarantee every watch we ell.
It i a inifnlar lasts that.'
suited in the varied r nd large selection
of jewelry at Will & Stark'; The best
goods and reasonable price.
Lose no time in calling on Will A
Mark for tho best watches, guaranteed '
mg. Jt is a pleasure to show theif
C VV. Bass was fined
l.Ti at S.Um
yesterday for shooting Chinese pheasant
Give it to I hem.
The bey who lout l,icn i,.w ,v,
bridgecanhveihearoe without cost
oy CAiang ai theExocBAT office.
VV . R. Graham has
shop into the rooms next door to Worley'a
groeerv store for msny year occupied by
MininC'ims were UkAn nn i iKa
.'Jantiam oislrict thi w-eek ht F 1 i-iii.
chrisi And Alex Biilg and T.J . IBelctier
sod l. j. JKCIarr.
Thorns Glaze, of Tall man 1,iaa -rxt-.wm
chaod ihe fine place of Mr. W. II. War
ner across the Willamette, and will
move upon it the first oi October.
The Eugene 53il! yesterday; lowered
the price ol Hour to 3 a barrei, and the
retail pa ice wa placed at HO rent a
sack. There ha been ji;ite a content
ion there over the matter.
Prof. Stark, of Will & Stark, will le
in Albany until the 20th, and those
wishing their eye ter ted and fitted in a
first clas' manner, will do well to call on
him. lie gmrantee satisfaction.
J. K. Douglas bro'igbt to Albany this
morning and left at Beam's a cabbage
weighing thirty pounds without any of
the out side leaves, said to be the teav
ieer ever raised in the county.
The corner stone of the new Waonic
temple at Jefferson was lo belaid tide af
ternoon, under the supervision of D. P.
Mason ol thi city acting as grand mas
ter, assisted by F. E. Alien, D. fl. James.
Dr. Lowe and ethers.
One of the finest pieces of oil painting
in ihe city ha been shown in Ihe Al
bany Furniture Co's. It is a large pict
ure of a psir of Cninesa pheasants life
size, and display thesp'endid talent of
the artiit Miss Ida Hotchin Mr. Fred
Beit is the fmunate ow ner ol the pict
ure. A meeting of the rod end gun dub wa
held last night. The collection of due
wa or.eol the principal things consider
ed, and the secretary was authorized to
employ assistance for the purpose. The
new deputy made a speech, ai d the
members are confident ne will puah
thirds fairly and impartially.
Tl e conttacr for the new brick hotel
at Onkiand, for Mrs. Sarah Thcma. baa
beer awarded to Bellman, Sherman A
Clarke tor i.-iOO. It ia said to be a two
slory structure 3XV2 feet and equipped
in modern hotel style. The same firm
a!bo have a contract for a tries 26X60
Adjoining the hoieHor J. 11. Mahcney.
The Daweon City New is the litest
journalistic venture. It is a rewspsper,
in ehspe, style scd ctiArscter. Harry G.
Steel, a well-known coast newspaper
man, is editor and manager. Its term
of subscription are 25 cento a single copy.
$4 a month, 35 a year. The Etw 1 as a
telegraphic service as far as Lake lieu
net'. . - -
United Preslyterian church : Morn
ing worship at 10:30; pubject ol sermon,
Like Gods-Like People." Sabbstn
school at 11 No, Junior Endeavor at
3:30, Senior Endeavor t6:li, evening
worship at 7:-lo. Subject of sermon,
"Fulfilling a Course." All cordially in
vited to attend these 6ervLes.
Congregational church : Services as
folowt-: Morning worship at 11 p. m.
Subjee t of sermon, "A Plea for Christian
Prouress." Sunday school at 12:15,
evening seivfce at 7:30 p. m ., subject of
sermon, "Wh the Bible is a Stranga
Book." Ail not attending elsewhere are
ordially invited to the above services.
1 1 -: . . : I I. . T r, ti.i t .
vuiieiinu L.iurvu; i. eioiuies, 4f ,
of Oes.Moines. Iowa, hs been secured as
paslor cf the First Christian church, Al
bany, and will preat h hi first sermon in
our c'ty tomonow, Sunday, at 11 :C0 a.
m , subject "Preaching Christ." Even
ing services 7:45 p. m , tubject, "Quali
fications for Service." A cordial invita
tion extended to ail.
Academy of
01 Lilly Cf Ml W B8lj
Boarding School for Girls
Thorough Insif action. Wholesome
diet. Homelike treatment- Boy and
girl are admitted a day pupil from Bix
year upward. Terms are moderate.
Call at the Academy foriolormationor
write to . Sistea Sui-ebior.
And each day and night during tl.i wwk
you can get at any druggist's Kemp s But
edged to be the most successful remedy ev r
sold fcr Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, AstL-
rsaand Consumption. Wl a oouie eo-
aay ana keep i aiwa m wo v
u can cuacx your com i uu.c.
and 50c. Simple bottle free.