The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 01, 1899, Image 10

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    Jtc iOtuwrnt
Liliuosalani, former Qioen of Hawaii
U Wxfnlnff heme to Washington. 8he
has abandoned h hope of r-ga'niuii her
throne and tars the is tlior. uh Amei-
Daight T. Moody, the vanclist,
mideshiuieriioo the tact that therein
not one einert Uortband reporter out o
fifty who can uik verbatim report of
bis (eriEOns.
ti. irini nl the r.elciar.s travels as
Count Rivecsein. patting uu ni 'l0
tel in rr:a with lei lef bustle than that
which the ariival of an ordinary foreign
count would entail.
Johu R. Mct.HO. ttie democratic nom
inee for governor of Uhio, ie a strong
candidate for tie piece, and will mako a
campaign conspicuous lor its acprtes-ye
Waen it was finally announced that
Thos. B. Reed had filed hi . resigi atton
to takeffect Sept. 4, a great Vij sigh of
relief went up from the administration.
But Atnos Allen, hie probable successor,
will continue fie uht ajainst upan
Lord Brassey it going to England a
the end of the precent term. Hit term of
office as governor of Victoria expires lu
October, 1900, bnt in all probability h
will net serve quite the full tern-. ,
A recfcl'y arretted Washington uiur
darer y that if the court aesiiins a "k d
or a quack" to drfeod him he will plead
hie own cae. This makes the Washing
ton bar fel a little uneasy. Kx.
And now ii'e the Uxican .1 lier wlio
are accused of ichnmanity to prisoner,
It's very hard for so many toL'iers in ac
tive service to succeed in g'ving rtific-
tion alt around Ex.
The British pension rolls will soon iu
elude the name of the readin rteik of the
house cf lorJs, who sill re ire on 94,000
a year. Another proof that it pays to be
a well read man Kx.
If Cart. Carter's con reel should d..
cida to remain in Estrone tor another
year, Attornev General Grg9 would
apparently ne content io iet me r,
wait bis convenience. Mtauwhiie, the
CapUin is drawing iutere.l o: the mon
ey be has stolen from the government.
Go. B-adley of Kentucky, .was con
spicuous by hie absence at the opening cf
the republican etate campaign, although
the strongest prereure was brought to
bear ts induce bim to r-prak for the tick
et. Vhe republicans hare trmbles of
tbtirown in that ttate.
Tie Mississippi di-mo'-ratx state con
vention endowed the Chicago platform
and Win. J. Br,ao as the '-greatest ex
ponent of those principles." Three
states tavep)ken for B.yao during this
If souim on with the I or ol looking
I t.u M'tll ... . . I .. , . I ti . .. .J w , lull . I
nvntiiTi nil, u, uuim)i iiiv ,vm
weeks a creat f.ivor will be conferred,
but as Mr. Fugue wi n att bis instru
meuts and the u;e ol llie t l-g aph can
only bit it part ol the time iu a c itical
period, h is cot pronable thai any nee
she will be able to do better.
Another week has uOte by with the
harvesting csreal crops first In
the minis of the people. Even the
Philippine war and the Dreyfus trial
l ava had to taxe a seat In the rear end
of the public mind iu Oregon. During
the week Ufe davs have b-en gotten In
of hard fourteen hours woik and the re
link ha been the saving of an immense
sight of wheat probably one hundred
thousand bushels a day. It transpires
that notwithstanding the soaking It got
the wheat is in iiood condition. Modern
machinery for cleaning wheat comes iu
where it belongs greatly aiding the pro
ducer. The farmer this year will gtt
paid according to the weight ot the
wheat. That is i( it weighs lets than
the required sixty pounds he will te
docked according lo the shortage and
the w heat pan as ilrat class, which is
fair. The recent rains cleaned the bops
as thoroughly as the hoisted soars in
the magmine advertisements and tl.e
r.kiier this year will have a fat take, ai d
will bo a
httla easier than usual. All is well that ,
ends well, but it is not end" J yet, and it
will taks two more weeks of good weath
er to fin!Bh the job of eaviug our crops
At this writing it is prohrble thai it is
half done.
The mist which Pague predicted for to
dtty is principally Pagne.who wears glad
to say mltsod tt agstu,
The poems ol Ham Simpson will be
published, and Oregonian generally
should show their appreciation ot Ore'
son's ablest poet by havlnc the volume
on their renter table. There will be
some cems in it that will compare wit
some of the bet iu literature.
Victoria and Krugcr hays not crod
Mr. IVgue should rot be abused for arm, thouih ther J has boen enough in
not making correct pioiiooeticatlons the dl'j a chea for several wars in Tran
when. they are me led most, tie docs as
well as any one cou'd under tie circum-
stances. Il is a fact that when a ttrm
comes from the southwest as our fall
s'.orms generally do, there ie no way of
foreceetirg it any length o! time ahead,
as it is oil tie iceao and on us io j ft.
Anybody van predict 'weather a day
ahead under average circums!
Farmers who had wheat out yrstbrday
a'terimon were w ith good reasons on the
anxious seat, and naturally got exoited
when the threshers dl I nut airive, One
thresher had twelve larmers af er him,
some of them threatening to sue him fr
damages if he did not attond to tlirlr
wheat at mice. He was a haptxr man
when lesaa the tunshine this morning.
'i lie Scio Nes ge's suri ni-t'u as fol
lows: By the way, it is our opinion Hint
the so called country sportsman It jot
about as apt to keep within the bound
of the law as are thosa "el'y cluips,"
Irom Albany as wetlas o;hr ci,ie, who
"hike" over a man's hum wilt, a hand
of dogs and do not pav anv more attcn
tion lo a Irefspaes tuuve .li:m if it wann't
there. A man can he a p'ctty uood lae
abiding ftporlstnan evn If Iu don't he-
long to some "rod mi. I gnme club."
m f-fnilt, jlllt, plrklM or entiran ra A
!" T. m'"7 il,"'tyi niui-s t, A
liuniuiruiiy amtUKi Kiitt fuiiiiMl VJ
( Wm than hr njf aiiivr ,1
mulliixl, rHMwi ur uthur unu oui i.i
ruuua furr, ,
Pcraffino V7ax
In wry tmnwhnld. II ta olun,
liutvliM mill tkliirlvM lr, wxu.r
nil ni'til tmHit tl.'l ihiuiiiI Mko n(
ii wiin nt ur ik ninny um4
null v.iur uriiHHiM, vr iinH'vr
(Ma rvi-rywlmr Hlilly
TANVAHD oil to.
It is a funuy idea some have that !oy-
Oongr8man Q. A t'a'deil has slatt
ed a movement to cran?z3 the demo
crats of Illinois outeide of Chicago for V.
J. Bryan in 1930. The fiienda of Brvan
are not gcinjf to allow the gold democrats
to control the neit national convention
vaal. it doesn't take mnch to make
war on papa', a few rounds of ammuni
tion and several guns purchated and
Llaced convenient tort Ti e matter
will probably end iu smoke with no oris
hit except by paj er wads shot by enter
prising iiewepaper me.i.
Everything in Albany is as full as a
tick, and yet our city is nut drunk . In
fact our people are keeping their heads
alt y to the flagconeteis in war.ting to pretty well. 1 dings will be fuller after
plant it alt over the world 0a our own college and tbe other schools open, lor
territory. Sensible pcorle know there Is ; they will bring in more families, and ytt
nothing in anythUg of the kind. There t !ier b P1"' attd for 1J 0,0
is as much loyalty to the fljg in desiring ; newcomets. II necessary one lioore will
tokeeponr coantry whhin reasonable De ueeJ ,or un,ll,el- "
limits ard from all eulanl ng ,,!ijgnc oa many new hous.s will be necessary
as there U ia tryirg to involve our cuc- t0 mtot ,he mnds. In't there plenty
try in interminable wars and ttriks as of monr? in AlUny for the purpo.
the arqaieitin cf new territory by foroej
always has and always will ii.vclfe any j In the face of tha constant cry i ( pros
country. Now really, which displays petity in Portland it is etatid that the
the mtst loya'ty to the fliir, a desire to ajSiment ol the city will be d-.'Cteased giving s ome excellent advicft liiiiisitlf.
Iave it continually in sir.f, or a desire ' twelve mil. ion dulhr. The two 4 iit j Havi g taken theeuti intuomrt and al
to have it crowned the lac go tog.ther any Utter a Chinaman SffcW.'lS:.W
rei ot p?aee ana good will, ltie pop e aau an Ionian rrorperny is as line ft v,.ry 4,iiiCi,!t thing for tlium to ho
These nredus when a falling Imuin
etorneiul the cold shivers up the hack ui
all intureatcd in seeing the crops saved.
An Asturi;i prtr e.iya that whi-n Mr
lliimmond gets control of nil I ho Tilla
mook timber ho wiU Im.l.l a railroad i.ito
the countrv. Astcniit paper nro g:cnt
Every day of good harvest weather
means from 50,000 to HKVIXH) bushels of
grain saved. About lifty threader are
no -running day and almost night, it
is well, and lluwu culling spring wheat
should rap it 48 a precaution.
. . . I
Mjmo one s.iys tt.o lannois niwa s
look on the dark si.looi things ami al
ways 8te disasUr in every big cloud. An
a matter of fact farmcis aro just lit."
other poop e in tuts respect, home do
I'mtrtt Kcsult.
MANILA. Aim. HI IliMimtchea from ('..
htl niiiiimiu'O Hint tho AiiiKiicuit (m i.
under Colonel ItaylesH, Jw It Ii two lull
pieces, sailed .Muidiv into thti hi.x
auainst n hau l of nntivea who mti'ihIk
amhiixhed four o our luldfnri nml Mho
have IWII geilrrilly roil hlcmilue. The
Americana lou
and ilrove thei
ther into tlio lnils,
The I r iiikv.miI I ion hi.-.
PlIKrolll.l, Allif. SI. I'riMi.h.nt Krnirer
today aniiouiii'i il to the volkeraad that
no rvcjiv il a in euriim fr.mi ti,o LMvern
orol siijina iho ilflalnol
MlllllltlliUluli ttuii d hu furuarJt'd inliur
I he enltro correKimiiili-ni-o ltvvien
the imperial nnd Transvaal government
was rtud in o -ti st-nniou and Primldit
Kruger ankwi the raad to ineet seiretly
1'Uiiiiiil ir tin? purjmne of coiiHidering
To Oitna Home
,i ami. , N'pt I, 8:10 A. MOf ti n
troop Mhout lo nturii t tic fulled
Mali, tliu Kalinin in. n ,( ,-ivi on
I'f'W the 'ramipoii tartar, th WihIi
luuton rivlment oi board tho IViinxvl-
viiiua, ami the Nevat'a cavalry the
Ohio. A'l these departure- will mwur
witl.iii tho next week
Iu S.mi li. inln;; . lMtsi., ,ujr ;l. PsMeiit
l-igiiero ha n-siifned. Ihe mmi-tiT lit
I'uiitilltio nl tho hrad ofltlieir v.iriuiii idt-
ai tiiH'ii'B until a pr'viioiinl Kovern
moiii lias lie n f-irtiU'd. nfu-r vh h:!i elec
tions lor pteMiifiit nn. I virt'i r ident
w:II oiVnr.
The riiy It iitf.-l 'f i a v. hit hi i
iieiin in t a ttamlull.
llnii..mi.i,ii, Musti.-.i, Aug A cmpa
ny of volunteers Weill frtu hiiro tuis
An Old Relic.
front the Newport Newst
A few da ago Georgia t.oomls found
rmbt'dded in t It ra ml In fh rear of ti.
A,'s burn nn front st rest tho r
malt h cf a ship's riilhu i f tli style in
voiiiio during li e l"ih ti'DHiry, consist
"j of a bran itninl It and gnHid, and
al'i.nt I'i iurhe' n1 the very iuhi eaten
nlcdi, Mie a hole n itilm't in If tint ft
I en toiirct hut hni." i I i's own wrlat.'t
when 11. ted, Near il. n i'ia mint roine
thus aco were f il ,uni' lniiiiiiti bonrs,
and Uter a I'n.itM-r inn k'nmii as an
"luivi'i-h Itndi. loketi" I iiiititi the liaiu
ol ITi-H thus In I ui ot e huintred snd
i Ihmp ye,.rii old, thii i-ii i n l now In tho
prt ess on of Mr, VJliirlcn huotuts, and Is
i.i a aood Mate of rnonrvitn n.
The ilnilmu of then old rillri would
'ludlcBlo that this Hunt was vblted hv
whites at sntne very lemtite jiuilod i pos-
I lh natives Intreni- i " . Ti !" " " . , r'I. " .!"" !.!":
.,, , I, ,.! I I -v), mm win. HMiiiiiiii t, hi, nniii
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Zan, of
Portland, aro doing their best to bring
about a reconciliation, and the Judge is
The atsaciated pnei correspondent at
WanHasays: "The censor writes stereo
typed officia's phrases and adjectives in -ta
the dispatches, tending to magnify the
American opcatior s and to minimize
the opposition." This explains why toe
repoits appear so one riled, and yt the
Tear cote not end .
Gov. Slone of Missouri, denies that be
is backing the movement to call the
demccrat;c national convention for Feb
ruary. There slcn'd be no scramble by
the democrats to see who will nomicate
Bryan first. Everything shoulJ be done
regularly and in order.
reconcilrd. A husband and wife not will-
are capabl of judging for ihemee vie a thing to hav ss a new s;ring bo iae,
and are not going to be bulldrz?d by bat what is the uss of sverlasting jelng j i' g to bear and forbear will never get
siily cartoons and subsided ditoria's. ' prosperity Inst for poliiical eff-cl regard-. alon vcr" wul1 i,,t!"?r'
. ' leai i.f the t uts- Anyoiifc with half an
Who watts the United State to haul fye nowl lhe inc'i,, Por.ty
down its where it ha been raised i';-the tnuts and mcnopohets and
mill me onry oi'ier people naviRg ir. are
thoee who wo. k cud like Trj
for gocd. The fact that our government i
is bound to keep our flag over the Phil
ippine! until peace is restored and ajet-
tiement bad with the Filij iaca doneu't
change (be riarl.t and wronit of the policy i' Mtn ""ght to be law abi.iin.
involved in Keltins am-h white eieDbants small things.
and om.. .In ' KiiniM ,,r il. i,h...... . morning io maya to loin t wionel ricna-
nmim.ini. it,,..- n.. ,.,. ii... r....... doe s command nnl a-rx-t tlm Yanuis
ers. who take evorvtUin soial naturcdlv 'Aho ,mJ .!'"Htr. cd " -l'"l'.h h" to
and as it comes - i oum. lie iruopt nut a haul ol about
nifiiip, nn., ii Rfiviit ui;iit iit urrtjii, in
whk-li one Sfitdii-r -.- klded nitd the
Mesit Aiis
General I.ui 'IVrr. has WHirnd,i
liustiliiics until t),.-tohtr, when tMlor
wrathi r wi I luvv eel in.
Tho World' II .i-Vvst.
ViKvsi , Attir. :tl Hih llmitjurian min
itry of itgrh'tiiiure has just issued it an
mml estimate of the world harvest.
This points to a ',lirnUv dolli-inm y.
Tho li'-at j h'ld ix 110,000,001) hec'oli
trvs Mow lnl year- yield, and about
31.0ti0.000 shot t of tho entire world' de
mand. WhV Inevitable
Iijov, Aug. 31. -The Pretoria cor re
HoiiihM.t of the Morning Pui any:
t ne it. i r ninciaiH, ainr reading the
cable I roiortiif Mr. Chamberlains Hir
tniitgtiam wli, consider that war lain'
From the Transcript :
Tha! wheat" speculator in tho c'tii
will seek to maice a "fat tiling" off the
farmers through the unfavorable har
vest weather, Uicro is no di-nj ing. That
l a l Ukim pliu-e. I here apptan to he
more criinrct d w ith the htniory ol Y
(piiiia bay than the pre rut generation
are a a are of.
t he prutmh'e dat ol Ibis sword might
be lined at trill when John Ja.ob Amor
etablinhcd fur tradrnlntion on the I'nc
Iflu cnsfcl roino 10 yeais biforu the Hud
son Hay i'o. came into poinl-n, Pir
acy exuted in thnse day tnl hlp were
alw armed. Ciu'i bring Ii stootiii
round the mat between ilei ks, ven to
the preneiit day hip trading to forelirn
port in China and Ue South Hea lilunds
aro suned and opilpped In Ce "f dil
Ocuiiie with the native which tome occur with dltmsirini result.
The Oregon Regiment in the
dpt. If, I., Well will soon t art i. it a
tour through the state giving Mint rated
lecture iii the work ol tl.w Oregon Itegt
iniMit In the Philippine. Ilia v,u aro
u'l iiiru'liilly mii i li d lo fully illuntriitu
evrry phane ol tho work done, giving a
clear idea of trciich-, roadr, ricelield ,
rivers, swamps, riipa htus, mnnnnr ai I
eu'om of tho peopltt and general
charactcrialli-l of the eoiititrv.
Capt. Well was for 11 year a mem.
her ol tha O N G, w hich w ith hi record
a Commander ui Co. I., 2ml lire. V K V
give him n military lecord I'ptallcd I y
few volunteer olhcvrs.
Ihtrins the war tho Captain etab.ih-
ed a national reputation a spcla ror-
reionUiiit lur tho ew lora i.venmg
Post, Clticaifo Chrnoiclv and M, l.ouis
lilulK) PemiH-rat,
Hume who r-ad Iu fair and imtwrtial
repirl-t of military operation and ten
eral condition ol'uffail in thu inland
need no further urnur that bl lec
ture will l a raro trial to nil Interested
in the Philippines and the hoi kid the
regiment, bate ami further annonnc
ii iiil of the Alt nnv U- lure MI be gi-u
After a Man.
'some of wheat has li-i n injitrud iskuoa-i
. to be true: but this docs not siu'iilfr Hint vi nt.Io. "I ho siK-ci-h hn undoubu-dly
tv"u ,0 hrt, n -,r.n :r..,i.., (.miu t.. ,.... I ""c.l the !ir spirit bote. Tim ilmr
No one should luteoiiOM-',,. ,...., ..i,,.,..,.i.. i,...;..... i are now all arnie I, crept thoo in Jo
, ,V ..VUkO ll llllln ,u,tV l,ll I'. on .' ,11 1 I l . .....
' .. . . . . . . i. . . . ,n, niii.itr. ir , iu ... ti.,,,n.tuf..i
i j . ti. n al1. vio ale anv a iiiomin son e ot int m ' tiiA in ni! r.f n, Mnn . i i kiii.tu r i .. . .. .. v.. , ,,,.
vi uui ii.uur, ui.jiui.ii.ii lino uu - i - i - 7 - IvVoOil A tthitdirtl ar, moults i-I.o
. . . . . ... ...i i,.,.mitr,i u,,rL..l nn, l u i Hint ') ..- rt ul" " m are llllipiy VICl
nee tor me r uipiuos, sou never nita oc- - ,;,"". ;. ,,i ,:. ,i .. i i. ,i i l ubi.m.
lieved there was any excess lit them lo
have gor,e to war m 11. ib case, there be
mtght be much better effthe book.
game laws pmicu'arly should be
ai d
schemcsaro worked and
ping to examine the grain, tho b'g deal
trs will toll smnller dealers 'Il is no
use: we can t mako you an oiler. A
It is a qaeer slate cf atTurj whsn thii
administration has to acknowledge to a
foreign power (China) that its subordi
nate is aKowed to keep il in the darx re
garding lis action in such an important
matter as ihe s xeiueion of Chinese from
ing etrong eviJence that Anninaldo has pec'd. Tine sportstyantl ip acratnds Ijttlo circumeUnce is relato-l to us in thij
iiuo iiiai Biiowa io wnai exiromea uiey
are workintr this tiling: A gentleman
from a neighboring town was going to
Portland, and just as a tetter put a good
simple of last year's crop, tha' wat
knoA'ti to be a llrsl-class article, in hi
locket, hlnwing it to one of tho
beennjire!yabir.l:r)g,andthatheprc- men wnen iney arj m neasou
cipitated tr.e war according to iottruct , a far,,'r e,naD(' '"" "1
ions. Bat this doesn't chaogs the fact , hinted sccordmg to law and with the
that the policy involved in acquiring rights of property oa ners iu view. All
snch territory is a wrong one atd not ( these things may restrict the hui ter tn
adu3ab!e, and that the proper way will . ' h , a narrow path to travrl iu hut
be if the Filipinos ran ever be l.rcnght 1 ' bm'nes and torr.ct.
fn thfrir Pfr fi. t havA A Dfnvii mal i .'."1! LL! I
governmen, under our protection, of a! Trodg for the . o silver ce, j f JJ.t .ht at
alley w heat this year."
Gen. Otis may find keeping
the administration in tbedark regarding I s;taatjfn
kieproceeJing, be baeslirred nptroulJe
for himeeif. As long as it wts only the
paopls who wert flouted and hoodwinked
the administration did not care.
The p'an of ridisinling Mr. Bryan down
will not work. The ftct is that Le is
Btronger today than ever btfore. His
record :s ftoving a clean one that cannct
be torn to pieces. Had Mr. Bryan been
elected four years ago the United States
would not now te ruled with a govern
ment by the trusts and monopolies.
Alabama republicans do not seem to
appreciate the removal by Circuit Jndge
Shelby ol a faithful worker of 20 years
service and a cative cf the stale, to
make a place for a resident uf Ohio who
happens to be a relative of President
McKinley. It is believed that this bar
gain was mrde btfore She'.by received
O. H. P. Belmont of Sew Yoik, cow
that Croxtr ha pnnctured Van Wyck's
booin, is being actively pushed for the
second place with Bryan. He is wealthy
believes the eilver question ia one f j
Congretsional rather than Executive
action, strongly favors an iocotua tax,
and is against expansion. i -
enn:-mii:tary character, looking to their tiacate, or e having op n its face a vig
ttentual frc-dim. As it is now we are netle rf Washington, and the other ne
in for it and must make the hi8'. ot t!s cf Jtflerton have been robin, t:ed to Src-
j retaiy tiags.' It is said that a republl-
can r nator heard alout thiraod at onee
j horrud to see Secretary Gage to ta 1 him
Um ("ixbiiiSu On-si!.- Ai HANV Wkek
i.y DsMocuA-r one year and tLe Farm
Journal, so ejctlie;it farm paper live
Cleveland Ladtr: iih oci..rj ut w mm ,(,( r t.. price rfihe I)mocat,
One of the newensnera of B,r-i "ol 10 aooPl Jenerson, oi-ai.z.,. ih. ly
Chairman Jones now in Europe recop'
trating, b oidered the removal of the
Press Bureau of the National Committee
to Washington, and has authonzad Gov.
Htone of Missouri to engage a Dew edi
tor. Mr. Devlin, who placed the bureau
in opposition to Mayer H"on ol Chi
cago, will be out as his successor is se
lected. Reports from abroad show that
Senator Jone will not relioquieh the
lin sc-unds a lond warning ol impending j
panic in the financial world of the great
an j projperou German empire. It ad-
mils that trade and industry are fljur Sell
ing and that the wealth acd strength of
the country are increasing as they never
did before. Nevertheless this jniroal
predicts a great crash in the bnnlntsi in
Germany and crges its readi-r to te
ready for a tremendous financial storm.
The reason for snch" predictions of
trouble of the gravest scrt is the fact that
io the paU six months new stocks and
bonds have been issued in Germany to
the amount cf about f 400,000 000. The
average output f such eecoiities has
been only $07 )O3,C00a month. And that
is considered such a dreadful bubble
blowing that a great explosion must fol
lowi !
Ii Is well for the peace of mind cf the
German editors that he dees not live io
the United 8. a es. Here the capitaPzi
tion of the new corporation formed in six
months of whit be considers Germany's
recklessness is rot lers than six or seven
limes the total for the German empire.
The German figures for half a year have
often been beaten in the United States In
a single month. In May the hew Jersey
trust mill ground out stock bonds to the
face vtlue o' nearly a billton dollars.
cause if be did, it might becoxe a demo
cratic net. Be t!it an it may, Treasury
officials say that the .Itflarton drs'go U
n jt li.tly to be adopted.
The prediction that all lbs 35,000 vol
anteers, authorized by congress would be
enlisted, has been almott verified. An
order for tbe enlistment of one more ad
ditional regiment wbicn will bring the
number of volunteer nearly op to the
limit, ha dean issued by Secretary Boot,
and the neir regiment will be composed
oE negroes. The officers will, of coarse
. be white men.
MrnwhoBtth" beginning eapporttd
the expansion policy of the adminictra
ticn.are cow seveie'y criticising the re
sults oUaintd by ,ol!owing the policy ,
For instance, te Washington l'os,
which has to ail intents and purpart
been an expansion ehtettaj rditorialiy
"Either we have not the genius an i the
temperament for succesiful coloo'zalion,
cr we have been grotesquely enfortunate
in tiie selection of our agnte. It is im
postible to see at this moment where and
in what rtrpectwe have accomplished
anything Important either Iu Cuba or in
tbe Philippines. In the latter we have
undertaken to set up the regime of law
and cder an! civilization, and we have
failed utterly. Inthecaee of Cuba we
have undertaken to give the people re f
government, or st leant to test tbeir cap
aci'y in that lice, and we have done
neither. In tbe Philippines we have for
six moutl.a or more been engaged in a
petty and perfectly fruitless war with tbe
native?. In Cuba the government con
sietsof a military ar.tocracy, little If any
more benificient then that conducted by
the fepanieb Governoi Generals In time
of peace. In Luzon it is actual war we
have upon onr band?. - In Cuba, it I
smouldering discontent, turbulence in
various parts cf the is'snd, acd a fatuous
and feeble tyranny at Havana."
siiijai-rihuis .an have u l
vantage ol it by paying in advance A
yenr. Now is the lime io subscribe. Or.
ik-r early as the niuntcr ia limited to oud
hundred that can be taken.
President Kruaer doc not hesi
tate to expre tlio view that war is nl
most ineviisbiu
Aro'in.1 Manila.
Manila, Ang. ).lt i n-rfirU-d that
Aqtiiraldo ha ordered the ruil gi'in-rals
in the province of Cavito (o closo In on
and attempt to take tho town of Imur
and it i added tho Iroops are corn-en
Ifutmg around tlio lown .'rum ti e l.iku
l..lll.lri. I It., r.,1 ,.t Ir i. ..I I
,,, . ,,. ,, ,, , iv' J nv .v. i , , ia 1'iiiiiri P ll
kiiil'9 no ttKeu nun wiim no coiiiu oi- oiiltm.l r,f Tiki iha li ,.
fer him for a lot of it Alter examining!l ns ria l nr(, u forv.u : ttt,
it closely ho said "S ell sir, I can t make. i...v ,. nuiH, 1 n Nominated.
Zankm-imh, 0 Aug. SO. Tho demo
crt state convention closed today, after
a day oidritmutia piay. While there
were a half-dozen other candidate lor
governor, tho McLean men c'aimcd
everything with such conlldenco that
tiioy undertook to Im ningiuitimoui in
minor parts.
There was such a demonstration after
the nomination of McU-au was known
to have been secured that Jtha secretary
couni not oniiounm tnevo cexcepl -lU-Vj,
lor siei.'-'nn ana zzi tor Kiiuoitrne,
Fatal l ire.
Yuma, Ariz , Aug. SO Tha most dis
astrws tiro in tho hictory of Yuma broke
out at jo ciock loii.iy in (he second atory
i i. i.. Kntii.ii a in .t. iihiio'HO esiai).
ii?niiifiir, i (.mining in ti e iobs of six
uvea and total destruction of tho store
building and stock of good
Tho lift of thodend is: City Council
man II. K. Jicuhr, Uodolfo Viion, Jus,
lapin, Jti'inn Prccudo, It. ft. Ivor.i and
Kichard W ilson."
Fat il Accident.
Ahtoiua, Aug. SO. Fred I', Stackpole,
who nan wren enginrror at said reus log
ging camp at fray's rivor was killed this
afterncon. He was bringing a truiulortd
of log down a steep grade w hen hi en-
guie got away irom mm ami run awoy.
Un a turn tho engine Jumpvd the track,
and before ho couid jump, tho logs from
the first car pushed tlm water tank on
him and crushed him to death,
Tlio President.
Canto.v, O., Aug, :i0. For tho' first
time in nearly a year President and Mr.
McKinley are among their rulotivcs,
neighbor and friend in Canton for a
fow day' rest. At the Barber 'rciidence
Judgo Baldwin ex'onded to tlio presi
dent the hearty welcome of tho friend
and neighbors.
To (ilcar.tic tliu System
Effectively jel gi-nllv, whin conlivrr til
lou,to ji-rmatently ovrrcinio In, Lit nil
conHtipittion, to awaken t ho kidney ai d
liver to a heilthy octii y, without nritnt
ing or weuker ing ttiMii, to dinptl had
ttthn. coh'r, or f vers, ine 85 rup of Ffg,
made by the Culi'oruia Fig Sjrup Co.
The ftiirley Co. who were Si well ilkad
in Albanv, will he in Corvalli during
the week beginning Auif. 25. On ac
count of the emailneet of the staite at tbe
armory the manager writes that the
company will probably not come lo Alb
any oh this tour.
Gc Club Bonine-s of im
portance tonight, at council chambers,
8 o'clock. E. Stone, Pres.
1 JO U.N.
CAMPBELL. In Albany, on Friday
evening, Bept 1, IMri), to Mr. and Mrs.
II. It. Campbell, a girl, Iheir seventh
All doing well.
PARKER. On August 27, 1KA9, to Mr
and Mrs. Ferry Parker, of near Alb
any, a daughter.
Ail happy but the grandfather who is
onsUerably agitated tecause it is not a
e mocra tic voter.
I. D. Miller' threshing crew veeterdav
threshed 2-100 bnehcls of grain, and a
great many are doing more than two
thousand bushels.
SHAW. In Albany at the home of
John Bhaw, of typhoid fever, on Wed
nesday evening, Aug. 30. 1899, Daniel
fr'haw. ntthe ageof 17 years. His
death is generally regretted by a largo
it of fnenda
i a ber of
W. W. Curtis, president of the Curtis
Mill Co., w hich is to build the big mill
at this rite, Mr. vv, II. Hammond,
brother of A. B. Hammond , and Mr. it.
P. Habsrshsm. the civil engineer, ar
rived In Albany this noon on bnsinrti
cuuuvimu wilii liv frenulum, j pii.i'ko
meats. It will be necessary to mako a
snrvey of the land before tho water ar
rangements can b completed. Bonds
for the deeds to the property have been
given the company, '
So voir I days ago Mi Ltnglut cam to
Albany from Sllverton hunting for ouo
M. V. Meulo, a young man about If I
year ol ago, who had been w ith rlrru
petforming lire, rating and mglo trick
and lest of strength, hho plated th
metier in the I arid of Chief ol Police
Leo who trarnl l.lin up to Kpolane,
w iirre tl.o eh in I o! po.he of thai i It r lei
etaphed be was laat night. Mia Lang-U-y
had returned to Albany and upon
rniug Menlo' location loll on this
ir.ornUg's overUnd. Mierefuned to state
w hatshn wanted of Menlo, hut she want-
d htm and bndiy,
get Mm,
1 1 U 'o be hoped she
M. Senders ! Co,
Hay anlOat Wa?ehnnsES'
Seventti and ILtilroad Stieets,
Wa am prepared to take on utoragi
baled bar', wi I buy your oats In anv
fjiunlty al top matket price.
Oats bought In car lots at anyjthip"
ping point.
Insurance, Hay, drain and Worl. ,
loot vu,on
AtiO f.iAT. I1O0O
watlnrf (Jibcasc.i,
llr.i.tli.:-.!!." !tinn't
tUxU of ncll-
abii.'-K-, ci c aci- ; rnJ Indla
crcti'iu A v-.:;..-t!canil
IiliMul I r:.. ; .-. ;r;,in tlio
pi iik (.;.' .5iylc!clicfkand
icbtotV t',:c' !!:; youth.
Hyninll.lvi-op' - h-.s; Obexes
u .-iitraii
for with tl xvi-i: t
a"j to euro or rr:uI tfto :uoaey.
k En vita rec:cAL co.
. tlnton & Jackson sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
For sale bv Frel
Albany, Dromon.
I'awHon, Drnwyiet
Wholi;nlo It eta 11
Pure Drug and the Cneat and Largest
8lo'k ol Stationary and itooas
in the Market.
Notice In " Inveotiv. Age " M E fa
Book "Uow to obUla PaienUn 1 1 la Eaa
' Charon modtratt). No fee till patent la Mcnrod.
Ittem itrlctly eontlilonuul. AUtiroM, j
' E. 0. SIGuERS, Palant Lawyer. Wsihlngloa, 0. C.J