The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 01, 1899, Image 1

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From tbe Times,
Born -On Monda
NO. 5
Mr, and Mrs Uro,
Do vou tet up with
Is there bad taste In
Then jou hava poor
appetite and a weak diges
tlon. You are frequently
dlixy, alwa-s feel dull and
drowsy. You have cold
hands and feet. You get
but Itnle benefit from your
food. You hive no ambition
to work and the eharp pains
of neuralgia dart through
your body. . ..
What Is the cause of all
this trouble?
Contrasted bowels.
will give you prompt relief
ana certain cur.
Km Tmrnr aVeW Ae-av
if you have neglected your
case long time, you bad
better take
Acer's siftipirliu
alto. It will remove all
Impurities that have been
accumulating in your blood
tad will greatly strengthen
your nerves.
1 h.r mwf bt Mhla f
ii.iwt. W(li U. ti ,
L. ...... .M auflMltttf. Van
iii !? r-ia we
it, j. a A? Hi
Hll I iaallllllllMBJf. 1
rbitirlaB and Enrgen.
Ifill Block - - - Albany. Or.
AIbnjr. Or. ,
Geo. Collins DDS wi ,
A. Jack Hodges DDS
Odd Fel.oa'e Temple, Albany, O.'.
Oliver Plows sew Prices
HOFKlNS SiiOi., Agt-ots,
AlJiy, (r(goo,
"Oliver cave tbe world th chilled plow
And it ha4 saved more mone)
to the farmer of America
bai ny otner implement ever produced.
Wnnuine Oliver dulled are tbe bttet on
earth. The O lvr is a promoter of happi
ness on tbe farm, and ibe dealer who vlls
it knowa be is handling the beat. Look
out for imnitUtions and touch notbmir but
tbs gonuina foods, tnde enly by Oliver
Chilled plow work. South Uend, Ind.. U.
NOTICE.-Have vou a farm for aale
or rent or do yon know of any per
ron holding lands that tney wish, to dis
pose of. If so nleaee write to Lny auent
of tbe O. R. N. Co. and he will aend
oil a circular which will Interest you.
miwxm .r. i rvT titc-onniQ
. fliaiiatlon, aelf- abuse, eeaeea or cigarette amok ng. In use
over 60 vears. Brings back your Manhood, cures depleted worn-
" l. J . A Hun. ("!nra area inira and all
v. - OUl mrn, niaaea riuu hiuvu
. ..-.ill i
otses. maksa VOU iaaiiiiniiy atrong, u impui.Mv;, . r
osi ol memory, bad dreims. nhrunken organs, despondency. eleepleasneeB,
, varlouerle and constipation, adds lustre to the eyre, stops nervous ''hj""
of'tTlerellos. Makti life worth living. A boon to young or old. MORMON
B18H0t"S PILL3 strengthens and restores small weak nntant btopa all
iWsby day or oignt. Don't delay. Price within .hereaoh of all. Ouaran
eed i tJture. Price a-w-ia box 6 for IJ.60 by mail. Peml for free circular.
Address BISHOP IjlU EEMEOY CO., San Franclsco.Oal.
. For sale br Foi- ES3 bay A Mason, Albsny
England' Trouble.
I'wrroitu, Auk. 23. -Tbe volkarand to
day, by a vol of 18 to 0. adopted the n
portoflhe majority of the dynamite
commission, continuing the monopoly.
Commandant V. J. Joubert Issued to
day a circular to all fluid cornels caution
lug them nicslrint any act tending lo bring
on a conflict with another power. He
declares that not a sinitli stranger who
does not volunteer is to be coerced into
loirlng srmr.
A Ureat Kccptloi.
Bas FuAJtfiaco, Aug SJ.The Califor
nia regiment landed from the transport
Khermnn today and nurched to the Pre
sidio. As this was tan Francisco's home
r glmnt, the demonstration today ex
ce ded Inrn huo MHin the reception ac
corded other regiments. People camo
hoiu nil iart of the elite to sue the
l.w and this moriilnii there wero fully
100,000 strangers in town.
The Domingo Wai.
Cams IIaytikm. Auk. 25. Fevpre fiuht-
Intf tix.k lace yesterday and Weduaaday
in the heluhuorhood of MoiiU t'lirmti.
Manto ltouengo, twtw.en thegoverument
orcoa aii i mo revoimionisia. it is ania
the former lust heavily, while tliu latter.
owing to the advanU)eoia pritlone oc
cupied, only siilfre.l a slight loes The
revoiut ontsis sro irporu-il as cotitinsily
receiving reinforcement e.
Rcs War.
Art axta. Ua..'Auii. 25 There is a re
newal of the rare trouble at Uurh-n. Ua..
and tiovernor CaiKllcr hut again l ecn
arked losend troops there to prevent an
outbreak. A few dnys ago Henry Dale-
Kv aa rren.Hi at I'arie n on a charge
of assault, and a lynching was prevented
only by the action of the governor in
ariMing mu intMiibers ol the r irnt Kegl-
Ml ii era l.uck.
Wav.ii.s, AUnka. Auj. 2.1, via Seattle,
Aug. 23. The Hlckiieon river summer
Htrathi'ona has srrived here with 32 sur
vivors ol the luionton route.
Many are aufferintf from acurvv and
frotcn ilmbs, several ara on crutches and
all are broken down physically an I (1
oancia'l'. " . ,
A Ilia Thing.
Nkw York, Aim. 21 Tha American
Automobile t'onu.anr haa beun oruania-
ed In this city to control the manufact
ure and oratlon of all the automobiles
end motors iu which keroacne or gaao
line la used, not ontv In thia cnuntrv.
but in Franco. Uermany and other coun
tries in continental fcurope. HtMHi and cleat
uuke buy si4tr iiiHd by our Al
emit wltfttr lctr
F ur 75c per sack, try it.
The Magnolia.
Acts ocntly on the
Kidneys, Liver
a Kin Rnwpi ft
Buy tmi ieHviHg-Marffo by
guLf A-Si.V.SC .?
raa tut ar u aaaaaan Mat t w -.
TTT T D f. .11 L. . .a- artatnw f mm
'" ...aww. " - - - : r
nmt hn.',p. amianiAna.
ft.DfLSVimvA,. ew
Cards are out annnunciim tha v,iin
of two of our worthy oung people
I'rof. ff. L. Kobe and Mist Ktlella Kirk,
this evening.
Wm. Law. the laalir. ami . P Ri.
ger have the gold fever, and this morn
ing left for the lilue rivrr mines. 'Ihey
expect to bs slsent 10 or 15 days.
U. A. Hale killed a chicken tbe other
Jay iirid in its craw fuend a regular
KloaJike noenet. It la a anal
cbnnk of pore gold, worth, iwhaps,
abou.5or 10 cents.
Mr. It. W, Naaland. of il.a Arm tkt
Garman & Newland, llt for Cottage
tirove yesterday, beioe folloaed today
by hie family. Mr. Newland ross to
make ready for their new Mora in that
Many will be surnrlad to Uirn thai
Mits Eva Baaelt who has taught daring
the past three veara in tha Nm,
Browntville school, haa resigned. haln
accepted a similar poeition lo tbe Fort
land school. At a nite lug ol the board
on Monday Mias Una Powdl was tle:t
ed lo nil the vacancy.
Jai. r'oway was anxloos to learn
something of the l'hilippioe Inland! sod
intiucwd returned olonterr lo visit
him for couple of day. Mr. n.lln...
says the visit cost him 701b. shoate. I
d a. and 3 chtckene, 10 summer sqassh
es, i bushelt of resting ears, and other
-Koauiai in proportion, t sides ad the
honey sccnrd from an excellent bive of
ceea. lie warna frienda to flmira an oa
cost before Inviting an ex-eoldier to dire,
rhe volPBicar referred to, confidentially,
isK. H.Chaplin.
This and That. ,
Vlereck'er'oaar Boel Parlora tor rm
cream, culecllonery, tod a water, cigirt
A latire and fine clock of eiatrm and i.v
bacco at Conn A Hutton'a. Hva tha dia
w ben too waot a choir ahuk .
roatior meat ol any kiod. call oo Henrv
jrojcn. ii aoepa ibe beat.
uo ro i erica a ahavimr an.i ...
Ucg parlor, for first class work. Hot
and cold bathe. Clean tna ala i ...
. . in.. -
iLenestmeaU of all kinda aad good
Ixeatmenl at tbe Albany Hreaaed Wf
Company t market, juit d)n f?eoood
reel. Oo-J weight and prompt albad
ion. r it
It make no difference bow bad tbe
wound if you use UeWiu'e Witch Uttel
Some of t be rWta of neglected diapap
tie condition of the atonweh are cancer,
coiMumptioo, heart diaeaee and etilepy.
KmJol DytpeptiaUure preventa all lbi by
'tVcJingw atioeeantnaeaaesofdvt
Pepaia. Foskay Maaor.
tr yon tuner from endernets or ullneti
thruhi aid, ptioi uoder ibouldor
lat. conaripatijo, bilouaneat, aica
adache, aou feel dud. heavy and a'eepv
or liver ia torpid and coneaated. De-
n iu a titttie hirlf Kiaers will
care vou
promptly, pleaaantly
aad permanently br
removing tbe congeal ion and eioaing tbe
rile ducts to opto and 8 aa'.urally.
To ST a a aonp riu s .
It baa come, tbe time for g tting a re
frigerator and it cram freeaer, .Tbe
Stewar A Bo Hardware Co., bay tone
oitnabeeu ... . s fs
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl witn an offenaive breatb.
Karl's Clover Root Tea puriflea Uie breatb
nyiia action on tne Dowels, etc. as noth
else will. Sold for years oa absolute
guarantee. Jfnce 25 cte. ami SO eta.
Fo aale by Fosbsy A Mason.
We buy, sell and store, gram.
We make Magnolia Fiour,
Also whole wheat. Patent and germ,
t he Mng.iolla MiHa. .,
The Univera' Bolter makes good flour
for Infests and CMldrea.
Ui Kind Yea Kara Always Bough!
Bears tbe
And each day and night during this week
you can get at aay druggixt's Kemp's Bal
sam for the Throat and Longt, acknowl
edged to be tne most sucrexoful remedy ever
sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asth
ma and Consumption. Qet a bottle to
day and keep it always in the boute, to
ou can casck vojr coid at on. Price
Wand 50c. Simple bottle free.
BilneataTear Bttweia With Caaearata. '
Candy Cnthartle, eura eonatlpatioa forerar.
tOo. ttm. If CO. C rmll. nrmrglwtKr-M monT.
"YNDENSKT MILK U a trfoet Infant toed. Tata no ubtthte for tba
AOLBB&ANIX Ssno roa Hook n
An Ohio editor who wse in Albany,
was evidently tnendine his time winkin
at the airjt for he tild this city list wide
paved streets.
John C. Younger, the middle of-thr-
roa er, has jumps I from the r ed in o
the ditch and is talking himself hoartf.
when be found he couldn't run the
shooting mstct be kicked from th
Kmsth the barometer. If any of our
chitons were to get down as low as this
mscnineaia thisaornlne they would
be kicked out of town. The attention of
reformera is called to its low down con
duct. An eicbarige says tbat tbe farmers
theval'ey areoolyjosta little bine
compariaon with thoe of some carta
eastern Oregon if the repons ol
wuo ubt joe; returned irom tbat
tlon are true. After all there ia
much cooeoletion in compiriaons.
not I
This is a decidedly off August genera!.
ly. Tbe Lakevlew Examiner sayt :
Tbe Summit hillaof Lakaviae- vera
decorated v'th a tovermg of beautiful
snow during tbe night of tbe 13th. People
wuo nave never bear J of enow in Aa
gast might as well jot thia down-
An eaitero man, who bad intended to
come to this part of tbe state to locate,
read one of Fague'e reports and gave it
up. out oau year in tinny tnoutdn t
fiigbten any one,- where mnt atatea
have about oae in twr. Tbat ia Califor
nia style, and yet tbat state thrives.
aaaawaaaa m
A akunk etory comer from Ctscadia
An old man and bit wife were visited
one night by bis skunksbip, wbo got
under the bedclothes and proceeded to
nestle op near tbe face of tbe woman, fa
order to get warm, at the night was wet
and cold. This woke hemp, aud the
animal of course was frightened away
very quickly. That tent tnoocb wns not
a very habitable place afterwards.
From the E. A.t '
0. C. Amos moved bia family to Alb
any yesterday.
A McMinnwille man ia talking of onee-
ins another bank ia thia city.
W. H Roes and J. O. Swan hava re
turned from Southern. Oregon where
tbey have been selling itctlopticon views.
Mr. end Mrs Jos. Bai-ton. who hava
been living ia Eastern Oregon, for a
number of jeart, will agaia take up their
residence here.
Mrs. Mad dock, wbo baa been living
with bet brother, H. M. Palmer, in thte
tity, left last evening or Stockton, C J.,
where she wilt visit with ber too.
8 A. Nickeroi,wboreciedaeecond
troke of paralysis a few weeka ago, con-
inuee to grow worse. He bad a severe
sinking spell laat Saturday.
' Or. J, P. Wallace bas let the contract
lo Boylee & Harden, tbe lowest bidders,
to build a new honee on bia farm a few
miles north ft Lebanon. The house,
roirplbte, wilt coat between $1000 and
Mlsa Francee Hughes, after vieiting
reiativea and frienda hers for several
weeks, bas returned to California. Mits
Pet bmiih accompanied btt at fares
Albany. .
Sheriff Mnnkera waa ia Lebanon Wed
nesday. He turnad over to Deputy
Sheriff J. C. Bilyeu enite a number oi
tax executions lor '97 taxea, and the
deputy will soon begin to serve them no
on me residents ot thit place and vie in
hoticb. i have made arrangements
ior iree ueiiverv ot dressed chickens Sat
urday afternoona. Leave your orders
early for good chickens at reasonable
prices. F. G Powers.
, the Poultry man.
Englsh Ereakfast
Ideal Blend
To Cora Couatlpatloa Tonnik
Take Ouacareta Candy Cuthartio. 10aortS&
II C C C fail to cure, druegiaw refund mouef.
111 -Tempered Babies.
Inaufflctent nenrtahmerit aattrmttT prodncaa tit-tamper.
Onard eninst fratfulneu la children by leading autri
tloua ad UigeatiUataud.
ew m m .--
Makes the food more de'fcious end wholesome
Strlctlv tmxmesa
French the jeweler.
Crescent Uicvclp.
Hopkint brothers, agent. 1
Bt Dfyde for tue money
Will k Jtark, jewe'ers.
Creacent bicycle at llopkina Brother
for only 120, $30, 35 and 150.
C B Winn, citv ticket agent Tickets
to all points in the east.
tU ure and see tbe anti rut tinware at
Hopkia Bios, will tat, a lifetime.
Go to MlBH fvuim for litrh nrWil nhn
tgraphs, and do not lorget to Uke along
oj allowirg- trie accumolations in the
hovels l remain.tbe cn'ire iiem h poiv!
v " . iiRniii, ijiuip r any ms'irn rptfnt
ate ibe boael. Try them and oa will
aJwa)a ne tbem. Foobay ft Maon.
' tat Tofcoete SM aat HaMka Ir MI
To oult tobacco eaulljr and forever. le mag
Belie, (oil ol life, nerve aad rigor, take No-'to-Bae.
tbe wonder-worker, tbat mkm weak men
atroDg. All Oraaclsta,tOeorSI. Cure gumma-
teed. Booklet and asunple free. Artdreee
Bierllog Bemedjr Co . Cbleatfo or New York.
tT..4 until) $-$ui.lJ
Protnotes TJSgesBoftjCfafKful
ttessaralBcsLCootalas ndttxr
OpttHftiorpliina nor Mineral
A perfect Remedy tat Coftsh'pa
tioa. Soar Stonach.DiArrhoea,
Worms fonvulsions.Fevtrish
Tac Swale Stfhvdurc of
I u
f , m.:Wmmmgujmmt ,' J
Floor Coverings.
Hl LY DOUBLE th eniont ever Iw'ore ehown by n, contistlng
of Carpets. An Square-. Co-tase Art (u new and a trtctivegooift) Mat-
tit its. L'nolenm ai-d Oil Cloth . ' . . .
w.. urea 'an ellnppliet with Curtains, P rtiert. Shades and
kimirtd itorut-'. , -
riece ttcKida in Curtain ma'eria! raveriMt.
.Ttasonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or.
I the Oldest Fornilnre Dealer in the city and he keepa "H' "'
line ol Furnitnre and Beddina and if yon want Bood goods cheap give
him a ca I, He doesn't intend to be under eold.
Excursion Rates.
The Corva'Iit & Eastern railroad have
placed in efTetV their regu'ar round trip
oumuier exenrsioo rates to Newport and
Fare to Detroit, $3 00.
Tickets good for return nntil October
Enwia Stock, Manager.
J. D Bridge, eJilor and
i be Democrat, tannester.
proprietor of
H. ll., tays:
"I wou'd not be without Oae Minute
Couifii C"re for my bo7, when troubled
with a ouirh nr eohi. ll ia the belt rem-
jei for croup 1 ever uned ' Fohay &
Slum, . j
Aa well aa the bandiomest, and olbert are
ir-vi'ed lo call on anv dnjgiH and get
FREKatHalhottiecf Kemp's Balram for
tbe Tbroat and Lnnh', a remedy that
Kosran'red to cure and relieve all Cbronie
ted Aco'e t'oojbi, nth on. Hroncbitis
Price 25c. and 50
For Infanta and Children.
The' Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Fnr flvfir
W B w a w a
Thirty Years
thi ecwrun MaMn, ww to "
Mm I
m rr 5 j
km 1 1
J Joseoh. Proprietor.