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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1899)
She Jciaowat What U Shlloli? A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold rnd Consumption; used through tn world lor half century, has cured in numerable casrs of incipient coneuinp tioo and relieved many in JvanccU stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Fries J5 eta.. Mete. and 11.00. Tor sale by Foahay A Mssom. If you h.ive piles ccas them. No use ndorgoiu f horrible operatioosthat simn y remove the wsalts of the diwaw without disturbing the disease itself. Place your confidence in DeWiU's tfitch huel&alM. It h nerer tuea w cureumaRaj ..... not fail to cure you. f'oiuay A Mason. D jn't thiuk yo i can cum that slight at tack of Dysjwpria by dieting, or that it will ciro itself. KoJol Dyspepsia Cure mu. curs it; IV'ditsta what you ea t ' and restores the digeHtva organs to health tfoshay A Mason. TICKETS 1 ToallpoirtEastvia For rates, f tders and full information t 11 i eaui orauu-wse H.F.Mbbkiu., Agent Albanv u.,ir Miaa Miiaiea jrlurmestei acher of piano or organ. System the tiaeo-B lonco acu Z I Biasen roeu 5 ,,T ; ...v. lff rir rp Josite O P church. er grocerteepe it. ' The Masnolia Flour T Car t outlptlo orer. "Txke acarU Gundy Cathortia. loe or Bo. li 7(Lo. OUiHcure. druggUM rotund moaef. V TERMS. ,. j4,U 1)ixocbt, 25 cents per mou h IS.00 ner year.ia advance. 30o per month .ot in advance. . Br e f ., JT- vreek. IU per cem .u - tun over months. Single coFies , rfieL" l 75 foVcond year; $2.00 for Jtird aid preceeding rears, when not paid in advance. Club, of five subscribers at$5.0i ' i oFai4,oKa3i ..irLIKM " X TVCHO w. Laaix) ri. Wx Prawtnl " PlO SAO'" 1 j Mt Sal Lake, Denver, Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail . e... Cty, 8t too... Chicago and East. ( . t)okane Walla waits, c.po- h---' rir ane. Minneapolis. St F've' Paul, Dawth, Mil- -' P wankee. Chicago, A East. t. n OCEAN STEAMSHIPS For 8an FranciKO Sail every Ave days rtrt TTtf RTA TtlVEB ioB I 'd.yW STEAMERS. Exfiunl. Ms. ixiay To Astoria and Way- I aOpm Landings. j 6 a m WILLAMETTE EIV. 4 :30 P i n Titv. Kewberg, Ex Son' , iyjoiMiiio; I,uuT1emWy-Und 7 m WILLAMETTE AND 3 :30 p rlldav YAMBILLBIV. Monda "S'oreaon City, Daytoa, Wed. SWS-W , and Sat a' WILLAMETTE EIV. --30 P rlLdav Portland to Corvallis ruerUj SS!y d Way-Lsnd;ng.. Tb. ,dSat. , n,ri LvLewistoa fS" SNAKE BIVEE 12;00 r Oaily EipariatoUwiston Daily W.H.HUBLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agent, CG.KAWLINGS, Portland, Or. Agent Albany. 0RTHERI1 PACIFIGO. Hi M va n. f" Fuilman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dinifig Oars, 4&is- SloepingOarp' Minneapolis Dnlntb Fargo, jpo Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Belenaand Butts TiaOUGH TICKE TO Chicago ( xaehingtou fhiladelpbla IX HwKork : J-veton and al. Points East and South Throueh tickdU to Japan and Ch na, vis Tacomwd Northern Pacific steamshif Co , an American line For information, time cards Pn5 ficketa call on or write C G Bnrkhart Gen Fas. a Pcgt'and C ' There Is one little maxim That now I will name, Which may bring wh' I "tier Than riches or lame. All those who heed Jt Ucod appetite find. Strong nerves, rosy cbseke, And vigor of mind. It will banish djrspepaia, - Rheumatism and tout, That Tired Feeling conquer, ' Drive scrofula os. And here it the maxim Its wisdom is sure Take Hood's Barsaparllla . . 1. 1 . a ... -a Ana aeep youroiooipu" Yutig Mothers. Cioup Se the terror of thaasande of ........ luwaut its outbreak is 60 Couih aud Consumption Cure acta like Men known to fail. The worst cases re loved immediately. I'rieos 25 cts,. and 5.) eta. and 1. 00. For Bale by r'oihey & Mseon. Sick Headaches, , !.. f An.. nrtu.i wmuan kimi.are I quicklv and surely, cured by karl a Clover lloot tea, uio great mow P"""",, . ! tissue builder. Money refunded if not ' eatisfactorv. Price, 23 cts. and 60 cU. I For iiala hv Foshav A MSOO. Beaaty la Blood Deep. r-n . i , . - aImi. .1' in Vrt I beauty without it. C'sscarets, Candy Cathar v j . 4 ljrv i'wr and driving all itn riti rom t!W body. Ik-gin to-djy to un,sn " ir- Cascarets, beauty for ten cent. All drug, gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Pnuni1 In irrinrw. coiuh. colds rou ao i wa 0iing-c tgb readily yield to Oae Minuie Caugh v!ure. thii remedy 1 n tlnai I sin a u ia -r hi rakir s. aiy uma. CHiaiso Hatbs. Weekly Dxsiocrat and Examiner 2.50 and Thnce-a-week rU tVT Vd Renublio 11.75: and l.40i mna 'raneisco . -gaa Ffn vrego t .o'oo.anj Salem V 2.00 ;an J Ralem eekly Journal 2.00 Albany Mar Ret Wheat 46 vuU. Oat W Eggs I7ivn. Butter IS to 17 ccnt Potatoes W) cents Hams 10 cauts Sides 8 cents. Shoulders 6 cents uyspepsia ture. Digests what you eat. Xtartlflcially digests the food tnA!ds Pitare in strengthening and recon jtructing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered dipe ant and tonis Ko other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It lc etantly relie'.-es and pennanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, tfaueea. f i i vir 1 1 - I . . J sicKneaacue,uai)iigi,iniuiii,u U other resultsorimperrectaigestioa. ..pd bv t-C rxwir; Co- $ticap OREGON VIAYI COMPANY Or. Morrison k Park Sta. LEWI3 BDILDING. l-ortland - "rego JUR CAPACITY . '.'aequaled In the Valley. OUR WORK la Uiwurpas"" In Oregon. have the best stock w. from and our prices am always the lowest, quality c-.Mi''?red SMILEY, Ai,.y. ThePiidter Torturing i Disfiguring Humors Itching, Burning, and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with Loss of Hair CURED BY CUTICURA. The treatment is simple, direct, reeble, and economical, and Is adapted to the jovtng eat infant as well aa adulta ot ererr age. Hatha tna affected pans with Hot Watkb and CtmcOBA Soap to clean the skis ot cniata and acalee, and soften the thickened . ' 7 win... " " ' M mlT Cbticoba Ointment freely, to alia ar itcl llCmnC, irnUHHm, uu ni. aootoe ana iw.biu hvvij y"" ,"T RoLVBirr to cool and eleanae the blood. This treatment afford Inetant relief, permits teat and aleep, and poinu to a speedy, penna. nent, and economical cure when all other rem edies and even the beet phyaicians fail. SoMmrrwIxm, trSt. 1mm Srr. Si t; tr. CBner Pott.k ea id Cb. 0r.. Sot. Prop-. mr "H Caie liun," Si-BM t. fM. K.O.T.M. TBTy Siirl.y ernimj at K. O. T. K all Viitiar Knwhu in Tiled. isj M Newport.Oomuiar.dei. nOX(i WAI1TOXG CO, Second 6t street. A limn v. Sells Chi nee medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tea and mit nil. In Its Inclpteat state may be cared, WD. VAN has drawn thoosands away hraea tka tutchea ol the dreaded dlieasa. Many psopls have betn rattored to psrlect health by llt'U. TAN after thstr eases wsrs pronounced bops. lM by the best physlrlaas. You can be enrsd U ran U1. Do not ds lay. llemember that ds. lays are danssrous. They are pectaflyso In caws ot Incipient eonauiup. Uoa. lookattheas symp toms. Btudy them euro fully. Are they yours "3 tuL Von are within tbs trasp ot consumption. UtDVAN will rulOMS you. Take I1VDYAN now. 1. n.TJ8HINOOrTHBCHlli:K8IN THB AFTEBNOOW AND EVKNINO- Ui oral symptom ol eonsunptlon. HVOVAN will rauw It to disappear. HVOYAN will Mtabllah a pertocl circulation oi the blood and causa the chevks to asauuts s normal rosy color. S. TICKLING IN THB THHOAT AND COUOH. At Srst ths cough U a slfht back nt'DVAN will stop tbs tickling and tbs couch. llt'DTAN will rellsre tt la a law days. 3. A BLIOHT FAIN IN OKI OB tOTII LUNOB.uitu.lly near tha tope. This Is sa Indication that the consumptive gorra bas inradtd the lung tlsaus. 11 I'D YAM will sradlcaU the germ. HUDYAN will reators tbs lung tissue to a healthy condition and pre vent further destruction. . WEAKNESS ABOUND THS HEABT. The heart t becoming weak. HI D. VAN will strengthen tt and cause the weak ness to disappear. HTOTAN should be used at once. It will nake the lung tissue strong and ths germs ot the disease will be rapidly drawn from ths sys tern. Than yon will regain your health and strength. HUDYAN can be obtained of all druggists for 60c per package, or t packages for tU0 If your druggist does not ksep BCD VAN, send direct to ths Hl'DYAN RSMIDY COMPANY, Ban Francisco, Cat. A staff of physician and surgeons may be consulted free if you will call. You may call or write, a yen desire. Conaultetloa free. Advice la free. Address ' HUDYAN HEJIEDY COMPANY, Cer. ateeMea, Market and tills Rt-, aa Freaehea, Cel. Notice of Fillna Final Account. NOriCE UllEREBY GiVEH THAT the an'ersiirned. adtntni'tratrix of the estate of Ciarenoe 8tockton.deoeased, bas filed in the oanty court of Linn Coun ty. Oregon, her Goal account as such ad ministratrix of said eUate, and that Tues day, the 5th day oi Septe.-nb-r. 18J9. at the ho ir of One o'clock in tbe afternoon, has been fixed be said court as the time for hearinsrof objection to said rryirtaod the settlement thereof. Admiiiis'.ralrix of tbe estate ot Clrence SuHWton, deceased. Hewitt A Sox. Af'y's forarlm!nstratrix. HEW WORLD Thricr-a-Wetk lidition 18 Page a Week . . . . . . 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar kllbeleeawr AlteraaleSay exeepteaj a) Tne Tbriee-a- Week Edition of The fia Tore Wobld is first am-wn ail "weekly papers in sise, frequency of publication and the freahi.M, seen racy and warietr ol iucoi tn's it bis al the menu ot a reat $6 daily t he price ot a dolla weekly. Im p ilittctl aesrsis promrt.ooJB A3M!H3TBJiT0R'S SALE NOT ICE li HEREBY GIVEN THAT under and by virtoe of an order of the County Uoort of Linn eonnty, Oreiron, made and entered on tbe 5th day of June, 1899,e the administrators of the estate ot Jmn Marshall, deceated, will.on Saturdar. the 23rd day ct Septem ber ,1899, at tbe hour of One o clock in the afternoon of sa d day, at tbe front door of the court houe in Albaey, Linn county, Oregon, sell at poblio auction to tbe blith est bidder, for cash in band, the following described real property belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-wit : The 8 X of tbe N E X and tbe N 't of tbe8 EM andtbeN Eof tbeS Yf H of Sec. 16 l p. 11 8 R 1 VV of the Vvii- lamette Meridian, Oregon, coniatmng zuu CTh'e 8 X of the N E M and the N of tbe 8 E X of Sec. 23 lp. 11 8 R 1 W of the Willamette Meridan, Oreon. contain ing 160 acre. AIoth)8K'Mk!5 E ofsaidriec 23. containing 80 ei-res. Tbe W X of the 8 W of Sec. 21 end tbe W X of the N W X ot Sec. 28 Tp U 8 BIWol tbe Wi:ismette Meridian. Ore gon, containing 160 acres. Also ban ning at tbe 8 E corner of the N E X Sec 29 in said Township and Range and running thence North W roJs, mo;e or lo.. tn the annth aide of A countv road. thence southwesterly along the south side of said county road 74 ro Is more or less, to tbe south line of the N E X ot said Sec. 29, thence east to the place of beginning, containing 8 acres, more or leas, raid tract con'ainlng in ins aggregaw mo we, in Ltnn county, Oregon. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 15th dsy of August, 1899. m B. 15BTAXT, AdminisUators of toe eetate of John klanball, deceased . (3eo. W. Wright, Hewitt A Sox, Attorneys for Administrators. FOR SALE A second I andS'nger sew inir machine, cheap. Inquire at this oSVee. LOST. One yellow Jersey cow, with halter, chain and SO leat of rope. The finder will pleas leave word at Ramp s Grocery tore. $40 cash $40 For the; Best Wheel Ever Built (ft . S6fewssjesBt ! Filled Will. Special Heavy Tread . A J.TIRKS. Next to the Rambler In quality and price ti the IDEAL U.A J. Tires Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. m, Ohling Branches: Spokane, Taeoma, Seattle. A mow tJxty-eljrBt ywr oM, tletng la fh was eonat ,ilf imubleit with nainaon her r. UB to laet Jane l .be had nuaoj treate.1 she had catarrh of the pi atomarbt aumlwir ttd that II aa arrlluary dyanewala. a Mllary el nun. or eail tttmtm, for wbtrh be Sraalvd awr alia. At tlaiea the palne were o aevere thai bftwsennla la another mnoaneel H raoolbe wttawut tend reaalla. At tlaiea the and bad very little apoetlta. farly In Jane a After oatn them twe irerfes the mIm and aananaeaurely dlaappeared. Tbe paUont had sai avamea eares saoaoa, aw cewia ea bum Wtwmtmtt U4 m saa -rrS1S Ha. sti.Sjw,M wt,i i I iaa.aniinw,l tirissaarlamaa m m hmt Se fe4 at alt eiraa ae ae wAtv a ru . mmmr4 aiiwahrfaa e a awKNee Um aw aaal nui) as. iaasiariMa. li se ears Str,saMaa, ( Corrailis Raitai. TIME CARD. 2 For Yaqnlna: Train leered Albany 12:50 p, arrived Yaqnlna.... 5:90 p 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqnlna . Arrives Albanr.. .... 7:00 a. tn. ....12:25 p. m A For Detroit: i Usyei Albany... Arrived Detroit, d Returning: .... 7:40 a. tn. ....11:65 a. m Leave Detroit... Arrived Albany.. 6 Lea red Albany... Arrives Corvallis. 5Leaves Corvallis. 12:55 p. u. 6:55 p. m. .... 6:t p. i , .... .65 p. m, 6:40 a. m. 7:25 a. m. Arrives Albany nn .ail tarn ennnect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern Pacltte trains, giring direct service to and from New port and adjacent beaches. No. runs roj Albany to Corvallis on M wdays, Wednesdays and Fridays No. 6 runs "'om Corvallis to Albany on ToesdaysJIiM'sdayssnd 8atnrdays only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Do trolt at noon, giving ample lfo J camping groucds on ths Breltenbusb and 8antlam rivers tbe same day. Edwisi BroME, H. L. Watoa. Mansger. T.F.&P.A. J, Tubs xa, Aent, Albany. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. , Notice Is hereby given th it tbe a id.r signed has been by tbe coaiiy court oi T.fna cnuntv. Or., apoolnted edtntnUtra- eatata of Lidlow M'Xwellde naaaed. All perSJUS bavin claims ed to present them to the nndersiirned at ti... n within six months from tbe uate hereof, with tbe vouchers thereof. Albany, May l, low. A , J. WntTHET 0. A. Archibald. Att'y for adm'r. Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREdY OIVEM thai tbe nnderslgned bas been, by the County Coortof Llnn couoty, Oregon, duly ap pointed administrator oi me wn-v, v. . W, Anderson, late ol Linn county, Oregon, d:cea:ed. All pe"on hln .cl,B?, against said estate are hereby reooired to present tbe same properly verified to the undersigned at Albanr, Oregon, with in ix months from this date. IhistbelOtbdavot June. . A, XATBKK7CSD, Administrato. rrmi! fTNnERSIQSED is nrepared to I i earners and rugs. Can make beautiful rugs fiom worn out Ingrain carpets. Do not brsltate to lve the new weaver a trial order. Yon will be pleased. Fifteen years experience. Prices reeonatle. IHace ol business, east end ol 8th St. T-ft. AlSXAKDfE. & Eastern RAMBLER Bicycles. 107, ICQ, 111 Sixth Kt Portland, tire. c; Hulbui't, Albany, Ore. New Tort Cltf, t aerarM rlirht aide. ', Pttlr Ot Dl h mmmmA ba Mnaad ty a a timber of pnyatrSaaav, eoeet wbaea palna were aoaeirere thai bftwsennla lapaetawaa netvbbur latera be la are Rlaaae Tabekaa btaaUiui of (he nuMb i4 MM imi ad ' pramlcmlly rwreied wf aailiar lltaw abe tnaaa.aaaeai ewa esanae, wuaeaa 01 SMiaa. MSnMI SUMMONS. No 1431. iKTBlClECUITCOUBTOr THE SfATI Of Obboom roa tub Co. or Link, 84. Ds- rARTMEIITNO. t. Uarah E. Morpby, p'aintiff, vs. W. P. llurpbv, defendant. To W. r. Morpby, the above Mued de fendajt: I N TtlE NAME OF TflE STATE Vt 1 Oregon, yon are hereby notified and required to be and appear in said court in said suit, and answer ths complaint ot the plaintiff filed therein, on or before tbe 16tb day of September, A. 0. 1899. and you are hereby further notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as aforesaUj for want thereof tbs pKlatiff will take a decree against yon ror me re lief demsnded in said complaint, to-wlti That the knniia nf mitnmoav and mar riage contract existing between tbe said plaintiff and the said defendant he forever dissolved and held for naught, and that the Slalntiff be forever divorced from tbe said efendant, and that tbe plaia'iff have the cue and custody and control o their ra le er cbild Ros W. Morpby, and that tbe plaintiff will teks Judgment agaiast von lor her costs and disbursements incurred in said suit. This summons Is served upon j ou by pui- lication for sis consecutive and sooueisive weeks prior to the said 16;b day of Sept ember, A. D. 1899, in tbs Stats Riohts Dsn ocsuT a weekly newspaper oi general circulation throughout said county and state, rtntd and published at the city of Albanr In Linn county. Oreson, bf order of Honorable R. P. Ho1, j idno of said Circu t Court, which order bears dte, July, A. I) , 1899, and that the said Hon. R. V. Boise, judge of stld Circuit said ordtr for tbe publication ot tbls sum moos upon you.basprfscrii-ed the ssid I6ih dy of 8epterober,A I)., 1899. aa tbe time on or before which you sball appear and answer tbe said complaint in said suit. Tbe dale of the Brst publK-Aiion of this summons in said newspaper is Augut 4th A. 0.1899. W. T.SLATEk AMD VY. M. KAISER. Attorneys for plaintiff. N3TICE OF FILING FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TlIAr ih. nnHeraluned. as administratrix of tbe estate of M. 0. Cbarrbers, deceased, has filed ber Coal account as socb ad ministratrix with the county wiers oi Linn County, Oregon, and that said court bas 6iei Tuwday, tbe 6th day of Septem ber, JS, at me oout or um v vim-. ... afternoon, as tbe time for the tearing of objections to said account and for tbe se tlesncnl thereof. . AlBT M. UBANBEKS, Admin'utratrix of the estate ot M. ('. Chamber', doceased. JJewittA Sox, Attorneys fur admiuwtratrix, Whnt pcopl j any about Hood s Kar aiipsrilla is mat it cures when all other remedies fail. Therefore you should tke Hood's Saraparill la pretrence to all others. yaSJSSh hum ml mil aaii'aiai lessmsj i aaMSjwf fla. I ItlwisMnii t ituin SlljUUiilillv I I JalUuftila ti's Tialas leave renleati lall I """-I "iTTito u Ar Ml A M L live a T.our, a, I s t a I I. AlU.'l Saa rranetN) Mi a Ar Above trains wen lortund stop at stAihtns he aTnJ Hitloiu lui Jotrs.i Albsni aer, M4nn, rangent, ... n,..u. Uaklsnd and all Cottage Orove, UllHK. VIVl.t ..-., - , . .itl0nslr.ult )barg iu'h to and In. jlcdlog Aslilsnd. . t ti ,i'ii4 Al .7 i. rs arf Sifira L is.wvs su a i m us t H' I ar tssssos tsseh liter 7i"0 1 s arrt ai " ' PUUMA? BOrfH'.SUEPtR. . JECONO CUSS SUIFINB CsV 1 ina.a.a I. all tfr. as tral.s V.t a.le !'! mM , .. Ma lltSlHse A Alt ffBt SAlaVT I IVpt"""" auaasttse . I IM l. i L i " ... l,ISIA """"" kTMa.Trala Dalll (ewayt aml . :'.';.; , """a 1 1 t sr'Ar '",h;'1- L.UWss Hira Ar E0l.U v""uiVrA IMeasier SLilil rx.rt .oO Or I. Albaajr 0 , S00 PACIFIC LINE. To All Point- East Solid vestibule twlas. wn.Utlat rf pal are sleeping cars, luxu-loos dinin g cart, elegant day costtbes, wagnlfkeat twHrt cars tnd free colonist sleepers from tbt clSe to the Atlantic wiinp ww iMfvnTAt. LIMITED crog tN American eonllnrnt in days Fine and faster than any competitor oost water o CHriT hout Koolcimy Rlitell.lT District VAEOsr, vrw nas b, ILOCAB CUT", tlAOP, EAIjO, raaa, BOSS LAS P ASH? Alt points h the Okanagan Country. J Oe a pamphlet giving full lewcrlpUot ikt. ann.tarfni Arvnntrv. Ask thsasrea? tnr a MM of the mlninff lawsd BriU.' Columbia! Ci'ZZZ towss rates o aao rroua - 2aujrtoi?iiJ : Atlaslksieamship iasst Oauadian Pac. Ry. Royal Mail Steamship lino to China and Japar 0ASAO1AST AVSTKAUAM STSASM1 "4 onoLVin, rui n AcmuiJa, The ahartMt Uoa to tOS Colonies. Tb steamers carry an sxpsrieaeed uedi man, and a stewardess on every voyags i ror time tables pamphlets, or uy ormatlon, call oe or address. ?. ' v(.iv, VI JODTLS, Ai't, It! Ct rl 0&'eL. V. 0 P. A Vi3mr LEGAL DIREOTtj - ' " '' aasawaw- Albany. W R Bllveti, Foshay A Mason blo It Bryant. P O block. . Anderson Cannon, PO'ilock. ( 1 tt Dnnean. P O block i T P llackleman, rearoe clock. Judge ti 11 Hewitt, V 0 block. N B llnmphrey. Kelly A Curt, bauk building L 11 Mottanye. l'earce blotW O E Box, PO block. L L rwann, Bank building. "S H 3 Wateon, bank building, J Weatberford A Wyatt, Bauk bni. Whitney A Newport, Cualck block O W Wright, P 0 block f Lebanon. 8 M Garland. Brownsville" A A Tossing. &cio. TJ llson LINN C- A3JT.UCT CJM? AlbaaTiiOregon. , ? OSioet Rank of Oregon Building. ; Only set of Abstracts of Linn Count' "omp'ele set of maps and plats. CaTflatssnitTrails JtrtoHtinlTi ! Sent biulnrMeouilnetearor M oderrfe I Srndinodi-l.dnwltisorphotd. Vef J natmiU'jle f rre of clwrn. On r f e JptnUwiir"l, Al'smphlet "H I Ula I'aK-nU," tth eot or aui i r ' f jjid foroLTi oouutrio ont froo, id.. J SNOW- f 1 0.. PaT-raiT Orns. VSMiioT 1