The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 25, 1899, Image 7

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Thkatmicai,, L. It. Stock ell comei to
Albany tomorrow night, and Mi legion
of admirers wilt undoubtedly turn out In
force to welcome him nt ho deserves. It
Is not often that wo are visited by on ac
tor of uch note and in opiiortiinlly to
en him In lilt character of Jtaaoon Tldd
In lloyt'i "A Midnight Hull" It one that
tha lover of high clast aiiiiiaoniant can
illy afford to uiIm. Thlt it the largest
attrnutlon Hint w 11 visit this city tor
aonie tinto and It it earnestly hox)d that
our cltla nt will ihow their ti mo and ;t
It earnestly hope I that our diluent will
thow ther appreciation ly turning out
lu force. "A Midnight .lull" It tlior
ouuhly ciuijnxt with scenery and all
accessions iuii:-Mury to nntko the pro
dtictlon complete and iilcusliig to the eye.
Mr. Ktockwell hat alwnyt surrounded
himself with a ttrong and capable organ
isation and thla It no exception. The
members of hit company have all Un
elected with a vlttw i their peculiar lit
Dent for the character antiqued them,
and a caielul and tii,ilul iH-rfiiriiieme
la the reault. J'rl. OOo. Reserved
n-aU wltlicut extra charge,
Uicv Acuts.-. Luey.the little CeUttia'
who hat boon considered iioii coniot
aientli for tome time on m-count of hit
vacant moods ami pciitlvo mannor,
going alout talking to himself, walking
around nl.hta eto., again put In the
calabooae thlt niornhu to await exauiln
atiou for Intimity, lite had on him a re
volver with lour load, and it la said al
ways hataoitie kind .(arrangement with
hi in to keepihe devil awa . He will b
examined thla a(ierin,..ii. Tim other
Chinamen Insist that U It simply tick
and Jim Wettfull mi' he It iiartiilo.i
and cautet no trouble among the China
men 8aw Miu.a. There are enough h
mlll rumors to fill Albany with mills
and make thlt the great taw mill city
of the world almost. Let them como.
Saturday evening severnl of the men
connected with the Rootli-Kelly mi:i ol
I jine county were in the city on their
way home irom a trip up the Calapoola
aa lar at OrewfordavJlls looking up tim
ber, and It wat reported that
they are negotiating fur a tite for a mill
In the western part of the cltv on the
CalapooU. It it al a tatd arrangement!
re being made to begin excavations for
the Curt Mill, bat it It safe to eay that
nothing wilt be done until the formal
tranaier of the deedt to the property.
Attxxtiom, Kpioiitn or i'wtua A
reception will given on Wed net lay
veiling Aug. S3, at the'r ball in honor
otcapi. u. V. i'hlilipe, a member ol
Laurel Lodge No. 7. K. of 1'.
A mutical and literary program w HI he
rendered followed by refreshments. All
member of Laurel Lodge and their
wivet, (or beat girl) alt) alt member ol
the order In the city, alto all membera
of the Kathbone Sisters (with the.r beet
boy), are invited. A good time it aaeur
ed. Kxenfinea to begin at 8 o'clock.
A Runaway. Tlila afternoon two o'
tho delivery horses of Stelltnacher ran
looee from tho barn on Fourth street.
The delivery team of II. f . Itamp atann
log in front ol McKeron A Tomlinaon't
not to be out done followed them at full
peed, down Ferr to the alb-v in rear
of the posioflU-c, down that to the Hum
Iloute and out Lyon to the dciot. A big
crwd flew promWu iiialy about to catcli
glimpses of the llcelng lionet.
, County fiurveynr Higgt, who hat resid
ed in Ui'egon unco 18 M inyi he ran re
member only two or three Augum any
tiling like thlt. Thia kind of weather it
entirely out of place in thi month.
The Ladict of tho U. A. R.; dtsire to
return their ainoere thankt to those par
tlcipating in the reception to the Yolun-
teera .Saturday evening and to nil as-lst-ing
by their presence In making it a
In the athletic garnet at Astoria last
Saturday Seattle carried off the honora.
The City ol.Topeka arrived In Seattle
last night. The Albany party which were
on it will be home tonight.
Cant, Grev. of the Kuircne.sars he can
take fotty tone of freight to Corvailt
very day In the year.'
George Lavigne, the prise fighter, hat
aet flghtert a good example by en. luting
in the rblllppine war.
The ateamer Macduff, on which tha
Portland Flouring Mill Co.,haa4.000,C00,
grain eackt, and whoaeariival wat over
a month behind time haa been reported
eafe. This wilt make big difference In
the grain tuck buainna of the North
There have been time double ex
pressed about there being a whnloon the
beach aouth of Newport. Joe Ralston,
of thia city, hat a picture of the whale
Van wlittra it lav unvxri mllita lixliiw
Newport north ol Seal Rock, and a
piece of the whales hiJe. They apeak
for inemtoivet.
The Dcmociat w as shown tome wheat
in the farm otu.r. Mmnson near
thia c'tv, and it waa yet in good condi
tion. It waa picked this morning after
he rain ol yetterdar and last night.
Just whatdamage haa been done cannot
be atated until after the weather hit
ettled and the time for threshing orae.
Frank woodruff, now at hit home at
Cottage Grove, waa ahnt in the heel in
T advance after tha battle ot Malahon.
' While lying on a hillside under fire he
got one of hit feet too high and a bail
truck hit heel. A Salem boy baodaged
the wound and Woodruff pluckilystaid
w ith bit company.
f The funeral of Mr a. Ed Huston baa at
tended yesterday by a large number of
, friends.lncludlng the Knighta of i'ythias
in a body. The sermon was delivered by
i Hev. Stevens of Corvsllit. The remains
: ; lU - . t a ..!. .
wera hiiu vj rest in mo city ceniiuery.
11 U . I i I - J.(L I
tills excellent Christian lady.
Iinieror Norton, one of Oregon'a pio
nuer newspaper men, died in I'orlland
list week nt the age of 63 years, lie
vfas once geneti.l passenger agent of the
Nushvit.o Southern Ka.l.ond, and was
I fixed financially before coming to
Cyegon Newspaper business in Oregon
i tlioogh kept hit pocket book empty, lie
P U- a big heartod man, and wat well
' To Curs Comtlpntlon Torewr.
?oT'!iHi'Hiei CmiUy C'uihanlo. 10a or tAa
il 0. 0. C. lull to cure, itruKvlttui rofunJ mauey.
Volunteer Receptions.
At the G. A. It. hall Saturday evening
a ery pleasant reception was given the
R0,UiiiCr!nJ,Jt!?.UJk,,of O.A.
ot.tMt ntertalntnontr a
1 1 m . ' , ?f,?K, of 11,9 u A. It. and
i? ,PrMut, ' lrge Humbert and
united tn making the. reception to the
rendured wltli Alrt. Llvlngsttiie, prel-
...... u. vuv mimiw J.nuiet 01 tlio o. A. It..
In the chair. After a aong lion. J. K.
Wcalhorford delivered the addreit of
welcome, a happy ffort well responded
toby tVpt. l'hllJIns. Mr. Kn.all wat
heard In a vocal tofo, followed by Mrs.
0. O. I..e in a patriotic 2nd Oregon regl
ment o o. Mr. uuiv .r t.i - i. -
, ' J , " w., n mi. T. U
iu the war 3 years, 6 months and 7 dtys.
uuk in iinruiuii uuiiiet ana about
tWOIlU'-flvO k ...!. i...
ed about four thousand miles, spoke for
mi veierana rcminisccntly and George
Hart very wittily and entertainingly for
the veterana of mil bi m. iu."
(iln and Mist i'lilmer were encored In a
guiwr-vioiin uuet. (irace Llvinge
tone aang well-V rap .ho the old
Hag 'and Mr. and Mrs. Kmall closed the
program with instrumental music. The
IIIOIII bora of f in cn.l II. - ,i
t down to tablet formed In the slini.c
oi u. o ir land partook of a fine
ores.l. Hon, a iA il.- .....
calletl for and the entertainment cl-sed
wuii a tvnsoii oi toclaUility.
At t'lM Mat.fala. I...II .1.. If-...... l
gave adelighUul reception to their mem-
'r ,,a u- "earn. Kliort
-iK.e'met were made by Mtj. lCllis, C. O
.I V V. ' !rn VU vanHlnkie,
that of Mr. team being illustrated by a
tine ejiliwtl-ut r,l
sioglng by the Msccabee quartet and
Mrt. C. O. ( J'a a i.. I a, l....l. ', i
and rake. '
Tor the Exposition.
The managers of coinimr I'ortlund In.
dustrlal Kxnoeition have offered a t.rize
of 1 100 to the county making the best ex-
molt of grains and grasses; 70tothe
-cona iK-at, ana 30 the third. Thlt of
fer has bro ight a prompt response from
the iiiitniiL' tifili s. i Ir if . a.,.i
result is a I. IUt rent to all their agents
on mis county in which they propose to
help the exhibit along in a substantial
way. I'eop'o Interested in advertising
the county nied not I o-it a cent,
but will setually be paid for their trouble.
The H. V, Co., wants Ml bum. lies of
wheat. 21 of oat, 33 of alls fa and other
grmwes, 100 in all, from each station in
the county, and it wllllu to pay for
them at 5 cents a bum die. The bundles
should bo six tnehea In diameter cut full
length and closely tied. Call on the i.
V. agent for particulars.
MlSS L. A. Wmnllnil (hi nnnn talnrn
ed to her Imme lu Tocoma.
urn Mcrrleon. mall clerk lietwecn
Portland and Spokane, has ben In the
utij on a tioiv.
J , . ltowell returned from the Hay
ma noon wiui nunc loitv iioiuiu sal a on
caught in a net. '
Mr. John Alti.rmatt I.rva nr.-Anl.l a
position in a store at Centralis, Wash.,
I - III I ... a , '
ai nui tesve mr mere in a fewoaya.
Mr. Isaac Klder went toilnv after Mrs
Durmester ami daiiirl.iHr. (',.i....r. ii,i.
year have had a touyh time of it on ac-
wMit, w. iiiv ruin. "
George I). Goodhue, i f Salem, has
been here in the ititervst of tha itnta fair
IMtultry exhibit. Coder Mr. Gocdhuc
mis is generuily ntniut tbw best thing
in i ue iitir.
Mr. I'. J., tbepiinU'r, is at
Astoria this week attending the Stale
i rfs Association ueeiing. air Pmrcv
lias atiemltsl svery anuual gathering for
a good many years.
Mre. Oillo Jackaon Stevens, specii.l
correspondent of the M.lles Timet Moun
taineer, is in the city the guest of Miss
Mamie Montgomery. Yesterdsv Mrs.
f u ven ana aiiss Montgomery visited at
mo lumivr irouier s near xangenc
t Gllll Dnvi. Un nf 1r Innaa ria!a
o(8hedd, arrived in Albany jesterday
v. k iruui uiiMiiin nu wen; io cueuu
on the noon train, lie left Manila on
June 24, on account of ilinesa and aUer
remaining at l'retidio several weeks, was
discharged. Davis enlisted in
the Washington Volunteers, at Tacoma.
Nearlv one hundred wml. rum. mil
(Join the Hay last evening and today
ttu-re was a large crowd for valley points.
A fi'W for Attuinv
ing Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Leo, N. M. New-
yon ami wiie.uon. anj Mrs. T.J. Sutcs,
. K. Weatherford, Mrs. W. It. Hi yeu,
Vernon ltamp and Clyde A-hby. It
rained all day yesterday and was nctir.
Ing down somewhat this morning.
Mr.CharletNickcll and two daugh
ters, of Jacksonville, barn Iron In tl.a
city over Bunday and today w nt to
now iuri, wnrre ma isiier win remain
for awhile while Mr. M. keil goes to
Astoria to attend the meeting of editors.
Mr. Nickel) has attended we believe,
every meeting of the association since its
organisation by him, Brother Hell, the
Dkmochat man and a few otht rt at New
poitabjut fifteen years ago.
Mr. John D. Newsome. Crook county's
only aoldier boy, returned home on Mon
day's stage. Ills arrival waa greeted by
the peace'nl snoring of the greater part
of our citixent. It waa early in the
morning, otherwise, some might have
taken htm by the hand and said, "IIow
'dy." On Tuesday evening the young
people ten Jered him a reception at which
he wat warmly welcomed home. Johnie
raV lliAIH .t-antUn. will, a .1
of embarrHssment doubtless greater than
i... ..... i . . ..
ns iuh in lacing me enemy about Man
ila. Prinevilla Journal.
Patriotic social given by the Epworth
League at the M. E. parsonage this even
ing. Soldier boys and friends Invited.
While digging a big well at tho brew
ery thta morning, when down sixteen
feet some colors in gold were found by
the men. At loaot something yellow ft
bt ing exhibited ns the rodtict of the
black sand at the bottom.
Oscar Hyde died at Lebanon Saturday
evening and the remains were buried at
Brownsville, yesterday. An operatioa
was performed on him Friday, from the
effects of which lie was unable to recover.
The Volunteert are kept busy telling
what tlioeo 8's on their coats mean.
Theysimplv signify thai the boys are
members of the 8th arm v corns in charge
of affair on the Philippines.
War Jokes.
Ilobert Jackeon In the Stateiman j
A proud Oregon father wat telling of
the exploit! of hit boy, who returned
with the volunteers, bearing a allg'j
tear from a wound. He said the boy wat
lying In the graa.and the bullets whittled
around him so thick that they cut off all
the heads of tho grass, and left the field
bare. ISul the boy lay there and plugged
away at bard and fast as he could, never
thinking of hit wound. A returned of
ficer wat listening to the proud parent,
and lie attested to tho correctness of the
story of ti.o Filipino bullete cutting off
the head of the graa. Tills encouraged
the paternal ancestor, and he a ided that
the bullets at one time became so thick
that they darkened tho sun. so that the
brave and wounded boy eould not see hit
hand before his eyes I The ofllccr said
nothing at to the litter, bet he curled
lila linn patrician lip as much as to in
dicate that possibly the seemingly hyper
bolical flight wat occationeu by a passing
One ol the Oregon corporalt wat drill
ing hit aquad. He was getting along
fairly well with hhordeftoCmatk time,
forward march, column right, column
left," etc. Finally wishing to execute
the movement f allowing the order, "col
umn half right." he ordered, "column
and a half right I" That setiled it for
the corporal. Ho waa thereafter known
In the company aa Column-and-a-hslf,"
and life in an otllcial capacity became a
burden to him. He begged to be reduced
to the rank of a private soldier, and fin
ally eueceeded in his quest.
The Columbia Southern.
There seems to be no doubt now that
the Columbia Southern wilt extend aa
far as Cross Hollows at once. AVe have
reliable information that they have al
ready contracted for a large number of
Japs to begin work on the grade at once.
It Is rumored that contrai ls have been
maoe to teceive freight at Cross Hollows
by June 1st of next vesr. and that Iwfore
that time a big brick warehouse wilt be
duiii mere.
Speculation j. rife at to what effect the
advent ol the railroal wilt have on An
telope, and of course there is the usual
number of calamity howlers who predict
all kinds of ruin : but, a majority of our
citiaens will be gUd to see only the ben
efit which inevitably foibws the opening
up ana oeveiopment of a country An
telope Herald.
From the Review.
8. 10. Libby and family have moved to
i --i i i, ... .
aiariwu, wing unaoie to outaln a dwell-
tear Lniioai tn 1. 1. 3 a
tag uuurrn iu 1141V GU
J. A. Win (Or Ita r,iMt...&, n (Mfr.
'? the general niervhtndise businest
ui n . r. ecuuner.
From Goo. Conner, of Syractue, we
learn that a great deal of the apring
wheat in that section has been knocked
down by the wind and rain, and consid
erable damage will result.- . j-
A few neat cottages for renf are badly
needed in our city. We know of several
faiPilhia m I.a .....l.i 1:t. t
... ...v wsmv Huum .me to ouu&in a wen
mr for the winter, but cannot tlo o, a
Probate Record.
Inesta'eol MO Chsmbera EuhI
counting set for fept. 6.
In estate of Currsn A Monteith peti
tion to ell teal es'ate granted.
' Final accoant C'ed in estate of Jaa
Spara .
In estate of It 0 Finley petition for al
lowance and motion to dismisa the tame
on tile.
I j estate of Clvde Snyder tale of real
property repotted.
Third aceount filet. In estate of Law
reuce Mardmao.
Inet'MteoIEG Jackton petition to
ell einoual property granted.
rinal account in estate of Icvoheue
ocnooiing set fur Oct 2.
In estate of 0 P Knlgbten real proper
ty ordered sold at private sale.
Ia e:ate of T M M uokers order for al
In estste of J L Miller date of final ac
count Died.
In estate of Jesse P.rrish final account
The County Institute.
The Linn County institute wat opened
at Lebanon yet'erday with a big attend
ance, the etrollmeat belnir T(VI Th-
day wat epent io educational work. At
night Mayor Montague delivered a live
niurrca ci i weioome ana wat responded to
by buperintedatent McDonald, Prof.
Martlnilale and others. Tonight Frof.
Martindiile will deliver aa address on
higher education from a national teacher
aasoiintluB e landpo nt, tomorrow night
Ool. Montague will give an address on
Scotland, Thursday night Sute Super-
InlpnilAnt ArttArmaai m- i 1 1 K. ik.
and Friday nigbt Piof Horner will give
a uuicss on uregoo iiters;ure. Xue
work of the day it entirely routine and
I OOF and Reiiekaii Racmiox.-
The I 0 0 F and Rebekahe, of this city,
will give Major M. H. Elht a reception
in their ball thia(Tueeday) evening, Aug.
22d. A cordial invl'atlon ia extended tt
all Rehekaha, Odd Fellows and their
wives to be present.
I.uav. thu Plilnaman vbi ilof.lara.1 In.
sane yesterday altsrncon by Dr. Trimble
and wah taken to the insane aiy'nm this
morning by KheritT Munke't It is
probable the special treatment of the
asylum wl.l cure him in a fe months
A. near aa thA TIkuatrat ran loam T now
sraokts cigarettes and haa a few cttitr
vices tnai uo not ti ip tue muu.
k from Alaska.
Judge I lion, Elliot and Clem Irvine
and Iter. Stevenson returned last night
from their Alaska trip. F. A. Young
and wife remained io Seattle to look
after some real estate Interest and will
probably be Lome tonight, and Mrt.
Flinn and daughter Miss Ore, remained
io Portland on a several dsyt visit with
rtlativea. The experience was a delight'
ful one, lavored with floe weather all
the time but one or two days. The par
ty were surprised at tbe substantial ap
pearance of Joneau, a fine city with
javed street!. Sitka Is one of the pret
tiest f laces in the world, with its Indian
huts, etc. and foksgway has a permanent
makeup with tome fine buildings among
others. The party went on the boat to
the wonderful glaciers one bundled mil
et beyond Sksgwsy, and on the railroad
to the While 1'att. fbls Is one of the
woudertul railroads of tbe world. In
placet the road runt along tbe aide of
the mountain with a chasm two tbou
tand feet straight down. All along the
roao tue jeaa oooet of the horses ss:n-
need In building it could be aeeo. At
White Piss, a government station tbe
headwaters of the Yukon mav be seen
at they start for the most famous mining
camp of the wor'it. On sligbiicg st this
place the party were surprised to is met
ojmt. ueorge waggoner, ol Corvallie,
who holds a position there under the
government. Mr. Gilton. tbe barber.
watlnatbopatSktgway. Fare on the
Whits Pass road is ontv 25 cents a mile.
Tbe distsnce to Lake Bennett on it is 43
niile and to tbe White Pais 20. Re
tnn i ig on the City tl Topeka were a
crowd of miners from tbe Copper ceek
regions wun very nine to snow tor their
labors and privations. Duriie the trin
ine party took one oonureJ and fifty-six
pictures, some of them of verr striking
scenes acd aituations, and their friends
will anx'ously watt for the privilege of
t elng them.
Brick Holman of Salem has been in the
city today.
Mist Ina McCuIlouzh of ev is via
iting Albany friends.
Mis Velle Iivioe has returned frtm a
visit wun for. land friends.
Thos. Hopkins returned Itit niaht
.row s vacation trip to uetroil.
Kv. Powersox and bride arrived in
Uayton last rndy from IVnnsylvanis.
KJitor Ilofer and wile, of the Salem
urial, hse cone esst on a trip. Bon
voj !. voionei.
License has been Issued for the marri
age of W. C. Templetrn and Mist Jennie
rteoiisui, oi Browntville.
Mrs, Beu Barber and son, of Ashland,
have been visiting Albany relatives.
iuey went to i ortiand ibis noon.
Prof. Il'ram Tyree was In tbecily jet-
A.-J V S t ...
loiuay. tie ii s propositions to teach
trom rresno, Lain., and Honiara.
Coll Vanrleve and Williao. Mathews of
the Bsy are atterding the alate press as-
sociauon meeting at Astoria this week.c
A stated ecmmnolcation of BarxUia
chapter No. 16 O. E. 8. will be beld in
the Masonic lisll Tuesday eveniug, An
gutt 2.od, at 6 o'clock.
Maj. George F. Telfer, yesterday was
formally appointed ceneua superr tor of
the recond diftrict. His picture bat been
given in ids t ortiana papers.
Mil. Peterson, of Portland, haa Wt.
in the city making arrangememe for tbe
removal here of br parents Mr. and
.ira. lAviuson, oi linens Viata.
Among tLoee returning from the Bay
this noon were Mr. Anderson Cannon.
Miss Ruth Flinn, Mrs. Sprenger, Miss
Ethel Bently, and Mr. Maurice WinUrs.
II. A. Shorey, who prescbtd in the
Uougregstional church at supply for
at,i'e passed through Albany yesterday
morning for Portland, he ie now de
voting his time to mining tn Southern
Prof. H. Tree webt to Dillon, Mon
tana,, today, wbeie he has been elected
superintendent o' the i ublic schools.
His lamily will remain in Eugene during
the winter for educational advantages.
Eugene Guard.
Miss Hettie Moore. dsugHer of Kev.
W. R. Mojre. of Shedd lHt jesterday for
her tiouie in Ohio, wbee she resides
with her grandparent. Previous to her
.icparture she was given a reception Ly
her many Sbedd fi lords.
One of the p'easantet social events of
tbe searon was a patriotio party given
last evening by the Epworth Lesgue,
at the M. E. psrsonste. A cood
man of the returned vclnntee-e, in
cluding Alj, tilis and Capt. rniilips,
were presem, besides a large company ol
young people. Tbe early part of the
evening was spent socially, a feature be
ing an advertising guesting contest, won
by Mite vinnilred Stafford. A pleasing
program was presented, consisting of
"I be Oreson Voiuntters" we. I snog by
Mr. JobnConcklia, remarks by Mr. Orm
Beam on the Religion of tbe Philippines,
in which be displayed one of the interest'
ing flags of the Fi ipinos with the moon
face in the triangle at the base; a vocal
solo by M I. 0 O Lee. "Just at the Sun
Went Down," a sketch ol the travels of
t Co. by Mr. George Hart, who present
ed several thiuirt new to bit hearers in a
a vers bright way ; and a vocal solo bv
Mrs. T. Wandel. "Where is tbe Heart of
a S.tdier." A fine lunch of delicious
Melco food was served and picture see
ing and eociabili v jrevailed. The
young people of the Epwortb League are
genial and successful entertainers hap
pily banked bv tbe estimable pstor and
A Savaqb DxkO A deed from Hiram
Svage and tenty-tbre others to H.
W. Settlsmier, conveying 25.41 acres
near Tangent, for $600, has been filed
ih the recorder. It was acknowledged
in thirteen different places all over the
ornntrv. The acknowledgment of Mr.
Elisaheth Savage in Indian territory ia
an oddity. At wife of John S.vage,
deceated, the declares that upon exam
ination separata and apart from Lim b
acknowledged the execution mi. bout fear
or compulsion.
No ure. No Pay
That is the way all tbe druggists sell
tiro-e's Tastelees Chili lonio lor Cbifls,
lualxria nd Killioun ts I' s p'eA
ant o tnke m lemon syrup. 50v'.
If you want a good ana clem
uoke buy cigars ruad by our Al
bany cigar factor.
Tennessee Gatherings.
Another bomb-shell haa tmrat.,1 In
Ojr citizens inrnuA n,.i ,.tt. A
welcome borne our citizen toldie-t, "lbe
IU"". at Aioaoy last week.
Frank M. ntrar i t i.
t.r.",?'i .ith ' 'omradee from the
t hl.'ippines, wat a welcome visitor and
tbe guest at tha Blacklaw borne thia
Mr. VA. T.. TTmndraw osl tkt. ..M.fia.
bat joioed "Tbs Casey Comedy C-"
which wat recently organized at Let a
non. Wa rfUnllo nal ll.a - t ,
, . " mw iio.,ui, mi Hirel
ing with,U iv.. i , .. .
interesting correspondent of the Dxmo
cat, from OAkville.
The Well-knna-n ranilai:.. If. V.t...
. , ,. "T ..'i I
end hit family, of Pooenix, Ariz., are with Mrt. Yaplet' brother, Mr.
Oeo. Rott.
Mr. W.O.!.. I. .Hit ....
I I, a a a . .'' -" mvl IUU
ly ill at bit home in this vicinity.
Will II. Rott it canvassing 'Under-
woods" Stersontirnn vi U,.i...
r .-www .u wuburiu
On gon with great success. I Ob ye father of Vebfoot. '
A big wood pile belonging to tha rail-
roao, was onrnea at iiarion thia mnrn
log. ,
There have been thirty-six applications
ur jwusiona in uregon on account ol the
recent ware.
Tbe recent rain wat eeneral ihronirh
eat tern Oregon at through western Ore
gon, ii mere wai cot more of it.
Tl e 0. P. Knigbten farm wat eold at
aomiutratrix sals on Saturday and bid
in by U. W. Simpson, about 30" acre?,
Thettore of W, B. Plain wat taken
charge of by tbe sheriff this afternoon on
aa attachment issued in fav r of Roaen
blatt t Vo.,for VMM.
The stage driver between Newport and
Seal Rock bas secured four deer tbit
summer by bit dog driving thein into tbe
ocean, where tbey were captured.
Another paper railroad ie being built
from Salem to Dalles, and from there it
ia to be extended to Yaquiua. It ia to be
hoped it sometime becomes a real live
Mr. R. M. Gilbert, of Fall City, Plk
couoty't leading bridge bnilder, bat the
contract for builJing a liO foot bridge
across tbe Willsraet'e at McMiunville.
Consideration, 12,150.
Mike Schneider is in receipt of a letter
from Stevens, Minneeota.tbat a man waa
engaged digging a well and at tbe depth
of forty-fmr feet tbe bottom fell out ani
be disappeared. Ropea wer let down
but no trace of the man could be fouod.
Eugene Guard.
L. A. Clarke, of Portland, bas come
ont from Dawson with a few thousand
doHart in bit pockets, says tbe Skagway
Alaskan. Eighteen mootbt ago be
struck that town with $2.50 in kisjpocket,
and be sayt be but made I10.CC0, hot be
nss nsa io worx tor it. lie owns inter
ests in tour claims and wil' next month
take in a ateam thawing machinery. He
firmly expecte to come ont two years
bence with $75,000 ss his share. He will
tal e hi wife and two children with him
tbe middle of next month. Te.egram.
Secretary T.x!et oi the State Press As
sociation reported at fol.'owt: There
were In tbit sute on Angust 15, 222 pub
lication! entered aa tcond'Claea matter
at tbe several paetoffioe. Of tbee 160
are weeklies, 38 monthlies. 19 dailies, 4
semi-weeklies end one setn.-uaonthy. I
class them as 64 republican. 29 demo
cralic, 16 r.npoliat one prohibition, II
religious, 3d independent. 10 fraternal. 4
agricultural, 2 amateur, 5 college, 7 mis
cellaneont and 2 poultry Estimating
the state's ponulatijn at 400 000, it will
beseoo that Oregon bas a newspaper for
every 1800 people.
Tonight. Hoyt'e "A Midnight Bell.'
which will b. aeen at tbe Armory bal
ton'ght, cornea in tbe nature of a double
attraction. The comedy itself is con
ceded to be the very best of all the Boyt
successes, and the leading role, Deacon
Tidd, ia interpreted by one of America's
best kaownand most popular comedians
L. R. Stock well. A carload of scene y U
ueu in the production. Prices 50 cents.
Reserved teatt without extra charge.
A rann l.frr
Tp to-?:.-. C
Souici f-r.i
Nf. 1 Utviij;
A' .ii-Mt v.-ffv
IXtiaJta a .
I-rior. y r a( -
All sitscmt C -
i TTv TT aO T
I Bib!
"f ltr-u 1 u:- -" '
Ins1v tickt .ttiH i .-f:- ' '.. itii.
TheCia.6 'tavv,r io..o-. . .
winvtHino ;je.r n - - ,
O.'tt Oitvni( ft -i'H- .
Cinvkfu. at $vr- ' --a1?
way fat iut BiO I t: Vi k
tayour papet madt-
Id, U wtUe Krrtii
the world the hifj!ti itk- h .-, n.
of Aimer r.r u.:l:;..u. .ti
Any ONE of the BIGCLE BOOKS, szi tu
8 YEARS (remainder of 1899. toco, tqot I gel and -a. -,.
to any addrrsa lor A DOLLAR BILL.
Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing r !' i t
New Baukruptcy Cases.
E. i, Scbiffler, of Albany, taI!or, yet
terday filed a petition in bankruptcy in
tbe United States court. Hit liabilities
amount to $5125.99, and Lis asset! con
sist of "no property, personal or real."
i. iy. uenness,oi Albany, insurance
agent, also filed a petition in bankruptcy
in tbe United fiteiee court. His liabili
ties amount to $2707.32. Hit assets con
sist of a half interest in judgments of
donbtful value, amounting to $4010, and
persojal property, exempt, valued at
$215. Oregonian.
This and That.
Viereck'tdugar Bowl Parlort for Ice
cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars
and tobacco.
A large and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Cona A Huston's, ttee the dia
W ken you want a choice slak a nice
roahtor mm of any kind, call on Henry
3ro Jers. He koeos tbe best.
Go to Verick'a shaving and hair cut
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
and cold bathe. Clean towels to every
i mer.
Tbe best meats of all kinds and good
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef
Company's mar set, junt djwn Second
treet. Good weight and prompt attend
It makes no difference bw bad the
wound if you ose m Ill's Witch Hazel
Salve; it will q lickly beal and leave no
car. Foshay Mam.
Some of I be ren!ts of oeg'ected dyspep
tic condition, of tbe ttomrcb ere cancer,
cononmptioa, heart disease sod epilepsy.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by
effecting q lis cure in a t casee of dys
pepsia, Fosbay & Masor.
If yoj sutra- from 'sodernets or fullness
ntba right aid, piin under shoulder
lade, consripattn, bilounees, sict
eadche, ana f-el iluM, heavy and s'eepy
or liver ia l rpid and oogested. JUe
Witt 'a Little E irlj Risers will cure yon
promptly, plein in l, and permanently by
removing the c-Df?4tion and ciusiog tbe
tile due's to op.o ami fiv na'.nrally,
Notice to RrtJ e Contractors.
The ondemig'-ed will receive, at bis
office in Albany, Or., tealed bide until
September 8th, 1899, at fthe boor jof I
o'clock p. m. fcr the building of two
cylender piera under the Green Ferry
bridge, ovr the tantiam river ner Jef
ferson, Oregon.
Plane and specifications for said work
can be seen at the office of the clerk of
Marion county, also at my ottice in Alb
any. The joint court of Marion and Linn
counties reseive the riht to reject any
and all bids. Donds in the sum bidden
I will befexacted of the successful bidder on
award of contract.
I Fkank Cra btrer.
Clerk of i.inn (.bounty, Oi.
It bas come, tbe time for gi tling a re
frigerator and ice cream freezer. The
Stewart A Sox Hardware Cc., have tome
of the best.
I Small aAnnoyanccs f
fret and worry 5
one. Sour milk 5
overnight; no
milkman In the
morning; noi
cream lor me a
coffee; do milk e
for the baby, m
iiGefl Bordenl
Ii Eagle Brand
1 1 Is always available. Has stood J k
I , first for forty years. ,
(l 8sa4 tor Beolt ea " BaWss." x "
, Botnors coNDDtsa taut co, . . i
" . T2V ifi .fx, f
f r.. j:
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