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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1899)
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LOST-UJlc gold Wntch. MifMitth ell's limy stab'.. Will ptt Leave either at Dimocbat office or tlili H. McBee's. . FOB 8ALB.-F0II b!oW Jersey milch cow, Register No. 69.84 for sale or will trade tor bay or oats. Inquire of F. H. newer. BODA WATER torn Sodavill . just receive,! at Burkhart & ! healthy driik. Also a fine thing Ircm Marqucn 111, bottled by John Burnett of Sweet Home. IX FEU CENT LOANS.-I have limited amount of money tolMboa tir.t-class farm 'Z?! business troperty in Albany. IlrMt six per cent-lor particulars call oaor JJret?.. Mbb:l., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon Special Sale. spectacfsTeyTglasses Goggles MAGNIFYING GLASSES nnd COMPARES EYES TESTED FREE. Call nd get piices before bujirg else 6FMiade and Eye Glass from I5c up. tiogglte, lOe, J. A. Cummings. Irrigation. Irruation hour 5 a. m to 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. to 9 p. m Hoee must not be used without noizles, nor must cloets be allowed to run con tinuously. Failure to comply wiih tneee instruct ions will cause the water to be shot off. Albany Water Company.; HOTIGE TO FARHEBS.I We fell oat sacks at 5 cents and pay the highest price lor oais. or u cetting your oat satks or selling yoor oats. 1 C ff Beam's grocery store. Sixpsos & Beam, Albany, Or. , Wood Notice. Thompson & Amos, of Lebanon, are in the city ready to saw wood at the old prices, as follows: . V Cutting four foot wood twice, 40 ct.; three times 60 cts , tame for all kinJs 01 wood. Good work and promptattention. Drop portal card in poeioffice or see per eonslly. Notice of Private Sal by Admin istratrix. XOTICE 13 HEREBY GlYiJN THAT nt an nrder dulr made and 1 ntered cf record by the County Court cf Linn oooBty, Orecon, on the 6ih day of Vav 1899 and a furlhM-order made and . j 1 t.m .oi.l rnnrt on the lth eniereum no;". . . - ! day of Aogust, 1899. autbonzinii. hceoi-. iug and empowering the adminis-ratnx of 1 1.2 tate 0: Commodore P. Knigbten, de ceased, to sell the hereafter described real property at private sale, the undersigned, said administratrix, wil. from and after Saturday, the lGlh day of September, 1899, effer for eale and proceed to sell t private sale all tte right, title, interest and claim cf whatsoever kind, nature and descript ion which the said Commodore P. Knight en, deceased, kal in and to said real estate at the date of biadeceafe, either for cash in hand, or one half cash and the remain ing half thereof on twelre months lime with note and mortgage on the land to se cure the deferred Tayment, at tbeoption of aid administratrix, which said real estate iadesciibed as follows, to-wit: The west half of tb d malion land claim of Commodore P. Knighten and Rosannah W KnighUn, his wife, the same being situate in sections1 13 and 14 Sjuth Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, and ections 18 ana iw, 31 uu is yi tne Willamette Meridian, all in Township 12 in Linn cooniy.Oregon excepting from aid West half of said claim that part of the same Ij mg wesi 01 me ma,' a cuaunei 01 the Calapooia river and containing about 16 acres excected thorefrom. and leaving about 305 08 acres telonging to raid estate. And said Administrat-ix oereby reserves the right to reject any and all offer there for il same sre not satisfactory. Dated thia 17th day of Auirust, 1899. Frakces E. Kkichtbh, Administratrix of the estate of Commo dore P. Knighten, deceased. At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julius Gradwohl will now be found store at the above location, better prepared then ever before to serve "T- l.r.i;i. .ith flint class stnek nf tne puuiiv - - - crockery and glass ware, and sUndard 8rThe lighest place in A'.bany. Every ' thing in sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwohl bas alwrys done the square thing with his cusb mers and wUl continue to do so. Also writes insurance in rst claes ompanies Crop Kepoit. tu. cvf tha Watler Bureau cover a period of 20 jeart, and those, r. cords tail to show any weaiuervr.u r proxluiatins that which has prevailed this month. Io August, 1806, from ths 1st to ths 6th, rain Ml, but U was fol lowed by warm, clear weather 5 in 1881 rain tell on the 13ih and 14th, and again from the 8Cih to tfca end tf mouth ; in 1879 rain fell from the 20th to the 28 b, Inclusive. These ara tha only ' o records ba.lng any unusual weather, hence, this year is an unprecedented one- Harvesting fall-sown grain is practic al, at stand-still. Reports vaiy as tc damage to the shocked wheat . No seri ous or general damage has yel occurred, though should current condUioos con tinue, which is not probable, much damage will result. Ths fall sown gralo is all ready to bo eut, ana tne rains nave caused it to fall and lodge. Some lots will result, no matter bow soon tatr weather sets lo. The rains havs been of ,t tmnerH to scrina sown grain, and especially to that which as late sown. Within a week after Utr. warm weaiuer seta in, the spring grain wi 1 be ready to harvest. Ths rains nave pus me n good condition and p'owlng has already commeuced. Grata which has commenced to dry up, has been revived, making the second crop of clover as promising as the first turned out to be. Potatcea have an excellent growth and i.r omn Diears to be assured. R.n.n nnvlncsof all kinds has been greatly benefitted by the rains and good oar.ltn rrana are ss'UieL The onion crop of Washington county is eaperior to that of formr years. Hop growers report their bops in bet tar condition tban ever before. There are fewer lice than for years. The vl-ee are clean and healthy and are well filled with burrs or cones. The rains have in creased the sin of ths burrs, so that un less adveisi conditions prevail, an extra good, clean hop crop will be secured. Lice are fewer than tbey a ere one week Fair weather will probably prevail within 36 hours, and should such be the case, It will bs fennd that the bene fits derived from the rain will more than off set any injury that may have occurred. B. 8. Paoce, Section Director. at r it All Sorts. Uoreee havea great dislike to eame . Bombay ia the leading peart ma t of the world. The g'ant beesol India buiM'combs ten feet in bigbt. The Ort'ich has been domesticaUd In Central America. There is oneborse for every twenty , persons in England. j It is estimated that one rrow will do etroy 700.000 inrecU eveiy year. o.niianl hi fartvs!x narisberi with- ous pauperr, p wi iwb m. . Russia consumes on an average no less than 7,000,000 tons of liquid fuel a year. Great Britain boys more tban 20,000 ho ses in the United fUatea every year. Lindon's omnibus company employ! 5,000 men. The annual receipts are a bout 16,000,000. Ghent, in Bilgiutr, is built on twenty six islands, whlcn are connected by eigh ty bridges. It is supposed that the averager d.-plh of sand in the deserts of Africa is from thirty to forty fee. An Indiana editor publishes 'be names of delinquent subscribers and appends brief biographies. "So p'cture is bung on the walls of the Louvre in Paris until the artist bas been dead ten years. A man walking dav and night without restiog would take 433 days to jourcey ronnd the world. In the south within the latt five months $17,000,000 of new e-ipital bas been invested in cotton mills. Tbe Friends have ninety;co!',g's in the United State, with a total alteudaai-e of 20,000 students. A new womac's club is tj be started in London to which no one nnie six feet in height will be admitted. The newest billiard balls are made o' cast steel. Tjey are the same weight as ivory, and cost 12 each. In the Havana custom boars are em ployed 214 Cubans, eighty-four Span iards and thirty-two Americans. Tbe highest point to which man can as cend witbc.nt Lis health being very seri ously affcited is 18,050 feet' . 1 eatnesu Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When tbia lube gets inflamed von have a ramb ling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation ean be taken out and tbis tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are cauvd by catarrh, which ia no'bing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for SD7 case of Deafness caused by catarrb) that cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by 'Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Oakvillo. The rainy west tier of the last wttk has daaiad ths gralu some but we no ticed that where gra'n was properly shocked, the damsgewsavsiy light, a little mors cars In the shocking would be money in the pockets of the farmers. Three loads tif lumber srs already oc the tt rout, d for the new bridge. Mr, Warren Stone and family arrived last Saturday evening. Mr, S. has been o the mines in Nevada tor the last three years. He has bought a farm on me Santiam. . UUs E'htl Barton, of Albany, is visit ing trieuds rere, ' 1 never saw so'iuucb rain In harvest1' is acoicmon exprtstion but we have mt one man who sajs that hs has seen two failures of the wheat crop ou account' of rain in harvest snd he has only been in the valley for'y five years. We have been here twenty five and have not seen a failure on any account, but the nearest a failure was on account of rust in 18?!) and that ysat the market price was 80 cents which was considered very low. No one starved that year and if scsrcltv of grain wilt reduce the price bow low will it go this year T Thoae of 01 who have to buy could pay 80 cents then easier than we can pry 40 now. Mr. Andy Shearer returned from Gil liam county last week. M, A. Shoogh lost his onlv cow hut week. A limb of a tree that was hon ing down fell cu her. We were lerentdtd one tlxbt lest week and we f .-e: sura flat the aersnad ers were laboring uuOtr a mistake for we listened fslihtully and could hear the words. "Maggie, when you and I were young." LlTTLK RlK El'D. TThat mother docs not wish to be j proud of $i her chil j dren? What mother doee not J want them lo be healthy, happy. laughter, loving and able to withstand tbe ordinary illnesses of childhood f Any woman nay insure the health of her children who will take proper care of ber health in a womanly t ay. The health of her children depends almost entirety upon her general health, and particularly upon the health and strenirth of the delicate and important organs that bear tbe burden of maternity. A woman ha no right to dis regard bier owa health, comfort, ease snd happiness, she certainly has less rig-tit to condemn her children to a life of suffering or an early death. That is what she does if she neglects the health of her special womanly organism. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is an nnfaiiina; remedy for all disorders of this description. It strength ens and invigorates the sensitive organs concerned, and is the best preparation for the trials and dansrers of maternity. It in sures the well being of the mother and tbe health of the child. Its nse is a sruarantee of a bountiful supply of nourishment for. the little new-comer. Many women who' once bore children only to speedily lose them, are now mothers of healthy, robust children as the result of the use of tbis medicine. Barbra A. Model of Indian Creek, Ma., wrttes : "1 am very thankful for what iJr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription did for me. I m all broken down from nervon prostration, but since taking ?'our medicine I have had more relief than ran all the doctor. Your ' Favorite Prescrip tion 1 did me a world of food." Many women have told their esperiences, and Riven their names, addresses and pho tographs in Dr. Fierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. Tbis book is free. A rant will he sent to an v address noon re ceipt of at one-cent stamps to cover cost of J ' , 1 . ., . t-w u T;.r. . mailing only. nunic ui . ,;., Buffalo, N. V. The "Favorite Prescrip. tion " is for sale by all dealer and BO hon est man will urge a substitute. Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea nnrifles the breath hyits action on the bowels, etc., as noth-1 else will, bold lor years on aosoiute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Fo sale by Foshay A Mason. fiERVSTA Before VITALITY, 1 n5T uir,nn AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Ki jr'at Emissions and wasting diseases. .11 ejects of self- abuse, or exccs3 ana indis cretion Ancrvetoiilcand blood LulMcr. lliinps the pink glow io pale cheeks and restores t:ie fire of youth. Rv mail r;Oc nor box: boxes for $i!,ZO; with a written puaran tee to cure or refund the money. NCR VITA MEDfCAL CO. Linton Jackson Ets., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Fred bawson, Drlst Alb my, Oreoa. sBWiw wt J For Bargains In Farm Lands, Timber Lands. and City Property, call on or write 8. N. STEELE & CO. Albany, Oregon FOSHAY k MSO!. Wholesale It Betaif , MBOISMABDBOOrimilV 4 LB AST, OBKOOH. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books n. the Market. H. F. rierrill IKS (TRANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Collections promptly attended to,cor reepondence solicited. Office ia Dkho bat building. H A.. ALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THOROUGH High-Qrade College Education To every boy the ambitiou Tbe course is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ENGLISH AND ELE.CTIVE8 . i 0 - The yr.-al Course leads up to a STATE DIPLOMA. Commercial Course kits now become a Business College aaatiaVt act!,:, ciK1;:: l lbf WALLACE HOWE LEE, President Albanv, Oregon. ' s . n 1 1 s 4 i. k P , CttiPWU. Forcata ogue, a ldees P. L '; P.eeTdeut or W'.A. WW. FacuUy. IT'S JUST LIKE THIS vTelav. machine, in sock a. MACHINE to as.. ..... . $a -v jTjT willoutwepradosencbtep 1 6 fllJP f.nW. therefore cheaper in the end. Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox for Machines that "SEW" . SHERIFF SALE rY VIRTUE OF AN EXBCUriON. mm gnu tfUCI V swie - ---- - Circuit Court of tbe state ol Oregon for Linn coui ty In '.be suit of the r tr.t Na , tiooal bank tf Albanj.Urjpon. plsinti ff v. Emma Harder, Frank O. Uarikr, Kate M. Harder and Andcron J'snnoo. trator of the estate of Joba Harder, de wascd, J. N. liunur. Daniel Frey. M- P. Uriggs aid Clare I. Brigira, dcfeudanU, a mortgage foreclonre, I wi.lon Saturday, 23rd uay 01 aepicmos.f 18S9, at tbe hour of One o'clock p. m. at the front uoor 01 iueuui"i" ciiy of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, se.l at public suction to tbe bist biddit for can,tbe following 4y,V&&Z: Tbe N VV U of Sec 30 in Ip S H 0 W .1 .1 .a :ii ...... 1 1 Moriilian in Linn coun- iy, Oregon, containing Wwa. Al beginning at tbe 8 E corner of the 8 w ,'4 of raid section 86 and running tnenos jN 1C0 roc's; thence W 00 rods, thence 8 16J rods, thence E 60 rods to tbe place of be ginning containing w awes. b , excepting from said premises the right of way ror tne rauo vr , ------- tbe same; and exwpting the W'oyin lend! Uegiunwg at a point on the Noith boundary line of bee 38 in Tp 11 S R o VV of tbe W illamette Meridian Linn county, Oiegon, whcbls 12.78 chains E of th-j N W corner of said 8es 36 .sid beginning pjint b ing in the center of tbe Lebanon branch of tne Oregon ft i,0.rB,,L,wlil" road and running thence 8 65 dig 80 min E lol lowing tbe center nnn y .-. 2 85 chains to the K line of the N vv ol said Sec 3d, thence H M M chains to the N E corner of the N W M of said Sec 86, thence W 27.22 chains to we place ot bt- gSaDid!e will be made j fo tMy I the $44.t6 taxes wuh intetest thereon from July 17ib. 18',at tne rate 01 o p kj annum, and $250 CO attornsjs fees and 125.20 cosU ai.d dubursements, and ac cruing cos's. la.Mubs, Sberiff of Linn county, Oreeoii. CITY TREASURERS KOTICE Notice is hereby given that funds are t j ... watranta Nos. 313 to 338 inclusive of tbe issue of 1898. .Inter, est cn said warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany, Or., J niy zo,ioa. E. A. Pabksb, City Treasurer. now An Tr BMn I Pr Hobb.' gpsrsirai PIHi enre all SMneT Ilia Stm Sl lr. Add. Berlins Kerned Co-. tUlcago or M. If. and girl that hnl toattaiu one. STATE N0RI1L SCHOOL until, imp. traliiing School or Teacbete, new de partments, ungraded countiy school Ora'duelr teenre snod Pc'9.ulo',fv,. Strong courees. Well equipped Train- ln departments. i'i ... t. ..'..i -,.- mi U'kfst and beet way iUFU'ni vu t , tull r,!'n",:;,,31 1120 to lino, on Expeneeforyearlr3inl20lollfi0.on lJar.ri3.60 to 13 CO per wsek. Tuition, , . ,. . .. . ,e,, We-V". '"t?,5,' tllusVpt. !b. triu, June 27-i't A gotd article Is orm mote a poor one. EVIR. ONE KNOWS WAT... ONE WHITE SEWING O " . .. " ., O Long Photo Jo... In Froman Brick. The lesding gallery of Aloany. The onlr-ui-to-tlate first class studio in town. All work to pleaso. MAK1E LONG Porp TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder to be shaken Into tbe shoes. At this season your feet fevl swollen.ner vousand bot.and get tired easl'y. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Al len's Foot-Ease. H cjIs tbe fee and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, bllslers and callous spots. Kelievee corns and bunions of sil pain snd gives roatandcotnrcri. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and show storss for 25j. Trial pscksgefrfe. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Koy,N 8. jt.m ralstojn, Three doors east of the Dbkocbat office bas money to loan on farm security at low rate of Interest. Also small loans made n personal security. City, county and school wsrrsnts bought. . Collection! made. Rents collected. Fir surance writien in the following large and reliable companies: HOME INS. CO., of New York, PHOENIX JNsl.CO., Hartlord, Conn., LIVERPOOL, LON DON AND GLOBE INS. CO. of Eng a JKri1..: no "th. f Sri. K.o.itlon. sin. ,90a mAiArr sd(1 pxp-nf p.M. Btioulii writ. - f ill rili-NI WtCOitWl Alttltimoj, M. A . .. . ..a 11 M.SI.NLtR M. Senders & Co, Hav And Oat Warehouses Htfvcot!) snd Hallrosd Slievts. W sis prei'a'fd m talis rn iorsg4 i.-Im.i i,. ; 1 Imv jour oats In. an qiianlty at top uiarkrt price. RACKS FUHNIUED. Oat bnnsht lu car luts at anvjablp ping point. M. SENDERS & CO. Insurance, Uay, Uraltt Bad Wool. 1 To the Music LovingPublic. -O- Thoso conUMiiplalliig tak'i P study of music wll find it to their Utter "st to Investigate the advantages offered by Albany College. The following branches are taught t VOICK!iSS,MAN.OLlN, and HlbTOHI Mr wucv. Mr. Wlrts, Musical IHiwtor. I.''' uats of tho Chicago Conservatory ol M ! slu, and bss stunieu w in 00t, liuu, aim m ' --r These men are masters In their rept Iviuliyartmeiits and musicians of world- Mrs. "vi'rts, instructor In vcrsI rrnslc, 1 a mii' I of Mr. William Nlson llmriit, who Is known to lie one ol tha Ueat volco Uschcrs In America today. Mr. I rritt stXl eigl't years In Italy J veral 'IhsmSS'J l Albanv College Conservatory are the latest " PJ nroveii. n 1 10 contblne.l result ol iXrbr instruction perlen., and the actjualntance with the methods of oureastern conservaUirks. . Tuition reasoaabU. I'upiU may.!nter atKatf term 0ns Sept. 19, 1WH). ror further inlormatlon call on or ad dress Piessldont Wallaca Howe Lee. Miller & Stewart, bioycIeIepairing, FOHGING AND MACHINE WOBK ALL WORK CUARANTEED. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE XTOTICK IS HEREBY OlVt-.N 1111 ll,l 9:trJ of si-ntember. f"M, st 1 p. m. t tbe front door of (be court bouse, in Albanj, Or., in pursuance of an order of the county court ol Linn 11. !.! mail and entered in said court on Ihe Records thereof on July 8, 18UU, In trie waiter w tne csiaie oi An drew KaUtoo.deceased, J.the undersigned, . .f IVa .lal ftf said dr dent, shall proceed to Mil at public sale for cash In nana, or one na.i cam wi u- reired payment of one esrs lime at legs . -1 t ,il, flr.l ninrtffavs swnrltv. all the light title and Interwl which the said decessed, Anurew Bsmon, nsu in aiu 10 rbefollowng decribid real estate at tbe time of bis death, towits Uesinningat the Noithwest corner of the Soutbeait quarter section 26 Tp 13 south of range I Esst W ills melts mendiae and running Houtb 24 rod. to a county road, thence Esst 14 rods, thence North 24 sods, thence West 14 rods to tbe place of beginning containing two acres more or less in Linn county, Oregon . Also the N E 'K of Peo 2o, Tp 13 scutb ot range One Esst in Linn county, Oregon, containing inn . rnnra nr !. Also Sec. 96 in Tp 13 South range 1 East coitalnln 640 acres excepting 40 acres sold to A. L. Uts- tarton, VOI, u. psgn sus, siso J4 acrrs sold to C. A. Peck, Vol. 63, psge 411 and,1 anfl Ivlncr In l.inn nnnntr. alio a strip of land 30 tec wide for ilybt of way running inrosgu J. ouras mnu su wiu mences at the Southwest corner of the Northeat of Seo. 26, t bonce North west 10 rods, thence West 21 rods, n,.n,. SmthvAt lft rods ta a coonlv road, all in Tp 13 south , range 1 East, Lino connty, Oregon, save atd ex cepting 69( acres sold to Andrew Guitaf- OD, Dated this 1 ltb day of Augmt, 1899. M. J. Raistok, Administratrix. JTFEET RAILWAY NOTICE. To motor on tbe Albanj Street Railway will connect prumpty wilb all trains to ni"i from tbe depot, day and .light.; Special '''ps wilt be riade at sped rates. R. Moobb,. Crnduclot Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that your liver ' Is out ot order. Tbe best medicine to rouse the liver and cure all these ills, is found In Hood's PHIo 25 cents. Sold by all medlclue dealers. Zl I., SENDEKS