The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 25, 1899, Image 5

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At Hot Springs.
A three round wind up content li re
ported botweeu two of Albany's prouiln.
ent cltlxona at tbe springs.
The feathery wings I the astonished
air which hovrri around tlio peaceful
jiriK'Inot o( Hot Spring .were ft few day
nine suddeuly stripped o( ttioir downy
fringes by nn outburst of pugilist ora
tory never excelled nor seldom equaled
bv Corbett or Sharkey. On hearing the
eledgo hammer blow ol wind as they
were exchanged between tlio contealmiU
tho crowd hi blithers eagorly canio to
watch proceeding. A goodly crowd
gathered ami noon It w ascertained
that the rapidly revolving lege and trim
belonged to Dr. Barker and occasionally
the anxious watchers could catch herlw
jf!y;,,','.K."llw' the smiling lace ol
Chief ot Polio C.O Leo. lhM danced
several kinds of quirk strp not down on
tlio i book but a wholesome respect rf ihe
walking stick of hi antagonist prevent
ed ami up at elm i tjuarter. Ader
several minutes of thla violent exercise
noo wasqoietlv led away by Deputy
ame warden Now. Ferrell and pongod
own whli water from the hottest si.rlnu
and carefully wrapped In I'rof. M 'a
hunting sMrt and peaco and quiet strain
reigned. X.
Coming to Oregon.
lion. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, re
turned hmno today front a tr'p to Port
land. Tim Oregonlitn ea:
M. A. Miller, a well-known resident of
Linn county, ismu down fiom Lebanon
veaierdny to past a few day In the city
Mr. Miller was recently appointed stale
deputy of the Modern Woodmen of
America, and In alien ling to hla ollleial
unties in ina vaney no una notlrtM that
the tide of Immigration has act In very
atronttty. In Linn count, and especial
ly In tho neighborhood of lbnm, new
tettleraaro arriving daily. They ap
pear to be well pU-al with tho laud
which doe not numb r cyclone, torn
does and a fever tcmiieralurn among Ita
cllmatio f. attires. Thcso settler, Mr.
Miller ays,are buying considerable laud
and are making many improvement,
bowing that already they coiitidur Ore
gun their permanent home.
To Consider Trusts.
Gov. T. T. (Jeer la in receipt of re
quoet to appoint seven delegate I row
thla state to attend a conference of rep
retenlnilvcs from all the atatea, to meet
in Chicago ou September Hth to ISth in
cluaive, to dicua tho matter of combin
ation and trusts and devise waya and
tneana to meet what I called an evil.
The Invitation la Issued by the president
and secretary of tho Civic federation of
Chicago, nonpartisan organlaiion,and
accompanying It la a letter, ataiing that
Uovernor filigree, of Michigan, baa ap
pointed a delegation beaded by Hon.
Kuaaell A. Alger, and Uov. Theodora
Itoaaevelt haa named representatives for
the atria of Now York.hcatled by United
Stale Senator Chtuncsy M. Depuo.
Uovernor Ueer yeaterday named tle
delegate to represent Oregon,! followa :
Judge M. C. Ueorga, of 1 'ort land.
Ex-Go v. Sylvester Poonoyer, of Tort
land. Btato Senstor C W. Fulton, of AstorU.
Ex-Representative Milton A. Miller.of
Ex-IUprcsciitalive It. IT. Alley, of Ita
ker City.
Hon. Walter L. Tooxe, of Wooilburn.
Hon. Wui. Cotvi', of Jacksonville
Mis K ale Martin returned thla noon
from the Kay ill.
Goo. W. Crowd or and family I ave
moved to Salem to reaide.
Hon. T. J, Black, x-tol lector o cus
torn at Portland wa in the city on lusi
ncu. Mr. Harry Green, of Alse 1 In the
city and will remain in the valley during
the harvest aeaton.
C. W.WattB and tdauchtcr returned
Hill noon from the Day, which they left
in a very wet condition.
Senator Kelley yeaterday was caned by
Capt. i'bilhpt In appreciation of fuvora
of an important nature.
E. L. Thompaon and II. M. Grant,
two of Portland'a leading inatirance men,
w ere in the city today ou bu-ineai.
Mr. Soman Mver. who ia now new
agent on tho 0. It. N, pnared through
Albany thla neon for Ito-uburg, called
there by illness in hla family.
E. E. Hammack, an old retlJent of
Linn county, at one time aaacsaor, haa
gone to Spokana with a view t locating
rrof. and Mr. Walker haa returned
Mm V.alupn fimimiH mU.hi . 1 . n I. - -
I been In the intercut of the college, tecur
lng about twenty good pupils. The out
look fi-r tho college ia the beat In iia his
tory. ) Hon. E. M. Stone, e.x-llvulenant-gov-ternor,
ex-aecretary of state aud ex-cong-ieeman
of Pennsylvania, ia aojournlng
It the Portland. 'He la looking alter the
Interests of Pennsylvania capitalists in
ft he purchase of Oregon timber lands.
Fred Hhtilts, Charles Scott and Frank
Jewell .will go to Fish JUWe for a
lllA Allfttlf TliAM a fn fnrl nn.i la
I1 in having a good cook, members ot I
Company declaring that Mr. Jewell was
the beat cook in tha rpn-lmnnt. I 1I
hia regular duties often furnishing the
boys hot coffee on the firing line.
D. S. Hunsaker, of Lane county. Is the
guest ot hi brother, A. J. Hunsakor, of
this city. Mr. Hunsaker baa been in
California since May last, having been
as far south as Tulure county. Thin is
hia first trip to this part of Oregon. He
oxpecta to return to hia Lano county
home soon. On Tuesday N. K. Sitton
was the guest of tho Hunsaker brothers.
Tho trio were schoolmates 67 years ago
in Piatt county, Misfljuri. McMionvifie
T. 11.
Major Unntx, of Fairfield, Iowa, is in
the city. The Major ia a miehty email
man, that la onr opinion of him, and we
don't cure who knows it. To be more
exact Major Uants is 83 years of age, 18
inches tall and weighs SO pounds. The
I Ti . ... - UnA 1 -f -. t.
ing lianas with the versatile gentleman.
11 ii accompanied by a couple of musi
cians, and besides sings and recites liim
te'.f, and will be seen and heard In the
tiy to-night.
Nkwtoiit, Wednesday morning.
The left-wing of the Porto Itlco storm
must have taken a two-step march in
here yesterday and gave u a touch of
how it can rain south when It eodeire,
and the way it enrne down would bring
a blush to th cheek of a Wtbfoot rain
when at It bent. Inhere is any place
on earth where the rain ia unwelcumed
it ia at tho coast, particularly hen the
hotels are filled with resorters wli j came
to avoid the unpleasant weather on the
ouuldu. For that reason the returning
coasters this morning tented the rapac
ity of the "Itlchardiion," running from
here to the railroad terminus. Those
who are left behind are patiently await
ing the calm which follows a storm aud
will take advantage of lha extreme low
tldea to gather agate, shells, sea-moss
and rock-oyster,
Any unusual Jncldvn'a ol life here, If
there are any, are attribnteJ to the At
bany represeirativea either directly or
i.m.,.lr.11' .Ko Pr,'P other than
Hilly C when calling upon a young
lady would take advantage of her tem
porary absence to help himself from a
beer Iwttlo sitting convenlentl near on
mm uv wuvcouid nave apuiier
I ed more when ho found to hia uwiiiay
that he waa saa'lowing or trying to
swanow a quantity ol vinegar.
James F, and Gull II. met with an ad
ventur th llrst evening hero which
would hme made an ordinary tltiwn
rsge with anger, and which did rulllo
slightly their unumia ly happy dispo
sition The hotel being lila-d tney
were assigned a room at tho home ol a
German living on the lull. At bed tima,
j we will not mention the hour, when ttijy
went to their rojm. instead of gaining
an uninterrupted admUsion they were
I greeted with a "who want in here"
j coming apparently from an old maid of
!ta ailtltlllM.a h.kI ma ...... ll'i.t.
."""" "" l""" WUIMJU. flint
a hitle inquiry they found their grips In
tho null way, a oiled shirt decorating
the aiair bauUtoraml thir rii. nj
ciiff ao arranged on the floor as to spoil
wuaiou uui.- iui mt known whether
their apperrance indicated to the land
lady question as to securing her rent
or that the later arrival would make
longer tenant.
ltua Wyatt came over loided with
guns, ammunition and fishing tackW but
on account ot legal busineia and counter
attraction has not yet been able to Hud
tho sporting ground.
Charlet Wyoant was yesterday pro
Moled with ran l..r.r.,. . 1..1,,.
tion that it had passed through the Cu-
in wwrwnn waa onco the pruixrty ol
Admiral lewey. It may have lca but
it more rrambleIUie handle of an um
brella which might have been owned for
Several winlnra at. iI.a kitt A ,.nt
Spraklngol wlntew remind the writer
iiiitwaminHiiniuii ia uue'i wun
disappolr line nt at the con-arrival ot ex
pected friends.
Mr. Finch, the ral estate dealer, is
looking over the situation with view of
next vear (ormlnir m. nimnim t,,r lha
purpoae of erecting at Nye Creek a large
uuivi. luf uuuuing as coniempiaiea
will have 100 rooms, electdo hunted.
with card rooms, ball .room, howling
'icy oic annexed, i lit would be an
Inibiorement Inna tlnalnbl .nil ariInl
would be a paying investment for three
til lt Kaa f.t I ... a.... mm . a. u. . ..
""""w w vuw vujitmj
For bathing Xye creek icrUinly taxes
the lead In numbers, fully five timva as
many sporting witb the mermaids as at
the old place. The beach ia larger, the
breaker more uniform and the people
bathing there not so 'Stuck up" .bowing
niucn more sociability. 1'eople who
rough it usually hava lo a ammunition but
more real fun than those who can rustle
a ten or twenty lo ie;ir in while it lasts
at a hotel.
A midnight lunch ws spoiled the
other evening by some miscreant, for a
iokt. cliinhfntr In lha an. I .lni.inu
! the stove-pipo with an old sack. The
lal i s could not account for the atovo
lamokingso. for It never did that way
before, and no auggesliona from tho in-
vueu genuemen gueata seemed to bene lit
It. The next morning the caise wa
ascertainol but the perpetrator of the
Joke had flown.
It waa a lively crowd tint enme over
Saturday and when tho art'sts, including
tne skirt dancer, returned they wer
missed by more than one. Only ono re
mained, nd P., and aa tho ladies are so
much in the majority he is over crowded
with engagements w hich pour into him
personally, by local mail and special
mcstengers iiom Aye brook.
Only one case of sickness is reported,
that of Miss Elsie Mtrtin who haa been
confined to her room (or several daya
with malaria.
Clydo Fox came In last evening from
Alsea by Walker's train. They rode to
Philomath and then walked over the hill
to A'sea and up the coast to this point.
TftllftV III Klin la mnA
bright and when I write again perhaps
1 will be able to give you Bme records
wui, gun ana isckio. Ska-Cjub.
A Lass Co. Strikb. Lane corntv
prouiiue to furnish rich mining dietricts.
A tnitaitncTAP tiaa lnut ar!wAl .ailing fl m
IS . " w jua, n. . . Vlllllf v. m
very rich strike ia the Plue Kiverdis-
A t ll iA 1 1 .... .a
vrn v tying iu nines east oi ivugene, op me
McKenxie river by Mr. S.J. White on
bia claim lying east of the "Lane County
Mine," but on the eastern slope of Gold
HilL TliA nnarla ihnvn ia ImtiAv.
oomled with beautiful yellow gold, aud
mo rumor 11 mai tne quantity la large.
From all accounts Mr, White has a claim
worth thouoamis of dollars. Guard.
TliA Tltfunr'B 141 Kaa Miwiubl a 1....
ter from the Albany party taking the ir
out'ng by a trip to Skagway. It will be
raau niLii iiiierrBt vj xssaiuguAT readers
tomorrow evening.
The steamer Eugene, the only boat on
tlieunner W'illsmette. wnnt. lnnn iimim
this afternoon. The Eugene ia giving
ocular and aquatic demonstration that
u t. . i ....7. i
lb ia w luw waier uoub.
Tha (.raman'a arnnrainn lAlhte r..f
announced tor Saturday and Sunday haa
been deilared off, the w ei her not be'ng
suitable for ao excursion.
FOUND. On the streets of Albany, bv a
compositor of the Dkmocbat, a love fet
ter from a Jefferson young lady to a
compositor on the Herald. The came
can be bad by calling at the compos
ing room at the Democrat olllce.
From the Criterion i
W. A. Woorf Iia ntlft anrtr (nm W V
Chandler, and will move to Yoneatla.
Mr. Wood left last Saturday for Port
land, ,
W. E. Shaw expects to move to Dallas
anon, whtre be will engage in tho livery
1),'N M. feklpworth preached at the
M. h, church last Sunday morning, It
being the first sermon that ho baa
preached for nine years.
A strike is reported at Rom Hum
Mirer's saw mill. l...i w.u
dilliculty arose regarding wages, and the
"""ii wen out on a strike. Just
how the matter liirmln.
l be Champion mill tarted up the
first of the wck, gilnding new wheat
the Urst of the season, The mill now
srge oruer lor flour, and
night and day for a while.
Catmouc ltM(.-Gov. T. T. Geer
yeaterday revived a letter from a Catho-
lie prleat, rector 0 a congregation of that
(.-nomination In oi,e of the larger cities
in Oregon, calling the attention ot the
executive to the fact that in some In
stances returning volunteers, members
of the Second Oregon regiment, have on
display aacred vestments and vessels,
,..,n tr?m 11,9 Catholic churchra in the
Philippines, lie stales that theao ar
ticle cannot be purchased in the mar
ketj that after they are once dedicated
to the use of the church they are always
retained for such use and are, to the
Catholic, awed, and must, therefore,
have been taken from churches. This,
he states, Is confirmed by volunteers,
,1 fknowledged taking ankles
of this kind f,om churches in towns
captured by the American forces. The
writer urgee Governor (ieer to use hia
endeavors to have the article In question
returned to the church, wheie alone
they have value. Statesman.
.....r:.;i Fjai)AY s.z
Charlie McOee Again.
Charlie McGce arrived In Albany from
Brownsville last night and had his fifth
or sixth teroui spree, casting a g0cd
deal of trouble. About II oVhwk he
weoiioto Ul lnsA JttcAlbin's saloon
aod endeavored to lake charge of affairs,
making thing lively with ihe Ice chisel.
Then he went to McKilVp A Burkhart'a
lunch counter and attacktd Vr. McKH
lop wiib bottles. Nlghtwaich McClain,
train at th depot, waa
telephoned to end 1000 appesred arid
took charge of him taking bim 10 the
city Jail, but not until after desperata
trOHgie. Albany haa had toouah
jrouuieircm tbia yoong man, who is
awiess wueo orankand perfectly obi vl
ous to other peoples right.
Mctice'a face ia well baliered up from
Iheeflecte of deservrd clubbing by
Mghtwatcb McCain. Aa McGee had
knocked the Kibtwaich down it was
bJ P'jper thing and none to revero.
The case bad not been brought up at
presetime. Arrangementa were b:tig
made to take McGea before a justice of
the peace, perhaps on the rbar of as
suit will a dangeroos wesjoo.
Death of Mrs. Huston.
Vrs. Dorena Msr.l.all, wife of Mr.
Edwaid Huston, died in this city this
morning at 4 o'clock, after an Illness of
several months, of consumption, at the
age of 29yesrs,:il anontni.
The deceased was born in this county,
one r.f aovera! daughters and sons ot Mr.
A. G. Marshal!, one ot Linn county's
pioneer farmers, anu SDent her lifa har.
etxmed and beloved by all knowing
?!" . fTer1 '' ,n wm one ol
V.T teacners, omainlag a
spiendll reputation as aa instructor
The deceseed bad been for good many
year a member of the Ciirlitian rhnn-i.
1 ri.d' h i " not on,y her
uvauBBu mnc lainrr a tamiiy but aa well
to ti e entire community, and there is a
universal expression of aympathy.
The funeral tervlr will h .i.l c.k
bath afternoon at the Chritin ihnnh
V1..UI.-.U uack. a Toumr man riimw
"V T . .
o.t from Kansas a c nple of years or
more ago, and after remalaing awhile
concluded that there was nothing here
good enough, notLibg suited b'.m, so be
went back to reside. An Albany friend
this week received ft letter from him.
Hera are some of the think in it: "It
Is 103 aod 110 lo the shade. Have had
lots of storms and lightning. Wife and
baby have been sick. I can't atand it
here. Too hot, too cold, ton many
norms and too much bad health. We
ara coming back to Oregon. I had
rather be in Oregon with 1 than with
10 here.
Hovt'b "A Mto.Niour Bll' at repie
sented by L. R. Stock well and his splen
did company, has been accorded the
ei edit by the crltica of all the large cit
ies of being a magnificent and thorough
ly enjoyable production. The scenic en
vironment ia moat elaborate aod the
company presenting the comedy is one
of unusual strength.. "A Midnight Bell,"
with ita whirlwind of fun, ari'l be the at
traction at Armory ball next Tuesday
evening. Price (0 cents. Reserved
seats without txtra charge.
Pxtitiox in BAHEtciTCY. Peter Gab
braith, of Albany, bookkeeper, yesterday
filed a potitlon iu bantrroptcy in the Un
ited States court. His liabilities wh'cb
are in the form of accommodation paper,
amount to fSO.857.41, ot which paper
f2400 waa for the accommodation ot ihe
Albany college, and the remainder for
the accommodation of the Albany Wool
en mills. From the fart that petitioner
return no assets, it would seam that be
has been altogether too accommodating.
He asks the court to decide whether be
it personally liable lor a note of $1000
held by the Bnwnsvillo bank, which,
while he was secretary ol the Albany
Woolen mil;, be signed with the nsme
of tbat corporation, after it bisown name
aa "secretary." The decciaion of the
mtrl An I hla vtnttt. a?lll nnl mat. mn.h
difference in the divtdend.-Oregonian. '
Prof. Went went to the Bay this noon
to join his family,
Mls Mary AltLoui returned this
nia from the Bay,
Miss Zelda P. Hanrabsm, of Salem, ia
visiting Albany friends.
Mr. Lonner Kalston returneJ (his
r.on from a lusirieis trip to ra'im.
. Y-,1' 'f "P"on has toli hi, f.rm nn
Oak Creek and moved to Lear Spokane.
C. G. Itawllnga Is running on the El
more as purser between haltm and Port
Isnd.f Miss Lo-a Vance left this morning for
Seatt'e, on a visit with her sister, Mra.
Mr. W, B. Sn-ven and children re
turned this uo'ii I via a several week
outinu at tt.a linv
over ih Lebanon wagon read in the in-
wrvn m us owners.
Will Perry returned from the Bay tbis
noon accompanied by his brother and
will soon go esst on a trip.
Miss E luh Thompson catre over from
the Bay i li i r oon and wint to Junciitu
where she will vieit with a sitter.
t J. It. Whitney ami brothers E. B. and
John and ifalph Prumiey, of Eugene,
went to the mountains yesterday after
lie? J W Cralg.of Lebanon.wfll preach
in the M. E. Church South cext Sunday
morning en evening. A cordial invita
tion U all ,
C, W. Walts ha accepted the contract
of superintend.fig the taking of a large
shipment of mining machinery IntuiJaw
-ton andwill leave Keptcuiber 1st.
Our Horres Welcome Hotne," by
Kev. Mintk. ol this city, wl.l be rurg at
Woodmen reception to the volunteers,
at Salem tonight.
Ptv. A. J. Sturtevaut, ol Sacramento,
arrived in Albany this morning and wHl
breach in the Pnptint church, to which
he has received a call, nest Sunday.
He has not yet accepted.
Mr. Cauliel.l. sUter of Capt. Philips,
came up from Oregon City tnis noon on
a visit with her mother and brother.
She ia accimpauied by her ch ldren.
W. T. Pakcr and wife and eon were
expected home from Walla Walk this
noon, but did not arrive. Mr. and Mra.
Baker have been sick and expect to
make Albany their homo herealter.
Don Itoss, the popular Postal clerk left
touay lor Astoria ou hia vacation and to
attend the regatta, he will begone three
weeks, during hia aUence Miss Anna
Ugleeby ol bugene filling the position.
Chaplain Gilbert was tendered a pub
lic reception iu bis church at Eug-ne
Wednesday niuht. at which it ia said
there were one thousand perrons. Dur
log bis long absence the pulpit waa kept
open for the popular chaplain aud be
will resume bis work iu it.
Prirate Whitney who has'the distinct
ion of having brought a Filipino home
from Manila, waa in the city tbia noon
on ihe way to Corvalha to attend the re
ception tonight. He proposes to keep
the Filipino and bring him up on bia
farm near Portland.
Mr. Major Johnson returned last
night from Peoria, where she has been to
visit her daughter, Mra. George Bavne,
recently injured in the motor accident.
She repona her rapidly improving Jind
walka around her home. She w aa badly
bruised though.
J. L. Pennet, a member of the G. A.
It. died iu Salem yesterday at the age of
74 years.
The G. A. It. tomorrow evening will
give reception to the Volunteers all of
horn are invited to be present. A good
piogram will be presented.
Miss Sarah Starr, stenographer at the
sovernor'e office, Salem, a daughter of
Frank Slarr, died at 1 o'clock teeterd
irom ft doss ol cart olic acid, wl.Lh she
look by accident.
The millionaire president of the big
atrij nut gag company 01 xvew iota cry,
a German, pasted tbrouab. Albany this
! noon accom.anitd by bia family and
private secietaiy. lie is making a tour
l e uoueu &iate9anu travels in style.
Part of Capt. Phillip's fine collection
of Manila curiua may be seen at McFeron
& Tomlinson's west show window. It
contains guns, canes, combs, Filipino
handiwork, flags, swonlp, a piece of
wood from the Keina Christina, etc.
Jim Fn!nv, who was killed in a priae
fight at Kn Francisco, dying yeeterday,
resided in At'Muy fjr awhile a year or
two ago. lie in a relative, of Mr. Peter
R'ley, of this city. While here he boxed
witb two or three of Albany's amateur'.
George Bealty, who crossed the Cas
cade range of mountaina via the Mc
Kenaie route last Monday, found six
inches of new snow and the "beautiful"
fell all the time he was crossing. T. J.
Elliot, who came from Bohemia Tues
day, says it snowed in that district four
inches deep Monday. Guard.
From tbe News.
While riding a bicycle nt Shelbnrn lss
Saturday John Griiliu fell striking the
ground wi b such force that his left el
bow waa dislocated.
Mr. aod Mrs. R. L. Wymer and two
children, of Aloany, spent Sunday in
Sclo, the guest of Mrs. Wymer's brother
F, 1. Jouee and family.
On Wednesday of tbis week A.J.
Johnson surprised and delighted the
members of bis household by presenting
them with ft Kronich A Boch cabinet
grand piano. It is solid mahogna caso
and one ol the finest Instruments made.
Last Friday morning while cleaning
the chain on hia bicycle W. D. Cyru
caught tbe index finger of bis right hand
in tbe chain and the flesh on the end of
tbe finger was. rt moved with neatness
and dispatch.
Last Saturday Marshal Young rereived
telephone instructions to arrest aod hold
wayne btar, young man who lives
with hla parents near Dusty, and who
was supposed to be in tbis city, having
left Corvallis that morning on wheel
lor bcio. Mr. louogtooo learntd tbat
the young man had been here lot bad
gone up to Mr. Ray's near Jordon. A
constable from Ooivallis arrived about
noon, and in company with Marshal
Young drove up to Mr. Ray's place and
took the young man in charge. lis was
arrested for the larceny of a bicycle lamp
but claimed tbat be bad purchased tee
lamp from a strsnsrer tbe evening previ
ous for 75 rents, and, at he Is a man who
f11 beretolore torre a good reputation
me etwi j 10 cu(i vuj ivuvi uvsve
On board Steamship Toorks, Mary's, Alaska, August II.
Mr. f, . JTottljg;
Editor Dxhoout!
Albeuy, Oregoo.
A day hot and dusty ride brought
our party from Albany to Tacoma, where
w- embarked upon the steamer "Flyer,"
Seattle bound, 'are six Ml.
The eI refre-hiog breezes of the
"Sound" soon removed tbe cinders from
oar faces, and brought back the health
fnl color to our cheek.
Tte "Flyer" ia the fattest boat run
nlng 60 the Sound and baa never been
beaten, except by the torpedo boat
"Kowao," which, on its trial tiip.cut
circlet arcund ber when the "Flyer" at
tempted to race.
Alter a pleasant rUe of an boar and
half, tbe iigbta ot Seattle began to be
seen, presenting a mott beaut ful ap
pearance, as tbey 2ot the hiilssu. round
ing the bay.
We were all charmed with tbe enter-
Srise, and surprind at the g owih of
eat tie. Her atreeteare crowded all dry
loog with buy people, and ber atore
bave a proaperoo look.
Our short atay ol two dj and half,
ws spent in eight aeeins and viitiu
ur viu irienu.
... . . . . -
The Economist Drv Good Co . form
erly ol Albany, are located in a oeat and
commodious store, and seem well pleased
wun iiieir prospects lor beamed.
Mr. Geo Piper, managercf the Seattle
Poat lmwlligencer, kindly favored our
party witb s aatl in his fleet yacht, The
Mr. O. C. Cherry, foimerly of Aifctny,
now U. 8. Steamsn j lorptct r,eecoried
as to our ves el, ar.n inioe us acqoaintej
wiib the ship's olhcers, who have given
u iu, uiuvi aiuuir treatment.
i ien oeaiiie, luotuay at II ft. m.,
the number Ol Dassenner anri amnnnt nf
freight to be taken on board, having de-
laycu us aooui two Hours About filly
applicants lit passage to the gold fields
ot tbe Yokon, were turned away, and at
cast twenty 1 1 inose wlo secured pS'
sage, are without bertha.
One of our waiter forgot to serve tbe
table, but eanred ua encoaraeionlv.
"that everything hie aould eme a-
rouoo Lie in tbe proper time." The
steward promptly removed him from bis
duiiee.aud we nave since learned tbat be
baa attended ft wedding in Seattle, and
bad not yet recovered from tbe effectt.
Wednesday mornini? ton ml na
Nanimj, Vancouver Island, with tbe sea
as smooth as the Willamette. Tbe day's
ride surpassed our expectations. Tbe
weather waa wo! and pleasant. Here
and there along either abore could be
seen loggers' aettlements and now and
tben an lsd:an village, ana close by its
burying ground witb ita highly colored
and fantastically carved "totem poles."
Close by the ship appeared the black
bodiea ol tbe porpoisea aa they rose to
aunacv. a suorr aiatance away,
whale.frisbteced bv tha atUckn'of mmnrA
fish, threw itself from tbe water splash
ins Op clouds ol s;lvery foam.
In these higher attitudes, tbe light
clouds bang low aroucd the mountain
tops, making a beautiful setting for the
louj miis 01 British Uo.umbia. By tven
iog "Seymour Narrows" waa reached
In thia narrow, rock bound channel, the
tides flowing northward from tha Gulf of
beorgia. and southward trim Qa ea
Charlotte Sound, meet, terming ft whirl-
TViol. in W ll ! r h a hen lha tiAom .M rnn.
ning, no ahip can live. We were dt
loyed at this point an hour, waiting fur
the turn ol the tide. Here, a number t f
I years ago, an English man of war was
lost witu nil on board.
ntuui Six o'clork Thareday morning,
we were awakened by a peculiar feeling in
io our eloma:h', a diaxy sensation in onr
oeaos aod a Strang ing attempt to say
"New York"; tbe ship too, was behav
ing in a most nnaccountab'e manner.
An investigation showed that we bad
left Queen Charlotte Sound and bad
passed out Into tbe open sea At break
fast, only half our number ai peered.
Onr account were "cast up" and the
following "entrees ' made:
1. Flinns remain in stateroom.
2 P. A. Y "dixay but on deck."'
3. Mrs. P. A. Y., feels "queer."
4. Clem, not ''sick" but under the doc
Stevensoo. "homesick" DECIDED
LY ' and makes a small offering; saya
he hung on ly bia toes to the berth
lor two hour.
6. Elliot, sings "Rocked io the Cradle
ol tbe 0eep' to keep op his waning
courage. , .
The ri le during the c'av. baa been
foi tbe mott part, up a narrow channel
not more tna a mile wide, lined on
either side by mow capped bills. Tbe
melted snow rushes down the mountain
side in daehine waterf-ilis. We bad not
cxpec'eJ to find the scenery half so mai
bidceut or we would have Drought along
a isrver vocanuiary.
From his, the southern boundary ol
Alaska, we send to yon, and to our
Ii lends, greetings.
By "Trutbiul James."
TttAi Fax oritk Comedy, old yet ever
new. Uoyt'a "1 MUnlght Bell," will be
presen'ed bv L. R. S'ockwell aod an
admirable company of players at the
Aimor? Hall next Tuesday evening,
During Mr. Niocko ell's recent Eastern
tour be waa greeted by crowded bogees
everywhere, and tbe critics were en
thusiastic and unanimous in pionout,-
cing his performance of the greatest ot
Hoyt'a money-wiunerj- ' a perfect pro
duction- ft giorious sn jcrss. as a nurtn
producer llovt'e "A Minieht Bell'
holds the recotl. Prices CO cents. Re
served aeata without extra charge.
Eureka HarnM Oil la th best
preaarratlv of nw leather
and the beat renovator ol old
leather. It oila, softens, black
ans and protects. Use
Harnoss Oil
on jroar bmrt bamfas. yoor old bar
Da), and yoor carriaav top, and Ihejr
wlU out only look brtt-r but wear
longer. 6o!d everywhere In oan all
(iaw from bair plnta to Bve gallon.
Haa. .j itahdaiui oil. lit.
Mrs J. P. Ga'braltb Is vlsitlnc r-lw
Uvea near Seattle.
Kobt. Huston has sold his residence us
Corvallis to 0. E. Smith for $1700.
Mrs. O. A.Archibald and children re
turned last evening from Cascadia.
Chaplain Gilbert went to Portland Hue
noon and tomorrow will in tbat
Amontr'those who went In tha T'. a v in...
day were Judge Whitney, H. A. Nelson, -Vernon
Kanip and Clyde Ash by.
E. D. Cusick came down from Delrrit
lint evening. Mra f nml.,y . A .
will.remain for awhile.
Ivan O.Terry aod Miss Margaret Say.
age were narrieJ in Salem yesterday.
Rev. McKillop performing the ceremony.
Mr. Lather Wiley of I Co.. will be
given n reception at Lebanon tonight by
tbe Y. P. 8. C. E. ol the Prssbyteriaat
Miaa Anna Oran At lha Kaati'a.
schools, is in the city the guest of Judge
roweit wni on ner wav noma mm a
visit in Junction,
Mis Mary Williams has returned from
a two weeks outing at Cascadia, where -matter
a were considerably dampened br
ibe recent rain.
Mr. Fred Tempi too has gone to San
Rafael, Calif., where be haa position
in Moont Tomaipais Military Academy.
Brownsville Times.
Mrs. Geo. C. Moirer and eon hare
gone to Albany to live a few month
while Mr. Mourer hat job finishing
some buihlijgs. Sslem Journal.
Misa Babcock, who baa been in tbe
city several dsy. tbe guest of her for war
schoolmate Mra. W. M. Fa' ker, left tbia
roon for her home in Cheyenne, Wyo.
Mrs. Chiistine Pastoor, who went to
Saemrevtrslweeka ago, baa returned
to ber borne near this city greatly im
proved in health.
Mm. Jennia Watann dhnnolrw ..J
daughter passed through Albany tbia
noon for Eugene on a visit witb ber par
ents. Sbe hss been residing in Vancon-er-
There was quite an exodus from the
Bar tbia noon, Albany people being Mra.
W ire, Mra. John O'Brien and daughter,
Mrs. L. E. Hamilton, L. II. Montanye.
and Ed Eronk.
Mrs. B. f . Irvine, of Corvallis, was ia
the city this noon on ber way to Astoria,
to attend Ibe si ate prers association!
meeting. Mr. Irvine went down on the
west aide.
Rev. M. C. Wire and son Franr re
turned Friday from a vacation trip la
the coast eoontry of Tillamook county.
They report the capture of a large com
ber of trout.
Pean Sanderson, ot tbe divinity scb ce
at Eugene, who baa preached in the
Christian church at AlLanv a onnH maw
limes, left today tor tbe eat In the in
terest ol thecchooL
T. D. N!col and son, of Stock ten, Cal.
have been in tbe city on tbeir way borne
from Fish Lake. A number of years age
several Stockton men took an onting at
Fiih Lake and it has ever aiec had , a
Dig reputation there.
Mr. and Mrs. N.J. Damon anc Mr.
and Mra. Fred Wiggins have returned
from their Alaska trip. Tbe entire party
waa landed safely at Seattle. Mr. and
Mrs. Park are not expected until Satur
day. Salem Journal-
Hon. Wm HntmM ant f
camped in tbe Santiam mountains oa
Kock Creek, when last seen by some of
IsiaHalam frian.l. thia vall.Unr. i.v.
inal lawyer, waa hot on the trail of a
large blacft bear. Journal.
Jesse B Lawrence, editor of the Junc
tion City Bulletin, has enlisted in the
new rer'ment of regulars being organi
zed in Oregon and will report at once at
Vancouver. Eleven recruits were ob
tained at Eugene. One of tbe men Jae.
A. Fisk, was serving sentence in the
county jail.
Kev Lewis Earle Lee, pastor of lha
Ncrth Prvebyterisn church, of Cincin
nati, O., and Mrs. William M. Fleming
of Spokane, Wash., who had been at
tending the reunion at the home of tbeir
lather. Kev. W. B.Lee, at Moont Tabor.,
felt for Spokane yesterday morning. The
former will proceed on bis journey to
Cincinnati alter a abort stay at Spokane.
Ore ganian.
Attorney O. A. Inline r.liimet vaatar.
day from Portland, where he spent ten
days on business. While away Mr..
Johns sent to Drift Creek, Alsea bay.
tiout fishing, and broke the record for
coast fishiog, having caught, with tbe
aid of ex-Governor Lord's sod, over 60
trout. While fishing, Gov. T. T. Geer
appointed Mr. Johns lit utenant colonel.
A. D. C, O. N. G.-Baker City Repobli
can. Air. Johns is a brother of atrr.
Lonner Ralston, of this city.
The trip up tbe Willamette valley i
described by the Port Huron, Mich.,
Daily Timea aa follows:
"The next morning cur train railed
out for tbe trp up the Willamette, Asb-
lann, in tne extreme soutnern part of
the slate being tbe objective point. Our
first stop was at Hillsbcro, where we
were greeted cordially and presented
with flowers and trait. At McMinnville-
tbe programme was repeated until tbe
interiors of our cara were bowers ot
blossoms as a back -ground for the lur -
cious cherries and plums, ts which we
did full just ce. At Corvallis another
stop was made and greetings exchanged,
and in ft short time Albsny waa reached,
w litre tinner was servea at tne amerent
hotels oi the town. More cherries were- .
helped ourselves as the train sped south
ward through tbe loe!y Willamette val
ley, vvooued hills were on either side,
sometimes advancing close to our path
way and again retreattne to the blue
distance, and here and there varied by
some soaring mountain peak capped with,
snow. And all around us were farms
smiling in the sunshine, tbe land rich
ith crops and comfortable bomea to
make tbe plctore eornplete.
MEIKLE. In Po-tlanJ, on Thursday,
Aug. 17. 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Jamee
Meikle,(nee Eva Cowan, a girl, Weight
tight pounds. All doing we'.l.
The newcomers name will be Br-rbara,
after oneof Albany's most popular young
ladies, Mies Barbara Emma Pfeifftr.
BALDY In Albany on Friday mornir g
Aug. 18, 18V9, to Mr. and Mrs. n
Baldy, a eoa.