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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1899)
r lie 3tni0ai Ths popularity of Mark Twain lo Eog land and the lack o attention shown th other Mark (Banna) in hit vlu abroad it soother prtolof the superiority of mind over ma'ter. It is reported that Witfiaoi Waldorf Astor who receatly gave op his Aineti can citiaenahip to become an English man, baa been mobbed by tbe Prince ol Walea, all of which goet to show that tha Prince mutt be a ptetty decent acrt of an Englishman. In Worcester the ad of candiet, cigars nod other week-day thioge ta banned. An exception hat been made In favor of Soda-water, which, according to the sage pjHceot that fertile and festival towo, it ''a neceauty of existence on a hot Sanday ." ranny !-Bostoa Uarald- S-cretery of WarRwtbasiteugurated bia car or by re o .eauag inspector u eral Brcckeuridge with authority which V. a nliArn l bv the action of Alger. General Milea is once more in clow touch i:h .11 military plaua and movements. There seems to be no prospect of an early adjournment of the Senate Finance Committee woo are codsiikhu m. poeed bill to faeien the gold standard on the country at tha comma; if rnr4.. Tha reason ia because of the wi'i"" - r.. aeaeionaare held at SerragansHt Per and the government pays tha bills. While there is some talk of annexing tt-.i - J c.n TViminirO. tor expansion UIJ ki auu " ' , haa run mad in some circles of Wa8tios ton. the admloistiatioo i evidently wailing to feel the uise 01 ui h"""" before ukio any sumttu The negro problem ia tbisconntry is per plexing enongh without ailing la its perplexity. a .I... lima mhen there seema ta be a O. s,ua .a- of the republican Uiav'Kiux - a party to iorce geld uonemetaltism on At ..u tK MnArt ru ins uireviw w. IOC peopis, ' r- . :. -D..Krta ahowloir that the B A.w w - United States baa fallen to tbethird position among nauooa id gun. power, offers food for inflection to thoe e who would take thie rash step. ri,a snorted attempt by a certain clique in the democratic party to ehel ve Bryan and nominate someone else will D fruitiest, for the bold that the brll liaot leader of 1896 haa onjbe masses of the people is too strong to be tnasen. -11 v... .Amiii.tMt desnite ' the wisbeeoi the self-constituted leadere just aa McKinley wt 10 1S96. The news that the outlook for Albany aolirge the coming year ia the best in its history ia very encouiaging and the kind of newt our eitizeot generally tnould re joice in hearing. Sot alone the profeee- oft but the people of A man y generally f should nnite in giving tbia splendid ed ucational Institution a scholarship of a aise to make it felt in the etate. Its fac ulty ia a first clat t one and there need be no hesitation in backing it energetically. Thnaa who met Sir Wilfrid Lau.-ier in Washington during the st B'ioue tf tb fligh Joint Commission were prepared to view bis remaras concerning "Arbi tration or War," as a slip of the tongue, but his more recent refusal to at!end the Chicago eermoniea Incident to the laying of the corner atooe of the Po:t Offije building, or even consider so ial invita tions from this aide of the border, has caased a revulsian of feeling egain.t the Canadian Premier. E. P. Schlott, the wealthy manufac turer of Cadiz, Otto, who offered to boy a congressional nomination for f 10,000, on condition that the money should be spent to tend worthy young man to col lege, baa been raised $5,000. Ralph R Rait of Staebenville offers $15,000 for i tue tame nomination, "'r' that the m3ney ehall be epeat to ttart a school to train voang men ia political 'andeocial ecieoce. There i J no telling to what this latest Ohio idea may lead. 'Shon" at he waa called by the gool aaturid German for wliombe worked was adanced;from cash boy to bead clerk iiid tincebit promotion bad several times sked for an Increase ia ealary, which "-t invariably granted. At last he a ain appeared at the oldlmerchant'a derk nth another rtquett for an increaee,but business was somewhat dull, and the ferman tbongbt "Shon" wat receiving 11 he deaerved, engaged bim in the fol string conversation: "Shon, I tink I baye you putty veil al etty.vatfor I bayt you anymore?" lhon replied confidently, "1 am yonr rincipal help, and know every deUil of oar business, an J tha truth of the mat r is that you could not get along with A me." Eeplied the German, "Is dot a? Vy, Shon, vat I do suppote you die? ad Shon repl'ed, "I euppose you would "e to get along without me.' jlie old German good-naturedly took era! whiffs from bis big pipe, and fi Illy faid, "Veil, shon, 1 guesi yoa pet r gonaider yourself dead."' Webfoot generally ' coinee out about right It uiey have win n wrong I'm of the ynr, but all I well that ends well. Sone people continue to cry that tha kiog can do no wrong. But such talk ia nn' in n'.aca In a despotic government where a man wocld Iota his life if he told the truth. Tha thootlna of Ltbori lusutes the sal vation of Dm fas so far as the court of justice ro. Bat so fvr as human hatred a eoncerntd Drrvfus may fH by the assasaiu'a bulist. Tnat is the resent French gait, a very crtokvd one. The day when even country newspap ers end their personate wlt VceGaeagaia, tiy "our old frierd," tell about their subscribers leaving tubitavtial evidences of their appreciation.aokoow edge the re ceipt of weeding cake and such things it fast parsing away, and these things are vary rarely seen noada)t. It is well for we no Ion ger w ear k nee breeches . The student can go through Albany college (or less thsn on hnodred do'tars a year, not ii e odiog clothing and lux uries, but including board and tuition. Few schools any waere can onVr tucb ad vantages for the young man or yonng woman in poor circumstance. In con nection with h'a etatemeut it mav be added that the moral Influences of the school and surroundings are such that little call ia made on the etudeot for tLinijs other than the education being sought. , The Broad Axsot E'igene epiead it self on the reception of the soldiers ss follows : Even at tne early hour thousands bad gathered at the depot and through the street to receive tha solJieie. Tbty bad come in from every direction for miles around to honor the occasion . Old men and yoaog, old women and young, wo men and children of all aues and aexes were '-gathered there and then . Like Belgium' proud capitol" Eugene bad gathered there bet beauty and chivalry. That convention in Chicago to consider trusts will be a very funny affair, made np as it will be of man from all parties. Opposition to trusts oy memoera oi me republican party so long aa the adminis- tiktion is fostering and building tbem op at a terrific rate, will fall flat on the mass es. If the same men rtaod by the troats now why won't they jast the same if re eected. Of course they will. Tbs tariff policy of the republican party lias been a tiust end monopoly boilder f it many jeart;JoB)K;tiBce the United States reach ed a position wiisre n coma eiaoa aioor. There ie no hope in seeing trusts put down by men who are building tbem up It doesb't take much d;s:eroment lo fig ore that out. Manila correspondent in Leslie's Weekly : Speaking of those short rush es forward, a queer thing happened at Goiguinio, where perhaps half of the tjldieif in one regiment found hens. Before it wat time to kill the fowls or ders came to go fcrward. A little further oot the regiment lay down under fire for come minutes. Ihen came the order to charge. Up and forward with a yell rnsLed the soldiers, bnt over the chest ing rose another sound . Tares or nor hundred bens, objecting to being carried bead don with feet tied to fie strap of a baversaca, set np a frantic squawking aucb as waa probably never beard along a line of cLargiog military btfore. Chaplain Gilbert is receiving many words of praise in different parts of tte state. The m-mbers of the regiment area unit in their wotde for bim, and many declare that be waithe most pop ular man in the rvgiment, a fine thing to aay when it ia remembered that there were several popular men in tbeieg m?nt. Rev. Gilbert exert.'d a splendid iaflaence among the men, because be was a man among tbem, living bit ctiric- tianity from day to day, in camp and on fie field, and be deserves the tributes paid bim. The example is suggestive lit the ministers generally, that lbs way to do the most effective work is to be just a common every day kind of a man among men, wunout any sua necxro, red taped style of proceedore. We are fortunate in having tu:b ministers in A) bany. The Philippine islands elephant con tinues to grow. The insurrection Is spreading ine'.tad of carrowiog. It looks rough for an independent country to be subjecting the people ot another eras try, but we have the job on our bands and it should be pushed if at all aa wa are in a position now where it will ta very bard to let go , The Demo crat doesn't look opon Aqulnaldo st a patriot but as a hireling of some foreign nation. The Philippine islands are a tenth rate country and oot a desirable acquisition, but what are we to do, with the other big nations of the world stand ing ready to gobble tbem np if we are to let go. It is a bad situation for certain that baa been cast opon as, cne that will take hundreds of millions of dollar! and uany Uvea to settle where a reasonable compromise in the first place ought to bave saved all the trouble with the na fives . SATURDAY WIGHT TnOUGIITS. The Puilipptue war coulloue in the tatre old bushwhacking style o.adt necessary by the tactics of Aqulnaldo, and It looks very muco at If it it to bt at long as the Atlantic! cable. Mr. Rt promines to root the Filipino out entlis lv. sending eiioiwo soldi-r to make it more tropical for them than tha climate, The end ot the week ea the tna'ter in statu quo One ol the greatest trials of the centu ry is ia progrest in France, that ot Drej fas. a very important one, because it lu- votvs more than the mere neeitom oi Dreyfus. The freedom ot the French man at a man ia tn it. A greeay cormo rant ttiniis aith aluttonjut ere over Justice. It Justice fall! prey totyranny then t ranee ia undone, and tne wnoie world will suffer. These are dayt whsn the heart beatt of men throb together from Albany to Rennet. e The oast week has been a critical one (or the farmer ot the Northwest, more than that for our piople generally, on account of a rainstorm thai was not oeedrd solar as could be Judgtd. Ibete vi. dinztr of the crops being sadly damaged it not ruined, but at Saturday nUbt reachea us the prospects ars brigl taniog and our usual good outlook isbeforsns. Rain is in plase bre in December and January and several othe months, but not in August, usual y ins clearest, hottest month of ths yi-ar. A vounu man in Albany Una week minted thinua red In a very savage manner while under the influence cf liouor. When sober he ia a very peace able young man, but when drunk is said to be a terror. 1 he result has been a great maoy serious disturbances. Men knowiaa hia condition should never be guilty 'of selling him liquor knowing what tha result will be. and as tie it a danger lo a community when hs appears he should be taken care ot at once Be fore be geta steamed np for trouble. Ia Oregon'politict the most interettlng tbing is the arraignment of the present administration particularly its head be the leading paper of tha etate. With a Junius pen Harvey Bco't puoctures the president a tire, and shows that be la tha mere tool cf the politician. Ho p'eads fnr the people to take beart and not remaia supine. Ths people are listening. What will they do? In 8n Francisco this week a couple of men were having a legal fight before a big audience wheo one crushed the stall ot the other and be afterwards died. Was that murder? People who pay big price for brut ility mart take what dotes. A big lump of caution !s a big thug in this world. A young mao in Portland this week white handling an electrio wire received a shrck that resulted in hit death and a yonng lady in Salem mistook a bjttle of carbolic acid i t cam- Dbor and did not live very long. Atter all life hangs by a thread and tt doesn't take much to break it. Tbe best lite a person can live ia none too good . Keie is a miitbty good story, ai d prtb ably a true one, that 'Captain (,'ogblan told at the Winfield meeting; Dewey sailed into Manila harbor, fought hit bat tie and and tnea cutthe cable. Tbe Eng lish .-tdmiral wanted to help him, but didn't dare. Bat be thought that Dewey migut lake a hint. So the knglien a1- aural sailed over t J Dewey and aaid . "Ah, I see you have cut a cable." Yes." answered Dewey. "Which on?" asked the innocent English admiral. And then Dewey, knowing for tbe first time there were two cables, rustled back, grappled for tbe second cable, and rat it. Ex. Times are yery bad in Australia, and workmen are said to be "humpiog the blury" from one end of the continent to the other in vain quest for work. In Vic toria it ia estimated that 10,000 men ar. out of employment, while in Sydney 4, 000 and in adelalde 3,000 have registered at tbe labor office. Tbe cause is raid to be tbe prolonged drontb from which the wbols of Australia, not a generously wat ered land at tbe beet, hat been suffering. -Ex. President L'ncolo, one morning, fonnd that a robio'a nest, containing three little robins, bad been knocked off J aa evergreen tree near ids wo us musi by acareleit cab-diiver. Kneeling on the ground and putting the bfrdt back In tba nest be replaced it taying: "These birds are helpless, and I will make them happy again." Washington advised as to keep oat of difficulties with other.netions, but though every tteamer going op and down the Potomac tolls its bell when passing tbe bomejof Washington, it teems quite clear that some of oar politicians of to-day thick little of bia advice. Dumb Animals- A little girl five years old wat told by , ber teacher that the Mississippi wat lbs father of waten, "How it that?" She queried ; "if it ia the father cf waters oughtn't it to be Mister Sippi ?'' MISFITS. The forest ranger could be very well gotten along without these moist days. Wheo the clouds have rolled away it will be learned lhat very Uttlo wheat hat been damaged. The'score in a recent gamt of baseball at Tillamook wat 03 to 61. That bat an antiquated sound. A Reddini: shoemaker has received an crder tor a pair of No, H short tor an 8. t m.n VMnn niunn'aU ll tlief are tO I 0 christened the Olympia and llrookn, Col. Hofer recently bathed his body lu tbe Willamette opioslte West Salem. Saveral dead fish mer found afterwards north ot the big bridge. Independent A Back east this week a man made a new record by diving into a pool ot water ' feet 8 inches ilttp from a height of 63 feet. The fool killer had better take him in hand or hit next dive will be hit las'. We have our hands full making ex cuses for this Augu.t rain, and it keeps ut pretty busy. Only one other case like it is reported (or twenty years. It it aa much out of place at a woman at a prise tight. A Tortland mac J tet from Dawson says there is nothing to make there with low wages and whlr-ky fifty rents a drink. He has mined since 1843 and is now ready to qui'. Some people kick st the weather lore, caste, ss it they never right, but a record is kept in the m titer and It la a (act that over 80 per rent ol the predic tions are correct. So there it a good deal ot reliance to be placed n theui. 1 h-r it a constant demand for houses to rent in Albany, which will iocroaee at the time for opening of the schools ap proaches. There ii a field here tors good rusuy new ottsges, snd there are plenty ol vacant lota for them in desira ble locations. ' The reporters on the Herald aie kick. Ing at tbe treee overhanging the tide walks, ceitainty a noiunce to tall people like our friends. Personally the Pit mo chat mas It not bothered. Bet he hat tymoethy for tall people, and ihe city council aiight well atop their monopc lietic attention to bicycles long enough to make an order ered eating tbe evil. The Sab m Sentinel tayt there it a good deal of talk of a successor to Con gressman Txngue, for that ia the pro gram, that Til Ford and Dinger Herman are not in it, but tbattnere are ottie-s, and mentiout Claud Gatcb and W, 11. Hobson. ol Salem, Senator Kelly, of Al bany, W. I. Vawter, ot Jackson county. Judge Fullerton, oi Douglss, Judge Ma eers, of Yamhill and A. O. Woodcoov, of Lane, also Harry Miller and Senators Browntll and Muikey. It ia easr to mention, hut the program it already made for Congressman Tongue lo be nominated. It is a peculiar fact that wheu money or a watch it lost they are not generally found, indicating that there are a good maoy dishonest people ia this world. Occasionally the opposite is true. One lady tbU week loet ber purse containing three or lour dollars. It was found by one ot the eistera of tbe academy, who immediately notified Ihe Dbmocbat and shortly altei wards word was als rtceiv ed from the owner, and tbe money wat restored quickly. A refreshing incident. The Jefferson Bee, of Jefferson, Iowa says : I have spoken before of the loyalty of all the inhabitants o the Willamette valley to the country. They talk most about the climate and its heathfulnest, bat they are sure the whole business is the beat God ever made. You absolutely cannot find any kickers. They are oer fcctly satisfied and supremely content. They say they have occasionally had an Iowa man come out there whodidn't like it, and after six months went back home. Ia nearly every rase they say he has come back to Oregon the next year to stay. Tn is unanimous contentment it tignificant. And the sneering, way in winch they talk about cyclones makes an Iowa man mad. And ttien he hits ut for our cyclone ttory credulity. The Dimocrat hsa received a copy of the York, Penn., Dispatch, with a wri lo op of tbe editorial trip at faraa Portland, The editor tayt of our climate : The climate it delightful. There are no extremes of temperature at any sea son. The mean temperature of Portland for 25 years hat been 63 deg. The sum mer temperature rarely goea above 80 deg. and the winter below 32 deg. The year it divided into rainy and dry sea toot. Most of the rainfall takea place between April and Novemoer, when it it nauall advisable to keen cloee compan ionship with an umbrella. Last winter while the east wat shivering under awav-bclow-zero temperature, fa Port land rosea budded and blossomed all through November, December and Jan uary and in February spring began don ning her robtt of leaf and flower. Bliz zards andtornadoes are unknown. It is as heathful too as it it delightful and Port land has the reputation ot being the healthiest city in the country. Although enjoying such a delightful climate from the city can be seen Mt. Hood and Mt. Helena with their constantly anow capped tops, sixty milea away, lifting their lofty peaks far into the blue iky. I. O. O. F. There will bt a special meeting of the lodge tbis Ssturnay eve ning at 8 o'clock. AllOJd Fellows are requested to attend. By order of the Noble Grand. U. Baiishs, Sec, Anew dii'orco suit is Earl B, Ya nk egt Ida M.Yank. Itch!Itch!Itch! Awful Itchingof Eczema Dreadful Scaling of Psoriasis CURED BY CUTICURA CvrtcrHA Soar, to cleanse the skin, CunevHA Olntiiinnt, to heal the skin, and Ctrricuaa Rmolybkt, to cool the blood, make the iiiimI complete and speedy cure trmitmatit cr torturliiu. dbflguring hu mors, runhi. and irriutloua, with loss of lialr. which have dotlod the skill of ths best physicians and alt other remedies. THE SET $1.25 . IU i Oim"T. .! Bni,it,li. S4S nrjwbM. lna u iC,Cir, l""Ml. Uo"oa Another Engagement. MAxaA, Aug. 17,6:15 P. M.-Klwht i.nn.irA.1 lnaiirui.t.a attacked Amreleslhlt morning, but the Twelfth regiment drove them Into the mountains, mrco ditched locomotives were captured. None of the American troops were in jured. After n I lllbtiiter. Gimymi-s, Mexico, Aug. 17.-Thegrin-iMHti Democrats Ml port Tuev.l iy and a rumor was started that it went to intrr ct'pt a vexwl from Sun Francisco curry ing Galling guns. riUes and ammunition to the YaiUi. The gunboat has not re turned, but rumor says that it ha cap tured the filibuster. Went too Deep. Tacuma, Aug. 17. William lUMwIn. the (uimxnt tmrine diver or ScrtlU. wus diowimi tiiia afternoon while wrrklng oi the submerged Atfhlana, 10 lect mi ller water. It has been contended that divers could i ot descend de 'per limn 150 fee' . . On the fourth trip down, the temdc air pressure broke the connecting tutes to hit pneumntic suit, and lie was drowned. A Piiuilmtlc Murder. Sax FAxri, Aug. 17. Jim Kralney the pugsltat injtred by Frank McOon nell in their tl2ht last night, died this afternoon at 3:13 without having rogalu ed consctousn- ss. McConnelt and hit seconds, with Krai ney's seconds and managere ol the club, h.ivo been placed under arrest ; also Itef eie Hiram Cook. A relayed Po'lcy. Wabiiikotox, Aug. 17. -"The policy cf the war dejmrtmi'nl," eaid Secretary Koot today, "e to furnish General Otis with all the troops ana supplies mat e can use and that are necessaro to wind up the Insurrection in the Philippines in Ihe shortest possible tiiu." Poisoned by Lunatic. Rocs mm, III., Aug. 17 Two hundred people were poinoncd at Oregon, III., to da by lemonade which they drank at a picnic. Asyet no fatalities have been reported. The picnic waa the annual celebration of the Modern Woodmen of America and was sttended by 2000 peo ple. Some FiKlitliiR. Manila, Aug. 18, 5:30 P. M. The in surgents have been concentrating for two d ivs tK-fore Angeles. It is officially announced t hit Colonel Smllli, with 10 companies ot the Taeith regiment, and two guns of bnttiry E,of the First artil lery, under Lieu'enant Kemley, this morning attacked 2500 strongly intrench ed Insurgents at the southern approach to Angeka and drove them back alter a sharp tight, the American (roots lo-lng two men killed and 12 wounded ; the in surgents' loss is estimated at 300 men. Iowa Fusion. Dks Moisch, I., Aug. ltl. The demo cratic state convention today nominated the follow ing ticket: tiovernor Frederick K. White. Lioulcnant- governor M. 1.. Hcvis. Judgo ot supremo court A. Van Wageneon. Kail way cainmissiouer iV. H. C 1 houn. Superintendent R LP. Hoist. The populist etate convention also met and indorsed the abovo ticket. Electric Death. Pobtiaxo, Aug. 17. Hawthorne Jo tephl, the only son ot State Senator Dr. Joseph!, met instant death at the home of hia parents yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock, while repairing tome electric fl tings. Examination of the service wiret lo Dr. Josephi't residence very soon after the accident showed that they wtre en tirely free from contact with other wires. It is not certain that the young man re ceived a shock. Dawson News. Victoria, Aug. 18. The steamer Dirl go, with 00 passengers and considerable treasure, an i ved burs today from Alas ka. Among her passengers is Furguson, partner of Alexander A, c Donald, who denies tbe bankruptcy of McDonald. News was brought of two stampedes from Dawson almost simultaneously about August 1. Trust Result. Nkw York, Aug. 10 The general com mittee of the Greater New Voik Ketail Butchers' Association decided that an advance of at least 3 cents per pound in the price of meat waa imperatively ne cessary to protect retailers against a beavy lost from aharp advances in wholesa'e rates. Big Damage Suit. Walla Walla, Wash , Aug. 15 J. H.Csssady hat begun an action against tha fi U. A N. for S7000 damairaa for in. juries received in failing from a train, May 4, near Colfax. Cassady snd other workmen were being taken by a railroad contractor from Pendleton to Wallace, J. 8'erhng Mortoo started a new party some months ago. Bo fir at beard from be and ex-Pretident Grover Clsveland are tba only members of it, and Mr. Clev eland was made an honorary member by Mr. Morton "without the consent rf tbe governed." J. Sterling can make mote fools of himsel in shorter tims than could 0 II. Dodd, of Portland, when hs was at the height of his political and commtr cial genilh. EaslOregoulan. HOME AND ABROAD. Kelrlgerntor, lee cream f reeiors, , At Stewart Sua Hardware Cq t. fall at the Hugitr Howl tor lis '.lit Frth fruits' Yiereck'.Migsrllewlpar. lore. M'DVKS and Tinware at Ohtlng HuI'-ium's. ti.r.ien Hue at i !. mi wets st Oh ling A lliiHnirt's. Freeh Smlavlliesmln-w liter healthful uiniiier UriiiK. at l vw s. ktrnle, Bird cirpe'lnif, 113 o n a per iirii, tiy 1 1 (. AU'SMinim, si iuw ar'. Asthma can be cured. To prove this ciif at lUirkhnrts A IWa Drug store and g. t a free trial bottle of Dr. Taft's Aslh inii'eno. flitre are 8.18 men at the hnrraekt it Yancouvtr waiting lo go lo wanna. Jay Itlaln.ol tblt city, bat flttd pe- lltluu in bankruptcy Willi liabilities uo.. m, asseit f l.'O and exemptions 1 120, the Wi'sou avenue site tor the po till at Salem, lying between the court heiise tut J the city nan, win n miei. The n uslo for "Our Heioit," compos ed bv Kev. timtek wlih muio y . . . & 1JI IT TLTIllaa t'srvm, It now on saie as c. v. ..II unli.ii mi. All AllialiV lilOttUt'.IOIt everybody should have a copy. Aciordlng to the journal tnre are .i....... .......... I. in l.aHdia that (! death V w It f uuiiua a - ----- - - ot Mls rjatah rMatf ol that i lly ae not an aec.Uent out tuit uie . hom" u' ilium was tiunk and the joungladv bad In n told with it in hr hand lhat it was a rant poison. t' 1.. I. Jacobs, ol Jackson euiiiilj, sold the 5 per cent hurtle ol .t.lilsod bVhool District, No. 5, l the sii.oiint ot II2.0CO, to the tUnk ut Arh land, lor a premium ol IH0. theie weie several other bids. The li ii'ocrat received a letter; front TalluiBii today stating lital the purse o A. M. Holt recently ll, hud been found and would be returned. A it contained nearly 125 in money end a w atch it was fortunate that il fell into honest hand. The Odd Fellows at the last meeting oi Ihe gtand lodge appointed a comm'neo to receive proposals lor a sit (or an Odd Fellows Home. Albany would be a sphmdld lrettnn for one. A proposal Irom ttiis city Is in order. O. 8. tiilslrap, J. L. Baker and K. L. Humphrey, ol Lebanon, and aeme mem ler ol a traveling troup have termed a company and wid give eihibltloot at Si.sdil, llalaty, Harrlaburg and other towns. They are taid to be good. Thursday Jesse Brown sold his wheat crop to Louis tlkersoo lor M0 The crop stands In the shock and compiiast ISO acre. One-third ol it go a lo tbe owner of tbe farm In payment of the rent. Mr. Wilkersoo gets two thirds, aid of eouise ps a: I expense ol thresh ing and takei alt chances of Inst on ac count of weather. -Corvatlit Times. Charles McOee sentenced to lev enty dajt in the city fall yesterday eve ning by Kecorder llsnton for being urunk and disorderly and resisting an officer. The same night Mctiee also at tacked s mao named King from Kings ton with bit knife. eoJ the ice kclle he utedatOollint&McAlpbine't wst etc ta'nlr a daegeroua weapon. 8ii monlht in the county il would have had a much better effect and influence on Dim. It It stated that Dr. J. W. Watts, o Yamblli county, It industriously clrcul ating a petition, alkleg for hit appoint ment at receiver ot the Oregon City Ian citi.'e. to tuccte.1 Hon. W illiam Uallo way, whose tim ol olllse expires next February. Several candidates are anx iously pulling tbe ropea for tbia place, but the oiinion hat been advanced that Hon. George A, eUtel bat the Inside track, provided lhat he wauls the ap pointment. Orfgoo City Courier. W. W. Curtis, the tlinter roan, was a passenger in on the Klmore this week. Mr. Cunls it at the head of the company negotiating with toe cltlsena of Albany 1th a view to the establishment of a fW.OoO saw mill at that place. Albany may be a gooii location tot a taw mill. but lor a tdaot ot tbftt magnitude we believe that Tillaotook offers Inducements tup. trior to those of any InUnd ilty la the world Tillamook Herald. Met Old Friends. From the Princeton, III., Republican s Bureau county people are well i caller ed over the Western ttalet, and of late yean many have gone to the Pacific coast. In Oregon sod Washington there It hardly a townol soy use that does not contain one or more families from this county. This condition wat manifest during tht trip of the National Editorial Association a few weeka tgo. At that time the namet of the delegatet were printed in the Western papera and the people located in tbote townt took par lleulae paint ti look op any of their ac quaintance! when tbe train passed through their cities. The Willamette valley the wheat and fruit garden spot of Oregon contains many Bureau coun ty people. . . .. Among others mentioned are tee fol lowing i ' "W. A. Cox, a brick mason, who left Ptineeton 20 yesrt tgo, it located at Al bany, In the Willamette valley, and hat plenty ol work at bit trade. Georie Kichards, who operated a wagon thop In Princeton in 1874, it alio at Albaay. He la 74 years cf age, and Is now retired from 'business. His ton, W. S. Richards, is a member of tbe city council of Al bany, and Hiram, another aou, it locat ed in Eastern Oregon. "At Portland It located Frank E. Hodgkln, formerly ot Princeton, who lor many years served at first assistant tec retary, and next at assistant state trest - ii. i... .I.n hal1 nlher Imnortant unit ' ..-r . oflicet, and it one of the foremost politi cians of tbe state. Until thit spring Mr. Hodgkln made hit borne at saiem. "The Bureau county people who have moved to the coast are unanimous in ssying that tbey like tbe climate, crops and business ueuer man iubj utu m nu- nois, a circumstance wnicu s pea us wen for tb 1'aciilc tlope, v. . fDmV,a.. nf tl.a V. nl P. ara ySQUfSveu iu llircb a. unit mju.. iw. afternoon at 1 o'clock for the purpose of .n.n.ltiiK ilia funeral service of Mrs. ... . - . ,, Wall lnmi.n.u Edward Huston. By request of the V, 0.