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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1899)
SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I HOME AND ABROAD. We lead with mm smM IBS! mmn. V l NU IT! M.. I'd iuJjrr'P Kuierel at the P U.tti. at AHwsy iaor,a aun. nl mail metutr.j, The Bazaar. Highly Attractive Values IN Laolei VuHn Undergarment, Drew eri, Corictcovere, tiklrta. SPECIALLY manv pretty atylet in Nightdresses, The Kmplre.The Kevcre, snoitor ueepyoses trimmed w 1 tit tociiea itwa mines, em Lroiderv. Itre. tie. length, Fnllnt, StlUMng, Style, Material and Price all carefully conetd ed ana , nrel to you rgnt, 0 ' NEW Taffeta, Satin Velvet and Fancy Ribbons. L E. & II. J. HAMILTON KEEP IN MIND THAT The Photographer makei everything tn'lhe of photo grapht, Irom photot to life t: to portralta. Larget. attortment of Orrgon, D the valley. Framr-i of all e!ze. I'licto buttont, hat pln, etc., elo ;.Net door ttpotU dice Atlany. Wc liavc New Orleans Molasses Sorghum and Table Syrnp Your choice it 40c ier gallon. ALBAM TRADIHG GO. iUAM L1CH CODNTEB, McKlllop & Uurkh&rt, Prorrletors p.rm,. menle at all t.oura. Fieth 0V. en lii ttvlet desired. Serve lunchet for anqueta on ibort notice. llmtti wit yen WMf T".e!."",","V nrv.kUllii, ftmoTt, m. nwira lor o'Jtatrvuu.dittriNi.. atptitaie. una, purio.a tua uiooq, tnr.f lo nv.ancM.a. . In tie.ltn.ll rur.d. Bu lOTU HIC rraia oor wo aruvffii. -a IU,plllr. eanliLnUyOny ox, tt. u.uallr eura.i I bii, l w, ...... ... nr..rruB(lllO!llTi Absolute Guarantee and Eastern Prices On til RAG Curtail and rerrle Wall t When a customer la not perfectly eel l. fled new pair given In exchange (or tl biu one. It It our aim to p'eeta and aatMj every peiaon a ho purchases and tteail cur RAO Corbet or Kerrle waist. We rail sneciel attention to our 6Pf nd lo our 800 cot tat which we think w II coin para favorably a lib any 11.00 eortel u tint market. Received today another line of tboe lopularundertktr'e for ladiaa. htm lamheeux Malta Lata Curlalm nd dniiid twlai and art goodi tor taal curtaltii. S. E. Young & Son. MISFITS. A!bny Itrlfifor an antl-tplt ordln- lira. Clerki who hava lo clean c.ff I he rciiu-ni win 111 ma morntrg ata car- iH'ii'any aoxioue lor ion filing tiiat la red hoi. Tha following from the Rotehurg Plalndesler it sample of a hnt tha Ore gotuao KM 1 lor telling tha truth : The lima and opportunity it rine (or tr.eestsblishment of a dailv renubllceo eewrpaper in I'onland. the Oreitonian having lurmd traitor to the party and the aoiuliiittration, in (act, It never hat been conspicuous tor lit party fidelity Optimists are'alaayi p'eettnl folio to meet. The Guard of Kpgene telli of one. 1 8am Ifoaard. the well known farmer. wat in loan thlt afternoon. Ha eate the a heat crop in Lane county hat been damage! wore aevrral timea than at thlt particular time, and no fura wtt madeorerit. He ttiiake nearly all the beat lodav ia lo a meri-lonlil.le cnn. UillCO, From tha Telegram : Tha Hate prett atioclaiion la becoming loaded down mora and mora with 1 eroad of felloe a who have no legitimate right to metnbertulp, and who are al- waya looklnr for a email graft lu tbe tbapa of free rldei and free grub. Tbe prete eaeoclatlon nradi to be reorgan lad abd limited to geoulna and reepect- ui oQwepaper people. ni.,. it . . . . . Before it ataci any mora b'cycla or- dloancr a the city council thoold make at ttudy of tLe quettlon and not amend tbe -at ... it. . . oiu oruinence every time tome one makea a kirk, which teema to have been lb plan heretofore. The bicycle baa come 10 eiay, and aa Albany fiat no itreeti that permit of riding to wet w valuer and nearly everybody ridee the tldewalkt are a neceatity, Carleai ridert and trot chert thou Id be aeverelv dealt with and then there wo-i'd La little ou cattlon ! complaint. The Crack County. The Graphic, of Kimball, Brute coun ty, South Dakota, ttjt: We broke in uicn tbe quiet Sabbath til I liftt of Albany tbonly after the noon hour, and jutt in time to'partaka of the rceilwgcity'iep'endid hotiiifllty.whlch we enjoyed for two houn, largely in the way of dinner at tha hotelt. A.banv ia one of tha leading towna of wettern Ore. Jon and baaa population ol 4 OCOor 6,000. 1 ia tha county eeat of I.lnn county, thecrttk agricultural courty of theatata, lying in the hrart o the Willamette valley. Th it count M nrned off I2.2CO.OUO of farm product! latt yeah Tha rattern nan 01 1110 county ia heavily timbered, with 200,000 feet of lumber to the acre and tha county haa a et-wotk oi treama, many of them of high power. Incidentally ever city or loan In Ore- on upward of 2,000 population can be epended upon to have a waterworkt tyt tem and an electric light plant. It ia ao in Colot ado and in fact all over tue far wett. We think wa are pretty enter, prising aa far rett aa tha Miaeourl; yon will And it mora to If you journey a thousand milea further. The retail of a lack ol hoepitalitv la iliown In tbe following from the Graphic : "Aa tha aun waa aetting we iteamed into Roaeburr. Wa didn't like thlt town a little bit. being dutty, dirty, and mla erably laid out, up bill an J down around the corner to nowhere. It took aeveral hourt to enable tha party to obtain a ratter poor layout at the hotelt." Water Mclont, iweet aid delicious on band daily at U. UfiOWNCLL a, For choice groceries at rcatonab'e ratea, ce McFeron A Tomlinaon. Freth bread evorv tlav. Two loave or tilckle at McKeron A Tcmlicaon. Yellow Crawford neachei can now be found at BnowyKiL'a, 2nd St. Ripe Tomaloes. Petri and A rplca at 0. E. Browncll'i.; Letter LUt. Following U th lint of letters remaiuink in tbe Poet office at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Aug. 23, 1899, Persona calling (or Ihete letters inmt give the date on which advertised : Bamford, Mr C II Eedell, O J Booth, Mr Bam DeVaney, F W Hall, Mra Emm Hanson, E 8 Hartman.Mr.Sarth Johnston, Mn J E Pegg, Mra J A Powell, Mi Fred Rowln, Mr Archie Steevterl, Richard Witner, Mrt Ina VValkar, Mr II W, Meisn J V Sttebig or J Henry Rice. S. S. Train. P. M. Mr, H, F. Mcllwsln wai In Cortland yesterday on business. Mra.O II. Cutick returned to nerhome in rJaleui ih 1 noon after a vlalt with Alb any poopie. . License a at Issued for the marrlaueof lort. J. U. l'ound, a blacktmith of Jefferson, ana Mitt auuiiu j, TurnhJge of La comb. The advance airent oflth. Walter I. Mainclrcui haa reached Alhanv. where uie circut win ioiiow nept. , 1 ... , .. . Mr. and Mra Callihan ratnrneil Satur. day Iroui Chicago, where Mra. Callahan haa been taking a special course in Kog neit at me inu-ago university. Mitt Hue Dorrlt. the lalantcd photo grapher of Eugene, paad through Alb any till noon efur a trip to Long jjraucu. J. lit Wien wat arretted by Deputy warutn Koy Avery rtar Corvailie tor kllllnu a Chinese pheasantout of it-aton. ana w at uoea f id. P. J.Umiley, rrpreteutlng the Dkko CBAT, it chairman of the Committee on retoluiiont, ia the ft tie Press Associa tion meeting at Aetoria. Ulan J k. ton of Count Treainrer Jak, of Ihla eity.batenlnted In fie 8.0 lb inianiry at roruaou.and yetterday wai acceplel. Mr. Jack haa another ton rrro, it ue tervice witu ILe comnanv ai rori amoy, nrguiart. a. L' . i L V. oit or rercv wh a. 01 Hii m. Jay rteived a teleenm from the war department, tendering him a raptalocy in the rortv-tllib regiment of vohwiUer Inhintry, now being organized. . v. iiauriDrand. a locceatlH v cnit tncineft man 01 rfXkane, With., arnv tti In the city on ltd evening! oveclaml on a vltlt lo relativet. talem Hit.-t man. A former Albany bowling alley (Jraforl. S. I' Clrvrntftr. Dr. Collint, T. L Durger ami Counclroan Ulcharda re'urtied tint forenoon from an outing tpent at Metolet and thia tide. Mr. Clevenifr eot three ahota at a deer and Irlghtened it away ao that no one eat and tome picturet regard lett of the baa a ciMnce. ihry prevailing c.ouut. Mr. Win J. Clark, editor of fServaia Str, ami family are irit ne hia brother In law Mr. Wm Merriman, aeent 8. V. Co. Oo. Mr. Clark la renretenting the Uregonlan throuth the valley intecting tha Iiod cropt, giving tome very intereeu Ingwnteuna on the tul lect Junction 11 mat. The Zn cate it all tha talk ia Part land A Portland man aava all the aympatby la with Mra. Z,n, that tbe caaethjogb la one that aboold sever nave ueen in court. Mrt- zn ie a daughter of Mr. Walter Jaekaon wall known in Albany and n a aoman highly imjKtifu, The Odd Fellowa. includlna the Re bektha, laat night at their bail, gave their member Mai. Ellia a receotion that waa camea out in a very pleating mao- rr. ad inieraaiing program waa teo- iwwtm uuiiniuR 01 piano eoio oy Miaa itm aon. an ei.l.. i 1 J. K. Weatberford, gran I matter of the' Srna ioog, a reeponte be iaj. c ue, a fteen minute reminierent ta ke I y Priv aiea ivot oaitmartn and Will Met rill. vical toina by Mra. C. O. Lee and a taW by Dr. till). Thia waa foibwea by re frethmenta and eaciebility. Council Proceedings, rretent Major recorder, chief ot po lice, atreet auperintendent and CoiincU men Dannait, i'feiffar, Dawton and Urabaiu. Tbe follow in billa were nrdereit nai l O.O. Burkhart. 17 50: J. M. Kalt n. 110.00; E. U. Davidton, $10.60; F. P. Nutting, flt.40; 8. Conn, fSOO; II. C Ifarkoeea, $19.05; KleeLightt, $146.45; N. J. Hentoo. 147.40: P. W. Soinkt. $7824; Henj.Cielan.fSOO; E. A. Frank, ttantract wat 1st (or pulling in nipe (or connection with pipe line ani IIHIftUVH. Tbe aunerintendent renorted work done amounting to $175. that 163 loadt had leen drawn. J R. Wilton offered to bulla cittern at let and Montgomery ttreeta (or $180. The contract wtt let to W. E. Baker on a bid of aeveral montha aeo at t!75. to be completed by October 1. Llrenrei to a- II liquor were grauTed J. II. Howard atal Chrit (Jermanten. Ova ScnooLa. The different tchoolao the city will open aa followa : liSitten September II. I'uttlic achcola September 18. College week of tkptembcr 18. To Clcftrsc the System Effectively jet gently, wbt n costive or bil ious, to permanently overcome habit at I constipation, to awaken tbe kidneyt aid liver to a healthy aetivi.y, without irritat ing or weakening th-ui. to dispel head achet, coldt, tir fevert, mm Sjrup of Figt, made by the Califoruia Fig Sjrup Co. Sugar Mr. Graiwobl informa ui that be la telling 17 pound of granulated ea ger for $1.00. Now la the time to buy at it It liable to tm up at any time. Thia ia a net caah proposition. All goods doltrored free of charge. Mitt Joyce Biownell will take up her piano clait during vacation through the winter, ine peat uermao and Eastern methods. Leave word with W. F. Read II you wish to take the leal, rids Cleveland. For aale by McFeron it Tom- unson. Trv our bread at two loaves tor a nickfe. McFeron A Tomllnson. See the Sugar Bowl's widdow display WhitelClover Honey, 10 ctt. per lb. C. E.Brownella. at MARRIED. DARBY GRIGGS. In Albany at tbe ntHee ol the count V clerk, on Wednes dsynoon. Ang. 23, 1809, by Justice Frenrksen. Mr. Boniamin F. Darby and Visa E'.la Grists, both of Linn county. Refrigerator, Ice cream Ireezerf, , At Stewart & Box Hardware Co'i. Call at tha ttogar Bowl (or free fruit FietbfruitatVlerei k'.r-ugar B. wlpaf frTOVF.8 and Tinware at Oh!lng & Huburfi. Garden Ifoaeanb l-wi mower at Ob- llng&Ilulburt't. A fountain pen found in thil city can be hid at thia oilice. Freth godavllle toda-water a beaUti(u) tumincr drink, at Burkhart A Lee v. For inle. g'K-d ctrpeting, u3 cen'i per rard. by f. 8. Alciander. eat end el otfc llrret. Atthma can be cured. To prove thia call at Burkharta & f ee'a Drug ttore and get a free trail Uttleoi Vt. Jlnlt a Attu fua'ene. Btodiei will be returned at the Acad emy ol our Lady 01 rerpeiuai neip, Mondty, fept. tun. Lebanon will vote on the pro potiiioa for a tale of a half icterett in the electric light plant. Iteporta from the bop flelda are that hope are looking better than Ir many ytart at thlt time of the year. The prow pect t eood it we anaii be uvor-a witn good weather hereafter. The firtt tenet ofttock of the Ralcm Building and Ioen atttciation bat matured, with !0 0tonneiu caah, to nav which there ittl.OCOin catli and $15,000 in real ettate. Tbe ataociaticn hat been running shoot twelve yeara. There wtt a go d attendance at the Armory laat olght towttnera the pre-ter-tation of 'The Midnight Bell." by h. R. btockaell eralleni company, jt wat one of the moet etijfiyab'e perforrr ancet for a long time, a lite, jol'y affair tplecdidly pretexted. The following U from the Malbeui Coony Advocate: "A large Immigra tion from Mieeonri haa betn pataing thrungh thlt aection the patl week, tome .0 or more wagont containing opwarda of 100 pereon having a. ready arrived. All are beaded for Wea'.e. B Oregon. " Andy Hunt and . W. Bentley bV.b re member that in Aoguet, 1877 it rain ed terrifically, and the tame it verified by the filet of the Democrat, which eeti mated ibat at hatl a third of tbe wbeat waaruioed. Two or three car loadt of wheat threehed too quickly and aent to Portland wai rejected. The aberiff ol Lincoln county tbia noon went to Salem with Mra Uobinett of near Waldport, the having been com mitted to the iirene eat lorn Tbia wai bar third trip theie. Mrt. Robin tt bad loet two daughtera wi.bin the patt year, which brought on ber trouble a;ain. She wai very w iid and profane iu her Ulk. Tbe weather hat cleared in tplendid ahane. and if it eontinret goo-i a reaeoa able length of time, ao far aa the Dbko chat cnn learn the damage will not be teiioo. One farmer eaid thai in two weeka from now to Ut aa the retult ia concerned we will not' know 1 tat fbrre hat been any rain, f iiere are epecial w here there hat been tome damage but it ia not general tccording to tbe pieaeot reporta. GIRL WANTED. To do general honee work. Call at residence of Mra. W. R. ISUreu. Academy of dm Lady of Peristal Is Boarding School for Girls Thorough Iot'iuction. Wholeiome diet Homelike treatment. Bore ana girlt are admitted aa day pupua irom six veart uDward. Terms are moderate. VJaH at uie acbucidj iut iuiuiui.huuvi . . ... . 1 r..lMMwml.n l9 write to bi8TiocFBiow. FOR SA LE A ft 11 t loo-led vat er nan iel, 14 montha oU. tail on j b DaviJeon. Fall Styles in Overcoats and Suits are now with us I We can write "best quality" and "lowest price" with a clear con science; and the facta and figures will bear us out. You can't go astray with this label on your clothing. At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's. 70,000 We lead with nearly 70,000 pretsrlptiont on file, without rinpie n ietake Mng recorded tgaintt nr. Your pretcrlption at rinrttotc ill receive prompt and careful attention. Oar Syrnpa, Tincture Mrt fcxirtctt are up to the standard, alwayi fieth, being made from H;e beat drug that money can bay. When yon are tick yon thoold have the beat and you get the beat from at. Have Your Eyes Tested BY- PROF. A. STARK Scientific Optician or WILL & STARK. You will reri ire I oreit and cccuieotUme EYE and GLASS service. Try Parker Bros For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. Yous Liver Will be roucd to tts natural duties and vour biliousness, headache and constipation be cured It you takt Hood's Pit SoW bv all dniirgisti 25 cent. O P'W (. j. .vi sv e A ,rl0. Burkhart & Lee. Summer Cooking ii made a uletmre by tbe use of the Quick Meal blue flame oil stove. It ia the moat-'convenient, timple, economical and" easily managed of any cook!ngr apparatus made, and will Lake, boil, broil or roast, and ia aure to give thorough satisfaction. STEWAhT&SOX JIDW.C0. For Sale. lour tracte cf land in Santitm Icttcm Each baa bouse, barn and 011 hard. In uireof II. Eetakt. IWvce any otber licur, except tbe Magnolia Drejjeui enjoy aid know he value of neat Neckwear, pro cer fitting Shirts. stylish Collars and Cuffs, handsome Hosiery and Hand kerchiefs. They also know the value of trading with us for these requisites of men's toilet. We furnish the furnish-., ings for Fall. x j THC FINISHlNQ TOUCHI GUARANTCCCl CLOTHING m 11 t twiuf bw.) c, uwa, attimli law In i