The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 25, 1899, Image 2

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A cor respondent to tbe 6leni Journal
It ! reported, that the next morning
alter John Downing bad been teturned
to the penitentiary, he was takan out,
tied to a poet and beaten until bii beck
wee like a bee'ateak, end that hie groans
and crtei for mercy could be beard quite
The whipping poet as a means of pun
Uhment otiglnated among the barbar
iani ages ego, and Las been abolished
by most every etate in the union, in
fact, in moei every clvll-sed country in
It is certainly a blot on the fair name
o! the Christian, progressive etate t
Oregon, that such a vicious, inhuman
method of punishment is still practiced
by the offia a!s of the Oregon State Peni
tentiary. For generations men have been be
-queathlag property to their wives with
the proviao,'."so long as she shall remain
tny widow," and women have bowed to
these decrees .
Id a recent caee the circumstances
have been reversed, but the husband is
,leas submissive. He is raising object
ions. Margeret Peterson willed a share o
faer property to her husband as "as long1
he remained singls." Should be
marry, the children are to hare every
thing. The will says: "Should be use
another wife he must go out and have
nothing more to do with anything that
belongs to the children in the bousee or
anything ele I possess."
Mrs. Petereon was evidently quite de
termined that, literally at least, no other
women should occupy her place. Possi
bly ehe bad a firm belief; in the readi
nese of widowers to accept consolation.
Perhaps even Mr. Peterson bad given
her reason ! suppose that not all the
-charms of 1 f would depart witn her.
There cortaluly is human natare and a
good deal of it in the command, "The
woman known as Parpen never to be sl
owed to pot foot inside of any place that
ver belonged to me."
The Bulletin of Junction says of the
enlistment of its editor: -
J, B. Lawrence, Ye Editor of the Bul
letin's war fevar have been aroused and
with Louie Kanoff, formerly of this place
and later from Baker City, went to Eu
gene, yesterday, and enl.sted in the call,
to go to Manila to firfh the Filipinos.
It is regretted very much that Mr. Law
rence should take such a rash etep at
this time by bis parents and friende.
Hie mother and father are much grieved
Kia aniMpn conclusion ; as be he s a
. -.-... -itunu ma UUIIIllH IO"
except be mav have a chance la the line
"if promotion. He enlieied as musicia n
We all wish the boys good health and
nc" and hope they will come back safe
and sound in flying colors.
The Bulletin will run as before except
that the paper will be printed by the
Bulletin Pub. Co, CP. Huston acting
as manager. With this my nrrt attempt
and first iee.e, any mistakes I may
snake 1 hop wi'l oe cheerfully overlook
ed I anticipate everything will be bar
mooious and it is our desire to bs as
courteous to the public as possible and
with the assistance of George Kelly we
hope to keep the readers pleasant with
the best we nave in he shop.
Vfe national and healthy improvement
i a Wa credit under a free-silver
system is Tfegloniog to alarm many Ke-j
pull can editors,and they are attempting
to create the impreeeion that"Mexlco" is
approaching thelgoldBtandard.'VTbereie
about aa much evidence from which to
deduce that opinion as there is that "the
moon is made ol green cheese." The peo
pie are not to be misled by any such false
eonclueione. Vast numbers daily are
converted to tbe idea that free silver is
Cbe only thing which wilt enable oe to re
from the clutches of
the hard fisted capitalists. Wall street
gamblers and Engusn ariswcracy-.oB
emly thing that will give labor its just re
ward. Mexico is well satisfied as things
are, and it would be the last thing
thought of to change to the gold standard
She will not choose to figuratively "jump
from the frying-pan into tbe fire'' by
turning the management of her financial mnA tha dealing out her money in
to the hands of lew grasping bankers and
monopolists for thei rown peieonal bene
fit, as is now tbe condition in tbe United
A West Virginia editot got enthusias
ms,. Aver Oreeon as follows :
rfra the millionaire and tbe laborer
watt aide bv side as brothers. Man here
i. not miffed no with petty pride, be-
....... tia tnrd. lor bis little day, of
oods that he never earned and cannot
m tt. a t ! 1 L .
sinlM Nn! here tie teeifl ".na. uc
ass, whose back with ingots bends
ft,..- Kn.rAet th wearv burden but a
t,n,n. and death unloads thee.' Tbe
limiitesa n.n and tbe narrow gorge
th ann-kisied mountain peak, and
i.thnmiMi cn von that meet tbe eye
where'er it turns, make deep Impressions
mankind and shape human tnougni
end life.
Get the best fiour.
The Magnolia
w ... m tk what comes in the
line of weather the rame as In other
i. .. i. twin nictured in all
. . i. A l.trnta. Thil InJl'
manner 01 iuap-
caUs that some one is alraldo him.
. .L.. .... .Mill. wIlA
Bo far as tneweanr
i .1 ikt. ftahive
have rematneo ai uui j
. . .n. r raaait Clittiate.
Dlu p qui; vi h - -
octaus tt water, cool weather, etc.
....i pi,rla Kin the novelist,
didn't go o the Philippijee ' nothing.
He has already written an army life nov
el ertllkd "Found in the Philippines."
The Gsueral is a talented writer and his
stories are always read by the masses
n.,kT..,nnll mid ttiattrom the time
that alcohol issues from the coiled and
naleocous worm of the distillery until it
empties into the hell tt crime, tfesth
and dishonor it dcmoraiisie everybody
that touch ts it.
t., .i tha rMni time we have our
hands more than full making excuses
for the miserable weather ot Ue paei
t. a... run.ti.tlv wears ashamed of
it, and we hardly know what to say.
The records ol the weatoer oh'
that ti ers has been nothing tike U In
August in Oregon lor at least twenty
nine years.
Teddy RoossveU has a big contract on
his bands. It is to be his province to
create enthusiasm wheiever lacaing in
bis party, hence the job befoie him is a
big one. Booeevelt will be called upon
la itk wherever bis services are enp-
nnuul tn l a our: Icularly needed. Put
your finger on such points f jt the weak
places in the next campaign.
More and more the propriety and ad
visability of diversified farming in this
valley is pieaented to the farmers. Tbe
preeent dauger to wheat from rain em
phasizes it. It is a fact too that there is
much more of it than a few years ago.
Farmers generally are raising a bigger
variety of crops, more cattle for the mar
kets, etc. It is the proper thing so that
a failure in any one thing will not bs
serious and disastrous.
Una would think to bear some people
talk about reaching out for trade in con
nection with tbe securing of tbe Pt Hip
n;n. i.i.niU that the onlr way to get it
Is by annexing all the islands of tbe eea .
As a matter of fact tbe United -states nas
Inrtsiffn trade without own
ership, besidei which tbe Insignificant
business in the Philippines will oe smaii.
Tn addition to this it is a fact that our
government will pay but on the Philip
pines in their acqiisulan many times
i. Li, fc.y '
France is full of anarchists who will
no doubt be heard from in tbe n xt few
days as they have in the last few Cmyt.
Tneyseemto have recetvea marcning
nrdara and this means trouble. Tbe
treacbeious secret knife of thie lawlees
element is raised for trouble and there
win mnrh blood snilt before it is put
away. A government abouM unite al'
its forces in putting down anarchism ancj
everything that ssrors of lawlessness
Tbe Uoited Slates is nl out i f the
Sc rd Oregm'e Record.
A Portland paper gives the following
brief statement of events In which the
Second Oiegon boys distinguished tbem
selves duiiog their service in tbe Pbilip-
i .
Assault ard capture ol Manila Augnat
On provost guard doty from August 13
1898, uutil March 12, 1893.
Battle of Uoadalope, March 13, 1899.
Battle of Pasig, March 14 and 15, 1899.
Battle of Eiculan, March 19, 1899.
Battle ot Malabon, March 23, 1899.
Battle of Polo. March 26,1899.
March 27 to April 22, 1899, occupied
Malinla, guarding railway and scouting
Several skirmishes.
Battle of Santa Maria, April 19, 1899.
Assault and capture of Nsrazsgaray
April 23 and 24, 1899.
Caoture of Aneat. April 2?, 1899.
Skirmish at fean Rafael, April 29,1899.
Capture of San Rafael, May I. K99.
CaDtore of Baiiaug, May 2, 1899.
Capture of San Idlefonso, May 11,1899.
Capture of San Iadro, May 17, 199.
Capture of San Antonoa, May 29, 1899.
Capture of Cainti, Antipolo and Mar
ong, June 3, 1899
Mustered into the U.S. Volunteer S;r
vice at Camp McKinley, Portland, May
10. 1898.
Left Portland May 11 reaching San
Francisco May 13, and sailing on a. s
"Auetralia" May 25, 1898.
Arrived at Manila Bay June 30, 1898.
Landed at Cavite, July 1. 1898.
Sai'ed from Manila Jans 14, arrived at
SsnFrancisco July .12, 1899.
Mastered out at Presedio, SacFraocie-
co, Cal.f August 7, 1899,
Reached Portland, Augnst 10, 1899.
If you have piles cubs tbem. No use
undergoinrborribleoperationstbst simn!y
remove the results of tbe disease without
disturbing tbe disease itself. Place your
confidence ia DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It bu never failed to cure otbkbs; it will
not fail to cure yoa. Fosbay & Mason.
Our cltisone havs been watoulriR the
barometer nervously. That is one thing
we aru kUvI to see o up.
The Ynquina saloon is the name ot a
new place of business io Portland. What
has aqui aa done to deserre this.
Considerable activity is being display
ed in the city in cutting down overhang
ing branches of trees for the beueflt of
peUettrians long in stature.
J. F, Dunne, a prominent young man
ot this city, has returned from Manila
with the Sorond Oregon, somewhat the
woiso for wear, and anxious to get home.
i i , f .i . .i. :n:
lie iiaa enouguoi iiKiiiuig me ciiiiimur,
but if war was declared with any other
nation lie would be first 'o enliet. lie is
a staunch anti-cxsnslonist. Welcome.
It tbe fol owing is true it will be read
with pleasure by many Albany people:
"The United States supreme court re
cently handtd down a decision to the ef
fect that poultry running at large is wild
game, and that the same or any other
fowls that may trespass, can be legally
Some of the curios brought home by
the volunteers from the Philippines,
were presented the boys by the Span
iards, whom they went there to fight,
but many of whom became excellent
friends of the soldiers. Several of the
Oregon boys got so they could talk with
tbem in ttietr own language.
We don't want to buy at your place,
We don't go there any more;
You'll be sorry wnen you see us going to
some other store.
You can't sell us any stale good,
We have opened wide oar eyes:
We dont want to trade at your store be
cause you don t advertise.
Tbe people of Salem generally re
well pleased with the new i'e for the
bin $100,000 poe: effl-e though many
opposed it at first. They ought to he will
ing to accept anr old thing ot a location.
as a matter ol lact tuouttti toe site is
said to be a very desiiable one, and
there was no job as to ownership, for
tbe city owns the land and gets pau for
A Colorado mf.u nl.Ul before last shot
to scare some young men stealing bis
watermelons and killed one ami wound
ed another. He gave himself up. Asa
matter ot fact boys have no more right
to steal waurmelons regardless of tradi
tion, than anything else, la view of
their own boyhood, owmrs though
should never shoot straight, but in tbe
A volunteer at Portland told thii: "I
never want t run a man through with a
bayonet aga n," he said. "We were in
cloe quartets. One big black fellow, al
most naked, had his uacbelte upraised
to strike, and even then 1 hesitated tie
torw plunging m f oayonet tnro h'm. The
excitement of tbe figif sustained me tor
the time, but lhave teen that fellow's
agonised, tor' took a thousand times
since then. It is no easy job to kill even
a 'nigger' in dote quarters."
The people of the Cape Foui weather
light bouse get all tbe ducks and geese
in tbeir season, that they can eat with
out any effort. At night they catch the
rays from tbe lighthouse nineteen tunes
away and follow it directly into tbe
liffhtlintmB. lometimee it thev da not dit-
mm, tlmir t,apil a.,ainat thai
o ' . - . . I
structure. A goose will go clear through
the glass sod fall on the intiie, in the
goose eeason sometimes averaging one a
night, ducks not so heavy, lau back on
tbe outside, some nights as many as five
or six.
WaUhes! Wiit-hes! Watch!
We bav I tst received direct from tbe
factory a Urnu dock of tbe celebrated
Dueber-uaoipdtn watche".
These watches were bonght for cash
and we offer soecial bargains
. M. raxKCH, Tbe jeweler.
What isShiloh?
A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold
nd Consumption; used through tb
world for ball a century, baa cured in
numerable caste of incloient consump
tion and relieved many in advanced
stages. If you are not satisfied with the
results we will refund your money. Price
25 ctt., 60 eta. and 11.00.
For sale by Fosbay & Mason.
To all poir t East via
Grct-t Northern Railway.
For rates, f tders and full information
sallt ' or add -ess
H. F. Msrrill,
Agent Albanv
Mostc Misa siiiarca Burmestet
eacber of piano or organ. System tbs
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth ct-9et, opposite U P church.
four grocer.'keeps it.
The Magnolia Flour
Notice. I have made arrangements
for tree delivery of dressed chickens Sat
nrdsy afternoons. Leave your orders
early for good chickena at reasonable
prices. F. G. Powxbs,
tbe roultryman.
We buy, sell and store grain,
We make Magnolia Flour,
Also whole wheat, Patent and germ,
The Magnolia Mills.
- Tbe Universal Bolter makes gooa flour
The Magnolia.
Trur 75c per sack.
lute Newa lu Short rm.
Anolh.r End I" hUltt.
"3 --Uopetul I s
end ot the Philip lnoy
len apiMtrent since I
of an annroaohlnu
l,i. i havu Immh aim
the organisation of IS additional regi
ments and Secretary Uoot's action cull
ing out 10 nior tor the Philippine ser
viue. Tula action has domoiutratod to
Hie Filipino leaders that resistance will
tie futlla, and it is believed negotiations
.ire now ou foot looking to a termination
uf the war.
After Lnborl,
Paris, Aug. 22. The Konnes corres
pondent of a Paris uewspap r telegraphs
that i he infeniKl muehiue sent to Labo
ri have been opened iu the military lab
'oratory at Unit place and have been
found filled with guneolton.
Labor! appeared iu .omirt at Rennos
today ard was onthiisinstica'ly reeeived.
l'ubl n in rscbraitkn.
Omaha, Neb., Ang. 22. Tho Nebratka
democrat, populist and silver republi
cans met iu this city today, and fused on
the nominations f r judge of the supremo
court and two members of the board of
regents tf tho (stale university. Former
Governor Silas A. Iloluomb was nomina
tes for supreme justice by the populist,
and was endorsed by the other two con
ventions. At Manila.
Masila, Aug. 21. 6t40lP. M. While n
recounoitering party ot the Twenty
fourth infantry, under (.'apt. Crane, wns
crossing the Mariquina river on a raft to
day, the hawsers broke. The current,
very swift at that point caused the ra't
to capaixe. drowning nine enlisted men.
The United Sis'pii tiansport Tartar,
from San 1'ranctMvi .i-iiy 21, with Gen.
Joseph Wheeler his daughter,
troops of the Nineteaiii ii n fantry and
more than tl, S00.0X). iu vu .., has ar
rived. l nuland Dvilcd.
LoxiKi.s. Amr. 21. There is no liut.".-
anydoubt that President Kruger has r-
fused to submit to tho demand of Mr.
Cnamberlain for the appointment ot a '
xurt rf inquiry. His answer is regard
ed by the british government as tanta
mount to positive refusal, is tow an es
tablished fact.
The Yaqu!s War.
Potass. Mexico, Aug. 21. General
Torres' forces letr Chnmsnpabo, la t
night, tio are now about two miles
above Potam, on the south side of tbe
river. Early this morning an Indian
was captured, an 1 in hope that his life
mixht be spared he imparted to the
commander a goo.l deal ot imformatiou
that is considered reliable.
Tho Era ucn Trouble.
Loxoos. Autr. 22. The Daily Chroni
cle publishes the following from its Pane
A detachment of Infantry has just
commenced ai stuck upon M. Uuerio's
house, which is likely to losd to blood-
shed before morning.;
Nobody is allowed to app each me
scene, and the cavalry charges are need
lessly brutal.
. A City Burned. Creric. Co!.. Aoj. 21. Fire
has utterly destroyed the budness por
tion of the city of Victor, causing a loss
estimated at 22,C00,O'JO. lleginning
shortly ufter noon, the tire raged until
this evening, consuming every thing in
is way It had its origin it is thought,
in the Merchants' Cafe, adjoining the
ISank of ictor, on the corner of Third
street and Victor avjnue.
Total Lost. '
Pose. Porto Rico, Ang. 21. It is now
. ' l . t . . .i l . 1 . I .1-....
inf mi onl l.iirrii nnp I,vh Ih.i-ii hliriml.
that 1000 pursom were injured during
the storm, aud that 2000 peoplo are
still miS'i g.
A Little right.
Manila, Aug. 20 One lieutenant of
the Twelfth iiifuniry was killed and an
other was serious y wounded while re-
of iniurgetits and drove them from their
A Pari dan Riot.
Pabis. Ana. 214 A. M. Tbe prefec
ture of police gives tbe following stalls- !
of yesterday's rio s : Three hundred and
eighty persons aertt injured ; 300 were ta
ken to tbe hospii.t'i, 69 police agents
were wounded, Its ilea Commissioners
Couteirand Dohtuiue. One hundred
and fifty persons were arrested of whom
80 are detained in cu.tody.
An Iowa Breeze.
Dkcobah, la., Auar- 20 Early tbla
mnrnintr A, sever A wind and rain storm
, visited this section, and did much dam
age in DOin ctiy uu t-wuun. -
were blown down and uprooted, numer-
1 I - . ml t.i. i ! .1 i n v.rii lilnwn
niKin.i'i oterahouee
was lifted off and deposited in the street
half a block away, tearing down a num-
ber of telephone wires ss it uescenueu.
Officers MurdereJ.
Pabim, Aug. 20. Intelligence lias been
received troin ine rrencn ooa uii mui
catine that Lieutenant Klopp and Lieut
enant Mounier, who were sent to take
command ot a c ilumn ot troops mere,
have both been assassinated. 1'ie assas
sinated officers were sent out to replal
Captain Voulet and Captain Cbanonine,
who were recalled lor ban arous cruelties
to the natives.
Hanged at Dawson.
Bbattlb. Auk. 20. Passengers of the
steamer City of Topeka, which arrived
tonight from Skagway, Alaska, bring
news of the first legal execution In the
Klondike. A triple hanging occurreu at
Dawson, August 4. The parties named
were two Indians, Dawson Nantuck, Jim
Coming West.
Kewpobt, R. I., Aug. 20. All arrange
mentshave been made by Geo. Wright,
of Boston, to take an all-Eas'.ern team
tnrough the Pacific coast next week, to
play io an intor-secuonai iawn tennis
tournament. The players selected for
the trio are the national champion, Mai-
colm D. White, Holcomb Ward and
Dwight F. Davis, the great Harvard
S c7 W W .! i ot Url '
unicf im. miuu, , ni-uiiuint nuns 'i:., . . .
connoitering last night north ol Angeles, thta is bttur than laraslng,
The Americans enconntered a large force Miss Besiie Settlernler hi
Enter priAltift Seattle.
, Bumi, Aug. 22.-Nogetintlons are in
progress for bringing the Washington
volunteers from San r'rancisco to Seattle
in a body, stter their muster out at the
foinior pUoe. Two steamers will proba
bly be chartered. Levi Ankony, the
well-known banker of Walla Walla, has
iitlt-red to boar the exiwnse of the vessels'
..i..t.,-. - i.i,.i. iii in
7000 10 ,0 ooo,
T ' ,,.,
A Stage Held Up.
Dillon, &.ont., Aug. 23 Tho stage
between Salmon City and Hod Houk was
held up at noon yesterday, half a mile
Inside the Idaho lino, 80 miles from here
by (our men 11. T, Ituilney, manager
of tho dredgo company, near Salmon
City, Idaho, was a pastengor. lie had
more than 15000 in gold dust which he
was bringing to Dillon. The robbers
took It.
Admiral Dawcy.
YiixicriuNciiK, YUR- 22. The crulsor
Olymphla arrived here this morning.
The usual salutes were exchanged.
Admiral Powey received visits from
Vice-Admiral Bienaeme, Henri Vignnud,
the Uoited States charge d'affaiis at
Purls, and the United States vice-cousul
at Nice. Admiral Dewey is apphrently
in excellent health,
.... . .....WEDNESDAY
money-back tea and
baking powder at
Your Grocers
Ws are exps leoclng the wont wralii
r i ,f the mon'h t August ever known
n history ot Uregou
Alllhefa'l grain hat ben cut ami
nloe-tenihs ol It is stent log In the
shock and a lew more days ol moist
weather would cause it to sprout which
would ruin it for market and hke.y lor
any other purpose.
Threshers started about Aug. 8th and
had a (sir run tbe rest o! the week, and
since that time tbe grain has been en
tirely too wet to thresh,
Tbe ground Is in fair cudiilon for
plowloi and all kinds ol vegetaiion will
nesln to grow. Late grain will be bene
fitted by tbe rain.
There Is now in this part ot ih co-wiry
al lessi 10 or 15 days wora lor all
the threshers before the lall grain would
be Mien care of. for there Is a large pari
of the country in which notbrehing hss
been dooe at all.
Uaiden stuff ol all kinds is doing nice
iy and is very prolific, booa moeli out
will go m assises tLe supply win isr
eseeed tbe uemana.
I think iha eron ol Chinese pheasant
will be far below the average as very lew
a a seen and the moet ol them are quite
mil li .iMiiol tbesnriba des
troyed moat ol the earlier broods and
those which bave been hatched since the
laat Df May will hardly he large enough
to ki l by the time the shooting season
commences. 1 think it would be well
furihogso.e wardens to keep a sharp
lookout lor violators of the game laws,
as there has been conide-able shooting
coins on near here in the last week.
Mr. L. J. Fanning, of Lacenter, Wash.,
has been visiting relatives and Irisjdt In
and around Tangent for the last two
I L f V. nr. In a naji.l Irt llA a fail
I dent of this PSrt of lIlS COUntV iO the
early 70's
Mrs. J. M. Sharp ind children, ot
Pr.nev lie, are vlflting relative at this
rdace and Corvallis alter an absence of
threi, yea'i.
W. B.Olin haiquit farming and gone
Into the butcher butmees ss no tniuai
ss nnrciiei Im hnnkatore in Corvallis
snd will shortly take up her residence lo
that city.
a. W. BIoid on bid oft the farm of the
late O. P. KuULien which was sold b
the administratrix Saturday for 14103.00
There is about 800 acres of the land.
For Yaquina Bay.
rt.tnrdar nluht July 8th. was loaug
nr.t.wl a nand desirable arrangement
for tbe convenience of those wishing to
i a tha coast. The Southern Pacific
southbound overlsnd wld bring fiom
Portland one or rxore sleeperi, which on
arrival t Albany will be set out on lbs
n.,rsaiiiaA Kaaurn tracks and iDsteaa
of the usual Sunday excursion train for
Uia Bay leavinBouooay mu.un., m.
. tin arili leave Albany every oat
urdav night at 11:30 p. m., arriving at
v. f .in . m. Tna steamer Ktcn-
ardson will land them in Newport t0:30
in time lor breakfast. Keturnlng esve
Newport at 9 p. m.. arrive Corvallis 2:40
a. ro.. and Albany 3 :30 a. in. connecting
with oorlb bound overland lor Portland.
Albany and Corvallis passengers desiring
sleeper to Yaquina and retain must
-..t,. ..... ut inn on or be'ore Friday.
Tbe price for two nights will be 12. For
the accommodation of those not desiring
a sleeper tbe U. b. wi i aiso r uj
cosenbes and any Yaquina ay tlet
will be goid on this train. The 0 B.
i.ava Issued a new form of ticket limited
n,.. A... oUinv tha naesenser one
whole day at tbe beach. These tickets
i. i- . '.I., Ai. in Ilia waak ex.
( l f. l .J0 aad will M good en
g,loriay night speclsl as well as all
-t. iralna. Owlna totbere
duced price no exteneioo ol time will be
granted in any esse
Da't thiuk yo i cq curj tbit sligUt af
.u iti. ,.,.ih hv dietlnz. or that tt
will cira
roiii Lyuept vui.
- - - it "ditreata what you eat
f ',, iA org, to beAith
( "d ' r, ' .
' -.,,Bcmt. Toor ltowais with Caacarats.
' hWF
From then:. A.t
Attorney Swann, of Albany, was In
Lebanon last evening on legs! business
for Attorney Garland.
The Woodmen cf the World of tble
place lojk In thirteen new members at
their meeting Saturday evening,
Mrs. Brown, mother at W, M. Brtwn.
left last oven'ng for her home In Ksnsasi
after a pleasant visit-hers ol several
Braketnan Dutllsls acting ar conduc
tor on tlm Lebanun branch while Con
ductor Hperker is spending a few dtys at
tne coast.
Two Mr memhora of the Salvallm
Army, ol Albany, held a meeting on the
street la this city Ism Friday evening.
Ghat. McKnlitht. a well known youtu
farmer living near title pUce, has sold
out to win wa.ker ami win
Pendleton, He will work in
Oregon as en orga'ilser fur the
move to
.M oiler n
There Is one little tuasim
That now I will name,
Which may bring wha U butter
Than rl ihei or fame.
Alt those who heed II
Good appetite Hod,
Strong nerves, nv cheeks,
4nd vigor o! niimi.
It will banish dyspepsls,
Khetimailsin and anut,
Th it Tired Keeling eoiiqiier,
Drive scroluls out.
And here Is the maxim
Its wlsdoii Is suie
' Take II hI' tiarsaparllla
And keep your blood pure,
Young Mothers.
Cio'iri la the terror of ttmaaoJs of
mans mothers because Its outbreak Is so
aga-iisinir and frequently fatal. Bhlloh
jaaiit mam von"'u" v m "v.
nialo lu eases oi uroup. it nae nr
Mtsn known to tan. no wumt tv-
leved Immediately. Trices ct,. anu
SO ete. and 11.00. .
for sale by Fobav Mason.
.i i -Sick
ha rnran of ovurworkul woiuMtiklnd.are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
(toot Tea, tin "vt 11ok1 pmlttur and
tissue builder. .Money rnittniei it am
satlsfactorv. 1'ritw, B- ct and 60 cU.
For sale by Foshay St M too.
Deaatr ! tllouil Vtrp.
riH I.Lwul hiwin. a rh'itn akin. No
beauty without It. t'aararet. l antly Cathar-
lio riran your uioimi anu rrii n .n, vj
stirring up the laay Iwr and driving all im
puritint irom we nooy. in-in or
wmill iiinplr, tmila, hlutt liM, hlaHtlieana,
nil tit a l siikiy nuiuua comieiuo i'ti"iu
'aacarcta. hciiutv fur ten rent. All drug.
giata, satiafarttun gUArantml, 10c,25c,We.
PnuininU. la irrirr'. eoUiih. colds.
on i ii i ,iing-cw1 wsdily yield to
Jne Minu'e C ua4i Jura la thia remedy
ti n i i i I u a a w r (nit f t i ua
tt ttr a. rtt)iiy. H l"n.
C'Lbik'o U atm. Weekly Dkuocaat
and Examiner 12.50 andTIrlt-a-weelc
World $2.00; and Kepublio fl.73t and
Oregon la n 12.21 and n rrancisco
Weekly wan s.'.iwienj naiein neeaty
Jourial 2.00
Julv Diurii aar '.' cents tier moiiln
1.i)0ltr ysr,ln advance. 3Qi per month
not in alvance. By carrier, lOo pel
week. Id per cent addn l II allowed to
run oveer month. Miliitie e,.i"s oe., 11.2ft n a1titwi f I. Ml at see.
fi.r il 7.Sfnr i'iiii,l vi'ar: t"20U for
Jiird and preotoding w, when not paid
in Mitmnce. t;lll of n -w vjitaoriowa
t li.0. .
Mlloirt my wife ana Miyaeirhaeekaeit
Im I'ASTAKK'rS ana utev a
r lb brat
tiiflltliia we nave er uaa in in. mni.
... Kir, w . fn.nLta
Ilk headarrie tor
anl thev rollevl tlia ln fn bar bead alaiort
UDmnllaieiy. n e tmtn rwosinnnii vaavaisM-.
IHUbnrt Sate lHiiwait C. I'iiuburg, Pa.
T.ata OoM. P
rWo. SIM. aw.
Oood. Ji.T.t Niiikan, WaalwB. or Oi
tuHht S,,y .. Olwaa, MmHwU, S Imk. Wf
nnrntMMl bf lltlruf
mm avimmoo usvi.
And each day and night dnrintr Ibis week
you can get at any druirgit hemp s Bal
sam for the Throat end Lungs, acknowl
edged to be tne mnit succea-ful remedy ever
sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asth
ma and Consumption . uet a u"um io-
dav and keep it alwais in tne noo, w
ou can cueck Tour coid at on a.
62 and 50c. Sample bo lie free.
Farm to Rent.
160 acres, OS acres nnder cultivation,
6J in pasture, orchard, gruens, etc.
rerros, one-third ot grain anu jupam
in work on farm. Io conoeonon witn
tbe rent of the farm, there are horses,
harness, cows, wood and farm Imple
ments, io tct everything ready to go to
terming. Also 60 acres summer fellow.
Alt lor sale rneap tor cu uu
Ad Uess, Bob M . Miller, Halsey, Ore.
Allon.s foet ease, powder for tbe feet;
H cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv
etii foot, and SlUtantly tak'.s sling out of
coins and bunions. It's the resist com
fort dis.wvery of tha ase. Al'es.s foct-eane
makes tight or now shces feel essy. It is
a curtain cure for sweating oallous aid hot
tired.acbiug feef Try it to -day. Sold by
druggists and sboe-stores. Bmdl tor
26c-in stamp. Trial package HiEh.
Addresi, Allen S, Craved, Le Itoy,
I I Lijr' CATHART,C jf.
y. veaos masw wmmt