The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 18, 1899, Image 2

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    Pcaiae for Oregon.
Wonder 11 John H. Mitchell ever ftotj
Jfcask-Uam taetvri tAlers. . ...
Th follow log appeared in tbe Water
loo (Iowa) Reporter whose editor was in
thli valley:
"Toncae or Den cannot do justice to
the beautiful Willamette Valley. An
artist might pot a little portion ot it on
canvas, but to taint or draw all ite
beaatiet would b an impossibility. On
either i iJe of tbe valley are mountain.
The sunlight reflect! on their peak and
one behold a coloring tbat aarpaite In
grandeur any beauty ot nature on could
imagine. Here i tbat peculiar blue o
common in moanUin scenery. Juet to
tbe left ot thl a green gran eo'o
pretty gray, brilliant red, purple and
yellow. Then come the beautiful enow,
capped peak which ia pure white, the
valley below compltttng with Ite rich
vegetation a tnoet artittic and gorgeout
andscape. The little trout stream com
cg down the mountain aide and wend
ing it way gracefully through the vallev
lend charming and refreshing en
diantment to the eceoe.
To get down to the resources ot the
Willamette valley, one only baa to ipeak
of agriculture iu general seme. Every
thing under heaven, nearly, grow
abundance. Wheat, of course, i the
main crop, and auch wheat. Tbe aver-
, age is 25 bushels to" the acre, but
bushel i not an uncommti thing
There are quantities ot hop, aome oat.
barley and rye. Two or three field
-corn looked well, but the balance wat
mighty poor. Potatoes, as we took it,
are rather scarce, and during our feasting
of three days, we only had one meal of
the Irishman' friend. Beet sugar colt.
ure is an extensive business in many
part of Oregon. Oar attention was
cal'ed ta eeveral factories ot tbe kind,
and one ot the many souveniis was i
small bottle of this product.
Froit of nearly every variety is suc
cessfully raised in tbe Willamette valley
Cherries, laepberries, peaches, plums,
grapea and a distn others are on the
list. Cranberries are also reared in por
tions ot jhe state. Grasses of endlnss
variety make an excellent bay crop.
Saw milts are abundant, and the wood
boil for lumber and fire, are very nice
to look at. Itia soft, and we should
judge would make a quick it not a last
ing fire. The timber raised for lumber
-takes a high polish, and excels in beauty
oak and hard pine a ben finished in oil
There is birch - Lem ock and fir. The
latter ia most need.
Fruit of all kinds are cheap, 'straw
berriea 5 cent! per box, peaches 40 to 60
cente half bnebel, cherriea 2 and 3 cent
per quart. Stove wood is also cheap at
the cutting place, $1.50 pet cord. How
ever when shipped it gets op to (4.50 to
5V!ef.eotd..,..4,,,,.. .,.. !
Tbe streams abound with brook trout
and aeveral ot the party captured fine
specimen. tar or five member of
oar pe.rty are planning for a cay spirt
of ibis character.
Now It is called inl go:d rtandard
without any hint at bimeteliam. They
want Uncle Sam to walk on one leg,
From the Chicago Tribune. ; (
That hammotk lias a history."
"What U If"
''It ha bo-o through six sra.on at
the seaitd with the U i hu family, end
not ons ct the girl ia married ytt."
ThaOregonian keeps on remarking
bolJIv tbat McKiuley ia the ma . who
ought to go. Ttia Oregonlan Is undoibt
sdly right. Wilt the people see that he
(oee mxt year.
Late Newa in Short Form.
From the Djtroit Journal.
' 1 snpp-we a monocle aids visicn."
"Yes; it tielps people to see through
the man who weare it." .
From th Uuiaba World-ll-iali.
It would be well tor Otis to do some
thing that would tint l)t hurt when He
truth I to'd about it. -
Two prominent cit liens ae-e rushing
wi'dly around last nliiht to find what a
mine' inch of water is. Does any one
Mr. Pague having given us a big dote
ot water is now requested to follow it
with jnie much needed sunshine. Thi
kind of weather has uo place iu Oregon
in august, i belongs to Huvotnuer.
The Qorvallit and Southern ItiilrosJ
Company ia the uame ot a new Incorpor.
atlon nnder the laws of Oregon. Capital
stock 150,000. The name suggests the
running of a railroad fiom Oorvalll to
Eugene. Someone u evidently trrina
to etir the Southern Pacific up to doing
A gentleman who has been down
through California says be saw nothiug
equal to tne wiuauiaii vaiiey, u.ougn I ocutlinir. The incorporation lack, the
they have torn nice p'ace. There ialaame of Linn county' grat railroad
( builJcr Mr. W ilk ins, but it lias another
Wilkin and it is to be hopea the toad
more cry ot ha-d tims theis than hre.
From the Atchison Globe.
It is a very dfti.-uK matter to make a
church the right s's. Every one we
ever aaw was too small for wedding and
too large for pray- meeting.
Insurrection Increnalng.
Manila. Aim. IS. -Arrivals and mail
advice from Negro ami Cebu agree that
ttio insurrection is Homing sirengtu re
markahly in bothihoae Hands, whk:
had hitherto been counted at the most
friendiy in h archipelago.
luwn Democrat.
Diss Moms. Aug. 10. Thit city la full
ot' democrat ton ii lit, alio came from all
parts of the state to rltertd the democrat
iu state convention and hear William J
Bryan, General J. 11, Weaver and oth.r.
speak. Two great meeting were held
this evening, the main one at the Audi
torium, where lion. W, J, Bryan spoke
to ouuu peopp.
' Lo.k Warlike).
, 1'BgruBtA, Aug. 15. The executive
council cone tided its session at 12::t0 n
in., when onl-rs were isauod to the Held
comei logivw oui Mauser rules in ex
change for Martini-Henry rlffos, A
great crowd gathered to receive arms.
The po-aibittty of war with Wroat Britlan
ia about the only sunjwt Uiaiusso I and
it isgeneJally fell the burghers should
oe consilium Uv lore extreme measures
are adopted.
It didn't make any difference whether
theie were two or fifty, the Urgon Vol
unteers were rece'ved all over tbe state
in a royal manner on Heir reaching
home. Thi spirit ot the matter is wb
ai r.ugene ami otuer cities it r
chants generally are making displays o
Philippine relics brought home by sold
iere. Alban people also would like to
see all there is to see.
An EngitKcnio t.
Manila, Aug. 15 8:36 A. M. A force
of United fetate troop t frt in Quingua.
four mi es northeast ot Maloloa, and
from ltaliang. near Bu tus, about aix
miies northeast ot Quingua, encountered
a body ol WO Insurgent about half-way
between Bustus and Quingua, In the
engagement that ensueJ, the Filipinos
'vur uf Xnej Americans lost one man killed.
die aetense it is said will be to prove
Frank McDuniel has been held by the
grand jury at Portland for the murder of I
Something is going to drop 4a France
before loeg, bard enough to' he beard all
over the world . Affaire there are in a
very disturbed condition, and even a
revolution will not be scrprising.
rbess are timee when a few cool heads
in a nation e-e desirable acquisitions.
that Clara was killed by her high neck
collar chocking her to death. If this
point counts high neck collars will go
out oi insiiioa.
From the Prineville Journal
For IS years about tbe only thing
raised on tbe homestead M L. C. Perry
A'tcndinp to IliiKlnefc
Washington, A u 13 Naval Con
structor Richmond i . il '-in was heard
from by the navy ilt lUMi. today for
the first time at any lungiik e.t ne waa
assigned to duty in charge of ti. f the
Spanieli ships risad from Mani.4 n ''mr
and now undergoing rejairs at il u
lie says the tiiree bpanlsii alilns whicl,
, McLean ft Candidate.
CiNciNNBTt, Auat, 15. John It ' Mc
Lean, prorrletor of the Cincinnati En
uuirur, mi ieaeu me eiioemaker man
s on, on i-ue treet, from August 20 un
uiNovemterlw. He Is expected Intro
next week to manage hi canvass for the
democratic nein I nation tor irnvvruor at
m us convention In Zarcsville, Aug
ust 28.
In China.
Canton. Aug 15. Flva Imn.l PA.t mr
dlers wero surrounded on the Warnt
river by 10,000 robber and a desperate
light oooured. ending in a victor (or
the robbers, who tiaveholatod their flags
uikjii all commanding olnl and occu
plod the villages In the vicinity,
Gnmblcra Robbed.
Hkim hi.IO. Wash . Aim. 15. At one
o'clock this morning the gambling-room
run uy uer uarns were enterea by two
masked robbers, tins robber covered
the men with a shotgun, remarking,
"Hands UdI" Another tlanhnd a 45.
callbor six-shooter. There was no talk.
1 he four men stood np in a line snd held
their hands over their head. The rob
bers carried off ISiK) t hen thav lco.1
out through the entrance and slammed
From the E. A,
Mrs. Char. Cay, ot Albany, 1 visit
Ing her parents near this place.
3, Q, Gross Is now living at Klamath
Falls. Ills health has linurovsd a good
deal since he left Waterloo.
W. E. Shaw and family will remove to
Dallas in a few week, where Mr. Shaw
contemplate going Into the livery busi
Dr. Davenport left last evening lor (he
eastern terminus of tbe U AH. rail
road, where, In coin pa ty with J, A,
Weaver, of Albany, he ioos on a fishing
trip. ' "
Auetiat 11. IROft. at Ilia home ot her
daughter, Mrs, F.' Stringer, three miles
south of Lebanon, after long esrs of
siitterlng between life and death, Mrs.
Jane Heeler.
The Casedy Comedy Company will
give an entertainment In the opera house
In this city next Thursday eveuiiiir. 1'lie
leading member of the jompany are U.
8. Olletrap and J L. Maker, of this city,
and Geo. Mann, recently ot the Styner
Comedy Company.
Mimic;-Mis Mnorea Burmester
eaolier of piano or organ. Hyiein-th
Maaon 0'il aini teuhnisiue. itealdancs
Ifit r'-vt. rr jostle U P chnich.
State co-jrta thn dovn of nm haa f.l.ia.l
A British officer has inspected our its srine and the cloud ol contention har
. . . -
wo:ks at-Fort Steveoe, which ia all right. I been luted and Perry ia monarch ol the
haa been boll but now after many years I are completed will be worth to the gov
oi vexations litigation in land olhre and I eminent about f 610,000 and he conteni-
TJocie Sam and John Bull are on splen
did terms and always will be, and tbere
is notbicg out ol the way in showing
hint our new fortification . At the earn
time it there should ever be any trouble
over tbe Alaska boundary Mat tort might
come in use. Bat it will never reach
tbat tar
once disputed land.
Tbe crops will be
It's more like hunting jackrabbitsthsn
anything else I can think of, said Ben
Smith ot company A, speaking of fight'
ng Filipinos. It a man bad a good swift
horse and an accurate gun if would not
be.80 bad, but the niggers will pop away
Late Jokes.
She Knew It Polite Passenger Ma
dame, this is the smoking car.
Old woman (producing her pipe) Yrs
J tho't it be. 'raat convenience, aic.t
ther ? Ohio State Journal
These are the days'ot the year when
stories ccnie from tbe harvest fields of
the always prevent glutton in each crew.
It is said tbat every harvest crew always
ba one man who is a veritable hog. Be
piles his plate up like .the Cheops o
Egypt, dishing his pudding la advance
for fear be won't let any and then rui
at it like a man fighting tor hie l.fe. Be
temperate in all things is a goo J advice
even for harveet hands eatiog oat ot a
cook wagon.
Boston Post: We should not blame
Alger so tuucb as the system of which he
is a part. It ia a system which McKin
ley represent as much as Alger and for
which McKiuley is more heavily reapon
Bible than Alger. Any other man would
have failed, a Alger failed, In attempting
to carry on tbe work of the war depart
ment in time oi war in a rystem adapted
only to the work in; (I political scheme
in time ef peace. ,
plates trying to raise three more Spaniah
vessels now at tbe bottom of a. an la bay
Nothing but War.
Joiiaxnesri-ro. Aug. 14 The SUndard
and Liigsers' INew says today :
. 1 j - -. . . I.I . .u - I
4 Hi AMjria ure vuhviiicw inn mrrw is
nothing for it now but tbs arbitrament of
All sorts of warlike rumors are in cir
culation. -
A Prize Fightera Fate.
Cliu-Aiifi. Anir. 14. Yonnir fl riffo. tint
at you irom tne Drusti until you get right I once famous Australian pugilist, Is dying
close np, and then take to their heels. I in the Ihinninir insane iwvlum. where ha
and go like the dickens. 1 hey all go I was rent a few month ami. The t.hvsi
barefoot, and the quickness with which ciana at tha Innutrition aavhs can haniiv
.1 . - . 1 l . 1 I I 1 1 . . . J
iuvj caa Re luruuga vav urusa sou over i uve more than a couple ot weeks at the
the ground passes comprehension. It moat, as he he recently eufljred a gen
would be all the soldiers would ask if I erat ihvaical breakdown, and has bo-
tbey cwld cet a eauare.standup fight I come vSolently insane
against the niggers once. Guard. I .r, x. ...
WasntNOTON. Aur. 14. There have
been enlisted for the 10 regiment for the
Philippines 13,010 men. leaving but fcO
more to make the regiment complete.
It has been determined to semi 400 re
cruits of those raised to the Philippines
'or the Thirty-Sixth and Thirtt-seventh
Ilolman All Riant.
San Jor, Cel.. vvu. 14. It is reported
here that Ai red Holuian. the we 1 known
henry I Oregon journalist, has acquired a large
luwrnt in ine ivauy itiercury newspaper
. This and That.
Wheat 48 cents.
' Vlereck'e Sugar Bowl Parlors lor ice
cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars
and tobacco
A large and fine stock of cigar and to
bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the dis
w nen you want a cnoice sieak a nice
roattor meat of any kind, call oa
3roders. He keen tbe beat.
nntiVuri1. .h..;n.n.i t,i. oi mis cny, anu matnewtu snortiy take
tine- rttHnn for frat T-laaa wort H lur barge. 1 tie JUerCury IS the
Denver Poet : There is prosperity in
tbe country, but unf rtonately h is cL-
hnd to the men wuh money, loose
without it seldom, as a whole, have been
worst off. Even if tbey are employed the
coil tf living is S) great, te d.rp-oportien-
ed to the scale of wages paid, that ttiey
find it almost lm possible to make ends
meet. TLree men begin lo anxiously aik
what is to become t f them. "
Not What He Wanted. Norse it's
time for your nourishment now. Mr.
i'e.'Pery. .
Mr. Peppery (who ia convalescent)
Bang nouMsbmeul! What I waot is
eoraiftbing to eat JuJy.
R-aliem. First Office Car What'
he mat'er?
i econd Office Boy I told tbe boss h
waabiggun. , '
"What happened?" ..
"He proved to me he was a rapid Grtr.'
Detroit Free Press.
Mio. Salmon's got a dog that likes
m "eald little Emily, coming home
from a visit to her auut.Eow do you
Knw be likes you ?" her mother asked,
Cause be tasted me, and the dog wagged
hi ail," answered tbe little girl.
Bracing Himself for a K(6k Some
W n are hatd to suit," remarked the real
e; ( agi-nt after a cutomtr hod left.
"That man, now. a ill come back here in
a week or two and '.el! me I have swind
les . im, although I've sold him a tnt
urtan lot at half price." ...
vV'hat will he complain abou'?" ask
ed e office lounger- " . . . - .
i;'ll t because I told him
svlvania pnt his fltg at
lienor ol logersoii. a minieier. mere
Pto ii Ilrald Tran'crlpt: The news
paper correp indentr over at Manila bad
a doty tbat they owe-i to tbe Ameiicao
peop.eandto the men who had employ
ed tbem and toiy discbared their doty
The administration baa a doty Ibat it
owes to tbe A met ican public and it is not
discharging It. Tbat is tbs difftrenca
id cold baths. Clean towels to
. me?.
The beat meats of all kind and good
treatment at tbe Albany Ureased ueef
Company's market, just diwn Second
treet. Good weight and prompt alUind
It makes no diffarencd bow bad tbe
wound if you use IJe Pitt's Witch Hazel
Salve; it will q fiekiy heal and leave no
scar. Foshay & Macon.
Some of the r-m'mof neg'ectrd dyspep
tic condition oi n.u stomicb are caocer,
conomption. be rt disease snd epilepsy)
Kixlol Oyspep' tu'ure prevents all ibis by
etTecting a q no" cure in a'l case of dys
pepsia. Fosbay & Manor.
if yon snixer from tenderness or .'ullness
ntberigbt side, paio nnder soouider
lade, con sri pat ion, biloasness, sick
eadache. snd feet dull, heavy and eepy
nr liver is torpid and c ingested. Lie-
Witt's Little Early Risers will core you
promptly, pleasautl and permanently by
removing the congestion and c.iusing the
tile duct to op in and flow naturally,
. From the Troy Presi:
- TbeNrw York World insists Ibat ihe
Enopire Stale is absolutely "out of if' ro
far as Ihe sinl Democratic Presidential
nominatioii i conrerned. Will tbe world
kindly tell cs what itlbinks of Vermoct
itt thi particufu ?
An adoiiier of Boo Icgersoll in Peot-
balf mast in
cf Hie cily, I didn't tell him he'd have to
: thirty minute's o reach hit train."
v . icago Tribune.
native trershant of Manila while
rgoing bis last illness expressed a
. lo have ' one of those bautiful
rican tunes" played at his faoeral.
' ou!d not give its name, but a
nd knew what be wanted, and so tbe
f al passed on to .Ihe cemetery, the
playing, "A Hot Time in the Old
ii Tonight."
1 - tbe parade in connection with the
preached against it, raised a mob, tore
down the flag and made tbfogi hot for
the man. That minister ought to Lave
some seme put into his brain if he . baa
any. Sach fool things ai (his do more
barm to Christianity than Iogerto!! did.
The man bad a perfect rijht to bang bis
flag at bait mast if he wanted to for tbe
ramou infidel, and no minister nor.'any
one elee had a right to use force in the
matter. That is not the way to fight in
fidelity. It should be done openly and
manfully, backed up by consistent
Christian lives, exemplifying the princi
ples upon which it is founded. Tbere
. w
t reception tendered General Al Bre men like this Pennsylvania minister
. Detroit there was a banner which
"There is only one Alger!" Sup
tbere had been two, Nothing
d have been left of tbe ilcKinley
oietrattoa by th is time. Ex.
who need to have their heads leveled -Christianity
though will continue to
make rapid strides regardless of Ioger
soll or such cranks.
A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold
nd Consumption; used through tit
world for ball a century, has cured in
numerable cases of incipient consump
tion and relieved many in advanced
states. If vou are not satisfied wild the
results we will refund your money. Price
25 cts., 60 cte. and $1.00.
For sale by Foahay & Masoi. '
If you have piles curs tbem. No me
undergoin t horrible op?rtions.thst simn'y
remove the results of tbe diean without
disturbing tbe disease itself. Place your
confidence in Oh Wit: 's Witch hazel Salve
It bis never failed torcure others; it will
not fail to cure yoa. Fosbay & Mason,
Djo't think yo i cm cur that siig'it at
tack of Djrsepiia by dieting, or tbat it
will cire itself. Koiol Dyspepsia Cure
will cars it: it'-Jitfests what you eat"
and res'ores tbs digeitivj organs to health
Fosbay Mason .
To all poir t East via
Gret t Northern Railway.
For rates, f (ders and full information
call v oraldess
H. F. Mirbill,
Agent Albany
Clojbiko Eatbs. Weekly Dkmocbat
and Examiner $2.60 and Thrice-a-week
World $2.00; and Republic $1.75: and
Oregonian $2.25; and San Francisco
Weekly Call $2.00;and Salem Weekly
Journal 2.00
chief journal of this city and district, and
one of the leading half-dozeo journals of
San Mateo Occupied. ,
Manila, Aug. U.S:10 P. M. A re-
conuoiwanre ysterday by troops ol Gen
ersl S. B. M. Young's brigade, with the
object of discovering the whereabouts of
the enemy near Sau Mateo, northeast of
the San Juan reservoir, alxt 10 in i lis
from M.inila, rem! ted in the occupation
of San Mateo. Tne American lis was
three killed and 13 wrnnded, including a
lieuteuant of the Twenty-first infantry.
Aggressive Insurgents.
Manila, Aug. 14.-8:10 A. M. The
insurgents have taken the astgreesivo in
the neighborhood of the railroad. On
Saturday iiiht tuey nnsuccesifully at
tacked San LtiU, i.ii the Hi? Grande,
near Calumpit, hi ;rh is garrisoned by
two companies of lit.- Twenty-second in
fantry. The Americans had otie roan, a
eergcaut, killed, and two private wound
ed. Vesterday morning a simitar attack
occurred at Gringua, four miles west of
Maloios. , ,
Terrible Destruction.
Sam Jcan, Porto Rico, Aug. 13,
true. state of affairs throiigliout the
land is not vet known liecanae of the to
tal destruction of all te!'rai hiccorinec'
ions and of all road. Th'iiigh not more
than one-fourth of the towiu have yet
been heard Irom, enough is known t6
warrant the statement tiiat one fifth of
the dwellings in the island are ni'hout
destroyed, and their owners are without
any shelter whatever, or ar.y . food Ik
yond what has been savvd from the de
bris. . . r
Texas Duel
IIallah, Tex.,- Aug. A sensational
duel to the death recurred here today
between Policemad A. P. Baw'.idgs and
Ciia-lps A. Daniels. Revolvers were the
weapons and the distance was three
paces. Both of the principals are dead.
Eight or nine shots were fired, and plate
glaFg windows for.a block around were
' Simon Seeing.
Astoria, Aug. Senator Simon was
tbe guest of A. B. Hammond and L. B.
Seeley today on a trip to the jetty on the
steamer Eclipse. Thd purpose of (he
trip was to give Senator Simon a per
sonal acquaintance with what the jtty
had done and what its extension would
accomplish. The conditions were very
favrrable for the trip.
Labor! Murdered.
Rekxes, Apg, 14 Two men ambuHhed
Maitre Labori, consul for Dreyfus, and
one shot was tired, hitting Labori in the
back. M. Labori fell in the roadway,
lie is slill alive.
Mr. Flks Ackermsn, the velersn
hresher, appeared In our midst 1st
Tuesday evening. Mr. A. las a crew ot
good workers snd bi foreman Is slso
veteran.having served three years In the
war oi ilia !) lion" and thlrtv-nv
rear he has been a leading hand with a
epaiator. Mr. and Mrs. Hulburi. a-
iiea l)V liteir danuhter. serve un ilia
satabiMi their eating house I known by
the name ol "llattletidp Oregon," and
plenty cl good grub I always on ttaos.
Our town was well renresentsd at tha
reception ol the "heroes ol Manila
We Will Bfen have a naar Urlilua al
U'Ve Barton's.
Mr, E. O. Miller, ol Portland, ma J u
a pleasaot call last week,
" accepleJ a j Invitation todlne with I
r. Uaear Il e and lam I laat Tuu.
day. We were entertained id a ho
pitanie manner.
White in Albany last Thursday we met
a'l.- a a a a a . . . . - .
unr inena Mr rrie UcKs eh and
wife and enlored their com nan v tor an
uur or more, we aiso met me "in
nettee" corrosDOsdeot ol tbe buim sir
wnom we ud never met hefo.e.
Littl Ko Urn.
under and by virtue of an order ol tne
County uourt ol Linn county, Oregon,
made and entered on the bib day of June,
lflrtl.we.ihe ntder.lgoec'.as adiumittratois
ol the ratal ot Jiio Marvbail, deceaietl,
will.oo Saiurda.v, the S3rd dsy f Kpteiu
ber,l mi, at lb hour ot Una o clock In Ihe
sfUrnorn if sad day, at lb front door
ol Ibe court Leu In Albaey . Linn county.
Uregon. sell at public auctioa io tbe hlgL
tst bidder, for KUh In band, Ite lullowing
dracribrd ral proieity llonalng to the
late of eald deceased, lo-it:
1 he 8 ?' the N K H and tbe N H of
Ihe H i.l and the N Kl a the S W i
of See lit id. Its it 1 W of ibe Will
Uiueite Meridian, On gon, containing 200
Th S Unf the N K H and Ihe N H bt
Ihe H K 11 ol Src. n IP. 11 H U I of
Watchc.l VMtche! Watelica!
We hay lut received diiect from tha
actory a large (ttck of tbe celebrated
Dueber-llempden watrh.
A lib WUKL.U9 HKSr.
Thee watch were bought lor cash
and w offer oeclal bargain
r. at. rasncM, The Jeweler.
Daat Teaaee U Umnkt Taar J Aatf.
To quit tobaeee tullr and foravar La nu
Belle, tall ot Ills. aere suit vigor, take No'lo
Bao. the wnoUrworkar, thai makaa weak awa
etroog. All draaclata, Os or SI. Cttrcuaraw
I Boohlet and aamnla fraa. Addraaa
SMrlieg HBMdf c., Cnloasa or New York,
lb Wiliaiustle Mridr.Orfgin. contain
leg ItW acres A)m thS l of Ibe 8 E it
of aid rVo 83. contain inn tw acres.
'I he W t i ef the H w ,4,' ef 8-c. 21 snd
He W JiotlbeN W of See. S Tp U 8
It I W ol tbe Wi latueile MriiHie, Ore
gon, ronUming ItW acre. Alao lielo
mng at the 8 K cortrr of Ihe N K H of
rc SHinaaid Towr.htp and Rang and
running I heme North rods, mo.-e or
less, to tbe south tide cf a county road,
thence southwesterly alonir tbe aouih side
of said county Mil 7 4 m I wore or lets, to
the south hoe ot tbe N K ti ot sa'd tec.
W, thence east to tbe plate of beglaninir.
containing S arret, more or Im. raid tract
coo'aloiag io .b aggregate 1US acre, all
in b'oa county, Uregon.
Dated a Alhaav. Ureiron. this 151b dav
ot August, im.
Joint w. Uaiksn,
AdniiBiatialora of laa tataut of foha
Wan hall, deosaaed.
Uao. W. Wriout,
Attorneys lor Adminiatrttors.
We bay, sell and store grain.
We make Magnolia Flour,
Also whole wheat. Patent and germ,
TheMag.ioIU MlUa.
for Zo&BU tad Children.
till Kind Yoo Ksti Always Essgbt
tha jT& .
I L'LLY DOUBLE ths amour t ever before shown by o, constating
of Csrpets, Art Square, Co' tags Art (s new and aitrictlve good) Mat
llLgs, L'noleum snd Oil Clolh.
We are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, P.irtiers, Shades and
kindred goods.
Piece goods in Curtain material and coverings.
.Tlasonic Temple Bldg., Albany,
.-ti.. 2Q Years in Business
: Is the OldeH Furniture Dealer in the city and ho keeps
line oi r urniture ami liedding and II you want good goods cheap
him a ca'l." lie doesn't intend to be under sold.
f'JI.',t'lM-lrK'JW.tL A'J -J.I rffT
TRY MOBMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases" arising from
k disii'Stion, self -abuse, esceeses or cigarette smoking. In use
over 60 years. Brings back your Mauhood, cures depleted worn
out' men. makes rich blood and tisane. Cures waalinaa anil all
r.cses, mikei you Uetiiingly strong, cures impotency, lost power, emissions,
on ot memory, bad dreams, rbrtinken organs, deapondsoey, sleeplessness.
ariciele and constipation, adds lustre to the eyes, stop nervous twitching e evelioe. Makes life woth living. A boon to young or old. MORMON
BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organt Htops all
losses by day or nigbt. Don't delay. Price within th reach ol all. Una ran.
eed to cure. Price ;i a box 6 for by mail. Kend (or free circular.
Arrets BISHOP ly J REMEDY CO., San Franc Isro.Oal.
For sale by Fos- HHJ Lay & Mason, Albany, '
J Joseph, Proprietor
. . 1-
" i