fill WliattaShlloh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Oold al Consumption; used through th '.j far half centorr, has cured In asaomble cm'I of incipient comamp tkta and relieved many, ! Jvn?. ctaires. If yon are not satisfied with the WU we wiU refund your money. Price JtS eta., 50 ct. and IL00. For sale by Foehay & Mas t . r.mioooiA. la grippe. cough, cold, at, , an t i vj.iinK-cougb rcaitly yield to Minute Cough Cure. U thu remedy w u a? aad awe a doc'or's bill or the u& rUtw'a. , Fohy MMn. TICKETS) . To all uoir l East via Gm-t Northern Railway. Ferrates, f. tders and full information vsdl or add-eaa w JI. F. Mbrbill, Agent Albanv Ifvouhtve pile coat them. No u wmdroint horrib1epratjonthatmn y i mrVlae r ilu of the I lMturbioir iu diwase itself. Place ypur Sienw in OeWltt a Witch hexelSalv j U a never failed to cureOTBisas; it will ; fail to cure yoa. ioaj i -Marat Tone HowelS With CcrU. Ondj Cathartle, ear conth'ioo fwerer. -,Sr C C-C falUoruggwn retuod money. iioBtc. Mi" teiwrea ssaeherof piano or organ. System-the Maeo loIh ard l!;!'1 ' wilder 5Sttf JositaU P church. Xio-Te-BM ror Fifty nt. rUorlns'digeSorg.B. tyo hearth t?osbay Mason. Dn Toi-ere spluS-aTrear ut To anil aobacco easily VT'Jk.o tBewonoer-.... ------ . All druggists, V 1 Address noklet and ewnple free. Address; Sprung RmeJv O. Cbtcwo or CTw Albany Market. Wheat 48 ?enU. Oats 3 . 'Better IS to 17 cent. Potatoes CO cent. Hams 10 ruU. ' Sides 8 cents. -Shoulders 6 cents - -r. vt Kasl Hail "T tii. C :45 P 4pm Ml t IIV. KT" ' Chicago and EaeU Spokane Spokane v. aim g. p..e- 8. .J0 P m M1iee.Cticago. A East. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS vnr San Francisco pm Sail every five day a rvT TJMBIA RIVER lp Cpm W1aTEAMEfiS. EaSunrta Pm . ..-rr. UTV. 4 .30 O 7.m nMlS2A!D 3:30p Monda Wed. :ir7 Wn City. Dayton, Wy-L.nds. and Sat ..d 8t. an ...rrrp :r?lV. 4:30ptA PoJuSdM Cor villi. Iues-Uj .atdSau . . LvUwlatOB . tT Ripina EIVEB i2;0p r fSy" R!?aH.Leiri,ton Daily W.H.HURLBUBT, Gen. Pw .,C.G,RaWLIl!GS, PorU.od.Or. Agent Albany. f o I Tollman Sleeping Oars, TileeantDiniDgOars, Minneapolis Dulutb SrandFork Crookston ro Winnipeg Helen and Butte TraOUGH TlCKf. TO Ublcago ITaehingtou rhiladelpbi SowTlork ?0?tonandal 4 -Tacomaand Northern rn) To) Co.. an American For information, time cards tickets call on or write O G mzoBt, Albany, Or. A DCharltoP. A- Gen fSFartland C-v naps anc Bnrkbart pass air' There Is one little maxim That now I will name, . Which may brln wha' it better Than rl'Uiei or lame. All those who heed Uood appetite And, Stronit nerves. ry cheeks, And vigor of mind. It will banish dyspepsia, Bkeuuiaiisio and tout, . That Tired Feeling Conquer, Drive acro'nla om. ' And here is the maxim Its wisdom is sine TAe Hood'a Sarssparilla And keep your blood pure. Y.mng Mother. r i. tarm rt thasanda o( I yoang mothers because it; outbreak ie to Loiiaing and frequently lata!. BUiloh Oottih and Consumption Cure acta like magic in cases of Croup. It hss never Men known to tan. i e wora ieved immediately. Pricej 23 els,, and 53rta.and 1.00. For sale by Foihay Mason. m m We. buv. sell and store ram. We make Maisn-dia Flour, Also whole wheat, Patent and germ. 8 Ur ThjMagtolUMUV Sick lUadaches, The curse of overworked womankind, are i Kv ICrl'a Olover Rootles th-) great blood purifier nd . ... . r . .. f . . . I ... 1 if nr.. tissue ouiiuer. aioniry huu satisfactorv. rricc, 2o eta. and 50 cts. For sale by Foshay & M son. Deaaty la Ulood Deep. Ocan blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean jour blood and kfep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boil. LloUlius, blackheaiia, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c. 25c, Wc NERV3TA Centra VITALITY. LOST VltiOH AND MANHOOD Cures IrDpotency.Klfrbt Emissions and wasting creases, all ejects of self- J5. cr e::ccsi and ma.e- :JR blotKl .. cr. lirhics the pink k:o. :. iule cheeks and rnr.-.. cf VOUth. Nn By malirCc r"r 1k:; boxes for tS?-0; with x:t'. -n guaran e to cure or rcirtl tbo money. NERVITA Ku: ICAL CO. .ilnton aackso sta, CHICACO, IUU For sale bv Fred Albiiy, Oreipin. Law son, Drnts TERMS. " limni-iiT. 2S rent ner tnou h U.00 per advance. SOs permomb not in advance. By carrier, 10c pel week. 10 per cent a.Mai U auowea to run over months, fcnngie copiee oc. Won t BI.25 In advance: 1. 00 at ena if ,r. ins for Mcomi vear: z-uu ror w for Aird and preceediog veara, when no' paid ra V7SM v kvh .a . . : in advance. i; niMOins .uusiiuni. , at 15.00 P isia Cure. Digests what you eat. T arifl.iallwr1lo-Mtathefriod anAldl Fitura in strengthenino; and recon structing tbe exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered dijrtstr nt nA tnni9 No other DreDaratioo can approach it In efficiency. It is itantiy reiie . ana periuauruny cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Tl nf illn rtA 3lck Headache, Gaiti alg! a. Cram ps, and U Otnerresu lisoi impenecmiKeunuis. prepared bv e. C DcWir'. A Co Cbicooo. Notice of Filina Final Account. NOTICE W HEREBY GiVEN THAT hu nnrai0iil. admini'tratriz of the estate of Clarence Stockton.deceased, has filed in the county court 01 uns coun ty, Oregon, her final account as such ad ;;trJtrr nt aail ntate. and that i'aes- day. tbe Vb dav ot ibe hoar of One o'clock in tbe afternoon, has been fix?i bv said court as tbe time for hearing of oiiwltons o said vfitt and tbe settlement ibereot. lunni HTCCKTOS. ,..;..iu'rJlrW of the cata'e ot Clarence 8tockton, deceased. BwirTeoxf At y s t it admnklratri. K. O. T. M. verr 3i'i-l.v e'-Jiio at K. 0. T. U all Via. tin KniiihU IDViied. M Newport.Oommar.aei n mm hi Every Form of Torturing Disfiguring Skin ana Scalp Humors Cured by ntnr Crae TszATirrirT. Bathe me affected paru thoroughly with Hot Watkb fo?riCTEa soar. Vext apply Cnriccaa Ointment, the great skin cure, ani lastly take i full dose of tmccB Bbwlvejtj. . Th s treatment will afford Instant, relief penult rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, perma nent, and economical cure when all else fails. Pfirrrs Ovo ad rma. Cosp, Sol. Propfc. iioMW-r- Horn is Cure Scssm,'W-S trnx'ri WAI1 TtlXfi CO. Second St near Lron street. Alliany. Kells Chi nese medicine. Chinese rice, Chinese Dysper. Sopilioi) ta Its Incipient etete Bisy be eurad. BVD. VAN has drawn tbouunds away Irom ths elulchsot ths draadei dljoaae. Mny people havs been restored to r-arfeet health by Hfis VAN attor thslr eases wars pronounced hop. leas by ths beat phytlcUns. You can U eurad II yoa will. Do not de Uy, lUmeiuber that da. lays ara dsngarous. They ara sipecUfly so la esses ol Invlplent eomump tloa. lokatlbMSnin toins. Study tbsm erv hitly. Ara they youw t . i men ywu nu u ww 3 hil. You are within ths . . - . f grasp ol coniumptton. lll'UYAN will reloata yuu. Take UVOTAN BOW. 1. FLUSHING OF THE CHKEKS IN TUB AFTEBNOON AND BVENINO tba Bnt lymplom ot coniumptlon. UVDYAN m.f.1 I, ,a illunnur. HIIDVAN lll ibllh a pet feet clreulallon ol the blood and i catua ths cheuu to auums a normal rosy color. S. TICKtlJIO IN THE T HBO AT AND COUGH. At Aral the cougb Is a slight hack BrDT AN will stop ths tickling and ths couth. HlDYAN will retlets It la a law da) a. 8. A 6LIOHT PAIN IN ONE OR BOTH LUK08, uminlly near the top. Tbti Is an Indication that the contumplW gsrm has Invaded lbs lung tluue. Ut'UTAM will ara.ttuU th ivrm. HVDVAN Wilt restore ths lung tlnus to a heallby oondtUoa and p re mit turther destruction. 4. WEAKNESS ABOUND THE HEABT. Tbe heart U becoming weak. Bt'I VAN will strengthen It and cause lbs weak ness to disappear. HITJTAN should be nted at once. It wtU make ths lung tissue strong and ths germs ol the disease will be rapidly draws Irom the sys tem. Then yon will regain your health and strength. BVOVAN can be obtained of aU druggist tor 69e. par package, or packages for 12.50. it yoar druggist does not keep Ul'U VAN, send direct to the BCOVAN RKJtKDV COMPANY, Ban Francisco, Cat A stag ol physicians and surgeons may be consulted tree U yoa will calh Yoa may call or write, as you desire. Consultation Ire. Advive Is free. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. toektea, Market sad Ellis Its, Bsa graeeleee. Cat. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLLFfiF Faci'lty Wallace How e Lee A. M., President. Geo. A. Wirts, Director. Cora A. Wirti, Voice a specialty. Tnitinn Vnrv reasonable, ranttins from 1 to $21 per term. Tbe hk-hest erade of instruction Is of fered to both primary and advanced ""rn. rr .rr.";;r zz' r;vr.T fr - Violin.Uuitar, Mandolin, Cornet, nnniiH in inn iiiiiiiib iiitr itiaui. iica . t'lano u. Voice, HarmAny, Counterpoint, Coiu- Vocal classes are organised at tbe be nf oafh rrm. Children's class each Saturday at 10:30 a. m. fupils may register lor worx in me toDaerra' tory at any time. For further information call on or ad dress Geobgb A. Wirtx, Director. Albany, Oregon. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison A Tark Sts. LEWIS B0ILDINO. I ortland Oregon OUR CAPACITY . ;'asnualed In the Valley. OE WORK Is Unaurpa-N In Oregon. have the best stock tt select from and our pricef io always the lowest, quality Cinfli1ered SMILEY, NEW YORK WORLD Thricf-a-Wetk i:!Hi 18 Pages a Wijek ... ... 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar BUshedeeery Altra)ateBareaeeptB im. tu.: ..tVooV rHiUnn nf TnaMKH f obx World is first amona ail "weekly papers in size, frequency 01 pnuiuLwu and tne tresntssa, BiurY . iUcottenu. it na sail me menu vs a reat $8 daily at be price of a dolla reekly. Its political news is prumn, wo. FIRST PJATIOJAt. BASF. orar.B4PT,OBao nwiu.r..MM a V TAITNH TBASSACTS aToBaaAl-buiklegllmslDess ACCOCKTSKBPTsobJAtiseheik, lOHTBtCUANOB asdt.lsjrsphle trsnslsr, eolS a KsTt-k Ssd rrsaclsco.Ohiesf e sBd r-tls CBOTIOWS iAOton ..orsble erms ptaseroM) 8 fTooas" B Uasinv P K Ooeavm TmssJ 0 8. ":.:aa. $40 CASH mo For the Ucst Wliccl Ever Huilt Fitted Willi Special Ilesvy Tread U. A J. Tlttli. Next to the ltambler lu quality IDEAL ,:v. With O. A J. Tires Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. ' 105, ' Ohling Ilisucbes: Spokane, Tarama, Maatile. a wnrsnld. Urine la Baa was eonatantl troubled who pains on bar livar. Ud to last June .be bid been trenteri br catarrh of the atoowbt aootbor aBatber proooaneed It Mil months without sand remits. At times 1 W of morphlna er reaorted to. The cat trot ana nma Terr hub sppsiiia. larlr In June a Alter DMna tue.a . rn vwli tlt .Main, aa.1 BBoaua entirely diaappaaNd. Tbe patleal had swd aalBad aleyaa potuwls, aad cuuld al baaed 4 gained aleeaa poi mmmmmt fcS klMl Sri I WIH.M vf mm 1W Skew aw, S lw. f-r mnBlmm a-4 iJsHlwa.l Sirs af mm mmf kiMntm rmn - are l bums ssaa aad prlsa- as. fssBBM CorralHs TIME CARD. 2 For Vaqnina: Train leaves Albany... ' arrives Ysqulns. ..12:50 p. .. 6:00 p. 1 Returnlnc: Leaves Yaquloa 7:00 a. m. Arrives Albanv 12:25 p. ro. S For Detrrit: leaves Albany..., 7:40 a. m. Arrives Detroit. 11 :65 b. m. a l'tnrnina: Leaves Detroit Arrives Albany.... .12:25 p. in. . 5:35 p. m. . 6:05 p. m. , 6.65 p. m. , 6:40 a. m. 6 Leaves Albany Arrives CorvalllS... 3Leaves Corvallis.. One and tao connect at Albany and a int.. i ........... .-mm l.hin. 7:25 B. m. Corvallis with Southern I'acluo trains, giving direct service to sta irom few- port ana aojacenv oraciies. I m. a ,A . In Corvallis on M oodajs, Wednesdays and Fridays k . C.o.llla In Alliens on - civ. a mm v" ' . Toesday,Tboreil..) sand Saturdays only. Trains lor tne uioontaios sm v ,u trolt at noon, giving ample time to reach campicg groutds on the Breltenbusli and Hantiain rivers tbe same day. Edww SroMB, . H. L. Wauisir, Manager. T.F.&P.A. J. Tcbheb, AAent, Albany. ADMIHISTRHTOR'S KOT.CE. Notice is hereby given tb it tbe u id . r sio-ned bas been by tbe couoty court of Libb county, Or., ap-wioted adminutra lorof Ibe estate of Ladloa- Ma llde ceased. All persons havloit cuims sraiost raid person and entate a'e rrq r ed tr present tbem to tbe undei sinned at Albany, Or., within sis mouths from tbe uste hereof, with tbe vouchers thereof. Albany, May i, io. ' .JrWurrHBV OA. Arcbibald, Att'y for adm'r. Administrator. , ADMINISTRATOR'S HOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREJY GIVEN TUAT tbe undersigned bas been, by tbe County Court of Lion couoty, OrMton. duly yp pointed administrator of tbe estat J ol J. W. Anderson, uteoi uinacouuv, vvHw, d:cea:ed. ah persons byi..k sgainst said eate are tereby .requtrea to present tbe same properly verified to the undersigned at Alban;, Oregon, with id sis months from this date. 1 bis the 10lb day ot June. J. If. Weatukbvohd. Aiiminisi rater. TUB UNDERSIGNED is prepared to weave carpels and rugs. Can make u..-HI,,l rnirs from Worn OUt- iDaralD carpetr. Do not btsitata to elve the new . irUI nrdar. Yon will be weaves ' ' . .1 i.iiipn veers expeu-uce 'reasonable. Place ol business, east end olStbSM & Eastern 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. and price Is the 107, 100, 111 Sixth HI., Portland, ore. Hulburt, Albany, Ore. Ne York Mie. hmA Aflsdu aa faealy r'gni "fir, whk-b aramea una s antnnrr of ubnirtaaa, ana of raaas. bv taw alainMKl atatuf ih .1 It Was ortlloarr dyspetmU, aad a. in pains ar so eneera that brpoderfnlo lalaeUoass anlshnl luS was CHHuPlvlelv roa aowa nelshbor InHured her to try lllpaae Taboiaa. Kit..! 1 ntf of the stocBaea a 1x1 eone mine as nvaratt b IkMllanibaS II Ilk. tibst practically rec beaaa. aawas 1 aawas otbat dUbea, wUbous Ul .a md Ss ssm4s Ss Biaaae CI -a liiSiwi . m a tidas as a Bin ' si M s MhadsrS isir.iiaH. SUMMOHS. No U.U. IHTiiaCiBCuiTCoaaTorTna statb or Obsoom roa tub to. or unn, es. I's pabtmbmtNo.2. Harab K. Mnrpby, p'ainliff, vs. W, p. Morpbr, ilefendant. To W. 1. Murpbj, tbe above named ue- f ' 1 N THE NAME Of THE STATE OF 1 Oregon, you sre btreby notilled sad required to be and apreat la said court in said suit, and uoswer tbe complaint of the p'aiuiiff filed Iberein, on or before lbs lodi day of September, A. 0. 1809. and you are hereby further notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as aforesaid, for want thereof tbe pltistiff win tans a aecree against ion lor mo n llef demsndid In said complaint, U-lt: Thai ilia Loads of malrimonv and maf- risge contract rx'slinff belweea tbe said plaint ff and tbe said defendant be forever dissolved and bell for naught, and tbal tbe piHintia be wrever oivorcea irom tu sau .iur.., .k.i ib.t iIim nlai n'lrT have the caie and custody and cootrvl 0 tbelr mit- orcbildKosS w. Murphy, ana tnai me plaintiff will lake judgmect against you tor hr roils and disbursements incurrrd to said suit. . , , This summons is served upon ou oy put licatioa for six consecutive and successive weeks prior to Die said 10 h day 01 sepi erober, A. D. 1809, In tbe Stats Riohts l)sioca.T a weekly newspaper of general .:hi.Iiam iti.nnt.hniil aalil eniintv and stale, rnnt-i! and published at Ibe city 0! aiusny in l,inn coumy, uruo, r " of Honorable K. P. bo:e. j idao of said Circu t Court, which order bears d .t, July, A. D., 181)9. and Ibat the said H07. it, p. Boise, judge of sdd Circuit (ourt.ln aid ordtr for the publication of this sum- . I...r,r.trilwul Ilia said lath d-y tf tleptember.A. V., 1M9. as the time on or beiore woicn you scan appear auu answer ibe said comp'ain' in said suit. Tue date of the first publication f this summons in said newspaper is August 4tb a, v. leiw, W.T. Slatkb liAiraa, Altornevs for plaintiff. NOT CE OF FILING FINAL NOTl :E IS HEREfi r GIVEN THAT tun nnder.iunfd. as administratrix ol tbe estate of M. C. Chair bers, deceated, hss filed ber final sccount ss lub ad ministratrix with lbs vounty iWB-oi l.inn County, uregon, ana luai snm court 1 A..4 T.,u.,l.u llL.'.'h dav of Santem- bei, 1H99, at tbe hour of One o'clock la the afternoon, ss the lime ror tne ceanng ui objections to ssid account and for tbe set tlement thereof. M.BT M. tRAMBEKH, A.lmlni.tratriv of tlia estate Of M. C. Cbarober, deceased. IHWITT Box, Attorues fur adui jistralru. i.ri.-. .! 1 r nlinilt Hood's RbT !u.. .. .. 1, nnt, when nil othpr apart i i . v . , . -.: - i r.M .si 1 noriiriirfB 1 uu biiuhiu biac otberi. East South S 11 AStfv ROUTE -if I'll t S.uthora Paolliu Uc OsiUuU lapisss tialai Isav. fartl... b.U "I B'! "ri".TI'0 a T00. a, I li I 6 1 a ( bv I..s a far "f jriisud Arl b 1 1 vi t a Altt , . Bsa rrssulstis Sop s''loa bf " .....1 ft. m Tui Above train .. l..llunil in" - , ,, A ian ner. MrMn, . Kuee cSe brovs i) sio. and al. .i. i,..alniu lliseburB .'- to and is si --i.u.i1i ii " oli-ding Ashland. laisa I b 1 Af Par I ail Alt Ks m rs hsassos . seek s.l SSlrk (, I It a ,ff I T . kisUSb s to I'll S H Tito a Ii li n 1 1 L i'i,ii 1 Arrt'sAie IreaUbs limn ewaiaaaw "" sis ts ssltl sepSaI susssvas bsiIi. ban , a.! .11. a tea a ,b A' eofusail 0 i,s.U b. I l r "gTJsoTrala l.lli (es "lr iu a I' ll.Um-.Uts ' ' , dsnat L I " tir.' ar tiur a I ar B. BO l . uin Vdl A ISauult rmllaBl Iwtian Oiea AUaTH iflA be ht,i H !'' C a vA'i ill a. Asa ...... ISD S00 PACIFIC LINE. To All Points East . S..IIJ veatibule Irains. on.lsting of pal ace sleenint- cars, luxu'iou car, elegant da, ccbes. .. ncen, t cars ind free colonist "" dflo to Iha AUantic wli.-i cbanje. litPVRTAI. I.1MITEU cioin ine American eonllnrot IB 4 days. Finer and faa'rr than any oomptntor COST DlkKCT AKO CHBAPBaT aoura . Kootciiny Rlitdiiifir DUtrBct HABcar, nsw iasa, skocA err-, nawoii, AI0, TBAIU, BOaaLABO ABB Alt polnU h lbs OsanagaB Country. Ii. . namnlilet alvinB B lull leacripliOt, of this wonderful country. Ask tbtajraal for a eey of tbe mUlBg lawstf BrlUsJr Columbia. Lowes rates 0 and rrma Atlantlc steamship ine. Oauadian Pao. By, Uo's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan 0ABAOIAN AVSTBAUAN BTBAatBB UX TO OBOLVLD, VUl "D AOSTBAUA. Tbe sbovteat lioe to tne Colonies. Those steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess oa every voyage. ror time tables pamphlets, or any Is ormatloB, call on or address. 8s ii" i ' : vf.-. vt E J 03YLK, Ag't. 11) Curl OEd6'cL,B R )VM, 0. P. A Vaaooaver LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany's V U Bllveo, Fosbsy & Mason block. It Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon. P O'clock. J N Duncan, P O bloc- T P Hackleman, Peareer.lock. Judge U 11 Hewitt, V O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank building L II Molten ve, 1'earcs biota, J C Powell, P O block. C KSox.POblm k. U It wanD, Bank building. II 3 Walton, bank building. ; n Weatberford A Wyalt, Bank bnlldlng Whitney A Newport, Cuslck block. O W Wright, PO block, . Lebanon. BM Garland. Brownsville. A ATatstng. T J HojL LINNC3- ABSTRACT CJMPANl Albanv 'jOregon. OfBcel flanB of Oregon Uulldiag. Only of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats. narwtssndTrsfls Msrtsotolordsna sU Pst-j sent f"rr SITw.Vi,i-1(1 Jntl.secnn-.l. A Pamphlet -llej ' toOb-J L.n p.i.nt.." with eo.tof s.raelr theu.a.J I and forshjn eoaaUies sent tree, iddeess, i a. a. nnov & CO. saw... a.i. llrrirv . WMlflOT.' K. Da C' I tl 2 T Ti r Tawaw-wM-w-iMii Mi iiiiwHifcailBWMMlM -awesr- ffAArwaCwa, r-v. tea and nut i'-4