The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 11, 1899, Image 4

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    Chines Justice.
Of Lt Hung Cbai g oatnberle's stories
re told io Chinese ociety. Now and
tben on teache this country tnrough
our consult in Chin.
Oa one occasion, says th Lltrraty Di
gtst, when th pren-ier in having a bit
ter fight wl'h tome of the tror eouter
Tatlve member o! the tung-li-yam.n
be received present a magnificent
cake, which be had reaeon to expect con
tained poison, lie pot the cake aside
and eet a'l bis powerful machinery to
work to Bud out bo was at the bottom
of the plot. The invettlgaliou waa part
y successful, the crime being traced, to
three men, of bom at least, one was
absolutely guii'y- bid the trio ar
retted and brorght to lii yamea. When
Ihey arrived they were ushered into his
preeence ard were received in his court
liest maocer. The take wa produced
with the remark that "politeness forbade
hi tasting it until the three generous
donatora bad had an opportunity to en
joy its excellence." Li cut the cake and
one of hie eeivitore handed it to the un
willing gueslt. Etch took a piece and
ate or pretended to eat it. Oue crumb
led tl. niece and Itt tbem fa' I on the
floor, but the other two ate calnilv, with
nnt manifesting- any emotion. Ten min
utes and the two men began to show
ymptooaot suffering. Li smiled bc
nignantly, and said to the man who bad
not eaten: "Your wudrm ie so great
that I am compil ed to prteerve your
bead as a souvenir to transcendent gen
ius." The man wis removed and promptly
decapitated To the other two the pre
mier rematk.'d : "Ti e cake that yon
are eating is not the one yen een, but
one which I had my ccok imitate. Tt e
poison from wbicu yon are ti. Bering ex
iatt only in your imagination . I Know
of bo way to corn your present pain ex
cept by letting yon share the same fate
as your friend who baa jutt It ft the
At tLty were led away the statwman
tail to bi reticue 5 "It ie a pity that a
man who ean eat a deadly corrosive poi
son with an unmoved countenance
should eo mieepply the Ulent wbtrewhb
heaven has endowed htm."
The question is otten asked. What is
the rarest stamp among the itinei of the
United States? The highest price ever
paid for a single specimen of this country
waa H.ttOf which cum waa given for the
. innt (tamn nf Raltimore. ii
tliuvui v r
eutu uy tun poirmafterT'ThAr'cTiy'Tn"
1S45. TLe design shows the autograph
of Preeident Buchanan, with tha value
below. There are but few copies in ex-
u : . mn imtw Kaaaift It ! tha.
meet and most valuable pottage Is'amp
n American.
Prior to the aaleof this celebrated
specimen the highett price paid waa $3,
COO. This was far a fine copy cf the 20
cent '3. Lonis," which at the time
ranged ae one (ftbe rareet American
stamps. Shortly after it wie sold. how.
ever, others were found and the price has
cropped considerably.
There are a great many United States
stamps ranging in value from $500 to $2
000, a-nong while are the'Beaumont,
Uniontown and Madison (conf -derte) pro
visional, and the Bittlebore. Miilbury
and New Haven poetmaetere' stamps
all of"bicb are extreaely ecaree. Sncb
rarities as these are seldom offered for
eals and when by chance cue of them
comes upon the market there are always
many callectore ready and willing to pav
fall va'ufor it.
From tie St. Louis Republic.
A dispatch eaye: "Mr. Vanderhilt will
spring eurprieee by buying several more
railroads." On, no, he won't. The on
jy way for Van to surprise anybody is to
give np a railroad .
Newr paper men were not allowed to
accompany tbe President on hie trip to
Lake Champlain, This baugbty reeerve
will probably be maintained nntil tbe
campaign of 1909 has begun.
A Chicago pick poc lit t tried to relieve
-at Republican member of tbe Illiaoie
legislature of Lis purse. That fellow
doesn't know tbe first thing about pro
fessional courtesy.
There will probably be an anti-trust
plana in tbe next republican national
platform, but it will be need by tbe
Hanna crowd merely as a good thing to
wipe their feet on.
IcTbe toy pistol lt responsible for nearly
We hundred Fourth of July deaths.
That device of amusement and destruc
tion certainly bas proven a aosp for tbe
John Brown's ton, Jasper Broa n, is
ivinain poverty, almost want, near Ben
Lomobd, SantaCrnacMinty.Cal. Jasper
irown ie seventeen yeart old 'and is
Torking for $1.25 a day at bar! labir on
I mountain road which is being built
iroagb Santa Ctcz county. He lives In
little boardshanty in the mid lie of a
,irteen acre farm. He is'in debt for the
c J which is worth 25 an acre.
-He draws a ittle pension from tbe
QQty.baa no family and liverquit alone
e is industrious and ha set out a vine
rd acd small orchard on hi farm.
Portland Growth.
To read an Astoria piper out would
think that the only thing that can tart
the total destruction of Oregon a t'ade,
nJ tin knln of it away from tbe
Sound it by mating of Astoria the sha
ping point of tbe state instead of Port
land at now. While It it true that th
Sound It doing some very xempiary
ruatlitia for the boeinets it it not true
that Portland la entirely aeleep, nor that
there it danger of ita losing ita foreign
trade. So lar at Portland and Aetuia
are concerned the Da cbat has no part
to fake other than a suggest on to make
in connection with the matter aa it past
es by In discussion, which it the pro
vince of the newspaper. At the present
time Portland is practically the shipping
center of the ttate, in fact nearly all ol
it ie doce there. The more it It built up
at tuch a center the more it will be to
the advantage ol the ttate, and the tame
might be aaid of Astoria were It aa niucn
in the lead as a shipping point.
But with its pietent prestige Portland
is going to continue to hold its commer.
cial advantage, and more than that, in
crease tbem. It may lose the. Ahtka
bualnees, but that is a inall part of tie
trade ol the northwest. l is I rue that it
needs to get some of the commendable
kn.ii f uttia on. but it is not true
that it ie backwards. O.i the con
trary Its interests as a wholi are advanc
ing, as tbe figures unquestionably enow,
n ti n witi continue to do eo nntil it
becomes a greater factor in the commer
im&i .orlJ. The Dkwocrat likes to be
honest acd it never fUhes for attention
from either big or small papers, though
it is pleasin t to have said something con
sidered worth reading. Aitogtmer u ua-
condemned Portland and some ol fcer
selfish doiugs more than it bas praised
them. But tl is is a matter in wticn
little things play no part.
While on the subject tf growth it it
roll to remember that there ie bound to
grow np an imp-riant city wuth ol Port
land, one that will play n Important
part in the business of western Oregon.
Juet now there is no city wtta tbe ad
vantages Albany hat lor this. At As
toria bas a tpleddid opportunity for
development into a fine city, the bett
and biggeet on tbe Columola river, Al
bmn haa for takiog the lead to tne staie
tooth of Portland and it expecta to do eo
witbont tearing Portland down. A ttate
io which ool one city advancet will
never amount to anything and if Oregon
will prceper in tbe iotore it will be be
cauee tbe entire euu " -
aa it la be natural advantage! unsor
patted in tbe world, eplendid soil for
eereal and fruit raising and fr stock,
ticrnntne.'ltexbaustib'e ior-sts ana
tbe finest fiehing watert in the world.
Daring the laat twenty yeart Portland
bat grown from a city of lest than twenty j
thousand people to about one hundred (
thousand end the population ol the en
tire etate bat probably more iumo
doubled, that is. tbey have gane along
together. Albany bas bad its share, in
creaaing from eighteen hundred in 18S0
to nearly five thoueand, a showing maae
as welt by Astoria and most t the other
cities of the ttate. Tbitieat tl snoow
be. Oregon it tot a raushrooa my
builder, and it it to be hoped it does not
become one. In tbie great race for
erowtb each city most rustle for itsell,
as a business man bat to do, and wben
it is done generally the whole state I'apt
head. Letue not though any mora
tbanroesible be everlastingly knifing
our ne'gbborr.
ThedULlbution of the 13.000.000 a
mong tbe Cuban soldiers has hat). d
moralizing effect Iostead of tbe men ie
turning home to work and make proper
use cf tbe money tbey are ganging aroond
tbe pay stations spending money io doubt
-ful ways aod clamoring for mo'e. Geo.
Gomn expresses himself as Uisguistea
with tbe eoldiers, ahoaresnppofedto be
patriots. Men who. labor or bgm tor
mocey consideration eoli-ly csnnot be
expected to display any of the great vir
tue. A people that can be bsught can
not be trtvt;d.
Tbe Statesman thiokt the tditorewho
have criticised Sam Jonet are atmctea
with "mock modesty." Indeed! The
Statesman man probebly belotts to tbe
crowd who delight to lieten to smutty
storiee told ia public or private. Such
people have unfortunate'y allowed their
miudeffo become diseased, to thtt tbe
more vulgar ly and conrteness exhibited
by traveling fakirs like Sam Jones, the
better tbey li ke it. Tbe letter claes it al
wys expected to object to anything like
a criticism of tbe unrefined and vulgar
Independ- nt.
A Methodist minister of tbt New Eog
land conference is reported to have said ;
"I do not believe tbat we are commanded
logo into all the world and ehoot tbe
gospel into every creator. "Will be be
tried for treason ? Troth and Freedom.
Tbe felloaa who hope to accomplish
any result akaintt trutts by voting tbe
republlctn ticket, because, forsooth, tbe
platform will contain an acti-trnst plank
have as much tense at tbf greenhorn
who eeeicg etme sparrows in a tree, went
beneath and ebook it, holding out bis
hat to catch tbem as tbey fell. Bayonet.
White Clover Honey, Acte. per lb. at
C. E. EroaceH'e.
Pr.i,iiinn for the reception to the
Oregon tolunteert in Oregon ntxt wwt
are beina made extensively an torougn
tha ttate wherever there are any toldiett
to be received. Nothing like it bat tver
occurred In Oregjn. Thete ie a warm
sentiment for the returning heroes that
it universal. It it a loyal oue. Since
time immemorial actdiert upon their re
turn borne have been received with
blast of trunipnta. The triumphal entry
ol the Rjtvan soldiers into the ury with
the teven kills was the most gorgeous af
Uir nf ancient times. It wat tha tame
in nihnr nines whose soldiers were for
tunate enough to be conquerers, Tbtie
it a tpirit today that demandt one, ona
perhapa inspired by different mottvet,
and yet at Intistaut io its natnrt. It is
Droner. We are not clams aua enam,
but imoultives. rustling human beings
loving demonstration, and appreciating
the open banded gait of ti e last dayt of
the nineteenth century. 1 he crnei, crag int.iller.nt sivle of the day a ol
ihritti has naseed away, and there
is a more civilian! form of expression ol
commendation, but it continuee to re
i. ;n u, 4th ni Julv characteristics ot
tha receptions ol the past. Lit the baud
play, the anvils ring, the flsgt wsve, the
boys shout, the orators oraie aui m
diehit clatter.
A new thing thia week wat an exour
tion houi this va'.ley to San Francisco,
one that provtd a euccess. There is al
ways tc on thing about an exeurcion that
,!r... nnt onlv in lh price, but In the
generhl conditions that go aitb tbe
cureion. It illustrates the trend of
man sentiment, the clmnitbnets ot
race as a whole.
The eumroer retort eeacoo it now fully
upon ut. It is i" me lor an ouuoa, whj
women can rush off to the seaeid and
mountains and occasionally a man. and
recuperate, tbat ie, find tbe fountain of
life. Th change ia wbat does it. mosi
any kind tf a change give relaxation
and brings rett. Tbe human frame
needait. Tbe mind meJs lt. Eleven
months in tbe year It enomh for a per-
ton to woik whetbir man or woman.
The Dkmocbat man gett hie ou'ing evct-
ingt by dropping all I bought ol boiinet
and eatling into all the swimming pools,
knocking lawn tennis balls, etc., tnd
thut he obuiot more ootingt In a year
thao maty who go off to the mouniaine
or ocean.
It takrt long, hard pulli to row into a
good reputation, ona that ahall ttand
against tbe prejudices and ' jualouties of
the wor d, but a man cr women can
jump iuio disrepute at a biuod. It ia
well for tbe young men and women o.
Ihe world to cogitate with tbelr heads
down on tbie laet. A pare life meane
continued bappineseand prosperity, wild
oats maa discon'ent and remorse in tbe
end, and a trausitory pleasure as the
world goes that offers nothing but chaff.
Tbote who are giving uo to their pat
tions and appetites had better pot on
the biaks.
A man paaeed through hire this wetk
famous in railroad hietorv, one who
came to the front by a display of finan
ciering of a bigh order, ae such things go.
Veiy few people raw him in tbie city
though he spent eeverai hours here, but
there will be tboosande ert to tee ti e
boys bo plongeJ int? tbe Filipino at
Malabon, rejoiclog st the opportunity of
ehowing thfir appreciation o! thos who
srrvfd their country eo falthf ally .
Lots of Commissions.
IfThis bssbeen In truth an administra
tion of commissions, says a Washington
correspondent of the Vbiladelpbia Led
ger. While tbe war haa bven;iargely ac
countable for tha President'! remarkable
record In thit direction, be hat, aside
from thie, gone far beyond the average
in tbe appointment of special advisers.
He ta appointed 21 separate commie
sijnr, wiibsn aggregate membership of
nearly lOO.and an aggrega'e expense of
more than $2,OO3,OC0, divided up as fol
lows: William J. Calbooo, special commis
sion to Cuba, $10,000.
Monetary commission, $50,000.
Queen's jubilee commission, f-23,000.
Special commission, Paris exposition,
Biciprocity commit ion, $20,C00.
Commirsion to Japan in connection
with seals $10,000.
Cammiseion to Russia in connection
ltb seals S10.000.
Parlt peace commiuion $150,000.
Cuban and Porto Kican ezacaation
commission $50,000.
War lovertigation com mist ion, $100,
Philippine commission, $150,000.
Joint bigl) rommietion, $100,000.
Commission toditarmament conference
Samoao commieeion, $25,000.
Nicaragua canal commieeion, $250,000.
Isthmain canal committioDl.OOO.OOO.
Hawaiian commleston, $25,000,
Paris exposition commfseion, $30,000.
Tsrid commission to Cuba, $5,000.
Iodutrial Z commission (per anum)
Insular commission, $25,000.
Tot ., $2,190,000.
Refrigerator, .
Ice cream frveaers.
At Stewart A Sox Hardware) Co a.
Call at the Sugar Bowl for fiesa rU
Fiesb frultat Vlereck'eSugar Bowl per
lore. CTOYKS and Tinware at Oli'.lng
Garden Hoee aud Lawtiuiowen at Ou
ling A Hulburt't.
Fresh Sodavllletoda-watcT a healthful
summer drink, at Burkhart A Leo t.
kv. .J. rtaritttinir. 33 cen'l per
ward, by I. 8. Alciandcr, eaet end olSth
?r 'Lnmberson.ol Lbenon,hat bought
340 tont of chitttm berk thit jer.
The Therein a,t the 0 E bat laid
off all of lit liver bo it for the teuton.
The Journal accuret Senator Mclliklt
ot using all hi pull in putting thirteen
relatives into omce.
A Cuban ttudsnt hat applied for ad
minimi tu the O A O. He wi!l be tent
out from the etet if tent.
Mr lln.lrli k t me new shopssys he
Wa n.-.t rlalm the OIllV DOrCClain bth
mbi n A ban but I lie reopieoi ai-
hn wi:i rail at t.U shop lie will show
them the finest bath tuba In the city.
Twenty-three counties hsve paid their
tava in full. Amuna tbtie no nave
not is Linn coiutv, ahicii has paid 1.7
600, leaving, ll,48i.7 due.
J. W. Iledilrk optned hit new shop
opioeite '.he 1kioc.t olllce ihl morn
tir m.iU ihreacliairs running. It UUUII-
eiUere.1 oneol the bert equipped shop in
the valley.
Uodrrthe on sent prtgrin the ol-
diera will a rive at Albany about 8 or tt
o'clock lhursiUy Aug. 10 of
neat week and leave at 10 o clock. Ar
rangemente have own made for hem 10
stop at Salem from H to I o'clock.
Cottage Grove Leader: "Setb Mo
AlUter and Webtter Kincaid cam Uon
Ircm the minej. Saturday mor aing, on
their wheele. leaving the Mustek at 6 a.
m. and arriving al Cottage Grove at I p.
m. Ti.ia Drhaus Is the quickest tme
ever made over Ibo road."
Ralrh E. Moody, the well-kt-own at
torney, hae beeo honored with appoint
ment to the olllce of district deputy
graid exalted rutrr ot the Benevolent
and Protective Order ol Elks lor lie
state of Oregon. Mr. Moody is a men
berot P rtland iodge. Ho. H.-, eni iur
local bent ie a ell pleased with this re
cognitiou shown thrro. Telegram.
It is a rare day nowadays when a sub
scription pip' I Dnt presented.
According to a Salem paper navigation
ie liable to be impeded north of th it city
on account of the formation of a new br
tbe resu.'t of several newepapcr men
bathing in the liver above It.
Mr. Hammond told Astoria people to
gc to work and quit howling calamity.
It is to be hoped the Astoiian digeett the
advice, tor it 's somewhat ol a calamity
howler iteelf.
What is in a name. A ship naaied
William McKinley was stranded on the
Alaska coast r.-ceotly, and a 'est dayt
ago the Bryan navigating tbe Columbia
loatitt load o. wood, lor e bich the Te.e
gram is authority.
From the fndependent:
A Salem man with an eye to the bu
morout at well as to the fiioeee of things,
it may be, hae nick-named the Salem
prets at f llowt:
Independent Snsp sho'.
Journal Evening Bladder.
8tteman Morning Fizs'e
Sentinel Cold Storage.
Mr. J. B. Wirt, of Lebanon, bas a card
that contains tome very good eentenci t,
deserving a plare in the Mm lit column:
"Linn county, Or. No cyclones, no bli
cards. Tho tieart of the beautiful Wil
lamettoalley, the land of re apples
and rain. No Ix-low zero weather. The
moet delightful climate in the world.
That baby t' ould be taken ere of and
reared at carefully as if the son of a mil
lionaire. Humanity demands it. It is
in the world. Treat it welt. Tbe county
should see that it receives the best cere
to be obtained, untfl it parents can be
found, which will probably never be.
Over four thousand feet of matter
written by the editors about Oregon bat
been received at the editorial headquar
ter! in Portland, pract cally all of a flat
tering character. Entertaining those ed
itors will prove teed well town, and
well worth a million and more phamph
lets mailed east. It wss the kind that
It hat been discovered that Edwin
Markham, tbe author of the "Man with
a Hoe," wat horn in Oregon. The dtte
waa April 23,1852, the place Oregon City.
Thie had to occur. It need not turpriee
any one to learn eome day that Oregon
wat the birth place of Shakespeare,
whose infancy and youth have always
been shrouded in mystery.
Tbe Daily Paladiom ol Benton Harbor,
Mich., says of tbe Oregon trip: Ia our
experience in boepitallty, we never taw
the equal of Oregon . The clatpt of our I
pocket books are getting eo rnsty we leer
WV will not be able to open tbem wben
we get back to "tbe East " Rote are
magnificent here. Tbey grow to a diam
eter of teven Incbee and are mott per
fect thape and exquieite uuet.
Attoria people seem to expect Mr.
Bemmond to make a big city there him
self. Mr. Hammond in an interview
.... ni.ini aatit thatthev must now
get in and do some digging themselves,
and as an exsmple cited what a big mill
like the one Albany is to have will do lor
. -;- Tha cif that deoendt on any
m vi.jf - j w-- - i -n
n..n nr an una thiol tO DOORl It
will languish.
Warmly Kccoived.
Bah FiwNaaoo, Aug. S.Tho Petin
tylvania rogiuient lauded from t bo train
port Henator today and, eeotrted by the
Nebraska troops, marched to the Presidio
where thoy will camp until iiiuetered
out. TIih rtKHtption nvcordm the eolulert
from tho Keytlone ttute wa similar to
that given to the Oregon, Nebraska and
a.. k 1.1 at......
t'tan bo)t wnoprecwiBu iu-m.
mi . .. ...
Washinuton. Aug. B.-ine yenow iv
er eiluation at uampion cwitiuure iWr-
abio and encouraging, in iuw upiinuii
the olllcUlsot the marine lioKpital tcrviue.
According to ollU-lal reiwrta thero hue
been nospread of tho cmitttgUm tlfce
yesterday nor has any of tho cueo i w
under tratiui'iit proved f.tal sliico ilmt
time. It It hoped to confine the Iihc.u.u
to tho Soldiers' liomt and l'hoebue.
Pit nio lYcUUUd.
. Bkkmn, At'u. 3 The Peutclie Taget
Zeitiinu totl.iv imbtlshes a ' aensatloiial
aiticla nmili. ilnir a bin nanio in the Gtr
man money market. The paper mid
that thirlMK Ilia laat ix month 1 .iUA
(01,000 mark ot new aiiares werelmued,
of which 6I8.000.0J0 were Indue rial se
curities whiu i it i alii'timl exceed the
whole in ua of IH'.m. A mas ot evU
dunoo la quoted to proved the existent)
ot unsound speculation.
Hot Went her.
Lincoln. Nb,, Aug. 3. Dr. W. It.
Mtlburn, the blind chaplain of the Unit
ed States senate, wa proslrnt! by min
troke and (ell unconscious this after
noon, whim delivering a lecture at tha
Nebraska Kpworth aswuibly, at Lincoln
i'ark. tlo waa brought to the cite and
revived under the care of a physician.
A Ooy Drowned.
JrsoTtos City. Aug. 3. Vernon t'ttl-i-
gtr, nvoil i:t,',tioii of 'Thomas ft linger. 1
was drowned in the Willamette river to-
naj, n iiiiiv anl iir vi wi wiv
tion City. He wa an I tnintr with n
crowd of irtalt boy. Tho body w re
covered by II. C Motion nd Mr. Gould.
Will vontlmid to Hht.
LtAt'KNwnirrii. Kan., Aug. 3, A Irlter
from (ion. Fitiiston wa receivetl by Dr,
it. Anthony, o! the Lavenworth Ttmea.
toilay. The general announce ho will
stay in the army until tho war In tha
rliiiippine is at an end, and a 111 not
mutter out with hi Mgiirient.
Our Poya.
Sam Francisco, Aug. 2. In speaking
of the return home ot the Oregon volun
teers, General Summers told:
About 830 men will go on the special
tralo starting on A uirtist V. The train
wld met at the state lino by Governor
Geer and his staff. Company lt will be
dropped at Koecburg and company U at
Kugene. Company K may ttopateaiem.
The programme ia for the men to dine
at Ashland, take luncheon at Grant'
Pass, ami a late topper at Koeeburg.
Breakfast on th -econd day will be
(erved at Eugene: dinner at Salem, and
the train will reach Portland at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon.
Gorntan'a Ambltlou.
IVaskimoton, Aug. 2. Tbe Maryland
democratic convention wat characteristic
of Gorman and a Gorman man waa nom
inated for governor. In dodging the sil
ver question and failing to take any de
termined stand againtt expansion, lt wa
Gormaneque all the way through.
Wonderful Riding.
Minsk iroua, Aug. 3. Bicyclist Han
son rlnlili.d hit 900 mi!e at 4:56 lt
evening, and then took a rest until o
o'clock, when he started out on the last
century of hi 1000-mile ride. Ho fin
ished hi 1 000-mile ride at 2:51 thla
morning; time, 02:45, Uatlng the record
by 12 hours and 25 minute.
A Town Destroyed.
Taixahakkek, Flo., Ang. 2. The town
of Barabelle. on the Gulf ot Mexico,
southwest of this city ia reported almott
destroyed bv a terriilo ind and rain
I storm which passed through this section
' last night. Mi.ny boat which were in
I the lia bor have teen wrecked, and most
( f the long a harf i gone, together with
large quamie of naval stores.
Killed While Hunting.
Clatkb-akik, Or.. Aug. 2 David Whit
tiir. tha 15-vear-old son of David Whit
tig, a pioneer, was killed while hunting
Willi James JOUCS in llio neiiaicui rauo
near Mint, vesterdav. While Whittig
waa crossins s loe. hi rifle caught In the
brush and wa discharged. The hall en-
tired Whittig' stomach.
Prompt Justice
Sakto Doiiixao. Auir. 2. Two of the
aasass ns of President lieureaux have
been captured and shot. The country it
entirely miiet and no movement ol
troop are in progress.
B jb lngeraoll wrote the (ollowlng to an
ett'e n paper s thoit time b-fore he died
perbept th lat thing be wrote:
J ipcloie s cllpi log Irom your paper.
Of course, you ouisd it from , some ei
cbaoge. Tbe words attributed to to ms I
never ultertd or wrote. I have ont sen
timent for soldiers : "t'hrers for tbe liv
ing and tear far the dead" ThlJ is mine
but all the rest is by son: e one else. It
it true that I thick the treatment of ti e
Filipinos it wrong aod foolish. It is alto
true that I do not want the Filipino nn
leu tbey want ui. I believe in ex bar. -sion,
if It it boots!. 1 want Cuba if th
Cubans want ut. At tbe same time
think oar force should hi Immediately
withdrawn from Cuba and tbe people of
that island allowed to govtratbemrelvet.
W waged the war agalntt Spain for lib
erty and for right. And we nnt wear
tbe laurels unttained.
WaUheal Watches! Watchei I
We bava just received direct from tbe
factory a large dock of the celebrated
Dueber-IIampdtn watche-,
Thete watches were bought for cash
and we offer special bargaine
F. M. Fbcnch, The Jeweier.
Pat YocbTaxs. Arrangentsarenow
beirg made to publish the 1608 tax list
for the city ot Amany. Aenuqueuva mj
.Mm h caliioa at the recorder's of-
'ficeand paying the same at once. .Hurry
"Stand Up llobson."
DtAa Euitobi " .
The writer believes that llobson It tha
most over estimated man ot thit day sod
Public leittliueut Is to mercurial now
adaye that It cannot maintain Itt pi ope r
. Some literary hack maket a discovery
-' ol some very oidMiary Ivllo tnd th
iiiHgaa nr oi ie con wry aie opru in in
rS.,0(Ui,n, ,.,
alts to Oml liim
Live tick nitlden
M n,,.,., ,(
n oo theme Ivta u kluu,1 r repeating his
ningiu name. He becomes the style,
Woniwii rpirard him tha aama aa a tiat-
tern hat,
That I what I th matter with Hob
ton, tl 1 extolled a a sol Her by those
who know nothing whatever ot toldlery.
It never clearly appeared to ua juot why
i note alio know the least about soldiery
are intellectually Impudent enough lo
arbitrarily tlx in statu ol th toullert.
There sell-constituted judgr ol Ilia
merits ol bravery laud liohaon to the
skies. They say he l a toUlier ot g'and
and inslxaiio sweep, grtal giatp, grand
concept ion, a htro
The g spel truth Is thtt he never
rrached the foot-hills ol fame where our
Or.gon boys scaled suminii. and be
palee like a piece ot out glare In coin pail
ton with th) diamond when coulronied
by Capt. Philllpt.
Let aho-so-evrr wil) sound die praise
ol Dewey and llobson, bm my love it for
the tmva Oregon boy who bore the
burden In the heat ol the day, and mads
hare their lueaslt lo the ri.lpioo't
Long may the honor of the Oregon
hoy s live ! J. M.
From tho Newt-
Mr. Miks Bllyen, who live a till her
husband near Jordan, It quite seriously
111, and all hope ol her recovery it di.
paired of.
Mr. and Mr. J. II. (loin, or Albany
were in Stdoovrr Sunday visiting at the
home ot Mr. and Mr. Frank Butcher.
The Maeonio fraternity of this city had
a tort ol a jubilee lat Saturday evening,
the occasion being the cmlnrlng of the
third degree upon K. E. Mnntey. Sev
eral mem belt irom Albany were present.
Tbe Southern Pacific company hat
made a round trip pamenger rale from
West Scioto Albany of $1 00. th tickets
being limited to two days. TMsiiqnit)
a redaction f ir round trip Hearts, a lb
far on way it e& tent.
A few wkt ago Otto Compton pur
chased a fin aog from a coipi ol men
who were passing through (own, and
Wednesday s man from 6alem. who
happened ie t In lido, claimed tlis dog
w hi, having btea noleo Irom him on
July 3.
D. P. Maton, of Albany, was In Mo
Saturday evn'n. A long time ago Mr.
Maton waa ticio't druggist, and waa on
of bar beet citlsent, and although tuany
year have since com nd gone a visit
lo our city seems a good dvl like re
turning horn. of Patents.
Granted to Nortbweat inventor this
week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co.,
Patent Attorney Washington, D. O.t
J. U. Nagell, Everett, Wash., com
blned cans umbrella W. Seckler,Corval
lis. Oreg , rotary barrow.
For copy of any ot the above patents
leud 10 cents in post sue stamps with
date ot this paper lo O. A. Snow A Co.,
Washington, I), v..
Wkxt Cat Fimiiisu. The Dkmocrat
man last evening did bit first catilsblng
io Oregon. II wt on of a parly of
eight who cast their linee Into th mur
kv watert ot a pond adjacent to tits
Willamette Into which It eometlme
runs. It 1 eat cnouuh. You out a
worm on your hook, slam it Into the
water and wa'ch for the cork to bobble.
Then you pull tbe fish out. Our lawyer
won in eighteen cases, our jeweler
wound np sixteen, hie offspring four
teen, our expert acco-jntant and hi sur
veyor ton ktpt figuring a no drawing
line nntil they had twenty two, our
farmer forked out aeventeen, bit brother
only a foot away but three, and the
Dkmocsat men clmeed op eleven. One
hundred and one altogether. Then we
came home by the light of a lantern. It
I lun, fliis I tbe only true fth story
aver Inld aa nasrl as can be learniv1.
Jobo Turner, of Albany, a fo tner cit
izen ol Yaqulna, wa among the pleas
ure seekere Saturday and Sunday, lis
is ssid to have captnred first prize at the
fancy ball and cake-walk at Newport.
Mr. Turner I very beautiful and at
graceful at a tpotted ftwn, Yaqulna
Th main part of th big log drive It at
Corvallit today. There ars about thirty
men with It, and they have among their
convenience s floating houtt and btrn.
Logt ara passing Albany constantly and
ell along tbe bank this siH of Corvallis
Ihey have lodged.
EJ Towen, the boarder t the poor
farm Injured in tbe recent rnnaway ac
cident I not a bad aa at firtt reported,
probably not btlnir Injured internal y a
at firtt thought. Bowen wa brought
down from the mountain and I one oi
th larm' bett hanat.
John Smith, the pretcher, who at
arretted and taken to Oregon City on
the cbarseof twiodling people ol that
city, plead gnilty of larcony from bailee
ana was tentencea io tniny aaye in jau.
lie was also charged with tbe larceny of
some money from a Mr. Doll.
Many Albany wheelmen were teen on
tbe Corvallit ttreeti during ths hours ot
Sunday, while many of our own tcorch
en rone over there to tske a taste of
tbelr let cream and soda. Wheeling
thie teison on the Albsny path Is fine,
at the path ia smooth and hard and
nnrh better than laat year. Corvallit
K. H Moore, of Santism precinct wat
committed to tbe ineane asylum thit fore
noon and taken to Salem thit noon by
Sheriff Munkert. Moore wai brought to
tht city Tbursday evsnlng and kept la
the St. Charlea hotel. Dunag the night
be tucceeded in making hit escape and
sklpprd for heme, vbre he wat gotten
att night by the sheriff.