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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
Lebanon. From tbe K.. a. lira. E. E. Montague end children, of . than. kMV i airt. U. B. Montague in this city. ( Win. Todd, while at work at Mensies' . Single mill Wednesday, let hii left dm tub come in contact with a circular emw. with the result that it was taken. ff, pretty c'.oee up. 1 fcoTet Bft on the' Yana rivVrT h;e eumm.r. She and her daughter Id. Mrs. Hindmao will have charge of tbe nti go over auer me ruurm. W. C. Peterson baa purchssea three & l '. - - 1 1 . . . It'.i.rlMA anil a- i 1 1 ( owung uctb "... Itavw two ol them brought to Lebanon, and put in back of nis ottice, where ia a I uk, ahady place. He will be ready for business on the Fourth. I For some time past a number of small beys have been stealing everything thy could set their hands on about the depot i and freight cara. 1 hey tave also stolon ehitUoi nark from Dr Lamberson and il- n rn.n. Tka H, ia I confident that he has paid twice for some Has turned with disgust from an i his bark. One niaht recently a box wise lovablegirlwitnanoffensive breath. eontaininu a dozen bottles of Pe-Kuna ..... ,..ii.4 w e Fisher c,a ' ti-iii .. l'ft in a freight car. euxl during the night the box was open- ed and einht botues taaen. They have, Mlm been lettintt chickens out of coops; and then catching tbem for the agent at . h rate of 10 cents apiece. Agent I'uan has got some good evideace against St ' fcetfie of the youngsters and will prob- ably tave htm prosecuted. It yen have piie cca them. No use radergoint horribleoperatioo4thatiuin:y svaieve the results of the diaeae witboat atttarbing the disease itself. Place your , , coaidance in DeW lU s nch haxel salve. It bt aeTer failed to cure others; it will v xol fail to cure you. Foshay Si Mason. Uceic Misa Muorea Burmeeter acher of piano or organ. System the Uaeon tech ard technique. Residence lf tt ctr-st cpsoeite D P chuieh. it yo suffer from tenderness or Jullness atturiifht side, pains under shoulder- . t. "raulK K a-d ' war liver is torpid and coneestea. ue- fitfs Ltule Earl Risers will cure you woatDtlv oleasantly and permanently by rvihecoion and causing the XtroanVaow nasally. TaaV AH2 SOOD PI LI. Imperial Limited. TheCinadian Pacific By. ia now mak ag tbe f .s:e3t tim across the conti nent Tbeir service is of the most aplendi d de aeription. All classes of pas-engers ar rrrie4 on th "ItfPERUL" tram Y mav travel anywhere by.the Cinad -iaa Pacific Ky. and Soo Line. n. i Conr grocer keeps it. The Magnolia Flur Ctnarxo "Batbs. Weekly Dkmocbat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week World $2.00; and Republic $1.75: and . Oregon ian $2.25; and San Francisco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Meekly . Jaamal 2.00 F'ar 80c per sack. Try it. The Maanol. For the next 30 days we will make the ' beet cabinet photos for $1.00 down. ' Studio ia From an block. - Sick Headaches, the curse of overworked womankind, are . -quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover (Loot Tea, tho great blood purifier and teeue builder. Money refunded u not . aatisfactorT. Price, 25 cts. and 50 eta. For sale by Foshay & Mason. - flOT-c IW Guaranteed tobacco haWt core, makos weak . m, .miw. blood Dure. AU druggialO. ' " I The Uaivera'3olter makes gooa floor ine nagnoiiit. Albany Marker. r Wheat 48 :enU. OaU34. .'Egg 15 cents. , BuMer 10 to IS cent Potatoes 60 cents ' Hams 10 ents. Sides 8 cents. Shoulders 6 cents - i -1 ; j - r Long Photo 'Jo.. InFroman Brick. A L1C K.UUK j j The onlv-up-to-date hrst class - studio in town. All work to please. M A K I K I.OXfr Porn " is: -v r y, - A i-LaaeMaaall-JaSaJli The Hakbingtoii new improved air pressure washer for waehing all kinds of -clothing from a cuff to a large carpet, feather beds ano pillows. It weigh four pounds. It will be on exbibitien at tbe tioneer House. I will give a ay party $10 if tney can find any to crank or lever machines that can do the work uf one of the Harringion waeher. Come nd see it. . S. S. Habsisgtos, of Corvalhe, Ore. : Young Mothers. Gxonp it the terror I )d young mother. b" uhVoV2 n.l frequently f.uU Bhiloh like Ooagh And uonsumpuon - roatcTo in caees of Crotip. It hai i never I Men known to fail. The worst cases re Prices 25 cts.. and lieved Immediately wr .Ml'.w. For by Fohy Mtton. Change of Time. Fff ilv J una 18th. train! 5 and 6 on h n a v.. M. R.. commonly known as . JSSS ""ny and f aST Monu.,.. u?i-.i... nrf Fridava at 6:03 o. m ,.tUrnin leave Oorvaliis on Tuesdays . . . . .!." .. ... Thursdays ana oaturuav u; .. xiCKETi To all l0jr t East via Gro t Northern Railway, For rates, t Iders and full information ealli r adU -ess aH. F. Mtantix, ent Albn Man V H I.OVer Karl's Clover Koot lea purines me ureaiu hvits action on the bowels, etc., as notn else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 23 cts. nd 50 eta. to sale ny r osuay Maeou What laShiloh? A n.l nl.l fortloltfh. Cold , 6- ..:. ,,a. thnmih th woru (or nai( m ce'nturv, has cured in numerable cass of incipient con sump tion and relieved many in advanced atages. If yon are not satisfied with the results we wi'i refund vour money. Price 36 cts., 60 cu. and 1 1.00. For sale by Foshay & Mason. A good apgetite Is esenttal to good health. Hooc 'a Sarsaparilla creates an AppAite, tones and Strengthens the stomach, And builda ud the waole svstem It relieves that tired feeling, and by purifyin" and enriching the blood, it promptly and permanently cures all scrofula eruptions, boils, pimples ana ! S sweet, refreshing sleep. No othr med irine has taken such hold upon tbe con fidence of the people as tiooa s canp. arUla, and lU record of great cures is un !f!T fidence of the people as Hood's Sarsap- on may take Hood'a) Saieaparilla with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. fJERViTA Bowks VITALITY, AND MANMOOO Cures Impotency, NIfrht Emissions and wasting diseases, aa esects or aeu- abuse, or esrccfi ana inais. cretion. Ai.crvetonlcand blood IHMcr. iiiinfjs the pink glow ti. pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. i Rt mail SOc twr ox: boxes for $if.DO; with a written guaran "tee to core or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. -ilnton Jackson sta, CHICAGO, IUU I TERMS. ' Jiitr Democrat, 25 ents per month 3.00 per advance, 30c permonth not in advance. By carrier, 10c pet week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran over months. Single copiee 5e. I WuxtT.fl .25 In advance; $1.50 at end 1 f year; $1.75 for aecond year; $2-00 for ' laird and proceeding years, when not paid In advance. Clubs of five o"w subscriber at $5.00. Notice. On and after ibis date wood sawing in Albany will be for tbe following prices. All lour foot wood, 2 cut, 60 cents; four foot wood, 3 cnt, 60 centn; fonr toot .W. wvw, w 1 - -w wood, ne cnt, 40 cents ; pule W .rij 7K -nt. Bv the hour $1. wooi per T at F.-OWKKI. N. A. BiODorrr. Wm.Niiiy. W. A.Gibso". 0. C. Cl-ELAS. FOR REST. A 4 room bouse near Creamery at $3.00. Inquire of Fred Bruckman cor. 8th and Madison Sts. ! K.O. T. AI. i very Stur1y evening at K. O. T. If .11 Vlairirw Kniirhta invlied. X M Newport.Comuiander,. Dy Cure. spepsia Diacsts what you eat. 1 a r.t flfiali v A 1 acntA the f ood an A ldl T?ture in strengthening and recon itrnctmg tne exnausiea aigesiive un cans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonio No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves aua peruiaueuuj iuiw Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastialgla, Cramps, and all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared b E. C DeWT.'. Co. Cblcapo. ?"jr sile br Frjl Albay, Orja. ViWS n, Drn,'ii SIX PERCENT LOANS. I have a limited amount of money to loat. on nrst-claes farm security or improved u..;a.a nmurii in Alhanv. Interest six per cent for particulars call on or address. ..... fl. F. Mbbbilt., Democrat building. Albaay, Oregon irnvfiWlflTllVf. P.O. Second St noa r.vnn otrmt. Alhanv. Sells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tea and "t ci.' salSS i1(o Heart Weakness Th heart la th moat vital orrna of th be4r. tt U th ng la that prop th innniM aa4 ttntl taitananc to th nrvM and brain and to all th organ of th body. A flaw la tt SMchanlam la certain to sir rlne to mrtoui m. Multa, Weakneu denote th preaenv ot a Saw. It I a forerunner ot tome- f' .A thtuf more mrlout that 1 dl 5 7 . V.... .... . . ft,-.-r w vft-vur . v are tae j s enstneer. Look to your euitue. Set that no aoot f dentoccnr. HUDYAti . U what rounevd. HUD- YAN will itreufthen il heart. HUOYAN will mak th heart OQioKi Mrottf aud hard. Po not delay too long. Boglntht nteol HUDYAN now. HERE ARE YODR SYMPTOMS: 1-2. THROBBING) IN THB TIM. FLES WHEN LYINO DOWN. HUO VAN will cauee th throbbing to disappear. 8-0. &IMOINO IN THB EABS HUD YAN toi th ringing and buuing la a short time. 4-8. ALTKRNATB PaUNESS AND FLUSHING) OF THB CKKBKS. HUD YAN will rvtor th circulation oi th blood to It normal condition and kp a eonitaat healthy color In tbe cheek. 7. PALPITATION OF THIS HEART AND IRREQULAHDEATINO, HUO YAN, br ttrengthening the heart muaclo and the nerve that lupply It, will (top th paint. tallon and Buttering and cauie the heart to beat regularly. 8. THROBBING IN THB STOMACH BEQION. Thla throbbing and piiUatlng dis appear ahortly altar tbenieol HUOYAN. Thoniandi bae beea cured of Tloart Weak- net br HUOYAN. Yon ikould be cored too. HUOYAN will eur you. Frocur HUDYAN from yor drugfliu It Is sold la all drugitore for 600. per package, or package for tUO. If roar draggtit does not keep lt,end direct to the HUDYAN RIM ED Y COMPANY. " Francltoo, CaU Coniultthe HUOYAN DOCTORS FREE. Yon may call and se them and har a tre eoniultallon. If jron cannot call on th doctor writ to them for a.l.lce. it wilt be girea tre for th aaklng. Addrea RUDYAI REMEDY COMPART, Cer. teeMea, Meret ad Elli St. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLLFGEJ Facultv Wallace Howe Lee J U President. Geo. A. Wirti, Director. Odra A. WirU. Voice a specialty. Ti.itinn Vartf Tnaaartable. rancrina from $1 to $21 per term. Tbe highest grade of instruction is of fered to both primary and advanced pupils in the following urancnes: nano Organ, v lonn.uuitar, aianaoiin, iwue, Voice, Harmony, uounterpoini, voia position and History of Music. Vval claasea are organised at the be- nnnins nl each term. Children's class each. Saturday at 10:30 a. m. Pupils may regi'r 'o- work in the Conserva tory at an, . .. , For furthfc ion can on or aa- dress CcoRGt A. Wibtz. director. Albany, Oregon. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison & Park Sts. LEWI3 BU1LDIX0. Portland - Oregou OUR CAPACITY 'ociiualed In the Valley. " OUR WORK Is UnsurpaAiCvt ,In Oregon. e have the best stock u. select from and our prices are always the lowest, quality consulered SMILEY, A " 17 V". The Pr;.iter HEW VIM WORLD Thrice-a-Week lid i tion 18 Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar WUfce.veryAlleraUareaeplB The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Th evj 117 1. A. .mnncr all "weekly I papers in lise. feqoency of publication ind the fmhtaas, aceoracy and variety ol its contents. It mi an uw m reat $6 daily at he price of a dolla weekly. Us political news promrt.coan KIT ajaVTlOXAa. BAI. I oai.aawT,oaeoi reetdeDt . flaePraildeDt... trull S B.TOUNO ,K. W. LANOUOV TRAHSACTS A OimALbmlnt!bivilneai ACCOUNTS K BPT Mbjett lo ebeck, lOaTBlCHANOa atet.l.raphle trawler, old i Ne Terk aao ft LtOTIOMS f nrabl erae nawnoMl 8 E TOOTM L""" P Ooeovtw t. Fwaa, C. S. F:.i. ALBANY COLLEGE 0FFElli THOROUGH. -0 ; High-Grade College Education iTo every boy : (he ambition Iht ooura is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE8 The Normal Course' U ad np to a STATE DU'I.OMA, and the Coinuierclal Courts )s now become a Business College Kqual to anything In tbe State Now Illustrated catalog. Hoard at the Student! Club at actual cost price. For particulars write Albanv, Oregon. $40 cash $40 For the Best Wheel Ever Built t Fitte.l With Special Heavy Tread IS. A J. TIUKS. Next tut he Kambler in quality and price 1 the IDEAL '-- FredT. 31 cr rill Cycle Co. 105, 107, 100, 111 Sixth Kl Portland, '". 1WlM!8.n.. Ohling Sc tTulbui't, T ' Albany, Ore. IT'S JUST! LIKE TIS We have machine in stock as low as $10.00 Suppiesfor Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox "SEW" X widow ffixty-slflrht yearn old, living In New York Ckr, had Imm Aattn far tal fTbawnf rotuitATitlT trouble! with pnlnson hep right Ws which wmwl ! b omd I I4. IT 1. I.. Ih. UmA K..e ihwIiJ Ks ak nnmkar nf rth aiiMavria anal raw faT rvaatJam aHfl bo had eutarrb of th nUimwh; nothr ..V. -..1 I Klll.rn - ..I. ..:.. a nm month wtLhnut ativKi riilt. At ttrfxrA tb of morphine weri ror.eJ to. i ie i-iinrji wcifrnnn iuv and had rerj tittle apiwifte, KarLy In June a neiyhlxr .Attmr nainv thtn two weckl the Dalne and bloatlriffof ' . 1 -1 11 I ft-J - I... .1 a U wl Emwmm euLireir ciiMjNrvij. iue iimui usu araa.itla4fl alaVVaJl ncillfalta. WAWTFt Un. W Huru ,-a mitm fan aw air- as j Ix twM nl an anwrKUU wlKi arj ll:ln aa avuisata aJa. tnM sirai ntwrf JU la cMffit. may and girl that has t to attain on. WALLACE HOWE LEE, President 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. A good article is worm more a poor one. f.VF.Rt ONE KNOWS rilAT.., ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE . will ontweara dosen cheap onw, therefore cheaper in the end. for Machines that ttM that It u ortliuary djrpM-K atull mtxryl fn awhi'h hal tl Halfrrl DaSa? MrVfiT pftlufl Wfira m never ilt bfpoi1ertnii idmwu nAil..alIe aaAAVareii tlT HeYI piawyvivnn . , . l 111 mi a tMa frf.37,T!Zll a, lo tn'lil .im'm " aw -p. kaa eea m l rm. m a a wapanai Inrtocedl ber to try K uaaa Tl the rtmnanh anrl eolfe oeaae4 an rtemeeruua. fmm laauila. antaaioa. tj East South -KIJASTAROUTE - tt ruB S utuora Piolflo Oj Oalllunila Stprwa Ttela te Ferttanu tvataT " " a-...! f aa . 1 1. a...,-.j - . .. A-" 1.' a1,''"' . Ar 1 4 10 i S TliaaAr tan rraiielaea tviTiiMra Above train ston at 'ailnn be iween Port, HIU Sulein' Tui- aar. M . .Iim f..w 1 1 1 lantrent. 8liel.l. Uai.ay CotUue Orore, Drain, Oakland ami all latiuus irta itiourn vutn to and la oli'illnjr Aihland. liMaa" ill" t i lira tr I l Mi a tiWM I Ar AMI ) Hii I tt uaaaos taint bawuu l.tbnua in a liltSU a i4o a 7i 1 11 Uwve KiMir lie Lahtttnn Arrive 4lba (rum Uba en PUllMAM mm SUIPERi jtm Olnlnar Car on Ogden Routt SECOND-CUSS SLEEPING CA aitacheel teall Tfceees Trala Vet aie Metal). KTxasa rviLAS aa Bial Mail. r tieentloeu? auaaavae eivivf J. a lilt a a I b. I Ar r-irllaad 0MailW ar Ita I t'Wr Ktirai Traill MI (rttt eb. 4 Me , I Ttarat Ar taur a I Ar rSrttaixl liulie ilenoe ArK a irlla. HiS.t. link u tft ! UtwM P rltvit. 8r. iomi. . 1 1 4, 1 rrn"". SaiM(T flfet andftl emud . , Includln lMir H.aOB'll.ah CUMAHKIIAW Nanar Uf4 Nn ml 0(.a rVrilaal K tta n I l kH ii n-rrn inlnle and Rur- 4.1 I Vt O'lllV II I1"l"t.u an-i auairtc LIAtn b t Irnia t- ta rues. A. Allumjr nr 0 a l I LSD SOO PACIFIC LINE. To ill Foints East Solid vcatibole train. eootUtine of pal ace iliwpira care, luiu'iou dMng ean, eleuant day coacbix, niagniflreot tourlal car ind fro colonist U'pnr from lbs IV cilio to Uie Atlantic without chaojie. IMl'FRIAL UMITEl) cro-loir the American eontinrnt m 4 day. Finer ami laa'er than any competitor. coaTDiaacT ako CRBAraaT aotrra r ICootcnny Rllteltlff District naaoar, ntw pasea, amcah err-, numa, SAIjO, raaiL, aOMLAROAaO All points la the Okanajrao Country. G a pamphlet uttrinK a full ieacrtpiioc of thl wonderfal country. Ak tbe arent for a con of tne miointr law of BriUar Columbia. iZ3 Lowes raws o and froia IQXJIiOIPlO , Atlantic eteamibip ines., Oauadlan Pac. Ity. (Jo 's Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan' 0AHAD1AW AUSTmAMAN STBAMia LWI OHOLDLO, tut AD ACSTaAUA, Tbe ihorUat lio to toe Colooiea. These learner carry aa experienced medical nan, and a stewardoa on every voyage. for time tables pampblrts, or aay la ormatlon, call on or address. t lfit'.sll J O0YL, A't, It I Tiiri and. Or. UEO. ROWN, D. P. a Vancouver LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany-. W R Bilyeu, Foshay & Mason block tt Bryant, 1' O block. Anderson Cannon. PO Mock. J N Duncan, P 0 bloc T P Ilacklenian, Pearce r lock. Judge it II Ilea itt.PO block. N B Humphrey. v Kelly A Curl, bank building L 11 Moitanve, Pearce blotA J C Powell, P O block. OESox.PObloik. L L hwann, Bank building. II 0 Watton, bank building. Weatherfordf A Wjatt, Bank bnildini Whitney A Newport, Ousick block. O W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. SM Garland. Brownsville,' A A Tossing. Sclo. TJ IIon 1 LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY Albany lOrecon Office! Sank of Oregon Building. Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete art of map and plats. nT.Un1 Trail MarVeobtalned and all rati act bul!H' conducted fur Modcrrt Fee, t iHendmoili-l.dniwlTKiorjitioto. We1le If witMital.le rf ct ctnrto. i r fi not due till . jwtentUan'ltri"t. A lnrnp!ilet "Iloir toOb-J J uiln r'alffii.," with co.t of eaiue In th.U.a.1 oud foreign twuntrice eont free, idureu, 1 a Ac 6MOV & CO. Or. rTirT C.rn' , WHir4QT M, D. C.f uvf " " """" -.-.v'