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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
If tbe Damp and Chill penetrate, look out for an attack of But deep u the C if I Tlu? ClU penetrate and Sciatic itic nerve is, OU J QtUUS Vll ALBANY'S SAW MILL. Pursuant to tha call of the mijir the mill man meeting was held at the coun cil chambers this forenoon at 9 o'clock With a good attendance of business men, among tbe on tuber being S 13 Young, V U OoUra, H Bryant. P A Goodwin, Y Laoedon, J K Weatberford, Charles Pfeiffer, Wm Vance. W W Rowell and S A Dawson, with Mayor Burknartin the hair. Little was developed that was new. "'be principal business was the instruct fg of the subscription committee to ieet with Mr. Curtis who will return torn a trip to Nnithern California, in a lay or two, and prepare a subscript ion paper that shall crver the proposi tion of thecomp'nv provMing for a f?5!), 000 plant w ith a capacity of at least 150, 000 Ieet in ten hour! and employing 400 to COO men. It w ill prcbably be made so as to be payable when the mill s in operation, and there will be a provision against a coirpany store. The paper to be circulated at once. As a matter of fact Mr. Weatberford states that the mill will have a capacity of about 250,000 fet in ten hours, and the company w ill be willing to guarantee in double tbe sum of the subsidy that they will carry out the provisions of tbe contract. Tbey have already spent $tk), 000 for timber land and mean business, regardless of reports tuat come from some neighboring cities. I his is the brat proposition Albany ever bad ana it fbont be pushed a'oi g. Every body taka lunsh lasktUwe!) filled to Maude on the -hat ErolLtr Barker will te very hmgr J, Boys' School She, $1, worth $2, at the Boston Shoe Company, next to Kevere. Oi Kaat Sal Lace, Denver, Ft Fast Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail 5pm sas City, St Louis, 6:45 p m Chicago and Cast, gppkabe Wil hv Walla, Spok- Spokane flyer arte, Minneapolis. St F've J:l6pmPaul, Duloth, Mil- 8. a waukee, Chicago, A East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 For San Francisco . Sail every five daya 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER 1 p n EiSunday 8TEAMERS. ExSonda Saturday To Astoria and Way lOpm Landings. 6am WILLAMETTE BIY. 4:30p ExSun. Oregon City, New berg, Ex San1 Salem & Wiy-Land 7am WILLAMETTE AND 3:30p Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Moods Thnra., Oregon City, Dayto, Wed. and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat Sam WILLAMETTE EIV. 4:30 pi Tuesday Portland to Corvallia Inee-Uy Tbur., and Way-Land.nga. Tbur and SaU nd Sar LvRiparia LvLewistoi 2:30am SNAKE RIVER 12;00 r Daily Riparia to Lewis ton Daily W. H. HCRLBUBT, Gen. Pasa. Agent, C. G. BAWLINGS, Portland, Or. Agent Albany. III ORTHERN 111 PACIFIC R, H, Pullman Sleeping Jar3, Elegant Dinteg Oars, Tourist Sleeping Carp' at Paul Minneapoli. Daidtb Fargo, ro Grand Forks Crookaton Winnipeg Helena and Hutu TiaOUGH TICKE'i TO Chicago fVashiDgtou Philadelphia NewTtork Soeton and al. PoinU East and South Through tickdts to Japan and Ch na, n Tacoma and Northern Pacific steamshir 0. an American line- For information, time cards maps and ticket call on or write C G Borkhart agent, Albany, Or. ADCharlU. At Gen Pass Aa Portland O- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Ore iron, as the administrator with the will Jtnnexed of the estate of John H. Bate man and Phoebe Bateman, deceased. Any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified Co present the same du: verified as by Uw required to me or to my atiorneya, Weatberfoid & Wy'att, at their office at Albany, Oregon, within aix months from the date hereof. Dated thU 8th day of May, 1899. Petkr Bither. Adm'r with the will annexed. Weatheeford & Wtatt, Atty'sror Adm'r. quiet iu racking pain. THURSDAY The Shaw Show. A large And much please audience saw the Shaw Company pesciit Milton Noble best piece "Love and Law" hut night at the armory. It as plcndidly put on and sustained the favorable opin ion Albany people have of the talent of this excellent company. Mr. Miaw, though a host in himself, is well sus tained at every point. The company have addod nitich to the effect; of (heir work by putting Uie stage in good set tines when the difinilv.intai.-n m rnnei.t- ered in connection with the cramped con dition of things. The band has become verv in their street; concert and the orchestra is generally commended in its artistic work. "The rhocuix" which w ill he present ed by the company tonight, is a melo drama which has stood the test of two i decades wear and tear and sti'i remains popular to the Inst. The playwriting scene wherein "The villain still pursues her" causes as much merriment as ever and the fortunes of the Phoenix still continue to hold their interest. Tomorrow night occurs the lienefit to the local committee on en'crtainment of the National Editorial Association in Al bany July 9. when tie Culn War urn in a -j ie l.ast Mroka" u- l ducetl. pro- Oakville. The cemetery association met last Tueaday afternoon and elected three di rectors," a president and secretary. The officers elected are: President, W. H. Millhollen j secretary, J. C. Brown ; di rectors, M. Acheson, A. J. Fdeving and H. M. Stone. A panoramic exhibition at tLe school house was not well attended although it was first class. The lecture "Conquest of Manila" was illustrated bv 80 life like Tiewj on canvas by the aid of a atereop ticoa. Judge iiarton was a viVito- here last week. He was looking after the new bridge. Smith ia taking a vacation now and ie busily engaged cultivating his garde m Hay cutting will be in full blast bv the 4th. Mr. Finch, ot Albany, was a xisitor here last Wednesday. Little Rose Bcc. Prof. Mftrtindalfl u in PIm yester- day. Mrs. Dr. Mackey, of Harriaburg, haa been in trie city tnis a iter noon. Mr. Attorney Genera lBiackborn came up from Salem this noon. R. I). Holmanof Salem, is in the city assisting at the water works. Mr. aod Mr. Frank C. Paker of Port land, formerly of the state printing office passed through Albany last night for Hawaii. Mr. C. W. Watta ia expected home from Dawson next week on a visit tor a month or two, returning to Dawson in August. Mr. watts is said to have p aa nan nn Bnnnro i .mioavw the Klondike. Hele'there about Christ-1 mas, 187. Is the Fold Agais.--Col. J. B. Eddy wa in the city Wednesday, taking in the sights and enjoying himself, making hi headquarters at Transcript office, where he was welcome J. B. is an old newspaper man, w bo has been "out ot tbe lold" for some time but is about to fet back again, having purchased the orest Grove Tims and will take pos session this week. He will be heartily welcome. Transcript. Republic ob Empire? Tbe new book by W. J. Bryan, Andrew Carnegie, Ex vice president Stevenson, Prof. David Starr Jordan, Senator Hoar, Vest, Dan iels, Mason, Tillmann, Bacon, ti. U. Johnson, Chas. A. Towne, and other of our brightest statesmen of all parties, is now before the people of Albany. Every one should avail himself of this oppor tunity to secure this beet and most re markable of all books. The S. S. Exccbsiox will leave the C & E. dock at 8:30 a. m. Saturday and not at 8 a. m. aa announced heretoiore. The committee will furnish coffee, you must supply your own cream acd cups. A limited number of tickets are on sale at C. E. Brownell'a for those w ishing to go outside of the S. S. giving the excur sion. Take Notice. Nightwatch McClain tells tbe Democbat that he will enforce the bicycle ordinance requiring lights after dark without regard to person. Riders will therefore take warning. Upon hi arrival home Capt Phillip will be presented by the parent and relative of the soldier boy here with an elegant s Iver service properly in scribed, and family sword, which hi father the late Capt. Phillip carried in the civil war. Tbe many friend of Maj or Ellia will also show their appreciation of hi excellent service probably by the presentation of a sword. Eugene Loper, the human engine of McMinnville, walked or lun from that Independence, a distance of 26 mile in 4 hour and 12 minute, when bis feet gave out. He had intended to continue tbe walk to Corvallia. Milton Eagle: Milton's six per cent school bonds were anapped np in a jiffy by local capital. They were cut up into aix piece of $500 each. Due notice having been given Night watch McClain last night arrested five of our citizen for riding bicycle after dark. Tbe Snaw Band ia all'right. Wool ia 16 cent in Albany. State of Oregon agt Samuel Mills, rape. Tried and found guilty. Will be teueed Saturday at 9 a in. . . , Nt.ld nt frvtini.t . n I k.NiMtl t" m indictei aa Ernest Cardan, larceny of cow. Dismissed on mot ion of district a t- lorney. . The Montuith agt Nettie Mouteitli, appeal. Nonsuit by plaintiff. Oregon agt Hituer Mill, rape, Dis missed by district attorney. Oregon agtChasSlavons, larceny, Dis missed by district attorney. The case of Oregon agt llonry Wil linms, was Ix-gun and was in progress at press time, liefore a jury consisting of K. S. Chase, J. B. Rolierts, A. M. Reeves, Tay lor Fvans, Walter Smith, W, A. Thrift, Frank Smith. Frank Irvine. Wm. Lofboro, H. Hull, Jus. Craft and J. P. Schooling. The testimony of the prosecution is suusianuaiiy mat on the JUtu ot May al ter closing up a stand, which they had been running during the day of the Turner excursion picnic from Portland, Charles and Herbert Farrvll started a Kloudikegauie at Henry Williama.wbich was broken about 11:30. About that tune Fred Senders came into the saloon and the three men proceeded to drink a race w ith beer, during which troubln be tween Mr. Williams and Herbert Farrell occurred when illiuma struca several times at Furrell, Charles t'nrrell knock ing the blow off, when he directed his le volver toward Charles Fnrrell, and re marked that ht; would kill him, when Charley started for the door followed by the other men. He had hold of the door when Williams tired hitting him in the llOftll. The program of the defense was the character of the Farrell boys.threata to do up Williams and that the act was merely in self defense after the "liana" imu mionti iwog awi at turn anu n a other Uciitoudtraiioiis. THE ALBANY MILL. Pursuant to tho call of the chairman, Mayor Hurkhart, a meeting was held in the Council Chambers last evening for tho purpose of hearing reports on the se curing oi me lanu ao joining Albany lor the SUba'dy lor the b g mill ol the Curti Lumber Co. Mr. CUrie Pteiffer on behalf of the commutes reported that thev had re cured an offer from Mr. llacklemau of twenty acres for (3,000 and a subscript ion to the subsidy of tZ'tO. that Mr Joseph Wilson of Corvallia attorney for tue voeeswie represented mat the w ir 63 acres of the estate not occupied by the round house and switches i f the Corval lia and Kastern could be secure I (or $150 an acre, which the committee stated was the lowest figures they had betn able to secure for the property. Comment followed universally in fa Vor of raising the tutwidy. Upon motion of William Vance tbe chairman was authorized to appoint a committee of ten to raiae the money by s bscriptioo. t he chairman announced that he would do this within a day ir two. Mr. Weathcrford on behalf of the Cur tis Company spoke ot tbe importance of auch a mill aa is proposed, a pi u.t coating $250,000, with a capacity of 150,000 feet, which would require two or more train loads of logs a day, and employ nearly 500 men. The Company will guaranty to use the land only for mill purposes consenting to place the the deeds in es crow ontil the mills are running. He howed how the entire laud will be need ed on account of the necessity of a pond for holding the log, that chall be nearly a quarter of a mile long, and the large amount ot land netded for the mills themselve, making perhaps the largest mill plant on the coast, an industry that will be of immenee importance to Alban.. 90 inducement for many other industries, The amount of the subsidy will be about $12,000 and this amount Albany can certainly raise, adding to our city at one an increased popula' ion of 1,000 to 2,000 and giving business an impetus nothing else con Id do lor our city. Let every man do his duty. Lebanon. rom the Criterion : Will H. Ross, and G. Swan, who were so successful in taking stereopticon views butt summer, will canvass southern Oregon this. Miss Alice Temple, who haa been teaching at Salem, fur the past two years, ia visiting friend in this vicinity this week. Mart. Payne, of Albany, was in town Monday. He came out to make arrange ments to have a new house built on his farm at Rock Hill in place of the one re cently burned. At a meeting of the school-board last evening the following teachers were elected for the ensuing year; Prof. L. H. Baker, principal ; Prof. E. O. Parker, assistant principal; Miss Elsie Thomas, Mrs. Verna Kearn.Mrs. Minnie Munkers and Mis Mabel Carson. All were reel ected save Prof. Parker and Mrs. Munk kers. Lee Dobson, the ten-year-old on of Wm. Dobson, who Uvea two miles south of town, met with a serious mishap last Wednesday. He wae picking at a dyn amite cap with a match, when the cap exploded, blowing off 'be thumb and fore finger of the left hand and badly mutil ating the thumb on fore finger on hia right hand. The powder also badly burned hia check. President McKlnley will not make his western trip a has been reported, never with authority. Mrs. McKinley's illness will prevent it. Yesterday a'ternoon Elnier Dannala fell from the top of a box car at the depot breaking hia right leg at the ankle, which means several weeks away from work. A meeting of the committee of the ed itorial association was held last evening to make arrangements for the editor at this city by giving them a lunch and making a proper display. The Multnomah and Torpedoes wil play base ball in Portland on the 4th of July. Flemming, a former Albany pitcher will pitch for the Torpedoes and Down, formerly of this city, is Brsl base man for the Multnomahs. It haa come, the time for gc tting a re frigerator and ice cream freezer. Tbe Stewart & Sox Hardware Co., have soma of the best. DARING SOLDIERS. Tho Freedom, of Manila, juat received contains the following about the Oregon iant aa soldiers : , The Oregoni have been in umtiy ways a puruuuiariy unioruinaio regiment. Arriving here with the llrst exitoditlon they were denied the privilege ol living in tho great military camp at Tambo They took no part in the fighting in the trenches, they played an unimportant part in the storming of Manila, When the Philippine tiotible broke out, and they wore ordered to slay in tho walled city, their iup ot bittcructa seemed full, liut since ther late call out they have in re than retrieved their lost opportu nities. They have covered themselves with a elory that shall never fade. Tim tallowing little incident ill show o( what mu tithe regiment Is made , Pur ing liealon a celebrated da'h, the Oregon wore a part o' tho Hying brig ale. 1 bo troop were trying to capture the rich little town of Puteroa, "Duck town," which is situated on a bend of the Pasig, near the Turk. The town is almost encircled bv tho stream, which is some lifty yards w ide and from twelve to sixteen feet deep. Stretching from the bank up the river is rice Held about two hutiUred yeiM wide, from which rises a steep declivity of a few bundled feet iu height. From the brief dccri tion os:o can easily see the Htrength of the lUUg town as a strategic point for the enemv. l'aturoe had auecesMfully res'mted three attempts at its capture: The brigade was Stationed on the military crest of tbe above mentioned hill ; to capture the place it w as necessary to cro the rice Held with no protection from the en emy's heavy tire who were strongly en trenched, and then cross the river. The Oregon were the vanguard ol thenttnek. CroMsing the rice tieltt under ureal nilll cul ties, they were com ellod to halt at the river, and to hold their position un der the raking tire of the iiiHiirvents, as no lioats eoti'd tie lotuid. l lnallr an old raft and some cunoea were discovered, and Colonel Sumiurrs called tor volun teers to im tbe river under the fire of j the enemy faaten a cable to the op poeite chore. Many more than enough ri spoiubu. jro?n among tln-m were no lecieu two men, w no, alter niiacning a ttring to theeud of the cable, plunged in, reached the oppoHiie snore nmid a hail of bullets, fastened the cable and constructed an impromptu pontoon bridge, over which the troop sueces fully creased, completely routing the enemy. Judging from their cn luct since thev havetegun to tight, this ia the tunteriul of whi h the Oregon are made. FRIDAY A Ladies Lodge. Several months ago the Idea of organ ising a camp of tbe Royal Neighbor, an auxiliary to the Modern Wooodo:ea wa diseased, and cocmiUee were appoint er1, but it tailed. The camp deeded to place the matter in the hand of Dr. Adam who plaoned to starUhe work last week and last night by th assist ance of Mrs. Hamblln, Ih deputy su preme orical, the Modern Woodmen and their relatives were brought to realise the Irultsol p-t efforts by ihe imtitu -ins ot a ramp of tbe Royal Neighbor. The following otlicer weie elected: Orical, Mm Mary Hurkhart. Vice Orical, Mr. Cllsta Custer Recorder, Mrs. Dr. Adams. Receiver, Mra O. G. Hurkhart . Cbancelor, Mra Ida Archibald. Inner Sentinel, Mr. Cox. Outer Sentinel, Mra. Wells. Msnaeers, Mrs. Wmkley, 1 yir: Mr, Carry Bustard, 2 eais; ut. r'. h. Ad as, s, 3 The order will be known as the Laurel Campcl tbe Royal Neighbors aud atarta out with a membership of 25, with a bright prospect of ripid growth. The ladiei proved thrlr ability for entertain ing ihe gentlemen present with a delic ious lunch and invite all members to meet a ain Saturday evening and Mrs. Hamblen will meet with the order tor further inatroctiuna. Made a Hit. Ihe Shaw Co.,lst night in the'Pheo nix" made a decided bit witb the big gen andience ol the ek. They have establirhed themselves as favorite here Mr. Hhnw as at his best as Carroll Graven, and Miss Kelton did splendid work as tbe flower girl and Kllle Elmore, and the other part were all np to the standard set by the two lesders. It la alwaya pleaaing to an audience to see an en'ire company good. Remeu.ber the Vacderville matinee to morrow at 2 :30 p. m . This ia a new de- Sarture (or a dramatic company, but the haw Company possesses talent onongb to give "any old kind" of a show Dj not tbla one Death or Mhh. Bilyic Mra. Joseph Bilyeu died at Turner on Wednesday, Jan 26, it the age of 74 yeara. She wa a pioneer reeident of Linn county, and ha always been known for ber sterling worth as a wife, mother and citizen. She vas tbe mo'herof Hon. W. K. Bilyeu of tbla city, and Hon. L. Bilyeu of Eugene, beside five other children. The funeral waa conducted by tbe Christian church of which the deceased ha J beeo a mem ber since childhood, and the remami were buried near Shal born in thia county. The Picnic. Remember th.t the ulon picnic party will leave "the CAE wharf tomorrow morning at 8 :30 o'clock. All going ahonld aecure their ticket be fore hand. The Albany band will be at tbe wharf to play and enough will prob ably go to furnish muric for the occasion. Viss Abbie Wright, ol the Portland achoola, la in tbe city. If you want to pleaae Mies Wright save your Telegram coupon on the popular teacher vote for a piano and leave it at the Democbat of fice. In case Mr. Watson succeeds the I piani will be presented to tbe Atkinson school, in wnicn misa rvngut is m icauu er. Why Not Buy Shoea At the Boston Shoe Company' store aciet'Fine Kid Shoe for 1.25.Nex evere House. CIRCUIT COURT. Wui Lane agt K II Kilter, recovery ot money. Judgment lor piaintm, John Melnertagt J 1 Kober, recovery of personal property. Continued. May A Senders agt V U London el al, recover !o( money, attachment. Set tled. Linn County agt P ti Morris et al, re covery of money. Continued. Linn County ut P G Morii et al, re covery niJiiev. Continued. FAckekmsuagt M llolllch Argued and suhiut(d. The Jury ia tbe can n' the Mute ngt Henry WilMani lor sssau t with a dan. Rcroua weapon, were out all nlirlit, nt agreeing to a vtrdlct until 11:15 o'tl k this niornluf, whi-n judgi lliirnoll tent lor and hssr.l the verdict. luil asiautt. All hsd been for conviction but two or three, Cue, an old saloon keeper, i ung out ami r 'itmeu to miuge, tint nu ally coinpron.l-ed on slmpla hhmu'I, The court will pasa nentence tomorrow l lillO o'clock immediately Uon tt'o ar rival vl Ihe penn trlu, Santen-e !' tmieJ linen S.n'. Mills tomorrow at 12:10 u c'oik. Court adjourned until Hint hour' Another Mill Meeting. Mayor iturkhart laid evening appoint ed the following soliciting cummlttee fur the subsidy for the securing of the big mill at this city by the Curti Lumber Co: Chs'let I'feiffi'r, William Vance, W. II. tioltra, U. Hryant, K. I. Cudi k. P. A. tiiHtdwi.i, 1 1. P, Mason, K. W. Lmig don, 8. A. Dawson andCna Curran. Tim committee haa runted tomorrow. Hacurdnr, at 0 . ui., at the city council chamber', to meet with a mat meeting ol cIlUMin.lor Ihe nurpi'.ne of starting the subscription and learning Just how l ad we want the mill Our ritumta lieuUI act enthusiNMiically nd in a urn unci ,o show that'M i iiiennt. The enterprise I th most important one otir people have had to deal wttli I l years afd there should t no hesitation. Roy ltenliey came up from Salem this forenoon on A wheel, Nightwatch lUilt.i li acting marshal during the Illness ol Mamhal W. C. Mum lev bus been formally re elected president of Willamette unlveml- Pr, Hill returned this noon from 'rip ot (the Bay, carrying a suaplcious looking gun. Mr. G. W Howard and have aone to San rranriaro to remain until th arrival ot Kmil Howard with the Oregon volunteera. By special request Flower and fH-hmitt of tbe Shaw Band will play a cornet anu baritone duet which attract ed so much attention the other day, Mias Bessie Burkhart will give her bible clae a hay rack ride tonight to Knox' Butte remaining until the moon come up. Prof. Martindale will go aa chaperoue. Sheriff Mucker went lo Salem today with M. T. McOmth recently sentenced to th penitentiary for life. The chances are that the old gentleman will not live many year to meet Ilia sentence. Will Campbell who recently returned from Cuba, after endlng a couple of months In Albany in September will re sume hi work in the law department ot Ann Arlior, entering In senior year. He will lie acromtMnieii back by Lee Payne who will study law. Mra. Amle Livlngaton and Mr. Flor ence Quimby, of Albany, president aod secretary of the department of Oregon, ot Ihe ladiea of the O. A. K., paae down via steamer Albany to Oregon City today to organize a circle. The ladtra were met by a delegation Irom the Salem rircl while the boat laid at the aocket here. Salem Journal. Mra. 1. If. I'onam haa ra'urned from Tbe Dalles, where abe has been lb pnat mouth atUnding lo Ruth and Helen Pu ling, the n'oe and ax and a hall pound ers who arrived at the borne of Rev. D. V. Poling on Mar 10. Tbiy are doing aplend'dly, an 1 likewise Rev. Poling ie meeting with deaerved aurceaa In hia paa'oral work. Several Albany people oay now be aeen In the Congregational church there, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Si monton being in the chcir. Mr. and Mra. Stitea expect to go there to locate toon and F. N. Woo.) ia contemplating a residence thereat leant temporal! y. Brownsville. Fiom the Time. Ralph L Knapp i now manager of the Port Oregon T ibune, published at War renton, Oregon. We understand that R. A. Sander has gone to Cottage Grove, w here he will go into the aaloon bualneas. We regret Terr much to learn that the popular mercbandiae firm of (Jarnian A iewland haa decided fo cloaeout their business in this city and locate else where. Rev Jame Thompson, went to Auror with his son, Jamas, r., wbo ha charge ot the Preabyterian cburcheaol Aurora and New burg. The Rev. Jams Thorn paon, pat tor ol the Presbyterian church of th a pla-.e, intenda leaving here at the beginning of next week for Aahland where he con duct tbe Bible school in connection with the Southern Oregon Chautaugua As sembly. During Mr. Thompson' ab seoce, w hlcij win tie lor a monin or so th pulpit will be supplied by the Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Albany, Rev. Mr. Mc Kinlay, of Zena, aa others. The 4tii at Lebanon. Preparations have been made for a big time at Leban on, tne program indicating a big day ol live events, betide the oration by Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain, which will also be alive. There will be plenty ol car for all desiring to attend from Albany coni ng and going in a convenient manner, leaving here at 8:10 a. m., and Lebanon returning about 6 p. m. A Portland man took enough Interest in Albany to pood our city with letters buainesa men againtt the establishment of a company store by the Curtis to., in case of the establishment of the mill here. The Company ha no intention ol doing any thing of tho kind, ,,, pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and will ign an agreement to that effect. Bnd thai aitkly bilioua complexion by taking Caacarcta, benuty for ten centa. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c TI zimm ma Wihtb with ('CTieea Mmavinu or, ami lirira fliiiliiu tho (twit iimilly aiiulnl Willi t i l H I M (ultitiiimil), piirnKt uf suiiilllniik kin eun, Wuh Willi ft 'Tinea 'I'oii.Kr H.IAI- ami Hot Watkk. Till. IiiiiIkih1 lie eHiiinlvatnitmiiit will pmvniit niiplimiiiil ilrymxn mill mii2liiiM,itiiil prove SKmiteiiiii furt to ibiwd with lenili'r.nn.lly Irrlwiwl .klu.. Md wrti.. IMm, Cruel'.. ! Bne, Im'Nii hue. I OiTii'im. n.itimmiii. . I'Hiri. Ii. hi .ii Ch.m. Cu.f., S'l riM. UuWU. mr " U Abuiii il.. Skin, Sulw, ud lUlr," Im. Benefit To-NigiU The Shaw Oompaiiy have dove, a very genrrona thing by offerlriir to give a III' eralaharool the nrmeed o( the enter taiiimeiittotilgbl lor ih editorial ferepl tion at thia cny on the tili. and It ll era lore deeervea a parlicul ly liberal te apuuae, a ihia I something of jrcat mo ment to the Willamette val'ey ifimrrally. "Th l.a.t Stroke," which wi l tra pr ii'llted.atamU today at Hi bead ol Cu'i' struggle lor linlepfiiilnice. It is a play mih a strong p t, I n I f thrilling l nu llum and unlouked f r elluiazra. The "t-xcu-aion scene" lu the las' ai l ono cf the moat lnt"nio rreni ever eeeu In iiirNi-ilraiiia. at the same time time U no blood and thunder, or horrora .il war ahull alw ay seemed Iu baiwunahle t war drama. The ruined y ia bright, .parkling ami oiiiilnal. The aeenei y and ciwiuiiim ar correel in every ilw ail, and taken aa a while It ia dim of ibn mutt perfect pro-, duclions on the .lag i-day. Wei p!lv pruniine an viijoynble evening o all ho attend to night President Lee. The Oregonian lo.lsy puhliahe a pic- lure ol President I-ee, of Albany College and the following comment : AiMAxr, Or., June 2V. WalUre Howe Le, who haa bee i re-elected president of Albanv College, haa I "-en president of the college alue ISOft. He waa Uru la New York city ia 111. Hia early life wa spent in New England. He wa educated at William collage, and wa graduated In the data of 'a.' Alter grad uation h engaged In hlah-achoo' work In Connecticut for three yeara. la IHWI b came lo Aitanv an J a.numed th du ties ol profetsor of aooient and modern language la Albany college, which work be faithfully and energetically Pr lor til ed until tb fall of IM when ha w lectd president uf Ihe co'lea. Under hi rrauegemanl and through bis uullr log efforts tb cdlege haa grown lr etrengtu and haa bVen enlarged lo every department , The burned bridge near Inland haa. beeo repaired and trains will now run through regularly. Flratclaaa rab'nel photo. Arlato flol.h. for th next ;k) data, only fl.OO dozen at MIH Long s. Huiator McBrlda ia sernrlng for Ore gon lour Spanlah cannon lor the Oregon. monument. Tbe Albany Brewery yeate'diiy abip petl tq Wna of beer to points aouth for the coming 4th of July bualneaa. On the 2nd, !)rd and 4th in the morn ing tho far from Albany to all point" in tho valley on the 8. P. will tie one fare for the round trip. The special firemen' election waa ln proerena thia afternoon with Ben Clulan as the only candidate in the field and sure of aa election. Arrangements hrve Wen made for a i ace next Friday al ernoon at the fair grounds in this citv between the trotter of K. R. Cise and !:. A. Shilller, for 100 which has been put up. Judge Berton inform tho Ikv4h iut privately with the request not to inform any one that he has the beat apan of road. tern In the county. Albany to Oak villa In forty ininutea'l Juat a , and the bicyclist have to vet out of tiie way. Roaeburg will have a big celebration pending $1200 in making the eagle acrram. Aa the Albany band will ft) r niah the muaio we ara particularly inter ested in the manner iu which th eagle will tcream there. The hoys in white will do their abara well in making tine celebration a succeaa. Rsv. Charles Edward Locke is going up fast in tbe annala ol tbe M. E. church. After going to Han FraucUco from Portland ha made a great bit, Ihe church not being large enough lo hold th immense audiencea that came to hear htm, and the night meetings have bad to be held in the Metropolitan temple. Now be haa accepted a call to the first chnrch of Buffalo, N. Y. one of the big churchea of the east, Mr. Warscm, ol Harrieburg, left a coyote acalp with the county clerk thia afternoon. Tbe animal wa killed a couple ol months ago. After being run by lb How for fifteen mile Mr. Waa som chased il ''own on ho.teback, run ning on it and killing It with a club. The coyote had killed sheep and fowl for four or five yar and wa an old ter ror. RELIGIOUS. United Presbyterian t Morning wor ship at 10:30. aubject af ermon, "The Mind of th Maater' Sabbath chool at 11:4ft, Senloe Endavor at 0:45, evening worship at 7:45. (object. "Christ aa an Influence." All ate cordially invited to attend these service. Service at the Congregational church a follow: Communion at 11 a ra, Sun day achool at 12:15. Sermon at 8 p m, sobject, "Christ Found." All not al iening elsewhere are invited to tho above services. Ilenalr I Ulnod Deep. Clean blood menns a elean akin. No beauty without it. Caacarcta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by atirring up the buy l'ver ""d driving all in