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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
ml i NurriM; i.j Miuii'rop. Putdished ever iluy in the k eswpt Munday. Kumrnl iiim I'u.i lun.'H . Arany Jtvn -. aniHiiiil 11111 mailxr THE BAZAAR Infants and Childrcns llcadwear HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS Turked ami Shirred beta, Wash bull, Lawn and Klbbnn trimmed bate, Ktraw crown hall. Lawn, llmlty and Pecay bonnats An lilted to lace, embroidery or tticke. Trial, Organdie and Mull Poke bonnets, good to pre tnct little lien from tbe mo ml yet dainty and pretty. Infsnle Je peueee end French Cepe. , Any of thee attractive goods at poo ler price. See our Novelties in Parasols.... L K.&-1U. HAMILTON. FOR PHOTOS FOR VIEWS, FOR CRAYONS, FOR FRAMES, FOR ENLARGED PICTURES, FOR PHOTO BUTTONS, In fact for anything In first-class Pho tography CALL ON' The Photographer Albany . Oiciou THE CRACKER JACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR. Oppowlic MnHonlc Temple Full line of etandafTj groceries and Mimlrl t.Mjt.lfa No mule leader, but everything a teauer at uoiiooi prior. WaROiii run in the country telling gro oeriee and collecting produce. Money Mvod by trading at tb Crack eijack. NOTICF. Chickens dressed to order, old or young at F. O. Powers poultry UOUBC. ALBANY LUNCH COSn, & AlcKlllop, Proprietors Pre itipt meili t all hours, Freih oy. ten in Btylet desired. Berve luucLei (or inqueU oo short notice. IrMti with yon whthr yon fnntlnv h BfrvtVKiinnf mwo navnii, NVl MtA remove am ufiir ior tomwo, outaerTuuadlNtrwa, ipaiialctK tin, purinM lam biuoa. I tiA, 9 boina oiftttea tou strotteT Id, 400.0(10 in nd pocket- cMMfiirMi buy I lk 11 A from woo. our own drutneiat. who prill vouch forui. Tak Hwith I. DkllfntlT. penltntl y. ( e, uiually ouroii boim, ff Mu me iniaritntAttn torurn, or we refund money, rlUg BeveOi Ce. , Celeste, aeelreelt ew f r4 a d Mil It A (i Corsets and I errla Waists Whan m culoiiir I. not perfectly astis. lied a new pair given ineschiiit,'efot l, ild one. It It our Dim in (1'pii.c m Mi,h every peison who pit. chaws nrd wear'. OiiHi A U Corset l I villa wll M'udli spec In I in uiir o) and to oil! Whs cms which wethlns wll i'utiixrt favorably mm i,( ii oo c rse' 11 tbia marki. Urcelvr-d i.kUv m.nihcr of thoet Oftilwr ui)i!fik,lr for Isdiri. Nr iHii-lmuji hIk. .ai Curuln iiikI ilu'li i! huk , ,( ,! r Mii curtain. 5. L:. Xoung & Son. SOCIAL AM) PERSONAL Jim- TJt of finli-itiJiiiuJlH-on t(io city. Mr. and Mia. UUrlen and child tii to Imli pKiiduriuM luda) on a virit. O.U. ifogiw di livercl'sn addr. .a( I.yoim yentrnlay on ll.o A. O. V, V. liorn, on June 22, In I'rineville, to ll.e ile uf Judgo M. K. I'.ririk, a on. Mi.wt Kin K'ory a..d Wr! M(.,. ol IM. roiling. ,av l 0 elm-trd to tn itiona hi ibe Aihriift evduol. Mr. lUrry Pollock relumed llii. morn nu lo iuiUn, w,r U ban a poiition in air. Aliro riky .. ,t.i..l,ir t ifornla. am In n,u ri. n.. .i r. (ieiky'a.iiiur Wta V. W. Howell, William J. Finder and Winnie HorenK- iimrrii-y in Miisilil leccntly. A laviil amniiiLof tl, - .n enr tuinorrow. i'ii'k Kar!aton. i!. ...;. i -iw,,t.f Ml, II, 10 City lliia (luon mi lila . ...i.. i rotu drarit I'um i... i.. . . ( , v V IIIH'IU BlIV cflul aik'uiiion yeueiday. . r.Dawaon and K. I), flarn-u are 'rpatinn lor a big Larveal, bav'pg pur iaed a i:.VIoran mv.r If... 11 engine and a Kl 70 aenarator. Cblef of I'olice 0. 0. U mtni to In lDendenc ..iir,l, i... . i j alay, and will tbeo go to I ha hot epriaga n the Hreiienbunb boring to receive bettetlt from the waU-r. TlnCAEHk h.. . .i- i j n attractive near folder xlv.rii.ln th uuinirr reeort at Kaatwrl !.,.!.. wlkbina coulee to n.Kll I.. f -i -.1 - - iiivii iriragi can procure li.em at iha air. rrana will, of W.ll A Stark, baa returned to Oregon from a two montba , j, " ,ormr "on 1 MUeourt.aad iaapendlnca low ri... .i i Torilend. lie will probably retoro to A nine tAMA. i . tbo only child l.ft of Urully of tbiiteen cbl.uien. a aiaiar!...!-- .i.'i i ville, III , ( dayt ao at the advanced age ol Qi ye.r,. Je.ving hiin a'one io tbi large family W. M. Wondi-rliib, brother of Mr. I.lnirren. rntrolvul ..... moriiltig announcing an accident to bia liriil lian in V..1. . i .... uriiHii, sn(, ,0 wuiK.nve on tonight a overland for bia former borne, in order to be with him. Dam E. f! Ka 1 1. T n uater and fnmiliea arrived borne today from ibe annual Hireling of the Cbilei -urvii mi turner, Uregon. The meeting u,if w,, , lh, btetorr of the aiuie rganUalion.-Uuurd. Mr. and Mra. I R. Borum and aon eit una morning on the Koib tn a trip -S. T. , ur"n Wa.hirgion Tbey will vl-ii In LU, go to the moui io. in,i neat The Illee during the rnpeimg oi the grand lodge of A.O. t) Hon. J. k'. U'.. 1 1. i ....i - if. turned laat night from North Yamhill, oration befrsm a Ur i... inii to I onisnu there wrro four or five t- un uoeru who had te-n reeiming l.'l ill-IB mill a... .. . ,.: Thoa. Tongue end C. W. fulton. rrcf. Htlil Mra I I. i. . V """""'"' Hill noj.n for l'ortland, from which city they " ... .vm,v.. mi.,, ji. una a. eteamer for the nutional teachere aeaociation eet trig at Loa A ngelea. going from San Frun-ci-co to Loa Angelea by rail. There w ill lo a large delegation from northweet cit tea on llio eacumion. Kv. Ft T o. ..I a. er of I'rcaldeut Up, of thiecliy, baa re- I ,..". " ,0" paatorateof the Col leg Hill I'reebyterian church of Cincin nati. Ohio. Tbla makea tbree Lre br th era who are paalora of Cincinnati churehva! Itv. i.' t....i,..ii of lortla d.anjltev. I.ewia former- ij mi numny naving ,ieen there aome time. S. Stoltx, at Geo. Fiih'a old atand, doea plumbing and tinning, promptly and skillfully at bottom pricea. Try him. Hoys' School Shea, $1, worth f2, at the tsoalon Shoe Company, next to Kevere.. or choico grocenea nt reasenab'e raiea, ee .ucferon fomlinaon. Next the Revere. Mere you can buy Ladtra French K Button Uhoea for 2, worth 4. Boston Shoe Company. THE LATEST. Stetters, Albany's Leading Restaurant. Ia now readv to feed the humrrv at their elegant new quarters at lhe aame prloe20 ceuta a meal. Our public and private dinlnir rooms are lighted with gaa and fitted up io metropolitan atvte. uppuaue aiewari tv box. i JJrs. M.O. Stit.t Absolute Guarantee Eastern Prices THE 4TII. riiia waa particularly a gloriona 4th of July tbia year, many thiny! conducing to cicala a patriotic apirlt, and the eagle k reamed Itudar than uiual if ponaible. Albany people celebrated in different placca according to their Inclioatlona, Tin- blggeal ciowd in the county Mere at Lebanon, probably the blggrit 4th of July In the hiatory of that city. Five packeJ car I jade went from thle city be idfi a go d many in canlagea and on tlc;ti', Hon. tiro. K, Chamberbin of I'uitland delivered a ailendid oration. I'be attractiona of the day conalaled of mll coi.leHa of not ery much in.ereal, a hour coiileil by Iiebanon firemen, a bate ball game between Albany and Leb anon a on by the latter 13 to VI, a home rate be een five rprlntera aon by rileepy Dick, owned by Mr. Turpin a traveling horeemen, and rode by a Ulpi )oy,at.d the fire irka in the evrmng. The ac cb!et:t o( the day occurred in the borne rae when Lut a Ut ile Flinn, far in the lead, bring ridden by young (J rove, Hew the track mill rnl.iil ll.a rtm, an. ing alrec ly over a team rtwned ly afan- gfiit man, trampling the hor.ea and knoc k. ng the Ixly out, beaidra ibrowinK the rldtr. lurtutiately not doicin much damage. Hie A. O. U. W. rxcuraion to IJanha waa a very enjoyable affair. Tber were aix or teven car loada ol neotde who wiaheu to apend the dav anion the mountain brcezea, quieily. The trip waa a very eatmiac'ory one, without an ac ddfiit. heveml Irad by Itankera Lang Jon, Cuaick and Arcl-ibaid atopped on the mellcnbueh and whii.ied tbeatream lor tout, netting a lew. Craw!ord, the photographer, got off and walked liom S'agara toKardiue creek auai t'liiit every. thing In right. lhe Icuiperance picn'f at i'.rowtiaville ia aaid to have ueeu a decided tucceei. Tiie leading event ol the day waa the ad dreae ol Kev. Kay I'aitner. ol fort and. hia aubjeel U-ing "The liattlva to be Kought in the 2UUi Uentury . " haid the ajM-aker aobataolially : Will, in the laat aw tiunurea yeara there have beeu b dectaive batilea louKht. auionu them Marathon, Tbeonopylea, Waterloo, Hunker llill.ttettyaburtf, baiitieiro, Man ila, and loere will be dectaive batilea fought along ti e tempefauce and other moral line, the ballot being the laetru ment ot warfare." The r. mainimt exer- ciartof tbo day conaiatcd ot eooge, and paper ww.u l . u. workera. recita tioua and abcrt apeechi-a. The Mieeea 8heak,ol rbilomam, tang two beautiful duella. Wbite badee wtlli "l'rohibi- llon 1900'' we. e quite conaplcuoua aa worn by membertof the Linn County Prohibition club. It U aaid to be the purpoae of the tempa-eoce workera to bold thete picnic upon lucceediog 4Ut of July occaaiona. aeeoinir aloof I rotu pica where tne wide open aaloona tempt to many to fall. The Albany band played for the Koae- oorg ceieoranoo giving aalieiaction aru making a good reputation. Tne 1)1 mocm at man weot to l'ortland, where be apetit two aod a bait hour in the immenee crowd. The principal part oi (lie ceieure.ion waa ll.e crowd accord to comment. W. D. Fenton deltverej ibe oration loa handful ot people upon the bill. A Celirioue dinner at the Hill houee beginning with aome patriotic aalad and ending with aome patriotic ice cream partaken with aome patriotic rel ativea i the beat part of the celebra iion lor the Man about Town. Tbe dec- oia.iona were grand, aeveral of lhe win' do a prteented by Meier & Frank Comp any iiar'.icuUrly attracting attention. A ide noma through the flneat valley iu the world ia a goud ending for tbe 4th. Among the lowna -celebrating along tbe S. I', were Turner, Salem aud W'uoi burn. A Gm A ctiuknt. Monday evening while on her way to Albany with Ler busbaud and grand-daughter, Mie. A. II. Campbell, mother of Mra. E. V. Will, wee shot accidentally by a aon of Mr. Truax, of Denton county. The boy waa hooting with a 22 calibre gun at a qulrrei, but bit Mra. Campbell a glanc ing shot which went under tbe Heeh without penetrating the body. She ia doing welt. A corset stay ia said to have uhnrged the course of the bullet prob ably aaviug her lile A this Bakn Bcitsttn. About 3 o'clock morning; an engine at the depot whittled sod tbe lire bell rant-. The bain ol Mark tluluurt, in tbe II rat waid caught Cre Irom a boa lire near it act the night before and supposed to have gone out. Tbe building bur net 1 very rapidly. Mr. Hulburi's horse and buggy were at the Lebanon celebration and henre tbe only losa waa'a little bay and a few other things, besides some frignt cned chickens that raahed into the flauiei. Bad AouinKKT. Ed. Wiles, residing . tew miles across the river, waa riding after a band of horses in a pasture yes terday when his horse struck a abort rail stickinir up from tbe ground and turned a somerset, ruining 'one of the horse's legs, and dUlocating Mr. vt ilea' collar bone and fracturing the shoulder blade, besides cutttmi htm ud and bruis ing him generally. The Salem Statesman saya it has pri- vntA v.f. irmntmn which mabfia ir lr nkuv that the mill proposition made to Alba ny ia a great thing, and that this city should push things to secure the biggest mill An An. s. Ullll VU .110 WHQk. Ladisb Aid SotthTv. The regular meeting of the Ladiea Aid Society will be held at tbe residence of Mrs. C. W. Sean on Thursday, July 6th, at 2:30 p. m. The work of raising the Magnolia mills four ami a half feet ia being pushed by u. w. lay ior. . Kentish and Koyal Ann cherries at l'arker iiroa. .Leave orders early. ftIt baa come, the time for g tting a re- frlirerator and ice cream Ireezer. Tbe Stewart & Sox Hardware Co., have socue of the best. Try our bread at two loaves for ft nickle, MrFeion A Tomlinson. BIG OAKLAND FIRE. Ilau the stores In Oakland, Oregon, were consumed by fire this morning. Flames were discovered leaning from the Joy racket store about 1 2 :;K) o'clock and spread very rspidly to the a-'j ming building, reaulting in four fen frame buildlrgs in one bloca 1lng burned, io getbrr with most of the conlenU, bring the Thornss Hotel, Col lion ilo'el.Mahoo ey'a saloon, barbershop ol E. If. Ileodt-r-son, brother in law ol T. J, Htiiee, ol this city, Davla' livifry a.ah , Scltle'e bar wx i hop, a uit-al iiiHiket, expire, ollice, niillinrry turand uiocerv store. Ipavinu only ibe big hrnk fioreol K. (J. Younii A Co., and the dntic store of Pane & Dimick atandlng in that black. The II Biun fortunately kept from cro'a ing lhe street. The lost was probably l5,WWr.r $'.'0,0(U Komeol the iaur ante is said io have been heavy. The fire was inreodimy, and it ia raid waa uota.urprise to si me of thecllizena of the town This is Oakland'a setondbiir fire within a few yeara. 'J he hand boya who returned from Ho.eburgthia morn lug tai I it looked as if the tiwn had been wiped out. Chii.o Ct'lii tK C'liiti.K. This society will meet Thursday at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. A. 8 Jlsr:. -Subject. "The Instinct of Activity." After the discus sitn the following questions will be am wered by all prefient: "At what times ahonld a child be made to keep anil?" "What would you do with a child who said 'I won't V " "Wlut puniahrrent would you ufe instead ol whippsDg?'' KlnH". lUiiHh, Hinn at rremb's Jewi'lry .tore. un: iiuMLih. alhaav As wi ll as tbe bjedfonnii', and o'lii rt are invi'rd to call cu anv drugl'l and get VHl.K a trial bottle cf Kinp' lijiaui lor the Throat and l.unk, a remedy that ia guarr)rpd to cure and relieve all Ctrorilc ami Acu'e ( O'lirha, Aathma, lironcbilis inn frna 2.V. and 50c. 202 RKI'OKTOr TIIE COJIDITIOS OK TRS FIRST NATIONAL BANK. AT ALBANY, IN TIIE STATE OP OBEGOX At UMduM ot buainaas, iam 3rd, IBM. Beaowrra I UanaaiHl dtKXpunia... ...... ..iOK.TICi. 40 m(irtrau,Kcui-d and anaacurad, .... IU S.SW I'. H. Hund. to aatrura rlrculauuii. . t'. S. Br.ixla on hand 16,500.0 Pramituna Mitt ttoou l.aOU.O IMtKkt, aararttaa, ale tO.sUI .3 baraim bouaa, fumltuia, and flitura. ... 1S.00U.UU OthOT real KaU uxl muitaarM owLd.. tt.Mi.iS lua trura MaUonal Hanluf nrt raMrva airauu lua tram SUM bauka and bankers.... tS.S40.10 IHM Inaa aoprvrad firve uwu........ It1.777.tri Chaok. and (Haar oaih llama l,H,U iioMei ouw nall'jnal balkk VJU. Iaftlnoal pafr curraocT, nlckela andoanu to.ti Lawrvi Moan Haauvalia B., xa: Spaci. , i , ,,,. Lafml taodar noiea IUdaniUia fund IU V. H. ' fmt oauL ol circiil.lnai ). K.M os TrBa.urr(ta soo. Total.. JHV.MOAt LUbillUr. i Capital atdck (aOd in.. .fan.000.0 . ie,(Xo " B.Sfl.74 ,. e.tuo.ou . 1.1 ia . S.utW.TI . S.43.M Hurnin. iuiui . I'Ddiii load pruflta, laaa aap. nam and aao... i National Bank ootaa ouuunding 1HM Io other National Hank. . ... U. .. k. k k. I ImlMdual aatau Kihjont to chavkU mnainl caruncKMaul dexllw.. Tim. cerUAcmraa of ilcKjait UaruArd i ha. lea... Caatnar'a ohacka oautandiiig- Total ..... . . . .. tiar.siii; grata or Oaaoos, Out stt or Li, aa : 1, E W Laxomm, Caah'.er ol th above nam ad bank dttotomnlj avoar that the above statement ta Int. to tbe beat ot my krHk.le.ljre and belief. E W LANGDON, Ckahier. Sutacribed and sworn (n before me thla 3rd day ( July. 1KW. ALFHED IRKERKSEN (V. a.) Notary Public tor Oregon. Coa.kU.7- Alt. l : L FLISV. h k v r a cooowis J rHrectura. FOR SALE, at a bargain for cash a good gentl. milch cow. half Jersey, splendid butter cow. Knijmre at tbia office. TlOUSES to rent. Inquire of II. F. Merrill, Dimockat Building. BIG: STOCK OF GOODS CLOTHING GO'S. CLOTHNG for men, youths and boys, A fine line ot SHOES, none better, Slylish HATS and CAPS for men and boys Latest novelties in Furnishings The best quality and low prices aaaalalHBWaaa. PARTICULAR PRESCRIPTION 7o a partii nlar rtrog store jou do io feraoie yon have on IS dint e fi 'I.Bteior. , Ytu I eliete ihat tbe druga ate pore and frerb, ibe ini'iKd. risbt, ibe skill tbe bed ard the pricea fair and reason-tli- Wernrilnit our prrrcription depart on tbe prltriple that f'iU'K is Ml? II ING IcO GOOD FCK THK 6ICK. Tbia win IkiY .is'i.r.a is the bigert In tbe bit lory of tbe store. Tbia shows ctrfidt nie. BIRKHAR1 & LEE. Have Your PROF. A. STARK Scientific Optician ot WILL & STARK. Yon will rective I oneaf arid cccicientieus EYE and GLASS service. Try Parker Bros. Forthe best Groceries, (Baked Goods, Fresh Produce and Fruits. at the BLAIN Summer Cooking is made a oleaure by tbe use ol the Quick Meal blue flame oil stove. It ia the most conven- -ient, aimple, economical and easily managed of any cooking apparatus made, and will lake,, boil, Lroil or roast, and is sure io give tl oiccth satisfaction. STEWAI.T&SOX HiiW.CO. Dueber-IIampden VVatchesf THE5WORLDS BEST 15-17-21-23 Jewels F. M. French ...The Jeweler has a large stock of them, bought ' for cash, and has come special bargains. (Bank; of Oregon Building.) Eyes Tested BY- and NEW