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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
" ? ' in . ti -iwim mi ... . f i imriimi , nnininum ,-, ,, . , , M tmf MONDAY. Harris and Lear. From the New Wettniinister Coluni- bUn: Rev. Harris, of elopement; notoriety, was in town, the other day, ami spent A.A tta niia in mis uuiwe. i himself since he-left for the north. W ith the exception of one or two minor de- tails, he pronounced Tlie Columbian s article as correct, whereas the other pt- . per were verv wide of the mark. Mr. Harris is now domiciled in ancouver, with Miss Lear, ths latter having refus ed to return to her family, and he is now enjoying the fruit of honest labor, Ins work with the brush being duly appre ciated. Tie couple who, Mr. Harris avs, are inseparably atfehed to each other, will be regularly married, as soon as the pending divorce proceedings be tween Mr. Harris ami his former wile can be put through. Death of A. B. dimming. Upon receiving word from Dewitt Iowa, of the dangerous illness of his father, from a stroke of paralysis, J. A. Gumming, the druggist, left yesterday morning for Dewitt. This forenoon a dispatch came announcing the death of Mr. Camming and the dispatch was sent to J. A Gumming at Baker O ty. Mr dimming was in Albany several months in 1891-2. and owns two pieces of propertv here. He leaves a wife, daughter and son at Dewitt, the latter, George, who spent several months in Albany a few vears ago, a son in Dakota, and "Jack" of this city. He was about 72 years of age. Bad Runaway. Mrs. C. L. Tillotson and thirteen year old son, who reside about two miles across the river left their home yester- .-day morning on a trip to Dallas. At Monmouiu their horse became frighten ed and ra-i awav, throwing both out, breaking Mrs. Tillotson's arm and cne of the boys less, besides badly crushing . the latter. The boy was brougLt to Al bany and placed with Mrs. Moon for cure. Frank Kitchen went to Portland on the noon train. County Recorder Roland of Salem was in the city over Sunday. President Hawley, of Willamette uni versify, was in the "city today. Prof. Roma McCully, of the Condon school, was in the city today. Ruius Thompson jr., has letumed from a trip to Eastern Oregon. Senator Kelly and Robert Veal were in Eugene again last Saturday. Mr. Rennon Starr, of Olvmpia, is vis iting at her father's, W. H. Goltra. B. F. Ramp and wife are at -Roeeburg where they will spend the 4th of July. Mr. and Mrs. J. Conner of the Willam ette hotel, Salem, spent Sunday in Alb any. Dr. Davis was called to Harrisburg Saturday evening by the dangerous ill- new ot his father. Dr. B. F. Fuller passed through Al- bany thie forenoon from California to McMinnville. W. N. Miller has gone to Roseburg to assist in presenting the fire works to- morrow n is It. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Toole went to Portland tUis noon to spend the 4th of -Jalr. Jesse and Sam Moses went to Portland this forenoon on the overland. Sam will go to Tacoma with the Portland military band to play on the 4th. Angus Graham, who was recently 'mustered out at ban trancsco, passed through Albany this fore ioon for Port- land, previous to returning home. Mr. J. 0. Goltra, wife and two child ren, of Portland, spent Sunday in Al bany, going to Salem Uiis noon. Yes terday i he six year old son of Mr. Gol tra while tetering at W. H. Goltra's fell off and broke one of his arms, which Dr -Wallace set. . ' Mrs. Ida Hamblen, deputy supreme - oracle of the Royal Neighbors 'eft Sun day noon for her home at Pendleton. Mrs. Hamblen is a Christian lady poe--sessing many excellent traits of charact er that speak for the order she repre sents. Mrs. M.J. Newman, mother-in-law of Dr. Adams has returned to her home at North Platte. Neb., beine accompan ied by her daughter Mrs. Adams as far as Portland, then by her son Nelson the remainderof the way. Mrs. Newman's recovery from a severe illness was a surprise to many knowing its severe -ness Dr. Davis had attended her. What Tiy;v Gof. Dr. J. L. Hill, o Albany, and Dr. A. G. Prill , of Scio, re turned to their homes this morning from atrip to Otter Rock. Dr. Hill took back with him a stuffed r-ea lion which looked like it had been killed by dymanite. Dr. Prill is employed as naturalist for tbe Smithsonian "institute at Washington and is always on the lookout for speci mens. He'is licensed by both the gov ernment and the great stats of Oregon to snare, if possible, anything found run ning, flying or swimmingat large which -may strike his fancy. Curiously con structed persons wi'l refrain from surf bathing in his presence. Yaquina Tug. The meeting of the Linn County Coun cil last Saturday with Grand Prairie was a marked success and veryenter tertaining affair. Besides a miscellan aneous program and a splendid dinner several questions were well discussed and arrangements made for the next meeting with Fairmount Grange. Tti best refrieerators ana ice cream freezers at Stewart & Sox Hardware Co.s Pneumonia, la grippe, congnB, coius, rou p and whooping-cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Ur-e this remedy in time and save a doctor's bill or the un- aertaker'a. Foahay A Mason. HUUIO lime - , ' j f..ii- ..iinTi: articles refemns toidrawi IN THE SOUTH. RibTos, La., JrNar. if hat trv'iri toll ui is tr-e, that the mode of conveyance of a country is a true Indication of Jhe development of a people then wa must admit that the ex tremes of the Miss;ppi valley are some years apart still. In the north we see rapidly moving vehicles hero the mule or ox team, l et an urunaiu guneriimn I is apt to be deeeiviun, so while the south her water in the out lastiioneu way with bucket and chain, drinks out of a code" and still clings to many primitive wavs, is fast awakening to her wonderful possibilities as her railroads, mills and manulactor es rhovv. A pro gressive man told me that the day was not far distant when the cotton would be made into cloth mi the banxs ot the sfeama that teriilixe the soil. Many historic memories cling around some of the attractions of Southland, Lookout mountain, Missionary ridge and Chicamaugua bring pictures, vivid in the mind of many who wore the blue and gray. Despite te fact that tourist, story writer and historian had told the story of the Utile in plowing style, yet its in terest was never so great as when, told in the rich, soft tones of the darky guide who claims to have "font" in the var ious battles. I must confess that some serious doubts siole into my mind as to the veracitv of the "Captain" for he looked so voung.but I have since learned that while "all coons don't look alikt," thev live a long time and do not gel old looking until they are very aged. 1 kne w one old auntv who came from Af rica, and she is si" 1 spry and lively and happy as the most o them are, despite her firm belief in "hants, witches and "hodoes." ... Kuston, the town trom which th'S let ter is addressed you, is located in north La., among the p ne hills. It is a town about the size of Lebanon whose chief attraction" are the Industrial institue and theChatauqua giounds. The former is an institution similar to the O. A. C, but still in its infancy and the latter a grove of trees, a mineral spring and buildings nec. esary to conduct a success ful summer school. It seems so odd that this spiith its meager attractions should bring people Ironu all the neigh boring states to take their outing. If a little patch of woods from the front and a bit of the beautiful Santiam could be brought here the iople woulo go wild. Interspersed among the pines around are sunny slopes of corn and cotton. The cotton is now about 12 or IS inches high and the prospect of the crop good. The corn is suffering for rain. The climate of course is very different from Oregon being warmer by day and night. The latter are perfectly charm ing. The air is so warm and caressing, the moon so bright and the crickets and katydids keep up a merry time doubtless holding a fairy revel lighted by the tiny tire flies". The evening is the time to call and all tne inhabitants bold at homes upon the "gallery," as they say. The only drawback is that the climate is terribly enervating. A fact that te Is much of the backwardness of the south in development. The houses here are low. with a ball extending clear through to procure a draft. Tne rooms are large and airy and the chimney built on tne outsiue. It is surprising what kind of a shanty will do for a darkey to call home. Little old tumhlod down out hOUeS Serve to shelter a whole family of these creatures who never have the blues. Th climate forces the people to wear onl the lightest of clothes. The men wesriez duck and linen suits and the women dainty white or very light cKs. The womenm W I Hi-em and a a conseauence look pretty The fan is as necessary as a collar and it is pretty to see them use it. Practice has brought an ease and grace with its every movement and it is charming. The ladies, too, never wear hats after sundowo, except to church, or the street or to all entertainments they are cont id ered out of place. There is no need of bonnet laws here. Good sense and nature have regulated it well. Aa a matter of fact, the gentlemen here are more pohte and attentive to la dies. The southern gallantry you read of is not myth, but an actual taci. m pasa ing a group of men sitting talking they will rise ana mi ineir uuim. j.u many "trifles light as air" but pretty at tentions that women so love. Rev. and Mrs. wniie are living ne. their cottage is truly a pretty bit of southern borne life. Its low porch is covered witn luxuriant vines and the lawn shady w ith trees tinder which Mr. White has his hammock for an afternoon siesta. Stuart, the son, ia now a pract icing and prosperous physician, having graduated at Baltimore and done O. G. work in N. Y. He is married and he and bis wife live hen with Mr. and Mrs. White. Manywill remember the pretty wedding in the Southern Methodist church of Rev. H. Carville Carson and Miss Lelia White. Rev. Carson is now a professor in the Industrial Institute here.having charge of the natural science department. They have two dear little .Kiidren Mis Dorthv and little Carville, makings home where the wedding bells are still in tune. There are others who are fond of swef-t Oraimn and who obh lot its beautiful valleys and ocean breezes, there are Mrs. Minnie Ainoil, nerson .carncm uu lours, M. S. C. Watches! Watches! Watches! We bay just received direct from the factory a large etocx oi me ceieoraieu Dueber-Hampden watcne, rail nonLus dloi These watches were bought for cash and we offer special bargains. , F. M. rBENCH, ine jeweler. Tj CirjaCV.Hn On D a Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets AH druggists relunl the money u h tans to cure. zic. ine genuine us u. a. on each tablet Why Not Buy Shoes At. the Boston Shoe Company's store acies' Fine Kid Shoes for $1.25.Nex evere li ouee. For the best harness call on A ;E. Ketchum, Broadalbin street, Albany. The overland was six hourt late today. The Albany ban J left this noon tor Roseburg, with 8. K. Steele as leader. The Huth went down the river this morning lolly decorated for the 4th of Julv. Big crowd tomorrow tn the A. 0. t W. i xciirsion to ldanha. Order your tickets at Julius Joseph's tonight. According to custom, and the practice of the Dkmocrvt for nearly thirty-tlve vears the members of the Dkmocsat Wee will celobrato tomorrow and there will )e no paper iu the evening. The Mayor of Kugeno has iustrwtod the police to prohibit ttie tiring of tire crackers and bombs l that city on the 4th of Julv until 9 o'clock in the evening That wont be much of a celebration ti the small boy. The indications are that more Albany people are going to the front on Uie A O. u. W excursion. There will lie a big train load. Some will go to Lebanon and others to different places. An interesting nun-ting of Laurel Cum pot Hoval Ncighbois was held in the A. O U'W. hall Saturday evening, at which time the enrollment wne con- siderahh Increased. The charter will remain open until after the next meet- ng on July o. The Shsw Company closed their weeks engagement Saturday night to a largo house, presenting the Westerner. They gave general satisfaction here, and when they return next year, as they intend to do will again be given a good reception. They went from here to icrvains, wuere they" w ill appear this week. On occasion of the return of the 2ml regiment of Oregon volunteers there will lie a grand celebration at Portland, ami it is probable t at the Southern Pacific company will offer spe iul rates from all points on its uregon Lines, run infor mation as 10 rates, uaie oi ceiiM.rinioii, etc. will be announces later, runner particulars can be obtained iroiu any Southern Pacigc agent. Agent Will Merriman has a gun that came into his possession in a very un usual manner. nen me irvigiu ivu the otherday a number of hobos were on hand readv to ' swing in." The train backed up and pulled out under a full head of steam in order to give the hobo the slip. One hobo held a revolver In his hand and when the train putted he swung in on the rods but dropped his revolver. Mr. Merriman witnessed the act and soon had the revolver. Junc tion Times. WEDNESDAY MISFITS. Prof Waterhonse, ot Washington Un- ive aitv, wants the United Mates oi North America named I' sons, taking the Brut letters ol the long name, so that we will have something distinctive, as the entire western hemisphere is Amer ican we have nothing to call us now. The steamer Eugene has already bad to stop at Harrisburg, and freight is conveyed trom there to Eugeoe by wagon. This wilt De aoue irom tvorvai hs, when that becomes the terminous on account ot low weUr. VTbat will Eu gene people do when Salem becomes the terminous at it does generally during two or three months, The sheriff ol Multnomah county is takins an unfair course in reference to bicycles trom non-taxed counties. His I denuties when they see a wheel without - ! tb. ....... make him pay tte tax regardless of tbe fact be lives in a county tbat it exempt tbe sand he will escape bat In most cases tbe bulldozing Is successful ana rattier than have trouble be pays tbe tax. An Albany mo, thooub this week positive ly refused and cornered two or three deputies down to that it was admitted tbat tbey bad no right t" collect tbe tax on Linn ronnty riders. Bicyclists goioj there will take warning. Is it Malaria or Alum. Popular Sciecce Monthly. Lanieuor, hiss of appetite, indigestion and often feveriabness are tbe common symptom of a physiological condition termed "malaria.' ah wies symptoms may be and frequently are the effect of tbe use of alum baking powders in food making. There is no question about the poisonous eltectol alum upon tne system. It obstructs digestion, prostrates tbe nerves, coagulates and devitalizes tbe blood. All this has been made clear, thanks to physicians, boards of health, and IOOU commies ona. no -mguiy iu- nries to the health ot the community" does tbe eminent bead of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Barker, consider the alum baking powders, thai he says "their sale should be prohibited by law." Under these circumstances it is worth the while of every housewife to employ the very little care that is neces-ary to xeep so dangerous an element fioin tbe food of her family. A pare cream tartar baking powder, which is the oolv kind that should be used. oiiBb t to cost about forty-five to filty cen's a pound. Therefore, if you are paying much less, someming is wrong; if you are paying twentv-five cents or less per pound, the powder is certainly made from alum. Always bear these simple facts in mind when purchasing baking powder. F' or 80c per sack. Try it. The MagrioliA. For tbe next 30 days we will make the best cabinet photos for $1.00 dozrn. Studio in Froman block. Da. Adams, tH Dsktibt, wishes to call tbe attention of many patients whose work is not finished to come and get it finished as he wishes to arrange tor bis usual summer's trip to the Bav. Don't think you can cure tbat slight at tack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or tbat it will care itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure mr it: it "digests wbat you eat" and restores the digestive organs to heaitn J Foahay & Mason. HOME AND ABROAD. Refrigerator, lea croam Irecsers, At Stewart Jt Sox Hardware Co s. Wheat 48 cents. Call at the Sugar Bow l lor Iresa iah Have ynnr photo taken at Miss tami'i for cahf 1 00 dosen, cabinet . Fresh fruital Ylerwk'Sugar Bowl pr lors. STOVKS and Tinware at Oltllng & Ilulburt's. Garden Hose ami Lawnwowsrs at Oh ling & Ilulburt's. Gents' French Cult Shoes, 2, worth 1 1. Next Revere House. For alo, go"d carpeting. een' p't vard, by t. 8. Alexander, easUiid ol bib (wet. The salsrlt-s of the S Lin leaders have been p'aced a, from 10 lor new teai h ers to W for those serving over a ear, Last'iiiht alone and siuwlo handed Tom Parker made a rat killing of about twenty live in a room at the hakvry, where the rats wore holding a uiuviuig The K'eetrio Co.. of Sa'em. was the lowest bidder on lights offering to run 35 arc lamps all night. 2.000, candle power for2H0, or 35 lights 1200 cstid'e power or ILM8. .5. or to m.duiuhl lor l fP. The Mvrtle Point enterprise saisol' the recent marriag of Daniel Brack and j Miss Ad rh.kengerat this city: mt . Brack is we'l known at this place, and hit many fritmls will be glad to learu , that he has captured a young ladyot true worth. At out S00 eastern editors, mostly pm- ; prietors oi country weeklies, arrived lu Portland last evening. There will prob . ahlv he less than 'AH) editors from out-' tide of Oregon. The men really repre- j sent the best element in Amrlon jour I nalism, even If tlioy are not from the! big paper. ' W. W. Curli', t! . n.-" man. returned this noon from a Ihimii. lp to North ern California. A8ooii .insitle the form of a subscription pi '- will l agreed upon between the coiuu. ' Mr. Curtis, when the paper w h am! f cir culaied and our people will have an " portuuity tosubscriD lurtnemon no poriant inKustry In the history oi Al bany. Mrs. Grnbb, who was moving with her family (rom Wilbur, Douglas county, to lirowDsville, was the victim ut a run away accident, Krlday, near Goshen, l he femur of her left leg was broken.aLd she sustained other injuries. i.r. Itrown was called to attend the Injured lady and reports her condition serious. This morning she had not re ;aind conscious ness since the accident. The runaway was started by a hive of beesattackig the team Mrs. Grulb was driviog. Eugene Guard. This and That. Wheat 46 cents. Stamp photos at Tinkle & Dawson's. Finest aristo etameUd photos only $1.60 per dot-D at Tinkle A Dawson's. Vlereck's Suirar Bowl Parlors lor ice cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars and tobacco. A large and Sne stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the dis play. When you want a choice steak a nit roaator meat of any kind, call on Henry jrolers. He keeps tbe beat. Goto Verick's shaving and hair cut ting parlors (or t'.rat class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every ii mar. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, juat dmn Second treat. Good weight and prompt attend ton. - It makes ao diffsrenca hw bad tbs orjod ll you oe Ds Dili's Witcb ilsxsl 8alv; it will q tickls heal and leave no scar. Kosbay Jdaann. Boms of I ha reautU of neglected disptp- tic conditiona of tbe stomtch are cancer, conaumptioo, hsart disease and epilepsy. Kodol DrsneDsiaCure creveata all tbu by effecting a q uck cure In a'l cases of dys pepsia, rosuay Mason We buy, sell and store grain. We make Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat. Patent and germ, bun The Magoolla Mills. Get the best nour. The Magnolia- Ta Care fooatlmtlon roraver, Take CaacsreU Candy Cathartic. lOe or tto. It C. C. C. fall to cure, drugglau refund money. LYNES 8KKLLY. On Wednesday noon, at tbe residence of and by Kev Louis Metayer, in Albany, Mr. Harry U. Lvnes. S. P. operator at Oakland, (ire., and Miss Catherine Skelly, ol Al bany, two worthy and popular oung people. i bey left this nom on a visit with the bride's parents near Tallmsn ''ore going to their home at Oakland. They have the beet wishes ot many. ARCHEKD--HALE. On Sunday, July 2, 1899, at the residence ot the bride s parents tn Albany, byUev. W. E. Copeland, of Salem., Mr. Llmer h. Archerd, foreman ol the People Press and Misa Ardella Hale, daughter of Mr. A. V. Hale, editor ot the Press The ceremony was nicely carried out in the presence of several relatives and friends, and the hsppy and worthy couple start out with the best wishes of many. CON'DENSKl rrn?rra MARRIED. The Awful Life of a Lawful VYifa. All have been told " fgnorancs I the Mother of Crime," and that no crime r no xfverrly pimiahrd aa Oiom committed RHainat Nature. The courts only ,cha the voice of Nature when tb'j affirm! "Ignorance of the law does not ricuae tiuil." It la tlirar fiimlmiirntitl fucta in the operations of imtiiinl taw that nmkc It poaaililr tor a woman who rntrra the mnr liuur rrlnti.m with the full autirtion of the law of the land ami lve of hrr Urart, to he rtimtriiinril to an awful Ills of ctvitinle anil aiillrilnir Ihiu'l Ivt hrr aniile deceive yon. She haa tiamril hrtarlf to hrar what idle hxika upon oa att of Uie burtlru of hr atilc. "I lie umlrrlvtnif rrion of tin. aad con dition of ulfuiia W Ignorance. Yhr young gut growa to woiiTjiiliood ignorant of hrr plivmcnl ncril. and dangrm. When a word iniiiht aavr her yrara of nulfrrlng, motlraty hula her keep ailrnt. She lovra and mat nea and enter upon the marriage Male with nil lu ohhgutiona to the nnhotn, handicapped by conditiona that make life a htudeii to licraclf and a menace to her ofT'pring. W hat van lie done to corrert Irregnlnrtiea re.ulting from Hrglret, to re.lore the dia plaiTd oigana to a natural and healthy ton ilition, to give hack vitality to a ar.trm ill allied by dueaae, to le attune lhe greut itAkf or tiik Ni.avnt to divine melody after the years of dl cord It waa the endeavor In anawer lhee queatlnna that gave lo the world Dr. I'lerce'a l-'avorile I'icacription, lhe mint eltecllve remedy ever compounded for the ilia and ailment peculiar to the delicate frmintue oiganluttion, Ity the u.e of Dr. I'lerce'a favorite Pre. acriptioii the dratiia Dial drhlhtate the va-(.-in arc piomplly alupped. Inllauimaliotl and ulceration are quickly cured. 1I order of I lie womb and the organ ayui pathetic with it are ovcicome. and woman 1 put into a condition where lhe functions of nature are her pleasure well aa hrr Erivilrge. In Ihi condition children are urn without anlcty aa altmwt without pain. The ela.ticlly imparted to lhe organ of parturition pmrtirally dor away wilh the pang of childbirth. Vitality I Im parted which rnakei the nuring of the child a delight instead of a diaiu, and the robut child aharing lhe atrrnglh of the mother grow day hy day in health and beauty. Conlrsixt thijilaln atalemrnt of fact with lhe conditinnof o many women who anticipate mothrrhd, worn nut. uf fering, frarful, anxlon. bringing children into the world with reluctant unlfrring and rearing them painfully through a sickly childhood. Can any word apeak for lr I'lerce'a I'avorile Preacription like ihr.e fact that are part of lhe aiim of puldic knowledge and lellfied loon Unh .idea of the Atlantic by hundreda of 0f aaiula of women ? " Thank Cod for Dr. irrce'a I'a. vorite lTeact iplion " baa been lhe heartfelt cry of many A WOMAN SRI.:.VM P by its means front the result of ignorance and neglect. There la no longer any r. a son why women should endure the auffrr ing which they have almoat come lo regard a lhe heritage of Iheir . Women whe have failed to find help for their diiunder. or who have not found the " Favorite Pre acripiion " to work a quickly aa ihrv de. sire are invuea io write lo ine imnoi nun aelf. Writ without fear aad without fee There is no charge far sucfc consultation All communication are absolutely held in acred confidence, and tbe cure given doe sot involve local "treatments" and " aminstious " at which the natural modesty of every woman revolts. a rasa orrtl To every rrj t ol this tmft who wilt arnd coat of mailing only. lr. a. V. Hero will ixl name and aifcirr wua inc Mamp 10 nrirsv Magrtal wot a on notue-ireaiairm ot airar. Th Common Ren Menicai arurr, 11 u HUinly written lo m wlelllaiMt to man, wntnan or child. II ia euenllally oradkal. II U fuU of hygienic blnu whk-n nut in roer io ia pain if ihc nhort Ctrl to health, over arven nunorra ilcturr llliwtml lhe leal of Ihia great work, f von want Ihc "Coanraon Krne Medical A.l- vlaer" in paperver rnd at erala In atamp. to cover the coat of mailing only. Or atnd y cent ia turn pa for lb aama Hook handaumely and atroorly bound in cloth. A'hlma the World Piapenaary Menwai Aaaoclailoa. eoj MalrtKreel, MuOaio, H. V. Assignee's N tl J ot Ft i I -ijUli nicnt. Notice Is hereby given that the onder alunvil. aa asdirnee of the estate) ol A. M Haxmer, an insolvent debtor, has filed hia final account In said ssilgnment pro-' ceedings now pending in the Circuit Court ol Linn county, ana inatine same will be beard in Department no - i aaid court at the Circuit Court room. In All.anv. Linn co nlv. Oregon, on the 17th i st of July. 18W. All persons in terested m said matter desiring to object to said account are hereby not i ilea to ni such objections on or beloressld time H N. fiiTKit t, II.C. Wathon, A.sigme Atl'y tor Ariii. YiH iig Mothers. Co'ip is the tenor ot llnaoandt of young mothers because its outbreak is so wnijsipjr and frequently fatal. Bhiloh Ooozb and Consumption Cure acts like majc In cases ot Croup. It has never Men known to fail. The worst cases re lieved immediately. Prices 23 eta,, and Wets, and $1.00. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Mny al-ovcr Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Boot Tea puriilca the breath bvits action on the bowels, etc., as noth else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 'a cts. ami oo cis. Fo sale by Foshay A Mason. . . . . MLm.A. T should lenrn early the r-ecea- J? i-y t,l Utopia ea 8 0 rr 3 S FIT.jC f sir" pn-i". 'I 01 f ' .' ;;. . t; f it i soi"' l. '. CO., ,iltl TC Ghith VITALITY. LOST ViaOR ANPMANHOO0 Cures Iiuiiotcncy.Nlirhtr.mlHHlnns and WBating- uiacuscs, all cITccta or sell- iibuHp, ir excess and India r rc Hun. A ihtvo tonlo anil Mood bulldor. Ilrliigs the plnlc (flow to pale checks and restore t!ie lire of youth. Ity nmllSOv per box; O boxes for with u writ t. mi iriiumii. 'no to euro or roltiiiil tlio mouvy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Jllnton A Jackson 6ts., CHICAGO, IUU TI'.HMH, Jaii.v gMoi at, Un cents per month JS.dOper year, In advance, 30o per month not in advance. Ity carrier, 10c pet week. 10 per rent added it allowed to run over months. Klugle copies fui. Wllll.r, II. '.'A In adviiiutti tl.MI at end f yoari I 7J fur sncoiid y'ri si(H( for lilrd and prm-oeding cara, wlum not paid In advance. Club of llv mv uljacriWr at I) .00. Notice. Gn and alu-r tliis date wood sawing In Aliuy w ill be for Ilia following prices. AH f 'tir loot wood, 2 cut, 60 cents; four loot wood.. lent, HO cent'i: lour foot wood, "ne rut, W cents: Pole ooi per cord, "ft cents. Hy the hour $1. j, m . a nii it. r vs. N. A. HioiMigtT. W'm, Nkslv. W. A. lllHSOS. t, V. Cl.KI.AN. 170 U UK NT. A 4 room l.c Creamery nt 'l.00. Impil otise iiciir inlro of kriM liritckmuii tor. 8th and .Mudioii hi. K. O. X. M. very Hi'iirKv iinn at K. . T. S li Visitin Mil.-IU lOTllrHi. M Newport. Commander. total Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It ml fklall y d Igpsta the food ao A !! Ptture in strengthening and reooa aructlng the eihutel digestive or gwris. n is trie latest aiscovreaaiges wit und tonic o other preparation can spproarh it tn efficiency. II in stantly mlievesand permanently curci liyHptpHla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Iviur Ktomach, 'aua, 91 ck 1 1 caduche, 0 at i algl Cram pa. and all other resul t of Imperfect d Igestloa. rporl bv a C. Dmi'. C- tbIOOflO. Ftr ! b rjl Ijiiii, 0rn;ls Vbny, Or-;n. SI.PKHCKT I.UA.ff. nave limited amount ol money to loau on nr.t-class farm security or improvea business property in Albany. Interest ig per cent lor particular v w. address. ..,,. It K. MaaaiM., 1'emocrat tm'ioiog. Albanj, Oregon HONG WAII TUNG CO, Hocond M near Lyon street, Ainany. ne vm nH medicine, Cblncwe rice, Chinese t and r."t ll.; Vast Mall Bal Lake, Denver, Ft Kast Worth, Omaha, Kan Mail sas City, t Uuis, 6:45 pro Chicago and East. 8pm Spokane Walla Walla, ffpok Flyer ane, Mlnnespolls. t J:10pm Paul, Duiuth, Mil- Hpokans F'ye ,J) a wauaee. vuivagu, i Kast. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 For San hranclsco Bail every five days 8 pm COLUMBIA RIVF-K Ipn ExSunday STEAM KHS. ESunda Saturday To Astoria and Way- lOpm Landings. 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4!.10p ExSun. Oregon City, Kewberg, Lx Sun' Salem A W ty-UndV 7am WILLAMETTE AND 8:30p Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monus Tburs., Oiegon City. Day ten, Wed. and Sat. and Way-Ltuds. and Sat 8am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 prs Tuesday Portland to Corvallis TuerUy ihur., and Way Land ngs. Thar., and Sat. "d Lv Riparla Lv Iwisto 20aPoi SNAKE RIVER 100 r Daily Riparla to Lesriston Daily W.H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pasa. Agent, C.G.RAWL1NG3, Portlana,t-r. AgeniA'oauy. rriXTti! HEW VORK W0RL1 Thrlcr-a-Week Kdltloii 18 PaReaa Week . . . , . . ISO Paper a Yeai For One Dollar llakedevery aileraaleDayeaeeplSaa d TheThrice-a-Wk Edition of Tint KwI Yokk Would Is first among ail "weekly 1 In fnvuiAncV of PtlblicHtlOn, and the fred'n., aceuracy and variolv ol itscot.bmts. Hhssailtne merits ...., ii dailv at he price of a nulla ws'Icly. lu politico new;sprorart,coui NERVITA I