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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
, ',1 I' 5 f ; : ! VOL XXXIV ALBANY, OUhGON F R 1 1) A V , 1 U IY 7J899 Saturday Nijfht Thoughts. HOME AND ABROAD. , : . ' ; ''''' ' " ' i 1 JiXwM ' If) NO. 48 L??T'!'frpi , SOCIAL AND PERSONAL M icep tfeUF M If you ire young you nat urally appear so. If you .- olJ, why ap pear to? Keep young Inwardly; we wilt took ef:er tho out wardly. You need rot worry longer bout iIiosj little streak of gray; advance agents of age. l M M will surely restore color to gray hair, and it will alto give your hair all the wealth and gloss of early life. Do not allow the falling of your hair to threaten you longer with baldness. Do not be annoyed with dandruff. We will send you our book on the Hair and Scalp, free upon request. VMtm to fftw Dm If Ton sotvbuiin all lhabaea. flt rtxi i.rMvt from tha hm of lb Vicar, rli lh doeoall It )Mb:r llira la am lim-Bli" with jrar nnl .?.(m wtikh Kul b !( t.moM. , AifatnM. UH. J. C. ATER. m Low.U, MM. r "3aa DR. J. L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Hill Block - - -0- Albany, Or. N. E. WINXAHI) M. S. M. 1. Fhy8iciaa and Surgeon, rwtcdale Block Altvny.O-. .Residence on 3rd street .south fide t tween Brjadalbin and fcllswortli. Littler & Littler DBNTlrti Broadalbln St., Albany, Or. Geo. Collins D D S , , A. Jack Hodgos HDD COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fel.oa'i Temple, Albany, Oe. Oliver Plows Hew Frta UOfKlNS BROS., Agents, Albany, vriguo, "Oliver give the world tb chtllcU plow And it b4 saved more mmej to the farmer of A murium tban -my otnar ioi,ileuient ever produced. Genuine Oliver chilled are the beat on earth. The Oliver is a promoter of bappi nrwa on the farm, and the dealer who Mils it knows be is handling the best. Look out for iramitationa and touch nothing bat the genuin good, rnnde enly by Oliver Chilled plow work. South Bend, led.. U, S. A. AO? TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from nisi pat Ion, lell- abuse, excesses or cinarette smoking. In use over W yean. Bring! back your Manhood, curei depleted worn nt men, makei rich blood and tiisoe. Curei wasting! and all ou . . i U.I rAAv .mlt, mm. asillingiy strong, cures nupimiiwi K" " - memory bad dreams, shrunken oraani, despondency, sleeplessnese, le and constipation, adds ' to the eyes, stops nervoui withinga evelios. Makei life wolh living. A boon to young or old. MOltMON uu i.iriti ami ratnra email weak organt. Stops all h H. nr niirtit. Oon't delav. cure. Prkre ffw a box 6 for 2.53 by - mail. Send for ets tilSUOP KlJJ REMEDY CO., 8sn Frantisco.Oal. r eale br Fos- aaSD Lay & Mason, Albany ALBANY CIGARS FACTORY J. Joseph. Fied Roan, of Independence, is In the cit , A tortiey General illnckburn la lu the chy. .Mrs. I. V. White left yciterdnv on a trip to Idaho. Mr. Joseph Purdom ami family are In tho city lur a few days invvloni 'to nmk n n trip to California with a view to Uxntlint. . The Dkmochat nei Mnndav will pub ish a very entertaining and InterestUm etter froir an Albany young lady spend in the summer lu lUlnli McKechnle, whoioeently grad "iru irwm i it v commercial department AllMUv college, hm beaon a clt-rk- snip mini the rlrl National Hank I'rJ . A. ( iarndui ( r rutin im frn the Italli-a Sa urda mornlm i.t ...i.t Irs. llt-er In iwirlormi on Koone h Mot'herson: aco News. Siiu o tho ix.Btnco alnimt i.lin,-Mii,l. cnuo tM giiu C. 8. Jlnrulah has nm.lo "., OiiO ofiliM litiio things. Tlie t-xclmntro ol them i a aice praetico generally np- i w vvMm tho not.i train and tonight at the IVnho rnnwt tin nn ..-iuui mi iiiiircn win iccttiro on tint Alnn With the Ik Ml Tnmnmo I,.. win omcmiu in it printer's wedding. Mn. Kato Mcltrldo rvturnod this noon irotii K)klll(. u i,.. Ii i.uun at'veral iiioiitia with It. M. tinly.nx.n anu lamiiy. Mm desired to to at honitt wnen ner n Walter arrived from Man ila. vteare inrormul Mr hm.. n,.i the only itround lor ti report that he ia soon w remove to The a la thmt I conteiripla.ea taking inn Vir various cciions of eaiteru Oregon. I'r.J.A I (aroer. whd ha Immih iu wl b lr. A. J. Ilodgp In this rty has decided to locate In Cnvallis. Irs. larner and llolgr( r cla.smatrs. Or. Ilotlgis iMaka vrv hiuinv nf al.llity ol Dr. Uatpcr a-d he will cer tainly !o welllnCorvallia Mansanita O'rcle W. ol W. Iat even ing gave reception to tke grau.t guard, lau Mis. Vao Orsdell. Mr. I., 1,. bwann Introducfd fie grand guardian who spoke (mbnilis ically of Woodcraft and Itsiniiiioj. I'he address was fol'owed bj a luuth of ice cream and cake Mr. Thos. Hopkins and thirteen la dies yesterday made a picnic trip to ti e mountains, going up on the C A K In the moruln and returning last evening. They had their pleoie on Ksrdlne cresk. Notwithstanding the very unlucky num ber of ladies present nothing serious be fell Mr. Hopkins and the en. ire p4rty rrturnwt in afty reporting a sp'aoUid days' outing. ritnvate Voar lioweia Wltk 1'ur.rtl. Canity Catharile. sure enatiMtlaa fnrar. 10c. Sc. If C 0-C, fall, druaituta rotund BKiaey. An Excellent Combination. The pleaaant method nml beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Hviifi- or Kioa, mnuufnetiired by thij CxuroHHiA no nviiuf to.. iiuiHiraie the value of obtaining the lliiuld laxa tive prliielplca of plnnU Inwivn to be medicinally laxative ond presenting" them in the fnrra tniwit ref rehhliijf to tho tiuite and acceptable to t he M'Mem. It In the one perfeet htrengthenlnir laxa tive. cleanini the fcvstem elTeetimlly, diMxdlinir coldn. benilm bea ond fever gently yet promptly nnd enabling; ' to overcome habitual eonotipHtion per manent! v. lui perfect freedom from every objeetli.uable ttuulity and sub' Ktanue, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritatlnir tliein. muko it thu Ideal Inxative. In tho process of miiniifiicttirinjf fl(T nre used, bh they are pleasant to the tiiHte. but tho medicinal quulitiesol the remedy are obtain 'd from senna and other aromtitie plunts. by a nictluxl known to the CALtroRNiA Flo Kvnur Co. only. In order to ifet lis beneficial effects and to avoid Imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AST rRABTClaOO. CAL. T.nrrrav7T.T.K it. kiw yol t. W. T, For sale by all Druggists. Fries SOc. per botlH isYlJ'lrfl.'IMi'l Price within '.he reach of.. Ouaran free circular. Proprietor. With volunteers dmlnclinii.e tha eminent Is calllm for more to cnnuuer Ih j riiiplno. Ihoae romliiK horns are entitled to do Tbere will be olanfv to tfo, and shoitld tie. If are needed 10 complete the ik h..n. they should liulortiiuomliiit, It will take lois of men lo keep this elephant going, not lor ore year hut fur uiaur decides. v e nave jumpj into a coIoiiImI era and must Irtiu the aticndani muaio. ltsck asst there have host rais belweun l.romlnmit cndei-ea. Wlilrll nlil.e not of so vers niui. uirunouM, ere yet ol a gnat ueai 01 moment hen conalilered in cou- no-iion wiui college Jit,. j , n- aftttt. dais college must have its host crew at well as (not hull eleven and haae hall club that can makea shifting lu the Held ol ort, I'.dmaiii.ii i no lunger the mare learning the contents of books, hut It rosehea into other fields iuo.udioii pin ileal. It should as well embrace the mora..and It will h a great day hn all the colleges Insi-t on a high moral train ing among the student. A poet this week says "It 1. flewey this and Dey ihai." It ia D.wey everywhere. Well why not. The Amei icsn tople niu.t l.av soma preeminent here, and why not Dewsy. Ha ii the beat lb country had for many yeara. And Dewey la ..t gt)0, ,mru, lur bailies as any going. The picnic season is decidedly here A picnlo is as uscetsary to the summer season ss butter is to bread. One's sun.- HUT Ufa )S IIOl rOlimlala ..... Thers Is a ante- to a i.icm n..i ....ii.i.. else poasrsavs. the liveliest thing lu the woild in antici pation wbeievir It may be 'n fart, for v.urr ueupie 11 uaea one back Into child .,., memory, make lieali the events of youth, aud cooies close 10 re- ' ""'i eieeineiiv ( yomi. Never ui..viitBo ma picnic. Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers Mat Of I'BtvlltS. Ofsntd to Northwest Inventors Ihl week, itcported by C. A. tnow A Co, ratant Attorneys. Washington, I. CM TJ FMalisr, I'ortland. Ore., hopple. D Sleasart, Portland. Ore., romhlnsd peuci.-eharpener and eraser, 0 T Wise, Ms uritige, Ure., heater. For copy of any of tha alove patents sendlOceota in postage siautpa with dale of this paper o 0. A. Hnow V Co Waahlugton, . C. rut I'LACE roouv four UrKrlse and) linked Goods Is at Parker Br. Kvervbody knows where their place is. They keep a Iresh llockofgrocerUi, produce and baked gootls.ol all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, ail vlke. You may regret some step a you take n life bnt none taken Into tue store tt Parker Bros. It iaagrevl tnlng to b well fed. rai ler Bros knep good groceries. A loaf of is not much but you want ll well um.le. Trv Parker Itros Pon't think yoi cho our that slight at tack of Dya,Kipaiu by dieting, or tbt it will cure itell. Koiol Dyaprpaia Cure wiix curs it; it'Mieals wlutt you est" and rea'orea Hie digestive orguna to he4ith Ffwlniy A' Muaon. r : I. i n, : 1 1,1 j i i Take Laxative Iiroiuo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it faila to cure. 2 V. The genuine has L. B. g on each tablet Fresh bread every dav. Two- loave or it nicklo.ut McFeron Jd Tomlinsun. The best refrigerators ana ice cream frevfter at Stewart A box Hardware Co,! - r Pneumonia, In" K'PI' oougha, colds, rou p and whooplng-oough readily ; told to .ma Mmutn ('nuuh .'ure Ur thuieluedy in time and snve a doctor's bill or the un UcrUker's. Foehay A Maann. ., i; . We biiy, sell and store rin. We make Magnolia Flour, ' Also whole Patent and germ, l-1 - I li iilngtioliii iitiiia. For the best harness call on A ",E. ICetchnm, Brosdlbin atreet, JAlbary. Rlnns, Rltiit, Jewelry store. KIiirh at rreuch'i CASTOR I A For Infaats and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Sltofrlgerator, cream frecxers, AttHowurt A Ho Httrdaie (Vs. Wheat 43 cents. Call at the Hugar Ilowt for frssit fruit -Have your photo In ken at Mlas Long'i forcaah f OUdnxen, cabinet Finiih fruit at VUwck'sfitigar Howl par lore. ' M'OVKH llurmri's. and Tinware at Ohilng A Keiiular drill of o'clock, tonight. KnglneCtf. No 1 at Oarden Hose and Lawnuowers at Oh ""n x iiuiburt's. nl' Frnnch Calf Kh..a U'.irl It M. 'ei(t Kevure llouae. 'or aide. go"d eirrwllmr. Il.'l dr. I, l,y . n. Aies.iu,.r, tt . 1 ei Hit, lfrr, Halom will have a o'ii"ty ol Native ughtnrs of Oregon. Mr. Judd l!os hss been,,iid A I. any agent for Hi Oregouian and has aneuu.arg" of n, business here. live flvlit occurred U.U lt.,n,..i .i he gravel pit in the eastern suburbs be- een a couple ol the lalwiers. Hon Olelan was eliwiiad pi.L.i ....... ol the Aliiativ tire department yesterday alterno.sial the siecial election receiv ing nr snure vote of a7 cast. hcgiiw people will viva tH mAUnrm . breaklratou the top ol thinner's butle, cerlalnly a Idea. A breakfast ike thntwlll be palatable. Mr. Alcll Moaler lika a,.l,l l.i. I.,i....i In the lunch rounler liualnvaa Mr. Ham Hiwkhart and M. KIIIup A Burkbart will now run the business, which baa a largo patronage. Two yosiia men an,! . u,l. kvnra rented last nlulit nine oVI.u-k lor riding tluHr bievoles without tight In an ten arrests have been made by Night watch MH'Isin. and thia so long as the law is vioiaied. IMaann Sniltri Cab'n No. 9 Oregon Native Hos l I meet next Saturday nigh' at the O. A. K. had at H aUk sharp, 'or the puriioae ol taking in mem Iters. A U I stleudsiire is desired, tty order ol lite prrsldem. One of (he fhnny items going ths rounds Is Uiat F-tre.l, t on the 4th ol July one ol the principal stiractl ns will be a fight bolweeu an editor and a delin quent sulwritier. Our tympaibies are uecUtcilly wlih the editor, and we how to near hat the delinquent gets pound u iuiu jvujr. The plcnle given by the 1'resbyterlan aud United 1'rwsbyterian rhurches be gan this moTnlng uoder favorable cir cumatancrs Two hnndred fifty peaule of all ages, rroatly children, left the C A K wharf ilii morning on the Albany for d twn the nfk . Intending to land this side ol Independence for the picele tee tlvltles. Th-f villi be expected tome about 6 o'clock this tveclng. Ihs. AnARSf mi Dijtist, wlihes to call lbs attention of tnauy patients whose work is not finished to come and get It finished si he wishes to arrange for his usual summer trip to the I'.sv. TbU mid Tlint. Wheat id cenU. Htamp photos at Tinkle A Dawson's. Finest aristo etstueUd pbotoe only ll.ftO prUos- at Pinkie A Dawson's. Vlereck's Huirar Bowl Parlori for ire cream, canfeuttonery, IimIi water, cigars anil tobacco. A latge ami fine stock of ciirars and to bacco at Conn A tlustou's. .See the dis p'v w hen you want a choice tk a nkt rosat or meat of any kind, call on Hcnrj Jrodera. He kMps the Unit. Go to Verlck's shavinii and . hair cute ting i.srlors for I'.rst class work, (lot and cold baths. , Clean towels to every mer. rie beat mewtsi of all kinds aad good treatment at the Albjiiv I ire.ed llMif Companv'a liliirsct, )ut d)0. Second trnet. ti .i weight and prompt atud ion. ! miket no diffirence lmw had the wound if ymi ua tie -Vit-'a Wi'ijlj IUxhI !lvf; it will q ib-klv and l ive no scar. Fualmy it Maann. Sj-iiij-iI Uie r.Hnills uf m'lr'ectm . Bts p tic condition, of tut) to ii-ch urn ctuc-r, conuiiitti-iii, biiart diauiat end ttyil"py. k l 1 U,ni'i)M i O in' tir-tvj pa till ihl. hv fr.ijnna- q hjh uh- hi a I cut -a of ilis- ro.iiiiyY viaa-.f TIIK IIO.M LI Eh 1' Al AN I N ALA.Y As well as the hand'onuat, and others arl inviied to call ou an druyglH and get FKKti a ttiitl bottle cf Kemp's Ibiirum for the Throat and l,uts, rt-raody that U guaranired lo cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute t'oiifh, athmi, Hroncbitif (jonauikption. Prtiw 2.1c1. nnd ?0rt. CflilSTiPATIO! -I hm idm I A Suva at a Urns wlUo a of Ike fcvwala. not balni aula U no l bum aioept l)f ualus Out water InJeoUona. CbroulaonnallpaUon foraavao yeara plaoed ma In ttali wrrlhla aundlUuni lrlna Ibal Una 1 SW ev rytblna I beard ol but ntor fouud anr relieri auoa aamroaaa until I beaaa Uilns CAttCAKKTH. I now liare (rum out to llira pa a dar. n waa rich I would (Ire ll'JUlw fur eavb BiuTiimauti II laaucba rauer., hyim. W Ilu.ill bt.. Wetrult, llloh. Ouud, Noer bkkun, Waakrn.or Orlua. Wo, . SUo. ... CURI CONSTIPATION. . Slwllaf BMHSr Ompuf, Cblti Iwlnali fb. fSn CANDY II CATHARTIC ys Sy tsaos mass ioiaTvaiojp' l" V' itBSCLUIEtv'PtJKE Makes tho food more devious ond wholosomo Strlcttv tMiHineax French the Jeweler. (Jrcsutnt lllcycle, Hopkins Druthers, sgmita. Ile.l llirytle for tue money Will A Jlurk, jewe'ers. Creacent bicycles at llopkiua Brother for only $20, :HJ, .V and U It Winn, cilv ticket agent. Tickets to all points In the east. lU aure and wa llm null rut tl'iwme at IIpkio Hioa, will las, a llfrtlinnt. !o lo Miss Iiitgs for high priced pbo t'V'nphs, and do uot .'orget to take along the money. Ily allowirg the accuiiiulatinti) In the U) will i n remain, the in'ir.i a''eu i poi. unea. lew III Little rarly Kiairan-gel-ate the bn aeh. Try them and I OH will always uae llicui. fuahay A Muoon. 3. 0 llridgc, editor soil iiroprielor ol the OeiiHKrul. I.unctwler, N. 11., : "I would not be without Omi Mmu"e Cough Ctre fur my boy, when troubled with a o utgo or c Id. ll i ti e !et rem edy fur croup 1 ever uNd.'' fo.hay i Mas n !"- u FLOOR COVERINGS. I- t'LI.Y DOt'BLr. ths smour t ever before ho n by u, contistlng ol Carpets, Art rnusre-, Co-tage Art (a new and a.lrtctlve goods) Mat tlngs, 1,'iioleum and tll Cbth . We are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, P. rliers, Shades and kindred goods, ' Piece goods In Curtain material and roveilngs. -ALBANY FURNlf URE CO. masonic Temple Bldg.T Albany, Or i .: .". ... 7 : - 20 Years in Business TH0MR8 BRINK Is the Olde't Furnliure jVa'er in the city and be keeps a complete line of Furniture and Haddmg and if yon want good goods cheap give blmaca l. He due-n't intend 10 be nndersold. Tho IClnd You Have Always years, lu umo for over SO All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Substitutes are hut Ex periments that trifle with nnd endanger tho health of Infants aud Children Experience njralust ExpcrtnicnU, What is CASTORIA Castorlrt is a substitute for Castor Oil, Pnrefrorie, Drops and (toothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms aud allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind, Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd Dowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE Bears tho J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt eiNTAUR eoMPItlT, T sUIW.T TWOTCT. trWTO CrTV. AND TO MtillT MORROW And rnch iluy and night during this week you can get at sny r1ruggit's Kemp's Hal sum for the Throat end Lunga, m knowl eilgd to be inn Biotsu.wful remedy ever sold for Coughs, Croup, lironcbitis, Astli- n.s and Consumption, (iet a bottle to ii. i y and keep it alwuts in the bouse, so hi cuit cum:k tour coid at once, I'rice Wi and 60c. Sstuple tiottie free. k'xcui'ftlon Unto. The 0'irvaHii A Kaatnro railroad have plai e.l in effect iheir regu ar round trip aiiminer vxcurtiou rates to ewpori ana Uelroit. Fare to Newport, ll.'O. rare to iMroil, f.'l 00. Tlcketa good (or return until October 10, imt. Kiiwix Ktonk, Manager. MOTICF..-Hsve vou a farm for isle 1 or rent or do yon koow ol any per ron bo ding lamia that they wish to dls poaeol. If so please write to my agent ol the O It A N. Co and he will send vmi a circular which will interest yon. Bought, and which lias heon has born the signature or ft MCIIT 1 1 3 and has been made under hia per sonal Hiipervlslon tdnco Us infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this CASTORIA Always Signature of