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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1899)
BAD, VORSE, "WORST? SPRAlfM " . Carii without delay or trifling, be cured promptly by the GOOD, BETTER, BEST y IT'S JUST! LIKE TiIS We bare machines in stock as ' . low ae........ - - - $10.00 t Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox for Machines that "sew : vts6ca .... m Lk A widow strty-elcht years oM. Urtaf in Kew Yrk City. B ni eonauantlT troubled with swinaoB. bee rwAl tide, wairi liawr. Up to Ual Jiu b bid bee, trmtnd by eh. ha4 calarrfc of lit. atoasaea; another .nKa immmmmI it hlltajr-v nlrulDt. or monlha wiLbont coad remits. At UaMOibe ot.morpbiDe wen reaortM to. 1 m - ana bad nry litUe epoMite. A tier usiaa; tbsm two weeks enureiy aaipnearoa. 1 n. pauent oaa Meti ieTB iwinif, mod conid t b-kd wawnroa r bad 1 V. Spraca and. w lark. r l a aata. aa aM or au batata, aaaa. aad aaaaaae baa. - TTT I 1 t w Kast Mail 8pm al Laae, Denver, Ft .a u na,t.. vr . Kast Mail. eas Uity, bt Jxuisf o: p m (Jbicago and r.ast. Spokane Walla Walla, Spok Spokane Flyer s ane, Minneapolis. St P'to 2:10 p m Paul, Dointh, Mil- 8aO a waukee, Cticago, A East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 For San Francieco Sail every five days 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER t p n Ex Sunday STEAMERS. EaSonda tatarday To Astoria and Way- lOpm ' Landioga. ' 6 aid WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30p ExSun. Oregon City, Newberg, Ex Ban Salem A W ly-LandV 7am WILLAMETTE AND 3:30p Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monds Thnrs., Oregon City, Day ten. Wed. and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sat Cam WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 p Tuesday Portland to Corvallis TuecUj Tbur., and Way-Landings. Tbur , and Sat. ' and tea Lv Riparia Lv Lewistoi 2:30am SNAKE RIVER 12,00 r Daily . Riparia to Lewis ton Daily W.H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Q.G.RAWLINGU, , Portland, Or. Agent Albany. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison A Park Shi. LEWIS BUILDING. Fort land Oregou J M RA.LSTON, Three doors east of tbe Demockt office hss money to loan on farm security at low rate of interest. Also small loans made o n personal seenritv . City, county and school a.rrsnts bonglii, Oollectiona'mnde. Rents col ected. . Fire In surance written in the following larpe and reliable companies: HOME INS. O.. of New York. PHOKN1X INi.CO.. Hartford, Conn., LIVERPOOL, LON DON, end GLOBE INS. CO. of England TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to be shaken into Ihe shoes, At Ibis seasoo your feet feel swollen, ner vous and hot, and get tired easily. If you bare smarting feet or tight shoes, try Al len's Foot. Ease. It cjuIs the feet and makes wslking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters snd callous f pots. Relieves corns and buniin of sil pain m d fives rent and comfort. Try it today. Hold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25 3. Trial package fre. ' Addrese, Al en K. UliDSted, L Koy, . S. CITY TREASURERS K3TISE . Notice Is hereby given that funds aie on hand to pair cliy warrants Kos. 199 to 214 inclu fve of tbe issue of 1898. luter- est on said wsrrsnts will cease alih the date of this notice. Albany, Or.. June 14, 1899. i ' E A. Parkkb, City Tressuie ' Ta Cora Conatlpatkta foreTa. Take Oara'reta Cundv Cathartla, 10o or Be. If C. V. C. (ail lu cure, UruKgmu rvtuad uumef. Wo St-" Jacobs Oil. A 'good article ( worm more a poor one. EVER NE KNOWS TIIAt...,' ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE...... will outwear a dozen chop - on se, therefore cheaper in the end. etas: sane isuas, to b. wwS by ta id. of wbaaw atalaw a nam be of pfcraart&a). oi! staved tbat It was ordinary drape, aa4 auil nil limm ttm wttiea M areauM dm pain. wwre ao eerwr. that hrpodermla rnjoctov Tb. laiieU weiajbed US panada: waa eompletoly ram 4t farly in Joae a neighbor iadomd w to try Biswas Taw tb. saiaa and bloatine of lha wUwnatrb awa ooite aeaaaa aad praaueauy lemiaiwa 07 ow. bra n, am one wtbl Slaeiss, PnBwVaTsT U laffaW CsBsV wUbwaltaifra at a-t-r-a aca I at SaM a aaaaat m,lm imi uaaiiananaub S. at (sr. are aia( aa arU a an,ibS iBilill at a aaauat lilibn 1lS ttft aw ataaaMbai IIOXG WAR TUNG CO . Second St near Lyon street, Albany. Sells Chi nese medicine, Cbineae rice, Chinese tea and t ml.; Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItarUlallydlgeststbefoodandaJcl If iXure in strengthening' and recoo ttructlng tbe exhausted digestive or gans. ItUthelatestdisflovereddigesi ant and tools Ho other preparation can approach it in efficiency. - It la tant!y relieve and permanently cures Dypepii, Indigestion. Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Katuea. SlckHeadache,Gastalg1sHCnmpa,ana U other results of Imperfect digestion. -Prepared t C. C DeWIV. Co. C&cope. There Is no Ice cream in Albany SO good as thst of V. H. Pfeifier. , . For site brFrel Albany, Orea. - bi-Vion, Drnla fiERVITA taawesVITA LtTY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Klght Emissions and wasting- dUeases, all effects of eelf- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. Ancrvotonlcand blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mall 50c per box ; 6 boxes for $-IrO; with a written guarant iee to cure or refund tbe money. NERVITA MED.CAL CO. rtljrton at Jackson St, CHICAGO, ILL. K". O. T. JUT very Stturl ty eviaiaq at . O. T. sf al Visit in Kaigbu Invited. i( M Newport.Oomiaandei. NEW WORLD 1 liricr-a-Wetk Edition A ' 18 Pages a WeetCVT . . . 158 Paptji-Bk Thi : For Ofie D61!ar kHabealevenr aiSerwaleaayeareiatSaa a The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Tu aw Iorx World is first among ail "weekly papers in size, frequency of publication and tbe freshises, accuracy and variety ol itscoiatnts. It has all the merits of a treat $6 daily at ' he price 'of a doll a weekly. Its poliUcttnewsisprdmrt.cooi 'i".-S'-.X F I BUT 1141103 Ali BANK, : or ai-sawz, oaw0oi . , rVaatdeirt.;.n nw ... tn TMVIWKHWI .. Ml. a.Touna mm ..... , w.LajiaDoa TtARSACTS a ORifSaAtibtBHaiftHiclaaas ACCOUNTS KEPI' MUlaot to aback. -IOUTKXCUA80C ac JnUrphl tnaafar, seM a Maw Terk SJ rraaehwa.Caioaira a4 PwUaa LSOTIOKt aADCaafaaorable staaoeoaa S B Tooaw" C W tifw ' OoeawTa, L. Fwaa C. I. ruaa. i All Sort. Baroness Von Sattner, author of."Lay Down Your Armi," holds talon in the Central hotel at The Hagaa every night, I eaieriaimuK lrieous 01 peace 01 an na- The United States shipped to Asia and Oceioica In April, exclusive ot shiptnint U China, Japan, India and Australia more thaa twice as much in cotton cloths as it sent in April, 1803. Almost every nation, except Great Britain and the United States, is over taxed to meet the expenses of maintain- tag its army and navy. France runs be hind to tbe amount of $100,000,000; Aus tria has an annual deficit of 1(80.000,000; Russia, SSO.OCO.OOOand Italy, $30,000, 000. . The gray haired man is being pushed to tbe wall everywhere. During a dis cussion in a Londoo.board of works one of tbe members stated that he had been assured by a local ha'rdys seller that tbe enormous majority of bis Custom rs were workmen, who dyed their hair to secure employment and retain it when found. A Bourbon man is peculiarly afflicted, bis disease baffling the skill of phys'cians. He is compelled to. walk entirely on his toes, being unable to place bis basis on the floor. As soon as locomotion ce s be is abla to stand squarelr on bis feet, but on resuming bis walk he ie as apt to start off backward as forward. A London jeweler ba got a concession from tbe Egyptian government to mine for emeralds and other precious stones on the cqaet ot the Red eea. In speaking of this mineral field he says with enthu siasm: wny uieopatra's jewels were mined there and she gaze as presents to ambassadors portraits ot herself en grev.d ou emeralds." Both Mexico and Japan propose to M ablieh life saving and signal aystt ms along their coasts, and will eraplo? the Cos ton night signals whirr- erenow used by tie army and I ku.uoos service. Tbey were invented by Capt. Coetoo's widow. It is said that she is tbe only woman who ever invented an article that could be adopted by tbe military or revel service. Ia the Bell.ionta.ine glass works there are (oar federations ot one family at work. Tbe eldest is the venerable John Log, aged 71 yearr, wbu had never known a sick day or din medicine in any form. Next comts his son, William ben the tatter's son Logan, and last, the youngest, Edward, great-grandson of the bead of. the family. The New York Journal makes the total capitalization of all the trusts i tbs country, May $7,418,235.7. Their capitalisation la tbe middle of March was ovsr ft.O00.O00.0W). The capital invested In these combines in creased ever 75 per cent in a little mors baa one month. It i sufficient to pay the expenses of tbe United States government for fifteen years. At the rate earned by soma of the uosis ths Interest on it wonld mn the government forever. It is more lhafi any other national debt In the world. It is eevra times tbe bonded debt of the United Etsteo. It is $30o for every family ia the country 1100 for every man, woman and child in "be land. A young German prince has held him self ap to view as an admirable example of armtoeratlc tool scare. At tbe same time be relieves himself of a heavy but den of debt and consequent worry. When be succeeded to bis father's estates last month be foond them so beavtiy 1 eumberd that if a settlement were mads there would be scarcely sufficient lo sat isfy tbe creditors. Thereupon the young prince deliberately threw bp the epottgs, He paid off tbe creditors and, having no capila bur pluck and bis sdocatioa, took a subordinate position in a bank. Hers ho means to rise, if perseverance and a desire to succeed prove the right stepp ing stones J "Briggs thought be was awfully elsver, He took bis best girl to a drag store where tbey sell 5-cent ice cream soda. Hs thought tbe'girl didn't knew, but sbe did." "Well: "Well, now sus insists on going there twice ss often An iut'-rssling test has just been made by a French w man. With a view to teeliog the sustaining poweis of choco late, sbe lived oil that alone fir GO days. snd lost bat fifteen neonds in tbe inter val. If yon bare piles ccaa them. No use ondergoinr horrible operation, that simply remove tbe results of tbe disease without disturbing tbe diaease itself. Place your confidence ia OeWiU a witch baiel Salve It bs never failed to cure others: it will not fail to cure yon. f oshay A Mason, Young Mothers. Group is tbe terror ot thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonising and frequently fatal. 8hiloha Oouzh and Consumption Cure acts like msiiM in eases of Croup. It hss never seen known to fail. Tbe worst cases re lieved immediately. Prices 25 eta,, and 50 Pts. and $1.00. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Kings, Ring, Jewelry store. King at French's If yoa satrsr from tenderness or fullness ou tbs right side, pains under snoulder blade, coasri nation, bilousness. ski- headache, and feel dull, heavy aad sleepy your liver is torpid aad einseated. De- Witt's Little Early Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly aad permanently br removing tbe congestion aod causing tbe bile ducts to open and now naturally. Thst b oood film. Change of Time. Eft live June 18tb, trains 5 and 6 on the C. A E. It. B.. commorly known as "front trains" will cn y make three round trips per week between Albany and CorvaKis,- leaving Albany en Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 0:05 p m. ; returning leave Corvallis on Tuesdays, TburiJsys snd Saturdays at o:4U a. m TICKETS - - ToallpoirtEaitVla' Grt t Northern Railway. For rates, fi tderg and full information sail t r add -ess - i fH. F. MlBBILL, ' : .. ' Agent Albany - Maura Lover Has turne.1 with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath Karl's Clover Root Tea purines the breath nvit action on the bowels, etc., as nottv else will. Bold for years on absolute guarantee. ' Price 25 cts. and 50 eta. 0 ssle by Foabsy A Mason. What IsShHoli? ' A grind old remedy for Co igh, Cold and Consumption ; used through 'th world for half a century, has cured in numerable cas-s of incipient consump tioa and relieved many in advanced stages. If yon are not satisfied with the results we wil refund vour money. Price 25 cts., 50 eta. and 1 1.00. For sale Dy Foshay A Mason. The TJniveri-al iBolter makes good flour The Magnolia. Albany Is bound to get the big saw mill. It is in the air. Oar elti-ens real he its importance and will see that it comes here. President MeKlnley intends to have Dewey accompany him on his wsstern trie.. That wonld be a sreat move In connection with the campaign of 1900. ' After hearing the many .commence ment orations in different parts of the United States there-can be no doubt that politics ars eorropt to tbe core. It Is Intimated the ex-Csar diaVt re sign hiss:at in the house before going to Europe becaoie be wished to use the sal ery to pay bie expenses. Thrift comes natural to Mr. Heed , Ex. 25 cents was charged at Baiem tbe other day to bmee race an eighth of a mile n length." What would Salem then charge tor a trile race, $2? Mark Banna is already telling wba tbe republican national platform will do, among other things denounce trusts. With trusts being f istered br tbe re publican partv wouldn't this he a joss though thst would a.ake Joeh Billings weep. It looks very much as if a growing n du.try was to be tbe buying and walling of islands. With its acknowledged on terprise the United States ought to be able to double its money 00 every Island bought and have enough reserved for a coaling station. This will be real estate basinet s on a big scale. The Oreeonian and other papers of Hs 1 extreme political character are trying to make it appear icjbi mar. t""iu democratic discontent with W. J. Bryan The diaoonteat Is with tbe einele cold standard democrats, if there are any such that can be railed democrats. "That old fe'low w'nh lh white bait' said tbe cit'uew wbo wss showing tbe vis itor through the coun'y poorhooe,M is ths one celebrated PofrSor Borgjees who wrote so many delightfal byohne Eorn and raised in thU town. We are very proud ol bim. I assure yon.- In dianapolis Journal. Tbe Filipinos bavs again taken 10 tbe swamps, and this ia the way it will be perhaps for years. It is the Filipino style ot doing things. How glorious It wiU be to take thee wild pagans and educate them op, as ws have tbe lad Una, until they know bow to shoot with a gna. CoL Henderson on becoming speaker bas announced that be will secure prompt action on tbe currency question, that is with a view to tba single gold standard. . Tns com Lag speaker can do a great deal more for tba eouotr by se- surioc promyt action 00 tbe Nicaragua canal, aa institution that wiU be worth millions of dollars to the Pacific when built. Albany college wlil opea aaia Sept. Is. It Is m splendid bands aad de serves the hearty support of tbe people of this city. Between now and the l&b of September each cit'xea of Albany should appoint himself a committee of oas to rustic on every occasion that offers 'or tbs coileg. With a united effort it can be built uo us til it bas aa attend ence of five hundred. Tbe high moral standing of the cll;e as well as tbe lit erary standing It has should be enough to K really increase tba atteadeoee next rear. Poracaal.lndividoal work is wbat coon la. People generally say Congressman Tongne delivered a fine address before the students of Albany ecllege aad tbs big audience at the C. P. etoreh. It was full of excellent thoughts aad is eon ended to have been a mestr'y t flirt This reminds ns that ooe of tbe ablest argument ever made oa tbe Pacific coast ia favor ol free silvar was by this same talented gentleman four or five years ago a fact in Kovsmber. IS94, ooe which with all his taisot be baa never been able to answer himself. It was ia the same coovineiog jmaeterly style. The following irom aa eastern paper may be said in almost any eommonity: A little knot of our fellow cilUens are jost now abrogating 10 themselves tbe position of the ooly simoo-vurs patriots ia this country -tbey alone love the land of their binh well enough to face public odium to save us from Unpedniog ruin, and lbs rest of ns are merely mural cow arde because ws dare not ohetiu -t the march of events and fact tbe mooatioos tcflosnees bow leading ns straight to death aaddeetmetion. An abeeatr-miaded professor in a coll ege town, meeting a friend one day on the street, said to bim ; Tbis deplorable war with Spain is dragaing along intsrmlnably, is it not f" "War with Spain!'' teplied tbe ether. Wby, profassorjyou surely know it en deJ months aso? "Is it possible? I bad not beard ef t. Where in the world did yon get tbe impression tbst ti e war wts still 4o po- grsssT "From the msgazlnee," rejoined the professor rsispting fnfo bis customary sbeent-mindednese New York Mall and Express. 3tr!ctlv'tuxinesa French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, stents. Best Bir.yUe foetus mouey. Will ft Jtark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins for only t20, $30, $35 and (50. O B Winn, citv ticket agent. Brothers rickets 10 an points in the east. Be sure aod see the anil rust tinware at Hopkia Bros, will las. a. lifetime. Go to Miss Longs for high priced ho tographs, and do not 'orget to take along tbe money. By allowing tbe accumulations la the bowels to rsraain.tha en'ire svstetn la puis oned . De Wilt's Little Fsrly Risers regul ate tbe boeK Try them and yon will always use tbem. rosbay & Mason fo :ura CU In O i Ot Take Laxative Broruo Quinine Tablets an druggists reinnr tbe money if it fails to cure z'c. 1 ne genuine bas l,. a. 14 oa eacu isoiet Pneumonia, la grippe, ooaebs. colds roti p sod whooping-cough readily yield le Una Mmute Cou.u iure Ure thia remedy in nme snu sve a doctor's bill or tbe on aertaker's. Foehay A Mason. CASTOR I A Pot Infitats and Clildrea, . Us Kin. Yea Ears Alt ajs Es:gM Bears, the eiCastaraof aV SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS. The lact Is bslng realised that the gov eminent has a big Sght on band with the Filipinos, not a contest of a day, hat of months and perhaps years. Already about 140 days have been exhausted without the matter being much nearer a close tbau at the beginning, for the bushwhacking plan and the number of Filipinos la ressrvs make it impossible to figure on the prospects. The elephant the U. 8. has en its hands grows in pro portions. Jurt looking et it from tbe present standpoint tbe aovernment has got hold of it like the man holJ o( th bulls tail which hs is following around a tree and it is our business to hang to H and do the best we cen, becante to let go means disaster. During ths past weak we have been in the Lands of tbe college students and ths professors. . In stinerespecs tt is tbs roost enjoyable week In Albany of the sntWeyear. T i-reisa epmt to com mencement wm k not possessed or dis played in an thing else. It infuses the public. It shonUt do so. Ir pots electricity- Into oar Irsmts. We nted it. It fills our eyes snd hearts with flowsrr there ts a place lor them. It ts more than the mere program. It Is an educa tor of tbe people. It not only make 1 r . . ,1. .... ., , . 1 lianas lar me conege oai as wen ior mo cause of education. It biiogs the people closer to our schools. It cannot do so too tnncb. lo fact eotnmearement week is a big thing for toe public and it does not get any more notice than it deserves and ths DaxocaaT regrets that it does not bavs several pages to dsvots it. Though as a matter of fact It : is not the apace nsed but wbat is said thst cnoi.t. A well bell: borse is worth s doin ele phants for practical purposes. In connection with tbs subject it be ssid that it ia not a good idea to may laud participants ia commencement exercises too much, nor to present their effjrta ia full, for tbe.-e are too many whose eom m no-meat orations are the best ef forts of their lives, and their future do ings ate too apt tu be compared with them il siven to cold print. Fulsome laudation anyway is nauseous as much as it may be p'easiagto tbs person sometime.' So long as a paper is not permitted t criticise local affirts praise te tarticsl a a rule, panirnlatlt wLere nniveral. as it is 100 room is a prac tice. Tbs Democs-it adiU'S that tt Is tired of loud praise ol everything of a lo eal character Just because it is amataor aad tries to only give it wbers it believes tt is particularly deserved. In tbe receot commencement season thousb thee bas been plenty to eommsnd with little firld for eriltciam bad one beea so inclined. Tbe DaaiCBAT sews a good deal about department stores . After all tbey are a good dsaj like trusts, a combination of a Bomber of stores, lessening expenses, so a to free ts cnt smaller deslers. This seems to be tbe tendency of the age. It S time for s bait in the interest of tbe masaes- a A lew mora warm days suggest the sp proacb of tbe ouuog seasoo. Tbe DaM ocbat man bas already betun bis ens toman summer's rustication, which con sists of lawn tennis in tbs evening as of ten as hs can find anyone to play, and therefore Is 1 eady to meet sil comers. Bring ou your rackets. There are mote outs in this sport than tnott anything played, the service is coostaat, compli ments are returned, harmony rules, for there is plenty of love reg aid lees cf tbt racket going on snd tbe moral effect is good for you are constantly told of your good service. Oa tbs topic of expansion Hon D. il. Jones, the former mayor of Toledo Ohio holds tbe secular views "I believe, te aays,"ia a United S-et ss of the World, but I do not believe in the way used by ths admiaittration at present to spread tbe dominion of tbe United State. I do not believe ia shoot ing men full of boles lo order to mske Christians or Amrriraos of them. I think tbe administration weo'dttavs met with svery success if it bsd used in toe Philippines the sams mrthods i t used in Cota. Ueneral Thomas M. Anderson, who led the first military detachment to the Philippine, rays 1 ha Filipinos are to be pitied more than blamed fir their irrit ability aod suipluioos natures. They 'oast t a buodred ears or more lor free dom, during which time "they were never told 'be truth and n;r knew jus tice." Tbey came to look upon all tor si oers as tyrants and oppressors, snd it was not haid for designing leaders to msksthsm think this country would treat then sa bad Spain. . The iovestie'ation by government ex perte.sbow that the following articles of food are e.tensi ely adulterated, to wit : Canntd meas and veaeuble, mill , tea, butter, bams, wines and liqror. Tbe lews against tbe adulteration of fooc articles ars a desd letter; no One thinks of enfurctog them. Tbe claim roads that the women ais not eoaaxios to marry now as tbey ware a fsw decades ago seems to lack troth when compared with tbe fact that so msny American girls marry useless, worthless, peanyless, insignificant appearing titled foreignsrs. TO. NIGHT AND TO-MORROW NIGHT Aad each day and night durtmr this week you can get at any druggist's Kemp's Bai asm for tbe Throat and Lungs, acknowl edged to be tnemoat sacoeaaf ul remedy ever sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Astb tna and Consumption. Get a bottle to day and keep it alwas ia the bouse, so ou can cueck your coid at once. Price 52 and 50c Sampls bott le free. . Excursion Rates. Ths OorvatlK A EaaUro rsilrosd have plased in effect their regular round trip summer excursion rates to Newport and Detroit. Fare to Newport, S4.P0. Fare to Detroit, S3 00. Tickets good for return until October 10, laW.,... Edwin 8 ton ft. Manager, TonlaM If your liver is out of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart burn, or Constipation, take a dose ol On retiring, and tomorrow your di gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright, active and ready for any kind of work. This has been the experience of others; it will be youas. HOOD'S PILLS are old by all medicine dealers. 25 cts. MISFITS. Day by day the Guard notes tbe pro gress of ths Eugene op the river ss given it Dy teiegrapn irom different points along tbe river. County Clerk Crabtree is somewhat of sheep man himself. iast fall be bought a small band o. forty-two head of sheep for $"0. Recently be sheered them and sold tbe wool, 402 pounds, for tS4, nesrly as much as tbe sheep bad cost. e eawaaaaw- j The people of Ashland rent a petition to the state board of barbers a.a nst erant-1 ing a liCMnse lo a barber of that city on the grounds that he was an habitual drunkard, but the boer-l a-ranted it an- ft saying that tbey wanted to give hi 111 a chance. The Salem Journal accuses Sam Shaw the actor, who is to be in Albany next week of looting like Governor Geer. It has been found out that the Philip pine w ar will last a long time. Uncle Sam may hove his hands full but he will come out on top. TL... I . 1 mo buuiereoce win eriu as has been anticipated without anything being done that will be of service in causing a disarmament by tbe nations of the world. au 01 mora win continue asm the past with their knives in their mooths and tneir guns in their hands. Our country should be a Letter one after every commencement season. Enough good things are said to rahte the standard of the morals of the people and governmental least fifty per cent. It is a lament Me fart though that in a few daya we all go right back into the old paths sod trample upon each other nguia, me govern men 1 becomes a cor rupt as ever and there iso't much differ ence the way of thing generally. The following is told by our Oakville correspondent when in his latest Mark Twain mood : The follow ins conversation waa nvr- heard recently : -uetiojim, what's gone wrong? 1 tnougnt you and Jennie were engaged uu a wm cspecung an invitatiuo t- your wedding " Jim Cm a solemn tone). Well PA i. 1 i am sorry to disappoint jOM but bv 1..- j cided that I would declare the . ...jre-! ment off." Bill "Why what has gone w'' Jim "Jest this Bill, 1 can't tie oir self up for life to a lady wh u -ee out on the streets of an evening aud stands ou the street corners. I don't respect her now, so bow can I learn to love her?-' This is a true story and we don't blame Jim but there is another scene in which the leaf is turned. Where do our young men spend ther'r eveninn? ni always on the street corners but many of them in tbe aalooua and other places of vice. Youcg iadtss you wrong your- arivew wnen you "tie yourseiinp ior life to a young man who spends bis evenings at the saloon." The Salem Journal boasts tbst tbe rat boles in its office here si! been dosed. Great is the Journal, a paper nowa- oays nas 10 seep the rat boles closed lo mate ends meet. r. a.w.onnsonseems to be pecu liarly a Scio member of the state board 01 agncuitore. Ut tbe officer appointed fb- the state fair wbicb meets ia e-eptem-ber three ere from I inn coun v and ail usee irom hew. being A. W. Cole, a mareui, e. 1. Ml sre, superintendent of the grandstand and Mrs. Lillian Kibler, ooe ot the judge, while J. C. Johnson, n smxni, a a uroiiier ol -director John son. II a Cemxratic or populist 1 spr were to lay what the Oregon 1 an did jesterday it would he rwled a traitor aad rome peop'w would gel mad It is a terrible but poiated bit st Mr. McKiolev, snow tng his inefficiency ta a manner that is starting: Ihaaracelul, betra.ed civil ervite to spo'l.rten.parmlTted tbe army. wwwea pteaftev. nominated erbcient ter van Is, qeailed In time of courage, de tavea in time ot action. MKared a.nd eqoi.ocated, diiuitg pohcy. catena to everyining. miscbievoos partuan, per sonal politics. lo short the editorial is an emphatic demand tbat some one besides atcKtoley t nominnaled by be repon- iitwua. ji.e uregonian w.u nave to swallow a t pill for Met inter will be nominated. Mark HaonaLaj decreed it These old p'oneers hare great mem ories. John Fervuton. who baa lived on I tbe same farm five miles nsrthwcet of Junction City, since ISiS. tells bow in that year a band of Klamath Indians killed some eatt:e and a work ox belonr- us w x.iijan onaiow. air. rerguson went lo Corvallis and succeeded ia get ting a posse of seventeen men to drive the Klaraatbs a va But in the mean time Elijah Briatow anKered by tbe loss of his ox bsd. alone and sing e handed, driven tne Indians acroee tbe river at Sboftle Point.memaloeinc some of tbem witb bis con as tbey crueeed the river. On tbe seven leeo men cum ing ap, on sc Cunt of their disappointment they named the adjoining butte Butte Lsmp pointment which it has boom to this dsy. Sick Ucad&chcs. Tbe curse of overworked woruankind.are euickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, tho great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. I "rice, 2i eta and 50 eta. For sale by Foshay A Mtson. Jfo-To-Rwa) roe nrty Ceata Guaranteed tobacco habit core, makva weak Bao alruoa;, biuuU pure. 10D.SL All UrucsialaV Imperial Limited. Tbe Canadian Pacific Ry. is now mak tng tbe t-eteet lime serosa tbe continent Tneir service is of the most splendid de script ion. All clssees of passengers sr carried on tbe "IMPERIAL" train You may travel anywhere by tbe Canad ian Pacific Ky. ardSoo Line. Tour grocer keeps lu The Magnolia Flour C'LOjarNo Rats. Weekly Usjiocrat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrire-a-week World 12.00; and Republic fl.75: and Oregon lan 12.25; and Ban Francisco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly Journal 2.00 F'rur 80c per sack. Try iu The Magnolia. o t Long Photo Co.. In From an Brink. The leading gallery of Aloany. The onlv-up-totfate first class : studio In town. All work to pleaso. MAK1E LONG Porp TELEGRAPHIC. I-ate News in Short Form. . Will Help Kruuer. Bloemkonteix, June 23. The volks raad of the Orange Free 8 tale, has voted 9870 for the increase of artillery, tent, and other military supplies. A resolu tion was adopted directing the govern ment to abopt the Mauser rifle as the na tional weapon. The volks raad also voted 22,500 for ammunition aod 39,X0 for other war material. Rather Arbitrary. Wasiuxotok, June 23. A I movement is on foot among republican members of the house to have a committee on proce dure elected by the house, . which will laxe out 01 tbe nands ol tbe speaker and the committe on rules the power they have heretofore exercised. The com mittoe will be all werlul in deciding w hat legislation stutii be considered . A Mew Department. New York, June 23. A special to the Herald .from Washington says: A new executive branch of the government with the tn le, Impairment of Colonial Affairs and Forenm Commerce, is deemed by theadmlnntration absolutely necessary to meet new conditions. Fallal Explosion. Hoe-LAN r. June 23. About it o'clock Ahis morning a terrible explosion took place in he War r.agle mine, the scene of the fatality of a month, ago. .and iu consequence, 3 men are lying dead at the morgue, another is probably fatally in- jurcp, auiu inuuur is seriously unri. Just from Dawson. Seattle, June 23 A second lot of re turning Klondikers since navixasion opened reached here today on the steam er liutnbolt. There were about 250 of them. Tbey report the clean-up as prac tically finisiiel. The estimate on tbe total clean-up this season range from 12,000,(W to fjlfl 000,000. Oregon Agents. Salem, June 23. According to records in the secretary of state's office there are in Oregon 2332 insurance agents eniragep in writing fire insurance. They are re quired to ol-tain from the socreUry a certiikate paying f 1 therefore. Active Apuioaldo. M am la, Jnne 23. Aquinaldo does not st-. ... to be satisfied with tbe attempt ol li insurgent to retake gan Fernando, .-I he has taken command of Gen. Lu .ta's army and bas massed the largest 1 ebel force yet mobilised bringing 2000 men from the Antipole region. Volunteers to Be Called. Chicago, June 22. A special from Washington to the Tribune aava: ' Prestdrat ilrKioley has decided!to call for voluuteera for service in tbe Philip pines. It has been determined to form at least 8 and perhaps 12 regimect. For the'present, the president deems 8 or 10 retnmeou enough, and it is understood this number ia based 00 the repreeenU tions made by Gen. Ot:ev L'n-Amcrican- Wasbkotos, June 22. An impreetion is setting sbroad in the country that the people have not received all tbe facts re garding tbe situation ia tbe Philippines. It ia believed that the censor is scrutinii ing press dispatches very carefully, aad that if Geo. Otis has oommunkatexl tbe exact conditions to the department bis dispatches bare not been given ts the public; i Wheat Prospects. . HnrxEAFOLM, June 22. breaking to a aunvs reporter regaJMmr ttte general wheat situation Charles Piileburv asLt - I look upon the winter wheat crop as practically a failure. Tbe winter wheat acuon ol uie errantry Ixaa not. Jrocn all appearances raised any more wheat than we need bere at borne lor oar own con sumption. 80 far as the .Northwestern spring wheat area is concerned, the crop ta iwaing ana uoing lairty well. Town Drowned. At -mv, Jooe 22 Tbe old town of Car- rwo. county teat of Zapata county, about mtuwav between Lamio and Graawia City on tbe Texas burder, bas been swept away by the K:o Grande Hood. The town bad a population of several bun dreds of Mexicans of the poorer daae. As Usual. M amla, Jane 21 Tbe irsurgent armv bas taken to the swamps and bil.a be- yond Imua. Tbe largest farce is suppos ed to be near ban F raj Cisco de ia Maltco, holdicjt positions toward tbe take or toward the coaet, according as ex igencies demand. Nothing It It WAsurxGrox. June 21. A dnial is made at the war department that Gen. Miif is to succeed Uen. Otis is command in Uie Philippine. This waa Jiardiv necessary, as it ia not likely that the war department will ever do anything for Uen. Miles as long aa Alger and Corbin are managing affair. Yellow Fever. ASBUtrru.i, J'in21. Yellow fever nsa orok-n out at taui-jjo, as is shown oj ut louowiag ouueuu pusteJ at the war department: Surgeon-General Wymaa. of the mar ine hospital service, today received a tel egram from Dr. Park, the quarantine otficer at Santiago, reporting tbe exist ence at the port ot 14 cases of veilow fev er aad 4 deaths from that cause. The State Fair. Sals. June 21. Attorney-General D lack burn this evening rendered nn opinion in which he adyisee the secreta ry of state that the poard of agriculture has complied with ibe provisions of tbe law appropriat ng mouey to pay state fair warranto, and that be may use Uie fund to Lay such warrants. Secretarrof state I'unbar will not begin paying Uie state fair warrants for several days. ' A Big Deficit Wasuinotos, June 81 It is regarded as a conservative estimate that tne treas ury deficit tor Uiejaecal year 1S99. which closes 10 days hence, wiJl be leea .than 1 100,000.1 0 1. Already the receipts for the year Aggregate over t4S900,000 w ith- uie expendit urea f 100,000,000 more. Ifecidedly Fast. Nsw York, June"3I. Charles Mnrphy pacviA oj a locomouve, roue a mile ou a bicycle in one minute and five seconds near Maywood, L. I., today. June 30 ha will endeavor to cover a milb in one minute. J. t Bridrf. editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Uanceeter. N. H., says: "I would not be without One-alinute Cooifli Cnre for my boy, wbea. troubled with aoug-h rreoid. It is the best rem edy for croup 1 ever used." Foshay A Mafn. - f 1 . OF C01LIVER OIL WITH HYP0PH0SPHITES should always be kept In the house for the fot- lowing reasons: FIRST Because. If any msmber of the family has a hard cold, tt will euro tt . SCOOfiD Because, If 'the chil . dren are dalicate and sickly. It wj . maka them strong and veil, -,', 77.710 Because, If the father or mother ts losing flesh and becom- Ing thin and emaciated, tt will build them up and gtvs'them flesh and ' strength. , . f FOURTH Becaus it Is tha standard remedy In .all throat and - lung affections. ..' No household should be without It It can be taken in summer aa veil as In winter. - -; r r , -' 5e. irl $i.e,an4ntntta. ' . SCOTT IKWN&tOwauK. Maw York. salmis- THIS Buunrui HAM IS THE RESULT OT cunouui MO cimcuM KMC. I wsatt my child's bead every week ' warm water and Cctwtba 8oaf,ao4 rob la a llttla CcnccaA (olnlmaot). Her hair is Baa, Ullck, ad Ttrj long, reaching balow htr waiaS when atandinr, ernct. Mm. C. CEAHAM, 10S7 Ko. California Are Chicago, JO. BaK OtiomVurt lb warl. P'-TTW. I. w T. Crrwr Salaraaa,ll aw., -aaatwaa ite Scat aatfUaw. Saw CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY CO! I.FfiFl Faculty Wallace Howe Lee li President. Geo. A. Wirtt, Directx-r. Cora A. Wirtz, Voice a wfn;ia!ty. Tuition Very reasonable, ranging from $1 to f 21 per term. The hijjhe-t grade of instrurtion is of fered tt bfth primary and advanced pupils in the following branches: Piano Oixan, Viotin.Ooitar, Mandolin, Cornet, Voice, Harmony, Counterpoint, Cola position and History of Music. Vocal classes are organized at the be ginning of each term. Children's class each Saturday at 10:30 a. m. Pupils may regi" ' work in the Couaerva- tory at an . For lunht. dress . Gebv;b A. ""ion call on or at!- Wirrz. Xf.t-i-tfT. Ailan , I )-.-j-n. DR. J. L HILL rhjs'ciao end Snrgecn. Hill lilotk - - -O- Aihany, tr. X. K. WI.V.NAUIi M. S. M. 1). l'hyriciaa an-J Sure'i, Twccdale Block.' VIbnv. Cr. liesidence on 3rd stre.oath ei le tie tween Brjadalbtn and L-tsv rth. Unier & IMbf Broadalbin St . Albany. Or. Geo. Collins D D S A. Jack Il xiges D D S COLLINS & H0DGLS Dentists. Odd Fel.o's Temple, Albany, Or. Oliver PIowshbt prices HOPKINS Agtata. Aaaytarcgoa. Oliver gave tbe wariJ tb- chilled plow Aad it ha saved more maaey to the farmer of America than tayotner xn.timent ever produced, troniae OClver cbtlled are Use beat ea earth. The (Hirer u a pronotr of happ. tyt oa the fara. aad ibe dealer wbo tetfs tt knows be is kasdiins the best. Lick oat f.r immition an i b.-och notbtna but tke (rnuine rori. marie cofy by Uiiver Chilled plow works. Sjath Bead, Ird U S. A. FOSHAK 4 MASON - Wholesale A Retail DSUSBISTc iSD 800ISSU ?i tLBajcv. bmjsaon Pure Drug aad the guest and Lan?eet itork of Sutic-osry and Book, U Market. YAQU1NA ROUTE gobtalib . & mim RAILROAD UoniMCtiog at YAQCINA with the AQ JIN BXY STEAM SHIP COMPANY STEAMERS Y1T0 First-claee in every respecU One at he above steamers is due to sail from Yaquioa about ever live days. Shortest route between valley point! fea r ran cisco. Fare: Albany and points west to San Francisco Cabin..... ...$10 00 Round trip 17 00 For aaiiiog da;s apple tt Edwix Srosa, Waldss. Manager. '. . F. A P. A. flBORTHERH li PACIFIC R. a Puilmttn Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dim: g- Gars, Tourist Sleeping Oan st Paul kfinneapolis ; Oulutb Fargo, TO Brand Forks Crookston Winnipeg fletenaand Butte TxaOUGM TICKE. TO hteaxo '"ashlngtou rhiladelpbia -Sew Hork Soeton and al. foints East and Booth t Through tkkdt to fapan aad Ch na, via Taowna and KortWn Pacific steauwhii C-, aa Ainericaa lino - For Information, time cards maps an? ifcbwta call on or write C G Bo rk hart aguet, Albany, Or. . r. .--1 i. a . rf- v rv li v-tmnu. r " uo raw aay Portland P a. 1 B a E Sw m i UaUdUkwatfl! Otaealaaad Trade Marin obtalwoal mni all Pat- ant tntalDoas tx-naarn-a for "laoerrt Fees. 8eDliDolrl,Untwin)torpbata. Waa-'riaa l .t-uula frraof chr-T. tief not do till' Cpataatiaaarun- I. A r llRKIItl "Ui UUD-I f taiq ratanta.M with cok t aaiue lt the 11. 1 Sad(oracawuiaaeatrra, it-m & V SNOV & CO. 0- PaVaara AJfi WASwtwaV W. U. C.l 1 " '-LI East South SHTAR()UTE or THE S )uthern Pacific Oo Calttwrt.1 taprwaf Ttalae la. rarataaa BWBy Soatai 7 n a. 7 jT 1 6S a s I L T4 m( Aw J Sag . I Sse a a arfSISaa 1-m w a f .rua aibwny Above UaJos ween P'tlssd vr, M''!. srtp at rs lfa h--4 id Shn Tai twx t'bint Tsn-rn'. Sherl'1 HIh) Mi!S fVrtfaw Grove. lin. ati-n frw fVvwh ir rjlrdies' Sgahlajr ' O.k r.l mil all -,t 1 . M a . -ttta- a I S is a IMS a a 4aar a Tff Arrira alhw frmaa Labe PULLatf ftl-rn ivcttrifa Oinine tars $ECQNDlu3w u va;CSI. hwUtv aiiaebeat Th' waS '" aTa Sic ! aa rosrraaaw arsracs r al Baa. ra Ban lawr 1 t Oam.Ue lr 1J SipraaaTnia 0il (aay4 waaHv : 4-SA a U I- !TSSra ar r ! vr P.rtlaal McMiaarnOe a , - 1 a 'SiSaaj t-S. t-:n la -"ta rl" I Saara- I aj l r.' !-. ' I jaotl la. s BOB" LB B C SAMBA 1 2a as r a i rwvaa Oneva. II ftir. c-tKt. h eojTijO a acara I ui eta a a!--! tnm C a ISatk. Ara I aftaaay " C W1WB soo pacific imi. To AUPciiiTJliUt . SnU.I vestibale traioa. eosusatwa of pal ace ateeping ears, laxn low diniag can. eiegant day eoacswa. sBacaiaoeat toon at carstsd rree eoioaiat sleepers frota the Pfc- ciSc to lite Abaatie wtihe-t cbaase IMPERIAL LIMITED eic-wioe; tee Ameria eoa:iarnt hi 4 days. Finer and faser toaa aay competitor COST DIkBCT ABO CBk-AraT bout r Kooicnny) Iissin? f District SAxrsr. BEW DDIU, locab cn. BSXSO KAIO. TBarw BOSSLABD AB0 AO poiata i the Okaaafraa Consttry. Ge a pamphlet giving a fall ieaoriptiea of this wonderful country. Ask tbe sjreet for a copy of tbe miaiag laws of Britasi Columbia. Lowes rates o aad rroaa ETJBOPE Atlaatic reamahip Royal Hail Steaznshi linn fa nhinn. n nrl Jan CASADlAB aVstvjuxab STBaarxa BOSOIXLC. TW A"T ACTTaaLLa. The sbortxst lioe to tae Cclosuas. Thme steamers carry aa experienced medscai soaa. aad a sCearardess on every voyage. For time tables pamptticta, or aay ia ormation, call oa or addresa. Rv t li t;.i. V KJ COTi3. Vf u it: l. -I aad. Or. GEO McU.8 R'IVS, D P. A aaeoiver M CAPACITY .'neitutloi In the Valley. OUKWORK Li Cnsurpte In Oregon. Lave the best stock ic. select from and our price to always the lowest, quality Ct.iisltlered SMILEY, The Pr. .iter ti y. LE341 DIRECTOR Albanr W R Bilvo. Foehay A Mason Mock. H Bryant. P O block. A ndereon Cannon, PO'lock. J X Duncan. P O blocs: T P Hacktemaa, Pearee clock, Jadge H H Hewitt, P O blocks N B Ham oh rev. i Kelly A Curi. bank bulMiaa;. L H Mottanve. Peavroe bixa) J C Powell. P O blocka CESox,PQbJock, L L bwaaa. Bank building. H 3 Watson, bank building. Weettbartord A Wyatt. Baak baQdiag . Whitney A Newport, Cuaick block. " O W Wright, PObloek. Lebanon. 6 M Garland. BrownsTille. A A Tossing. Scio, n iis.v CIX PERCENT LOANS. I hare a i KtOfi- ta lnaia. M. O limited amount of tirst-claes farm eecuritrv ar imnmcawt business property ia Albany. Intareat six per cent for particulars call oa or aidresa. rl. F. Maaaru, Deoocrat building., Albany, Oregon.- ADWiXSSTIATCaS KaTtCEa NOTICE IS HKREBT GIVEN TeAr the undersigned has beea duly appointed by the County Court of Lias county. Ore gon, as tbe administrator with tae will annexed of tbe estate ot Joha H. Bats man aad Phoebe Batautan, deceased. Aay and all persons having siaunt agaiast sai d estate are cere by notified 0 creeeet th same do.) verified as by lw required to rn, or to my attorneys, Weatherfor d Wyatvattneirotik'eat Albany, Orecea wtibin ait miatba frota the date hereof. Dated Ultgta day of Kay, 1-S9. Pbtir brtHBB. Adm'r with the wul aanessd.' WaATBEaruKn it Wtavt. Atty'artw AJoi'r. v . UI.M C3- mUKZl CJV!?ANT , Albany Qrro OfBoet Bat of Oregon Buildiatt : Only vet of abstracts of Liaa County, '' Complete set f maps and pints. X OTlCE.Hve you a farm for salw i X or rem or uo yoa snow or any per ron boldinf lands tbat tbey wish to dis- pose of. If so please write to vay axe at of the OR A.N. Co. and be will nd yon a circular which will tnterewt wrwt. FOR SALE. About twenty nouaua of geeee feat hers, nice and clean, just reno vated. Call on F. O. Powers Bioadalbia reeWWiil take orders for renovating; a then. S K 4 ' 1