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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1899)
tMM -a- IiMtiriiTJit fit MoHbAY.... ..i::.h mmk masou Wholesale Y. Retail DEMISTS AHD BOOKSaUS. 4 LEANT. ORKQOM Pace Drugs and the finest and Largest 8tock of Stationary and Boo. . the Market. " SUMUQNSi In thb Circuit Court or was statk or Orboon for Limn Ioustt. Department Vo,i Jolin A Sooth. olaintiff va Maria M Claypool, William N Uajpool. Rosa h LetHer, J B Kennedy, Fred a Ca others, Elisabeth Carotbera, Nency E Uid. and 'Matthew O Gill, her husuand, Jobs F Howell, and Lillie boell, Li wife, Alary T Cole, and J V Cole, her huebai.d, David P Howell, Martha J Jobiiut , and loaae Johnson, her husband, Ueorve V Howell, James Graas, Jamea Hemy Crane, Craavti Eades, Zona Eadee.Uoy Eades, Lena Eadea, Samuel M Howall, William i'araer, Wash ington W Howell, and Da,) ton K Howell, - defendant. To x'rei A Carother. Elisabeth Car- other. Jobs V Howell, Lillie Howell, David i Howell, Martha J Johnevi . In an John aon, Ueorge W IJowell.JanK- cransjamies Henry Crans, Wahlngoa W Howel'. and Dayton K Howell, above iw med. defend faota: In the name of life urate of Ortgon, you and each of you are hereby tttiuird ioc pear and anawer thecompiaiu. a led against vua in toe auove entitled suit witnio six woeka from the fi.-st publication ot (his summons, towit, on or before tbe 14th da of July, 1893. And if you fail to to appear aa I abawei, tor v. ant thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for t he reli-1 prayed for in aaid comp'aint.towit: A deme d daring and aujudging that neither the aaid defendant, nor any of ihern.aave any right, estate or interest in or to tbe fol lowing described real property, towit : Beginning at a point which is N 89 trees 43 minotea E 28.46 cnaina frcaj Hu N W oorner of the Donation Land Cl of David aad Naacy Claypool. NotiScation no nu, uim No. 48, in tp 11 S 11 1 W of the vVillamette Meridian. Onuron. theaee N 89 deg 48 min K 11.64 cnaina to an anfrte in iba North line of said donation land claim, tteoce S 63 dear 28 min K on J , the N line of aaid donation land claim 45.26 cnaina to the N. corner of the land set apart to Samuel R Claypool by order of the iMiaary uourt ot Hun county, Oregon, mane m ine iA-cemoer irm tnereor, jsoj. thence 8 50 crams to the S boondarv line of aaid donation land claim, thence N 63 oes-. jo to i n w on aaid tooth boundary use to. a p?rnt aoe soain ot tne place ot be ginning, thence North to the place of I e ginning, containing 965 acres more or less, i ia Liaa county, tae of Jrgon, and that the plaintiff ha a (rood and valid fee aim pie title to tbe aaid premises and to every part thereof;? and for a decree that thede . feadaata, and each of them, be lortvereu- " joined and haired from asserting any claim whatever in or to aaid premise advene to the plaintiff, aad for inch further relief aa to the court may seem just and equitable. This summoaa i served npon ou by publication thereof ia Thb Statr 'Kiobts JJaaocaav, by an order of tbe Hon. U-o. Barton, county jidce ot Ltnn county. Oregon, dabd slay St. 1899. and tne due of the first publication hereof i lone 2nd, 1899. . Hewitt k Pox. Attorneys for pUiati ff. Race With k Lawyer; The race hone champion of Stayton and Scio are again in trouble. Yester day . A. Downing commenced action in the circuit court against Chaa. Lots, for $100 attorney fee, coat and disbura raenta. Attorney Downing alleges that he was hired by Lata to adjust oertain difficulties prowino out of the first race. That he euea the bank of Fcio and at tended to other matters for which he WantatlOO. To collect thir h attached the same race mare.- "Bell Flynn." Deputy Derhv took Dosatftsion of the mare ard olaced her in charge of W. W. Elder. Mr. I nti and hia friend em ployed L. U. McMahon to look after their interest and served a notice on Mr. Deouh Derhv to the effect that the horse attached ia the property of F. Jack Maxwell, of Liko. Waah. Thia resulted in the plaintiff being required to put up oonug, which be did, and tne case ia now rady for future develo, menu. Statesman. . A Treat Every Night. The Sam Bhaw Company will bei(in a week'i engagement at the Armory to night. The Statesman says: "The Shaw company played 'The Phoenix" to per- lecuou iaai nignt, a large audience wit nesainirit. Today thacomttanTKO to Al bany, where a week' engagement la to be filled and the Albany- people moat prepare lor a uieatmal treat every night mai onaw ana ma aggregation are in their city." Thia we t-known organisation make its initial bow to an Albany audience, at the Armory Hatl tonight, presenting a rural comedy, written expressly for Mr. . entiuea "f armer Ktebbina." The play is on the order of "The Old Homestead," and abounds in quaint &ew. Eug'snd comedy and character Btudiev its action ia sensational and melo-dramatio and holds th intAmat nf tne audience throughout the evening Clever specialties are introduced by com- anisis, ana we music ry tne com- evening's performance. Seats on sale at Burkhart & Lee's arcg store. , Tbi Tidal Wva In order to accom modate the growing demand on the part oi rortiand people for facilities to reach l aquina bay in the bathing season with out so much loss of timcS from business, tbe Southern fac fie baa arranged with the Corvalha t Eastern so that a nirht tram will run between Portland and Ya- quina. ft will kave the union passenger station, Portland, Saturday eveninge at 7, leave Albany at H30 and arrive at Ya- quma at 6:30 Snndar morninsm. Ka. turring, it will leave Yaqaina Sundav evenings at o'clock and arrive in Port- tana tae next morning at 7:45. For these Saturday-Monday excursions. $A iu cover tne enure cost of trans porta tion. Oregonian . Apartment Ko 1 ot the Circuit. Court convened at 0 o'clock this forenoou I. u iir r m tt : . i. T 1 . T I u Miti ff jt u. uaii irtvu tf uugo jur- hett in charge. W. C. Tweed ale and W II. Warner, bailiffs. Tfia rl "U k ft f vim tlivoticl. In fotl mn hour. It revealed, about thirteen cases J that will probablv bn Uied this term, in- eluding two criminal and two civil cases I . . T3 r If ! s 1 . l 1 c. vjf. hi i is, criminal uuava oaui Mills and Everett Carden, besides what the giand jury will furnish. It ia said the case agt M. T. McUrath for murder may. be disposed of by the defendant pleading guilty oi murder in the second degree, and being sentenced to the ten- herniary for life. The following cases lave been dis posed of: Jim Chow and Little Jim vs J B Chit- wood et al, recovery nionev. Continued. 11 Bryant vs C L Beach, recovery oi money, attachment. Continued. WAMcClainagtOCAEHR and 0 E R R Co, damages, Nonsuit on n o- tion of plaintiff. J H Mattison agt AG Priil.rec money. Nonsuit on motion of plaintiff. Pope, Anderson A Co agt 8 U Temple ton, ree money. Continued. B R Pendleton sgt W H Looney et al, rec money, attachment. Nonsuiton mo tion of plaintiff. J 8 Van Winkle, vaardian a?t Hiram Tyree et al, rec money, attachment. settled. Jennie Alexander aet M Cunnimrham admr rec money. Nonsuit ou motion of plaintiff. Martha Schooling agt J O Drinkaid. rec nionev. Juitumm.t hv default ...Whitman A Barnes Mfg Co ant R W Nichols, rec. money. Judgment by de- Schilling's Best money-back tea and baking powder at Yonr Grocers Grange Meeting. Grand Prairie Granse No. 10. Satur day June 24, 1899, conferred the 3rd and 4th degrees upon a class ol four, follow ed by a "Harvest Feast," or rather a regular '-love least," celebrating as well tie fact (hat it now is without doubt the banner grange nf the state, i aving a membership of 104. Hon J. 11. Scott, president of l ino County Council, and Mrs. Scott aere prteent, also Mrs. Romine, of Harmony Grange. By a unanimous vote Grand Prairie sends greeting to all grangers and s- pecially of Benton and Linn counties, to meet with them in the Linn County Council Saturday July 1st next. The in ladiea of the Grans carried the day favor of a regular old fashioned dinner, There will be songs with mandolin ac companiment, music Irom a violin in the hands of a skillful player, songs Dy the choir; all these interspersed isranue choir: all these Robert Andrews am W R Garrett, rec through the regular program outlined money. Settled. . Schuttler A Hots sgt Gibson M.ers et rec money. Battled. Sugar Pine Mill and Fix Co sgt J B uioheard, rec money. Continued. 1 aar a . n v i i&ner agt camuel rergusan et al, rec money, attachment. Settled. T B Wait airt I. T liarr nc nin J ' v aney agt i nos Large, rec money, attachment. Judgment by de fault. , br the last meetina of the council. Grand Prairie agreed to be promptly on hand aud at 10 o'clock the council will open, so please all come early and have a grand rally ttr a long summer's day. C. II. Walkkb, Committee on correspondence. Picnic at Brownsville. SCU123XS. lx TaaCracorrCouaTorTHa state or OaseoM roa Limh Cocott. Departmeat No. 3. A J ttirscn, plaintiff vs. 0 G Burkhart and Clara A butkhart, hia wife; jbeLina County National Bak, a corporation: L Fuse, i H Bark tart. J W Cua ck and E D Coaick, paitnera dotng basiiiets under tbe firm name of J W Coaick A Co. J P Wallace, Thomas Johns, and P H Mar lay, defendants. ' To P H alariay and J H Burkbart, above named defendants: la the name of the stale of Oregon,. yon are hereby reqiirec' to appear and answer tbe complaint filed against you ia the above entitled suit wiibia six weeka from I ha first publication of this summons, lo wir, oa or before tl e 14ih day of July, 1899. Aad if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the eo rt for the relief prayed for ia said complaint, towit: For a judgment against tbe defendants C G Bmkbart and Cara A bark hart ia the uui of 41233 .00, wit interest thereoa at the rate of tea per cent per ana am Irom the 3rd day of May, 1895, in the further sum of $140.C0, as at torney's fees, and for hia costs and dis-, bursemeais herein; for a decree that the mortgage set out ia plaintiff's complaint be foreclosed; and that lbs. following oo ' scribed premises, to wit: Befrinning at a roint 4 37 efaaina west and 16.38 cnains North of the Southeast corner of tbe do nation Land Claim of John Bcrkhart and wife. Notification No. 68, Claim No. 51, ia Township 11 South, Racge 3 Wett of ihe Williamette Meridian, in Lion County, Oregon, and running theme eat 21.60 chains, thence North 9.31 cbaios. thence East 21.60 chains, thence South 9.31 chains to the place of beginning, containing 20 acres, more or lets; alio, blocks No 48 and SO in Goltra's para addition to the city of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, be sold in tbe manner prescribed by law, tnd the proceeds applied: first, to tbe pay ment of the coat and disbursement ot ibis suit and the expenses of tbe said aale; Setoad, to.the payment of tie judgment re covered by the plaini-.ff herein; Third, tbe overplus, if any, to be applied aa tbe court may be advised and iua direct, and for such other and further relief aa o the court ma) seem just and equitable. This summon is arrved npon yen by publication ia Tns Statu Rioht Daao caav, by an order of the Hon- Geo D Barton, county judge of Lias county. Ore sjnn, dated May 31. 1899. ana tbe date of the first publication hereof is Tune 2, 1899. Hewitt k Sox, Aitornejs for plaintiff. AOMINISTSATKU NOTICE. NOTICE 18 EEBEBT.GIVEN THAT the Count Court of Linn county. Oregon, ha appointed Ihe undcrsitrned ad ministratrix of the estate of Viranda L. Williams, deceased. A'l persons having c airns against tbe estate of aaid deceasHl are hereby required to present tbe same to tha nndersiitned at tt office of Keller A Curl, in Albany, with tbe proper vouchers therefor within six months from tbe date of tbe tublication of tbia notice. Dated May II. 1899 MaJtTli. WfLLTAM. Kkllt k Cubx. - Adminisviatrix. Attys for Administratrix . NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe County Court of Lino Co, appoin ed the ondersia;ned administratrix of tbe estate of lames M Williams, deceased. JUI persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the uudersiyned at the nffif! of Kftliv k Curl, in Albany, Oregon, with the nrorjer voucher therefor within six month from the date of tbe publica tion of this notice. Dated May 11, 1899 . Mabt L. William, Kiixt k Coat, Administratrix. Attys for Adm'ix. "DSIIKISTRATOR'S KOTICE. 1 Notice is hereby given that tbe uadrr signed baa been by tbe county court of I.inneounty, Or., apoointed administra tor of the estate of Ludlow Maxwell do miuiI. All pertrns bavlna claims against said person and estate are requir ed V present tbem to the undeisigned at a Ibanv. Or., within six month from tbe uate hereof, with the vouchers thereof. Alhanv. MaT 19. 1899. J. WarttnisT O . A. Aachiald. Alt'y for adm'r. Administrator. SMIfRATRIX fiOTICE Some of the Junction people tot funnv snd had it published that O. C. ("Lan") Taylor, recently returned from Mexico, would fight a bull at the Junction Fourth of Julycelebration. "Lan" did sot take Uis announcement as a joke, and has puDiiatMHi a card, informing tbe people tnt be is not in tbe bull fighting busi The following frraiul inrv was rKnun M. Achison foreman, J. D. Arthur. J. H. Scott, W. E. Potter, J. J. Spalinger, J. 8 Bell and Wm. Robinett. S, N. Steele was appointed bailiff to Uke chanre of tne same. In the case of Homer Mills, indirtjwf lor raoe.the defendant anra-are.! an.l trill a.M pteau tomorrow at 8. a. m. In the Case of Charlea Siavin. in.VvteJ for larceny of cow. tomorrow at 9 a. m. was set for pleading. In the caaa of eiarenm Uimn u lor rooo'-ng Japanese bouse at tlalaey tuwwuBooani waaaiscnarged, tne Japs being out of the state. IothaesMnf if t ir Grath. tried aad the first degree, sppealed to tbe supreme court, reversed and sent back for a new trial, the defendant changed hia plea of not guilty to guilty of murder in the second degree, by consent of the district attorney, aad testimony was taken ia the case aa provided by statute. To morrow the court will present iU find ings and tbe defendant will oe sentenced to the penitentiary for life. The Linn County W. C T. U. and the Linn Countv Prohibition Club bave un ited to give a grand temperance raiiy ana picnic at Brownsville Juiyltn to wuicn everybody is cordially invited to attend. rcev. Kay rainier of Portland ana Mrs Narciasa White Kinney, preaident of the v . U. 1. V.. will deliver tbe principal s. The M iases Slieak , daughters of Prof. Sheak. of Pbilontata. will be heard in several selections of vocal musk snd other exercises will make tbe enter tainment well worth bearing. morning Auncn. The members of the alumn of Albany College are requested to meet tonigtu at 8 o'clock at the residence of airs. a. u. Irvine. passage oa The Booth-Kelly Co, took charge of vuumj aaw mill lOuAjft. About fbrtv people took .u uiu nroraing. You may get ia trouble if won dc'nnt put your lights on your bicycle when night comes on. whu-h u at iut h o'clock. The taxes of the fine Mtal w. -.M Albany last Saturday eveningmouniing to $317, and being for three years. ineiia a son of Altago, a native of Linn countv, was recently sold ia the eaatfor$650. The Aitamont stock is a'l right, an Eastern EUr lodge will be organis ed at Star ton tonight. Several promin ent Masons will attend from different parts of the Tajjey. The Eugene Guard boasts of a rose that measured nineteen inches in cir cumference. Certainly APjaay eaa beet lhat as big as it is. This is a row city. Mr. Peter K looser has sold bis saloon on Kerry atreet to Paul Schmidt, of CorvaUis. who will take charge of it oa Inly 1 makinir tmdmliiiiin have bought out Albany saloons within a few weeks. The Riverside school on tbe Corvallii rosd. Miss Lena McCormick teacher, closej last weea with sn excellent pro gram, presented Saturday evening be fore a big bouse. Several went out from aluany on their bicycles. Luey, the Chinaman, who hat been walking around talking t himself for sometime, was placed in the calaboose over Sunday, and this morning was ex smined by Dr. Trimble. Though some what non compos mentis he is not con sidered insane, uiore ick than anything, and was discharged. Mr. Kogy, of Portland, is in tbscity ia the interest of tbe North west Herald me of tbe best papers ever gotten out ia the state. J ue uorvallif x Eastern continues to make improvements. Agent Turner sys Joha Sievens bss a new suit of clothej. Joseph A Bumbsuah baa a .Id 80 at: ran ot laud across tbe river to August Kt ger for fl.725. i- : i I lie best refrigerators ana ice cream freezers at Stewart A Sox Hardware Co,e C1TATIC3 tw if rOTICE 18 HKREBY GIVEN THAT tns County Court of Linn county Oregon, ha appointed fbe undersigned adminisoratrix of the estate of Julia A Kenda'l. All persona having claim against said estate are herebr required to present the same to the undersigned at tie office of Kelly k Curl, 1 Albany, Oregon, with the proper vouchers therefor, within six month from the date of the publica tion ot tne nonce . Dated May 11, 1809. Mart L. Williams, Ecixar k Cubl, Administratrix. la thb Coi'btt CoTjar or thb Staib Obeoom fob Limb Cooktt. In the matter of the estate of . Andrew Ralston, oeeeeaed. To ette fUistoB, M.J. Ralston, Jennie Ktlston, John Balaton, Harta A. Stewart, S. M. Kalstoo. Uoben Ualstoa.J. B. Rais ton, W. t, Ral.ton, and ai etnara in tended ia tne above nam.d estaie, gteet- ing. 1NJI8E NAME OF THE STATE OF Ores, you sre hereby cited snd required to appear in tbe County Court of tbe state of Oregon, for tbe county of Mnn at the court room ibereor, at Albany, in aaid county, on Saturday the 8th dav of Julv 18Ua, at Une o clock in tbe afternoon ot that day. then and there to show cause if any ton or either of jou have why aa order sboula not be tnsde aatboming and em powering tbesdminiatratnx of aaid estate to sell tbe following described real prop erty belonging to said estate prayed for in tne petit on of M J . Ralston on file herein, towit: Beginning at tbe Northwest corner rl tbe Southeast quarter of section. 26 Tp 13 south ot range 1 East Willamette meridian and running South 24 rods to a county road, thence East 14 rods, thence North 24 rods, thence west J rod to rue place beginning containing two acres more or lea in lnn county. Oregon. Also the E of Sec 26, Tp 13 South of rsrgs Une Esst in Linn county, Oregon, containing 160 acres more or t . Also Bee talp 13 South range 1 East eoutainlDg 640 acre eicepting40acrsaoldtoA. L Uustafsoa, Vol. oa, pairs also vd acre sold to u. A.. Peck, Vol. 53, page 411 and situated and lying in Linn count7, also a strip of land 30 tt wide lor ngbt of wsy running throagn I Suras land and commences at tbe South west corner of tbs Northeast of -c xa. tnence ft art n west its rod, tbenee West 21 rod, thence West 19 rods to a county road, all in'l'p 13 8 range, I East. Linn county, Oregon, save sal excepting 69 acre sold to Andrew Gostafson. witness, tue Bob. ueo. V H. L. Walden returned this from Corvallis oa the Ruth. Mr. J . B. Malier, the editorial souvenir nmn, was in tne city today. . Jb Chambers and bis girl were at ui sy yesteraay oa tbe excursion. Clarence Dubrille who has been with P. Cohen for several years, bas accepted a post iron ia tbe harness shop of his bro ther J. J. Dubrille, aadwillmake it a basin eaa. Dr. J. ABarper, who recently grad uated from tbe Northwest Dental Col lege of Chicago, arrived in Albany this wwraauipMriM bis former fel low student Dr. A. J. Hodge. Ashland Record : Paul Costal, ot the Ashland Iron Works Uft Tni.. Eocene where he has accepted a poai- tKB. He is a first elaaa workman VlM Costal joins him in a few week. W. G. Wood arrivt! tmm Ta A w.l this morning and is rejoiced at being in thia valley again, after being dried up for two or three years. Hia family will follow la about a month. Rev. Bill, a Bandat miniatr nf land, CaL, accompanied by hia vrifa and two children, passed through Ashaad Tuesday oa bis way to Medlord. fie is f bT2.hep 01 Mrs. w. I. Vawter. Asb Und Town Talk. Mrs. Dr. F. L Ball, of Portland- ran op oo the noon train. Dr. Ball will be here tomorrow. Dr. and Mrs. T. U. Ball, of Astoria, are alreadjr her, and Mr. Charles Cusick, parmaciit at the asylum arrived tbia nooa. Prof. Chaa. M. Anderson, leader of our cornet band, baa accepted a position aa instructor with the Medlord band and will remain with it until after the 4th of JulyAshland Town Talk. A former Albany man. A. T. GruretL a Linn eoanlv tMrlmr who haa been attending school st Mon mouth for two aod a ball years, waa in auoany Baturaay on bis wsy to Lebanon. He is new in poaceeaion of a aiat lib diploma which was granted to him by Utat iastttution. Mr. G. A. Wes Urate save a conchies- party last Saturday evening enjoyed by about twenty of bis friends, tbe big Re vere nouse bus being used. An enjoy able trip was made to Sanderson's bridge where a live rain storm occurred lor a few momenta. Mr. Westgate is a very courteous entertainer. Rev. J. T. Abbett. castor of the Eu gene M. E. church, will Leave on the overland train Monday morning to at- we international convention ol tbe cpwortta League of the M. E. church wbich convenes in Indiananolis. fnd.. July 20 to 23 inclusive. While East he will visit his aged parents, 75 and 74 respectively, whom be has not seen for six years, will make stops at Rensel aer, Delphic and transport of that sute. Rev. Abbett takes a beautiful Cvef made of mentenita from Crater ke to Mnpseat to the presidium officer. Eugene Guard. W. C. T. TJ. The regular meeting of tbe W. T. U. will be held at Mrs. Dr. Irskine's tomorrow afternoon. Tuesday. Jane Z7tb at 3 o'oiocfc. A lull attend' aaee ia 'desired. Sbctcstabt. ....TUESDAY- Properly Used. The late Capt. L. L. Pickeur, of tbe 24 regiment, now at Oregon City , has is sued to tbe Cortland fcrnergency Corps and auxilisry corps, a statement of tbe receipts aad expenditures, a matter that was considerably discussed at one tima. It shows the receipt by Cspt, Pickens lor Co. I, of $300. of which f 10 was from Al bany, aad the expenditure of all for the sick, by tbe purchase of needed delica cies, but MJ 44 which wss turned over to Capt. Phillips. Ttte report show that everything was done rquarsly anJ cooscienttosaly, and ia a manner that must certainly be sautlacory to the vorp. At tbs DaroT. A much needed im provement is being msde at the depot. Tbe ticket office, which bsa heretofore been badly cramped will be extended across the building .also lbs ladies waiting room, and tbe gentlemen's waiting room is being its proved, while the bar has Leeo removed, from, the p'ace it baa occupied since the building was erected, sod upoa tbe expiration ol the license the first ol September, will be removed Irom the building entirely, when there will be ia it place a ciar stand and lunch counter. A Sax FaAxctsco Excraaiojr. Dr. C. W. Barr, of Lsbsooo, who bss bsd a great deal of experience la the bosicsss is arranging for a big excursion from this valley to Sao Frajciaco, hoping to get people to make this trip iostaad of tuoir usual trip to the mouatains or Bay. He bss securea a rate ol lees tnao one fare for tbe round trip. Writ him ! . particulars. He will be ia Albany to ' few days in connection wiJi the exc aioo. A Paste Down ins Rrrss. Tbe Sab bath Schools of the Presbyterian and V P churches will units next Saturday ia picnic on the Albany down tbe river. Tbe boat will leave here at 8 am, aad return by 6 or 7 o'clock. Prof. Scbmitt and Elliot lrvioe bas been appointed treaanrer. Tbe party wiU be limited to 250. If not taken by the sehoole a few tick eta will be ald to oo'sisra and can be secured of tbe t assurers. Watches: Watches! Watches! We bav just received direct from tbe factory a large stock of the celebrated Doeber-Usoipdea wsiehe-, TBE WORLDS BEIT. These watches were bought for cash and we offer soecisl bargains. F. M. Faaxca, Tbe Jeweler, ' Upon convening this morning after running through tbe docket the court balled tbe esse of M.T. McGrith, and pronounced the judgment of tbe court, npon his plea oi guilty of murder in tbs second degree made yeiteraay, that be be sentenced to the penitentiary for life being guilty of murder In the second de fret. Time was wived snd be stood up for sentence. Upon being liked if be lied anything to y he remarked broken ly: "I am very, very sorry for tbe act, and that I brought disgrace on my family and children, and that I did tbe deed, but 1 was goaded to desperation . I am vers, very sorry. ' I (hank you for your kind ness " Then he nuried bl face ia hU bsnd snd wept, a broken down old men. Hjmer Mills indicted for rape, plead guilty ana win tw trrd tomorrow per baps. Charles Slavena Indicted (or la-ceny o' a cow, pleaJ aot guilty aud will be trud tomorrow. ' . Oregon agt Morria. larcen of ouli- ho money, 1896. Dismissed and resub mitted to grand Surv. . Oregon agt P U Morris, larceny of pub lic money, tsira. came. vt m une agt n it Kiser et al, rec money Judgment by default. uharie i.uts agt Bank of Sclo, rec money. Dismissed. John Harder resp agt Aug Link, ap peal. cruicttor aeiendant. 81 Shore agt E J Daly, ejectment. vonunueu. John Swanson admitted to eitisensliip: Publications Concerning Oregon; Te United Steles Geological Survey bas recently published a folio ol the Roseborg quadrangle of Oregon, and its price is 26 cent. It contains topographic and geologic msps, with text, by J. 8. Diller, drscribiog the reologie features and mineral resources of the region. Topographic ino of the Cooe Bav aed Ponlaod quadrangles, snd a special map of Crater Lake, with text, by Mr. Diller. hsve been published and are for sate at b cents earh. A paper entitled "A Geological Recoa naiseaoee Nortnweeiern Oregon" baa been published in tbe Seventeenth An nual Reno, t, anc another n "Tbe Cooe Bay Coal Field". shoot to appear io the Nineteenth Annual Report, aod another on "ins.rJoiiemla utntntr Keetna' will before the end of th year. . Theee pa per may oe ootained gratis by application to tbe director. All common:cations relating to publi cations shoo I J be address o The Dir ector, UnitaJ States tieoogioal Survey. nasntngtoall. U. The Shaw Co. Parson's Band bsi bee'd engaged for the season for tbe stste fair at 87fl. Mrs. RosaKlum baa brought suit for divorce against her husband M. D. KJum; ., 90 cents round trip, rate to Salem to Del Norte exhibition tomorrow. Good on the Ruth going and Albany returning - air. uwen martin a lea at tne poor rui muv eunnay at me age Ol io years of paralyiis. He leaves a wife and nine children. The little Riley boy's Utile horse fell todsy while the former wss riding him somewhat bruising the expert young horseman. . A Portland from ber h us hand, an engineer. ays that uo aiways acieo as u ue tuougtit be wss the "mogul" snd "whole locomotive." inauks, Mr. Peacock, for a couple of boxes ot Big Bob strawberries, a better berry than tbe .Sharp's because more onu, more lus.rous snd possessing a ueuer uavor. The ladies of the Baptistchurch will give a social at tbe parsonage on next rreunes lav evemnv. Jnna v a nn.i, of straw berries andcream will be served rrom o to v o'clock. Jb-rerytxxly invited. Lunch 10 cents. , - Cora mi ties are being sppointed in nearly all the valley town to mske ar rangements for receivinz the volunteer on tueir return home. Albany bas not yet acted but will do so in the proper time and will not be behind it neigh bors. , The Maccabeea have oWljul ih t,iU.. ing oiucers lor the eosuiog term : G. W SOCIAL AND PERSONAL lion. u. t Utiamberlain came up from Portland this noon. 3 ' One of the restaurant men of Albany is wj o cemea Deoeaist this week. Judge Bnrnett is at the head of Jllie Corvallis reception committee for the volunteers. Miss Nellie Hunkers returned yes'er day from Scio accompanied by Mis Nel lie Bilyeu. Rev. W. E. Copeland, of Salem, at the Pearce Memorial church next Sat urday, on tbe "Van with tbe Hoe.1 , Mrs. Clint Monroe aod Mi Van Wiadle. who have been in the cits sev eral week returned to their home in Portland this noon, The Mora Imilpr anva that Trr Trtrina M. Smith, a former Linn county young man nas ouutupa large and lucrative practice in that city, . Prof. F. M. Mitchell baa been onanir montly reelected principal of the school "wston, a aesfrvea recognition 01 s competent teacher. Professor Lee. Torbet and Walker sna Mr. Tor bet hsve returned from a several das rustication in tbe county along tbe Saatiam. Robert snd Veda TnrVart will nA tbe summer on the farm of their hrnth. er-in-law near Independence, assisting in tbe work of the fsrm. Miss Mae Pollock of the Waitahnr Academy, who is spending ber vacation mostly at Junction with her pareatsris Goff commander," C..8. Ham'sh, ' Ix. i" 'be city visiting Albany friends The Editors. Mr. Albert Tosier telegrspbs tbe Dsat- ocbat that tbe members of the National Editorial Aisociatioa will make aa ex cursion up throogta the valley 00 Soo- uay. jaiy v, taking dinner bare 00 their arrival at 12:10 o'clock. Tbe Albany ummittsa to arranee Icr tbe eotartainment of the aditora rooaitia of Edwta 8 one. H. J. horxina. C B Winn, J. J. Graham aad M. Senders. It bas come, the time for gttting a re frigerator and ice cream freezer. Tbe Stewart A Sox Hardware Co., bave some of tbe best. Sensible Talk to Albany People, About two weeks ago tbe Boston Shoe Company arrived here and opened a aale of fine shoes and then stated that they oukl remain here only four weeaa, While it ia true that a great many people bave taken advantage of this opportun ity, ana nought boot and shoes lor less thaw aay retailer can boy them, and therefore must be more than satis fied with their saving of money, for a saving of 60 cents or a dollar on every pair of shoes must in these times ce acceptable yet we would like to know this: If it is true, as we ware informed before coming here, that in the city of Albany without including the surrounding country, there is a pop ulation of 6,000, why many more or all do not come and get shoes while there is yet time.' We will remain here only one reek longer. Why delay? . Why not come at once? We never carry shoes sver if it can be helped. The prices sre it'll lower thaa ever. Remember, only one week more to buy high-grade shoes for very little money. Boston Shoe Coos puny, First Street. Next to the Re vere House, Albany, Oregon. S. Stoltx. at Geo. Fish's old stand, does plumbing snd tinning, pomptly and skillfully at bottom prices. Try him MARRIED. COSICK BALL. Oa Wedneer,a,.Jone 24, 1699, at tee residenre ot tbs pride s mother, over the posiohiie. in Albany, by Bev. H. L. Kecd, Mr. inane i;os ick, pharmacist at the insane asylum. snd Miss Matlie Ball, 01 tbia city. The weddlne was private. Alter weddiaa dinner Mr and Mrs. Cusick left on th noon train for Portland, from wbicb they will return io a few days to Salem to reside. 10 01 Albany worthy and popular vouug people they have the best wibe of many tor th prosperity and happiness they certainly deserve. CARMAN KISZER. At Crebree, June 27. 1899. at the home o! tbe bride's parents, by R. Sbeltoo, Jostle of tbe Peace of Scio, Mr. Frank Uar man ard Miss Leatha E Klnser Tuer go to Portland today aod then to the c tv down by the sea: 00 tneir re tnrn will make AlbaliV tHeli lutuie homeu Tbev have tbe beet wishes ol their many friends. (L.8) Attest: for tbs County ef Linn, with the Seal of said Court affixed, this 1st day of June, A. D., 1899. The camp meeting people who have been holding meetings in the eastern part of the city on the banks of the claasio Peonywinkle, left this morning lor tne north on tne Kutn. as a result of their labors here there were eleven baptisms last Saturday afternoon, three men anci eight cniiaren. A double-headed, three-eyed, short tailed calf was born near Long Creek last Mav. It has four nostrils, two tongues, three eyes, three under jaw and a tail three inches long. W. G. 1 tf . 1 t a 11 1 El I V A. J Barton. Jodw of tbe Countv teneJ ."-5!"-"",wV ,?u"?" rt ,1 -o. . . rv. ' 1 01a ana Kjur uv miuci ru uu tutor- V""" ' " " Y v,""" M In If in C, W Htackwell for 12M. Tbe Sam T.Sfasw Co. opaaed a week's engagement In Albany last night ing Farmer Stsbblos, tbe ttory of a rooatrymsa who went to tbe eity aad bad a rrgo'ar pieok of a time learning many thiags be never knew before, but coming out aU rignt. Mr. Shaw bss s strong support in Mr. Gilbert, Stanley Ross, Miss Jennie K niton. Mr. Uoolev aad others, io fact tbe woole company is a etroog 00. Tbe company's band is s good en an. the orchestra doss first class work. Those attending theee performance are treat ed to first c'aa work at popular price. Toaigni the company will be seen ia Miltoa Noble's story of nialng-camp life, entitled "From Sire to 60a." The plsy is a melo-drame. full of startling ClisBSxe aad intense beart-iBtarwt. Wltboot desceadine to the Wcl of blnrvi aad tboadsr. Its comsdy is brigtit and spmraiuig ana toe inira act rrw.i 00- oprtuaity for the display of eJejaet cc tames, which will appeal to the ladlee la toe audience. ixmrvJ. . Xroutman, Sergt , W. H. "arner al. at a., John Uoocklin chap., C. Sugle 1st M. G., J. E. Custer 2nd m! jhiuyp bob., . a. tjox picket. The bov and e-irla ancUliAa nl Presbyterian cburth veaterdav aftrnnnn took a hay rack ride to Knox's Butte, where thev had a picnic on th Kin. They report a wsy up time, aa high as iu tup 01 un Butte ana returned rejoic ing over tbe fun they had bad. For annual meeting of National VA- ucational Association, the Southern P.. ride 1 ompanySbaata Route)will make eSS.00 round trip rate to Loa Angeles, by train leaving Portland at 7:00 P. M. Julv 7th. Ttcketa will he good to Sept ember 4th, and permit stopover oa re turn trip. On July oth, 6U1, 7th, oth, and 9th, round Uip ticket to Loa Ange les wiU be sold at IW.00 rate, allowing stooovar ia either direction, and final limit of September 4th. Side coaU ' at low rate. ... . ...WEDNESDAY CIRCUIT COURT. WB B BBS. . .' Kuoin i rot iky agt The Farmers' & Merchant's In. Co, mandate froui Su preme court, continued. Lelig W sctorowiu et al. aft Th Farm. era A Merchants' Ins. Co. mandata from ouprrme court. oo tinned. m v 1 .. . " vuijto mx juiiq jueirert. rec "J. Jury trial. Verdict for plain- MAI. Tboe Monieith agt Nettie Monteith. rec money. Jury trial. Verdict for de- lenaanu Oreeon art Robert Forem. 7-.1 for larcenv of cattle. Plead iwa mit, Cootinued: . ' Oregon act IJenrr Williams. TnL.1 ..MMoJt w,lh dangerous weapoo. iU be tried tomorrow. Oreeon art P O Morria linM. f lie money 'SH-. Reindicted. ' Cooun- nea by 000 rent. Uregoaagt P G Morm. lar-eny of pub lic money "WW. Cootinoxi by cooeent. The care of the State art Km u,i'. for rape, waa tried aad was presented to tuv jury uie mis aiternor B. The grand jury adjourned last evening Oa trie. Oregon agt Cbas Slavia. Cards sre out for the marriage of Mr. Elmer E. Areberd, foreman of the Pre omee, and Mis Delia Bale daughter of the editor of the Prset, te tske place uniouousj, ,Qiys. Mrs. Dr. Gibson, who bas Teen viait ing with her daughter Mrs. P. A. Young several weeks left Monday night for the east where she will spenu some time with her aged mother.; The Eastern Star lodse last evening entertained a number of prominent Leb anon people in a very happy manner. Besides an exemplification of the floor work a good ptogrsm was presented. Chaa. A Piper, tbe wett known rail way mail clerk, bas resigned from tbe service, aud will engage in btutnes with bis brothers, the publishers of the Seett'e "Post Intel. igeocer." Char lev ia oos o tne oldest as well as one of tbe not ef- ocieot and popular clerk oa tbe Aahlaad -rortiand mn and he will be missed. Ashland Tiding. AiDeny people generallv appreciate the splendid service done bjCapifhillip not only for hia coo 1 try but for the members of the company, bis iouoence ubtidb neen lor good aad hia irMimmn Ol toem the beat. Be has proven an empisrv captain and it will b nrivil. ege for tbe people of thia city to express ujvmseiirv in a manner that will be re membered - - I Absolute Guarantee and Eastern Prices On all RAG Corsets and lerri W'it When a customer is not perfectly satis. 6ed a new pair given in exchange for th old one. . Itisoor aim to p'ease and satisfy every person alio purchases and wears our RAG Corset or Ferris wsist. We call special attention to oar 50e sod to our &5c corset which we thins will compare favorably with any f 1.00 corset a this msrket. Received todsy another line of those jopular underskirts for ladies. New Tambeaux Swiss Lare Curtains and dotted swies and art loods lor saili tortaitis. . S.E Younf & Son. Only 10 percent profit. SUMMER GOODS Fine .Clothing" Newest prod art io MADRAS PERCALES and OV ' ELTY Shuts. Fine underwear. The Gold Hunters. A letter was received today by Mr. Hiram Parker, from bis brother Louis near Dawsoa, mailed oa Jane 4. Ac cording t) it he sad bis two partners bad sained naif tbe dirt ia tbeir beach eJaim. ksiibi vaij ZiV ooteesat go. a, modi less than they bad anticipated, so morn so that 00s partner bad sold bis interest, a jo r. rarser was contemplating lett ing and baring a claim oa tbe creek and staying another year ib order 10 make lb oeaired stake. Tangent. COCKERLINE PORTER. On lues- osy June 27, 1699, st II a. m., at the residence of O. T. Porter, in Albany, by R-v. 11. L. Reeo, Mr. Herbert N. Cocksrline, of Eugene and Miss A lies A. Porter, of Albany. The wedding was private. After din ner tbe party took the noon train for Portland and other placer before return ing to Eugene to reside. Tbe groom It the state traveling agent for the North west Lite Insurance Company, is a thorough business man and a gentlemen of excellent character, while tbe bride, recently and for several years a teacher in tbe commercial departmeutof Alosny College, is a Christian young lady be loved by msny. xue nappy couple nave tbe beet wishes 01 our people genersliy. Lawyer O. P. Coabow of Rose burg. b ia the city. Mr. Steven, is ia the ritv tbe guest ot hibrotfaer. W. B. Steven. Kola Nes was ia Eugene yesterday as s wuoees ia a case ia the circuit court there. Rev. Roland Grant will arrive ia Port land July 18 with a party of thirty excursionists. Miss Torbet went to ladeoeadease thia morning oa the Albany on a -visit with ber sister. Mr. Allen ot tbe Shaw CompanTbears atriking resemblance toProLTvree. and weighs about the same.255 pounds. Miss Abbie Fry. formerlv of tbe Al bany schools returned this noon from Washington where she has been, tea ch- ing. License baa been issued for tbe marri age of A. If. Setters aad Battle B. Tern pieton aad W. J. Fisher aad Winnie Sprenger. i- A stated communication of Baixillsi Chapter No 16 O E 8 will be held Io the aseontc tisll Tuesday evening, Jnne 27, 1899, at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Rev.iSmick left this noon for Roseburg. where with ber husband and remainder of family she will spend tbe summer. Licenses bave been issued for the mar riage of A. Jay Templetoa and Miss M. b. tMtutn ano frank Carman and Miss Leatha E Kinase Mr. Ben Barker, who hat been Using a vacattoaot several days uader tbe pa ternal rcoj 10 Albany, will return to his traia at Aah'and tonight. Mr. A. H. Freerkaen. of Albanv. who bas been tbe guest of Mrs. F. B. booth wick, ovsr Sunday, went to Albany to day. Salem Journal. Miss Abbie Wright was in the city this noon on ber way to Uorvalila where she will spend the summer before returning to ber school work in Portland. Mr. Ted Balgero Forest Grove bas accepted a position sa foreman of tbe Dubrille Co' harness msnufscturing department and ie here. His fatuity will move here during tbe week. Jo-eph Koch died at Marys vllle. Calif., a few days ago. lie res'ded at A Ibauy a few months several years ago, making quite a reputation here as a Iraugbts man. ,n . - At a meeting last evening the alumni nf All .n v MdWa lfwied Miaa Flon, La- Son president. Mr. Arthur Foahay vke president and Miss Mai v Stewart Secre tary and treasurer, lor the ensuing year. Prof. Hiram Tyree recently of La passed through Albany yeslsr dsv for Lns Ann lea. to attend tbs meet ing i.f the Nation. I Editorial Association. It It leported thst he may 1 rate in Cal ifornia. Ensign Roliert Monagan, who wfs killed in Samoa, and whose remains were brought to l'ortlnd for burial, was an old school msle of Dr. Trimble of this city, who aliened his funeral being oue ol the pall bearers. Noel II. Jacks, former secretary of th Portland Y. M. C. A., and well known in Albany, is in tbe'state, and to morrow evening will lecture in Salem giving illustration, on " The Y. M. C. A work in the United States army." Me. Jacks having spent lour months with tbe army. A v,ry refreshing shower fell bare Sunday evenuig which will be of avoeh value to all kind of growing crops. Fall grain of all kio is beading out and looks fairly well considering tbe lateness of tbe spring. Spring graia wbicb waa sowed early looks well aod is aaakiag rapid grow to, bat tbe rate so viag is very small aad the prospect ftr a large yield ia aot flattering. rralt will be scarce, no plums, prunes peers aad la many place bat few eber- rie. feariy apples will bo a ranty aad many varieties of tbe later kinds w ill not oe ileaty. Beniee ot al kinds wilt hardly supply the home demands and will be very ecare tor market. Garden 1 late bat ai generally looking well aad growing fast. I Iwn that S. K, Archibald has sold bis slock of rood to 8. If. Slosee wbo will coot is ce tbe business at this place. Mrs. H. 11. White, wbo has been vis iting her parent Mr. aad Mrs. W. O. Hudson, baa goo to foia her husband wbo Is teaching school ia Washington. M. L, Forster, our road bora, ia doing excellent work oa our roads ia the way uf grading aad preparing ttta tor a heavy eoat of gravel, with which be in tends to cover tbem. There is a big black caterp.l'ar eating tbe foliage from the ash limner. Tbe trea are entirely stripped ot their leaves and look like tbsy were dead. Mr. W. U Sharp of Corvallis, was ia Tangent Sundsy visiting. The student wbo were ttecding,tbe O- A.O- have all come borne to spend their vacation. ucsrrcx. A Mill Meetinf. At too council chambers tonight at 8 o'clock there will be a meeting ot citizens to bear the report of tbe committee an tbe price of the property owned by tbs Cot estate sod A. Hacklemaa asked aa a subsidy for a big aaiil by the Curtia La sa ber Co The eommiUerhave received sa o&er of a character to indicate that it will b poaeible.lo raise the obeidy. Go aad hear what tt is. Called by Mayor Berk hart chairman. At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julias Grad wobl will now be found ia bis owa store at tbe above location, better prepared then ever before to serve tbe public with a fiist class stock of 2 crockery and glass ware, and standard glutei tea. The ligheat place la A'beny. Every thing ia sight. Good goods at low price. Mr. Gradwohl bas always done the square thing with hia customers aad will continue to do so. Also writes insurance in rst class companie. IWuse any other floor, except the Ma goo) la BRACK ELI CKINQER. In Albany on Sundsy afternoon, at 8 o'clock, at the home of the brides lather, by Rev. W. D Fen'on, Mr. Daniel Brack and Miss Ada Flickinger, two worthy and popular young people of Albany. They have the best wisher of many jriend. - Fbarx Cbabtbbk. Clerk. . ly R. B. Mohtagcb, Deputy. Delason Smith Cabin No. 9 Oregon Native Boos aitl meet next Saturday night at the G. A. R. bail at 8 o'clock harp, for tbe purpose ot taking in msm here. A full attendance i desired. By order ot tbe president. BORN. HULBURT.--On Tuesday, morning. Jane 27. 1899. In Albauv to Mr. and Mrs. Ilsrlan Hutburt, a son. All doing well. List of Patent!. Granted to Northwest Invsntors this week. Reported by C. A. Sao A Co., Pstent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0.: Wsnatcb, Wash, banger for grinding stones; A cieiu, rortiano, ureg, gate; B Phslps, Seattle, Wash, bencn-stop; W Turner, wenatcbes, wain, tbarmom eter attaehmenttor retvigera or cars. For copy of any of the above patents tend 10 cents la postsge stamps wilh date ot tbts paper 10 0. A. Snow dt Co Washington. D.C.- School Exercises, A very successful term ot school taught by Prof. Cbas. F. Cooper ia district No. 27 closed 00 Friday June 16. The exercises consist e I of recitations. uiaioguee and songs in all at which tbs cbildrea showed tbsy ba j been caretaiiy trained. . A large number of the patrons and visitors from outside the Uialiict were present, and msny of them expressed tbemeeivra well pleased with tbe enter tainment. We of district No. tt are proud ol our ecbool ao the children who attend tt, s tbey sre well hebavvd and conduct themselves ia a manner to receive the respect of their teacher. Mr Cooper oss taught School at this place for the Isat eight months and has given excellent satieiectioa. . Immediately after the cloeing of tl.e school tbs directors Lired him 10 teach tbe tall and winter term, commencing earty in September bxu a Paibox. The Second Play. The Shaw Co Isst night presented the very entertaining drama, "From Sire to Son" to a good sised audience. Tbe nrincinal events are laid in a min n "amp of California, aod many live scene are presented with sntth ient comedy to keen she audience in aolendi l humor. Mr. Shaw diaola vl his treuius in the littiiruit role of Alfred Artni age. Mr, Gilbeit aa the villain did some splendid work, though most ol the audience would hsve liked to have helped atring Irtbi up for hia villainy. Mr. Uooley aa M-. Grimes the post-msser excelled and his wife displayed a splendid talent aa Mrs. Amsnda Stoekuo. Mr. Hallett as Dr. Mandrake aad Stanley Ross as bis son are first clsss, and the other parts are strong. The audience was a pleased one. . ... Tonight the company will present Mil ton Nobles storv ol xsw To'E me en tilled "Love and Law." Tbe plsy Is a melo drsma. strong Io plot snd aooroing good opportunities tor clever character studies, wincn ars maae me mon 01, fJlever specialties are introduced and pleaaing evening's entertainment is pres ented. Tbe Corvallis A Eastern bas lust got tea out a very neat pamphlet- for New port aod 1 BQUtaa. rartiee oesinng so send tbem east ran secure them at tbe bead office ia Albanv. Letter List. Following ia tb list of tetters remamin. ia the Postomce at Albany, Liaa county, Oregon, June 27. 1899, Person calling for these letter mt give tbe date oa which advertised: Cromby, J R Downie, N C Dowaetly, Beq. A w isavis, Mrs t. r Franklin, kioses Hill. O R Harns.MrsMsggleK Hadley.C R Long, Mr Pete Morris, Mrs Etta Morgan. Mrs Annie nuiao, sirs u it Sdaitb. D O Thorm, Mrs Kate Watson. Henry Whiteboose, B J Try our bread at two loaves for a pickle. MoFeron A Tomliason. There ia lots of "Talk." but no on. else cla'ois to sell at as tmsl. a profit as I do. I bare my rbare of the trade. SAVE YOUR M0NEY Only 10 per cent. w v , "He puts the pries down." "Wav down Trunks, Telescopes and Valjges -25 per cent discount At H. F. Mclf wain's Cash Store. Large assortment to select from Have Your Eyes Tested -BY- PROF. A. STARK Scientific Optician ot WILL & STARK. Too will recti honest aad coaacieotieaa EYE aad GLASS service. Teoeacb. Una Wallace .Esq. lame Wheeler, W S Wilson, Mrs T W Smith. U C nackate Mr J A Hictoer. D C Smith aod II W Ternan pottal cards. S. S Tbaim. P M. aa 0oSc0swVeOBV T f tt a 5 5 3mau annoyances 5 S -rS3n fret and vorry f one. Sourmlik J ' overnight; no J J milkman In the ( ( morning; no0 cream for the , cxffee;nomilk for the baby. i ( I GailBorden Eagle Brand 1 CONDENSED MILX J ! Is always available. Has stood , , , ( first for forty years. ( i I 1 ' Saai far Baok sa Basics." . , ( , Bxwour coworsa isu co, u. t. I ssswVVa When you take a , PARTICULAR PRESCRIPTION To a parttrnlar drus; store yoa do so became jroa bave roofideac in that store. Yoa believe tea, tbe drum ate pare aad Iresb, the - methods right, tbe skill tbe beet aad the prices fair aad reason able We coadaet our preecription ceoert oa tbe rrirriple that THERE IS KOTHCSG TOO GOOD FCKTHE SICK. This win ter's bosinesa ts tbe bigjeet ia tbe history oi the store. Tbia shows confidence. URECHAIir & LEE. Summer Cooking is made a pleat ore by the use oi the Quick Meal blue flame oil stove. It is the most conven ient, simple, economical and easily managed of any cook!ng apparatus maJe, and will bake, boil, broil or roast, and is sure to give tiorough satisfaction. STEWART & SOX HP W. CO. 1 tiv '.-r. s 3 THE FAIR ; 3 1 aaiaiii Uay, , n ' For caUlocne, aldress P. L CAMrsaLt, Pieeidrat or V, A. Waaa, Secreury of Faculty. Dm. Sr Prinevllla on Jane 81th, Chester Claypool, ot pneumonia, lesvioe; ( a wile ana cnua. air uiaypcot was a strong young man seed about 8 years, tbe youngest son oi u wavue viaypooi i and a nphsw ol Jason Wheeler and Jsmss Flkins, of this city. Nona now remain of that entire family of sewn, but Luther Clsypool and Mrs. Libble Motley. For choice groceries at retnonab'e rates, ree McFeroa A Tomliason. I WILL ON THE 20TH MOVE TO MY PERMANENT QUARTERS S DOORS EAST OF P.O. Respectfully, J, A. WEAVER. J iUUiiiMliUlUiiUUiUlUil., STATE NOBMiL SCHOOL Moiisilli. OreEc. Iri- ins S-hool 'o' THaehr, new Ie par meuia, iingr,!! ra Uy s I'Oal work. tira!ut-s tet'ure tal riti"i s. - 5t onit roiireea We I ecjippd Train ins dprtmei.t4. Norixal course, qqickeat and bet wav to Stat Certificate. Expense for rear from 1120 to 1 160, on board $2.50 to 3 CO per week. Tuition, t6 SS per term ef ten weeka. tali term rievins Sept. 19th. Summer term, June 27- Sept. 1. Dueber-Uampden Watches, THE WORLDS BEST 15-17-21-23 Jewels F. M. French ...The Jeweler has a large stock o. them, bought for rash, aod has some special ; bargains. . (Bank, of Oregon Bullllng ) "Why Not Buy Shoes At the Boston Shoe Company's store? acles' Fine Kid Shoes (or H-25.N est vera House. Next the Revere. Here you can buy LadiealFrench K Button Shoes for 3, worth H Bostoa Shoe Company. . Atty for Adrarx.