The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 16, 1899, Image 4

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are always
subject to some
OT lAftflflG All
e. -
FULLY DOUBLE the emount ever before shown by n, consisting
of Carpets, Art Square-, Cottage Art (a new and attr ictive gooJe) Mat
tings, L'noleum and Oil Cloth . -
Wo are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, Portiere, Shades and
kindred goods. ,
Piece goods in Curtain material and coverings.
masonic Temple BIdg., Albany, Or
America filriag peer a million in a-fuOXreytlar reader.
lay ONE of tie BIGGIE BOOKS, and the FAWl JOURNAL
8 YEARS (remainder of rfo, tono, T901, 190a and ton) wSl be sent by mail
to any address for A DOLLAR BULL.
Sample ol FARM WUtNAL and areolar describing BrOOLE BOOKS free.
caaa, v. juKiae.
Pullman Sleeping (Jars,
Elegant Dintog Oars,
Tourist Sleeping Carp
at Paul
TO 3 rand forks
' Helena and
New York
Soeton and al.
foinU East and 600 Vh
Tbrongh tkkdU to japan and Ch na, ns
Tacomaand Northern Pacific ateamihif
Co., an American line
For information, time cards maps anf
tickets call on or write C Q Barkhart
ajtoot, Albany, Or.
A D Charltm. A-" Hen Peas At
Portland O-
Br virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out of toe circa it court of tbe
sUte of Uresron. for tb count r of Lido, to
me duly directed, delivered and dated
March 16th A. D.. 18:K in a cerUin suit.
in said court, wherein C. W. Rodger wss
plaintiff and jane Woody B. a Wody
her buiband. lobn C. Eider. En ma B.
Elder, ris wife, James Elder and Ida
Elder his wife. Lottie A. Elder. E. A
Elder and Hsppvlon. Elder bis wife wet e
de endaota, id wbtcb said suit tb) said U
W. Bodges recovered a judgment on tbe
3rd day of April. 189 J, again! the said de
fendan's for the aom of 1387. SO and te
further sum of $40.00 attorney f ee with
and for lbs ensts and disbursements tazei4
at 117.50, ordering, adjudging and deciee
ing that the real property described in
p'ainliff i mortgage and complaint, to wit:
AU the undivided inTe'est of R. L. Elder
in sod to all that part of tbe Donation
Land Claim of Robeit Elder and wifo be
ing claim No. 61, that lie Wet of the
CalipoMa creak, attested in Township 13,
eSoutta Rang 3 Weit in Liun county. Ore
iron, and containing 580 acre, be sold and
tbe precede applied to (he aatirfaction of
sid judgment. Therefore notice is here
by given that I will on
Saturday, 17th day of June, 1899,
at tbe hour of One o'clock p.- m. of said
day at tbe front door of the court bouse,
in the city of Albany. Linn county, Ore
gon, offer for sale, at public auction to the
biged bidder, for cash in hand, subject to
redemp'ton according to law, ail tbe right
title and interest to R L E dr had in and
to tbe adove described premises to satisfy
said jadirment snd coat.
Dated tins 16tb dtyof May, 1899
Sheriff cf L:nn county, Oregon.
Past 8s! Iass, Denver, Ft Fast
Maft Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
8pm sag City, St Louis, 6:45 p n
Chicago and East
Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane
Flyer ane, Minneapolis, St P've"
2:10 pm Paul, Duiuth, Mil- S.M a
waukee, Chicago, A
For San Francisco
Sail every five days
ExSunday STEAMERS.' EaSunda
Saturday To Astoria and Way
iQ p m LandiDgi.
EiSun. Oregon City, Newberg, Ex Son1
Salem A .y-Land's
Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monds
-Thurs., Oregon City, Dayton," Wed.
and Sat. and Way-Lands. snd 6at
6am WILLAMETTE RIV, -4 -.30 p
Tuesday Portland to Corvallis rM't)
Thnr., aod Way-Land.ngt. Thur ,
and Sat. aod 8a
Lv Riparia " " Lv Lewfitoi
2:30am SNAKE RIVER 12;00 r
Daily Ripari t to Uieton Dally
Gen. Pass. Agent,
O.G.BAWLING3, Portland, Or.
Agent All any.
-sBaasasaBBaaaasaane' lmmmmmmmmmt
ljiaiaa ml
Is good friend In such
times of need ; it cures surely.
. - iswji s-s-as.tJ-J-,
A Farm Library of unequalled nine practical. '
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
AU about Horses a Common-Seme Treatise, with over
74 illustration ; a atandard work. Price, jo Ccnta.
All about trrowtne- Smalt Fruit read and team bow :
contain 43 colored lift-like reproduction of all leading;
varieties aad 100 other illustration. Price. yo Cent.
All about Poultry ; the beat Poultry Book in existence;
tell everything' ; with 13 colored line-like reprod net ions
of an the principal breeds; with to other. illustrations.
Price, 50 Cents.
All about Cows and the Datry Baslneae naetnf a treat
sale; contains (colored Ufe-Uke reproduction ofeach
breed, with 15 other UlustratioBa. Price, jo Cent.
Just out. All about Hog Dreediar. Feeding. Butch
ery. Diaeaaea. etc Contains over So beautiful aalf
tooea and other angra-isx. Price. 50 Cent.
,The BtOOLB BOOSTS are urdque,ori-rinai,u-ful you never
aw anything like them o practical, eoaenaible. They
re having; aa eaormous sale East. West, North and
South. Beryonc who keeps a Hone, Cow, Rot or
Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right
way for the fUQQLB BOOKSV The
la your paper.Bude for you sad not arisSt. Itianyears
old; it is the treat boiled-down. hlHhe-ni!-oa the-bel.
aqit-after.yon haw aairi-K, Farm sad Household paper ha
ie world the bureest naoer of its siae in the United States
Strictlv btuunes!
French the jeweler.
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkina Brothers, agents.
Best BicyUe for tue money
Will A 3tark, jewe'ers.
Crescent bicycles at Hopkina B rot ben
for only 120, 130, 835 sad 850.
C B Winn, at ticket agent. Tickets
to all points in the east.
' Be sure and see the anti rnt tinware at
Bopkia Bros, will las. a lifetime. .
Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho
tographs, and do not target to take along
tbe money.
The "cut" prices tor sewing machines
at E U Will's music store are for 20 days
only. Do not delsy to get yon s sew ma
chine and you will do yonr friends a fa
yor if you wilt tell tbem of the J pec is!
sale; they may not see this notice.
By allowing tbe accumulations in tbe
bowels tr remaia.tbe entire svstetn t pois
oned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers regul
ate the bowel. Try then and you will
always was them. Foabay A Mason.
This and That.
Wheat 46 cents.
Stamp photos at Tinkle A Dawson's.
Finest aristo esameled photos only
$1.50 per dosi st Tinkle A Dawson's.
Vlereck's Sugar Bowl Parlors for ice
cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars
aod tobacco.
A large and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the dis
W nesyon want a choice steak a nice
roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry
3 rod era. He keens the best.
Go to Yerick's shaving snd hair enfc
ticg parlors for first class work. Hot
anf cold baths. Clean towels to every
. mer.
' The best meats of all kinds sad good
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, just djwn Second
beet. Good weight and prompt atttnd
It m tk no difference bow had the
wonad if y-tiase DeWitt's Witch' Hazel
Salvs; it will quickly heal and leave no
scar. Foabay Mason.
Some of I hs results of nesrlected di soto-
tic condition! of the stomach are cancer.
conaumptios, 'heart diaease snd epilepsy.
Kndol Dyspepsia Care prevents all this by
-fleeting- a qiick cure in a'l cases of dys
pepsia, rosnay a? mason.
What IsSbiloh?
A grand old remedy for Coach. Gold
and Consumption; need through tb
world for bait a century, has cured in
numerable cas'S of incipient consump
tion snd relieved many in advanced
stages. If yon are not satisfied with the
results we will refund your money. Price
25 cts.. 60cts. snd $1.00.
For sale by Fosbay A Mason.
If yo.i suffer from tenderness or fullness
on tbs ngrbt side, pain under sboulder-
wane, cnninpation, bilouaness, sick
headache, ana feel dull, heavy and sleepy
toir liver is torpid and ongested. lie
Witt's Little Ejrlt Risers wilt core yon
promptly, pleaaan'l and permanently bj
removing the congestion and causing tbe
bile ducts to open and flow naturally.
Sick Headfeches.
The curse of overworked womankind. are
quickly and aurely cured by Karl's Clover
Boot Tea., tho great blood uuritier snd
tissue builder. Money refunded if not
satisfactory. Price, 25 cts. and 60 cts.
For ssle by Foshay & Mason,
Mauy a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath
by its action on the bowels, etc.. as notb-
else will. Sold for years on absoiute
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts.
ro aale by Foshay & Mason.
To all poire East via
Grei t Northern Dailiviiv.
Forrates, f. (tiers and full information
sail on or add ea
Agent Albany
Music Miss Mnarea miruienei
etcher of piano of organ. System- ii
Mason lomth and technique. Rende i e
Sift? ri V cp-Msite U P church.
' T ier Is no ice cream In Albany so ' Pfeifier.
. . . . . . ,. . . ... ,'
tinu eacu un7 u r..B..i ww wees
youcangetat anydruirgiats Kemp sBa
sam lor joe inros. sno ungs, acanowi.
eageo tone me inns, auocew-iui remea, evry
sold tor txKigns, troup, "roncwus, Astu-
msand CoB.aniption. Get a botUa to-
day and keep it alwas in the bouse, so
OU caa cuecs Tour com at once. rriOS
2 and 50c Sample bottle free.
The late Harrison RreJ, Milwaukee)
pioneer and reconttructioniat gov rnor
i loruia, oeitsn lite as a newspaper
man. AS a coy t e learned the printing
trade la Vermont and la'er became the
first editor of the Milwaukee Sentinel.
Qtetn Wilhelmlna of Holland does not
inheiit her mother's love of plain clothes.
Un the contrary she is fond of handsome
end brilliant material', and it ie the
choice of these that Costs her meat pei
plexitiet in the state of life to which she
has been called.
President Hadlsy of Yale addretsed a
graceful epigram to the nnderg.aduetes
who weat to hie home in a body and
cbeeied him one night. "This is too
serious an occasion tor a light speech and
too light for a serious one." be said. "I
elose as 1 began, witn heartfelt thanks.
From the Memphis Commercial Ap
peal. Gen. Wade Hampton lost his Louse by
tire, end, being onabla to rebuild, his
friends proposed raiting a "testimonial"
which the old hero politely, bat promt t
I declined. Dewey is nest.
"Funfton," said Castar, "has sh- wn
me where 1 made inv ui x'Mkr " "V line
was it?" asked Alexander 'I should
nave swam the ' K'lttieno,' replied the
shade f lulia. Philadelphia Noith
1 1 e i b m the ru-
juLlimi lewjereii n.u f ir IheUOiuM.a
tionfor atto'oe geoml Una year. It
a tli. tight the b nit o A-tOOOU' Uel vs.
offer-11 the tiMimil alluli.e) general tv
lha Staudard O' e.inp-s na. a uie
Umg lodi witu '.net yrarnn-g ':
ortloe.- Kx
iriaaT A. Riberln. f .ah. P. A. i"
receivine ntne i w ) liuared r-, o-la ! i
marring' a tav m ol evr efo-t
Jiact.nt, mie f e u. l'li-re is a nu-t't-i
montav' Ji'Dl in lt-Ntit-
or obUine.1 Miee Uoirit addtee ana
tononncetl h a- a al iiy ui-m iturd
!..) sith i-M thO tu her uni.anie ai.ii
more in prospett. and thai sh d-sirel s
lile partor
H mioI 1 n V ilran Ean. Hie e in -d
,.r -r i-s'iitt t miti rrtii i i,
u 1. Hi a loud - "I'll. 1 i tnn H'
Smi- d f'-'tn itie ami y f ort
n'U . I'lie V .'cn-i dl'lU'-B-a l in
lr-'iii ita c.lumi.. H-ne aa -d I .tiu
l.rsD'ta'.un in Vlt-Kml. v ; lie-i- i-titn
Here aS'he I oil l lle l.our, 'iui ue
. . ..... t
noraemeat and poor qaahiy at that.
Give him a wide ber b. He ki led more
laie rican soldiers in Cuba than Spanish
babels did.
Tbe city of Brooklyn baa a smoke or
dinance. In contravention of this the
government officials in tbe Federal bond
ing are burning soft coal by order of the
treaao r v department . How tbe city can
hHn tha United States to book is a
matter for the lawyers to determine, but
he whole conntry will cry ahams on sn
ad miniit ration which tbns avows its
contempt for local sothority nnder tbe
pretense of economy. Ex.
Tbe shipbuilder's trust hss sasnmsd
control of three sbipysrds In Clevslsnd,
and one of tbs octopus officials informs
a reporter that nnder tbe new manage
ment about 500 employes will lose their
iob. Of this nnmber betweeo 75 snd
100 are bookkeepers, stenographers snd
clerks. Yet the Henna-Payne ship
building subsidy bill is before congress
saking for a princely appropriation for
tha fnaterineof this very tmst! And It
will go through, too, now that tbs rs
riant Reed bss sold tbe spesksrsbip .-
Galling Gun.
Bryaa is tbe idol of tbe democratic
party; bs is io accord with democratic
teachings snd democratic sentiment ; bs
bas a big braia and a large heart, botb
of wbicb are in sympsUiy with tbs mass
es aod are antagonistic to tbe classes.
His every word snd act prove these as
sertions, and if there is not an absolnfo
revolution in Democratic convention in
1900 bs will be tbe democratic nominee
for president, with 8chley, of Maryland,
as bia running mate. Main the preuie
lion Tbis tickrt will be aa ideal demo
cratic ticket ta ssotiment, location sod
ranning qualities Fits Press.
The N. Y- World's correspondent s
Laporte.Iod .reports certain peblle spir
ited citizens of Ricblacd Township, Fat
ten County, took Abraham Cripllver from
his boms, led bim to a near by creek and
there gave bim s thoroogh soap snd wat
er bath followed by a cold plooge. They
then clothed bim in new garments and
let bim go. enjoining him to "obey tbe
laws of cleanliness io tbs fotnre."
The high moral quality of this incid
ent is esniswbst marred by tbe facts that
law was transgressed. Bat sftsi all grsat
erisea demand swift measures, and here
was certainly a great erises. On tbe
whole, eitlxens are to be congregated
a poo the vigor and success with wbicb
they asserted Indiana's tills to s front
seat in the well bathed coogtege'ion ef
Bat what are' the laws of civilntion?
J. D Bridge, editor and proprietor of
the Democrat, Lancaster, N. ll., says:
"I would not be without One Minute
Cough Cnre for my boy, when troubled
with a cough or cold. It is the best rem
edy for croup 1 ever need." Foshay k
Mas in.
Rings, RIorb,
Jewelry store.
Klog -at French's
Excursion Rates.
The Corvallis A Eastern railroad have
placed in effect their regu'ar round trip
summer excursion rates to .Newport sod
Fare to Newport, $40.
Fare to Detroit. $3 00.
Tickets good for return until October
1U, itw.
Euwia Stone, Msnsger,
i 1 1
Get the liest flour.
The Magnolia
As well aa the handsomest, and others are
invited to cull on anv drugist and get
FRKK a trial tiottie of Kemp's Balsam lor
the Throat and Luna, a remedy that is
goaran'reil to cure and relieve all Chronic
and Acu e t outfha. Aatbm, Kroncbilis
ln.un.ptiou. Price 25c. and 60 s. . .
LtNfiOX. LaSt Blgbt St SbOIlt VI 0 -
riock, at the home of his father at
, Knox's Bntte, sfer en illness of less
lhtn mftk o( , pp.ndlcitls, John
jnw, tr thi age of Cfteen yesrs
T,,n dweased was tbe only son a boy
0fxcellert habits, !lked by all. He
wts , member of ths U. P. church of
thiaclty. The funeral serve llt bs
l,.M itlUrulHnnNinf Mr fjinnn to.
morrow al ernoon at 2 o'clock.
It this weather keeps on it will not be
long before the small boy will be coming
home with his ihlrt'lnildeoct.
(tire the farmers of the valley a decent
price for wheat and there will he plenty
of inonry in circulation this fall. McKinley has gone back on
his civil sertiee promises. All the f
fioet possible have been taken from the
let, to appease the demands of politi
rians. . i
Prospectors continue to perish by the
dosene bile on their wsy to the Klon
dike alter icol I. The hills of Oreton,
easily accessible, are full of the preclooa
metal .
This is the time of ihe year whan gold
goee towards Eoropa and the balance Is
in Its favcr. R'eh Americans tats eatcb
els full, figuratively, and spend it on for
eign dudes
It looks ss if the goveromeut were
gradually preparing to annex Cuba
whether the native want it or ''not.
Ttiia la in the lace of the fact that the
wsr wss waged to free the O'-preased Co-
j Wheat rets b-tren P.t'ttend and
th' east have advanced over five cents a 1
buabel within a mom h or two, and hence
there ie 10 need of a mi rjecope to see
why the price heie ie so small compared
writ the eastern qiu-tatioo. The trans
portation companies on land at d on
water arroi to have formed a tioet to 10b
the producer, who nowadays gets little
betide, the shuck.
Flisatmmons end JtfTna are to fight
tonight in New Y .rk Cite. A few
y-at Sg i the li'g If was liOl allowed to
t . hi, out thero hat a chaua rotue
over the eir.h.iru, and no any kind
of a Irv ma Hgli. f it la onlv Cl'ed by
the right naniv In 11 ily the law
' he iMatui hr the ''a' f ruia man
the uian with tte I" hae lead (O
p em and tutk- vi:eta!ly about w
mm uiihhuea mid inen and women
w.(h peos, etc. The wihUI tdav needs
atmat aa merh a anything more u-.eo
a-dwjmro w tb g-v. ewrtday hone
mm j
Having done A 'gr up pretty thor-
ougl ly the O.egooian haa now p'lehed
fcuto the hop loo, and it is to be bO sd
that it is as thoroughly punctured.
While it is it, it i l confer a tevor If
it will knock out ilm wheat aphis ll e.
bas done so ma b damage iu tl.e va.ley
tbs past few year.
Tbs East Oregon ian says every oacs in
a while ws bear of some maa aoiog as
other tor a big amount of money for
alienating a wife'e affections. It does
seem q-teer that the courts w:ll allow
men to attempt through them to obtain
something for nothing. Tbe avurage
maa sets no apoa a wilo's affect -
ioas until some other fellow has sec a red
a tills to them throogb attsatlons liat
only a woman knows how to appreciate.
Tbeasadf of Wash log too snd New
York societies have declared that sit
ting oof a waltz will bs mors fasbioo
able Irom bow oa than dancing. Tbs
"lUiag oat' embodies tbs cams position
ss dancing ths oaly difference is that
yon sit instead of dance . Tbs man's
right arm is aionad tbs girl's waist,
while bis left baad holds ter right. Ber
left bsad ie placed apoa his sbonldsr,
wblls her bead reels lovingly upon his
bosom, sad all thsy have to do is to sit
sad.listea to tbs masic
Times are now very prosperous for tbe
rich, snd there are s trood s-say of tbem,
bat bard for lbs poor, that ta about tbe
sisa of it- As the rich band e the mon
ey sad there bsve been enormous trosl
deals tbs past year, tbe figures sbow np
immensely as given by Dana's and Brad
street's administration agencies. Let ns
have the genuine kind ol prosperity that
shall benefit tbs poor ss well ss tbs rich.
It is sa sasy tbiag to bs prosperous
wbea yon have millions.
Tbs Window-Glass Trust bas gl rn or
ders, and all rmt one tenth of tbe mills
In the combine sbnt down indefinitely,
snd tho balance of ths mills w ill close
down on Jaas 30. Thus lo restrict pro-
dnctiool7,000skillsd workman ar throws
out of. employment wltbont ahongbt
or care by tbe tmst managers w hetber
tbey slsrvs or not, Scran too Titn s
What do you think was teen the other
dsy? A boa net mads of psper moaey
or rather trimmed with It, As if string
bonnete didn't cost enough already! wbv
it's enough to make tns tramps corns off
tbs benches snd grab those ttrocture snd
go sod buy sandwiches with ths trim
mings. Ths bonnet wss ptety, too caa yon
'msgine Itf It wss msde first of sll of
pale, whlty greea straw. Interwoven with
pnrs while, snd was of a shade to har
monise particularly well wbh the bills
as tbey come hot oil the griddlr.
Ths front of 'his odJ thing was made of
wired five so J ten lot's greetiba ks, crisp
fresh, asw, crinkling, and tbsir edges
were trimmed further with 'soft, white
narrow lace. Ihs siegrette that loomed
ont of tbs narrow littls headpiece was of
whits bobbing feathers, aod the twiat
that tied it of money sgsin. Unless yon
looked veiy clots yon would not see tbsi
tbs bonnet wss so centimeter1, so els v
erly bad tbs trimmer done ber work.
Mrs. Croesus Is suited st Isst. one may
infer, from tbis Innovation. New York
J.K. Charlton, who bai been traveling
In ths country for several days, ssyc crop
prospects sre good. Some fields look un
usually wall.
Tee twelve-year-o'd daughter of John
Irvine, living nssr Trlimsn, bss been
aerionsly sick with appendicitis during
tbs past week, but ts improving.
Wm. Clevinger bss bought a half In
terest in Borkhart's blacksmith shop In
Albany. - Mr. Clevinger goes down Mon
day to begin work, but bis family will re
main bars nntil sftet the Fourth.
Announcements have been Issued for
ths marriage oi Mr. Allen Simons snd
Miss Oors Donghton, to tsks place st tbe
home of tbs bride's psrenls, Mr. and
Mrs F. 8. Donghton. near Spicer, Wed
nesday, Jans 14th. E. A.
IWi'ss any other flour,
except tbs Magnolia
' For tho best harness call on A.E,
Kstcbum, Brosdslbin street, Albsry,
.for Isfasti and Children.
Tlti fkl Yea Ran tejt Essgtit
Basra ths
)'' ''''''''t'y
Does the
Baby Thrive
If not. something must be
wrong with its food. If the
mother's milk doesn't nour
ish it, she needs SCOTT'S
EMULSION. It supplies the
elements of fat required for
the baby. If baby is not
nourished by its artificial
food, then it requires
Scott's Emulsion
Half a teaspoonful three
or four times a day in its
bottle will have the desired
effect It seems to have a
magical effect upon babies
and children. A fifty-cent
bottle will prove the truth
of our statements.
Should b Ukea la mmaser u
wll a wlater.
not. ana If .an, alt Srocaiau.
SCOTT A BOWhfc, Chamau. haw York.
The announcement of li e day lor the
leaving of the Oregon aoidier from Ma
nila tor home, lira been one ol ll e moet
important war items ol the wiek so far
as Oregonisns are roneeti e-i The fact
has been generally hailed with delight
by everybody. Ts'k is cheap but the
nniverstl sentiment ie in lavor of the
bys coming nntpe, as it i plain enough
to the ooprejtdiced that tSe r-gnl tr
eat attend to li.e aotc !b.r, winch
pr iroiaea to be tf a haehw hat-ring and
infrnii t-nl rharacier lr a nomher ol
Ii is alo being noticed that when ir e
tisae co-.. f.,r leaving there are era
few wnlina i.i remain and ro op witr
tbe conitrr, Tu tmth that ihn cli
mate aed invr.Mitnsii'a are .n on-
'saU-dloat Amenran. Ti ler some
i people t,lk one m -ill lha1
J t,i in, gniBe.nt ui t people
' bad never had of before the nar with
Spam, and lcti took a I rg nn.e to lo
cate on tbe irai m of the grra
00- rif ti e uo'l.f I?ut th-ie a'e 1 era
Daring ths past week A bai.y ha, had
OSS ol the beet cio.luctfd and most sue- !
CeS-fat gatherings in lbs hittiry of US
city. Thers a-as a big Cro d and tbe at
tractions were pieaeirg without being
overdone ss is so often tbe rate oa sucb
osessiooa. For to largs s otirnbsr of peo
pie It was as o.-derly s crowd as lbs Dkm
ccs at man ever saw tog-ther, which
apeaks wall for tbe indcence ol the bands
aid their masic. Albany woo Id un boo-O.-ed
la having the tooroament of 1 XX)
st this city.
Tbs-re has been s chsng j in the aea I ti
er sad tbs Willamette valley is itself
again, bathed la sanshine, sS3aet.l in tLs
richness of its early torn mer climate.
Ukewlse tbe east is itself again - la the
big carters cities there have been deaths
from sunstroke, la New York city SI
prostrations 10 ons dsy, 19 death in an
other as examples. Oregon gets tbe tail
sad of tbe b "at sweep as well at of ibe
storm sweeps of wiottr.
Daring tbe week tnere has been a big
arenic fight between two men in Ibe east
on tbe recognised champion of tbe
world, tbs other s young and new star
comparative! . The champion went
dows to defeat, bie day bad come, aod
Bow there is a new hero among pogilists
to tbe sporting, wor!d lo hout over
Young Mr. JeffVies is rbsmpion of tbe
world. Should h decide to be a decent,
sabar kind of s champion and tae care
of himself he ie lisb'e to he one for sev
era! years, and thee his day will come.
Bat ths ebeocee are that be will oe
poffed op. and like tbe rest go to drins
ins aod knock bimeell oat. Tbst is the
pugilistic way. Tbe old boys all did
that, aod soon became ' has beens."
fbe DaMocaar man bas guessed on sev
eral contests end always gneeeed wrong,
sad bas geaetsity been ylad that he did.
Pugilism as carried oo is a disgraceful
bnalssn without much diaplay rf tbe
manly art.
' Hoc. A.J. Warner, Prrs deot of tbe
Btmetallk. Iagat is ia Washtagtos. Be
tUld probsbley the democratic party
will stand by tbe Chicago platform.
Tbe tuoney plank wi I be made as loll
and as ateoog a it thers were no other
iasas i. I would be io favor also of mak
ing s declaration against trusts, ss it
that were the only iesas: aad tbe same
with on; declaration against imperialism
and the Pbillpioe war. Neither question
can be said to obscors or lake precedence
of the other, but all combine to make an
isu that I b-heve the people will sup
The 'itendsof Representative Sherman
of New York, are claiming that bo ws
buncoed by the Henderson-Sherman
Speakerrhipcombioe, into which been
tared s short tlms sgo. sod Iters ap
pears to be foundation for tbe claim.
Ths combine haa already made Hender
son Ihs only Western candidate for
speaker and given bim an sppsrsnt wsls
ovsr tor tbe Spesksrsbip. It is intimst
sd tbst it wss formed to do that very
thing, and that tbe administration was a
parttoit,Jlisvlng decided that Sherman's
friendship lor R-ed, and Reed's Influence
over bim, msde bim undesirable
ersbin timber,
In Australia, a process for making art
ificial cotton cat of ths fibre of the fir
tree hss been discovered, snd reported to
tbs State Department, by the U. 8.
Consul, at Reicheobcrg. He quotes a
description of ths process, conctudisg ss
follows:" Artificial cotton can be produc
ed so ebesply that the genuine srticls can
bsrdly complete with it, snd one csnnot
ssy that it Is s sham for it is composed,
sxactly as ths natuial cotton, of pure
List of Patents.
Granted to Northwest Inventors this
wsek. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co.,
Patent Attorneys, Wsshlngton, D. 0.:
B C Crsos, Montesann, Weth, gnsrj
for bfcvcles : O K Ushl. Seatfe. Wash.
combined sheathing snd lath ; E F Eicb-,
belts, Conway, Wash, Insecticide; I B
Hammond, Portland, Org, engine; J,
Merfert. Tucker, Mash, nesting-boa; U
I Korts, Salem, Oreg,fruitdriee: J Mum
ssli. Sucker. Oreg, mowing-machine st- i
tacbment; vY 0 S'ull, New Whatcom, I
Wssh. folding window scaffold.
For copy ol any ol the sbovo patents
ssndlOcsnts in postsgs stamps with
data ol this paper to 0. A. Snow A Co ,
Wh Ington, D. C.
The following from the B'ownsville
Timfs is assmple: "The town was sl
most dtserted Tuesday. The band tourn
ament at Albany was the cause."
The city or Salem is in darkness, f he
electric lights aent out with the contract
on June 0. It may tie taint time befo'e
there will he light there. Men with
mon y ate wained to keepeff lie ttteeia
Perugini. a member o' ilm infamous
Turtle company, while in Palrm wss ar
rested lor iiianllins a as ter st the Will
suietie, snd ttnetifHi. I'erugini hss the
distinction of being the rjretof Lillian
Kussell s Dve hnlianls. rud tineil tiy a
common tjelen Hecordtr. Let l he Lille
The Gold Hill bate hall t lob went to
Gold Point ith the folio ing yell :
We're rough !
We're tough !
We're frO"i Gold Hid
Thai's enough.
Wien Gold Point g t thioagh with
them 48 to 5 they had no yell al ati.
The father of Jim Jeffries, champion
fighter of the world, is a minister. Junt
before the fight with Fitzj itamons he
telegraphed his blewing, saying, "we
know you will win, be confident ol our
blessing." A new feature in iirize tight
ing. Jeffries is a native ol the U. B. and
if there is to be tighiting. t e cbauipir n
should l an American, and why not a
in i meter's son.
The folio ing clipping hVb appeared
in the Ai.bny Dsmik-sat socn slier the;
railroad wssbniltto Lebanon,in 18'0,wss
handed the Lehanrm E. A. by J.C. Moes-i
hoider: W hen Conductor Stroud made
hi first cbsnge Irom the mail train lo
the Lebanon express, he was eeren
sited no his arrival at Lehsion by the
city brasa baad. Tno months rolled
round snd road s tarn for tbe express
cstnesgsin. On near-og Le'-anon birood
mtetiok the summering of the I ko mo
tive beadltehl lor that saoe band, and
jumping off ine rear nt the train at the
risk of bin neck, hesltcosi flew aero the
lots through in ad an i water knee rteep.
in In eagern.. to reach I he hotel unpe-
teived. He lost hi ha in bia ignorr-i
tous flight that old uh'teftreeSv hat -i.J
now i porta a new black one."
Tbs MeMinville bend had s
inAtb-ny. Tue memb-rs-ee given s
fine receoti- n and ehown r. , our iee.
l h y uere ea Ie a i to itui t their own
witbant ct trie btnds preeen'. Tele-pb-ne-Rgiater.
That is what. The
D:ocat head a' er remark that
McMtenviile had the t-est band here.
When the Linn county nova arrive in
Albany from Manila this citr will have
the biggest celebration in iui history.
We will have a Washington's birthday.
Thanksgiving snd 4th of July celebration
in ooe. It will be te-wsary to do it on
short notice, so let everybody prepare to
act promptly.
Young A Brown have lately received
letters from a lar number of pejpte
from Uie east, bitterly complainirg of
the cyclones and wet a eatber. One from
Illinoia. savs: "If this wet weather
t'on't let up eooa we shall all be drowned
ont." Another from Minn-aota aavs :
"Tbe wind blows so hard here I can't
stand it anv longer, snd yu mil see me
before soot, flies." One from Miesoori
savs: "I have just finished my 'dug
out," and I believe it U eveioce proof. but
if I can find a man fool enough to boy
me out, he can tus it mbi'e I go to Ore-
gtjo." Criurioa.
The teeu3e of Eoeece citv wii vote for
a goddess of liberty for tbe 4th of July
releb-stion, pat ins five rents a vote or
25 votes for ft. Tbis is one wsy to
raise mooey, but it is no indication of
Salem Las on!y two policemen, and it
is tbe capital city of ibe state. Albany
now bat tbe same number, and we a'.so
are getting aloog pretty wed. aod we
have e'ectric lights to our advantage.
General Halt writes from Manila that
the end of Ihe war is a loog way off.
Tbe chances are that there will aluavs
he war on tr.e is'snda. The island con
tinue to be an elepbsct.bul we sre in for
it and 'here is no backing down cow.
Among tbe several band-in attendance
at ihe lend tournament hrld ia Alheny
on Monday aod Tues-iar, was tbe O. A.
C. band. .No prises were offered and
there we no real coolest, thoogb listen
ers stSrm tiist tbe plsying of Uie O. A
O. band was equally as good if not better
tbsr that of any other band present,
Corva'lis I mon. The O. A. C. b jrs re
ceived maa j compliments.
Tbe Salem city council this aeek
passed the lollowing i
Resolved. Bv the rommon rooncil of
the city of ea)em, that it ia the sense of
this body, thst the ordinance providiog
lor tne closing oi toe saio?ns In Ibis city
no Bundsy. should be rsrefullv snd res
uLrly observed, and to thisend. Ibe ciiv
mtrsbsl is he eby requeeted to give the
tastier his immediate othcisl attention
A Fine Thing.
From the Brownsville Times:
Prol W.A. Calder, for several years
principal ol the Brownsville Public snd
High School, bat undertaken a work
which deserves and will receive tbi
hearty support of lbs citisens of Linn
county. The tak is gathering material
for, writing and publishing a book en
tilled, ''Biogrsphies of the P ioneers and
Native Sooa snd Daughters of Linn coun
ty, Oregon, snd will necessitate bis vis
iting personally each home interested in
such a work. It will be handsomely il
lustrated, with tbe finest half-tone en
gravings, botn portraits and scenery,
bound in the best cloth and will contain
a history of tbe county; its r. sources, a
pen sketch of the different cities; history
of the organisations of ths pioneers,
recorJ of all its officers aod a biograph
ical sketch of tbe pioneers and their sons
and daughters. Mr. Calder hat bad cor
siderable experience in the newspaper
field and bia ability as s writer is ac
knowledged by sll. No Urns nor expense
will be elimiasted to make Ihs work the
finest ever published, and shottld be in
svsry homo in ths county. The pioneers
sre Isst passing swsv and such a work
will be a monument to their memory
which even time cannot efface.
Don't think yoj can cnre that slight at
tack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it
will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
WILL CUrS itl ifdliesta ahit mil Ml"
and restores the digestive organ to health
rosoay aiason.
Pneumonia, la grippe, cough, colds.
rou p and whooping-cough readily yield to
One Minute Cough Cure. Ue thu remedy
in time and save a doctor's hill or the un
dertaker'. Foabay A Mason.
Your grocsr'keepa it.
Tho Magnolia Flour
Headache, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Dizziness,
Indicate that your liver
la out of order. The
best medicine to rouse
tbe liver and cure all
these Ills, Is found In
Hood's Piila
85 cents., Sold by all medicine dealers, H
Late News in Short Form.
Manila, June 10. A reconnoittrinijj
narty of 25 Americans, in the hills near'
Moron h yesterday, were attacked by 3(J0
rebels. The Americans fought their w ay
to camp through the enemy and inlicted
severe losses on them. The Americans'
chief was killed. Five intturgenu were
captured and taken to Morou.
Train Wreck.
Kansas City, June 0. 49 passengers
were more or lees seriously, three per
haps fatallo. injured by ti e derailment
of train Ho. 4 southbound on the Kanea
City, Pittsburg & Uu!f rotlroad, 2 miles
south of Uranview, Mo , last night. The
injured were brought to this cily this
morning and the eerioualy hurt were ta
ken to M. Joseph's h'jepital and others
to the Savoy hotel.
Jcfterfcs Chdmpion.
New York, June 9. James J. Jeffries.
another sturdy young giant, has come
cut of the West to whip champion pugil
ists, ai me arena oi the toney Island
Athletic Club tonight he defeated Robert
r iuuntnmons, world's champion in two
classes, middle-weightand hesvy- eight,
in 11 rounds of whirlwind fighting.
White Pass Accident
Na vaimo, B. C, June 9. The steamer
Amur, Capt l-el'.lanc, arr ved here this
morning from bkagway and reports that
on Sunday men were at work clearing
snow Irom the White Pass A Yukon rait
way, just over the. summit, when a ter-rii-le
slide of rocks and snow came down
tue mountain side, killing 1 msn almost
instantly, and seriously injuring ether.
ArHtrn.lon Proponed.
loNbus, June 9. The W eetuuinieter
wa;u. linn niernfon Mvt i rumor is
t current from a goad source that it hae
been proposed in a responsible quarter
that the United Mates mediate .between
the Tranrvaal and Great liritun It is
added the eugeation is being considered.
Fatal Cl-judburst.
Ai eTix, Tex., June 8. -The cloudburst
of ym-ierday w hu b saeiled:tlie river ol
tins prt of the state out ol heir banks.
siki tvieeo a great iocs Ol proper tv, was
ui u : ors Uian reportea last night.
... . jMsuple are said to have p-naUeO,
r . ru touigut placing the nuaiir at 2-,
klaad tijiiig.
l.mtNos, Mi.., June 8. At 10 p. m
Mr. Bland appeared some brighter, and
I uiti probably live through Uie night. He
hae been speechless 24 lioure. The phy
: eician. regard the case as holies, mod
eat tin e i have so informed the Unnlr.
There Was Friction.
W'AiiHtStiTus, Jnne 8 Pua. churman
O' Uie l'UiiiiH:ie coinuiijt jn, will resign
on his retuiu to I o.led Mates because ol
(ricuon.betnexa htai-U and (Geo. Oils.
LVaey haeteced his departure for borne
it is said because of lricltun in the com
mission. Dictator Aquioaldn.
Loxnos, June 8 A diapalcb from Ma
nila today eat a U is reported that Aqmo
aldo baa dissolved tbe Filipino congress
and proclaimed himself dictator.
Will Start Home,
r Ma ml a, June 8 The Second Oregon
o! an teem, preparing to leave for home,
will start, occording to present
Tnesday. Under the recent order of the
war detainment tbe regiment will bring
back with it tbe bodies of iu dead. Since
tbe Moron? campaign ended the men un
der tjen. summers been liusv pre-
paring to embark.
The regiaient is in
I good health.
. ... ,., ,
j . A VtarUoud.
j Lors, June 9. The morning papers
j r Deponing 13 u!k seriously o! the
! possbitity of war in South Africa. Mr.
j c eecreury ol lau? for the
colooies, in bia speech in tbe bouse of
commons yeeterdav announced that his
refJ, the Petition of the UitieoJers,
would be presented to the Transvaal.
j Leaving Manila.
! . M AHrxorot, June 7. Prof. Shurman
chairman of the Philippine commission
is to start for borne ear.y next month,
after a tour of tbe Scln archipelago and
the island of 1'anar. Later, other mem
bers will, one by one, leave for the Unit
ed States, and Governor-General Otis
will be in undisputed control of aSairs
then, both military and civil.
An Uprising.
Kingston, Jamaica, Jane 7. Mail ad
vices from the Moquito coast say the In
dians there have rebelled agai'nn ihe
government of Nicaragua, taking the war
path and are eendiog delegation to in
vite Prince Clarence to head the ri-ing.
Anti Irtist Decision.
Chicago. June 7 A special to the Re
cord from Indianapolis aavs : Tne su
preme court holds that s public corpora
lion which entered into a combination
wit h other corporations to destroy com
peUlion end t Hereby Use price
at whjch an miic!e was sold to the in
habitants of the sia.e becomes liable to
a forfeiture of its corporaie franchise.
The Coming Fight.
Nxw York, June 7. With the contest
for the heavy-weight championship onlv
43 hours off. both FiU-immoosand Jeff
ries did eom light work today, but both
have practically stopped training, their
respective managers being salisfisd with
tbe men's condiUon.
All Same Oregon.
Philadelphia, June 7. President Mc
Kinlev is said to favor the calling of an
extra legislature to fill the United States
senate and to avoid a factional contest
for members of the next legislature.
Ihe Alaska Boundary.
London, June?. Aa a reeult of the
conference, between U. S. Ambassador
Cboate and Lord Salisbury at the for
eign office, tonight, a provisional agree-
"'eui upon uie.iasKan brundary ques
tion has been made. In toe meantime,
the joint commission will continue nego
tiation,, About June 15.
That is when Mr. Julius Grsdwohl
will movs into his new bruk, on. Second
snd Ferry streets, where he preposee to
do htisioess in the interest of the r ujing
pub'ic. In the meantime be will give
ba-gains in crockery, hardware, grocer
ies, oil aod paint aod other things ke t
by bim, as he will afterwards.
Call on him for crockery, groceries
oils, paints, etc
Mr. Gradwohl also writes insnr
aoce in tome first class compsn'es. Do
not do business without callmg on him.
ro BUY
Your Groceries and Uakcd
Is at Parker Br-w. Every bod v knows
where their place ia. Thev keen a irnh
stock of groceries, produce and baked-
goods, oi an nods, seli at reasonable
prices and treat their customers well, ail
You may regret some step, j yoo tske
n life but none taken into ue store at
Parker Bros.
It is s gtrett tniog to be well fed. Psi
ser Bros keep good groceries.
A loaf of bread ia not much btit you
want it well made. TrvParketr Hroa
CLbBTKO Ratks. Weektv Dkmochat
and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week
World $2.00: aud Remtblio tl.75i and
Oregonian 12.25; and San Francisco
Weekly Call 2.00;and Salem Weekly
Jouriul 2.00 7
To Cure a Cold In One Day-
Take Laxative Brotuo Quinine Tablet
All druggists refund the money it it fails
to cure. 2 c. The genuine has L. B. 0
on each tablet
Tinkle A Dswsoo, the leading photog
raphers of Albany are now making the
fines; np to date enameled cabinet pho
toe for f I 50 per doaen, opposite P. O.
Call and see tetanies. -''"
Fresh bread every day. Two loave
or a nieklo at McFeron A Tomlinson.
Baby's Face Solid Sore
Entire Head a Solid Scab. Had to
Wear a Tar Cap. Doctors and
All Other Remedies Fail.
M y little nejvhew, John Hbuinton, was afflicted
for two year, with the worst aorea I erer saw all
over hia body sod face and bead. Iliahaadaad
frbttlmesweraaar,lld acab. John waa a pttl
Y.e tight, and b mast have coffered dreadfully.
II it father Mod all the mnedte that he beard of,
a:id doctored with all the dortora. Ererythlnc
WMdooeforhi. lift wore Lsrcap.aUo, which
d d uo ft-xA. bat the little boy got do relief until
b o d the CX'Ticvrt. (otstmeot! and CtmcCBA
Buaj'. Hum be la a clean, healthy child. -
V. E. FOt.TZ, 1'ogb's Ebo, Va.
Ir.T Bsuar .d Srttr Cm Tninm.-i
wsrmbatawlta I -I Tu o k. SoAVaadaalttrtc sslflsg
wab CtTTicea lasually nhm sn4 spitity r.r th.
awl 4 drtScartsy bsawu, of tfa tkim, !.
aadkUsd.Ualsscf lulr. wIms liliStliU.
tofi rVraortMai th mil,
p., ikaua.
Wiwvtilirm ti07liaaMr,fna.
East South
S a.h9ra Pisi3i.
Oailtur la li re-e Tialna
... NUiMj l'li;
aouUi i
T V ' .. .iii
1 M a ; I '
1 4 .
en f rfKlac
Ar ' s S
r I 4 10 a
L. i J ri
.!,JV- t'H'
ween t' .r ianj
aop at "a ion-
and tjl-n la
.UTv.r.)n Aib4n;
IIt-i Kii
. in. ('ak't. td anil ail
vr. 4r'i.
iatsterl. .he.'.d
CotUlire Groee. Ii
tiitl"H lr-i.i K'
slrd'ng A.tlarr'
i Jo a
uutsBOa .
Lea U jttr Ue afm
--i. t,.rtr,L.,a
II a
I K30
Leave '.-- I". br,-e.-
Arrir umi trm Let En
7t I
; lr -r. Ocer.
,tJj-0 tir.ii. iilt if'
a..vra- -nSl 1raTtslsl
eTe :Se satvtaaa.
vr.K r8TLaas ss awatsl
f"r lie
rs i
I line
Koreas Tram Dail (enant
l-Vl u L
TKn Ar
tri ! r
a , - . a a
'sit 'It
L 11 Hi a a
ludeo deana
St1eitt;ta vsu't b rwtea rUnt. Sra
awiHii f -JVaHMS'T arat eisi
and ri aeoood . ladadi; kav-ar
fslaaar Sea rat PS
Wl ar Oracaa. ranaaai
Sit-aaatsiek-t. to es-lers fMiua and Earns
uiidk rmxi R ilILU u I AUSTE.-
Piru,lutca hi k--JlrM CSUSIS. Am
ainany rCI U S
Cures Impotency.KipM F-ntiiOTis arvJ
srastirt? diseases, all effects of seif-, cr excess and Indis
rrti A r:ii.trrt!ard
ki .ML : t -..W1...I
Mfy restore tre Ere of youth.
tn JTaf B mauuuc per hex; o ooxes
for ?5?rO; with a vrritte-n g-tiaran-ee
to core or rrfuntl tbe money.
tattton Aslackscn Sti, CK1CACO, ILL.
Fjr si'rt b.-i.-;l Divti-t, O-t-iis
.11 baiy, Om:h.
A powder to be shaken iato the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen .ner
vous and bot,aod g-t tired eai'y. If you
bare amarting leet or tight shoe, try Al
ien's Foot-Ease. It cjli the feet and
makes walking easy. Curee swollen and
wealing feet, blisters snd callous spo'a.
Relieves corns and iwonn of ail pain
sod git e reel and cornier'. Ttyittoday.
Sold bv all dragis s and shoe stores for
25c TrU' package fre. Addrtsf. Al en
N OTICE. - Have vou a faint fjr ea:e
jt rent or do you know ol any per
ron bo'dmg lands that tbey eh to dis
pose of. If so please write to mv arnt
if the O R A N. Co and he .'ii'. send
yoa a circular which ail! interest you.
imzi rUJTUsr cipasi
Albas? '.0reon.
-S -ee. Ruik of Oregon Baildtag.
)a'ty set of Abstract of Ij"" ''ounty,
tsooip'ete M "d mp and ,-,.-
OllYe' PlOWS-Hei Pd
S -t;, Apr-ots
XXj-j, vrttkCn
j-- e-o,d tne chiid p -.a
i tuvsr-i avtMiey
. " of Ainerica
thA t inyointr iia.ileuieol ever proij-
Genuine Oliver chvlled are toe beet oa
anh. The Oliver is a promoter of happt
oi on the farm, aod the dealer who sell
ui knows he is handling the best. Loot
Ct f r imsilutions an 1 touch nothing bu'
hs trnuiae cood. mide "enly by Olive
Chil ed plow work. South Bend. Ind.. f
I'ucmialoi -
In the Valley.
ll Unsurpasca
lit Oregon.
o have the best stock ic
snlect from and our prices
mo alwavs the lowest, quality
V 't s'. The Pr;.tter
W R Bilveu. Foshay A Mason block
II Bryant, P O block.
Anderson Cannon, PO block.
J N Duncan. P O blocs
T P Idackieman, Fearr f lock.
Judge HU Heaitt.PO block.
N B Humphrey.
Kelly A Curl, bank building.
L II Moitanve, Pearcs block,
J 0 Powell. P O bloc.
C K Sox, PO block.
L L e-wann, Bank building.
H 0 Watson, bank building. - .
Weathertord A Wyatt. Bauk bnilding
Whitney A Newport, Cusick block,
G W Wright, PO block.
S M Garland.
A A Tossing.
TJ ilsou
o . .
if'-:: i.
- 'C
li'-N. - ' 1
I aV
Long Photo Jo..
In Froman Brick.
The leading gallerv of Aioany.
Tbe onlv-op-hxla:e firat class
studio in town.
All work lo txieaw.
To illfointji 2aet
.1 etibale, c ni':rr of pal
ace .Ie-p rig .ara. ttirii i-i- oinitti cr,
eieifan' dy cjacbea. loariat
car m-i f ree coiom-t 1"-t f rum the Vw
-iSc to ilie ttiantir wit- -htnr
tttr oiaarr sn ciiaisut ' r r
ttooicnay; V-V
DKtrlct i
All points ii the 0nvo 'uo'
Ge a cantpbiet irir tii a Sail i--ripiT"
if this wonderfol oeirf-r Ak tnea-xl
for s copy o the minissr !wi-f Kritislr
Lowee ra- a mi frvn
Atlantic -teamship iites..
Cauadian Pac. Ry. Uo.'a
Royal Itlail Steamship
line to China and Japan
CAIADLax ausTaatXA-i era in una
BoioLci.r, run o Arsraau .
The fbottest Hoe to toe Cckaie. There
steamers carry aa experieaved meiicaj
maa. aad a stewardess oa evry voyage.
For rime Ublee pampbiet. or asy ia
ormation, call oa or addresa.
a sr53r.E t : it... V .
EJ C0TLE, A;'U Ui :i l .
and. Or.
3EO. McL. BROrTS, DP..
S anc?sTer
! . 1 aVaaaaatfasaffcar sSlsSr a a 111
cry. f
seuioy. 'I
0?LA!t a
mam 5 mm i
Coaiwcting at YAQCINA with the
Grace Dollar and NaYaiTf
Fim '-class n every rer-ct. One of
he above steamers is due to sail
from Yaquica ahoct ever
five dare.
hotet roaie ret ween valiey potntIT
Sao Franctgco. " g
west to I
.n aat
Fare: Albany and points
?n rrsncisco
Cabin.... 410 0C
ttouna tr:p 17
For sai ing days apple ti
Edtts Stosx.
WiLDis, Manager.
.. r. s r. A
raNxa, Ay3ct Albany, Or.
RHTHlTlv. ta. Bass
os AtStST,OiIS.-.s
. S C.T
, W. LA .16
TSABSACTS A 6 k S J1 i. -ws
rVsnasi 1
.fcck, 4
Atcosma ksn - a,
luelt Al tiaNtiS tr i .e qrrartsr aeaa.ssi
Sa Trk Saa rrc?:
rff9 t-Jraav -4 V a
-t-rrtOJis U fassntl tnesrS
B Tt-w K si aiea
e Oastuia, L. ruas
c s. r-i,
very Stturl.y eviainit ax K. O.
all Yisitin Knifhu inviied.
V M Nep-t.Couiuiar, del j
Dyspepsia Cu:
Digests what yon el
It arUficlally digests the food aaCi
Fiture in strengtheninsr and rW
trocUrg the exhausted ditrestiT T.
gans. It is the Latest discovered
vnt and tonic ISo other pre para i
can approach it in efficiency. It i ,
nan tiy relieTe- and permanently cori
Dypepsia, I ndigUon, Ueartburn,
Fiatulence, Sour Stomach, Kauaes,
U other results of imperfect dipeetioy'
-rrvoorea o .. t uwi. a c- scaoe
1 hrice-aWek Cditir-n
IS Pagesa Week . . .!
. . . 156 Papers a Teat '
For One Dollarj
rwaatehetev)ry Alersaean-axe-auf
The Thrice-s-Week Edition of Tbs a
York World is first amoog all "week I i
papers io ise. frequency of pahhcatirV
and the freshu-es, aceoracy and vsrietv!
itscott-nts. It has all the merita of!
reat $6 daily at be pries of a dob
weekly. Us political bw i prom rt, coiW
Cor. Morrison A Park St. - 1
Portland Orcgotl f
ths unoerined has been duly appoxt-d
by the County Court of Linn county, Osj-
jfon. as the administrator with the will
annexed of the estate of John H. Bite- 2
man and Phoebe Bateman, deceased. Aoy J
n.l a.11 riM-anna kavinir Maimsaiyainjtt aaid I
estate are hereby notified Co preseet tb'
3 - - . : - 1 1 1 ;
same uu.j reriaeu aa oy iswreijuuo
m, or to my attorneys, W eatherfotx'
Wyam at their office at Albany, O-et-v
within six month from the date tereof.
Dated thl. 8th day of May. 199. -
Pans BrrHia. .
Adm'r with the wiil annexed .
Atty sror Adm'r.