The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 16, 1899, Image 1

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    ih I
1 15
ALBANY, ORkGOK. Fill DA . JUNE 16. 1899
Kater a, 3 tie rc,i at Mbaay. r. at See1-'l Mall Waller I
0 45
SI ITHI i blither aaa Fras-rlei.r
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and bas been made under his per-
CutXrTrtr sonal supervision since its infancy.
' Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,'
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms
and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
Tie Kid Ton Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
We have machine in S'ock as
loir as.......
Suppies for Sewing Machines and
first class repairing.
Stewart & Sox Co.
Stewart & Sox for Machines that
fill tjtSSL M
A wfdow sixty-eight years old, lirtos; in
Sba was eonstantly troubled wr h nalnsou ber
liv.r. Up to last June -be hsd beea ' v
ah. had caiarrb of lb. 8Uniii ; atmtb- r
another pronootsL-e-l it biiivry ! u;u, .
month, without gft remits. At 1111.13- Jie twins
ei morpDiD. wert reeunen ut. 1 ne ih: if it srcieneii liw pounli; waa completely raa anra.
ana naa ery mue acpeute. 1 any ni a
After naincc them Iwo wwkl the inina and
Banaea entirely disappeared. The p i 1 lent had praclicaDy reeOTerad by Heptembar lltia. Kb
kd Kaiuxl eleTca pouiida, and uuld eat baked brans, otkea diabea, wUheot 1U lawilll
wiwim -A of b1 VaKk that . !-- , win sot txmeat. Sand in em to 1iaas f I imiea
Jln. w Bfiruf Rtrwrt. Mow V. fur UamplMWi'l jm UutimoalaJa. R1 M H ft. IS fr easts, ar U aaaajati la
I oania. maj ua aai oi ii innm wao ara ani iriir
SO 'V ears in
I. the Oldert Furnitnre Dealer in the citr nd ho keepe a complete
line ol Furniture and Bedding and if you want good good cheap give
him a ea'l. Urn doesn't intend to be under sold.
TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from
dis'pation, self abuse, excesses or cigarette smoking. In use
over 60 years. Brings your Manhood, cures depleted worn
out men, makes rich blood and tissne. Cures wasting and all
a s voa lastuingiy strong,
memory. bd dream, rhrunken organs, despondency, sleeplessness,
le and constipation, adds !us;rs to the eyes, stops nervous twitchings
evelios. Makes life woth living. A boon to young or old. MORMON
P'g PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Stop all
"by day or nignt. Don't delay. Price within the reach ofa Guaran
cure. Price JJl a box 6 for 12.50 by mail. Send for free circular,
ess BISHOP KlIJ REMEDY CO.. Ban Francisco. Cal. t
t sale by Fos- " bay A Mason, Albany.
J. Joseph.
Patronise home
Signature of
A good article is wort a more
poor one.
.. will outwear a dozen cheap
on, therefore cheiiper in the end.
New York City, had beea oVoatnc tor atnevanav
right side.
wtilot seemed to M uaassal by lit.
a number of physician.
ilriao. od. of wheaa alaliii.
ta?r tkt It ta ordinary dyspepsia, aad BOH
sail settles, for which be treated bar mil sl
w,re so aevero tbat hypon-erms tn)aetssaB
oeucntmr inioeea ner 10 try tuoaaa
bloalinK of the atonweh ana eolic em
o -n a aanaan naaaMiaje aa a SMKMaaaa aaaaak Taaar
Miaaiawa-tra,sr,aaaa.aasmav aaasjaaaaaaaawaaaa
cures l no potency, lost power, emissions,
From the Criterion.
Geonre Elkina is now work'nij in
British Columbia, cooking for gang of ,
road men. I
Young A Brown last wk sold vlovtn i
acres just south o town, U-lonninn to C. I
W. Siinonds, to Y. U. Uopai., lor this
sum of (800, cash. ,
Miss Floy Cumminira closed her school
at Santiam last week on aeeoiint of a
diphtheria scare at t'mt place. he linn ,
been angaed to come back aim tench !
acain in the fall Mies Cumminus Uvea
'at balem.
SupU McDonald writes to Mayor Mon
tague that he is quite sure that the next
teachers' institute will lie held here
some time in August, provided our peo
ple will furnish board and lMing for
the teachers at reasonable figures.
Last Monday evening when t e train
arrived at this place a small boy about
nine years of sot off and aked for
John Swank. When interrogated it wait
ascertained that he had come all the
way from tomerset, Kentucky, alone.
He was toil that John Swank lived out
beyond Tallman. Conductor Cuniu'initf
took the boy in chatpeand took him
back and let h'm off the train near John
Swank's hout-e. The boy there ascer
tained that he had gone to the urong
place, it being John Swink that lie
wanted. The next day Mr. bwaok took
the boy to Mr. S ink's rlace, where he
is now stopping.
Moving Land at Tillamook.
One 01 tne Foief t GroTe young men,
a member of the band of that city, a hi!e
in Albany at the tournament told abnut
a recent visit to Tillamook. While there
he paid a visit to the land that is
gradually moving towards the ocean. It
bad then movtd 160 feet in lo weeks,
while the beach be on J seems to be ui
heaving gradually. Three bouses oa it
were being ruined. One had been turn
ed completely around. He taw a tree
on the dividing line of the moving earth
that bad split in two, one side being
Uken away. A remarkable thing is that
every person who steps 00 the moving
earth .bas the headacne afterwards.
There were nineteen in his party that
went upon the land, and every one bad
the headache. The case is one of the
moat mysterious on record.
New Officers.
IVgreeJf Honor. Mr. Ramp past
chief of honor. Mr. Virgil Parker chief
of honor. Mrs. Thrall laay of honor, Miss
Louiee McUee C. of C, Mrs. GuUness
lady usher, Bessie Hammer I. W., V.
M. Wonderful O. Mrs. Bertha Park
er recorder, Mrs. Kellev receiver, W. II.
arner financier. Maicie Barker. Cart
01 r-tan.
. . ... - "
Alpha Temple No. 1 Rath bone Sisters.
Mrs. Hvde past C, Mrs. X. D. Conn
M. y. E. C., Mrs. Moe K. 8 Mra.
O'Brien E. J.. Mrs. Guisness manatrer.
Maggie Barker G. of T., Mr. Van Win
kle Droteclor.Mra. D. F. Ilardman Sf . nf
K. V.. Mrs. Hogue H. of F.
it t , . . . ...
air. uro. r m iey, 01 iraaiomsruie, is
in the ally on bis wav home from Port.
i rot. K easier lias been induced to re-
main in i-oeene. upon his alarr lirir
raised to U00 a year.
afiaa Matutl KnriAn ..f 17...;.; .....
who has been visiting in Aibanv the
gneet of Mrs. Dr. Davis, returned home
There was born in Spokane. Wash..
on Monday, May 29, to Capt. and Mrs.
Thomas J. Onrmio. formerly of Albanr.
t boy, their first child. Ail doing weil.
O. C. McFarland, a former A'bany
man, who is located at Hanfurd. Calif.,
is running three stores, one at Hanford.
one at Woodland and ote at Gilroy.
J. B. Wirt, of Lebanon, was inihe city
today with samples of four different
kinds of stone taken from the Saltmarsb
farm two mi!es from tbat city.
Hon. W .P. Elmore of Brownsville,
was in tne city today on
from a trip to Heoner. where he renori.
eridenoes of Drosperitr.
Judge M.C. George, of Portland, an
old Linn county school teacher, passed
through Albany this noon for Browns
ville, where he will deliver the annual
address this afternoon before the pion
eers. The many friends of Miss Marie Long
will be pleased to learn that she is re- j
coverina- from a severe attack of pleurisy
from which she baa been suffering since I
last Friday.
Harvey W. scolt. a well-k nown Port
land newspaper man, will deliver the
address of welcome to the members ot
the national editorial association, lo be
in Portland in few weeks.
Our young friend Lsir Thompson, who
has been attending college at this p'ace.
and several times has helped Tran'cript
"out ot a pinch," went to Albany last
week to accept position on the Herald.
Lair is rattling good bov. McMinn-
vule Transcript. ,
Miss Elizabeth Carothers. formerly of
tne Albany schools who has been teach
ing succesaful.y in the Salt Lake City
schools for the past two years, is in Dav-
ton, vvasn., witn ner parents lor part ot
IKS artmmo-. .. is... 4J I. .. . I A . favsuuu, niia will re
turn to Salt Lake in the fall.
The Oregonian today contains a pic
ture of Reuben Thompson, of this city'
wdo oa tust earned on me honors in
the graduating class of McMinuville col
lege, with s rtanding of 97.07. He in
tends entering Harvard college next fall,
already having received junior ranking.
.Will Not O.i.ebbatc. At the 4th of
Jnly meeting last evening it was decided
not to celebrate. This was proper. Al
bany has lust had one of tne '.st cele
orations in Us history, there will be a big
circus here soon, and when the boys I
come home from Manila we will want to
" wboop it up" as never before. Besides
the W orkmen are to give .one of their I
successful 4th of July excursions to the
front. The general sentiment seems to
oe mat nntxi the circumstances we I
should let this year para. Rut look out I
for the first year ol the 20 tb. century,
July 4, two.
A Fine Thiko. On-to-Manila, tbe
first number of the Oregonisn's Pacific
Historical Magazine, to be issued quart
erly, is out and can be secured in this
citv of Mr. Wallace at tbe Oregonian's
headquarters ia French's store. This
number is gotten np by Douglas White,
who recently returned from Manila, and
is one of the finest thirgs ever gotten
out on the coast. Everybody should
J have a copy.
Got His Mam. Sheriff Gage, of Coos
county, who went to Portland yesterday
alter White tbe partner of Thomas
Dreue, arrested in this city by Chief of
Police Lee, for roobingtwo clerks in the
store of N. Lorenz at Mtrslitleld, at the
point of thoir revolvers, telegraphed
Chief of Police Lee this morning that he
had his man and would pass through
her tomorrow noon for home, taking
tbe two desperadoes home alone.
CnuHCH Noticb Members, as well as
those who are in the habit of attending
services of tbe Conereeational church.ol
this city, are notified that, at the close of
tbe usual prayer meeting services this
evening, there will be s business meet
ing, to which all are requested to attend
. By order of the trustee.
ubobob v. witianT, Church clerk.
If you want a aooa and cleai
.uoke buy cigars made by our Al'
ba ny lg,ar factory.
County Court.
(tieo. l. l'urton judge, D. L. Curl and
JJ. J. s-wuiin couiiuiSMioiiers.)
Resignation of John Carroll aa consta
ble at Lebanon, was accepted.
In application of Alex Lewis for lease
of Monauk river ordered that petition
le returned and franchise be withdrawn
from tiliv
Resignation of T. J. l'hilpot as road
(supervisor accepted and J. M. Kite ap
pointed. Ordered that the clerk turn the delin
quent tax roll of lh'JT over to the sheriff
to collect tax remaining unsettled till
July S.
An order waa entered nunc pro tunc
authorizing the transfer of lot I, bl 23, to
John fc-iirl made in INKS.
Tiie county clerk aasordi red to issue
warrants to Welch tiros, from time to
time during vacation of the court oil the
order of the county total sum of
such warrants not to exceed $1000, ac
count improvement of the court house.
KosencranU granted 8.00 monthly.
Jiiftice L. C. llice was commended for
nakiiii; pruecuting witness in Oregon
agt 1-rai.k Clamer, pay costs.
In petition of J. A. Phinuner, et al,
for road viewers appointed to met June
In petition of Thos. flaxen, et al, for
county road viewers appointed and costs,
-COO allowed.
In petition of Clark al, for road
report of viewers approved and road or
dered established.
Kills allowtd:
cot sty oi ru ai;".
Judge Barton .
Ccuiut Ule'k iltkbuee
Sheriff Munkera
Recorder Nel
Superintendent Ait 1Vi ld
TnaMirer Jack
lei uiy C erk Montague
IVpoty Sheiiff Iweliing
Aid .Mrs Hin
' Harry Myers..
" I t'o.eman and wife..
" " Samuel Keith
Joo.ios... .
' It .fencrs ill
" " Koker minur
.(K0 00
. I JO
. 166 00
. 150 IX)
. 50 00
. W S3
. 50 00
. 60 CO
3 00?
a 00
4 OOj
4 00,
5 00.
6 00
4 00
5 001
4 00
Dinah Mossier
" Jas 1 41 re sr
ana J Iruiuniond, supt
Parker Bros
F E Allen, poor farm
Stewart .V Sox, poor farm
loston Shoe Store :
Aid Randolph
Magnolia Mill, poorfaim
Kcocoiuiet Ivy Goods Co
Geo, joor larm . .
Hopkins Bros.
11 L Watson, aid Katie Bray....
tr W Wiliis, poor farm
5 CO
2 00
10 90
4 301
i I
5 00
9 tO
10 00
10 50
3 90
10 50
15 05
20 00
r v spinks
Relief A Argu bright, and burial. .
Aid Gillock
KOAI' a. hhll.l.
J BTi'lotson
L U Moses
G L Grev
tiill A Rey
M C Gill A son
Hopkins Bros.
S A N ickerson
J H Hahn
P W Spinas
I) Hacaleman.. .,
John Catlin, janitor
Kd Hughes, fcood
J M Owen, sawing wood
H Pray, wow!
X A Biodaett. sawiis wool
7 5
6 03
12 00
20 0i
3 00
2 SO
6 40
13 tO
T',.cp,i0"e S?,V H f n l aiI
M Ludwig, C H snd jail.
Albany Klectric Light Co
F M Powell, deputy sheriff
4 50
JCBiiyeu, " ' ......
M H Sturtevant, deputy shenn..
S 8 Train, stationary
J B Thompson, board prisoner. .
J J Whitney, incidenu.s
B A Sunord. salary as ausor-.
irs nti
A S MoLonald, teachers t
15 75 i
jl 00 1
2 75 j
lfi (Ml
W J5 1
' ' institute
J E Tvree, teachers ex
I A M tinkers, fuel
Marr Muckers, deoutv she, iff..
I A Munkers, board prisoners..
fc J Stephens, deputy thens
J ov
- V !
fc C Hester,
"T Leaellmg, C II and jail.
10 00 1
1 Munkers. acct expense
62 5
52 00
36 00
6 00
2 50
2 50
13 45
S 25
Georgia D Montague, del tax roil
E E Montague, C H and jail....
GW Morrow, deputy sherift
Alex Gould, bounty
M Parr bounty
;milev, the printer
I Geo D Barton, ex account. ......
Blain Clothing Co rent typewriter
7 50
Piling papers in P G Morr.s cae. 20 00
H,,kii, Ilroe. acct Welch l'.ros. 400 00
20 00 '
or. gon sgt T A Dreue.
5 5J
Henry Williams...
Robert Fores
8 15
6 30
13 12
5 CO
David Torbet, teachers ex
Mrs Baumgart.renl house
Another fifteen mile toa l
rsce some
Saturday would I an attraction
of an
interesting order, mere
ambitions in this line.
are several
If you are young you nat
urally appear so.
If you are old, why ap
pear so?
Keep young inwardly; we
will look after the out
wardly. You need not worry longer
about those little streaks of
gray; advance agents of age.
will surely restore color to
gray hair; and it will also
give your hair all the wealth
and gloss of early life.
Do not allow the fallisgof
your hair to threaten you
longer with baldness. Do not
be annoyed with dandruff.
We will send you our book
on tbe Hair and Scalp, free
upon request.
MWrsi fo Ihm Ooatmr.
If yoa do not obtain all ths bsns.
fits T'm tipsutsd irom ths bis of
the Vliior, writ, ins doctor smut it.
rrooably liter, is tome aimruiiv
trim your esosrsi srt
Buty bs sstlly rsmossd.
aVIans. PU. J
mmmmmm w.'.')ni."k
ism wuua sjj
o. aver. mm
Lowell, Mass. V Q
Grangers at Corvallis.
From lbs Corvallis Times :
Last Saturday the I. inn County Coun
cil Patrons of Husbandry held their
monthly meeting in the Curvallii Grange
hall. A score of uysngers from Polk,
lkntoti and Linn counties were repre
scnted, there being no legs than 150 del
egates and visiting members present. 1 1
a said by many to have been the larire.t.
council held in this grange district. The
music under the direction of Mr Jnaeni,
laies waa spirited, the discussion were
interesting, and the dinner was the kind
Ot leilBt that toe lien ton nmniv Imli.a
know now to spread.
"Wide Tires for Wauona" waa tl.
question debated in the forenoon by siu ii
men as Senators CJein and Dawson, ex
RepresenUtive Scott. WhiUker, Palmer
Moore, Cooper, Lak, Dr. Whitvcwmhe
and mhors. ....I it ... .. ' . A ?7'. 1
In T i .L . ' , r ""uusij -m
IT Uif.Vfod ru,, ca" ,,ev-r '
in the W illamette ; vlley nther in sum -
mer or winter nirtil ths heavier wagons
run on w ide tin,.?
In the Hlitfoujii a gentleman staled
..... .... ,...,m-, ,.Ku., uianuiattureu
twenty years a-s Mil in goo.1 repair,
while the nuttll-l lt of an imrorted mi
chine-made wagou 1 from live to ten
years, with the name class of service. It
was also stat-d that it is a mistaken ideu
that we must import oak to ! used in
the manufacture of farming implement-.
Mr. A. R. Brown fa id lht h.. a
hand-made waj;on of Benton county oak.
that has been in use thirty years and is
now in good running order. Judge C. K.
Moor informed the council that hU
wagon which was male ol Polk e.xmiv
oak 34 years ago is still in use. H-n.
Thomas Froroan, a sulxtantial u-izen of
Albany, declares that he has good wagon
w heels made out of l.inn countv ok in
the earlv '50. Here the div
cltjsed for the tin:e, to f e taken m. at the
next reguiar axion which will be the
(first Saturday in Julv H l'Uinvivw
grange hail. The question aa it wilt be
iOircueti there s. "Resolved that tre -
icwa ubk miouh atrU in tl.tMnanu act-
ureof wagons and other farming imi i.
menu " 1
It was announced at the Counc 1 that
J. B. Irvine has been appointed dietric:
deputy by Hon. W. M. Hi k-ary. u,ur
of the State Grange.
The Proper Thin.
From the Guard of Kugene :
One of the most sweeping order ever
? railroad
company in this
conn try con-trnirg the behavior and
well-being of i?s emploves tn-caroc ef
fective Friday. June 2nd', along the en
tire Southern Pacinc system. It forbid
tfce sale of liquor at revtaoraots connect
ed witli the depots where such restaur-1
adls are rented from the railroad crnp
aniea. A nearly every restaurant along
the road is rented from the rai r.i-I
compsnr, the order hi a very wide
The main purpose of the innovation is
to prevent lle trainmen from drinking
while on duty. At the same timo the
orvfer will cut off a large portion of the
revenue of the raiir jad compsmy, for at
the many fUiuoi a!o fia rovt
rents for rfstauranta have Urrelr in-
j rrvaaed alter the proprietor obtain li
censee 10 sen n--iom.
The order wiil uke efiect in Albany oa
the completion of the present li-'ase.
reptembcr 1.
Yesterday was the annitersarv
great rortlau l Pol of 1894.
j t ot. T. K. Hoifg left a w til under a bich
$ eight ti-niiii of his property i t Itu
w :fe.
j A good many Albany people went to
Brownsville this dormoit to attend ll.e
w j pioneer a picnic
fi!?J The tenth annual oomm'inkanon
1 f ; the tni Star of Oregon Oined
iPortUnd yesterday.
t ujuiviii is nrxvtcl
W tit
posso to make Uie trip Irom s Lag a-a v
to lawson ineihldars,
A June Cumbia tl ,k1 it fearel in
Portland, and preparation f or the same
is lieing mayJe by merchant.
AlUny has felt a little of the eattern
impulse and the price of w be
8 cent, a.'ler ting at 40 I
is now
A few days an difficult operation
waa performed on M hg Anna Thompson.
of Shcdd, made neoesssanr br an acutdenl
six year ago. She i doing well.
Th.e post office at Cottage Grove 111
robbed Tuesday night. The Iocs has n t
It-en sta'ed but i reported to I Irom
50 U750, the poet master Ycfaiine to
Sve the fata unld an inspector has been
1 mi-re.
Tbe City of Eugene went tin the river
this afternoon stopping at this city on
me oaoK, leaving several package lor
Albany merchant. The Albany amenta
were all present but Turner 10 see t!i
C M. El kins lias purchased 40 feet off
the proKrty, just east of his store and
will in a short lime erect a commodious
warehouse. The building will l built
of corrugated iron ai d wi:l be 40x7ti feet.
Another evidence of the prosperity of
rriniviilo and its business houeos. Re
A great many of lebann s citiicns
are in Albany attending the band tour
nament. Soma went down by teams.
some on bicycle and a large number on
the train. Lebanon is certainly wel
represented with something l;ke two
bundled or more people. Lebanon E
Geo. Ttirpin was brought u: from A'-
lany by Pol.ceman Croner on loiav's
2:10 local to answer a charge of stealing
a valuable pup from El Howe. He was
admitted to bait in the sum o! $25 by
justice iniermeier, who set the ex
amination for 2:30 tomorrow auerroon
Eugene Guard.
PorsPMAitiK Davipso:: Mr. Geo L.
Rees, one of Linn county's leading citi
zens, left bis horse near tno creamery
yesterday evening, tied by a lorg rope
Poundmaslcr Davidson came along and
took up the animal, and it cost Mr, Rees
$1 tc get it. A live roasting for tbe
poundmaster in a contemporary follow
ed. in which he was accusal ol twins
drunk sod a nuisance. Davidson denies
the drunk pari, and d clare that lbs
case was a plain violation ot the pound
law. The Dimockat ia sitting on be
fence and watching the procession go by
UavnlrOn says ne will make a formal
answer in the matter tomorrow night,
with lime interesting things about Mr.
UfKBATioNS. An operation was pei
formed at Knox Butte yesterday tv Drr.
it. 1 1 li. : .J i " .
v auace, invn inu t innaru on jona
l.enjox, jr., lor appendicitis. Ti.e rase
is a serious one. It is reported he can
not recover, in this city an operation
was performed by I'rs. Wallace and Da
vis on Mrs. P.O. Andereon, who Is doing
Mr Pastoor, wife of the gardner rct-ij
ina near the fair ground, was declare
ii.Bsnethis forenoon and taken by Slier
iff Munkers to the asylum. Mrs. Pa
toor in addition to being insane is deaf
and dumb. Her case Is a pitiful one
Removal Notice.
Tinkle A Dawson, the photographers,
will move their Photo studio to Helena,
Montana, in July. Until the end of
June they will make the finest Enamel
cabinet photos fort 1. 00 per dotc-n. Cab
inet nlatino. beet finish, 1 20 per dos.
Such tediculous price were never heard
of before. Gome at once ana nave your
picture taken before they leave Aibanv.
i wo i jiportant soils were begun in the
riiciiit court for l.inn county, last even
tug, by viriue of an order issued by Judge
Geo, II. Burnett on Jane 7, entit'ed as
follow e:
Linn County s. P. G. Morris, L. Fiini.,
J. n.vttm-k, V. tkilien, A. U.Grigg, A.
it .Marshall, w. A. Pain, h. K. Young.
Wm. Faner and P. It. Marshall.
Linn County vs. P. G . Morris, J. W.
C'leirk. A. It (!; a Ira X Msr.liall
Minn, S. K. Young and A. t. Mar-
i t e suits are on two bonds cf P. G
!orris as county treacorer of Lion
ccDuiy, tlie tirst lor the term Ix-tinuiog
July . Jh'it and etiding Julv 6. ISffl,dur
ing which .e rereive.1 $3:.2 ll 13 and
paid 10 H,e county t:i29.955.W. leaving
; I. 7. ..... " V louu.,
unaccounted lor
f-. to zu; lle second lor me lerui isrgiu-
"" JO'T . ISOti ind e-oir.Rj.dt' f. I8W.
! during which he received $ia) i5H C
nd paia to n.e county $249,S'jj 3S le,v.
ln (.lle ,n j UIlllctol,0.ej (or Uje eulo (1,
1 1,505.54.
e-amuel tlaydes, district alroroer. ai d
Watson A swsuu appear fr I be t.laiytul
! Scio.
Krom thtf Nea.
it 1. . .
aier ttorre.. u Albsnr, was in the
rnv week, visim.g w ith t!S sieler,
.. ubj. . l liiiiip,.
miss l.ulu Kiorro is visiting in Al
n ihii week, 11. e guest o Miss Nellie
Scio is going to have a brass lacd.
Tne buys did not get organ:Ze. in time to
anen,i n,e lournaaient. but it they had
they would have made 'I w.rm for some
01 u.o titttti l,.ned wind ;ammers.
j J. N- Uu.g has so'd the growing rr'p
i !;Lei.. 1
vi 10. n in 1 1 Ml.
1 tt 10 lis i.,f,-t,r.'. ..
a I t I inter-
iitarket, at
I-l n.ove K:s fini!. ?n
Ma; too In a few days. .
there wid be a picnic . 'tinker's
g ote, r.esr thisrity. Thnrsar. 15
o... er auspice. o ;j,e d;fi,reot Setitt sc.'
tlel!rof theeity A fine program wid
l aT.rsged, and a good tiu.e tiu.e sssur
td al. who attend.
Chas. Lo s. ti.e owner cf tie Stayton
race horse, has coo, n.r need soil agaiesi
the Bank of Scio, as stakeho'der. to re
cover lb money which was put op on
tb late rate ruu at this pia-e Mr
Li'i be in lack ti 1 e don't get fined
'or gamblirsg. Jet alone fa iing to recover
bis money
Cliittim Bark Charges.
Colouel U. W. Macbe'.i.iti'et,t i,,,.
he Cascade A f. r.t..
' " f''n i - mj ary. ha abca! solved
"be f rp!exit g cl it isn hark pr Mem.
I ll al-ll rexeo.W-ed that it it e-
.,-... .rm, ,UB, h-ip't! nieo were
ricn 0:1 u e lands of ibe c -mpany
by gather-, etiuim Urk Ti.e u,a:
terwas reported to tne rotrranv. la
bosr to stop tbefenada;ion cd the trees
d thir taiaale ba:k was anorberQae--tioc.
As U e chittim lt of the romps or ex
erds over about 25.00iaescf laad in
Line county a small arm of men would
h,li','n Nui'el lo watch the proper
ty. This was considered too exfeosive
. Hii-twenicn. v a ter mature Jeiifia
t;on ll was yesterday de-ided to accept
ray Irom the rh.tim bark gatherer at
the rase ol viu a ton. re ting tpon lhe:r
honor astuihe amount ttev gather.
bi ti .50 a too it not mnfl, for a com
modity that jib'.. a,,.t ir aoufartn ers
g adiy psy )a ton for.Co'ocel MitcheU
ftgur.- that it i. Ut.r tb.o nothing,
ties tue chsttim Iree is of 00 speci.
value .;ther as a njnculsctoring wool or
as fue., and 'ts removal frm the land
do not in tl lead irjjre it or impasr
ll valqe.-regram.
Will Not Be Molested.
Enn.-n Ptvumt:
tt understand that t.e hicythst cf
yiur couniy are ao:ious to know- if they
wi;l t-e roo.oMeJ if tl , y are citM rid
idw in Benlon cotsnty I aiii v i!.er
wi.l le no trou' le. ' Bespec fa: y
. ,, T- W Diui'v.
e 1 ;rtidenl of lnion L"o . 1; K Club.
The irreprwiMeTlamilton. tvlk.tor
or thelirevoniao. is in Ihe c;tv.
Mr. Swnn,of CrawfrrihiHe. fat'.er
of Lawter Swsni has teen in tbe citv.
1? t. w.i - ...
... itou, b iproirr i-utrir man.
ia rwen etected w-er coir;i,:mooer ol
Oregon City.
juib siorie iaritiim, of the A-toria
ti:.. ftf n . .
selios!. 1 in .iLec.ts ii:tng Alitor
t-i r.. ...
.-sienii uage. ol Co.. is in ih
!t K I . . . .
.... -hi. ui.ujirimm, waiting for
mgoi train io start I ir hoiuc.
uarry lloliratessw t ip'ftino.i. r.;.
iAwensiein aot s nir.-:.-.l j i gl.jaing
newe paper accounts.
Asa Tencclift of O.rvs'1 t t,.-
Nora Tav'or of Indii. n.
ed in marriage on th 7.h.
Charley rane'l. who m .hm k.
Henry Williams on the tiixhi tl ths, ?-h
ol Mar, waa up street, nr n.a ....
Mr. I.or.ner Kalsion retnrril in.!..
from Olex, stoppimr in Port an.i s.,.'i
dsys with a band of hones, of w iiicu be
so'd nit et.
Prof. Iatherman an t t.n,i-. i i.
fabor, are in the citv ih. ...,...' i
loathe: man's sister," Mrs, K. B Monta
Mr. Dindincer left this mnrnin..
on me ivuui witn lus trotter lor S.sitl.
where tw will clerk in the store ot W. K.
i escocK,
1 loi. .viartiii.Ia e. I. II V, U";i-!-.
. , . . ...
and Mis Ha el.t eni to s,!,.m ()i
morning to attend (he field day snona
Mis. Cha-man.of ihnnm. in
,ne Kferai of her aunt
wis. uetkard. rtlurr.ed home lb
morning on the Ruth.
Grandmaster D C. tferrin nt tha. a
O U. W.. was in tli.riii. i.i, on in.
oar to isniand. Where Iih r.-..nllt a.
cured lortyeight new membtrs lor the
Mr. Morr. sen ninth, rof Tra n It
aivnteitn, reiurn.d t0 her home at Pert
land Ibis mDrnin on ihe Itu h after i
visit with Albany telaiives and friends
ol several .ay.
In '.he Oregonian' Maine - "On to
Manila." the laces of Major Litis, and
Sereaiit Stellmaker can be picked out
mm the different groups. Une resem
bling Capt Phillips may be picked out
from the second lieutenants, but he was
a ti-st libutenant at tbe time.
OA letter from Brsdv Burnett, dated
May ilrd.announo that he '.as recovered
suilicioiuly Irom bis recent wound to
attain lie with blseoaipany. narry lio'
vate, who has rece ved his dischaine. at
first luteoded to rrmsin in the t'hMt-
piness. but upon advice of physicians
who asy that the climate is too severe
fur htm', will return to the United States
with the other Oiegon tioop. Corvallis
Tux Vionsiks. Parties at ihe Pioneer
picnic at Brownsvihe yesterjay report it
to have been a great sneers, the a ea' bra
being fine and tbe crowd a big one. The
addres by Judge George was a splendid
one. Among tne or ner speakers were
Senator Driver and O. W. Wright. The
association elected ollicers, chosing Rob
ert Glass ol Crawfordsville president and
(J. II. walker ot Aioany secretary. The
base ball game netween Albany and
Brownsville was s live contest Aibanv
won PA to 12, putting up a good amateur
game. .
X-rays are'net In :t with our new sys
m. Long photo Co.
The Salem Journal has begun giving
the record of the mem hers of lUe la-t
state 'egislature, beginning with tha
t.oiue on several important measures.
The Lien county members appear as fo!
lows :
Motion to table Young's reolution
crealibg S clerkships wiih noThing to do:
Joms abst-n , Palmer 110, Whiiney no.
lo ietinite postponsinefit of Myr'r's tUh
couimis-toa iuvesligaiion: Jones ab
sent, Palmer yes, Whitney ye.
Cuuimins rrsalution creating commit
tee to iiive.tigme def mute sct.ool:
Jone. yes. Palmer no, Whiti.ey no.
Curtis resolution In
diktrinute free cooies of tisli law. J.t.
je, Pa' no. V hi.ney n.
Adoi tion report to give chie,' clerk I2
etc: Jones no. Pa mer no W
Motion to reduce aooronrialioo t,f v
ncuilurat coliegr: Junes te. Pal
yer, Wjiittcy yes.
First vole 00 Senate bi!I fixtnirnronertv
qualitication at pchooi eledioi.b: Jone.
o, no, H hitney no. l-ioal vole
on same: Jones rts. Palmer no. Whit-
oey yes.
Col eetahUahinj exclnsive fiscal sgen- j i'-vernor Geer, of Oregon, and Gover
in New Y'ork : Jones yes. Paimer uo. "or fieunenorr. of Idaho, tecenliv tods
Whitney no.
Kill allowing freedom of choice ia per
son considered competent to p event or
ntai disease: Jones absent, i'.lrper r.o,
1 Whitney no.
Bui allowing corporations 10 art as
guardians: Jones no, Palmer ru, Wh t
ney no.
Bill requiring city charters to I.- nib
Mitlcs to a popular vo e: Jones t?.
Palmer t.o. Whltoey yes.
Reducing legsl rate cf to ti per
rem- Jones je, Psljier no , V. hi cev
Motiun permitting commits t j report
Srel sugar bounty oil! at Special instead
'i r.g.n.r see.u,o: Jones je. i
wj, tt mines n't.
Motion to tndeSni'e'r p.jt.-it, the
beet jgr b rtiuty bill: Jn-s no. Pa -mer
co, Whitney yes.
i-ioat parage of sugar bounty biii:
Jone yes, Patcuer no, to hiiney lo.
Btil requirin j ail taxes to te pi i in
lawiol money, prohibi.iug psymen in
warraatt: .' no, Palmer no. Whiiney
Appropriat ng 15C00 for Omaha tx
hibittun exhibit: June; no. P:mer lo,
hitney no.
Creating office cf cojotr game and for-
"'ry wsroen: Junes no. f.lmrr
Whitney do.
General appropr;aticn li:i ab-
sent, 1 aimer do. w hitney no.
Ia the iudgment of lh Jr.nrnal Jnnes
voted right 8 litres and rnn M m..-
sWnt 4; Pa'.mer right 16 wrong 4:
liitny i:gbt 16,wrong 4. AcevrdiLg to !
sr.eju3tfmet.iot ne Jontns, the rec-jrd
of Palmer and Wtmiey on these mess
ores was ti.e 1-est of aov excep icg two
or three w 1,0 Utv cn'y 3 wrocg against
ttiem. As a matter of Uct reform people
wu, disagree 00 severs! of ti.e n r gjres.
Tbe alove toiei s;k l,r t;.tmeive.
A the record is pQtd-.sbsd it a til redound
to tbe credit of inese tao li ra pirt:cai
ariy. Matron's Contest.
Foituwin; is the program of ti.e Ma
trons Ccntm tot-e held Friday evenin-,
June 9, at ihe W. C. T. I". I s:!.
(ipening exercise.
Vocal -do He:,ry Xlcran.
My Boy n- Voor Boy o. 1.
A Teniranoe HeadL.ard No. 2.
Vocal scio tr:funz Witt, ti.e Tide
Mr, tt iru.
M Sjopy" NV.",.
'Pi-!e l itl tt me " No. 4
Vwcal solo Xol Asl.amc-d of i i.rU:
Mrs. Nel-t-n.
B-.bie lv;-.t-s No. 5.
Is it Worth the Sacnisoe Xo. 6
IntlruiT enta! tv.k Heorv Morgan.
ijn,:. recitation and ta ieia n,re i
Utile Girls.
Verdict of j'dgts.
A iiaision, lOcts.
This is straaberry ma ins westher. j
Portland crlenratioo t.'.is vtar will
be ihe biigest in its history.
Oo Friday nihl of next wees a K ol
. lolce wrl is; ietit:ed at L-! aa. n by !
m. tubers ol the A:bany Ii2e.
The A O U W wii! ho:d a big picnic a
Jvflerson on Jane 22, with D. SoUj Csho
of Poriisod as ora:orof lue d r.
l-eo LiD.w!uk working st Veai"
yef teruay afiriooon was bit a board
-o thai he had to be taken home, ami it
was fea?ti ti tnuht be iijuied later
naiiy. The Oreg- n vo.nnteers w id leave for
Portiacd next Mon.tsr oo the transport
t)ho and Newport. Tny wid thos
probah!; reach IVrtland a'.iut tl. 12:b
Of July.
Toe Sam T. Shaw Cotu-dy Co., wil: le
in Albany for the week beginning June
-t. 1 1 is of the character ot l-.e Shir.ey
Company, and i a:d to le first class.
Eihrt, the ten ysar ol ! son of Mrs.
M. E. IVrris, of the hotti at IVtroil. i,
drowned testerdav in the an:n at
that p'ace. Mrs. IXwiis waj in Ai5anv
at the lime and ret irned tome this
The bids for Ihe ne ourt house at
Toledo were opened y-steray.aii-i wee:l
H oilman A t.. kert t,ni4, A r fetersn
e3,69o. Greusai & ledrick I4.30S The
contract was not iet and a drciston was
reserved pending the arrival of A:chi:e;t
The lioard of regents cf the Drain nor
mal school hs e!e-ted the following lac-
uliy: B. F. Muikry, of roik county,
president, salary $1,200 per annum;
Ia vis liaiXiH", ve-pTesu:ert and trr,-
sor o! sciences, f ; l. t K. Kuvsen-
lall, pro'.ssor cf mathematu", $tvi0;
Ijktira Mvt-rs. pioieesor o.' literature,
Most a 1 of our people were in Albany
on .Monday or iuesday aiieudms u.e
Band lournatiien'. We weut inon Tues
day and was surprisetl to see so lar-je a
number cf "totitrrs" and st'tl more sur
prised tbat none I our four bands were
Mi. Pease accompanied by wHt- and
daughter, of Ilasllni', Not'ratka.are vis
inns: witti Oscar idiiey. iney are de
;i!iied with our country and will per-
tiaps locate near here.
We look in vain lor our friend George
McKniizht or the leunesseo correspond
ent McK, tail Tuesday, but li-.led to tind
iheut in ihe big crown, but we lo nJ
W. W. Crawford. He was line one of
the old prophets leading the bands with
his magic wand.
Mis? I ma Rediield is visitiug w ith
Uracie Need ham.
Messrs. Lawrence Frady, Wi'l ttibbs
and Will Brattaiu called on us as thev
relurued fiom tint Band tournament
tliev ro-le Ihe 10 miles in So minute
Next I !
Miss Lena Shearer made us a pleneant
call last Y nine s. I ay evening and m ule
us a presetlt ot a "iK'ttgarsdozen" td nice
white radislier. Call aitAin Mis Lena!
We accepted an invitation to attend
the annual picnic of the pioneers a
Brownsville. We are a "pioneer" but
not ot Oregon. We was anion,: the first
settlers of t:ie "Sun- flower" state, but
have resided in "We Wool" for a quarter
ola century. (
Mr. J.J. Beard and wife made us a
Iriendly call last Wednesday afternoon.
We will write more when. we return
from Brownsville.
Litu.8 Ron it Brc.
Rina for every body at Frencli't Jew
elerv Btore.
Fresh fruit at Viereck's Sugar Bowl par-
S a
Makes the food more
Jndge and Mre. Woiver on came op
fiom Saleto this noon.
I rof. Pravin i!l give b'f g'adns'ipg
musical recital in the W C T U hail on
Jone 16
Xewt. Acderson, jit tliii ci?r.'l-s a
ticjc!e ha drew in the Examiner
premium offe'.
u e cars together between
Union and
A very pleasant rsrty wa given last
svemtig at the lesutru! home of M
r inn, hy JJiiS Rath, attended by
T tt
.t. i.rowneu, a nursery man, came
down Irom AiUanv yes-.erday afternoon
to attend the meeting of the state board
01 noriicu ture. Salem statesman.
lo'eiih T. I.rennan. n-nrwrifin tKa.
Luelr-Hampden Watcn Company ol
Canton, Olno, 1 m the city. A genial
ger.tteiuan with a spletdid watcb.
iimo Uavis h.s pnrcbased the Dalia-
1 a ranch np Kig L;k and will soon be
1 ft-r, i r hinirn :,t. t 1 r. . . .f .ft I
. i ice. t H.C LSJts.
.-a:Ts to ye.--Tuledo Leader.
I W J. Vs!er, one of Sonthem Ore
gon's leadica attoiney. was in tbecitv
..a ieti riusinese sir. awter
lormer.y res:dj.j m this county.
Thar. Mor.-e.ith, an old friend cf the
Review tditr. now represent ice the
MaLkaio hosiery m-!:., sras a welcome
vis. tr oa tt ednetiay. JeSerson Re
view. Messrs , bite ar.d Cruecy, two experts
from Albany, were in onr burg a portion
of tbe week, paperm the Sbnilz boild
og which now look immsnse.-Jrffer-scn
J. A. Grot, wai sppointel to repre
sent southern O if son ar the reception to
be given the new Arcbb shop of Oregon.
Mr. Cbrif-tie. at Portiaerf next ..v Km
decline.1. ling onatls to attend. Ash-
inc r.d;tg.
Ge-. 4V. Dc.wujr. tLe well-knows
pooitry eipert -f Portlacd, fell tester
!ar 'isasK taaik on Sellwocd' street
ft. .... t.:... .i .
.i r rim co.iar pooe in two
p ares, ah. I'o.tit was in Aibanv eey-e.-a'
dits dor;n; the state poultry "show.
ll tt E ma l a--r. . f Aitaoy, visited
at the home cf her, AKen
Psrker, last s,:n.!ar. She returned
M..iiav acconipsi.iel y Mis td:th
Ei-:erand Ur.ea-.ta I;e:"n,V..!a Y.,.
.Mr. F. C. S'ar-srd and children arriv
je,1 in Froar.sviiieMnidsyeTenine. lr
j stacsH wi!l ron plete h s term of scboc!
near Het pnr.-alot July let and will
j return to f hey wii! never
feo to Kistern trgon again. Prosns-
v;. Tirtiee.
Airs. ir. I-eers, arco-npar.ied bv Ler
Hrosi er. Mr J A. Kirkpatnck, of Al
batiy, arrival fuetday evening. Dr. H.
E. iieer a iil arr:r? ':h s eva:cgt and
ttiev wid mate V.eir home with os. and
oecopy !--x,n,5 in the Di;er bciidirg.
rt anro News.
W. G. Stetl. cf Portland, editor of tbe
Oregon Native Sons, one of the best got-
nP prwjuctions tt tne s'.at. was in
the city ist eveuicg on bis way tome
browr.ff tiie wheie h had 'hewn
fatten the cioceer mrnie. Vr .tu!
was toobderol the Herald cf U-is citv
feiiice ibe oarer in !Sa ra ttarrcs a
! Sorhie Blackmore who will sneak
in the M. E. church
lrn Enciish parents in New Sooth
ttaie. Australia. Stie was led io conse
crate her li'e to missionary sort In
l" sue opened woman's work for wo
man in iMngapore She ha strved two
terics of Eve vears earh. Her first va
casion wa spent in AujiraHa. Shecome
ihi luce tu spend a veae ia America.
t-ome anj Ler her. .
The Married Women Contest
At tbe W. C. l U. hall last night
there wa a spirited oratoiical contest
amoag ibe ma-.rons o( ibe W. C.T. U. of
an inieresticg ibarsctr. Six of tbe la
vlifj recited in a manner to show that
ther tad cot Ion Iheir running. The
fact though lii at the contest waa won
oy the youngest contestant may be
Mrs. Iau.e Marks recited "Mr Bov
and Yoor Boy." M-s Jobn Fox "A Tem
perance Headboard." Mrs Erskine'Oid
oapy," Mrs. Arch Hammer Pledged
witti Wjne. "Mrs. Robert Morgan "Bible
Politics." M'S feu.ick Ie it Wor;h tne
Saonare." Interspersed were a vocal
suio bv Mrs. Wert a. a vocal eota and
an instrumental solo bv Heorv Mor
gan, and a song and tableau by three
gins, tne audience voted on the con
testant entitled to the medal and tb
most votes were found lo bw for Mr
Arch l?au;mer,whoe recitation had been
presented to an excellent manner.
kycik Acvtt-KNT John Sanger, o
Ha'sey, came near meeting with a fatal
itiCiuem on last Aionuey. lie was riuing
a bicycle at a roov-erate rate of speed
when the front lork c-t tbe frame gave
way and precipitated hiu to the ground
badiv bru.smg and lacerating the tn.i
and causing lio Plood to tlow profusely
tie was rendered ucconscicuafor an hour
or mo-e alter reacuug his home, which
was jtO vaids tsar, t nconsciousiv he
had art; u and cathered up Ihe frag
ments oi his la'.ee teelh and bicycle and
walked heme, and he doe not rerreui
her a single incident that transpired dur
ing the time intervening belwten the
lull and au hour after rertcbiug home
He did not even know what butt him or
where the accident occurred until be saw
the dilapidated wheel (which he bad
arried to tlie house) and louad ttie pool
of blood in Ihe runes
HouaiiRY at Tits BxsD. About 11
o'clock vesterJay forenoon during- the
absence of Mr. A. P. Cooper, of Mi;lers,
in Albany, a tramp entered his bachelor
quarter aud stole bis watch, some bread
.nd two roils of butter, tl was seen
tilling al.tna the road towards Jefferson
with package answertuit I be description
ot the lost articles. Mr. Cooper arrived
home thorliv afterwards apd getting
shot it in started in hot pursuit of Hi
tobber. The result has not been learned
A JaTtRsoN C-VBtJi. Jacob Coner
cabin No. 17, Native 8onof Oregcn, was1
instituted at JsQerson, Thursday night,
by S T Jeffreys, deputy grand organizer,
with the following officers: Junior past
president J hn S Steiwer; president, VV
L Jones; first vice-president. 8 T John
son: second vice-president, W J Loonev;
third vice president. Edward Meeker; re
cording secretary. V G Holt; financial
secretary, F B" West; treasurer, A C
Miller; marsh tl.W W A 11 Person; tms'
ee, J T Jones. D U l.ooue.,J Lfeieiwer;
inside sentinel, U D Elliott; outa'de sen
tinel, A A Miller.
Tioseburg haa organizes! a board ol
tr ula with T. K. Sueridan aa president.
O. P. Coshow ia a member o. the board
of managers.
de,cious and wholesome
Preshyterlsn chorch : Children' Ajlj.
K. morning Children's day service at 11
o'clock. Tnis takes tbe plscn of the ua
nal morning worship and eabba'b School
sersiee. Junior Endeavor at 3 i30. Sen
ior Eodeavor si 6:45, evening worship
at 6 :45. fsnr-ject of aermon, "AltrrctkHi
and Kepaiston in Christ." A coroial
invitation t al! tbe services of the Lord's
ho nee is extsnded to all.
United Presbyterian chorch: Child
ren's day exercises ai 1 1 a. m. Thir
vice will fake tbe place of both preach
ing and S. 4i. rersiee Union meeting ol
Junior and Senior Endeavors at 6:45;
evening worship at 7:45. Sutjeci of r
mon("Jesci, tbe Savior from sin." All
cordially invited to attend tbeseservic.
M. E. cboreh: Morninz service at
1030. Tbe mcroinc serrooo wid be to
i children . Parents are nrged to bring ail
; tt3 ehi'tlren i?t this eei vice anc to coo-
themselves. Text: "The Little Foxes
tba Spoil the Vines." The fox will I e
there and various other things to ilia-.
Irate the sermon. anday school at 1J
m.; Jnnior at 3:.'0. Epworih aid In
termediate will aive p'ace thi
evening to Children1 rfay service by tb
cbiM'en at 7 p. m. at S p. tn. Mis
Sop-ie Black tore, a missionary f or.i
.Singapore, Malaysia, wih speak. Ever"
body is icvitsd to attend these cervices.
Tbe Baptist Eondsy reboot wi'.l have a
ChiUrecs' day program at tbe chnrcu
next Sunday evening at 7:45k A.l ar
cordialiy icvi:ed.
Wheat 46 cents.
Call at the Sugar Bowl for freta fruit
Have vnnr photo taken at Miss Locsr'a
for cash f 1 00 dozen, cabinet txe.
Wanted, to bav prepared rarcet ras.
by T. S. Alexander, east end cf Eiztth
First class cab net pho'os.Arieto fini-b.
for toe next : dat, otly ll.fri dozn at
Miss Loog'a.
Taere were twenty-one deaths at tLe
state ioeace asylum daring Mar.
The Mascnic ortfer cf Ihecly will
five an execrsi n to tbe front on Jace
Mrs. Sommerril'e died at Harriburg
last Tuesday at ibe home cf her son
John, at the t;e of 67 years.
A new Rambler bicycle, for lady or
gentleman, never nsed, for sale at a bar
gain. Call at the Dzxociut o:ce.
Georee Frisel!, w to live at McKen
zie Bridge, iciormed cs that tbe moon
tains aioug the summit of the Cascades
are fa I of snow. Guard,
The editor of tbe Saim In.l-pen.icnt
lectored at Aampsvi.le on Saturday
uight to a good aodieme. Color.el Hofer
was not present, so be n.:eed the chap
ter on the cultivatioc of sua berry
plants. tte raisicg of rooster sod the
advantage of bavicg a wheel coder yon
instead of ia jocr head. Independent
Tbe remain of Elbert Drm. son o
Mrs. V. E. Dorri. drowned a: Detroit
were bronght to Albany m li.t niyh-.'e
train, for burial. It iu learned that
the Dorri bov and two other bov were
playior in tbe mill p:nd co eotee log
ben they leil in and the Dorris boy
wa drowred the other boys tetcg gotn
out. The funeral eervtce took place this
forenoon at the residence of W. A. Kim-
sey, and tne remains were
ail at ret
beside those of ifce rather.
Several months aen the Quaker doctors
were ane?ted in Pena'etou Krpact.cing
witbont a license- an I were fined for the
tame. 1 l ev appewWd tbe case to tbe
supreme court aod nave just received a
decision io their favor, on tne groonds
tbat vem'wrs cf medicine a-e- not practit
ioners. But as a matter cf fct these
men professed to one's ease,
teaing patient jn?t what the matter was.
A SrtT Scit bas been fcrocght in the
Ben'oa county circuit court by the Al
bany Iron vt orks for the recovery from
H. X. Eley of the sum of $543.40. Mr.
Eiey is the contractor on tne cew Me
chanical hail tuiliing. and the snit is
Oreoght to recover tne purchase price of
iron hotels furnished for tbe support ot
certain stoce lintels over the windows of
the building, for liability f which there
is said to be some question, tbe contract
or insisting that payment ot tbe hiil it
no part of his contracU-Corvallis Timt-s.
Young Mothers.
Cro-ip is the terror ol thousands of
yooE? toothers because its outbreak is so
caaixiB? and frequently tatai. t-ruion a
OcOih and Consumotioa Cure acts like
mauic in cases of Croup. It has never
een known to fail. The worst cases re
lieved immediately. Prices 25 cts,. and
50 rts. and $1.00. "
For eaie by Fo?hay A Mason.
If too have r' ccks them. No us
ancergoiDC kcrrioleoperationitbat simply
remove tbe results of tbe c!isa witbont
disturbing tb disc- itself. Place jour
ccBSdencein OeWiU s Wiich haxsltalve.
It never faiWd to careoraKKS: it wia
not fail to cure j 00. icsbay i Mason.
r fjf 1.
t '
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method ar.d hcncEcial
effects of th? well known remedy,
STKrp of Fioa, manufactured by the
Caufokkia Fio Si rip Co , iHustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plauts known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form tnot refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perdvt fctrensrtht-ning- laxa
tive, cleausmsr the svstetu effect ually,
dispelling- colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
maneutly. lta perfect freedom from
everv object unable quality and sub
stance, and its acting- oa the kidnevs,
liver and bowels, without weakenmsr
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they ate pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the Cai-iFORStA F10 Syrup
Co, ouly. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember ihe full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package,
tOmSVTlX. XT. NSW TOi t . T.
For sale by sit Druggist. Pnce 50c. per UitUo
FOR SALE. 1 horse, single, gentle
and buagy and harness. Call at tbe
stable of Strainey MitcheM,