The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 09, 1899, Image 1

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    ALBANY, (MtfcGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 9.1899
Eater ci k Feus i-e al Uhaar. at N(ti4-iii Kail Kallci i
11 TTIC aalltaer aad rrarlrtr
Real Estate Sales.
List of Patents.
m..:-,'::.,iv..l-.-l v '" '.
I '1 J ii ,L-i L H
JtVebhlcPrcparationror As
similating tteTocxtandRcgulaJ
ting theStomachs aDdDaweta of
ntsandBcst.Contaln5 neither
OpmmCMorpUne not fiocral.
Not Nabc otic.
Ancrfett Bemedy for Constina-
utss and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
wVilifls fiifcj- I
'- i rrr--nf f
High-Grade College Education
To every boy and ?irl that lira
the aoibilion to attain one.
The course is complete, and embraces the
The Course lads op to a STATE DIPLOMA, and tbe
Commercial Cojrse hes now become a
Business College
Equal to anything id tbe State Now illustrated c italoga. R r I at the
Students Club at actual coot pries' Fr ptrticniart writs
Albanr, Orc-gon.
We have machines i.i stock as
low as.. .......
Suppies for Sewing Machines and
first class repairing.
Stewart & Sox Go.
Stewart & Sox for Machines that
"SEW" "
A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical.
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Band
somcly Printed and BcautUully Ulnstrated.
I your paper, made
out 1 u 1 ih arcK
the world the Dirge
ol America uaru urcr a tuuuon aua -hail regular rcaocn.
VBAB4 (retnaiWJqo, Ig90I, 190s and 1903) will be scat by Kail
'eampUFARM JOURMAJ. and circular deaerlbliif BI00LE BOOKS free, i
. ...m AAArm V1QM tntTIIMiV
csAS. r. janaura.
Years in
N Furniture Dealer in tbs cit and hs keeps complc
Furniture Dealer in
se and Bedding and
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
(if ' Use
U' For Over
Thirty Years
- fMt enmu covpht. mw w if.
A good article is woria more
a poor one.
w ill outwear s dozen eh is p
en', therefore cheaper is tbe end.
All about Hones Common-8uc Treatise, with ever
74 UUaWrsikm; a standard work. Frice, ju Colt.
Ail sbowt growlor 8mn Fruit read and lean Iww;
contains 4 colored rifc-like reproduction of all lean?
varieties aad loo otber illustration. Price, 50 Cat.
All .boot Poultry ; the brt Poultry Book In exbrtrwc:
tell everything ; withjj colored life-like reproduction
of all tbe principal breeds; wits IfJ other.iUusUalioaa.
price, y Cents.
All about Cows and tbe Dairy Bostness tiartnc great
ale ; con tarn S colored life-like reproductioaa 01 each
bread, with 13a otber illustration, lllcc, y Cents.
Just out. All about Hogs Breeding:, Feedlar, Butch,
cry, Disease, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half
tones and other cngravinca, fricc, jo Cents.
beBIOOLB BOOKS ere unique ,orl nal,naefnl yon oerer
aw anrtbing like them o practical, aoaearible. They
arc nanny an enormoos sale nasi, wen, nonn ana
ttouth. fimry one who keeps a Hone. Cam. Hof or
Chicken, or grow. Small Fruit, ought to acad rtght
sway fcc the BIOOLS BOOKS. The
for yon and not a inliriSt It la n yeara
iuilAfterroawid-it. Farm and Honaehold Barer ia
ooiiea-Kiown. nil-in-nailo-tJe-o.
paper of it aie in the DnHod Slates
tbs cit and hs keeps a complete
1( you -want food goods cheap yiv
The closing exercises oT the school lat
Friday were attended by a lurge crowd.
We attended the dinner and an usual
we found an abundance of good thing
in the way of eatables an ! we took our
share. After dinner bicyc'.e races on
the "piazza" were Indulged in by ti e
many wheeitnen present and right here
we can safely say we have the ben and
handsomest lady riders in the elate.
We were surprised at the r umber of
to see and take part ii the iVetivitiee.
"Kemember the hablvtlh day to keep it
holy" is Ibe law of Uodand man's law
should accord thereto if we would be a
prosperous nation.
We accepted a nice houqin-t ot snow
balls and iieonies the gilt of Mi-s Alpha
While ridine a biovcle last Friday
afternoon Miss Carrie Shearer loetaKld
Th. rn.9 m.a ulvi 11 In I) . P mnt ll,T
in Ireland about 24'.i. Miss Cat- Mr "dry :,nis e understand he
ris would be verv thankiul for the return rented the Aldnch t uildiugaud will soon
of the old keepsake as it washer mother's ln up a stock in l his place,
wedding ring J Wnu .Mahler, of Waseca; Miun.,'rpent
- Ws accepted an invitation to a mus'cal 1 Friday night and Saturday w ith C Jl.
entertainment at tbe home of Miss Elsie Young, of mis city. Mr. Mahler ha de
Dilley. We found Miss Elsie and iis cided to return to'lhia xun:y to locate,
Lillian Hamill playing on the ne orttn isnd has returned to bring out bis wife,
of the former. Misses Alpha Diile and The following are the new otlicers
ana Lillian iianull aci-ompaniea iy . m s
Elsie at the organ rami and played four
nice selections as follows, "Christina Le-
roT," "Je-sie James," "The P'tinkard
Oni Child" and "The Old Church Hell."
Many thanks ladies.
One of the old buildings of this part of
the country is the "old school houe."
alt hough it has gone throug h some Iran s
formations it still stands. This old
bouse has some precious memories for
here some of oar nu st talented youn
men and adies took vhrirfiist steps on the
ladder of fame. In this ancient hall W
K Blain (he who puts the prices down)
first wielded the rod and taught th
young ideas how to shoot. This ancient
land mark is oa ne-1 by Jude Barton
and ia occupied by Oscar Diliey aad is
situated at the eatt end of tbe new
covered bridge on and is ad
mired by everybody (we mean the
LrrTLk Rost Bit,
McGee Back.
Upon information furnished by Sheriff
Munkers, Charley McGee, who recently
escaped from the city jail, was appre-
nended in balem last evening. -Night-watch
McClain went down alter bim this
morning returning on tbe noon train and
placing him in tbe jail again, where he
wilt lie kept audi his sentence ii com
Suicide of W. J. Bennett.
A dispatch states that W J Bennett, an
architect of La Grande, while in Union
on a business trip took poison Tuesday
night arjii died early this uiornitiu. Bus
iness troubles are supposed to be the
cause. Deceased leases a wife and chil
dren. Bennett at one time resided in
Albany, going from here to hose burg,
from there to Ashlard, etc., leaving debts
behind him everywhere.
Arnold's Merry-Go-Round.
Mr. E. J. Arnold, tbe mwi ovular
merry-go-round man ever In Allanr, is
in the city, making arrangements to
start his merry-go-round on the lot at
tbe corner of t-econd and I.ron streets.
next Saturday. The children will re-
(oice, lor Mr. A moid is in great favjr
with .them, for he treats them as ho
does everybody, white. He will re
main during the band tournament Mon
day and Tuesday, and may depend on a
uve Dusiness.
Card of Thanks.
We. the wife snd brother of the late
Lorenzo Gray, desire to acknowledge
our appreciation of the kindness shown
by tbe friends during, the past weeks.
Ws would prefer to exUnd our thanks
to each one personally, but so many
have shown kindness tbat it would be
Impossible sod overlook none. Jn this
public way ws extend our sincere thanks
to all those who manifested interest in,
snd gave kindly assistance dunng the
illness of Mr Grey; also to thosj wbo ex
tended their symphsth while the re
mains lay awaitir-g burial and oroa the
day of tbe funeral.
Mas L EGbav,
Geo W Gsav.
R. M. Lamar, of Peoria, is doing I usi-
nees in Albany today.
L O Ralston was registered in Port-
Isnd yesterday on his way home from
Miss Hallie Marks came no from Port.
land this noon on s visit and is the guest
of her sister Mrs P J Smiley.
T. W. Elgie hs sons to Kansas Citv
to attend th supreme aand lodgs meet
ing of the WooJmen of America.
Mr. D. L, Divan, minine man of Tolo.
Or , has been in the ri'y on bnsiness,
and .today went to the bay 011 a visit with
a brother who resides there.
W. H. Waroer, Pro'. Lre and O. P.
Diuina.s have t.n eietted delegates to
the aT-nd lodge of A. O U. W. to meet
at The Uallr-s in July
Mr J W Hedru k an expert barW of
Portland, has been engaged bv Mr Bor
Dm and is now at the Combination shop.
ready to serve the many patrons of that
wil conducted shop.
At 'heir annual meeting lat evening
Albany lodge No. 4, I. O O. K. elec:ed
the ioi;onig rivers: h. r. Kire, N.G.,
Heniy Brodere, ice Grand. II Brns,
secre ar. , Dr. A J: Hodges treasurer.
Increasing business at the uew store
of W. B. Mevrns fc co. ,has resulted in
two iiew clerks aJded to tbe corps
oieierKS, .ilr. llorshue, re. ently Of Ore
gon city, ami Mini Mollie I, up. r lor quite
awhile a itti Mr. Pollock tirev.ous to fits
moving to Junction.
Miks Mabel Bukt, a teicher in the
Willianif-avenne school, of Albina, will
leave for Chicago Thrrsd ay to complete
her murical education. Miss Baker has
a tine, rich contralto vjice, ami has Ix-en
singing in the Congrenati nal church
ciioir. Telegram.
Miss Mabel Johnson, who has tieen
lor several weeks in Portland, where
she is takings course in voice culture,
is home on a few days visit. Mihs John
eon a teacher is Madam Norelli, who
visited Corvalhs some years sgo as so
prano in the well knon iSwe iish lady
quartette, and wbo has ' Lerotne
Mrs Dr Barton, of Portland. Madame
norelli. who is a thorough instructor ss
web as musician, gives her pupil much
encouragement, and Alma Johnson ex
pects to push her studies with unubuled
zeal. Corvallia limes.
In El'oknb. Acting under orders from
Vayor Harris Chief 'of Police Stiles yes-1
terday notified all saloons and cigar stores!
to take out their slot machines, and the I
order has been respected All gambling I
games have closed by the ssme oroer. I
The officials announce in positive terms!
j that tbe laws in this regard will be
strictly enforced and for this reason the
'order has beep obeyed. Guard.
What It Msams A Salem paper says
that the building of a road from Astoria!
to Tillamcok by A. B. Hammond mssns
another road for Salem. This has a (a
miliar ring that has been hsard for years.
As a matter of fact whenever a toad
comes from tbs Tillamook country to
valley it will come to Albany. P it tbat
in your pipe. .
From the Criterion :
G. W. Taylor, the house mover from
Albany, was in this city yesterday.
Mrs. Eva Blodett went to Albany yes
terday to visit for a few weeks with her
siBter, Mrs, W. A. Murks.
Mr. Robinson, from Missouri, has
bought the Nye farm, m-ur Sweet Home,
payuiir f oOOO tor (he farm, crop and machinery.
Kbert Thompson wss in Albany Sun
day not to attend the "Dutch picnic,"
I'D i. to assist in the dining room at the
Buss ootise.
1 1 v)e 1aker. MiHHt.a lula K!king and MJ,
ltl C'lffoii of this vitv. will einn at the
I piom irs1 pirnic nt itrowiif ville next
j MH-k. Claud t'ruson and Bert Col ion
J w ill also each recite.
I Hon. M. A. Miller left thii inornirR for
IVrtland, where he will go with the U re
turn delegates, in a spetual car, to Kan
1 sts Ctiy.lo.. to attend the pram! lodge
. ol the Modern Woodmen of Ameiioa.
! J. K. White, of Salem, was in town the
last of the etik, loukioi; for a location
1 elected nv the Old elloas: D F
Murievant, X.t;.; K K. Aklrich V (i.;
" C. l'elerson. secretary: ti. ti. Bland.
treasurer. The new olffcjrs for the Ke
Ifkab degree lodge are: Miss Elira
Boom, N. tJ.; Mrs. Minnie Buhl. V. U.;
Mrs. Hu Ida Miller. ecrtary: Mis. Alice
Hyde, linaticial sccielary ;Jr. A. Gat
chell, treasurer.
There Will Be Music
In the air next Monday and Tuesday
!' certain, as much as 154 tooters can
mile, l'erhaps more. The event is
b uud to be a success, if the iop!e wit
come to bear them snd there is no rea
son to doubt that thev will.
W hat bands are coming, a good mart
aave asueii.
It is now known tbat the five Wash
ington county band will come here with
a combination band w ith 45 pieces. Mo
Mmnville with 15, Monmouth with 20,
theS. i car car shops of Portland with
23, Corral hs with 18, Jefferson with 13
and Alhar.v with 20.
Besides the music there will be bicvele
racing each day ; elegant gold medals for
nrst prizes and silver medals for seconds.
In all entries titers must be at least four
(DA road rce. open to alt Linn coun
ty riders.
(2) mile race on First street, open
to Albany bovs on.'v. 1st urize, cold
medal : 2nd. silver tiiedal. suitably en-
(3) Bovs under 17. 4' mile on Seccnd
st-eet. Fist snd Second prizes.
(I) Novelty race, dismounting at cross
walks, goint- through the barrel, and on
and off a:ain.
;5) Mow racc.ons L'ock and back.
Priae, 20th century bictcle lamp.
n in also give a nice pr.ze lor a
Those intending entering any of the
above races report names to committee
before Saturday night.
Earrefs Condition
A good deal of interval is manifested in
the condition ot Charles Farrel, shot by
Henry Williams. He was not so sell
today. A small bone was taken out,
showing a pus formation, and tLere was
a slight indication of piraljsia at the
roots of the tongue. Dr Davis though
believes be w ill pull through. He does
not believe the lost psrt ol the toilet is
inside the brain. The full weight ol a
SS calibre bu let is 14S grains. The part
found w eighs 220 grain show ing 23 grains
to tiave disapeared. W hers is it.
A Pugilistic Tramp.
Acting Marshal Jones this noon to'd a
couple of tramps at the corner of .Second
and Ellsworth streets, to move on out of
the city. One of tbsra was drunk snd
they bad been begging obstreperously.
The one who was drunk, a husky voting
fellow, objected, and struck at Mr. Jones,
who used his club on bim effectively anc
with the assistance cf C. M. Westbrook
placed both of them in the city jail,
where they will be kept until tomorrow
when they wiil be permitted to plead
before Recorder Hentou.
J. W. Cosick A Co" yesterday incorpor
ate J, aith a capital stoca of loO.OOO, paid
up, and the following officers: J. W.
Cusick president. E. D. Cuswk caibier,
H. B Cosick assistant cashier. The
bank had been run lor a numbar ol veart
in a safe and conservative wayas a priv
ate bank. Toil will enlarge its field and
establish its permanence.
If you are young you nat- j
ural'.y appear so.
If you are old, why ap
pear so?
Keep young inwardly; we
wiil look after the out
wardly. You need not worry longer
about those linle streaks of
gray; advance agents of age.
will surely restore color to
gray hair: and it will slso
give your hair all the wealth
and gloss of early life.
Do not allow the falling of
your hair to threaten you
longer with baldness. Do not I
be snnoyed with dandruff.
We will send you our book
on the Hair and Scalp, tree
upon request.
Wefa lo thm Doeiof.
1. .ah An nhl all th bB.
flta yu axpcta from th n ot
th Visor, wm th aoetor lut It.
rrooablf lltar ia lomi .norqui
with ynor snrl 'm wUIca
soar ba ..lly rmod.
AOOJSH, VO. . o. r.n.
m Lowall, sum.
the I
ipr 6
1 l.'SSJi.rllP-!liMJjUJle. kl
About the Volunteers.
A CharncterUtlc Letter from A. J'
ALBASivtJregon, May 21), 1890.
EniToh Dbmocbat:
A good deal has 'been said and written
about them, sincti, tbs Spanish and Fil
lippine wirs beao, too m tic 1 1 talk of the
wrong sort. It borders on the traitor
ous. It Is not the mothers ' that are
pleading and whining or aik'ntr for the
volunteers, or their twy, to come home.
They have too much patriotic sense for
that. It is the yellow journals, so call
ed, that are -Joing all of the traitorous
talk. In other words it is the venemous
copperhead shsetathat arc doing it. Jti
tniifht ba aell enouuli to trv snne of
them the sedition laws. Never in ' -t'O-J feet.Krnwniville.
the history of the country have the vol-j'"', foiit-ao to M E Woodaide,
tin tee is done such good service as t ey I rr," near Albany
hate in the .Spanish and I'hillipintwrs. Jo,in Burnett to B F Burnett, 32)
They have proven themselves to be the I , crs. riwset Heme
bravest of the brave. The Ureiron lluvi!uw Howe to LeaU A Warner. 5
nave loa ini lu-iiieivts with honors 1
met no ui iiiem mi lonnt in uie war,
from other states as well, and are still
winning fame. All f them in g-neral.
and the Oregon boys ia particular. Let
them alone itmy afrt-oiii).jrH. Ttre
was a lory element during tbe American
revolution and it has always existed be
fore and since They wilt" come home
w nen iney get rea'lv or a lien thev ael
through with the work thev were ent
there todo. You would ntt have ihem
come home in dn-grnce would von. They
sre not whining or a-king "to c mie'.
Too uiuchTaniMti lt. id in their raie.
It will l an everi.u tmg honor to uieui
if they con. hut the I'hillippinos tingle
handed as It were, which thev are on
the eve of doing from all accounts we
have to the present date. They wdl
come home in due time w it la all the hon
ors of war. They wont thank anvbndv
for tr. ing to imite thtm torelvlairaioH
their government. There never was a
government on the face of Uie g!o'.
what ha 1 its enemies in time if iieae
as well as war. Tne Ameri-an soldiers
is just simply iuvimrihle. The v.,liin
teer liaye Uuue ail the fighting in the j
Phillippinos. Their career shows thi-v j
have done as good lighting as any re-u S
iars ever o. Ail lionor to
ever d. Ad honor to the voiun-
teers, let them alone, thev are doing
ell. AJIVv.
In the Pen for Life.
Henry Brown, recrived June l",.
Lake county.
H. M. Bailey, Sept. S, ls2, Malheur.
J. A. Baiiey. N-f t. t, lr. Malheur.
M m. IVt kmau, March so, 15. Dug
la. Wm. Barre, Oclolr 23. lI.GrnnU
K. R. Carver.l Vceutber 12, 12 Cnir-n.
John Campo..ept. 25. lse4. Ciataop.
John Campbell, Oct. 3. lSi, t r. ok.
C. C ConmrgUam, lebruary 4, liert
Wm. Fay. Slav 20. It6t Grant
Lee Git. Dec. 12. IM. Wow
ong t Jee, U;. 2-. lv.S, Union.
Courtland Green, Nov. 10. 19, lane.
XV . A. Henderson, Mav , IsSJ. Clack,
Mrs. Emma G. llanna
Nov. 30, 1S,
Martin Ha Dec 17.1'., rape; Baker.
Irank Ingram. March 22, 1VJ. Linn.
Jos. Keliey r Bunco), Feb. 12. lO
Multcomab. '
ibeo C. Luet-ekrv Uin-li
Cieorge Morx-v. June T2 1S9I M.,'in.
John McMahan, Mav 2s). 1SV7. tlranl.
J. M. U.U-raian, At-ril 29. Is.ri Iv,,;-.
J. N. Russell. Oct. 21. C .
Frank L. Snutb.May 3i, Iffj, Jackson.
A. R. Houghton. AtTil 15. W.rj
Chas ilagel. Sept. 4. lvo;. J.-.n,:n.
Akmzo Swartz, June 22. 1. Marion, j
J. K. lodd. -ov. 15. v-4 r.,..i r.-.. .
United (tales court.
teorge I pton. May I6.lsS. Columbia, l
li.Wtntzengvro-le.'Atiri! 4. ISul. Wsii- I
ingu-n. 1
James Wearer. Nov. 15, Harner.
All beinc for marder n,r.! i
stated. 1
x, , - i
Matron s Cont St by the ladies of the I
v.. l l m their hail rri.lsv evei.-no :
June V
Recitations, Declamati'onf, Muy t
Tbe Dkmoc-rat man this mornm- foiimi
a pocket book con'.aiuins five cents. T!ie
owner, one of Uie public school tscuer
can have it by calling al Uie oihee. No
The Browosville Time sars 1 hit ihr
are five or six boys at that place that
should be sent 10 lbs reform sc.iool at
nce, and that a nnhlic ah i t . r. . n rwt
houl.l b establisna I in ih.t m in nr.
der to control tue hoodlum element.
DOMSOX YODER fn r-ree fir
.1.- 1 . .. . . . '
"; uome 01 tne brides parents, t (, ,, .
by Rev. Mr. Jones, of Mill Cty, Mr.jy";
frank Ioninson and Mis Carrie M. SI??,;
loder, loth of Berry. i v
the WCldini! W lirif! Mr n.l
Mr. Donison have the wishes of many.
FRIDAY .... ... "
Comivo PohTLM Evk.vvs Arc-
Na'ive Sols' and DaugMei' atiis en
rampment. June 13 and 14.
riouer dav. Jn-e IV
Indian War Veterans' convertion, Juue
Editorial Arso'istion convention Jn'.r
4, Sand 6. "
ohiuteers' return, protmb'v J11V 2.
The visit of Prevalent McKitiiev mid
others 01 nati nal renown aln ni Julr 4.
Canadian editors' visit, aume time in
t.iand fall exposition, aboni S. niemlu r
Knight of Pvthio vrai.d (! me -
ing, October 10.
Tin? Okkoon Bovs lontinup in the lead.
Die Eugene iiiisrJ ss V avi e O-Lnrn
a cadet at the Ai'tispni's tav.l nhool.
hikI of Eogei e, las passi d all his studies
in very atifi torv manner. In th
'ed .!..! .S...1. . si. a...- 1...
oillidTO Hlit out tl a ( OBSIbln 400.1
IhsUiegon imv. in F,trri ntnutinn
aiwavs ea.l
ways 'ead Me wnl eve Annaiudis
next M mlav 011 i e training ship Mo
nongahela (..1 l onnn, nth, England,
the greatest i.vl ia ion in the world,
where he i'l tpeiid three rnoii'.hs or
Grrrtsii A PaiisiiiiiNT: i'ro' F Str-n.
of New Haven lmn , arrived here hi
afterii'-on We un..ersia jd thai he i a
candidi-'.e U r President o' the llniver.
ily ol Oregon, and is here to look over
'he siliiHiion. We are at?) informed
that tne Heenta have narrowed down to
tao persons Mr Slromror Mr (Jordan,
wbo was hete a short time a go fiom Chi
cago. Guard.
l ioKzsn DiKhcn as j he new dirtctors 1
of the Albany Fanners Co. were sworn
in lodny. They are M. Psyne, M. H.
Wiles, A. Blevlns. S. Cannon. W. P. An
derson, 8. J.Archibald and I. W. P.opst.
It is an interesting lact that all aie pion
eers, and four of them are.'oi the tame
age, 62 years.
Excursion: -The 0 A E R U will tivs
the third sonual Rhododendron exura
ion lo Newport Sunday. Iune4ib. Train
leaves Albany 7 a ui Returning, loaves
Newport 6: SO p m Fare, Albany, Cor
vallis and Philomath. $1 :50; points west
of Philomath to Chit wood inclusive, fl;
west ot ctutwood, 70 cents.
J. B. Wirt, Lebanon's rustling real
estate man, who has been the means of
bringing a good many desirable people
to Linn county from tlie middle east, is
in the city.
Nicholas Htrubliar to Gilbert Ad
ams, 20 acres
M S Titus to School Di-t 108 I acre.
L McF-irland to U N Glover, 110
acres, 13 K 3
1) Mciorll to (J W oust,S acres.
I W Vaughn to G W Foust, 1
block. brownsvilU
. 1
J F Gaines to Frank Shindler 1?4
LiicitiOa Oiisterhoiirtt to J K Wyatt,
trnsiee, lot 2, hi '05, Hs ad
Ii.elie Whreler to LLIndlev et al
2 '.'' acres
A I Blackburn to Horace K Black
' 'irn, lOOaurea.
M O Gill to K W and Mas Gi l, 2
1 , fecio.
I G A I)t sort to Dondall Lo.l,re No 1
blocks. Browntvilla..
S.Us keycoldsto W ii Miiee, 4S0
acres 15 w 1
fctiias Reynolds to Wni Miles, 11 38
A Urupurey to Hiram faiktr,
3M2 serfs
E McKeron 10 R H Mcilartftie,
61 seres
J neper to riank Shimllrr 'ill irr''
I 1 51 Ho hner trustee to Anna G
1 . Arc h'hald lo' 1 hi 23 Albany.. .
roaard Scanlnn to Sanliam
her Co 120 acres 10 E S
JUS earns by I A Muokers
rrank Kiernan. IGOarres
Dv n McDonald to A t Blsckburn
: oi 100 acres
Oregon to A C Hhaw,3i0 icres ..
Ratio Uwis 10 Boolb Kelly Lom-
tr Vtf fvj acrm 15 E 1
a; mi O H git to Wa M Hog a:l
; riatms gt d-fi by estate oi I' E
; w 1 I. Real E-t Co to U
j :nd lor trk at IU!u
' f-uh'
j W K Alien to John Abkit.00'3,' of
; acre Loner oda
vi "rrT u-jura iv r0ri.-r,
G Hags) to E A
Vcreroo W
.. ."
1 fc Wf rrro 10 ,d Mclfargne 64
I .?."' -
" v. nsura, 10 4 n CU.lik d: (Jo
Backers 13 piece and parcels of
latd, ciiy and faro, lauds Linn
Death of Mrs. Deckard.
Mrs. EauDetb A. IVckard died at 2
o'clock this morning, JooeS. ISM. a; her
boie in tbw ci:y. et tbe age ol 76 years
and 10 months, of inflammatory rheum
atism, after an il ce-s of s good many
Tue rJrct a f d ass a pionrer resident of
Albany, one of Altvany 'a test and most
prominent lautes in the early history of
ti e city. She was a n ember of Itie C'on
aregasionai cl.urch.aCh-irtaia abews life
work disp'are,1 ihe e.rneetcees ol her
'eagiouf roovictions. Mrs. Ivckard had
been taice n srried, first to Mr. Lincoln,
who died in the 60 s and in 1873 to Mr.
Anderson Deckard.wbo died six or seven
jears afleraards. No children survive,
and only one grandchild. Mr. Harper L.
Crsnorof ibis city.son of one of Albany's
esr!y and ablest lawyers.
Ti.e luoural service will take place at
'ne t-ongrevattonai courcb lomotrow af
ternoon at 3 o'clock and will te condaol
sJ by Rrv Parker.
A Strangers Death.
Wi liam Paedeph d.ed at 6ve o'clock
this morcir g al the lesenre of Frank
Ken?on. He earns bere aboultik weeks
"i0 " on taken tick and slowly
uecl.r.e-1 nntil tt.e end came this mora.
".ins. The ease is wrapped in con.tder-
"J!erT. He teemed wlibout
'''nd. relatives or money. He ooce re-
marked that be bad relative livins near
""""y His., but when asked lor their
addre det hnad o rite it. .'odre Bar-
ton and others have done what seemed
6ttng in'su.h a cas. He profeed
(aith in C"br:et and aas tsplixed about a
week bv'ot I.i ,lih 111H .1.1 .ir..
a rhnsiian burial. Tbe decesstd was
j atom 50 years c I age.
Albany Engine Co. No. I.
This company is disputing some edits
old time spirit, and is getting a move op.
Last evening at the snouii n.eeticg, of
ficers were elected, f H Stewart one of
the Creraer Aliny has ever bad,
was ctiosen foremao. G C Turner 1st as
;taa, P A Youdi 2nd aseisunt, J J
Lingrenengioetr. W M Wonderlicb fire
msn ; O P Dannal. G P Cramer, John
Usher. UG Haie.F H Pfeiffer. A Strain
ey. Charles Danna's ard Fred Dawson
tucti n mn; I.on Mid.-r, E G Miller,
Stanley Stewart, Lair Thompson. W H
Warner, C 8 Hsrntsh. R K Pmdlev. Bert
i( rn
Crswfoid. E Dmnte'iier. W Sistter.
Cummings, Lee Uiib.. Ed Hue-
C Crowder. Geo Fi.h. V Trittaaid
Coon hoeeman.
Tux FiiT: Mr Wiliism Peccock as
j eordir s 10 custom brought Use first home
jSlraa tierries raised on Ids fine gardens
irroi ih river lo the Democrat
u Slice lat eveniug, a-d there was
ia least at t e Man about Town's house
jen a small scale. It is a great change
j lo est Albany straa t errie after tbe
tasteie.s berries that ar shipDer here
' 'ro,n California
The crop promises to
gooii one rarucui.riy it the son
'ball come out during the summer, and
; ther" will be pone better tnan thosethat
come from ttie Peacock gardens
P. D. Gilbert returned from Portland
this noon.
The Modem Travelers will meet a the
residen.-e of Dr. Erskine Saturday at 2
p. m .
J. Purdee. of Gr.r.'s Pass, has been in
the city the guest of his brutber-in-law,
a. r. iiart.
Mrs. John rrnsh 'returned this noon
from a months visit her daughter
n viregon
J. M. allace. imsideut ef the Snlem
i Wa,er works came up from thai ciiy on
1 vonriey rairei was Heller to'ar
con tntiallv improving wiih ixcel!fnt
pr.wpects of his ultimate recovery.
( Mr- riioelws Collins of Eugene arrived
. on the overland this morning railed bere
jon account of the il ntss of her mother,
j Judge Tandy, one of Linn rountv's first
, judge., returned jesisrday from a trip to
foulard, stopp;i g in Alnanv on bis aay
The graduating exorcises of the public
school in the M E. church tonight will
l attenbad by a large number, always
inlwrctited in the doings of stu lcnts.
Mr. F. Purdo.11 and Mis. C. W.
Sears have lieen e'ected delegates lo the
grand lolge of D. of II. to meet In The
ImIics next month.
Mr. 'i. A. Westiatv, the wheat buyer
has moved into the rooms recently vao
acuc y the Drs. Beers, where he will
hv . " olliceas well as private quarters.
Undo Bhlie" Wright lef: for Albanr
via steamer Ruth yesterday afternoon.
He took with him a supply oi bcrssradlsh
and other appetizing vegetal le prepara
tions. aiem Maieenian.
Judge J. B. Cleland, Grand Master of
the A. F. & A. M., arrived in Albany
this noon and will meet with the two
Albany lodges this evening, when he will
be given a reception y the members.
C. II. Mrrkhatn, the popular and com.
petent G. F. A P. A., ot the Southern Pa
cific for Oregon, was in the city today,
and honored the Democrat otiiee vith a
so"'al call. Mr. Markhatn is the right
mau in tlio place.
To Cure Coustlpatloa Forasar.
Tnke CMaeareu Candy Cathartlo. 10o or tte.
If C C. C full to cure, druggists refunil Diuiiey,
Granted to Northwest inventors Ibis
week. Reported by C. A. Know & Co.,
Patent Attorneys. tVasnington, D. C:
E T tarns, Portland Oreg , Magazine
camera J F Ke'per, Everett, Wash,,
Or-ro-sting furnace. T E Kellogg,
Walls Walla, Wash , Vebicle-wbeel.
For copy of any of tbe above patents
send 10 cents in po'age stamps with
date of this paper to C. A. Know & Co ,
Washington, D. C.
Henry Ackerman, a prominent real
-state and
died yesterday.
Beginning Jane 15 the Church of the
Living tioi wi'I hold a rimn meeting r
this City at one of Ihe erovea in the nr.
The excursion tin the river nrwlav ,n
the bt to Alhaty was well oaiionizpd
some l0 persons going from this city.
Those in attendance report an imjiense
crowd, and a fight on every cornsr
Independence Enterprise
Mr wm Peacock brought a snow K!l
over to Conrad Meyer today in order to
bow him that he can't raite snow halla
compared with Ben too eouoiy. The
now hall is 21' inches in Mrrnml.r.n..
Can any one beat it.
The rainfall at Antnri.i i
Ix-rl has bet n 8IJ11 indie int.nin,.iu
ly double that o Albany, and yet there
are plenty cf people bere who kick at
tbe amount of rain we havt had.
Mr. I. D. Creel, of Milisrs, w.s in ti e
city today and stated that he would run
an iodepepeedtnt wood saw in ihe ciir
this begir.ning as soon a the
nuinese jastifies.aod placing the charges
Thelllrel suit begun at Corvallis bv
Parser Cummings sgamst E-lst ir Sop
of the Mercury, it is sii w ill he settled
by Swope retracting, u,e proper nay. A
ne. ar that has male a mi-take
ahou'd always 1 wiping to correct it
John Ioe and Richard Roe, tbe hobos
arrested yesterday noon by acting Mar
shal Jones, were taken before Recorder
Henton this forenoon and fined two and
tour oay respectively in the city jail.
Williams Brothers have sold their ts
1000 to Colhrs Ac McAlpbio, recently
frou Mtcbtgap, wh will lake poseecsion
soon, the invoicing for tbe sale was be
gun last Saturday ltfore tk recent on
Ottnnate shooting affair. The Demcbat
is informed that ttey wiil retire from the
Two horse tielongiag to Tip MsxSeld
dtsappearer from his pasruro some two
weeks sgo snd were not heard ol till
1; Motday, when word was received
"- ocr oa -jern soia in t!ie Ar sny
pound. It is strange how these horses
got out Of their good pastcn; jotj the
Albany pound.-Iiidepeoder ce Enter
On Saturday ol next week there wi;l
'n escursion from Corvallis to the
heid day exercise at ticm. a sr.fcial
train leaving CorvsiUs at 9 a. m an 1 re
turning leave .-k-m at m. The
round trio fre wiilli.2 frauiCor
va lis and f I from Ait-anv. A number
will attend rrm"
Rodaxd cirt Cirn Memso: Tbe
regular mocit".; rr.eeiiag of lbs Lino
c&obsv Rod sr.d Gun Club will be held
in the couocii cbamt.-rt tonight at 7:;0
sLsrp. A;! un.ber rt'juested lo be
present a there i. tusites of import-
nc. E STf . Pres.
The Pktceer Picnic at Crownvii!e a ill
take place next Wednesday. Thur.;av
and Friday, tie Crt two da'ts tj be dr-
voieJ to the p:n-r, the iat !r to the
sons and daughters of pior.eer. Tfce
program wsii t of more than ordinary
intcrert. If 00. X. I Batier will deliver
the address 00 Wednesday. Hon. M. C.
George the annual address t n Tliur5lay,
and Hon J: C. Leisure the address to
the smjs and daughters on Frdav.
United Presbvlerian: .io.-r.inr wor
ship at 10. 30. sab-ect of rni n "Tim.
trs and splinters."' abba'.l -hoot at
:4". Junior r.oreaver at 3::i0. Jen-
ir tn.lean.r at 6:5. Evening worship
al 1 -.45. o:ject ol sermon "Kevelators
of Character." All are invited to attend
three services.
Coogrational : Services ss usual at 1!
m , an 8 p. m . fcubj.c: lor morning
service, 4'h chapter of ltt Peter, fub-
ject tor evenicg eerait.D "The rather s
Mrrants. unday sxhool at 12.15. All
pot attending elseahere are cordially
invited m th above services.
Preshyterian: Morcioc worship at
11:30. Sabbath Nhool at 11:45. Jun
ior Endeavor at 3:30 Senior Eoieavor
at 6:45. Eveuing worship at 7 :4o. ob
ject ol morning sermon, -Chrit a Pro
pbU" Erea mg, " Tne Test cl Christian
Cf-atactei." A cordial invitation to ail
these ee. vi.-es is exleoded 10 a t.
Children's Iay exercises wiil be ob
served at the Christian church tomor
row evening at 7 :4 . A good program
lias ucen arrangevl for the occasion. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Methodist: The t trd quarterly meet
ing of the vear will be held al ihe'j.M. K..
church 8a: urdav and Sunday June 3.-d
and 4th. Dr T C Ford will tin attend
ance. He will koid quarterly confer
ence a' 8 a m Saturday. Ali members
of the cluircti and congratim are invited
to the business meeting. Lave i-east at
9:30 Sunda a. m Communion service
at 10:30. Dr Ford wi'I preach in even
ing at 8 p. m. M C WtKi, Pa-tor.
The Band Touanament.
At Albany Monday and Tuesday next
Outlouok for a big time.
there will lie several blocks of taods.
Tboee who Ci uie wilt get the r money's
A feature Tuesday evening will be a
big bicycle prade, each man Willi
b umer. All bicyclists bhoild form in
1 ne.
Coulinued conceits.
Closing ali a big ball Tuest'ay n ght
Monday. Jt ss fl.
8:30 a. m. Organization of Stale As
sociation. 10 a. m tirand p. rude on 1st asd Snd
streets ol all bands as one.
1 p. iu. Bicycle races on 2nd street
2:30 p.m. Concert by indiviiuaf
1 i.iti d s ou p.'atforn, in stuare
4 :30 p. m. Ba loon a.ceusi h by Prof.
Richard Eitrisio 1.
8 p m. Grand concert by consolid
attd Mods, assisted hy the llaydeu Or
a.ono cociety of fiO voices .
TUaSUAV, Jest 6.
8-..10 a.
cia 1011.
.n,..Uii.o, . 1 ki,.i
10 a. m. Grand parade by consolid
aled bands.
lp m. r ire engine contests.
1 ::-0 p. m. Bicycle races ou 1st street, j
2:;I0 " ' Grand concert t.v oands ou
plattorni In eijuare
s:aop m. Ilalloon asceueion ny 1 rci.
Richard Earlston.
?:15 p. m. Grand trades ditpiay oRr-
ado with 400 bicycles in line.
8p m. The Havden OiatorioSocuty
iu grand chorus from Creation asitted by
tbe bands, and concluding with grand
march and ball at Vance hall.
Woodman Unveiling.
Tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm. the
Woocmen of the World will leave their
hall and go to the cemetery for the pot
pose ot unveiling the monuments erected
tbe past year to the memories of A A
Boenicke and D B Monteitb. Tbe Mc-
Minnville band will plav for the cere-
monies and the exercises will be complet
ed In time for those attending to attend
Makes the food more
Th3 CI ass of 99,
The M E church was packed full anc
overflowing last evening on the occasion
of the grtdustion oi a class of young la
dies from tbs high school. The usual
gteat interest in our pnbhe school exer
cites aas taken and msnihstcd in sn
emphatic mauner.
Tbe program wascpened with musie
by the orchestra followed by prater by
Dr M C Wirs.
Tbs first oration wss by Bessis Ham
mer, the subject : "Tbe workmen Fsll,
but tbe Work Goes On."
Tbe msnner in which tbs influence of
men and their work affect tbe world af
ter their death was well presented with
spt illustrations.
-An Oregon Hero" was the subject of
Mary R ti.rr.n' cr.tia Th l.f. f
E D Baker, elected V S senator in 1S60,
atosiool he de Presi iet.t Lincoln wb
inaugurated on V arch 4 1861, was given
in a vivid manner, with fores of expres
sion. Mrs N E Winnard was beard in a vo
cl solo, an artistic effort.
Fi reoce E Marks spoke 00 "Fros the
Sidewalk to ihe frtara." The stars 01
iucces in the world's history wre once
opou the common sidewalk of life with
the masee. Iliu-trations, L'nco'n, Gar
heid, lohn War.namaker, Come iosVan
d hilt, Annies C'oruegie. Rockefeller,
Charlotte Br onie, George Eiliot, Ctss
Sporgeon and Dwight Moody.
Ora Muipson'a .uliect wss "Lack."
It suggests ths line ci thought. BoLed
down iutk is success, and there is no
uch thing ss chaoc. Not lues tut en
ergy wins the way.
Ihe oiatio 1 was pretented sn an ex.
celient tranter.
Misses Warner and Eikixs were heard
in a duet.
Jeeeie C ifton 1 r sLt-d the prophecy cf
tbs class lrdicatior an interesting futore.
Onetobe s minis e. 'a wife and lire inOtk
iand, California, one s prefsssorof math
en. at ics in Chicago University, finally to
wed a German duke, oae the wife ol
Uregon a eeostor tbe son of tbe present
major oi Albany, one a doctor Dracuc-
ing with her. husband in Portlacd, on
at tne bead ol frirupeon scbsolof .oratory,
Louis, give it up to marry sn Aiusny
t - . . . . . . .
r-aiio r. uogue pronoun cel Ler ora
tion on queens ot Today." payicg s
nee mbute to the women of the world.
tiueen ictcria, ar.d many of the history
light of c-or times. Frances E Wiilard
and Clara Bart a be:cg riled, witn a
tribute to true womanhood. The vale
dictory aas 1 Leo given to teachers and
feitow studtnts.
The clat in entitled to credit for the
clearness which their orations were
Song by the high quartet.
feupenntenderit Martiodaie made short
remarks ia farewell, presented to the
llrec'or Curl presented the diplorcrs
totr.ecii-e witu expressions cf com
mends'ion. The exercise closed with mosie by
the crchecira and benediction t v Rev.
This closes another var cf school
wurk conducted in a mancer creditable
to the splendid faculty. Our citizens
generally wiil he glad to know that tbe
able superintendent will be retained the
com it g year.
Wheat 46 cents.
The Albany Band will give a street
c ncert tonight beginning at 7 o'cloefc
Call at the Sugar Bowl for fres. fruit
Have ynnr photo Uken at Miss Long's
for cash tl 00 dozen, cabinet sae.
Wanted, to buy prepared carpet rags,
by T. S. Alexander, east end of Eigbth
street. ,
First class cab net pho'os.Arieto 6oil,
for tbe next 30 days, only 1.0 dozen at
Miss Long's.
Now is the time to have jour photo
taken cabinet aixe.beet Ansto finish, only
$1.00 dozen tor the next 30 days at Miss
Judgs Burnett yesterdav sentenced W
G Magcre at Dallas to be hanged on July
Eugene has already elected teachers
for tbe next year, retaining Trot Rese
ler. A large number of Woodmen of the
World and their wi ves oasraed through
Albany this noon on their way horns from
the b'g Portland convention.
On account of a lack of wool the E W
M A Ci. close I tneir mill the latter part
of lat week. Lou of woal has now ar
river and operations will surely begin
soon. brownsvtue limes.
Jessie Gaibraith is building' a fine
huee on his lot next to the residence of
Recorder mentor, covering 37x47 feet,
with a brick basement ut completed by
W. A Cox. and seven or eight fine rooms
The Corvallis A Ezstern has
a suit for damages against the
Electrical company. The
s uighi aggregate about $5000
od the
suit 19 bated on injuries sustained by the
s'eatner Hoag in passing through the
Oregon City locks last tdl.
Rev McKillop of Salem returned yes
terday niorjing from tbe national Bap
tist convention in San Francisco. Sev
eral eastern Baptists of prominence are
in the stale on their way home by the
.Norihwest. This morning a special train
of rive cars passed through tbe city.
Tney will stop over Sunday in Portland,
and coutinue east by way of Tacoroa
The Ladies of the Christian church
will serve ice cream and cake on the
lawn at the residence of Dr. Erskinel
during the band tournament, Monday
and Tuesday next.
Mrs Mary Do! an was brought from
Brownsvide today tmJ was being exam
ined this aiternoon at the residence of
jai Shea for insanity .
Who sre th contestants Friday night
June 9 in the Matron's Contest at th
W. C. T. U. Ual'? Not trained elocu
tionists hut wives and mothers wbo bar-
irgthe best interest ol the borne at
i heart will speak with all the eloquence
! ot leenng.
Tinkle A Dtwsoa, the leading photog
ritpbers of I Ibauy are now making the
tines; up to date enameled cabinet pho
tos for $1.50 per dozen, opposite P. O.
CaU and see eamnlea. "
lo Cui-j a C 1J la O is 1
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 2 c. The genuine has L. B. Q
on each tablet
IWrsa any other hour,
except tbe, Magnolia
For the let bnrn ca'l on A . E.
Ketuhum, street, .ilbaiy.
Get the beat fiour.
The Magnolia
Ktlnewta Tone Bowela With faaeareta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation torerar.
10c, 2&u. It acC.fU.lrurKiaurtfundmooey.
de,c3ous and v. holesome
M is Bessie Worstell, of La Grande, is
visiting Mies Etta Campbell for several
rMartin Quion, wbo run for congrep
as just returned to Portland from atrip
to Central America.
WillC Anderson, a son tf the late J W
Andersoo. arrived in Altany last even
ing from Colfax Watb.,on basinesj and
on a visit.
Mr. Cfeightoo, of Kin s Valley, h t
tseo in the city running aroocd with Lis
forme' lows neighbor, Mat rice L Tby
wete boys together.
Pst Brennen. who ta been ill for
few weeks is con.'derably better, bein
oot of bed. and will be on he streets in a
few days raring he never felt rtter. Pat
f . i. " 01 Warch n1
" t00 ,jr ten " fifteen more years.
Kev l J. Tromhu!!, pastor of ths
First Baptist ebnreh at A oris left
Tuesday m rrning for San Francico to
be absent three w.eks. During hit sb
eence Ralph L Xnapn of tbe Tribnn-t
will preach to t'ie Astoria Raptiers.
Warrenton Tribune. Both formerly ef
Mr. Milton Hale went to Portland this
noon to consult with Ir. Erown in re
ference to bis eye, which the Democrat
mentioned several dsys asro as bii.g in :x
serions condition from some walnut Tjaio
dropping in iu
W A Caider returned from Portland
Monday eening where be has been for
the past six weeks engsged in tbe Cana
dian Real Estate and .cploymenr
Agency. He hai sold his one-half in-te.-est
in the rame and will remain ia
Brownsville for awhile. Mr Caider tars
Brownsville is the best little town in the
state of Oregon. Brownsville Time.
W'. E. 3imontoa ha accepted a posi
tion in Pease A Mays depar.ment store,
th leading store of ibe Dailee, snd will
lesve for there next Monday, instead of
10 Portland, as ts contemplated. Har
ry Connoway will probably succeed Mr.
Simonton as leader of the bimocton
band. Albsny lose an excellent cituea,
Tbe Dalles gain.
Dttw nr Sas Joss. Mr. A. S. Knox
died io Han J e last night, at the age ot
75 years. The deceased was a termer
Linn county man, for many years resid
ing s few mie from Lebanon. He was
brother of George Knox of th:3 city. Ho
leaves a wife snd one daughter'. Mr.
Knox was well off, and weii situated at
San Jose, w here he 'ad resided for about
twtnty-five years.
From the E. A.:
Mi Nellie Randle leaves text Tues
day for Spokane, Wash , where she will
enter the Deacooess training school of
the M. E. cner.-h.
n. M. Donaca has so! J Lis stock of
merchandies at Sweet Home to Orin
Beeler sod Dick Malope. Mr. Donaca
and family will return to ftasoo lo re
side. Mr. Bogan, of Sodsvii.e, vesterJiT
boat.t the Butler place, just across the
canal, on sou" hern limits of the city, from
G. W. Simons, now of Kansu. Consid
eration, fSOO.
Yesterday tbe voters of this school dis
trict voted on the question of providing
more school room. There were 105 votes
cast, of. which two were for building a
new school bouse ta the northern part of
town, eight wet for sn addition
to ths present building, and all the ;e;t
were against Duildtng at al!.
A meeting of the executive coaraittee
appointed to tntnift the 4;h o July cel
ebration was he!d in the council cham
ber Wednesday evening. C. B. Mon:a-
gos was chosen cbairman. Committee
sere appointed.
Hon. Geo. H. Burnett has informed
the executive committee that he cannot
some to deliver the oration, so the com
mittee will try to secure Hon. Geo E.
ChamberUin cf Por land. ao4 Helen
Crawford, of Corvallis, as reader of the
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy.
STRrr of Fro, by tne
CaUFoieiiA. F:o Sykvp C. illustrate
the value of obtaining? tt:e liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinaUy iajtative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strenirthenicg- laxa
tive, cleansing the svstem erlectaaily.
dispelling- colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling; one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every ob jectk nable qnalitv and sub
stance, and its acting- on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them., make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aroiuatio plants, by method
known to the California Fig STBrf
Co. only. In order to jret its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of theCouipany
printed on the front of every package.
torrsvnx. it. hsw to, t h. t.
For ale by U Druggists. thrice ioc per botUS
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen.ner
vous and hot.and get tired easily. If you
have smarting teet or tight shoes, try Al
len's Foot-Easo. It cjjU the feet and
makes walkimr easy. Cures swollen and
sweating teet, blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and burnous 01 an pain
and gie rest and comfort. Try it today.
Sold bv all drcrgtais ana stioe stores lor
2oc. Tria' package free. Address, Allen
S. Olmsted, Le Roy,2. S.
NOTICE. Have you a farm for sale
or rent or do you know ot any per
ron holding lands that tbey wish to dis
pose of. If so please write to tny sgent
of tbe OR AN. Co- and he will send
you a circular which will interest you.
Albany lOreeon.
Offices, Bank of Oregon Building.
Only set ot Abstracts of Linn County.
Comptete set of maps and plats.
J une 2 ,
IB 99