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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1899)
-SUOJQS pu laqtrjT sapsnui aqi 9vm puB -suou-rot'ddt HOsqoOBflS ALBANY COLLEGE OFFER8 A THOROUGH High-Grade College Education To every boy snd girl that has the ambition to attain one. lhe course ia complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES . . 0 The Normal Courts leads up to ft STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Coarse has new becomes Business College Equal to anything in the State. Now illustrated catalogue. Board at the Students Club at actual cost price. For particulars write WALLACE HOWE LEE, President. Albany, Oregon. 1G0 Per In a recent hatching contest in which there worn cmr 400 trials the hatch was PETALDlA tea NCIBATORS. This 'machine has been demonstrated to be as near ai ijiitemrfMtion as can be attained. Tharesrulatioaof heat. air and moteture have been proven perfect. Bee eur new etrg trm; and outer vnpnmnients. we ass For sal k, c D; BATKS, AlbeDv. Or. - .. Oregon Simples cjn ba seen at F. 3, A widow sixty-eight years old. Urine: in New Yet City, had hews waste. Bar wtae vwtsw. was constantly troubled with pains on ber right arte, which seemed te be taenia n iat t. Up to last Jane he bed been treated by a somber of phjsiclaaa, one of wfa a slain I Khe abe had catarrh of the stoeucfc: aaothar stated that It was ordinary dni'etnla.a nrwi tfc hiilM-v ealrnine. or eall eueira for which ha treated her livv I : n months wlthont rood remits. At Uoiee tbe pains were eo severe that hrnoderaie Inter rtone of morphine were resorted to. The pacu-nt welshed 109 pounds; was completely ran down, and had Terr little appetite. Farly in Jane a neiehbor Induced her to try fUpaas Tahalea. After nsinr, them two weeks the pains and bioatine of the tomack and eotie esaaed and nau-a entirely dstappeared. The patient bad practically recovered by SesSemhar 11 Uk. Baa) d Kuned eleven pounds, and coaid eat baked beans, asneog oLOei dishes, wuiieat 111 i senile wi-rH?-tMt W4M sm -r-r- WIS mat ha h Wii..i!bM bTe f Uafldaud untoeMl W rmlM. M7 be mmd at ell l. !. era wOan 0RTHRH PACIFIC R. R. ' u mail Sleeping Oars, H.c; tat Ding Cars, "n.nT iSleepiagOarp - St Paul . . Minneapolis Dulutb Fargo, ro Qrand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte TiROUGH T.I C K E i TO . bicago rVashingtou rhiladelpbia v Nwiork Soeton and al. Points East and South Through tickdts to Japan and Ch' na, vis Tscoma and Northern Pacific steamshir Co., an American lines For information, time cards mapsanf tic vets call on or write U u Bnrkhart Sfrnt, Albany, Or. A D Charlton. At Gen Fas a if Portland O 1ND S00 PACIFIC LIfiE. To All Point-East Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping cars, laxn lous dining care, elegant day coaches, magnificent tourist cars rnd free colonist sleepers from the Pu cific to the Atlantic witticeit change. COST DIBKCT ARO CaBS-PlMT KOOTB t Kooletieiy) Mi. District I N'x11t!o. ? TRAIL. I ROS8LA5D AliO All point in the Okaueran Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a full iescriptioL of this wonderful country. Auk tbeairenf for a copy of the mining laws of lirilur Columbia. Lowes rates o and from EUROPJW Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo 'e Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAHADlajr AUSTRALIAN , 8TKAMKR LlMt HONOLULU, rUI A"D AUSTRAU. . The shortest lioe to tne Colonies. These steamers carry an experienced medical man, and a stewardess on every voyage For time tables, pamphlets, or any ir ormatlon, call on or address. 8 Jl ittVj'l t Z), igii; v E J HfliS. A't. lit Ca.'l 1 an I, Or. tiEO, McL. BROWN. D P. A Vancouver Ths finest variety of seasonsble fruits in the cny will always be found at K.Ii Pleffer'g. u; sjos ssauuiiQ p" ssauaios aspjaxa aoopjno JO J yoA. pjcq mojj . i in wfiiw Cent. Hatched. 1U) per cent, in 19' with irsegat, cauMoue tree. Powers' Poultry D"pot. Albany. la art! crr-awWeei Long Photo Co.. In From an Brick. The leading gallery of Aloany. The onlv-up-to-date first class studio in town. A II work to please. MAK1E LONG Porp. NEW VolT WORLD 1 Urice-a-Week i:di(i.j) 18 Pages a Week . . , ... 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar fnbllabed every Allemale Bay exrcpl urn 4 The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Thb ew Tobk World is first among ail "weekly's papers in size, frequency ot publication and tbe freshLsss, aceoracy and variety ci itscostenrs. it nss all tbe merits of s irreat $6 daily at the price of a do! la weekly. Its political news is prompt, com A Big Offer. Subscriliers psyins up and one vear in advance, to the Democrat, will, npon re quest, receive the Weekly Democrat for o e yesr. and t e Farm Journal of Phil aJelphia, for FIVE years, for the price of the Dbmocbat alone. Subscribers to the Ually can have the privilege by bavin if six months in auvance. This is limited to one hundred sub scribers. First come, first served. Toe Fsrm Journal is a 24 paire paaer. sometimes larger, full of live farm news. A copy may be seen at this office. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Notice is hereby given thst the An nual Meeting of the Albany Farmers Co. will be held at tbe ofhee of asid company in Aioany, uiun county, urtgon, on the 101b day of May. 1889. at 1 o'clock P M o said !av, for the purpose of e'ecting ' seven (7) directors to serve for the term at nnm u.,, ami ll. Iran,aili.n .. I. . other business as mav come belo e tbe . meeting. Done by t be Board of Directors. Attest: Puis B mabshall, Fec'v, ( SI rl Wilds. Presidant. i PiTuPenty ana an AbunQaiit Hairest are fsured onls to I how who eow OUR TE8TSO HEKbe Seed puetal lor our liliumud Ca' aiogu. snd ears mosey by purchasing from the PACIFIC SEED COMPANY . Wholemle endelaU bealera - T 'llefSSJM. kamasaenle, Sal. i, Ls 2KlBeoid at lowest prliwe. AkciiU Wan ' Liberal discounts, but NOSKEoli suit) uu st oununtssieo. -' ! "' - ..." ' .;' ;-v- - . - I:. i - ; .- The Silver Standard in Mexico. I We consider the silver standard a blessing for this country, an I we do not I prefer the gold staudaidic Mexico. We do, however, prefer it fur the United States, for the reason tha- ur interests and our welfare are now hound up in this republic, and it is to the interest of Mexico that the United brutes continue on its present basis. Tue advantage which otherwise might accrue to that country now ia commencing to come to this. While the one is ttaadiog still, or retrogressing, the other is forging ahead at a moat tremendous pice; and that progress, tbongh it migiit not be alto gether stopped, would rere-ve a serious check were the United States to make a change in Us mouetary system. we formed our faith on what appears to us to Insubstantial reasons. Wh consider the silver standard a blessing lor Mexico be cause : It is furnishing a currency which is not constantly appreciating in value, to the detriment of all other forms o' wealth. It is furnishing a currency which can not be cornered, manipulated and con trolled by the few to!the injury of the many. It ia enabling the producing classes, . f the republic to realii fruin their pro ducts more thrn the cost l production . It is setting in motion tue wheels of progress, and attractiug to this country, by reason of the immeuse advantage at forded by the difference in exchange, the dlecapitalot the gc!d e'andard coon tries It is the main and paramount cans in "The Awakening of Ui Nation in en abling her to take on new life and actiV' it :in overcomina the elf -cts of ages of oppression, strife and turmoil; in taking hsr stand on an equality with the na tions o! the modern wo- ; in short, it it the maMspring which i .rg in mo tion the worainxs. Aui ' ore are other reasons. Tne TwoR uiUi.cs (.Mexican.) ThsTrust Prospect. Tht the trust ouitie is being over done is evident from V. apprehensive tone of a New York pap ' which far sev eral veers has maintain that trusts are philanthropic inst.tud :,, conducted wholly in the inleies' of the public. This newspaper now ia !uatea that it it possible to fcave toe m irb of a good thing, and advises the trust promoters to give over tue activity for lhe present. The warning comes cone too socn. A mash is about due io eom- of the nigbly watered "iodastiiala" wb:-b nave grow- tot: com petition to face. Jut toe con cerns wbich will coltspse are precisely he ones wuich did no harm, becanse they are not monopolies. The real, iro.- clad Unite of the Stand I Oil variety are in no danger from c jd petition, nor do they fear the law. as we have seen in Ohio and New York. In other words, trost which does nt eo jo.v a sabstan dal monopoly is perfectly safe. It may rob right and left without fear of com petitors or of Griggs, at'orney general. The little fellows will get tbe worst ol it. as nsnal. Some lime ago tbe press. dispstches reported a raise in wages in the cotton mills in NewJEnglaod and it was herald ed as an evidence of returning prosper ity. White Ibe fact is that wages were raised ten per cent, ths operative! are required to torn ent one and a half yar.Js where formerly tbsy turned ont one yard For an increase of 10 per wages be manufacturers receive a retain of 33 1-3 per cent incrwass in production Ibis result should satisfy almtnt any manufacturer that prosperity wil return if he wan continue to bold .bis own at this ratio. K.O. The Sacramento Be. a Journal ol pro minence and Repnbhran antecedents, commentiog on a recei. :,aeting held by tbe cilixens if that citv, 5S: "An in tersting spectacle wap.e:ented at tbe Clonie opera house A rapid sketch artist made faithful pictures of UcKin!e7 Bryan and Dewey The President was greeted with appUoee, the bero of Maoila was cheered to the echo, hot both dem onstrations combined did not given to tbe champion of bituet!iau." E)aal that. A Good Thin Well Done. Xew and p'.ensiny ideas in advertising always interest. Kothlug bas appeared for years whit h is so attractive as the Hood's Sarsaparilla advertisements, ut ilizing proverbs and wise savings as headings.eacb followed by a little homily cleverly connecting tbe proverb with tbe subject. Besides this, the quaint Jensen talic type for the preliminary sentences, finishing with a script slogan, "Hood's Sarsaparilla Never Disapioints," adds to the effectiveness. All this work is run ning in over 7000 papers. Young Mothers. Croop ia the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal, bhiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of Croup. It has never Men known to fail. The worst cases re lieved immediately. Prices 25 eta,, and 50 eta. and $1.00. Staudaid of tbe wonoi! Tbe Petal - uma Incubator. C. U. Bates agent, Alb- any, Ore. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or tSe, II C C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Happy is toe man or worn in who can eat a good hearty meal without suffering afterwards. If you cannot do it, take Kodol DspepiU Cure. It digests what you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia and indigestion. Koshay Sc Mason. If you bare a cough, tboart irritation weak lings, pain in tin cha.t. difficult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let as sug gest One Minute Cough Care. Always reliable and safe. Fosbay & Mason Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Core, ministers were greatly dis turbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. Foaliay A Mason "Give me a livpr regulator and I can regulare the world,' s.iJ a (renins. Tbe druiiristhtnued bini a bottie of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famoas little pills. Poshay tc Mason. J. Sheer. Sedalia, Ma conductor on ctric street car line, writes that bis little ugbter was very low with croup, and ber ed atier all physicians bad failed using One Minute Coagb Curs. Mafcon Letter List. Following is tb list of letters remaining in the Postoflice at Albany, Linn county uregnn, may v. low, rersons calling for these letters mwt give tbe date on which advertised : Apple ard, Geo Uathe, M rs Lena Bilyeu, Mr i Henitt. Mrs Florence Iden, Mrs Maude-2 Joy, Mr Alfred Johnson, J It i iron. " Caeey, Mr Jack-2 Knudson, rredrick Closer, Mr John Lott, Chas Colver. A B Low, Julius- 4 Coats, Mr O II Miller, Mr O M Davis, Mr Major Peterson, Mrs Josie Harper, Miss Mary Kchaluss, Mr T C Hall, Mrs Tressa Wilson, Mrs Lizzie Hadley, MrW Wallace, Mrs Clias intney, mr James 8. 8. Tsaik.P. M. The glue com ptnietar forming a trust that will no doubt stick. D igs are very smart animals, but it sums to take a wblp to make them so. There ia a rumor that the Filipino eon greas wants peace. They can get it Just as quickly as they please. Portland has no mayor, but Mr. Storey is drawing the salary just the same, which Is jast as good. So far as studying is concerned in the public schools there might just as well as not ba a legal holiday on dog show and circus days. tiood toads help trail;. That ia a fact worth keeping in the minds of business wen. Ths roads iuto Albany cannot be kept in too good condition. Roseburg Review : It is a fact .that before Governor Uer became so bitterly opposed to.the rtturo of the Oregon sol dier boys, he secure 1 the diachaige of his nephew the only relative he had in the army. Cut Frederick Funston, the Kansas officer soon to he promoted to a brigadier generalship, is a populist. Just think of a man being a hero and a patriot, an not woshipping Mark Kann and ibe geld standard ! Engene Guard. W hi tela w Raid went through Oregon few daya ago. and he was hardly asen, and no one cared much either. He is not a man of the people, and the people haven't much nse for htm . That is the reason. From the Portland 1'eSegram. The editor ol the Klamath Fails Re publican has discovered that a high pro tective tariff acts as a check npon trusts It tbsy attempt to inerease prices too much. Shouldn't he be eentto cocgrees or elsewhere' Such perspicacity dt aervea recognition. An excheoge calls it a bicycle crass, but as a matter of fact it is not a trs.e. Crates come and go. here today, and gone tomorrow, but the bicycle is here to stay. It is a permanentiostltutioo. and wiil never go backwards, bat for wards. It is not a fad . Jndge Burnett, of Corvaliis, says coon try before party, which is tbecorre:t and patriotic way to loot at It . Tbe country like individuals is not perfect, sod makes "ten mistakes, but we love it just tbe same, and must back it up to the last ditch. It la the privilege though o every individual to object to policies which they do not believe to he rght. Denmark makes a clear distinction between tbe thriftless and tbe repe tab' poor. Tbe former are treated tike A mericaaja a pe rs . Tbe latt'i never cross a poarbonse thresh hold. If drs titnti, they receive a pension rangins from two pounds fifteen shillings to six teen pooods sixteen shillings a year; and, if too feeble to look after them selves, tbsy are placd in an old age borne. Ex. The government will of course keep lbs soldiers In tbe Philippines as loog as tbey are needed, and and that is proper. In fact, there is no other course left, but it the war is to be continued, tbe volun teers should be relieved as fas: as poeai- b e by Ibe rtsuiais. ibsrsia only one thing for tbe United States tj do, and that is to finish tbe fob as fast and -well as possible. J-psin is somewhat getting even with tbe United States on the Philippine pro position - liar gaio is our foes, bat ws are in for it, and will not quit on til we have shown the barbarians a few pciols ia wsrfsresaddemonstratrp tu the world that we have tbe best vol on tee r soldiers the sua shiaes opoo, men as brave as Achilles and as dauotless as the tie roes of tbe revolaucnary war. Dram these dates into your bead, Jans i and 6. Oa those data st Albaoy there will be more tooting of Lorns in Albany than ever before in either tbe city cr tbe sutta on a sinsje occasion The first band tournament will be hell in Ibis city, and let as show tbe test of tbe world that we appreciate tbe fact by giv ing tbe bands tbe biggest reception ever given in the city. It will bring people here from many psrl of tbe state, snd tbe city should lesve nothing oodone- to make the occasion ooe tbey will remem ber. Strict Iv bUMines French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, ageaU. Best BiryUe for tue money Wil! ft Stark, jewe'ers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only 120, $30, $35 and ISO. C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in tbe east. Be sure and sm I ho anti rnt Hara .1 ' Honkin Brna. Willi laXII1. aV tiftfLims. ,n ; r r. u:v. . j BW aw SM IDs LV1II IVI SI tkl U l I ' 1 1 (B tographs, and do not lorget to Uke along tbe money. For a quick remedy and one that is per fectly safe for children let ns recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent for croup hoarseness, tickling in the throat ana congas, tosbay x Mason. X-rays are not in It with our new sys tsin. Long photo Co. IWusa any other flour, except the Mt guv) la B iod's Tillscure all liver ills. Mailed for 25 cents by C. I. Hood it Co., l-owell, HSSS. Sick lleadfaciics. The curse of overworked womankind. are quicklv snd surely cured by Karl's Clover Koot lea, tbe great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satiafactorv. lricc, zo cts. snd ao eta, Photo Buttons st Tinkle & Dawson's To Cure a Coltl In One Day- Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All droggists refund tbe money if it fail to cure. z-ic. lhe genuine has L,. a. tj on each tablet TICKETS -To all polrt East via Grei t Northern Railway. Forrates, f Iders and full information Mil on or add -ess H. F. Mxkhill, Agent Albany Mauy atrover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breartk. Karl's Ulover Koot Tea purines the breath by its action on the bowels, etc.. as noth- else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. THE HOMLIEST MAN IN ALBANY As well as tbe handsomest, and others as invited to call on any drugit and gel FREE a dial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat and Langs, a remedy tbat is , goarantred to care and relieve all Chronie land Acute Uougbs, Asthma, Bronchitis Consumption. Price 25c. and 50c. TERMS. Jailv Dbmocbat. 25 cents tier mouth 3.00 per year ,in advance, 80o permonth j not in advance, ay carrier, 10c net week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran over months, Single copies 6c. Wecklt. 81.2ft In advance; 11.60 at end )f year; 1. 75 for second year; S2 0O for third and preceedinor years, when not card in advance. Clubs of five new sutiscriDnri at $5.00. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS. Tbe Filipinos cuntinur to show fight, that is, the few millions that are left. It looks as if they will never give up, but they will. Nothing else can follow The position of ibis wsr.eo peculiar in its character has on the pages of history will be full of interest. There probably has nevsr been a case like it. It will aiso Da a maitar ol much interest to see whether the Filipitio will advance as (fast under the United States as the Ind ian has, practically at a standstill out side of the Indian school'. So far as civilizstion goes t'lere is not much o f fsrsnce between il.eiu, w tal little there is being in (aor of the Indian. ee The bangtug of a man for un.rder in an adjoining county baa attracted gener al attention. The spectacle is notl a pleasant one, yet It is a necef sary one and a proper one. Hinging is tbe prop er puoUhuieut, or any other form that will accomplish the result. Tbe pro tection of society dsmanda it. It is jos tles . The Dkmocbat though does not believe in making a public exhibition o a hangirg. There is no doubt that the method followed in vera! states of making it a state aSair sod requiring it oiie at the slate peuiteul ary is the best one. But or a few thoughtlssi legisla tors tbal would have been adopted by Oregon's last leg.ttatore. During the week there has hern an animal show in the city. Whatever it m ty be it is a fact that a s jo uo Jr a big tent has an irresistible drawing pow er fur youog and old that nothing el ioape8e . People are bouUd to so and see tbe tricks advertised, wonderful and starttinc, w bether school keeps or cot, to -11 1 1 1 use .ii via vpiveiuu. li-ett.-j.., power 01 appei.i was .t U -I rated in the recent desih ol a drcm- tnr to Albanv. He bad ko s n Ins lai- j leidly and will accept the si.ei ill's inrs ttt for yra's and therefore dii u t touch I t-n. PIss excuse us. On. hanging H-lor. it is said tor about th.e, years, j Enough for a lite time, until fee took some with quinine for the grippe. It gave bim him b s eld sppe- r!J " ery ambitious and is try titeand a terrible deUuch followed to Lave Dewey return east by war of Tnere are caeo bo say they ran drink t,,?,t cil-r- " e "irfufb l" , m . . . j wul get up aH o clock it it will enable at the please and quit whea they p esse ! ug to e the greatest man of the recent not ;oe cusnces are that tie time will; come when tbey will loose (he power acd find themselves in tbe clutches of lhe habit, w Lkh has no romr-asion and is as CO d as marble io its dea'ires with men. Cheek wiii take a man through life and bring results in a busioess y, and a n o lerate oust of assaraoce is need ed; bat that of the extreme character that rsdee a high hone acd ia pefTed op with rorpa'.rocy, is repreheosiole. Fbsre is no lasting gala ia exurtr.g an -thing rgainst a man's wi'l. The principal subjects for comment in Albany daring tbe we bare been tbe reeifastion of a coapief oar cuaoc.lmen end the nrir ,1 K....I . ti,- ..,,. " ... ead tue srarbas p :tr wed sabtidej. sad I. appears as weary as one can tli wilhoata te.eecope Ibat ojoo, l as beeti bort very seriaaely. sad that everj t'aias IS pretty streaeoo tbe Wil aa.r!te. e e XsvertbrierS tre is confronted with a Serious butine problem, one tbat if a sirgls iodi-idual was to (s-e in bis business he would i air hard work to solve. There is now on y one course eft. tbat o.' ru;J cino nr It t as mach the LueiLets of a mimic pa! ernpe- ration to make both ecds met as it i fo - ft pereoa to do so. Tue powerful cinch thai the wtvskey trust has on the Mcllanna golJi-d ad ministration, is p;staly shwn tt tbe fact tbat even congrevs is p-jwetlrss to pass toy law, aod have it eLljrc-d, tbat will la'se dollars out of the tra of that treat The aUorney-ieoerai rajs that tbsarui csnteeomust col balul shed. ''Cau'.een" means saloon ; to ti e diers can have lhe bles-rd privi ewof "bliwingin" the thirteen dollars a month to enrich the whisteytrasl .ui ply becaase the whiskey ruM donated liberally to ths boodle to find to elect Hannar's president Courier-Herald. New York Citv ia conreded by all men of aI parties to be the "money center' of the Coiled States. Ia f rt the Clear ing House reports bear this oat. In New York City there are sleo more mill ionairws than io any other city in the world and more poverty aod Crime a'sa. In truth there are more evictiaors of tenant) in New York City alone, than ia Ireland. Acd yet it is the Noo York Citt boodlers that waot to dominate and dic tate the politics of ail ths balaoce of the country. Let every progressive and earnest bimetalist in the land but his kiboch.on the attempts ofltbese Noo Yir rick City boodlets to dictats the nat ional platform next year. Ex. For the best harness call on A E. Ketchum, Brosdalbin street, Albaty, A nice line of whips, dusters and robes all new styles, just received at A. E. Ketchum', broaJalbin street, between 2d and 3d. Do Not Be Fooled With tbe idea that any preparation your druggist may put up and try to sell you will purify your biod like Hood's Sar arilla. Ibis mediciee has a reputa tionit bas earned its record . It is prepared under the personal sup-ivis ion of educated pharmacists who know the nature, quality and medicinal ef fect of all the ingredients u ed. Hood's KamaparilU abso'u'ey cures all f irois of b ood disease when other medicines fail to do any good. It is tbe Worlds' great 8priug Medicine and the une i rue Blood runner. Clb JBrvo R.TKn. Weeklv Democrat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week World 12.00: and Kenuhlic S1.75; and Oregonian $2.25; and San Francisco weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly suurnai s.w Mosic Miss Mnarca Burmester escher of oiana or nriran. Hvetm ths Mason touch and technique. Residence ifth street, opposite U P church. Hood'c PHIg Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives, and while c;entle are reliable and efficient. They Rous tho Liver Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. lre pared by C. I. flood & Co.,LowelI.lsass. MISFITS. Seventeen murders have been com mitted in Lane county, and there has oeen out one Daoging, that of Claud Branton. Mot an ensiahle rij ii. Justice. Keep tooting June 5 and 6 to every body you meet. There ahou!d be the biirgest crowd in Albany June 5 and 6 in the history of the city. A. Bush of Salem is in t'jo east. A local paper intimates trat it is for the purpose of influencing the location of the new government building at the proper place, eo far as he is conct-rued. Ittranspires that the report of the bo s ebrnit .1. Turner getting a pair of shoes from Chicago by freight was a joke. He bought them at W. R. Blain'e lor 10 per coot above cost, tbe easiett 'shoe be ever wore. A Portland man just received 20 on a loan of 10 made over thirty years ago in the east. A remarkable case in this age when so many try to evade their debts entirely. A Waterloo lady on returoirg from Foster where there have been several Waterloo cases of diplberia, vas shut up in tier horn by the marshal, and a red fUg put on a twenty foot pole in front of the bonce There is nothing like pre caution. That there are different ways of spell ing the same word was demonstrated on the Hotel Perkins' regisu-r yesterday, where these guests had placed their auto graphs: L. h. Read, Haiti more ; Miss M. Ke-d, Warrendale, Or., and D. V. S. Reid, Weston, Or. Oregonian. Linn county, .he orig nal American home of tbe Chinese pheasant, tbe finest game bird ia existence), should set an example in tte enforcement of the law that protects the bird. It is a bigad- veiieeojenl tor a eetlion of state to ' , able to say that it is a tine bunting tie Id i in seaeon for such a bird. Tne new j game club will do its doty. The government continues to wink i rusts and prise fichts. There are - --ui ! the same number of each. j Tbc VjT fc lbJ JuntSion BuHetin l -;). rt i war. For the benefit of an anxious public who have been a-, king many questions at the court bouse it may be suited that tbe falling of the front wall did not injure the pump at all, the brick is in good con dition and the name of Terry v ataoa w as saved intact. Os. West, of Salem, upon reaching At' tin wrote back to Salem advising his friends to Stay at home and raise chick ens and strawberry r-iants hke Editor Hofer. Mines are Lard to had, end everything is high, hay (or instance $300 a ton. j H e siieri? of Benton county insists on taxing Linu county bicycles, never ! intended in the act, Albany bicyclists I generally w ill stay away irtm Covaiiis lUnssummer. Weare !,cWription fcr iU ,s I and that is enough. tvicg taxed by in our cooctv, Tte fatuous Wbilelaw Betd, editor of the New York Tribune, pastel through Albany raHy yesterday morning, and not a sound was beard, not an additional breeze. At Portland be didn't even call on tbe editor of the Oregonleu. Some day he may want something politically and be wont get many votes from . 're iTn. j - ', he Eagene Guard wants to know in . connection w ith the steamer tngene con- troversy if Mr. Stone and the . P. own the entire Willamette valley including the L'sH'x-nr editor. Not the latter anyway, but the I'rxoeTjiT appreciates with others the value of U.e Yaquina road and its steamers to the valley and believes like tbe Guard in standing in with home institutions. It is doubtful at the present rates if the CAE t-ays expense on its tiver steamers. Ciriuies aod deg shoss are bookie breeders. Fortunately they come only about once a yesr. Several men are :n Ail-any looking arruod. This city has U-cn attracting a gnod deal of alt ntion as a bu?ii,es point. A population of 2,000,000 bas jut been figured out for Chicago. There are a great many people who believe that bgures really I.e. a i ortiaou man savs thai Astoria is coming to her senses bv developing the onnlry mound ber instead of chas ing the delusiou of a big seaport. Air. j. turner 01 tne t- vV t. today re ceived a new pair of shoes from Chicago by ireight, at wholesale rates. A l least this is the report of another railroad man. aii tne r.ujece papers are op in arms .it., ,-. over their new boat and ra 1 the Corval iis & Eastern the jerk water, theC. E. S. P., etc., whith iawry ciuldieh. It is en tirely proper !or them to stand by their own boat, this ia business, but there is nothing in name calling anyway. A Portland young woman, who has just returned from Dawson, says thst Cortland ia full of grafters. She brought some gold dust and now says that every body saems to wsnt to get it away from ber by throwing or grafting it, any way to get it, which Is about the way of the world. The civilising influence ot the Units 1 States s seen in the order in Havana that people must put 00 their clothes before appealing on tbe streets. Uncle Sam will have his hands full when it comes to Manila. Not to be behind tbe times Lane coun ty bas hsd a horse trsde equal to a re cent one in Albany. The Kegister says : Considerable fun was occasioned by a horse trade on our streets Monday . A young man of the town traded ponies with the band of gypsies csmped across tbe bridge, and got $3 in cash. On hitching the pooy to bis eart the young man found the pony would only go for ward on being led. There might be a moral drawn from this transaction. TO. NIGHT AND TO. NIGHT MORROW And each dav and oisrht duKnir this week vou can tret at any druggist's Kerne's Dal sam for the Throat snd Lungs, acknowl edged to he tbe most succem-f ul remedy ever sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asth- 1 ma and Consumption . Get a bottle to- day and keep it alwavs in the bouse, so ou can cuecK your com at once, t ries 5c and 50c. Sample bottle free. No-To-Bae (or rifty Casts. Guaranteed tobaoeo babit ears, makes weak men stroug, blood pure, 0O0, 1. AU uruggisu. TELEGRAPHIC. Late News in Short Form. A Big Capture. Manila, May 13. Gen. Law ton has captured San Ildefonso, 0 miles north of lialiusg which has been his base oi oper ations. Although very well fortified and defended by a large and desperate body of Filipinos Gen. Law-ton's troops rnshed tbe tranches and routed tbe enemy com pletel with the loss of one American wounded. Anxious to Quit. Manila, May 12. The JFirst regiment of.ttte Neliraaka volunteer regiment is taking the unusual step of respectfully pet tioning the division commander Gen. Mac Arthur to re ieve. it temporarily from duty at the front. The regiment is bad ly exhausted by the campaign, in which iv una laaea an active an ana not many more than00 man of the organization at present tit for duty. pi By Way of San Franiico. Washisotox, May 12. Sen. McBride today received a reply from Col. Sum mers to his cablegram of yesterday, in which the colonel statdd that it i the wish of the SeconJ Oregon to come home lyr tbe regular route and San Jr ranewco. j This will mean that the regiment will tte mustered out in that city and not in Portland. Terrible Wreck. Readisg, May 12. A collision of pas senger trains occured on the Philadelphia &. Reading railroad at Exeter, about six miles south of this city, tonight a num ber of people killed and wounded. The number killed is stated to be from 25 to 30. Many were injured. Ex-liov, Flower Head. NewYokk, May 15. Ex-Governor Roswetl P. Flower died tonight at 10:30 at the Eaetport Country Club at Easlport L. I., af er only a few hoars illness. The Texas Cycone. Hoieros-, May 12. A special from Eagle l'a-s says : Seas received today from the Hondo coal mines place! the dead resulting from last night's tornado, at 22 end over I'M wound-1. Many persons are missing and uk- robably in the ruins. Force the Figluin?. i mt Spaisos, a.. May 11. This is the j..d.a long cipher cable sent by the , re-ident today to Gen. Ois at Manila : Force the figl ting. Penetrate far into the interior and capture or destroy every warring h ilipino. It ws prompted by several dispatch from Gen. 'Jus. How Return. Wasbisotos, Mav 11 The 2od Oregon may return to the L'nited States up the, Co umbia river to Portland and be mas tered oat there, if the troops, ao desire. Sen. McBrird'saw sc Alger and submit ted a request for the return of the troops by way of the Soex canal and 'New York but owing to the health conditions, the war department is determined that no more troops shall be brought through Asiatic and Southern Luroan w aters. Reed Oat of it. W'AsnwcTosr. Msy IP Tbe speaker ship contest has settled down into corre spondence. One of the recent develop ments is a statement by Kepreaentative Fletcher, of Minnesota, who earo that in traveling from the Pacific coatt to Waste ington. Ee finds that the sentiment is so strong smoog prominent republicans 'or Heed to remain in conjrre and continue as speaker, that he believes P.eed will reconsider bis decision. By Way ol San TrancUco. WasittsoTos, May 11 The r de partment id not send any more troops to Manila by way cf New York and the Sues caral. A 11 troops now under orders for Manila or to be ordered there during the net few months will be sent by the way of San Francisco. A Peittlc Trut. Settue, May 11. A cono'litiou ol o 01 the s street railway companies 111 this ci:y bas been effected. C. A. Stone and L. J. Webster represent Jig Boston capital are at th. bead of the new orga nization which will be incorporated either io New Jersev or New York. The capital stock wiil be $5,1X0.0)0. Miller Woo. Pass. May 11. In tbe 100-hour cyc ling contest at Itoubaix. Cbanes W l"il ler of Chicago, won tbe rt p .re. lie covered 2a kilometers. Will NOt Return Now. Warbijiotos. May 10. Those who ex pect an early return of the volunteers in accordance with the promise of the war department wi.1 no doubt be d:sapoict ed. The fact ir, the California and Oregon regiaienb;, the first to go to Manila, are now performing too important wrvioe to be spared. A T'.z Storm-Skh-i Cm, la.. M v 10 Terriuc rain and bail fell over NorU.cru Nebraska i last night, destroying a considerable amount of property, eiciallv on low farms. The Chicago. St. Paul'. Minne apolis A Omaha and the Pacific Short Linerailways were also large !osrs. The town of Homer was the principal suffer, er. Confederate Reunion. CuiELBiTON-, May 10. Fti'ly 25,000 visitors and Confederate veterans were here today attending the annual renin ion of the Confederate Veterans' Societv. The feature of the day was the parade of veterans, preceded by reunion exercises at the new Auditorium. Ten thousand veterans were in line when the proces sion moveu. GRANDMA HAD COiNSUMPTION and I am afraid I have in hented it. I do not feel well ; I have a cough ; my lungs are sore; am losing nesn. vvnat shall I do ( Tour doctor says take care ol yourself and take plain cod -liver oil, bat you can't take it. Only the strong, healthy person can take it, and they can't take it long. It is so rich it upsets the stomach. Bat you can take SCOTT'S EMULSION It Is Terr palatable and easily digested. If yon will take plenty of fresh air, and exercise, and SCOTT'S EMULSION steadily, there is very little doubt about your recovery. There are bypophosphites in it; they give strength and tone up the nervous system 'while the cod4iver oil feeds and nourishes. r. eeid ft 00. ell drurrtvH. BUWNE. LVmim'ew York. Oliver PlowsNew fdui :UPK..N:1 Act-nts, AlDany, (iregow olivet Bva the srold tbe chilled p And tt'uas saved morw iconey to tbe farmer of America tbin uiy other implement ever prooocew Uenuine Oliver chilled are tbe best ea earth. The Oliver is a promoter of bappi nes on the farm, and the dealer who sell otknowa he is handling the best. Lool Ct for immltationa aud touch nothing bat he genuine goods, made mry by Olive Chilled plow works. South Bend, Ind., I S A. olKtT RAILWAI NOnCE. The motor on tbe Albany Street RaUwaj will connect prompty with all trains to a-' from tbe depot, day and jisrht." Special 'rips will be riade at spec rates, R. Mooai,, Conductor. A Single Set of Guticura Remedies Gosting only $1.25 Consisting of Guticura Soap 25c. Guticura (Oiatsenf) 50c. Is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, and humili ating akin, scalp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, when all else fails. Sols BieuclMet Bm mitt. FWTTven iriC Cm, Julius Gradvvohl ; et -:- Dealer in -- Hardware. Crockery. Glass ware, Groceries and a:l goods kept 1 country stores. I WILL 3 SELL GOODS FOR CASH 3 As Low as Anybody. 13 Coemtrv produce and egxe taken in exchange for g oo!. NOTICE OF FIMA. SETTLEyEMf XT OTJCt IS HER rlbY GIVES 1 MAT 1 ibe ooder.-arid a t& Adaiinii.tra- tnior of th -?! (A Vfry K Crawford, deceaed, bait fi ed Li final areooct in saw rtUte witn Ih t.'oooty Clerk of L-ui county, Oregon aid ftat tee Cointr Coar' bs fii-d Monday. Jane 5tb. IW, at tbe boor of U le cYiotk p tu of said dav, t tbe testing of said account acd tte Sua ettietnen; of Mid estate A a and all pes one having objtx-is thereto an berth notiSed to be present at tbe l oan'y Court room at raid tine aod present tbe same. iMled this 4th day of May, 1&39. C. H. StrwaH-, Administrate. WRATHsaroKo Wtatt. Sfjs for Ada?r "KOIKE OF FINAL SETRf UEHi. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the caderiienejd Administrator of Uke etate cf Deborah Z. Esritg, decease I. baa S'ed his Seal account io tbe abor 3 estate, ia thecWtsciSce, in and for Luus ccaoty. Oreos. ar-d the court bas Hied, Jose bth, I -W. at Ooe cVlock of said uay for tbe beariagof oKjecticns to said account Mat 4, 1?. Thomas H. McGbes, Admr. of ths es ale of Deborah E. Ew sriag, ceceaed. 0)12 Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artiflcSaJIv directs the frx)d and -Ida Mature in eire&giheniDg and recon structing the exbeusted digestive or gans. It is thela:esl,d.soovemidig3V ant and ton in No other preparaUon an approach it in efficiency. It 1b 4tactly rehe"w acd permaiyntly cures Dyspepsia. IndigesUoo. Heartburn, Fiatuience, Sour Stomach, Kausea, Sick Headache. Gatiaiirik, Cram r. and ail other results of iro perfect digestioa. .IVwpared be - O DeWitt ClcS9Sw 130 Cords of Wood Wanted Notice is hereby given 'hat sealed bid will b? received oy Sta-l L is trie t No. 5. Lico Coaatv. Orefoc. cp to tee 15rh dav of May. 1S9S. at the hoar of 1 o c ork n m for contrac for farnishin 1 2) c erda of eaaooed emu oak wooo, and 10 cords body Sr,ok wood to oe not le tcsn 4 iocres is dinier Hi n .: t ecd. 4 feet lose t -ii!-.!.! Irw from limbs, fir to be split erotn iarae trees, tree from knots sued wt il J to be eieivered at school buildings in sua district a tsar r oirected 00 or before Auirott l.b, 193. clearly corded dt will be leoeiied for all of tie wood, Or I a ks of sm )es than 20 cor is Ha ted tfcis rd day of March, 199. VlRGlt. PARXrn, School Cteis K.TICE CF FIHUSEFUMEMT XT onCE IS HEREBY GIVEN T'AT IN the undersieoed as admiciral r Ct bcau eon wt'.n tbe will asnued oi th; es tate of t, F I raw tor J, deceased, baa filed bis Goal account in said estate witn the Uouoty t brkol Linn coaatv. Oregca, and that the Count vCowrt has Sxed Monday June 5th, at One oVijck p. m. of vaid day fcr the heahog of said accost t snd tbe final settlement of aid s'a'e Art od all persoc harm ot-jectioos thereto are hereby noti&ea to he preeect at the County Coirt room At said time and pres ent tne same?. Pated this 4;n Jay of May. Iy9. C. ii . tre wast, A'irnr. ! iSonus Nob. WnTSIRFCKD WtTT. Aitjt tot AJmr. fJERVITA -Bjsrwrs VITALITY, tU9i vrovin ANO MANHOOD Cures Emissions and wartime diseases, ail effects of self- ahiijo, cr excess nni icdis- bltHMl builder. LSrines the jOje' restores the lire of youth. liv ma;N.lK'rcr i-ox;tooxes for $5?.riO; with a written Kiiarun "eo to euro or refund tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. -ilnton A Jackson Sts CHICACO, IU. Fjr sle bvFroI Divin, Or-iris VUit iv, Ore: n. K. O. T. M. very Sturdy evoina at K. O. T. !w al V isitin? Knights invued. Sf M Newprt.Oominacder LARGE SUMS TO LEND On Undivided Interests on estates, Real estate on Probate, Reversionary and Lite Interests on Real and Personal Property. Annuities and Legacies. Or will parchas outright if so del ed. Lite Insurance Policies Bought or Loaned ou Patents sold on fayorab.e terms and capital procured to devel 1 on and nerleCL meritorious inventions ideas. Amounts from $10,000 to $500,000 Available for Investment on mortgage st Revenue Producing Securities For terms and particulars addreea R.GOULD, . Montgomery St., San Francisc Co 17 n He it South -Via 8HA8TA OF THE outhern Pacific Oo. DalUonla grpress Trains leave ert)ee IsmU) J i, r IM JlI I IH I . S: ijuvi. I SrV MiiLt IUi a I At Poruaad Albany Aboe trains stop at ' '" h' ween Portland and S4I?-n Tsr v-1, MarB, . JeffwsO" itan faH r.t, y-bedd, Bslsey Ko" 0otiai Grots, Dra'r, Oaklscd l.i i ttatKiis Irota Ksetiig au'b tt ...! -Iodine- Ashland. 1.1 l - :14r e I k -. r ' r PerS.'e AI...J Soe n IS i T leave :'-v fcr Letannn Antv AAaSVJT troas betaaea III lutSu mm Ueen 1 S it Lebeaaa timtttl yrroesbebanna 4s4ers Tt Si PULLKAI WH SLEEFERi. ajrn Olninsr Cn " ,u Ogita Bout ?C0N0-CUSS UEIFIK6 Ih I AUaefceet te all Tbnsssrrsiei STeeS KSe SHvlalew. rwsiTLAar asss an, VS esnv Iseeet Seee :SD a a I Vr US isU ronleael dbrveUie ansas t I tier Ex prow Train Deilv (eseset nadar ,!. T II I Ae tsrirs j ar sr. -vie lf ISO SB aUMiaavUI luiwe tettf Hkta on eels wf.wim t ne.,nHii fn'. 1" et. S T e.t dsee mi (11 eeenea ,i4aSs 'leeper . tOS'"Sh CBMAHKRaw fataaaeav' SwISn ferVaca Oragoa Pveisai Slaee4ie'(-. wievei petals mut Tnry IVf-A. CdlVA, H IM vtt ALirs Ul he ikw-w-I Ir c a , Uoeav or v WI&W Fast 8al Ijace, Denver. Ft a-t Mail Worth, Omaha, Kao- "Mr; 4pm eas Cly, S Loois. :4 p -Chicago and East. Srtkane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokaaa Fiver arte, afianeapoiis. Si F've 2:10 pm Paul, Dal nth. Mil- 80 s waake.Ctiewgo. A East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPIj 4 For ban Francuco Sail every five days 8 pm COLUMBIA RIVER ips Exsondsy STEAMERS. EaSanrta Saturday To Astoria and Way- lOpn 'lAndicge. 6s m WILLAMETTE RIV. 40p Exan. Oregon City, Kewberg, Ex Sua Salem dt W iy-Laod 7am WILLAMETTE AS0 3:30 p Tnesday, YAMHILL RIV Honda Thnrs., Oregon tSty, Dayttax, Wed. and Sat. and Way-Lands. aod Sat 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 430 p w Tuesday Portland to Corvaliis I net Has rbur., aod Way-LantLngs. Tbur t and Sau an-1 Sa LvRtparia Lv Lew is: as 2:30am SS A EE RIVER ltMi r Daily Riparia to Lewtstoa DsiIt ' W. H. HCRLBCRT, Gen. Pass Agent, a G. RAWLIXGS. Portland. Or Agent A'bany. YAQUINA ROUTE CORYALUS i mw RAILROAD Conducting at TAQULSA wt.h the ACJUIMX 3AY STEAM SHIP COMPANY STEAMERS Grace Dollar and Haiarro First-class n every resp-ct. One of the above steamers is due to sail from Y equina about ever five days. Shortest roots between valley poiatc tsan Francises. Fare: Albany and points west to San Francisco Cabin 410 00 Round tri p 17 00 For sailing days sppiv t Eowra Siosx, H. L. Walows. Manager. . F. & P. A. J. Trsxu, AgBt Albany, Or. OUR CAPACITY Is l'ncvualcd In the Vallev. OUK WORK ' Is LiisurpA.oj- In Oregon. t'e have the best stock w. select from and our price re alwavs tlie lowest, quality Ciinsulered SMILEY, A Hi my. The Pr..iter ST0CKH3LOIKS UElTtXC Notice is hereby given that there will bw a meetinglot Uis stockholders of the Albany Street Railway Company on Wednesday May 24th, 1S& at the hour of sight o'clock p. ra. at the office of the secietarv of said company the same be in t the Real Estate office oi C G. Barkhart,on First street ia Albany. Or. For tbe'pu'poee of vol in it 00 the cues rion and proposition of selling sil prop erty, rights and frnchie ol said corporator, ana for the purpose of wind eair up the business of said corporation, andtbedtseolvipgof ibe same. Apiill4.199. E. F. Box, Presd nt O. G. lirRKHART Seeretarv. LINN CC ABSTrACT COMPANY Albany Oreeon Oflioes, ltnk of Oregon tJuildtag. Only set of abstracts of Lion County, "omp'ete set of maps and plats. NOTICE. Have von a farm for sa or rent or do yon know of any per. ron hoMins lands, that tbey wish to dis pose of. If so please write to .ov ssnt of the O R &,OC. Co and he will send yon a circular which wiil interest yon. r OREGON Vljvi COMPLY Cor. Morriijon & Park Sts. LEWlilJILriKG. Portland . OrwJton L