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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1899)
J MONDAY. The Musical Festival. From the Eugene Guard : The second, last and greatest night of the May festival of music witnessed the production of Haydn's "Creation." An audience of over 1000 people warmed tip in appreciation of the inspiring music and the applause greeting solo'sts, chor us and orchestra alike was profuse. Never before has a musical perform ance of this magnitude been given in Eu gene. Its success was complete and even more than anticipated bv those who labored so hard to bring it about. Mr. V. Gi fiord Nash, of Eugene, was director. The chorus was composed ot the combined oratorio societies of Co"" vallis, Albany and Eugene. The orches tra was composed of 20 instruments, with Mr. Reginald L. Hidden a comeri master. From this ion of mu sicinns, therefore, it is little to be won dered that the production of "The Crea tion" could be less than excellent The chorus work was grand, exalting, ennobling. Its power was magnificent and its shading delicate. The Willamette Val'ey Choral Union was organised with alem, AM any. Cot vallis and Eugene as member. Albany was selecied as the next pla-- of tmet ing, and in accordance with the by-laws ths president and secretary lor this year were chosen from that city u loliows: President, W. H. Lee; secn inry. I'ivs Marsba'l. The vice presidents are Carl Sox, Albany ; Francisco Secley, Salem; Miss Dorothea Nash, Corvailis; V U Nash, Eugene. Isteroollboiatb Debate. Xext Fridav evening, in Albany college chapel, tnere will b a debate between students of Mon mouth College and Albany college on the ouu jtjci r-jtesoivea mat me Li mted states should have a defensive alliance with Great Brittin.'t J. Q. Swann.C. C.Bryant J. r.. lyree will represent Albany college and W. H. Kwgley.F. G. Meindle and A. G. Thompson, Monmouth. This is a part of a series of intercollegiate con tests between the. colleges of the valley The grand lodge of Odd Fellows and Rebekaiis will meet in Salem this week. Kegular meeting of ManxaniU Circle tonight, election of officers and other important business. A full attendance is desired. Any srember having an old ritual is requested to return same it once. By order Guardian Neighbor. The Willamette District Conference M. E. church, south will be held at Harris burg, Or., May 2 to 28. Ail dele gates will have free entertainment. All others can get board at the ra e of $t per week at the Hotel i' they star the whole session. W. B. Smith, P. 0. Mrs. Arch Blackburn return this norn from Salem. Louis Love, of Portland, spent Sunday with Albany friends. Judge Hewitt and daughter are visit ing relatives in Yamhill count;. Miss Alma Parker, the Brownsville milliner, was in the city today. Mrs. Woodruff, of Portland, has been in the city the gnest of her sister, Mrs. R.R.Findley. Dr. E. O. HyJe, recently cf Scio, will locate in Prineviile this week according to the Review of that city. Divorce proceedings have been begun by Florence Allen agU W. Allen, and A Hie Hover agt, Clarence Hover. A. B. Cavender, of the Brownsville Times, was in the city today getting ad vertisement for the pioneers picnic to be held in that city June 7, 8 and 9. President D. V. 8. Reid.of the Weston Normal school has been in the city on a short visit, after a meeting in Salem with nrrmal school president. Mrs. John leotu jr. returned this morning from her trip to California, a week tarlier than he intended on ac count of the trip not agreeing with her. Tomorrow afterncoi at the regnlar meeting of the . C. T. V. there will be a parlor conference of interest to all ladies. Come. L, A. Jordan w.l. 1 ave this week for California in the ink-rest of the Magno lia flour, which manr people declare to be the very best made n the coaat. It always gives satisfaction. The Haydn Oratorio Society nil) meet for business and practice Wednesday vening at 8 o'clock in the Co' lege Coo seavatory room. The Eugene pictures w ill be te.e. Mr, Pete Lingren. of Portland, has been in the city the guest of his brother Jake. He was a former ioandryman.iro- ingfrom heretoMcM.nnviileand I lit nee to Portland. W C Baird, of old time Brownsville man, was in the thin noon with several relatives on the way to Brownsville to attend a Baird reunion. Harvey Sommerville of Harrieburg, telephoned today to his brother Mack in this city that he is daddy of a 12-round eon. This is No. I in Harvty'a family. Eugene Guard. Earl R. Abbett left on this morning's overland train for Spokane, Washington, where he will take a position in the aud itor's office of the Spokane Falls and Northern lines of railway. Eugene Guard. Kev E.P.Hill, of Portland, anived in Albanv.tbis noon and tonight at the Fresoyteri-'n chnrc'i will deliver his lecture on his European trip, with stere ooticon views from kodac pictures taken by him on his journey throigh the old world. The lecture is one no one should nisst Brn our new rockers and chairs. The finest ever seen in the city. W e close at 8 p. m. Albaky FuKxrrrRK Co. For choice groceries at reasonab'e rates, ?ee McFeron 4 Tomlinson. MAMIE). NEMCHICK-TUENER. On Wedne day May 17, 18U9, in the county clerk's office in Albany, by Alfred Freerksen, J. P.. Mr. Frank Nemchick and Viss Lou Turner, both of Linn county. Tt i aad and diaao-' pointing for a father, to rear a son, spend hard-earned money fvr Ui eancauon, work to tnaure ?n advantageous start a life, and build cas tles in th air about ti Knv'a foture. onlv to have him killed off in the early years r manhood by the dread dueaae con- M-inllnll T.ii rrrmt vears conaumption was con sidered aa incurable disease. Now it ia , . n trna of thonaands that Doctor Pierce' Golden Medical Wacovery cure o8 per cent, of all cases if taken in the early T... r thi diaeaae. It also cure bron- hitia Urvngiti. throat and naaal trouble and all allied diaeaae of the air-paaga,. .u. k,. Mood-maker and Beah-bmlder, thi beat general tonic and nerve restora. tia. It give a keen .edge tothe-appe-S correct the impaired diteatkm, pra- tonact. or tntertine. i?vigoratt the liver IndPurifies and enriche. the blood. It tear down old and inert .ue and bmlds p w, firm, tnuacular ttaaue. of health, ft .trengtheni the heart . action prpmote. (he dreulation of tha blood to "'7 Prt of the body and deepens the breathing, tha aupplyW the blood with vitalizing ayren. Tuooaand have tctiBed to.U mtiita. The dealer who offer something lac a " juat a good " i diahpneat t uaw waa wr strong and then I hJ 1 Crippe," write Mb Oracl O. nM, of 4 at., Balaaa, Orcaron. " I had a oough and rlt tirad all tha time, t took three tiottlea of Dr. Pterce'a F.rorue Preaeription and two of 'Goldea Medical blaeovery' and two viala of Pleaaant Pelleta.1 I have better health VOW than for many years," , Twenty-one one-cent' tamp cover the mailing; of a paper-covered copy of Doctor Pierce's Common SenaerMedical Adviser. Cloth-bound, tt stamp., bend to Dr. B. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y.t FATAL TRAIN WRECK. The fast freight south bound was wrecked at Glenbrook, beyond Rose burg last Saturday, news of which was received in the evening. The train left the track on a curve and was ditched. The Review Bays : - - me engine turned over twice and a car load of tlonr piled on top of it. The tank was bottom side up with Fireman Merriman underneath. a When Conductor Evcrton rushed in through the smoke and steam to the engine he found Engineer McCalley i standing erect, noiaing to the reverse ever wiui one nana and tne otner over his mouth. On being carried out he looked at his terribly scalded hand and chest and exclaimed ; "My God, this is awful I" He only lived a few minutes. Fireman Merriman was taken out un consciouiand upon regaining conscious ness only remembered that Jim called to biro, not to jump. He is badly bruised aoout the head and legs but his injuries are not considered dangerous. Of the eighteen cars in the trin,!Bve went over the bank. une ot two boys who were stealing a ride on a car of lumber was instantlv killed and the body was left out there awBU'ng me oruers oi tne coroner. James A. McCalley was one of the beet engineers on the road, having been at the throttle on the Southern Pacific since 1884, beginning his railroad work as a bridge carpenter. He was about 88 years of age and unmarried. He war born and raised at I-ebanon, Oregon, ana leaves a lamer ana mother, or.e brother. Engineer R. A. McCalley, of 1 ot and, three sisters, two married and residing in Los Aneeles, Calif., and tie other the wife of Hon. M. A. Miller, o1 l.ebanon. He was chief engineer of itosei.rrg lodge o. 4-0, ii. of U JS and a member of Laurel lodire No. 13. A. F. A A. M , Koseburg. and Roseburg Lodge No. 326. B. P.O. E. The remains of McCalley were brought to Albany this noon in a special par, un- oer me auspices ol the :iks and Masons, of which orders he was a member, and were taiien on a special train at 1 o clock to Lebanon, for burial. Among those attending were Superintendent Fields and Master Mechanic Younger, who came up from Portland for the pur pose. Several Albany Elka accompanied Tennessee Gatherings. Arthur Burrell and familv now occupy the residence recently vacated bv Paul Valerious. Miss Yordie Swanson, of Waterloo, was in this vicinity this week, visiting. Jas. Hart and Charlie Tate were in Tenn. last Sunday. Annie and Josie Blacklaw and 'Stella Frank are in Albany this week, attend ing the teacher's examination. Success io yea. Mr. M." E. Feit. of Indiananoli. Tml . who is a sister to Mr. J. Q. Swink of this CI ace, was a visitor at the home of her rot her for some few dara. sha wtnra. ed last Monday. Mrs. R. Swink. of Gtcs. bent l..t week in these 'ere parts. People zenerallv attend,? tha (nn.r.l of Mr. J. Wassom at Lebanon last Sun da v. Ellis Allen baa transferred his title to 40 acres of land in this vicinity to Wm Simpson, of Portland. " A. Umphrey was down from Junction City visiting relatives before his depart ure for Klondike. A meeting haa been called to meet at the school-bouse next Sunday at 10 o' clock a m. for the purpose of organizing a Sunday-school. Miss Annie Cox, of K ox Bnfe. visit ed far a couple of dav in this vicinity last week. Diet Heywood and Phin Hansard, the aristocratic biases oi a Walla Walla cigar coujter and formerly of this place, have sold out and are out in the cold, cold world again. Thee boys are rustlers and will be heard from again. Charlie Swink fs laid op with the measles in the hospital at Walla Walla- McK. Da. Kckhxb to p.i is Albabt. Dr. fvoebne, the famous orator and student, who has teen attracting so moch atten tion b his lectures in Portland recently on the "Naxarine" mill give Albany people the great privilege ot hearing him next meek. lie iU dtliver hit fix ad dresses here, at the U. P church begin ning on Sabbath evening on "The pre paration for Christianity through Jada it in " Some of those who have heard him liken him to the greatest of tha world's orator.- The addrestes will be free, a -ol'eoiion btiuz taken to defrav the t-cnrr's expeiire. Nokuci. otportuniti as the Nazanne Lectures afford ha- bren tiiven io Al hanv ,n recent tears. Dr. McLean, of lakland. Cat., sava of thecourte: "I do t rt-niem Int that the ork of aov neater in the taenty three years of my pauu rate in Oat.'and, ha been beid in bibber appreciatou tnan Mr. Koehne's Fob a D.vorci. Wallala A.Laoebead, through her attorney, W. A. Moorea.yea terday insti'.nted in the cirenit coort, di vorce proceed ngs against Carlisle H. Langhead, to whom ! was married in hi- loiiniy on March 5, It 82. Plaintiff lleve.1 thni lit- i. ant wilifui'y deeertea her A dm' n 18 R. Ii, a.l.iition to ask ing for li-e 'i -f lntiin of the marriage contract. (taimiff aks for the tustody of heir rhildrtn Will'atn aged 18 and Florence, aged 14 whom the haa lup pored fines heiug deterted by ber hus band: that the court award judgment against the defendant for a reasonable sum for the tnpport of her cbildien and for the nsnal ccsta and disbnrtementa. dalem Siatesman. Try our bread at two loaves for nickle McFeron & Tamlioson. The Effects of lie Grin areovercome by Hood's Sarnaparilia which parities the blood, tones tha stomach, strengthens the nerves, and makes the whole system vigor orous and healthy. Be sure and rea'd the special sewing machine advertisement in another col u.flo; never io the history oi Albany was was there such a chance to get the ben machines at such low prices. Dsqbeb of Hohor. Mrs M E Herrin, grand recorder of the D of H of Oregon, will make fraternal visit to our lodge this evening. Let all members be pres ent especially the new member that bave recently been initiated. The de gree staff will exemplify the floor work in etry detail. kkcobpf. DIED. BLANT0N. In Albany on Saturday night, Mav 13, louu, of pneumonia, after an illness of about one week, Mr. John Blanton, at the age of about 37 years. The deceased was an employee of the Albanv lion Works and was a reliable young man. He leaves a wife and three children and bis death, wilt he generally regretted by ma ny. The funeral occurred at 10 o'clock. It was held in the Evangelical church and waa conducted by Rev. Stret feller, after which the remains were taken to the train under the auspices of the A. O. U. W., of which be was a member for shipment to Brooks. ' ' The-deceased was born in Jackson cotinty, 0r7, in 1862 snd moved with his father s family to Brooks, when nine years of age to reside. He came to Al bany about a year and a half ago. Be sides a wi'e and children hs leaves father , mother anc) tpvoraj brothers and sister. MORGAN, In San Jose. Calif., on Sun day, May 14, l89,Mra.Morgan a res ident oi Albany in early days, for several years running a boarding house here, at an advanced age. blie was the mother of Mrs. Frank Par ton, who will arrive in Albany tomorrow morn ine with the remains, which will be buried in the city cemetery besides those of the daughter of the deceased Hattie. tomorrow forenoon. Mr. Jerry Ream received a dispatch announcing the death and requesting ar rangements for the burial. Schillings Best Japan Ceylon Englsh Breakfast OolODg Ideal Blend Tea ..T ESI) AY In Memoriam. Hall of Btulah Rebekah I. dge No, L. O. O. F.. Mav 5. 33, Whxkkah, In view of the loas Beulah Re be xa h Lodge has sustaim-d by the de cease of our Iriend aud ster, uuidah Hunt, and of the still greater loss sus tained by those who were neaiett and deareat to her. Therefore be it, Resolved, That it is but a jut-t tribute to the memory ot our deceased s'atsr to ay that in regretting ber removal from our midst we mourn lor one who was a true Christian, anffectlonate wife.afailh ful friend and an honored and beloved member of Beulah Rebekah L'Mlge, a member who always practiced ua tracb ings. "Whatsoever ye would thnt others should do unto von do ye even ro unto them." Resolved, That we sincerely condole With the relatives of the deceased on the dispensation with wbich it has pleated Divine Providence to atllict tneui, and commend them for consolation o liim who orders all things writ anJ for tue best, aud whoeechaatieemenu are meant in mercy, and be it. Resolved, That the Secretary of this lodge be instructed to sprrad these reso lutions npon the records, setting forth a special Bae for the same in memory ol a true Rebekah, and a copy of these revol utions De sent to the ray papers for pub lication, also a copy be seat to the bus band of the deceased. Reeoived, TtaJ our charter be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days. Sarah O. Barnks, NoBAH COATKS, Ella Mihriil, Committee. Crop Prospects. The reports indicate that Injury has been done to the prune crop, especially to the Italian variety. From some sec tions the report injicate an abaoluta failure, from others, that a fair crop will mature. The bloom was as lull as UJital but when the fruit began to set it alto began Io fall from the tree. Tne Ital ian is the principal variety of prunes grown, and a ahoit crop in that variety meat. a shortage in the total crop. The peacn crop now promises to be good iu the sootbrn counties, but not ao aver ace iu the northern coantiee. Cherries are setting lairly well; mhile dropping prevai's, a good crop is expectei. Peart and apples appear to be in aoout normal condition. Tbegrain crop is in good condition; fall and winter sown grain are rocking slow, but sir ng growth. Spring plow ing Mi. seeding continue. Much of the low land is yet too wet Io plow. Unlets adverse conditions pievait during June, the grain crop will be as good as it usu ally is, the spring acreage being greater than in normal years n. b. fAocc, Section Director. Successful Teachers. The teachers examination ended with only nine passing out of tweoty-foor. Three failed on state certificates, two for life, ten for count. I he highest stand- og was obtained brMrLH Uibeon. a graduate of Tarkio college, a voung man wbo recently came to the vallev from near Pittabarg, Penn., his formrr home. Those paseiog arte: ror Hate ctrtinca'e: Mra J Steele. Mrs Callie Bigbee and J E 1st grade: Floy Ciiuitiiiiig. L B (iib- eon. 2nd grade: Jfiraco, f?rab .Ui'ler. Nasb, Netti- M Bnck. 3rd grade: Ra!pu B Dr. Leinenger has return to Oregon from his eastern trip. Miss Edna Alien has been in Salem on a visit wit h the fanulv of Rev. McKiIIod Curtis Chance, the electrician, who has been in Eartern Oregon fur evial weeks. La returntd to Aibor. At the Woodmen' hall last mirlit Tom fehea and Beeeie Parker gave the cake walk iu excellent stvle Mrs. Dr. Hendricks returned vevter. day :ritu a eevrtai mon'lm trip to Ca.if orni. tcmewfcat improvtd .u health. L. E. Grey, wbo has been lying ill with cancer 01 the ttcmacb, for several aeeks, is not expected to lire over the coming night. Mr and Mrs. T. J. Stites. V7. C fweedale, Mrs. J.O. Coatee and Miee Clara tird are attending the grand 1 lodieof Odd Fellow and Rehekab at I Salem Ibii week. ! J K. Weailierloid. Ii. L. Burkhan and H C. jirdar v.-nt to Salem W.i oooo to attend the grand ilfce of Odd Fellows, being- delesstes f-om the Al bany lodge to the same. Mrs. J. M. Iring yetterday afternoon gave a pleasant reception to Mr. E.N. Gondii, mho haa been visiting bete, and wbo left on last night's overland with tier son for Ashlsnd, on a visit with ber mother. A dispatch from Monrre say that G. W. Howard and family, of Albany, yes terday started from there for their home wben runaway accident west of town injured a small son. The injuries are serious, but hardly fatal. Rev. W. A. Smick. of Albanv. arrived ere last Friday tor the purpose oi organ- zing a nnaiber of babbath echoo s io his vicinity. Sucd.y tuornioe- he del ivered a sermon at t'.e Presbyterian Church at Florence. Before the sermon two children were baptized bv Rev. I. U. Knotts. In the afternoon services were held at Glenada and at Acme in the evening Tbe Florence Went. The remains uf Mrs. Martha Morzan. wbich were brought from San Joe this morning, weie buried in the citv cem etery Ibis afternoon, Rev. Stevenson con- u ning tbe services, Mrs. Mora an was over 85 years of age. She was an Oregon pioneer, eoming across tbe plainr, ber husband dying either nn the way or wid e afterwards. She was hiithlv es teemed by the many old residents who knew ber. Ring for everv bod v at frmch'a .few elery store. ' Fresh bread every dav. Two loavoa fir a nickle at McKeron &. .Tom linson. 44 No Eye Like the Master's Eye9 You are piaster of your health, and if you do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order, pood & oar? saparllta vitt purify it. It is the specific remedy for troubles of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. Kidneys- My kidneys troumea me, and on advice took Hood's Barsaparllla, which gave prompt rei(et, peiter appetu. My sleep Is refreshing. It cured my wife also." Michael Both, 3473 penny Street,, fittsborg, Pa. . (Scrofulous Humor-'' I was In terrible condition from the itching and burning of scrofulous humor, Grew worse under ireatment of several doctors. Took Hood's larsanariUa and Hood's Pills. These cured me thoroughly." J, J. Lrtlb, Fulton, N. Y, Hood't Hllaenr liTarllla ith iMSMrrttatlBg an4 enje eathartle to tek with Hood'a 8a"raprtila A Fine Lecture. A large audiencs at the Pr.-sbyhrian Church lat t evening went with Rev. E. P. Hill, of Portland, on his bicycle trip through England, one ol the most de lightlul experiences one can have with out the lealily. In 184 Rev. Hill did England with a kodak, taking the kind of pictuies one wishes to eee. We bave had a surfeit of old cathedrals in the past. Mr. Hill's pictures were of the eeiydy kind, regular snap ehota of t.ople, ani mnls and landscajes which wtre prefent d with a'compiuiyiugthe views with adefcriptive Ucmre fo vivid as to become almost realitic. Mr. Hill just secured a picture ol G.'adatone in a depot as he was passing, but it was dim. he came in contact wild adeteciive for trying to snap Queen Victoria, but did get two of her servants just as they were vnnit-hing from sight. Interwoven were references to the great met. w ho have honored England, presented in connect ion wiili the pictures in a manner to make their names more (ami tar. The lectins was cer' a great tiest. Off the Track. The traio from the front, part of which arrived last evening an hour la:e, met with a serious accident near Lyons yes terday afternoon. Three cars loaded with ties and wood jumped the track and went down a high eobankmt-nt. The coach, w hich was behind contain ing heveral passengers, stopped ou the edge of the bank, and it was a cloee call for a bad and perhaps fatal accident. Conductor -McErline was thrown quite a ways without in;nry, while the hrake man, Mr. fowler, junped from the car on which ho was riding. Only the front eud of the train, this side of the break came to Albany. Ringling Brothers great circus is head ed for Oregon the advance agent having reached Poi tland . A meeting of hicvclists will be held at th arnory touight for the purpose or organising a club, with the buildiog of o.cycie paths in view. The reports indicate pretty completely that there will not be more tha a quar ter of a crop of prunes, aad other fruits will lejigbt. Thedirectors of the Albany district yesterday opened bM for wood for he Albany district. Not being sufficient and satisfactory the time .'or filing bids was extended to June 15. the Monmouth debaters will come to lhaoy with a record, already having defeated the Foret Grove students. Our citiaons generally shou'd hear the de'iate at the eocene chattel n. it Fridav evening. Mr. G. P. Warner yesterday moved to ue eastern part ol the city. The reel dene in which he has been residing for several years, now owned b Mr. H. C. Watson, wiil be occupied by Mr. Watson. Manxtnita Circ e, Women of Wood craft, elected the lolloaing officers at their meeting last evening: Mr. J. W. Wite pt guardian neighbor, Mr. Maston gnardian neighbor. Mi Mamie Montgomery adviser, Mrs. Hodge mag ician, Li ilie MclUrgue attendant, Mr. McCiaio inner feotine!, Mr.. Cameron outer sentinel, Jooephiae Barnes capta'n of the guard, D.J. Dubruille musician, Mrs. Mor manager. The election in Corv!!ii yetf rday re sulted in tne selection ol the following to run tnat city the coming year : Captain Urawford, mayor; iinj.) Flett, chief of police; Wi'li.m McLagan, leaurer; H. W. Hail and I-e lirnkle, council meo, north ward; J. M. Nolan, vouth ward ; lame Smith, middle ward; E. P. Oref fcx, police jiUe. Nelson WiUor, a former street-car conductor of Portland, i cow io Cincin nati, where be ha jnt "dipoed of the state of Ohio for aiOOOO," according to his letter to a orother here. Mr. Wi'eoo is the inveutor of a machine for reinst ating the wire of adrnamo, and expect to make IICO.OO bv rimply eellin; the riKht to ute it io ce.-Uiti state.-Oregon-ian. Rev. L E. Rockwell, Ph. D.. of Ro chester. N. Y., ha bee;; apnointed najt- orof CVntenarv Methodist church, of I'ortland. in the place of tha late Rev. CrawKrJ Thoburn. lie has act-vpted. ! and was expecteii to t art for Portland yeeterdjy. to he coul 1 arrive in t:me to occut-y tbe pulpit of Cenlenarv church nest ?um!av The Portland Turners are doing rome advertising of the valley in connection with their excursion to Albanv on Mav S. The round trip fare will I onlv tl. w nun w i,i mean the l-ifgr! excurtun it if sai l that ever ctmeup tbe va iley j from Portland. The Sisters of Vercy at Cedar Mill have sued the Oregon Hre Relief Association, of Me.Mirnvliie, to recover $1700 on a 5 re Io. tuotained lat fall by reason cf th;r . hool building having burned. Ti e Sister have repeatedly of fered proof of l-... tit the company, ro the romplaict allege, denies liability Oregon ian WEONRSDAY. Tut CoMMBNcaxtNT of Albany college will begin on Sunday, June 18, with the bacral.nreate sermon by Ex frecident E. N. Conriit, now of Waila Walla. An nual addree in Iheevinicg. Junior or ation Monday evening at the armory. Normal graduation Tuesday forenoon, class day exercises in the afternoon, pop ular conceit in tbeevenicg at the armory, commencement Wedresdar forenooo io the U. P. church. Annual add rets by Hon. Thos. 11. Tongue. Alumni rean on in the evening. The graduates will be Mary S eaarl and Jcs. Trree from the ciataicsl department. CIvde Bryant from tbe scientific department. Anna Crablree, Nellie Foshay, Anna .Ma'shall and Ada Moehnke from the normal de par'.men. Kxsr is Mind tl.e rntirre rf lectures, known as the Nstireuu Lectures, or The Reasonableness of Christianity, which ill be given in Albanv by Rev. John B. Koebne. During the paat week the First Presbyterian charch, of Portland, has been filled to overflowing tu hear Mr. Eoehne, whose fame as a lecturer is wide as the continent. The Qrtt lecture will be held in the United Prrabvterian ct-orth Sunday evening, May 21st. Sev eral ot the churches ol tbe city noiting in tneir attendance upon the lecture In tbe place of the nsual evening seivices. o ticket ere sold lor the lecture. jo au mission is charged. They are however not to be 'considered aa free lectures. An offering at the close of each lecture is taken and alt are a ked in honor to give according to their ability Babb BAi.i..-The best game cf base ball ol the season will be played next Satur day afternoon on the colleze grounds be tween Albany college and Monmouth. Game called at 2:30. Admission IS cents. This will be a contest that should draw a big crowd. Call on F.II.PtlfTcr At all times. Make his si pre cur headquarter if you want the fiest confectionary, ice creaiu , soda water sod fruits in the city. His long experience in the business in Albany enables him tp meet the wants of tue peopit. .'it 60O Kings. a greater variety oi irienuship, en gsgement anu wt-iuiing rings never was shown in Albany than those displayed in trench s show windo r. We invite everyone to stop and inspect them- Thev are direct fiom the factory, bought for crsh, Btidwe soil thon on a very close margin. ' Frenches watch and ring house. Not one kind, but many kinds of turn mer drinks at r, H. Pfeiffer'a, made suit tbe taste. If you wish to take the lead, ride Cleveland. For sale by McFeron Toui IIUBVUi reserves A fralta, Jrlllra, ptrklea or raiaop ar aft 4) W)r nwllj, mora quickly, mur r.rmilln Wi tlian by any other mrthnd. Doaeu of other uaoawUlb (uuud tor j nciiiicu Paraffins Wax In every household. It la oloan, taatelmi and oOorlcea air, water aud arid proof. Oc t a pound cake of It will) a on vi its umnjr usee from your drumrlator irawr. Bold everywhere, Mwie ny TAN PAUU OIL CO. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dr.O.K.Becn returned lust night frc:n a trip Wasco. Mr. and Mr. J. E. Brown left ttiia week for l-'euttlu. Mrs. 11. F. Mcllwan returned hint te ning from a visit in Portland. David Oottlieb, who has been workinc in Chicago for several months returned home yesterday. License haa been issued for the marri age of Ltightou B. fropel aud Mies Auna Hansard. Mrs. Rev Prichard and daughter of Pauyallup, are in the city on a visit the guest of Mrs. C. E. Brownell, during Mr. Prichard 'a attendance upon the gen eral assembly in the ea. Tha county school superintendent has recommended the names of Lulu Powell of Brownsville, Mrs. Vern Kern of Leb anon and Anna f hillips of bcio lor state certificates; Alibi J. Fry lor state diplo ma; Josie LasiM-H, W. E. Parrixh and Maud l'.caj-d fur lite diplomas. Elder t-hea, of Foster, met with a ee vere accident, and it was thoavht fir a while he would pa to spirit life; but at this writing fie Las fuliy recovered. The Elder says he will hunt no more hogs around a falling barn.-Cor. Lcbaoon E. A. The Dra. Beers have made arrange- : ments to move to Uaeco to reride and 'practice their protesnioo. The change w til be made on account of Mrs. ier having the asthma in this climate, hiie she is not affected with it at all at Wae co, where they practice 1 tor several years before comitg to Albany. Tbey bave done a splendid business In Albany and will leave here with the reapect ai.d eeteeru of our citlun geneialiy. Ttiev will leave about lune 1st. A. W. Bo rersox, ol this citv, the new grand patriarch of the Odd reilcti, of t hi cur, la the oonet man who ever held tne poauioo, being thirty-two y.are of Mr. Bowersox is a graduate of Wiliuiette nciversitv io Ihec an ol '8. He wa a residrnt of Corraili for a good manr year, coming to Albany Let rear to work mr tne Poriiand Hour Mill t o.. oi wuicn ne is tow the competent nian ager for ihia city. He bt been an Odd Fellow or eight year. making rapid p o grre in ti a didereal degree. C. W. ters will be dtputy grand pa'riarch tin der Mr. Boaertox lor thitditrict. Was a Pioneer of 185!. The buMormAT received a call th.s morning from Mr. JoJt Morgin. of Mbton.City. Yakima county. Wash., a son of Mr Maitua Morgan, who re mains were bnriej in i hi cttv vetterdav afternoon, tie had tn here to attend the funeral of bt mother, and was vere much pfated with the lesptct ii.l he'r bylbefiieods of year aio. The pall bearer wer all pioneer friend. eve-a' of them aid boarder at Mre. Morgan' hoardiog l.ouee. Tl ey were Frank Red field. 1 I . Conn, b E. Yoang. L E. Blain, Dr. U. Grev. C. H. Sewarf, P. W. fipinks. and F. M Wtttfall. -Mr. Morgan came t.ere in ISM from lowa, reaching here with vereril chid 5 ren. Mr Morean d.ed in tt.e r.isine I with cholera. Ader clo:rg her board- j ing houae here, which he run a gond J mar.y years. Mrs. Morgan resided witbj her three children, Mr. Frack far'on.j at Albany. Waitsburg arSn few, Mri -May in 1'o-tUr.d and Mr. Morgan in f Watlicgion. Mr. Morgan having Jlt .-.mi.j i o i.-d-j .nr. .Morgan gave an ,Jc ol er ;.'.etdid character wtrn l.e f' ,,'t hoos!i hi motb- r t.r a a mother to evert bodr. prticar:y joudk men. mi u.ej at lh- age o! years. 6 month and 3 rftr. To Oregon Native Sorts. i l il Native Son , a be tie! re to bee jme i charter nemher of Delano tm lU Cabin No. 9 ol Albany, will piae be on j hand at lb G A It bail Sturdv evec- ing 00: h inl at 8 o'clock harp, for there may not be another meetcg belore j the SO data liom date of organization, j April nh Im, thmll have eiire,l Ttioee who have not signed the petisipn j for the ;harter and with to, will hod ibe' loeroer at t aiKer Kro. grocery tore. We are ail ptotid of our heritage as Na tive Son a ''That nnr name n e l,r. I 1 1 rD 1 1 J ll lima i nm A. ..,,.... 1 1 - ...s.w . .. jw, ivuuin ru ' j th le is no sorer wav than to become a i mem ber. and .specially a charter niero- "er il rome rahto, lor each cabin will be ccme a trt ol Oregon's liistmv. L M Cibi, Oats 11 Waiskb. P. 8 I'.e Albany, May Id, IS9. Fieh fruit at Vierei k'eriugar Bi lor. i par- There is no ice cream in Albanv so gocd a that of V. H. Pfeifier. Tht tVeathcr. Tonight and Thursday 'probably fair stattoi ary temperature. Rier 7.5 feet F. M. Fbekcu, IHpplavman. Hippy Thought. To please, attract and give people someth tig to talk about, is an t in writing a pnwaic advertisement. Hood, barsaparilla fame H the originator in an extensive aeoe of the idea of Ufina proverb and wire saws ai a prefix to a plea.ant introduction .f the well known irtue of America's Greatest Medicine These quaint quotations often lit the news of the day with startling diie-tnes and the moral is easily drawn, wuh nat ural good to flood a barsparilia. The finest variety of reasonable fro t n the city will always tie found at F. 11 Pleffer's. , FOR SALE.- K horse, jingle, cent'e. ant) buegy and 'harness. Call at tho liable of Strain?- it Mitchell. THE LATEST, Stetters, Albany's Leading Restaurant. Is now ready to feed the hungry at their elegant new quarter at the same price 20 com' a a tural. Our public and private dining rooms are lighted with gas and fitted up in metropolitan S'jle. Oppomte Mewart ic Box. Mka. M. O. Srrrrs. TlIK UNDERSIGNED is prepared to weave carpets and rugs. Can make beautiful, rugs froin worn out ingtala carpetr. Do not hesitate to give tbe tew weaver a trial order, xou wm be pleased. Fifteen years expeiinnce. Prices reasonable. Place of business, cast end of 8!h bt. j T. N. ALkXANDXB. DR. J. L. HILL. Physician snd Surgeun, Hill Block - Albany, Or. II. E. BEERS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Phone 66. Postollice Block. Albany, Oregon VR- OLIVE K. BEERS. Diseases of Women and Children. Phone 60. Postoffice Block Albov,Oi HOME AND ABROAD. Wheat 40 cent . Lawn tu w er and garden hose at Oliling A llulhiirt'a, rirat St., next to Aibny Fur. Co'. Call at the Kiigar Howl for fret froft Wnnieil, tr luiv prepared rrpet rags, bv T. ii A -x tnder, east end of Eighth itre.-t. Thprn will lie game of bae hall between the juniora of Alt any and Leb anon on Haturdar. A new 189:) Rambler bicycle for sale, or lady or gentleman. Call at the Okmocbat olnca for particulars. The motor this forenoon run over one of Oscar Zevtis' blooded pup, breaking its back. The dog died. Out of ten applicants for teachers cer-tilicatt-s in tVtiion county only two pass ed. Ailie Reader aud E'len Alexander. Hereafter Gov. (Jeer will mangage the soldier's home at Rowburg without any lioard. W. A. Story was elected mavor laat night 5 to 4, by being absent 'himself w hi n the voting was done, thus secur ing liia election byja trick tnat will never do Iimi anv ;good in the future. Letters from Manila were received to day from the Albany boys, of a late date aa April 15. They had had a hot battle on the 12th, coming out with glowing colore. One of them mentions particu larly thu brutality of the Filipinos. hen ever they kill a man if tbey can get at his ljody they cut it to pieces as it lies. Gov. Geer has bwn invited to attend the band tournament at this city on June 5 and 8. As be ia to be at Browns ville picoic a few days later it is believ ed that he will accept the invitation. It he accepts ten to fifteen bancs will toitalotid welcome to Oregon's chiel executive. The grand encampment of Odd Fellows Of tlrenon elected the following officer, yesterday: A W Bowersox.Albany.grand patriarch ;T O Baker. Salem, grand high priest; TF Ryan, Oregon Citr. grand sanior warden; EE htiaron, Portland, grand scribe; Dr Byron E Miller, Port land, grand treasurer; P W Stewar, Portland, granj junior warden ; T W Kiclies, bilverton, grand representative. Tne Manila Freedom of Anril 8 says: AlewJaniiiK,, President lichurman, Mr. orcester and Mr. MacArthur of the lummiFsipn. wished to have a little di version and accordingly visited the firing line. They iay an opportunity to smell powder, to hear the cracs of Kraigs and Long Toms.and to !iten to the shri II whiM e of the mauser fctM-l nn,i j ot death, fcuoh excursions to the front ' "1 V" "c "D' mt"1 ! f t , novel Pcriecc. long to be remem- ll,..,h .l.. :. The Photographer Now makes the Largest and smallest l'hotcirapbs in town with alt the popu!ar f?ty!es anl si.. between them. f mail tize Photo to S M ISO. 25 and 15 cts. jer dozen. Firft quality (ilosg and Piatino oabinets at regular pricfrs. Next door to Poatoflice Albany. SEEDS We pot up ocr own $n en seeds TI.ey are all N't Hl rrn frewn teed Tl ey are alo!ote'y true to time fhey are l'et all grown in 1S98. Tl.e packagt are fuil weight. Trice, two paper for a nickel, aieo hve item io bu'k. Hialolett, model 1S99 f 75 00 Chain!, model 1S93 65 CO Chain, model 1S99 50 00 .'hair, model 18 45 OO Saur. model 1898 40 OO H at t ford. Pattern 18S 35 OO Hartford, Pattern 1898 30 00 .VJette, Pattern IStiO 25 00 jCF" tor 22 years tbe Columbia lineof bicycle have beeo the beat, and now. javing been rer'need so low in price, iau'l be satisfied with eometbiog "just tt good," but come around and get the nuine article WAN FED Several good second-hand cycles in trade for Columbia. STEWART & SOX HDW. CO. f HE cracKerjacK L B NOSES, PROPRIETOR Jpposhe .MnsonhT"" .. Full line, of standard groccrl CO intry produce- ,o single leader, nut eader at bottom price. Waxotis run in the country selling gro ceries ami collecting produce. Money saved by trading at tha Crack iack. Farm for Sale. Notice is hereby clven that the farm known as the 0. V. Knighten place about one mile south ol lanirent. will be sold at administratrix sa'e Juno 17th, IStW, at 1 o'clock p in. at the court house, in Albany, Oregon. Frances E. Knkiutkx, Admrx. Fiiifj Safe for Sale. Fire snd burglar proof tteel chest weighing 4800 pounds. Just the thing for some merchant in a town where there is no bark. V ill sell for halt price. Uoodasncw. Address juui, Albany, Ore, Lebanon. F'oru the E A.: The graduating cxerciees of the Leb anon high school wiil m held in the op era house next Friday evenirgat 8 p. in G. IS, WiIkch, who is now a prosper ous attorney of Florence,Oolorado, writes that he will pay a viit to fri-nd in thie county in July. The public schools of theci.y will close on tridav. May I9lb. tjradmtion exer cires wi'l bo held in th liMud hall I ril y etening at 8. p. m. C. H, Vehra inform, uathat the Plain view creamery I building up a big bu-i-neas, and is now receiving ahoui I the miik tliey cn handle. Mr. Vehra is taking the miik from hie Cf ry c.jwn to the creamery. Hon J. T. bridges, a brother of Mrs. N. W Kmitli, w: one of tits Koeebnrg Masons who attenled the funeral of James McCalley at t'lis p'.ace Monday, fie is register of the L'. ri. Und ollii at Rireourg. C. H. Young will open a real estate of fice in a day or two. Mr. Young is a energetic, w-l'.-Kte 1 mm, and wil Joubtles be very successful ii this bus iness, educe coming here a few years ago he has been the intsns of bringing about twenty.fa-uilie from Minnesota. N KW ADVEIIT1SIJ.M KNTt 130 Cords of Wood Wanted Kotio i ber'by giren that sealeil Lid aill bereceired hy H;bol Uistrict No. 5, LBn County. Oregor.. up to tee 15tb dat 'if jkoe, lb'j9. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. ru lor contract for furnishing 1W cjrda of ewaoned grub oak wood, and 10 ccrda body wood fo be not le than 4 inchea id diameter at mallet ecd, 4 feet Jng. igbt,Dd free from limba, br to be split frota large trees, tree from knot and bark. Ol wood to be delivered at school building in nid district aa may 1-e otrecfed on or before Augutt I5'b, lVj'j, clcaely corded . tida will be tearited for all of li e wood, or io lo a of not le than 2U'cor 'a lii led tci Zlrd dav of Marctl. VlUOlL PaHKCR, School ClerB. About June 15. That ii wben Mr. Julius Gradwobl will move into bi new Lri:k, on S ceo id od Ferry street, where be prr-poee o do bustoees in the interest of the tutir g pub'ic. In the meantime he will gie ba -gains in crocker-, hardware, grocer ies, oil and paint and Oiher tSing ker t by him, at he alii afterward. Call on him for crockery, grrceriet, ol. paints, etc. Mr. Gradwchl a!ro writes icror ance in some first clae cWpan:e. I Jo oi do business without calling on him. Removal Notice. We are now established In oar new quarters, Fi-at St. near Montgomery one loor below Iron Work. In connrction with oar Meant riant we shall maintain a band dep't. Fine s Ik, woolen and otter delicate fabrics wiil be wahed in teliigenilv by hand. Telephone or pos tal brings our wagons to your door. Our aim is to p'ee you. Magco'ia Laacdry C SiMhsox A i-os. Prop. Telepbcoe 31. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTiCE. Notice i hereby given that tbe under aigeed ha brea Ly tbe coonty court of Ijbd couDty, Or., apooiatrd adoiBi.tra torof tise eatateof LtnlSow M-xeil de ceawd. All r?ti l.aiioa claim agaiort ai i pertoo acd estate are requir ed ti preaent them to ike undmieced at Alb my. Or., x n.cttka (rem tbt ua hereof, wit tbe meter thereof. Aibaay. May 19, 159. J. J. Wbitsbt O. A. Abchibld. O Att'y for adrn'r. Adntioietrator. FOK SALE. Two tborooshbned Lewel yn etur pup, iorcash or trade. Call en F. H. Ilc-iffer. ft I i.ia vita Ml krw ft-tae. aee.. am tb a&u!.w-T.a n.m tae M.ep toe li . IIIL'V oa&e roairiMi ar-uneu. a ana. ai- cmr. ) teaea. e . au uu-4lf.f e w r-eri . y. si; IX PER CEST UJAN!?. 1 have a imited amount of mc rey to loat. on rt-class farm r-ecniity or improved bosicrfs propenv in Altanv. Interest ix per cent for particulars call oa or adJreet. ti. F. Mebbill, Pesr.rcrat Vo iding. Albant, Oresoo. ti. F. Herrill INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. oHecti'in prompliy a'tended to, cor respondence toliciteJ. Office in Dxao- tair biirding. UfTLIK'S Grousi Ftot Dnt2l Orflc . Itroadalblx.St Albany. V Yard Littler. Assistant eo. Collins DPS A. Jack Hod P D S COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fel.oa's Temple, A I ban f. Or. SHAKE INTO VOIR SHOES. Allen. foet re, powd-r tor tbe feeto It cure ptinful. wollea, s nirting, nerv ous foot, and ifUtantlv Uf stiog oat of rorns and bunions It's the vrea'est com fort discovery of the aire. AIb. foot-eaae make tight or new sbce foet esy. It is a certain rare for wetio(f callous and hot tired.arhing? feet- Try it to day. Sold by drnigit and ahoe-stcre. Bym-il tor 25e-iu staaip. Trial package FREE. Address, Allan S. O wsled. Le Roy, N. Y C-S 5 i iim. mmtmm u a a. n-Ii I a Llie-iX Kir5f) WETS BIG. STOCK OF NEW GOODS at the BLAIN CLOTHING GO'S. CLOTHING for men, youths A fine line ot SHOES, none better, Sly lish HATS and CAPS formen and boy Latest novelties in Furnishings The best quaHty and low prices 1 Slyk 545. I Our Leading Dollar Cornet. ( Ladies Wabt. New Style. Low Bust. Short Hips.'; These waists hsve nc4 cly the feature Lace trimmed top and bottom, with side Pecullar to V'18' tb2 , hv,e . i the style and grace of a perfectly-model- Made from fine sat teen. Very genteel. Jf81, length-Ung, five books. ; .Thev are the most hfgbly rperfected of Colors-White, Drab. Black, Pink and t this cCi of garments. Blue. ... j Length Long, r-izes 18 to 30 i Colors white, drab snd black. PricM.,00. ' j W. B. STEVENS & CO. Agents for WCC Corset. TRU ooo FARMERS, MECHANICS and LAROR, cocaalt roar inlereet. Patroniie THE H. F. Mel WAIN CASH STORE who is fighting Combinatiova and Trn.le and ia workiog hard foyoor own Ioterett- These Trasta are forming First with tbe manofartor ; Second, with the wholesaler; Third, with too re tailer and the cocaamer will be forced to pay HIGH TRUST PRICES if yon patrocixe the Retailer who belongs to tbe coot bi nations and trusts. H. F. Mcllwain's Cash Store. The farmers, mechanics and labor ing man's friend. What you. ask for is hai you get from os. Yon ar never cried o t-oy something just as good. We hare everything a good I'rug store eLouhI have, hence! should have just bat you a act. I Who Puts the Until MAT 1 1 will sell foods st Who!esale prices plus io per cent. I will not charc profit ol over 10 per cnt for any goods in mr stock. It is larj and as stylish, as elegant, as desirable, as bicb grade aa one need ask, and is offered at tbe small profit of 10 PER GEN WHY pay ?5 to 100 or more per cent profit whn lOper cent will I ay it ; or for example WHY Pr $lS.50to $15.00 for a suit $U.00.wiU buy. WHY waste money. My cost mark is: Howand Rice. 1 2 13 4 5 6 78 9 .0 This ia a square offer without an reservation. Who puts the prices down ? W. R. BLAIN. "lie puts the prices down." Absolute Guarantee Eastern Prices and On all E & G Corsets and Ferris Waiat W hen a customer is not perfectly satis, tied a new pair given in exchange for the old one. It is oor aim to pteace and satisfy every person who purchases and wears oar E AG Corset or Ferris m aist. We rail special attention to oor 50e and to oor 8-Se corset which we thin will compare favorably with any 1.00 corset in this market. Received today another line of those) j opolar underskirts for ladies. New ramheaux Swiss Lace Curtain and dotted wu and art goods lor eaati curiam. S. L Young & Son. OOO The Fact thai oor creseriritkia trade sttadily and eocfcnaaliy iacreaaea week after eek tbe Tear round goes to farther eetabliah oor postiob f lag roar trade, Burkhart & Lee, r Druggists. Prices Down ? T. and boys,