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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1899)
SHERIFF SALE SOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution and order of gale ,H8i'ed out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Linn county to me directed and delivered, dated May 9, 1899, upon a judgment sn decree rendered by raid court, April 6, 1899, in favor of R. Davis ant awainet ) . K. Pound, C A ins worth and Mary E. A ins worth for 102.35 and the further sum of $39 60, costs, I will on June lOth.'lSt)!) atone o'clock, p. m., of said Bay at the court house dour in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at pub'ic auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder, the real estate therein mentioned and described as follows towit: Lot 3 in block 4 in the town of Soda ville. Linn county, Oregon To satisfy said judgment and all costs. . ' I. A. MuKKIRS, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. CITATION In the Cauny Court of the Stale of Ore- gou lot Umatilla county, la the matter of tne estate of Andrew J. K chardson, deceased. It appearing to the judge of this conn by the petition this day presented and riled by Rebecca . Gallaher, administratrix, with the will annexed of the estate of Andrew J. Richardson, deceased, praying for an order of sale of real estate, that it is necessary to sell the whole of the real estate in order f o pay the bequests provided in said will. It is therefore ordered by the contt that F, M. Richardson, A. Morgan Richard son, Wm . U Richardson, Olive Angltn, iitio. Richardson, Ella Gay, Rath Rooks, fcla Daniels and Byron McDatiel and Byron McUaniel, minor heirs ot A-tty Hoblins, deceased, formerly Amy Richard son, and alt other persons interested in the estate of said deceased, appear before the sua county court on Monday, toe zznd day ef May, A D. 1899. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of raid county court at the court house in Pendleton, in county of Umatilla, afore said, to show cause why an order should not be r ranted to the salt? Rebecca E. Uat- liiher to sell the real estate belonging to ' sid deceased, Mct real estate is de scribed as follows, to-wit : 'jhe original 'donation land claim of Isabel and Reuben Claypool, notification No. 2315, and claim No 4S, being parts of sections 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, in township 13 sou lb, range 2 west of tbo W. JH.. in Lino county, state of Otegon, containing about GOO acres, except S3 acres described as follows : beginning at tne northeast coiner of said claim and rinning tooth-west 85 rods along the line ot said claim, tnence northwesterly along a county road 163 rods to the north line of said claiui, thence on said line to place of beginning. (so the east end of A. J Richardson's donation land claiui, as fol los: Beginning at the northeast corner of said claim, thence west on the line be tween said claim and the claim of E'tcote tiailaher, a distance of W) rods, tbence south about 60 rods to the north line oi said, Reuben Clay pool's donation claim. thence south 70 deg. east along said line to the northeast corner of said Claypool's claim, tnence sontn ID deg 30 mm. west to the south lioe of the tooth west quarter of the north we v quarter of section 4. town ship IS sooth, range 2 west of W . M., tbence east to the southeast corner of Mid quarter of said quarter, these due north to the place ot beginning, all in Linn county, Oregon, cent aining 40 acres, mere or less. Also, excepting that piece or par eel of land described as follows: Begin ning at the soot bwest corner of the do- nation land claim of Reuben Claypool, notification No. 231S, in section six (6), in township thirteen (13) south, range two (2) west of the Willamette meridian, and ruanina thence south 70.' deir. , ebt forty- seven (47) chains and 63 links; from thence north twenty -nine and one half (29j) de grees, east twenty-five ana a half chains: from thence north seventy and three-fourths degrees, west lift twoaod one-fifth coams; , from tbence south twenty degrees west twenty five and one-fith chains to the place of beginning, containing 1255 acraa of land, all in L nn county, state of Ore gon. And it isfrrt'aer ordered that this cita tion be served by publishing a copy thereof i n't he Statk Riohts Dkxockat a news caper of general circulation paulished in said count) , and that copy of this cita tion be mailed to all nnn resident devisees. Done by order of Wm Martin, Jndge of said Court. Dated April 7th. 18!9 WM. KARIIff, County Judge. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all persons fntereeted vbat the undersigned has fil led her final acjonnt in Ibe matter cf the estate of Mathias L Ps'ton, eeevaed. in the county court of Linn County, Ore gon, and that the said court has fixed Monday the 5th day of Jure,1899, at tbe hour of one o'clock P. M. of said- day as tbe time for bearing atd settling all ob jections to said account, therefore, all persons interested are hereby required to appear and file any objectious they may have to said final accornta on or before said last mentioned date. Em:lv Patios, Administratrix. W- K Biltap, Attobxet run Admimbkatbix. Dated this 28th day of April, 1899. RtfERLE'S SALE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES THAT in pursuance of an order ot tbe i ir cuit Court of th state of Oregon for the county of Lieu duly made and entered of record in tbat certain cult wnere in Sarah J . Elder and Isflic Elder her husband, E. M. Mil'ard and John A. Miliard ber bus band, Mary A.Crawford and "bn Craw ford ber besband. and barab McBride and Laura vicBride were plaintiffs and lobn A. AtcLSride, Adds Mori ride, Horace McRriJe, Mry McBride. William Walter McBride, and Myrtle McBride were defendants, ap pointing the undersigned a referee to make sale of tbe real premises hereinafter de scribed andr report the same to tbe above entitled court, the undersigned will, on Saturday, the 27th day of May , A. D , at th north door of the county court bouse irfQke city of Albany, in the county ana state aforesaid and at the hour of one o'clock in the alto; noon of saia day, sell to the highest bid ler for cah 'n band all tb tigbl. title, interest, estate and elai'tf o wnatsoever kind the par! ie. plaintiff an drfen dant bad at the date o'said decee in and 'o tti following desc ribed premises, to wit: The southeai-t quarter of section twenty six, and the northeast quarter and the north half of the soutueaxt qimrter of section tbirtj-Eve -n to ship twelve, sooth of range four, t of the Willamette Merid ian in I. nn Count v, Oretron, containing focr hundn-ti Hcres, ncpt therefrom tbe following decribeil pretnihes, lo-wit: Be ginning oi- tLe halt taction line at a point fifty five rods eat of tbe norlbmeot corner of the southeMft q latter of section twenty six in townihipi welve. ruth of r?nge foul went o' the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, Urrgon. and tunning thence east twelve rods and ten feet; tbence south twelve rods ar.d ten feet; thence wee' twelve rods anJ ted feet, thenre north twelve rods and ten fett to tbe plare of oe sinning, containing one am deeded to School DiHtrct No. f0 n L:on County. Oregon. Right to reject any and all bid: reserved. Dated at Alt any, Oregon, th's 0ta daj of March, 1809. c- J. A. McIIkidb, Referee. The Albany Insurance Agency. Rspresents tbe leading Fire ani? Insurance Companies. Wholesale dealers in Wheat, Oh. nt.f and Wood. Correspondence solicited. M. SENDERS St CO V ashlnxton Letter. (From Our Rsgulsr Conwyouilcnt.) Washington May 8tb, 1899. Secretary Alger, who has just returned to Washington, ia lacking In manv ot the characteristics that go to mawe an ideal secretary of war, but ha attempts to make op lor allot them with gall, oi which he bas about as much as any man whoever held a cabinet poitfol o. And bis latest is a little beyoud all his prev- vlous exploits In the gall line. He has actually gone so tar as to dictate to Air. McKinley, it tnepub'lc talk of bis bencti mn can be believed. According to the Algerites, Alger is not satisfied with the whithwaahing given him by the war commission and the alleged vindication given him by the report of the military court of liquify, which Mr. Mcn-tniey has approved and ordered published, but demands that Gen. Miles shall be de posed from the command of the army. In addition to having demanded this of Mr. McKinley, Alger is said to have told him that if he did not Issue the order transferrin: Miles from commander of the army to one of the military divisions hs won d, as secretary of war, issue it himself, thus forcing presidential action one way or the other. Treasury officials have tefused to ai'.ow an item headed "travelling expenses' in the personal accounts of Roger 0. Spoou er. special Indian agent temporarily in charge ot the Indian warehouse Chi cago, because the aforesaid traveling ex peoeee were incurred by Spooner in go ing between hie office in Wisconsin and his office in Ch'caga, and are not consid ered to have been necessary to the prop er performance of his public duties. Spconer is a brother of Sen. Sf ooot r and holds his position by trier.. Mr. McKinley seems tt. be developing a disposition to play Cxr . He ordered Representative Henderson, of Iowa, chairman of the republican caucus com mittee that recently completed a finan cial bill, when he called at the White House with a copy of the bid, to change it beiore it was submitted to the republi cans of tLe senate finance committee. who tt seems must approve it before it is made public. Col . Heoderton is a j ep pery&ortofa fellow occasionally, but being candidate for speaker of the HruiM. ! did not care to quarrel with Mr. McKinley. so he only ca led h-s at tention to the fsct that every clause i the b-11 had been put there by the nnan imiwi vota ol the committee. Tbe order to change it was reiterated by Mr. Mc Kinley. It bas been decided by the lepnblican leaders tbat an extra session ot coogiess shall be called, probably early in the fall, bnt in order to themselves an op portunity to change their minds, should it be deemed advisable later to da so, they will not say'more than that an ex tra session ia probable. Ti e fact of the matter is that they are getting uneasy over the political outlook. A short time ago they ere figuring on a walk-ver for McKinley next year, bnt now may are frightened. The Philippine situation continues to be a combination of dickering and fight ing, although tbe administration claims that the submission of Aquinaldo is now fully assured, bnt they do not ray when. His subjugation has been a sure th:ng from the first, bnt it hse already coat more, bo'n in money and blood than It will ever be worth to the people of tl.ia country. Brave Mrs. Adamas of the Slate of Washington, who has jjt recived a medal of honoi for plucky tevite on tbe American firing line during the the Washington volunteers' assault on Paco Ctnrch in the Psillipne battie of Feb inarr 5, is well entitled to tbe distinc tion thus conferred. She foreer lost a moat cherithed Ideal, and she has robbed man of his dearest glory. "I do not wonder that aiea are brave," says Mrs. Adams. It ii bravery born of excitemen. During the time I was there I forgot al. danger.' air. Adams no looker shivers and de mires and worships man for bis braveiy. Shs bas discovered the leerei of it. - ile is orave because he gets too excited to be afraid . Even womtn would hi brave uoder similar eircum sUncea on the field cf battie. '"During the time I was there 1 forgot all uanger,' Mr. Adams tells her sister women. Rt puhlic. Ex-Governor Loid of Ongon deserve to be read out of the republican party for grors disloyalty to republican trsdit ione. His declintion cf the tender ol tbe Pets an mission is calculated to arouse tne suspicions of tbe republican war horte if not their deep enmity hven the maims likely to be tbown off his balance by the unheard of con tingency of a diplomatic office being re fused hy one of his own party. Chi cago Chronicle. Spain has made op her mind to build a new navy coaling $50,000,000. The next best thing is to keep jt out of range of American gunners. Ex. Asked if he p.ayd cards, Kussel Sage the other dav lepliodt "Si, I'm too rich to afford ft." CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLLEGEJ Faculty Wallace Howe Lee. A. M President. Geo. A. Wirtz, Director. Cora A. Wirtz, Voice a specialty. Tuition Very reasonable, ranging from $1 to $21 per term. The highest grade of instruction is of fered to both primary and advanced pupils in the following branches : Piano Organ, Violin.Guitar, Mandolin, Cornet. Voice, Harmony, Counterpoint, Com position and History of Music. Vocal classes are organized at the be ginning of each term. Children's class each Saturday at 10:30 a. m. Pupils may register for work in the Conserva tory at anv time. Kr further information call on or ad dress Gecko it A. Wirtz, Director. Albany, Oregon, J M RALSTON, Three doors east of the DKM'ocBToffic bas money to loan on farm security a low rate of interest. Also small loanr made 6 n personal securilv . City, county and school warrant bought. Collections made. Rents collected. Fire In surance written in the following largi md reliable companies: HOME INS CO., of New York, PHOENIX I34.O0., Harilord, Conn.. LIVERPOOL. LON DON, end GLOBE INS. CO. ol England EXPERT BICYCLE REPAIRING 4ND HOKbt SHOEING. Second Street between Ferry w Broadalbln. MILLER & STEWART General Biacsilos There it tn be another negotiation for peace between the Americans and Fili pinos. It sometimes looks as if the only way of securing pi ace will be by the utter annihilation of the Filipino army. . Ex-Freeident Cleveland was very much provoked because it was reported that he was dead. Being very much alive he did not relish being dead even in the eyes of the public. Politically he is dead for aye, neveitheless. When Dewey arrives home he will be given the most enthusiastic reception ever tendered an ameiican in all proba bility. The eyes ol the world are upon him. Let the bands p ay. He deeerv'es an ovation. An estimate of what the ue a costs big newspaper and how it travels may be dei i fed from thi ttlegraphie tolls charged for transmission . The expense of telegraphing war news from Manila is at the rate of 2.35 a word. The European cations are doing their best to break China into pieces, and are fast succeeding. It is only a question ol time when there won't he much left In the closet of the oiiginal. It will be scattered around under name, dictated by Russia, England, bermeny and ev. m -body else who can get a whack at it. This .s a very avaricious world in which we live. The United States will be asked lo pay Urge sums of money to European na tions on account ol the Spanish war, due because of damage to property on tbe is land of Cuba. In view of tbe fact that the United States does not own the it land and only went into the war to free the poor oppressed natives this is indeed peculiar. One would think to hear some people talk and write tbat beean man dues not believe in tbeUnit--: .tca gobbling up as much as circumstances wi'l permit ol tbe rest ol the world be Is not a loyal citizen. As a matter cf fact the spirit which oppcsei expansion !s loyal one in its foundation. Dr. C. A. Briggs back east is having speckled career as a minister, attracting more attection than most ministers on account ol tbe striking positions be takes. He has iuet been ordained a a p-iest in tbe Episcopal church, and it ia to t. Loped be now settles dwn to business, and let Lis life be a sermon as well as those from bis lips. Tbe biggest and best preaching any roan does is in his daily life after 'all. Since the United States took the Pbili ippine islands several hundred saloons have hern started in Manila, and the papers which come from there have few advertisements besides for breweries and saloons. When tbe islands have been taken lor rum tbe missionaries will be ready to begin work . And yetjihere are some people who want the islands S3 we can do iniesicnary work among tbe na tive. Tbe world is open for missions regardless of nationality, and it is fact tbat some of the most if -clive work is done away from home inflaeoces. TLe coarts have derided that the very points on which Got. Geer vetoed the tax collections bills were constitutional. Htw does the governor justify his position low. Will be plead the baby act and ignorance or will be admit that he dared not oppose U preure brought to bear upon him and bis actions by the Oregoniao. Tbe court might have gone a step farther and said hat ths go vomer's action iw vetoing the bill was unconstitutional, but tbe prover tUI honor amongH a certain class is not to be vio'aled and sverboiy knows bow little. as a rule their actions are in sec 3rd with tfas constitutional rights of tbe people. A struct u re soeviJenUy and thorough) rotten mart fill of its own weight end decay, and the time is ripening Commoner From the Republic. Congressman Thayer txasperaiingly asks: "What have tbe Uoited S-aUa e-ot after paying 1 20.000 000 lor the Philippines?" Vt hy, "lefr, "'. lbav er, "left." Mr.Qasy is determined not lo ssss back.'' He is busvlng himself with say ing nothing and indulging m eomees pert dodging. Senator Ucil llan of Michigan seems determined not to disembarrass mead ministration. He has been quoted as sating that tie does not iu'.eod to S'aud aside and let Alger have eeat. Kansas will probably claim that her prohibition training is what made Fred Funston mch an irreitib:e cold-water hero ThefollowinK .reed ralldaw Dust by an Exchange: Go'd is tbe god tl fools. Single biias i. better then double blis ters. 1 cere is no 1 appioets without con tentment. A whole lot if meanness can hide in a smalt soul. A qnsit of red liquor will not hide pe:k of trouble. Tbe devil sometimes makes a lot of noise in vbnrch. Viewed from a moral standpoint png itsis are all light weights. A slsnderous tongue is ons of the devil's choicest weapons. Tbe spirit of revenge can only Dad loJgmen in a mean heart. An evil tongue is greatly assisted In devilish work by evil ears. Tj Cur i a C hl la One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggist refund the money if it lails to cure. 2'k!. The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. file. PLACE IO BUY Vour Groceries and Baked Goods (sat Parker Bros. Everybody knows where their place is. They keep a tresb stock of groceries, produce and baked, roods, ol all tinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat tbeir customers well, all Hike. You may reirret some step., you take n life tin none taken into iue store of Parker Bros. It is a greit toing to be well fed. Pat rer Bros keep irood groceries. A loaf ot bread ia not much bnt you vant it ;i ma.le Try Parker Bros Letter List. Following is tL list of letters remaining in tbe Postoffice t Albany, Linn county, Oregon, May 16. 1899, Persons calling for these letters uiwd give the date on wbicb advertised : Baufon.Mr Ed Corder, Mr Mart (den, Mies Maud Lee, M rs J Miller. Mrs A 1 Bresclow.E Z Dawes, Mr Ge 2 Keffer, W W Mills.Capt L E Bisley, W Mr Lieutenant Mr Frank llutkholder, Swapp, Postal canlj- Robinson. f, .Tb ik.P.M. Clippings Worth Reading. The occe powerful Farmers' alliance in Kansas is run almost entirely by women. Previous to 1834 the house of commons ! w3 lighted by candles, which were af fixed to massive chandeliers. A colored schoolhouse In (itorgia has this sign: "Nothing But the United States Langwidge Teacbed Here.' It has been ascertained that ore ol tbe mountains in the moon is!30 000 ft. high, while several are nDwards ol 30.000 feet. I Lava streams tbat have flowed out f Vesuvius during tbe last three years have deposited 105,000 000 cubio meters of lava on the side ot the mountain. A cone of lava 330 ft, high has been formed out of which fresh streams are flowing. An Assyrian tablet in the cellar of the British museum has on it a representa tion ot the banging gardens of Babylon, according to Ilerr Bruno Meissner. If he is right this is the first testimony to their existence found among tbe cuneiform inscriptions. A few years ago the BritUh admiia'ity made a careful inquiry to ascertain the warship buildiijg facilities of tireat Brit ian. As result it was frund that tbs entire British navy, about 1 500,000 tons, if wiped out of existence could be dnpli caied in two jeers time. 1: is estimated that Koglaud's stock of cohl will last 200 years longer, and North America's GOO years. It is not likely, however, that these supplies will ever be needed, as it i probable that before many d;ede bare passed power will be gamed in other ways. Nonconformist ministers are accusing the Hawarden church of Romanism. A leaflet circulated in the parish raid it was sin to enter nonconformist place of worship and both Rev. Stephen Glad stone and Herbert Gladstone are no trying to explain away the matter. While fishing effCarlingford longb, on the Irish coast, tbe trawler Bournemouth of Milford iUeven dredged, np in the net a bundle of papers, sealed and tied with red tape, and perfect'y intact. The I skipper brought them t j port and haod- j ed them to a gentleman, who found (bat the? purported to be a will in favor ol a MUs Mary MacDonald, and ttat tbey bad reference to estates in Ireland val ued at f55,0OJ. The Danes ate, according to a paper in Cpenta2u, exotited over tbe fact lhat he members of the royal family cannot agree to worship in the eame church . Tbe king, as a matter ot course attends services iu tbe established Lutheran cborct). Bat one ot the piKcv is a dieeeulfcr, Princes Maiie gott to tbe Roman Catholic church; tbe Russian empress dowager, who ia a daughter ot King Christian, is a Gtesk Catholic, while another daughter, the Duehrs of Cumberland, when in Copenhagen at tends worship In the Germao Reformed church. Perhaps the oddest suite o! lornilore in tbe world is owned by Joseph berfer, bctelkeeper in Budhpr. For nary years he has made it his bustoe. to c 1 lect match boxee from factor ira of var ious countries. Hie collection aggregates 4.000 boxes. He ordered a skilled cabi net maker to t quip a room wito forni tare nade of tbeee boxes. The outfit consists of a writing lab'. ith smoking apparatus, a fir screen, a cabinet, a chair and other smaller articles. Tbcujh tbe boxes are empty, tbey are adjusted so irgenioatly that the pieces are fully as strong as tbe ordinary lurnitate. Some letters with strange addretee were sent to I'aweoa City on the last mail, which was sent bv carrur from i Skagnay. Mia. Brown, liviog oo was lbs A r..A -M, cm!,S living in a little cabin on top of a bid w: . - li near the sawdust road to Dawson." An other, Irotn Sootb Afiica, wss addressed "Jobn Joots, Dawson City, region un known, bat supposed to be neat the I north no'e.' "Pertrr Black. Klondike or elsewhere,"' was the sddroa on an other. Another letter bad tbe address, "Waller Green, postoflice at Dawson or the branch office at Loosetown."' One from Stockholm wss addressed "Gust Swanton, Trevson Citv of ord Vest Dendear. Canooda." All cf lt.a strangely .dressed letters were ueliverrU j lo the propr r persons- Etsmtner "When I.teolenant Collin U Call as appointed flrkt sergrant cf the Ottaaa company in the Twentieth,'' says ths City Journal, "a pprrin Ottawa cuttemptuouslt u quired. 'Wiio the dickens leColiin R. Ball?' List ees ry daily paper in the United Siaie. togslhrr with most of tboee in Y. .rope' gave .newer to this query Coihn II. Ball is a Kansas hero who, with lour others, crawled across tbe girders cf a Pbitltppine bridge nnder a murderous fi'S, and msde poeaib'e tbe csptore of Calumpit. The Portland Telegram says : Tbe price of hardware has advanred 100 percent. The price -f plumbing has advanced 60 per cent. The price if brick bas advanced about 20 per cent. Tbs lumber markkt lemalns 6nn and combine prices prevail for higher grades, notwithstanding the collapse id the com one. Win6eld Stratton, the gold msgoste. left home because of a quarrel and walk ed most of tbe way t- Cripole Creek. A year later he was a millionaire. Gen. Arthur MacArthur used known among bis friends as she men," owing to his good temper psrsonal dispnies. to be ' quiet in all Beware of Oint nenta for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as rreicurj will sorely destroy the sence cf smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through tbe niu oous surfaces, .such art idea should never be used except on prescriptions from rep utable physicians, as the damige tbey will do ia ten fold to tbe good ou can possibly serive fn.m tbern Hail's i'atarrb Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheaey & Co., To I. do, O , contains no mercury, and is taken li'ernallt , acting directly upon tbe blood aud mucous surfaces ot the system. In on) ing d all's CatarrbCuiebs sure you get the genuine It is taken interna'ly, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K.J, Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold hy druggixts, prices 73c ?er bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Diamond photos 50 cents per at Miss Longs. A vegetable cathartic that ran be re ied upon to do its work thoroughly Mood's Pills. Sprin t 'I Iredncas is different from the weariness causea by labor. Te lust is cured by rest : the first requires a few bottlesof 11001? a Sarsapsrilla to cure it Rings at French's evelry store. The UaiversaKKoItir makes good flour TheMngnoUa. MISFITS. An effort will ngain be made to secure the annual encampment of the O. R. N. U. in July at Albany, tho liest place in the elate for it. D. L. Frv. of Lebanon, who recently left for Providence, It. I., will practice magnetic healing instead ol mviiie iiesi i ing as stated by the Dkmik iiat recentlr. The serious mistake is to I e very much regretted. A writer in an exchango commends the quarantine ol a man at Waterloo on the grounds that he has an overflow nl gall II that was euflicient grounds there would tie a great many red Ilas np. The Journal says that Salem is the ex cursion and convention city of Oregcn, and yet the biggest excursion of the year will be to A I ban v, and as for con ventions we get them when our turn comes. Tbe following from the Manila Free dom indicates .hat geltirg out a paper there is not a'.l poetry : Our compositors sre natives, we can not get a.iv oi her kind. We wish we could. The native compositors do not understand Kjglish. Tbe manuscript is Greek to them. Tbey have no means ol knowing what letters compose a word except by guessing, unlets the writing is very plain. Will correspondents please take notice of this? Two of the questions in the recent teachers examination were: "Is it better to plant potatoes in the dark or light of the moon? Why? Shingles are said to t-url up and rail fences are said to eink when laid a cer tain time of the moon. Which is it? Why is ihis." Homer Davenport, the bigcet car toonist sent sonic birds to a Portland friend as English pheasants. Portland sports hsve examined them thoroughly and declares that thev nothing but Chinese phessants. If any one in the United Slates knows what a Chinese pheasant is Davenport does. The Port land sports are undoubtedly mistaken. An Oregon soldier In a letter home tells ol several Spanish prisoners who had escaped from the natives: "They were taken to Maiolos and turned over1 to lien. W he too w bo ordered them into confinement at Mama. On lit way back about 9 p. ta- lit n t:e train stopped at a station or.e of tlu-iu jumid out oi the box car door an started to run. I was in the next car and w ben 1 heard tbe shot I looked out and he was fairly flying acrusa a rice held. About seven shot were tired at him but at the last one he took a header and it was his lat more. It was supposed he was a spy (or tbe natives ; weil.he will not spy again." The bot s in the count v jail at Eogetfe j wu.uw rapiui. and includes alt the Car have been bearing thing, since Pramon". feii ".If pPTr demise, myterioiis loo! s-eps.etc. I gh : t? ljfSLr?ns ' ' ' niil.s and steel works. Tbe stsbecnplion 1 hooks c-peneJ todav ia C'.acasro. New The coroner's jury declared lhat it was the neglect of the Southern Pacific that ' caused the wreck that resulted in the tos' of b hie of KcgioeerUciVdey. ,!. . . , , A gentleman who owns, cow eaj the cow rnvers oi mecny usve lormed a iru.1 and raied the price filiy per cent, This is hardly big enough itiougti to be called a truei. Toe toys esrn their money arrorairg ij ineir vert ion ol iU Kiep tbtse dates in yonr mioj, June i and 6. it is not often one h.s ao oppor tunity to hear tn or (sheen band play at one. This i I tx done several time, a 1 U.e tanisliar r,g a futr.ifl.d mnli several pieces ior tbe srerial purree. There will tie music ga'ar, u-n,., oiher things. A r'a'eai a an wriing home hum Mn- a!couplincla lack of it-cognition ol . d. j 'h spleodi-l services ot the Oregon re., io"hyo-ir ppie There is ro occ I '"r "' rrvra or.r en.i oi lue stale S.!?!.!!!'.-.!! " H,nrUct' tbeir prsiiw, and wl.rn Iher rvmro l.nme ibty will r sau.Ce.1 with tmk aive nets ol i-e pprrunr.n I.- hat tht-y have done J ihe brawry .:i.;.;tif t.i them. Steri.ia n b.csmr s v!i a fad tUl an eastern larher adve-lies lo los: No man can catch diseete fr roni.gibe ID iut thoo !rt - Iu U'. rii.. to'i - v ry razor alter earh r of it. 2nd j e give each recnlar customer for his 1 n cup and snip sn I havirff broh. .Vii.i( a-es it. 3rd All water used I y n i-t shsr ng ia s'eniited wster. -till -All rf our hrnsSra and combs In shop .re ket clean mi-h eleri liied water. Headache Is often a Wirnln that the Uvrr Is torpid or Inactive. w-iious troubles may l.illow. K.r a mmr4, elBcient cure of Heedaihe ai d all lirer trouliiea, Ula Hood's Pills While they noe tbe liver, mtre f'lll. reruiar action ot tho bowels, they do not crlw .r pain, do not Irritatoor Inflame the Internal onrns, but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. at all druprlMs or hy mall of C. L lluod A Cou, LoweU, Maaa. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powderto be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen. oer voueind hot.and get tired essily. llyou hsve smsrung leet or ti;ht shoes, try Al len's 'Koot'Ease. It cj1j the feet and makes walking easy. Cures saolleu and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of ail pain and ive rent and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all drugists and shoe stores for ic. Trial packs ire tree. Address, Allen a. Oirreteo, IO Koy,. C.E. BrownelPs.. SPECIAL LIST. 3 cans choice salmon S3 2 " fresh msrkersl., 35 Armonrs Deviled Ham.,, & Uallonjtwof ketchnp 7ft Tea Sittings, fine flavor S3 Starch, per lb 08 Minced Clams, (large cana) ?0 Boatrn Baked ileana 1- 16 os. cans (Jood Peking Powder. . 14 5 caps Mustsrd Ssrdinss 25 3 csns Sdgsr Coru 24 These are all first class goods ai d w guarantee satisfaction. C. K. BKOWXELL" SECOND sr. - - - ALBAS' SITES FEB CEl LOANS I have an unlimited amount of motwy to loan on Farm Security, or nn bnsiness proiwrly in Albany, at tsEVEJC Plilt CENT iJJTEKgBT. the interest pnyahls but once a year. For information ,ui I blank spplications call on or address U. tj. BCKgHAKT, Aloany, u- ALBANY TO COORD), MoaUr & McKUIop, Proprietors Prtinpt meals at all hours. Ficsh oys ters in styles desired. Serve lunches for banquet on short notice. TELEGRAPHIC. LatJ News in Short f orm. San 1st fro Takcil. Manila, May 17. Gen. Lawtun's ad vance guard, uudi-r Col. hummers, of the Oregon troops, took San Isidro, the in- surgent capital, at 8:30 this morning j-jic Orcuon Volunteers. Washington, May 16. Sen. Mcliride lias had (in ther rotifermces with tne was department regarding the return of the Oregon regiment to Portland, (kit. Hum- mers lias again cabletl eaylng the regi ment prefers to go by way ol San Fran cisco and he mustered out at Portland. Sec. Alger said today that the camp tent- agu ami other equipment at ban rrancis co made it more practicable to muster out the troops thtre. 1 he Salem I O. Wasiuxgtdjc, May 10. Bids for the sue lor a puuuc nutiuingat haiem were optned in tbe supervising architect's of fice today. The highest offer was that of D. t . agner, lor the northwest cor ner of Court and Lilerty streets 165 by M0 fi-ct, f a.lttO. Tho lowest way bv John HiigheB,forthenorthwet comer of Kerry and II ih streets 140 by l'JO ftet at 12,100. There are twenty-seven seperate offers ranging all the way between these two amounts. The War. Manila, May 15. (Jen. tiresorio del Pilar wanU to surrender to Gen. Lawton as he believes he has been deserted by J the Filipino government. Aqninaldo is . said to have tied into the province of Xu- eva r-cija. He was last heaed of April 29, when he retreated by carriage from ltaliuag, through San Iftidro. New Jersey War. Fmxcbtov, May 15 Prtm-eton stu dents and Pawnee Bill s Wild Wet em ployes indulged iu a pitched battle today and continuous and serious rioting wai prevented only by the presence of men with cool heads. For 50 years it has been an unwritten law o! Princeton that no r ire as parade must pass through tbe streets. Will Come West. IIutSi hinoh, W. a May 15. It is the intention of 'resident Mckinlcv to i. ; ti. . return of the volunteers who have done ! A Family Feud. LfmsE. Or., May 15. Sundar even ing about 9 o dock. Hoi, J A Hnnter,. , early settler and one ol tne most prci- - nent men in Wallowa countv, was ,.f and instantly killed by Mrs.'C K K i.utt, a near neigh bor who then coe-iuitted suicide bv takioi? poison, the m ut of a 'an"'JffeuJ- Anything; for LH.vr.-y. New Yokk, Mv 15. Tbe city will ap propriate $150,000 for the reception to; Admiral Iewey. New York will give him j a jeaeled sword and a golden key, sym- j M of the Irerdom of tie city. The Nortii j Atl.ntic equadron will meet him off' Newfoundland. 1 Enormous Company. j Chicmjo, May 13. The new Carneeie 1 , Su-el Co, is now a reality. It has 02.i,-1 York and Boston. nnr- Miipioo tyu-. , a.t-. way Vt the tinciaj gun- i hosts lJigana do Lay and Levadona and l,uef ? umler r". Tia into Be.t iowwnt.wnce.ieJ lathe bosh - ' e on oovn sties o; tne Km tiraaJe, 3 j miles at-ove Calumpit, yts eniay alter- 1 rwwn. and were rvoeived wit'j hrary vol - leys at short Ri. A 'rgf .tr.t It-long- ' mg io me i ran iuerr a ana lone pnyate . wonndevl j t-i-rning w..i, ini-ir rap-l-hr guas. tl.e I Alwrr,n ' 11 ot ' wJ , oumlel w-,5t: ! xnTrF?Z-i tn.,! at -amUnjra the msurgenu tucked 'the.-panwh troop May II. tmnsr quick-' sae sj at v u v. a is iu a H IU J i Mnih et.nlt TI.Vr-Uh .n,r.i and I wo oiticvrs were wounied I mrir , were lev rssoa'tiet amons the tmr,rv Tl.e Spanish gurneon now bcshi! Tle watr supjijy ia cct off, and lbi , 'fieif. OtiS. III.Mct:I Sllirino May H.-TLe civilian mem- !- i ,.. I- i H.iu,,;,. .,;..,n are favorable t tiie nierting with . Ktl- : ipino nunmiseion. wluJi was eii2ms:ed v-trr tv, m K-h!f of .t.joiriiido. by 'l.ieit. ltyrs, of the .lafTof lien. Grve - enode! I'dar ho ome to ien. I it ton ; l!g of tnw-?, U-aring the pro-' ! under i iea'. . . , , ... A Uiicago .Murder. ! CiiR-aiM. May H. Henry Reita, a Uin - itor at tmj Jeff. rson srhool, at Klhtirn avenue aud La:lsn strwK, refund to b iv 'drinks ior two men with whom he mvt ,n M:tn twlay, .nd . short time UterjAcna B. Paul. Mrs. V. u, A . PaMertun . i ,,e s struck a fatal blow by one ft Ids j Mr. E. A SeUon. and all other persors i companion . . Known and urkeown interested ia uid ' , .. i" ? r r V . Lot Hut. Or.. J-ay U.-K.rly. verier- day mornipg two majk, men entered l , , . , " ," IW" , r rili.- x. the I. O. O. f. idee, and ook tx,. Mr. -rrmnK.Kglo jrar ior u.e : tuamctte vaih'y j office. and t.-J nM'ii'ncd the 1 WiiusTo May H. Complications in Michigan mav cause Secretary J Alger to rvMifti from the cabinet. Secrw tarv Alger wants to be sent to the senate and thus obtain vindication from, his own state. SHERIFF SALE By virtue of an excutioa duly itsued out of the Circuit Court of tbe Stale of Oregon lor tbe Coubtv of idon to me duly directed, delivered and dated on the Sikh day of April A D. 1-W. to a certain suit in said court wcereiu The Aetnt Saving & Trust Company a corporation was plaintiff and mum s n ctiariH ana argie u nicnaros bis wife. M l Pbtllips and Anna Phillip ere d-tendanta, io wbicb sail suit tbe p aid iff rwovered a judgment on the Srd of April A D, 11. asaust the said de fendants William i? Kicharda and M D Phillip for the sum of laifil 71, with in terest tbereon at Use ra'e ot ? per cent per annum from date of said judgment and the farther sum of attorneys fees and the further sum of .40 a taxes paid, and tbe costs and disbursemtota of this uit tAxed al $22 00; ordering adjudging and decreeing that toe real propeity de scriled iu plaintiffs mortsge and com print, towit: Beginning at a point in the Western bound ry line of block ltl in the Eastern addition to ihc city of Albany, Linn cc-un ty, Orecon, 100 ftet Kortbcr!y from the Southwest corner ot said block, and run ning thence Kaaterly parallel with First street in said city 134 feet to a tine par alel with said Western btnadary line and the same distance from the East and West boundaries of sal i block, thence Northerly on said line to a point 8 feet Southerly from the oenhr of the O 4 C tt R track, ihence Westerly following the meanders of said R R track and 8 feet Southerly there from t itui Western boundary line of said block, thence Southerly lo the place of be ginning, also the tight of way from the Wp tern line of the premises above de scrilied to the Willamette river along the Western boundary line of said block 16 for the escape ot the waste water from the wheel and tlume conducting the water 'hereto, all in binn county, Oregon, be sold to satiitfy said judgim-nt acd costs, llure fir Notice is hereby gien that 1 will oa Saturday, 3rd day ot June, 1S, at the boor of On o'clock p m of said dy, at the front door of the Court House, in tee city of A hony, Linn couny, Oregon, oflw fur sale, at public auction, to me niguett Milder for cadi in band, aubjact to re demption according to law, tW seal prop erty in said order and decree and herelt i of tire described to satisfy said judgraett and cost. Dated this 2nd day of May K D. 1809. i. A. MuKMsaa, : Sheriff of Linn county, Uregoq. HONGWAIITONG CO., 6ecotd $t near Lyon street, Albany. SeltsiChi- ) nese medicine, Chinese rice, Clinese tea and nut nil. , , An Earl Killed. Losnov, May 18. The Earl of Straf ford, wO married Mrs. 8. J. Co'eate. in Grace church, New York city, last Dec emtier, ws instantly killed this evening, at Potter's bar, by the the Cambridge express. An Ohio Cyclone. A Kito, May 19. A cyclone struck thir dly at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and did much Uamrge. The storm struck the tents of Main's circus, and they collapsed up n the crowd. in bast Akron the Biggs Jkiler .Com pany's shops were badly damaged. The shops af the Akron Sewer Pipe Co. also suffered heavily. At Yottngstown. Yoi-mmtox, O. May 16 A severe wind storm struck this city late this afternoon. A new residence nearly completed was blown down, 4 carpenters being caught in it. John Craig had both tegs brolteB, and wss ciippled for life. The other 3 were badly bruiaed. TERMS. Jailt Dkxoi bat, 25 cents tr month 3.10 per year, in advance, 30c pet momb not ia advance. By carrier, 10c pet week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. WaisLT. 11.25 In advance; f 1.50 at en if year; 11.75 for second year; tf OU tn ;aird and proceeding tears, when not part! in advance. CIdIm or five new sabscribert t 15.00. THE BAZAAR Infants and Childrens Headvvear....... HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS Tucked and Shirred bats. Wash bats. Lawn and Ribbon trimmed bats, :rsw crown l.afj. Lawf. Dimity and Pecay boonete Cn- iihed in lace, embroidery or tocks. , J "' Oriran'h Md Mull Poke r: -iv. sT-JWj lopniKi nine irun : nn and yet dainty and pretty. lnfan'j Japanese and French Caps. I Aa ot lbef0 .active goods at pop aiar Driree . j y ! o " i CaA Vvvolfloc in j ur iUvClllCS 111 ! Parasols- LE.&H. J. HAMILTON. X. L WINXARI) M. S. M. 1. Graduate of Iencx College 1S&5, CV. cago iiomeopathic Medical College Rush Medical College Fwccdale Block. Albny.O. Evidence on 3rd street .south side be tween I'.roada:bin end Eiicwenh. ACMIXISTaiTEIX NOTICE. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEX THAT IN the LVonty Court of Linn coustj Oregon. h arp-'iated the aadmned we. f miDixtm of tbe est ate ot MireU L. William. , ocued. A'l rersoas bavieg !e aim. rlin.t tie estate of a,d OeoeaJi ' ir, brr-by rei urrd ta p'tct the same to onderrnrd at tte c&ce of Keliey k ifj i Albany, with the pi-orxr voocbet thJiar within six mmih roa tbe date c( , Oi,icnou of Ut aotice j Dated Ji II. !? Mav L. WILL-a.a. Kixvr t -tsu Amiai,wiarit. At y. f , iJoiini-trair i. ADMJXJ3TRAT8IX 7.0TICE mvtyUCKlS HfcKKBY filYEN THAT i t!i( tva.,T onrt of Liaa coontr. , . a - . -reOB. ha. apjKHated he oadersiceed a nu rirn if tne estate of Ju l A. atwi.'i mi imvm iumi null i.- i ' . f, .. . i . . i . . . . . i . a 1 J . . 1 . . orhte of Kelly Curl. i. Albaay. Or-ron, with the (vper VMchers throfoi, i hi a fix montita trom the date 4 the peblica ! ti a of the eerie Dated Ua; 11. lr9 S Maar L. Wuiiisi. nEiJ.av vrtrwr Aaauaiaarairtx. j At?y fir Admrx. i CITATIOH In the Connty Court of tbe Male of Ote- j sfoe. for Una ecmntv. , In tbe matter of the eaUte cf John Mar- j bll. decud. To S.e.v 3"a i'ul' W.1-. n VarhaM ! ' Roirt Manfeali. l. v. -rl UkThall. Mrs I J I S THE SIE OF THE SrAlS OF I Oroo. you a e hereby cited and re. njd ia ,P,, ia .je - on-ry Court of ! .' -. '"he county of iJn ,h- c.'t rm th rMf. al Uhaot. i ... J ,.,,. tbe 5 h d.r.fJo-.-l f kui . . . i- ,k. ... . i ... . ! la. then anrt tb. r; to bow c.i.w. if any voo oreiUer of joa rcay .kv wbr the fo oin described real prcpertj belong ing to th eotate of sa'o deceased stu u d not be acid at rrile sale as piaed for ia the petition on file herein. aid real prr-petty beiag dee.Yibed as L-1!ot: The S , of tt N E t and the S of tbe S E 4 and the N E V of the S W of Ses 16 1 p 11 S R 1 W ot the Willamette Meridan. Oregon, roatainicg 200 acre. foe S J4 of the X K 4 and tbe X of ibe a E 4 ot See 23Tp It S R 1 W of the Willamette Mer'dian, Oregon, ecn'amina 160 acres. A'ao tne S of tbe S E J of taid See 23. contaieing 80 acre the W i of the S l4' of Sea 51 and tbe K of tbe W t.' of Sec 28 Tp 1 1 S R I W ot the Willamette Meridian, Ore gon, containing 160 acres, al0 beginning at th S.K eorttar nf the N t. t of Sec 2l lin said Towuship and Range and runninif tvenoe North 41l roos, mor or lest, to tne Sooth side of a count mad, ibence Soothweeierly along the south side of said county road. 74 rods.more or lees to the outh line of the N E t4 of said Sec 2, thence Eaet to tbe place ot begiBainc. cms laioing S acres, more or leas, said tract containing in the aggregate 16S acres. Witn.s tne Bon. Gf O. D. 1 Barton. Judge of tbe Connty L. 8. Court of the state of Oregon, ( ) for the L'ouuty of Linn, with the seal of said court affixed, this the 3d day of May A. D ., Attest: Frakk Cr.btrkr. Clerk. By R. u. Moxtaqvb, Deputy. ADUiKlSTRATOS'SKOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Oie goa. as the adniinlstrwtormlth the will annexed of the estate o John H, Bate man and Pboehe Baleman, deceared. Any and all persons bavinir claims atrainst said estate are hereby notified .0 nreseot tbe same du.) veribed as hy !w rt quired to me, or to my atureeys, Weatherford tt Wyart, at tbeir office at Albany, Ores-cn. within six ninth from the date hereof. Dated tell Stb day of May. 1399. Pktkk BiTHtn. Adiu'r with the wld aunexed. WBATilKarOBp At Wyk-if, Atty tmt 4'f ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the County Court of Linu Co. Oreson.has l appoimed the undersigned administratrix I nf iha aatalanF lamnh M William AaAmdA All persons having claims aainat the es tate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the on detailed at the oflio of Keliy & Carl, io Albany, Oregon, with the proper vouchers therefor wit his si months from the date ot the publica tion of this notioe. Dated May 1L 1S99 Maht L. Wiijjamh. Keu.T & Ccri, Admieistrarrix Attys for Adm'ix. REMOVAL SALE AT THE FAIR. I will shortly move into my perm anent quarters 2 doors east of P. O. and am determined to unload great qauntitiesof goods before mdving. I hsve full line of Shoes and Summer dress goods. embroidery, Lace, etc., etc. There are now offered at Sledge Hammer Prices. Come at once. J. A. WEAVER. tstss, Wm W m Have Your Eyes Tested - BY PROF. A. STARK Scientific Optician ot WILL & STARK. You will rective honest and coniciectio'is EYE mad GLASS service. $40 cash $40 the Besti Wheel Ever Built For Fitted With Special Heavy Tread . & i. TIRES. Next to tbe Rambler in quality and price is the IDEAL With G.ecl. Tires FredT. Merrill Cycle Co. Spokane, ' Tacoma. Seattle. No. 3-SKWLE BIGGLE BOOKS ( wf .11 abosl Poaltry ; ttw best Povttry B leusmj I lUM Is year paper, saade cm; n u UK mat WMtroer-yna lim asm-w. Fans a Us workd tbe btrreM caorr of its oiissiisa lisiiiitevcasaiTlioaa Any CXE Cf tie BIGGLE BOOKS, ml thz FAXK J0CR51L S YEARS (resaiader of 1S00, soon, ta a aUlre for A DOU-A.I bampteoiFAKM i.KMAl. and wrrutaa arsmesoji. caas. r. jKjrsuxa. Addreas. PEARLY TEETH, j so high .y and joatly prised, are assured bv tb nee ol oor ALLESS TOOTH POWliER. which ore vents all accretions nnder the cental surfaces and keeps them clear, eleae, and natural in eclor. With regular applications ot this powder the teeth will not decay and the annoyance of an early resort to tbe resource of den tistry is avoided. Keep yonr teeth as lone ss nature will permit. Using onr eLLESS TOOTH POWDER will enable you to do this. Price only 15 cents per box. J.A.CcMUISO. Milliner) Opening. On March SSth and following diva, I will display my tine line of pattern hats and 01 her eoods. A special invitation ia extended to the ladies of Albany. 1 make a speedily of trimmed hats. Mas.E.M. Fcnk For Bargains In Farm Lands, Timber Land and Cltv l'ropertv, call on or write S. S. STEELE A CO. Albany, Oregon Removal Notice. Thephotgraph gallery in tins Fioman Block on 1st street that has been under going repairs is a bout completed and will be occupied by Miss Long who will move her studio from 2nd street during the esent week. Miss Long will have one the finest studios in town. FOSHAY & L1AS0K Wholesale Retail DRUG0IST3 AlliloOISSUiFU 4LBAKY. ORKOON. Par Drugs and the finest and Ivji Stock of Stationary and Books In the Market. Kdaeate Tear Bowata With Casearata. Candy Cathartic, sure eoaatlpatloa forever. 10c, c. It G a C. tail, drugKiau refund atone. - RAMBLER Bicycles. 105. 107, 109, 111 Sixth St.. Portland, Ore. Geo. E- Fish, Agent, Albany, Ore. A Tana Ubrtry tf wBcqaaTlea Talse mctkaj. Cp-to-date, Concise and CDsprchesstve Baad Mffldy mated and ncaatlfaily IUtsmtcd. By JACOB BIQQLE No. 1 BIOOXE HORSE BOOK AUabot Blasts s Onaiwri r nm Tretime. wixM org 74 iHiaii st ii ;a stamiaTd wit Fncc jsCcata. NO. a B3QOLE BERRY BOOK I giani Svall Ftnt-KsssHltsiam: 43 cutorcq liir-lifrr npiud ti irma oi ail ttmtimj POULTRY BOOK : vnujrt oom mni No. 4 BKIOLE COW BOOK A.U bOB Con sd tbr Dstrr FiiM - ka-rh rmt air: cnaraiaa luitacl Ufc4ioaactioaocati taxed, with tjt other iUTrwwa, rntr,yCab. No. 5 BJQOLB SWTVE BOOK Jaatoat. AH aboaS Hms-Bisedtag.rtMtbsf .BaSA err. Fiisrasi i. etc Couaia o to beaatmii aif toaa aad otker cagranBsja. Price, jd Cms. ;tkeBKMLE BOOKS an atqae.eriaal.asrM-aaBnr iwroagimiw npgmcncai.iomgMr- ibtt are haviac a cworaws sale East. WM. North asd Sowth- Every ewe wae keeps Bone, Csw. Bas; or Chickva. or grmn Saull Fnra, oacttt to scad ngtl way te sac BKMLE BOOtLsT Ibe FARM JOURNAL sar yum ami acta nwaayeara cxnmyoon. fcstlar-aau-oa-UK-brao. HoanhnH paper ia rm the Cmited States ajot, X90S aad I90J) wd be scst by atail dmUi dcacrSasc BIOQE BOOU fixe. JOntMAL nm sn.rrwtA J SPECIAL SALE -or- In order to make room for nearly a Car load ol Pianos On the way We will make spevial priceg 6n our machines ' s ' ' For the Next Twenty Days Machines that sell in other towns for 160.00 we will offer for $36.50: ''Drop tead" machine for $32 50. These machine, are the hicheet grade on tbe market, comprising, The World'. Maodard and light running NEW HOME, Tne old reliabio - DOMESTIC and other machines. Sow is the time to get the biggest bsurj gains ever offered io Albany. Every machine we sell is folly warranted. The New Home Machine is acknowledged by all impartial sewisg machine men to be the beat family mi chire on the market for over ten years. If yon need a machine now is your op portunity to bay ch jap at " " EU Will's Music Store. Sewing li88. aw f (