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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1899)
THE LATEST. Stetters, Albany's Leading Restaurant. 1 now ready to feed the hungry at their elegant new quarters at tbe umi price.20 cents meal. Oar public and private dining rooms are lighted with gas and fitted up in metropolitan style. Opposite Stewart & Sox. Mrs. M. G . Stittcr . LINN CO. ABSTRACT COMPANY Albany I Oregon. Offices, Bank of Oregon Building. Only vet of Abstracts of Linn County. Oomp'ete set if maps and plats. SHERIFF SALE SOTIOS 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution and order of sale waned ou . ot the Circuit Court of the state - of Oregon for Lion county to me directed an I delivered, dated May 9, 1899, upon a judgment rn -A decree rendered b said court, April 5, 1899, in tayor of Jt. Davis and against I . K. found, O Ainsworth and Mary E. Ainsworth for 1102.35 and the further sum of 39 60, eoats, I will on Jane 10th, 1S99 at one o'clock, p.m., of said day at the court house dour in Albany. Linn countv. Oregon, sell at Public auction for rash in hand to the highest bidder, the real estate therein mentioned and described as follows to wit: Lot 8 in block 4 in the town of Soda vtlle, una county, Oregon To satisfy said judgment and all costs I. A. Mchkxrs, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. CITATION In the Cjnn'y Court of the 8tat of Ore- gou lot Umatilla county. Ia the matter of tne estate of Andrew J, R chard son, deceased. It appearing to the judge of this coon by the petition this day presented and filed by Rebecca E. Gallaher, administratrix, with the will annexed of the estate of Andrew J. Richardson, deceased, praying fur an order of sale of real estate, that it is necessary to sell the whole of the real estate in order fo pay the bt quests provided in said will. It is therefore ordered by the "coait that F, M. Richardson, A. Morgan Richard son, Win. C Richardson, Olive Anglin, Geo. Richardson, Eila Gay, Ruth Rooks, Kla Darnels and Byron McDa&iel and Byron McDanie), minor heirs ot Any Roblins, deceaaea, formerly Amy Richard son, and all other persons interested in the estate of mid deceased, appear before the seid county court on Monday, the 22nd day ef May, A D. 1899. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of said county court at the court house in Pendleton, in county of Umatilla, afore said, to show cause whv an order should not be granted to the said Rebecca E. Gal laher to sell the real estate belonging to aiu aeceasea, wmcu real estate is ue rcribed as follows, to-wit : ihe original donation land claim of Isabel and Reuben Ulaypool, notification .No. 2315, and claim No 4S. being parts of sections 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, in township 13 sooth, range 2 west I of th W. M.. in Linn county, state of Oregon, containing about 600 acres, except 33 acres described as follows : Beginning at tne northeast corner of taid daim and running southwest 85 rods along the line of said claim, trene northwesterly along a county road 163 rods to the north line of said claim, thence on said line to plate of beginning. Uo the east end of A. J Richardson's donation land claim, as fol lows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said claim, thence went on the line be tween said claim and the claim of Elmore Gallaher, a distance of 80 rods, thence south about 60 rods to the north line of said Reuben Claypool'a donation claim, thence south 70 deg. east along said line to tbe northeast corner of said Claypool's claim, thence south 10 deg 30 min. west to tbe south line of the southwest quarter of the north w as. quarter of section 4. town ship 13 south, range 2 west of VY. M., thence east to the southeast corner of said quarter of ssid quarter, theace due north to the place ot beginning, all in Linn county, Oregon, containing 40 acres, mere or less. Also, excepting that piece or par cel of land described as follows: Begin ning at the southwest corner of tbe do nation land claim of Reuben Claypool, notification No. 231r. in Eection six (6), in township thirteen (13) south, ranee two (2) west of the Willamette meridian, and roomo thence south 704 dee:., eat forty- seven isi jcnains ana Daunts; rrom thence north tw-nty-nine and one half (29() de grees, east twenty. five sna a half chains; from thence north seventy scd three-fourths degrees, west fiftr-twosod one-fifth coains; from thence south twenty degrees, west twenty five and one-fit h chains to the place of beginning, contsi ling 125 axiia of land, all in L'.nn county, state of Ore gon. And it is f: riser ordered that this cita tion be served by publishisg a copy thereof i n't he Stats Riohts Dxmocxat. a news caper of general circulation published in said county, and that a copy of this cita tion be mailed to all noa resident devisees. Done by order of Wm Martin, Judge of said Court. Dated April 7th. 1899 WM. siARTIN, County Judke. REFEREE'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT in pursuance of ah order of tbe Cir cuit Court of ths state of Oregon for the county of Lian duly made and entered of record in that certain tu where in Sarah J. Elder and Isa-o Elder her boiband, E. VI. Millard and John A. Mi hard her bus band, Mary A.Crawford and John Craw ford her besband, and Sarah MsBride and Laura McBride were plaintiffs and lobn A. McBride.Anna McBride, Horace MeRride, Mary McBride. William Walter McBride, and Myrtle McBride were defendants, an pointing the undersigned a referee to make sale of tbe real premises hereinafter de scribed and report tbe same to the above entitled court, the undersigned will, on Saturday, the 27th day of May , A. D., 1899, at lbs north door of the county court nonse io tbe cicy of Albany, ia tbe counts and state aforesaid and at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of saio day, sell to tbe highest bid lerfor cash in band all tb rignt, title, interest, estate and claim ol wnatsnever kind tbe parties, plaintiff an! defendant bad at tbe date o'said decree in and to tbe following desc ribed premises, to wit: The southeast quarter of section twenty six, and tbe northeast quarter and tbe north half ot tbe southeast quarter of section thir3-five in to ship twelve, south of ' ran four, west of the Willamette Merid ian in l-inn County, Oregon, containing focr hundred acres, exept therefrom the following described premises, to-wit: Be ginning ok the half section line at a point fifty five rods east of tbe northwest corner of the southeast q tarter of section twenty six in townihipt welve, south of renge four west of tbe W illaniette Meridian, in Linn County, Urtgon, and innning thence east twelve rods and ten feet; tbence south twelve rods and ten feet; thence west twelve rods and ten feet, thence north twelve rods and ten feet to tbe place of oe S inning, containing one err, deeded to Kcbool District No. f0 in Linn Count, Oregon- Right to reject any and all bids reserved. i)aed at Albany, Oregon, th-'s 0tfa day of Msrch, 18'J9. J. A McBbioc, Referee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all persons uterefa mat trie undersigned has fil led her final aojonnt in the matter cf the estate of Maihias I. ration, r eceased. in the county court of Linn County, Ore gon, and that the eald court has Died Monday thi. 5th day of Jure, 1899, at tbe hour of one o'clock Jr. M. ol said d v the time for hearing and settling all ob jections to ssld account, tnerelore, all perton. inteitsted are hereby required to appear sod file any objections they may have to ssid final eccornta on or before said hut mentioned date. Emily Patiom, Admimistbatsix. W" It. Bilyac, Attobhkt FOR AdMIMISBATBIX. Dated tbis 2ih day of April, 1899. Washington Letter. HFrosa Oar Regular Correspondent.) Washington May 1st, 1899. The hint has been passed around among the western memoirs oi ior . 1 L . house that tbe Haona-McKtnley candi date tor speaker, will be a western man. There is much curiosity to know why it was done so earlv in the game. There Is only one eastern candidate Sherman, of N. Y who ia thought to have any chance at all, and he is understood to be Mr. Reed's choice. Perhaps that ex plains it. Hanna may havelthou.ut it necessary to drop that hint to head off any democratic members a ho might be inclined to place their votes for Sher man, or it may have been pot out as a bluff to try to make Sherman pledge himself to stand by the Haons-McKin ley programme, if given their support Henderson, ot Iowa, and Hopkins, of fill., are the most active! v pushed of the western candidates, but many donbt 11 either of them will get the Hanna Mc Klniey support. Including the $20,000,000 paid to Spain, through the French ambassador, the treasury deficit for April was $24, 083,437. Commiesioner of pensions Evans dots not seem to be srvatly worried because the Kansas G. A . R. asked for bis re moval and the appointment of another commissioner "who will execute the laws in acuordaoca with tbe true spirit which prompted their enactment. Soeakins of the matter. Mr. Evans said : "I did not make tbe 1 tws. They are the tame wLich have beet su exist ence since 1890. and I am governed by them. The pension Bureau la an ion mense business. We have nearly a mil lion pensioners on onr lists, and ths office is managed with the greatest pos sible generosity towards tbe old soldiers. bat, At the same time, we must consider the interests of the taxpayer. Decision have been msde affecting the entue country, and it may be that they bavej applied more generally io Kansas I ban in other states." Mr. McKinley's riends are alarmed at report of defections among western it publicane, which have reached WaeL ington. That these reports are nit without foundation is shown by tbe statement of Mr- W. C. Newman, a life-long republican, who is the ageot of the Cattlemen's Protective Associations, ot Montana, and who has ben tent east o see if something cannot bs done to re vive the ooce prosperous foreign csttle trade. He said: "If the administration had come ont boldly and allowed an open and honest investigation of the meat scandals, it wuu'd have created tbe impression abroad that tbis country was sincere in its efforts to furnish Jtte beet of meat to the domestic and foreign con suuer. At it is, it will require years to overcome the prejudice tbe ad misi ra tion's unwise action has caused. A great revulsion of feelihg baa taken place in the west within tbe past few weeks. 1 tectntly attended a semi-political meet ing of ranchmen and farmers in Southern Montana, aod. unless sometaiog nnfor- ssen takes place, the admiaisUstioo'sr attitude will imperil Mr. McKinley's support b? the western , states at tbe next national convention. Tbe back bone and sinew of tbe republican party ia the west is thoroughly disgusted with it present national leaders." The Star Cheese Factory manufactured 3,000 pounds of cheese during the month of April.and paid out some pretty good sums to a number of farmers.atuong tbem being Michael Weber and W. T. Cochran . Mr. Weber, during tbe month of April made $24.53 from four cows, an average of 16.14 per bead, while Mr. Cochran during the same month made $55.89 from nine cows, tbe most of wblcb had been milked all winter, making an average of $0.21 per head. These are the records of paying invest mints and and show the advantage to our farmers which a first-class cheese factory gives. Many farmers are tarnishing milk reg u,ariy and realising a good profit. Brownsville Times. lfQeneral Miles ie bnmbled in any way by tbe administration it will prove a very disastrous matter to tbe republican party. Tbe people are on tbe side of General Miles and are confident that be is io the right. Any blow aimed at him will he taken np by tbe broad hack oi the people, aod woe be to those who attempt to Inflict punisbmsn upon bim because he was independent enough to msks pnblic tbe shortcomings ot the war department in its managemsnt of the affairs of i h army in the late war with 8pain. Scrofula In its thousands of forms is the most ter rible affliction of the human race. Bait rheum, sores, eruptions, bolls, all humors, swellings, etc, originate in its foul taint, and are cured by the great and only True Blood Purifier, Hood's Sarssparilla. The advanced theory of today that tuber culosis, or consumption, is curable by proper nutrition, care and purifying the blood, finds confirmation In tbe experi ence of many who have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Pills cure siek headache, sse. DR. J. L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Hill Block - - -a- Albany, Or. H. E. BEERS, M.D. Physicisn and Surgeon. Phone 66. Postofhce Block-. Albany, Oregon DR. OLIVE K. BEERS. Diseases of Women and Children. Pbooe 66. Poatofllce Block A Ihan v , Qt N. F. WLNNARD M. S, M. D. Graduate of Lenox College 1886, C1.1 cago Homeopathic Medical College 1890 Rush Medical College 1892. Pwccttale Block. Altwny, O. Residence on 3rd street .south side be tween Broadalbin and Ellsworth. 0. LITTLEM) Ground Ilou Dental Officii, Yard Littler, Assistant. Broadalbin, St Albany, C Geo. Collins DPS A. Jack Hodges DDR COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. (MA FeLow's Temple, Albany, Or. Removal Notice. The'pbotograpb gallery in the Fioman Block on 1st street that has been under- King repairs is about completed and wiH occupied by Miss Long who will move ber studio from 2nd street during the present week. Miss Long will bave one of the finest studios in town. Aiulnaldo has had enough, according to tbe dispatches, but the fiht goes on just the same. The air is full of strikes, indicating a iscontent that Is not pleasing. They are not a good thing tor business, and sre iujurious to striker aud strikes alike. Tell vour neighbors to come to Albsny on the 7th and 8th of June aod hear the bands toot on the occasion of the first state band tournament held in Oregon. It will be a gala day occasion and no one can afford to miss it . Albany must have an opera house. It is the business ol the bus'ness men to see that we have one. A city without a suitable public building (or large gather inga is decidedly behind its neighbors. Lettbeie be a pull together. ou a claims lor killing covotes were al lowed in Umatillacoumy recently atone term ef court. The law passed by the late state legislators has created a new industry in some counties, and very torn the howl of tbe covots will no longer be heard and sheep may rest in peace. According to a dispatch in tbe Oregon tan it appearstbat President McKii is a very intemperate man . It .consists in the excessive ase of tobacco by smok ing, he having a cigar in his month al most constantly. Men should be tem perate In all things, tbe President as will as others. Tbe repott of the committee censuring Gen. Miles, will hsve a very back acting effect, for tbe people know that Miles is right. The President endorses the report, standing in witb'Alger completely in tbe embalmed beef figot. Cardinal Gibbons denounces tbe Bel- mont-Sloane wedding as a nituesgiiist Christ. It will be rtui- that Mrs. Sloans was d.vorced sod almost before the ink was dry was married to Belmont. The Cardinal is about right, and it is time people set down o. such proceed ings. A former Methodist minister ic to be hanged in Texas alter awhile. It Is well to remember tbat be ass the one who committed the crime which resulted in his sentence, and not the whole M. . churches one might jiidge sometimes from hearing some people talk. A baey needs a steady reliable, growth in keeping with its institutions that sop port its people. It wants no boom. People will do well to keep cool aod not grt excited over reports, until they have learned all tbe facts. Situated as tbe city ie it ia bound to grow and tbe fa to re is bright but tbe growth that comes to stay and ia backed by the business of tbe city is the kind that is desired. Admiral Dewey has accepted an Invi tation to a dinner that will cost $100 a plate. It is to be served In Kew Yors npon bis return horns. It any one de serves a hundred dohar dinner it is Dewsw. Tbe men who will give it are abundantly able to pay tbe bill, but the iea is an txtravaiant'and foolith ova for expensive dmnere always mean vast euuis for fancy liquors that curse tboee who partake ot tbem. It is not likely tbat there will be here after so many candidates for tbe legisla ture in Wisconsin. A bill bss been rs ceotly psssed in tbat state which pro vides that any official or delegate to a po litical convention who shall nse a rail road pass or frank shall be liable to im prisooment from ons to five years, or to a fine of 11,000. Tbe Supreme Cour. of tbe United States consists of ons Cb-ef Justice and eight Associate Justices. The Chief Justice receires $10,5o0a year aod tbe Associate Jsuticee 1 10.000 a year each. Tbsoaly dsmoerat no on the beach of that court are the three appointed by President Cleveland in bis first and second terms, namely Chief Justice Mel ville W. Falter of Uliaoie, and Associate Justices Edward D. White of Louisiana and Rufus W. Peck bam of New York. Throw a stone into a stream, and lbs disturbance of the water will not cease until tbe concentric circles which roll on from tbe point of tbe stone immersion be stopped by ths farthest shore. Ad vertising the I nie ol business as resistlessly as the stone moves the sur face of the water. Efeuiftt miss tbe particular object of fa aim, like a poorly directed micsile thrown into aetresm.ths advertiser's thought will run out though the great current tfpohicity with results as certsin ss tbe motiou caused by pebble tostd Into a brook. Pbiladsl phis (Pa.)Record. After all the complaint that has gone op from weary gujts at public dinners over the length of after-dinner speeches it looks as if any attempt at correction were boptless. At one of the Dawey Day dinners ont of the orators, seeing tbe occasion of bis lifetime btfore bim, begsn bis Dewey peech with ths history of tbe settlement and early progress of Iberia, and moved with measured periods adown tbe psges of history to tbe days of Roderick ths Gotb. At this point homan endurance gave way in one of the hearers, wbo, nerving himself for the ordeal, arose to ask "Whst hss tbis got to do with George Dewey?'-World. PEARLY TEETH, so highly and justly prized, sre assured bv the nee oi our ALLLne XUUTI1 POWDEK, which prevents all accretions under the Cental surfaces and keens them e'.esr. clean, and natural in color. With regular applications ot this powder the .eeth will not decay and tbe annoyance of an esrly resort to the resources of den tistry is svoided Keep your teeth as Ion? ss natnre will permit. Using onr LLENH TOOTH POWDER will enable you to do this. Price only 16 cents per Vx. J. A. CUMMING. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Notice ia hereoy given thst tbe An nus! Meetlog of the Albsnr Farmers Co. will be held st toe olhceof said company in Albany, Linn county, Ortgon, on tbe I6tb day of May, 1899, at i o'clock P M of said dav, for the purpose of e'ecting, seven (7) directors to serve for the term ot one year, and the transaction of such ' other business as msv come befo e tbe meeting. Done by the Board of Director. Attest; Pubs B mabhuall, f?ec'y. M H Wane, President gj All Sorts. Turnpike tolls cannot be legally col lected from funerals In Maryland. Hypnotism is scientifically studied in some of the French medical colleges. A sign of polilniss Ip Thibet on mest- ng a person, is to bold up clasped hands and stick out tbe toogue. The blood completes its circuit through tbe body In 22 seconds. Every 3 min utes all of the blood In ths body is revi talised. One oi our greatest living physicians siys that the equatorial regions are tbe healthiest and most enjoyable parts of the earth for man to live in. Drums were first introduced in Europe by th3 Saracens. Tbe file was intro duced into the English army by tbe Duke ot Cumberland in 1745. fbe Times of Cuba notes tbat "the col ored ladr Ainabelle Gugol was detained and taken to tbe Yivac for refusing to live in the arsenal ward set apart for ladies of her distinction ." The Chinese are a nation of cooks. There is scarcely an individual in their vast com m unity who is not more or less competent to coot himself a respectable diunf r. Thtre is a cieature known as tbe bag fisn which is in tbe habit ot getting in side cod and similar fish and devouring the Interior nntil only tbe skin and the skeleton are lelt. Horses havs a great dislike to camels. There are many similar antipathies In tbe animal world. Betwteo elephants and rhinoceroses, for instance, and pec caries and bears. Water is the harden of all sobeUoces to heat, with tbe exception ot hydrogen gas. Tbe easiest two are mercory and lead, which stand in this respect on nearly the same footing. At a recent sals ot wines owned by the Gratd Duke of Luxembourg tbe oldest. dated 1779, brought only $10 a bottle. Tbe highest priced was a Rndesbeimer of 1SG1, tor wblcb $10 a bottle was paid. There are so many laogoages spoken in the provinces ol Austria-uuogary that interpreters are employed ia tbe various parlisments o interpret tbe speeches of tbe delegates and make tbem intelligible to all tbe members. A warranty deed tor an eighty acra tract of mineral land in Jasper county, Mo., which wss filed with the recorder at Carthage last week be re revenue stamps aggregat ing $344 . Tbs consider ation named in tbe instrument was $344,. 000. The followiog item recently appeared in the local eolamoa ot tbe prugdale Advocate: Mrs. Msry A. Goodwin, wii- ow of the late Stephen Goodwin, wishes tbat everyone would obligs ber by at tending to their own affairs, and she will attend to here. A Ftencb naturalist ssrts that if the world should become bird lets msn could not inhabit it after 3 years time. In spits oi all the sprays and poisons tbat could be manufactured for tbe destruction of insects. Tbe bugs and slugs would sim ply est np onr orchards and crops. Some ef theLoog Island farmers are selling their potato crop before tbe tub ers are planted, tbe purchaser paying 65 cents a bushel for tbe estimated product andtakiog all risks. Now that tbe epecuiativi spirit baa invaded even pola to raising, there is very lilt's for it to conquer. By the admiralty's orders, pet fed modlr(are made in taraffin wax every new Eoglish battleship before is laid down, acd these models are tested in a tank Tbe models are from 12 to 24 feet long aod tbe tank it 400 feet long and 20 feet wide. By means of a valuable toughening pro cess recently discovered, glass may now be molded into lengths and used as rail way sleepers. Glass rails are a'a pro duced by tbis same tonghvniog process tl M. therefore, possible to have a com plete g ass railway. All tor'jt of skios have been tried for boot-makiog. porpoise, white whale springbok, bores sod many others. Of e!i;tbee kencaroo bide ia tbs very best. It makes, when properly tanned, ths finest, whips end gloves imsgin- able. It ie extraordinarily plisb'e. A woman in Greecsboro,N. C.,hs jost woo a init agaiost tbe local water company on tbe grounds tbat throng tbe negligence of tbe defendants tbsrs was no water in tbe standpipe when her home took fire, aod tbat the fitemen were thus rendered powerless. The nse of picture postal cards abroad is attended by one serious disavvaiiage, Complaints bave been made, ep call? in Germany a&d in Au:tralis, tbat many of these cards disappear en roate-pro bably to enrich the collections of art loving postal etirks. Be sure and read tbe special sewing mac time advertisement in another col ojjo; never io the history oi Albany was was there such a cbaoce to eet the best machines at snch low prices. The "cut" D rices for sewins msrhmes at U Will's music store ars lor 20 days oniy. no not delav to set vou arew ma- come ana you will do your friends a fa yor U you will tell tbem of the special we ; uey may not see tnis notice. King for every bodv at French' s Jew elery store. afresh bread every day. To loaves or a nicxie at JUcreron & Tomlinson. The Photographer Now makes the Largest and Smallest PUoto graphs in town with all the popular styles and sizes between them. Small size Photo ior 50, 25 and 15 cts. per dozen. Firet quality Gloss and l'Jatino cabinets at regular prices. Nest door to Postofflce Albany. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale A Retail DRUGGISTS iEDBOOmUHr SLBAXT, ORXOOM. Pore Drugs and the finest and iMfi Block of Stationary and Books 'n the Market. MISFITS. The Pacific Coast Cracker trust has al ready raised the price of crackers to deal ers Dy leesening tne aiscount. iois is always the result of trustform!tiona. According to a letter in the linker City Democrat from a Baker City man at At lin the Atlin boom has buist. He says there are only a few good claims, tnat the whole business is overdone. - A live fight this nooa in a First street saloon between two hesvy weights re sulted in a knockout In the brs. round out of the rear door into tbe street. It is sa'd to have been over some cards. A petition is being circulated to be presented to tbe county court asking the court to rem.t part o! tbe shortage of r. G. Morris, ex-county treasurer. An of fer of tl. 000 was made at the last term of the county court. Yesterday was an ideal day, tbe weather being all tbat the most vehem ent kicker could desire. The Portland Mercory accuses a pur ser on one of the boats that runs between Portland and Corvallis of beinv too fam iliar with young girls and lady passengers riding on the boat, and says that com plaint has been made to the owners of boat.the but that nothing hss yet been done. In 1893 two miners passed through Al bany lor tbe California mines. Ihey were strarited. but had toeelher one thousand shares in a new mine up be yond Spokane which they bad received in payment for work in t" evcloping it, which they wished to sell st almost any price or would trade for stuck in the Al bany mines, but no one would take the Stock sa the mines had never been beard of. Those thousand shares of stock to day are worth 143,000, being in tbe fam ous Leroie tnint-s. Beware of Oint jients fur (jitarrh that Contain Mercury, as iretcorr wilt surely destroy the le&ce rf mell and completely derange tbe whole litem when enterios it through tbe mu- oous surfaces, huch articles should never be used except on pretcriptioos from rep ulafele physicians, aa the damtge they will do ia tea fold to the good jou can possibly serive trim tbem Halt's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. 1'be.iey tt Co., To ll do, U , contains no mercury, an-t u taken i3eroali, acting directly ujo tbe blood aud inucoaf surfaces ol th ytem. In ooyiog d all's C'atarrn Cu.e h i ur )cm get the genuine If is tatea mU-rna ly, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J . 1'tx.oey tt Co. TettimooiaJt free. Sold by drogrita. price "Sc -wr 1x4 lie. Ball's Family Pills sre tbe bett. nit PLACE I O BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros- Everybody knaws where tbetr place is. They keep a fresh stock of grocerw. produce and baked- i'i nuu, imwu. prices and treat their customers aeil, ail vike. Yon mav rwgret some ster.. you taks n life Lut none taken into ue store tt Parker Bros. It is a great t&iog to be well fed. Psi car Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but you ant it well maJ. TrvParkr Bros Teachers Examination. Notice is hereby given tbst the reulsr Quarterly Trsct-.ers Kiamin-UOu for Ur.n county, Or , will be belj io tbe Al bany Coilgs Buildiog.Albeov, Or., com mencing, Wedotsdsy, Msy 10, ttt at 1 o'clort p. to. The last eiaminaiion un der the old law. A. S. MtDotD, County Superintendent. The finest variety of teasoosbie fruits in the city will alwsys be fouod at F. Li. Pleffers. To Cure a C jIJ I n One t ay Take Laxative liro-no Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbe money il it lai s to cure. 2. Tbe genome has L. B. Q on each tablet. Not one kiod, but mane kinds of sum mer drinks at F. H. I'ietfTer's, aisde to suit the teste. Diamond photos 50 cents pr doaen at Miss Longs. FVur SO; per sack. Try it. 1 tc Maur.tdr. The Uuivera'IFolier makes pood floor The Magnolia. Kings. King. Jewelry store. Hl -Rs at French's C. E. BrownelTs.. SPECIAL LIST. 3 cans choice salmon 23 2 " fresh mackersl 2S Armonrs Deviled lism 6 Uslloo jut of ketchup 75 Tea Sitting, fine flavor 2? Starch, per lb OH winced Clsms. (larse cans) ?0 Bostcn Bsked Beans 12 16 os. cans Good fating Powder.. M 5 cans Mustsrd Sardines 3 cans Sugsr Corn 2-1 These sre all first clsss goods snd wi t osrantee satisfaction, C. E. BKOWNKLL1 six-ond sr. - ALBANY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLLEGE. Faculty Wallace Howe Ie, A. M Presidout. Geo. A. Wirts, Director. Cora A. VYirU, Voice a specialty. Tuition Very reasonable, ranging from 1 to $21 per term. The highest grade of instruction is of- leroa to both nnmarv ana auvanceo Dunils in the following branches : Piano Organ, Yiolin.Outtar, Mandolin, Cornet, Voice, Harmony, Counterpoint, Coiu- positionand History ot Music. Vocal classes are organised at the be ginning of each term. Children's class each Saturday at 10:30 a. 111. Pupils may register for work in the Uorserva tory at anv time. lor further information call on or ad dress Geoki.k A. Wirtz, Director. Albany, Oivgon. The Albany Insurance Agency , Rnp.-esents the leading Fire'ao n Insurance Companies. Wholesale dealers in Wheat, OaU it and Wood. Correspondence solicited. M. SENDERS A CO, TELEGRAPHIC. Late News in Short Form. A Strong Place. Manila, May 9. Two companies O the becond Oregon troops, with the same number of Minnesotas, discovered today the strongoHt fortifications and insurgent stronghold yet found by Gen. Lawton's men. This is at 8an l!dfnnwv Th position ia so strong that it may be the place of a tremendous battle, if the in surgent hold the position. WanttoSee Ditvey. Chicago, May 9. News was received at the city halt toduy tnat ajitrong move ment is forming in tho West to indue Dewey to make hiaentry into the United States next month through 8an Francis- Came to Time. TaNUISR. MorOCCO. Mav fl Tl.n rlaima of the United States againxt the govern- cui m iiioroi-co iiave been settled. The wuiuiii Elates cruiser utiicago has re sumed her voyage around Africa. Internal Dissension. Manila, May 8. The army gunboats Luguna de Bay andt'avadonga returned today from an expedition up the Ban Fernando river, where it was learned that lust before the battle of San Tm the insurgents were almost nlunee,! into civil war. Cien. Luna, when theenfageraent with me Americans was inevitable, sent back to liacolor to demand of Gen. Maacardo reinforcements, Mscardo said he would take orders only from Aouihutdo. Luna i with a solitary regiment, made a forced marcn to liacolor. Daring Filipino. j Manila, Mav 8. The Filipinos sur prised the U. 8. forces at San Fernando with a daring trick yesterday. A rail way train with an engine at each end, was run almost to the American outposts and in plain sight o( the town. Before they could be reached a gang of natives prang off tbe train and tore up several lengtua oi tne track, boarded the train again and steamed awsy. A Railroad TruAt. i Ct-EVKi.Axa, May 6. The Leader will sayftomorrow : ' According to a high official of the Van- ' bilt lines in this city, the details of a big ! railroad trust, which ia to include all the I lines U-teen IV ton and Chicago, are now being worked out and the consoli dation may be completed within the n- x few weeks. Charge of MurJer. ' Eicunk, May 8. Fannie II - wvan and daughter Lottie werejarr!"-. . todar j on a charge of manslaughter in ewnnev l- j ion with the death of tbe tl lound Fri-1 day night. The coroners jjr, hHe find ing that the death of the babe was' through causes unknown, charged that j it wss through the criminal acta or cegli- j genee on fart ol these people. .' Too Much Politics. Walla Waixa. May 9. W K Goodin, ! a well-known railroad man and for sev-i , 'ri ers editor of the Minneapolis I Timtrs committed suicide here todav bv : ftjtoouog himself in the bead. Ihe body : was found in an outhouse back of hie lodcicg house. Too much politics aud bad luck. Miles Submits. 1 Washisotos Mar 8. The president is jcommander-in-chie'Cof the army, and my i superior. lie has arnrov.d LheBimiirirs ot the ade court of inouirv. ITuerefore I I have no comment to make. It would! be an unsoidieny act mere I to do so. ! 1 he War ; Masu a, May 7. Tocleir the Fiupi-i out of lUcolor, stout 6 mi'.ev souibwoet ; of Sao Fernando, wiil be the reit Uf k ! of the American. The n-ll general, Mascards, has a force of 6CO men there, j welt aravnl arid posnfsed of phfity of j ammunition. H. trr have never met the Americans and the th ok, according j to reports carnal to J-an Fernando, that they can "whip the whole jot." Made Public. j Waiiii;tij, May 7. By direction of the prmklent, who epprove the finding ! Acting Secretary ol ar Meiklejsn U- , day made public the report aud findings j of the military conrt. j There is more rpess criticism of Gen. i Miles in various parts cf the rvport. j Excessive Smoker. j WASHisorox. May 7. It is declared) here that the prvsitient's nervous condi- ! lion snd ill health are the result of his ' worevanl smoking. Of late, he has j niofced from i breakfast to bed-Unit, and ; IB Cootty Conrt of the SUte of Ore w hire at work, he has constant y a cigar j gto. for Una coccly. in bit mouth. He almost rivals the late i in tbe master of the eUe cf John Mar Oen. Grant as a smoker. j ,fcll, deceased. An Oklahoma C clone. '0 KB0T Marshal',. W.Uca Marshal Kas Cm . Mav 7 -The cTor.e which passed over I ara iiao county last night dWtroved at bast 20 houses and caused great damage to Ihe ine crop. at Chickasna 17 butMmg were wrecked and H persona injured. J. II. Murrav a railroad man. who wae sauht under falling Umlrs, died tdav.J k " - act Them Home. Ix en. May 7. .;ov. Thomas has an nounced that within a few dsys, if Pres ident Mckinley and the secretary of war continue to ignore bis communications on tbe subject of the return of the Colo ra.10 regimeUt from the Philippines, he will take steps with I lie view of securing the immediate recall of tl.e troops. Iltgget Vet. NewIYvbk, May 7 Dewey cabled Sat urday that he would accept' tho (100-a-plate banquet to be tendered him on his return. This is only one f a number of functions now Wing planned. When Nature Needs sesistame it may be best to reo dtrit promptly, but one stou d remem ber to use evea the most perfect remed- iM m I. .U. ... t I Tk. i most simple and gentle remedy is the r op ol His. msnnisctured bv tte Ca!- iloroin Fig Syrup Co. SHERIFF SALE By virtue of ao (xcutioo duj imoed out of tbe Circuit Court ot tbe itate of Oregon lor the Coubty of Lion to me duly directed. delivered and dated 00 the 29th dav of April A D. 1.'. in a certain suit ia vaid court wterein the Aetos Savins tl Trust Company a corporation was plaintiff and William S Kichard and A tine C Richard bis wife, St D Phillips and Anna Phillip ereatrenaanu, in woicn said suit tbe p'aiotiff recovered a judgment on tbe 3rd of April A u, IWJ, atfaiLSt the aaid de fendants William fc Kicharda and M D rhultps for tbe sura ot U'.9 71, with ic (erect thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum frou. date of aid judgment and the further aum of 1 150.1)0 attorneys fees and the further sum of $T2. 40 a taxes paid, and tne coU and disbursements of this auit taxed si $22 00; ordering adjudging snd decreeing mat tbe real property de scribed lu plaintiffs mortgage and com plaint, to-wit: Beginning at a point io tbe Western boundary hoe of block 10 in the Eastern addition to the city of Albsny, Una coun ty, Ore iron, 100 feet Sortberiy from the South went corner ot said block, and run ning thence baeterly narallel with Fit street in said city 134 feet to a line nar- aiei wiiu sum nesiern ocunuary line and -I I . . ' tne same distance troiu ths bast and Went boundaries of sail block, thence Northerly on said line to a point 8 feet Southern from the center of the O A C K li track. thence Westerly following tbe meanders of aid li It track and 8 feet Southerly there from tothi Western boundary line of said block, t nonce Southerly to the place ot be ginning, atso tbe tight of way from the Western line of th premiovs above de scribed to tbe Willamette river along tbe eatern boundary line ol said block IS for the escape ot tbe jvunto water from the wheel aud Hume conducting the water 'hereto, all in Linn county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment acd costs, there fore Notice is hereby gien tbat I will on Saturday, 3rd dav ot June, 1S9!, at tbe hour of Ons o'clock p m tf said day, st the front door of tbe Court House, in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oiegon, offer tor sale, at puuiio auction, to the btgueat Udder, for canh in hand, nuhjtict to re demption according to law. the real prop erty in said order and decree aod herein- lofora described to satisfy said ludsinent and costs. Dated this 2nd day of May A D. 189. I. A, Munkkm, Sheriff ot Linn county, Oregon, , What you ask for r urf i,5'! U,-:t,J,lekl(iJi!y 80,1 eontiwisjiy increases Wti?- X "'"'"eek after" iok the jesr round goes to .tor? al o. M '"il ",'urlh" . " Potior, a. meru- You are never just as good good Urug store should have should have just what you want. hencej Have Your PROF. A. STARK Scientific Optician ot WILL & STARK. You wiil rectire boaest aod cootcientie is EVE snd GLASS service. $40 cash $40 Fo i' the Best Wheel Ever Built Fitted With Special Heavy Tread G. A J. TIRES. Next to the Rambler to quality and price ia tbe G.& J. Tires Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. 105, 107, 1C9, 111 Sixth St., Portend. Ore. Geo. E Spokane, Tacoma. Seattle. CITATION ?wnD"?.PHSr,i.lfc,a2r" ' Z v , ' 'T ' ,! lmo" ' f Ai S,Uoro- P" 1 o.a and uekeown ,nttl in sa.d .t- ! VriV 1 " OP Tii v ; r 1 ,v , r ' J JJt V " " f 1 i V0?00' " w-ed aj e- , hwrsto apiw ia .Le ijCourtof 1 th stale of Urfmu l wlh kuihi, m I Jan at the court room tnteof. at All sot. in said county, on tbe 5:b day of Jaa. 1?99, at Use o'clock ia tbe alt em 00 of teat da . then and there to (bow cause, if sey. yvo ereitber of joo may bave. why toe folio toe described real ptcferty beideg itg to the erfate of ao drceaexl ncu.d sot be scld at pnrate stl ss piajed fo-r in tbe petition on S'e bre:n. j real pro petty beiojfdes.-ribed a fJ o !ulo: . oJ tbe N . 0 I of the S W 4 j lne ot tre i 4 an the S E ao J tHe X E k of Sec ltilp II S K I VV ot tbe VYi'.lametie MevidaD. tlregito, roataintcg AX) ceres. Hie of the S E t4 and tbe N i; d the a K 4 ot Sec 23 Tp 1 1 S R 1 V of tbe Willamette Mei'dtan. Umron. crn'ainirir I ft) acres. A'so toe S l, of th S r! "4 cf Aid sec i.i. cootaisiOK f-U sere Ihe W . of tbeS W 1. Pf Seo 21 ard the rt 4' of the W '4 of Sec 2s Tp 1 1 S B 1 VY ot tie Willamette Meri'lian. Ore- i gon.containirg 160 acre. alo U-giamnir ai me o - r. n'rerr 01 tae r. "4 of Sec 2vm safd Township and Rn and running thence North roos. nor or lets, to tne South side of a countv road. j thence Southwesterly along tbe south side; ot said county rosd. 74 rvxltinore or less to ths outh line of the N E of ssid ?ec 29, tbence Fst to tbe plate ot tKinninr. cm taining S sces. more or We, said tract containing io the aggregate ltS acres., the Hon. tiro. D. I i Harton. Judge of the County - L. !. ' Court of the state of Oregon, I for the Couuty of Linn, with -w tbs seal of said court atSxed. this the 3d dsv of Mv A. t . 1S. Attest: Frakk Cr4trsk. I Clerk. By R. U. Mostagi , Deputy. ADMtN!STRATOR'S KOTiCE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the uneeivigoed has been duly appointed ny tne county court of uaa coiimy. Uie- gon, as the administraior itb he will annexed ot Ihe estate of Jo'-in II. U ito manand Phoebe Batetusn, deceased. Any and all persons bavirg flaiuir against said estate sre cereby notified .0 pieseat the same du. veribed as by lt n quirevl to me, or to my atiornexs, Weatherfoid & Wyat. at their office at Albany. Or? gin, witbin six ni'intl.s from the date hereof. 1 Dated till. Sth day of May. l-'-l'J. Petkr BiTnsa. Adm'r with tbe wiil annexed. Weathkrpokij V Wvait, Atty'sror Adiu'r. ADMINISTRATRIX KOT.CE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe County Court of Linu Co, appoin'.ed t'e und-rsuned adminintratrix ot the estate of ,'auieM Williams.dceased. All persons h.,vi.ig i luim against the es tate of mi1 deceased are hereby required to present the ane to tbe uudc rsi-rued at tb; ofBcj of Keliy & Curi, in Albany, Oregon, with tbe proper vouchers therefor witbin six months from the dale of tbe publica tion of this notioa. Dated May 11, 1S99 Many I, w 11.11 amh. tvsLLT Curl, Administratrix Attys for Adrn'ix. Tlbam ldbch cotjhteb, Mositr A M Ktllop, Proprietors o- Prompt meals at all hours. Fresh oys ters in styles desired. Serve lunches lor banquets on abort notice. and On all R & G Corsets and Ferris Wsitts When a customer ia not perfectly sstis. Red a new psir given in exchange for the old one. It is our aim to p'esee and ealiefy every person who purchases and wears our R & G Coreet or Ferris wsist. Wecsll special attention to onr 50c and to our 8.rc corset which we thins will compare favorably with sny fl.00 corset . in tin market. Received today another tine of thoee I opular underskirts for Isdies. New Ismbesux 8wiss Lace Curtains and dotted twins snd art gooda tor ess'j curtains. . S. E. Young & Son. ThePact ing joor trade. Absolute Guarantee Eastern Prices Burkhart & Lee, l)ruggists. Eyes Tested BY- 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. DEAL ,:o - Fish, Agent, Albany, Ore. NEW ADVKRT15EMENT THE CSDEESIGXED is prepared 10 weave carpeis aod rugs. Can make beantitut rogs from worn out ingrain Carpet f. Do not bsitate to tnve the tew aeaver a triml order. Yon wiU le pleased. Fifteen years expeii-oce. , lrics rpa'onati e. riace ci Tmsioess, east end cf S;b St. FOR SALE. Two tborocghVred Lewel :yn setter pur, tor cash or trade. Call en F. H. IfeitTcr. OI vJlit IX PER CENT LOANS. I have a mi ted s mount of money to lost, on tiot-class farm wcuriiy or improved business property in Albany. Interest sis per cent for particulars call ou or sJJrrn tl F. MtBKiLL, Desr.fvrt building. .l!iu-". Oregon. We put upocr tan $r:n mdf Thysres'l NcrtherngrcKn reeds, Tl ey are stoiute'y lice tc sn.e fhey sre f et all gTOwn in JST. Ti e packages are loi! e;ght, rrice, two pspre for a nickel, also hsve sbem in bulk. f HE CRACKER JACK LB MOSES, PROPRIETOR Opposite Masonic Temple. Full liue of etandsrd groceries and country produce No single leader, but fvetytbicg a eader at bottom price. Wagons tun tn tbe country selling gro ceries and collecting produce - Money eed by trading at the Crack -lack. AOMIMlSTrUTRIX NOTICE. OIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN l'HAT the IVmuW Court of Linn county. N Oregon, ha app noted tbe undersigned ad ministratrix of tbe est ate ot Miranda L. Williams, deceased. A1 persons having c aims against the estate of aaid deceased are hfr-by required to pent the same to the undersigned at tee etnee ot neiiey Curl, in Albany, with the pioptr vouchers therefor within six months froas the date of the 1 nh'icatioo of this notice. Dated .M.iy II. IS99 Mrv L. Viu'ii. Kelly & I'ihu Administratrix. At'yi foi Administratrix . ACWINI3TR4rtlXWlCE" N O ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Oregon, has appointed the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Juiia A. Kendall. All prrsoa having claims sgatnst said estate are hereby required to present me same ;o rn unnersneueu ar if e , (lice of Kelly & Curl, is Albany, Oregon, j with tbe Droper vouchers therefor, witbin 1 six month trom the date id tbe publics-' ti"n of tbe notice. Dated May 11, 199 Mahv Kku ky tt Odhu Attysfor Admrx. L Wiuims, Adaiinisiralrtx. 17 ?OR SALE. A 200 gal. cslar tank l7 acd a 6 ft. first class, enanif lel i'b tub for sale cbeap. karher shop. liquire at Vtieick SEEDS. SPECIAL SALE of- Sewing ies. In order to make room for nearly a Car load ol Pianos On the way We will make epecial prices on our machines For the Next Twenty Days Machines that ttY a other towns for f0.00 we wilt offer lor 1.50; "Urop tead" machine for li2 50. Theee machines are the hi. best grade on the market, eompristng, Tbe World's standard and light running NEW HOME, The old reliable DOMESTIC and other machines). Now is tbe time to get the biggest bar? gains ever offered in Albany. Every machine we sell is folly wsrranud. The New Home Machine is acknowledged by a?': i-npertui eewiog machine men tnlr i best family ma chine on toe uaket for over ten yeasa. If yon need a machine now is yonr op portunity to bey ch jap at EU Will's Music Store. jnainleee, model l4 Cfisialees, model 1$&.... Chain, model 1399 Jhair, modai 1S93 Hanr, model 1S9S Hartford, Pattern ISS9... cTsrtford, Pstfrn 1S&3... tViette, Pattern 1S99.... 75 00 63 CO 50 00 45 OO 40 OO 35 OO 30 OO 25 OO For 22 years tbe Colombia line of bicycle have been the best, acd now. itvicg been red need so low io price, oa't be satisSed with something "jost at good," but come around and get tbe sauine article A V TED Several guod second-hand icycles in trade for Co! um bias. STEWAKT & HX HIiW.CO. THAT SHOE SALE AT THE FAIR. I am preraring tc move into my per snaneat quarters and want to unload at east ball ot my shoes. The price has been cut oa every pair of shoes in tbe bouse. Respectfully, J. A. WEAVER. Fine Safe for Sale. Fire snd burelar proof steel chest. I weighing 4S00 po&nds. Just the thing ior some merchsnt tn a town where there ia no bank. Will sell for half price. Good as new. Address J O Lke, Albany, Ore, J M RALSTON, Three doors east of the DsvxocaT office has money to loan on farm security at low rate ot interest. Also small loans msde 0 a personal seenrit v . City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made. Kenta collected. Fire In surance written in the following large and reliable companies: HOME INS. CO., of New York, PHOENIX 1NS.CO.. Hartlord, Conn.. LIVERPOOL, LON DON, ecd GLOBE INS. CO. of England IXPIRT BICTHJ RKPAIBDliS tND HOKbt SHOEING. Second Street between Ferrv ct Broadalbin. MILLER A STEWART SE7ES m C1T LOINS I have sn unlimited amonnt of moo y to loan on Farm Security, or on bosicsfs proteriy in Albany, at SEVEN Pl5k CENT INTEREST, the interest pyb but once a year. For information ad blank applications call on or address O. it. Bras rart, Albany, O- Millinery Opening. On March SSth acd following days, I will display uy fine line of pattern bats and o'hr vood. A special invitation is extended to the ladies of Albany. I make a specialty of trimmed bats. - ilss. E.M, Fcg , iONG W'A fl ToNG CO., Second 8t o.- r mtrt Aihn. ui. neee niedicine. Chinese, riee ri,inMI tea and nut oil. For Bargains In Farm Lands, Timber Lands and City I'roperty, call on or write ! S. N. STEELE & CO. 1 . Albany, Oregon Mac L