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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1899)
i,g 1 'ill 1 H 17 S il f III, iil II II li VOL XKXIV Eater ts tie CNiut at ilkaajr. r. aa aecaaal-riaaa Mall Matin t ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 12.1899 im a blither and rreprletar NO 40 THURSDAY ! NORRIS BROS'. . Big Trained Animal Show Coming F1U DAY JONATHAN WASSOM. SA URDAY. Tfce Kind You llavo Always in use for over 30 years, - and j!&-JLJ- Bonal ' Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trine with and endanger the health of Infants, and Children Experience against Experiment, ' What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Xarcotte substance. Its age is it guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I AtALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. , A widow sixty-eight years old, lirlag la Nw York City, bad keen A It ad 8fce was constantly troubled with paiaenn her right iMe, wbk-ta aamed t ba n ,ITCT- Up to last Juneb Bad been trritort By a number of pbjwinmma, m e waasa n naa caiarra or ua stomal; aooOxrr stated - i . "y i- ui.ns u. bu niootbs without mvA raniiia. At u.nt-a in paina rairpuiiwwiTt reaorua in. toe iwtieiit weitberi ISaMmada: waa mnolMNi m. te aoa nan teryiiiua appetite, rarly lo Jnae a -Aller DMrur tbem two weeks the pains ant t: j . , ' iwiurai ov B-d gained elevea pouada, and could aal bJ.l W"CT- - - - -rri-it urn P. m BfCUL-.siMM.jiaw iwt far Mfl.u uai emu. mr b. of dnnMi wm v. vU'in ; to IT'S JUST LIKE TtIS We btve maciiioes ia i'ock ag low as 10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox for Machines that "SEW" TRY MORMON BISHOP'8 PILLS for all diseases arista from disipation, self abuse, excesses or cigarette smoking. In nse over 50 years. Brings hack your Manhood, cores depleted worn out meo, makes rich blood and tissue. Gnrea araalinira an1 ail josses, makes you laBtitingly strong, cures impotency, lost power, emissions, loss of memory, bad dreams, shrunken organs, despondency, sleeplesenfss. vanooeele snd constipation, adds lustre to the eyes, stops nervous twitchTnjai ra,o.!?,12,,,T, " . ' WfLworth N- boon toyonng or old. MORMON BISLIOP b PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Stops sj lwees by day or night. Doo t delay. Price within the. reach ofall. Gnarat t9ed to cure. Price a box 6 for $2.50 by mail. Send for treat circular Address BISBOP RD REMEDY CO., San ell circular. For sale by Fes- EH3 bay A Mason, Albany FLOOR COVERINGS. I- L'LLY DOUBLE the amount ever before shown by n, consisting' of Carpets, Art Squares-Co1 tage Art (a new and attractive goUa),Mat tibgs, L'noleum snd Oil Cloth . VVe arealso well supplied with Lace Curtains, Porliers, Shades and kindred goods. Piece goods in Curtain material and coverings. ALBANY itfasonic, Temple Bought, and -which has hem has borne the aitrnature of has been made trader hU tm. ""perrislon since its infkney. no ADA ftrt slawtAlva. mm In Signature of wmt twt, r vom errv. lb. I a was oHidut ilii . .. l .n Bvatea, i or wnica be liaan il a were aoaevere that bmdKnk nrtebbor ladncad Bar to trV KlnaaaTttaW 1 bloat! dm of taa stomach. aaS ewtie SantaaihsrlUh. pracucasiy recovers bySai beaaa. among oiba diataaa. wlUaoolUJi .nc 1 mi texb&emtm. RT p-A S Lnrrl .u . ii.iMhiS nslii m m A good article l wonn more s poor one. EVER OSE KNOWS IIIAT - ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE will outwear s dozen cbesp e n, therefore cheaper in the end. FURNITURE CO. BIdg., Albany, Or, BBSl eaa ; Sill 1 1. County Court. Court convened yesterday afternoon with the Judge and commissioners all present. The following husineea has been transacted : lVjnd of T A Rigfia approvvd and his resignation aa justice ol the ) eace ac cented. Petition for the amointmtn' nf T A Rirga to succeed hitu tiled. Mary Le welling permitted to reileem property sold for taxtson pavnient of $4.60. K Ulass was appointed justice of Pitt. 11. Petition of G W l'uah for position of justice not granted In application of Thos Hatren et al for county road, viewers appointed. In application of Clark K Lot'i; et al for county road, viewers appointed. Ordered paid : BII. I 8 AI.LOWKD, Jadg Barton Oounty Clerk Oabtree .1C0 00 . ItUS DO . 166 00 . KiO 00 Sheriff Munkers Recorder Seal Superintendent McDonald Treasurer Jack Deputy Oierk Montague Deputy Sheriff Lewelling ACCOUNT POOR Aid Mrs Hine " Mr and Mrs Barnard " Mrs Hockenhory " " Stellmather " " Harry Myers . " I Coleman and wife.. .. ' " Samuel Keith " " Janaios... ' " Henderson " Mrs Slasher " " Vale ' " Rjtencrajtt " " Koker minor " Dinah Mocier ' " Jas Larew . 60 00 . 83 S3 . 50 00 . 50 00 . S 00 5 00 . 5 00 3 00 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 5 CO 5 00 5 00 I 00 5 00 4 00 23 00 X Druuiinond, acct poor farm. . . X D Conn, rent Mrs Chapel A E Ketchum, acct poor larni. . . 2 50 34 30 X Drain mood, tickets Mrs Berry Hnd family 7 95 4 30 6 60 Albany Dressed Beef Co., acct. poor larm arv Stewart & Sox, acct poor farm . . Geo D Barton, poor farm 5 85 3 00 7 15 9 80 28 20 3 00 19 90 9 85 M bternnenr. acct poor Magnolia Mills, poor farm Fred Dawson, acct poor " ptauonary Mrs M A Bavleas. acct coor P Cohen, acct poor F E Allen, acct poor farm macBUAMaota Stewart & Sox, roads and bridges F H Hngheon, court bouse D B Suudih, acct insane 32 00 9 00 10 00 1 50 4 65 1 00 K t. Moore, statiooarr J B Cook, roads and bridges tsurkbart s Jul in son, roada and bridges C Dk key, roada and bridges. . . H Scott, roads and bridrea 5 00 50 no oo 17 25 55 00 15 00 IS 00 8 75 8 75 8 95 7 CO 25 00 5 60 11 50 6 75 420 00 37 50 5 00 1 IA 7 0U 28 65 20 Of' 20 00 78 40 5 00 14 00 2 20 13 15 7 00 8 00 36 00 1 00 2 50 40 70 3 00 Welch Bros, acct court bouse. . . People's Tress, printing J C Bilyeu, acct sheriff. fclectric Light to r r .Nuttine. pnntimr Hugbes A Trouunan, acct C II . F M Jack, postaee Telephone Co 1 Kitcbeu, clerk diet 21 Geo D Banard k Co, stattonsry. . G Brown A Son, roads an J brklgea A 8 McDonald, postage, etc C C Boxell, acct C H and jail ... . n a btanord, assessor Dr Trimble, connty physician.. acct insane X A Blodgett. fuel Herald, printing mi lev . the printer John Catlin, janitor fc. i. Montague, incidentals I A Munkers. board prisoners T J Stephens, deputy sheriff Alex Sumter, thistle commission er J J Whitnev. Cooiev case Oregon agt Herbert' 3&ii Is sb Train, postage Lebanon E A, printing G D Montague.delinquent Ux roll CM Westbrook, hauling Alex Ooald, bounty Oregon agt Cooley Kimsey, acct snenn Oia Rainfall. Some people imagine that it rains considerably in this valley, but it doesn't so very much, as the fig ures show. It waa recently stated that the rainfall at Astoria waa 75.77 inches since September 1. That is wet. At Al bany it waa leas than balf for the same time as follows: September 3.05 inches, October 1 63, .November 7.56, Dec-mber S.45, January 5.67, Eebruary 5.15,March 5.54, April 2.98. Total, onlv 35.02 inches, as reported by Mr. F. M. French. Tbat ia just about right and what we need. Locsr MisaisG Loner, the little Chinese cook, w ho has been a resident of Albany tor a good many years, is missing, snd his brethren camol find him though tbey have hnnted diligently and telephon ed some. The ttotb is he is undoubtedly ctazy. Before leaving he declared tbat the other Chinamen were all bad, tbat they were trying to r hoot him through knot holes, etc.. and he told a white man that he would leave to get awav from tbem. There is nothing to occasion con earn. Mr. A. M. Cannon will leave next week for Chicago on a business trip. Miss Clara Pooler, of Salem, is visit ing with her friend Miss Erma Watts. Rev. W. B. Moore and Dr. A. K Higga, of Sbedd, were in the city today. ' R. W. Long, of Douglas county, is in the city on a visit with his sister, Miss Mane Long. Mrs. K. K. Find lev has returned from a visit in Portland with ber sister Miss Clayton. BishoD Vincent, of the M. E. church. the head of the great Chautauqua move ment will be in Oregon in September Governor Pennoyer has offered hia big mill at Portland for aale at one quarter of its value. He wants to get out of the business. Dr. E.O. Hyde, recenty beaten in his suit with lr. Prill, will locate in Detroit, a number having agreed to pay a certain amount mommy. Mr. W. T. Baker, of Salem, is in the city previons to leaving for Walla Walla where Mrs. Baker has been for several weeks. Tber areeontemplatina locating in a dry climate some where east of the moantalns. Mils jsmbieton, who has been a mis sionary in India since 1891 has been in the city on her way to ber eastern home, having crossed the ocean landing at Van couver, a. v.. a few days ago after a trip of eleven thousand miles. She spoke lost night at the U. 1 . church in au in terestliig manner. The Degree ofjUonor last .evening gave their twenty-third entertainment in the series of contests between the sides of Mrs. Hogue and Miss Maggie Barker. this being the last to be given by Mrs, Hogue. .Next Wednesday evening the contest will close when Miss Barker will give the closing entertainment. She has sufficient points to insure victory for her side. A pleasing program was presented last night. At Cobvaliib. As soon ss tne water and weather subside sufQciectlyr J. B Tlllotaon wilt begin reconstructing the Fischer mill revetment. This work, it will be remembered, was rendered nec essary by the encroachments ol the Will amette river upon the ruUlsiteof Mr, Fischer and upon the tounty road lead' ing to Crystal Lake cemetery, Mr. Fie cher awarded the contract to Mr. Tillot on, but the work was not entirely com Dieted last fait. High water ot the past i winter and otrercauses greatly damaged the revetment and ttie loss' sccordiog to the contractor's steoment Is 9150 to S2u0, Timer. Next Thursday. The Noiris Bros Bie Trained Animal Show will exhibit in this city, Thursday, May 1 1 tit afternoon and rip hi, under tleir norncns waterproof tent. A grand free street parade will he given at it a. in. at which time the eutire compa ny o ovtt 200 animal actors will be aeen. The Norris Bros' Show ax'iibtted here I'St seaon, and left an excellent reputa tion. The ihow ia nearly t vice I be size ol iat seasons apd ni.iay new and attract' ire features have been added. I'romia ent amoiiKtliem being -Aiax" the only euacateu aeora in me world, ana Hr- go". the smallest elephant in the world. riofessor orris will drive "Ajax in the btreet pr-rade. Lebanon. From the Criterion. Our pti I illc schools will close May 19th mere will he three graduates this vear Iterate . tiler. Cora Thomas and Ebert Thoinpsou. The Albany boys failed to show up for the ball game baturday. They are ex cusable, however, as t te weather war anything but favorable. M. D. Hogan has fallen heir to $1000, which he will receive from his brother's estate. His brother died in Harney county about one year ago. E. O. Temple arrived here last Friday from Morrisiown, Minnesota, and U now visiting with Mr. Soule at Lacomh. Mr. Teuiple will locate somewhere in this locality and engage in farming. j At a recent meeting of electricians held in Portland, while discussing the various systems ol electric ligbta, Leba non's electric light plant was pointed out as a proof of.the superiority of the new svstem. Last Saturdav S. E. Correll came down from Whitcomb, bringing be aad intel li fence that Geo Whitcumb'a oldeet little girl had iust died from diohtheria and tbat his other girl waa not expected to live. Mr.Correll got a supply of med icine, from Dr. Booth, and retained that night, but upon returning he found that Mr. Whitcomb'a other children two i little boy s had also taken the dread disease and were in a critical condition. Real Estate Safes. ElTie Densmore toCbas Craft, 40 acres t 300 D A Uolman to J K Gill. 21.' lot Scio 1500 M Donaca to Cassie A Bursa, 2 lota Lebanon Silas Couey to Aa Hiron,2 lots Mielbtirn SO 500 Robert Cooper to il Y Kirkpatrick t al. 1M acres R L Burkhart to J C Galhraith. 1 lot bl 7 M s E A in ma Littler to J C Lit'.ler, 1 lot bl 14 M s 2nd ad W Dilley to T S Coffey. s lot Sck) 1:5 IS Alex Kirk ta Brownsville Lodge A F A A M.6 acres Cora Pbihppi to Geo Philippi, 160 acres C Woodruff to Kath PynU, SO acres so G Githens to W E Githens, 70 acres Richmond Wheeler to E J Seelev, 1 at-re Plainview 1000 soo 400 Martha Kucker to lieo Souie, 40 acres Rosa West to Laura Rojert, 2 lota ad Albany Robert Livingstone to Or Mtge Co about 2 lots M s ad 1 500 bicvele tag have been issued in Benton count v. The fat chimney sweep who was in Al bany several times, was drowned while swimming in laiuorma several months ago. Lebanon is contemplating he erection cf a nw school bouee that wi"l cost a boot 15.000, and a meeting baa been ca'led to consider the matter. The c Is council of Salem are content- latioe oftt-riog (be government a block of ground off the est eod ot Wilson av enue fur the government. Mr. Julius Gradwohl is carrying his clvn carefully as the result of a board living np while keeping track cf thing yesterday afternoon al his new brick. Ail of the county officials are now practicallv located in the Young brick the sheriff, assessor and treasurer down stairs, the recorder, clerk and couuty judge np stairs, the saperintendent in the central buildmg.C The Jonction Times repot ts that Mr. Geo. A. Houck, of fcugene Oregon, who owns in Benton county the largest flock of Angoras in Oregon, has sold his dip at 34 cents per pound aod ia leeung very happy over bis season a pronis. iturai pint. J. B. Coleman today purchased from H. Friendly the brick block on Wil- amette street between beventn ana Kitrhth. now occupied br Mavtew A Ream's talooo. The price paid ass 13500 rbe buiidina is one storv and the proper ty I618O feet in siee. tngene uusru. k A .A- Ai d Your heart best over one hun dred thousand times each day. One hundred thousand supplies of good or bad blood to your brain. Which is it? If bad, impure blood, then your brain achei. You are troubled with drowsiness yet cannot sleep. You are as tired in the morning as at night. You have no nerve Eower. Your food doc you but ttle good. ' Stimulants, tonics, fceadache powders, cannot cure you ; but will. It makes the liver, kidneys, kin and bowela perform their proper work, it removes all im purities from the blood. And it makes the blood rich in its life giving properties. To Hamten Rooovory You will be more rapidly cured if you will take 0 laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They arouse the sluggish liver and thus cure biliousness. WrHm lo m Oewfawaw Ws tiara tha xoltulra HTTiaas of sous of Via mctt antlnant ptiyalcltns la tli Unit d atalci. Writ truly all taa arnimars in your cm. AdOxaM, H. i. O. A Tilt. Irfnrau, ss Scio. Prof T. J. U iUoii is 3ow emraned in teaching a sprinv term of rhoolin the Piatt dis rict, east of this city. Mr. Holnh arrived i-j Scio Tue:y from Nebraska, aad will without doubt make his home in this section. He was here last fall and looted the country over and decided to return. Taasday last M. M Pwy was appoint ed agent for Wells, Fargo & Co., at th.s place, W r. Gill having resinned. Mr. Peery will make a good agent and one wbo will look well to the interest of t,.e company.. Mrs. 8. M. Daafol and the children left M nday by team for iheir new home In Monmouth. Mr i)nir will he greatly missed by her many friends in this vicioitf. Mr. and Mrs 1, Clark, an aged couple who reside on Osttre creek In the vicinily of Laranod, had a narrow -oapa irom death 'atoili-y niuht Ust, caused by thir house birnina- djwn Mrs. Clark w injured somewhat, but how severely we hare not been able to lesrn. Three peonle are both nuiln n'l and it was with diilicnttv that thev - caped. Their home was a total loa. A TRAINED ZEBRA With the Norris linm. Hi Show "Ajax," is the name of a geuuine Af rican Zeora, with the Norris Broi. Big Trained Animal show which will exhibit in tbe city, Thursday sf ernoon and night. Ma 11th. nnder taeir enrwinour waterproof tents Aja' is the onlv tehra in the weld who has been trained aoa taught to perform tricas. He aiill oe seen 10 the street parade ahit'i rakes place at 11 a tn. "Fargo,"ihe ml e.t elephant in the world a-ilt lo be area with 200 other actors Prof Lea a iil nreecn at Xemrvrt rt Bduday. Claudo Lambson, ofTortfanJ is in ilw city visiting Albany friends. The Guard save tbat F. .-lender. nliL bany, was in Engeoe. Mr. Kent, of Portland, is at tbe lion introducing acetylan piantt in the city. Miss Marie Parrish retnrn.d lt ni..l,i from a aeveial months sojourn in I Zet land. 1 no aiooero jravelera will iceel at 1 f.. .... -.ov tomorrow at tbe residence of Ir. Lrakme. E. E. Montague will atalinn.1 in llie clerks ollice at the court fccn.a in charge of tbe records there dar.rg tte consiroctioa ol the new building The msDV eduiirars rf Dr. F.1.r l Hill are anticipating with real ibe treat io store for them on Montitr. May 15th. when Dr ,11 delightful bbo instrnctive l.-tute "Cv cling Through Kog anJ aitb a K-dsk' la tbe Presbvterian chnch. The lecture ill he illustrated with vieas lkn r- Dr. Hill. The College Y. W. C. A of Oregon w 11 meet in Port land tonight an, I huid se- sionaover Sabbath. Muwea Pel Smith. rraoces French. Fmoia 80s. Mary Stewart, Leon a Francis. Jennie Cook an Rath Flion ot Alraoy college.aeat doan 00 tbe l.ulh Ibis morning to at en.l fair of representatives of a splcnd.d e-i-uCA.'iooai ins-ttution. Joseph Wehlier. ir.. !!! the K. Home iaaraoce Conitti,,of Pan Fran cisco, waa in thecitv a few honra lr.'.r while on a trip through the Northaect . Joe's visits bete bring sunhice into tbe hearts ol Nis many old tima friends in Albany, wbo spprecisie his s!vDdiJ Ulenss and genial disposition. Joe left aitanyfn Aorost. mi. for iv.n'.nri irom wnico city he was tiaosferre-J lo a tetter position 10 Raa Franri-o. a bere his insurance ability has been rre.n 1- . . . 3 ed. He did well in marrying one of Al tan' formtr popolaryooog ladtrs Mis aianeueiu. ana ihey now have a model home in Oakland. Tbey keep in touch wi:h A:tny people br the aeeklv visits of tbe OcMorkAT lien Harden, the old aarhore lawver of Oregon, has been sued at Salem for tl, for labor performed for hiro. Geo. Hoflich brought to Ali-anv today a curiosity io a four legged chicken. It waa aiive. out the prospects were good for an early den,iae. Ixnev the lost Chinaman a a. found last night by Nigh'.watch McCiain and permuted to spend the night in the citv jail. He ia at large todav. Search for the body of J.R- Ba-knom. the Harrisborg man, lost several months ago, is being continued, but without au new clues of value. The chances are against ibe finding of the remains. Io Fitzhugb Lee'a fArewetl older to bis corps be said : "The soldiers of tbe north and south took tbe sunshine and storm of camp together and marched side by aide under one flig, in one cause and for ooe country "' The aas'mtant Superintendent otllie In dian school at Chemawa'pard through Albany this noon with ten lovely dusky maidens io uniforms, on theirwav to Cor vallia, where they will do np the'Corvall is girls at basket ball tonight. Miss Edna Culver waa riding a bicycle along the road adjoining the river veater da v afternoon w hen she rode off ' he ba n k failing about fifteen feet into some will ows, hrakicgone of her amis which w as set by Ilr. Hilt. letters have been received from (sever al of the.Albany boys giving account of the battle of Malabon, ii which they participated with; signal bravery, sub stantially aa reported in the letter from Roy gallmarsh recently published in the Democrat. All of them wonder at the miraculous escape of I Co. the lucky one of tbe regiment. The Old Man chimney a weep, who has done a live business in the city for sever al days, went to Salem this morning on the boat. He is fifty nine venrs of age and has licen in the business twenty years. While ho has had some narrow escapes he has never been killed and takes things aa serenely as a man who sends his time on the ground. Yesterday afternoon Fred Harris was at the O. K. A S. wharf w ith the deli very horse of the Sugar Pine & Fixture Co., which has done tho delivering for the company for many years, when the horse persisted in backing and backed directly off into the Willamette, and as the water is deep of course drowned. Harris jumped from the wagon when he saw that bo could not saw the horse. The wagon was gotten out fxlay. Pound master Davidson was sent after the horse this afternoon, assisted by a large crowd of men, and at preaa time waa hauling the outllt towards the shore out of about fifteen feet of water. The Association known as the Moth er's Club has adopted the name "The Child Culture Circle." It includes teacher, patents and any wbo are in tereeted In the welfare of children. The next meeting will be held at the homo of Mrs. Iieeson on Fifth street, Tuesday atz:3U p. m. Albany people soem to appreciate the effort being made by U. It. Milloy to cive them cheaper bread. They have pur chased of him up to 2;S0 o'clock today 8 loaves. He aella at old prices of 40 for 11.00. V. C. London went to Albany this morning and will bring back J. I). Gil bert, who ia wanted here on a charge of forgery. Rosebnrg Review. Gilbert waa arrested in Oorvalhs and brouaht to Albany last night in time for the over land. A big deal is said lojbc on at Mill city fiv V a baIa of flia mill therA anil a ,u. iial train went up there this afternoon j with eastern capitalists interested in the . IU1IYCUIVUU and Hon. Jonathan Wassom, of Lebanon, one of Linn county 'a moat prominent and bent cltizers, died at 7::(0 o'clock this morning, suddenly, of heatt trouble, following- a n illness of the grippe and pneumonia. Mr. Was o.o has been prominent be fore i he people of the valley for a great many tears, a strong factor in its up. boili iig. Besides possessing wealth he was c man nfin'egrity,and waa universal ly e teemed, lie once represented Lion county in the state legislature. Ma came io o.efoo in yno and to Linn county in 1847.iucaiing at Lebanon, hia borne since tti. n. Wat-korn'i addition to Seattle is named after him. The funeral service will be bald next Sunday at 10 a. m and will be nnder the auspices o! the Masons, of which order he was on clJ member. The Wanderings' of Rev. Harris and Miss Lear. The Victoria B.C. Globe of April 27 ra.a: the Qnteo City, arrivicg last night, brought the Srquel to the adventures of the iUv Mr Harris and Miss Lear, Key. Mr. Harris, will be remembered, ran away wuh the girl, and though separated at Westminster from tbe girt, Harris managed unseen to btmrd '.he same steamer tbat bore tbe girl and ner mctber North from Wncouver. At Alert Bay Harris wss put ashore and Miss Lear, determining not to be eep- ai.ieu irom mm, tanaeo also. 11 seems that hit reputation bad pre- ceaeo n arris there, lor his reception by lh people ass not a pleasant ote. and he could get nothing to do an unpleas ant pretlirament, as neither be nor Mite L,-ar tiad mooev or baggage. Wt en the Queen City toocbed at Alert Hay oo the way N..rt h. the coop.e board- i her and a ent 10 tasiogton , and suy et at C louinglism's Ho'el a couple of eeks, Harris pawning his watch to pay tor 111a ooaru. Harris managed to get work in a gen eral store, aoa in tbe meantime a letter has beeo seat to his wil telling where tbe wanderer is at present. A New Magazine. Oiegoo Native Soo, ia the name of a aew magazine joM issued by tbe Native Koes of Oregon, of Port'.and. It is aa ar tistic and splendidly gotten op magazine. The frontispiece is Dr John McLooghlln, the fatter of Oregon, a pioneer oi 1324, then there are picture vt William Orey !!OS. Capt. John H . totich I WO, A Law rence Lovejoy IS42, Peter etewett, Geo. Abernstbv ikiO, ieo. Joe. Ijiae St9, John Whiteaker 1652, T. T. Geer our 6rt native governor. W. 8. Ladd Ifcol. II W. Corbett IS51. Henry, ISsil, C II Lewis 1W2. Geo- U. Wil hsms 11. D. P.Thompaoa 1&53. O. N. IVtiny KsS2. Solomon nirseh 159 aod Senator Mrl-ride, Cookreesman lioodv. Homer THivesport, Judge Bean. II. D. M-rGuire.ot the native tons. Tbe cod tents are interesting and tbe trsganoeie boon J lo prote a valuable acquisition to Orgin liteiatnre. - A Great Fall. This foreseen the entire front of tte rvo.-t house tell dowo, making a noise tbat roold be beard all over ibe city. It wss the work ol tbe contractors, in order to give i lace for tbe new aod modern front and corner that la to oe erected, and aaa witneced by a large croad in cluding th DaxoraAV man. The rew structure will be practically a new conrt boate, witn modern tacihtits. The a-reck shos tbat Mr. CundiS acd bis fellow workmen id so:ce first clses work a ith some 6rK class brick. Tbe oame of Perry Watson, 1661, ia seme vbere io ibe ruins. Tooting June 7 and 8. It ia an s:ablished fact tbat the state band tournament will be held ir Albany on Jone 7 and 8, arrangements for a bich are already being made by un or fifteen bands in different parts of the state, whcb a -e ordering new uniforms and doing their best practice for tbe occasion. It will be the greatest moaical eent in the history ot Albany, and aa it wilt takw the p are of a 4tb of July celebration this ;t ar car citirees should give it the sup port it needs to make it a mcce. Not enough money baa yet been laised. Mom is abeolute'y necessary. Stand by the hands. Among the Students. This was a live day ic the public school. This afternoon was being de voted to rhetorical exercises. Tbe rooms were gloriously decorate I for li e occas ion with Hovers, blackboard pictures di.playing splendid talent, foetoons, etc. hiercises were held to the rooms separ ately, except in the eases of tbe first and second snd third and fourth, wbicb com bined. Surti afternoons infuse life into school children and are very commend- able. List of Patents. Granted to Northwest inventors this week. Repotted by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys. Washington, D. C. : T A Evans, Portlsnd, Or. water pres sure regulator; J A. Kosaeu, iacotna. Wash, roasting and smelting furnace: I 5mitb, South l'.end, Wash, pruning im plement; M L W illiams, Tacoma, vaib. coupling for chains for bicycles, etc. r or copy of any of tbe above patents send 10 cents in postage stamps with date of tills paper lo Q A Snow A Co., Washington, 11. c.' .-. - Two Fins THtsoa. Mr. Frank L. Ken ton has decided to continue Ibe manu facture and sale of two useful articles. discovered and made by his late father. the Sea Lion Polish and Kenton s Ad hesive Salve. The rz.MfcAT man has bad both in his family for a good many years, and knows them to be first class. The polih has no superior, It is a fine thing, and the salve is a marvel tn cut ing cuts, bums, tores, etc. Home pro ducts ihey deserve to be generally used bv our citizens. An Albany wag saia that the horse hat backed off into the rivca last even ing was backing yet and had reached iKugcoe. He is evidently a backer from away back. Prealdont MeKinley baa informed Senator McPride .that if he (came west his summer ho would come to Oregon, but he w ill probaply not make hia west ern trip. Ladies Aid Society. A specie! meet ing of the Ladies Aid Society will be held at the residence of Mrs. L. E. Blaln on Monday, May 8, at 3 p.m. It is necessary tbat there should be a full au tendance on account ot important busi ness, which should Interest every mem ber. The trustees are also requested to be present.. By order ot the President The Weather. Tonight ane Sunday fair, stationary temperatuie. River 7.4 feet. F. M. Frekcu, Displavman. Lchanon'M Honored Citizen Pioneer of 1346 Dead. A DRUMMER'S DEATH. Ed. W. Cppner, Schilling's Best Man Dies after Debauch. fcd. w. Uopner, the well known trav eller for Schilling & Co., died this'iuorn- mg at 3 o'clock at the reti'Jence of Mre. C. W. Watts, of heart disease, atd from tbe effects of a debauch. A nearly as the venotaAT ran get tLe iscw tne cat is n follows : Copnr and ia wue an'i daughter Oeneva, resi'led at r or li and for eeerat years. Several days apo I kit. tier returned from Calif, on the stramer, broken in spirit. i reacino Astoria, he began drinking xio, aou nas ieeu on a aeuaurn aiuce. tie arrived in Alhany Slonday night regieierea at the r.evere the next nioroiug. Desiiing a private place he aent to ibe residence of Mr. Watts for i-sre A physician was called in last ight and worked with hiui during the night until his death this morning. J. K. Chamber. am, working on the court houee contract with his brofher, reeidedic Erst Portland several jears i ocor to uopner and ins lauiily aod speaas in high terms of them, t opner waa an right when auoer, hut whieker uiu ice business. 111a daughter is a boo' seventeen years of age, and it is said Copner had Ins life insured in her lavor a ibw weeks ago for abo-jt S,000. Copner wa Krhiiling Jc Co's bett man, last year receiving the prize for selling .oe mo-i goons, sou was a geoia:, pleas ant man, gieatlv liki.d hv hia fetin drnmmera and natrons of the hnnw. ui.atches ere received irom Schill ing A Co.. and Mrs (Vmner at FnrtlanH direct:ng tbat the remains be ent 10 rortlanj.a here Mrs. Copner atd daosh ter reside. It wss renorte.) that and bis wife bad eeparaied and she was in ?an Jose but th s it probably incor rect as near y as tan be learned, though ia poeeic-e uopner detred it to be (nought so in this city. HOME AND ABROAD. tlail at tbe Sugar Bowl for freeb f.-uit. Cbicken dinner at the Aihanr l.nnrh Counter tomorrow. A. J. Appersoo bat been appointed re ceiver ol tbe land oeie at JNika. Tbe annual nioneera otcni ari'.i tie held at Brownsville June 7, S and 9. Dr. Mark fk-ff. of Kaiem. has been an notated a member of the atata lr-r i at dental examiners to sacce-d Dr Cootris. Tbe Indian girls mho went to Cor- vaili yeatterday r play barket l!S With toe O. A. C. ifirSs re! irned U me today. They were defeate-1 to 9. Claud Eranton is to be handed at Eu gene next Friday teteeo 10 and 12 o"- cjock. He thinks he will get a comniUiAtioa of the sentence, but Le will be and should t disappointed. There were over six hundred irovhe made io Albanr vter:.iir ms.r tn at the dedication cf the new court boose at Eugene. Th?y were mate by the school, nearly every one havinz s pk-e. Hit in the Nose.. Frank Thompson, who enliued a: McMionville ia A Co , was am jd those wounded io the battie of Caloo.-an. Ia a letter to his parents at CroacfviHe he tells about it as folloas: At 8 o'clock the Oregoos c&srged over their breaat-workt aod started for tbe "niggers " It was only 150 yards to their eotrenchtnen:. but the aeon -ion ol running slra gSl thoug ti a perfect shoaer ol bui'ctt made it seem a mile. Bat we drove tbem out and 1 had jast crossed over their firt trench when a I. a user ballet e.rark me in the note, entering on tbe left side ar.d going through. -The shock knocked me doan, bat I got op and walked, or rather ran, bark to tbe Caloocan depot, a d stance of about a mtse. Here I go-. n the train aod came to tbe, have been receiving the very treatment. here I best oi A Poor Trade. E. E.Cornttt.of the anlxam country, waa io tbe city today, when a stranger bantered him to trade horses, which be did and placed the new property beside hia other borve. He bad ooly gone a block when the horse fell down exhaust ed. He was N. G. In the mean time tbe trader tad gone across the rier with the best ecd of the bargain Mr. Cornell csi.ed on tbe Chief of Police, as be was ii a pickel, having only one able bodied borse to draw bis wagon, but it was not a case that could be reach ed in that ma v. Naw Fiag. Pat w;tss. No I"s WH Warner. J J Lingren, W M Wonderlick. NoS'a W w Roaeli, O C C.'elan, Cbaa Medio. HAL Co.. W H Worrell. JL Tomlioeon, Ed Blodgett. No 3 will elect tonight. A meeting wil, te held at the city council chambers cn Friday evening May 12. for the organization of a hod aod Gun Club, to provide revenue for the aaintainance of a deputy game war den, for the protection ol the game of Linn county. At the call of tbe chair man, Mr. fetone. All who desire to become a charter member of tbe Native Sons of Oregon, should attend the cabin meeting tonight at the G. A. R. hall io this city. A juvenile base hall clnb went to Leb anon this afternoon to play base ball. X-rny are not in it with our n w sys tem. Long photo to. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bnt or on business take on every trip a bottle of .Svrupof Figs as it a Ms moot p'e'santly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches, aud other forms of sick ness . For sate in &0 cent bottles by all leading druggists. Manufacturer' by the California Fijr Syrup Co. only. No f ure. No Pay. 1 hat is the way all tbe druggist cell Grove's Tasteless Chili I onic lor Cbi.'ls, Malaria and liilliouencs. It I as pleas ant to take as lemon syrup, 00c. For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, ee- xema, skin disease and especially piles. I He witt's Witch Hastel Salve stands first aud best. look out lor dishonest people who try lo imitate ana counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good attie'e Worthless goods ate not iudtatro. Get Ic Witt's Witch liaxel Salve. Ks'.isy & Mason. We buy, sell and store gram. We make Magnolia Flour, Also wholo wheat, Patent and gene, 'ury 'I he Magnolia Mil 'a. CASTORIA Tot Infants and CMldren. Its Kind Yen Ha.s Always Bought Bean the fggutorwof Makes the food more RELIGIOUS. Presbyterian cbnrch : Morning wor ship at 10-0, subject of sermon, "e?pirip- ai fc tubers." Habbatb school at 11:45. .'nnior Kndeavor at 3:30, 8eaior Endeav or at 6 :.'50. evening aorshio at 7 :30. ad uretsea oy college students ani a special musical service. A cord al welcome is extended to all. ' Lnited Presbyterian church: Horn ing worship at 100, subject of sermon, toe t-isht bates into the Cnv ot B ess elneaa." fcaboath school at II :45. Inn ior kadeavor at 3f30 Senior Endeavor at 8 :30. evening worship at 7 :30, sobject of wrnuu "Itiiihan', 1 Ht ... ill are cordially invited to Utend these sar- vicef. Congregation chord) : Services ss na na I at the Congregational church. Snb- ject for morning sermon, introduction to a aeries of nve eernfons on 1st Peter. Sobiect for evenipc "A Study of Nstorai and Spiritual Species," feonday school at l.-o. au pot attending elsewnere are cordially invited to tbe above eer vices. Tbe services at the 1st Presbyterian church Sabba'b evening will be in tbe nanus oi ihe College Y. il. V. A. Special manic has been preparedreheetra,quar let and a solo by Mrs. Wirti. There W'll be two sbort addreaaee by students. The Soo lb Association of Coagrega- tiooai ehurcbea will meet in tbe Convre- atiooal church cf this city Monday at 3 p.m. in me at s pan there will be ao addrees bv Key. R C. Brooke of Eogane, Or., ou ibe enbject "The Jdis nonary ilotive ol the Church in tbe IUV Light ol Kecent Events." welcome to Ibis meeting. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Helen Crawford of the O. A. C. ia m tbe city. IL. N. CocJceriioe has gone to !Gr an is Paea, where hia lather is dangerosrly llL Miss Alice Brenner returned last nivht by way ot Portland from a trip to San r ranctaco. Col. C. II. Dairy mole was no frtAn Gold Hill Tuesday. He leaves io aboot two aeeka oa an extended toor Uironab Eastern Oregon and at Tnscarora. Nev. After that be will visit bie old borne ia Nebraska to be gone about three moot its. Ashland Record. W. W. Cartis, of Portland. Las been in the city several days making arrange mecta for tne porchat of the Santiatn La liber Co's mill at Mil! City force vera! capita iists, bo' Ibe papers have not yet been signed. This is one of tbe Sneet mi!! properties ia toe valley. A. B. Hammond, of the Colombia & Astoria road, arrived in Albany tais nooo. and tomorrow noon will meet Gen eral Mobbi'd aod party ot the b. P. peg" baps Preetdeot Hoatiogt n. and make a trip aver the Co'vaiita A Eastern. Sig-n-ficanre is placed on ibis by people, but a ithoat j Several Albany men are making; ar rangements io kx-ata else where. Mr. Henry Taylor and family will more to Tbe Dalies next week ; J. E. ttrown and family and Miss Moilie I. a per, it is said, will kwate in Seattle; oeo. E. Fish is contemplating an engagement with a Port. and house but baa not yet com pleted arrangementa for it nor disposed of bis Albany boMOeee. Miss Mary Cund.JT,cf this city, grad uated on t rid av evening of last week from the Columbia Seboo' oi Oratory, of Chicago, with henori. She delivered tte address for tbe class, the address to the class beiag delivered by tbe famous Dr. Uoneaolos. Mia CcnditTs graduat ing drees was made in Albany and ar rived in tbe eveoiog jist in time for nse. Miss CundiS will spend the summer in Louisiana, and expects to locate some where ia the south. Her splendid en dowments are bound to bring ner e.ic cee. This and That. See Local on every page. Wheat 47 cents. Stamp photos at Tinkle & Dawson e. Cash hardware. R. K. Ohiing. Garded tool at U. K. Ohling's. Builder 'a hardware at R. K. Ohiing a Finest aria to eaameled photos only f 1.50 per doi-n at Tinkle A Dawson's. Yiereck's Sugar Bowl Parlors lor ice cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars and tobacco. A Luge and fine stock of cigars and t bacco at Conn & Itustoas. See the die plav. W'hen you want a choice steak, a nice roast or neat of any kind, call on Ilenrj irodera. He keeps the best. Go to Verick's shaving and hair cut ting parlors for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every .t mer. The beat meats of all kinds aad good treatment at the Albany tiresaed Beef Company's market, just djws Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ion. Be sore and read the special sewing machine advertisement ia another col- u.iin; pever in the history ol Albany waa waa there such a chance to get tbe beat machinee at such low prices. The "cut' prices tor sewing machines at E U Will's mnaic store are for SO days only. lo not delay to get you anew ma chine and von will do your frienda a la. yor it you will tell tbem of tbe special sale ; tbey may not see tnis notice. At the season of toe year when pneu monia, ia grtpne.sore throat, cougbt.colds catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing "is a tine sub stitute," will "answer the porpoje.'' or is "iust as good as One Minute Cough Cure. To at is the one infaUible remedy for ail ng. throat of bronchial troubles. Insist gtrovslv upon hwing it if "somethiDg ! Uolfid yu. Iiar Vnt, dick Headaches. The curse of overworked womankind.are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Hoot lea, tbe great blood putinir ana tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price, So eta. and 50 eta. CLt'auio Ratks. Weekly Democrat and Examiner 2.50 and Tbriee-a-week World $2.00: and Republic l."o: and Oregonian 2.2S; and San Francisco Weekly Call 2.00;and Saletri Weekly Journal 2.00 Mrsic. Misa Milarca Burmeeter eacher of piano or organ. Svatern ths Mason touch and technique. Residenre Fifth street, opposite U P chorea. Okkuon Pwltrv Fakm RaMgorrs Grit, Roup cure, Diwnfectaut, Lire Killer, at Oregon Poultry harm, also sold by r . u. Vcweis, Albany. Photo Buttons at Tinkle JA Dtwton't TO NIGHT AND -TO MORROW NIGHT . And each day and night dnrin week vou can get at any druguiot'a Ketup a Bat sam for the Throat and Lungs, acknowU edged to he the most succeful remedy ever sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asth ma and Consumption . Get a bottle to day and keen it always in the bouse, so vou cad cueck your cold at once. Price 25c and 50c Sample bottle free. defkious and wholesome A Timely Veto. Mayer Bnrkhart last evening filed his veto ot the tax ordinance, as follows : To tbe Honorable Common Conncil cf the City of Albany, Oregon : Gextikmas: I herewith return ordin snce bill No. 3-jl, being ordinance No. 332, aa passed by the common council April 25, ectitied an ordinance to license and regulate business, trades, oc cupation and proleceions in the city of Aloany, Oregon, and othtr purposes, without my approval. After mature consideration cf the terms of this ordinance, as I view it, it is in effect ' a denial of equal juflice and is sobiect to be aoolied and administered cv public authority with an snemal hand ao as to practically to make ocjoat and illegal discrimination between per sona in similar trades and avocations material to their rights. the power vested in a municipal cor poration shoo Id. as lar as practicable, te exercised by ordioapees general in their nature and impartial ia ttieiroperatione. and special and on warranted discrimina tion, or anjust or ooprt-esive interference in particular casta shoo id not be allowed. An orcinaoce cannot be legally enact ed wbicb contravenes a common right, nniees the power to do so be plainly cen tered by a valid and competent legisla tive grant, and I take it to be a general rule tbat a municipal corporation can. pass no ordinance which cootiicts with iu charterer any generals tatate in force. or can it bv vutoe of its incidental powers or under any general grant cf au thority, adopt laws which infringe the TOir t or are repugnant to the laws andtr You will be wnicn it was creates. Section 20 Article 1. of the state con stitution, provides: "lost no law aha; I be passed granurg to any citizen, cr I- ,-. - . case ot ciuzena, privileges) or immamt iea, which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belcng to all citizens." Section 32, same article, aeo provides : "That no Uxor dn.y shall be imposed without the consent of tbe .people or the r representatives, and au taxation shall be equal acd uniform." The ordinance as paeeed prescribes one rale for one citizen and one for hia neigb- por, potn engaged in a common employ ment. It taxes the watchmaker aod ex empts tbe sooemaker; it licensee ti e tailor and does set the biaciemitb. bntcner or baker: it ingie oat partic ular individuals aod subjects them to pecxai oniden. In other words it provides that a cer tain class of individoala engased in a particular trade or occupation, shall be s&bject to pay a license, and exempts or does not include other persons, wbo are engaged in certain trades or calling almost identical with thoee inrioded, and which is, in eCect. extending to a certain class oi. citizens a privilege aod aa immunity, which is not Ind cat; not under iu terms he enjoyed by any other. eiasa of citizens. If this ia troe. then it ia contrary to tbe ssction cf the consti tution above cited ana therefore void. Agwin. the ordinance transcends tbe liceneicg power aod imposes a tax. Ibe power to license and regulate particolar branches of boeioees or trades is neaailv a police power; bat when !icne fee cr exactions are plainly imposed for the eo e or main purpose of raising revenues, they are, in effect, taxes. 1 bere is nothing in the entitling clau -e in this ordinance to warrant the im pol itics of a tax. Justice Deady in tte district court of the Cnitrd States for the District oi Or egon ia passing upon the Laundry license cases reported in 2 Fed. Rep.. 701, the re new. that tbe power granted to tte cuv ot Portland" to "regulate" a ash hoceee. includes ths power "to liceosa" as a means to tost end ; but that does not in clude the power to t.x tbe basisee; and that $20 per year as a licence waa man tfeet!y so far in excess of what ti. nec essary or proper for the purpose, that it most be considered a tax, ace the ordin ance impoeing it was toersiore void . It is plain teen from this statemenr, that persons engaged in the tame com mon class of boeioes, trades and employ ment, are subject to tiiSerect restrict ions, are granted different privileges nn der tbe same' conditions, aod believing such discrimination to be anjoet. and detrimental to tha best interests of the community, aud that such an ordt Dance coo Id not be legally enforced, I therefore veto the Ordinance Bill. C li . Bckjlb Asr, Mayor. -'B i -2. jr An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of tbe well known remedr. STBCP OF Flos, manufactured bv the California Fis Strcp Co.. illustrate the -value of obtaining' the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing- to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing- the system eSectually. dispelling colds, headaches and fevers geailj yet promptly aim enaoivnp one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting; on the kidneys, liver and bowels, w ithout weakening or irritating; them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing; hgs axe used, as thev are pleasant to tne taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CAiiroRStA Fie S-tkip Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, picas remember the full name of theCompauy printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAW FRANCISCO, CAT. LOUTS VI L.I.K. XT. NKW TOE t T For sale by all lrugsists. Price Sue. per bottle CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLLEGE. Faculty Wallace Howe Lee, A. M. President. Geo. A. Wirta, Director. Cora A. Wirtx, Voice a specialty. Tuition Very reasonable, ranging from l to $31 per term. The highest grade of instruction ia of fered to both primary and advanced pupils in the follow ing branches : Piano, Organ, Violn.Uuitar, Mandolin, Cornet, Voice Harmony, Counterpoint, Coin position and History of Music Vocal classes are organised at the be ginning of each term. Children's class each Saturday at 10:30 a. m. Pupils may register for work in tbe Conserva tory at any time. For further information call oa or al dress Gkobgb A. "Wiim, Director. Albany, Oregon.