The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, May 05, 1899, Image 4

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    If the Damp and Chill
But deep as the Q.
Sciatic nerve is, Ole JflCQUS
J. Joseph. Proprietor.
Patronise home industry
TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from
disipation, aelf abuse, excesses or cigarette smoking. In use
over 60 years. Brines back your Manhood, cures depleted worn
out men, makes rich blood and tissue. Cures wasiings and aU
losses, makes you lastitingly strong, cures impotency, lost power, emissions,
loss of memory, bad dreams, shrunken organs, despondency, sleeplessnjsfc
varioceele and constipation, adds lustre to the eyes, stops nervous twitching
of the evelioe. Makes life woth living. A boon to young or old. MORMON
BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Stops a
loeees by day or night. Don't delay. Price within the reach ofall. Guaran
teed to cure. Price I1."! a box 6 for $2.50 by mail. Send for free circular.
Address BISHOP Kll REMEDY CO., San Francisco. Cal.
For sale by Foe- CS3 bay A Mason, Albany.
ply 'ij0$W'?m
A wHow tlxtT-altrM years old, Urto 1b
,..t..i!.imnhM with nainson be
she had caiarrn of th. stomach; another stated that it waa ordinary PfJ-
another plrononneed it Witney calculas. ar aall Mom, foe wliicB f he
month without rood reralta. At times the tun were so term tbat hrpodermlo In
Uo to last June ana na a neea irenusa T
month without good remits. At times the pun i were e term mat PrToff? MjFSr
of morphine wera rBBOrted to. Th. pnnent weighed 1 POCkU; wu iPfr m; doww.
Mahal eery little .(.petit. Farly nJuae a rhborkdwarf her to
. , ai a eKo. aatwl Kara, tint ff tike ktOsmAfth aVAsl 60116 DttlM sTfc4
tlZ. fiV.VlT dDDiwed. The -Sent bad
hd round eleven moods, and could eat baaed
wiefmiw wan. tau
Quaint Sayings.
It is interesting and instructive to
rtad bright and well constructed advert
iamenta. Messrs. C I Hood A Co. of Sar
apritla fame, most bare been at a great
feaet and taken everything home with
them. Tbey are using a bright selection
of quaint old Barings and proverbs aa the
starters in a series ot clever advertise
ments, wherein the proverbs are neatly
turned and paraphrased to St the sub
ject matter. The public like this breexy
advertising, as it reminds oi other pro
verbs aod opens op dieenssing.
130 Cords of Wood Wanted
Notice is hereby given (bat sealed bid
will be received oy S:bcol District No. 5,
Lido County. Oregor.. np to tee 15th day
of May. 1899. at the hour of 1 o'clock p.
m for contract for furnishing 120 cords of
teaaoned grub oak wood, and 10 cords body
fir, o tk wood to be not les than 4 inches in
diameter at smallest end. 4 feet long,
Rtraight,and free from limbs, fir to be split
from large trees, free from knots and bark.
All wood to be delivered at schcol buildings
in slid ch strict as may r directed oa or
before Auirust 15ih, 1S99, clcsely corded.
Bids will be received for all of the wood,
orialo'sof not lea than 20 cords '
Vi ted this 23rd day of March, 1899.
Vibgil Pari ax,
School Clera.
A Big Offer:
Subscribers paying up and one year in
advance, to the Democrat, will, upon re
quest, receive the Wckxli Dkmockat for
one year, and t e Farm Journal of Phil
adelphia, for FIVE years, for the price of
the dkmocbat alone, bubecribers to tne
Daily can have the privilege by paying
six months in'advance.
This is limited to one hundred sub
scribers. First come, first served.
The Farm Journal is a 24 psge paper
sometimes larger, iull of live farm news,
A copy may be seen at this otfc.-e.
Dyspepsia Cure,
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflclallydigeststhe food an A aids
Pature in BtreDsrthenloir and nms.
atructlng the exhausted digestive or
gans, it, is ine latest, discovered digest
sot and tonic Ho other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gasti algi, Cramps, and
ttuoLuer results vi impenect aigestioa.
-Prapartd bv E. C. DsWItt Co. Chicago.
Pf oiipenly afilEuitHrei
are naured onlv to (hote who sow OUB TESTED
HF.EUH Scr.J puctaJ tor oar Illustrated ;
'kii. Mi l Mvs money by purchuinx from the
Wholesale and Ketail Dealers
7ill.K4. Itar.aaaeale, (at.
t.h Kr; . I si loereet prioa. Aints Wsa
IjIk'sI di )iunu. but NCMEEUH sold on st
H. F. rierrill
1 Co lecti ins promptly attended to, cor
respondence colicite J. Office in Vstto
eaT building.
Notice is hereby given 'that there will
be a meeting of the stockholders of the
Albany Street Railway Company on
Wednesday May 24th, 1899 at the hour
of eight o'clock p. m. at the office of the
secretary of said company the same be-
ins t the Heal Estate office o! C G.
Burkhart.on First street in Albany, Or.
For the'pnrpose of voting on the ques
tion and proposition of selling all prop-
orty, rights and franchise of said
corporation, ana (or the purpose of wind
ing n d the bnoiness of said corporation,
and the dissolving of the same.
ApiilH, 1S99.
E. F. Sox.
C. G. Kprkhaht
The motor on tbe Albany Street R.'iilwa)
a ill connect prompt; with all train to ur'
fiom th3 depot, dy and jifht.
Specia1 'rips will be made at spec
rutt. 1
R M Jii,. Onnitucfor.
penetrate, look out for an attack of
will penetrate and
Vr II quiet its racking pain.
New York City, had b.inatne tar nine
tar trine yeais,
erased try lha
whom sistnuS
rtcbt side, uci mmea on
uumiim tj-';
aad sua
practically recommd or September 11th.
beans, amang other aloha.
I Gradwohl
g -:-Dealer in-:-
Herd ware. Crockery. Ulaw
fc- ware, Groceries and all goods r3
kept ta country stores.
As Low as Anybody.
Country produce and eggs
taken in exchange
for gooods.
Cores Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting- diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and Indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
By mailCOc per box; 6 boxes
for $.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Cfinton Jackson Sts CH1CACO, IU.
For sale byFrel Diwjon, Or t;is
Albany, Oregon.
On Undivided Interests on estates,
Real estate on Probate.
Reversionary and Lifelntereatann Real
and Personal Property.
Annuities and Legacies.
Or will purchas ourrigut if at dai ed.
Life Insurance Policies Bought or
Loaned on Patents sold on farorab e
terns aad capital procured to devel
op aod perlecc meritorious iaveulious
Amounts from
$10,000 to $500,000
Available for investment on mortffatre
1 Revenue Producing Securities.
ror terms and particulars address
Montgomery St., San Francisco
Connecting at YAQUINA with the
Grace Dollar and Navarro
First-clsss in every respect. One of
be above steamers is due to sail
from Ysquina about ever
live days.
Hhorteet route between
ban Francisco.
valley pointc
Albany and points west to
, Ban iranciaco
Cabin $10 00
Round trip 17 00
For sailing days applv ti
' ' i . Edwih Stonb,
H. L. Waldim, Mananer.
r. F. A P. A.
J. Tcnxb, Ajront Albany, Or. .
Cor. Morrison A Park Sts.
t'ortland - Oregon
About People.
The late H. C. Warren hat bequeath td, D"w
to Harvard his rare library ol Sanskrit
collected at great expense during yeai
of study. I
In times of poaca Gu. Eiwell Otis is a
devout follower of Walton, and his skill
in handling rod and line is as phenome
nal as his luck in war.
Chief Justice Fuller of the TJ. 8. su
preme court alwava walks with a gold
head ad cane given him by a grateful
client thfriy years ago.
James Bryce, M. P., ar. h r of "The
American Commonweal ii,' is a lover of
mouotain climbing, aud '.as lately keen
chosen president of th- L mdon Alpine
Secretary Wilson baa obtained for
American distribution a lot of musk
melon seeds from Afghanistan, where
tho melons are (fid to te tt e Bnest in
the world.
Henry James does mosi o' hie willing
at night, frequently siuim at his desk
when 3 o'clock: striker. He livss in
Lamb bouse, at Rye, where George II
once stayed .
Mrs. Loubrt greatly renemblrs her
friend, Mrs. Carnot, in her charitable
tenderness. She dispose uf large sinus
among the poor and is a regular visitor
at the hospitals.
Gov. William Amoa Poynter of Ne
braska is known aooat his home as the
"farmer governor," owinv. to bis having
spent taenty-ona year tn tilling the
rich prairie noil.
Adeline Patt. i not tt.e ouly person in
ariit tic life with the title ot Ba roe ess
Cedarstroni Mrs. Hartmano, a famous
Swedisii actress, is in private life a bar
oness of the ime name. Her husband
and Patti's are cousin. Plalodealer.
When in doubt as o t enuiceoes
fa diamond there t i.i- i.ady reliable
wsvbv which the taprrt or tbe am
ateur judge can deteruiins tbe quality of
the article, and that is tj teat its hard
oers by holding it against a rapidly re
solving grindstone from Bve to ten
minutes- Then, if tne act mark ap-
abears upon the diamm d it ie note real
stone, for if it were a diamond, ae far
from any mark being produced open it,
it would be likely on tb other band to
make a deep impression on the grind
stone. Just to illustrate ho bard a dia
mond ia, an experiment srae made last
year witb a piece of Braailian bort. The
sloe e bad a radiated internal structure,
and it was k-pt on a polish tne wheel
madeot hard iron witb a diameter of one
foot for asvsn and a bait hours a day for
nins montba. Darin that time the
wheel turned at the rate ol twenty Ave
honJred to three thousand revolutions
per minute.
A Florida paper giva the general situ
ation :
From the De Laod Supplement.
Tbe legislature ie now in fall blast at
Tallahassee, and the people cf tbe great
state of Florida tor tbe next eixty days
will bave the pleasure of noting the
progress ot freak legislation, and tbe nec
essary wrantle and row over tbe election
of a U. S. sees tor. In tbs eooree of a
few centuries perhaps, when tbe patience
ot our people is worn to tbe thinnest
thread, they will take this metier of
electing a senator out ol tbe heads of the
legislature and attend to the bnaiaeee
themselves. Cnfortone-ely, the people
have bot little to ear in tbe matter ol
reform. Tbe politician ao ail the eat
ing, and tbe people follow their lead like
a mule pack train follows tbe belled
The tuan came ont of an office building
on tbe run, and atarUd down tbe street.
'Here! Hare!" crtrd tbs policeman
on the corner, "What's vour harry?"
"There's a man bees tbere trying to
sell me a book on twenty-eight weekly
installments of $2 35 each" cried tbe
Tbe policer&an instantly released His
"Ran!" be cried. "Ron like a while
bead. Ma; be yon can get away from
him yet ."Chicago Post.
From the Hartford Times.
Geoeral Shelter again rertifiea that the
canced "road" beet wae all rigbtat Ban.
tiago. Be ssys he ata ii every day. As
it ia officially k iown that be was stretch
ed out in a hammock with a cramp In
hia stomach mot-t of the time for several
weeks after he arrived there. Lie certifi
cate as to lbs qoalit rf the beef has
bat tbe Providence Journal woold call
"high moral value."
Jimmy Won't your mother be mad
when she sees how you lore yoor clothes
Tommy I guess not so very, tla'll
nave lots 01 inn nuntio' np cloth to
match an' pottin' io a patrh so people
csn hardly notice it. Puck.
From tbe E. A.
Dr. Booth received ord from Foster
- ye-sieraar luai buss sterling, woo was
I accidentally shot at that ( lacs last week
' is getting along wtu.
Dr. G. W. Cheadle. who recently a red
uateJ irom tbe Baltimore College of
Dental Sorgery, arrived here last even
ing, and will remain here for seversl
weeks. He is welcomed back by msry
Msrried, st tbe borne of tbe bride's
Sister, Mrs. . W. Hm'th, in this city
atnoin Wednesday, April 26,1899. Prof,
W. J. Looopy, ot Jefferson and Miss
Martha Brfiices, of Lebanon, Rev. W
r. Elinor, of Brownsville, officiating,
rroi. ixwney is principal ol the Jensr
son institute ana is a splendid young
man, a member of a prominent pioneer
iamiiy 01 aiarion county, ine nappy
young coupie left in the afternoon bi
private conveyance for Jefferson, where
.1 :n 1 ., .
iuer win rasas meir noute.
Twenty-four of the Ladies of the De
gree of Honor of Albany, including tbeir
degree team, made tbe D. of H. lodge of
this city a fraternal visit last Wednes
day and assiuted in initiating three new
members into tbis lodae. Tbe Lebanon
ladies served both dinner and supper to
iiiu Tiaiung mem oers in urand Army
iiaii, iue waa reuows' ball navlno bean
secured for tbe iaiuaiory work. A
eoou time is reported b al -Draeent .
rouoaing are ine names 01 tbe visitors
Mesdanies bears. Kims. M Parkar
raraer, iinagreo, aieyr, tswan, blites
O I I ! 1 a m . .
nogue, uraw, fnillips, wardman. Mil
loy, Harkness, Borum, (juiseness. Bar
ker. Miller, Oilson snd Farlev and Miaa
es Batk r, Leale, MsHargue anl Par
uo to vertex s sbavinir and hair ens
tinir parlors for first class work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to every
to mer.
Caveats ind Trade Ifsrks obtained and all Pit
(cut biulnesi conducted for Moderrts Fees.-
c Brndmod'-l.dnkwtTiRorpboto; We ad else If
Snslentsjlefreaof ch&r?. One fas aotdna till
patent 1 secitrei. A fampsiies "uow touo-l
Uli Pstents." with cost of same In tha
. mi 'wwi,i. wiiii 1. his wu, tq. ,in,
ui r jreipi oousixiee sent rrse. oonas,
& Ae GNOYS & CO.
Oe. PavewT Oenn
wasHtnarr. D. c.f
tMmtl" .T'."" "J" I
r wl'l be held Id May. The
old law
Uw ia Mid to be much stricter.
1 Le Dxuocut bat Juit read that the
foundation ot good health is cheertui-
ness. A morose, tour orrson cannot be
A cycle christstiing is reported from
Belgium. The father too a the infant to
church on the machine, followed by other
members of the party on their bicycles.
Another disastrous cyclone In the east.
There is nothing like experiencing the
feeling:! safety that.prsvails in this val
ley against cyclones and hurricanes.
Yesterday was the birthday ol General
Grant. He was born in 1822, and his
career was one of the most Interesting In
American history.
The demand for cattle is great and high
prices will rule. Farmers should sroept
the situation and increase tbeir stosk.
This valley should be made a slock conn,
try as well as a wheat valley.
T' e biggest trust of all will be the
e.ppT trust, so gigantic that tbe Eng
g'.ish aod Americana are combining In
forming it. John Ball who has kept out
of tbe trust business should be ashamed
of himself.
Attorney General Blackburn's opinion
has been asked on nearly every subject
possible, with a response that is pointed
and satisfactory. He baa even been
asked to state whether a school boy has
to speak In public If he dresn't went to,
aad eays be does not.
A Portland mother says she cannot sse
wb-re ttereia any treason in earnestly
dseirlog her boy home from fighting in
foreign land, and that some people are
trying to make a mountain oot of a
molehill .
There ie a suggestion that tbe govern
meat will try to get rid of Miles by send
ing nim totbe Philippines. But tbe gov
rnmsnt wi 1 do nothing ot tbe kind.
Tbere ia too much opportunity for glory
there for that
So averacious are tbe trust manipnla
tors that tbere is a scheme back east to
Mimhlna several bis trusU into a still
larger trust, and we expect to bear o(
twaad-atecl tiast or most anvthtog un
der the sun. Tbe trusts beaan to thrive
ban tha nraaaot administration went
into office. This is a m altar ot nUlory
A Polk county man claims an Income
for that eonoty ol 60,000 a year from
eggs, which is probably nooe too high.
It will be generally noticed that tbe
tbrilty farmer and bis wife always bring
batter and eggs to town wben tbey come
and where tbey make it a practice it
means a good deal in lha coaraa ol the
yar, witn some actually rneniog ex
penses, so that the cereal crop will be a
clear gain.
A patient once said to bis physician,'
"Doct?r, I belive theie is somethiog
wrong witb my ecmach."
MSot sfit of it, " replied the doeto.-.
Qod made your stomachs, and He
knows how to make stomachs. There
may be eetnetntag wrong with tbe stuff
yon put into it or something wrong with
the way yon staff it la and cram it dowa
bat year stomach is all rigbt.
IaRenJoaa' Porte Rico, an edict baa
gotte forth that the little children shall
ao longer ma nakei in tbe streets. It
will require cotton goods to clothe tbe
little ones, end tbe mills cf tbe eowtb are
very eloee to Porto Rico. This will be
a food thing for tbs southern mills .and
operatives, meanwhile tbe people both
Nrtb aad Booth eaa continue to help
feed aad clothe tbe caked in our new
poaseasioos, for tbey certainly cannot
clothe theaieeives.
Tbe praise for tbs Oregon boys in tbe
Manila paper published la tbe Dntocaar
yesterday mads tbe blood tiogis in lbs
veins of many who read It. As brave aa
tbe men ooder Wellington end st Bun
ker Eill, the greatest displayed ia war
fare. Some doubled whether tbs joong
fellows, clerks and students, woold fight
bot it is being proven tbst tbsy are of
tbe staff that beroee are made of. lib
the air fnli of bullets' tbsy rushed for
ward towards Ibe hidden pagans, aod as
from the beginning tbe god of war
with tbem. Yon are rigbt. Freedom,
we are proud of tbe Oregon boys of w bom
some of ibe beet are rigbt from Albany
Ao agrieultural paper aays the average
farmer is as badly mixed op as the Irish,
man who wrote tbe follow iog, when it
comes to proclaiming his rights:
"My Darlin' Peggy: I met yon last
night and yon never came 1 I'll meet
yon again tonight, whether yon come or
whether yon stoy away. If I in there
first, snrs I'll writs my nsme on the gate
to tell you of It, aod, if it'e yon that's
first, why rub it rut, Carlin' and no one
will be the wiser. I'll never feil to be
at tbe Irystin' p'sce, Peggy, tor, failb, I
can't keep away from tbs rprt where yon
ere, whether jou're tbere or whether
you're not.
National Grange Mailer ones told the
industrial commission at Washington that
transportation is the most important iues
sioa witb which the farmet has to deal and
that rates should be made by an ibdepea d
ent commission. He also said that our
consuls should interest themselves ip tbe ag
ricultural products of the countries to which
tbey are assigned. He advocated thi low
ering of salaries of government officials.
Es aster tad that the farmer is enfairly and
inequitably taxed, one-quarter to one-third
of tbe income of tbe average farm in Indi
ana being necessary to pay the taxes levied
upon it . He suggested legislation looking
to uniformity in taxation in the different
states. De favors i uniform income tax,
but ia opposed to the inheritance tax. Oa
the question ot immigration be said the
Poles wers ths most non-aasimilableof all
foreigners coming to tbis country.
To Curo a Cold In One Day
Taks Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it tails
to care. 2"c. Tbe genuine bet L. t. U
on each tablet
Toallpolr t Eastvis
Grer-t Northern Railway.
ForVates. f tders snd full information'
sail on or address
" H. F. Maaanx,
Agent Albany.
At Dubrullle Uarness Cos.
Ycu will find the largest stock of single
and double harness ja the valley, and not
one eaatera set in ths entire one hundred
sets. Ever? set warranted to be as cood
again as say factory harness mads. Ws
make all oar baroess, also buggy and car
riagetops. ,
Tinkle A Dawson for Photos.
The last
Our soldiers continue to corner the I
Filipinos and to annihilate them, but
strange to say they bob up somcwbeYe
else In big numbersand teem to bs in
destructible, like a catfish. Now yen
ses tbem and now you don't tee them.
It has been suggested that a lot of Amei
lean Indians he sent to fig! t tbem in
their own way, following them into their
faatnessss, but tbe U . f. ooys are equal
to the occanon and won't have to call on
tbe red men.
Oregon young men m ver go into any
thing in which they do not take a lead
ing part, and they have don that in this
war with a daring that has commanded
attention and called foith a likeness un
to the soldiers at bunker Hill and Ther-
mopola. When these yonng men left
home a good many people laubtd at the
idea ot their bein soldiers and declared
tbey would run, but I hey bad ibe Oregon
timber, and haw not quailed.
During the week a cyclone has se-ept
througn the middle west causing more
deaths than the entire war to Oregon
soldiers. Soldieis can almost dodge bul
lets but when it comes to cvrlones a man
is like a tub in tbe ocean until ha gets
into a storm cellar. I'lease excuse us
from cyclones.
Considerable nteret has been taken
daring the week in some relics fonnd in
a court hoots pillar bidden for 33 Tears.
That seems like a good wbi'e, but when
gone it ie but a spao. Ia .13 years
though theie have been many changes.
a progress that is marve'.looa !o its char
acter, tsioce those pa pais wers hid sev
ers! of tbe most wondarfol inventiens of
tbe woild have come to light alter fat
The aon?occeintnt of the change in
tbe system of management of the Orc
g iuian in Albany baa created some in
terest on account of the long and faithful
service ewrformed the paper by Mr.
Parker aod his sons who will aaw retire.
The Otegonian is one ol tbe bis: papers
of the TJ. S., and a peculiar! individual j
In its si) Is and character. The Dane '
CBATbaa sept a fi'e of it siote it waa a
folio but little larger than t'.. Dailv
Pxuocaar and has watched with interest
its growth made poer ible by a great tele
graphic service and a metropolitan field,
lie arrival in Albaat baa always barn
watched for witb interest. Tbe time
may come when this city will reach a
population of twenty or more thousand
sufficiently largs to sustain a paper with
-1 1 . 1 1 1
a iuii asawiairu press mspaicn aervice 1
so that it will not be oecewary to depend
on the Oregonian far this part of tbe
news. In connection aitb itthocgh all
loyal citiasos wi'd stand by their local
papers with faitkfal service io the inter
est of tbe city, tLst is not o!y not given
boOs often sntagonised by the b g met
ropolitan paper.
It Is a privilege to brar good vocal mo
sic, eutgiog that yon kaow is of a bi.h
grade, aod you feel it as it Is creeeoted.
Tbis waa the fortoe cf Albany people
daring tbe week. Tbere is a good deal
of taffy sbent vocal music an I local
singer are so freqoeolly praised oa ao
eooot oj associations that ysn cannot al
ways sometimes tell, tbe singing of a
friend etiee being very sweet, regardless
of its merit. There is no greater Injus
tice done than to make ewe tbink one
eaa ting delight. nil when on'jr mediocre
if not poor, aa ia sometimes tbe expert
once ia all places. But a company of
strangers are open; to criticism of tbe
genuine kind aad mutt stand or fall by
No one conversant with tba facts of
recent political history will doubt that
Banna will be eoosoited eocxerniog the
Speakership of the Fifty-e-.xth Congress.
Hia tay-to ia likely to or sn important
factor in determining wbo shall be
cnoeen to till ths place mads vacant bj
tbe retirement of Mr. Reed.
The report that Banna has decreed
that the Hpceker of the next House
sbail be a maa favorable to the If anna
Payne subsidy bill is nat calculated to
excite surprise. It is entirely consistent
with Ilaona's record and affiliations
Henna's relation to tbe Federal Gov
erment is mainly of a bosioeas kind.
He did not purchase e seat in tbe Seo
ate for tbe eois purpo-e t f temg near tbe
Presideot so tbst he might counsel him
bow to paddle bis canoe safely through
tbeeboalsaod quicksands of practical
politics Republic.
Police Magistrate Flammer, of New
York, says tbat a certain professional
bondsman ot the "Tendetlolo" district
has an income from tbe bosiness equal to
the salary of the president ol the United
Slates, without any of tbs expenses and
responsibilities, and, of coorsw. without
any sf the honor.
Tbs descendants of Sir Fraocls Drake,
sailor, and, according to soms historians.
occaaionallya pirate, are about to take
legal steps to recover certain personal and
real estate which they claim has been
nojostly withheld from them. Tba
number of heirs is roughly estimated at
about 4.CC0.
After the strike of lawyers io Spain, ws
have now a strike of jurymen in Austria.
Tbe cilinnsof Prague wbo are called
npon to act as jurymen bavsunsnimous-
ly refused to attend for tbat purpose un
less a ne-w ball ie built to accommodate
tbem, the old one being unhealthy snd
too small.
Young Mothers.
Cro'iD is the terror of thousands ot
young mothers because its outbreak is so
Mnivin. a f ! f a Inl Khitnrt'a
Cough and Consumption Cure acts like
magic in cases oi croup. Ji nas never
seen known to fail. The worst cases re
lieved immediately. Prices 25 els,, and
50 eta. and $1.00.
Staudsid of' the world!! The Petal-
nms Incubator. C. 0. Bates agent, Alb
any, Ore.
Get the best flour.
The Maunoliar
No Ture, No Pay.
Ibat is the war all the dm-fists sell
Grove's Tasteles Chili Ionic for Chi! Is,
Malaria and Uilliouiniss. It is aa pleas
ant to take as lemia syrup, 50 i.
Tour grocer keeps it.
The Magnolia Flour
Ring. Ringa,
Jewelry store.
Rings st French's
As well aa the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druygit aad get
FRES a trial bottle ef Kemp's Balsam lor
the Throat and Lunfcs, a remedy that la
gnarantred to cure and relieve all Chrcnie
and Acuta Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis
Censors ption. fries 26c, and SOo,
Here is something rather new. A
Kansas negro has just been lynched by
It is said by one man just from Manila
that the Oregon boys were so much on
the fight that they paid for places in the
ironi ranus.
The man who refuses to pay his tax
under the new ordinance may be arrest
ed and thrown into jaii for both tax an I
costs, though it has been il -t illed that
you cannot imprison a man (or the costs
of a case.
Now they alnioot have Aquinaldo, and
now they have not. He will be a hard
man to down. When nnre captured
there no difficult in terminating
the war with the Insurgents.
The buggies and wagons will not be
taxed. Why not as mttch aa the bicycle.
The bicyclists will now be handicapped,
because in addition to the tax here tbey
are liable to be seized in other counties
under the state tax. Is there no end to
As long as the stale university has the
money it should do away with two or
three political professors and hire a high
grade lrekwlent if it costs (5,000 a year.
He would be worth more to tbe college
than a dozen professors hired on account
of their poli let.
Richard Croker, a great t"st ot the
present sge, is on Ihe war to Europe.
ucb men are a stench to iwl.tics and it
ia time the people roee up squint! t bosses
generally. It is perfctly ridiculous that
in a five country, a man not holding an
otlioe can dictate the entire policy of the
government of a big city.
The new court house at Eugene will
be formally dedicated on Monday May 1,
afternoon and evening. Tbere will be
addreeca galore, thoe do an to make
speeches being Thoe Condon, J J Walton
A Lien Uond. Itavui K Hill, H C Teatch,
Frederick S Lrunn, E P Coleman. It
tikipworth, S L Morebead, C F Knox, '
Robert Clow 'an J Laurence T Harris, j
They evidently didnt intend to miss any '
one who could speak rn public on tli
ramia, a it'.re mnd eomewii i lo-i
tbe world, net worth the poad !u b'ow
it ip. causing a good deal ot trotible,
bot then a good many nf U,e truubles of
tbe wold are canted It i-tignificant
Congressman Tongue tars the next
sneaker must be friendly to tbe great
West, that is be mart be a man in favor
of tbe Nicaragna canal etc. It i I to be
) hnped -. but Toogoe canoot tell what a
1 1 oitet Mates coogtets will do.
Big; noeed people ere receiving a grea'
deal of satisfaction in . reading tbe re
marks ot Cyrano de Sergera::
"I am proud poseestine such soDendioe.
Tis ae!l-known,a big nose is indicative
Of a eool sSabie,anc kind and courteous,
Liberal, brave, jast like tnjeeif, and
As too can never dare to dream yoor
Coals P Huntington is severelv taken
to'iask by a ao Francisco paper for re
podiatlnj promises uisJ-u a'.tacbes of
tbe Scntbero l'aci6e Kailroai Company
as ius oaioreas 01 me war aitn eoain.
Then be publicly enoounced ttat all of
bis men sou eoueht oerVke in the armv
or eavy in dien oi thetr country woold
oe reetoted 10 iheir poettioas wben their
terras of mot txiureil. Recently
trvcrai ex-em ptoses ot ibe boat b era fa
cine ralurnevl It ova Uaoila. and upon
making application for emntovmeet witb
tbeir old company were t arced away.
Mrlctlr bUHtncsa
French the jeweler.
Crvwoent 13icrcJe.
Hopkins brothers, asreaU.
Bent llwyiJe foe t.e mottey
Will A Jtark. jewe
A great reduction in every
goods for 90 days at P. Cob ens
ISdoseo Isdies shirt waists
line ol
from 40
cen s upward, at P. Cohen's
2.OJ0 yarns of sbirt waist silks, latest
styles, at reduced rates at P. Cohen's
Cresorot binrclea at Hopkins Brother
for only 20. 30, f3S and loO.
C B Winn, ciiv ticket egeot. Tickets
to all points in the east.
Be sure aad see tbe aati rat tinware at
Bopkia Btoa, wai las: a Ufetime.
Go to Miss Long for high priced rho
tographs, and do not lorgel to take suong
the money.
For a quick remedy aad oae that is per-
wuv aie ror coiioren let us recommeed
One Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent
for croup hoarvettcss.Ucktieg in the throat
aad coubs. Fotbay A Mason.
For frost bitee, bursa, indolent sore, ec
"raa. skia disease and especially pile. Dt
Witt s tVitcb Haael Salve s'aads first and
best. locik cat lor diboat people wbo
try to imitate and ccuaterfeit iL It's
tbeir epdorrn.ent of a good artie'e.
Wortblees go-ds are not initatetl. Get
De Wiu a Witch Haiel Sa.. Fcthay
This and That.
See Locals on every page.
Wheat t7 cents.
Cash hardware. R. K. Ohling.
Garden tools at 11. K. Ohling-.
Builder's hardware at R. K. Ohling s
A large and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the die
W ben you want a choice steak, a nke
roast or meat of any kind, call on henry
3rodera. He keeps the beat.
The best meata of all kinds aad good
treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, just djwn Second
treet. G wd weight and prompt attend
At tbe season of the year when pneu
monia, la grippe. sore throat, couehs.colJs.
catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to
oe guarded aga.ont, nothing "isa finesub-
stitnte," will "answer tbe purpoee," or is
"just as good' as One Minute Cough Cure.
Feat is tbe one iafa lible remedy for all
eg, throat of bronchial troubles. Insist
irorovalr upon hiving it if 'something;
e' is o7fd yau. Fosaay A Mason.
Sick Headaches,
The curse of overworked woman kindrare
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the groat blood purifier and
tissue builder. Money refunded if not
satisfactory, rricc, 23 cts. and 60 eta.
Moatc Mis Miiarea Burmeater
eacher of piano or organ. Svstem ths
Mason touch and technique. Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P chinch.
CLOjsrvo Rates. Weekly Dimoorav
snd Examiner 12.50 and Thrice-a-week
World 12.00; and Republic 1.?5: and
Oregonian 12.25: and San Francisco!
weekly-Call 12.00 ;and Salem Weekly
Journal 2.00 -
See our two yenrs privet ulants, before
putting out that Ledge The Albany Nur-
If your liver Is out of order, causing
Biliotuness, Sick Headache, Heart
burn, or Constipation, take a doss of
Hood's Pills
On retiring, and tomorrow yoor di
gestive organs will be regulated and
you will be bright, active and ready
for any kind ot work. This has
been the experience of others: it
will be youm. HOOD'S PILLS are
old by all medicine dealers. 25 eta.
Late News in Short Form.
The End In Sight.
W AHHiNOTON, April 28 The end of the
Filipino insurrections is in sight, in the
opinion ofjarmy and navy officials. A
telegram reseived from Gen. Otis today
announced that Aquinaldo had taken
what is regarded aa the tint step toward
surrendcriug, namely, requesting a ces
sation of hostilities.'
Americans not Spaniards.
Mahila, April 28. Gen. Otis said to
day after an interview with the Fiiipino
i peace envoys :
i he insurgents were completely de
moralized a lien our fort e croese l the riv
er and took the trenches beyord the reb
els, though their position in tne Rio
Grande trenches was impregnable, for
thev defied tbe Spaniard there in 1896,
and thought they could do it again.
The Cyclone.
KiHKBViixt, April 28. As a reult of
the tornado that swept through the east
ern portion of tbis city yesterday evening
demoliahing half of the residences and
.1 I i' . . . ....
oiner irauoings, nearly M Ueaa bodies
uu uw v in urw yeraona nave oeen
recoverad. More than a dozen of the in
jured will die.
Sort of a Trust.
Chicago, April 28. General passenger
agents of the Western roads bave adopt
ed the first nine articles of ths new pas
sensrer agreement.
Tbe Union Pacific, it ia believed wiU
decline to tecomea member ot the orga
nization. The other roads, however,
mean to complete the organization.
Gen. Anderson's Return.
Sas Fraxcwoo, April 28. Among the
arrivals (root tbe Orient on tbe America
51 am today waa Gen. Thorn aa M. An
derson who has been ordered to report to
the adjutant-general for assignment to
duty. He left here for Manila aa a colo
nel in tbe regular army and now returns
a may r-gener! of volunteers.
Worse than War.
t-r. fjnria, April 27. A special t tbe
Globe-letnocrat irom Kiriuville, Mo.,
tay :
A .utlieiing storm that fia-J teen
i cninr aa eiternoon brtke noon
I : ktviile at 6:20 o'clock tonight in all'
: c lury of a cyclone. A path a quarter
. I a mite wide and as clean aa tbe prairie
as swept through the eastern portion
of the city, and 400 buildings, homes and
mercantile houses were leveled to the
ground in scattered ruins.
By a o'clock 49 dead bodies bad been
taken from the ruins. Il is expected
that the list of dead will reach between
60 or 70. Xearlr 10X1 people were in
New ton Struck.
Kaxaaa Crrr. April 27. A Sbecial to
tbe Journal from Cbillicothe aays :
A tornado probably the same one that
swept over kirksriUe struck Newton a
small town sn Sullivan co.. tonight, aod
caused terrible destruction. It ia report
ed mat to people were killed tn me city,
and that many others were killed in tbe
country nearby. A great number of tbe
buildings were blown down.
Completely Routce.
Maxixa, April TT Gen. ilarrArtbnr's
dirtaton croeeed the Grande today,
and airanced on Apaht.compietly rout-
iofc uie aower ot tne reoel army.
Tbe enemy were strongly entrenched
on the river bask near both side of ibe
railroad bridge.
Law ton's Advance.
Mamla, April 27. Gen. Lawton'a ad
vance has been a remarkable demon
slrauon of the resistless energy which
characteriiea al bis nnderstAndins.
A report has gained wide currency
among the volunteers that the govern
ment intends to ask that there be no
fighting after Calumpit is captured, and
that it is the intentiou to replace them
at the front with regttUrs.
Want Peace.
Mum, April 27. Gen. Luna has
made overtures for peace He asked for
a cessation ol boeulitiea. and has aent a
mewaenger through tbe lines to see Gen.
Olis about terms oi surrender.
Otis' Report."
Mi ml. April 2S. La wton is at Nor
ia?aray and Angat. His two columns
bave driven the enemy to the north .and
MacAathur has taken a portion of Cal
umpit SMln ot the river. Tbe movw-
anil was auenuea witn auiiculties on
account of tbe jungle, beat and strong
in trench men t. His casualties yesterday
were three killed aad eleven wounded.
Iievelopments thus far are satisfactory.
The Last Ditch.
Manila, April 26. Aqoinaldo'tfvrmy to
day is defending Calumpit energetically,
which is said to indicate that tbe rebels
are finally mskin - thai place t last
ditchor sund, h the Americars ex
pected them to make at Maloioe.
-Miles Objects.
WiSunsGTOX, April 26. It is said here
that tbe president has fully decided to
relieve Gen. Miles of the command of
tbe army on account of the verdict of tbe
beef board of inquiry and that Miles will
protest and carry his fight to conirreas
and attempt to have a congressional in
quiry. Will Call tor Volunteers.
WASnrxcTCx-, April 2tx It was defi
nitely decided by IVesiJent Mr Rinte to
day, after a conference at the White
House with Oen. Miles and then with
Sec. Alger, to call for the SS.OtXl rolnn.
teers for the Phtlipninee es soon aa it ,
known w hether Aquinaldo escape from
Mac Arthur and La wton. If be docs the
volunteers wiU be called.
The Idaho Strike.
Wardxek, April 26. The first shot has
been fired, and the place has been turned
into sn armed camp. The strikers were
inrion all last night at their hall. At
5 :30 tbis morning a compact body of
men, headed by President Boyles started
up the canyon snd drove the non-union
nien sway.
A Cyclone.
Omaha, April 26 A special to the Bee
from Stewards, Neb., says:
A terrific wfnd and hail storm swept
over this place tonight doing great dam
age to property and injuring several per
sons. Do Not lie Fooled
Wilh the idea that any preparation your
druggist may put up and try to sell you
will purify your blood like Hood's Sar
arilla. Ibis mediciie haa a reputa
tionit baa earned its record. It is
prepared under the personal suptvis
ion of educated pharmacists who know
the nature, quality and mediciral ef
fect of all the ingredients u.-ed.
llood's Saesaparilla absolutey cures
all tSrms of b'ood disease wben otbor
medicines fail to do any good. It is tbe
Worlds' great Spriug Medicine and the
One True Blood Purinr.
Happy is tbe man or wuuin wbo caa
eat a good hearty meal without suffering
afterwards. If you cannot do it, take
Kodol Dyspepsia Core. It digests wnat
you eat, aad curta all forms of dy,e(VMa
and indigestion. Fohay & Mason.
If you bave a cough, thoart irritation
weak 1'ings, pain in thi chet. ilitticu't
breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us sug
gest One Minute Cough Cure. Always
reliable and sale, r oanay Mason.
Before th dixoovery of One Minute
Cough Cure, mtnisterss were greatly dis
turbed by coughing congregations. ' No
excuse for it now. Foshay A Mason.
"Uive me a aver regulator and 1 can
enonlnrn tha wnrtrf s&i,l a ownina. Tna '
drusgist handed him a bottle of DeWiit's
Little Early Risers, the famous little pill.
Foshay A Mason.
J. Sheer. Sedalia, Ms., condustor on
r trio atnwt car hna. writita that his littla
u ght er was very low with croup, and her '
ed alter all physicians bad tailed
using Co Minute Cough Cure.
, a Mason
Mftuy a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purines the breath
byita action on the bowels, etc., as noth
else will. Sold for years on absolute
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 sts.
Everlasting Itching
And Burning; of the Skin on Face
. Cured by CCnCCRA
For the last three month I have bean troubled
rltb. aa rlattac lubiog and burning of tba
kin on my race, and did not know what to do
to ear It. I eras prevailed upon to try Con
ceal Rsasmss. Tba result waa simply woo.
derrut. In ont we,k after mtnf. the Ctmcuaa
Boar aad Ctrrtccaa lixsm-rasT vat tntWtly
rid of it, ki my skin la la a bealtby eoodltloa.
1. H. VAJi 6LAH3,T& Seocktoasc Baa rraa.Cal.
CBTICTJBa RKSOLVk XT beclns witb tbe blood
and cads witb Ibe skin aod scalp. Taatletotar
IS purines tbe blood aad eircalatlaf fluids of
HUMOR OEBM8. aod Urns removes tba emse.
wbUe warm betas witb CtTTItt.'Ra. SOAP, aad
centle aaolotins witb CCT1CCBA (ointment),
greets of emolllant skin cares, cleans tbs akla
aad atalp of emu aad sesles. allay ItebbMr, bam.
ln. sod laSsmmstlria, aootii and beaL Taasara
speedily, permanently, and economlcany cared
tba moat tortarlsc dtsAg-nrlnc bnmors of tba
sfcto, scalp, aad blood, with loss of belr, wbea tba
beat pkystctaas sad all other remedies tau.
Sold mieeabeatSaewerld. rWrnD ntCCw,
rmym-, IVirtna -HwleCert.ry Uiiir."faea.
made Son snd WhHs ha
Xj'.ice ii heebr e'rta tbtt M Coaolac
asm. th adminii'ntor of tbeaaUteo
thomaa Urach, dncnl bs bis day filed
tn Cuoy Court ol Linn county, Or-gon.
W fio il acoo.t aa such 'iaiin:'rtor aad
fiy.1 court baa Sxei tbe 1st dy of May.
tt'yj, at tbe bour oi 1 o'clock p tn of said
tsy, at the couit house at Albany, Orexoo,
tearing objections Io said accoont and
rttling the ame.
March 11, 1W9.
Administrator of Tbmaa Htv.'a, de
rt. C. Watsos.
Attorney for Administrator.
Cjcxrr Co3st op ra t 3nr : r
In the matter of tbe estate of ja:-'.s vc
Mahon. To William H. MtMah Mary Drink
ard. Jainea Steaart McM.bon, James
Dnnkard, George Drinkard, Clara Dries
ard. Laa Drinkard. itliam Mciiaboo,
Catherine McMafain sad all other pers'.as
intend ii in said estate, irnvrting.
Oregon, J'ti ar he e' y ri td and re-qoire
to appear in tCosslr Coon of tbe state
of Oregon, f r ib coonty oi Ltnaattbe
court rocia thereof, at Albany, ia aairf
county, on the let day uf May. 1499. at oce
o'clock In the aivr noon of that day. thee
aad tcere to sbew eaa e if any oo ot
either of joo mj bave w by aa ordr s Could
ett te rnaJe. 2irUa. auf'-.rii nif an5
nrquinog Ailiiam fa. McMahoe to die
trinate the money in hi basils aa xcoor
of tbe last will mod ttameol rt aaiJ di
ctated, arcordisa? to ibe residtary -Jaue ie
aid will between the a id William H.
Mahon and Mary Drinkard-
, . . h iters, tbe tlo. Geo
leaf1 D. bertoo, ja:ge of tbe
) 3 C County Court of the state of
- - J Oregon, foe the County cf
Una. witb the seal of said coaatr sff xed,
this 4th day nf March, A. D..
attest: Fbask CaaaTasa, Clerk.
By K. B. MosTaoca, Deputy.
Notice is tnreb) at-ea that the ander-
signed baa been by the County Court for
Lon County. Oregon, duty apvciaSed ad
mintatrat T with the wilt Maexed of the
estate of W. I. McMeekin late of liarris-
barg, Oregon, deceased. All persons bav-
tng claims against said estate are Hereby
required to present the same proper. y veri
fied to tbe sadenigwed at his reaideaoe
wear Lavrton, Linn County. Oregon, with
in six moethi front this date.
ItU the 6Ui daj of Maxzh. 1S&9.
Admibtior with the will annexed of
W.J. McMee-kia. deoraaed
WaAttnEBroao k Wtatt.
Atty'a for adm'r.
X. tne couaty court ot una eooatr. Ure
f ,o, has sppointel tbe underaigwed aa ex
ecn'rix of tbe lat will and testament of
Adam Settienuer, deceaed: any aad all
Dereooa baviaar dai ma atraU a said estate
are hereby rpqaired to preaewt the same to
sbe nodersigned at tne c&ce of Keiley m
url, la Albaay. Lrregon. wtta proper
oocber. therefor, within six BVatbe
el OTX1 the date of this roblxatioa.
Da'e.1 at Albany, Orevon, this March
Lcc:sb D. SarrrLaMtEW.
Ckxlt A Ccbl. Execatnx.
Attcrneys for ivxeaitrix.
To AJlPcintaEiit .
Solid veattbule trains, consisting of pal
ace sleeping cars, luxu'ioas dining can,
elegant day eoecbea, magnificeat toorisf
cars tad free culoaist sleepers from the Pa
ciSc to the Atlantic withoBt change.
cost Dtasxrr aso CHsarawr aorrra r
District i
All coinbt in the Okaaacaa Coanv.
G a pamphlet giving a full lesenptiox
' of this wonderful country. Ask tbe atrefit
I for a copy of the mining laws of Britut-
i Columbia.
I Lowes ratew o aad fro.n
Atlantic reamship ine.
Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo 's
Royal Mail Steamship
lino to China andJapan
The shortest lioe to tne Cclooies. These
steamers carry aa experienced medical
maa. and a stewardess on every voyage
f or time tables pamphlets, or any in
ormation, call oa or addreaa.
s t r4f 4 ; . vm-.! v .
G J J ITtii. Vt't. US C i r i t
an 1, Or.
1EO. McL. BROWN. D. P. A
A Rare Bargain.
For sale, a house and lot in a favorable
part oi the city. House ia a two story,
eight room building in good condition
Good well aad citv water. Will be sold at
a rare baiyain. it mist be sold so do not
miss this chance. Inquire at the Daao
at office.
1 hricr-a-Wetk Edition
13 Pages n Week . . .'.
. . . 156 Papers a Teai
For One Dollar
i aitahewevery AlleraalewaysxeesSaae
Tbe Thrice-a- Week Edition of Trk Mw
York World is first among all "weekly's
papers in aise. frequency of publication
and the freshLSsa, aeeoracy and variety ol
omenta. XI UaS all US
mnts of a
great $6 daily at the price ef a dolla
weekty. Its political news is prom rt, coon
FIRST NkTIOitAL at 4 K I ,
o At-SAST.oaawo-' .
TBASSACTB A OaA-SaAtbasalnstlieslsssl
ACCOUNTS KSPT snblect to taeek.
liJHT KICHANiiE J irrpAl traasfte, tale
a Ksw lark aan rraaelseoyCejoaan ana rwllaa
LSOTlOIti SAOSan fnyneaVa
. .. siaantosji)
f a Oooswie, M f Heal
fc. S. raaja.
W E Biiyefl. Foshay & Mason block
H Bryant, P O block
Anderson Cannon, PO Mock.
J N Duncan, P U blot a
T P Hackreman, Pearee nlock.
Judge U II Hewitt, P O block.
N B Humphrey.
Kelly 6l Curt, bank building
L H Mottanve, Pearce blot
J C Powell, P O block.
CESox, POb'ork.
,LL -W8DB, Bank building.
H J Watson, bank building.
Weaiberford A Watt, Bauk bmlding
Whitney A Newport, Cuaick Work.
O 'A' W rivht, P O block.
S H Garland.
A A rassinw.
TJ Wilson
liti Scuth
o a them Paciflt Co
Osin,,, Saaeaas Trataa ieaes "-' -
a. I L
IUi I ar
Abo train top at s'a 'Inr.n t
iween ' land ii rif,a Toi
wr, jro, Je-rwn K ban;
lar.tceut. hc.t. Halsej r
Cottage Gwe, Dra -, Oak'aad nd t
tattoos troo Bonel- j io'h to and !
lading Atblasd.
t ju a Ut
tKtara U
K-.Bn lAr
a" :
4m . . r
7 1 il
bsac ftbs w tet Mm
Arm Ai aav from U-nooen
lwO aa
Laaveea t . Uf l-
aits r a
Tt SI a
Arrresata a jirea i
OiaJntr Car on OtfJtD r.
irmtrf ta all tar-aS lrs.
eTaeS Side lltvsaSaw.
rrsv ass rwsrrvAiw aa tesiu
ata ra aawv timyiSsain
meal is sui,aan
Sea a i k
StSaai ar
ar . sJ
L I 1-!S
KipnsaTraa DaCj (ewp waday
ssea. L
ISSral Ar
fsar ar
ar i -aa
' I ;sa a
L 1 4 a
aeNatn tarlcM on ive bAwtai e -.lH. Sse
aMiil4u frii-ci. HeSiT Sr a
aadslsesnad . racbaLac "loepnr
I g Sen t S P A
SassssAitiekec. to nsKem aJnts aad "
aJAFAS. CsU A. a J3TOL.CI-C sat ACsTt-
UA eaa bs nid Srsaa Bv rwwaav. aew
S isnsj ar C IWDI
P oilman Sleeping utrs.
Elegant Dining Cars,
ToTJxist Sleeping Car-
. fargo,
TO Grand Fork'
Crook stoa
Helens and
ICsshingtoa '
Sew aork
Soston and al.
.oints East and Sooth
Tkrongn tkkdts to Japan aad CVna. vis
Tacornaaad Northern Paci&c stesjashir
Oo aa Americaa line
For inlormatioa, time cards raspe anC
tickets eall oa or write C G Bnrkhsrt
ag-at. Albany, Or.
ADCharltr. A- Gen Fan aa
Portland O
fast Sal' Laae, Denver, Ft last
Mail Worth, Omaha. Kan- Mail
3 pm eas City, St Louis, 6:45 pa
Chicago snd East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokane
Fiver ane, Minneapolis. St rMve'
2 .10 pm Paul, Duluth, Mil- SjA at
waakee, Ctkago, A
For San Francisco--Sail
every five days
ExSunday STEAMERS. EASandw
Saturday To Astoria and Way
lOpm Landings.
Exiiun. Oresoo Cite, Sew berg, Ex Sscn
Salem A W ay-Land
Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monda
Thnra., Otegon Cttv, Daytca, Wed.
and Sat. and WayLanda. snd Sat
6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 oa
Tuesday Portland to Corvallis Tnerlay
Tbur., and Way-Landings. Tbur
and Sat. and Saf
Lv Riparia Lv Lewistoa
I:S0am SNAK.E RIVER 12;0O r
Daily Riparia to Lew is ton Dailv
Gen. Pass Agent,
C. G. RAW LINGS, Portland, Or.
Agent Albany.
In the Valley.
Is Utisurpajn-cu
In Oregon.
e have the best stock u
swlect from and our prices
to alwavs the lowest, qualit?
Aitny. The Pr..tter
K. O. T. M.
every Saturday evening av K. O. T. Is
ball- Visiting Knights inviied.
rj it Nswpert,Ootnissnder.