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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1899)
mat twmnt; MONDAY. Arrested without Cause. Saturday evening Mr. Casper Yandran of the depot hotel, was arrested by Deputy Marshal Roberts, of Portland, on the charge of having cut open a mail bag. He was takenbefore K. H. Mon tanye, acting as U. S. commissioner. Assistant V. &. district attorney Mays, ol Portland, appeared for the govern ment and J. R. Wyatt for the defendant. There was no evidence at all to implicate the defendant and he was promptly dis charged. The offense happened several months ago, some one thiough mali ciousness catting a slash in a mail btu' in the wagon of P. J. Baltimore, the Al bany messenger while he was wailing at the deroi. TKV-- T i n T. "VI. ib".. luis morning s x or seven drummers were on the street car on their wa;to the; dejK.t to take the Lebanon train, when a peculiar experi- viiui njt:iirrai i n a? no m ....... dropped into the umbrella of H. J. Lee "Dewey's Day." Just a year ago today 'Mid mighty cannons roar, We won a victory, the like of which Ha never been heard before. 'Twas won by noble Dewey, Who, away in far Philippine Lead hit men to victory. And swept the Spaniards clean. O, well we might be proud of him, He is a modern &eaar Fighting for the just and right And won't atop for a"Ueaser." There's not one true American, In all this clorinua land That would cot give one-third his worth 10 shake brave Dewey hand. Other men may rise to fame But we shall 'ere endeavor. To let nothing stop our keeping "Dewey's Day" forever. Mm. Chas. Mbdin. Pure Tea in packages at grocers' . Schillings Best Oakville. uururra, a. ne ena 01 a near was uiuiiiujcT ior j. u. Meyer, setrni tire to "r " r oiaaeu in scti a livclv manner that Mr. Lee was obliged to j.nup from the car and stick it in a mud i.nddlo but not until it was ruined, whn meant something as it was a costlv ne. The ether drummers seemed to" think it was a go.Td joke. -otice. fcvery memlier of Safety .. u. t . vt. are reqnest- eu to ue at lodge as business of import ance will come before the meeting. By Alcxm Meeting. There will be meeting of th3 alumni of Albany College at the residence of Mrs. S. G. Irvine to- nigm ai o'clock, which all members are requested to attend. Bv order of we i resuient, J. U. Irvine. TnK B.xn Wiu. Play. Simonton's Cornet Band will meet tonight at the hall at 7 :"iO o'clock, preparatory to giv ing an open air concert in honor of Dewey Day. It seems impossible to kill the Oregon boys in the Philippine war. One of the Pendleton boys was hit in a pocket, where he bad a lol of cartridges. The bullet struck a cartridge and elanced off doing no damage. . The Jefferson Review says that the young man in Syracuse precinct accused of rape, mentioned in the Dsmocrat, has fled. Previously he had borne a good reputation. , A nice Hoe of wbipaTdusters and rob' a all new styles, jnt t received at A. E. ken horn's, Broadafhin street, between 2Jand 3d. . Albany is at least receiving credit all over the state for having the state band tournament in June, and it will prooab ly be a fact. Mr. F aoc Sberger has Leen in Like Mrs. Littler's Death. Mrp. Dr. Littler died at her home in this city last SaturJay evening, April 29, 1899, at the age of 34 years, after an ill ness of several months. An operation was performed in the forenoon, but it coma not save her. Airs. Littler waa born in Indiana, Sep tember 7, 1864 and can e to Albany with her husbaud about ten years ago, where she became beloved, by all knowing her, uer pure me ana cneeriut disposition making her friends everywhere. She was member of the M. E. church, in wlii.-h she took a prominent part in the work, ami oi me rteoeccas. A husband and son survive her to mourn the loss of a model wife and af fectionate mother, and all will unite witu tuem in sympathy over their great loss. The funeral service was held this af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the family resid ence ami was conducted bv Kevs. At bett of Eugene and Rev. Wire of this city. trip College Notes. R. F. Smick has returneJ from a to Roseburg. The Erodejphian Society helel its reg ular meeting Friday evening. The General History class, having finished their work in that study, have begun the study of "History of Europe in the Nineteenth Century." The Y. M. a A. elected the following officers to serve for the e .suing vear: President. G. T. Prau: vice-uremdent. C. A. Mulke ; recording secretary, James Thompson; corresponding secre tary. L. B. Speer; treasurer, A. M. Dickinson. At the A. C. L. S. Saturday the entire evening was given up to the debate "Re- soivea mat u . s. should lorm a defen sive alliance witn Enzlahd." It waa woj by the negative. Affirmative. L. B Sneer. G. T. Pratt and Chaa. Kurnhonr Negative. J. G. Swan. C. C. Errant n.i J. E.Tvree. Oar debate with Monmouth will take place May 19 in this city. To defray ex penses an admission fee of 10 cents will be charged. ...TUESDAY. Notice. E B Davidson, Pound maimer, has cir culated the report that I had appointed him Deputy Marshal. This statement is not true. He has no appointment froor me and is in no way connected with the Polios force of the city of Albany, lie gets his oppointment from the cit council and hi work is separate ana apart from the work of the Police force The Police force will not be responsible for his acta. C. O. Lkk. Chief of Police. Miss Emma Pfeiffer returned from Portland, where she saw the Bosionians. Mr Allan Rtellmaker has been elected trimmer for the Electric Light Co jipany. Mrs. Fred Stahl left on last night's overland for Los Aniteles on a visit with friends. W. B. Peacock has returned from Seattle, where he made arrangements to move his store the first of June. Mr Carter, of Portltnd. a cousin of Dr. Littler, has been in the city, called here ty the death of Mrs Littler. C. H. DodJ. of Portland, returned home yesterday after a several days stay in Albany. Mr. Dodd is oneol Port land's leading bnsiness men and politi- C 8. Mrs. Collins Elkins left this noon for her home at Lyle, Washington, after a visit here of several davs, while on her way home from Ashland. O. C. Marshall of this citv and M "A. Miller of Lebanon, went to Cottage Grove tins noon to organixe a lodge of ood men of the World. h C. F. Buregraf, the successful archi-' tect, came up this noon from Salem to I attend the K. of P. banquet tooubt. It Happiness reigns in our own and 'peace'' has at last been declared 'and the "old bridge" still stands dividing east Oakville from west or rather uniting the two towns. The dove, the white winged emblem of peace, aits oo the east end of the bridge while the vulture. the emblem of war "eaibaimed Duet etc., sits on the west approach. See Prov. 14:29. Miss Carrie Shearer, of Shediir, ia visiting friends here- We acknowledge a visit from her. Call again I D. E. Junk in and family will go to Idaho next week. Mr. J. Intends to work on the railroad with his team. The cold rains and the cherry birds are doing some damage to the cherry bloom but we hope they will leave enough for home use. Our merchant went out to take a walk last Friday and on his return he found at his store three of the hand- tomest young belle of Oakville and they were there on business (for one of iheui bad his business card attached to I er cloak.) They showed their respect for Mr. S. by presenting him with some nice which he received with thank fulness The principal amr-aemant in our town is pitching horse shoes and to of our handsome young ladies are expert pitchers. We accepted an invitatioa to witness a game at the residence of A. it. Hamiil last Friday afternoon but when e amveu a shower was in progress so we went i aside and was entertained with unit of as fine vio'.ia music as we ever listened to. Miss Lillian Hamiil waa the violinist. Alter she had Dlaved five eelectione the treated ni to some first class lemonade. We then proceed ed to the horse shoe gams. We found that Mis Lillian could handle the horse shoes wiih as much ease as she did the violin or the . lemon masher. Many thanks fcr the invitation. Miss Elsie Wiley visited friends in Tangent last Saturday. Mr. A. Y. Smith waa in A'banv at an early hour Saturday morning. f Dr. Beers was in our town last Satur-f day. a norae attached iO a buggy took a live.y spin on the streets lat the buggy became uncoupled and the horse ran avay itb the front wheels lr. VI cn was in the buggy at the time but escaped unhurt. Ltrrtt Ro Bid HOME AND ABROAD. Call at the Kugar Bowl for fresh L-ult. " The annual Christian Endeavor con vention will be held in Portland May 25 28. It is reported that Bishop Cnristie has been appointed to mcceed Archbishop Gross. Thtiro were "9 deaths in l' dur ing April and only 44 births reported, but it 1 claimed that only half the births are given in. A small disturbance among the Celest ials yesterday made it look some as if there was a hiiib binder abroad, but it waa probably nothing quite as serious as that. The Standard Oil Co . which reems to be reaching out lor the world, is said to have purchased Iholionanza uiinea at Baker City for $l,00b10.i0. i 1 lie t biuetie declare tliut a Jap in tue city is not a Jap al!, but a Chinaman with his queue cut off, and thero is lots of trouble over the fact.; The beef inquiry committee have re ported in accordance with what thev were appointed for in favor of Alger anil his crowd. 0. II. Vehrs informs us that he finds a good many dead China nheasants ou hi frm. The birds are killed by poisoned wheat that has been put out lor squirrels. kit. venrsrninasmat, lor the protection of tbe pheasants, a liountv should be placed on squirrel teal pa. !i.A. - The new geofral merchandle store of j W. B. elevens A t!i., in the Fromao j block Is already attracting confiderable attention. The store is splendidly ar ranged (or business, the stock of goods is an excellent one, the system of buioess wu , iuu mere an acuouiuiouaimg j ui nersi wno are raiiy lo iiitw ooda. The firm is a permanent and es tablished fact in Albany aod byfairdeal ing intend to receive their share of ilie general merchandise bumness of the city. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Edna Jl'rice, of Salem, is in the city visiting friends. W. T. Pond, tbe tall insurance man, of Portland, is in the city. Mr. Tony Noitner, of the Portland Dispatch, ba been in tbe city. Prof. H. H. White, who has leen in eastern Oregon, now of Portland, is in the city. Tim Davenport, father of H Diner, haa moved from Saletn to his old illahte Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson ram ni this noon from Portland lor a days visit at Mr. irvines. Mrs. J.A. Hrinan left this morninc for Lewtstou, ldaho.wbere she will en gage in bus'ness. Lewiston is said tote tbe lo.-t business center in Idaho. Sheriff Munkerr left yesterday for i'rinoviile after Charles Slsven, indicted by the March grand jtry for cattle steal- V. B. Adama. r-on-iu-Uw of W. Mill sap, has entered he employ of Fred lawron, "the pill aotocrat."of Albany. Dewev Remembered. Deey day was celebrated last even- 111 .TnATIAI II .1 1 1 . M .Trnriln vtart would leave Salem on the ' boat at 3 o'- ! io io Albany lmost an impromptu county n a trip Mr. Wallis Xash, a prominent Benton county farmer ia in the city. Dr. J. P. Wallacs was called to Hams burg this noon to consult with Dr. Maek ' Ecail Sauer, who is claimed to be a greater pianist than Paderisky, will perform in Portland tonight. Superintendent McDonald has his of fice temporarily at Prof Martindale's study in the central building. A dispatch from Washington'says that Willard Davis, who recently returned from Manila, has been granted a dis charge. Prof. F. M. Mitchell closed his term of school in Weston last Friday and is now in the city on a few weeks visit with Al bany friends - Mr Lee Morris of Wasco county arriv ed in Albany a few days ago on a visit with his eon P G Morns, and other rela tives and friends. Mr. L. Gotlieb ye?teiday very indis creetly split some wood for his wife, and the result was a linger cu: so badly that it was neoessaay to call on a doctor to have it attended to. J.M. Pollock , went to I unction this no-n where he will open bis store witn Mr. Warner this week Mr. PoUoek baa been an exreUent citizen and we heartily commend hinyto Janctiou p ople. A telephone message from Lebanon to day announced the illness of Mrs. W . Chandler with heart trouble. Hermolh er and brother will go out this evening to see her. Lloyd Pruett returned from Portland last Friday evening, showing no traces of his painful experience at St Vincent's hospital. lie is now attending school, but may go to Portland to live about the middle ol next month. Yaquina Tug. A. L. Jordan has retornf d from a trip to San Jote, Calif. H-t reports things looking well, but ihe rsin came too late for this years cropland with the except ion othy and one or two other things there will be a very light crop. The Orezonian in its Sunday edition is giving pi' tures of prominent society ladies in different cities of Oregon. Yes terday it presented a picture of Mrs. P. A.Young with the following sketch: Mrs. Percy A. Yoxiiig.ince her arrival in Albany three years as;o as a young bride, has been deservedly popular. She is tbe only child of the late Dr. M. M Gibson, of San Francisco, where she was born and bred. She was educated at Irving seminary, San Francisco, and was given the advantages of travel, being taken abroad by ber parents in her girl hood. Mrs. Young possesses the rare and admirable trait of giving each guest and acquaintance an equal share of ber tnougiitiui attention, ana both she and her husband are much praised for their gracious hospitality. Since coming to Albany Mrs. Young has organized clubs and 'jeen a useful member of them. She is fond of music, and her artistic home is the scene o' many pleasant musical gatherings. In appearance, Mrs. Young is tail, being possessed of a lithe, grace ful figure, crowned with a mass of bright auburn hair. Her manner is very at tractive, being characterized always by the true dignity of a gentlewoman A Lodge of Native Sons. A lodge of Native Sons of Oregon was organised at the G. A. R. last Saturday evening br Eugene D White of Portland", nnder the name of Linn County's pion eer statesman, Dlazon Smith Cabin No 9, with the following officers: Past president. Dr. W H Davis; president, Cyrus H Walker, lav vice president, E. D Cusick : 2nd vice president, P J Bslti more; 3rd. vice president, Frank Crab tree; recording secretary, 1, M Curl; financiai secretary, B M Payne ; treasur er, R B Montague; marshal', A M Can non ; inside sentinel, F M Jack ; outside sentinel, A Moeier trustees, W M Par ker, J D Burkhart snd J L Tomlieon. Ed. Lanning fell off his bievcle this afternoon and fractured his left'arm. Irw-k TK. 1 . I I the party here at 8 o'clock . Judge Boise waa Dresent at the fir.t rm of circuit coart held in Lane county in 1S52. being prosecuting attorney tor the district. There is no man in tbe district who has been more thoroughly identified with the jadi-il history of J western Oregon than Judge Uoise. Mr. Geo. S. Downing went to Xew berg yesterday for a brief visit, after which she will go to Portland. In that city she will ho joined oy Mr. Downing and together tbey wk alt. go to Alaska to visit their da-ghltr, Mrs. C. A. Sebl bttde, of Jonean. Mrs. Doaning ex pects to spend the summer with her daughter while ber husband investigates the Atlio gold district, with a view ol in vesting in good paying properties. Sa lem Statesman. A bicycle ptn is being built between Corvallia and Eugene. The receipts of customs at Manila fcr April were half a million dollars. Mrs. D. C. Coshman, a prominent lady of Brownsville died ai her home in that city last Sunday. Tbe pretty custom of hanging May baskets and bouquets wss observed last evening by a good many. The new barber lav is to tested In Portland, a barber there refuting lo res pect it is to be proeecuteJ an'. shown what is what. Tbe Santmm country is reaching man per, and yet ith a great deal of en thusiasm. Simonton's band was out and discoursed floe music patriotically od bombs and fire crackers were ex ploded galore. It was a live evening. Tbe speeches were shouts. Every per son in Albany is a personal friend of Dewey aod he is first in their hearts. There may have been more red tape ia some places but nc where was there more genuine patriot is a. Game Warden Quimby. of Portlaud, is on his way sunih through the state ap pointing game wardens In each county. Who is the proper man for Linn county. We need one with sand who will see that tbe gams law is respected Mr. Quimby arrived in tbe cily on tbe noon train, and at 7:30 tonight will be glad to meet toe spolaojei aod others interested, at the council chambers. Attorney General Blackburn haa ifiven his opinion thai the food aod dairy com missioner, game and forestry aarden, Ssh commissioner, soldiers borne, pen itentiary, iatane aaylocn, reform, blird and deaf and dnmb schools are entitled to print ing at the eiense of the sts;e, aod that the state board of dental exam i tiers, medical examiners, barbers com mission aod board of pharmacy are njt. Clsa.x Yocr Fu s They need it. If it is dote there will be leas occasions for false alarms raosefl by chimneys burn ing out. Tne O.d Man Chimney Seo out : .!. . f . " for the market of ,h. valley in wood, and Z?. t&l ! He cbaraea only $1 for a flue or 75 cetits jrLeie there are more than one. Dewey day. There was snow in the foot hills be yond Mehama fast week. The Chemawa base ball team ?efete.f Mt Angel last Saturday 10 to 9. The county court will hold this months se-eionHn the conn house before moving to tbe olb post office block. It is proper to hang Mav bask eta t v- night. A pretty custom when carried out with the right sp'ri. An inqniry into ihe matter reveals f he fact that several of tbe chars against the Burkhart boy were not well founded. Maud Wagoner, a former Salem girl known in Albany, has been sentenced to three months in the county jail at Port land, for vagrancy. W G Magers, the murderer of A R Sink opposite Salem, who has been sen tenced to bs hanged in Polk county, baa received a new trial by orderof tbe su preme coart. Judge Boise last Saturday evening rendered Lis decision in tbe auction case, sustaining Salem in its high auction ordinance. The Englis'- and German physicians announce that they will not visit Albany this mouth and poasibiy no ior some time hereafter. H C Chamberlain has the contract for bnilding the new Pfeiffer brick sample room oi second street, and the work will be pushed as fast as the weather will p remit. Mr Stone of the C. & E. haa received word from Caot. Harts of the engineers corps that he will bold another meeting at mo csy in Aug. ant that previously there will be a survey if the Biy made ehowing its currents, etc. Mr Harknesa says tne report that the Burkhart boy took the rings from his nouse was a mista The rings were found, bit he disclaimed all knowlege of tneanair. 'the Doy bis enough to ans wer iyr withcuk this being placed to bis credit. Ihe reCeiDtS of PendM.nn'a nnalnfTica for tbe vear endinv Marxh 5tl 1&Q7 , $6200; for the lollowing fiscal year, 18347, wouo ior me ii months ending March 1, J899, tbe receipts were t9210. The in crease of business between November. 1897, and March 1898. made it a second- class postoince, and when it reaches the ! xiu.uuu mark, as it soon threatens to do, tne town will be entitled to free delivery. The Jessie Shirley Co. closed a suc cessful week's engagement last Saturday evening o a large house presenting "Divorced" m an able manner, one that displayed the versatile talents of tbe company well. Miss Shirley, who is the wife ol the manager Mr. Smith, is an actress of marked ability, and permits only good people in her troup. From here the company went to Corvallia where tbey will be this week. win now attack the ctpital rity itself. Local wood producers around Salem art therefore somewhat dieturtjrd - Next Friday afternoon will be library day in the public schools, when a pio aram suitable for the occasion will ' presented. Donations of books for the library will be appreciate. Those de siring to atteod tbe program to begin at 1 p. m. will be welcome Mr. J. B. Maher, who was here t- ri tay and Saturday, soliciting for the Sorthweet pictorial soovrnr to be rfi tributed among the memlrs oi the Nat ional Edltional Association, i-ecnre.1 $40.50. which it is desired to iccreae to "jO. Roeeburg Review. The Salem Kn aht of fyinias w'll be in AiDany lonigm ai v :.w o oclock on a visit witn tbe Alban lodge, who will give them a grand reception atthir ball. A banquet will be serve.! bv Mosier A McKillop, an assurance of good one. At a recent election in Hays City Kt.. a ticket composed of boy was run against . U - I .J I . . i - I iu. viu uicu, ami iub uuy won out in a canter. Fred JiafFamier. the mayor, is barely twenty-one, and only one of the eonncilmen is older tbsn twentv-tfaree. Haffamier was born on the town site. Two of the eouocilmeo were privates in the Twenty-first Kansas. There is a dispute si to who shall oc cupy a certain store in Fulten street, New York, and the result is the appear ance of two huge signs At No 64 is on reading: "May 1 will remove to No 70. three doors above, George J Henble." The other, "three aloors above." reads: L n and after May I will stay right here and nobody else will move in. D W Gardiner." Tbe new court house at Eugene was formally dedicated yesterday in a very elaborate program lasting nearly all day. ine uusra takes advantage o tbe occas ion o give a page writeup of the history of tbe county, beginning with &43,wbo there were three persons in the county. Tbe old court house was bui't In 1856 and cost 8..r00,'he new on has cost $74, 618 and ii one of tbe finest in tbe state. A good many speeches were made and there was music tpliced in of a high order. Don't delsy. Now ia the lime. The annoiini-s nient is made of a grand mask ball at lietroit on the evening of May 12. Maskers 50 cenw, epectators 25 cents. The Knights Night. The Knights of Pythias held one of their most successful gatherings last night, Tbey gave a reception to the Knights and Sister of Salem and the Knights of Brownsville. Sevuons were and rill travel in the interest of Dawson's herb tea. Lebanon E. A. Mic- Embleron, a returned missionary of the United Presbyterian church from India, wilt deliver an address st tbe U P. church lonigbt, to which all are io vited. Miss Ernbleton is directly from the work in India and her talk will bean interesting on. Dr. L. M.Jones has another cancer pa lieut. Mikt Cowan, of Albany, ho will couie over erery few davs for treatment the caucer is on one of his wrists. Leb anon L.A Uplifting the Weak. i the jJciiuisuT a few necis ago copied some ol the odd things from the New uur-eutation, l 1 orvallia and here a the way the editor expresses hi thanks: Thee.iur of the Albany Dsmockat shows hi inexperience by his com menu on the Utrptnsation. He should iscaie some of the easiest proposition urai aaa not iKaaie witn the toughest ones till he gels further aloog. In any ordinary text book on psychology or rimlanh wala I. .,.nl J . held in the KinghU hail by the Kath-f mat as unintelligible to htm as tboae be oono cistern ana bjnne Knight in tue j UoUa from th N. D. W endeavor to Maccabee hall. Tbey were followed by make our idea as plain a p-asible in a grand banquet at the hail in the 15al- fact bat goes in this paper is mi;k lor UmoreMock, alien about one hundred j babes compared with the stuff e find and fifty sat down to an elegant spread in some of oor exchanges. Our mission prepared by Mosier A McKillop. It as j is to bplifi the weak and enlighten the followed by toasts, and the entire nijMit bliuJ. was spent in the festivities of the ore a- j ... ion, me taiem contingent going home t mis morning on the boat without hav ring! Lamm Aii 8..irrr. The regular reureu. tteauiee the Albany people there meeting cf Ihe Ladies Aid Society will "aZVJ'SU C ,. --:!- re.dnce o! Mr. L. E. vtt J I Kkinmn i. i -rlit,, 1 Ail members aod others interest! in Brow. ii. J. Fleming Eugene Wiliia. pfCU i lauoe lotBKBU, J. L. Ireland, A. A. Burton. H. O. Meyer, O. G. SrheUberg, C. . Knox, Geo. C. Will.F. W. Power Jas. Uwdingle. O. B. CpdegeafT. L. I:. Stioson, A. A. Jessup. . T. Marsh. Mcsdames Parmenter, G.C. Knox. Bur ton. Burgraff, Will, Siensloff. Wrights man, Irvine, Fones. Heed, S5sr,un, Uiss. Willis and Miss Fones. oi Salem. H. Blakrly, 1. G. McClarcn, F. M. Brown, S. p. Barvr, Wm. Chruteneoa, C. I. Knapp, W." J. MnW. D. Gar man, 1'ercy Hume. J. B. Cooev. W. J. Millwell, i. P.. Pearl, W. O. Sperrv, J. W. Ko. Iewitt HobvrU. W. C. Cooler, Joa. Hume, I5ert Tcmplelon. A.J. Teui pleton. Oliver McClaren. Silas Powell. Geva Wheeler, James Sank. JVarren Arthur, Perry Parker, of Brownsville. M. O. Potter, E. L. Houputgartuer. W. O. Cook. Al Herron. Harry 1-1 Wimmtr. ol Independence. K. tirvslow, .Milaca. Minn.. C. W. Barr, Lebanon, A. J. Slruteck. iranta PS. fo yon Eat lcCramT Never do so ontil von have tried r. II. j Pfeiffer', for it is the tetu MO Kings. , A greater variety of friendship, en i gagement ana edding rings never was i Uon in Albany than Ihoce displayed in J French's show w indo t. We invite i everyone to stop and inspect them- They ! are direct fioin Uie factory, bought for - crh, and e tell Uien on a very c!oe u.ariin. i rreuihe waU'h anl ring l.oaae. The Farmers Friend Ninety in the Shade is not so far off as some people seem to think. One of these days and that soon Old Sol is going to make it very warm for people who have not sup plied themselves with apparel suitable for the season. We know of no better place than this store to buy everything in the line of general merchandise and we advise people who want to be comfortable and happv when warm weather does come to supply their needs here and now. Every transaction shall be profitable to our cus tomers as well as to ourselves. W. B. STEVENS & CO. AT H F WclLWAIN'S CASH STORE. pr. Mens Uockford Rib Top Socks 10 oz Piug Star Tobaseo ltt " Battle Ax Tobacco 17 lb. Beat Granulated Sugar 2 pekg Arbonrle or Lion coffee Portland Roast coffee, per paper 6 lb. Arm & Hammer Soda (bolkl 21 d Cabot M Muslin t- 'i Mens and W omens Fine Shoe., per pair.. 40 35 1 CO 25 10 45 1 uO 1 75 H. F. Mc I wain's Cash Store. Farm produce wanted. P ure Linseed Oil Paints Albany Market. Summer Vormal. Teachers nt employed during the summer cm lind opportunity to make add.l.ij-i'i preparation for their work, or to review lor either state or county ex aminations at the summer term of the State Normal School at Monmouth. From 3o to 10 will cover ail expense ftr the ten week. Term begining Tues day, June, iith. Full information sent on application to the Secretary of Faculty, Normal School, Monmouth the WEDNESDAY... BaTxs Restored. Following the last rate war of 1S'J8 between tbe Northern overland .lines, peace declared on a basis of e.ualatcs "all round," but the lines between t. Paul and Chicago were still disturbed by local troubles, and Uie combination of rates east and west of St. Panl made Chicago f 57.73 first class and 47.75 second class. This last diffi culty in the way of a complete restorat ion of standard fares lias at last been ad justed, and, on April 25th,thrcngh rates to Chiogo and points west were rebuilt to normal figures by all lines, ro that it now costs no more to travel by way of the Southern Pacific through California than bv the Northern Lines, through Vancouver, Helena or Spokane. Pion eer i'ress. Lebanon. From the E. A. I if. Marshall. IV. Adams snd D. Bos-; sard were over from Albany Friday eight to visit the Woodmen ledge in thir' place. J Died, at her home in this city, at 1 a m.SMorda. April 29. 1 SW, ' of eon- sumption. Mrs. 'aocv Armstrong, wilei ', of Lee Armstrong, a? J nesrlv ?i years. 1 Sergeant John G. Chariton, recently j ounde 1 in (te leg In en engagement! with the rihpinos near Manila, is ai nephew of J. K. Chariton ol ihis city.! Serge. t.t Charlton was boro in lias ' coiiuly. Upchurt b lodre No. 51, Lebanon, hav- I ing ti e largest pereeu'age of beneliciary - members ol any D oi 11. lodge in the jurisdiction, kas conceived tbe unique . I : 1 . t I uw firoii;D new crooiu ukuibi' j wuhD. of II. colored ribbon, witn tbe' name of tbe lodge. This broom, .3 dec orate J, sill be taken to the next annual session ot the grand lodge, snd tcere awarded to the lodge entitled to bo'.d it for the next year. The broom going, of course, to tbs lodge having the largest nre.nfa( tf 1 .n - ft., i . r mutnUrt. J Each lodge raining tbe b'oorn to add one more color of ribbon with tue name and number ot winning lode. W'oeal 4S Vfnts. OaU34 I't'g 14 Oeota. Bc'.trr 10 to ii ccnit. iV!atoe 75 cent. Hams 10 rott. Sidn S cents. Saod'dertti atta. - , " -. . . 1 , -. -! L . - ' v- ) ' t ' c . .11 11 V..'. mmi" - Long Photo 'Jo.. In Fromao Brick. Tim leadinir vrallerv of Albany. "Il.e only-up-to-date first citft studio in town. AH work to please. MAKIE LONG Porp. The Musical Festival. Diaeaae is a great and treacherous ocean. Man ever atands upon iu shore and gazes out over its calm surface without a thought of danger. It licks bia feet it advances and recedes almost playfully but all the same it will crack his bone, and eat him, and wipe the crimson foam from its jaws mm it nothing; had happend, aa it baa been doing ever since the world began. A man who carelessly saunters along the shore of the insatiate sea of diaeaae, will aome day encounter a great storm in the form of aome fatal malady and will be en gulfed. Because a man does not have to go to bed when he suffers from a trivial indi gestion, because he does not have to give no work when he g-eta nervous and cannot aleep at night, because he can still force down an unsatisfactory meal when be ia : rnm kiu of aoDetite. becauae by . strong effort he can add a column of figure. with aching neaa 1 " r disorders are trifling- or to be neglected. They are the warnings of aerioua sickness. A man who promptly heeds them, and re sorts to the right remedy, will speedily re mr hi. nal health. The man who neg lects them will find that h ia in the grip rtf mnftumnliMl. iMtui nprvoill disorder, OT aoma other dread malady, doe to improper or inauffieient nutrition. Dr. Pierce'a finlden Medical rharnvenr ia the beat Of all medicine, for men and women who suf fer in thia way. It reMore. the lost appe tite, facilitate, the flow of digestive juices, invigorates the liver, puri6es and enriches the blood and tones and builds up the uervea. It cure. 98 per cent of all chronic. bronchial, throat and lung anectlona, an is an unfailing remedy for nervous proatxa- tion. Medicine dealers ecu it. Rather Scbpiciocs. Last Saturday afternoon while Mrs Dr. N A Winnsrd was out and bad locked ber boose some one entered tbe bouse and put in her par lor a fine French Walnut finish, Cabinet grand piano. Suspicion ii laidjto E. U. vv 111 ttie popular nano dealer wno nas supplied so many of Albany's prominent lamities. MARRIED. FEEBLER LANGFOBD. In Albany. at the Coart Honse on Mondsy May 1, jo., ny juuge ueorge v. Barton, Mr, Charles Peebler and Miss Annie Lang' ford, all of Linn county. lAjKiLi&i Djiiwutttj. At tne resi dence of N. J. Smith, on April 26. 1899 byjievk W. P. Elmore. Mr. W. J. T SWt n A T '. If nninH a 1 Looneyiof Marion connty, and Miss manna bridge., ol Linn county. GAINES - DABDIN. At the Ruse House injAlbany on April 28, 1899, by Rev. H. A Reed, Mr. Ue Gaines and Miss Bessio Pardin, both of Linn county.. I'Borosgo Heatibo Stshm. Hon. L. H. Montsnye is investigating the Yar- yan beating system of To-edo, Ohio, with a view of having it established in Albany. L' nder it from a central sta tion two hundred houses ara heated at the expense of c al without any tiouble. The city will tie asked to grant a fran chise for tbe purpose. A Corn Id a. Prof. McDonald, while visiting the school of the county is tak ing pictures of all the school Louses ss well as a good many of Ihe scholar. which he will file as a part of tbe records of tbe Superintendent's oUice. Tbey are very interesting to iook at. The Uregon Keporter lor May gives the membership of the A. O. U. W. in Oregon as 7,931. Industry of Portland leads with 701. 6sfety of Albany has 271. Tbe Degree of Honor has a mem berjhip in the state of 2,30 social, 880 beneficisry. The Albany lodge baa 108 social and 57 bsneflciary. The K. of P will hold a special meet ing tonigbt noon tbe arrival ol the boa at tbs K. of P ball, where there will lie ssvsral candidates initiated The Rath bone Sisters will meet st the K. of P. ball where the banquet will be held, at ter tbe two meetings. The Monroe colony will make the riffle all riht. Yesterday Rev. Wallace made the initial payment of $10,000 ac cording to contract, and the colony will take charge immediately and push their interests there. Bids for 3.500 cords ot big fir wood for the Snrane asylum were opened vester- uay, and ranged from 2.25 to $2.75 As the responses covered only 3,115 cords all were accepted. This is tbe last notice. Costs will be added to all delinquent city taxes if not paid immediately. The C. H.IPko''i. It is not an easy thing yet to trll jnst where to find a county official, as they are at the Court boute and old poet ollire l,lo. k, some at each. The connty judge and connty clerk will remain at the Court boose un til alter the secsion of county court, tbe recorder is np stairs in tr.e brick, where the clerk will also be, as well as tbe county judge. All tbe other others i:l be down stairs in the brick in tbe lorui er post cflice. Social. Fair Oak Ci'cie No. 1, Ladies of the G. A. R. will give a social at tbe G. A. R. Hall on Tuesday eve, May 9tb. A good program and lunch will be serv ed. Everyone is cordiabv invited to at tend. The proceeds to go toward ' buy ing a flag. An admittance of ten cents Will be charged. Following is tbe crJer of exercises fcr the mnsic festival to be held at Eugene next week, in which about fifty Albany musicians will take part: Mav 9, Tuesday. 2:0 Organization of Cbiral I'nion at Baptist church, corner Eigbtb and Pearl street-. Tueeday, 7:00 Cliorus rrcUce at Baptist church. May 10, Weunesday, 9:30 to ll:U- Cborur practice at Baptist church . Wednesday, 3:00-Kecoption at t. hri.t- ian church, corner Eleventh and Willa mette streets. 4:00 Lecture on "Masicas an idea tional Power" bv Mr. Wallis Nash. Wednesday. 7:H0-Fuil rehearsal a Villard Hall. L'.olO. May 11. Thursday, :: Solo practice at Villard Ha'l. 11:00 m I i:00 Orchestra practice at Villard Hall. 2:00 13 2:150 Fnll chorus practice at Villard Ha:i. 8 :00 Popular Concert. May 12, Friday, 2:30 Full rehearsal at Villard Hall. 8:00 Tbe Creation. May 13, Saturday, 9:30 Discussion of organization el Music Teachers' Aeaocia lion. For Game Protection." Mt.J. L HILL I'bvsician aod Snre.u. ill Block - - -:- A'bsny. Or. We Lave recently added to cor rtock a complete line of mixed paints, tbe beat money can buy. composed of Pure White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil. This paint is made by one of tbe beet manufactures) in this country, and every can is guaranteed ro gi perfect satisfaction or yon get voor moeey back. Floor Paint. Wagon Paint. Boggy and Carriage Paint.'En smets. Varnishes, snd Brushes. You wiH find car prices correct. Burkhart & Lee, Druggists. At The Bazaar. -7' ' 'J,- .v S. t- ZJ An meaortment nf spring styles the mucft favored Tailor-made Suits. Tbee the purchaser will find sat isfactory in fit, finish, fabtic and price ii. E. BEERS, M. Physician and Surgeon Phone 66. Posiofhce Block. Albany, Oresu Our Spring Millinery.... For this Be partmenl we have secured the services of Experience! Trimmer. A complete line of up-to-date Millinery Materials and Novelties, rr.d numbers of Pattern Hat and Bonnets ot choice Jeeigcs. L. E. & H. J. Hamilton. Do you Lnt waniies.' Tben ca.l at F. II. I'feiffer's. He al ways has them as well as otber fruits in season. 44 tt BORN. CHAMBERLAIN. On Sunday morning April 50,1899 In Albany to Mr and Mrs it c cuamDenaiD.a strl, an doing well. Tickets are on sale at Albany College for tbe Festival of Music to be held in Eugene, Oregon, from May 9th to 12! h inclusive. You certainly can not afford to miss this opportunity of hearing Haydn's orator, o, Cteation. There is no ice cream in Albany so good M that of F. II. Pfeifisr. Example is Better han Precept It is not ivhat ive say, but ivfiat Hood's Sursaparilla. does, that tells the story. Thousands of testimonials are examples of ivhat Hood's has done for others, and what it will do for you, 8crof Ula H Running scrofula sores made me shunned by neighbors. Medical treatment failed. A relative urged me to try Hood's harsapariila. Did so and In few nionLhs tbe sore completely benlod." Mas. I J. M. Hatch, Ktna, N. M. Inflammatory Rheumatism -"Two attack, of Uie ariu left nie with lullamma- tory rheumatism. Anv 9 years old. but Hood's Harsapariila cured me and I can climb stairs and walk anywhere." J. Lova LABD, 373 Fargo Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. There was a goou attendance of roea interested in tbe protection of game at the Council chambers last evening. Ed win Stone wss chosen chairman and presided, with -A. M. Cannon as sec re tnrv. Tbe elste game warden, L, P. W Quimby, was pr. sent ana auuressea the meeting, ucio. iuuun(u vj uwuv who has takn great interest in rrovij iug for the proer protection ol the game of the stste. J R. W ystt, A. M. Cannon and N. M Newport were appointed a committee to draft a constitution anu iy-iaws ior a club to be organized, and F. 11. Pfeiffer, Frank rroman and Cbns Vandian to raise fuads for the employment of deputy, tbe law making no provision for the same. A paper was started on the spot and a number of subscriptions of $1 a month for six months secured for the purpose, The finest variety of reasonable fruits in the city will always be found at V. ii. Pleffer's. DR. OLIVE K. IIEEILS. Diseases of Women and Children. Phone f6. Postoftlce P-loek A lhao v , Qi X. E. WINXA1U) M. S. M. D. Graduate of Lenox College 1S85, Can cago HomeoMtthic Medical College 1S90 Kush Medical ioilege U'.'. Twccdnlc Block. AIbnytO. Residence on 3rd slreet.south side be tween Broadalbin snd Ellsworth. Full line of etsndsrd groceries snd country produce. No single leader, put everyiuirg a eader at bottom price. Wagons run in tbe country seiung gro ceries and collecting produce. Money saved by trading at in vracs lack. Vard Littler. Assistant j. c Limm Ground Floe. Dental Oiflc BronJnlbln, St Albany, V Letter List. 3 fccdS $(Mal fuvdua Hood't PllU.ur. 11y.t1IU; th. utiiy calhiirtic to lair, with lfnod't Harmp.rill.1 Following is th lint of letters remaining in the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, May 2, 1899, Persons calling for these letters mast give the date on which advertised: Blair, Mr Oscar Miller, Mr M D Brenner, Mr Patrick Norman, Mr E-2 Brown, Mr T L Parsons, Alfred Caldwell, Mr E 8 Kcbafuss, Ted C-3 Hammer, Mrs John fyburn, Mrs (sally The Albany Insurance a Agency, Rpreut8.tho leading Fire ant' , Insurance Companies. Wholesale dealers in Wbeat, Oh.i h and Wood. Correspondence solicited. M. SENDERS A, OO, Geo. Collins PDS A. Jack Hodges D D COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd FeLow's Temple, Albany, Or. lied rick San Templeton, Fred CHE CRACKERJACKl L 8 MOSES, PROPRIETOR Opposite Masonic Tcinrle. ;nainless, model 1S99 ft 75 OO Cbsinlesf, model 1698 US to Chain, model 1 899 SO 00 Jiuu, model 1898 45 OO ttanr, model J898 40 0 Hartford, Pattern 1 899. . .. 35 OO Hartford, Pattern 189S 30 OO tVJette, Pattern 1899 25 OO &JV For 22 years the Columbia line of bicycle have been tbe best, and now. laving been red need so low in price, Wl b satisfied with something "just M good," but come around and get the souine article. ANTED Several good second-band cycles in trade for Colombia. STEWART & SOX JIDW. CO. C. E. BrownelTs... fsPECUL LIST. 3 cans choice salmon 25 2 " fresh m acker al IS A rmont Deviled Ham 5 Gallon jog of ketchup 75 Tea Sittings, fine flavor 22 Starch, per lb 06 Minced dams, (large cans) 20 Boetcn Baked Beans 12 16 ox. cans Good Baking Powder. . 14 5 cans Mustard Sardines 2-5 3 cans Sugar Corn 21 These are all first class goods and we guarantee satisfaction. C. E. RROWXELL SECOND sr. . ALBANY JHAT SHOE SALE AT THE FAIR. I am preparing to move into my per manent quarters and want to unloa-i at east half of my shoes. The price haa been cot on every pair of shoes in tbe boose. Respectfully. J. A. WEAVER. NOTICE. Have joo a farm for sale or rent or do yoa know of any per ron ho'ding lands that tney w:sh to dis pose of. If so please write to lcv afnt ol the O. R. & N. Co- and he will send yoa a circular which will interest you. The Photographer Now makes the Largest acd Smallest Photographs in town with all the popular stvles and sizes between them. Small size Photo for 25 and 15 cts. per dozen. First quality Gloss and Piatino cabinets at prices. Next door to Albany 50, regular We put np our own gsruen seeds They are all Notthern grown seeds, They are absolutely true to name They are fresh all grown in 1S98, The packages are lull weight. Price, two papers for a nickel, 1 also have them in balk. J M RALSTON, Three doors east of the Djiocs-s.t office has monev to loan on farm security at tow rate "ol interest. Also small loans made 0 n personal security . City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made. Rents collected. Fire In surance written in the following larytt and reliable companies: HOME 1SJ. CO., of Sew York. PHOESIX 1NS.0O., Harttord, Conn.. LIVERPOOL, LOS DOS, end GLOBE 1SS. OO. of England Mrstc Miw Miwrea Burmeeter eacher of piano or organ. System tbs Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chinch. Removal Notice. The'photograpli gallery in the Fioman Block ou 1st street that has been under going repairs is about completed and will be occupied by Mies Long who will move hef studio from 2nd street during the present week. Mies Long will have one of the finest studios in town. BIG STOCK OF NEW GOODS at the BLAIN CLOTHING CLOTHING for men, .youths and boys, A fine line ot SHOES, none better, Slylish HATS and CAPS forinen and boy Latest novelties in Furnishings The best quality and low prices CO'S i .... f- . ""1 -- --w ; S. S, Tbain, P. M, aV,