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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1899)
-, -7-. - , .. .. .. - Wlit Sjrroociat. PEARLY TEETH, so highly and justly prized, are assured by the use oi our ALLEN 3 TOOTH POWDEK, which prevents all accretions under the Cental surfaces and keeps them .clear, clean, and natural in color. With regular applications ot this powder the teeth will not decay and the annoyance of an early resort to tbe resources of den' tistry is avoided. Keep your teeth as lone ss nature will permit. Using our ALLENS TOOTH POWDER will enable you to do this. Price only 15 cents per box. - J.A.OUJU.M1HU, CITATION In the Caun'y Court ot the State of Ore- son for Umatilla county. 1 j the matter of tne estate of Andrew J. R chardaon, deceased. It appearing to the judge of this court by the petition this day presented and filed by Kebecca Oallaber, administratrix. with the will annexed of the estate of Andrew J. Richardson, deceased, praying for an order of sale of real estate, that it is necessary to sell the whole of the real estate in order fo pay the bequests provided in sam win. It is therefore ordered- by the coait that F. M. Richardson, A. Morgan Richard son, Wm . O Richardson, Olive Anglin, Ueo. Kicnarjson, Ella Uay, Kuth Rooks Ela Dauiels and Byron McUaue) and Byron McDaniel, minor heirs ot Any Roblins, deceased, formerly Amy Richard -. son, and all other persons interested in the estate of said deceased, appear before the sud county court on Monday, tbe zzndday ef May. A D. 1899. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of raid county court at the court house in Pendleton, in county of Umatilla, afore said, to show cause why an order should not be granted to tbe said Rebecca E. Ual iaher to sell the real estate belonging to ' said deceased, which real estate is de scribed as follows, tc-wit : 'j he original donation land claim of Isabel and Reuben Ciaypool, notification No. 231&, and claim No 4S, being parts of sections 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, in township 13 tooth, range 8 west of flu, W. M.. in Linn county, state of Oregon, containing about 600 acres, except 33 acres described as follows : Beginning at tne northeast corner ot said claim and running southwest 85 rods along the tine of said ctura, thence north westerly along a county road 163 rods to the north line of said claim, thence on said line to place of Beginning. iso me east end 01 A. J Riuhaidaon's donation land claim, as fol Iowa: Beginning at the northeast corner ot said claim, thence west on the line be tween said claim and tbe claim of Eiraoit Uallaher. a distance of .80 rods, thence south about 60 rods to the north line of said Reuben Clay pool's donation claimj tnence sooth YU deg. east along said line to the northeast corner of said Claypool's claim, thence south 10 deg 30 min. west to the sooth Use of the southwest quarter ot tne norwwes: quarter ot section 4. town ship Id south, range Z west of W. M. thence east to tbe southeast corner of said quarter of said quarter, thence due north la the place ot beffinntnir. all in linn county, Oregon, containing 40 acres, mere or less. Also, excepting that piece or par eel of land described as follows: Begin ning at the 'soot b west corner of the do nation land claim of Reuben Ciaypool, notification No. 2315, in section six (6), in township thirteen (13) south, range two (2) west -of the Willamette meridian, and mania thence south 70?4 dev. , east fortj seven (47) chains and 63 links; from thence north twenty -nine and one half (29lj) de grees, east twenty-five ana a half chains; from thence north Seventy and three-fourths dagrees.weat nfty-twoaod one-fifth caaine from thence south twenty degrees, west twenty and one-nth chains to tbe place of beginning, conteioing 125 1 actjs 01 lana, an in u nn county, state of Ore gon. Anditiaf:rtoer ordered that this cita tion be served by pnblishisg a copy thereof in'tbe Statb Riarrra Democrat, a news caper of general circulation published in said count) , and that copy of this cita tion be mailed to all non resident devisees. Done by order of Wm Martin, Judge of said Court. Dated April 7th, 1899 WM. hlARTIN, County Judge. REFEREE'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT in pursuance of an rder of tbe Cir cuit Court of tbe state of Oregon for the county of Lian duly made and entered of record in that certain cult where in Sarah J . Elder andt Isaac Elder her husband, E. M. Millard and John A. Mi hard her hut band, Mary A. Crawford and John Craw ford her besband. and Sarah MzBride and Laura Wc Bride were plaintiffs and lohn A. Mcbride.Anna Motfnde, Horace McRride, Mary McBride. William Walter McBride, and Myrtle McBride were defendants, ap pointing the undersigned a referee to make sale of tbe real premises hereinafter de scribed and repott the same to tbe above entitled court, the undersigeed will, on Saturday, the 27th day of May , A. D., 1899, at the north door of tbe county court house io tbe city of Albany, in tbe county and state aforesaid and at tbe hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of saio day, sell to tbe highest bidJerfor cash in band all tbe right, title, interest, estate and claim of wnatsoever kiod tbe parties, plaintiff and defendant had at the date o'said decree in and to the following desc ribed premises. Tbe southeast quarter of section twentv six, and tbe northeast quarter and the north nair 01 tbe southeast quarter of section thirty-five in to ship twelve, south of range four, west of the Willamette Merid Ian in Linn Connty, Oregon, containing iocr nunarea acres, except inerermm tbe following described premises, to-wit: Be ginning oc tbe half section line at a point fifty five rot's east of the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of section twenty six in townibipt welve, south of rage four west o' tbe Willamette" Meridian, in Linn Connty, Oregon, and running thence east twelve rods and ten feet; thence south twelve rods and ten feet; thence wee twelve rods snd ten feet, thence north twelve rods and ten feet to the place of oe a inning, containing one acrt deeded to School Durtrict No. P0 in L:nn Count, Oregon. Right to reject any and all bids reserved. Uated at Albany, Oregon, thu 10th day of March, 18E9. J. A- McBrids, Referee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all persons Interested tbst tbe uodersigned bss fil led her final account io rbs matter cf the estate of Mat bias L Pat ton, leceated, in the county court of Linn County, Ore gon, and that tbe said court bat filed Monday lb 6th day of Jure,1899, at tbe hour of one o'clock P. M. of ssid day as tbe time for hearing and settling all ob jections to ssid account, therefore, all persons inter sled are hereby required to appear and file any objections they may have to ssid fiosl accornts on or before said last mentioned dste. - Emily Patioh. Apmimistkatkix. W- R. Bilyap, Attobxkt , roa Adminissatsix. Dated this 28tb day of, April. 1899. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TVT OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IX I he undersigned has by tne County Court of Linn Uouoty, Oregon, been duly ap- poinrea administrator 01 mee'iaie or nar riet Fuiler, deceased, snd has qualified such administrator. All persons having claims against tbe estate of said decessed are hereby r quired to present tbe same properly verified as by law required. ' This the 20tb day of March, 1899. Samuel Mat, Administrator. Wkathkkpokd & Wtatt. OkBooM Poultry Farm Rkmedtis Grit, Roup cure, Disenfectaut. Lice Killer, at Oregon Poultry Farm, alto told by F. G. j Pcweit, Albany. TERMS. Jailt Dkmocxat, 25 cents per month 13.00 per year.ln advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c pel week. 10 per cent added ii allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Wkiklt, II. 25 In advance; $1.50 at end f year; 1 1.75 for second year; '2.00 for inird and proceeding year, when not paw in advance. Club of five now subscriber at $5.00. Washington Letter. (Fsosa Our Refill. r Correspondent.) Washington April 17th. 1S99. The republican managers are try'ng to get Mr. Hobart to announce that, owuig to bis health', be will not be a candidate for renomination, but he baa so far de clined to do so, although Lis health is really iu a seriois conditiou. Boss 1 latt and some other Now York republicans think that "Teddy" Roosevelt would be effectually shelved if made the tail ot the McKialey ticket, who is a little bit afraid of Teddy as a rival for the first place, is said not to be averts to tbe idea, provided that Hobart, whom he really likes can be persuaded to voluntarily take himself out ot tbe way. Politicians have no difficulty in read' Ing tbe play made by Gov. Stone, of Pa. when he appointed Quay senator, im mediately following his acquittal by 1 Philadelphia jury of tbe charge of con spiracy to rob tbe-state . That appoint ment waa not made with any expecta tion that the accompanying credentials would ever be used m Washington. Gov. Stone and Mr. Quay bo b know that the senate has repeatidiy, witftin tbe last few years, denied the tight of a governor to fill a vacancy in the senate which tbe legislature of the state has tailed to fill, after having nsd an oppor tunity to do . The appointment was made lor its moral effect upon the repub licans of the Pennsylvania legislature. Admiral Schley is understood to con emplate arking an investigation of the implied charges and innuendoes made against him by the bampeon clique 10 the navy department. II be does, be will not ask it of tbe nsvy department, but will go direct to Congress and ssk that a thorough investigation be mado by a non-partisan committee. Tbe Haona-McKmley men are already beginning to tee that tbe retirement of Csar Reed doesn't call for as much re joicing on their part, as they thought it did when it waa first made public, it will remove a powerful enemy frcm the pathway of the administration, bt-t there it danger tLat the scramble for the speakership, wlich has already started, may create number of smal'er enemies who may be able to do more damage to administration plans and politics than one big enerry like Mr. Reed. Bos Hanna is not io any doubt about bis cuccees in naming tbe nut speaker, but be it growing very much afiaid of tbe ore spots that will be left among tie dis appointed, when bit choice becomes known. .Owing to a call ot the German Am bassador at the State Department, Capt Coghlan, of the Raleigh, has recevied a strong official hint not fo repeat the story be told at a New icrk barque' about tbe way m which Admiral Dewey Tt.a Peace Society of Copenb-gen had humbled the German Naval Commander ! succeeded on Mar- SI tn collecting 300, in Manila Bay, last rear, when the Ger- j 000 signal oree to tsn sppeal for d.earma- man tried to get a little uppish. It is denied that Ube German Ambassador made any complaint about Cap. Cog hlaa't story, bot of course, everybody knows that it ia a pat t of diplomacy to deny anything aod every (Msg whenever it H deemend policy to do so. From the St. Louis Repub'ic A vote cast by a man who died over two tbooeand years ago has been found in a temple a'. Athene. Votes have been found here in St. Louis of men who were never born. Richard C-roker can now understand how harried Matthew Stan ey Qiay has been by reformers who insisted on looking over tbe tubs in hit checkbook An American shell fired ia Cuba last summer has just exploded, killing three msa. .The fuse must have been cut in ex pectation of a prolonged war. So Idpg as somebody else is doing wrong it ia all right for a bos U do, likewise this seems to be If r. Croker theory of po litical conduct. It ia no more laborious to be plowing oa the farm than digging trenches oa the bat tlefield with the mercury at 90 ia the shade Presidsnt McKinley will learn" some fine day that the Filipinos are not alooe in op posing his expansion bolicy. Mr. Mt K La ley is going to find it hard sleddin? to carry both Alger and :be Elec toral College. Pointed Paragraphs. Tbe lataaf wrinkles ars rough on any one. I ; II delays are dangerous lawyers must be a bra 7e lot A poross platter Is a good thing, bot it hat its draw-backs Make ha.te slowly txcepl when you art trying to catch a car. Satan probably originated tbe saying "Man wants hut little here below." A widow knows when a man is in love with ber long before he knows St him self. Pretending to know tbe thing you should know hot don't occasionally ans wers the came purpose. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as rrercarj will sorely destroy tbe sence cf smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through the mu oous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from rep utable physicians, as tb damige they will do ia ten fold to tnepnod ou can possibly serive frtm tbem Hail's Catmrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cbeaey & Co., To-I- do, O , contains no mercury, ao4 is taken iVernalh, acting directly upon tbe blood aud mucous surfaces ot tbe lyntem. In ouying d all's Catarrh Cute be lure you get tbe genuine Ii is taken interna'ly, and made in loledo, Ubio, by r. J. ibLoey Co. Testimonials free. Sold bydruggiafs, price 75c tr bottle. Hall's Family Pills are tbe beet. If you want a gooa ana cici .uuke buy cigars niado by our Al bany eigar lactorv Why not replace your dead roses now, with strong field grow? plants from Tbe Albany Nurseries. To Cure a Uoldfn One 1 ay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbe money if it tails to cure. 25 Tbe genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. . . When Nature Needt assistance it may be best to ren der it promptly, but one sfcouid remem ber to use even tbe most perfect remed -ies only wbeo needed. Tbe best and most simple and gentle remedy it the Sy up of FUs, manufactured by tbe Cal ifornia Fig Syrup Co. Fiesb fruit at Viereck'sSursr B wl par lors. The chances are that the Philippine war is ended, but it is entirely proper to keep right along with the prepartioni, for the Filipinos are as treacherous as the Spaniards j ry unruly'msm-i A man's tongue is a v ber.a fact that Caqt Coghlan of the Raleigh has found out. A little remark injudiciouely made has stirred op two hemispheres. It do sn't pay to talk sometimes though teliitig the truth, a Capt. Coghlan perhaps was. Notwithstanding the heavy and sea sible editorials i f the E. O. of Pendleton that citv goes right along getting in debt deeper than ever. It is about ti issue bonds for $ ISO ,000 which will leave Al bany far in the rear. There is nothing like keeping out of debt both by cities and individuals. Up at Warduer, Idaho the miners are on a big strike of a warlike character. Mineis have a right to quit work any time they please, but they haven't the right to stop others working. The gov ernment should set down on such pro ceedings at double quick rate. Most of the men at tbe bead of such strikes it will be noticedre foreigners, who seem bent on causing trouble of a aeiiour character. The mad rush for watervd stock in big trust companies is going to be followed In a few yeara by a terrible crllapss, and if the trusts are permitted to grow tbeie is likely hoop of a pauic io a few years that will overshabow all other panics in tbe history of the United States. Tbe formation rf trusts, under which Stock wateied several hundred per cent is put upon the market and taken by agullibl people, istbe biggest swindle of the pr st ent century. From tbe Repullic April 21 was the fi: t 1 m.vcrsary of the war with Spain. No uo year in onr his lory has been crowded . w ith so many import ant events or been so marked with new poli cies. The war, as the f e pls underatoo 1 it, was undertaken for "humanity" for tbe deliverance ol the Cubans from cruel op pression. At the will of the President the conflict rapidly widened into quest for foreign empire. Not coa'ent with the annexation of Porto Rico and the establishment Of a protector ate oyer Cuba, tbe administration ca rail. 1 l bruafaed aside tbe Monroe Doctrine by paying Spain 120,000.000 for a jaitclaim deed to tbe Pbilipu es and is now engag ed in the art of ''benevolently animilal ing'' the belligerent natives who a year ago were our allies againit Spain with machine guns and Krag-Jorg:ns. Our troops in the past eleven weeks have done more fighting against tbe Filipinos than the? did against the Spaniard ia two j hemispheres . The anomaly is 'hat we are 1 doingin Luxon tbe cxvrt opjwite of what ( we did in Cibi All Sorts. mem A month's supplies for tbe South Car olina dispensariea ioe'uded 915 barrels ot whiskey, 30 barrels of gin, 10 barrels rum, 439 cases of whiskey, 100 cares of wine, 4 car loads of beer, 5 barrels ol ale aod 5 barrels of porter. An orrbsn 4 years old baa, through her guardian, tned a Michigan taloon keeper for $100,000. claiming tbe latter waa responsible for the father's death. j tecause liquor was continually furnished tbe patent by tbe defendant sfter the latter was warned to desist. Certain Msxicao papers comment bit terly on the reported sale of tbe Iron mountain at DuraogotoC. L. Hunting ton. One says : Mtxtco is losins bsr be longings one by one, and it being reduced to tbe condition of a meedtcant in tbe presence of the Yankee. Spiders' webs have been ntilised for making a lady 'e drees which it now Queen Victoria's poesestioo. being a gift from the late Empree t of Brasil ia 1S77 For fineness of texture and beauty it is said to surpass the most valuable tiik LexhUcstein, an independent German stale, is selebrstiog the 200tb anniversa ry of iU existence. It it etill at war with Pruts.a, as it joined Aottria io 1866 and was forgo-ten in drawing up the treaty of peace. Its contingent in tbs German army waa 79 men. Ibe kissing of tbe BtMe bss been tab ooed solirely in the court of New York state. Tbe book bai been kissed re ligiously since 1776 by witnesses, and there are well authenticated cases ol fatal results arising from the practice will be discontinued becaoee of the past age cf tbe law which has already re ceived tbe signature of Gov. Roosevelt A rural poet messenger of Swsrdeeton, Norfolk, Eoglaou, has gained the prize offered by a firm iu the eastern countries for tbe postman who bad oeen longest in tbe service. For lortj-lhree years be had never been absent from daty. and had walked upward of 160.000 miles The number of letters in tbe alphabets of different larguages yarUsconisderably English acd German have 26 letters, French 25, Spanish 24, Itsliao 20, Russ ian 36, Grtek 28, Prrtiao 31, Turkish 28, Sanrsiit44 and Chinese must c f all, 214. Hie. PLACE TO BUY Your Groceries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody knows where their place ia. They kerpalresh stock of groceries, produce and baked- goods, of all tinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat tbeir customers well, all iike. You may regret some step you take n life but none taken into tue store af Parker Broe. It is a great thing to be well led. Par ter Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but you ant it we.! ms.te. I rv farcer Uros Call on F.ll.Pfclfrcr Atalltimea. Make bis store your headquarters if you want the best confectionary. Ice cream , soda water and fruits in the city. His long experience in the business in Albsny enables him to meet lite wants of the peoplt. What people say about Ilood'a Kur taparilla is tnat it cures whea all other remedies fail. Therefore you nbould take Hood s sarsaparilla 10 preference to all itbers. Hood's Pills are non-irritating and tb, nly pilis to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla What la Shiloh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold and Consumption ; used through tb world for half a century, has 'cured in numerable caa-s of incipientfcontump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with tbe results we will refund your money. Price ,'25cts.,60cts. andll.00. A Tempsrance Poem. The author cf tbe following poem It younger brother of C.H. Walker of Linn county. He spent about 20 yean at a missionary in China, first going In 1872. He Is now home on his third visit. He It a graduate ol Pacific University. F or est Grove, Oregon, acd of Bangor Theo logical Seminary tn Maine, from wbich bit father, Rev. E. Walker, graduated, uet previous to couilug to Oregon at a missionary in 1838. We strive over tariff and ballot, We legislate tome upon tome; We build us strong forts and steel navies, But lsave undefended the home. We boatt ot our freedom and progress. While rumsellers mock at the boon; And deal us out slav'ry, and rule us. Enthroned iu the licensed talcon. What makes us so brutal in dealing With Cbloamao, Red man and Black ; And what givte corruption such power To put tbe whole nallohVa-rack 7 What is it robs labor of plenty, Ami temptt It to ting a mad tune? Hell's triad of drink, lost and lucre A'l shrined in tbe licensed tslooo. A cottage erst rich in borne treasures, Stands cheerless and bare in its gloom : 1 h drink demon, styled a good creature, Has entered to curse and consume. nd tragedy stalks after revel Why turned not to blood the white moon, When tipsy roughs brought home a father, Shot dead in tbe licensed ssljon ! A woman more helpless than Rachel Is mourning, too stricken for tears; Crushed down under shame beeped on sorrow. To suffer, aod suffer for years. What fruit this of youth's joyous bridal Black night has come down at high noon. Bereaved one by oner! her children, All slain by the licensed saloon . A waa little face white with terror, Eves fixed in a frens of frieht O strong men, wbat shame to briar 00 ber Tbe woe of that borrihle t'gbt. When mother, aod sweet baby brother Lay bleeding ia death's awful swoun. Struct down by a dries maddened father Just borne from the licensed saloon. Wbat ! are w more sordid than Judas ; Aod have we no pity or shams? 0 slain and reproach of osr manhood, Fool blot oa our fair banner's Asms ! Most horrible ein of our people. Why can't we be rid of it toon ! This turn of all crimes, thing ecsorted. This Satan, the licensed saloon ! O Christ, onot the crucified victim. Now throned at tbe right hand of God, To win by thy love tbe rebellious, Or shatter with stern iron rod. 'Tit ours not Io question our Savior, Nor judgment nor mercy ioiposn : I But give nt the power, we pray the, To root out tbe Ikeoeed saloor. The Crops. The weather was unfavorable for farm work and for growth. Except ia tbe most favored sectioet, plowing ai seed ng were suspended, aad such work it cow several weeks late ia completion. Spring seeding cannot aow be completed before May 15. Fall aad winter sown grain bars good color aod, while they are not making aa upward growth, they are stool ing much better than usual ; tbe thick s tooling will teaks good stand later, aid with favorable growing aealb er a Isrge crop will result. Early aow a spring grain is alsottooliag much oetUr than usual. Ualese tbe weather toon becomes favorable for seeding, the acre ag of apricg grain will become material !y reduced. Corn planting continues ia the southern counties. Garden making hat been interrupted, tbe ground ia many p'aces being yet loo cold to plant ased. Fruit bloom is dropping. The frosts have done no damage, bot it la thought that the cold raint have prevented polli nation to tome extent, and that, ia this way, tba fruit bat been Injured. If fn jury bat oceured, it will not be observed for several wts kt . apple and quioce trees are com ing Into bloom. If pleasant weather orenrt within a few daya, tbe fruit bloom will yet be safe, except. ot course, 10 tboee sections wbrie isjary hat already oceured. It It not thought, however, that any material damage baa hot tar been done to tbe frnit crop Grate it making alow growth ; in fact, all vegetation it tlow in development. Stock it becoming tleek aod fat Tbe young lambs are groe. log. Hops are doing very well ; some corres pondent! report thai where tbe hillt were misting Isst year there it growth this year. Lire 00 strong, healthy vines ere reported . A few days of bright, warm weather will change current growth conditions and more rapid development will tat 10. While conditions are discouraging, no damage has vet been doue that cannot be quickly overdone by more eeasocaole weather. B. S. Pagc, Duector Tbe people of Kansas have a breezy wsy of tbeir own of doing things. Even when it comet to the satisfaction of that time- honored Institution, the real estate mortgsge, they accomplish that teat with an ease and dispatch which render them tbe envy and admiration of their debtridden brethren of other slates. The town ol Ness City, Kansas, being hope lessly dslivered over to bondholders, and the breadwinners of the 'own bay ing found it impossible to liquidate the heavy obligationi in tbe usual mannsr. have completed the survey and plat of a new town isle and are moving their buildings of svsry description to tbe new location tbree miles distant. Tlilt plat it an sxact duplicate cf the old one, and each householder bss been assigned tne lot corresponding In cuaber with tbs one be occupied; in Ness Ulty. They expect io move everything except tbe rich prairie soil, tbe gopher bolet and tbe bond debt. Ex. See our two years privet plants, before putting out that hedge The Albany Nur- erut Not one kind, bot many kindt of sum mer drinks at F. II. Peifler't, made to auit tbe taste. I.Muoa any other flour, except the :Mguoll.i Diamond photos 50 cents per dozen at Miss Longs. Cash paid for chickens at A baa Dressed Beef Co's. Ring for every body at French's Jew elery store. The Unl versaUBolter maket good floor The Magnolia. FY or 80c per tack. Try It. The Magnolia. TELEGRAPHIC. Late News la Short Form. Did Nothing. Manila, May 2. The second confer ence this morning between Gen. Otis and mo r nipino emissaries, Major Manuel arpueues ana Lieutenant Joeo Uernal, terminated without any definite results. Aquinnldo's Out. - London. Mav 2. Renreaentative ol the Filipino junta say they have received a telegram from Aquinaldo, dated April t, in winch be stated that hit govern ment hat nothing to do with tbe present peac negotiations, which tie sseerta are being conducted by a groud of half-castes who are anxious for peace in expectation 01 getting high orhcea under the new government. At Wardncr. Wakuxkr, May 2. The detachment of regulsrs has arrived from Spokane. They were met at the depot by a crowd of business men and citixens, who gave them a cordial greeting. More troops are expected io come tonight and tomor row and by Thursday night it is hoped that 500 regulars wiil be camped in or near the town. For tbe present it ia ex pected the troops will remain here, serving at a guard. Astoria Railroad Exteatlons Abtobia, May 2. An official of tbe At tori A Columbia River railroad hat an nounced that the road will be extended from New Astoria into the new govern ment reservation at Fort Stevens during the present summer. This will permit all government supplies to be delivered direct to the fort instead of having to be transferred on boats, as at present. Anything for Quay. Washisotox, May 2. Senators who voted against seating Corbett are rather reluctant in expressing an opinion as to how they will vote upon Quay and other appointees in the next senate. Private information indicates that there is a possibility of a change among a number of Quay's personal friends woo cp posed Corbett. At Manila. Manila, May 2. Gen. MacArtbur hu tent the officers of Gen. Antonio Luna, tbe Filipino commander under flag of truce, carrying money and provisions for American prisoners in his bands, and asking an exchange of prisoners, and the names ol such as he may have. It is reported that the insurgents have 2 officers and 16 others, and it ia sup posed that among these are Lieut. J. C Gilmore and men of the I". S. gunboat Yorktown. Peace Proposal. Mamla, May 2. The peace envoys from Filipino headquarters, wbo left for Gen. Luna's ramp et urday returned to day with new proposals for ending hos tilities end securing peace. At Wardner. Sfoka5k, May 1. Tie special corres pondent of the Spokesman-Review of VVardner telegraphs that pendiug the ar rival of troops, the town is in a state of strained suspense. In the absence of troops it would be folly to attempt the rt-eumplion of work at the Bunker Hill under nonunion control. Ordered to Wardner. SraCASC, May 5 Co. M, Twentv f 1. . f -. : 1 i-, 1 ilisMiu, luiftyuj, lUHHjunj Here, orders this morning 10 leave at 7 a. m. on I the train for Wardner. Tbe orders came ' direct from Gen. Merriam. The compa- or tog) includes .5 men (colored; and 1 , officer. Great Authority. Washdsctos, May. 1. As a 1 "eev day present to the admiral at Manila, nary department made tbe first order of tho kind on record. It virtually makes Dewey the whole nary department, so far at the Manila squadron is concerned. He is given absolute power in practically all matters without reference to tbe au thorities at Washington. A Big Fight. Washisotos, Marl. The hwt move in the negotiation terminating the war with Spain oceured today when Sec. Hay paid to tbe French ambassador, M Ca:u- boa. the $20.0OO,(X provided by the I treaty 01 peace lor the oration ol Uie Philippines. Going Right Ahead. Masila, April 30. While it is the general expectation among Americans that the Filipino emissaries will return with revised proposals from Gen. Anton io Luna, Major-Ueneral Otis is not letting this prospect interfere with his prepara tion lor pushing the war. Yesterday he ordered Major-General Lawton to return to Angst, a few miles norweet of Norug a ray, and not to advance aggresttivety wbiie tbe negotiations are pending. Gen. MacArthur is apparently acting on the tame policy. At Wardner. WAansxa, Idaho, April 30. The situ ation is eeriout today. Little bands of nonunion menreturning this morning from the hills to whicb they led y ester day were insulted by strikers in a men acing manner, groups of whom are loaf ing around town elated over their victory. Thoae wbo can are leaving town, a con siderable number going away today. an aociai everts nas Peen called off, ana Uie puouc ecnooi bat been closed. Juat Reprimanded. VYasrixotox, April SO. There is con- siderable comment upon the manner is wbich the administration lias handled the Coghlan and KauU affairs. It was decided st first to relieve Coghlan of the command of the Raleigh, but this was re considered, and a reprimand was ad dressed to him. The president did not think the ofiense very grave. An4r Again. CorxXHAGCX, Denmark, April 30. In formation waa received today from Ice land that in the po'ar ice in the neigh borbood of Husavik, north of Roikavik. a bottle has been found containing a note from Proi. Aodree. The bottle was froz en in the ice. The Earth Quaked. Sas FaAxemco. April 30. Two shocks of earthquakes were distinctly felt in all parte 01 the city toaay. i he first shock 1 was rather mild.' but the second, which ' fu 1 : i:...i. f . t 1 1 luuuwcu iiuujcui.wi ,iiriwiu, n no Ol much greater severity. A Big Suit. Bcttb. Mont.. April 30. Fred White- aids, ex-senator from Flathead county, has brought suit for $100,000 against tbe Hutte Miner for defamation of character. The suit grows out o( tbe recent senator ial election. It is said that a man never hanga in Douglas countv. He always gets a com mutation or escapes, and yetl there are as many murders there as anywhere. Tinkle & Dawson, tbe leading photog raphers of 1 lbany are now making the finest up to dste enameled cab net pho tos for II f0 per dozen, oonosite P. O. Can and see samples. Naw ani Original Advertising It ia interesting to watch the new Ideas always to be found in the advertising of Hood's Sarsaprilla. The present Hue of advertisement, is especially unique, each begining with a familiar proverb and leading up to the good qualities ot thia famous medicine The argument in every case la clinched by condensed tes timonials irom people the medicine has cured. It it gratifying to see tbe con tinued success of an article of genuine merit. While other preparations come to the surface and after a abort time dis appear. Hood's Sarsaprilla hat steadily maintained its place in public confidence. Sick Headache. The curse of overworked woiuankind.are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue Duiiuer. Money refunded U not aatitiactorv. rncc, za eta. and ou eta. CLojan.0 Ratks. Weekly Dkmocrat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week World $2.00; and Republic $1.75: and Oregonlan $2.25; and San Francisco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and fialem Weekly Journal 2.00. X-rsyt are not In It with our new syt tern. Long photo Co. MISFITS. An exchange facetlcusly remarks that Dewey day wae not observed In Madrid. The total rainfall at Aatoria tince Sept 1 of last year ft over 75 Irenes. Decided ly wet down that way. Webfoot is the proper name lor Olattop couuty. There Lave been 21 murders Id Douglas county without a single legal hanging. Wbat is the matter. Governor Geer set a bad example when he uomrr.uted the sentence ol Oiberwan, a cold blooded murderer. The Kali m Journal in a big head line accuses tbe Oregoniao of cowardly metboda, and proceeds to lam it to that paper in a four column article, ainirlin out Alfred Ilotman as tne mu entitled to be bit- Mr. llolinan is one of the most trenchant writers in Oregoo and if heopetiS out on tbe Journal we may have sorre fun watching proceedings. It is tit for tat. Kmil Sauer't fingers amount to tome thing. He received f900 for playing in Portland last night. Wbo wouldn't run tbe gamut for test amount. Water seeks iu level. While Albany baa bad several new business houses one hat moved to another pise and : two more announce that thev will soon ma elsewhere. There is probably more jet lousf among moaiciaos than among any other claas ot people, the world over from the smsll fry to the big fry. When tbe pianist j UOdowtky was tn Portland be waa ask ed if he knew Saner and Rosenthal, two world renowned pianists. lie had never heard ot tbem. A Crook county man, just back from Manila, where he was in tbe fight says that he came nearer being killed tince be started for borne tban at any time during hie star in the Philippines, at hit transport, tbe Arizona, waa caught ia a typhoon in the China eea, a few days out from Hong Kong, wbeo for auors an hands thought they must go 1 "Davy Jones' locker." Again, in r .... ing op tbe Sacramento canron. in v lib era California, Saturday night. . of the trucks 01 tbe baggage car ran ft the trsck, the car got croes-wsysof .0 rat's, aod it tbe train bad not been 1: .ug slow, tbe cart would have piled up on each other. ! There it a ray of hope for Bob Inzer-1 toll yet. Recently he delivered an ad drees at the funeral of Mrs. Marv J Sow- man in Kansas City. Col. IngeraU la an old friend of the family, and in h a addreas a id : "I first met the tad v w ho now ues oeior us asleep, nrartv hait a , century ago. Then we were both young j and poor, with nothing bot youth and : hope to start on. Somehow, tunie w here, feel that I shall meeker again." This ia Dewey day and the people of the United Slate generally will unite in doing honor to the hero of Manila F-ar . regardless of expansion idea. It waa . one of the greatest stroke ia modern ; war tare. and as a naval bw-.lie the worth- j teeaneew of the Philippine islands as an ! acq oiai lion to the l'nitd iMate has; nothing to do with it, nor what it lead up ,to. Tbe United States needs more ; men wiUi. the decision of character of Dewev. SKEBIfF SALE By virtoe of e icotioo du'y iatoed out i of the Circuit Cuon ot tbe ?ta'e of Oregca ! fur the Coo lit of t-taa to rue duly directed, j delivered and dated 00 tre Tixh day of April a D. Ifttt. ia a certain suit ia said j court wherrm 1 he Aetei Saving A Trut Company a corpcwatioa was plaintiff aad William S Richard and Aegte C Richards bis wife. U U Phillips and Anna Phiiitp j p'aiabff recovered a judgment on the 3rd , of April A D, acaisst the said de fendants William S Richards and M D Phillips for the sum of $19.i9 71, with la tere t thereon at tee rale of 3 per cent per aaoum trotc date of said judgment and the further wim of $150.00 attorneys fees and tbe further ram ol i?2 .40 a taxes paid, and toe tott aod disbursements of this toil taxed st ordeneg adjodging sad decreeing that the real property de acntied la naiatiffs mor1rac and nur.- piaiot, to-wit: j Beginning at a point ia tbe Western boundary line of block 14 in tbe Eastern ' addition to the city of Albany, Una woa ty. Orecoo, 100 feet Norther y from tbe Soathwett comer ot said block, and run ning tbeooe Easterly parallel with First street la aaid city 134 feet to a lice par alel with said Western btnadary line aad the same distance from tbe East and West boundaries of sail block, theoce Northerly 00 said line to a point 8 feet Soother! y from tbe center of the O A C K R track, thence Witterly following tbe meanders of said R R track sad 8 ieet Southerly there from to Uy Western bouodary line of said block, tnence Southerly to tbe place of be ginning, aian tbe right of was from the Western line of tb prmises above de scribed 16 tbe WtiUmetle river along the W estern boundary line of said block 16 foe the escape of tb waste water from tbe wheel aud flume conduct tsg the water thereto, all in Lion county. Uregou, be sold to satisfy said jodgtneot acd cost, there fore Notice ia hereby gitea that I will ou Saturday, 3rd day ot June. 1S9 . at the boor of On o'clock p m of said day, at the front door of the Court House, iu the city of Alhany. Lion cuny, Oregon, offer lor sale, at public auction, to tba htgbe.t udder for cah in hand, subieot to re demption according to law, the real prop erty in said order and decree aad hereic tofore described to satisfy said judgment and costs. Dated this Snd dsy of May A D. 1&9. I. A. Ml'XKSRA, Sberifl of Linn county, Oregon, CITATION la the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Linn county. , Tn tbe matter of Ibe estate cf John Mar- shall, deceased. Tj Nsnoy Marshal', Wilson Manha'.l Robert Marshall. Richard Marshall, Mrs. Anna B. Paul. Mrs. Wm. A. Patterson. Mrs. E. A. Sanborn, and all other pernor . known and unknown interested in said rtr fate, greeting. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you sie hereby cited and re quired to appear in tbe County Court of tbe state of Uiegou, for tbe county of Ijnti at tbe court room thereof, at Albany, in said county, on tbe 5lh day of J use, 1399, at One o dock In the afteraoaot that day, then and there to show cause, if any, you or either of you may bare why the following described real property belong ing to tbe estate of sa'd deceased should not be sold at private sale at piayed for in the petition on file herein. Said real property being described aa follows: , The of the N E and the N U of the S E i and the N K of tbe S W , of Sec 16Tp 11 8 R I W ot the Willamette Meridan. Oregon, containing 200 acres. The H , of the N E j and the X of theaE-of8en23TpllSRl W of tbe Willamette Mer'dian, Oregon, containing 160 acres. A'so toe 8 ' of the 8 E .V of said Sec 2.1, containing K0 acres. Ibe W i of the S W ) of See 21 and tbe v H ot tbe w W if of Sec 28 Tp U S R 1 W ot the Willamette Meridian, Ore gon, containing 160 acres, alio beginning at tbe 8E comer of the N E 4 of Sec 21) in said Towuship and Range and running tbence North 4 rodt, more or lesu, to tne South side of a county road, thence Southwesterly along the south side of said county road, 74 rods. more or less to the outh line of the N E 4 of ssid Sec 29, thence East to tbe place of beginning, con taming 8 sores, more or less, said tract , containing in the aggregate IDs acres. ' - witness, tba uon. ueo. v. ) Barton. Judge of tbe County Court of the state of Oregon, ) for the Couuty oi Linn, with L. 8. tue seai ot sata court atnxed. i this the Sd day of May A. I)., 1899. I Attest: FtiAHit Crabtrsc, j Clerk. I By It. M. MoNTAaui, Deputy. . I ------ Who Puts the Until MAY 1 I will sell goods tt Who!esale prices I will not charge a profit of over 10 per fnt for any goods It is large and at stylish, as elegant, at desirable, as high need ask, and is offered at the email profit of 10 PER CENT. WHY pay 25 to 100 or more percent profit, when 10 per cent aid I I ay it ; or for example WHY Py 13.50to $15.00 for suit $11.00 will buy. WHY waste money. My cost mark is: How and Rice. 1 2 3-1 5 0 7 890 Tbia it a njuare'offer without an reservation. Who puts the prices down ? W. R. BEAIN. "He puts the prices down." . 1 Have Your PROF. A. ! Scientific Optician 1 ot i You will recti v boneet and conscientious EYE and GLASS servica. FLOOR COVERINGS. V L'LLY DOUBLE lb smouct ever before shown by u, consisting ot Carpets. Art Square-. Co' lace Art (a new and aitrietive goods) Mat L'ooleum snd Oil Cloth. W e are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, Portiere, Shades aad kindred goods. Tiece goods in Curtain material aud coverings. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Ladies of Albany; Call and investigate prices and styles of Cur8,s eiegan Trimmed hats before purchasing elsewhere, Prices reduced. kt the Millinery Cat. $40 cash $40 r or the Best Wheel Ever Built Fitted With Special Heavy Tread U. J. TIRES. Next to the Rambler in quality and price ia the IDEAL With Q.&J. Tiret FredT. iMerrill Cycle Co. Spoksne, Tacoma. Seattle. ALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THOROUGH H igh-Grade College Education To everv boy the ambition Ibe course is complete, and embraces the ' LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, ENGLISH AND ' o The Normal Course leads up Commercial Course hat new become a Business College F.ausl to anything iu tbe State Now Students Club at actual cost Albany, Oregon. and On all R & G Corsets and Ferris Waista When a customer is not perfectly sstis. 6el a new pair given in exchange for tbe . old one. It it our aim to please and satisfy every peraon who purchases and wears oor K & G Corset or Ferris waist. We rail special attention to our 50c aod to oor bTks corset which we thing will compare favorably with any fl.00 corset , in this market. Received today another line of tboee jopolar underskirts for ladies. ew rarubeaux Swiss Lace Curtains and dotted a wist and art goods tor sash .curtain. S. E. Young & Son. Prices Down ? plus io percent. in my grade stock, as one Eyes Tested BY- STARK VILL & STARK, Bldg., Albany, Or 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. Absolute Guarantee Eastern Prices 105, 107, 109, 111 Sixth SU, Portland, Ore. Geo. E. jfish, Agent, Albany, Ore. and girt 'hat ha to attaiu one. MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ELECTIVES - i to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the illustrated catalogue." Boaej at the price. For particulars writs WALLACE HOWE LEE, President. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Fine Safe for Sale. Fire aod lmritlar proof rteel cheat, weighing 1100 pounds. Just the thine for some merchant in a town where there is no bank. Will sell for half price. Good at new. Addresa J O Lek, Albany, Ore. SIX PR CENT LOANS, I have a limited amount of money to lost, on hr-t-class farm security or improved bosioesa property in Albany. Interest six per cent for particulars call ou or aaorese. ti. F. Merrill, Democrat I uildtng. Albany, Oregon. HAY FOR SALE. We will ell at our warehouse during this week cheat bay $7 60 per ten. No. 1 tiaiotb (strictly shoice)f9.J0. M. Sesoek & Co. FOR SALE. A 200 gal. cedar task and a 6 ft (m clam, enameled oath tub for ealec Leap- 1 'quire at Verekk's karber shop FOR SALE. leelve iaie. of tb stock of the Sugar, Pine Kill and Fixture Co for sale cteap. Call oa Mrs. Rachel R 8yteer at tbe rerioeace of W F Hammrr or L H VotUnje at bis office. FOR BaLK." Fifteen acres ia A I sea. with six room home, a I tisds of mall fruit, trees ia bearing, cloee to grist mill, I mile from P. O inquire or write to !r K. B. Heciell, Lyons. Or. FOR SALE. A store and SO acres of land. 30 ia crop, post office in store, to the midst of good farming community. For terms write to J. K. Uspkrhiix, Victo r. Wa ro sCo., Or. FOR SALE. A yearling. Jersey bull, foil Wooded, from eolenaid stock. Price only $15. Call oa William Peacock, ef Clover dak. FOR SALE. One erring wage with top. ia first ci condition. In quire at this oe. HONG WAII TUXG Cp.. Seeoad St near Lyon street, Albany. Sells JCki- neae medicine. Chinese rice, Chinese tea and cut oil. KOTiCETOSTCCXEOLCESS Xetire it bereoy given that the As sail Meeting of the Albany Farmer Co. U1 he held at ue office of aaid company ia Albany. Lion county, On gon, on the Iftih day of Uay. 1899. at 1 o'clock P M of aaid dav, for tbe purpoee of e'ecting serea (7) directors to eerve for tbe term of one year, and the transaction of such other besiceas aa may coma befo e tbe meeting. Done by Ibe Board of Directors. Attest : Pssa B ieha ll, f ec'y. at H Wrxse, President Removal Notice. We are now established la our new quarters. First St. near Montgomery one ioor below Iron Morkt- In eob&ection with oar steam riant we sball maintain a hand dept. Fine silks, wooUrcs and other delicate fabrics will be washed m tellurenilv by hand. Telephone or pca- il brings our wagons to your door. Our aim is to piease you. Msgeolia Laundry C Stahsox Sc. Son, Props. Telephone 31. UK1 CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY Alb&av Oregon-OfEots,- Bank of Oregon iiaiidiag. Oulj set of Abstracts of Lisa Count y. Complete set if mapa and plate. THE LATEST. Stetters, Albany's Leading Restaurant. Is now ready to teed tee hungry at tbeir elegant aes quarters at tbe same pnceSO cents a west. Our public and private dining rooms are lighted with gas and fitted up ia metropolitan rjte. Opposite Stewart A Sox. Mas. ii. G.Stcttkb. ALBffl LDSCH CODMB, Jtosior McKlllop, Proprietors Prompt meals at all hours. Fresj oys ters ia styles desired. Serve iaoches for banquets oa abort notice. mm BICYCLE BIPAEISR GsiiMBlaciMlfe HORbt SHOEING. Second Street between Ferry a.- Broedalbio. MILLER 4 STEWART A. B. GRIGG'S Feed Store, Jujt east of the Dsxocair office. Will keep 00 hand a toed stock ot teed of ail kinds, flour, etc, which will be told at reaeonale prices.. sim fib cm ims I have an unlimited amount of mos y to loan oa Farm Security, or on bosmfit property in Albany, at SEVEX PEp CENT iXTER EST. the interest p.yahs out once a year, tor information taU blank applications call oa or address U. tt. tsvnxBAttT, Albany, Or Millinery Opening. On March SSth and following davs. I will display my tine line ot pattern hata aad other rood. A special invitation ia extended to the ladies of Albany. 1 make a epeciiliy of trimmed hats. .Mas. i.. Al. r trsc For Bargains la Farm Lands. Timber Lands and City Property, call on or write Albany, Oregon niRStlK Tk snim lan o tha .rat of O.-gon tor 18C6. 15$. TO. Tt '74, US, n, '82. S5 "89, "91, 3. Nu.ate Journal 1?W, '.u, i-, do, 87. '!9. House louraals-18r-t, '6?. Ti '74, "85. 87, "93. Williams on Real Prcrjerty. Tyler's Law Glossary, Chilly's Pleaoiags, Vol. 1. Bcuvier's Law Dictionery $ volumes. &oomaedtiadly's Commentaries 2 vol. iime. Price for the kit, $1 5. Call at the Dkmockat otfiee. FOSHAI 5 IIASON Wholesale. 4 Retail DSU3GISTS lIDEOGmiLSI- axbaxt. oaaeoH. Pure Drugs aad tha Saeat and 1.114 cwcswouHaury ano .boom ha the, Market. V