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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1899)
tmmiL CITATION In the Goun'.y Court of the State of Ore gon for Umatilla oountj. Ia the matter of toe estate of Andrew J. R chardson, deceased. It appearing to the judge of this court by tbe petition this day presented and filed by Rebecca E. Gallaber, adminUtratrix, with the will annexed of the estate of Andrew J. Richardson, deceased, praying for an order of sale of real estate, that it is necessary to sell the whole of the real estate in order fo pay the bequests provided in said will. It is therefore ordered by the couit that F, M. Richardson, A. Morgan Richard son, Wm . C! Richardson, Olive Anglin, Geo. Richardson, Ella Gay, Rath Rooks. fcla Daniels and Byron MsDaniel ana Byron McDaniel, minor heirs ot Amy Roblins, deceased, formerly Amy Richard son, and all other persons interested in the estate of said deceased, appear before tbe a&id county court on Monday, the 22nd day et May, A D. 1899, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of aid county court at tbe court house in Pendleton, in county of Umatilla, afore said, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said Rebecca E. Ual laber to sell the real estate belonging to aid deceased, wiucn real estate is de cribed as lollows. tc-wit : i he original donation land claim of Isabel and Reuben Claypool, notification No, 2315, and claim No 43, being parts of tactions 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, in township 13 south, range 2 west of tb W. M.. in Linn county, state of Oregon, containing about 600 acres, except S3 acres described as follows : Beginning at toe northeast corner of said claim and nnning southwest 85 rods along the line of said claim, tbeuce northwesterly atom? a county road 163 rods to the north line of said ciaim, inenoe on saia line to piece ot beginning. iso tne east end ol A. J Richardson's donation Sand daim. as fol lows: Beginning at the noitheast corner of said claim, thence west on the line be tween said claim and tbe claim of Kimote Gallaher, a distance of 80 tods, thence sooth about 60 rods to the north line oi said Reuben Clay pool's donation claim. thence south 70 deg. east along said line to the northeast corner of said Claypool's claim, thence sooth 10 deg 30 min. west to the south liee of the southwest quarter of the north wesv quarter of section 4. town ship 13 south, range 2 west of W. M., thence east to tbe southeast corner of said quarter ot said quarter, thence due north to the place ot beginning, all in Linn county, Oregon, containing 40 acres, mere or less. Also, excepting that piece or par cel of land described as follows: Begin ning at the southwest corner of 4be do nation land claim of Reuben Clavpool. notification No. 2315, in section six (6), in township thirteen (13) south, range two (2) west of the Willamette meridian, and - runnink thence south 70 de. , eaU forty -seven (47) chains and 63 linns: from thence north twenty -nine and one half (290 de grees, east twenty-flve ana a bait chains: from thence north seventy and three-fourths dezrees.west fifty -two and one-Hfth caains: from thence sooth twenty degrees, west twenty five and ooe-fith chains to the place of beginning, containing 12554 ecrjs cf land, ail in h.n county, state ot Ore gon. And it is farther ordered that this cita tion be served by publishing a copy thereof iu'tbe state RieiBTS Democbat- a news caper of general circulation published in said count", and that a copy of this cita tion be mailed to all non-resident devisees. Done by order' of Wm Martin, Judge of aid Court. D.ted April 7th, 1899 WM. WARTI. County Judge. TERMS. Jaat Dimocbat, 25 cents per month 3.00 per year.ia advance, 30c pertnonth not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added il allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Wuiit, 11.25 In advances 11.60 at end f year; 1.75 for second year; $2-00 for ihird and proceeding years, when not paid in advance. Club of five now subscribers at 15.00. Washington Letter. Back east a few days ago one "kid" was put to sleep by another, and it is said ma recover. The whole ptUe fighting bus iness ss carried on should be pat to sleep. The recent unlamented legislature) in California was a funny One c- It made the publishing of cartoons a crime and sanc tioned prise fighting. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTUESEN1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe underfigned as the administra tor with the will annexed of tbe estate (if Melissa A. 15urkbart deceased, has filed hi Gn-J account with the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and tbe County Couit has fixed Monday, May 1, 1699. at the boor of one o'clock p. m, of said day. for tbe hearing of said acoimnt and the final ettle ment of said t state. Any and all persons having objections to the same are nereby notified to be present at the County Court room at said tiipe and make the same. Dated this 24th Day of March, 1399. R. L. Bern hart, Adm'r with tbe will annexed.' WrATHKBFOBD & WtaTT, Atty's for adm'r. NCTICE OF fINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN THAT the undersigned, the executrix of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Ram baugb. deceased, has filed her final account in tbe County Court of tne tbe state of Or egn, fcr Linn county, and the court has appointed, Monday, tbe unit day of May. 899, at the hoar of oee o'clock p. m. of aid day for bearing o jecliocs thereto, and take settlement thereof. - All persons having objections sre hereby notified to be present et the date assigned. Dated Match 25th. 1899. L. H. RUMBICOH, Executrix of the last wil and testament of Eiirabeta Rombaugb, deceased. (From Our Regular Correal cedent.) Washington April 17th. 1S09 A midnight onlerenoe was held to consider the specter ol Sni Jonesitnv .Moh ia barirv friahtening unio re publicans. The conference was partici pated In by Boss Hanna, Mr. McKinley, and several other republicans ol pro minence who came from Ohio to Wash ington for the purpose. They believe that Sam Jones intends to run as an in dependent candidate ior Governor ol Ohio, and that he stands a good chance of getting enough votes to throw tbe state to the democrat, if be doesn't get elected himself. And the BghUng still goes on in tbe Philippines and take a town every day or two, but as toon as they leave the town it would require 100,000 men on the island of Luton alone, to permanently garrison all the towns, the Filipinos occupy it again. And this sort of thing is likely to go on indeti- nitely, Not satisfied with trying to deprive him, of honors rightfully b.-loogingto him, the navy department has Uoored the reqneet of Rear-Admiral Schley he has at least got his commission as rear admiral, for sea duty, and practically placed him on the shelf for the time be ing, by making him a member of the naval examining board in Washington! while Sampson, the man be ranks, is in command of a fine squadron. Sec. Alger had hardly got settled again in his chair at the war department, be fore be made public a. new defiance of those republicans who have been trying to persuade Mr. McKinUy of tbe wit dom of throwing Alger overboard, re eardleaaot what he might tell of the campaign of '96. This challenge of Al ger indicates bis belisf that his bold on Mr. McKinley is strong enough to keep him in the cabinet, no matter bat hap pens. Wherever a few long headed repubh cans gather just now, the subject of how the party can get the idea that it is tco favorable to trusts out of the heads of tbe voters, is apt to eeme op tor discos eion. At a aatbering of several republi can senators, in Washington, this week, one of them said : "I mutt confess that I do not consider the political outlook over bright for the republican party. The spring elections were not encourag- inr. Tbe Toledo election I rt card as most signigcant. Sam Jones, the inde pendant candidate for mayor, got almost many votes as tne republican sic democratic opponents combined. What does it mean? I believe it is a coudem. nation of trusts and monopolies. The republican party ia in a very periloas position. It has apparently been cap tared by the trust barons and monopo lists. Unless we can sbake them off, I believe it trill be next to impossible to elect McKinley or any ooe on the repob ican prtsidebtal ticket next year ." Another republican senator prevent said : "Tbe sentiment sgainst trusts is certain-1 ly very strong throughout tha West, and I agree with yon that we mas do some thing ratical in order to disabuse tne impression in tbe public mind that tbe republican party is a party of traits. It will not be an easy thing to do, however. Even it we pat in a strong anti tmst plank in our piriform next year, the fact that the campaign will be in the hands of Mark Banna and other trust magnates will render oar declaration against trusts almost fertical." Lebanon evidently baa a firebug. The citisens sf that city should in the very start unite in ferriting him mit and put a quietus to his doings before he dots great damage to the ritv. Why, grandpa, you used to say that yon killed six Indians with one shot: then you cut it down to five; now yon aay It wse four." 'Well, well, my child, I suppose that's because my memory's failin' a little every year.'' The states university contiuues to fish for a president, but has not yet found one, though having plenty of bites. In stead of between one and two hundred students, the state university of Oregon should be cf a character to have an at tendance of four or five hundred, ant would if properly conducted. says as a An eastern man euthue'.stically that Tom Reed would be cheap speaker at 925,000 a year Nevertheless he has been a riar from tbe start, the moet arbitrary epeaker tbe government ever had. Several things be has done, though make some people feel like over looking some of his old shortcomings. "I want my money back," said Uncle Silas to the man who was taking ticxets at the entranse to the menagerie. "This show is a rank fraud. l been watch in' that thete hippopotamus fer half an boor an' he never opered his month once like the one on the -Lu bills." New York Journal. "Aim high," cried the clerical visitor, as he endeavored to rouse the ambition of the bright-faced Sondat-school lads aod lassies before kirn. "Aim high !" "Not much," intenupted a small boy oo tbe front bench;" bat's what tb Spaniards did, an' see w at happened to tbem (''Cleveland Plain Dealt r. An immense son dial, certainly tbe larg est ia the world, is at Hayon Horoo; large promentory extending 3 000 feet above the Aegean sea . As tbe sua swings round the sh.iJ.jw of this mountain it touches, one by one a . irde ot islands which act as hour marks Tbe entire group of Samoaa (Navigator) Islands contains a population of about 35 000. of which 34.000 are savages and 400 white. There are 201 British, 120 Germans and 26 Americana. Aad for this aggregation of savages ia the remote Sooth Seas the United States ia sacrificing valuable lives and mooey and getting deeper ino European entanglements Ex. All Sorta. The human voice can in a few case utu r 296 words a minute. About 1,500,000 persons are employed In the coal mines ol the world . ( Blind persons acquire so great a de licacy of touch at tb tips of their fingen that they may really be said to see with th!r hands. By far the greatest number ot flowers have no smell at all. Only about 10 pei cent, of tbe 4.200 species of flowers In Europe give forth any odor. Speaking of insurance in this country the foreign secretary of the Royal Ex. change Co. tails the London correspond' ent of the New York Journal teat this year will prove an unprofitable one to foreign companies here even it tnere are no more big fires, and there is some talk of withdrawal of the English firms because of the suppose 1 incendiary origin ot so many of the conflagrations. Tbe closing ot Delmonico't restaurant, at Fifth aveaie and Twenty -sixth street, New York, marks the end of probably the moet famous place of its kind in tbe U. 8., a place where all the prominent men of the country and many foreigners if distinction hav been entertained, litre many a famrus ball cas mads her debut and where notable society functions have taken place for years. The busioees goes farther op town to make room for tb constant encroach ments ot commerce . A rare find in the snap of a moa's egg has been mad in ft mining district in Otago. There was fall of earth In dredging claim, and presently the bug egg was seen floating uninjured In tbe water. This discovery is more latere' ing from the fact that this ia tb second perfect moa's gg U at h as' ever been found. Tb other was unearthed by man whil digging in the alluvial soil at the Kaikonra mono tains in tb early 60s. Soma Idea of tb els of thee eggs may be gleaned from the fact that man's net make an excellent egg cop tor them. 1 Probably tb longest gam of chees sver known was that played between' gentleman residing la Australia and a friend living In Newark, U. 5. A. Each movtwaarred by letter, on player making us ot tb Eaiope end Sues canal root, and the other writing via the Pa cific ocean and Ban Francisco. Fiv year els peed before tbe gam was drawn to n close. Another similar record in ebee playing was a correspondence gam which took place recently between esv ral German living in New York aod i cbeee club ia Bremen, Germany. Tbe game terminated in February last year, wltb ft victory for tb Nw York players naving lasted period of two year and flv m oaths. MISFITS. D M Burns has been appointed U 8 Senator of California, by Uovenor Gage. Burns is merely ft boss, ana is no more fit to be a U 8 senator than a New Mex ico cow boy. Farmer i . B.'EdJy, oi rsihoad com mission lame, altera short experience n Clackama county, ha decided to re tire from the p'osr end practice law. Mr, Eddy is ft versatile gentleman. The Salem Journal says some men are Improving Yaqulna Bay Just enough to keep in office. . The D-mocbat expects to ee a favorable report Irotn the present board of engineers. What is the matter rt Jefferson. In stead of issuing bonds in the usual style to pay for their new school house they have levied a tax for tb whole businees. Really this is a good example. It is business. There is great deal of consolation in the fact that these scrub senator being appointed cannot take their eata. It is an empty Honor, uregon net nau ex perience in tbe matter aed is posted. Rev. M. L. Rose, ol Eugene, has caus ed eomewbat of sensation by preach ing last Sabbath that the Bible doe not justify banging for murder, and that the man who executes tbe law and springs the trap is as much a murderer aa tbe condemned man. Mr, Rre it eomwhat of crank, and bad better put on hi specks. TELEGRAPHIC. Late News in Short Form. Jas. CMera, woo was editor of the Dbmockat in 1863, when tb racket was nnt In tb pillar of tb court house is now a resident of Santa Ron. Calif., and ie said to be in very feeble health, tie gave tbe weekly it name. He after wards became a republican and edited eeverl different papers, among otuer one la Portland. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent or on business take on every trip ft bottle of Syrup of Figs as it aa most pleasantly and effectually on tbe kidney, user and Dowels, prevenung fevers, headache, and other forms of sick- si. For sale In SO cent bottle by an leading druggists. ManpfacturM. by the California I ig Syrap Co. only. Aquinaldo Annihilated. Manila April 28 Gen. MacArthur has annihilated Aquinaldo at Calumpit. The insurgents made a brief stand against 0000 Americans, and then fled to the hills. The Americans lost 8 killed. The capture of Calumpit gives the Americans stratefic control of trie north lull of Luion, aod is the final blow to the hopes of the rebel leaders and the insur gent republic Where They Got Ihem. Wahhinotox, April 25. Army officials have learned that since Manila fell the rilipiOOS have been nhtainini, ennnlina of ammunition from Hon Kan- and (Singapore, as well aa from Europe, and a strict naval patrol of tbe island of Luzon ha been established, and the belief is expressed that the supply of ammunition wm now ue cot on. Mob's Work. Raxbas City, April 25. A special to tberbtar from Galena, Kan., says: Charles V illiams, alias Jones (colored waa snot to ueam at a :ju wis morning in the city jail by a mob of negroes. W ill iams killed Laura Canaffax. a nemo yesterday. The mob, composed of about 25 masked, went to tbe jail, and 4 gained entrance uy urea lung tiie aoor In. Bail Explosion. Philadelphia. April 25 Bv tbe explo sion of 75 gallons benzine in the labr&to- ry Frank H. Flee A Co., chewing-gum , luauiuacturers, touay, z men were killed, 3 persons seriously injured and over a score others were morejor lees injured by flying debris. Bicycle Money. Salem, April 25. Today was a record breaking day in tie iseuadce of bicycles tags, 120 being given out, making the total number so far issued 1165. High atr. Omaha, Aprii 25 The rise in the Mis souri river at this point lias resulted in driving 600 people from their home and me nearly tout submergence of bottom isnui, six miles long and two wide. And the water continues to nee slowly. The I rood it iocs tonight summed np trie I y. ir SeTM - .4 , m J SEW ADVERTISEMENTS Absolute Guarantee Eastern Prices and . r. FV nr 80c per sack. Try it. 1 he Maenolt. See our two year privet plants, before pntting out that h-Jge The Albany Nnr- enea "Silver plaU thai wean: 1847 Rogers Brosr Tie ' trade mart on spoons, forks, etc, is a gaat antee of quality the world over. The prefix 184 7 insures the gtxv nine Rogers quality. Oi all R & G Corset and Ferris Waists When a customer is not perfectly satis. Bed a new pair given in exchange for the old one. It is our aim to p'eas and satisfy , every person who purchases and wears our RAO Corset or Ferris waist. We call special attention to oar 50c and to oar 85c corset which we thing will compare favorably with any f IjOO corset in tbie market. Received today another lin of tboee popular underskirts for ladle. Nw Tambeaux Swiss Lace Curtains and dotted swiss and art goods for saab curtains. S. E. Young & Son. At WILL I MARK'S. Also a fine line of Watches, Clocks - and many Novelties C IX PER CENT O limited amount of LOANrf. I have ft mooey toloaitOn first-class farm security or improved business property in Albany. Interest six per cent for particular call on or aanret. H. F. MiBBiLL, Democrat building. Albany, Oregon. IOR REST. To a responsible party without children ft nicely f nrnlshed bouse address with references B. hex 452 Albany, Or. AT FOR SALE. We will sell at our wareeouee during tbi week cheat hay $7 50 per ton. No. 1 timotb (strictly choice) 19.00. M. Sebpek k Co. FOR SALE. A 200 gal. cedar tank and a Sit. first class, enameled bath fob for sale cheap, liqoire st Vrreick's barber shop. FCR SALE Twelve sfcares of tb stock of tbe Sugar. Pin Kilt aad Fixture Co for sale cceso. Call on Mr. Rachei R Sylvester at tne resioeice of W F Hammer or L II MooUnye at bit office. FOR RALE. Fifteen acres ia A (sea. with six room hoo-e, a I cir-d of small fruit, trts in u-ariog, c'ose to grist afiil, 1 mile from H . O Icquiie or write to rs e. u. uemeil. Ljons. lir. (.'OK bftLE. A store aod 60 acre of " lane). 30 ia crop, poet office in store, m tbe midst of good farming community. For terms write to J. K. UxPsKsnx, Victor. Waro C'o., Or. WANTED. To buy a email tract of land near Albany or Tangent, improved or unimproved. State loca ion, number ef serve, scd price. Addrrta I. W. Senft, Albany, Ot. NOTICE. Hive yoo a farm for sale or rent or do yon know of any per roc bo'diog lands that tney wish to dis pose of. If so please write to way atrent oi the O R & '. Co and be will send foa circular which will interest yon. 3-fuse any other floor, except tha Magnolia. ' aaid an ancient In old ss that 'ere - REFEREE'S SALE. Tvl OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IX in pursuance of aa order of tbe l it cuit Court of tbe state of Oregon for the county of Liaa duly made and entered of record in tnat certain ruit wbere in Sarah J . Elder and Isaic Elder her husband, E. M. Millard and John A. Ml hard her hus band. Mary A. Crawford and John Craw ford ber hesband, and Sarah MsBride and Laura Mc Bride were plaintiff and lobn A. McBride.Arjna Mctfnde, Horace McRride, Mary McBride. William Walter McBride, and Myrtle McBride were defendants, an pointing the undersigned s rtferee to make sale of i be real premises hereinafter de ecribed and report tbe same to tbe above entitled court, the nodfrmirrfd will, on Kutordav, I he 27r day of May , A. D , 1899, at ih north dow of Ice county court booM in ti city of Albany, in tbe county ana site aforrsaid and at tbe hour of one o'clock ia rbe afternoon of saio day, sell to tbe highest bidlerfor casb in band all tb rigbt, title, interest, estate and claim of wnatsoevtr kind tbe partie. plaintiff snl defendant bid at the date o'said decree in aod to tbe following deec ribed premises, to wit: Tbe southeast quarter of section twenty six, and tbe northeast quarter and the north half of tbe southeast quarter of section thirtj-five in to ebrr twelve, south of raoe four, west of tbe Willamette Mrrid ian in Linn Conntv, Oregon, containing focr hondred acres,. exept therefrom tbe following described premises, to-wit: Be ginning ov tbe half section line at a point fifty five rods east of the northwest corner of tbe southeast qjarteiof section twenty six in townibipiwelve, south of rcngefour wot of the W lllamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, and running thence east twelve rods and ten feet; tbence south twrlve rods and ten feet; thence west twelve rods and ten feet, thenre north twelve rods end ten feet to tbe place of oe t inning, containing one acre deeded to Kcbool District No. P0 in Linn Count, Oregon. Right to reject any and all bid: reserved. Uated at Albany, Oregon, th's COth da) of March, 1889. ' J. A. MCtJBIPE, Referee. ' My brother Bill, habitant, "is just ai white bickorv." "And bow .eld may that be?" "Well, wben that tree got .ts first gtowtb Squire Jiokiot aus rnnnin' fer coogreae." "and when oi that ?" ' That," said tbe ancient inhabitant, "wux when 'Gray ben' was lynched fer Loee stralin' 'long erbont mneb-million time!" AllanU Constitution. Said Richard Croker . If yon can shew ma wbere I hav taxen ooe dirLoteit dollar from the city yon can cut tbat arm off. Tb earn matter wts pit in tbi way : Mr. Moc Well, now, will yon prom is tbat if tb receipt of dishonest or die honorable money is laid at your door yen wm surrender your fortune and your liberty? "I wlIL" "Tbafeft tr;ain?" , lmmal "Y.'' Attorney-General Monnett olOb'o has decided to tell who it was that offered him a bribe of $400,000 In the interest of tbe Stanard Oil Co. and to file in court all tbe document and information he has touching the affair. That is rigbt. Tbere is no agent so effective as paolicity in deterring men from evil-doing and bringing evil-doers to joetire. World. Tbe government ha aom case of treason on hand. Wben traced down It amounts to some advice In anonymous dirpatcbts tbat read: "Don't enlist, boys." Certainly if tbat i all it la not tret sod, for tbat is merely advice of some crank wbo waa willing to pay several dot lars a word to aend it. It looks vary much as if the scare would end tn amok bot if Ibere baa been any treason against our government, which every loyal citi zen love regardless oi -otns of tb men people elect to help rou it, let tbem pay tbe penally. Let the rrime be Ireaaon though, and not m-l bad judgment. Oregon is atlrcur more attention tban it baa ever b-foia. and tb people of the state should ow take bold of every opportunity to a.1ertite the re eoorcesof ihs rat tt:at w miy secure tbe immigration we r eed. We have a state tbat should oe ri puis ted by sev ral millioo people . i aiead of by lese tban half a tuiliiuu, id they can be brought here if is pot fjrtli the effort needed. Just now .he- is a golden op portunity in tha nation it prec associa tion meeting that ia to ' h?d in Port land in a few weeks. W should make the beet cf it, for it wnl mean an enor moos amcoDt of advertising for tb state. Tb editors in mo' caee will sends good deal of matter home for their read sis, generally of a Uir ciir.recter. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. T OTICm IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 l tbe ucdersiened ba by tbe County Court of Lion County, Oregon, been duly ap pointed anminisiraior or ine estate ot Har riet m er, deceased, and baa qualified snch administrator. All persons having claims against tbe estate ot said deceased ate hereiy r. 'Quired to present tbe same properly verified as by law required. Ibis tbe 20th day of March, 18C9. Samcbc Mat. Administrator. WKATHEhrOKD & WTATT. Removal Notice. We are now established In oar new quarters, First St. near Montgomery one aoor oeiow iron worxe. in connection with our steam riant we snail maintain ahanddep't. Fine silks, woolens and r.tter delicate fabrics will be washed in telliuemiv by band. Telephone or pos ts) briDgs our wagons to your door. Our aim in to please you. Magnolia Lsundry O Simi-son ot So;, Props. Te'ephone 31. . ....... " i taainlees, model 1899 $ 75 00 Chainlese, model 1898.;. 65 CO enain, model 1899 .......... SO 00 JhaiV, inodol 1893...;..,.'....." 48 OO 8nr, model 1898 40 OO Hartford, Pattern 1899 35 OO Hartford, Pattern 1898 30 OO fedette, Pattern 1899 , 25 OO CAST For 22 years the Columbia lineof Bicycle have been tbe best, and now, saving been reduced so low in price, don't be satisfied with something "just M good," hot come around aad get the snoine article. A N TED Several good second-band icycles in trade for Columbian, STEWART & SOX HOW. CO. FOR SALE. Coot stove and outfit, cook table, oak extensk n tab'e, one safe, two sets chairs, one ber! room set, oae bed-tead spring, two stands, ote coach. 16 yards new rag carpet, 3 of old rag carpet, fruit jars, dishes, Eliptic sewing machine. Inquire cf Dollie Cneadle, at 4th and Montgomery streets. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given tbat tbe annual meeting of the Albany Mining and Mill Ing Co. will be held at the office of C. O. Borkhsrt on April 24, 1899 et 4 o'clock p. n. of aid day for tbe purpose ot electiue 7 directors t j serve for one year snd tbe transaction of such other buires aa may legally come before tbe meetinir. By oder of the board of directors. C E BaowNEix, C CJ Bcbkbwt, j The Public lleaU'i Journal furnish he Inilowmg ugge'it,a lb way of preventites ot eieiy iU i ls: Try cranberries tut mtiaita Try asi-n-bath for rr:eumatisa,. Try tUui broth hr weak stomach. Try cranberry pouitiiefo; erysipelas. Try eating fresh radi?iiee and yellow turnips for gravel. Try swallowing saliva wben troubled with sour stomach. Try eating onions and horseradish to relieve dropsical swellings Try buttermilk lor tb removal ol freckles, tan aod butirnol stains. Try bot fl.nnel over tbe seat of n oral gie pains, and renew frequently. Try a silk handkerchief over th face when obliged to go against a coll, pierc ing wind. Try hard cider -a wiueslasslnl tbree times a day for ague and rheumatism . Try taking a nap in the afternoon if you a-e going to be outlat In the evening. Tiy breathing tbe fumes of furpentlne or carbolic atid to relieve whooping cough. Try a cloth wrung out from cold water put about the neck at night, for a sore tbroat. 7 ry an extra pair of stockings outside of your shoes wben traveling in cold weather." Try walking with your bands behind you if yon find yourself becoming bent forward. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as rreicon will sorely destroy the sence cf smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through th mu cous surfaces, such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from rep utable physicians, as tbe damsge they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly ' aerive frcm tbem Hall's Catarrh Cure, . manufactured by F. J. Cbeoey & Co., To ldo,0., contains no mercory, and is taken iaternallt, acting directly upon the blood and mucoai surfaces oi tbe system. In euying Hall's Catarrh Cor be sure you get tbe genuine 1. is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by If. J. Cheney aV Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggiats, prices 75c per bottle. Ball's Family Pills are the best. Proud of bis Chicken. From th Lebanon E A. VVhtl visiting at Geo. Jtt knight's lb other day w were sbowa tbe great fish ly ing chickens tbat Homsr Daveeport eeat biar. Geo. U vtry proud of these birds nd take areat pleasure ia showing tbem to hi friend. -FoUowiag is an sx tract from a letter from Daveaport to McKaigbt: "Don't fool away any of the stuff that I aeod yon, aa to start out to buy them would b im- poMHhl. Tb parent of thee Domini que wt given to me by T. P. Connor, M. P., and are good beer aad very great fighter It gives me great pleas ure to make pre tents to you and Wbit, aad wben I get yoa a pair of ball pope will think I her yoa pretty well heeled V, however, yoa need earthing, writ to me." Mr. McKotgbt said :"1 see thsl some oo ha received a a preaent Davea port' book of cartoon-, and said be wouldn't trad it for all lb gam chick ens la tbe country. Well, be ca keep bis pictures of Mark Baaaa and I will take ear of tbi littles Domioqa rooater. I need to trade chickene with Homer when we were boy, and that fame and eminence ba failed to torn hi head shows tb climax of a great character ; and tbat Is why I am sweet on this young chanticleer. In the coming pool Uy show to be held at Albany I intend tbat tbie gentleman) from New Yurk eball blend hi soprano with th bas of tbe mighty Langaban aad tb tenor of tbe defiaat Bantam; and to tboee bo are inclined to b skeptical as to hi Sibling qualities, aa opportunity will be afforded to see him flop." During the past week Sew York has had a wonderful revelatioe of tlie powers of a mecblt.. Mr Crcker u.U the Matet iaveetigating commute that he waa the moat powerlul maa In New York. He le tbe only really iodepen dent maa in New York Any favors re quired cf tb administration cannot be granted agm est hi opposition. It will becurfuus toaasljgf the processes whereby Croker grew se t rrt. II is oot a man cf auy education whatever. He has bad no training w.ilch is calcul ated to give a city a selenitic m nicipal governmeni. He ia rloiplv an exaggerated ward heeler. Fir-t be eon trolled the politic of hit prer-iurt, theft hi ward, then Ms district and then his city. He hat built about him a power. fil personal machine. He keepe hit machine' well oiled by the exeicise oi tb principle that to tbe victor belong the spoils. Such a government, bo ever, ia not a government by tbe people. The sooner Crokerlsm Is overthrown tbe belter tt will be tor tbe government of New York cltv. Plsindesler. How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a poaad a day by takin $ m a-'iASe-Mrv ST- a ft an ounce or cun a caul SION. It b strange, but K often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pounds it seems to start the digestive tTsaehinery goim prop erly, so that the patient b able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that b the way the gain b made. A certain amount of flesh b necessary for health t if you have not got it you can set it by taking ccirs piasisa Yoa wffl find it just as tucfui In wr-mer a in winter, and if yoa arc thrivmsj oposi K don't stop because the weather it warm. Sat aaJ fr-eaw aO scott a nowxE, New Vara. GREAT SHOE SALE AT THE FAIR. I am preparing tc moe Into my per tenant quarters and want to onload at least half of my shoes. Th pric ba been cut on every pair f sboee in lb bouse. Respectfully, J. A. WEAVER. Tb lower house of tb convocation ol th Church of England ha passed a resolution declaring that the law of tbe church doe not recognise divorce and asking the b'sbop to devote themselves to securing action of parliament to tbe and tbat tb church shall not remarry divorced person. Goods knows ret, PLACE rOBUY Your Groceries and Baked Is at Parr Bros. Everybody wbere their place is. They keep a fresh stock of grocerie, produce and baked- goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers well, all ftilk. ' Yon may regret som steps- yon tak n lit but none taken Intotu store si Parker Bros. It I a great tnlng to be well fd. Far ker Bros keen good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but yon want it well made. TryParknr tiro C. E. BrownelPs... PrrXIALLIST. 3 rent choice salmon 25 2 freeh msckeral Armour Deviled Ham 5 Gallon Jug of ketchup 7S Tea Sittings, fine flavor 22 Starch, per lb Otf winced Clem, (large cans) TV Boetrn Baked Keane 13 16 os. runs Good faking Powder. . 14 5 csps Mustard Sardine S5 3 cans Sugar Corn 24 These ar all first class goods and we guarantee satisfaction. C. E. BROWN ELL 8ECONDSr. ALBANY The War. Mixru, April 24 On Gen. flale's ad vauceoniaiumpttMriUpinosana one American were aniea. uaie t beiore Calumpit. Tie rn gunboat are no more use to tbe pr oeyona aiaioioeana bave started uci to Manila. Tt. 1 . ,-!. auw Americans iimro evaroai roe, ana fioia only the railroa i tut ion property. Tbe Oregon Boys. Manila, April 25 Although the sticky condition of the ground, due to a rain storm, seriously impeded iu progress, Gen. Lawton's column left Kan Joee to day, and is expected to reach Norzaea- ! ray this evening. Col. Summers ia marching from Bu- cave with two battalion each from the Oregon and Minneeota regiment, three w .mmM MHl l,u g U1I8. After Miles. WjurarsoTox, Aprii 21. The beef court j wiu recommend mat uen. Miies oe rep remanded because he failed to advise the secretary of war of hi objections against canned roast beef, and for his discussing in nee. -papers matters cokly in the jur isdiction of a court of inquiry. Tbe court find substantially tbat Gen. Mile' alle gations as to the unpalatability of canned Cruising FartyD-aJ. i Astoua. April 24. That the entire! party that left Seaside April 7 on a tim ' ber cruise are dead, is an soured fact, as , the Iodic of three bare already tea j loam ana ine eearcn u etui in program for the fourth, who was the olJest and weakest memU -r of the party The browned Men. IUe.cs IRC. April 24. Peter Nehton. of Gardiner, and il Brant, ooe of the assist- ant keepers at I'mpqua lighthouse, have - of the late Sen. Ked. Yesterday a, note-; book, which r-ea. Keel carried in bis pocket, was found at Crow rapids, about I , miies below tbe scene of the accident, j Lot of Watr4 Tar-sro. X. J., April 24. The United State Worsied Co., with: a capital of tTO.000,000 and the American Plumbing Supply A Lead Co.. with an authorized capital ot to5,tX 0 (XX), were incorporated i today at the otbee oflhe secretary of . state. I A Fast Engagement. I Mamla, April 23. I men of the Ne-; braaka regiment, including CcL totaen- ' burg. Lieut, fe-issun, and g men Fourth j cavalry, were killed, and 44 wounded in' an engagement at Quingua. The Filipi- , oe) retreated with small lor. j Tbe engagement dereloped into a die-' astrous, though succe sfm. The insur- ! rents were driven from thoir horee show ; trench. j i -iM . n A n A ni bush . ; Manila, April 24 Bell and 4 troop ofcavalry, while making a reconnois aance. were canght in a I' shaped am bush, near Quingua, and almost annihi lated by the re Wis, who fired from the trencbe on three eides of the rice field into which Bell's hoe hail rid.len through tbe remaining open aide. Two Oregon Boys. Manila, April 23. Adjutant-General ashington : The following death-. among o'hershava occured since the laet weekly report : j Anril .S lU.rt H I'hanilivr Sriv.tA C ! r - - - - t t - , Second Oregon, erveipelse. April 20-Jay F Tay'or, of Ashland, private B, Second Oregon, peritonei. Burned at the Stake XawjcAX, Ga.. April 23. In the pres ence o! nearly itXW people, who sent aloft yells of defiance and shouts of joy, Sam Hoee. a negro wiioconimitt-d two of the lieseetacia snown in the history! crime was burned at tbe stake in a public road oneandahalf miles fr. m here, this after noon. t'cndleton Accl lent. Pendlktox, Ayril 23. J. II. Hot brock fell beneath the wheels of a aa itch en gine today, and waa horribly mutilated vie was crossing triw tracts The Old "Reliable" jiAlbany Nurseries Offer for Spring ot 1899, every complete lUt of etandard varieties of Fruit. Not Shade and Ornamental treee, Evergreer. Flowering tbrsbe. Climber, Small Fruit plant etc Rose, W invite especial attention to onr list of NoveltJe which ice noe tb celebrated Lambert Cherry. Winter Bartlett Pear, Elberta Peach, Imper ial or Clatrac Mam. Giant. Willamette and PaciSe Prone, Logan berry, Himalaya, Giant Blackberry Magoon Strawberry, etc., etc. We aim to giow tb beat stock possible and eeli it at a reaeonsUe Cgrrre. lte keeping Winter Apple a specialty. Visitors mede welcome at our gtoonda. Albert Brownell, Albany, Or. $40 cash $40 For the Best Wheel EverZ Built 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. Fitted With Special Heavy Tread G. & J. TIRES. Next to tbe Rambler ia quality and pric is the IDEAL FredT. iMerrill Cycle Co. With G.A J.Tire SX)kane, Tacoma. Seattle. 105. 107, 109, 111 Sixth St., Portland, Ore. Geo. E- Fish, Agent, Albany, Ore. nieh's wool warehouse foot in a frog, failing. ind from Fu caught his J M RALSTON, Three doors east of the Pixocavr office bas money to loan on farm security at low rat of interest. Also small loans made a personal security . City, county and school warrants bought.' Collection made. Rent collected. Fire In surance written In th following large and reliable companies: HOME INS. CO.. of New York. PHOENIX IN8.CO.. Hartlord, Conn.. LIVERPOOL, LON DON, and GLOBE INS. CO. of England To Cur Cold In Ona I ay TekeLsxatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it feUs to cure. 25e. Th genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. If you want a a 00a ana cleat .uoke buy cigara niada by our Al bany cigar factory. Why not replaca your dead rosea now, with strong field grow plants from Tha Albany Nurseries. FOSUAY & MASON Wholesale A Retail DRUGGISTS iBDfiOQmiLtf 4LBANT, OREGON. Pur Drugs and th finest and LrvJ Stock of Stationary and Books n tha Market. Removal Notice. Tbe'photogsaph gallery in tbe Fioman , jia peen nnaer- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all persons Intereeted that the undersigned bse fil led her final account in tb mattercf the enate ul Maihtas L Pettoo, eceased, ia tbe counly court ot Lion County, Ore gon, and that the said court has fixed Monday the 5th day ot Juce.1899, at th hour of on o'cIook P. M. of said day at tb tim tor bearing and settling all ob jections to said account, therefor, all persons interested are hereby required to appear aod file any objections tbey may have to said final accounts on or beiore said last mentioned date, i Eattr Patios, ' Admimistratsix. W K. Bilyao, Attorxbt rOa'APMIKIRBATRIX. Dated this 28th day of April, 1899 Oliver Plows He. nw u!'h..N. ariOs., Agents. Jtlsany, Oregon 1 BIGGIE BOOKS 12 A Farm library af UKtrtaUed Talw-rwrtkat, Cp-to-date. Concise and Ctoprehenstve Haad- somciy rrueta ana ncianmny turarana. By JACpB BiaOLE No. 1-eXKUJB HORSE BOOK All Aboat Kar-ee e Ombomuc Treatise. rttk over y. mil ar lima ;astaUni wort- Pncr,y Casta. No. a-BKKXLE BEK.RY BOOK All eboe fiu-nue Smell rteite tr.d ndlrniVoe; cmttia.ucoaoTe3hae4ketT--erfJctiaessof aUlewd-Bg mxtx, mad Km other iUaetr.Mr Price, jaCnu. No. 3 8KJQLE POULTRY BOOK All aboet Ptmltrr : tfce bert Pd-iHtt Book ia exipn-acr ; teilc-u )Uir-4r ; wttAm ooiorrd ble-1 ike it-prod actio I of aJl tbe prmipel brecda, wttk oUcrilMtrmuo-. t tnce,9CeBta. No. 4 6KK1LE COW BOOK All eboert Cow. Md tbe Dtr Wialel ; IteTmy tTret a-Je'CoaUma S colored life-Uke repeodeoioeeoreai ( ' 11 111 1I1 ,il 11 anMte. - No. &-8KJOLB SWINE BOOK lost e-jt. an abowt Hoeje BreedtBr. Feedmt;. Bwtcfc rrr. Dweawea. etc. Contain oer ae beeBUial kall tuii aad ocber cagrsriBCS. Pnce. s Cewta. ftBCBKMLB BOOKS are nrjqoe crUtt-I-ro- ww re ktiiatu ewcanwee aale Kat West. North aad Soot. Ever owe who keeps a Horse, Cow. Hog M Chick re. or rnn Snail Fmtta, oacat to scad right way for the BtOOLE BOOsUk TUc FARM JOURNAL Is toot paper, made (or yrm mmi act a eist. It is yeera old; tt u the creat boilecMowa. hHbe-olloHhe-od, qvttfte--ma--aBid-te, Fersa aad Hoosehohl paper iw the world the birrest paper ofits mime im the Faited States oi A-aera aarnigoee- a auiiwnaoa Miuir-oiurown. Aoj 05E of tbe BIGGLE BOOKS, tnl tie FASM JOURNAL a YEARS (rrmainder ef rSea, vom, 1001, 190a and 190J) will be sent by nuU Co aay address for A DOLLAR BILL. ., oampWolFAliM JAKXAi. aad circular deecribinj BKKU-E BOOCS free. vrtusaa ATsmaoit. AjUreas, rJUUK juieiJi. Cmas. r. jurat. fan ansirsua The Albany Insurance Agency, - j; Rpresenttbe leading Fire sac Insurance Companies. Wholesale dealers ia WheAt, OaU and Wood. Correopondence solicited. M. SENDERS & OO, otivet gave the woi'd tne chilled p And itfcas saved more u.oney to the farmer of America . tbotu Atiy other implement ever prooace Oejuine Oliver chvlled are the best o earth. The Oliver is a promoter of bap pi b 'ii on the farm, aed the dealer who veil ottnowi be is handling the best. Loci Ct;for ircmitatiors aud touch nothing bth ba genuine Leeds, nisde rely ry Ohvt Cjbilled v'ow work. South Bted, 11 d.. T im PER C1T LOINS I hkve sn unlimited amount of mon, r HPfflT BICYCLE RMBIKR GeiialBlacUtti HORSE SHOEING. Second Street between Ferry ai'C Broadalbln. MILLER &6TE WART Block on 1st street that going repair is about completed and will nrnptirtv In Albany, at SEVEN P be occupied by kuss Long who will move CET INTER KST. th interest pyab to loan on Farm Security, or on business UK her studio from 2nd street during the present week. Miss Long will have one of the finest studios in town. but pnce a ft blairt vear. tor information aad applications oall on or address 0, U, Bmnuaf, Albany, O? K. O. T. M. every 8atnrday evening at K. O. T. St ball. Visitin Knight inviled. H M Newport,Oomuaadr. PR.J. L. HILL. rhjsiilan and Surgeon, Hill Block - - -3- Albany, Or.'. H.E. BEERS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 66. Postotfice Block. Albany, Oregon DR, OLIVE K. BEERS. Diseases of Women and Children. Phone 56. Postofflce Block Alhaov Ca N. E. WIXNARD M. S. M. D. Graduate ot Lenox College 1885, o rago llomeorthic Medical College lSdi Rush Medical College 1S82. f wectale Block. Albeny, O-. Residence on Srd street.sonth side tween Broadalbin snd Ellsworth. Vard Littler, Assistant- JC LITfLIlt'X Qroond Flow Dental Otfic Broadalbln, St Albany, O Geo. Collin DDS . ' A. Jack Hodges DDS COLLINS & HODGES ' Dentists. Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, Or. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY Albany Oreson- Offices, Bank of Oregon rtaiiding. Only et of b1rt. uf Una County. Complete a-t -4 nitpe and plata. ALEABT LMCH CODHTiB, MoeUr V McKUlop, Proprietors Prompt meals atall boor. Fretb oys ters in style desired Serve lonche lor baaqoete oo abort notice. Pfmisntj ami ai Almilail HarrEit are eared sole te tans, aha eew OCR TESTED SOU. Bead seetat tor ear Uaatimtad a areu mmi -. ainuey ay iailinii traaa the FACIFIC SEED COMPAXY Ttl aeR Jat. i.LagOai actaa Ua-ni sicnesu. m XOiCElei M aa at A Rare Bargain. For sale, a boose and lot in a favorable part of the city. Hooae ia a two story, eight room boil ding in good condition Good well and city water. Will be sokiat a rare bargain, it mut be sold so do not mias this chance. Inquire at the Demo at office. LTOR SALE. Oce spriogwagr A top. ia nn ctaas con anion . qaireat this office. with Ia- STOCXBCLOEkS UEFTIX8 5 otic is hereby given that there will be a meeting of tbe stockholders of tha Albany Street Railway Company on Wednesday May 24lh, 1S99 at the bonr of eight e'clock p. m. at tbe office of the secretary of aaid company tbe tuns be ing et the Beal Estate office o: C G. Barkbart,on First street ia Albany, Or. For the'pa-pose ot voting on the qne tioo and proposition of selling all prop arty, rigbt and frsnchie of said corpora Uc. ana (or t be purpose of wind ing ap tb basinf uf seud eorpormlioD, and the dlseolrit g ot Ue same. AptU 14, 199. E. F. So, President. rj. G. Eckkhabt. Secretary. 1-7-, - Si He Long Photo Co.. InFromaa Brick. The leading gallery of Aloany. Tha onlr-np-to-date first data stndio in town. All work to TMeaee. MAKIE LONG Porp re'l PEARLY TEETH, so higV.v and justly prised, are assared bv tbe as oi oar AI.I.FNS TOOTH POWOEK, which prevent all accretioo under the dental snrfacee and keeps tbem clear, clean, and natural in color. With regular applications ot this powder tha teeth will not decay and the anaovance of an early reeort to the resource of den tistry is avoided. Keep your teeth aa long ae nature will permit. Using ear LLESS TOOTH POWDER will enable yon to do this. Price only 15 cent per box. J.A.CUMMING. A. B. GRIGGS Feed Store, Juit east of the Dbmoctut offioa. 0 Will keep on band a ood stock ot feed of all kinds, flour, etc., which ill be sold at reasonale price,. Millinery Opening. On March 2Sth and following days, I will display my fin lin of pattern hat aad ot ber sod. A special invitation ie extended to tha Udiet of Albany. I make a specialty cf trimmed hats. Mas. E.M. FrvK For Bargains In Farm Lands, Timber Land aad City Property, call on or write S. N. STEELE A CO. Albany, Oregon OR SALE. A Teaxling, Jersey ball, foil blooded, from splendid atock. Call oa William Pt acock, ef CIoti niv erdala. IBlSco. -fit. L