The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 28, 1899, Image 1

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Eater at tie Fcu e at tlbaay. )r. aa ead-Claaa Hall Mallfit
no 38
SlTTIVti abllaner aaj rrrtlr
" , , . , . M . ' .
1 Iff
a "aUI 17 n D
The Kind You Hare Always
to use for over 30 years,
Ail Counterfeits, IuutaUous and Substitutes are but Ex
T,TaUtS In110 WUh d endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.'
Castoria U a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Vol!c'lt ""eves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind Yon Ha?e Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
FULLY DOUBLE ths amouct ever before ahown by as, consisting
or Carpets, Art Square. Co'tace Art (a new and attrictive goods) Mat
titgs, L'noleum and Oil Clotb.
We are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, Portiere, Shades and
kindred goods. -
Piece goods in Curtain material and coverings.
Tlasbnic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or,
&l I .'. b,' i M I r ; v 1 u. u t a 'a j. -a i ; s
TRY MuRMOX BISHOP'S PILLS for all dieease arising fron
disiration, self - abuse, exceee or eirtte smoking. In nse
over 60 years. Brines back your Manhood, cure depleted. worr
oat n -n. makes rich blood and imn Cnn .iinn .ml I1
jones, mkes yon Uftitingly etrortg. cures impolencv, lost power, emissions,
loea of memory. 1 d dream-, shranken organs, despondency, sleeplessness,
vanoceele and constipation, adds to the eyes, stops nervous twitching
of the evelioe. Makes life wo.-th living. A boon to young or old. MORMON
BIsHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs btops el
losses by day dr nignt. Don't delay. Price within the reach ofalL Uuaran
teed to core Price fry-l hx 6 for $2.50 by mail. Send for free circular.
Address BISBOP Kill REMEDY CO., San Francises). Gal.
For tale by Foe- i-.UtJ Lay & Mason, Albany
feiO60l ent.r ElatcheM
In a reorat hav'.lrg cont -
hut j a w K '
This machine baa been demoiutjrated to be aa Dear ab-
K4ute nrf ection as can bo attained. TberaralatiGaof hnL
air aod nmiatnre have beea proTeo perfect,
tmjr ana ouer tmproremaata. wa B VMpav 1 llnjin rt
to aia C.D: BATB8. AlbaQf. Or.
Ongoa i'oultry..rm
Sam;les enn be seen at F. 0. Powers' Poultry Dopot, Albany.
We Lave machines in slock as
Suppies for Sewing Machines and
first class repairing.
Stewart & Sox Co.
Stewart & Sox for Machines that
'20 Years in
Is the 01det Furniture Dealer in the city and ho keeps a complete
line of Furniture and Bedding and if yon want good goods cheap give
aim a cal. Ha doesn't intend to be under sold.
,!kMts -yy
Bought, and which has been
has borne th KlAtn. r
m and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its Infancy.'
Allow AA stall a aaaN'a .vwv I. Vt
Signature of
n in which there werrforar Wtriala tha
per ccow la UKaaaa wiOi
gee our new egg:
A good article is worta more
"poor oue.
MACHINE..... .
will outwear s dozen cheap
cnf, therefore cheaper in the end.
Win? .
For the Yaquina Improvement.
The members of the special committee
on statistic showing the importance of the
Yaquina harbor to Oregon ana the coast
generally, met last night at the City
Council Chambers and compiled their
returns, which are very ffmiering. In
addition to Oregon needs the committee
are backed by the recent action of the
cq amber of commerce of San Francisco.
Tomorrow accompanied by committees
irom other valley towns, t'ey will go to
tae bay and meet the enginrera. 0.
ii- " .' . - , -
uogue was aunointed to cresent t ha
nm J'.K .XleaM'.e.rfo,i t0
iSZL . w
The engineer Col Mansfield. Cunt.
. : . i , .' -". .
Taylor, and Capt. Hart, went to the Baw
today. They made their trip from
Portland to Albany in s special car, in
charge M President Hammond of the As
toria and Columbia railroad, and after
partaking of their dinner were transferr
ed to the C fc E and leit for the Uav, ac
companied by Judge Flinn, S F Young
and O C Hogue of the Albany committee.
Senator Simon and Congressman Tongue
as had been anticmated. were not nrr.
ent, Mr. Simon being unable to leave
ana air longue not being seen in time
for the trip. Tomorrow mrrning a spe
cial train will leave the city at 8 o.clock,
when the different committees will ro ac
companied by prominent citizens.
Mr Stone of the CAE this nvming re
ceived from San Francisco the petitions
and resolutions passed by the Chamber
of Commerce of San Fraucisco and four
other large organizations, showing the
necessity of the improvements in connec
tion with the commercial interests of
San Francisco and California, and the
same will be anions the thimrs left with
the engineers to consider in connection
with t le project.
The Salem committee BDDointed to iro
to the Bay tomorrow is com meed of
Mayor G P Bishop, II O Sonneman. Jeff
eran Myers, Milton W Mevers and Dr.
fc. a fierce.
A Wonderful ExhibitiotuJe
The Edison Electric Co.! will zi ve ezut
itioas at the armorv Frida and Katur.
day nights of this Wek, preaenting-
moving battle scenes fh the recent war
accompanied by a S00 Ulking machine
iua,au mission wui m zo cents, wita S5,
cents for reserved seats, on sale at Burk-
Le s, lhe; ooJbern Indepen
sarsr Cook & Forbia in their donhto fr
drew crowded houses at Reminirton'a
ball last Friday and Saiurdar niehta.
tuauv not oeingaoie to nnd seats and
not entering. The attendance and th
enthusiasm displayed were especially
gratifying to the proprietors, Ta Wood"-
meir uooie. air. tXJOC uaa
cliarge of the A met machine and hand
led it with so much skill that the mov
ing scenes reproduced were clearly por
trayed, life-size and truly realistic. The
battles were as awe-inspiring as the
lynching was horrible, the Indians, bat
tleships and Other number intemtinv
and the amusing axne mirth-provoking.
i. a wuoie snow in itseit. nevertue
lees an equally entertaining featon was
introduced in another of Krliann'a wnn.
derfnl inventions the grapbopbone
trand. The old graphophone cannot be
beard when placed along side ol the im
proved instrument.
took fc Forbia have invested hearilv
in their outfit, and it is no surprise that
thev are reaping a rich harvest, as none
will miss seeing two such acheivements
of genius.
Capt Phillips Commissioned
Yesterday afternoon Governor Geer
made three appointments on account of
the resignation of Capt. Pickens, ol Co
Merril D. Phillip , of this city, as
captain, James U. Campbell, of Oregon
City, as 1st Lieut, and George W. Mar
tin as 2nd Lieut. Their commissions
will be forwarded at once by Adiutant
General Tuttle. The appointment of
Capt. Phillips was expected. He is en
titled to the place and will make a very
efficient officer, in fact is alread serving
his coantry aa captain ol the company.
Judge Blue ol Lincoln count v, was in
the city yesterday.
Mrs. Maggie Fox will leave on the
next Yaquina steamer for San Francisco
on a visit of several weeks
Ex-Chief of Police A C Dilley left Sa
lem Tuesday evening for Fresno, Calif.,
which he will make bis future home.
Prof. E. H. McAllister, of Eugene, a
former Albany young man, will lecture
on the "Sun next Tuesday evening at
Congressman Tongue is in Salem today
where be has a ease in the supreme
court. He will come to Albany tomor
row noon and go to the Ray on the after
noon train.
Bishop F H Gwynne of the Presbyter-
n church, well known in Albany, pass
ed through the city on last night's over
land tor ban t rancigco.
Bishop Stanford of Harrisburg. Penn
ill preach in the Pearce Memorial
church next Sunday evening in the in'
terestoi the united Evangelical church
Superintendent McDonald will next
week begin visiting the schools of the
country. . He will therefore for awhile
beat his omce only Saturdays and Mon
The Christian Herald and Signs of
the Times, which arrived today contains
a sketch, with pwtures, of the hie ol
Diana, the little black Liberian girl.
brought up by Mrs. Lizzie Buck waiter
in Liberia, and who was in Albany sev
eral years ago with Mrs. Buckwalter, a
former Albany teacher.
The Democrat last night published n
interview with Mr. r. a. uannau taken
from the Portland Teleuram. Mr. Mar
shall has returned home and states that
he never even saw a Telegram man. and
that be was not interviewed by anyone.
It was all made up by one who knew
that he was in Port and. It is a fair
sample of the reliability of the metro
politan newspapers interview.
Mrs. Hogue' side last evening at the
A. O. U. W. hall gave their eleventh en
tertainment, presenting an excellent
program, that was greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Hogue will give one more enter
tainment and Miss Barker two. In the
contest on even entertainments Miss
Barker is ahead between one and two
hundred points, and expresses an ia
tention of remaining so.
Letters from Rev. G. W. hill former
ly pastor of the Baptist church in this
city tell of his work in Japan. He
now doing considerable studying.
has been troubled with asthma lu
winter months and at times was afraid
be might be obliged to give rp his mis
sionary work but in a recent letter re
ported that he was better. Rev and
Mrs. Hill now have three children, two
having arrived Bince they left Albany
A Card or Thaseb. Mrs. Thompson
and Class wish to express theit sincere
thanks to tbe musicians and judges and
all others that contributed in any way
to make their recital and contest at Oak
Creek such a decided success.
At the conference in Lafayette of the
United Evangelical church, Rev Hard-
man was reappointed to the Albany
church. Rev Bowersox will bo to Dav-
ton, L M Boozer to Corvallis. 3 J Kelly
first church Portland, M J Ballantyne to
Hillsboroj W L, Arnold to (sweet Home,
II L Pratt to Salem, T A Yost to Trout'
dale, C C roling is presiding elder.
Go to Verick's shaving and hair
ting parlors for rst class work.
, ana cold paths. Wean towels to every
From the Criterion.
W. J. Booth again sold all the Knm
l n he Lad in stock and took orders
for 11 more. They are expected on every
"Bert" Wight was granted a license to
preach, at the presbytery held at Cor
vallis last week. Bert is natural ora
tor and will preach some good sermons.
a J. W. Gain tier, of Lacomb, was in this j
city me insi oi uie week, mis eon Ar
thur, now at Manila, is an applicant for
the position of 2nd Lieut, of Co. I, which
position is now vacant.
Died, at Sweet Home, Oregon, on Sun-
uy turn jiv. iow, iiuni . ultra , agea
-v.i.... J. tu j j
frly.etilerat Sweet Home, and has
liveJ there ceuUnuously for many years,
! G. K. Idinu. tneether with hi f ami.
ly oi eight children and an aged mother,
arrived here yesterday Irom Kansas and
will locate somewhere in this county.
They came to this particular place
througn correspondence with J. B. irt.
Geo. McKnight recently received a fine
f air of IVouniques Iroon his old friend,
fomt-r Davenporr, the celebrated car
tconiat. They are beautiiul specimens
of birds and to (bow their appr elation
of our exc-llent climate the lady game
has Uid five eggs in seven days since
tnrir arrival.
The lollowins is the committee bd
p. ined to meet and confer with the Ya
quina engineers : C B. Montamie, By
ron .iiiuap, ai. a a,iuer, vt. j. a.
Lam hereon. V. M. B own, 8. P. Bach,
0. O. Peterson, II. Baker, W.J. Carty
ana it. u. oiey.
Was Among The Bullets.
Roy Junkin writing to relative in
"I am no longer a soldier. I was dis
charged U-t batorday but I tell you
have been where the bulieta were flyine
throuich the air like bees out of a hive
along in June and what made it so much
more interesting was that we were right
on the niggers before we knew it. we
were within 30 ranis when they opened
fire, well sir. it lust sounded exactW like
an me ere crackers in rortlanl and an
Francisco wers toochwd off all at once
and when we opened on tbv were in the
trenches and we were not. We had to
wade in water and mud over our belts io
get to them. This was dooe four weeks
ago last Sunday. The 14th. made two
charges that day and run them out of
two of aa strong holds as could be made
in a hundred years. We run them that
day ten times farther than thejSpariarxla
ever am ana trier lousnt them here I
don't know how many years. They kept
nnnff atone toe una every day and mem
just three weeks exactly. V e slept with
our shots and leeins on. Well I will not
tell any more about it now but if any one
thinks it w as a sham battle they are m
Roy is a native of Oakville and his
many frienJs here would Lke to see him
bu he has loun I employment in the
tuarterniater department at HO a
month and will stay at Manila for'a few
The Coming Assembly.
The Willamette Valley ChauUogua
Association has booked the beat array of
talent ever procured for the assembly to
be held at Gladstone Park, Orvjjon City,
Julv ISth to 29th.
Among the attractions will be Sam P.
Jones, for July ISth and 19th. The
greatest evangelist orator ca the Ameri
can platform today.
J. LfeU lit Mriar. not so widely known
as Sam Jones, yetfwe have evidence of
hi popnUrity
Dr. C. M. Cobeen, who has spent sev
eral years in Egyt.
Frank BeanLtbe cartoonist of "Pock"
and "Jadeo." wo will give two enter
tainments Jnly 3th and 25th.
Every day will be filled with music,
lectures, field sports, concerts and en-
tcrt air. menu, r
the departments of instruction will
be conducted by specialists in the differ
ent lines. I
Reduced rates will be given on all licea
of transportation and living expenses
are nominal.
Season tickets 11.50. da v tickets 23 eta.
Children undertlO, free. Xo extra charge
lor camping
n;eTortlartl citcaaaWiTSot-a
i a mayor, i
Thirty-five men enlisted at Portland
last month ia the regular army
The new court boose at Euzene ia be-
in3 occupied oy the county offiicais.
What a re you doing to get the bnnd
tournament at Albany. It is Albany 's
busmees to keep in the lead.
Frank Hdrn and Edward Suprle have
just come ofat of the Atlin diatrtct with
140,000 in gtyd duet.
John Maxwell of Irving, odj3.000 ba.
of wheat in JSugene yesterday for 4Cl;
The Lawn lenois Club have bad their
court prepared for the summers cam
paign and wiIQbegin business tonight.
It is said thai Tom Reed may attend
the national editorial association gather-
ing in Portlan
He woaid be a draw-
ing card.
The place Got
Lord waa after was
minister for Pel
at $10,000 a year, and
this he would bi
accepted, but it is
said will not tbe
laaion to reraia.
General X)tis bi
leleuni plied that the
will be sent home
Oregon Volunteei
about Ma5. That!
ntil then they will ren
der willing service
a fact no one doubts.
Richard Wheele
has sold his inUrest
in the Plain view cri
merytobia partner
Mr Seeley, who
in have exclusive
charge of it, with
'red Brock man as
butter maker.
The last ballot
ia been taaen in
Pennsylvania for U
8. senator, without
no senator at all
any result. Better
han such a man
Quay. Will tbe
government never I
that the proper
way is to elect U. S.tsenator by a popu
lar vote ol the peopl.
Scenes frour the Swiss Alps; glaciers,
names, mountain village, native tteaz-
ants, and snow capped peaks. Mr Dum-
mit has viewg-of som. of the finest scen
ery jn the world. Hex will show these in
connection with his lecture, in tbe Col
lege unapei, April 5. 4
An order book for tbe Saturday Market
bus been placed at Comming'a Drug
Store where it ia acceaaihla to all. Any
thing out of the usual HnJ should be or
dered before Friday noo.-j. Orders will
be tilled in the order in which thev are
given. Articles thus ordered should be
called for before five Saturday afternoon
Crooked Month Green Fattv tirev
and an unknown man recently buncoed
J F Roeys, of Walla Walla out of 15,000
in a green goods racket. A reward of
1 100 is offered for the arrest of each and
f 500 lor tbe securing of tha money.
Crooked Mouth Green is the man who
attempted to bunco V H Caldwell of
this county several years agp, but failed.
He was arrested in PorUsnij through in
formation lurnlshed by t hifl ol Police
Lee, and taken to California where he
was sentenced to the penitentiary for
several years, his term havfoijf recently
expirea. r.
The report of the soperfotemlent ol
tha city schools shows an enrollment of
665 and an averaga daily attendance ot
642 during March. There were eleven
case of corporal punishment. May 6
will be observed as a general rbetorica
day in all the rooms. : .....
To Cure a Coli In -.One Day '
Take Laxative Bromo QufVnlne Tablets
c f .. .... ,.1-7 .
All aruggist reiana toe piyaoj 11 11 ran
to care. wc. ihe gnilQf ba L. o, 14
on sacn UDit
Off for the Bay.
The speck! Yaquina improvement
train left Albany for the Bay at exactly
8 o'clock this morning, with good s'zad
load of prominent citizens, a' factor in
the red tape part of securing the im.
piovements so mnch needed lor the ad
vancement of the commercial liferents
of western OiefOD, .
Among thce who went mere Connres
man Tongue, of Uiilsboro, Mayor Bark
hurt. Conrad Myer, F M French, F M
Redfleld, V? O Tweetaie, 1J Smiley, S
N Steele. H 0 Watam, J N Duncan, A D
Hale. Kola Neiai. J A Cummin. C ti, Louoer Ratnton, W W Howell,
A Uai klemao, E A Barrett, H A Daw
son, D P Maeoa. and J N fjpffoian. of
this rity, K J lieodrtrks. Jefferson My
ers, Mayor Bishop, Dr E A Pierce, J tl
Alberts and wife, ai.d F R Anson, of gi
lam. Mayor C R Mt n:gue, U W Oroaun
and others oj IeJpooo, Hrnry Lvon-,ol
Tne day was aatpicidus for a fine ex
euraion. The engireera will tn.e their time for
investigation and w II m .he ttieir report
io c-ngres in vet-em ter
On the Alert.
From the ew Westminster Diily Col
oome. at least, ol lie citv police, tay
there is no trnth ia the item which ap
p a red in Saturday nUbt's Columbian,
giving a semewDat circu"tantil ac
count ot how the Rev fcd. Harris out
wuiea mi police ana regained pneis-
lon ol the person of Miss Lear, his part
oerin tbe elopenitou Of coarse, it is
only natural to aeek to discredit the
oea, but. unfortunately, there is uo
macb straight evidence to bear out the
aiortwaid account. Ii might also t aiiii
ed that tlie gin's o other tecognized the
latllity ol trying to separato her daugh
ter and her lover, and, when the prtieer
of tbe earner voiaateered to- bring the
kin kb-rd again, after be bad din
barked , at Alert Bay, the mother taU :
i ia ol no dm. Tbe girl is of age, and
mast please bersell." And she did. In
time she msy repent' of ber choice, but
at prevent ever) thing is lovely, and lb
goose bajgs high, aod tbe very name ol
their new placw cf residence
siggesai I
mat uury are not to be caught napping.
List of Patents
Granted to Northwest in
week. Reported by O. A. Snow
pateot attorney. Washiutcn.
i- i
a al chias. Tacocaa.' i ali 8lurat-rM
tolling macb lee. E E Gaatin. TiTooiiese at Corvallis a vear is too much.
Dalles. Orec..Rollin rate. I) U James
Albany. Ore.. Shade-trimmer. E 1 1-
aoo, Seattle, Wash J Wrench.
or copy of any patent send 10 cents in
postage etampe wiik date-of thi pacer
to O A SnowACo..Washii:ttoo. D C.
Tbe Independence Enterprise ays:
"We have been aaked quite often of
late to leave oat items, and every time
we find It ie-to our own detriment and
Irom now on it will be of no os to make
the reontat of o. as we a ill publish
evervtniog tost e think is of public in
tut i'anocajiT is e;o tirej oi
SiKh. teqaeata, generally made by prop
woo ao not area iae tne paper
An excUhuge: eaet fctaad by . your
home merchant. He is ths man bo
helps to pay I tbe streets on whloh
yon walk, for tbe schools in which our
chi'd-en, or periapt you were educated
etc. Correct, iTbe merchant should
aUo stand by borne institutions, ihoogh
some of them do not.
PoondtaafteT Ed. Davidson states that
on May 1 be wig befin mazing a list ol
ii ooga ot tbe city, and I bat tbe regular
ao tax win b collected. (Dd whete
not paid the dog will be taken and dis-
potedof actorfifttto law. Each dog
mutt have a tag. Tbe pouodmaster
says be is going to do bia duty.
meeting of the grand loJge of
Maccabees ia Portland this wee a J 8
Tin Winile of this citv, as reappoint
ed state commander; I M Homer of
Corvallis was eboeen as representative
tothesapremelxlgetobobeld ia Port
Horon, Micb. Jnly 11
frw4clre before tbe C.'e. of the
Prarftysr1aAi church in this city on Mon
oay evening. May 15.1 Albany people
generally will be glad to' hear this talent
ed minister on a popular surject.
A Salem janitor in one ot the public
schools yesterday reeigatd by request ou
acctoat ol being too familiar with one of
tne papiis, too proper tmnj to with
ucb janitors only not revere en. .
tt will be seen by our list of paients
published elsewhere that a patent was
recently issued to Mr D II James of the
Ibaay r umiture Co. for a shade trim-
merwit is all riant.
Tc Night. The entertainment to be
given tonight by the Ed Iron Electric Co
isooerfeierviog a arg audience. The
scene are all; and splendidly
presented according to notice rvceived
wherever presented, greatly enchnnctd
by tbe io talking machine, a new
thing in Albany. . Ad million 25 cents.
Reserved seats 00 sa'e at Burkh'art A
Leo's. 35 ctnts. ,
A. Wulvertnn Ielt thi morning for
Sherman county on a visit with a daugh
ter. (
Mr. W. A. Cox ha accepted a brick
laying job for for the summer at Moro,
Sherman county.
Mr. Thomas Heflronj who recently
left Albanv for Lewistod, Idaho, m 110
at an Uncle's in WashinjsU n, on a v'.sit.
F. G. Nick. in, of the !A met lean Type
rounder Uo., ol Seattle i in ti e city
today, giving tne printer pointer.
Mirs Elsie Martin, of Albany, a type
set ter and a acnooi teacher, ts visiting
Mil Hose Moore, One of tUletn'r
teachers. Salem Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Van Winkle. X. M.
Newport and Mrs. I. Beam returned thir
noon from Portland,) where they had
been attending t he grand lodge ol Mac
cabees, j
Mrs. Logan returned last night from
Troutdale. where shag bd been eleven
weeks on a iait with her son Sam, who
ts in the mercantile ouMnets.
Kev. lowniena, who bat been pastor
of tbe Presbyterian Jchuri b at Newport
lor several years, pasted through Albany
yeatsraay lor 111 new cuarge at Koe
burg, accompanied -by his family.
Prof. Woitman, a former student in
the state university at Eugene has beea
elected professor ofl paleontology of Yale
university, no was a resident of Junc
tion iofr a numbesot years.
It U xfrocK, 01 scio. the sma lest man
in Linn county, was in tbe city today on
h's way to untario, Uanada, to visit ret
tlve. He measdrea three feet 1 1 inches
Hie lather ill, vears old. and a promi farmer ofl Linn county. Brock
forms an odd contrast to bis brothers,
who are all stalfart. Telegram.
Last Friday vbntng, Mr. Wallis Nash,
a member of tbe board of regents of the
O. A, C. gave an instructive and inter
eating lecture i I the college chapel on
the subject of "Ancient London.1' Mr.
Nash I welMnfofrned, and being verted
a he is on tbe sabject be treated, he
was perfectly at home while speaking ot
his native conrkry. Tbe manner in
which be discussed tbe subject was such
tbat all present went away with a much
better understanding of the history oi
Roman London.-4-Obrvallli Union-Gas
From the Xews.
Robt 0 Brock left Wednesday for bis
old home in Cacsda. He does not know
jot how long he will be absont, tmt in
all probability will not return lor a year.
Mr and Mrs John Uoins and tbe two
children, of Albanv, visited with re la.
lives In this city 8unday.
Mr and Mrs Arch Goios, of Albany,
visited In Scio last Stnday, the guest of
mr aou airs rrabk Butcher.
N T Higgins is in receiot of a naggst
of gold which was sent to him by his
broth, r, Russel Higgins, who ia in the
Klon.i ke region It is said to be jut
the n.e tbat it takes to boy a glass of
beer up in that country.
Laat Monday evening D O Uerrin,
Grand Mas-er Workman of the A. O. U.
tV, made Brio lodge an official viit.
Tbe lodge meeting was dispensed with
and several invited friends of tbe order
were present aa well as the Degree of
Honor. Mr Herrin gave a short talk an
tho benefits of the order. W n Warner !
o' Alhaov. was pivsent, and gave an ex-1
hibition of t'e "screen amk." j
Ditd, at tue home of her father. P C
Smith, io this city, near midnight. Wed- J
needay, April 19 Mrs Flo DuggtrJ
wueoio vt xoggar. ot XMlepearJence,
aired 21 years, five months and 25 days,
tier su iden deaib caused qaite a shoek
to tbe community. Tbe deepest svm
phathy of all ia ex-ended to tbe yoacg
huaband, aged parents and sisters.
Two More Prisoners.
The population of the county jail
increased two this forenoon, as follows
"L" li C Ccoley was brought down
from Brownsv'lle, where Jotice Bailey
alter trial loonj him guilty o' practicing
iiuout a license, and fined him (50 in
default of payment of which he was com
mitted to jail.
Herbert Mitts, of tbe now notorious
Mills family of near Lebanon, was placed
io toe jail on a commillo.ent Irom LeV
aoon. abere he was found gui:tv of steal
ing a taddls and sentenced to six months
ia jiil. Tfcia was ehsoged to four
niobtns. Mii'ths4O0a brother in the iih him on two charge, rape and
cat::e stealing, and another broibtr out
on bail on the charge ol rape.
.TrvVh-8 Gradwohl brick ia going ahead at
tapia rate, in order that the owner
may nave nja in ore m it tlore bis t im
street lease expires.
lefniitunt weather today.
A new suge line has been started
t ween iloro and Pi ioevtlle.
"UratorioSocietv willbaraa ipee-
iai r
ta! rehertal at the College tonight.
nno for m-nin th lnvniixr.1
te at CorvaUia a year ia too touch.
An Eastern Star lobe is lo he omul-
zed at Marion with ?7 nirmbert, in a
lew days.
Tbe state fair board will again altemot
tu have legal organization by meeting in
tbe proper way on April S7.
Portland is about to ao craiv over tbe
famoos Bostociaos aooo to be in that
city. The sale of seats 'a immense.
At Toledo this week Mrs. Mver had
Mr. Myers arrested for whinoicg ber
Then she repented, but tbe Jodge did
not see it that way, and made the par
ties pay tbe costs. A good example.
Lowell Ames, wbo was olalntiS in
a divorce case at tbe recent term of eoort.
died at bis borne near Sweet Hosae Son
day, of La grippe.
Eastern mail, whicb has eenerailv ar
rived on the n on train, now eels here
on tbe previoos night's overland from
tbe north and isditinbotedin tbe morn
Tbe auction license n Eaiean bavins
been increased to a price higher than
any one can pay Anctioaeer Goods u
about to begin proceeding again the
recorder to compel him to issue a license
at tne old rate.
Henry VillarJ writes that ha will
viait Portland ttia summer. Soma of
our citizen will remember bis famous
vuit to thi valley when the Xortbem
Pacific was completed in 1S&3. He was
the star of tbe occasion.
Shooting Accident and a Fatal Fall
Word received from Sweet Home i to
tbe effec t that last Thursday evening
nar that place, a young man a ul 21
Tear ol age earned brickson. while in
toxicate J, accidently sho: a girl of 18
year o age named oterhng, causing a
flesh wound. It was reported that Ertck-
on had been arrested and there was talk
ol lynching tlm, but there i probably
aou.e mistake about this. After the
shooting tbe mother of tbe girl. Mrs.
Sterling started on horeeback to see her
daughter, and fell off tbe horse receiving
injuries from the effect ot which the
Many persons have their good
day and their bad day. Other
are about half sick all tbe rime.
Tbey bave headache, backache,
and are restless and nervous.
Food docs not taste good, and
tbe digestion is poor; the akin
is dry and callow and disfigured
with pimples or eruptions;
sleep brings" Yto rest and work
- Is a burden.
Tbat is the cause of all this?
Impure blood.
- And the remedy?
It clears out the channels
through which poisons - are
carried from the body. When
all impurities are removed from
the blood nature takes right hold
and completes the cure.
If there is constipation, take
Ayer's Pills. They awaken the
drowsy action of the liver; they
cure biliousness..
VMIm tm Dootf,
w hara tha xclntlT aarrlM ot
torn or IDS mon .Ulin.m pnyvramu. m
tba DntM4 HtmUM. WrlW frl al Uia
ntrttcuiua ta jour eau. Yoa will r
aiT proBiM npir- wnou ixni. w
, La wall, alaaa.
The Yaquina Ray Improvement axcur
sion party returned from tbe Bay at 11
o'clock last night, and report a pleating
trip under favorable circumstances and
are much gratified at tbe outlook.
On arriving at Newport at noon tbe
were given a live reception. The life
saving crew gave a fine exhibition, when
a public meeting was held in order that!
the engineer! might be impreed wi.h
n. importance ot the improvement
aaaea irom a commercial standpoint as
well aa from an engineering view. R.
a. en e I very properly was elected to
preetce. Hon. Thw. H. Tongue was tbe
first speaker, and was folio aed bv Hon .
J. D. Daly who preeeoted the facte com
piled from ths reports of the different
counties interested. Judge John Burnett,
of Corvallis, i. II. Albert and Mayor
Bishop, ol aaleui, Mavor Montavue, of
Lebanon, and Judge Flinn and Bon. J.
K. Werftherforl of Albanv. Tha meet
ing displayed tbe fact tbat it was dis
tinct! eu improvement needed bv not
only western Oregon, bat the state and
".!t, and not an Albany or Corvallic &
r.attern need alone Tbe reports of the
committees covered tbe bann-as of tbir.
iren counties as compiled aud
peseoted by Senator Daly, and
ho ed the great advantages to resul:
from tbe improvement in increased
prices for our products, tbe advancement
of cur lumbering totereeis etc. A state
ment in tbe report of tbe Albany com
mittee is timely and to the point : "Any
opposition to ti.e continuance of the
Improvements of this harbor which may
be n'ged are inspired by those a ho have
directly or indiiectly a pecuniary interest
in having tbe work a hand ced, and wbo
care nothing for tbe interest of tbe
people wbo live in this large territory
tributary to Yaquina harbor.
The compilation of tbe reports pre
sented showed tbe following:
Total products shipped and marketed
for tbe year '! in the thirteen counties
of Benton, Crook, Clackamas. Dooglae,
Harney, Lane, Lion, Lincoln, Marion,
M.lbeur, Polk, Yamhill, and Wathicrton
tributary to Yaquina Bay:
Am't. Yaix,
Wheat . . .7,253.820 ba $ 4.819,654
Oats 4,400,329 bu 1.275.150
Barley A Rye 31 1,!n5 bu 124.000
43.50.) tons 2.918.500
Sbeep ,
Pot a toe . . .
Dried Fru't
...13,172,000 lbs 2.271,500
216.618 heed 4.332.530
&6 JSW
501,85; "
..5.12S.SC0 lb
. - 2,S!sS,6) bo
..24,808 000 lb
..82.S24.000 lb
. 15.750.000 doz
291 XO
Batter & cheese 4.432,355 Ibi
Lumber 157,91P,Oiil ft
Am't imported into Albany during he
year 9S, e2,122,SJ9 lb , or tl.O too or
.ioo case.
Value ol t be tame t 1,000.5
of imports into Leb. 1 jr. 200,000
SrowjtviSe 1 vr 150,000
" "Harruburg ,; 135.000
" Haltey " 100.0JO
' " "tijhedd 30,000
' Tangent " 10,000
"Scio Lyonahel 75.000
., jaHrnan et al 10 000
1 Tcta! val.
iuiporteJ in Linn
Co. I vr
1,7(0 0C0
230 000
2- Marion
3 Clackama .
4 Washington
5 -Yamhill....
6- Polk.......
J Bet ten
8 Lincoln.....
9 Lace
lo DoogUs...
II Jackson ..
12 Crook
13 Harcey
Tout imports 13 counties 1 13,600,000
Following were some ecort remarks
by Col. MansSeid. Major Harts and
Capt. Taylot, in which tbey referred to
tbe difficulty ol tbe question Ielt for
them lo decide and exprttaiug the hotte
that their report would be eatiafactory
t tbe government our people a well.
Col MaoaSeld is a nan ol marked per
sonal appaaraoce with his white flowing
sidebars, while the otter engineer
are bright yoang men witn lee expert-
tee Th board of eegtnrer 1 one 10
bich the valley committee expree
great contidence.
United Prebvlerian. Mcraing wor
ship at 10:SO, ubft ot sermon,
Christ Fandamenul." S. S. at 11 .45.
Jr Endeaver at 3:30, Sr. Endeavor at
:30, evening worship at 7:3J, subject
Oonveoieoi Seasons." All are cordial-
y invited to tkete services.
Preabyterian. Morniog service at
'0:30. subject of seimon. "Humanity'
Cry and tne Divioe Ar.saer." S. S. at
11 :45. Jr. endeavor at 3::w, m. tnaeav-
or at 6:30, evening worship at 7 :30, sub
ject of sermon, "Three Aspects ot Sin."
A cordial invitation to ail the services ts
extended to all.
Ktv Louis Metaver will officiate at the
morning service in tbe Catholic Church
tomorrow at high Mat at 10 '30 a. u.
Services as uoual at tbe Coogrwtional
Church. Subject of morning sermon "Di-
apotnted w l b our Keiigioo." saoject
oi evening termon . "What Mo One
Bt-lievs to be a Christian." S. 5. at 1.' :15
Al) not attending elsewhere an cordially
invited to thee services, F W Pahkik.
Regular set vices at tbe Bahtist Church
Preaching both morning and evening by
Jno Barr.
From the E A.
Miss Ilda Elking came over from Al
bany yesterday, and will stop at home
awhile on account of having the measles.
John Kaebler and Miss Yiola Allen,
two young people of the Tenneeeee neih
hood, eloped laat week and, it ia report
ed, were marriid at Vancouver, Wash.
'Dr. HuMinger baa sold bis dental busi
ness in thi rity to Dr. C. V. Bar, ol
Ashland. Dr. Huliing-r left Wednesday
evening for Portland, a here he wi 1 lo
cate. Everybody who heard the Ladie
Quartet live years ags will w sh to her
them again. They are the finest Ladle
Quartet ever ia Albany and no one
should niita them at the college cbapel
next Monday evening. It will be the
tieat of tbe season in th musical line.
Admission SO cents. Scf.ars 25 cents.
Lebanon lodge. No. 47, I. O. O. F.,
will obaerve the eightieth anniversary of
the order by having an address by Rev.
J. T. w bbett, of Eugene.
A man was down from Foster early
this morning to get Dr. Booth o go up
and attenJ a young lady who was acci
dently shot in one ot her limbs last eve
ning with a pistol.
THt AlBANV Cou-W.e Stiiist for
i pril is just out. It is an interesting is
sue. Aiisa marguerite uopiina gives
an interesting account of ber trip to the
Creeent City. Ex-Preaideut Condit will
deliver tbe baccalaurate sermen at the
coming commencement, a lact Albany
people generally will be pleased to learn.
The students are displayiug college spir
it ani will issue an annual. It will be
warm Angnt Shaw, a student, is slowly
improving. J E Tyree has been chosen
to deliver tbe valedictory this year. The
class will consist of M r Tyree, 0 0 Brv
ant and Mary Stewart in tbe classical
department, and MiseeaAnna Marshal,
Anna Orabtree, Ada Moehake and Nel
lie Foshay in the normal department,
besides a large class from the coin merr iai
department. A strong appeal ia being
made editorially lor assistance in raising
tne college debt, and it should be done.
The college is a credit to Albanv.
Makes the food more
Thos. Kay, of Salem is in the city. :
Eli Perkins is to be In the valley nest
month. -
Mr. Lee Houston of Portland, is in tbe
W. I. Yawter of Southern Oregon ha
been m tbe city.
Mr. E. B. Townaend of the Portland
Flouring Mills was in the city today-
Mr.lxicner Bait ton left today for Oiex,
on a three or lour -weeks Mismeas trip.
Prof. Martindale of the oaolic sclmobi
iias.ieauea a very neat school journal mat
comers credit on all concerned.
Miss Minnie Stanard retuned home
from Albany last Saturday. She baa
been taking instructions on the piano at
Albany college during the winter.
Brownsville Times.
Mr. Mary Coffman. of Albany, eldest
daughter of T.J. L'Uaker, arrived in
this city a few days since for a long visit
among her relatives and friends Tole
do ieader.
fame Thompson, Jr of Brownsville
a student of tbe Albany college, ba been
granted a license to preach and the
Times rays a ill cave charge of the 5ew
pott cborch during the rammer.
John Uher, who recently went to
Sacramento, where ha bad some old
friends, to live, returned to Albany thai
morning oo tbe overland, and proposes
to spend tbe remainder of bis life here
Albany is goul enxub for bim. Tbe
boys gave bim tbe marble band down in
bacramento. -
Mr. W. A. CalJer ia in Portland where
be will reside in the lotur. having pur
cbased an interact ia the Canadian Real
Eatate and Employment Company of
that city. Mrs. Caider will join him
after a trip with ber sitter, Mrs. Fox, to
ban irancisco tor which plaos thev ielt
Tennessee Gatherings.
Tass. Apr. 21. 1899
Thinking tbat same of our "good
Liends" may think we are dead. I
thooght that a few items from 'ole Teas,
would be acceptable.
School bas been progressing for sxne
time under tbe imanagement cf Annie
W ill H Roes ctoaes a "term of Sscbool
today at tbe UorediMi let and wut give
ao enUrtainmeot Ibis evening.
Prof E Saink sai ia tbis vicinity
Miss Mona Front was in Sodaviile
laat week.
Since oar last communication, Mr. J.
H. Fronk aa transferred hia title to bi
acres ot land to J B Blacklow.
Paul Yaieriooa be oid his eSect and
will depart for New Hav?n Wash.- about
next week. Tennessee lore a worthy
ard faithful citizen.
C X and TWo E MeKoiabt aad Wm.
O'Oall went over to Crebuee Ut Satar
day eve to attend a meeting of lb Mod
em n oodmen at tbat place.
Dick Hey wxd and Pbin Hansard are
properoaiy conducting a cizr und in
Walla Haifa.
Mr Jacob Kejbler and Mirs Yiola Al
len were warned.-in Yancoover last
week. Tbey have oar beet wtsaee, a
utaal, of coarse.
O'Neil Bro. have perch ared all of K
W Maneey'a little and big timber, bav
inw already cot about SCO cords.
Many thank 1 for the rooto. L. R. B.
and I hope yoa will not forget to "come
over this way" as yoa have said.
Want a Waiting Room.
Editor Psjtocaart
In view of tha numerous home seekerr
and other visitors in Oregon this season,
of which Albany bas its share, aad es
pecially in cooaideration ol the viait ot
Editoral Association, our citizens are
concerned a to the impression the saloon
in tbe K. R. station will make. Leaving
oat of eecoant the repalsioofelt by a man
ot good habits looking for a borne, there
ia tbe fact tnat men bave no waiting
room at the station, tbe space being giv
en op to th saloon .
Gentlemen natnraUy fear to intrude
m hen tl ere are ladies in tbe only room
there ia,. And ladies are tabjected to
the andesirabie presence of men wbo do
not hesitate to occupy the 10 by 12 room
which hi ail that i provided. Th pres
ence ot the saloon attracting such men
to the neighborhood.
Now t hat the trains arrive and depart
at ao lat s an boar tbe men about the sa
loon make it particularly disgreebie to
Shall u not bave a waiting room for
gentlemen before the Editorial Associa
tion comee. QcrarOraaaves.
The Chicago Qcabttt. Tbe Red
Wing Republican eays of the Chicago
Ladies Quarter:
The voices of this quartet are cultivat
ed to a high degree, are wet an 1 har
monise perfectly. Although there were
thirteen numbers on tbe program the
young ladies were beard about twenty
lime, nearly every number being en
cored. Mits Zul'eme S. Bolkcom in ber
impersonatiana and recitations proved
herself a true artist She ia gifted wilh
uncommon ability, possessing wonderful
control ot voice and form, showing a
refined temperament, and baring an ex
cellent stage presence.
And each day and night durinir thi week
you can get at any drugvixt Kemp's Bat
aaot for tbe Throat and Langs, acknowl
edged to be tbe moat succeef ol remedy ever
old fcr Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asth
Kaand Consumption. Get a bottle to
day and keep it always in the boose, to
you can cneck your cold at once. Prios
25c and 50c. Sample bottle free.
Mrstc. Mis Mi tore a Burmeeter
eacher of piano or organ. System tb
Mason touch and technique. ' Residence
Fifth street, opposite U P chruch.
CutuniKa Rates. Week! v Dkmociut
and Examiner $2.50 and Tlirice-a-week
World $2.00: and Republic $1.75 : and
Oregonian $2.25 and San Franciece
weokiv tail $.uu;aua fatem weeaiy
Journal 2.00,
- Young Mothers.
Croup is the terror ot thousands of
youni; mothers because it outbreak is o
asomting and frequently fatal. Shiloh's
Cough and Consumption ttire acts like
magic in cases of Croup. It has never
een known to fail. The worst case re
lieved immediately. Prices -25 eta,, and
SO rta. and $1.00.
Staudaid of the world It The PeUl-
uma Incubator. O. D. Bates agent, Alb
any, Ore.
Get the best hour.
The Magnolia?
Diamond photos 50 cents per docen at
Mies Longs.
Cash paid for chickens at
Dressed Beef Co'a.
de,ious end wholesome
Remember April 28,
Remember A pril 28, 1999.
Lecture at College April 2.
Lector at College April 23.
: Doot forget tbe date.
Don't forget the date.
Got Iml haa declined the Persian
The scaffold for Claud Braotoo.'to bk
hanged next Friday, bas been eooaoleted.
Steleotcopian lector at tbe college
April 28 -Vi. ,
I von suli to aoend a rJeaeant even
ing, attend the lecture on Friday evening
at college.
TLe Sbirlev company, to be in Albany
next week, bave drawn big crowd in
Eozeoe this week, and the papers speak
very highly of tbe troop.
Marion eoonty is $155,000 in debt. It
is one of tbe moot extravagantly man
aged coantiee in tbe state
Jade Barton was in Rrownsvil'e yes
terday to examio into tbe ca e of Mrs
Henderson, wbo is poor and ba a can
John James, recently of Iowa, ba par-
chased 1,000 acres of tbe Warren farm,
perio J7.009 for it. tnd with his wifo
and tune children have located upon it.
A good example.
The drama. The Cuban Spy." will
be presented to an Albany audit-nee
tometiaseia Jan next by local talent
M that city. Mrs. Lara Caider will Uke
tbe leading part of tne Unban bpy.
Time. -
Tbe county ha reated several rooms
in the former poet office block for n of
the county officers, aad the same a ill be
occupied in a short time, and im
proTeatent demanding that the officials
get oat of tbe way at tbe eoort boose aa
toon aa possible.
Dr J L Hill of this city baa presented.
tha Mineral College of Sodaviile with
seventeen acres of tend, on which will
be erected a new eoudge bauding. Ad
joining this tbe Doctor La platted a fifty
acre tract, which tbe College i Jto sell
and retain $1,000 of tbe receipts on its
endowment "2and- The gift ia greatly j
H S Warren, of Albany, waa tat this
week making arrangements to start s
racxet store. He bas secured the room
in tbe Hotel block occupied by the Cald
well racket store an4 expects to occupy
tbe same by May 1st. L M Felloe, cf '
the cam place will be aeeocisted with
him. Both gentleman bare families and
nave secured the residences cf John
Heron and tbe Dr Raff property acme
the trad. J unction Time.
This and That.
See Locals on every page.
Wheat 47 cents.
Cash hardware, . K. Ohling.
Garden tools at E. K. Ohiing'e.
EniUler's hardware at F. K, Oh.Ur-9 ;
A large and fine etock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn A Huston's. e the dia
When yon want a choice !ak, a nke
roaster aaeatof any kind, call on besry
Sroiera. He keen the beat.
Tie beet meat of all kiatfa aad good
treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef
Company market, just djwa Second
treet. Good weight and prompt attend
At ib aetsoa of the year when paeo
moaia, ta grirpe.aore throat, conghs.eoi J.
catarrh, bronciuua aad lung tronbiaa are to
be a-naroed against, notbiag- i a fine ub-
ftitote," wt:l "saswer the purpose," or is
"joat good' aaOne Jtiaute Ocgh Cere.
Teat i the oee in fa libie remedy for ail
ag, throat of bronchial troubles. lasiat
sworsiy apoa hiving it if "eomeUiinji
s ' is offered yoa. Fohay A Masoa.
Happy it the man or woman who can
eat a good hearty meal withoot suffering;
afterward. If yon can not do it, take
(pdal Dyspeptia Core. It digests wnat
von eat. aad care all forms of dv?pena
aad indigestion. Foshay A ataaoa-
If yon have a eongb. tboart irritation
weak Hags, pain ia th che-tt. dicnt
hreathirg, croup or hoarsen, let a ua
gt One Minute Cooait Care, Always
reliable and aafe. Foaaxy A Mason
Before the discovery of One Minute
Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis
turbed by cooghing congregation. No
excuse for it now. Fothay A Mason.
"Give me a hver regulator aad I can
reetilare the worki,' said a genius. Tae
ejrarstst hnded him a bottle of De'rt'a
Ltttie Earty Risers, tbe f amoa little pill,
Fothay Jt Mason,
J. Sheer. Sedalia, Mi., conductor on
etric street car line, writes that bis nt'Ie
n gat t waa very low with croop, and ber
cd after all physician bad failed
asm; Co Minute Cough Cur.
4 Mason
Oaaoox Pocrrav Faait RntKoncs Grit,
Roop cure, Dtsenfectaut, Lice Killer, at
Oregon Poultry Farm, also sold by F. G.
Pewftit, Albany.
Sick: Boadacites,
Tbe enree of overworked womankind.are
quick Iv and sorely cored by Karl's Clover
Rootle, the great blood purifier and
tisene builder. Money refunded if not
eaUafactorr. Price, 25 eta. and 50 eta.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects ot the well known remedy.
Strut op Fras, manufactured by the
California Fie Strvp Co. , illustrate
tboralae of obtaining; the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting;
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strentht-niag laxa
tive, cleansing the srstein effectually,
dispelling- colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and it acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating- them, make it the ideal .
In the process oi menu factoring figs
are used, aa they are pleasant to the
taste, bat the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained tri m senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the CaXiFonsi, Fia Sritrp
Cx only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package,
saw raawciaco. pax.
toirrrvixj-a. arr. jrrw to, c w. t.
For aalc by U Drargisle. Pril SJc pet botUO
z iv ki cM