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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1899)
' ,riiTriju" MEN AT WORK are always subject to soma OR ON PLEASURE BENT CT ' lAPnflC fill Ola UflUUUO Visas IT'S JLfST LIKE THIS We bave machines in stock as low as. $10.00 rUpDieS IOr OeWinC: iYiaCnineS anU first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox for Machines that! "SEW" Preparing of life A here shall it be uon?? Certainly whare .. an College has claims in this direction that call for closer investigation . A Full College .Training :i( intt'iiii. .tit- tl'mf iUicfi'iKiniriv S cm il 0 ur. ana nil .V ir Oo ir-n tht is iif rtr t) nis jra ipsnSjpS 23, 13)3. Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., 50 I A widow Blrtylgbt years old, llvlnc la She was constantly troubled with pal ns oo bee she had catarr. of the stomach : another liTer. up to last janeane naa oeea traaua oy UV AA another vroDooaeed It biliary cairuina, or rail atonaa, roe wutcn as nee lea aes aaweral monlha without good results. At times the peine were so severe that hyuodniiila tnlw rleaw of morphine were resorted to. Tbe patient weighed 109 pooade: was completely ma sVowa, and had very little appetite. Parly in Jaae a aeiehhor lodejeed ber to try Binaaa Tahwlea After Qsinr tbem two weeks tbe pains and bloating of the stomach aad eoiie eaaaed aad Bansea entirely disappeared, i be patient uao Bed gained eieVea ponada, and coald eat based Datiet ' WAWTTO -A ease af bad hssSS nasi WI-fA B-S Kaa nt . w ImM fltraat- Maw Yore, for IS auaales aad u u eenia. mar ha had of all anvxWai waa are snlilac aaat aaia aaa fnimmg lias. Imem rebaL aate OUR CAPACITY i Unequaled . In the Valley. 0OKW0RK Is UnaurpaAiea In Oregon. Lave the best stock u sulcct from and our pricet o always the lowest, quality ciisiiered SiVlILEYe A'iit..y. The Printer NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT N)tiee i i beteby (riven that M fannlns; oam. th udminintrator nf the tate o rh irran Roach, deceawd. bas thin day fi'ed in County Court ol Linn connty, Orrgon. hi final account a such administrator aod said court has fixei the 1st day of May, 18'.)!). at tbe hour of 1 o'clock o in of ssid lay. at the comt lio'i eat Albany, Oregon, hearing objections lo eaid acennnt and ritUinfr th sump. March 11, WW. M (l'NNI!VOa..M, Administrator of Tbonias Roach, de ceased. H.C. Watson. Attorney for Adoiiniatrator, ENVELOPES... ALL COLORS ALL SIZES Largest stock Lowest prices SMILEY. SCaToati and Trade STarieo'rtained and all Pat 1 "I III vent Dnsinesieonaneuia ror iodcrrie Fees, j fend model, drawingorphoto. We ad viae S patentable free of ctiare. t )u r fee not dn e till jpatentlssarureit. A Pamphlet "How t)0b-' J txli Patents." with co.t of sameln the&a.' a anu Iimod oounvnGe aoo. free, i.xesa. C- A. 8NOW & CO. FSTT 0.eie,. WsBHiajcT, . D. e tl ' irf.Wl'i'l 1 F rSt ' ' 'iivwnrHi n" " "i ACCIDENTAL HURT OR PHYSICAL' STRAIN. i good friend in such times of need j it cures surely. 1 A good article it worm more a poor one. EVER ONE KNOWS HI AT.. . ONE WHITE SEWING MACHINE . will outwear a dosen cheep ori38, therefore cheaper in the end. For the Battle Vie bert oreDiratioa cai bi nl. A u im. a. ) i.-rnpoaJiass iavitei. President Ktm fee ctty. eatasT far awyaBS, to oeeawnaat hytaw rtgfcX avie, which elated that it was ordinary dvsprpsaa, aad stall a Bomoer rot o if ThTirirism hth trf TTtiisa rlstmiS sracucauy reeoTssoa ay uil'ii aisae inav est bes as, asaoBa other ennss, 1 - rnia mat ' U ant RI P-A S a wtarS sarS ! 11 las a. a to wil . Ihs s ail SI fa AS aa LIEGE m TO LEND . On Undivided Interests on estates, Real estate on Probate, Reversionary and Lifelnteretts cn Real and Personal Property. Annuities sod Legacies. Or will porches ourricht if si deiired. Life Insurance Policies Bought or Loaned on Patents sold on favorable terms and capital procured to devel op and perfect meritorious inventions ideas. Amounts from $10,000 to $500,000 Available for investment on mortgsge el Revenue Producing Securities. roriermsana particulars auarebs R.GOULD, Montgomery St., San Francises Co ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby gi-en that the under signed bas been by the County Court for Lion County, Oictron, duly appointed ad ministrate with toe will annexed of tbe estate of W . I. McMeekin late of Iiarris burg, Oregou. deceased. All person i bar log claims against said estate are hereby required to preseut the tame properly veri fied to the undersigned at his residence near Lawion, Linn County, Oregon, with in six months from this dale. This tbe 6th day of Marsh, 1899 Umkh W. Swank. Admistrator with the will aucexed of W.J. McMeekin. decased WkathkrpordA VVtatt. Atty's for adm'r. OREGON VIAVT COMPANY Cor. Morrison A Park Sts. LEWIS BD1LDISG. t'ortland - Oregon A Big Offer. CK.eriru.ra na.In. nn an,t .aa, in advance, to the Dkmockat. will, noon re- nns.L receive the Wmkklv Democrat lor onavear. and tie Farm Journal of Phil, adelnbia. for FIVE tears, for the orice of rUaouim I alia saaafcsraiWsW tbe Dsmocbat alone. Subscribers to the r . .. , " Dsily can have the privilege by paying I A. tb? ek"f'n of lh J64 wben Pnv six months injadvance. , nwnia. la gnnpe eore throat, coughs.col is, , This is limited to one hundred sub - scribers. First come, first served. - Tbe Farm Journal is a 24 page ptper, sometimes larger, mil of live farm news. A copy may be seen at this office. DiarnonrJf photos 60 cents per dozen at Mies Longs. Ruling the Philippines, The question, "Can we Americanise (he Philippines?'' is considered in the lght of twenty yea 8 of personal experi ence on the islands oy Ogden K Edwards in a paper to the Independent, Mr. Ed wards was, from 1802,to 1883, member of an American firm having business with the Philippines and for twenty years of the time was a resident at Manila . He was U. S. consul during the administra tion of President Pierce, was Danish con sul for a much longer period, and was in constant contact with the Spanish and native officials, tlis knowledge of Phil ippine affairs may be further Judged from the fact that be served upon com mittees raised by the government lor the purpose of formulating the financial and economic'policy of the islands. Mr. Edwards det-Ures unequivocally that the natives cannot be, In any short space ol time, so (rained and elevated in citizenship as to be fit for our lotm of government. Years of gooo, lioueat and just government, eu-h as the manage ment of village affairs by llhe eldera of he village, might be safely intrusted to the natives. Each of the twenty-five provinces or distr'cts on the island uj Loson cculd be governed by an American either a regular a my or navy office i, j0- tisted by an advisory council, chosen nd by two or three young Americans, aminatiou at home. This, it will be not ed, is a form of government for the rural districts modeled somew hat after the English rule in India. For the larger towns and Manila itself some modification of this plan would be required, admitting of representation .by 'he more educated natives, both of Ma lay (and Spanish descent, bit, in the main, government must for years come from above, not from below On one point Mr.F. lwart is emphatic. It is'an absolute necee.; mat there be qo touch of the spoils system in our gov ernment'of the Philippines. If we can not govern them houeatly, through a permanent staff of highly trained, well paid officials, selected (or merit and for merit only, we most abandon the idea of overnicg the islands or any part of . i a. i . i i mem. iui spo'ia system, lie rave, li. ruined Spain and caused every rebellion n her colonies, and we cannot repeat ber tins without incurriog an equal punish ment. The climatic obstacle to Americrnis ing the islands by etlltmeot are. insur mountable. It is notih great brat, but the steady, uninterrupted heat, which sapatbe strength of Europeans or Amer icans. Year by year the Earopean or American living in the Philippines loses something of bis viUlity, and instead of being acclimatized at the end often years be is less fit to endure the beat or expos ure tu tLe son than be was when be first arrived. The children born of these American or European parents wiil thrive lor four it fire years and then must be sent aome or tbey will grow op degenerated. Ex. All Sorts. President Loo bet of Fisr.ce rarefy is seen without a pipe 10 cu uicuiti. Five hondied rersane are buried every year in Baton's potter's field. Tbe Sandwich Islanders eetimste the beau'y of wotus by tht ir w eight. The tents of the B-dooin Atats are usually black. II. ey are sade ol djed gOAlhair cloth. Bircbthirsty is a recent tvt,t ibut on ! t j tLe KngUih language bv a woman m-tuber of the London scho-.l bjard wbo ot j-ted to the board's atliiu-ie to tbe corporal punishment og schor l boys. Two lme'ican army officers :n Puito Rico bave married in native f AniiUe s and engsgemeot of a third 10 a osn Joan tell' is accounted. St. Petersborg is lo have a ncv.l kind of a famous insane aryiuti-s aod specimen of elotbiog and appliances used therein together wilb ibe grans of lunatic, pre served io alcohol, book, hotograrhs.str The drilik bill of Great Britain ust published shows tbst the L'ailiahmtn drinks 2 41 gallons of alcohol a year. Sext to hitn come iUt .-ou:limAn with an appetite tlaked with 1 66 gaU.ine. T;ie Irishman contents himself a itu I 54 gal lens. The Crt pen-t i0 5) a year f r bis drinks, tb lecou i SI3 'li and the the fl3.23. , The mao w h t makes a secrets of an important ventnre never wai'S or the crowd. llaatr.k?m. lo- h:mel'. It 'akes nerve. I',n Ik ul grit Bu; the man who sueceet's l.aa twth. Any one can fail. The pjblic adm!ies toe man wbo Las rconith c,i.fiience in him self to take achancc. 1 kere chances are tbe main thing after a'l. Ttie taso wto tries to succeed muit exrrct to be criti cised.. Nothing fmportant was ever done but the greater rJoiuber consulted pre viously doubled the possibility. Sue eesi is the accomplishment of what most people think can't be dine. Es . The circulation of Aj er's Almana: in 1893 was 25,500,000 copies. Aftei 25,KX, 000 copies had been distributed the de mand wss still continued, and to de-- create it a nominal charge cf two cents wss thereafter made for eath copy . The fact that half a million people paid this two cents indicates the bold tbe old al manac bas taken o-i tbe affections o New Kogisnders. This and That. See Locals on every page. Wheat 47 cents. . Bee the new Bas-Rc'.ief photos at Tin kle A Dawson's. - Diamond photos, best finish -Wets per dozen at Tinkle & Dawson's. Ban?Ie bracelets, 2 jo to f 2 00 at French's Jewelry store. For spring novelties in juwelry see French's show window. Cyrano chains, lbs latest fad, 25c, tOz, and 75c at French's Jewelry store. A lare and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn & Huston's. Hue the dis plav. Ladies fissbes anj ttasb Buckles, all styles and prices, see them at French Jewelry store. I Wimn von aranf a .IhbIi a .... j m hiu roast or meat of any kind, cation Heury jroders. He keeos tbe best. Stamp photos are becoming quite pop ular. Tinkle A Dawson are turning them out oy me uiousano. tnii ai Aiiiaio Arawaon s now puu.o gallery opp. P. O. and get tteir prices '-II TV.. L J . T1 . '""" I'"""- ...ur. rbe best meats of all kinds and . fy . treatment at the Albanv Dressnd Bef " , (Second t Company s market, just .iiwn i treet Gr '1 w'hht and prorapi attend 1 t'rri!. unino uuk iruuie areioi oetrriarnei airumsr, riorum -m a nnesuo stitute," wi I "answer 'he purpose.'' o' is ''just asgoxl 'asOnn Minute Cuugb ( ure. l'Hat it Ibe one infa lib'e remedy for a'l , ag, throat, of bronchial trouble. Insist I iforovslv upon h'vingit if "tomtliin ' e ' is offered you. Fosbay A Maion. , , The Oregoolan invites the Astorlan to Dtiry its uueiiau neaa in tne mua nan I ' 1 around Aatoua harry Uatflield, a eon of Es-Presidtnt Garfield, is a candidate for congress in one of the Ohio die trict. The municipal elections through the eatt have in most rases tbown demo cratic gains where the contest was polit ical in Us character. An example o( peisisieiicy has come to liglit in Portland. A man running a email harbar shrp w hich be took charge of a good many years ago when prices were high, continued lo charge so cents until this week when be sold the shop, and he did tome.busim st too. The nip of the editors of the Uuited States lo O.egon nxt July may mean a a great deal to the elate. Anyway you cannot Ih-m too well. They use a great deal ol ink "free gratis for noth ing.". The Dkmocmat said ii the alart Hat the Philippines would prove an elephant in the hands of Uncle Sam. This Is piuviug a fact every day, and very big el-phant at that. We will mtny times re,-ret ever having the islands as a part ol our possessions. Henry. Matter ton takes a spasm evsry occe in .awhile over being concerned about saving tne democratic party. Don't, the democratic party in no pos ition to need saving, and if it were Wat tereon is in no position to savs anything. Further more the chances are decidedly io favor ct tUe next president being a democrat. Thousands of dollar! was spent in tele grapLicg the Vandorbilt Fair 'wedding over the coustry, and yet there wae nothing to It except the wealth of the parties. It was a gaudy display of dia monds and silver and gold ware backed by veiy f- braits. Mr. Wattereoo thinks the democratic breaclxs cannot be repaired. Well, we'l ,f a man will persiet in discovering breaches where none exsist, it can't be helped. Mr. Waitersou cn-M thought h bad a gold party Atlanta Constito lion. The people ol the I'oited States are a unit in their support of the American army in the fight against the Filipinos regardless of their views on the sohject of expansion, notwithstanding the utter ances ef the ssme of tbo eastern yellow journsls, and most people desire to ses Mr. Aquinatdo thoroughly whipped though opposing the policy of the gov ernment in reference to tbe islands. There is talk ol an exchange cl some Wert Iodia islands owned by England for '.he Phhippioesosoei by theU. 8. If we must have island. all usea.e let n. bave some close to heme. Tbe location ol tbe islands in ibe West Indies Is so close to us as lo be much more naturally a part ol this country than of England . ' Portlaod has been ooiilled at a tea es aainiog port, and the Orettonian st ow thai it does not have tbe beat feeling to wards the present administration by de daring that the art wiil out bring any nervate of admiration at Portland and brooghoul Oreg n far the a invoietia-j that bas canted it. Oregoo eeeois to be getting plenty of s'ams these days. The recent verdict of a corooor's jury that a tuao wbo bad been lynched was r sen to deatb, recalls another queer verdict in a eimilar ease. A .negro bad j been ltncbe-i oo the oottklrts of a town. fie wss found swtoging to a limb, with one cf hi Irgi broken Af'.er vtewioc tbe body the jury returned this verdict : 'That the deceased came tu hit deatrt from a broken ief, which happroed to bim while be was (ain(iog in ti e pic nic grove." Kx. From The 1'alladelpbia Record. Tbe Amencan peorle owe the victcrv of the Santi-vgo caoopaian mote U'gely to General Wheeler than to any other human agency ; and they wlil never eta to ackuowledge the d-o. of grai i,ude thus incurred. Wheeler wil1 be ppularly acclaimed and wi'l pats iolo history a a cbief mliUrv brro ot the Siisnlt'i American war, no matter what crudci" measure cf rS ml re cojcnilioa may be accorded or wiM.h.ld by the administratiou. John J. Lenta reeeotly said. "Let bot one side of any rae be pre sntedtoa jury, aod of course a verdict, wilt always be brougt.t in So tbe American peobie r like a jury aud if Selfish and detigningmig pesstesei of great wealth or political tossr are permitted to control and ute the news papers of ths cooutry, it will bs easy for them to control aod ue the peap.e of the country. One of the cors-a 0f the day is the fact that a newpaper l e will travel around tt.e earth while truth is putting on ber boots. There it n better illustration of this than the fl mh! f I es with reference to tbe conduct oi Ger many during the war with Spain." At DubrulMe Harness Co Ycu will find the largest stock of tingle and double harness in .he valley, and not one eastern set in tbe entire one hundred ete. vfcry ret warranted to i as good sgain as any factory barnecs uiade. We make all our harness, also u(?y and car riage topi. We carry no eastern liarnejs. W make our bar Bets. Druui'u.i.K Harnkis Co. Sick Hcaditclice, The curse of overworked woiuankind.are quick! v and surely cured bv Karl's Clover HootXoa, the great bloou purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not sttisfuctorv. Price, 2j cts. and 60 eta. DIED. MAXWELL. On Wednesday, April 5, 1890, at his home in the country, Mr. Ludlow Max the age of A3 years. The deci-osed was a pioneer resident of Linn county, and leaves a largo number of grown children and maty friends t) mourn his death. CHI8WELL. In Albany, on Thursdav I morning, Ar ril 0, mm, of pneumonia. I Mrs. John Chiswell, ir , at the w of aoout nineteen years, Mrs. Pollarbide, mother of tlio d ) ceased, was at her bedside. The parents ' i t.: it ,.j ... r. ' : mi,) vitM.VII I6D'UV a. t'llUDIIIUlI, Crlif , where the temains will be taken f'r burit'l. CASTOR I A Far Infants and Children. Tbs Kind Yon Hara Always Bccgbt Boars the Slguataro of SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. - t I.LI I . 1 ent or past, Philippine or Cuban, things in existencs and thi'ga emanating from I war transection, all manner ol things direful and otherwise, have continued t oe uppermost in me puouc mum, unuu the miud ,s surfeited like a iionnand or a chipmunk a he goes in hi hole lor toe winter. We have trarlaaud, lunched and dined on wsr oewe until we are Fal- staffi in dimensions and Henry the 8ths in humor We are as weary as a boy asked to do an errand and we must be excused lor piaying that the business may end and as quxkly as lightning nashes, and peace may reign with wings as white as thecaps of the Time Sisteia when the sun ehiues witl her dynamo at full speed. Bullae are In it. and as much as we depl ire war, mutt see tt.e contest through to the end, and stacd by the brave soldier boys regardless of our opinions, locked up for safe keeping, of the policy ptoinu'tated. The lKxocnAr i for peace policy, aid it wooid sacrifice some things fcr peace but not our honor. It is as much the province of the nation to run on peace liaessi cf an individval. Intact more so, for the individual has a pulse that boils, but the nation is built for arbitra tion with ice on its head, aad never has any excuse for going off until the trigger ia polled premedttaledly. The good na tion will torn its into gins bicycles, ete. but the bed bation will turn its bicycles and plows iuto gnn. The U. 8. should be a model, aod .its policies shculd be above suspicion. There eoou'd be al' selfishness eliminated the coarse it takes in dealing with other people. Alas, but this is not so in this closing year of the nineteenth centcry. Code Sam's head bas been expanded. The boy oi taao wboee bead has not been leveled gets oo bis bicycle and shows c B his speed like a colt in tbe field wten it has bad its fill of oata and no ork. If s smashes ahead and some one gets hurt. If there is any any wbo de serves a live lecture it is the person wbo thinks be shines wben be is sprinting on bis bicycle on walas on which pedes trians also nasigae. This refers to oo one particularly bnt to all riders that there may be more rate- Colly Ciher said of a man that he whistled as be went lor the want ( I thought, and that is the way with a good many riders wbo sprint on theii wheels for tae want ol thought. Wl.enyooara io the right place let your machine go, but not r-o sidewalks and paet comers behind hrh there mey be coming a man as good a a king or a'womart better than a queen. Tbe weather this week bas teen as pieasiogasa boys first sou of s'.ors clothes, particularly after readiog of the soow storms and Uttiards in the east mhmrm Ihsi trnsts alaaraan rl.illr. We j ,f pioo4 , 0Qr we,lb mhn u good weather, and there ia plenty ot il in a year, moretaotbioe by machine maure iban in Boston in the course of a rear, aod we are glad to say less than ia tbe torrid sooth where tbe hot breath from the tqostor blracl ei the sta'rs aad blasts tbe sap and rtoods ate generally out reeo aol when seo are Gaky and without the heaviness we o mnrb appre ciate to this len t cal'ed Web'ont . Tbit clitca'.e has tuenl tor a 'act. ! An in.por.ant meetin: in Albany wa .i...UM..i ..tit.. A. Ys(Uina Bay. Aibaay people canto, ailjrd to sleep at their p ;, but mas1 net every effort p.-e-tb!e. as tb ji id every other ettixen cf the va'ley to secure a favorable icpjrt that will give ui a bar bir tbst "til have a standing io the world. Io tbe loterview between Used and McKtoieyat Jekjl Iiao, tteee dietm goisbed Rebublicao aiatef meo fa ie-1 tu get loe'.her. Reed is feroinst in'.esi n- ary effirt, concocted by heatnr, to aetimilatc the Ftltbiooe miibtheOati easisns; he is f-rninsta teiegradb cable tbe Sandwich U'asdt for the peoeSt ot Sbreckele aod I is .ogar-kirg colaborers; he is ferntPit expansion whereby lep er cms hoards sod Mocgoliao milhoceere to hi Aineticaoii-d. McKtoley fAVored aU lberenro;ect, 1 ence -'barmr ny" did not result from be interview. S ar ! p w The opportunity ia iff. red to Miki. ley and the Repohlicao tarty to n"l lurlher extend tbe imperialistic expaui on po thct. L benais in troub'e; tnie trouble J ie solely intrrnsl, and the powers Ihst be in ivt-erie at a wncle Sam to come ove.-. eatend proleciorare over the country, aad help them. McKinley Las swooped down on Asiatic terri:ory, oo West Indian tetritorv, on tbe isles ot tbs Pacific, aod now here is opportunity to take in a few million negroes a slice of Africa. -Star Press. OF COD-LIVER 0ILWITH HYPOPHOSPHlTESr should always be kept in the house for the fol--" lowing reasons:" FIRST Because, if any member of the family has a hard cold. It "will cure It. SECOND Because. If the chil dren are delicate and sickly. It will make them strong and well. THIRD Because, If the father or mother Is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated. It will build them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH Because it Is the standard remedy In all throat and lung affections. No household should be without It. It can be taken in summer as well as In winter. nc. and li on, all drupttt. SCOTT & BUWNE, Chtmuia, Ntw York. A Rare Bargain. For sale, a house and lot in a favorable part of the city. House is a two story, eight room building in good condition Good well and city water. Will be sold at a rare bargain. It mist be sold eodo not miss this chance. ' Inquire at the Dxmo BAT Office. Prospenty and aa Almnaaiit Hairest are rsursd only to those who tow OUR TENTED 6RV.VH &.! postal tor our illustrated CaU tlffut and srt money by porchaaiiix Irom tht PACIFIC SEED COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Ilealare 71 tom JM. aae.aaaewa,ral. i.LBKKIJn sold at lowest prlens. A nuts Wan UUtral discounts, but NU3K1U!J sold oa tl ' ' cuniuutsloa. MISFITS. A local paper is going to make Kalem the musical center ol Oregon. Why not Oi me worm, uon t stop w ith Oregon. John L. Sullivan and Jake Kllrain are to appear in Portland soon. Once they appeared In a ring under more serious circumstances. Now tbev are coininu money in a different way. Some of the papeisare trying to make a match between Miss Laura Eliza Jones' the talented editress of the Drain Wau:u man, and Col. Jeff M'er. of Salem. Tbey have our consent and blessing. Secretary of State DunLar declares em phkiically that there was no irregularity in tbo passage ol the nickel in-tbe-slol bill, as his records show. In Portland the money machines bave been closed, and the law should be enforced, as was mienaea by me legislature. A Portland man who h just return ed from the east saya that Oregoo is at trading geoeral attention. People bave beard of our balmy climate and tbe ins cioui Iruits grown ben. Come on, but t nog your snap and money alone, and don't expect lo pick op dollars, but to work hard for them. A correspondent in an exchange com plains of a school teacher being a cigar ette BenJ. No teacher should ever be employed who usee cigarettes. Direct ors are responsible for seeing that a good example Is set tbe children of tbelr dis trict. Everybody is aling the baoks of tbe Willamette and from the wharfs, catching several fish, amoog tbem being some trout. Even Jerry Sullivan, the Lilliputian, went yeierday catching three pretty trout, aod the grin on Lis face aod wink in bis right eye could be seen from Mt Hood more or le-s. L. H. McMahao, tbe well-known newtpaper man, of Sa'.em, bas sued ibe Canadian Pacific railroad company for t&5-.35 on account of advertising be tween Nov 7, 1S and April 15. 1?94 As ibe contract with the Canadian P ci tic and other railroads specifically r. lor payment in transportioo tbe ca - .11 be an interesting one, animporut. u-t, for if the plaintiff is able to recor r the railroads will have their hand sail of sniis. The chaoces are entire ., against tbe plaintiff. Both Lane and Douglas counties are claiming Uie Bohemia mines, and we bardlf blame thtm. for their prospects are first class. Aa a matter of fact they ate in both cxintiee, probably tbe most and principal mines in Douglas coonty . Entrance though seems to be more from the Lane (.de. Cock a-doodls-do. Judge BarUn to day turned into the coonty treasury 113.70 received for tbe sale of chickens raised oo tbe poor farm, and a good many eggs bsve been sold. Tbe Judge believes tbst wben tbe farm bae been mooing a year or two it will pay tbe entire expense of keepiog the coonty poor wiJiin 1500 or f"o0. If so it wiil be a big saving. Do .Not itc Ftcd Wiih tbe id's that aoy pr. paratioo your drnpgut tas) vul upacd irv lo sen irm wi.l purity veur LI ol like ItObd a ear aniU. i bu u dime haa a reputa tion it Si rnd tu rrt-jrd . It is pretrd at, Cf: ibe prraonal top-ivis torn ol educate I fharmarisU bo keo tfce osture. qaa'i'y ard medicirai ef fect of -l the iogrrxtieatt u-ed. Hood s ftanspArilla aN-olu'ey cures all f Tins of b ood dtmtw wbea other medicine fail lo do aay good. It is Ibe W orlds' g-et Spring Medicine ard toe One True Uiood Pun St. TO. NIGHT AM) TO MGHT MORROW And each day aad night danntr this week joe) can yel at aay dmegi-t" Kem;'s Bal Mm fvr tbo Throat and Luags, ackoowe ed(red to be t ee mol sscce-f al remedy er sold fct Coosrbs. Croup, Bronchitis, Attn n.a and Coasurcp'ton. Get a bottle t day aed keep it aJwat in tbe bouae. to you caa cuevk your exxd at oo e. Trice 26c sal 50c Samp! boilie free. To Cure a Odd In One Day Take Laxative Brooto Qain ne Tablets All druggists reiund the money f it fsiK to cure. S c. Tbs rename has L. E. Q on each tablet Vo.nR .Mother. Cro-ip is the terror of thousands ot young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and irvquently fatal, fchiioh's Cough aod Cobrrumptioa Cure acta like caacic in cases of Croup. It has never jeen known to fail. Tlie worst cases re lieved immediately. Trices '-5 cte,. aod 5(1 rts. and fl.UO. Msuv a lvr Uas turned with disgust iroro an other wise livable pirlwitn an offensive beeath. Karl's Ciover Koot Tea purines the breath bjrit i action on the howeis.etc, as noth else will, isdd for years on abeoiute g-:sjTAnlee. Trice 25 cts. and 30 eta. . . Brownsville." From tbe Times: Mescrs. t. U. and J. W . Gla-s .went to Albany Wednesdsy on bnsinewa in con oectioa wfih the removal of their plan ing milt from Crawfordsville lo Cottage Grove. The report of Ihe desth of Mrs. J. 3. Rice, who resides near Sawyer's miu was broogr. lo tna city jeaterdey. 8'.e died Wednesday nlgbt and wiil be interred at Crawfordsville today. . Mr. J. K. Tem piston's cnadnion is now much worse and very little hopes are entertained for bis recovery Wed nesday morning he suflerea a stroke ot paralysis which affected tbe whole right side ot his body. F. II. Weber and A. A, Tusslug made a business trip to Albany Wednesday in connection with tbe purchasing- of a V'oodmen monument to be erected over tbe grave ol tbe late F. X. Dolan. Mr. P.urae, of Albany, has succeeded Mr. Cornell aa assistant day man at the S. P. depot. The latter has gone to Oregon City. Junction Times. Conductor D. L. Houston received yesterday a pair of tine game fowls,eent hitn from New York by Homer Daven port, the cartoonist. ,The conductor and cartoonist are friends of long stand ing. Kevcw. J. A. Weaver, of Albany, was in the city Tuesday and made arrangements to open a general iore in the Yenner drug building, tie expects to be resdy for business on the 15th of this month . His store will be mown as t he Fair, an ad vertisement ot which can bs found in en other column, . Mr. F. M. Powell was before the board of county commissioners at Albany Wed nesday with a petitiou from citixens of this city praying for assistance from tlie county in changing the channel of tbe Calapooia river tc tuts city where it is cut ting the banks and destroying much valu able property. Should the channel not be changed from its present bed tne prob-' abilities are tttat the big county bridge will soon bave to be moved. As tbe sit uation is the bridge is now endangered. Ik. an.. .t.,,!.! M A .ill A .. ! a lend assistance., Mr. Rowell brought borne, favorable report. I ' m i - -v se. mm a . IwlUUUKUW. Al Utel UAO aU-4l ft 0S?&mr,t"tfJAhMlS th P"cw of dll Oregon Poultry farm, also sold by F.'o. J as i Miar, em ij i ii'iiaii i r"""'A"-'- i ! "K. O. T. M. :: -I. atusj any otuer nourc - except ma magnolia, f - -I.,:' TELEGRAPHIC. Late News la Short Form. Watching the Eniny. Manila, April 7. Gen. MacArthur's operations consist, temporarily, in daily reconnoissances in various directions for the purpose of keeping in touch with the rebe s aod ascertaining their movements. The 4th cavalry and two guns were out all the morning in the direction of Iar asoain, a little north of Malolos. An Awful Result. Nxw Yobk, April. 7. Tbe fire that de stroyed the handsome residence of W C Andrews this morning caused the deatLs ol 12 persons sleeping in the houses. firebrands carried, by the wind were blown into an open window in the borne of A J Adams, two blocks distant, set ting fire to the bouse and causing the death of a servant. Gomez is Commander. Havaxa, April 7. -Tbe Cuban generals met today and Man ma and decided to reinstate Gomez aa commander-in-chief Tney also decided to appoint an excutive board of three generals to assitit him in distributing tbe 13,000,000 and in the detail of disarming and in the organiza tion of the rural police for tbe province Won't Serve. WASBrsoTOir. April 7. Gen. Russell Hastings baa declined tbe president's ap pointment as director of toe bureau of American republics. The executive com mittee of tbe bureau reinstated Freder ick Emory aa temporary director. The Proper Thing. Ottawa, April 8. An order in council has been passed preventing any person employed by tbe government in any ca pacity from staking out or recording mining claims on Dominion Lands of aoy kind in the Yukon country. Failures Decreasing. Xrw York. April 7. EG Dun &. Co.'s weekly review of trade will say: Failures in first quarter of 1199 were in number Z772 atraint 3087 last rear, and tbe liabilitna H ,520.031 against :-.2,-946,600, a decrease of 17.6 rr cetit. Around Manila. 31 a mi. a, April o. io ere bas been a Terynv in hoeuUtiesn order to allow tbe Fib, ios to digest the proclamation. I i.v rebels remain very quiet. 1 iie.sharpshooters ot Geoeral LawUin'a its bave borrowed Filipino tactics and -re harassing the rebels at night. Sooner the Better. WasnrsGTOs, April 6. S-ec Alger will be forced to resign a. toon as be returns from Cuba and bis placet wil be taken by Gen. Warren Hastings who was the com mander ot r resident jlcKioley in the war of tbe rebellion. This come from administration circles and is definite. Sis. Lives Lot. Naw Yokk, April ".Six lives are known, to bave been lost in a fire which at an early boor this morning destroyed toe -story dwelling, the borne of al lace Andrews and tue 5-story brow&suse bouse of Alired Adams. The War Was for It. Havasa, April 6. The Cuban military assembly being dead. Gen. Gomes will lake np Bis program of soluliiticg tbe Cuban people into a party that shall, with ceasing, nrge the U. S. to itbdraw from. the. isiand. Uis purpcase is to make tbe people seem to bave bot ooe emo tion, oo deaire the tbooKbt of inde pendence and absolute separation from the U. S. A New Book. Chicaoo, April 6. Hon. W. J. Bryan is to publish a hoik eniiCed "iiepoblic or Empire The Philippioe Question" in which be discuawea territorial tx passion from every stand point, his axjeoment be ing supplemented by chapters, dealing with various phases of It e subject . I r Andrew Carm-jr.e. is. F. Hoar. John '. Daniel, H. M. Teller and other states men acd scholar;. A Dusiof Acid. Eusi.v, Afril 6. A voun child of Mr acd Mrs. Frank Fae died in great auny f Mon lay. from the .Sect ol a ooee ol ni tric acid administered by another etui i a tew years oider. A Fijilit Probable. Manila, A ril 5. Il looks now like a fiirht mieht take olace at a&v minute at Calumpiu Tbe Americans ar dredging the Rk Urande so armed tus can co op erate at Calumpit, with tlie army, and as i tbe mam tody ot tbe insurgents ts there it is expected 'that a fight my be foreid by tbe Americans. - Gave l hem Fit. t.w,, . 1 nril A Tk. 1 G MivicW rrs J ittiirt ni Una enmlt f Charleston, which bae been crossing furego, deceased. A I r-'ror s hvig along the wttst coast of Luzon to the ! laioss asair.t .aid e-t. are beret re- north, ent a Uiat in a'.iore near Dsgarn j qaired to r, ren lie- si to the wrde . last Saturdar, to make souodings. Tre?igceJ at Peotu. rrxtl. v.nfi rebels evened fire wounding a U.S. otfi - cer. The cruiser tbereopon bombarded Ihe town, tbe insarents vacuatinj-. 1 U V k; I.i m alio i I "Maxiua, Aprd ix " he proclamation cf s the United States Fhilippu e connitykii ' was posted ia the streets, printed in Eng-! lisb, Spanish and Taeai, today. It was j also distributed inlhe outsidw towns as J far as Malclos and has been received with j' ITad nro3 bT.-n'umlrof Err? tJaiirA l2ntlansi- A tslrl Suicide Dallas, April 3 This i:.g Eifie, the M-vear-oid daughter of Lucien Fra- ser. of feetbel. Polk couu'.v. o.mmitted suicide bv shooting herself w1Vh a shot sun. Klu n anvl th mml'A m,k heart and shoved tbe tri(rpvr w ith a stick. ... ... o cause is civen tor the sutcido exn-pt thst Mrs. Fraxer hss had poor health. ' , Cur 1 psacs. Washington, April 5. The casualties in (be Philippines from Feb. 4. to April 4, inclnsive as reported to the adjutant general are 1M killed and 974 wounded, a total of 1,100. It Was Embalmed. Wasiusotox, April 6. Unless Ute te- mony of several important witaesses ; shall be impeached, something which is; unnxeiy uie oeet inquiry poaru win i obliged to sustain the charges of General Mile thst the soldiers were fcal upoit embalmed or preserved beef. Happy is tne man or wutoaa who can eat a good hearty mewl without suffering afterwards. If tou cannot do it, take Kodol Dytpeptia Cun. It digests wnat vou eat, aad cures all forms of djspepaia aod indigestion. Fothay & Mason. If you bsveaecugb, thoart irritatinn weak Hogs, pain in ins cheat, dittieu'l breathing, croup or hoarseness, let ns fug gest One Minute Cough Cure. ' Always reliable and safe. Foahay A Mason i Before the discovery -if One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis turbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for i. now. Foshay A Mason "Give nia a liver regu'ator and 1 ran regulate the world.1' a:id a genius. T; druiatist hinged bim a bottle of tVWjif, ! Little Early Risers, ti e f.imou. little pill. 1 Fosbay Mason. J. Sher. SedaUa, M , conductor on (trie street car line, writes that bis tittle U gbter waa very low with cruup,andber ea alter all ptiyaician bad failed uaiog Uoe. - a Masou Mioate Cough Cure, new mt WORLD Thricr-a-Wetk Ilitiojt IS Pages a Week . . .' ... 156 Paper a Yeat For One Dollar r aalUheaerery AtlarwaleSay exeeatsaa at ' rIlv!JTil ilYrli i earuie a aa tea aavfwvaev vts v tivw a v aa 2 ftad tbo fmhLSM, accomcy tuti variety ol I 1. aaw.tAHt. 1 ka. sail SU. ...i A2 avers Saturday evening at K. O, T. a b.ii VksiOBsr Katsbta laviied. K If Newport.Oommandsr, THOUGHT BABY'S EAR WOUIP DROP OFF Body and Head Bfaaa Bleeatae; ftors. Surlemd Bymd Descrlpttoa. Physi cian Could Mot Sna strtlTe. Kpt Under Opiates. Cared by CUTICTJKA. ITy Infant was one maa of bleeding sorea which extended to hit hmd, aad we thought one of U eara would dropoff. His fferins"r beyond dMcr1ptlon,andhhd to be kept under opiates. Oar pby.icUn did everything for hi mtsf ; I be eJM nlterly dlaooanied. My ettenttoa wse called to a CtmccaA testimonial. I bought toe Coticcba, OmcOBA Boat, aad Ccnctnu Re aoLTEKT. Tba mutt was etmply manreUOB. A Iter the third day tbs opiates were discontinued, be was free from pain and terrible Itching, aod In trten sues vat ewed, with a clean, smooth, baby skin. J. C. H AKDWICg. Clara, Qe. CnKri, Xtvrnn ar. th i ,i twt. am mSA sad VMt rffllii ttttm iron, aad feojOOT ma4lM iw ms4s. anS appMt U U afftteu4 win, asm aa4 sufe aaaMn.wtett iom of hiir. Wva baths ttaC Tl:c. .r sad f,U snainant vrth CitTttrk (ntotmsetl ewaos. in Mua am ntpmna. M. waw-.wj nca- lsw laaaart tna n I P'TT. D. . C Cos., SaM ftfasebMt the P-tt.. n. tatm Vruv-, BMCoO. How ts Cnn ZnrT Hi urn. SAVE YOUR 8X1M Ct-TcCfA sWsvr. mtirtTOTtntrtttTtntnrfTi! a b Julius Gradwohl ' i ' -:- Dealer in Hardware. Crockery. Gli- jj ware. Groceries and a. I iroo-Js : y kept Is country stores. I WILL p SELL GOODS g FOR CASH 3 As Low as Anybody. 3 fjT Coantry produie and eiors 2 P taken ia excbanp 9 for goooda. aTmiuiumiuiiiiiuu aiHisiiR S00 PACIFIC LINE. To iU Point last Solid retiUile tr.ios. CTn!ting of par ace steeping cars, laiu-iou dicing earv, -tefrantday eoavebe. magrnisceat toartat car tod free colonial sleepers from tbe Pa eiSc to tlie Atlantic witbotn cbaii;e. COST DIBSVCT AID CaaAPaT BOOrl T Kootcnnyl "ATaa. suicas err. (UfOJ, KAloO. TBA1L, District I SQWAlaTPaQ All points in the Okacsgan Country. G a pampbiet giving a foil ieerriptioa of ibis wonderful country. Ask tbe aires! for a copy of the mining laws ol Brituf Columbts. Lowes rate o and frna ETJ3rt02?liJ Atlantic vteanuLip inea. Canadian Pac Ry. Uo.'s Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CASAOIA ACsrSalXAB PtaAJUS UXt HOSOLCXC, rUl A D ArSTSjUJa. Tbe tborteet Hoe to toe Cciooiae. Tb trjr-amert cwrry an experieoce.1 Bv-ixi nan. ana a siewarac, oo erey voyage r or rime tat-lrw paT.rtitrU. or aa j ormatlon. call on or addreea. ! t : v v j jr usl.Or ,F.O Mi V:- ! Ctrl I.. ItOAN, O P. A AOiUKISTRAlCiTS HOUSE j .f ' K-et OriCE 15 liEBEBYGIVEX 1HAT tbe ucdemgned ra bea by the jaotv Court f r Lisa countv. O.-w-oa. do'.y appoia ed administrator of tbe estate' 1 a required br taw wittia six mosth from 1 thi Ute I I hi tbe 3 '.h diy if March. W. E. iji.Bxrs. AdmiDrrator. Wevthebpod A- Wtatt. . A'fjs for AJniBit'rator. EXECUIRir KOTICE C ! urDi-Rv iiix-p 1 VnCS IS HERLBY G,YE. TBAT , the county court ot Linn couatv. Ore- , hs aproifiUd the ondersigBed as ex - i g,ie, hs aprioisUd the owderstgBed as ei' jecVnx of Ibe last will and test antes t of j -'dan Sttlemier, deoeanf: any aed all P- having claim g .... s -wid esmte I b rel.y r.qoirei to vreot ,b - - to J oodeifcoed al ; tbe office of Ke. . v.inwo. who. prt l-eT !rnnM.h. Ilunjiw vt.k.a . . . . , I j fiom ibw da'e of tl-is publication. lad at albaBf , Oregon, this March ! a nb, ts. Icvisk D. f-iTvuxin, Kru.t 4t Crat.. bewtrtx Attctnernfor Eie.-otrii NERViTA VITALITY. LOST VIGOR ANO MANHOOD Cures Impoteccr. Xisrbt Emissions and waofin? diseases, zl effects of self- abtso, or c recess and indls crctlon. AuenctonlcaiMt Idorxl builder. Erlnsrs the pink glow co pale cheeks and restores the Cre of youth. By mail COc per boxi C boxes for i 30; with a vrrlttra rnaraiw tee to cure or rcfkintl the money, NERVITA r.;cc;cAL CO. -ilnton Jadtson Sts CH1CACO, ILL. For sale by F rd Dawson, Dniie Albany, Orejron. P 1 Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digrestotbe food ano-add Pature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or (gans. It is the latest discovered digtsV . ant and tnnir, IVr, eth., j can approach It In tfflciencTrit. ttw etantiy relieves and permanpntly cares Dyspr-psia, Indigestion, Ueartburn. Flatulence, Scnir Stomach, Kaussja, Sick H ead ache, Gatialgi a, Cramps, and Uother results of Imperfect dltrestlon, -frwporsd bv E. C DeWlu a Co- Coleooo. IIRMT NATION At. BaNf, ' 0aM4MI,OJLaow (veldtat.... Vws PrastasDl . .LPLIN1I S K.TOCNO ..... . W. LallOOOM TUnaACTS '"-''-(ftinslines ACtHIl NTs KKPT swblwt to shatk. lOHTSlCUANOC aaI laiarraphts traaafar, sold a Ka (ork eaa rriaeiaeo Chicago aad rU e ' tSTTIOHS ItDKan la.or.hls tarsst Siufleas) S K Tones- X w Usaetoa y Oooewts, L. fun c s. r-. Clojuvo Katm. Weekly Dk.:ockat and Examiner $3.50 and Thrice-a-week World $3.00; and Republic tL'S: and Oregouian $2.25 and San FrancUco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly Journal 2.00. LEGAL DIRECTORY W R Bilvon. Fosbay A Mason block, H Bryant. P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block. J N Duncan, P O bloc T P Hackleman, Pearne clock. Judge HH Hew itt.PO block. N B if omphrey. Kelly A Curl, hank building. L II Mont an ve, Pearce b'oca. J C Powell. P O block. C E 8ox, P O block. L L ewsnn. Bank building. II J WaUOR, bank l auding. Went herford A Wystt. Baakbnildiog Whitney A Newport, Cusick block. G A Wrivht.PO block. Lebanon. S M Garland. BroitTurilfe. A A Tossing. Scio. T J Wilson East South SHAOTA ROUTt Of rHE o ithern Pacific Oo. 3alitvBla Cxaraai Tialae !sas rortaaM tHUj I vor. a. 1 1 iAS lit lUi a I Ar roruaad r S0 ar.tsa l.r 8 AfWay A bote trains stop at s'a '" tween Portlaad and tl-a r see. Marl--B, JetT-rwjn A Tangent. Sbedd. Haieev Ko nnttace Grave. Dra. Oakland o stattone frota RosetHTr to : a,,d elodiasi Ashland. litis J tsra I irsrat 1 lit lit ar Per ale 1 Ut -I.- S " 7 S viaa tee I arrhr aisawv troes UeSaaaa leaf t aa lor taeaanw Arm at a jfroam LetaJ liwn Ml. P'JLUi;i BJrfil SLEEFES. Oinlrur Can on Cgdn Rouu SECOND-CUSS SHIMS CV S Ilia M1 twaU TsraiS?rsi eVast SCeVe rTrtllaw swerras rvsrraa twa Wail, ra ar Eaassaawaoa simseets aaivwaave IL, ewetlaaS ar I SSS l?S a a I ar Ce-Me 'iwtt axprawiTraul PaBy(aaawt ear 42k r . L fsrttsatt r:rrit TWIr.i Ar MmmtOt ItIsjs.. SSSraar laiaje dsn re 11 4 SO aw EiSste Aw aa sale ewiaw PjntasH. as aemnlix er.,-.-.. N w 'I Sea saaSUtanoaa ,bdia kaapar K. KOKSt k C B BTASXHaW rWsaaaer Sea fAfi TarVmm Saul ticket. .iTufe islAPaS OaiA. UH'ibCW ACSTEa- CtfUla. Aces Fast Sal laaw, Denver, Ft eat Mail Worth, Omaha, tan- Maal 8 pea swa City, &t Louis, Ctt5 p su Chicago and East. 1 Srxkane Walla Walla, Spok Spokane ( Fiver ere. kJBBesoolis. St Fiver 1:10 pm Fan. Daluth. Mil- 8:30 ass wraokeo. Ctieapo, & ICasv i s i t J 8pm OCEAS STEAM SHI F 4 p is. i For San rranciK- Sad ever; tire d s COLUMBIA RIVER 4pa w?.SJ ExSondav STEAMERS. ExSonda Satoniay To At-tona aad Waj- v OS ra V I LL A M r-TT h. KlY. 4:30 p S fcxson. treoo tltv, AewOe-g, IvxEaa Saieta A W lj-Laad 7am WILLAMETTE A SD 3:30 p Tuesday, YaklBILLRIY klooda Thora., Cregoa City, Iytcta, Wed. nd Sat. and Way-Lands and Sal ) 6asn WILLAMETTE KIT. 4:30 a Tuesday Portland to Corvallis Iserta Tbar., sad Wsr- LancLnca. Thnr ; and Sat. ana Sat 1 Lv Riparia L Lew istoe 2:30am SNAKE RIVER 13M r Daily Riparia to Leaietoa Dwilv W.H.HCKLBCRT, tiea. Pass a rent. j C-,G R,AL1SG3' - Att A bany. Portia nd.Cs nSORTHERfl BVl PACIFIC H. it Piulman Sleeping Oars Elegant Dining Cars. Toizrist Sleeping CarF: at Pan., MinwaaaeiHa. OuhH largo, PO (iraad Forks , Crookstoa rVianipex -Helena aa4 Battsv TxaOUGM TICKE to hleago sVaahtngtoa fhiladelphia. -Sew xork Boston and a. PoinU East aad Soath Throoirk tkkdta to Japan aad CVa. vts Taeoaaa aad Northern Pacific slewaiakir Co., aa Americaa line. . For information, time cartes map ant tickets call on or write C t Burkhart agsat. Albany, Or, ADCbarltM. A- ren Fas -Portland O CITATION Cocxrr CorjsT"osT-aSrATo Ukeoox, for Lix Cousit. Ia the matter of tbe estate of James ktc MaboD. To William H. McMafc. Mary Drink ard. James Stewart ilcM.boa, jamea Drtnkard, George lrinkard, Clara OrioC ard. Lena Drinkard, illiaoi Mcif iaonk Catherine iicMahoa and alt other ponnns. iotereated in said estate, greeting. 1ST T HK NAME uF TUB STAIK Oi Oregon, you are hereby et'cd and require to appear in tbe County Coon of the sute of Uregoo, for tbo county of Lias at tbe court room thereof, at Aibaay. in aud county, on the 1st day of May. 1899, at one, o'clock ia the after nooa of that aay, tbe. sad there to show caue if any yea or either of yon msy have wby as order se-mld, not te made, diivcttrm, aotlKiriaing and requiring Aihiam h, McMahoa todia tribute the money in hi bands a executor of tbs last will and teetameat ct said de. ceased, according to the residuary el ante ia aid will between tbe s-dd Williara H atahon and Mary Drinkard. Witness, tb Moo Ga turtoa. iuclm of tha Connty Court of the siatecf Oreooa. for the oant. r,f e J Qra Hon. with tbe teei of said counts sffxed. this 4th dy of March, A- D., 1899. Attest: FaawK CaaBTaxs, Clerk. By ICR. Mosyx" Deputy. UAot a skui-m inai 1 1 j ar C e W1SS