The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 14, 1899, Image 3

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Prominent Men Drowned.
Hollistor D. "McGuire, slate fish com
miasiouer and Senator A. W. Reed of
Douglas county, were drowned in the
Vmpqua r'ver six miles below Rose
burg last Saturday afternoon and the
news was brought to Rosebnrg about
6 o'c'ock in the evening. With W. P
. Hubbard, of the Clackamas hatchery
they were on a trip down the stream
looking for a site for a hatchery. The
water was very swift. At one rapids
Hubbard took the boat through and the
three proceeded together, when their oar
iocs oroKe as tney were endeavoring to
row to the shore on approaching anot her
raphis, aud the boat was 'ipped over.
Hubbard swam to the shore, MoGnire
endeavored to but after winding aways
sank out of sight. Keed clung to the
boat but was finally thrown off in the
ewiit water and sank. The nien were
warned twice of the dangerous condition
of the river and should nevtr have at
tempted the trip in a boit.
McGuire was forty-six veer of age and
was an old lesident of Poit'u.d. Reed
was titty-three years of age and waa .ue
of the leading men of Southt rii Oregon.
The disaster has been the comment of
the state and only regrets cave been
heard at the unfortunate accident.
Wont Sign the Deed.
From the Telegram.
Mrs. J. L. Cowan, wife of the Warm
Springs Indian reservation agent, was
brought here today by Deputy United
States Marshal Roberts, under a process
in equity, to force her to inke deed to
certain property in favor ot the Bank of
California, which, it is alleged, was
fraudulently conveyed to her.
This is an aftermath of the failure of
the Lion County bank, at Albanv, some
years ago, of which Mrs Cowan's hus
band was manager, and whose principal
credito was the Bank o,f Calif Mrma. At
tho time of the susoeiidion of the Linn
County bank, certain real projiety held
by it was conveyed to Mrs. Cowai. The
altove-named creditor sought to recover
it by a process of law. Mrs. Cowan,
however, refused o tt-ake h surrender,
on the grouid that she bought the prp-
erty in question with money left her by
Despite that, the court held that the
conveyance by the bank, alter it was in
a l aukrupt condition, was fraudulent,
end ordered a reconveyance.
This was several yera ago, and Mrs.
Cowan continues to defy the order of the
court. The case is a vtry interesting
one, and will probably bo heard by
Judge Bellinger next Monday.
Fayne Moore's Free Day.
Real Estate Sales.
to II Follis, 13.53
C A Duncan, 60
Jessie Allen
acres f
W H Duncan to Emma Vest," .60
W H Duncan to
H J T Jackson to W II Moore,'" 4
lots, Lebanon
J P Cheshire to L R Bond, 4 lots".
Sodaville .
O T Porter to First N Bank, 222x254
feet, bl 41, Albany
The condition of Mrs. Ed. Huston is
reported very serious, with doubts of her
Alovfcius Milner, daughter of Prof. E.
A. Milner, of Portland, formerly of Alb
any, i injbe city the gnest of her grand
mother Mrs. Dubruille.
A children's par.v was given Paturdav
afternoon at the residence of John Alt
house in honor of the eleventh birthday
of Katie Lee. It was a preUv affair
unxij carneu out.
The name of Se recant StelLmec'
mis city, is Deing urged tor We position
of second lieutenant of the second regi
ment, one he is very capable of filliuir.
The governor would n ake no mistake if
he were to appoint him to the place.
Melville Wire, Jr., Misses Winnie
Stafford, Nellie Elkins and Orah Hark
nesa returned this noon, from Eugene
where they had been to attent' the dis
trict Epworth League convention, a very
successful event. It was voted to hold
the next convention in Albany. Yes
terday Mr. Wire preached in the Pres
byterian church, his first sermon in his
former home before coming to Albany.
Governor Gecr passed through Albany
this noon on his way home from Rcee
burg, where he had been to inspect the
soldiers home. When he left this morn
ing nothing had been found of the bodies
of Mr. McGuire or Mr. Reed, though a
constant search had been kept. None ef
1 heir effects even had been discovered.
They were in their shirt sleeves with
their coats in the boat.
From the World.
Mrs. ray ne Moore s first Sunday out
of prison was spent with her mother.
She arose earlv, enjoyed a drive in the
afternoon, dined at the Colonial Hotel
in the evening and returned home
happy in the thought that she is free of
criminal conrts, a iii a chance to drop
from public gaze.
'This is the happiest day of my life,"
she said, after regaining her composure
and finishing her telegrams. "Why it
seems likea new world to uie. You can
not imagine the happiness it brings to
one to be free after spending five months
in the gloomy Tombs. I never before
appreciated what freedom meant.
"I slept comfortably and peacefully
last night for the first time in five
months And what a contrast it was to
awake this morning and not find mvself
surrounded by bars and prison wall !"
it was reported that eh was to take
the leading role in the "King of the
Opium Ring," at f 1000 per week, with all
necessary wardrobe, carriage at pleasure
and all expenses of herself, maid and
mother. When Mrs. Moors left the
Tombs in a closed cab, accompanied by
Lawyer Simpson, s'ie sail) she was ceing
home to her mother. She refused to
ffiv. ttiA luMur'u u.I.Im.. Kh. at.
ter, of emphatically tliat sue would not go on
me siage.
sold only in
Where Is He.
Remi-annual report of the County
Clerk of Linn County, State of Oreuon,
showing the amount and nnmuer of
claims allowed by the County Couit ot
said county, for what al'owed, amount
ot warrants drawn, and amount of war
rants outstanding and nnpaid, from the
1st day of October. 1898, to th 31st day
ot Ma'Cb, 1899, toth Inclusive:
account ' No.
Ian McClaren, author of the ' Bonnie
Briar Bush," will be in Portland April
The Supreme court will hear the Mo
Grath murder case on the 17ta of this
Hon. Cyrus Westlake left Saturday
night for his home in San Jose, Calif.
Before going he sold his Linn county
farm to William Yanoe, 300 acres for S6,
750. The Salvation Army have secured
rooms in the block ouposite the Ross
House. So fully is everything now oc
cupied it was a difficult matter to get a
There will lie work in the first and
third ranks, at the meeting of the
Knight's of Pvthias tonight. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
We have been unable for the past few
days to attetid to our office work. Mrs
Liggett has so far recovered as to be a p
and around white our daugtber, Ethel, U
in a fair way of recovery and is improv
ing as fast as anyone could wish Price
villa iteview.
Ollie Hal ford, the fascinating actress
with "The Pay Train," has abundant
scope for her pleasing work in the double
roles of "Bessie Burton' ami "Foxy."
The Pay Irain comes to the Armorv
Hall Friday. April 14th. Admission 50
The meetirg of the Oregon Presbytery
of the U. P. church began this afternoon
at tbe U. r. church. There are present
from other places Revs. H. F. Wallace
and Huber Ferguson of Portland, Rev
Hood of Shedd, Rev. Henderson of Oak'
ville and Rev. Dick, and Rev. Wilson
and others will attend.
The petition of the Farmers and Mer
chants Ins. for the removal of Mrs. Ima
Monteith as administrator of the estate
of her late husbanl was argued before
Judge Barton this uiwrning, and was de
nied, . Ibe object of tiiu. proceed igs was
to have transfers of property to Mrs.
. Monteith by t'.ie deceased set aside.
Accident at Chair Factory.
Saturday afternoon between 3 and 4
o'clock, TornJ Waller met with a serious
accident at the Veal chair factory. Mr.
Small, a fellow workman, was trying to
get a belt over a drive pully when Wal
ler told him to be carefui, that he would
do it for him, and taking a chair reached
up and shoved the belt clear over the
pally instead of upon it as intended. It
caught and began winding around the
shaft. Something had to give away. It
was tbe shaft and it came down striking
Wailer in the stomach a hard blow
knocking him over a bench. It was
thought he was dangerously if not fatal
ly injured, bat foi tuna tely his injuries
weie not as had as anticipated, not being
internal and no bones being- broken. Dr.
Davia was called and attended him, and
he is doing well, with prospects of being
up indue time.
Misses Anta Millbollen and Fay Banks
rode into toan on their new wheels.
The former bought in Albany and the
latter was sent to her from Cleveland,
Ohio, a present from her father, Rev. L.
A. Banks.
Mr Roy Junkie of C. G. 14th I. S.
regulars is expected home soon, his time
expire I on the March 4th. He is bugler
and when he. wrote last was in the battle.
Jim Morean will go east Monday, April
10, and Howard Anderson will go on
Geo. Kelsey and E. B. Couey stopped
with Smith Friday and lemonade flowed
freely v
Da. Hodges Home Dr. A. J. Hodges
ard wife returned home this noon from
Chicago, where Mr. Hodges, on the 6tb
of the month, completed Dis three years
course and graduated from the dental
department of the Western University
with the highest honors of the class,
standing first in the large class of two
hundred. On account ot his superior
standing and graieas a student he was
offered the very important position of
demonstrator in the college, but has not
yet decided for certain whether be will
accept it. If so be will return to Chica
go next ear to reside. Oregon young
men have a war oi standing; at tbe head
and Alhany people generally will be
leased at tbe splendid record oi IT
lodges. Sir. and Mrs. llodzes were
greatly rejoiced at seeing tbe green of
the vaiiev aitrr coming through hi teen
hundred miU-s of snow, seeing nothing
else from Wisconsin to Spokane, in some
places so deep that the tops oi the fences
couldnot be seen, and this in April. Mr.
Hodeea reports Miss Mamie (Juno in as
doing excellent work in the school of
oratory with prospects of entering some
southern school as instructor.
Did you ever. (Ion. J. M. Son.ers,
formerly representative of thil county.
and Waaler of the republican forces in
the famous Lo dap legislature, is now
huainess manager of the Commoner,
Portland's sorightiy relorm taper. The
paper started as a boy's paper but is
branching out and making; itself heard
among- tba people. Following is one oi
the Commoner's striking and character
istic items: Senator (Simon said he'd
subscribe if de "Commoner" qnit roast
ing him. Sorry 'Cuoe,-' but yon and
Harvey Scott hour great stand by and
we'd bust in bus. nets if we didn't sizzle
- yon up nineteen times each week. .
Even Saeden and Norway are at ouls
and arc talking fight Foolish nations.
Shake bands and eh-t np.
A ni a a got' off yeatetday morning's
overland and put up at ti.e St. Charles
paying a weeks board in advance and
leaving a $25 check for keepijg. He
registered as Bnrnett F. Conner, of San
Jose. He was greatly under the influence
oi nquor. ans last night about ..'olot-k
went into Burkhart& Lee's and got some
bromide of potash to taka off the effects
of bu d'unk, going out of the rear door.
He baa not wen seen since, ana his
a hereabouts is a mystery, particularly
ar the couductor on the overland held
his through ticket from San Jot-e to New
York Our I. U learned that he is a
section boss at San Jose, and on Ids way
north had been on a spree, gelt tug off
the tram in about the same way at Ash
Haydn Oratorio Society will meet to
night instead of tomorrow night
Uodowsky, the great pianist, performs
at Sa em tonight, in the M. E. church.
S, I. Guise & 8 m, of Silvertea, bars
sold their drug store to J H. Urooks, of
On Jnne 15th, the Oregon Pioneer
Association will celebrate at Portland tba
53rd anniversary of tbe admission ot
Oregon aa a territory.
Horst Bros, are putting in a four bund
rod acre lion. yard near Salem, which it is
declared will be the biggest In the val
ley. Mr. Leo Willis, a prominent citizen of
Salem died vesteroav. Ha waatha fath.
er of Maj. Willis now at Manila and Mrs.
E.B. Piper.
Foitv-nine Indian bovs of Cbemawa
converted through Rev. E A Holdredge
and eleven ethers onued wits tbe Pits
byterian church at Salem Sunday.
Tba U. crop service at Portland re
ports that tatiafactory reports are receiv
ed from all correspondents. Present
conditions and proa pec s are favorable
for a successful crop year.
Don't miss the entertainment given
by tbe Ladies of the Presbyterian church
next Friday evening at the W. C. T. U.
hall. A dollar entertainment for tan
The license ordinance will come np for
consideration tonight, and general inter
est is manifested in tba rtsult. Were it
pot to a vote ol the p. pie there wonld
not be much doubt as to the result.
The boat in which McGuire and Reed
were riding when drowned baa been re
covered four milea below the scene of
the drowning, bat no due to the location
of the men has been secured yet , and may
not be for months if at all.
The Village Orchestra to be rendered
at the W. C.T U. baU r-ext Friday
night was rendered at one of the leading
theaters in Sew York City fifty nights in
succession. It is one of the most amus
ing pieces ever presented, and all it will
cost will be ten cents.
The Congregational church of Tba
Dalles, of which Rev. Poling is the pres
ent pastor, is fiftv veate of aae. Prof.
Candoo, of Eugene, was one of its first
pastors, anc mace his Em public prayer
in The Dalles in 1861 Last wk ha
siioke at the fiftieth anniversary ot the
church. i
There wi'l be held in the Oak Creek
Baptist church on tbe evening of April
15th 1899. an elocationarv contest for a
gold and silver medal. Tbe prrgram
will be interspersed aitb good rootle.
roth vocal ant tustramemal. One of
tbe most pleas ng features of tbe even
ing will be the March and Hoop drill bv
the class in rotomes All will be made
welcome. Admission 15 ceut. children
5 cento.
Sreakm' by little Billr Fenn, the boy
wonder, at tbe Presbyterian entertain
ment at the W. C T U. bail next Fri
day oigbt. Little Billy is only teen
years old bnt rv aid on this occasion
give tba charge of the "One Horse ehay"
in two colors with variations, all of the
247 Terse mora or less from bis own
memory. Bo bas an er-core "Coming
through the Wheat" ready, which be re
cites with one band tied behind bim.
Tbe preea of Albany have isened an in
vitation to the N.tional Editorial
Association lo visit this city, tad thsy
will be Lacked by tbe business mn and
citizens generally ot the city. Mr. Ed
wm btone, of the C & E, will extend to
tbem the courtesies of his road in oider
that they mav visit the monmaioa and
see what oar forests offer. Ibe opportu
nity is a great one for Albany anc our
citizens should do their part in connect
ion with it when tbe time cornea.
At tbe tbe meetirc tba Presbrterv of
tba U P. chorch yesterday afternoon,
Rev. Henderson of Oakville waa elected
moderator. Last evening tbe sermon
was preached by him. This forenoon
as devoted to business. Ibis afternoon
a fine program w being presented by
the woman s Missionary society To
oight the meeting will be of Special in
terest, when Rev. Haber Ferguson, the
new pastor of tba Portland church will
preach tbe sermon.
Aca.NcwLitoED The members and
friends of tbe Cumberland Presbyterian
vburcb have shown' tter kindness and
I consideration since we came into their
! midst by supplying os with a nie lot 1 1
groceries, bacon, floor, potatoes, coffee.
sugsr, Irutts and pickles We desire lo
express our thanks for these necessary
tnings we neartuy appreciate the kind
ness oi each Iriend. i A Lokobottom.
County Judges salary.... 6
County Treasurers 7
County Clerk and depot-
ties and assessment rolls 27
County Recorder 7
County Sheriff 41
Count Com m loners per
diem 11
Account ol Assessor 5
County School Kup't 14
Account Coroner 27
I cc 't Dist. attorney 9
County Surveyor tt
Aci't paupers "aj po .r 237
Expelling retvroe of ex-
Co. Treasurer 2
Roads aud 98
Court ouse and jail 38
stationary, priming Co.
records, postage, ete ... 48
Insane 8
Incientsl expenies 13
Fuel 5
it's in crimiuai cases. . 40
Petit jurors 64
Grandurors 22
Wit's before grand jury 37
Bailiffs 7
Viewing and surveying
roads 7
Road supervisors 59
Bounty 14
Preliminary examination 76
$ 000 00
510 10
1770 90
900 00
1820 85
i6 60
508 00
89H 15
79 55
32 J 60
124 50
7887 99
120 f0;
3238 So'
648 77
805 I)
69 85
94 68
73 10
372 80
756 10
198 50
338 40
136 00
14 50
2204 92
47 00
245 CO
Total 924 $21360 92
WABaaars ONfAto raiNCiPAU israatsr
Unpaid warrants on the
3lt day of March,
1899, pnicha-e ol poor
farm i-ov dor). . $ 400A 00
Estimated interest ac
crued thereon None
Tout un'd war-ants. $ 4000 00 None
STAll Or OkKGON, ss.
- coivtv or us j
I trana raot ee, County Clerk ot tb
Ciun.y of Linn, State of Oregon, do he.e"
by certify tut tbe loregoing is a true aod
i-orrett sta'ement ol the number and
amooni of cUims allowed b th County
Court ot said .ounty for the six moctha
eodiog on tt a 31st day of March, 18-9,
on a bat axuunt beeame ware alloaed.
at.d the satotim of variants outstanding to kill the animal
and uniaid aa ibe same appear opo.. the
record of my office aod in my official
Korea my hand aaJ the seal of to.
County Coon of said county ibis 1st da.
of April, A. D . 1899.
Fbakk Cb abt a ik,
Couaty C erk
A dollar show for ten cents Friday
Hear Prof. Irons in his great bare of
tone solo t tho w. V. T. U. hall Friday
A big train loau oi vitrmed ties were
taken out on the Lebanon road this
Don't fail to bear Prof. Eastbars in his
noration on the 4th of July at the village
orchestra entertainment iriday night.
At Corvallis yesterday the damage suit
ot . a. nicL-imn agt. trie u x K was
dismissed on motion of the plaintiff.
There are at least foi.r candidatrs for
Mr. McGiilre's p ace, L. T. Barin and
George Guisten, of Portland, and F. C.
Keed and U. ti. Van Duesen, of Astoria
It v. I). .Gsrieit, of PortlsrKf, will
deliver the baccalaureate termon, and
Kev. Herbert S. Johnson, of Pittsfleld,
Mss., I he addrrss, before the students ol
toe state university commence tueut
A largo delegation went to Corvallis
this morning tc attend the meeting ol
tbe Presbytery of tbe Presbyterian
church. Among those there are Revs
Reed and Suick and Elders Galbrailh
and Leo
Tbe big Jefferson banquet at Port
land will beafl affair. W. E. Robert
son will be master of ceremonies and
among the speakers will be Hon John
Burnett on Ybomas Jefferson, and Hon.
M. A. Miller on the menace of national
The Southern Pacific has put on din
ing cars south of Ashland and Brother
Gross of Ashland baa been ordered to
close his eating room but Mr. Gross will
ciose it when he gets ready; All the
same it will knock out Athland as an
eating station.
Mr. Vance will continue lo fix up bis
Hrst street property regardless of tba
order of tbe city council. His contract
lo writing for the repairing of tbe abtd
in tbe rear calls tor enly $5 charge,
abicb is considerably less thsn a qoar
ter ol the value of the property Mr V.
is equal to all such emergencies.
A Engene mao pecsingtbrongh Albany
for The Dalles with four borjes lost one
in a peculiar way. Ue was at l. Bus
aaro s, when one of tbe animal, held by
a roue around bia neck got choked and
ji mping back aga'nst a beam bro the
numeral bone, so that it waa neceesarv
It took tao shots snd
Semi-aunua' statement of tba County
Treasurer ot Lion County, Oregon, for
six month a eodiog on tho 31st day ol
March A. D., 1899, of money recessed
and paid out, trum whom received and
from what source, and oo what account
paid out:
amocxts aacarvan.
oawaaAL acaooL
$ 3437 47 $ 4S8I 96
1S848 40
From last repo t
CooDtf lax. sheriff. . 2962 5
Poll, treasurer aod
sheriff 1088 00
Re 1 'lion of laod 294 68
Fines t7H 00
Co Clerk fe-, clerk. . 1320 10
Cuonty recorder 928 50
Sondrr toorce 78 23
Am't last report, city. 363 63
Taxes, from sheriff . 1U6 78
Special Sch'l ( am re
port) from dittrieta.
Special S.b'l texes,
Am't Ust re port, pot
lie road food 280 37
63 94
lf0 87
4S54 96
Total ...130176 13 IJ4675 22
amocxts ram OCT.
County warrants 2C029 66
Sut Treasurer 5002 50
Sch'l eupu warrants 1873 86
lien' fun j oc hand . . 3343 24
Sch'l lund on Laod.. 1690 63
From 'be E. A.:
Jnttice Loveko has concluded to cot
a crept tba position t. tailor at tna state
reform school, fie will remain in Leb
anon and roar one to make neat fi.ting
ciotbee at low prices.
Rev A M. Wiiliams. wbo is now lo
cated at Viaaiia, Cel.. has been elected a
delegate from tbe California synod to at
tend (he general assembly of tbe C. P.
church, which meets at Denver in May.
Tbe graduating class of Ssoiiam Acad
emy ibis year coositis of toar meal be r
aa (olio a? Uimm Anna teeB. Marv
Marion Cleaver. The school will ciute
June 19ih.
Mr. Wi eoo. ot the firm ot Westtall &
Wilaon, informs os that do ing tba
moo In of Starch the boainees men of
Lebanon pa-d freight charges to ihe S P.
Co. to tho amount of h-
Died, io this city, Monday morning
April 10. 1833, after aa Uloeee of severe1
weeks, E. C Jackson, aged about 64
yeate. Deceased leveral children, (our
ot whom are young. Hia wife lied sev
oral years ago . tie formerly resided at
Sweet Home. Ha waa an upright man.
a i ood neighbor and citizen
Council Proceedings, j SOCIAL AND PERSONAL
Taeaday evening, Aprilll, 1899. I Mrs. riiomss HTkitis has been in
Present Mayor, Recorder, Acting Portland visiting friends.
Chief ot Police, Street Superintendent
and all councflmen.
The following bills were ordered paid :
A. B. Mliltr. $2-60; H. O. Harkuess,
12.75; W. A, L -og, $1.25; Train Whit
ney, $17.50; Albany Water Co., $31.00
and salaries of mayor, rlty councilmen,
chief engineer aod treasurer.
Further lime was granted ordinance
committee on special tax ordinance.
- Tbe special committee reported that
nothing bad yet been done in reference
to reductkn in bond in'ertst and the
proposed water works
The committee on the report of tbe
experts on accounts of city officers re
potted sh'iaing all dray licenses for 2898
paid in. a the treasi ry bu $12 of A. Bay
lor. F. Purdom tS.0U. C. M. Westbrook
$6.00. and that only I license bsd been
paid the rlty for first qcarter of 1899.
That the btlaoce ot $284.50 bad been paid
into the city treasury
Arrangement were reported ' made
with P. W Spinks for lumber in any
quantity at $8.
Tho committee on fire aad water read
letter from tbe board ot underwriters in
reference to pro pot ed corrugated iron
buildings in fire limits advising against
it, and the committee recommended that
the petitions ot Davis St Callavan and
Frank Skiplon be not granted Adopted.
Petition of A. M. Holt and otters for
sewer was grsnted. Work to be dona
within 90 days.
Tbe report of the street superintendent
showed work smounting to $51.50 done.
The reports of tba trertarer acd re
corder showed tho following, for past
Cash on band Jan. 1 $ 1100 87
Paid 04 warrants . 836 05
Balance on band.
fit reived city taxes.
Ssloon liceoses
General liceoses
Dog license
Lodging iu city jail.
Paid bond interest.
Cash on band
264 32
1597 15
800 00
284 50
4 00
5 00
Mm. E. W. Lansdon went to Salem r,n
the Ruth this morning to attend the fun
eral of Mr. Leo Willis.
Kev H. F. Wallace snd Miss Park
ana Kev. Ferguson returned lo Portland
this morning on tbe Ruth.
HenryBurmester of Jordan is in the
city to attend to the administration of
the estate of his father recently deceas
ed. Miss f'lsra Gard aod Mrs. W. A. Mo
Clain went to Junction tbis noon to at
tend the wedding of Recorder E. U. Lee
and Miss Bertha Wasbburne tonight.
Hon. J, J. Daly, father of the school
bill which disfranchises some of the best
men in the state because they do not
fay tbe necessarr amount of taxes, was
a tbe city today.
W. B. Guisoesf, of the 8. P., returned
from Mxic where be went several
months ago for tbe benefit of bis health,
which is greatly improved, and he will
resume his work in a tew weeks.
James Cbnrch came np from Oregon
City this noon on a visit with Aibsny
relatives aod friends previous to leaving
for Newton Falls, X. V., where he lhss a
good poaitoon in one of tbe big paper
Prof. C. A. Cundiff will arrive here to
morrow from Spokane, Watb , and will
reside with his parents in this city. A
class to take leasons on the piano has
already been organized for him. He is a
graduate in munc and is said to be a fioo
teacher. Lebanon E. A.
At the W. C. T. U. hall Friday even
irfc, Aprit 14 delicious bree-ma Je, candy
tl 1m sold, also coffee and cake, cocoa
ami rake, all 'n the bauds of the gentle
men, a ho are preparing an attractive
program of solos, pomes," ete. Admis
sion 10 sts. Tbe event of tbe season.
Can you afford to stay away?
The Cowan Case.
$ 2691 6)
2250 00
441 65
Paid out city 'node.
Bat. oo band
Spec Diet, tax
Bal on band
Public road funJ...
123C 2 2
290 09
290 37
E444 33
411 60
Total $30176 12 $24675 22
stats or oaiooa, i aa.
cucxtt or una, f
I, F. M. Jack, do hereby certify Ibat
the foregoing is a true and correct state
ment ol tbe smooots r.-cedved, paid oot
and iciuaiog on baod, lo the County
Treasury ol said county for tba six
months ending on the 31st day of March,
A. D.. 1899.
Witness my hand th-s lit day of
April. A D 1819.
r. m. jack,
County Titasorar.
Semi-annual statement oi 'he amoont
ol money and warrants received for
taxes, aod money pad to the County
Treasure' bv the Sheriff rf Linn Cout.
Oregon, for the six months eodiog on the
31st day of Marco, A. v.. 1KW.
Cola and currency on Oa. lit
Outstanding warrant! $11,6041 45
Wan ant last q- arter 1839 68
Warrants paid daring qr 799 81
Total outstanding warranta... 12.644 29
Bonded debt 95 000 00
Total indebtedness 107.644 29
Warranta were iasued for tba follow
ing: Mayor and council 60 00
Chief ol police 280 00
Poli-e 270 00
Recorder 109 30
1 reaaurer 25 00
fire department 199 25
Lights 443 75
Streets Sl3 50
Sundries 236 38
Jadgi Whitney, on behalf of hiuaelf
aad oiigbbors asked for rounding aod
crave mg oi street, but no grading ot it.
Tbe petition for grading and graveling
Jackoa suewt, 3rd to 6th waa granted.
M. G. Stetter uffered to furnish meals
for prisoners at jail (or 14 cents. Ac
cepted. Councilman Dan-a's moved that all
rloats in block 14 be connected with
sewer within thirty days. Carried.
Councilman Pfeiffer moved that all
draymen aad other be requested to pay
licensee for first aad secood quarters of
1899 aod those in srreais for ltftg within
fit days or be stopped duiog cosiness.
Upon motion at Ooaocilman Richards
fite limits ordinance waa ordered amend
ed in order to cover a technicality.
Complaint wss made of tba fire limits
ordinance being violated on First street
by William Vance. Councilman Pfeiffer
moved that Mr. Vance be notified by the
Tbe Oreaooian todv devotes rr.naifler.
i . . .
00.' able space to tbe history ol the case of
tne J. L. Cowan residence in this city,
resulting in iu transfer to tbe plaint. ff
the Bang of California, a deed of tbe
property to Mrs Coaan made jutt before
the fai.ore ot the Linn Connty National
Bank, being orderef set aside oo the
groucde ol traod. Mrs. Cowao retained
ber dower right and refused to sign the
deed to tbe California Bank, and it i to
maks her do U that sh bss t-eeo taken
before the L" . S. court at Portland. She
states that she spent about $5,000 of her
private money tor the improvement of
the proreity valued at $10.U0C, aod she
is right in earing that Albany people
sympathized with her in the eitaation.
Mr. Cowan, she says, always advised her
to sign tbe deed. Mrs. Cowan is at tbe
home of her adopted daughter awaiting
the orders of the court, and ftrritting in
her determination that she will never
sign tbe Oeed. Tbe case s a verv inter
esting oce. ,
Tbe Odd Fello-s bave decided to build f Ch'' ey01; w 5P "olatioo of or J in
a thirty-foot addition to tbe back of their varrieu.
nutlJirlg The upper part of tbe addi-1 Councilman Sender moved that a
lion will t ut-d lor a baoqnet room, and , committee of five citizens be appointed to
alii also contain Ore booth to abtcn to
keep paraphernalia ooe for the Old
Felloas and tnr tor tbe oe of other or
ders tbst rent the ball
Real Estate Sales.
W S KcMeekin to J W Swank,
218.80 ace $
5 A Mc'Jali io Ltoa Co, 1 acre ad
joining R A Irvine farm
D P Maeoo to Joase Allen. 13.13
acres 9 w I
Jobn Bsber to W U Baber and
Clara Hood, 1 block, Shedd . .
P H Marley to First N Bank,
110x133 ft M 59. Albany
6 A Nickersoo toO'N'eil Bros aod
H Callagr-am, rectangular strip
of land aod water power, Leb
anon..... R B Healy to E Parrisb, 1 lot.
Lucy Wright to M Morgasoo, 4
KiM. Shedd w
D V 8 Raid to K L Borkhart. 1 lot
M' E A, lTot H's 2nd ad aod
lot 5. bl 26 H's 2od ad. Albany . .
J M Wauirs to Eliza Moore.l lot,
extend the coortexie of tbe citr to the
National Editorial association. Commit
tee, Ed am Stone, H. J. Hopkins. C. B.
VVion. f. f. Graham and M. Senders.
Councilman Richards moved that tbe
books of city officers be ex pert ed from
lMttolS9$. Carrud.
Unless the
proper precau
tions are taken,
death will lark
in every borne.
It dogs tbe foot.
tap of hus
band, wife and
children alike.
If the husband
ia an ambitions
man, the
chances are
that lie will
overwork and
overworry and
take insuffi
cient time to
rest, eat and
aleep. At first
he mar feel
but trifling ill
effects from hia
Then he will
petite, loss
-rf freimr. II tuese condition arc
neglected, almon any aenoua maiauy may
be the result. Frequently it ia some nerv-
- jiUr ar dread conaumntion. Dr.
Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery ia the
beat medicine for bard-working men. It
a-ivee edge to the appetite, make digestion
and aaimihitioii perfect, invigorate the
liver and purifies and earicnea the blood.
It is the great blood -maker and fleah
builder. It cures oS.per cent of all caaea
of chronic or lingering, bronchial, throat
and lung affection. -
All too frequently, death Cogs the foot
step of the wife, in the gutee of weakneaa
and disease of the delicate and important
organ that bear the burden of wifehood
and maternity. There ia an unfailing core
for disorder of thia nature. It is Dr.
Pierce 'a Favorite Prescription. It acta di
rectly on th sensitWe organ concerned,
making them atronr, healthy and vigorous.
It fits for wifehood snd motherhood.
suffer from headaches, loss of ap
nf .leeti. lassitude iu the morning,
the dav and a general
They are sold at all medicine stores.
uring early childhood death lurk in
for these fragile innocent.
During earl
every corner
The mother can only protect ber Dapea oy
acquiring some practical medical knowl
edge. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser imparts this knowledge. For a
naner. covered coov send 31 one -cent
stamps, to cover tost of mailing only, to
Dr. K. V. Pierce. Buflalo, H. x. Uotn
fading 31 stamps.
Judge Hewitt went to Mc Minn ville
today on legal business.
Welsh Bros, are in 'he city resdr lo
proceed with tbe Court House contract.
Benton Bowers of Shatter, Tex., a
former Beuton county .man, hss been io
tbe city.
A dollar entertainment for ten cents
by the ladies of tho Presbytei ian church
Iriday evening.
Mrs. Bernard Kirks, ol California, who
has been in Lebanon on a visit has been
in tbe city today.
"Prof. Martindale ard Superintendent
McDonald attended a district institute at
Brownenlle SaturdBf . ,
Addie Schiffler and Edna Howard, two
of Albany's rising young pianists, aent
to Salem tbis noon to bear tt famous
Godowsky tonight.
Walter Lyons, Gov. Geer's private
secretary, continues bis trips to Hair is
burg, tust tbe same as when a common
cewspaper man.
Word bas been received of tbe serious
illness oi Mrs. J. F. Hendrix in Califor
nia, where she is V'siting. Her daugh
ter, Mrs. Dr. Davis, will probably join
Mrs, Ollie Jackson Stevens, of Tbe
Dalles, arrived io Albany this noon 00
ber way to Lebanon where she was cal'ed
by telegraph on account of the death
yesterdav of her brother residing near
that city
Tbos. Holman returned to Albany to
day after taking a mos entertaining trip
across the wster, a tour ol old England
including a visit to i birthplace at
London, Canada. Salem Journal. Tbti
evidently refers to John Holmao, wbo
rarely gets nearer Europe than Salem
once a week.
The Ladies Missionary Society of tbe
Prasbvterv cf the WilUmette meet
f Corvallis Wednesday April 12 A special
train will leave Albany for Uorvail'S at
8 o'clock. The excursion tickets are good
upon the noon train on Wednesday, tbe
train to re'urn at night after the exer
cises. Rev. W. 8. BsDuermsn, a return
ed missionary from Central Africa will
addreas the meetinr All wbo have
l-eerd the missionary, speak lo the high
ett praise of his eloquence.
To at Ran bxbkbsd. The entertalo-
ment at Grand PrairieGrange ball next
Friday night. Ooe pleasing feature in
thaprogram wi: be a song with harpo-
aie accompaniment by a member of
Uraod Prairie Grange.
A beatty greeliog awaits all. -
s a
(98 ...
iecem-r. .
J.morj ..
J an nar r . . . .
Fet-ruary. .
Amout t on '
AMorwT rAtD.
.$ 4453 95
. 2078 87
. 7635 S7
67.28 69
. 3474 II
. 8664 16
. 10269 96
$ 6532 82
. 763A 37
. 652H 69
. 3474
. MJ84 15
. 9679 18
.. 595 88
When Traveling
Whether oa p!eaore bent or oa bosine
take on everj trip a Lottie of Srropof Figs
as it a.rts mot pvmliIt aadrSectnaJiy 00
Use kidney. iivr aa4 bowels, prtventieg
fevers, headache, aud other form of aitk
bm. Foraair la 50 cent bottle by all
leading druggist Maarfaciared by tiie
Ca iforala fig yrop Co. rnly.
COO Rings.
A greater variety of friendship, en
gagement ana wedding rinrs never was
shown in Albany than those displayed in
rrencna show windo.. we invite
everyone to stop and inspect them. Tbey
are direct Irom the factory, bot-gbt for
crab, and we tell then on a very cljse
rrenviiea watch acd house.
The English and German Expert Specialists
Five Physicians and Surgeons, all Graduates from the Medical Colleges 4
in the World.
fararaaralew aaaer the law l 'Calierata tt 8 .). EataMbfcesl t rears
Z3 A. part of the staff of the EnglUli and German Expert Specialists ana
Dr. Meyers at Co , will make their regular monthly visit to
Saturday, April 2 2d.
Revere Hotel,
Th'-v "l I at the
Spot lir ;J i j iter eat fru
tbe wearioes caaed ly labor. Tie ia'
is cured by rest : tbe firt require a few
hctUesef Hooc' Sampsnlla to care it
That ditre after e tie g is rored by
Biodri!.. Tl.ey do act grije. :5c.
Tonight and Thursday lair. Statior.
ary temperature. River S fee;.
F. M. FacxcH,
Albany Market
Another Pioneer Gone.
We buy, sell and store srain.
We make Mairnolia Flour.
Also whole wheat. Patent and germ.
. The Magnolia MiKa.
Staudaid of tbe world 1 1 Tba PeUl-
oma Incubator. C. D. Bates agent. Alb
any, irre. .
See our two years privet Dlanta. before
putting out that hedge The Albany Kur-
statb or oasnoM. )
cot? a tt or uusc )
1. 1 A Moner. sheriff of said conn
tv, do hereby certify thai the loreaotng
txiemeiit correct and tme.
Witness my baud ti.i- 1st oay of April,
4. D . 1899.
Sheriff of Linn County.'.
Semi-annual summary statement of
the financial condition ol tba Oounty of
Lion. it. the Sute ol Ureoon, on tba 31st
day ol March, A. D., 1899.
To warrants drawn on tba
Oounty Treasurer, and out
standing and unpaid, (pur
chase Co. poor farm njt yet
due) $ 4000 00
ro estimated amouot ot inter-
est accrued thereon
bal. state tax doe
Mr. John Baber was born in I'latt Co.
Mo Nov. 16, 1838. He removed to Dra
in 1852. spent tbe winter of '52 and '53
neat Hubbard, Marion Co. Io the spttng
ot '53 be came to a farm near Coburg,
Lane Co. where be resided until aiout
lifieen years ago when be took op bis
residence at Sbadd, Linn Co. Tbis he
made hia borne until tbe time of his
death. He aent to eastern Oregoo ne
tear atfQ tact Jul v. White there he was
ekrti sick He returned to Wi'iamette
val ey in the summer ot 1698. Heramo
to R- v. Hnod. at Shedd, on Oct. 6ib of
tbis year. He was In a critical condi
tion at that time. 11 bad a cnrisuan
mother a ho taught bim, io hit intanry.
to orav. Ha had been a believer all bis
lil but never accented Christ as his per
sonal savior nntil lart Dec. ben he
connected with the United Presbyter-
Ian church of Hhedd. On the eve of
March 30. 1899 he passed quietly away
His body was interred in tbe cemetery
at Muddy station. . H
A tew Evergreens, hut. and Shade!
trees left at Tbe Aloany Nurseries.
The Thorn Comes Forth
With Point Forward.'
The thorn point of disease
is an ache or pain. But the
blood is the feeder, of the
whole body. Purify it with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
KirWva. liver and stomach will at
once respond t No thorn in this point.
Blood Polsvonlrifi; ." The surgeon said
when he took out tbe brass shall received in
wound at Ban Juan Hill two weeks before,
th.t i miirl hTB nolsoned me If It had
nnt twen for mi oure blood. I told bim It
was Hood's Sarsaparilla that made It pure."
Geobqs P. CoorxB. Co. O, 25th U. 8. Int. ,
Washington Barracks, WMhlngton, D. C.
BtiMimirtiam - Myself and a friend
hnt.h sn tiered from severe attacks of rheu
matism. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured both,
w. wonld not be without It." Wm. H.
Lbstsb, 65 Leonard St., Pall Hirer, Mass.
By funds in hand of County
treasurer applicable to tba
payment o! county warrants!
By funria in bands of Csunty
Sheriff applicable to tbe pay
ment of ouotv warranta. . . .
By estimated iunpaid current
taxes applicable to the pay
ment of county warranta
Bal. due from P. G. Morris.ex-
Countv treasurer..
Total resources
33984 87 i
37984 87
3343 23
695 88
98329 63
3800 74
100069 63
At UubrullleJInrneaaCoa.
Yiu will find the largest stock of single
aod double harness a .he valley,, and not
one eastern set in tba entire oaa hundred
ts. bvery set warranted to he aa good
again si an factory harness made. We
make all our harness, also boggy and car
nage top.
Tinkle & Dawson for photos.
Art Quotations.
Proverbs, axioms and wise sarins bavs
beea altered by Lonfuscius and o'ber wise
men from time immemorial, our lew icopie
nwiiza how mauv there are of tbem. C.
I. Hood k Co.. of Sarsaparilla fame, have
Avar tstn ihouMnd and taev bave oriirin-
ated tbe DRPotoa plaa ot seivtog tuem op
in delectable sbaos in thousand of news-
nanarr. with each one neatly turning
point a to I he nwrit of their well known
mepicire. The ex enaive use oi ioee pro
verbs is original aud creditable to Hood &
For a eood hand made Harness go to
Ketcbum's Harness More, Broadalbih,
between 2J anrt 3d sinets.
epring teems to bate made its appear
aoca aod ail nature baa taken oa new
Farmers bave commenced to plow for
their epring erope and will he busy for
the next month or two finishing ap their
spring work.
Fall grain is growing nicer and every
thing indicate a bountiful barreaU
If the weather continues favorable
turewil! be a lsrge acrseaeof sprier
rain sawn besides the usual amount ot
i gardening.
Early spplee as far as I bave examin
ed th trees will be almost an -entire
failure as there are oo bods for bios omi
only leaves makiog their appearance.
Lata varieties seem to be all right.
Small fruits will be pleo'.y such as
1 raspberries, gooseberries, currants and
j a few evergreen blackberries, hat all
i wild terry vines are killed.
Our road boss has been improving tbe
condition of all lb roads leading to this
plare by nsing tbe grader in filliog up
low places leveling and smoothing it up
in goid shape.
Mr. E. L. Bryan purchased of Jones
Hereford aod a ife, 130 acres ot laod for
the sum oljt2,700.
Granville Smith bought of tbe Fitst
ationai liana acres of land near
bere at $20 per sere.
Mr. Richard Jonas bas gone lo Mor
row couaty to work during Ibe sum-
the Orcutt bro. her hsve moved to
Grass Valley with Ihe intention of mak
ing that their permanent home.
wade BletiDS hss gone to Idaho on a
visit to his uncles and he wss reported
dngroue!y sick with lung lover.
Tbe igilaotee gave an entertainment
in Beard hall which waa well attended.
The exercises consisted of music . reci
tations and sn address by J. J. Sturaill,
of Portland, followed by a shadow sale,
the proceeds amounted to $9.90.
A surprise party was given Miss Bessie
Seltlemier just before her return to her
studies at tbe O. A. C. There waa pres
ent a large number ot young folks and
all enjoyed a good social time.
It is reported that J. J. Beard bas re
signed tbe position ot postmaster at this
place, for what reason I caaaot tell.
Omar Vernon has saain beea suffering.
from an attack of appendicitis, but we
are glad to bear that be is now better
aod abe to be up and rapidly recovering,
Wheat 47 ents.
Eggs 14 oeota.
Butter 15 to 17 cent
Potatoes 75 cent.
Hams 10 eota.
Sides 8 cent.
Shoulders 6 cents -
Fob Sali. Fine piano. Beet made. A
bargain. Nice gentle horse, bugty and
barnees, 3 lots wiji onca tooooatioo ana
nart of lumber to build with. H6teet
i root and 130 lenta. Very desirable loca
tion. For terms call within 4 aavs at B.
F. Hyman's. opposite Albany rornitere
. ('right's Diseaseand all other Disease of the Kidneys; Diseases of the Ba
der C nnary Organs, Liver, Spleea.Spine, Bowels, Heart .Stomach, Eye, Ear, Sk.
aod Xervea. AIj I m poverish&i Blood, Blood PoUon and scrofula; CaUrrh, Ton
tililia, Conjnniption. Bronchitis, A-sthma, and other Throat and Lung troat4ee
Tumors. leitmitie, Insomnia, Melancholy, Paralysis, Rnpnre. Dysentery, Ds
pepeia, Neuralgia, if ieamatism, Stiff and Swollen Joints ;t Female Complaints
including Ovarian trootles; Piles, Fistula, Obeeity, Ring Worm and Goiter; to
bacco, Opium. Cocaine and Liquor babit; Headache, Erysipelas, Gont, Tape
Worm, biliousness. Dropsy, Gail Stone, Eczema, Freckles, Blackheads,. Cancer,
etc., and Chronic Diseases generally.
DK. MEYERS 4 CO. cure Nervous Eebility, Lost Manhood and all Private
Di&aae, including c?i!'nus blood poison, quickly and permanently, and at
reasonable rates. ,
Tt-e English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers & Co. are cot on
ly com peteat aod re-liable, bat are responsible, being backed by ample capital an j
ably managed.
Diseases which have baffled the skill of other physicians and stubbornly re
fused to yield to ordinary medicines, methods and appliance, are quickly" sub
dued and m stered by these successful doctors. Tbey Lave tbe largest and beet
equipped medics I ins tit ate in America.
Call on the Doctors when they come. All ailing people shoa' i see the
English and German Expert Specialists or Dr. Meyera A Co. i possible. A friend
iy uuk, which coats absointely nothing, is bound to result in a great deal of good
whether treatment is ta tenor not.
HO.H E CL" ES While it ia preferable in many instances to see a patient
tbe English and German Expert e-peciaiists bave cured thousands of persoca
whom they have never eeen. If you cannot eee the doctors write the home office
i tt question list. Advice in resra 1 to yoor ailment, book for men or women and
treatise on any disease ALL FREE. 'Correspondence and ocher dealings wiUt
patiesLs or prospective patients sacredly conn dentiaL
Here is one ot our
A gracefal, sensible toe, ia almost any
style of shoe.
Tbe thinking women ot today demand comfort,
firs-, dorabiiitv; eeeon, gTace, aod style cext
sod in this tboe we have aU three harmenioailj
60 " e'eatrv them in tan and black brocaded cloth
and leather top, flexible and mecium heavy sole,
and we can fit anv foot or pocket book.
Cur new gocds "have all arrived and our fcpnng
and Summer line of Shoes were never eo complete
We are net goina to announce a epring opn
iog fecause cur stock ie always oren to your
5. E. Young & Son.
A fine new stock
3 packages Portland Boast Coffee
Sack Beet floor
3 cans No. 1 Tomsioes
16 oi. T'og Battle Ax Tobacco
18 lbs. Bet granulated Sugar
6 lbs. Mocha A Java Coffee
Pail Choice Syrup
1 CO
Of ,
fJoEys, i
For Sale By
F. H Pfeiffer.
Linseed Oil Paints
We have recently added to our stock a complete lice of mixed patnU.
the best monev can buv. composed ot Pure White Lead, Zinc and Uueeea
Oil. This paint is made" bv one of the beet manufactures in this ntry.
and every can i auaranteed to giva perfect satisfaction or you set your
roooey back. Floor Paint. Wagon Taint, Puggy and Carnage Paint, En
amels, Varnishes, and Brushes.
You will find our prices correct. v
Burkliart & Lee, Druggists.
King. Ri.
Jewelry store. .
Rings at French's
Ring for every body at French's Jew-
elery store.
French's display ot Opal rings is great
for the town the size oi Albany. ee
Go to Verick's shaving and hair crtt
Una parlors for first class work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to every
Whv not replace your dead roses now
with strong field grown plants from Tbe
Aibsny Mursertes.
i."fuse any other flour,
except tba Magnolia.
Spkciai. Mirnao. Members ot Al,-ha
Temple No. X will meet tonight at 7 o'
clock for drill practice sod to make ar
ranjtements to eotertain Salem visitors
on Tuesday April 18th. . 1
Hand's rtU ear Utot Hist ta. aesvrttattag anil
only' esdiartte to uts with Hood's Hsisspsjills.
HALEY. On Monday morning, April 9
law, aear Miuen, to Mr. and Mrs. U.
E. Haley, a girl.
Mother and child doing well.
. Mem. sent jjxmocbat: "rather very
much excited; running wild all over
neighborhood, poise very weak, but
tbink be will recover."
Wilt ber name be Belinda Jane.
Thp Phntoo-rinher
-o 1 w-.-- s ' . j a
NowmakestheLargest CLUlIlirSix IOr men, yOUlflS UDU UVyS,
anl Smnllok Phnfr prnnria in I
. . r , . -sr-i"s 1 a.
town-with aii the popular jnQ mQ or MIOJ, none peuer,
Btvles and sizes between
Small size Photo for
SttS W. a"d 15 cts Latest tiovclties in Furnishings.
&lfivm eahineta at retmlar . TllC bCSt QlialitV aild lOW OTiCeS
T lnn Miistf mnihsr rtf Miaa liiiia Tav- T , . . . I w -
lor, formerly of the Albany schools, anu I prices.
was a woman beloved and esteemed by a I . ' . n . m.
large circle of frieuds. ext door to Poatcffics Albany
Sly lish HATS and CAPS for men and boy
TAYLOR. In Philomath on
Aorilll. low, oi a compi
Brisht's disease and heart
after an Illness of six or seven riontbs,
Mrs. Margaret Uill Taylor, at the age